New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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.4 32^ YmiimiiiiaiL, f i : . ;'ir.fiiiMi > OUUUI .pox...., h91ltnt,jMi/mmt ot the ut)it waa .tuilou1)(9d.:W (irfl»««wM».PWtonn»no«liiU)B" ■' II.-:: v.'.r'"' • OITV BVUBIABY. - : ■■ ■c i tWl'm«rit*4 nfttiooe uid crlHoliiiu ofpetfomr ';j|S[wrirorm»nce8 tfooueafly'spiKWtnJpart«U.>WA'ni«tr •■Sy^ii wtfMW*^ bixt W.WoJi. ar* »i;ely.i«t 'iBjTcf the d(ir tii'y pibltoliedl . W|»h»Te ropMt- ■ ■^StiMi «1 ;co'py,mcli'potioiii to thb;OtiM*KB;jn^t '^Z; ill (lie oiiFPED the7 Attiini a iridcr tod: more gmoral dfrim- b»Oi ?n Enjspe'uiet Atteric^.. We lavp^confldei:^ tl|8 .••2jioOT,'aii^UeM'W«?>*»4 we>lHPMP«w.H ipeylil .JJI^^ntlnonr Tluatrical Bword, Ini whloli doUgm «nd cdji- i^jgj^in dUid;' lpap««,iylU Winiettidl'toy' ot^e ■h|miljt"i)«t ■ 'i'^'' wI«hV.tii^'i»4»«^fM of thlii 6ft»i,.'yUt ••;jl^ittaalon4tfietrf»Tonatoiu)«.. •'■^ •■ • • ■ - ■'!- •jj'' ,^ ■ i !•-iv: ■' ••' i ' MoFDrt/Jannary IB, 1683.. TtsfltUiM aim ^1 thetoU <i.ptab«bUltr of good times ImSloa'aloni^DtU - ttie B««Ka of 'LtaX'Tbsuiwe ntfM to iMk STiT&Uisg off, thoiigh,JCBj)ave bad snoh an niilooked tbt SLai«roBS.'!rtnt«T,.tha( ,ahaU, not.bftentprtasdff eTsntte SS^&booaesif t^rnt thonldM dmltt«At]ilB)rear. 'We ni>AT()ialaon8atloiialftjt Vreek, and^mfitvitb.cIeTer.imeP- 'unM/ AtLatuaZiiiiiie'i^ohad'Uu eTer-iirfafome Ui^, Wood In S^Priao of the UarKet; tt Mlbii'^, Sandmium. the 0«nnin Sfnidlui. made his Ifebut on'ihe' Ain'eHcan'stigdrat'thieNew S£^<1es UlaenblMV'Ud'dt 'VlDt&'Oarden, Ur. Cooldook I'Jubtbi In thel^^OUlinllily OoR)ef, and Cabto, the danaenae; R«i^h Bpy." Kaoh luia all fta nfened to elSAwbero jn ni^f Dt; an'doidog tdtheleq'gth pf sotti((of thoae'.noUcesi •'Siiiiwrpnt abort piiElhftdnctoi7,l^ .; ' , ■ niiniitaTi ets7 taaktodifamatl^eane)! awotk ^ the UUerabjes;' gqMa Fina«nt».t!a (ocelgneif ,^ ot io that of s i oe we' Aiwy^V* PpncapUon pf \b9 ,Jew'a', wioallK awaKa ur< Bandn^nn high nalae iUdtryit, U jiTttlilDKlila; 'Ur. Bejnioiir'a ' rablea w^,'ptednkad at tbenev Bowery,; on ■ jSasSs ^T^ntci,' ^an. lattt^, tfiit Wo'eannot iay.'thatlt ^reaUd a : '-Muatlon. ^^re irere some capital points mado, and'the icom- . SbTdldtiiolrbtetto helptbe>t6M,^ndglTelt.ytta)ltr; tnlt lt rCil^edlU Bloir linigtb uan'g.'ohtll nearly'U o'ciPok, at which the onrtalnfeU on the' dosing scone,'leaving two other • tcfoUowlt;' Onthe'incc^duig nlghtp, It jas^tdovn',- [oSied, and otherwise imprPved, and pasied off mnch better ijia on tbe openingnJght, bnt^ stlU was not a deatded snceeas. n mi ' withdrawn on the fonrtti' representation, tlie halande of ' ''<M wmIi being Ulled oat with J, O. 'Foster's new drama of "Bob -'OetQli'lhe Newgate Jeeter," and' fhe pkntdmlme of "Jock Hijppatd." ''ThUr troek a series of excdlfol^nig^umd'eswiUte^ ''^^HPw^d then onr' actpr irlen^ get'olt sonie'good ihings, ' flMt'«f wUoli aro'.aaffered 'to "waste their sweitneas on ;'w'ile«^ alrl"'e(e.', eto. '^e-dropped: tn'a few days ago ata ' i'tttora moet do cbnbregat^.'bnt' whetitbepttbtlde iTStSkeistjrtt torelmil'aDdpty'aiid ti'aTel on, if they m iitiet, iJPll^i gpcia sdrtpf a feUoiT.'hadbehfaid his ■'■Joon ^ i^fisf^jtv enamber df trPphTei ftom' the wa^i|am<ing'them a rebel T&'o hPst was eztdUtlag thtt ^'de 'nllttsT to a- namber riiiton.atidsaitifag'thB'actlon to the'woH.'.h'P .flonrlshcd the '"•Aon aMt, cDttlng lina'''alathlnff—all .tho^tre, thongh—at ye 'M'^b'frbn;lla# ^yBlah'dback,Wndb'ao1(,'> ^yii ttao mlierot ''''k6t'rhiiUL''ud^nuidT 'paPohest ■'I'ii&'dmiterons; I.klUtwo or < OiWiiiefa hiire erory day." "Nd' dontjt.ot i(-7Wlth T^ltkey." E'ed a wag of kn a^tdr, and liuch a iioar lalaied the "dadiRer' '.bonlface, is may ne'er be hdard'"wtthln'those walls" Hi put sway the weapon, went behind the bar; treated' ftfowd, &diIdkhowIedgedthat ''thepeAiiiolghtler than tb« -i^ntUdtOn tio'lSth Inst', In this olty, Qebrge W. little, Sged 11 ' ^'man. - Vbe. Little itai formerly connected mth Forshay's Clrcns, -'Bb temalns were biken to New Brunswltdi, N. J., for interment, ; ott the 17th ihst' ^ ''' Irety UfS'llke little play is the*'Oblmney Comer, "performed - "ft the Winter Oarden, on the l!!thi' with Ur. and Ulsa Cooldoek isBdUr. Dartdge in'the prlndpiil parts. 'This Uttle'pleee, nnllke ' zasy of the- ■•lated pioddottons," has a plot'with the merit of \ plnalblllty. In this play, IlT.'Ooaldock, as -Peter-Mblty, 61, l>T« na snPh A bit of acUna^as la seldom witnessed upon our bpiida. It was truthful and Ufp-Uke, and brought tears tnm Ike eyes of men as well as of women.' Davldge, as a chUdlsh old Ilia of VI,' made' an Immense hit, and fatrl7 divided the h lendkttMlh Ur. Cooldoek. It was one of the beat paria «• have .Sij«(uaMh.thlsaotbrperfPriD.- 'Thepiece wat wall played thkonah- '■''Mti'aUIUky.M'taldiMra'aaoad of the saedMMidf thU eiSa'' .