New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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0^^ I ' ■ NfiW TOKK, B^T^BbAt, JAOTART iSl, 1868. ; V j^ABOB OF.TflB njOW BaiOADB.. - • '.'yjariini FOB T9«'ifsw ioM.oiOTrn, '' , . BV JACK PEBOY. .^^inn £mplr« atito wmt thli gtllmV comttiu 'tS!l%U'M»d^ issband ttmn^ ilit.Und; MTOb £TniHti ir of aittt. bat of nalon ind right, •^sSfSwthrtwdr blood to glorloMllfihti ''Slunbt'^JurelB I'm Bibe iflll ne'W fU* -' ■*5^f^rtniglit for and won by tto i'Irbn Brigade." .MtaflM'lDtill) bttUc/<T«rfotemoBt to fight,- -.■ 'HSSSr-tnd T»ylor, Hall, BieTOto and Dwttht, ''!«S^Mfti«honor TVliloh' tlt«lr name now enihrtoea, AS'^'sv'lhMfThatoci on Uib field of JB«Van Ptaes;' .«S«iiito;byita»l*Il«9. great B«P«a»,»oon made. !5Sh!oir»n>ldMtos6ote»,oakbrOT8fallowBta^^ • ':5!%tule eUnds as ftrfn oa a ftioDB lion waa MJUbtlPg 'M Hooker, 07 brave New Tork'a loni, ^f^gek«n that bfitterj' h Oaptnre .tl^osa guns I - .iji^,i)Von«'^i'<i<>l^B; oebtirol forward. Ponble qaloki '^^Haicbi-I ' • ' ' ■ iNthttro'ids o^tcommand, lond, harried and hush; 1^ ihoiddtr ib>houIdet on they, press with load ycUa, . Br«he<iM« tl>^ b'nllots, nor fetrtog the ehella. iU .M fullof fory imw onward they go,. -i^ripaxn under foot-alike mtnd^md fbe, nu.l^'wud ebont of trlomph—the captori^ ts made,. ^gdaiit San filoklesand hu G«Isl9r Btigado. -rrrr THE TKACK OP jBMipP; , HiffilN THE CITY AND WM IN".EHiQ LilO) A^|lp]llU.tlOB OP IfKW YORK lAvB,.' ■ , the'Cigh abd t^e'Utt^^bv Blok and tlie Poor, . / .the/QoMi^ tbe Bad.''. . . ■Uri&p BsCRi^ss^lr-vdB Ttis mw tobk azjETOf • (jHAWEE'nr ^ toBmb^ouT 1*0^ Cana.iiiX) Utbtebi Of ^ Obeat.Cutt- ' ' UwUSCISaa t)l'UASQiT7EBXi>E-:-"TlUr Ikioe BEtwizK tbe ito''—Tns Beksqns i.T:fioia-^iiE mobc "pBonaaroiui." (lU-FROvibivo laAitrafr A coimnaEitoT'r-l .nnsT appsAB- JKioRXftEWFTAOE—TlwPAlIB.;HonAE.' .' Issle'iascti to the habit of gdlng'^at New Tork, andnottog |plk|t« .'be)!caii there, need not be tofcrmed that there yet ■Uldli^omas Btreot, what was once a lerj notorious panel B, llJs quite nenr tho ploco .inhere ^elen Jawett was nor- iSimi tneoty yoata ego, and was oloaed, wo bellSTe, to I8S7r MW flu Tlguaiice of one of opr nidit npi^tghtinaelatratsa, niWb;hoiims. have been'tdeiorllMd xf^;^ .and are- l£b:Bn^lo»a 'to HB'thelir'^detli'uWarran'geount.'Wa Ef^tc^lWD 'on an account of th'attoThomas atreet,' farther liiilieit<rlor Is regarded^ That Was r&sp^ctable enough; the iiil pmanUiig a green door ahi two vorlor wtodows, aboTO Midi, et the second floor, were three other wtodows,-and the M OS the tblrd and fonrth fldon, respectively—tho latter kkf (itt are callod dormer. Xhe color of thls.honse was a fin ltd, and It had ui'odd, qolet looki Jost such a look, lilM,a -ne often aeoj ootwlthatandtog the difference of tho <4<<li,ia meo and women who have their own reaions for not Ihe scruttoy of tho}r feUows. ' A. select sloffwas attached tlupuitl hoost, with onb of whom wo hsTo already made -K^lnuncA-tho sable telle, Miss Boss Dlmh Jollanna. Her :|a!lu ditlca may be shrmlsed fremth'e weeds of a person ^bidonce Tinted there, and been fieoced':—"A black Janitor, lienoBeols opposite to thatof'Bt. I>eter,'losemnoh, aaone taNU«key^6fhe'aten,:theotherthoto6f hell." - - ''- nr n haTC thus alloded to the pond honse to Thoiiias street ^b) uen by.and-by. UoanwhUe, let ns retnm to some of the 'teden.wa loft to tho first chapter. 1 - Ai Itiilll be snppoecd, the dlstorbanoe to .which the onrly IlilMultd a prominent port, did not rcaoltto anythtogyery ,wlbli;ao far from that betog the case, good humor-was once Win the ascondailt. The landlord of the- hoii9e,'iio flurried >1 n isiloue for tho roetoraUon of "order," bad vroTcd a npnphit to moro thtogs than one; the dsteotlTe UcQ^afl «i iwrnpoalcd by .a faihlopable sight eeekor, and 'tho latter 'nied the onUro crowd to drinks. " - ' ut ittoiigct'ename-will have beenantlolpated by the reader^ wltb'Ur,'tfoQaoS; apetpreasedhlmjelf, besides plaoingto th» detMtlTe'ii hand.* goMly'fee; ths 'xmdentandtog between the ' ' ig that more myateMea of Kew York shoold be shown to skndMas^n. It was long p^. midnight whenthelwo . . >t«d,' asd.hnt few ot .the vagabond crowd they had IbrBmatoedbohtod. QUes had been the earliest to quit. to his attempt at a fight, and sharing to the first treat of tb^ risiior, he had battled op, as It were,.his Tengaanoe against yonng Benson, mqantog to bring it to bear against that todl- vldoal at a piope^thne and opportunity, with somethtog lUiethe sudden efTcot of gtogor bear expeaed to Ihe air, Hla latest ex- ploit has been dmy recorded. .