New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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; ot /Mill i Omf BVnUARY. - : !: HOTlOB 9*0 ^ttB P^dFBBBlOn, ;-j^-MrforibBnce8'tf«4!'™*'y'»PP9i"*"i*''^^ tndiirdll-itierlt«d'D6Uaesimdciltlaliiiia ofpetfoi ^^^^Cu^rm tbey AUAlni t iridtr uid moi» goneral Qtri>n< bptjti iD^£a»>l>(>'*ii4 Amorite.. We.hkVf coivMete^ tlie iMutdMt 1^ TheaMoal'BMted, In yibUsh noUcea And cH U i tand klobg their &Tor> at onos. Li')/. -iv:; • ■ • .v .;!;] .'HoHDAt/JaDowy 19,18t3< .viiMiit eifll liMP* tipi add th«toU>.ptotutbUltTof good ttmei '!^g|;':«laDg'ttiita the kMiob of <l4Bti' wbenlwo mmU to 100k ^1 blllDg off, though,xaJiave bad each an onlooked fbi - -TOoi. yiiatif. ibUj^all, nQt,beJiiniTli«d If eun tbe ''Uim' honaM of tifpt' abonld dmltM tUv year. '\9e- kSuTtralsonsiUoiiglan We«k;and^netTrillk.oleTer.reoeti- gZi, At Laura Eafioe'^ve hkd'^vq eT«^V^gom(i lira, WoMm xTjrido of tba HtrKet; at Htbto'^ :QitidnUmv tlie.O«niua :S^Ujt]i, midO bla dUnitoi; .tbe' Am'erlcui 'siagDrat'ilieNew SJm Ki^ea IiIlBer8blMi"'^d ik XTint^Oardan, Hr. Oonldock - '-i^btiir In their CtttDillayConief, tad Oobto, the danaetise; Aei^b Sp^,' Stab Bi^daU oia iteterrad to elsewh«r6|n [ffitftMf nt, kiilo.'Miig iOlbe leq'gth iff aoihtt of thc^e BoflcaBj lit wt abort oiliyhtt6dnirtoi7,ljil«#e'efc..' nit lb e WT Uak To driuiia tbe an oli a work aa tha UUtnbleSi' ii.\7ba M and irj It,' If^dniUttiklVla; U'' Beymoilr'a of titt'Hlaenblea trta,' pMubed i^ttbeflfevBoTrerr^on ' i^nliil,' Ian. 11th, b^t vo'eann'ot iay.'tbat l(oreawd a _iod. Tbeier-i^ aoine (apltal jtolnla mado, and'the^m- KdldtbOlrbaettD hel6Uio'p)aiia,^nd|[lTa it .vitality; butlt' l|t9' aloir'leiigtli' ubog-nntu nearly 12 o'clock, at 'wblob jie ciirialnfell on the' oloalng acane,'leading two btber J to follow It; On tbe'encc^edug nlghl9. It kis out down', nooilled, and dtberwlso ImprtVcd, and paaied off macb better 'Sihon tbe oi>enbigiilght, biit: atill waa not a deolded ancoeaa, BwW'wlU'draimoh the foDrtb representation, tlia ba)an(jo of It: ^^1- and tbeo onr' actiqr firlen^ageb otT aonls'goodtlilnga, 'BOff W wUeli '^.anffeied to "waate' tbelr' iwe'etnesa on ^'MeNit >lr;",'efo.'> eto. ' Wb' dropped'U'a fewdaya ago iata' ■loon'iAiin'actora inoat doebn^gsM,'lrat Vrb'ert theontalde ^aiadnareOie imfree'tolieMaU andpay'ob'd-ttaTelon,'tf they f loJ Tbelrtiiat/aJdllT, go<id:a(jrt (rf a fiiUoi^, bad behind hta tj'jitbmbar -of,' trbplilea from' the' war;[aincultg'tbem a rebel rt^Tbe Uoqtwda o^btfUig thU tide nlltter lo a aamber Uiiiitoia,abd'ealtlbg'the'Mbn toth4'w6M,'h'e flonrlahed the ^MMon abU, cuttliu knd'''aLiUiuig—all .theatre', though—at ye V06fnaa]ilf« ]|'Btuidback,'at^dbac1(,'> i)ay^ tbb mixer of ■Wraaa. 'add'Viandy pafiobeil: -■'I'lttdUiMronB; IklU two or hih) eroty clay." "No'donbtbf it-pwlth '^bkey." 'iMHd'aFafiot actor, apd Bboh a Mar'aalsied the "dahger- 4iW'-.boi)iface,"is may ne'er be bdard'"wfthlIl'tbos9'waIU"' 'lpl(l,'' He put sway the weapon, went' behind the bar, treated' Wudwd, andabknowledged that "thepeniiiinlghtlorthan the ,avoid." '^Bba.'an t&D JSth InaL. In tbla elty, Oeorga W. UtUe, s«ed 41 gtn. ' Mr. Little Ttaa formerly connected with Foiahay'a Cliciu. IHb ttmalna wore tilken to New BmiiBwIck, N. X, for Interment, 'SUieHlhlnBt ' ^ <&Tety Ufe-lUellttls play la the- "Chimney Conor," performed 'd IM winter Garden, on the Mtbi irith Ur. and IIlw Cooldook M Ur. DaTldge In the principal parla. ' Thla llttlo illece, nnllke nmyof the' ''lataat prodaetiona," btaaplotwlth the merit of pboalblllty. In thla pby, Ur.'Oonldock, oa Peter Probity, 61, ■na na auoh a bit of aotlog^ la aoldom witnessed npon oar ifuit. It waa ^thAil and Ufe-llke,. and bfoaght tears fcom tte ayes of men aa well aa of women. Davldgo, as a chlldlah old Baa of 91, ' made'an Immenae hit, and fUrly divided the ' laMtWth'Ur. Cooldoek. It waa one of the beat partawi have .^aMnfhla aoUtrpertonh.'; ThepIeeewafweHpIaycidthtoagh^ 'Mtiaddnar.M-aaldatm'airdiit of the iadeMaurSt ihlioiSa- re(ikaiya6a80n ar'ie<!l4.'illr. A. H. Davobport, who U>kt thla: boise again, appeared toadvtotage aa JohnPnbltyv The at-' taadanea waa largei, and the applanae hearty and Blsaate. Iha '<OUmneyOomer"'WlU^becontintted thla week. ' b'addlUcn to 'the Oonldooksi Oabaai tho danoer, eomManead aeDgag6mehtatthe'\Tlnter^(terden,oin the 19th, appearing aa 'OMnanohBpy. Aa we aay of obrjmgtllstlofMends when enter- .Igg'Ihe ting, "ahe atrlpa well,'' andln the second act "iraTelsan tarahape''^altogether. 'Dieaaed InUssh-oolored tlghtaj"which 'U^iliy her polnia to excellent advantage, ahe la a snperb-looklng icMatoro, and well ealdnlatad to omake a man strike hia father, Ufotsake hla Mfe,'home,family,'and ttlends/' to "bakk in ilbe lasahlne of her smiles," and have the prlvUege of providing. Ur 'slth com beef' and cabbago,' pOrk and b^ans, and coffee and ' eakea..' Poetry and eloqnenoe aside; however,' Onbaa is making itpid headway as « pantomlmlat The aword fight, between Cebu and Ur; Franoe, the Arab, waa well done, and afforded na a soTlta of. pleasing plotniea.' In the Isngnsge of onr show Mends, Cabas la a splendid "awordlat," as well as pantomhaJst ■nddancer, 'The French Spy la to bo repeated this week.; If 'there la an officer atttohed to thla honso, Itwonldbewell tor 1^ io pT^servo ordor, On Saturday evening, a number of nun in : tha second cltde made