New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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.' ,< i.'i^i:':)!!!'' .tl/.'ll d'r. -l H/a Wn f)jf(; .nitj i . 1 /> r Jll.I -110 ^:V:f Mfl( ; .lill'l'l",!,, |.'Iic'';)i(i'' .11/./ll (I'r. -j H<av;n f)jf(; H".: J" ri JIT' 1.' Tii'.yni': f.L.t. iiri'if.ilp ilfir!!;.!;!. p mrf 'nii),/t (Ijlil n ,tix«' .(n(f Ivi 1 i'.-u»ji,nl : t'jv' 111) II.i .-/KU'ro iifvl Ji/iji l.'JJl'. I'.l.'i.lllM 1>J.. .1,1 ,1..". lHJlgj |il ;.. K)i;.i/i:'- ,-';'./jri till e>i.: ■; .li ,(;).!h6lfBn T08f;'&ATUffl)AY, JANTTARY 24V' W68;' n;.-;ii.jj'.M f r-i (.1);:.': •;'[(!.: . ; v..^'. •■ .•rrii.? r'.,-'-' .i."-.'-. Ill rr- .V . II I. I TT 'iLt^Oaii'^VOttiBii d(iioriptl(m«('thaiuM ot >the dlffennt j!!rv£th«'huuTi btflT vaibsre uuotadiKim theirorks.of: iha |^gM^|nD(U5QaulM, prosema#th«:ob8olH«ap«miig:r^' i 'da'Tkdailc.i^HiNaelh.tUot - 'i^ ths ncbti thit'tljgs ilniiai'tlU pot:: Jwhnnas ksirlth the w^JOTt^t^emsi^^tit ,ii^i'«la goviu Wtbe Istinc, lirhosa Dart's to dMlit''' 1. Ell ma tre eqrstal'xniiixms, olear md: brlghtr ' ., u ib« Toram la, gnaior f'no/. Ot'lttong, op.w«aki tla^pt to stud or.£«U; .:; Tit It tbe lUAllMt BtTiu>ixci sometlmM known . 'it>4e<UlbroliTloai'oliaaaoi;.07eTtliTawn ■' : .'> I \IJ(iiafa> br TxiDEsts, by tbe faU>iboiith'd Bsitis'' ^ <viof bEinn; Bom«tlm«s by tias, aometlmBa ttmrti .•I " iIbioiigb'iui*dina'dnegl«ot:'patoiss t)i»8tQS i - c..:i" wiM>iiIn*prooi;bTnttu«iErong'enoaeh: -': -: -i jiF.'. ToooDintrtlnieuidige; potc«Mlt'i]ieald -■ .;! .§«rtkiiowtti<«nd. tlnoorUiSta wAaldr' i ' - (i.'.l'TIRut baat <aon, tbiD, nionD WLSta*iri>wajaw,-ta'toiair A..!..tkydileiaM »t11, ttbsat; 1nitfeir,'atmoit;' SEltadi ttmerriAft;<uidbatWMr, «t«tn»ag«tt; ::! Vnniei tt towst; iind bnt BbortJ tt loagMt " ~ litiE t&Adt^ Ot .BLbOil; ,( i4amg.tii»Hlgh>tiid'th« loWi.OjB'Blbh ttid'tlia FoWt liiri i!oJ! > ST'HtfOTOB TBlP0r,'U.'IS.ilA4i> ii' .'r VI i TriiliiMi!.- ■■ 1.! : : /: >:.r r'i:: ;,i .i.-'l" , ViJ .f.:. <!• .1' 1; J,: HI i'.' ■/ •/■ill,:.-; J- •:. •'. : '/i ■ OHAPTEB I. I.; iiiiilJjiii yK? .i.Vi','" j: .VM ;.i! ij ... F.; .. M{ii4pU«4:29iriM(>b.4«apeia4p,t4> ^.tW^'X"'W^My.'uo the expxos4lop,) rbitl)!,' (Lit nua BAm DinA' juuiuiiui nha ')'«tf tbs (kT6ill« df All In tam: OA tb«' m Be«med to Bolsct,, as tb& m/at ferrentc tlrau,. yonug Benson, foe v)ioiD,.lt lolgbt. ,_■ . .^^^ .—olbBrlnimotata,'only of 4 more pleasing «tp«bt»uau«dproWdod; Bbowava'iec«ntacanliltlon.:ia.the q inowmljnplF as, Jane. :t .1) 1 "'^^Uon was j>eins cwrtad im,,ani'mw, ajoarttf JdWitas pasiing arottia/and the fimWof tobW^ ebskpUqaor iCbrtmoantuig higher and'-lilgheri'one °tiU,des>' ~~ 18 ^a^qw^lWhQ.had Jnat oonfestod l/a a robbery pntbe -SB?i£,T8 2?^™P»°1«<1 by pprisldarablo violence, iai'-who jWywamtly mtUig tfiti wokso for hU rum; aU of iBfiaSem took' eijepBonptoflie. pretence of-Henry BenWn, 'afirtiat-llJiiraa- ?MS4i^(.?»ll«»«bf/'e.TeplngpfrW.'»,, ,.•, ,._„ ,., j • , ♦ ."We want no greenboma here I ''^ he eiolalmei, 'finey are ol- trays'lA the-Way, and leMom anything ValTBtyaiiiiljSr^.''' ' .'i'<WbolsatfnenhOTn1".asked' youngMQaditrBtSFQnBnp and joptontlBg the, "If. you inesn>iiia,^^l9tigwIeU .spni itiat, though I may not be old enough to bMK inioVbouso, as l&a are, or' knock a man down on the ioii^vSiWiilt piwHlM In'iniogBealially:o)sve^though noton> Un&Jti-iuu<iBi>l0^tad |ggj|^liS!'iSit^.««f*w w»ppeaj^ " .iir^oLf AMD BBfEcnr—TmrroBa or acnm sma^xoai.w >'tas^ 1«» noma, ■■ tbm o, »pt ■ m r- ■ ■ i: i;iv jjuBLOPWT nfrtaii'iuao. -''^i'bird'U'<a boid*<)litr('<thlr<«aaU'bo'i^^ ja^tog." ■.),':•:■/,•:/r.,.::r!.^. ■iiilbetftadldagr- ■'■. •> .•:-. i'-.i;! v:. If) .. • : ,' :; 1 r::Tije. '.BntIaee^yoadon't tmdBtBtand.nA. I.wlllilherefore 'f^AhL*! ! 'I -i:." I. • •.'i:.: il.'.'l i L';lllalaat speaker,said fral7<..dtS companion.had-looked bait Iniolrlogly, halt wonderingly, wlum the slang itcKmB. fsU^npon Jrif w. .AvdtiM proinlBed.explanatt(m was rondered'thnswuei '^TiwJbklM..Ja,t2tog..f*o If^Uft u\. our. own pfKdcets.thu^liiBfs.. ,Toaof)mpie* ijwjdmenpw-Jpn'.ty.OiJ!'