- , It Uittote wa shonU retnm to the Bensons, nncle and nepbew. As the reader will Implyj the younger was placed onder the spe- cial tutelage of the elder, ahd proved lilmself an ezoaedtogly apt ■eholotd-a result partly attrllmtabla to his former Uwloss pnc- tloea^-thongh. under very different iclrcnmstonces to those -which were to controlblm to his new sphere of action. If any thUg had been wanttog to Increase the coofldence of ilohn Benson reapeot- Ing t]i'b cleverness of Eenry to tho path sdected. It would .have bei^ supplied by.the gallant bearing of the Utter when threst- toedby the big':bnlly, Oiles. "Bucb a placky fellow," said old John, "would be an honor to his profession," Alosl for his Ig- norance, 'What an honor thi^f'.'plnoky fdlow" might have been to S6ih6 more creditable practice than house brsakiiii[ or sly thefti 'miat green laurels might he' not have earned to tho roped arena, tostmotMl to the rales of sdenoe, and emulated by thesplritofCalrplAyl - ■ ■ ^ ■ ■ ' -•• - "Bravo, Ben r-ezclataled the onoU and teooher of the n'otlob, p feV evenings inbteiiaent to their first-totrodnetlon to Ohuroh- street; "Too haveWjultted y^urdelf woD- under my trainli^t' knd to-night yon shall practloe< for the flnl time. Come, take a' drink.'*' - -' . - • : ' , •'That I would'do without tovltatlcn," retumM Henry Benson, "thongh I now do it, notwithstanding the ccmpllment There ;"' ond'the yonhgflsllew threw olTa quantum ofpale brandy. The which wo find the two relatives and co-partners' to crimed was the home of both—for many years the sole real-^ dence of the'elder—to on obaoure street not for from the Nortb- Biver, and considerably up town. The house was a small one, and Ma miserable aspect outside, presenting to the passer little save lath and plaster, dlrtv wtodows, snd a'dosed door -with- bat either knocker or hell.' Bat, inside; some attempts <t' eomfort were visible, for to the parlor, whertf the confederalA jwere sitttoo, a carpet covered toe floor, and a feW<horse-halr tnd' rosewood cnalrs, and a sofa of the same material, furnished' th» aids'for itsL ' A substantial tnble was placed to the middle of the room, and numerous blcturea were on the -oralis. Those, It was evident,' had been tiicked up at diiferant times and places, and were objects not very classic Bome' were to frames, but: others (the portraits and landscapes tro'm illustrated newspapen) mtons that advantage, had been out out, and arranged-with a de- gree of order to the spaces between the more promtoent steel- mens of thoartptotorlaL Two magnificent out decanters, -wlto the- Bome 'number of glasses, also a silver basin for sugai', and white pitcher, contatotog warm water, were on the table;-and afire' smouldered to to'e ample stove. Tocodipleta the furniture cif the room, a large, extensive lamp, to hold camphene, also stood Tiponthe table. It had Just been lighted, for £he sun had set a^ teradayofgloom,promi8toganlghtofBtorm. . "The sooner the better," continued Heoiy, after throwtog'olf his liquor, and in reply to hla uncle's observations. "I long for the'huur to come, as well I may after being toactive so long as I have-been. If I mistake not, I shall moke a splurge, and so do somethtog towards replenlshtog tho pockets of the 'sodety,' while I reflect credit on the smartneas of mysdf and teacher.'' - "That'a the right sort of talk, Hen,''said the dder Benson, approvtogly, not notlclog, as anybody might, the expression of satire that passed-over tho -nephew's face-as he aspirated the W<>rd "teacher." But Henry went on:— . •.'Thete Is something thatlwtntto ask you' about, as Jt be-, comes ono so 'green' as myself (yon eee, I7unk, T^avo profited by your InBtmctlonB to the Ungo) to be tborongUy advised of aU that is expected from him. Oni the'occasion of my appear- ance to-night on a atngo Iliave never yet trodden, all niay not go tgo . ™ lip, 08 the old saytog has It: to short, should there! be—should my man become restive, what am I to do—^muiv— -"' "That's an ugly word," exclaimed John Benson, intertupttog. his nephew, and a peculiar look passed over his face—a look that ■nA always hoUceablo when the sto. of homicide was directly alluded to. "^urdor—kllUng^ou moon," he resumed alter a pKuse. "That must bo left tifyour own dUcretlbs. But, as a sort of guide, remember that it Is not the policy at'ohy of our fcween