snch a raOket aa to Interfere greatly-^th Ihseitjoynlentorthoae'whovrenttoaeetheplay. ' :,lIUldDg'Cf lasotonB.looUng oreatnrca, we regiottoleamthat 'Uab'Iaaaca Menken la 'sUU Indisposed, and conffnod to her 'nomt, Ohe la maklag arrangementefor the fatnre, however, ' ud is once: more nogottatlngfor a trip to England, having had an elcollent offer made her by one'of our go.ahead sgenls. ; It is liotpiobaUe,'h>jrever, that ahe will leave befot&anmmer..' i . ^Anootlrely new cbatige'of programme la: oflexed by Wood's Kliatrels; thla week, embtaolng some' boantUiil aentiniehtal sesgt, SthlopUm pecullarltloa, eooontrloltlea, 'anddioUenea, and ' tptclal sots of allaorta. Let no< stranger In thD .oity.Iaav^ for 'boms without anondlng at least one evening at Mr; Wood's br~ .'ttfolbalL ■ " • . . I '. ' , Un.Iohn Wood la coming with amah.. This week she gtvea Uu "Actross by Daylight,". In.whlohiehe appears oa Anne Brioe- Ct, the great aotrceaof 1860; and "Somebody Elso." Mrs. 1 Is attraotlng large aadlenoea toLauia Eeess'a Tbeatrol ■ rMo knows what this la? .Wo.can't, pronounce iIt, ao^^'ll '4eU It: Ant, aut; o, auto; per,.per;.iautoperi liaatoperl; 'PSipa; autaperlpa:'t.e,te; aatoperlpate; tl, U| autoperipatetl. 'Kot.koa; autoporlpatetlkoa.' ^xneBiyantsannonncelt lor this '-^nek. Ko doubt it fa a olovar production of some fllgantlo Intel- wt, but wc do wisn our ahow fHends' wonld do'something ' '•''>'• Them uoprononnoeable things knock na higher than (MO «l«s. ■..•.',. ■ I ' 'i^.Ths Ilaloiiian oomblnatlan aro with na.:Bgaui,thl8 ;thne at -.Klblo'e, opening on the Uth, in the new. play of .•■I«ab,:the :'0>uken,^''vilth lUsaBatemanaaLeahi.Ur. 'WoUaohaeNatUaii; >>idUr..Bdwln Adams as Kudelf. Ur. 0. H. Wilaon makoalbla "USt appoaranco In Jlew-Torki. and Mrs. Ohonmn alio Joins thb : lOmiKiny. Ur. \7h«kUey has given us a sncoosalon of splendid iMtfonnancea elnoe he aieumea.Uio management of Nlhlo'e, and ats 10 tar proved one of the moat anocesaful manaeesi wehave ■'•wjhadhoro. ■ ■..;■!■■ 11 ', n» thzeo yoara' encagement of Ur. 0.0. Bonlfape with Ur. i *■ W.llngard, ol.the Mew Bowery, expiree tblS:week, It la T.cteditablo allks to the aaanagor and to tho actor that, both hatb :'law-and truly, fnldlled the: "oondlUonf of the bovd.': : '^vyu.-frlenda abroad .will seethe advontage of sending.t^olt j«Ki8; to the OUFrm, when wo mention, the (act that some Of ,';^M«<rilKoi4sit>,evpni eta omiii intoou moreauial Sunday toir- . order that it may, make sooip sort ofaahow'. ''^'Y'Sre Ibsroby ahloito announce that ^ advertlaementrpald . ^be OupFEB, gets ffiebenefltofan Ipaeitlon' in .aaoihtir 'I Is this nota Wis extra tnduoement to croi;4 alpng ■l'»»MfevOB»'i . , i !..'... V'llp'BnUer, o^ American i^ulDqall. AM Broadway, to added oioreforfqrmora .to his already larse company, and thla , Bedouin Brotheia wlU appear In .Iheir RymnAatiq pois — ISas Kitty Blanohard 'la. etiU hteo, drawing luhcr ... . , ...o^ y^jjjg^ moving he habUua of: this ' ^'Mwr vfjwu.uu&o*;%tvvuiv^ .wuh Lew-.Blmn}6na, BobUart,;l<;^9'J"I<^'.'?.'' ,ahost.ff ethers, ' i pUli'ren on exhlbi- rhi,7;i~; -MM. uiiv,.uu(iisTur uvai^.v a^nvu had aheaided-Baki, 3!^''aa$ictof Wody on onr Intdllgent, dbplraband. This ' v^trif'.ismong the natuat .cUr(osltlos. to, he, seen at tont'a ■■.SSl^t^^' on'Broiaway. Hers, too. may bo«eB,a,iinBftetlo of ^'!?P»»J», perfeotlrdoelle and hatmljas, apd ofwiJteh a dose ■i«SS;!if''*V«'y:»*6W. may be ha^ at. all tlinoff.,,Mio,gentleiii«n , /H'^^ttptha Uoni, agom. hcara, ;andi Olhsr,of,)tti4,<eto4fc)ta'i ,j£°?',a» altontlve .aniaC Ma\pgt answer o(i«8t6na„6(Ju^t. ■^55!if,'*i'''«>«lvUlty' vhloh yott,kno*ls>9l.difayatheow ■fffH'wplaoea of amt^samontk and,who4o apq^^^mexUh^ 5««S^E''t'>'*»B style,, Kitty la,* .pretty little .i:r97>')j<« a falnj she Is a groat f^vorlbi \ril)i^e :^St^, ,xoayPaator Is, alsoliore.! together .with •,ifflJ'»J While, BobHart,J; Q. lUgga„.Bpd ,a 1 .^rS^je Is aivon every Salnrday afternoon,,.,. : '.^e lavs had .bearded women. and:bei«dea ot ;; Jrfi'n tj^la 61ty,.bat never bofora hevii '^e ha< ...-.plaoea of Mnusamonfc and.whdto apqi. ,/iiri?"''them. / . ' iiiui t 4\ ;^iffl7h«t«||lay «yenlniti-JanrlB^ !*W» ..deiniui .■(ftjbls Wbethe' atMtlW.andrparUal.'lh ibejr-appUusa:> IiUTeppnd^i h05rsvsr,:tlier.«)icbes4 of the art|st .iirss trndpubted, 'ipL .„ m regairitbUperbmianoe hilbeUgbtbra.'tTliunph oyeilh* ob- ftaolepbaWvenconnter in,tbe lUMenltlif ihsJinglAh''lan. gUMe priqaantato focplgnen, or li> that of a noyetPfeipMtatlOn oil lh« diamawt'f conception ot <hp |Jew'a,cbarii<)tert,'#e;jnilst unallj! aw«M Uti Bandmynn high imlie for the tatonlsd. apd able.manDer,:ln which hq performed his pait. |i:|s makeup .t^aa a isAdelof'hl|torli;al aconraoy, and wsa a walcbnioinnqvktlpn on the accustomed attire In which we have been. w6ht (o see.thp Shyloeks of the age appear.' Weioay say the' same, too,ss'rd-' ganla9>W7:0f,the "points'.' ii^wbiol) betakes, excepllon.'to the: hawiayedrendition of tho character; for bla Bbylook la among thAPibpt natural and eenslblo InterprelaUona w.