^;:erifaiair tf 16«l-3.!llr. A. H. DavehpPrt, who la'at'tbls boma again, appeared to advantage as-John Probity' Theat^ ': taidBsee was large, and the applause hearty and sincere. The '«<)liUsneyOonier"'WlUbocontlnaedthlaweek. ' ' r- ■'■ In addition to -the Oouldoeta, Oabasi the danoer, eomnlen^d sn tsg(gementatth« Winter Oarden, oh the llth, appearing as the French Bpy. Aa we sty of our pngillstio friends when enter. ' . higtho ring, "she strips well,'' ondin the second act "travels on: her shape''altogether. Sretsed in Heeh^oolored tlghta, which ,' 'ffimla^ her points to excellent advantage, she Is a superb-looking ' tMitnie, and well eiJanlated to'iniake a man strike hisfather, : : and fcrsake his wife, home, funlly, and friends," to "kafck in : itht lonstaine of her smllea," and have the'privilege of ptovldlnR. ' her with com beef'and cabbage,'pork and b^tns, and coffee ana ' eikta,.' Poetry and eloquence aside, however. Cabas is making ' npid headway ' as a panlomimlst The sword flsht, between ' 'Oobas and Ur. France, the Arab, was well done, ana afforded us :' a wtlcs of pleasing plotuios. In the language of our show fHendi, Onbaa Is a splendid •'swordlst," as well as pantomlmlst ' and dancer, 'The French Spy Is to be repotted this week.; If :■ there la en olBoer attached to this house, it would be well for him , tdpnservo order. On Satarda^ evening, a number of men in ' .' the second circle made such n rocket as to Interfere greatly iflth ' ihe e^oymont ot those who wont to see the play. -,:TilUi)gof lnaalons4ooUiig creatures, we regret to letm that Adah lataca Uenkon la:still indisposed,and conilnod to her TDOmi. She la making trrtngements for the future, however, and is once more negctlttlDgforatrlp'toBQgltnd, having bad )' 'anexcollestoffermadeheTby oneof ourgO'iheadagents. .Itis ' aotprobable, however, that she will leave oeforo summer. ■ ; ■ta entirely now change■ of- ptogromme la: offered by Wood's .' Ulnstrels, this week, embraouig some' bdsutUul sentlnientat '': soDgi, £tbloplan pecullailtiesi oodentrloltlas, and drolleries, pnd ■pecltltotatif al! sorts: I/et no. stranger in the idty leave for : ■man without apendlng at least one evening at Ur: Wool's b^aU' " tlftdliall, '. , . Un, John Wood is oosilng with • rush... This week she gtves thaPh- jh'itn- ifelatlon chanu)tort we! Imw .fcir the,.tah>n\ed and jSlp.'SUoner' in whlchho perfornuS his pupt. ntake-vp..^ a opdtlof ttUtorlcal acourapy, ana was a woleomp InngVatlon on the aoousiomed attire in which we have beenTTOht'to siie;thB ehylockt '.of the age appear,- We may say the'sanie, top, ^ rd- .gtKAsnunyiOt.the "polnta'.' ti^whlah hetakeS/exceptlon tothS' haokpaiadrendition of the character; for bis Shylock la amopb tbe^pioat natural and eoDSlblo inteiproladone W{9 have yet seen' Slven of thia Hebrew character. The admirable reading of the ew's reply to Antonio, commencing with "Signer Antonlp, many a time and Pft," elicited s pertcct'Storm of onthnalastlo appUuae, so muPh^eo ds to bring the artist on tbe sttgo to botr- blsaeknowledgments; and, also. In his Interview 'with Tnbal, when his tvarfoo and revenge struggle within hlm.fot the mas- twy, his representsUon of the menlu conflict was fine lathe ex- treme. "He la withal ao natural In. action, and he soivUy.repU- Olatea the theatrical rant that has hitherto charaolarlzad nearly «very rendition of the character, moro' or loss, by every.artist, ifrom Charles Eean, at theLeonatd StreetThaatte,:yean ago, up 'to Edwin Booth, Inoludlng'UeCready, Anderson/ForresK to, that we regard bis petformanoe, from beginning to end, apA idramatto and inttdleotual treat of the finest order. The simple ittct that he has ao snccdssfolly masterod miny of the great duB- dultles of our dlfdonlt language In so short a space of time, war- rants OS in>thebelief that grsttet triumphs are in store.for hlffi. Even now, it Is but Justice to rank him with the best tragedians on the sloie as fir ta we can Jndxe.fcom the admlrabld jrarfbrm- ance of Thursday night. .'One thing in Hr.tBandmann'a ftvpr' was, the able manner in which he was supported. We^OiDbt remember seeing the secondary chtractera'of the play more ably represented than on this occasion. Lanergtn'actpltalaPtlngka Bttsinlo, and Bhewell's as Oratlaao was worthy of high pr^, And Lamb's exceUant:.repreientatlen of .I^nneelcrtJ too, was noUceabls. A feature of thtf performance w|u Uadama.Fonlsl's beautiful reading Of the part of Portia; and she was ably assist, ed by Ulsk Ihome-4htt beautiful EDgUah Uonda who created 'suoh' a.sensatton at the Winter Oaraen nnder the Andersoi)' regime laat year—whose make up aa the clerk was capitah : fn' fact,: all acted their porta well, the stage appointments and Boeneiy being ta. commendable ta .was the aenng/ Vx:'BtsiS>. mann Waa called out at the cloaaof eadh.'act, and when the.our^ tain fell had to appear and respcndto tUe.'tnthualaatloapplausd of all ptetent ; ' . ' ■! ■ ■' .', It la rumored that WoUock's old theatre la to be opened tgaU asamuBloh^ Some msinagers now in. Philadelphia are men'-' tloned ts the probable proprlstoia:: -' .' . -< . . i. : Ur. Carter, manager of. the troupe ot Zouave; Blatexs, la In town this week. His company are petlionnlng:lnSBnntylvanla:. . Miss Uarlon, who has been travelling wftbrOdteafs company, IS now In tdwn, dud open for engogenunts, Sde- her advutlaej. mentin thiaiaauo. .... :.''