. ^.". , iV .., .!.: , ■ \ 11 itss^eoS^e'ebnTe^>#t(pn of.,whlob't^e .abore lis^onjy • —#a8>.e{rMgft;iBortof lOyoeKM^^^^^ _, bar a pilnte nor ppbJUo jhonie, tbQUgh a Utfl^ of the inen tbus 'eio))ao(nng .76rda,,tbexe> |n r^peot a^ .Were of an equally mlied or amblgiioba,aiiarafter, ,0|if (Uu lint speaker) was aged, sauara-.bnllt, and bioad-sholildored) 'u^blber could not have b^n more tban'twehtj^threei ^eara «ld| ' ind Iras tall ahdslonder. In pbyslognofiijr,'both were 'remarkr 'W«llkoidark-lialrodi'bn>wii.compl^oned,anddous^feathredi ''wtsDiikeneyea bf a sinister onresslon.' 'U'the'61der,' thatex* ; jHoton was mdro'obvlonS tb^lh the younger, but a few. yfats 'tMd cfuillzethodlAironc&^tbatlBl'lf life'werespared to the r • theblgma..p i'ii-H(imiuiatnl- Oaa -1 stotf thU, ani'lmm a mete bb;^ Wdf" iWa)i robber.'.XhSnktuhdng to. Els dtfnd.oom' ■)>t'«*pheWi!'V■.7^! ^ 'T: ..• v.-... .1 .:; i JaJ^ttfp)^'*t6 set down. . :; ■ / ■ ■• nTTi;:- i ' "That makes It woiUr". he Jifterated"; "bat never mind—it can't pa hsipedi Nobody ever insulted. S^pbjsn: <HlttjirM))tm- pnnlty.and nqbodyever shalL .0ay,Bpooney,Intbeblqe,oan yrJnflghtf""- ' j > .. m. I don't kn(tw,'^ Mas the Tdolaadj -•/bat lf-oslled itoon to do JO, I.wUltpy.".. ..tTT ....... ' „ ■ ■- T'..- .•■Peel, theli|'a41 dpi'' ejjolalmedisiles.'inil^ bls.pwit aetloni to his own words; "and If yPn ittaiUf go t6 BeaVeh' Hrheh yon dle,;say your prayers, ■S'yotr time An:earthiwlll be iboft after I .tpuoh you.'.'., ■ .,.. 1. |:.., ■. ,,. I ' "1 uq ready for "yon'at any time,'an4 wjUibut tbe prayer. Oomeon:"' Bosaldihe yotinjer BenB6n;'"an'd'be' Bwiilted th'el cnslanghtof faUbody Opppsiisiiif ri 'M . .* - .') .>.;il'>1 Uattars having arrived at this stage, .tber^ was .^.{Immediate' uproar and eohioalbii in the ^m. Cor.many reasons, a riot, was a thing not to be desired In tbsfplace, unSer the Immediate! eye of'the iMllo*, as It wat,-and likely to be broken op altM aether, If not. kept in apparent Ptddz at all^veiitti.' Awateof tt)ls, both men and women rushed beti^een the tiro men on the eve of oombal.' In opposition to this Interierenoe, Cfues exerted alius nroe; be brandished his armA bbovifblBhud,'s'wore'ter-' tlbie: oatbs;. and. aotoaUr fbamsd; si Us. jnoutB.' ■ But after all, i.was mote noise and oonfnslon than astoal.harm ^bn^. :It :e,' that bottles, decanters, pltPhe'n', and gUsses'were nitb- sdiaShid Into atoAiS,'ohaM and iAM''l£rown' over,' and' . jvUbed.dowBlntfaemelee^bdt'thUMsallthathaabeeta aocompllahed, when the land^ord^oune buftllng Into th^ifoom axolalmlng—"Quiet, boys,'qnletl /the police 1"' " '■Ihepollcer'.'\tMtherespoUdlng'ezalamaQensqt more than thirtf>volM8.' ' ''^^ •. ;.: -;v.^ ; :,. .!!tRs I Oelmtlve HcQuafT, with a.eweU'Hels bringing here, only. tospov,tb««ncloeltles, Ittalnk. .If so, drdnka.fU.zonnd. rBut wywfCibleVboyal" '^'^ , ' • ' " - ' :i miutll(lr''^dmobltlon was'neelea.'- lU'V'fewmbmebu Vx. <%i*ftt'iO;MtlEen'a'olothee, camelnvlew. tHewasaopompaaled imaB,.veiy handMme'ln Xks and flgure,<and.dreasad ..¥ctlohof'£»8M4nV .;' , '■' , : . , ' were the exelaniatloAs of tbvtnde browd'ln tUat'raoiB. ,'//.Tlaaierl".«tbIalmsd.Uifiel4drLBensdn, speaUna.toUsitfplie*, and olntahloj him nervoualy by the arm. "aoDv,^wl^ a Isbly Ohapl <Mh «nm«Hn» if.r, any ?" BnAtA »■»MilnimI V«nri« of the aoeue remark, -da she straightened 4 doRu. her. dress, gavd berbia41a'tbu',tiidiire^edt^ ! Dxaipii^o.xo.yBB..4i)i>.,His..s^4fBis^ 'pf i>VW?>i ^ ' iiAM-disD''To u'maBlsi>—ooiinioiiraa . <wiiibk''itHiui'^'Bz; *ac"iAKaUl^'idr'!^ UVz^Ma BULLT BOX TIT BBOnOHI IP BlS.SBIOBS-^'IiOOE'OI ElO-l jk TICS rainiXD 02f TUB MBKoar. ' lAliDfost 'oosUmpPMieottt'with the welifi bairated ih'fbe iire> eedlagetiiplsr.'a plrtlaular soeae waa.pieaenwd.lil a ssottpn of thecl^,T(«ydIfrerent.lnaUlladetaUs.frem.d)ui^.qtm 14 i hanaaome apartment in one bf,tbebNthonaesuiMf(|stT;^enty- secbndfetre^t, was'ssaied' a - young man, {ali^cbmpllixlofied, ana ll^tbalied, vrhose bablts bad been fsahloned by one of the prominent tailors o( Broadway. AlV>g^^r8pPa-lookIng and trdl made, there wa^i^evertheleas, sameudng melanoboly about him.. He had a companion, a few yeara his elder, and evidently bebmgtng tp • olaaii of soolety deemed lees arlstooratlp tl^a thai %lilbb clalinod tho yoniiger.' Bnt th6re waa'it ^ort of UmUUrlty. between the two, esltwlll be .', tbis.obapter to aUby. No further IntroduptlpnPf PUT ob^aotira Is heeded, et- eeptthemeiitlPnPt tbelr names-i-Ur.'Ohas. SaTcb; s^a plain PhUlih'O'Daff—the first; the younger genUeqan; l^ejsocpha, his valet, jrppmj and inan pf aU work.' Oarele' ui 'Amerlpani ' f wh add Henry Bbneon wore tho.respeiCftlv'e names pf the two, .ajia^Dncle and nephew the rispeoUve rolatlonsblps that eltlated 'Mtraebthem. 