^haye yot aeen SLven of thla Hebrew cbarocter. The admirable readliig of the sw'a reply to Antonio, commencing with "Slgnor Antonio, many a tune and Oft," elicited a poifect et^rm or onthnalastio spplauae, so muCb^ aa to bring tho artist on the stage to bo|r his acknowledgments; and, also, In bis Interview with Tuba], when hls'avatlae and revonge struggle within hlmifofthe maa- :tary, hia representation of ^e menlu conflict waa fine in the es- treme." He is withal ao natural in action, and be eofally repii- ' Olatea the thealrloal rant that baa hitherto characterized nearly every rehdltlon of. the character, more' or leaa,' bji every.artlst, ,fln>mObarlesEaan, at tba Leonard Street Theatre, yean ago, up 'to Bdwln Booth, including UcCready, Anderson) Forreai; to, tbM' we' regard hia pOrformanoe, frcun beginning to end,' as.a' idramatloandlnteUecuial treatof the finest order. Thoslinple 'tact that he has so successfully mastered many of the great dm- duUles of onr difficult language In so short a space of time, wat- lanta ns inithe belief that greater trlumpha are In atore,for him,' Even now, it la but Jnstloa to rank him'with the best tc^edlans on the stage aa far as we can Jndge,trom' the admirabUpertorm- anee of Tnuiadaynlgbt., ;Ono thing In Ur.rBandmann's fkvor' Was^ the able manner Inwhloh he was supported. .We^OiUOt remember, seeing tha aecondarycbaroclers of .the play mora ably represented than on this occasion, L^ergan'a capital acting ur Baisanlo, ahd Shewell'e ak Oratlano Was worthT'Of high pruao, Imd Lamh'e axcellant: .represettaUen of LauncelqtJ too, was nodceablo. A featore of the'performance w^s Uadame Ponlsl's bAantittilreadlng dr the part of Portia;, and she waa ably assist, sd by Mist Ihomer-that beautiful English blonde who oteated 'snoh, a.sensation at the .Winter .Oarnen nnder the Anderson' regime list year-whoae make op as thedaik was' capitaL : In' fact,: all acted their parts well, the stage appolntmenta and scenery hieing as commendable aa .'waa-the acting.' Ur.'Banid','. mann was called out at' thci close of esoh act, and when the.our- taln fell'bad to appear and respond tO'ttte:enthuslaBtlo spplausii of all presenL.:,'. ■'.'.:•■.; ., ■: .-.i:.: -f ■/''' It Is mmored that 'V^allack'a old theatre Is to be opened - ag^' osamualohalL Some managers now In-Phlladslpbla are men-' tloned aa the probable proprietors.' ', <:i. Mr. Oarter, manager of the troupe of Eonave. BIslen, ia In town this week. His company are pertotmingJnJtennsylvanU.: Miss Marlon, who baa been travelling with i Oatesrs company, la now In to^, and open for engagements.' MO'her sdvartlae^. mont In this Issue. , • ' i'.. ' , i ■ . On Monday evening, Jan. Utbi'IdAira.Keena'a Tbsatie'wBa orowdodto excess; lnaot,ltwaa qnlteaWallacWan demonatra- tlen aa far aa tlieittibllo were contemed, oot a asat belog,nn6o- cupled after the'ourtaln. arose; Xhe.occasion was the first eip-. leoronce .of Mrs; Woodln>,the new piece ofh the "Pride of the ilarkati'Vwhiob wsspMsentedat this theatre for the first time. The play iB French in plot tend character, and was placed npon thO' stageln the ihoiat oredltsble manner,' both it. tegards the scenery andstage appolntments; 'and'lnregard to the acting; we can truthfully say that it wsa excellent throughout, Ura. Wood appearing to apeolal advantage in the uhoiactar of, Marlon, the Pride of the Market Thla play waa produced a aeaaon or tiro SO at the Winter Garden, bdt'Aot In^atjlo It waa given on onday. Lewla,' of Laura .Eeenela,: laid iJmself ont' On the occoslcn ln tha way of soenery, aqd produced some coital ^ects. Baynlond,>as Joidon.'Vocted Well hla part,'."and wsa leas gaggy than, nana], while Miss lone Butke. end the others of the oo)n- pany, appeared ;to much 0eatar'advantage thkn In that vulgar absurdity, .."Slondette.;* In fact, the preasnci^of'lire. Wood aeemsd 'to exert .a healthy , influence over i all aionndhor, and the'play went on to the oloae in a vary satlafkctory manner. 'Of Un. Wood'a performance we have to aay that both in her atyle of acting and her appOaronce, she sustained her high reputation throughout, and looked and acted charmingly.- <,.. ' Ulsa Bmliy Thome and Hr. Mat'k Smith:have entered Into a' boslaesa partnership, to take full effect at tha cloae of tho lattbrfa engagement at Wollaek'a Theatre, iw «h»' ninin «mn^' Mi»a Prni'r will "go It alone,".performing engagettanis'already entered into. She la a devsr: actress, comely offbce sndform, and'wIU yet make a bright maA in the profession. ',..;' Out on the Bloomlnfdale road, Wm: B. Sen) the well-knowii eqnestrlsn performer. Is. engaged at piesent.tralnlhg some fine horses for Ur. L. B. Lent. :Mr.'Deir has a conplBOt horses, which, he'.assuses na, .are for eaneatdan purposes snd melo-' diamaa, the beat'.ln the UnltedStatea.' £r.:D; tMlned these .aolmala,- t^ui he joopfldflnee la theix,ahUMT,eo >iin)Saii m1\ 'otbers for thftpurposea hsnliifl.'" In balnlnghoraea, Derr la said to be a wonder. , ■ •-.i i Mad,^,Louise';de Uortle gave:a:.reading' of tha rBavra, the Manlao, eto.,at'Zlon.BaptlstO[huroh/oo'tha.lSth.i.Bhelaaaia' to be easy and araaefnl,'«lth' a deen rich;: moUtel.voles,'and "her pronunolaaon wlUlout'the slightest touch WKeno aecehL" Bpelmsn Is the appropriate name of, the ogenf of'this reading woman,.' • ■ .' '..''■ ' ;'' .