.,'' .t On Monday evening, Jan. Ulh;XMir».Eeene'B Theatre'was crowded to excess; In act. It was quite a Wallacfclan demonatra- tlon as Idr as the'pahllo were ocnbemed, not a aeat belngjunoo- cnpled titer the'ourtiin atose; The occatlon was theustap-. pearance.of Mrs. Wooddn'the new piece oSi the "Pride of the UarkPt,'l:Which, waa presented at this theatre for tbe flist time. Thd playiaFrenoh in ph>t >and oharaeter; and waa placed-upon ihO' sttgeln tho iliaat 'oredlloble manner, both aa regarda-the aoener)' and stage appolntmenti; and in regard to the ootlng, we can truthfhlly say that it was exoelleut throUghont, Urs. Wood appearing to spcolal advantage In the character of Uarton, the Pride of the Uatket This play waa prodnoed a season or ttro ago at the Winter Garden, bdt Aot in'the atyla it waa given on Monday. Lewis; of Laura Esene!a,.'hdd idmself .out>'on the occoilon'ln thavray of aoanery, andprodnoedsonls cdpltal effdcts. Baynlond,iaaJordon, "acted well his port," and'was less gaggy :tlian. nsnal, while Ulss lone Buike, and the others of the copi- panyrtppeind/to much ttcatar advantsgd than in that'vnlgar absurdity, :."Blondette.'' In ticti the presencA'Of-Urs. Wood teemed .to exert .a ^healthy. Influence over: all around her, and tbe'plsy went on to ihe close in a very eatlsfiutoiy manner; 'Of Mrs. Wood's performance we have to say that both In her sMe of acting, and her appearance, the sustained her. Ugh reputation thranghont, and looked and acted charmlDoly' ■ • ■- Mist Emily Thome and Ur. Ut^k 8mlth:have entered into a; buBlsesspmnershlp, to take fUil' effect at the close of tho latterfs engagement at'WoUock's Theatre. .:Inthemedntlmo,'UlssEnllly wlU "go It alone,":pexforming.engage]ilenla 'already entered Into. .Qie is a olever: actTasa,«omeiy efface and form, and will, yet make a lirlgbt mark in the profession, : Outon theBloomlngdoleroad^^Wm: B.Derr, thewell-knoWil' eqnesbrlan performer, is. engaged at .'present.tTatailng soitao fine' hones for Ur. L. B. Lent Ur. Derr has a couple ot horsed, which, he .assuiss us, are for eauestitan purpdsea and melD^' dramas, the best'in the United Btatda.. 'Ur. D. trained these ,|])lmslB,'l)sdha hittAilI aaiBka^aULTi 'olheisfiirihe'fiirpiosea'tiAmed.' IntrtinlnghotsesiDerrlssald^ ' tobeawonder. < ,. ' .- ' ' . • j Mad. .Lonlse' do Uortle gave:a'reading of the 'Baven, the Uanlao, etc., at Zlon Baptist Ohurob^OD ihe J2tli./.8hvls said' etay and 8racdftil,-vrit]i • deep, rloh^^muUcal Tolce,'and "her pronundatron wlthont the allghtatt touch dt-Nearo accent.". Bpelmanls the appropriate name of. the'agent'of 'tUa reading woman*i '"■* '' ' ■•' 1 .. No obonge at Wollaok's; old: and standard comedies, Inter- 'Spersed .occasionally with a "new one,'* "adapted expressly for this theatre," forming the bill o£ fkr*. ..Bnalneks:good,-and not 'many bogus "secnred seats." . Billy Qalnn, Ethiopian comedian, has been idle here some three or four weeks, owlngte Ulness; tnlt is now himself again, and wUllsg to negotiate. pronam^V ''!rfis ttittV' wen' ^ei^ tlMa(iaI;'HJd a placard 'MM patted in fMnftx>f. therbox :afflaa«nnouilUilg that ••John 5J Owens hod ^ruitawtty to 'iBtltlmoM this- aftemoon.i and:'left thq management in'theinicb'Wltbont'givingaword'Ot^zpIanatlonJ Many people who- had'dedtired aeaU during the day, hadtheU mobey refUbded; and' olUeis «llo> attended for .the pnmoseof enjoying themsdlves,' bought.ilcksia''and ^k aeats.' Owens! beat ^ends condemn'his cooito, and it Is believed, he baa made blinielf many enemies bere. U waaaa little aa.he oonld have done to have given the minagement due notUe of . hla intention tO'qolt. .'• . '.' '-• ■ ■ I -. ■■■ 1' ' > •■: : . The'Vandenhoff. "dlfBonlty,": In St'Irfmiafias .wo presumed, turns ont to hive'had itaorlMn. In the Imagtoationiot tomepo- lltlctl writer in that ot^^ who mode record ot things whldh he stwnol, neither did ho hear. Aftlend, on whose: word, we can rely, sends us the ^fallowing account of the aSalr,:'wblob, In.Jus^ Uce to oil parties, w'e give pUce In our colnmni: ' . ■ .' J' ,: J • Bt. Loots, Ho., Jan. U, 1863. Fbisx QnzEir;—I notice, fat .the lost nnmlier of the OliVnB, a statement concerning Ur. Qeo: Tiindenhoff's readings in .this city, which-needs, a: few. 'words in reply. Thinking that your rogultr correspondent here might not be informed on tho sub- ject, I venture to expostulate myself. Ur.'V. read Hamlet hore. butohca, at the renueStof prominent citizens, oitor the adver- 4taA.i MaAinM ^mufnntAnAtJi. Thoro wts no "trouble" :Wlio knows^wSat this 1st Wo.can't pronounce:It, sowp'U °''.4eU It;. Ant, ant; 0, auto; per,'per: itutoper; it antopferl; '.>''!i,pt: aiitaperlpa;'t.e,te;.antmerlpate; t l, ti| autoperlpatetl; ''''.>kot,kos; autoparipatetlkos.' : The Bryants announce It lor this .'' iWtok. No doubt It la a clever ptpduoUon of somoslgantlo intel- ' krt, tant we da wlth our ahow friends' would do somothlng ^'Mler. Theso nnpronotuooable things knock nt higher than,' dw .' 'Blei. J . ■ I . ; : ' Baleman «omblnatloD aro:wltb ua.agab, tills time at i|lblo!e, opening on the 19th. in the new. play of "I<eBh,;tfae '-.ToHaktn,^' with Ulss Bateman osLcahiiUr. 'WaUtok as Mathan; 'jadUr, Edwin Adams OS Budalf. Ur. 0. B. Wilson mokes: his '/ nisttppotranco in ]tow-Tork, and Urs. Ohoaftouolso jobia the ' ::eompany, -Ur. Whcatloy hos given as.a auccestion of splendid " 'Vofotmanoea since he aaaumea the management of Htblo's, dnd ' 'US 10 itr proved one of the most Buocesauil monogen wehave '■:'«wthod bore. - ■ ■ . .: . .1 ■ . 11 .''nettareoyetra'.encaiiementofUr. a.O.Bonlfope with Ur. '•■'•w.IJngard,. ol.the Mew Bowery, expires tblS:Week. It IS . ': Asdltabla alike to,tho manager and to the actor that, beth hovb JiaUytndtruIy.fiiUlUedlhe "oondlUoudof ttaebond.'f ■\ ■■ ',.'' 