this woman axid Uie rntn \fjio ruhtf'the bell.' Peorhaps' we shall not be suiptlstog the'neade^ - whefi we' uf Out the ti«w comer was the sea-fkring nan first seen on BroadwBy* ! Few words were spoken by oither, and a signlflcant motton of the woman's hand was followed by the man's asoenkion of the stain. It was not his 'first visit to the place br toany, but the interview he was to bbve trith the'^onng female Lathe Landsome toom atiove, was toe oommencoment ef his acqualntanoe with her. Whether under the spell of Intoxication,' the pree'ent visitor had been "floecod" toero, to the signlfioatlon the-oMer PeMon wonid have applied to toe term, or had been spared for (bis special occasion, Is more than-we can telL ■ :. ■ 'He had hot been many moments to toe room, when hew%g Invited very earnestly to test toe quality of the vluds before blm.' rUndtf ordinaryoircamstances, mora impcrtnatty would base been required to the cose; but under toe present, conaider- •ble less would bavo soi&ced. Cntttog short'uie BoUdtatibns Of bis entertotoer,' toe seo-ftrtngman, whom we Shan designate as Traeman, took his seat si the table, and' donudonced to 4at and drink oftootliinga,befoio him.' /He had not been engaged very Jong to this agreeable inapner, WheU, feeling his fkoe mucb"flnshed(toecitoa«qcience; no doubt,' brUa recent exercise a^d the wtoe hs bad quofled) he raised his head,'totent on tahtog a survey of hla featoros to thelooUng-glass i^Isced pn toe mantle shelf, immediately opposite to him. .Bot very .mneh to his surprise, he' saw that his face was of a dee)^ ted| at'toe same time, very much' to hla snrprlse,/he was con- sdoos that bis companion; who stood behtod lilm,.waa pouring aobelhtog not wtoe, toto a gU». I Freeman was cool and methodical to all he did, and -wltoout- ,experienatog toe slightest alarm, he detftmtoed towatoh'thiS issne of fevents. In an bff-honded manner, he bade-his com- .! .A^';.A'q'0iDtav.'^'f.ii;'A^^ ''. . :W»nfB( xaam^ .vob .zre i/kw j t^.purm, ; .^. lM■j6H^^ F. oiii^raa./;;'-)!';',. '. it -is noli (piii •even years atobe tbei igfeb; (fj''^!^ '■ heard relaiod one of,the funniest and most oonil<^ tooes «n the.publlo.stage that probsbly.eytBMMm ■ ■ ' by toe hero hlmseir. Ill the er of. happy. Jovial spirits, tba^ .etitSi, a] Mjoke. 'UwaarehrteAto^nohshsm'^j alls of a very cosy "shadea" to'.tSEs .n . . placed - Bhewastoe firstto'brcak silence. "Come," she aafd|."}Uu haye drank some wine, I perceive, but ,yon ituil now'reoeive a- glass fiiU of too ruby stream t^m my hsinds, whioh', I ani sure, you -will thank me for.' It IS of a nre vtotsgi, indeed; ahd few peorfelnUewTorkhaTelfc" •piom so fair a band I vMll take it wit]i pUostir))/'. r49toed ihi^seaman. ■,<..■■■'_ . .' - '.She wtoe was soon given to him,'when Matog the. gloSs to hit 'line, he totormpted himself to his apparent purpose; and mo- !ti«ned his Hebe towards Uie mtntdfors sBp'.of paper wlto whieh to light his aegtr. !.-.>.'.-.; ' ''In toetotervol, he dexterously spilled toe oontents otbls glass under toe table, and when his attendant met'. UU.igUtooe sgoln, he'Wosremovtog toe crystal from hla lips; ''"'.,'.". "Good wtoe, Indeed!" he eaid. "Tet l thittk' lt'makeame wpndrons drowsy;'.''and ^Ue glaheed at thd fatosle/ is though snxlous to dlecover whetoer^S: suxmlso be, had formed tools ihtod was corrector not Qonolndtog that it ins,'from toe ex- pression tost crossed bis companion's face,'-hd deterihtoed to act tpoordlngly; and verysUUnUy did he aotj as the xtadeT wlB con- fess, for a mAnwho, from particular.eigns, hod supposed toe ob- ject of toe girl with hM to be to drug, if not to murder him I . " Therefore did-Freenian gradually desist ftom his mefl—taktog care to exhibit toe generally accepted tokens' of droWsiil^, until, at length, he gently fell bock to-his. chair, -wlto his eyes apparently dosed;' he all the whlTe, breathtog to that low, short manner, Indloative'of a l)rofound sleep. Notwithatandtog an toese shQira,toesesmanaawsuffldentthloughtoeunperoelved openings of tils eyes, to satisfy him that the young female was 'gratified, and oontemplated some new movbment. "TbonkOonl (lamtous savM ilcom additional pollution I" she exclaimed, "and now I con well act out "the lesser crime— .slave to circmsstances tlLat-I-am. I-have done my part of the blddtogof tooeetowhoman evUdesttoyhss It U now time for somebody else;" and she quitted the room hastily, through the door by which Freeman had entered. 