-vi Ko change at Wallaok's; old and (bandard ctimadles, inter- speraed oocaslonaUy wlth a:"new'one,""adapt«aexpreselyfor this theatre," forming the bIll.o£ tare.Bnalneka:goMl,'and hot many bogus "secured seats." . .BlUy Qnlnn,'Ethio$lan comedian, baa been Idle here some .three or four weeks, owing to mness; bdt. la now himaelf again, and willing to negotiate. . ' '> ' ' j. > 1 ... >.' : DRAHATIO Talk about orowded houaeal Tou ahonldhavs'been at the Brooklyn Academy o£ Mnsloion Wednesday .night,'Jan. Itth, oh' the occasion of a performance: given by.the Laura Keehe Oombl- tatlon. Why,.th(aewa8 acarCelyatandlng'ioom.t<i:be'badhi knypartof the houas, from the parquet to' the amphitheatre. O^bo nigbtivasa, and'as a matter of courseucbe^tIn- side the Academy waa oppreaaive; the atmosphere, besides, being of a very impure loharacter, from the want of-proper means of ventlllatiun. A word or two about a matter we aregoing to haip upon imtll the evil Is remedied, and then we will-cODunent upon itbe performanoea. On entering the honie—among the first after the doots were opened—we 'were politely-informed that all the lOhoice seats were reserved. - And how reserved-?-. -We will ttU yon. The best seats In the parquet andflrst-Kwof tud ijbxee ihad been marked ofl as resensd, and'persons were 'enMged to dleposoof thoso reeorved' Seata outsldf tbe.doois, at Ui« usual prenilom. Mow, wb&t Is this-but a downright i^narupon- the pnbllo? The l>ox office is open Itom day to day for thoso deal- rous of procuring reserved seals, and all can do so) bntwhen the night of performance' comes, evety seat nof taken should be at the service of tltosbwho are^fiist at the''tlieatra, The Idea of beeping two or thieo hundred persons standlng.'mttely to'real- ue the per oentsgs on'these outside soles; la'li.iiee^or Mnduot that la dlsgra'cefnl to the'mansgor of any theatrd or troupe' Iq the country. It there is at aHy tlme auoh a d«'nl'ana-f6r'seats ad to raise competition toapremlum-iinylng height, why, put the seials up at auotloB,-butotherwlse letievorr reserved seat be a bona jtde Buo of the prlvilego, and not aueh a fraud upon tho public asihe system now is. And now for the performances. We have sel- dom seen "Old Heads and Toung Hearts" better played as a xrholo than it was oh thla occasion.. Tho'flne audience tho com- lanybadto greet them evidently had a bcneflolal and Invlaor- Jtlng effect on (dl tho porformera, for they ohe'and sll soomcd to dicel the)n^e)Ves In the manner'tn which theyjendorod tl)0 ohai^ actors assigned them. Blake's I'Burol" Was admirably person- ated.'andMlas Keens eeemed to hfva ndw life URised into her In her rtndltlonof ttao >'I#dy Allee:'.' 'Vyhettlotgh's ■■Littleton Oohe" was atcapltsl pioce of acting espoololly In the Interview vrltb his brother In tho l«it act Plter'a '.'Bob"'waa also a prajeo- worthy rbndltlon; aa 'waa Walcot'a "TJpm Cokb," 'With the except tlon of that bMhtblt Wolcot hab of pUylng fa^. thb a'aalbqco. Be ftoquentlytalka to thon^ inste'ad of to thoso,'ou th'd stage, and this groaUy mars many of bis ottaorwlse excellent Imporsonattons, Pearson, as the oh'olerlo bid Colonel, was'.Very gtiod; In fitot, eioh Mto)(^and aotressdid their ^uty on;t))e Qoca4loD','ana tho hearty Applause thoy oUctted, gave ovfdence that their efforts were tblly Appreolated and' satlbractory. ^ the Uist plcoe; "Mature, and Art,"' Miss Keone' gratified tho audience bxtrdnndr by her capital rondiUoi) of jthebharootirff the star actross.' 'We havo seldom' dbon'hertomorcl'advantage in thla line of ^aracteia than; on. this '-boolieloi^. 'whotitlelgh, as the Yankee, too; waa-very ftdod: The presence of jraoh a crowd as.filled tho Academy of Munc, In Brtro)dyn,:on itfednesday, only cairlea out bur predlbtlbn' that a really good draaatlo perforaanoe, by B good stobk company; woydddiawout the aamlrenof tho drama to anoxtent tbai would mdce; the :aiper|ment . pay welL But thoso trlals'^th atsrak badly aupportod; will .atwajB' eventoato in sUm houiea. Mot Iha least ofithe attraoUona waa Oooke'a oapilal oroboatral performances,' ' ..' ...r,.i ,'.• "•-'-.■ :i. - John E. Owens,' who 'Was^to oommoilco an engagement at the rlllaburgh Tbefttre;on theiath, rDtascd'toplay>on Monday, do/ cording to agreement on aocouDt of anartToIe appearing In'the ChnmMi- of that olty'lndlrscUy ohargltig blta:wlthbelnp'the captain of a Mew Orleana rebol mllltA^ company. Ur. Owena bos nnmerous flrlonils thoro who penuadod Um to perform, and: assured bim'there would be nodlsturbanoo; but ho m^ ttiM, anddeoUnedto goon., The fao( being announced by Mr. Letrls,. the stage manager, the audience abouled foif the comedian; and wheathey wore assnrod for .the Booond:tlma that ho wo'nld loot appear, about half of the persona present quietly retired snd ot- lholiN money bock at: tho box office.' Our oonestKlndeni, id-Then," sayt:TMr--Bs(t09,.a membbrof tbostiiok;: Induced to appear In Ur. O.'scbarMUufof Paul'Pryt. _oatvor Lovor'-'wM sub*Ulnlediibr the aflei«leeb«f' trtnks," in whloh .Mr. Owens was to appear.'