'ipu. friends Bbroa4 ,wlll see the odvontage of sendlAg .tholt ''>■ SJ"" ^ Clippib, when wp mention the (tot that .aomfi Pf ,; J£wiintbaii«nl>,eveni are etpiti into our merourlal Sunday ijoa- :''. J^VPonry gratis, In order that It may mqko ssrilp eortof.aahow. r^ V ''^ thereby able to/announce that an advertlaomdniy.pald . wr In the Ourrsn, gols the bonbflt of an Ipscrtlon' In aaothsr ' xHf^J ''^B- this nota lUUt extra Induoemont to ord^d along ■■■■PntUirtitai:: ..i.. .' I;.' 'jJ^' Butler, a Anjorioan.lfailo Bali, 4U Broadwey,.bas addod more.perfdrmom to his already Jorge company, and (bis ' .fsct IheBedouln Qrotbors wUl appear Id thoir gymnasUopdr. 'tnmoBoes, Ulss SItty Bltnohard la :eUU hero, drawing in her ■ ,'.*i!f"J»l» given oyory Saturday afternoon. ., . , liZ"?"'} nod.beatded women, and bearded children on exhlbl . .wa:.ll| .thla iSiia |,„t. • - — hi tjljls dty,"butlievor before have xe ti^'Vy^^ iH5r'^*«<«'o'Wody on cur IntoUlgenf.dpntraband.' This ' ''SV^Wl^' tihoiig the natural ohrlotltlos: to he . seen , at tent's ; • SSf*'!**'Broadway. Here,_too, mty beOoen'o qnartetto of ' •."I?r»''.'»i teriteoUydgoUe and. hari " " ..,S* Bt!»rte.t6ryviewmay behiid at -'. • ■2S?.'i»** •*toaUT0 and: obliging, an . tndwllhtlrtllty, "' " — 0 ■:»Sz'M outtomaof i Broadway. Here, too, may neooenaqt Vi tterjteotlrdqolle and. harml^s,ando(w|iloh a doso " aU tUnos.,,Jl«.genaenuin ;and other.of.,thV ^^Ddlpda answer ypnr.qnedUont dour. , ^, >!ihloh you.k^owls.notalwivathKoaad' tmuaemout, f^d.whpio apqnalh,taBae wlUi|the ten w T" """wrtB of the animal. dreaUoni enaWg.MieiB'Jn W i'taOibr--'""' ' - '"I ButtiTv-"''J"*""!!! ' teasoni th'e..ocotsIilni.heing|t ".e:,^^ttf,a«^ Mr.,I>^ .> : DRABATIO. Talk about crowded housda I Ton .dhould havs'beto at the Brooklyn Academy of. Uaalo:an Wednesday.nlghti Jan. lllh, on' the occaalan of a performancd given by-the Lnro Eeene Oombl- tiatlon. Why, there was sctKely standing , room , td'be 'Ud In knyptrtof the house, from the parqaet to tho amphitheatre. The nlgbtirasamlldone, and'oa amatterof courseUie'heatin- side the Academy waa oppressive; the (tmosphererbdsides, being Of a very Impure <ofaaraoter, from the want of-proper means of venttUttlon. A word or two about a matter.we ore going to hdrp 'Upon until the evil Is remedied, and tben we will -conunent upon the petformonoes. - On entering the hduse-tmoog the first after the doora were opened—we were politely. Informed that all the oholoe seats were reserved.'. Aid how reserved.?.- We'will tell .yon. Tho'best seats in the parquet andflrst.rowot thd bdxee (bad been marked Aff as roserred, and'persons.were eilRaged to dlaposo of those reserved, seats. outsldp the,doors,«t Utv ueUal premium. Kdw, wb'dt la this but a downright iflnmd..upon the public? The box office is open from day to day for those desi- rous of proourlng reserved seats, and all can do so; but when the night of performance I comes, eyeryseat noi token should b; at tbe service ot tbdsdwho ors'flrst at the^tneatre. The Idea of keeping two or three hundred persons Btandlng.'mettlj' to'rtol- lid the per centogil on^theae Ptitalde sales, is a prided of conduct that is lissra'Cefnl to the managor'of any th'ettrd or tronpd In tho country, u there is at any time auott a dedand fdr' seats ad to raise competition to«premium-paying bright, why, put the seats up at ouctlon; but dtherwlse letievcrv reserved seotbe a Pona Hde sue of the privilege, and not snob a fraud'upon tho publlo as'^io syalpm now is. And now for tke performances. We hove tel. dom seen "Old Heads and Tonng Eeorts" better played as a wholo than it was on this ooooalon. Tho'flno audience the com- dany had to grodt .them evidently had a faoneflclol and Invigor- ating effect on (Jl tho porformera, for thoy one and all seemed to dxoel thebieelves In tbe monier'ln which Uiey renderod the oha^ actors astlgned ^em. BUke's "Burol" was admirably person- dted,'Bnd Ulss Eeene 'seemed to' hfivo new life inrp^d wtd her In her Mndltlon of tho '■Ltdy.All9e:" Whetttlelgh's "Littleton Coke" wts a capital plecd ot acting; ospeclolly m tho Intcrvlow with his brother in the last act, Peter'e '.'Bob" 'was also a prtlso- vforthy rendition; as'was Walcot's "Tom Cok^," «llh tbe except Hon df that btd habit WalcothfS of playing to. the'aodlcnco. He fteqnently talks to them instead of .tothpao.'oath'd Stage, and this greatly maifl many of his otborwlie excellent ImpcrsPntUons. Pearson, as the oh'olorlo did Colonel, was.Vory good; Ih ftot, etch trotof and actress did their dut^ on. I(ie ocoi4ton','ana the hearty dbplausethoy elicited, gave evidence that.thelr offorts wero fully tbprcclated and'satlsfactoiy. tho U^t piece,'"Katui^.and Alt," Ulss Eeene gratified tho attdloni» dstr^elrby her capital iieoditlonof'tho'dtaBract^^«f theettfactnas.' -Wo'hd.ve8'e)dom ifeen'hertodlorfl 'tdvantagQ'ln this line of ^baracteis than I on thli «ccMloti. 'Whoktlelgh, oa' the 7ankeo, too; waa 'Very A(^.' The prosenoo ofauob a orowd at filled the Academy of Uualc, in Bt«Mdyn,.'On Wodnesday, only cwles out our predlbUdn' that • really good dramatic perforaianoe, by* good stodh oompanyj wopld draw out the tdmirers of the drtma to an extent thai wonlfl siakeithe welL . But thoao trials iflth ■tota, badly supported, will , always eventuate in slim houses. Hotlhs least of'the attractions was Cooke's capital orohcstral peifotmancos, . 