'John BenSon had'boen an Inhabitant of'Kew ■ntkfor'a Ipng t^b; andrebUy was pne pf Its moi^t :lawlesa des- ']Wlieg at the period pf our commencoment. As a robber'lin^ w^i'he had been" luqt to the Btatbs* Prison .'at Bbi^ Sing, thoice the Interference of fHonds,'babked by that nnlVersal ''^'oien Bceame" of modem days; money, had treod him, lon^ ere •ue nndoratood term of his oaptlvltv had ^etplred. . A-blacker l.eatdtban'even that of'burglary pr highway nibbery bad been djU^'agalnst John'Bensoa, fnm the'penalUes of which be 'bajiesctped through the laokof evldenoe; ihat orlme-wastbe imrder of a wpmanl It.Is'.only.hoceasary that we should' ■ thus MaSy allude to the olronoiBtance now; In the course of the nar- < nUre, It will be Pur' say morb' In' dotall' abput^lt, ' - ■^Boiry Benson, the only eon of .a deceased 4>rother of the bur- ''pat. Was Country bom and bred,'and had taken some sea voyages, '^^tiys of-a turbulent aispoaltloa, he had been oompeUed,- wbllo ■' *. ueio boy, to beat a'.haaty retreat from his neighborhood; on ' aecoimt of some breeoh of tbe law which he.had oommltted r and : vUle at sea, he had been frequently punished very Severely taz ■ Maet Insubordination and actual orune.- Betumlhg to Amerlci, I aOer a throe yoars''WbaIlng expedition, be found himself In thje '£ut olty of Hew York for the first time In his life, In masesslon Wssum pt monoy, which; properly governed; nughtnave done tblncenaiaorsblesorvlpe:,out.Bobry.Benson- lavished It;upon. i^J'UuallndQlgences.abtUbewasUterally.wlthout^a dollar. He not look about for Jils iwuali employmenlt.fbr he knew that (iqa.naffle did, not'.aland well qpon the .card; And .that< ponsd- ■■ jM»*tf i It was not likely that any ahlp-master wpuldllsten to bis ripnttntes. It was then, that he remembered be bad an nnolSi »tMsoughtlilmppt< J • ... .1., I . .' .' ■.■ ' ' Bo ud not lb travsl7ai^'to Inquire rnuob, befp're ho feund his ' 'wTr'? In . the sbtcp wberP we .bavp exhibited tbpm tq the ' wi!?'' '.t^'abortlbtroduoilon sufficed, ana briefly, too, wp^e at- i.?0.n>^ebts comploud, bavlsg'far their'Abject the POnncPtlon qf ,riS?^t*i>'mon In bualneas. It may'perha^f 'atipear strange t!>at HpnryBbnpbn^B ignoraaoeof Itvulgoa that hU undo, .a'prln- Ibata.valuea associate,'wnoae ■ . - r^ _.jbettor pjbpbttnhltyfprdbhigBo •'>!S!S^.etioo'8lng theyonnili eaUo'r, jtresentedltaeU, 'Bad Itheen ii'SrP^io. BonryQlnsoniT'pnia haVo bden turned adrift, fer ■''IkT tbeUe of tolatlpnshlp In'the bplnlen of'the robber and 01»w;oh'^Mt': '. ^ '; „,' . , ' wir '"^^^''''^U'o botKeon ue two mbh .wab'cofiUnaed fpr epmo .'Sn'L'^amanyBtratifl^iriB >le«14efbttW'?'t)lucklng'/'we^b8pp- > iS<Ii wa-theh bipianod,to tbeflovW8'eam^^ 'Tbibdaei •'■ttS^u ®^5"l»Wa oil:;'!prpfds«lottal'r 'aublepts, to ttt ypunger, '■'ta kK,?"??" ^ Uwlbsi'detMW bWuolf, tw, Wretbforo'praotlcod '<.3£S"^^r B^^^rb^ byt the fact vru, the ka,Ubr hkd'if vltfd, the IwbS-pf W Ddlcating a rich yo eye. ' By ti e&g^kr' oplJibldonbcl.tbla iiiSa.''";".';''"''"^' ■••'"y'Bpn of tho ohlw proirletor bf tl ,J»«nt whsltaB sKptdltlon; And- Pf'whpm Heptt Behion hi *«U4 .onlyi o<ieaslfiul .mentlbn irblleat^ ,(,W« ikould be the oaio, In vleW oih.VJrr''"J Uaainllui; by sUtlirt his doeftb tb Uve a^.iHo :t 2?.iS',*'i^?*'°""=»H"8 o rich yodifl'tda'A/pttSrUPm'ltwPiiia bavei »n( eye;' By K eT' - 'snm,';^^"^'.-"?""'"'''*''™*''"''''' 'Wl'whiis tbe 'Nam ''.■:ffl!5i^t*!l?['*« filly 06!Btn!ouirtid«d! '^a: thel'iwV&ell 'Sikm i,ir!tS*ol*l)'^'<l Urtntt an& tbb^e* of evefildit Mn^f^ id i^(nr!^Bl*>>>><)<^V«)voM'Oj3bi|tfPkfittA^ i>i/iiiiLS2S5" 1" we'tfrMt'oityii'wv*"*?" i^JSirlu"'l?MV«lvo&ltiglit|«PU^ t.52,.^'*«%'^e.deiu'M'iffikl,lh^ Kf^t^J^^ it«r0.pia, tbihb mfdaieiiilReVn''i&d'ilbmti 'p Wpmn,"' ud gpld variously dlstrlbntitt abonl ,i, r.. ill 1;..'.Mi,.., r. 1 !.,.! I l^.did|owiy,qt.t|l*he«Vli>bi,« ia((pefrtrt«.« anlablll^ of dlspflslUon^ FheUm, hadfUleiidespeMelytd lovt^MtbfilsbOeMltwIMa]^; JWlbJer ofgU^per/i^^U(b*ge.*»4 pwegaijtlttqihejeplor: Wuckiy, ilon^>f &^^'itfSul^D fiSSad-mo^tto do'wlU?