^ Afle,th«: Mm perfmuid; Mr. Lewis ttepoed^befote thbjttrtaltt " |tltt>.:0mu.wnuU,;|i«slUvd»4ppar onTh'Ssdfo '—^nghl; down vtthe hofiso-for.'soma mIntltalL) On - j]bl,0..1ttbiid*d:r«hs«rsU,'dBdthsni«AA^^ sU.wlUiulcffltU«ads;Aiidiak'fl*re o'eloekkhe A Idt the aiy without MylDg a word toat^ Uaf prommme;'' 'trtie taati vrm' {tpHhed^ JMatisl; at(d a pkoar^ 'Waf posted In fM»ltot tk0box>'«floeaBnonnbing that "John EJ Owens had-rnu.'aMy'tO'<Baltlmoft thla aftemoon.iand;'left the hianagement In^tbe faroh 'wtthout'glvlng a word of explanationj Many people who'Ud'iebbred seats during the day, had their money refundedl and'others tvUc attended for .the purpose ot ssJoylDg themselves,' bought, tlokbts and took seats. Owena' beat^endsoondomu'his course, and It la believed hehsamlde himself many enemies here.' It was as little as be oouldhavA done to have given the managementdnenoUCeof his intention tO'qnlt' ' -■• ■ .:. c - • Tha'Vandenhoff- "dUBsnlty,": in BL IiOUlS;-a8 wo presumed, turns out to hiive'hod its ort^ in the imagination'of some po- litical writer in that oity^who made record of things -wbich. he sawnot, neither did he hear. A friend, on whose word wecan rely, sends na the following aeoonnt of the aflUr,'which, Injusi- tlce to all parUes, wis give ploCe in onr columns: ",".', i:: ^ - St. LoniB, Mo., Jan.'ll, 1863. ' Fnini Qumr;—Inotloe,in theIastnnmborottheOijrpxa, a stslemeot concerning Mr; Oeoi Tandenhofra roadlnja-in thla city, which ■ n^eds ai few- words In reply. Thinking that your regular correspondent 'here might not be Informed on the sntt- ect, I venture to expoetnlate myselL Mr. 'V. read Hamlet here int once, st'the reouettof prominent dtlzens, after the adver- tised courae of r^oolnnihis concluded. There was no 'flrouble" about It, no "hissing," though there 'was considerable applaud- ing, but not by any i^party specially attending to support him." The belt mohilng theftamienif (the lesdlng SepMlam paper In St Louis, as by a similar inspproprlatososs of name, the Btout- ((ton Is thb leading feTMcrow paper) stated on the authority of an "Intelligent inKtimant;" who waa "ready to make oath to the statement,'' tbotUlr. T had. In his reading of Hamlet "Inter- lolalcd a sneor against NewBngland." This ^Intelligent"' In- lOrmant who, bythe'Wsy,hss. tsken care to make no oath to thb statement, probably mlsundentood the pssalga in which tbogtave-dlgger says, "ItHKmlet Is not cured In England, 'tis nq great matter; 'twill not besbenin hlm there; lAo-cCAetwaare. aitutdathe," The story Is absurd on the face of it, that Mr. Xuideshoff, an Englishman, whose snccess in bis profession mhat so far depend upon bla courteoua and impartial treatment of people everywhere, would, by a sneet. sgolnst a part of the conitiy, destroy his repntatton and prospecta -there. Or If be had BO far demeaned himaelf aa to truckle to a supposed seces- sion sentbnent by asneer at New England, oven had nla audience been pleased poUtlcslly, their Itoory taate would have revolted at such sn anachronism as anyallualon to Mew England, In .a flay written some seventeen years before the Pilgrims landedbn 'Blymouth Rock. lam a Mew Englander myself;' I attended the leadlngof Hamlet—est near the reader, and liatsned intently to bfety word. :Mr. '7andenhoff cmUM much, (necessarily, aa the ?layls so lengthy,) but Interpolated nothing. ^ The whole story lore had Its origin, about equally, in ignorance and malice. The Abolition Jdnmalsat the Weat' took up tha cry, and bave 'l>een howling at 'Vandenhoff ever aince, 'to the full extent ot their choicest .Bllllngagate.' As the Cijrim la the'odvooate of. all that's fair and impartial, I hope to see a.oorrecUon of this mis- slstement' "■ ' ■■ '< E. W. B. Ur. Henry, said, to be a young actor of much promise; has been the leading star at the UetropoUtan, Boohester, and bos exhibited considerable talent for one so. young." He plunged at once into tragedy, and did Sbylockj Banust andOthello, almost equal to many old stagers. He is in good huids, end with a little more expbrlence and training, may actor ot note::-He woe supported by Ur. B. Hsnchett and'FannyB. Pried.'' The. engsgement of Uta. Waller at the PlttsburghTbeatre, olthongh not so large as hsr predecessor's. Miss Thompson,'Was still looked on there aa a success, Ths houses ran very even tor five nights, and on Friday, Stht Overy eligible sesthod-an'ocon- pant Ura. Waller la a lady ot rare labillfy, and deserves unllm' itadenccess. i' .: . •:" ..i - - i >. '. Uinager Ffiller,of Louisville; bas cfibeted an engagement with Mr, D. Hanobett and Ulas Fanoy B, Price; .'Ur.Hanchett'as-' sdmes thd management of the stags. The season opens on theWth. • . • ..' . V" ' ' ■ ■■-' . Bnmoc still: has It that OharlsyWllklnBon, comedian; intends shortly to visit Troy with a vaudeviUs companyi '; ' ". B. Uannel, now attendlng to bis:>Terpalohor«an Academy noy, will Totum to the stsge at 'the close of the dancing season. .'.■/ '.•; ... " .':- - .. ' ■ ■ ' .v. . ;< 'i: . '. At the southern theatres, , business'4a reported to be good. Ths honsea in Blidimond, Montgomery, and Mobile are all aald to be fiourlabing, tba Jatter'under the management otMr. Orisp. At Montgomery, Alabama, Uloa Ida Yemen la playing aat&r en- gagement, supported by E- B. Dalton, A few nights since; the last named 'aotor in a fbholng scene, hod the misfortune to cut: Sam HIbbard on the head; and the next night whlleplaying the :^hantom, he shot a brother actor, named Bowers, in the' lOce iVlUh a pistol, and the latter will probably lose one of bis. eyes by the accident They must be terribly injeamest "way down inAlabam."'. !».i - ■ ,* ■ . . 'Horse opera" atm holds out at the Front Street Theatre, Bsl' ltlffiore,'and.MIlsS'la now giving "Hene.^the Bmiter," with iBosston as dlreetdt of the grand-proeekslons. They'did say B. E.J;U. was going ta make on . exhibition ot himself and Ulnnehaha on wit ot the Capitol cupola for a wager:' This 'waa moreithan twoweekaagojliuttthani'tcomeoff jfet' It'Wlllbe ^^godthlng-—whenJiofloeaJt „ ■ -^jpawirya-optftHbB^eraai to i mM ^wus sBnocc the lainstiela; with fig, Abtoeo, the harpist and tSsnor, added! to theiroupe. .' •/.'' ,; :;;'- " ; r: , . ,.