'i 1. : ■. . ' ' ■ .: John B..Owens, who oommoaed on engagement at tho ~'" '1 ^o«tro,on the'13th, mnisod toploy on Monday, do. ■ ' ' "' Ttfol ■ ■ ■ '■■ cording fo ogreemout, on deconnt of on artrdo oppPoriog ln:tfae CAnmide'of. that city'lndlreolly dharglbg falfli:'wltb being the oaptoln of • New Orleans robol. mllltAry company. Ur, Omint bae numerous flilonds there who penuodod him to porlbmii and tflsnrod him there wouM be no dliturbanoe; but be waa' alVold, and deollned to ^0 on, ' The fho^ b«h)g announced by Ur: Letrts, the stage manager, the audience tbouted foi^ the comodlmi and whenttiey wore osaurcd for. tho scdond.tlmo that ho would {net opdear, Aput holt of the peraons present quleUy retired and Rot Iholtv inoney back at the box ofice. Our coirespondMt, Mow .and-Then," 8ays:-rUr. Bellon, a membdr of thottdoki wts finally Induced to tppetr In Ur. O.'t ohtriPtor of FouI'Piy ond.the^ .cLover'/wu subttltntedribrthe oftelrtlechiof ''vo>& '\nnks,^'iii.whiah .Ur. Owentvroa to appear. .flcUpleoavupeitersiadi Ur. Lewlailepped before thd_oiirUtti :M£A«te/l that Vt,.Owe«a.wonld.'pP>ltlvia»j«p«ar on UetUky: inltfih iWhl^iodghl; down-ithe hotise. fo?.'some mlndtea/• ta iTaeMUy.mMUagrlehtaiaU, and then iaft »«S6ft,IMj;i^^ fHenda^ and :at'fl>e o'clock lha lam* KAdmoon lie left the dty without sayiDg « wordio ifui tlsed course of readings'Was concluded^ abont It, ho "hissing," though there wia considerable applaud- ing, bntnot by any: ••party Bpeoially attending to support him." Theliext motning the Dmocral (the leading OjniiHtan. paper In St LonU, as by asimUarinapptoprloteneoa of name, tho Htmt- lUan ii tho leodlug •:Demecnt& poper) stated on the outhorlfy of an"Intelligent Inniimant;". nlio was. "ready to make oath to the stolsment,"' thatia. Y hod, in hla reading of Hamlet, "inte^ poltted o sneer against New Enghmd." Thla"lntalllgenr In- formant, whb, by the way, has, tuen care to make no oath to the etotement, probably mlaundentood the paasoga in: which tho grave-digger says, 'Tt Htmlet is not cured in England, 'tis nq grett mitter; 'twill not beaeenlnhlm there; tlureOumenan oi nod <u he." The eUirj iB absurd on the face of It, that Ur. .^yidenhoff, on Englishman, vrhose success in bis profession mhat so for depend upon his courteous and impartial treatment of people everywhere, would, by a sneer against, a port of the conntiy, destroy his rcputotlcn and prospocts there. Or if he had so for demoonod himself as to tmckle to a: supposed seces- sion sentiment by asneer ot Mew England, even hart tils oudlence been plcosed polltlcolly, their lUerary taste would hove revoltdd •t sncn on onoohronlsm ns any olluelon to Mew England, in a :|i1ay written some seventeen years before the Pilgrims londed'On 'Plymouth Bock. I am a Mew Englander mvself; I attended the reading of Hamlet—sat near the reader, and Ustened Intently to dfory word. Ur. 'Vondenhoff emUUd mnch,.(neceBaarlIy, as the glay is so lengthy,) but interpolated nothing.. The whole story ere bad Its origin, about eqiially, in Ignorance and nullce. The Abolition Joumala at the 'West' took up the cry, and hove been howling ot .Tondenhoff ever since, to the fuU extent ot their choicest. Billingsgate.' As the.CuFvm is the'advocate of. all that's &lr and Importtol, I hope to see a. correction of this mis-, statement'. '' ' ' ' ' • ■ . ' E..W.. B.- Ur. Henry, sold, to be a young actor ot muehpiomiae, has been the leading star at ths UetropoUtan, Booheater, and has exhibited oonslaerable talent for one so. young.:' He plunged at once Into trogedy, ond'dld Sbylocky Homlet, and:Olhello, olmoet equal to many old stagers. He la in good heinda, and wlth'a little moreexpdrience and training, tnaymoke :anaclorof'nota:."He was supported by Ur< D. Uanchett and Fanny B. Prlod. The. engagement of Urs. WoBer at the Plttabnrgfa Theatre, altboughoiot so large as her predecessor's, Ulss Thompson,'Was still looked on tliere ts a anecess, The houses ran very oven for five nl^btB, and on Friday, 9th,.every ellglble seothod. on ocou. pant, Mn. Waller la a lady off rare'tblllfy, and deaertthunllm' nsdSUCCesS. .■;;...:;.;::.. .1 '. I' II UinogeEFtiner.cfLoulsvllld,'baa effected an engagement with Ur. O. Hanchett and UlasFanny B, Prlce."'Ur.Hanohett',as- sdmes the management of the stags. ' Tlis season opens on theigth. ' ■ : . '.' ..'^' ■ .:.:'■. . .'.'.' \ Rumor still: haa It that Charley WflUnaon, comedian,'. Intsnda dhortly to visit Troy with a vaudevillexcmpanyi ' J B. Uannel, now. attendlsg'ta blaiiTerpaiohorean Academy ln^Troy, wlll .Tetum to the stage at .'the'ch>ad of'the dancing season, -n ■•.:';■ ..•..■.■'■ ..■i-'- At tbe sonthsm theitres, buslneas <ls reported to be good. The houses in Blohmond, Montgomery, ond UobUe ore oil sold to be flourishing, thelottar'under the management otUr. Crisp. At Uontgomery, Alabama, Ulss Ida Temon Is playing a star en- gtgement,'Bupportad by E. B. Stlton. A few nlghta tince,' the Jolt ntmed 'aolor In a fehoisg scene, had the misfortune to cut: Bam BIbbard on the head; and the next night, whileplaying the :Phantom, he shot ■ brother actor; named Bowers, in the. ftce i^i(lth a pistol, otad the lotter will probably lose one of his eyes by tho accident They must be terribly in. earnest "way down In AJobonl.".'