1. _^ . . Then, olllwaa quiet forafew.moments; when slowly, aportton Of'toe watoscoattogbf too'^om was turned aside, and a man .peepedltbrough toe sjlsce Stf-lettI -Itwas'the younger Benson. Bteatthily spproacbtog the sevnan, he gazed upon hla:face, but the'glance. Intended onisory only, suddenly became fixed, while;'tovohintarlly,'from ^i^hfy'tf Upe, escaped! the exdlama- asnr ■ ■ ' "ibe.Oaptatol" ; . ;-. At toe sound of the. n^e. Freeman startod ftom his apparent slumber, and confrontliiBtoS'iaewoopierrCriiedi • "Benson!" ,~', .. j! !. :. '.; '. ■ - . .'tsEol^ evdry thing nbouthlm) as for.tfe sable venue, Roaa nui inUuuia, she camo In for her treat and share of admlro- (I) ^0 same almost, if not quite, might be eaid of every ^JStwene person in particular. It was too young woman to vebrlefif alluded to too first chaptor. Bomehow, young •wfofcy's'eyes fixed upon her; somehow, hers wore rlvettod '"■luii'M'though hy a spell,-she toought. 'Of h«rname, hll .J-llu could ascertoL was tost it was Jane. . Bis eusplolons of ?°^Ppy and dsifradod' condition wen soon verlQed by de- TJS^JloQiiall, 8' portion' of -whose .-vdutble toformallon, ■""jw to Edward Uleaokley, we will now Ir^nsorlbo. ^.f^iQiCroesoiigh (he referred to Jane, repeattogtoo word '"teitnngor) nnd young enough; bntsold to ruto as sure as About such girls toero Is, a common storr to be i!!?,**, V^UcabJo to one OS to another. Oast on tho sea of ,3«™l,Mft,to our midst,, they X)ften have to ploy a varied igjJy^.^-I^Vnt.tliia Jane now,, sir, Vild say how doyon :J%^iuidcd hy sin, and arrayed to poor biblU; but yet^ l)ow 'TiWhotospohsiofBIondi^ ' -' . ,iA£*'«rw;yott oh»orvo,V went on tho deloctlve, apparontly •25!?'tUo Ulier .part of:Sdwa^a'B eentonce; .SSSJPwo'.yeu. hdwover, when I ser thatqasy this ,«u<huge- thoirYdaWere at-stated seasods, and show gaily »t ,w and the eslooii, and on the fashlonabte promenade, llkoltatVeDtiuid in, tB6y fshW- toeanft-todeed, 'ftll?.^°l>u>ge wrought OIL tbeato oebaalofaa, that nche but •25?'"■'•'''•toowlnsbnea could diadover the Identity.'■ Ton .>" TWag womon-aboU't whomiyott haVe toqulred, as she Is) '« k'11""** b.or ot.» In a far.dlflttrbnlplace, ^>?-.^iVj>'^'o»<>«a anotoer' person. 60, what say yon to •iMK!S!^'°''l(i^the(>, if itls Mdy tobeonabled toknow her ■Si-Sf ^'^''I't^O) of fto-l*Uoeii'lvhoiB- buslntss it la to ,jj^ii'i*ddd laihtr Bol,t'.totoinea- Bloookloyi "and te«, as •iElfi... Mcape too ohonoa of further eoruUny,-the poor •i^iffS'JJ.^i'I'Mn i dote«Hvol" exdaIiBea:'M4QTi»lt : "Bdt ■^SSLiJ, other party or oconpatiom'lf- - ' WSiSKL ^"^too surprised toquiry bt the young ftahlonable jpbiople to allow evidence to ajipeaft-.agdiist theni; If'ttu^ooh rest, in accordtode'ffith'y'atirinstrnctlitoi^tell me, wn topractic((myBh)(ghtoffumd.t«:i6ilght;l" ",. , ,' '. ..,...;: •%> a' place where' yotf biave bRenleUeRtea-^wlief 0 you iidk ono.of your flnlshtoglessonA tOrday; toVH—street,''and-old Benson, whispered ,eomsthldg to his relation, as Ihongb.ha thought toe walls had ears, and he feared their Knowingnbat ho sstd. :, ".-.".".'" " . ■'-''• •', . •Indeed I lamgladof that I" eid^edHeniyihts.fiuse flush- lug—"veryglad 1" : .C ':' '.' ... . Had a toird.p4rSon. wi^i a vexyaouto ear been prelBent, he could have known what place w>a riamed by toe ddor despeMdo^. Thdpand'UonsoinThomae.eti^btI, . ,-.''., ■ • OHAPTEB'IVi- [ A'Stobu—Fbofle ,wiix .Sebk PixispnE iH ALL itzixarim^t^ SlminoiiT WAXFOBBsr-aopia noo VHzlJoi«'sI>iii^ii;;.Tiail to A» Old, FAUaiAii Flac^A BAKqo'inv-^TEX'DhootfxD Oupl—AnvASTAOE OF souEmiEs Birrrao OpFOsm a Look- iNa..QLASS-^A: FKtOHsn BLtwaXB-^Tms PAMKL OPDUU-rAli .. UBixTEOTEnEnooojrrBB—"TBmOAJPTAml"' : . '■ It woe past',mldnleht,an4a'heavye(orm'was lagtog, Jusfas the watchers of toe weatl;er had ahUdpated it would; many hours ago. ' 'Very bright was - the llghtotog, very loud the touh^ der, andhototoe wtod and the riam wprthy their paYto to'toe elemental dlsturuanbo. Tet,'aitcr'toat storm'had commoueed,' thousands of pi jaslure seekers hod gone forto to toeir accustomed haunts. At some of these; toe reign of gdety bod been longer conttoued than at otoers, toe result bf whioh was, toat at toe Isto (or early) hour we have sained, a carriage-or eowhieked past the oorpers of Broadwsy.'or a -TetBmiog pedestrian, for whom no convenient stage orhack appeared, was fUn to mskb tho host way bo'oonid to the house where he lived, ' Bnoh a person might have been scon between twdvo and one o'olook, walktog hurriedly xlown'Broadway. First appearing on the blook intersented by Broome and 'Orand stroeb, he mode short work of his passage' to'the Park, tantog from whioh, on the right, he was soon lost amidst toe obscuri^ of toe emsiller streets thnt branch thesoo tb toe Korth River.