• 7. ... The nlny season had-fat-la ln.aallfon)la,;tnd-aoaroe]y aday jaasa.wltfi.out *oii(orain. ,■,•[.. . Uln Llxde Parker had'a eompUmehtaiy l^aneflt at the Metro-' poUtan';SanFraDClsoo, ohthelith'Ult it was toidered herby the Odvemor, Llenlenant Goverfior, Uayor, military and clvio dlgnlta|1es,. .ahd 'nlohy dlatlhgulsh'ed citizens' of thb place. Our 'ebirespondent aaya that although the night waa very im- pleasant' and .'the Euroka-bpened. the sameevening, the irionda ot.thsudytumed'Outlntbll force, and filled the .theatre. 'The pcrfonhance paased off'felicitously. Ulss Parker was in.good voice, and received. abundance of pktidita. The programme embraced acts of "B Barbler dl Se^fdio," ."Morma," and "I Lotiibatdl." Mrs. Stone, na Elmlly Ci^d, made her first appear- ance in eight years aaAdoIglsa, In "Norma." Ulss Stone is a good;contralto, and formerly filled the positloh ot prima donna, coiitrisllowltb Urs. Woods, and tboSegnln Opera troupe., The Qarlbaldi Bocle^: (Italians) volunteered, for the occasion, and ogsplendldly. .'' ■ Tneatricala In Philadelphia were never in a more floorlohing oondltlou' than at preient' At Che Arch, Peter and Caroline Silchijigs are crowding the house,to repletion. . Our cbrreapop- ent "loung Baptd,''writing on the ISth, soyah-"I attended thelheatre on Tueaday evening lost to witneas the comedy ot Extromos, and' wben I entered I found that byeiy.aeat. In the drriaa olrclb, and up to the ninth row. In the parquet, had been aecured during t)ie day. I Qianoged to obtain a place, however, and whbn the curtain ro^e. ev^ry aeat and all the stoiiding room was b'ccidpied. This eybnlng, tor Ulss BIchlngs'benefit, anew original comedy, entltled.Court Cards, now rnunlng .'With great success In London, :waB produced for the 'first «lme In this counby. Artlats.havo been bnally engaged day and night upon the muisla and waidiobe of the Snchontross. It Is at lost finish- ed, and th^ grand op'orattb spectsdewlllbb produced bore on Monday oTenlng, Jan. JO,'.ln. magnificent style. Ur. niohlngs ls also 'wor)Jhg'7ery.,bard;Upon the wsrdrobei properties, and mnslo of' the .opera of Bat(inella, whloh plcco la expected to be ready fbrpndudtlbil on the 20th Inst. . Tho.prepent engagen^ent aaata we do li6fl?«l' upotntTa'TWKa pOlf^jT; ' ' Uary ProtosiliHH*" 'toiWbftlgQWhitfUsei MOrover'i xii». atre, WosblngtonJ John E. Ueab^>''°anagar'of tho'KbeMpblllAa; BttdUo^Dl^ the utary benefit on.tbe Idtb; ... iff, In <mDk HWjy vr." W^ Martin;' at Utulb -Ball,'^s1l^ Savefi; ■' ''' i 'I . ■ .•.';i. ■; .1 , ...i • tbell terminated s.two weeln] Slog^ema on, on the lYth. Bh'p rah ue epgagen ^on." Itwasdhnduneed tbdtsM'iraulM'-.^ ir her benefit, bnt wehre notawara'ttttt&^> i" was cerfoimed. 1^ Uitohall ls,vlthlb'.' ProTldonce, B. L " ^ '^-^ imUnatlon arson trial thla ireet;biffctfWv the recipient of I oompUn .pockettappfiiitaa management of Jan. 20tb. Ulsa Vagi the, Howard. _ through on "Foni duoe a newplrco i thing but "Fano^i Uyeis this wcok, Laura Keens SUL tho Boston pnbIle,>P«i>lDiI at' the Bbword on tBe IWt Ihi MBia Beads and Young ^tit*-" •■ : r. ; ' "l-:n!'"foT A revival of tho |>)octor of Alcontira," at the Bostam'UdsetQtt loit wssk, attractei.^ audlenoos. Mrs.'J.: 'Whpelodk^nodictti' first appeoranco atp* honso on the Uth, as Isabella, and .0bt wlthafovorablereiPUoq.. , . :\."'..■■!.,'frn;r/iTAI Ur, and ■ttn.f\0<m.wua pUying tt,a^^,)if(mm Buffalo, this week, (jonlnrion thelotb. " ■ '• ^ ■'T'-'T JOhn E. Owens wlJ probablysueobed Linra Keins; -nd: oaii< psnj^at tho Howari Boston, ..,X*iwa'.t ei|gS8a»i^B$iJ< for,qe> ^Manager Uyeis cl(W bis' aosion at' ApfiAcjsAlLtliiitgiAl^ .Jth. do is sold to l^e'produced mortf ns^ndadrB tfaeniniflke some time than any 3ier manager slnco Mosfo Boll wM Jtailb The season was not-V-'y aucoeseftil, owlng,.probabIy, to the flm that Uncle Bam—whi at Sprlngdsld—haa. Bather tight papers o: Mr..Uyei8'benefit," Michael'Eirl,'the season, J. WilkesB,ootI^laBli ented-yotmir'aotoriaa ». — - and his engagement at thWuseum, commencing on the 19th, promises to be qplte auccesfJlr , • j-,. . . i_ .•. ■■ EIUley.'a season at the cd^bus, Ohio, Theatre,' :^lln«tign~ rated»on Tuesday evenlng,;sn. 13lh,.to * eplondld house, and the performsnce passed off Karkably well The bill comprlsedi "She Stoops to Conquer," wnand lira. Peter ■ffblte." The fol- lowingla.illat of the compon, Ueana.jT- 0..MpCoIlum,, Joto Elallor, Jameb Lewia, Colin 8t«, JsJiles Dickson, J. W. CaftoD,. Charles JefDwy, A PbrceD, rrslNewtoa; J. -B. Bobihsoa:'il;'B. KelloggjFted. Bandal; Mrs. EWlUaler, JJrs. Jmes UlB» Morion U.Uoore, Ura. HPShaw, UlssM^flhpphoBr^ oh'aW,AnnieKeyser;ClaraUonindHalHOMoKb*. ■ ' ; The business at Barry LlndedPonnto TheatM is>atfd to'tafr verybadjustnow.:. : . ,^ ■ i "' "i; Mr. S. £. Byanhss been trylngio band-at a dramatuatloot df^ies Ulsereblea;" It la to'upro'Juc'ol at the'BaItU|6rO' Uuaeum. . . ' . Ur, John Sleeper Oloxke, took biuret benefit at the A>nJdaT» Baltimore, on &tnrday night rfe*ring as Asa, IJrenohara, Simon ParefoV, and dggory, o(St«d by pretty UUa.XIic» Oray, "tha finest stock ootress inoerica," snd:Ni«/X B, Pbil<. lips. A new dance by M'UeOal4,and Velarde followed; MfS' - ^- - 'cabei nnmbecoUwads In his employ s emplix^eM tai tout saonths. _ old^be. The season ended with' (.ppoarlng. foi.the first tlipe ttiravas- Lover, to'.tbs.largastJlioaia;aKli» himself sgaln,ln Boston. Thlstsl^ .t favorite with Onr iBoslob friends,. hot ^vory night a "new dance" duio ■*«?