. '''1 ' i Horse opera" atin holds ont at the Front Street Theatre, Bal- Umore. and.UIlas is now giving: "Heme.:the Hunter," with iBoaaton as dlreotdt of the grand.^rocekilons. - They did: toy B.E. J. U. 'Waa going to moke dn. exhibition of himself and MUmehahaon wp of the Ctpltol cupola .tor a wager;' ThIa woa moielthon two weeks ago, bdt it hasn't come'off yet'.' It wU^ be |u#a^aSBDn^e!?Balmi^^ tbe minstrels,' with Slg. Amooo, the hoiplst and lienor, added: to theteoupe. .' •.;.' '..::.,:'!'; ' : . ./. The rainy season hod- fet.ln ln,OaIlfomta,;uid-scarcely • day iseet,without oomsrtln.,;.I , .-I'l •• „ 1 Bflsa Idule Parker hod'a eompllmdhtti? Iienefl^ at. the Uetro-' polltan; San Frdnolic'o, oh the Uth nit. It was ttDdared her by. the Oovemor, Lieutenant Ooveriior, Ui^r, military and civic dignities, abd idahy dlsUhgnlsb'ed dttzena'df the place. Oni co-respondent says , that although the night was very un- pleasant, and 'the Eurdka opened. the same evening, the firlenda of the Iddy turned, out in fnu force, and filled the .theatre. Ihd pwformance passed off'felicitously. Ulss Parker was In. good voice, and received abundance of plaudits. The programme embraced .acts of'"11 Barhler dl Soy|dia,'' ''.'Mormt,'' and"I Lomhtrdi." Urs. Stone, nte Emily Cptd, inado her first appear- ance In eight yeors os Adolglso, in "Norma-" . Ulsa Stone is a good contralto, and formerly filled the ppslUon of prima donna, contralto with Urs. Woods, and theSeguln Opera troupe. The OarilMldi Socle^ (Italians) volunteered, for the cccaalidn,'dnd ~ing ejplendldjiy. . . Theatricals in PhUndelpbla wore .never In a more flourishing condition' than at present' At Oia ^ob, Peter and .Caroline Blchings are crowding the house (o replotion, . Our eorreqion- dent, "Toung Rapid,*'writing on the leih, soys:—"I otiended ihe theatre on Tuesday dvonlng lost, to witness the comedy of - ' . - . . . - jjund that every eeat in the t row in the porauet, hod been Keeiy.duringtttdC Md, wini the -axceptldirw iMiift toVa ddte- dutwiding :the gsaiy •lutins eequyUs thlaba and iboulde^ imnlt'ia hothi . ^llesae'Jaflro] 't you'tdsa fop tided V'aatvrei go oj^y and go oh Seerfobt seats in pri tests we iot UaryPrtftMtfhR atre, WaahlngtonJj John H.'Ueecr tbe recipient ;«Ci ?.t (SSf '. fr«°>' tile creode, osl'STttley kwpt wii?Tf.-»<'„'MiiV>P»'the|OOurBe,;ln(crJ«alp^^ .h?^S,SSP^'«^ r^. 't"" hd.wile leodtag £y Ibied yards, rtS,,?„'ir?jT.iJShJ<><>k6d gloomy. At this Juncture; ffiE through on •*ui2C,„tj»,^'!^4)Bj. hiin to-day." '.HSw dace a new piece ftf^^'J'ut^ u,'„ .j^um wui show; tting but "fanrtoSa bp, W,Vdd\ yip hta leew^l Myers thta week, oC^e iSSun, bent on brcoktog hlm'^m! Laura Eeene and\^;„'^'^, ' i^a ^ tho endof tfie too Boston pubUo^.g'.y^j ^^"^^i ^ eSl mUemdnSu ^A'fJiSiM^S^rtSon the first mile jrtth White,)'«a Arovivol^f tho"^„ i„ ^^ing up the'hUl in the elgh& Utt week, ottricted^„'^„|,4/y,1ii; tract; the Indltnjio first oppcaranco at than xeddy'd'wad It^ the print Thia. wlthafavor^lewcw Up lap, but the pa(je gettlnff Snffdo,Ihtaweok.ot* ^ ^'..tiS'Ms tUne;"until. Jdhn E. OwMie wlff^I^J^^^to th6.t*5lU my ot the Howord{^^7^''^a^t JoWnp^Pua pony weeks. Uonai 16tb. he u saio to nju^ goii, UlUs. ou, „ -. gome time thon ony ot^.i^^i^'^ana^ tf e Indl*n',b«^,V'^Lpi^ Holssaidto no«,« (,»n n *^- ■ . . — . season was not vei-o^lng at Teddy'4 elboWf>iiif tJUfae t Uncleflam—whp h^jn ^,gang the tesemd'Sfcata to the JPM"r':S!v»°.iWoot%itemWw ant rest. The season was not vei""'" """"' tbotl at Spring ~ —^ , Bothy tight papers on KrtVtmT It? ondnow enSldd Pifl Ur-UyetsUJeneflt, Jir.. ^ assembled thousands Ulohael Edxl, the Iuniu,p|aago,uidasthlsPvat|qn^«at^ 'H'?5;„. « .V, V tt Inolted them to rone«ed,dit" J. WUkesBpoa la Blch?;!, terrific Btruggle iJr siwirfi ented. jonngoctoriaa po,.tum ot the bottom of th5«aW-«» end his engagement at tbe. a iip,'DeerfPct "cracked," knd promises to be qulto Bucccssr.^^announced to Mills by Iran* :.ElUla(.'aaetaonat iho Coluipg. doubling himself to- rated[«on Tuoeday evening, ^umoal tdflyPver the tfrtrand, the perfomionce possed off renqj^ ••ndsUn" In dlfflcuUUb, It. "She Stoops to Conquer," "Ur.,t of them.' But here theiabe- lowing Is.all^t of .the company:ut],ogDhTeddynow and then Elaller, James Lewis, Colin Stuavpgg^f to^come'haar him, Charles Jeffk«y, A Poreell, Frank^iQ^ian to obtain the vtotoiy, Eelh>gg;Fted. Bandal; .Un..Effle'gijQg uinounoed to Ullla by- Ulss Uarlon U. Uoore, Urs. Bnithe last lap, the champion dhaw; Annie Kpyser, Qlara Uorris a giartln'g 'for a-jraee,' and,. ' The business at Han; Llnddn'swon by at least WO^dt. .m..fl. 130 IB MBIK very bod Just now, . Ur. B. E. Byanhos been trying hi .' ot "Les Uiserables;" It la tol>e;,(.., Ur. John Sleeper Clarke, tookhls Baltimore, on Saturday night,, apii the itart of t>eertoot,>an& Simon Parefoy, and DIggory; asaVforoDnd for the horur'a Qroy, "the finett stock actress U'Aiggg,': price was thd lucky lips. A new donee by U'lle Oolrtt^hy wiok, do thatwO'-may not every nlghta "new dance" c^.Ha-iuinled day, oadlttano* The Qerman Opera^ at the Acodonijii: i" i''.--:) "i.i •out'thevery tKteof theclty.'andedoh v. •. rl 1 " has been given, the bouse bos been v<¥r=7^ . The Eureko. the now theatre. In Son igKSfSiSBKtr ■ • the ISIh of' Johuoiy. "Bay'Vlew,"lnli" .:i;: J1 ,'.