- 'It wns a danger- bus ndgbborhood he was t^ndtog to, but perhaps he was eo- ouointed wito toe fact, and hod modo due preparations; or, per- haps, on suoh n night as that, too nsnsl danger was not abroad, "By Neptune's trident, that's ablazer I" exclstmod tosstrancier, -trhbse speechtodleatedhis conhection-with too sesfarlngllfe, and whose appcarance'woQld hovo done toe eamo to anybody ; lear ohongh to him to toke noto "by too aid of that sheet of blue [htotog. The pedestrian epoko mpre words, but tbey were utterly loet even to bis own'aense, to the sudden crash of thun- der toat followed toe fibry rent in the heavena, •■This Is-as bad os a dead calm on tbe Indian Seas in suromer," bon'tinued theman; "butofavbry different sort. Therewewant a little bf what vfe have too much hero—wtod and rain. Anotoer. blazorl On, onl" , - : imagtotog ouisdvesto toaplaoewhltoar tlie manis tendtog, wo-Bee. a handsomely, fnrolslied apartment on toe floor above he parlors. . It has an oooupant-a femde,. young, beautiful, end gorgeously., drcesod. Bhe is a4millar.AaMlueof 'toeplaoe. bntjf any. body who haebeon to-the custom of .viewing her ibore, werp to view.her now, ho jrould confess ta a wldoidlf- forenoe. Instead'ot. k.'hlgb color on'her bheek, alllspolor; a -:BUfiii»»<.bit..q»,ia'-T^ ''addlert'gr»fe' i)i-toe, ' " ' no time for settled rest; amoliB^tny-friends herei J,*;P^^.deler.i[ve,"witoVprofoadonafar. whjihls divenlly of dross?" aohed Edward. BtuKMVinany; and ilbt-tob Si., " yy** idonUflcaUon,' •FuiwiuViT" r"C"> muiiHucBuuu, wheto th.oy thBnailtM are xi i^ffiy .' anil the harrasatoa inbonvenlenbes they-atoigbst tb TuH"' wbob bbre agnnta to the' abtk of Ixwteisness.'.', . - f '^h^i?^'.'^ "oino kind of arrangement prevail'e' ^?^»ia]eHeTo >" was the naturoltoquiry of voung Bloadiley, ' aLi\'9t>Ued UcQuaH: "so far as several of them .(I mean the TfiK^.'^oaarned. ^ Toil n^r ^» astonlb^ed/ but It Ik 'yd JWiiib. bid^.dbzbu bt b«RflUbs Wo are alnbdg:' aofi uoiei'by Uibse' ind' otttf' k we live, tnd befoib be parted Laze haa apparently come over tooea onoer aparkltog eyea: and toe tongue that can - be bo voluble, and tho laUgh -toat can be so iond and'cheering, .aro now not heard at. all) toough it I4 evident tho young oroatuto Is-communing to hersel£<- Yet; no smile, noteventoafhtototli liahtsupheifeatures. ■ > .. A glanob at toe room .would nave boen auffident to todicato iw 'uses did objects; On :toe mantle^ shelf-was a handsome lamp, he flame '.emitted from .vAloh fktotly lUnmtoatedtoe spaae. Buf- lelontly so, however, to prove that, by thoi^id of plotaws onTl fig. ires, toe senauollUes of the vldtor wiioro U be appealed to... The more ordinary appotlleshad hoen oorodfor by toerrovlelonoKooa and drink, whIoh were displayed upon toe table In tho mlddloM the room. . All toe tlino, tooatorm ragod violonlly out of doois; but a more lerriblo atonn scomod to have Ito homo In too bosom bf that young wo?oon,.pa«log-un4Ulotly up and doTO toe opart- menl, whichwlthbntW would.haveIbeenqultesolitary. "Itis awrotohodllfer^toat^o.whioh I »?,lx>™''j,»°* Jfiff bid I'fod BO utterly, wretbhedM Ibovoof Ido tornlght, Bettor to bo dondr>o«or :eVbn lo,l>e. the Roorbat and most ab- ject wanderer of tlio Btro? long as gntlt is not on the soul. Yet eltango' perversity I Bow dliSoult. if ilot Imposa bl^, to fleb KmtooTal^So -wbraonco withinltl Theae '"kra rbjos. B3?sii«iWg5ew&y.-wtiat.mod«erie8f Far taoreAMroprioto the.poor.^ageVnmhloh t.someUmos appear. thisiwliatJoes that propOso to bo ? J'fSS^'^i^'^.},^! Batoof-ahould too words hoyb been. wiU b^^A". *"* » dU&nbred grave.'iAi4to tho tolerval--oh, Oodl lost, I.j2f(,^ot tank ortjiat.. It Isitoo terrible .•• . '^.^^ ,It was atter this lihion that-toe poor girl dlacontbed to he*;*} J . .it tM .ttoment tob last wor^;was,upon her "PM W'J?? S tbo WsrjjiHft of the hbnsa .was oognlzsnl ol a.slight "nUtog or. the.stTesnw.boU.: Bhe,rtbrjt.w»«a woman,as evMj bWy to - \:(Oba)$roSeeded to ascetiatowho ''ft|Safi3>i^dpoj,o«itIb i^oTtobluar tebbgfamSn passed 41 ■ "• ' 'fHiiallye.aslran'gerBrsIv, , - who died whUb ttto'toe^ntoem Oonlbdehicr to .save;- - • - -'plebbto UsDost . . . ' , - ■ ' ' braite'Sntoem friend '.,.",'.". ■ ' ■- ' IcomlSlandlO • .' -' '. , Tou reaohed a Glory OS end. ''!. ; " -We'place toese flowers abovb toe stranger's'hed ...