^' wballng.'expedition'^ttom.-whUh' yohng Benson' hod' recently' Qpmo, ma whom-w* have showp to Uva rMders,-a«: w anzlqus sewomter the ' the eltj, in ^om^y wlUi detective . At the prcper time, the Jftnter DaMe ista'rtiaa fbr ^ the theatre' hshadqamed.opmfprtibly.eqcased in- th9'tbmlly:parrlage; with; FWUqi as drlve^., Thq hpnert Hibernian, was arrayed. In the kurd'of halfll-veryaoAie of'6w tUblbninites hav;^ kdbpted'lbr ttUelr, oaaehmen and' body 'sB^Mntil -wltblil' thb'^past >ltfw years,' ,msnllQn:pf..thlSjiiwy, seem-trlvlal apd-micaUed.fbr^bat aa. olhiuinstaneeitseUI^d. to,a lUtleMamtthat night, and. , > Important^t U after time, we^ty 2b' Well refer to It. li^as near eight p'elPok.irhenPbSUm.put dowio-hlsemblbyer at' I#ica Eeene.'e handsoqie.llttleitheatre.'-HaU4>aet:ten'hsa been intloned 4s the.tlmeat^hloh hp.was to.retpm for.the.pnrpose takliiff ma 'homei'^tbd IntervU was'^iil kwkward one^tod I to alloi^ tbtf keettln^Pf tbeHptsei iii.the''strtfet,.knd yetfoo' it to take thsm.up4pwn: and aSbrda.temporary rest In their. Jen there, wjth al .fo-yoking to the.Paril»go,,Md ase<!ond Is downwards, batthe^iu'd em otmbUi yiaia argued.' dSoould leaVe,thb horses 'aad-WhloUaV a'st^bleln Bofoston' it,-.olqseby,the;tb4atre,,an4 dispose. of:himself/Just:aslia ne ' " ■ led nnUl lie was. wanted,. Be "had the dollar fiven blm ihs^iu'still 'Uf blli pM^k^M'it; bH^Wer see play or ad]onm'/iinr:'i( ob^Oii^iabliCtwb'bbursloe'tavern' !!^S^^t^WL9^PV* *>* tbe .taTejm,.^ftei; iMghhiglta^h«theb(Mi<t«raitni«otaBatohe of ttae-Ulbstrel aatoons//But bai'badlie^B'lhare (tali < nUfbt ortwp trtnoe-^ion. 'joUTpU. was;the..w^ey,and.t)wipoUaos, (hatoapUvatea __now, ■ '. ' , ... .. . " 'Bhbrtly-'ifter'ton ''b'clbPk/Ph'ellmd'Sufrwaa'-at tbbprinolpal dMr- of LSnraiEesns's thaatrA'on.'BTOiidifayj'^ Bd hadquaifea pome fitDiouB IVlupr, but-was by no mfaps Intoxlcatod—only In tbat he could have callea the[ "Tight humor." Sqngly seatea in front oTttte VeUlclb; sayfaig hbihlng tb atlybpdy,' ana only looking .teMatdatbepIkoewdierH Uevqiebtedto'seohls employer ederse; if'™r'??''P»?'fS'f'x^l.^,'?W> fl? ,«-bMJtdraiilurd was upon nlm.. ItsmmedthatthehalfUverTpfpbarPhellinhaaattraoted 'thifsAVs^ib'8''ifbtrce;!ai'lt'«raBt«'ttiBt,-BalkrasU^ ' ituauy gaailahediwlti>'(UponpsMndteatbd,hlsspledfa migbt -tfp^^ p^ nftoUke abfrutjbe n, or abput hla dastardly apt of .b|»said t<>be dl)wtei,.gBgl .bMUphs■ he appUM^toTb tkUhg up A-Iarge MAb'Amu mnmiUeiWi, afad thiTnHtiglt'''aione"or _iaii<i.i iruiuunDi wheibupdn,'! tho hdnest.^O'Dult 'bU , WnHilBn bbpd boIUng,,UD ,tp itho proper degree, quiokly«onr fronted'the'atealUdt,liud 'mu 'a 'wdrdlieQtod blow.sbalsbt tMna^thb bbotader,'settt'.tilln^%Ml*llng<« tiie'sldewait? 'Erb iStepben'aUes'(f<^JI;srUtiOAOtbbf.thBi';>]ie) aonldrebo'ver^bls legs, the people began to Hook from the ttieabe; and/two ppUoe- men appearinig at the preplse moment ailes vaa' abo'dt io rnab ■ki VVaaai, Itiey arr^Mea'him.r dlif tibCalrept thb'-iaak with' oqt.-Iabpi and dUgoulty,.aB, .though:itteir.iprisonbr had <aU the fifaittaI[en.fut,ot hlmb^. bis resent ^slfpnob, be iw^ yet ppjre> fcltPtlck'ana strugrfle. ' ' ' ■■ ■ ■■■ Aiieaer'lioiaent,.trl«lil Hl'.lUe)!;: tdoitgh' Importaht-iii'lts r«pUe,.wi«>.tblBj>i7nUlai.tb<diS driggtd:«ff.':l7::the<cffiserr, tenmenk'i Beth'e»*UA>M bU 110r«A-tb'taibti()fi,-'ycMg D'aTde iMyfnaaUeady-aeatellWnuelfiatbe'vaUole;' ' .-..-r-.r, ^'Arr*, my,hpnay,J[,Bhampiqw that ftfce fg^ Iet,m« see it; Whelre'InlAy,'ana perhaps it wbh't b^ioyonraJ^tM^ db'ib: '.'XI IS a 'tturderef s'phi(,'iiia 'bn]yfit'ftt'a''nlakh ana hi 'JlOQleldel.'r,:,1 ,-. ■ : 1: l.r :!■.-;:..•:.•,-, :-r;i :■ 11 1 • ;'•1: i-:;: - il , ^ucbwerethcworaa ofthe hc^est^hoIinvO'Oofrashe ','loplea" .'.i livil'11 1 »ll Ifi 'Tgs " '1 '"1"' " '■ .: hi.. ■>■■ ..■'.j:'.'MBH':-A»iTIUS1 ■■ITODtei "■' ■' OIB^ '^AUS bF'tk^'ijfb lOVKEtt THE ({AMAL. '-' *&Uii a a'btiod 'aed Pt'giattibUiig gbing ot'ihe'Ca^i^-Ysi'b' ,MllS'jlhe pciJBdpat same; bnt.wB ckpuoti aee that; thera^lrmucb: ,ce.t)etweent]ie(l«>.deali)ninWubingtpn;w^ ><Sb,-£atb;'>r(>ifrdtey' Tea, she went three a«s ago.' i«Well,'Irdiairt tbhlir' ■• about golngito wssblni her goinglaSew-Torh whatahedl^wttbthat "What I the one like a e: Pie ugliest thing l ev'X ' "Hello, BlUrhow aro •'Ahl,,IKaIy,iakeadrliik '•Cerlaliilyl* • ' ' And fway went ibp bopefU in the «altfoii;.'leaHng tber Cal Oalllcgher oterM Ihvlled herl WUh t£» Uqiiida; ': Alter talUn' Jeota, I eald to her—"I don't aheleft?" - . -.1 - ■ , • ,' "Yes—gone to Hew Torh.!'i "Towiltrr. -.