New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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■/it. —^ nit'iM'vniKBliaBBA. ABVBBTIBBB>, .AlV OTHiaB. ; -'^>lS£^ton««oonntof ihveitiwidliuiyhlghpilMof.paiei Ki* it'glx Goto p»r MPTi •""♦♦id *^ teretotore, _tWidTarU«liigr»«««won]d'rtma<i»<»<ia»«. Tac ntt^ i/im)! to bdUUto 1)ailDeu.'W6 thuefbie »pp«iA » nbedolt eopr otIlitOin'iT.tcIa IptloDiptT umiim.fa 00 BobtorlpUon iot t BO BnbvctlptloiifoTimoniha. .100 OlabotToni 1000 OlnbofXlght 20 00 In an viats In •dT*iic«. 1-:,4T>yTOTiHglIBlTa. iaotnti p«r Ibi* for Moh and emyls- MrUan; ^ Uben} dtdvctton, vOl, bowerar, be made tcir idViar- !<lwiiinnla wlrT-'r'''* ""f **' *" Dar''' .y^bUtittoii, TntsdaTof «adi wMk. , . ' , '.; '|Ckiraj^iile*HMi«'(oinnua atlantloii In ibia ima j^tttiitjwMk, ' ^jigjiwid' teaaliW bykondaj iomql^ It . ■HOTII-'VAaiK .iniIOH.,.Otl!^lt, . iHOIHEB TALK 'WiTb TEQ B0X8 r'AI^ HOME. OiMP PlX«HIB^''BiniOBS 01 %iB"—"BMB PaiVACIS" BZVIKW TBU OmoBs—Tin TABtaa Toaiia»—BuamiDi BzToaa THB Hunt HID Tnlz—'taa m Tmaov Hibkst— PnmsB- KKIT 0* A BOUilSS-^i'FbOB OlJ> BOLSIKE"—A BOLDSB'B OoiBiTX—Ou> Aa> Id l^ijaBe—A Hnn Eob rat Pass- JDZRT AXD nD StsiauA, no.' , lAT It.'Y. (IinAHTBX> Tou., Camp Pltoher, 1 SefC)ieVcedetlok«biiia,Ta.,Jui. 10tb,It61. [ Sbib OUFnti— Ab ;oii see, Mend Qnean, I give 70U In m;. date-beatf, tb«apyeUatl6n ot ooi camp. Yon are, I warrant. In- ipilalttVe as to toe intent thereof. And just there ;oii have me Vftnil," aa I.have never got clear oq the anbjeot mvaelt But General Blrtaev, who knowa, had It In bis otder, "In honor of a' brave aaldler who died at BeUe f lain, with his breast to the enenily"—or something in that st;le. As BeUe Plain la that .part of the field of Frederlcksborgh There the'"Bed Patch" had the honor of oxohanglng coorteales with the enemyi It le safe to Infer tliat ItwKs not MoUythat Camp Pltoher wks named In honoT Ot—a point which otherwise the gender ot the pronoun would not settle, aa Holly iita Si "brick." Mow, as the world goes. It is aatonishing that "Pitcher" shoold be the name of anv camp In whlob thla command ahoold be established. Not at all, however, because genuine spirit Is not highly esteemed—on the contrary, Just because it U-^s the record of the nun mills at Alexandria, wherein the names ot 'douse of of&cen, who did notflgnrelnthe despatches from Bull Sun, may appear, doth folly testily. However, there is a distant ralatlonahlp between Jog and Pitcher, and when there Is an Immediate requisition tor one; either will anaweri yon know. Bo it Mis out that Pitcher Is after all an appropriate - Utie tor our camp, in at least two t ot atiy ~erfai^ fnaticaBeata to brinlgcrnt the r^iiniianijwe h«^y qS^ iheiiimn of. j^iyi^H ^Jlt«<»u»«fto«i«.-thi«« l»ii«t «t«rfMiwlilnh m»y >y» handed i'^&^liftli of Uanb, IBSS.' Two Inmdrvd and flf^ dot- '^ll^!.^!^?^^'^^.^'''^ ttie beatstoiy, onelinnidied and fifty OoDub .>Aj(Ut9,iiBBiiioiilerof n^t, and one hundred doDais fbrthe '^IUM;'l^j^ be^wfittan expressly for our ootamiBa, ^^iii(,t^.f^ .flUi testes of the readers of the Oupfbk 'Ve don't ' itnntViD^inr stariea, Tbn stories must'.'open rioh" at ','^'tifiiihrtiie'lAtenat oommenolng at the itait, and oonilnning ( .":lhe plot'must be weOl lal^, altogether original, with ' 'of audtlng and. **'""''g incidents—in a word, they mast '.' *|J|V()^iist sb>>les,~for a fut people. Each story must mn <>iiTt««m ''j'frMta^tio ooon^ We ^'jJdn't waiU any af those Btoeotyped,'nsmby pamby stories wfaloh . v^it^jis'inuin&c^ued now-a^days by eteam, and sold by the oord, . .jjdflfu We.wutsomethingfreah and exciting. The cashwOl '■ .4^iii(d'-ia tba.Bueoeaafal oompetlton'aa soon aa (he decision is ren. ' '^Ui^ wiiich win be in time to oommence th|e first prlaa.story tt' aeflrirt . samt^ of the Blaventh Tohune of . the Ouitbb, 'r4iBsnoenc^\&prlIU^ isaa. - ''^'^V^Pis.award will be'd square, wlthopt'.tlie least '.'t'ji^tiiilUy or fitvinlllsD^ and in abficrdjAicewlth the prlnelplea Mn^UOh guided us in awtrdlag our first series of pdies in (he , ;t9i>i9['lW,'two et whUh were taken bypaitletof whom.we had , . 