■ I', l.i.'d. gives us on otconnt of tbe new eslablls:,^ ' Vob'TT^ ing performances, os. follow8>-"The nfr'l ..1",. .lii •«( opened lost.Thnndoy, to a pocked hov: : >. -!:.:> audlton. The theatre, though very su.jobx oimUi'' nlent Xhenarrowns'ssof thehouse cai.,.: > ." H'll.'.t tMholder; double tho'width could .l>e aifvOWKi-' i > ' '''xt The.alage t^ntls too low for good effect :. 1 '.' r■^^ simple sdcelgn'forafiamdiiloas prpjidl'/.. .1' -i ;•.■:■■< • Jog m-the addltorinm odllnB, dstractaiiiii ml: .^.'/mriiiJit . oral outlines of ;beanty.. The dtopoaxMfi,' Hla^tanilftfiier,, abortion.' I understand it la to bere-poln'..{be1>eohamth&ior beauties about thls'litUetheotre which'ar in hit.'natlde dt^ the defects.. Froq. Its location and :maiii!rheatre,-as OtUeIlo> destined to becope a fdvorite resort Thtng 0 vai7 favorable- ' ig night consisted of on opening lot'two yeors and a. Bdult (not for' above mediocrity li!i:retnm1ng 'id the deilveredbyUra, Julia DeonHayne; the co^. his Idebia -at the Focee" (the port of Triplet obomlnobly .,'.in:"ElBg.Uar." Uojo);! ■ '• - Peter Wl Chrlstmoai actingmintger,'~ , : . ibt*.'--'.*. Lucille Western's engagement ot the WashlnjhcrDt the''entli»- gredtsucceis.' Long before the eilrlalnnhg'U|tid t'tlyld'botb night, 14th, when Eost Lynne wos producedi'ttndleilcaUlat he in every part, and,money lefdsed. Her beneltsd dtndy;>. He- was largely'ond ftshlonobly ottended. .V inie';>tfiithla At the' St Louis Theotre, Utos Matilda Eenr: Itl' star.,.: Two o^respondenta, "Oopwnlcfa" mcl'Mci agree that aUa has been drawing states that Oottsdua.anlPtttl.had. " UfisHeroi her. In the "Camllle ^ .-^Slhl'eniibli ^Qmqttbot mei'hlS'l^W'- , Beron save two' ptlneaa.ltHtailta add) the -IftlalKa «f :th»^nbV "Eu.itiaotaMddll The Sprlngfldd (HL) Theatre Is ppdn MlXer >ttad'.il!B'Aifldrloa, of Ur-OeoTuale, with C. J. Pfyffftos lesdlnkaion;.Alt^'OaUforw- son, leading woman; ,W, J. Wlggina, lo:w c,dedlan:^8''^<^ Clifford, chambermaid,^tc. Ur. BTs. UK^'hotfonihi star, and' a correspondent, 'apdaka 'lo''glov<^ tarar''" '' abilities. 'Frpm Sprlngfield,'Ur..U«ldinmWgi4 gq to; ' Wisconsin. ., . ..„ . . ... .W81C,<UAIiIiS>:'■":>»(':,.....,ff , They,have'a fresh slngei at the Udodeon,' L.'I,Pglt,if Uarlon Hlnkley, who la represented to be sa.ppatio.Ta ' rare abilities, and one of tiie most artlsUo aingen'ii ^eWi' he 'has hdi.'.an.-.'tftibnli. rocopnlaed as good.alngers,:Brent Barton, Uo^r .^ liallAik A correspondent In St Louis says Extremes,andwhettientered I found that dveryeeat in the dress drcle, and np to the ninth row in the parquet had been secnred during t)ie day. I managed to obtain a piac^, howevdr, and when the curtain rose, evdry seat and dl the stoii^g room was dcdupled. : tills evdnlng; for Ulss Blchings'benefit a new origlnd comedy, entitled Court Corda, now running with' greot snceess in London, ^da produced for. the flrtt time in this countiry. Artlstaltavaboenbuslly ohgogodddy and night upon the mnslo and wardrobe o( the Enohontrosa. It Isdt last finish- ed, and thp grand ope'roUd tpcctode will be produced here on Uohday evening, Jan. JP.'ln.magnUlcent style. Ur. Blohlngsls dso wprjitng very., bard .uppii the wardrobe; properties, and mnslcof 'tho ciiera of . Sdtanella,whl6hplccels expected to be ready lot production on 'the leih inst The present engagement of these vprTPOpuIte.drtlBtB.,U, already the beat t^py have ever fulfilled lii tOiia 'dty, ond I trOBt that tho attendance will not do- ereaae duHng their dn'tUd'stdy here, for their late loss by the burning of Fordrs^Theatrowna.'Avery beovyone, ond theyde- ee^o tho support oftho theotre going publlo Atthe Wolnut, Ur. and Urs. Battley WUlIams. opened on ,Uon<]ay night,' and during tho week bdvo dlrdwn thp liorgeit audiences over seen within the woUs of thot eatabUshrbent The coming .week will be their lodt of tbe 'present: eb^dgemdht, unless Btm'oy can got 'Qidver, of ,tho Washlngtdn Theatre, (to .Whom hd is engaged to open with oh tho 2Gth inst;) to give him two weeks later, so that' he oon moke his.engsgement. here for four wdeka. Ur. H. Paul, Buoy's agent Is on old profcaslohal, and understands his bual- noss to the perfect sdUBfocUon of said Barney. . The stage men- tgoment Pf this houSe is very ably conducted by Ur. E. L. TUton." Tbe new theatre on Chestnut stinet^blloddphlo, is dmott for advonced. He says:—"Bumor has been very Vil^y the ;tast few days, fixing the opening for Upu'day hdxt (tho igth),out thatlslmposslDlp.' The bntldlngwlll beeomplplod, dnd ovdry. thlngreeidy for a perfoi^ntncd by Thunday next but Uf,,'Whott- ley (who arrived here'to-day).informs,mo; that'ho^has fixed Uonday evenihg,' January .SOlb, foil the initial' t>ortorinahce. Ur. Edwin Forrest (irho' la, In flict ^* bona ^dp ibaiidigef and port owner of this estobUahment) tfilt be the opdnlng.atar. - I hove OS yet only been able to loom atewof the'compdniy cn- .gt^ed, among whom will bo fbund, John E. UeCUllpagh, Ur. :Oanol, Qormon, Utd. Ponlsl, Ulss Hdnri, Bnd.lbs,~J.'