New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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olettla Detlen tela JonfordinonttaJd ]6) SntaennonfninuBtia. IP) Ohtb of fenr..>.;„. i,*.10 8) Clnhof %it...>...,i...i,.aQt)) "jpTOKljaKMEinC8,,W,o«nto p«r;llne|or >tt<w to Uunra ^tenUoB^iHu) -ft! .-Ill i!:if .u;o y: ' ' if'iiiatxrwt^itiii^kie^^ of: Rt> ^ V-v^- o'rSttviiilUjN irtvmiroK.i^ . '^ot.iheiiextiDotdsr dbetlt^ and onebiiiiai«d:dollua fort^ : M (o anlt tbo tiatoi' ihe Tcadtn of Uie Curaso. :,We . ■4|^ '^r4ritbi'uer^WtriMoric^The'iiw^^ matt *'op«ii floh" «t:oii(l«;' ;. ^!^^i^;^14^t«i9i|it' com^idiig 'it itie |i^'^d omtlnTiliig & .the ■.'fm^,.^)i» 'jiin. mMf '-;^eii Uldi-. ^tog^tiier'. original. wlUi ^'l^ltB^Weultliie and hniDg-lsoldents-^ln' a word, 'thoy miist ^^.^f^fkj^.ftolea, toi a b^eople,' Eloii itoir mu^ nui'thiitean' fl.ililMtakiWMaiipr.'HM M vage^ot'the ObijiTKB eaoh Twk. . We. . -Idbn't i^tasyof tMtttteotTiwd, namby p IftMOU/^Waj^utiOiaU^fi^ l^d'iez^ liie oaAiflUbo ■"^(ald to^hfl jltioceM; ooapetttoM as ao<m as Ute deoUlon la ieii| ..i'fllji^^^^t^ yrijl fin ttma' to od^uiimof,:tiie'fttrt prize it^, ^ittk^fijifitiWiaJHti .the Eierenth Tolimeiot'tlie Cupfzb^ ^j!^i^^^iid,T^S ^ude bSx. aoi ■qpate,. irittont (he least >L'JJtnllAttr.WiflTttlliB, 'and ln'aoeaTdance>irtth tha.priiurp)ea ;"''-i^ldiih''>^£M^ iul4 'a*aMi]lg.«iir. fin^ twileif of )^iiz^ 'l^^ W ^-,'-^etii Uj|t, two, bbhioh itrien ;tikeil t7:p^ef'of :«hom we :liad Xi ixsf ac SDot' heafbefore, and whoso namas v4 did not aeetmlS ;;]<'ii;df«Idbb hid hn made. TUe'edltor onbe (kiFFnw^ Urn- ;;,ladttVd«i)lde';f^'j^a^ snperioiUy, aiui'ha|^ moDe; !'::«Tai.tothenutetultnihois., BtoriesnotsaccetafdlliitaUiiga '''.''!^^i^>y^^ ^moe ntotaed 'to their ownen, or 'pniobaaed at i')'?'''^^ as mit7 'te ilitttvi|4fvpon>/ This. Is a a : Junufina 0^, ^d. themi>ns7 wOlibe glTen If trot thiee 'oom-. • i'jinaiZoioicaoiBiBHi ■OirB:>fiiiBinvOami.-f(llinnab''Bii* ,-;'.r) ■ :•. |. .r, ■ u.'B. BvNnnuna.' v, >t ; . -...< I,'.OSlIoUIvAls.«DM4:ttlh( IMl.)(' ''Ikm'.QDXnr,'BtiiiDB;M.;T. OuivkB—Of oonne the cood oUOutmliaaM«d;6t 'th« Baa<iiieblamaiji:!We dosotnesik ibi ittoble (trer 8a^nehanBa,'ln.wiiloh, br «hsiny.(h»wrltBt oao»baisen*tf^1Mng Ua'pceoloTuU&j.wb«n'tl^f'guunt wife of kdshereian leeooed hlmoom the Jawaof the grimnonst«r; Int'the «tannalr«ld ahIp.BnsqQl)h«iliia:"aat, .^ritblU'the past two ;tan,'has 'heU Iwr own agalnat all aem«f Yeathtei has piovdlr pltfii«fcsdth6:lnMgh:.watn8''ot.tli«'OiiU^ has erased, and re- oraasedtheteoaa.AUastlot liss gaUaaU7«wam<<llkeathlDgot. Ub^ thnnglt the plaisuitwtl<n'«f.ih«:fW'Off Uedltenncan: has (tnuoled with thie Bjiian galea t baa catmly «ntored the great bigf.'of ^Mq^to, -ind' ootneito nnderthe dark olonda of thieat- eDlng VeoQTtaB; haaufoli'talittitato'dJltbrent portlossot the ^ ibe: 'has ntntiled home'attbe call of her conntiyi has nobly. ^ ne tier datj at Battens sUdTottBoyal; and.has,wlths^gle «xae$tlaa,' escaped an <MTWin«i iwis on out own troaChetoos coantdailDff her long Uoakadesenloe. Oar ship la now, however, on the slok list, and Is waiting or-, derate be InMlded home to be repaired. While Ijing at Pensa- «oU aa nag: ship (Admiral Fanagat being np the riTer again in. theaartford)ratpat^.ot ns organised a mbiBtiol company on boavd; and'gaTeonrlirat'entertalnmentoA'OhrlstiDaanl^b :' Tbe Ourm tMng a record of amnsements, we wish Qmngh lt*oali^toUiawk>iu bmi^Ima Mends whata "gsllus'i old time .waliU'On Vhrirtmaanight, leai; "Ohrlstmaaiwas amagnlflcent d^wUh-nsji Christinas aftimoon.hsd .be£n fixed npoa.fora boat Toed la'PenasooU Bar. bettroen one «f the Potomao's boats idlionr.sai)ond>«nttv, Johnny OiTans, of'PhUadslphla, cox-, twain.- Johnny had llliiiBalf> a flaamade for the oocaoon, bdag pMtty'CObfldentof:th« .i4etoryra1te flag was a whlto on», with a fine speolmeh of the Bhanohal rooetar olbe ln:the centre, hav- ing . a' pennant in his bill, bearing tho Inscription, "While I live, lorowl" When It.came to the:aeratch,the Potomao (eUows weron't aboot;- thoy had backed ont with all the na«B of eo many mapping tiurUes. So .Johnny was Tlctor wlihont morp laborforthe'pum than considerable arowin([ beforehand. After inppler,.preparaUonBwere made for the' concert Onr ofBoeis generally rmdared ns ^ manner of assistance in the way of eU' Oonragement: fnmlshlng ns with sails, ensigns. Seats, and what^ soever was reqnlred, snd aiding ns also' by their, presence and apjOanse.. Alrant dark, all hands ware seated, and olamorons Ibr a commencement i Behind the oortaln chaos reigned. Bomt cork WIS In great demand. Iddlas'dresses were examined with modest and baahfdleyee, very I The footlights boned brightlv, the stags was lUomlnated and deesratedwlth flags, the ship's brass oand constttated the orchestra, the offloen oooupled the htinleane deck^ andsvery'now and then a boU^blaokened' face oonld be seen..peering lontftom behind the cnitaln to see how things looked,' nntll st length the band stmck np, and the per-, formanoe commenced. < i; - .