'sever even' heard before, and whole names ire did i>ot see until I'^'deolttan had been mads. Thaeditorbf ths QumBWin him- Mit'dedde .the <idestlonof superiority, and' hand.the iponey T/liavMto.tluinooefHfalauihors. Btorissnotsnooeaatallni'taidnga " 'Siizs, win be at once returned to their ownen, or pnnbased at '22;ii''ftir'Vthiatlon; as may be mutually agreed upon. .Thls.'iss ' . „i(tmk KD« oBez, and the money .win be given if lintthnie .oOm- ■^ ,. ye iltw seirtar.~..lf bntbne ahonlddntar,(hat one win getthe jj'jtBrf|iris^ be his oommnnications ftnat ..^JwiaiadnisiedtO:,.. ' '. . -.-i-; ■ : ' . FBASZ QXJEXS, :. Blltor and Proprietor of the Hbw Tobx CamR, ■. ^.--i.i. • ■ „ 30AanstieetlHewTod. '•.2i'.t!iH«w^Yo«M, Jan. 6,1888.-. OH THX QUI VrvE. ^erybody has his ears pricked, and is on the tiptoe of eipeota- tlSs. ' Some movement is on the tspis—the bustle ot piepaiatlon is heard in every department As my French acquaintance. An- tolne, exclaimed, when a piece ot T rail from the Mstismias Junc- tion Ballroad, (tJeoted from a secession cannon, screeched through (he air over'his head, everybody Is exclaiming—"Vas ye fiety b—U ish'tl" But nobody wiU be answered, until, perhaps, the uproar of another battle reaches faintly the ears ot the distant pubUo- Ood send if that Is what we are about, better snco^ will attend the enterprise, than crowned our lost efi'orts, ' ' hobz or THX sans bobt. ' The unique sport which I described-last under the head of 'Division Bevlew," was expanded last Uonday week with a £eWai)Obi])i<Ie.iniue, at which the whole command of Oeneral Btoneman—hone, foot and artOlsty-we^e paraded. There is a' gerlous mlsapprdLenslon obtaining in the mlnda of some well meaning people in regard to these reviews,—vis: that they are reviews of the soldiery by the otBcets. It Is Just viotvna-r reviews end InspectlonB of officers by privates, as any one knows who ever partiopated in one ot them—and the parUes to be re- viewed are expeoted to show their beat points, and display thenv- selves to the greatest advantage. The honorable "higlimivata" tor whose benefit the fOt Is got up, In a style peculiar to him- self, passes his opinion upon what he sees, and Qenerals, Aids, and Orderlies aU come In for their Just dues. '■Hi-there's the greaser aaaln," mntteis a fellow who was with Walker in Mlcarsgna, as an aid on ah iron-grey dishes from the birlgade ataif, darting over the field, leaj^g ditches and hedges, and gaDoping away, as if a herd at bumtloes on a Btam> pede —Rni'8 UA MVDeFooon nunsaii." Dniain , 1 aU the pomp of an ) ^T^fJ^i-JSair^pw^^ ■ooaa«fiHoozBAJCaB.—ta ' ■ .TitVPSPTlpniljssMWSidmed.taadlfllonl^betiiBaa^ ' 4,^K;qanjI>uoIsoo and the gamMen.. We forgot to mentlai that a .:7i«kO0tlMalblr had taksp place at the'fHl Sorado/'Con. Uconey ' •\9tfaa(h* pirty discharging a pistol, which took effect on a man (THmed Uoqabb,.; Uooney is weU fcnpwn in (he Xastem States. ' cnJQ seems thit Oon; Mooney snd Thomas HoNabb got entangled cyji^ a.1i|t ofdlsonssloh.'durlns which Hooney pulled off his coat, '•:.,f(a44e*l>p4 to fight. ICoNabbaald that he would not fight a Vii^MllS 4fPV' l>°i^ the quarril, W, B. Falrman atepped be- dhraeit t$e disputants, and putting his hand behind him,. banded >>.'4t^stol to Uooney, The partlea were then separated, batseemed •-^ fMdnaied to the spot, for no sooner would the oOoetsleave ((^maitbm thsv would return to the saloon., Finally,, officer Bo- . ti(SMn accompanied Hooney home, while offloer John Oonway took , liilMl^l^imdstcod talking with him in front of the Oily HaU, ... '..bjinxA ¥°0!