-.' - In hbUer 'of toe chtverliess ded, . > |. ' " B'trbeibpUitresttohevon I ^TheflbbtabwYankisthar.^. .. WUiD.PBTB^OF ./^ RVSBIAB PRDIOBI. .. 'A'STBANapFAMOY. '. .'.•'.; . ;Among toe Isst heard of oddities attrabled to Paris ;bT various hlbtlvs8,ls add to be a Russian Prince ofgreatweaUh,hlsfortnne tetog'bstlmated at toe rtspectoble flgureof tB^,OOQ'ayof>r.' A Paris correspondent of a Canada paper ssys.he spends^uoh .of bib tlino travblltog, and havtog- a passion. fbr'wUdDca^tB, oarrlei^ an extensive menagerie around wlto him. This nobleman, . who has extensivb eetatos Jn toe Jfitl Ubnntalns cbntolntog a;i .em< etdd nilne, andproduotog toe Itoeatmalachito in oxistwoe, has: spent immense eums to toe purohose of wild faoosis, arid, has succeeded to fermtog a very formidable coUeotlon, tooludtog a lion, two tigers, aeverd panlbere, a pair bt hyenas^ variousmon- keys, ' sll excessively noisy, and otoer 'horrors! too numerous to menUon. The Prince, on arrivtog here, took possession of toe sulto of rooms tost had been previously engaged ior blm; and as he dellghta topoklng up hla iremendoua peto. and eetttog toem allrbariog togetoer, previous to feeding toem,' the Ulsmay of toe Buecesdve layers of tenants vtoo filled tue rest of toe house from [arret to cellar,' may easily be concblved.. The trightrulnews of bo establishment of a menagtrie ctlonajlieyrtii bessia to a pri- Veto dwelling aoon ctroulatod throughout, toe. ndgbborhood, throwtog ell too Inhabltuits toto spasms of terror., Complotots jpoured to upon toe police authdrifies, and too guardians of too. publlo peace "transported toenisdvbs" to too Prince's lodgtogs without delay, satisfied toemselves that toe animals were roaUy tooro, toformcd blm that toe narbortog of tobse dangerous and noisy pets was against the law, aiid ordered hlni to get rid of toem. rho Prtoce, on nlBSlde,set'fbrto the impessibUUlTorhis.glvtog. op a coUeotion which he had formed 01 so great a cost and on jwhloh ho had act so high a vdne; and entreated, oa.ho was only bosotog through Parle, m nmle for Livonia; where he has an immenso domain, wito a otaBtean,'and plenty of kocommodatlon for his beasts, to be allowed to keep toem, olfering to buy out all tob otoer tenants Qu terms toat would Indemnify .to^m for toe Ices and cost of theb: removal; and to ta)ie enbh precautions as toe police autoorllles should'dlototo against an danger, bt toe escape oftoo animals. As toe house stands done, andpossesbes a Israe toiemal court round which toe cages of the anunols on be bonvenlcntly ranged, toe dlfflonl^ wosthus got rid The. otoer tenants have quilted too bulUing, taktog wito topto toeir ooods and chattels; and a handsome Indemnity pdd .down at once bytoeeocenlrioBueslan. The latter has rentod the entlte, house, and Is so mnoh pleased wito an arTBUgemont whieh leaves him tree to give toe range of toe premlSM to Us waringdarltog* toat'hohaedetermtocd to remota^iere through too ■wtote*. ;.. The InddtntWBS narrated I bf anuiRberc bnjoy a gbbdjol that .the wdb of a very obey • Cupmofllce, echoed back thebeortyrbanxtf la^g through toe promises. . , The pirly assembled on (hat oocaalon waa'bf AA. ind peonllar mixture.' It •was, lii ttet,- an Impt umii w' ■Mam fhestricd, literary, and eporttog mdi, brpughl Wffiaieeb^t soddent, md jummonedYo'ths meeting by toe'i *"'''—' fHoWire yoiiV^ "Oopieandtake'toy to-lhk'i counterslgii,'tIda entire party of ••had fellows 1 to totf aputneat frbmiwheneo tola narrative takbslta dat^ncr there, for Ave oonseoutive hours, hod toe.-msRUisl; Uibv^ttHP- aotooreverreooUeetstqhavespont: .:' .,.-. -; ---t r--.'-:-.ii .ic -Each sport, on.hls.inmitoldhis .ow?» nPr7,.aii|l'gay«>.lM-W!r- beriences<'»s ATi)lpada>Sleek would- sayy pod It-daMi-naTliMnt.' good, ervan now. to Ihtofc of sbrange, queeri and raoy .aB4o4P*f|i. related upon that JoUx and festive; obosdoQv ^he qhonotbK-cp' ' those little- tales wu -i^ inost remarkable.. pairt 'Pt top -i '' fThey-were given ifi.vii natural and piofesdonal.veln. 1 niator8,and toldwltusdoh.s trathfolness of chonio^h'that b ,tbe adoA Bt. Anuow, if. he were ptestnt, would htve' babif ;the -waist dt his 'panfidoons:. JTok'es on toe turf. Jokes M iff^-~^. pariibs,jokb8 onthbatriokiand mtostM experienced;md'svA Jokes on the editorial department of sporttog papers, coflvnIaU' ,'toe party to rapid saboessIoD,niitil every aliigle soul (b that'14^, ' convivial crowd*lamed baok to toeir bhaiis, and ponted'taT- bTeato;llkeaw<ir«te4aainsMbk, , .