- jras..W. Poor (Eng. Teomani, of Obarleetown, Uass., opened .the .bsll with!an totrodnotory writtab'.by'himself tbr the ocoa- Blon. wblob; he dellTered gracefDlly and wlth very good effect Poor made one of the best looking, most "gallas" daiUes, In the party, lhave obtained a copy of his lntn>dactai7, whlch^ls (sfoDows:— '."Shipmates, fore and atl^ with fan, ftollo,'song, and danoSi Uodestly to-night we make onr first appearance. : -,. j - By yAnrfSvtir, shipmates aft, we oft enJbyed'razeBpoit,s ' ;' i And praetlalng In the breadroom, made onr evenings qinlte short arsntna yonr forbearance—iwe are bntamatenis, i ' AnxlonB for,.yet souce deserving, any of "the flowsra." ^. . ,. .looilght we'll have.Uaghtar, bnrlesqne, snd exttavsgonoe. . A year ago or more we ensoted other scenes: i ' -: Dense smoke, load reports, v^hlzjtlng shot snd bnrstlng shellj , Told wbst they were^a very mimicry of heU. The instraments we used, 70a see them all anrand, ; We managed them so well, the rebels left their gronnd. ' " ' I , Bnt now onr ship Is oSdeSs, she Onoe went ovtrund; ; " " Tet still the old flag wa^es, so taeaatlfiilly grand.: .' Thod^b onr fighting 'dsys are o'er, yet home we cannot gOt.' ' Bo we'vo whllsdawarths time in getting np thls:!Uiow;f* And trust, nnllke the rebels, yea will not mn swsy, . : - BatbstleiDtlyremain antUwo'vehiidonlrsay.:'' Bhomd onr wit songs, and dances, please yon an to-night,!' .We'll Shortly come again,'aasnred tost all Is.tlght" ■' '. The programme consisted of Bongs,-dances, overtores; mnslo by the band. comla doets; farces, conondmms, eta. One "hit" In partlealar took welL The qnestton was asked f'Why the grog was taken away from the sailor I'.' - The reply was, "BeAanse the officers got dmnk." The performance went off 'ver7'welI,and ' the' offlcera expressed themselves' highly pissaed with It, and hoped soon to hear ns again..! . " We ate now on the blockade aervlce here for sivhile, and can- .1iot':of «oiiMe,'haveaaytblngof thbUnil het^rtmt npon rctotn- Jng. to Peneaoolaiwa shall again appear, and the -Olivfib ib^ bur of It at more length. .BeapectfollyTonn, ' - - i' 8. B: 3. IWe anderstand,that one of oar members'contemplates writlne* tragedy, to be called "Don Felipe In Searob of a Wlfl), |0x the BoUatUaker's:Ilevenge," for some ftitare oooaalon. ' ■»•' the|drt%)ffM?oompBkW'''We *8»e % jwjSJiJi kmTwlloVittir*^^^ ah*! »h»-/u«wifid Hasiost notli bytUs'dUpUyot lUHen are infi y.' "jLWUlkey.WjrtoGflh.Blttkle*!? land tnOpld altpwsint "Wttmof iSvWeiit dlsiithi^e.". Tilk of go% i^^^x^t^Jfit^M^ ynjion'tynii^nt, wken'the e^*aiy.»re known, to ;«M«55i tve uatetUly weakUied thel^ position here, to redBMre iSi3ln5ennesSvS»*sto J^KsBjvelyheretodjaiow to In'.- ^ their arm^bTennesMet ■^*eto ^—z--y-- „„_4.,.^ tl)em' to dTwwhehn imd 'ornih Boe«tt«anB T A «novem«nt hen Just now might wve'BostifaranS.-sad »t the »Mn*:ani9. wl^ ns' a meat^otory -her*. We ire 'aU' exjiitenient to learn th^ rSrtSt or &rbStt[e to Tehhesse*. 'OodTf Heaven crowtt ot»r orinsMth'vlototyl Amedl ' . ' ' '', , —„ year Boribe ' tir^dTt^tndsnoirtr I., .'pow.wo. j<dii-iCpb'blsttones}; ^Andrdnljl to|M,'i|!jth»Jnes thai'wmbe dm^ withbat'dra^'g jon' . Q^'jMp^'<)n^''.t>.>nd.tiie fMtthat'tho^iiaii,)!^^^^ ili £rvtt.Mni3ewted their onrioslty'on ihe pcdnto as to'who hela 7 ,iiaaahlt^het><fes'herlian froin?' ^What g hnllabaHib bw-jlAiai'^ pjiiii ' /tteixU'noine. Wl)0.