^ Allen. Joseph Straban U boss carpenter; Jobh Bdoy, of .thp BPaton Academy, will be prd^rty man:: Uark HaksloV 'Will be leader of the drahettTa'; [and .oldwanfen, formerly'Of tho did Chestnut Sbraet Theatrd, wOl'bo Treasurer. The thottrt la pne pf tho bost errangcd intblB'C0Tfnti7, and I'have':Bcen't]li)m slL, The :dressh]g.'rPoms are'wlthdnt,doubt'fho boat I eVor saw.' Etch and evoiyono 'bas a'cUodf drawets for each'person, a long shelf, and a fliarbld "wash b|isln with hydrant dft^hcd. They ato' heated by steam' pipes,, ore largo aiid' very comforttUe. From oil actual cottht of tho housP whToU I mode, it will sett os fbll»wi):—Parquet^'57S;' dress ciralo; ISO; upper tier, 076; total, 1600 people. : Besides'this, thordarP camp'stoo^ dnotigh to seat '300 tnore by placing thorn in tho aisles'; also standing room for over 800 more', taoklog In Oil ovdr 9,300 people thot con bo tcr commodoted within ltd wKlls. This, with tho excepUoh of tho .'Aoodemy, Is the Urgott pUcd of' amnsement lb tho dty. When ppdnod. Pur dUeons fill hsVo an opportunity of tcemg Pne of the.handsomoal'temples'bf kmuBcmcnt in theeountty. ^hls. dtybaslodg taecded a'flret.cbas respectable ptaceof amnte- '.ment'ondinow^thattheyhaM tlne,Ifed cqnfldenttbatitwlU tMelVa thd niiport of all'Aped IpVdnr of tho, legltlmaifl.draffla,!' Oldal annotmoemdnl id ttSdd thdt tiie rKp^ ChestnM Btodaf 5beatre"+.'WB'preuutil6 thht'wffl WJ the namd^^-win. ojpah on UdndBT evdnlng fleit WtB'of• Jan'dirjfj'Whtli Ur. Ferrer*—" make'hlt: flrtt- appdirkndd thsM tbia''di>iiM,'a(.,<,rTI Thd'deakBdibJeeitt'lrohtbeF-""^'''' "^"-''*•'■■' *•— thdt Udniger WhaUlerbudc ^ drOdUai^ il»n(nttiij( BMWin fiid C»|> i» feim MiSil'.'i'fed»dW 'M«ur|S>W«)ltMiiMrdttl]r' WlU lni.'~ Udrloh'iayg ofertli of'them.V Sha Isaald to l't.^U musician, and waa iSotmerly * member of the Bt.iL\|.|nii|.|t IJV monlo Boclety, and ateaoherof mudo'ln that'dttovtr, irev splendid Scotch vocalist WiUloU these qualltlea to l^^iing her, she is also a perfect lady. ■ .' • 'tr!rIJ'»J Tho bolls in St Louis were oil doing a:paylng trade, mttraal-, ness was slicker than it had been a few weeks:baok, Dwlngito to; many steamboat men and others going "down the iir«i^'t^- 'Vleksburg. -. , - .; -., .::: ;t- DoraDoWTon, the double-voiced vocollit, who has "been daglog: ta vorlouB ports of the country during the ptst: .year, ts in, the West Indies. She left ua rather suddenly, hsr'huabandi Ur. Ot. E. Dloklhson, writing to soy that he had takdniiaadagefor- her for Kingston, Jamaica,-whpre-.she arrived-iiarly in ji^aary^ as we loom by a letter wo hove just rpcelvdd m>pi, thence.. She ■ wta to give her flist coneerb in Elngaton; tt the' TheatrdBoyaL. on tbe 8th Inst , Bbo is announced as Urs. O, X. SieUnsoii; and . her husband was to otslst In the entertoiimient by, giving some ^ fdvorite reodlngs. " .. ' , . One of tho Bcllohdes,anllIoumd, having dModated a shoulder, was uqable to oppeor at the Oanterbuiy; WashingtDn,'.after- Uonday evening, tho 12th. Willis Amslrong la performing In bi» place. . ','. " - -i- -. ,-, - Perdvd & Co: open LlbertyHdll, 'AIexondrlo,-'7a., pn Uondagv Jonnory 10, 'with Uiss'MoUle Taylor, ulsios Eote ood^^nle Harrison, Tllllo' Forbes, Uedalts. Frfnk Wyont, J. pioit^ BlUy Emerson, H. Tdbott etc.! .We presume Jffeasrs..PerclyorfcOo. will next move on to BlohmPhd. .', ., The Oanterbnty, Washington, hos ot present ono of the UMeit'. tnd best compontos in the concert business, Indndlng.Jun. UorUmer, Eote Pennoyer, Augiuto ond UaricAgnes Sutflef}and>. Nellie Taylor, jyank lA Folic, Little Old, BIck ParksriiOeo.. Edesoo; etc. '''TboBoy.ot ttae'IrlsbBrigode,"lh which Qpp. B.. Bdeson does the Boy, is sold to loho omozlngly, espooloUyiwUh tho "sojers." TerrlM combats, red fijce, ohoulng aeoeatloolsts,. etOv all contribute to'thd/urcre. , .. '.i'., ' The fosolDBtlhgEvs Brent, Is now displaying her tdent|(ittiB. Cspllol of tho Continent aa you may see by advertisement, Ap- pUcoUpns on business Shonldbo addressed to Mr, J. W. AlllBson,. Phlladdphla. ' . , —< ...ij CodvoU's Uusle BsU, lUllwoukeo, s^ does o good b^vlness^ The Dnvols condudo oh tnd ]0th of January.' They are not cer-. toln where they„go.yct Josh -Hart 'ond' UlssLouraLe'Ololre. succeed them. Alex. Boss,, the .Jig dancer., of thd ertabllsh- ment, received a ehoUangd tirom Johnny Boyd, now.plmng ot Belter's, In Detroit to danco for t200, endoslsg UO to ffharlle OovoUl to bind tho match, 'which' Botacorcrdd with tlOO.i: loyd wastoRo'to Ullwaukee.'on'the 13lh, lo'-mako arrangem«ms to daneealthoAcademyofUuslctblsweefc. Botsia.qnlta.Afrvor* ltd there, and the match Will boo tight ofe.''. ,-- -,-i:;.':;;.; Tbe Uilwtukoeo Udodjjon is dosed, and the compuy gone up to'the Oeib, (rod do'ncert room.. TheOlarl^,Wells famDyJiaTe leftthe Oem, and gone'to Columbus. Uarton Webster, of tbe Gem,' was engaged by Boiler, of Detroit but did not appvrta tgrded on; tnd'is ilpw ot the ^m ogtln.,- Jph'n 8^l;}crd(iVC'?~ nig"' ad la priolor of tbp Uelodcon, dobcd tlio night aftdr.Chrlat nowgotoogtblngs fixed to open In Iowa, '., '.-.-..'i:' CbotllO OOVOIII, OaAml,\\'a Wiiafrt 11M t very unplcosont Uid "Doctor's Ajd (bCfott tho UmC some time, but BubBequeutiyrcRolnod, ble tight.,— -j-t- conBldorably-buAit his mPuttddie, eyo-brdiH dnd part « ni» hair being completely . . '< "■', J'^/IJ tntt, Julio UortUnor mode nor re-oppooronc« on Mondw. "i". at the OantorbniT,- WtshlngtiJn, ahS^recelved 0 bcarly wdoomO' ftomacrowdeuifaonst. , - ■-. r '''^-.'-''"'\, .j.,.'.'../.i.'g ^ Oanterburi' UuelcBaU,jra8hlngtoiv_I>/,5;/ by an attentlvd andldboe tolritnusai Itnlfhtli: MLsbo^.., tfe-washlagton m*ni«etS8«fe'W'M/«\KSM^^ gititogJolwt •.Then«»i!i*f«h»'^«»3f'?j!;i bury—Eaih|mn O'Mdl, Juili:H< Brent UdUeL Kit, tUd SIsten Ai [trieolraoordsaepogs :.<i&. ML;