-.'.. "Yes—at tlie-i i I ] Balottn.'?' ,"I was taUdng to her about bl on it," •- - ■ 1 '.■ "Oi O'Diitf^'Teguliir Irish, as his nfine implied. . - ,. , "Fheltza," ~woa tbe languid commebcemont of the yoddg bean, "Six to yon," was the quick i;C3poiise of the persoi) addreasedi ft wad glyeb In a brogne rlPh'and>(ilok, whiob all the teabhing tq the-wbdd'would hover be able) to quall^. . "X apt unhappy. The cause you knew.'fulwell," punned Dar- ole, whose observations, with thou ot his companton, we'^all give'Without the lndleatlbn.ol| partlQulsi.Jpereo^, nbyr quite "'wtls^'obad; yonrbonorl. but crinoline is suretolra'litth^ bottoqi of every man's branble. iPluok' np" good.'epiirafie» bowr ever,. Mlse OeleeUne may yet- be yonrs; if not, ar? there not other beauHea in the big bl^ of Mew Yerk you cpnld seleot^m}" "Uaybe mine,.indeedI ButwhoaeIs.abenow?.-Another'sl ahdthatjotber.myfiiendl OraelOelestlnet to slightmftaa-^d do-rrl who knew you long before your eyesibad reated.vpon ward Bleaoklyl He is a handsome-yonng fellow, as everybody allbwi; but wbet-U^ th'e'^ilfambnilb.dUftMnee.Vet^eeh'hsiihal shOoia excuse euolrflavor for him, such'ooldness' towards one^ Am I deformed P'.Lpokath^ figure I" '*'- ' ■■' ■ .' " "Illogant, by the powers I''-1' '■ .' "My aoo, contemplAte'thatl" ' •: - "'" .••AshandsomeastberiBlngeanl"'"-'!"'< "Myoyet" - --- . •.'ApiOTceri'H . - ^ . .v.--., . Bete let us digrees, a .mpment,>' for the pnriMee of. why tho latter, observatibn of Ohatf.^Saroie iand tbsMnoiule' Ahellm. O'DhB prere provocatlve Ht • little mirth.'' One of the Ibi mer'B eyes (no dcobt that referred^ by.tbe'bohhft^and'Byihpi-' thieUg'IrUhAMh Ba'a''.<pittMlr,"'Was pueed atspmethlngllke a^ angle with Ma fellow, and so tended,.to what plain-spoken peeplf wpuld have called asquinti'^ Bntsaoh-apecullarity was as BOth- ing In the estlmatton of the Aithfol servitor.' It anould not.bavfe bMn in the estimation of Hiss OelestUe Sraper.'the.VewYork belle>.at leaat, sp thonght the tejkpted Ohas.Daroleandthe sym- pathising Bhellm O'On&' iTh'e.ponvetutlonof thetwo waat^. mimed.' .1. ■ I ■■ .. ■:',i . ...M. ;•■ ._■ "Myeanoationt" . ■•■ .. ''I. . • ■-I ; "As good as His Holiness, the Pope of Borne eould have glvefa your.;,'. .; • : ' ■ ^' l-'^ .' ■■'^i' <■ ■■ ' | : "HyiaPcompllahmenis?'!' : 1. (1 .■' -v. - . vPaddy OrlPhtonPpuldnH have bkto yon there I"'' > .'.•UymsansV' :. . ; ' .■ - ■■ -.■; "Ever so many thousands ef dpUara npw, and a meat many, mote' trhen the auld^man klokt the bub—I miine -Wheaolt :plases Heaten<to take the auldgentloman^the Balnta bless himl"!'.: |; .••Aftor.rAlslhg subhblgh'hopea-i<"< ■. 1 . - ■ ri . : ■ •qt'etoo badTbut Isn'tit llke the sexf ■ '!,,' , ''^1 .«A]idtober^|boledwlth'Bsob'alppkafaveiilontoal!f !< ^ j ; "Adding insult to injury." • 1 i- ' . '•'! ••Well;.lt ban't bo helped.". .,'•..,.:■. ••' •; ■■ ii lilt oim't; you.ar8rl8htthoro;boss."; • ■ ' -■'■',' ''•':i; '•(iiathatwhibh<Gkn't b6 cured, must be ondurea,'acopraiig tpthe'pblobratedpbet" ■ ■■■ '••.<'i-;';'- •' •A',l''L'i.'ili,' . "Tom Ubpre; In 6ne of his Ulah melodies, good htoKto Uo i|- And.Xom la rlgawjustUkoyonrablf.''^ i;-: ■ '^.ul'^^'IL,.- "Phellm, you are a gppd foUo'. »n4 *''J."ij;t*^?!& tt wlU git you'abnlettifnt to drink «»y.t<>^«b ^','»'^'~2S? with tho itriaJeatXaurk'Keobefe; tP'?»«5W'brI^vetaM^a. private bexi anf sBaU oerUinly ttcoupyj^t''TOerefbte.uilU half;. pastaevehlishaUbavbnbttifteriuefbr.ypJ- • The' irisbmah took file bint and. the money - a». «8 Btohe ■Jmen??SHe*23lo^^ent;eulPW '>f:^'S'^^^^^ MjUtUisto^flonar^ and generosity ta. partloSlar, glided grade. I !t 'OB TBK^lqEW.tOBK OafStBi ■ ' .. BS; JAOKPiBfaY.'"■ • '',',.'■■ " ■ - ■, - ..'■,11. I ■■■ .f.. n months ago,.whne In jniiiadelpiitao^ bniu' ,cod to one of ttie .deleeHvM of thst' olty. Iplnuer. Onr'convprssUoh yonr'hlitB»alW(J!f iterles and dangers of Sis' profession, anp -A made by me.'hb narrated thb'fbllbwi? I observe tUat ,^ M1* KU a^atbe«^^'| said Splmei^s'bnrglarx.irM'co^httal dwelling, and alwge aaonntiraraKT' 'JeWelry.'atolSn, Ihe inatteraiK plaiaed, >., «ightanddaylwDrkediEit,.bataU: in vain; not the alightriatJiM conld' bw. itor of ths rpbberyTTAt .