«aisx]|at'B in a name'now?' ThW tboonsldetablsf In havlh'^ no name, anyhow. Jfast i^erKngUah' "partmg papers"t^"-:lJeMdse"'B.p{i. J ils'.hsad to kwp SiA in threeinon^. ''ihe ^ort-. ij!ei.:8i,sayii:r-. ■-':'":[■ ... AVHtamonnt of interest eentred in thepr^entmotoh •"'•msblp, tod knmon are Hfe respCotini theindl- Dhknown. V' Uooy state that "tbeUnknown" will Oobnm, others 'Uorrlsaey,' whlle'another know- >n.state that hb wlU JprOVa to be an officer on one of the liners, who cannot allow.hls nsme to apbear ontll the whlgh he has stgned articles has ienl^eil At'toy rate m oltpWBver '.coneot isappcshlon' nlay-'be;' nothing offlolsl 'wHl' be /'<,j-''.to£lfnitatU. three months have tnnBtriredi 'whenwe eUnhave ' —It in onr'power to give the first notice to onr resdefs. '/Hie 'l^f^^^,|db.'),<tiu)y talk right ontln'moetlsg/ wh'eii'ihey dotalk; and ifity^ttai AmSiIeto lintr chap has got somebMy on:s Mj^aMnj, We^ll f «^4^ Wi'^'Tfo,';ihe K/i toUB Wdontly are know noU^ '':^:in«lMnp>bIa.torchristen the b>taat,t{ie Ita remarks:--' '' "''' , . ^. , ... .... ,theJ?fOT^ *ff"*!»t*' .!* » WVee to Mace, ifler the'rieU- M-fB^oh astte notorions^hyth.whoappearod on thelboards ,.^ttft,Sft!5?it*i5f %.'';?V*''^«'*" ttie'Bayers tod.Heetan 1' /Ste»?!>«WtaM'beldl« fbWcr to or attetoptto tracoto'Tof^ "i ',rS3lS^2i2W}i^?"^ 5?^?; in^e misty atmospho?o of tto ♦"''jWiaJlWb W*»ld.;',pf »BtBet]ri ^e.Unk^ ho have "alocol T_ .. _ TlUn'Wetfd, Tom Klnj^, nor the gallant Jolm ,«.>Hemn, 7>oiB stUl,ln hohorsble hnslncss. In Cornwall .with, ^oWM'-dWos.' We shsn keep 6nr readers, both on this and the . oth«,ijdeoftlu<ttiuuiel,w.ollposl«dnponanimport^ oi!.- lfiWn&b<itlin.wlththe alltir: We learn th^t UacowlU shorUv ■ • 4nlt1he''Clr«iUprofe8d9il, tod,th4t th'oVrhole of the paranher. ^nalttiWl bd shortly brotightio tUil haMnlor In Vorkshire, whiura ^ t^wtrqnjpelBnoytrovellng.y.. .... ,;.;,■ ".,■';.■, ,.. i... ,,..,,.BomnuiB'fWks,:tod advises patlelioe.''' It^ns ditoonrte'tlf :— ' -''".it'^ThalikMlidellioait UtiSBk aide ifo/tUs'B^toh''is'apD'olnted'to be . . ,_ --r.. .OToi*ffiWiesfly irjnost. ^ktnoidliuryi fcPw. • M9n*H«yi ^ pig opes have , -J I II i*iy"PP ^* tliy iTipn, ■vite'-iSiisi^i: ^f'».,i!^m^<it^»i. st'*v«5srivifi's i^?»fl5*S2f Sft'-'^"P ilnioBfiit twoof.hl^ibMkors WM'IwaSj^J «t cAoo declined; "It Sjis boeh told nsiln the sUotest «ite,th*t the Unknown taa.myjth; pufforwspdby »Is<Js morder to eke ont his fitne j balitus Is abont as likely aa he other statements to Trblch'wid havA. had to Makn, In Bucoitvoold bo tio]6ad, 1(8 It 'eoold not have the desired . ..H? "SiJ?* seciBd/.lt Is tooH4KiVd6d((»foramtoin Jem's fJjrSBSS^tB^ ?5l." " "onM snrely fce dUcoveredj . Xat lojir f Av^SffiMS?'ri? «»d SCO what thel- sboU see jwhtoTbe sp- ?^.''.WDW6<Blopr■ >-...^r ^ ^ i ■ * „. ,fl^^'!t?Sfl89 ** *?'>'8 in the'sMno'iiwatito'-ou^ 'oontoih- _ StifcWd we aro oil adrift together. ■'■ '-"i. ,dl7r,',';>Wi'7/: ■ ■ ■'' - ■"■: " >'■:'ivr n'il''"'*''--'' '^"i'V" ^L- ' Bijl BAtma.—In • cricket match pl*yba *i^lit4.ii; Ing:, V^aSS^^^^fl^^^i^^ 60Uttd?Hni:,and ..*r(gh't«i. ''^W^W%V!>^i:9*«^. P»rtr.««0M4.JOT runt ln'«B*-lnaiiiis,'' vtn)r>flil]tti;»fiIott:«fi'trilt •titMikm,-l^'tiik oi^^dtiiilik'i^^re: ♦rtJiTuNV.iir'iK .'.'ii'i-'-; r» <i -o^w ( jL^fli I-. A TALE WITH THE ^FOBTS. <??«■' br-TBX OqiK OippBM, ■ TUizs-^ VQvi. Sio.; Bra , . ; HBii)40AtiaicBs'Bi6E(Xs''Piviaibi«,'l ' • ", . ' ' 'FtthhOath, yi.,,Jto. Tth,-,/ Fbjehd QtiEnf^^-Good evening, sports I, It is. ^ ontjageonsly' tietk, dismal, cheerlevrdHy oat nere, and' the InebsMhtilal^er- Ing bf the ralp' sAalnstthe sides of "onr hoase".kcept'a'ab)^nl aocomp'snlinentto the schltohlng of my quill on'the pa^^ It's i- tofaerabla ralni too I.; It'S ,not a lively, <^l»■■^'^«l^^ shower, ikt'a dbntomptlble abortloil-a regular splrit-slhUogatlzfle-jlrtizile, giving one-the •■blae-deylls'.' in their most mallgnfnt form, .wouldn't we''exchange a few "greenbaoks"'(provldmg, always, that we had 'eni, which we haven't for Ux months) forlihe prtvl- lege'ot tossting onr ehlnadt the home fireside, pUoIng dius^ves oatslde snndry and divers thlmblotuls of pQncli.'.by ' way, of variebr, knd-^well, ''nnllced.'.' JlmmlnyOrlmlnyl.woaldn'twe, thonghl ' ,'• •' -M . . T. . ':"ObnBtmaB paned olT very tamely bnt this way: lii fact, to,all Intents tod pnrpbsea. It was utterly nnworthy of tho designation of'S' holiday. -New Toar'a Day was mnoh more Iganerolly ob- oerved thronghont the army,' At most of'the OO^a, Division, and Brimde Sesdqnartersi ont>door Hports, notable to.tho ooco- Blon and season,' wero gotlen^ np for thi edlfica'tldB tod smnsck mentdf Upole'Stoi'B boys, toibllog themto pnt In the hbtus' sdvantageoasly-^dlBslpatlng,- as li did, nnhiialthy thooghts of roisttnrkey,'plan^ paddings,'^d' btbei. delicacies npon whloh onr .mlnds bad been leveling, toggest^d by the occasloa, giving ns a keei^ relish for the cbatsertore bftbe.vsoldlorof theBepnIv lie," and rendering onr onp of ."bean sonp*' ae acceptable as ue finest "dozen, slewed," of those "delicious bivalves^' so' popdlsr at this partlcniar season of the.'