-. ''...':>.'. : It was a scene worthy ojT tho "Enlghts of. the CorksotolK'.w .toe ."BoandTablOi'f.: - , • ■ - •. -. -..-i . ' ^romBtoglston, itoheroof myatory, andconddere^byi^iw^ who knew film wel],.tp 1^ one of thedrveat JOkeia tbatevarlivAt aat most of too ttme .pni{tog away cm bis- dgsr and.mbblngJU^,' fine brood forehead as it ha bad b'fen tmng tp getsbinetwig «i Siother through hls'WDOl.'was asked at hurt ^'W.^metiilng.''. b raised himsdf in his chait, his face ^r^llitiig.^ to^ sbifoitih.' n488ofsdeaoon'B,'«nd8dd-.^'- ' ' ■ ■.'..'.■'.. •,;,■. '.',', ; »if I tell my story, I know youH all balyhsse 'me fnrniy'own' stupidity; bntstodb^yon'vb aU had- your sajrLI'to ig(HhKio "Jett. my little remlniaoeiMe." ' ■ .--•1- -, . .. ^ .. .t "Oeorge," he aald, aOdresdng a brotoer ptbfesdona], .^vldS: ever toB you about my flrst appearancp on any stagb r.' >'.' ^ n'l "So, Tom," aapwerod QeorgerBurgess; •'hfot Aral aPPOWmHI. are'.afCaln, and I should like to.hear«>.9r<><m«C Tom and I save seen, some high old ttoibs on.toie's9m*P*; boards-4 won't, say stage—■Heaven save tho marl^'—boaJMiM^ toe word. But let toem say what.toov will to. too. amatopr^, ifim best of toem have started and.taken'toeir cue fto^.^^e sm a twir . prompter." '.V'.'i '■''*'.. "That's stbctr* was toe unanimous appnmd of the ■oek ana'' busktomen.'' ■'-' '- " • ' • '' •'• "'■ •Wdl^Temi" resmnsd Oeorge Burgess, "go on ^vith-ycnt'' story." '. ^ • '•"'-'^■^ .Tom Btoglelon,- drawingIilinselfup to a strdfht.posUtoil .li| H*- settee, and laylng his Havana on toe table, aald:—.. '■''nl ■ "Well, itianot aloiig tale, and 1| yqu lend mcyour, paq/ It ■ -willthls.tdeunfpld." , , it ii-ii . ••IBubpoee most of yodrecolleot wUen-I, leaving tob.UwdoK. Bramattc Association, put to a propoeol' to boooine an !aot^ to; the Orand Vlder of toe American Cabtoet of 'Wonders and Bi*^ * ' nialto Entertatomenta to toe lowu part'of Broadway;'T&to tarand tempb of toe drama, you know, has. the advantogb ^ being looated to a sacred vlolnity. The lofty spires of St«.Paa)(s and &ie hpVy Trinity look down and revere lta pietnx«sque;Tpp(^c Howlsthat^Oully; 'Dgettoou like toe picture?'"- ■•"•'..;i:—iwlto toe 'lad^of I^oiis,'" rcepon^e4'*,Swlj, ntestbr, whose head hod been couttoually bowtog to ,toB~obrnp- of to* table'at which hp was seated. • . . .: '•>■ '■-\/^ "AU right,!'returned Tom, "theheadandfroritof myoSead'-' insbato'this orient—no more." 1. .<''" ' •■Interruptlbn," ejaculated anotoer fesHvo'spirit., ; "vTeii," losijmod Tom, "as I am with a nice wrty, X\ 'BhAespeuean quotatlons sUdo, o^ld go.'on wlto toe yam.*, I obtotoed.tha engagement, inyet«te4.blz.'bdng"gc nttBtftaSSTtoflarof-lhobhornsas/' -^^w« ^MLt - ^'^'ijnag^t'dowb^e lioig^'iiaa^'tiiDb'aU^^ r'T&i on toe opeinlilgnight of toe season, toe i ,. . Qbcadonbstng Mister O'Keefe's comedy of-wild Oals'.' .. IWBS'to plsytoo Xohdlord. Olie recollection will never { this poor, distrooted brain. I went to toe spOnt shop ea the evening lit order to be all right and ready when I was ( i niad Just tiegun to strip aocordkg to directions, when I heard* heavy stim gatttogup stahnto my dresstogroom.. I an,ito | p ijr turned my eyes'toward thb door, not betog oMustomed'to k 'surprise you know when I was half ondreaaed. In a aeoondh man wlto a fearful expreadon of countenance, reprcaanUng hl» 'self as too costumer of toe crib, flung open, toe door, wlth*- miscenaneous pile of duds upon his arm,^d says tome, witoa sneer that almost dried up my blood. Do. you play toe Landlan to this piece?' I don't exactly know what fortlludo or flnnnesa I used in answering him, but I bdlevel noddedm^h^.,^^ ABrmwi Lima Orsn* flij(ojB.--The gosdpptog /«UJfr n^^ont of tooMontred «<rdd dosoiiboa as one of too arwj aSStaes of toe season to toe iRay ospltd.. opr ohftming J1W» JKdbnna, Adoltoa PaW, whom he despriboa aa aged ntooteM, vo^vbbautlfui; possossbd of an admirable yoloa, groiat ap^n.^ss Ui khe stoge, and piomtelng to take the WghMt iji as on opertl wlr&Ser. Bho was bwn and tratoed (saja thiB,wrUer);to Wow York, her motoer being a Spaniard and a Buocosafnl Ponoertr btogSr meS tost, Ume. Pa&l IV her fbtoer an Italian, a eklUol Ibaoher of slngtog. Tho new dim (oonUnnes this Uvoly orado)haa « prolty dr'of artfulncos and indopcndeuob toat tak^ immense- ly With tho Paridons. Being probably dolermtod to show tost she Is not Intending to follow to Uio^'toP^^of her rivrtB,^W whom " ' " " ' " ' ' " (not d , :j£a»«?h^Step^^^^ -ilaSs* towards Ihbend otthe bTebingthoaB*orMtol*^ man aotosBy Mghtened me out of my boots; for *hen he i our little dresUng room, ho oarried on bis- arm twb or tlnee d(' 'those wrappers that ore worn- by toe demons-to OJon Jnap/... -When his nibs left me.m'y'character knep breeches, red vest anfl.