(lAViStBi. I liad: ^, J, by the mereat couee, disppveijd stolon was a ring ln/(ba 'form of a bbliajl'. exquisitely flnlslied: .Ip theJieadoC:thi»'' mall diampnds indamby. <ThlB rings of'my dlsbbverlng thenibbjjr. lllng along yie mreet, and not bavlgj ' 'Batia, I dropped Into one of thebas^ 1I0I1 are So plentifDl In this city. It did' am the'btber' pltlfces of lis da*s, 'TbK Jo'dsnal-modlbuB of'^aint'hpod'thei^ "aogalio oonnfamanoM.1 and,wore abfliffi'the stanaard number: leav^ ■whW'j*S^;'aKent4ii ■ wM-air^ a'.bPnVerMitfi' Some twp pr tb: ness, I ^aa Ihtrt Whom I win-pall itumea npbh'tliei in 'r^sppnse'to'a story.-'The'r'sader' bllng way; - In')tbe tallaf.lBSI In this Pity on a'prlA and some very: Valual Injmy hands'to Workf my«lbrts.seomed' found to:the . gven up all hope e cnlprit, , ",, ; Ambng itheji rattleanalfs, ani s'erp<ib{.wer«' saV ^' provedto b'e'the nii Qnejilght Iwas - diy^jnT^utlUlat^ mentooncert'/UIbons not dltfer idtbHally wtaitbygirUttSabolit between-itMr w the lUalwattcji" wKo inn stahaing neir tii' Ma^_ilwy V» gone »K*tit.rork, ha» sfiej'" 'd 'goi.) fihb wtt all the time talUag andnevarirenl, and sol- thougb^ ';.tamoutthe eame-way,;Iwondse rlngshahMr' , -. ./:; .'.< ..- . ? I don't know; I at.. irhaie-4Blll.Dolly7t . . o ' .0 r to one of the ntuherohs XilbUk ate miitrbstdflhq sltdattob [■smile:" She Bbon< <aae'>»A i her a while oil gehaMa' tn» iMoUy Grey here to-mglii;-'tu(^ it I f i| ring she tiad,wttb t^Bk^ . I Wonder wlier^ '^e gb{ l^i? ippkUgtUng/wasnrtil . raitbr: bnt very curloi ••aoi itr «rhy(let lover ^avd " •"^andbeai'^^:.' • -., ' Jitter 'Some AKfthbT aonveraaiipn^ fa'o IttportaiJei ■iii tb'Stare my pTans.'" -By jneahs Of •->-bUdrifig', ftUe' wH ana various otber appllanPes, I d^^UM! myself'VP u-fb'd reoognltioauf'XbrttMxt day fdaddbt^.-in iir«ir vYotk,iSDd'lb« nigbtifblldwjse my acttvil, I. want n^a oonoert BaleoA «lieM t bad been Infbimed I ehould find IroUy Qrey.': On ifMhgiin^'JC fiiun^ much tbesaffl#uj£' Iliad Beenili, la PhUaddpgiH.; nrt gofmnoh forth'er.Vnp.tba ladaer Innew York than she hod been Uu 'Phlla^elpblaV'fcna i^ she oon]d; (ipt jisa In: Kew York, wbH^ould she navp aohe in WaWgWaf-l went through the nsuii rqutlne^tooV.'a seat, tb^k^dim^-.ana oommenced. talking tdthe girl whb.waited fa ihb.. "t liadihbt cbhve'rwd' with her long, Vefore I exMrlehbed m Veblded eeawtfon: Obeervltig. that ber kabk-was nrathe&Tia flann'dlj 11^ her tbe rea*)a.' : - -' ' "' ^RVr?f. "Oct tbe Eryslpelaa," was tbe reply; and'tbwti sh'b drkgged'tll^ flaDDtl, expoBlas.aneck^acb SWolleu aiia o-wiflored. 1 .^.rtO , ■, Aflettbib.eiblbition I reftalnad frommak^g my mdra-Uqu* rlea regarding ber bodily condition, not knoiHogwiiiit new. laUp5,mlgb]fJae.lp.atore,fw(mo.,'., .. • , ,the modem ,<.'tlg«r.'.!i;!Qiere two',wfd«;lpfbr. rooms, divided by folding doors, both dazzling.with. Ughi pottly carpeted, deco- rated with elegant and volabtuoilspd^ngs/ud'seeihliigly just the spot where ]Hn)r,'^lr0a'IiiUUBlty vomiricome to get a fore- taste'Pf 'Bdra,-and 'raonperatctotfthe :stain.^battlea (C lift;! In the first, room. is a sldeboMd, appn whose. Shelves. are rows of elegit 'decataters: tbiougU vrhlbh 'bltfaW ue jinrple wine, or* flashes'thsorystalmeextraatpf tBeJunltei^.^nfKu,'gln.' ' ! ' In- this iroom -also; isi a roule^tablej Which, as.we enter, Isl .vacant, and in .the pther room is a fSro-table, around which ani gathered a balf.dbtcln men,'SP absorbed in the game, thil^ere labrlal'to rock: the eartb-with a'blast -firafti his trumpet they wo.uld.nfver.hearit: ,.;/■:., -, r , I won't describe the game; for what little, if any, is net known' aoputitlntJhloago, la not known'anywhere else, even, in this' city of tnitinlty—WaebihglPn.' --17^ ' -i . . . . ; Behind the table slts-the dealer—long in finger, while in hand,' and with the inevitable cluster,pf ..brlUianta eparhllngAom digit' and sblit besom, fie is grey^ycd, ppck-mark^d, resolute, and' yft pleasant in appearance, with' a-breadth ipf ebonlder aiia depth of ohest that show him to be no mean man in ease ot an' exchange of flaUo courte^ca. ., , ' , 'On his right