.year. At the headouartenof that old vtterto, vFIghtlDg Joe" Hooker, fun and bollo was the order ofihedsv.' . The venerable, wa^scarred horo of somtoy weU-fonght battles; .wltl^ «n the welluo and happiness of his <,'peto1«,'.' Caused' a nnmber of games to be Introduced, ^in- 'olnding tne laughter-provoking triok of OUmblng a'greaaed.nole' the indlvidnU who coald successfully schleve tho dlfBeult ani (romf pole.' pnrti . . , opbus; clean ahaved'and Well greased. The Tanks around j^t WSy h^ a '.01]^ old time," I sSsnte you-they think "Old Joe" Is a gennine out and; and we conclude thattholrim' presslone are Just about correct Thal'ssol Bad toy of you boys pat In an appearance at Sickles'he id> ooarters on the Inaaguratlve day of. the new year, you'd have Imagined that the OeDoroI was fully alive to ihe pre.eence -tod Importance, of the aoaaon of merryrmakisg. It was.a grtod gafa-day here, and'mirth tod Jollity ruled the hoar "firom morii till dewy eve," and a good whUe thereafter.,' Oen, B. a»a' grand entertainment on that day, keeping 'fopen honse,"!''Kn- >plbtloai!.Bmong the immense doncbnrse of, shoulder etrsps who mitdSthelT'lfew Tear's call,'and exttodod their congratulKUlins to ('mino host" were ,a«nfl.;Hopk«r, Btondman, Blmoy, elo.,ito- gitber with their. r08i)e'cUve siiib.. O^e^'headankrtor'gronhds wen,'bandsomelt' iin;ape(ed ,tod .d^fbntcd with everauois: jrotog pines lined either slde.'.bf.the centre avenue twtweto the staff tento,'l*»dtotf to the,atoohd's, hea^^ .from which WT'eathe^iH ■ospended-i^^rmed.of oodar bonkhs -!w<n^sa<tohed firom sld4 tpslds;, Flag^ oj(,Tarlons slse»-Sia- Hbnil tod departmtot-fiutlerW Ifancbjttto-beontyof tho eoeno;. while high, over feU'faVed jk'iplnldldsUk^npreStotittoh of tho "Oiig^f the 6eo'7-ths fmblemfoi whose tnpr^mSoy we are nowib?''' -■ - -• ;r^. ■ - /4»A**K«OthuslaatlOebumBo^ WMichamWglyfedtooned With evergreens. Here anb^a^ront 'coKaUf n was. prepared, the dishes, as far ss noislbls to bo'oli. on tho'oc- laaersnado iflr -' hi^di«i{|o^cei)ipartobk.of:ttio Oeneral's hospitality (iaslon.;.^.Ia the eytt/Ung-.the guests were.Csvorod with 1 by theSfcdelbrOlwl ftnb, epmpoied of .membersloroo. E/ut .■BxIwlBlbi^^negt, tod, led..te)>rpf. J..0, I^s, an. exceUontmnsl. ;,.A,Variety of alrft-rnatIon((l, operatio.vsentlihentsl, and l6,.woterond^ed la a pleasing 4nd creditable m^ fas t^Httlng terMfiatton {0. tiip feAvltles of' the day. manner. It ,bluo"dld^.bre<jr;m^^^ Woh "wasn'ljtfonnd,"|l)y.the jray, llke.the U.P.«>when -logn)ssInfl). p9tqted tp the small, figures/whea.i ' tod Wand^f thetfrwayiihomewsTds,! highly pli f nbHs,.ani};ln the Visb of. splriti with'event - Xoatifai xip,;tbs,westtww^^I>rapltlous, with .thf.i.grf 4t«it tM, apd'.tiie ocoosl eh.iailiieneqbi— Maqittii|itt«;«ai thrables which now distrtioi; bar, imJla'ppy.bonnttT. »i>d the' r '84 Shan dawii uponili ajMlted, prosperous people, ! sub-, be myself,. -XotfrS. .Anntm.; ■ THE ATEBAGE8 OF THE- ynLUiW CLUBi .' .. ! When the Brooklyn oltib dlabanded in 1889. their grounds, ad- lolning the residence of Dr. asrrlson, at Bedbrd, Kong.Island, eUU continued to be a oiiilketUig locality: uia>r,;(}arTlaoti. Jt.t oVatolxed a aoolal bIab;.the.memDeis of which aaseabled onoe a week for praotloe.' Tlie nedt: year 1 tills association called th«m. selves the Willow olnb, bnti still confined thettiselves to playlni Sractlco games among themselveB,'tod mtot plessant davs' pla Id they have thronghoat the season. ' During 1861 the dui msde several aoooaslonB to its list of members, and becoming strong tod confident tiom continued practice^ they engaged In a trial of skill with the Bt.Oeorgeolab, and played two games ^th them> In tho first ihatoh, the St 'Geotige were .victors by a total Score oMlS to 68. On the.patt of tho Willow, Bain.; bridge's 26 was the highest ' soore, bnt double figures, in single 'ogs, were ecored - by Heasra. J. Borivenor, Moore, Peerless, Oldiame, tod Bolllns. Oh tho Bt' George' side. Bailey's 38 was the best Bcore, his total figures being 71, Ayeis'a 97 being