•,• :,. ,t The Oermon Opera; o,ttlte Acodbj', PUJodehibla, hastoj [teof the eitv.'snd.elinlgblthat a reptesestaa ontthevety«Uteof£6"i5?l'"dei»^gl»ttt bae been given, the hoaie'has<beeiil^WSlliattended^ ' .; .'[> The Eureka, the hew theatreln BaPranolaco, was .opened op le 18th of' Jahuafy. ^"Bay View," lila btldKot datedJ)eo,;J3, gives US an obcount bt the new citabPtPABt and' of ths^Opoi- Ing performances, aa. follows:—"ThePW thestw, the; Eureka, opened Ust.Thuraday, to a packed rise, nearly one thoi^^a auditors. Hie theatre, though verylfll, V fnd nient The narrowness Of the house phot faU ti iiaprtaa«i»- Jog in th* auditorium coiling, dolracts:Mo'><2Jrto«n thergen- eral outlines of beauty. The drop curM' W fl9Bfl'*>:'* an- abortion.' I understand It la to bore-potsd. Ih<wa.pemany.j(] bea[ntles about thls'llttle theatre which>e equally apbonUt oa: beaiutles about thIa'lltUe theatre wblch'e o<l°ally<. the defeota. Fro& its location and mMoment it la anxdj deatlned to becofle a favorite resort «^ partoTn^oe,<in;th»' opening night conalsted of an openlrjiauurees,. written, br rtank floule (not far above medlocrityi'"«rarT5^0. and deUvered by Urs. JuUnDeanBayno; tho Bedy of ••Madwand Faces" (the part of Triplet abominabl*urleMUsd by-Ur. Uayo);asonk by Ulss Viola, and the far>ot "Ur.^nd JDrs. Pater Whlti'^ Sfiicb the operllng, the hOusd»«»o b«eB gooff-lbr Christmas woek. W; B: Lelghton U lesseeVod Bhetiy CorbyA acting manager, Lucille Westeni'a engagement at the Was] grett success.' Long before the oortalnru'ngi night 14th, when East Lynne waa produced, in every parti.andimoneyrefuaed. Ber ' waa largely'and toablonably attended. . At the St uoulB Theatre, Uloa Matilda iah».ii;t*irt,'«ifeMsi)ort«nts; ^ ' agree that slates that Ool her. In the'_ . , ••CamlUe;" adll OiH «f ' the-' given.', Iiitfiif«4 was op*ns4 .'Withj and "Media** and ''EdiW'' watejuip ftjo he attended tyrioe in thoLfirst we and bn'ilaab oboasloh the honse was The Bprliwfleld (Bl.) Theatre IS'opeh ot Mr. Qeo, Bale, with 0. J. Pfyllh as lesi son, leading woioan ; .W. J. .Wiggins, lo' Clifford, chambormsld;eto. Mr. ft. 8. star, and! a.oorrespohdent speaks 'in''i abllitlea- 'From8prlngfield,'Ur..Ualdnuii Wlaconoln, Theatre'ls ». I, on WednaadaT- I houte wlWf^ |t on the leth,, inia^atm th» ■Ultlalpbnr'i--: . . ..JUh'ttuTlatteC' - btJk jS^in'iatlntertbred wltb Beron'2ayeJwoj_^rfofmanc«a of ^0 two' kifcrmaneea or Lynne" wa» ..•.'WlMtheftefKn,'* lonnced. vconernlctia ' Cbpe'mlctu" and once ii the asoond, led. ■ " ' er 'IbS'HanBgaB'iiBt^ mao;AltieA,fifRl- )m;dlan; lUsi.Ulle drtlm boa hioi th«' ing tenat' -of bis uld go to>Ue4lsbn» of these very pOpnUr acUsta. la, already the beat th$y £avo e'^er fulfilled In this olty, and I trust tbkt tho attendance will not do- «rease during thelf enVre stay here, for thqtr late loss by tho burning of Ford's .Th'oatro was every heavyone, and theydO' servo the support of tho theatre gbln^ onbllo At the Wslnot, Mr. and Mrs. Bstfley WlUIapis. opened oh Monday night,' and dtiring tho wook have dr&wn the lisrgest audiences evar seen within the walls of that establlabnient. The coming .week irlll be their last of the^lpree'ent engsgtmeht, onless Barney coin get Orover, of .tho Washington Theatre, (to \fhom ho is engaged to open with on the 10th Inst,) to give him two weeks later, so that he can moko bis.en'gagemcnt. herb for four weeks. Ur. B. Paul, Barney's agent is an old profcsalonol, snd understands his busl hoss' to the perfect Batlsraatlbh of said Bnmoy. , l^c stage man, agbment' ot this taonao la very ably conducted by Ur. E. L. Tllton." The now theatre on Chestnut street Philadelphia, la almost ■.■js,:< ^ - ^'l ,■ ■, ■ fat adTOucod. Be ehys:—"Burner has been very bn^y the past feir dayg, fixing the opening for Monday, hext (tho igth), out that Is imposslblf. I'ho buildlngwill bel completed,' and oviry- thingreody for a perfoiToance by Thufbdoy next but UT.-'ffhbat- ley (who arrived hero to-day).infonhs mo that he,has, fixed Uondsy evonihg," January lolb, ftir the initial: t>er<orpkhce. Mr. Edwin Forrest (who is, in fact, thb bona Qde ipani^er and part owner of thla eWablishment) ^ be tha opbplng star, nave as yet only been able to loais ll few bt the company ga^ed, among whom will bo fbtud, John E, UoCaUbugn, MY. 'Canol, Germon, USd. Ponlsl, MIsi Hbtiri, sn^.Un.'J.KAUan. Joseph Slrahan U boas baiponter; John Dsoy, of Uie Boston Academy, will be pnt|loThr man;: Mark Bobsled wlU. be leader of the brobestra; [and cldWarfen, fbrmcrly.of the old Chestnut SbMt Theatric wHl- bo Treasuni'. Tho the'atrb Is one of tho best arranged in tlils'eoqntty, and I' have' - seen them all.' The 'dressing. rooms are'wllhaut, doubt ^o host I ever Raw.''Each and every one bos a'caao ot drawers for eaoh poison, a long ahslf, and a Aiarble "waUi b^ln with hydrant alt^ebed. They aror heated by eteam'Slncs,. ore large and' very comfortable. Proin an actual coufat or tho houeowbTohI'mado, It will soat as tbUowa:—Parquet; 570;'dr^ drolc' StO;' oi>pot tlor, OTE; total, 1800 pooplo. Besides' this; tbei'b are camp stools OnoU'gh tb seat 900 Isore by placing thorn Id the aitleSi alsci stafadlog room for .over800more, msklbtrlirltll ov4r'9,3(IO people thatciui boao; commodated within lu wll]4.".TMs,'with .tho efcopUcn ot :tbe -Academy, Is the Uri^MI pIAob Of - tmnji.emaijt iii.'tfao oily. 