bona stanas a captain, playing with balf.aoIIar: cheokS, ana inventing one at a time,'evlaenliy a loser,'for, as: his check la rakea aown, he follows' it -with a sight and, 1. aoubt "hot, a furse upon the caprlclouaness of Fortune.. He has but a half-dozbn checks; in a minute they are gone,'and afler going tb' a comer and oxamlnlng an empty' pockel».1>bok, he retdm^ abd standsnioodlly watobin8:thegame. Next to, him is a tblck-set ypung man, -who, with spmethlng leas thah a bushel pf ten'and twoQty dollar checks at his side; is,, with the'most perfect fuhclkolanoe,' bettlBg- from 'one tb'five^ hundred apUars'.upon falaaards, andiwlnnlng, pz ipslog \ilthput the eligbteat bhange. of. countenance.,.But.he la lucky; every cara he beW on' wlbA' nhtll after bAlf' in hour,' he loaos three'or! four times in succession, ana then, with the remark, iVy'Ihok ischangea, Igueasni'qult,"lie ooufaC8bTor bis checks to thd aealer,.who,'coolly*vtf Jtvrere'a'nutt<r 'of ^flve: Pent8,j)assc^ pver to the lublgr Inaivldaal. thirty-seven hundred dpuarain three por cent.' cc^ipbns pf Tlhlted. States. Troaanty nptes^ Thrnstmg the linmense' pile of paper Into bis coat pocket; the gentleman rises, .takes a dgar and a.drink at the siae-boara, and then, with a "good-night, gentlemen," )ie walks out . ' . Xhe dealer proceeds nnwncemedly,'while I, dazzled at snbh lenlllig,' draw out a solitary flvel ahd' deppeitad on the- king. In isstthree'seconds theolaws'of the tiger covered my Ipheiy ahd lODg-treaaured five, and I saw it fib mor^^-and I may add that I baven't seen It since. • • • , ' ' "' '' A young gehUeman; ovljlehtiy k' clerk lb a dry goods store, Bits on my left, and is betUiig and Ipsthg.TWo or throe times his oheoka run out, and then he'goea to a fTibba, ana wblspets ^ moment, ana finally returns wlili . A ton,- -Which be invests In chePks, ana,Ioses. ii last he comes bt<;i from one of his side 'ekotuslons with a lowering brow and no money. He sits down, Vatohea the game a moment,-and leaves. ' -: About in this style -went the gam&-one man winning,- all the baUiioe losing. - of and. by an elegant supper wae served .in an upper room, 'and then' the party adjohraod and .commenced' Euytng'-roulette, and' oSoors appeared tb bo out of lack, fot' 4re,ln less thah-balf ah boor, I saw-a federal paptsln lose Minie t^lO; Erurybody lost till jnat before I -left; when the -yomig gentlenian who bad been borrbwlng and betting'pn fsro, returned. Bew^totaodthe spinning pf the ball a short time,' ahd'then (oekiibyatanaer asiaei "But ypu pwo me fll^'npw,!'; 'Iheirathe'btheirasy. '. '',.'.'' ' "111 give it all backtb-morrow,"^ the reply.''! ' BlhaUy he oame back with a ."gmenrback," to tbe' iunbnnt pf twenty. He pt(t-It-all-on thet^a; tea'won. "THb Wholi pile again went on the rea, and again red was wlimer. He obanged ', and black.won-:. InshP^ everything .tbat be laid nls thoneyonwas the winning oolor. In'loss than'five hiinutes '{rod the UmO'b« began, ho'qhletly clahed'olsr 'chooks,'and left «lth)ovBr»1800.:--,..:- .., Sqmuph.fPT luok.,., ., , ■, . . ... , ; During 'the ,two 'henra iliatl was in,the MtsbliBhipedt, seme five-er sH thpuabha dPlUM phihged ha&dS. - ' - i. : .Thtteareaonle five dr six 'fitstiolaas. eatabllshmeitis pf .the litnd In .traabl^tPDj b^des any qnanti^.pfiptben .pf lesser hPtl %oybinlrcU-knbwii to the poUoe, ahd lb fact evoiyUody bhi^but'are'ribt'amnrb6di--'Bieyaro-as,»ttoi«a«ryt^ Its the nigger, question, - and-: AaSrly or quite H muoll patrpnlsed. here one tlgbti kAd nbw she thUks beraidif^u.^,^ the ssfophi" ' "lethather-l4S)rtalklng-tober»"- ■ -.po»»"^ ,,'■.-../c": 1 don't k;>ow\ any one that has'^aijyt^^ ^ ^o iM^-iMlli^k At'tbiU Jonetaretbe'maniwlti; Ih'e ida»whiA,^MkIilit teavb of 'HpBt; and I tookpossession 6t 'tbe BUi^^K2^ hlaf,'ni(l. saidto-barr-.. ■ -. ,:- vr:: .,,r-,.'. -.!_>■ .'.■:'-/Tr7/ ■ > .').■' I. •IthlnkJhave.seenypnapmewhere before,?! ItAV ' io.'> .i --^ "Indeed;where7" -.Jl.,.;-./ .«oj^: .i,-7r .L '' ''Oti'^?^t^(^^'aiiyB^??o^n!iah'^ there, BO I came on here." .t , • ::At thls<ineuebt 10blalp'<M'afurvlew6f-%er'rli;ii*,^ani,-kn< onone of the fingers rperoelwd'b rlilg'wblcbf'I-uiLviiUr rMbg> nised «s .-the.^uej .'wsa In. aeareh: ol:. Hare ,was a olueW'lMb:: "That's an odd looking ring you have there; SM.tholaitttf Btonesin itl" ,^ ., ,,..,,..