next In the return gome, which Wair also won by tho Bt George elevto by a score of lU to 18i,'the highest ■ocre on the Willow aide was made by Balnbridge, 41, Bwlfl's SO being next; double figures were aUo scored liy Lindsay tod' Peerless, Balley'a was the best score on the Bt George side, his totsl score being 88, D. Vrlght's 31 being'next' There was a marked Improv'e- ment In their play in the second same over that in the fint snd both contaata wore oredltsble and enjoyable ailtln. In 1863 the club began ita eareor aa a regular playing olnb, and'opnied' the season irith a grand match with thoNew.Tcrkolab. This oon- test took place at Bedfbrd, on Saturday;'Bfanaist' The weather was propitious, a good wicket was prepared, and the result waa a reOly pleaatot day'a plhy; the 'victory MmSlhlng with the New Yorkers, by a score of 184 to 60, It being dedded by tho result o( the flret innings, as were the two ^amea of. the year before with thoBt George dub.'- In the second innings^ the Willows soored 85 with tte loss of seven 'wlckets; when: darkness ended the game; On the pSrt of the Willow, Hammond's 18 and Btokes' 30 were the two best scores; in the scoond innings, however, Ham- mond ran up a score of 67, but it was after the game had' been dedded.' On the New York'alde, Shatp's 37 tod Marsh's 18 were the two beet scores. Their next match was with ths 8t GeoiBO club, whloh took jdaoe at Hoboken on July 26, the result being the most oredltable victory the Willows obtained during ttie season, their score being 166 to St George's 87, the oontost being decided, as before, by the result ofi the first innlnna.' On -the ' WiUow side, Hammond's 60 and SwUt!B 23were the best Boores> bnt doable figures were scored by Pierce, Terry, and Stokes. Oapt I^g and Frank Van Baron's 16 etch wero the best aeores on ths St George side in the first innings; bnt in the second, Glbbes scored IS and Napier 10, the total score being 60,. 'With but one wiokst down^ .The third match they engaged in 'was the return gamb with the New York club, which was played at Hoboken on Thursday, Sept 18, the result being onothet vlc- tory for the New Yorkers, by a score ofl03to72. On the Willow Bide, Hammond's 26 and Pierce's 16 were the only dbuble flgnres scored in the first Innings, by which the gome was dodded. By- ton's 27 and Hndaon's 11 bdi^ the best on the New York' slde; Qelr foorth contest of the season was that with the Newqrk dub, resulting easy trinmph, by a. score of 133 to 44, one innings being played, the Newarkbra not being'strongly represented on the occasloa The best score on the 'WlUaw sfde was Sharp's 60, Patty's 11 being the best on the Newark side.. On the 9lh of October, the return game with the Bt Geoige dub took place at Bedford, the result after » dose tod exciting match, belns in favor of tho WlHow-by a score of. 73 to70;the game agalnbelng decided by the Kesblt of the first innings. ' It was in this maton that Orelghton raptured himself. It being ^e last game .of cricket ho played. On the Willow side, Torrbnce'a 16 andHlgbam'slSweretheonlydoublefigures scored, Orel^h- ton's 33 tod Oongrefe's IS bblng the iMst on the Bt George side. Aday'splay,olosedbyagranddInneratWlld'e Hotel in 'the evening; tennipated .what .we may call ths first' season of the Willow dub, and take it altogether. It'was fully as oredltsble a one as that of any dab we hjne yet recorded.' .-'j...L , t 'g sa rt a M i m i prninl >sa tnt»> a ni<niiitf>< l « i B< ltt\j l| i iih i tt B r i'afe thlajnppueal:7,oang dub, and if they obtain mora exttostve' grOUnlitrlmr <n>lok games, sdhere strioUr ta ths'.nlss.'ofithe gimaa at^MsitBh'sninii'of timj^/ifdshall'iaodsaht Hsv^ -z«oordaoM4pMs;sue«ssaMt)theB»through6nt.theBtaaorirbnt 1/ tbey.VfiiUinrttbA>eiampU of Otstr.'pitedeoesiorj the eld.iBn >k- jlynv wa^akoa :totlaipal8.'ars]slllai>lt(isakin^.-.npi';'ThereiU ito M^on whyithn ^illotr blub ahanld not ooctqiy: as Ugh a tMHit on in evei7 reapect as the New York tod St. George cfabsnow Iot; they aodally Anl with the best in' thd ob&iitry} and as • playi at^ are second to.but two, and>will: not lonA', we think^ be'tilit tl» any. :Ths fbllo'vlng .are' the. battlng'niages'of thelif /filtj )|x for 1861 ".. . . ; n'r ,.'• .1 .'.T-nr ,vn (.','.•..,.. 1 r: Ataofft ^BlghM'I 'lbiU r.l -cttUDioNsaip:. linttiteradinti todiohave theln'Mlioeo&;'^5^rtS'SJeji'3ltt'?