'When 'Opknod, trur oltleenaWllI haVoon opportunity,of seeing Oneof .the'handsbmest:t^mplbb''br ^luement In the 'oountty. This dttjr has loUg heeded a 'fir^t .otoas tcoapbctaue' tlace ot amnaif<' :mant sndmAW ttaat they have Mb; I Aol oonfldont that it'will ^crtmoamMt*^^^'^^'^^' ' Stieatr«"'H'we<pi««unle . Mdoday evbnlng Aext t6th' malto'his-flrtt appearlbbo. , -r, _ ., Tha deinkndiotMts<ohtheepMuut':tmc Non so: Meat thtt Manager Wh(»«ftbaade«ded1jbrinittwmttb(lm <fi><a*ii«Li(;iMttu<HSonwul vmMfikpoAa'iS^^t't'. Sdnt^pstfoniittMti,^' ftefM^tWptt^ESW^ S*wr|S>UioU»mMr<mliy --dMUdii^^ W '. . ;> HOBm.UAIibSi . They.have'a:lk«ab ainget at the MelbdMiUt,Xonlt,Va']Oa* Marlftt Bbikley, who la xepreqented to be ^.taraUo vooiUW ot rare abilities, and onb of the most ortlsUb slng^oji t])'a b,tjards> A correspondent in St. Louis says he'has'l^.a]]'^]j|5 aivi rocognlsed as rgood. singers. Brent, BattOnr Uqer, Mo„ U'biltr Marion laya.overoll of them." 'She isaald.t&a's thonVuajbi muslolan, ahd was formerly a member of the Btlnni. .pijj. K.yv. monlo Society, apd ateooberof muolo'in that ty, Sbvilia splendid Scotch vooaUst With on these quslUles twmnmWil fcift her, she is. also a perfect lady. . '\ ' The halls In St.Xouls were all 'doing aipaylng trua,'^t]>niiv noss war slacker than it had been a few weeks:back, owlng'4o SA many steamboat men and others going' "down* the rlTW"t» 'Vlcksburg. ' .: i . - .: Dora Dawron;thedauble-volced vocalist, whb boa "been tlnglsg in vuious parts of the country during. ths ptst ,year. Is ndw 1ft tho Weet Indies. She left ua rather auddanly, her'husbODdiUr. a. X. Blcklhson, writing to say that he had takbn passage tot ber tor Elngstov, Jamaica.-where. shs arrivsd>4arly in Japnary» as we loorn by a letter wo haive Just recelv(>d. froQi.tllsnoe.., She was to give her first concert in Kingston, at thC Theatre'Boyal> on tho 8th lost iBhe Is announced as Uis. O. K.Dickinson; an! her husband was to assist in the entertainment bj;, giving some lavortte resdings. . One of the BoUande8,On]Ilatmib, having dielobated a shoulder, was appear at the Canterbury, Washlngtoni'.aftex Uondsy evening, the Uth. 'Vnills Amstrong is performing in hla place. .', Perelvsl k Co: open LibertyIHsll, AloxandrlOrVa., qn uondan January 10, 'with Ulss MoUlo Toylor, Mioses Eate andi^e Harrison, Tilllb Forbes," Uesbts. Vt^ WyanI, J. Closta^ Billy Emerson, B. Tslbott etc.; .We presume Hoasrs..Perelval&Oo. will next move Qn to Bicbmond..'. . ■ '.',., Tbe Canterbury, Washington, bos at preeont one pt.the largest and best compahlos in the concert business, Inbludlng. JnUa Mortimer, Kate Pennoyer, Augusta and Usric Aghes Sutherland. Mcllle Taylor, J^ank La Folle, LltUo EUa, Dkl^ Porker,lOeo. Edoaon, etc. '''TboBoy.o^'tUe Irish Brigade," In which flee. B. Edeson does tho Boy, is said to take amazingly, espcolaOyiWittt the "sojerb." TbrrlAo combats, red fire, cboaxlpg aecesalonlata, eta,allcontrlbuteto'tho/urore. , . . - ,'..•!•, The foaolnatlbg Eva Brent, le now dlaplaylng her <alenl4p the Capitol of thb Continent, aa yon may.see by advectlsemsnt, Ap- plications on business abonld bo addreasf d to Mr. J. W. AlliBson. Pblladelpbla. • - ■.,„ ,: : ■ . ...i; Codwbll'a Mneto Ball, MUlwaiikeo, s^ does a good btvlness^ The Duvals conclude on the 90th'of Janbary; They are not cerw tolnirheio tbey,igo.yet Josh Bart !an^ MissLauiaLe'Obire succeed thorn. , Alex.,Boss,-(he jig-4anoor..o(,tbp.estsbUah- mont, received a choUeugo' flrom Johnny Boyd, :nQwi pwtfiB at BelIeT'e,inDbtrolt to dancofar.t900, encIoshDg .ISO fo.flharUe Oovollltoblndtiiematch,'wblbta'Bbaacaverbd with ttOO,|.Soyd 'Waa to go to Milwaukee.'on'the 13th, to', make arrongsmmta to dance atthe Acadmiy of Music this week. Bou la.aqite a frvor- lie there, and the match .^111 bit a tight 0^0.'' ''':.':: The UllwaukeeeUelodijon is closed, and tbooompsoygonenp to the Qeih; frao £6'nc<rtt room.,'The Clark Wella family hare left the Oeib, and gone to Cclnmbus. Morion Wehater, of the Oem, was engaged, by Beller, of Detroit, but did not. apples agreed on, and la iiiw at tho. Oeiri again.. Jiibn SelgorstOdPro:' priotor of thb Melodbon, clobed the night afl«r ahrlstmas,'4pd now getting things fliod to'open in Iowa. ,. .'. -l ' Charlie CovclU, of CadwCU's Muslo Ball, a very nnpleosapt acbldont on Now Year's Bights ,wf IM'£W}°jr tbb "Doctor's ASprentlco." Borne powder on *V.Umm^*^ (bofotb tho time) right In hU Wee. Ho was enllre?jrMtodW Mr somo time, but snbsequoutly,regained.bis slgbt.,™ considerably burnt his miuiitbcbe, eyo-bro*s_iiw port or jub hair being completely blown.otr; ■ ' '^^Ijw litti ak Julia Mortimer mado her re-appearance on Uonw,i.nn, ok tho Canterbury; Waohlngfon, and recdved a hMrir thtm a crowded Aousa. ,:.' ' • ".''>'';.'.i-vu»nMwj^ ' eaaterbury Muslo Hsll,,Washlng|oii. PtS'I&n&^ lSSai 'by an kttbntive audlenoe fo 'wllbesi a *1!WS?SiiSSh'^SM& the.Waahttiglpn UtDk(«iastem *^'%''^M»^foai^ isa'SSefssss^ , Theprttprietoref th» dawn'SnVhUnllng pdla ttllta ittnnatloa a uAjttthbl ,,jfiK«bO'WsasiH*«*sflil'tt » ifUsatriosl rsoord sea page { ■:'■'■'..■;i;^';: ■r'^Oi;;^"-: ^C'Ki;^'':' ■ :"'r:vff;K:^?*