„...■/, • ••Itbinktheylw.'l>pypn like,tii« stjla t''., .,' . "WeU, its npt very habdsolnd,' Vdt stUI it IS vary Ma! ihgl' IlikeItfdrilk singularity, . Wouldybastilit?" . "It Isn't mine exactly. A partloular friend of thine 1 It looked so qoeerl thoaght I .would Uks to wear ItfPr t the thing, and I never atopped taaalng-lilm till he let me J tpwear," ;,. .:,■.../. ;. . .-• "Ob yon think that ybnr Mend vroqld to pen it)" •Idon'tknow; 1'llask.^imtbe'flxst time Isfp blm,"* Bare Spinner related' a convers^Uon-wblbh wpold-'bb ot, ^ littlqtntareac to the. reader, but whiph ended in anengfgeihw: between' Spinner, and the iUr Ubuy ttf -aharp the fcame-traotU ItiatnlirhL - '> ./ '<■ \ wta-PntiV;;aald.8pinoer,' ',<i))ytel Itatlpn, which>e on a c tb»,BowerT to Broadway, and pp] Dr^e buUdlug, l^ajnt«a.y«npw, a 'crjUlapidatlon, wb'W'enth'p'ah oSffiS iSSS" ffi^».toMy iPa'of. ajrt^^ bnilhM&in«bdi fcearte^'Wrr bidi Otarfe*; they had nb "olive branch" to decorate the! ■itm-*) ^wmlma* wUob, united to the yeong nan's ttBb that night ■ - !'Aa .soPnM.theabpw wts-Pnt;V;;sald.8pinoer.- 'ajtytelf Jkqd MpUy started fpr her babltatlpn, which>e bn a pons pf ast«eetrqnaingi)rppitbi ^ ^l. nawu'adv^te^fstate^^jllbpidatlpn','WWeh^ stainsasei whlohenakeaindthopkso ttha^my fSet <hat':I-'ei-'l pected every m'omentii-would-'givio way,' aid'that Tbhbuld'msKi < a Budden descent to tho floor belpw. iIT Ber room was on.the third floor, andfroQ ttte .general appear ance of'things, t judged that b'pr fTlcAd was'fiot tropbled w^tfi a very large amount of money, or that'-be dia''no<'oaie to spend much on bla cAo*an\tc.. ,. . ..\ 1 . '!' - :.'..! : '.;,'.'.' UoUle produced soma cberr3,btmdy,an^e satdownbefoM the fire, indulging in various little caresses. Holllewas greifing very euluestJn her attchtrous.wheilM beard 1 step en'tha landing ootaldo the door,' ' . '' :. .:'...'.-•';.> : ,»Iwondor.lf, tbat's my Mend,'/ said'SoUist .VtUB-.^!^^ night" . .. . .. ., • Oberewaaa knpckatihb'dbpr. ' ' ' '''' "Ocmein,"eaidiMplUe. ": '>' .' ' .; A man entered the.ioom^ whoqi I.lnstantb lecogaiied .s* ,mi Barry Buston, a notorious. praPkaman of, this «ltr.. J^waa In- stantly certain that be was the' manlwanled. HewasaHttw above the middle hel<(ht,' bad llgbt hair, and a vbry tde fiue.: / .••I dld.not.knpwypUNhad.opmpWrVolUe," ,B«l.d be,v'!pr,I sho-oU not have como ^i; ril eome ft^ tP-mpmw.plV|.>. luw 06ftyoQ*" "' '*' '"Bpldon;" aaid'Ubniei "thisgeatleuie&wanlaio seeybtLT; : He gave a sudden alpit at tbls, and gtvlog me apie(Clng:lP9h ''TTuitotoSoeiBej •ffhat/pff''''' • ■' ' ' ■;' ' '''' -' AssPonasbebadtehterad the rodm,-Iliadmpvedity-aeatio ■uoh a ppslttpn ss wb'nld anable.:mettp Istercept blgiln eawiba tp buy It from yon." : .-T(.; ,r^r i, . ;.-.•^■_'..' :i "Itis not for sals,V said be, andbtafaoe tuned ghastty.^bU^ "Is It netr, .^elX I want be^« »t and y<in,",pritd,l, tejrjng,^* my wig and false whiskers. " " , ' "SpUlBerl"' ■ ■ ' ■' '■■ ■ '■" • "': — • "SiaoUy. Will yen gp sUh me qnletlyl!^ m i ;' 1 '::i ,1';." . "Npi" ..■ , i^g^j^wi'^tti't^-iia lite* ciuldlun* 1 ^ — had'drawn lim toihe- gambling house. - This be slakod, ana Btraoae aslt may.sepm> wonaU,wp.i«at,bMk...,It causes a-tbrlll, om^SubE to rbSb^ber esoliu ttpW^inil. but it b bi^rd* ty'iMHh Wbllo 10 alteiibpt dUgWtorAb'Uke iSlr tUe funr there: lbi«'floa,'t-gamble.; ■: : ; .'. -ii uhr:f o il; l:,.'.,.,-, ... to?Wsi^''Tou ue {ppUtUeto baye'tmuK'TTS'l Mc UI&«fobe«ldrr«)plnaindlgnaiilUltMB«tlt. ' . 'bc epronri fbr.the deer. Ipwed a Ihrfbus ritraggle; ' I ttihagedBustofi slsMr, on.tho bead, and maidaan^ bythepaln.1 <n»wM'l fired at random. Alonasoream, kfldaheatrful, tbb bullet had taken (ffebt ; Bustph new 6raa.'- -''' nann'oraa to prevent mb from bpcUbg the plal a>e«phdBhPt, aaa»flMpMate »trnagle-enrt*!. ft ■loh of the weapon. Tho blows on tha'hcuWbieP from MoUle how bogan to teU fei^fully upb) moment I waa'groirtDg wUfffet. tti^ waairf, tee floor, anahaa'almoat'succeeded mWfli., my grasp, wbpij J hurd.the noise of .WK J!?',, id!*ahk'bn'. lib.'fe'i^,^'''^ UooTe Oreyi 4olto 'aiad,, '., Ohprbvlogihjtir ahd.;iCD,comi l^lstop.U the'dbor was violbtatl andmyselfworbsqiaioww, . ., . ~' 'itsiwerb.proonrba, a4a .pn. lnb ered.