«^i^^ ference to the "pairing oir' la oMUft'lt ^^iSSI^^ late them here:— .TTi .".►'•.."j.f;; t-' ri ""^"'orecipit,. "Arttolos ,of Agreemtot, msde this 20tb D4c«^r ium .. twelen JemHaobtodtoOnknown,tobenkihed l^^'n.^*^ tn-thi»e months frofii DeoeUbei' 80. To fight for itMtMS^ the,,a«mplon'8.belt in »txmonths from^eo. 23, on a djjSv named by the stakohotderi'i2ll a aide now deposited wIIkSsJS ^ 01 stttehWer.'wh'o haa to nsme'thS «!fer«eVtt?S,rt ateSi??!; '«35 a side shall be made at Jem Uuse's, Old' Elsg Jo£d%^^ '2?isss^'wtroisg?iiii'A^/!^'''^^ Uaoc VB Goas. now down irftb the.stakeholder. The next,of £Uio ^'J* Bp6dtlvely,|uj^to'1;einade on Wednesday, Deo. 81, at W 'tw pees, Waterloo''Mad.-• Alter whlb5;i series 'of drooifi'wK! apectlvely £30 to £20, have to bemade month^ at honses ttiS named altemetdy, the whole of-the money tobe made good^ .thelastdeposltl.whleh. was to be tossed for hereafter- fonau the day befora fighting at a honss to be tossed for. The slicT^ fighting and the.referee to be named bxthe stakeholder,'^ '' TWO UE^it^Y imiL&'IN THE'UYEKPboL' DISIBICI' i .'j.^" ■ '1' .sarwKBM ;' 1.. ', . ■ •• HOBIN.ANS HUBEBY, Al^O HAOsINa. AND, .JENknin The mateh. (In yiUSh Hobln stsl^cd £12 to £10} came ttm Tuesday;December 23d, in the.XiverpooI'.dlitrict As eatliu T:iO A. U., upwards of 180 of ,the "IWoy". .from LlverpobT^ soil ttota the docks, |n (he Heton)eS, en. nM for Helsbotrli^ the well-knhwn spot on.whlch Htinhlgan tod Bath, PigJadttii Horley, aqd .Burgess and Uarl^y had 'piMonsly semedjkeir differences.' Bllnon'Hobin. Is from the "Emerald late,"'^siu|S token up his onorters at.tfie libtise of Jack Evan^ Peter ali^ white .Harphy.tstfib ficom'th^ sister Isle, tod waa backed^ thb .'present ajralr.Cqbm Js^et Olorke's, liveipopl. Both mm hove prevlonsly perfomiedMlh vorledeaoceas. "Hobln la tm. tv^evto yean of age, stands Itl 8^1n.,'and weighed about'lu 7lb,vfhUst Munihy is twentyrslx years of ag«, stands Eft 7&|]l , tod Is about a stbae lighter thai^ his opponent': On arrivliig a the place, there was alremehdoiaa soif, tod it was with the gieti. es^ diffiodllt that tho. voiyafnira Itoded; however, on ga' ' lerrd jlmia,.NedGreaves, com Bheffidd, soon pltohod t£e._,. when Uuriihy wa»./flr<t to put in an appearance, attended^ Johnny Fierce tod JaoklSarage, (both of Liverpool). HobliL who had. the' services of Topper Brown tod a friend, qalckly. lowed; and ot sixteen mlnntes to twelve o'dodci su being la readlnoas,'bbth men toook bonds and commenced the'fight Bbnnd'l. Ubrphy stood 'with bis right leg firat a la Bendln, and after a little fibhlng,.lilurphy was dowik Froin this to^' fifth rbnnd,.the 'figbtlng wis edl one Sraj^when Murphy gin Hobln a stinger In the mouth. Firist blood flalmed and aubwed. In the tenth r9Uttd,'Hobln got the fl^t fchocx down blbw. Elion this period of the fight, sll in tOvor of'Hobln tUl the twentv4»- oona round, when Murphy gave him o knockidown blow, wlkk quite tamed the aspect of aflialrs. In the thirty-second ro^ both men feU'aide by side, having tooght 3tK mln.. From ttk' to tho elghtteih round, it was all m flavor of Hobln. Tlnio,] L. 38 lAIn.' About the nlnty-flfth round, Uuniby seemed to phid up, and, dashing out with his lalt, he splitHbbui's Up InatMgti. fdl manner. Loud cheen forlMorphy. .Frotl this, It 'was gin" tod'.take until the 148d tod last round, when .both, coodw very, "atokly" ftom their comera, bnd as all present. were Ult- Sed that the gtoie was equally baJonced, it was dkdored a Sim battle, having lasted 3 hours ond 63 minutes, the trtends of u(b mto promising to pay thsm for their reapecUve colors the nut ss if McA Aod uoik , Immediately after,another mill took place in thpeamerlnt, Ik- tweon J.'HadcIng tod J. Jaqklhs (both of Liverpool), for tlOt Bide. At. top minutee Uf tliree, these ".l^antama" came to tit mark^ In the firit round, Sacking got the "first blood," wlM .waa clalined and allowed. . . It was snyoife'S'fight, give a^d takt being the order of the day, until the eleventh round, when tie .captain of the Heroulea ordered all.meh oh board, tod daitneo conilngon, theaflUrehdedln'a "draw.'! Themenhadtp«gre» fortooUieiidaytoBettlsthe.bulness,.';.. . ■ . ■-.-i GEOBGE dlAUp Jiib FLOOD';i)6ltOTAN, F09 f<0,,' DNEXPEOTED flONiaipSION. ,', i i.i»Qlhw^ern^«lU.,t9pk.] Glsbome Graves Hammond Henderson.,,'.. Hlghom ...:.vf. JofleyT,, :■: Lindsay ,.,v.