^ coat at my feet on the floor, he tramped down stairs and left ma-' to flfilsh jij •inako:up.'- -This completed, I locked after.-mri- •Wild Oata,' but foui^d toat tho part I had known perfootly^by.T heart to tho momtog wos as great s mystery to me as the. PusdIse that'Ullton hover igatood to lose. ° . - t<<AlI ready for toe flrst act,' sang out the prompter; xmk> staacmasager gorgeoudy dressed as Bover .stood at.too. enSancbtm toe left side of the stage. I stood pn .toe riA*^ «*,, prompter'B'eide,walttog'for toe onrtato being wrtnjrw'aM. Kver-B can: 'Landlordl'; This callImmortdiiedme. ■■Jau'SbglJ toe scene was a flat, and behtod toe sceno stood onep^the UggeM^ flats, I suppose, that ever was ushered on tbatetago. - "The prombler, destrousof promoUng natlve ,iUwlt,_stMdat my dbow, tender to toU me tosproper momenlto'gojto..--.. • llperploied, timid, and foariUl as a apaphsd bsbl. Wed at toa f jlsVmoment to ecrew my eourago to toe stlcUng POlhWand whjg^ Bover beHowcd: -What ho, toerb, Landlordl landlorar- tt«*« prompter sent-me 'on,' and I w<totdown the styo headfwmortid- and never hdtoduntU I went dear over ,fha tooWghtaJu^^thft, or0ho8tra.'ooi*)rmtog one of toe most remarkable somersaim, (not at dl set down to too bUls;). toit probably, ever was *H-; nesaed to s dramatio performonceon ony atage.' '-j-.^i^j^vyJ "In this act ono of my pumpa.Btrnck.ttoloader.of-the probeWJ;; ama^ to toi face, knocked him down,.broke,toe pfimo^^udWa ihe -bass viol wito its performer flat oil the -brbad tJ'liii OSM.' SSbsbly toe*lmilest psrtof the someiHauIt was th»».ltt«5r,>i SStog toe groenapectaSea of toe tombonepUyttW« toiiStoorwns, a comer of one of toe glasses «SW;8M tte•bdker'a'Hose, Bnch onuprounevMw»iMrtto»t trt bofOro. The honse wis fiUodfirom p tto ™*, SdSmoe roeoto. toeir toot, dapped todr-hahda, atoptottj-.. roared to the foncst.eitont of toolr lnnBS,^hilb.1,WWWJa» exasperated crotchetty knaves oftoo orchestra, was chiuai^ TrWtt andboibsontotooetageBgata; ',''.. • ,'i„o.',v.-»^• ■ "'Bover percdvtog toonovdty of tooohaj»oter,^'too* WJi^j, kndlotoed to too tremendous merriment gblngl!5i>V toJflSf) Bort^o house. I stood by too prompter's tax tiembUpgWuk,. SiXS'Amypoor feet'actually "W»™B*<»;*ff'.S"^- loomStsce toe -Jokb, you cah bat your llfb ion that aid Bover try to check toe applause ond BRroay, ttat mytojt eomto aotprbducod,.but.whenhe ^O'J^i^S, rt^. he Mluotantly burst bnfinto A^ba '«Hp^' 5SSSS«&> '*SBtog6 ogdn. My snccesb was complete. | l had nndbubteW lOquet,! tog Mb onrtsoy towwS tob|*tf,^^ ?p, wT3(«iod into thb Ar*«n *«'5\'.^5til:Si'J^^ i enowftyorite; andi^lParlslsln. ra^lbtafM *5,9Hgf of, ^'Which tosy lb .flutof her. hayua fi2dT&Tn«t i "pdpaWe hit, air-' '«Il wai'cbhdaj^^ ffiSbil7tKJw 1 wasn't tho'only onb establ4dm.efl^',,Wa; Shfctxfiadno' cobsoIaUob* i^ybow. _ — 1 '•The etormaubsldod, however, to;elg,''t.«rton"Jlnn^ sbM USBrmedmypartwithBovbrtaashtisfoctorymannerto«lWf fijnot to any,one elae."- r "How too h-l do that act Tom, t..-^. „,„ui|ti-, siireMs gaajtoS for breath, whUowery o»e ln theWholo'WW SaTholdiBg ch-tobU-lower ribs with as Ughl.a grip-aajtheir filgeto.wonWlaUow,.and oould not spook.: , •'- „cuf '.ll ^ij ' I "why. George,'' Ksponded Tom, "I was too, ambltloilk and inquired r''''' jr^K'ni^b^tttoHS^toatlh^^^^^^^ -ith^ green bdso left to the ab», X nisbed on, was Wjwsd^jf £"bd«^toViur«TsJitred^i;oVh5;d-^^ f Tom^WetonrS-llt his olgar,. apd follow.«d«ne ^IheggJ ■rieel orowfi of Hew Tork boys we ovpr saw oijoy eaoh.<!t!MK ,compdiyupotith»iltoryofhlBd<Jmt. ■ ■• i . • ■ - " ~~ -. •,...-,•1 "f- g.'L'^ 'nf 'lA'i^imiJsnlPABAoiurH.-ln toe iav*i*^Bn^'Ml'^r>^ Itoit^atlop, the cose of toe oU ..)»4y, Fho.i2g«;gJ|°J iffwe whe^.her rhonmallam •'*f S°^!i}f.^S^^a'l So n ew tttadi aiimrdf tobitpk be«;f bibught up ut Amenoa. ■m, BK Dn) l--Parib.8ptodJol;k Wim, pd^^ Is Mid a8eot«a.blBienaba«terafter, toteatot Se'slorokooper, whopaiiitod ffi^tj ■b«r? nd. and saved seventy-five per cenL to &^!Sirtoereby. dnriM>» .jffilar.. ^*J^? inrtog CS^^.inakp . oilIo».-rTwujt|p5gj ijtotmtalns toe pte«(|ii:dni SSbleKtoi* one^men-trtfdto.i t)wtlie>a4 *"™*' on thejitoy^