<'t Llttlsi)ohn...4.« Psarce'.... Peerless......;,. Bowllns...,.',.. Bcrlvener'.^ Sharp,.,. Stokea.;.. Strachan, SwUt..'.. Terry..;.v loiraooe,' 4 t- 01 ;...'.8;: .'..-..3-i; :..'.'.'.81 4 ondi 'M-O '.' 0— 0-1 ■/.IBI.rill 81-4 •.ViflO;.:"i'!/'.U^..'. 9.'.f'.'.',!i''0-2i », Wb M tinklUi'itf notattsdl'.Ul^^tliUr' ■.'..•^.4':ii! .-,133 I'--.i/M'i! ■ ^.U*!'!...: O.'ll .'iHi'll .-M'MK. ,....-.i'..8 .1 ;'.68f-';,".:-.-I0:».t.: .;,..'j.i9;'.i;; .".10.':/H'iI" **V;if, . -,.'.9.:u .' M l.Til i.'.iiaWoi^ ,...'.kV.8 .1 '.1'. ['4 >:.'•;':'»1*17/ A ,..'...:. .3> • I '',1.81>:.:~"i .'QBrli'/ a v.i,-.',ii4ii'C':'.: •..8T':'''i'.'.i ::i»-l" ,1 ii'4.4l.8'/oo ^-cS' •>;;-< SiJ'i.'' .:,'...';;S);I. r\.'C 47 .t.-'' ■.■•iMw.t:! r.'M'.'i.'i'J* UJ\>:Ht itiS^V'i)?': Hi'.r ,:: '.'k)j;t'i4'i'.i.i ;i -as -i' >:i:'i'M.'.',''.rt.'il6 .' ,il I. Sam- ' :'A >\- 1 89 '•/ 8.-. ■".' 18i.-. ...- a.' '• ..:.:-J . '1 '.11: .'.':1T- v8.,. ';--!!8.'.. .hi'.'. ".liSOl!' ■li;tilO.'V' 8'. Mtbti.-'U 0 Ml 0 1 0 .0 1 « .1 0 ;o 0 9 0 '0 10 ;« .0 <o ■i :-:|5'A'iuii-i>.ii:^:y':i' i^vx^aak^.OKixif ovenges, of, tli'ose';niai part In first Bins.ijjiolia! I-a . ' Oi1iiB.r7XliBl.foU9wli1g .sto ;tbe iberoci..t))eiG«!tbop) buib'.whb hoye.'tekeB Baras' Cohto ■'/ ..;ji|i..'k,''':i"! ■l''"''<'>r''Sp«'»'''Bi:'«-''! r.^:V'l|'.i:'^'P^o.:i;i,i;|i'fMi:^^ '..'B,' 1 :; | ''.r> ii''''fi i'>' i'I.':I"i5iil t<i (■.'■.'■Si ';'.'^'i )S>'i,,-''.''''-'?^'' «>.•''!»'&•'ft^ f-.T'VWiM '?B!.'''f^l''?j5u''f .Itfii' J.f'uS'-?' ft BqalreS Scheffer Sweet Stuni Thorn '"i'M.-.'.-l:.'.'. 'S 'i'?""?*"?'^''!'!''^'.;'! 0 ndeta^; ,;.,,9,,-j7,,,;8ri,i ,.,5rfl,. .l„ig,i, 1 „...4,.,..8. ,,3; fl IS:-••'••■•''J 5fi •'2f?"-?2'''?i"'"?j"'S''4f'i'--i'''9'' *'?lSJii'''V*»-«?''<?f''-'f4'*2f-''H'':'f''-''?''l''' 4'.<r>:fXi«< 'lntKllbtte,..4.,U„. M.^j. ■3-0,<.:,a,„.0.„.d;.,4,.. Si,,!. I l.r .Wadowp]5lh.,...?,.,.ff.„:,a-i, Irl: vXuyO .fl... 9 . . i --lOi 0 ,' .:;.' ■,';.ii:-ii:v.''. '.I'iBDiMoaiitF.asaTisRao.'' ■ ( '..i • [y.t- 11 Xhn Goihom dob dnring^lS69()havB takta'.^art. ln( hlBb' first nlnftiolah:goaieS4 .Ot'the.'A>ime^>.they.hav«'iWon six'tod Idkt' three, thejgaaMOithST wdn betogthose with the untda),'>-twlde; Harlemj twice; (ChaiiasOak and Eagls!i The blabt-thin dbfe Jted' themwore.'theHat'lemi andBur4ka; tWiosi' Vi't-' .>' I'■ ' . The total nnmber of innings: Jthnbd tilith«-'abo^e>'^filet ws4 77, andthe'tolal rnns obtained 187, yielding on''ltMsgf(l'of ione' ruh to on lnningawlth'60oviir,'<)rl6io dsiMeh,iHt&'2ovek. ffhi' total iTuns. obtuntd. by' thdr:opptlntoto in 'tUbi'some' :ini&to|s .WoroHSr { . |.. •.,.■.' :■' ": ■ Jill .liij..' ;n cl v i;(I _ : Of the Innlsga played'tho^e were 24'ln which do rdns wMe'op; tolnod, an overage of 3! to al' ihatohj with'<0 >6verV'the''ntniiber' Bcoredbythelrii^onsnte,being20, ri h:,'.:v>imii': ..i . ,. The/greatest number of' lontogl in 0 'motoh^lnitrhlob ne rnh4 were scoied.wos sevon/ tholeakt bUhg One; ''31tW'iltolb''flgiireg pntheport/tf thelr'Oppohento.WersO<tod>l.'Thf Mgholtidbre obtained Inione .lmllngs. wa<ir,':ihat of their oppoutbflii'e/ No doableflgareS'Were'SOQrad'inany.'lllnlBgV;:it si/.vu,'»"n, r.-. '.1 ' The total number of pBassdibUUndb.'Miloh"VM6ll'WUr4"'ffl M In flveof th««bbva:gsm«s:wsa:B7|: the ntinibtii^'aBeWall 'Mr tl idlr oppontnlsi'U.'..I i <i1i> .ttf. n'''>''>'"!'i" n'-oi!)"! ^li*"''! i"'!* |^ .,. je'totBimBBib<^.aotaheiriDidel& lh«(| pwted msiHaitlpM lOthot wtfe'tnUsedil"'» iiThtftotdhiiaibfTOf VounB otitbUeomtde' ' ,iChaitotolpnmtierbf>fonDboU»offWhtohitU^I|l theitre aamci«boveal]ndodiKonrad> MSihtrfM ,oiB(M4hUBlo)Uorlr38iltoM^^'Ititfshdito(lMl bSStiMl;it«tolgr'''iBlh^ imvlifilig,^ A< ^ kMimhv ir I- niif Li'.n !riin<l(H 'Ciri mil JinI itil iconli , iaxtooe>'~ DonoTOht. ,B)f!*Sn' o. ¥Ui,fit ' colohrwelfH ';W|nai|tA'MhineA nnch.fiuiM'lnithBP. B,, althontli kVa.botb'peifomedinthemaglaarenfK . ... .-.i . (MVlige.Olainp wasbomon Augnst 0,ie33t;>U]ida Stttln,helgll; and, on.ihisi'Oocaslon, .welghea"llst'i>81b.':'Be. haa, onlyosce ixiforecbeon.lnthe. Rlngiiwhen-he:de(bat«d.aibbs..'af .Ntwgttt .IIaikbt>/0(<£10 B aide, at OldiBavto/oaOctotwr 'iQb'ltiLoflsr ilghting forty rounds, whloh lasted I hour 80iintn.i: BstalDH otXionattrltoe, Wandsworth, with William Oiobkett, whcitaMi^t liim|il,1VBry good condition to the ring4lds..: .V . '":! -.1; /'iSlniTonoe (Flood) Donovan' on.Janaaiy.UiiJj}!', istnd* 6B,'Sln.'in'helght,and.welghBdbn>thaa0tht about lOtlift. •BiM-nnt 'appeartoce Ia the .BlBgi;iUO'°whsB. ha' deMedBflt 'Speo]lu,'foe!UP.a side,. at.'LtogrBsadr,«&'Jnly:iayrMiAifail bonrimin, ' BekttobyJaekBaUoakv£10to£2fi^atI«aff>B4>ol, on Aprll lO, 1868, after fighting ninoty-blght rounds In t mm V> mliL.'On Jan.i4i 188%beat Jaok:Keefe, £26 aslde,'U!Paifleel, after fightlng;thft('nrnndB,.which lasted 20. mln. .Eea)sa4)eit ;Pataey Daley, £2S:a side, in tenin>nndsi.3I''mln.,'at Porfieet, od Dto.iD, iaW.:i'jaetrUned for tbejitesehi contest stUr. Tnpper'a, .Aldarshot) which plooo he left on Saturday, snd took bis deptitsn 'fertheseeUifof scoonflrom Jlr, W. Tnpper's, Waterioo-rotd.'.'IIie :limUofd<4iartnre.was fixed at an early hour, fTomo weV-kilgwa itallw^e *totlon,.rand after 0 run by thsdton vDadia.tripper steamboat down: the river, brouabt the :combatents aadtlev ' Mends!to'S convmlenllocallty, whore the ring was pitched, tiiil Donovto threwinhis oap at ll'A. M: predselTi ooving accaplt of oooOknpUshbdbrotherpugUItte for bis seconds. OlampwaasoCD oSsr.'hlnl, tod entorod the ring, having on oqually occompUiled palr'fbr hls esquires.- The toss for corners wss won by QiiDP, who: chose the higher side of. the ring for hla atatlon.' 'aen wastho insusl dday in picking O' referee, tod^ it .was not snUl holf on houri hod been wasted 'that o .well-known spbittDg oelebrity'cOnld. bepievBllsd' npon ttf "attod,". when thetolleU of the'men'worb atonco oompletedi and'their colors (a ^een OUk hohdkafthief, wltha red and white cross-bar for.CluiiPiUd oblao, with 0 tartan check, for Donovan) baving boen UU w the'stokes/thdy wu^e doUviered by their sbooildB on the ttuii« tWtoty-flvemlnatesto'twcIve, for ...•;'. 1 ■ ■■> '■ '■'• '.'■■■ '^ :TaanaBT.. ■ "I'.i ,'.'., ': Bound 1, When the men had been left :by their: ««<»;«»"'? Blood fsce to faoe/the disparity in- height'tod welghf between thUnWssTerrmarked, and the toUer van:having-thehV^ gtbund; caused' li bystander to> ohout, ^"SayeTS todHeentotoja ogtoil" : Olompwts the beat condition.. H'Uofii iweU-tooUt-ftame upwards, wlth O'good opread of 4hooM«r»» ibreadth of lolna; but without tho.'neuU bosiles of mnidswucn hrt^the'peaalla)^ bodges of the professlonalpogUlst.. He stool u 0 very good position, with his foot planted firmly pn the.gjwmo, 'todwlQi.liiB^bmas'wfiUiadvOBcbaf'butas'he'offerod.wl.tDtDS . leftithb attefcptwos plainly that'ofo'hovicB. Donovan in'decent:fetfifl,'but'looked!'d6ho*ite.^»Hi'Is a neatwbU-Biao youngfblloW;"with feood ehouIdo'ra'todIaoV,buf'rstter'iBiu obbutthB'ortnB;snd ltWaa evldont'he hod beon suffering ollght'lndispoaltlon, as be isbowed -ii xod''Pi»rk on_ the cneo; wheredmuBtard sppUoatldn hod rcoebtly been. -He siooa u •mabb'betWrfohn thonihle:»dver8toy,'and*od tho free a<« M^ left hand, and ovidontly knew the uso of his right.- As Uie7>f^,. tod' out '(ho 'tacHes ot «eh':'otHsA boOi' l^VjifS'S: (Donovto Bobb Bhlfl«d bis gronfna-'fMmiaoi'loworlporUjM «> I... ,.«,,iart«iBWandWllh'Oi*»p. trathif'OJJ"*'- loe, IrU^, and 't^orked nnhd untU he 'WOS'OU'I^ t, .raey lipaitedfbb'Hn-opening; untniDblii^Voltb . ^ Vfheh hbfolnted'With his Isft'vlilbusiy, but'flBdinfft „ iBrokt^rtoiad wilhMf'dovsflyi/ on e**ln=g«tttog^V thlB-dW"'* 'Dofad«)4i'''r*pkiitM'itJie.'ifeUit whoar Clomp woavod wlldj.'^ ltotfi<bGdsl'diiv*'lBfl'ioI(i8ei<i^ ■libj^'Oli.tbWwM flStetttftfwn'breheeirstrongth tod wcigw"' ,0M6',<'d6hl«Kl''< K>J'>'''>'''J i i-'^i' : .'•' '■ ' ■.■,„.u a'oornBr».«"''"■'"'""J II ■ • '."■'_jrnril itHbittW-tlpfeagArtyito theoollot tim«,lanfl '»P'fJ?J2]i" • ^ planted his left on themouttheavuj, - a, short time,, when drowinijt■bldOB.'rbMiyinB oil'^tho'fokehcidiwm •s,u, Thby then'tfot to ln-flihang,,itSwblohi esohwns • busy ^^^^^ honii'on tffl'«teo',i*lb») heJd tod bodyi'untilthto f"**'"* rbbes,'^*, AftB »W*i^We,^b6thWeWdbwntn oUmp ' ff, CJ«inj)'oa'fibUb''6Modlng «ii thrf^onlK/^bnbvtoW'Si fluehed~m»Wk 'i5n'til8"fbr<)Wd.MwUvirtBi'MUi otaia'QBlolvbJSttijintf VMtMhi* 0lJj»4»« wh«h'bBl«lnj*;,i2 •tod woke 8frouh<flW)nlhl8ilongthy'Mtt|oill8t'|'AtlOTm '— W dWtd'hls'lefl-jgSWjg ?d'^'librt«; 4nghohad.01an»pWltb5h Wa'6hVlII»^dUmt d'his WfJJSj wlUl8dt'A'rotu>«.>:'Oiamb"fcngW<ja'PbhOTanj obW^ .npS'itld^hBWin'Dbftf^iB^^ ' F^fJl! jSI ■01 dlaWiyWnbWudBU.... oipMwdwniM ifiTittai. D(in'oVto ddWh'hi lh»' iei .4.'B0ltIjbbn<tiB-UBlitr his fblrbhead "bblhbffdsl tdonth mdUod hf ithiniiy'.taitu"hv.' ' ilnt*ffWItl(lliWW *t"thb' ^tlttfa