>ie7 passed up Kearney street and entered, the saloon «,^AWB.:i(A<f«w moments alterwarda the shoolingbttweenDobson .. ap4 Buckley oammenced,when the offlcera rushed Into the house, "': iiiiftpowedlv VoHabb. Ashe entered, Uooney placed the pistol ' c-i^^ fMaa ana fired, when the wounded man sank to the floor, ,,-. . .u.#irwalliilpg—"Don't shoot any more; I'm done fOrt" The com- .. .'. .uMjttBia wem i mm ertlitaly arrested and conveyed to the calaboose, ' .o'JVMlo'l^e wounded man was taken-to Dr. Bowell's^oe, where ■;;nW|i>TOpnds were dreesed, and he was afterwards taken (0 his .. V I>>ffS0>9«> 'Ae ball entered Just in front of the ear, ranging upiraids jA.fiBd!jia«kwfxds,:. The oase was before His Honor, Judge Oowles, 'riilWwtar a qnmbex«f witnesses had been hoard, Hooney gave ''.:ta«&.^ iKOOO:fox,hls appearance tp answer. W. B,P&lrmaii,who . . .^i^g^^juuBined as aocessory before the fkct, was discharged from T.^ i ICIle^ against the gamblers'in Bin Itanolsoo was still going ■j)t«|l,,,'Ai>f<ther.'descent was made on the Branch cnthelUhof - ju^^eoember.: Bome thirteen policemen entered the establlskment : c^pr the. ^evei^ different entrances, front, sidos, and rear, but no :: .>(ii|msti weremada, as the whisker dodge was again resorted to, ' '.«.Wd if any of the (WDers, who were wen known, had been present, '. 4i£net«kMaddledthroughsomeorthevarlausratlioleaaboveand ^iibalow,and(eraalnedqnietuntUUiepolloehadgone. Theiewas '. ..v'.ai^ige .dumber of spectators present, but in absence of any de- ' t,';<4>*dants,;ltwaa .not deemed worth while tosnbpffinathem'as , .^j;t,«ttnef8cs...'A:Beoonddescent,madestalater&onr,piodacedno ...., -Oil****«».leonlto- •» yoported that two of the gamblers prertous-' ' - ^;lK^ri!SBtod.'Vid illberated on ball, managed to getoS on the . ' nnlRfmeVi.. Among, those arrested at the different houses were ' ^^#p«B.Iia2armL:aeotgeHurst, ThomasOoleipan, EogeseOlsaa. : TiilXiW Blotords, Oeorge Btilea, John Keefe, E.A. EeUr, Wm. '. .jr.iXraKyKi'ff'mi'mgeant. They wem hold to answer at the Oonrt' ' ' \'^'{;!^^'^Binu0iaaiu^ oir. 'YalkKs Boujvak,— if there r.<dBirM one'obap mate-anxlons than another to collect artloles of V«sW*».(dDn!t makalt ;"virtue," Ur. Printer,! and ourlosllles of - ' dasotlptlonr that obsp Is BUly Clarke.' .The latast addition i nnaeoB/thongh, and. In the eyes of many, the meet valt sis theldentloal. colors that Yankee BslUvan wore round Ins when ha fought Totn Hyar,.:the Ohlel Parhipe you tblrtnagl It's nothing of the sort; and when we Ave lulais, ffw wm remain tbo least fakeptlcal. ■■ You shall have : iQn the 7tb insL asorpriae party, composed of Colonel VnUIno, .Brigadier' General Andy Sheeha^ Color 8er- -.....'TomO'Donnell, and othera.of ttie rankud file, made .{;'Msa|kln> onslaudat at Houston, Tour .Comers, and captured ^^.;^M|.laiulord.or the OemibefOre. any.of hU artny oonu could . Tt]'mmI'.tD'Uie;rpso«e. Being a priaonar of war, BUly thonjibt ,VHV,(bMt,not .(o Ucknp snJoUy row about it, but prOcoedsdrhe <'.A|Mir.l>OttWblther,:nnUl .ordered tor bal(::"rlght fominsl" the niUJuuoD.House.'. Here, guarded on hia right by.Andr, and on hla T^f^MMIBlUyrwith Tom leading,; Olarko was marohed Into, the xiCIWI'Kiom of 1 the Ansoa,4nd there and then presented with the '^ro Tom O'Donnell in a neat speech, replied (o in . vvt «B«Blhnaiutia manner by Sir Winiam. We called in the same '•ttSjCg^aiidtonnd tbo "bluebird's tye"enolroled round Yankee • "'"Eir'I?''? PlwtogTapb, while Biny.was.celebratlng every rotand' . y,..Wh,ihetoas*af "dod.proapar the Irlah,"whlobwertfthofint ■ y !jf<i?"*i'"»W0'dsh» uttered during our stay. ■ ; ; , ■ p''''<^p'>o'"'»'^y"»'^.ti'«Dostoiip^^^ ViSSf ^"l-Urs. Hoore, haa been added to tbo Qem's Portrait Oal- • apd nay be now. seen at the bar. Johnny's a ohunky-bUllt *^*>''> remwkably.dvil and quiet, and as popular here as eln-Bcston. which la sertMConslderBble, "iwothertddltlonis theKarge and llfO-Uke represenlatlon ^rf*J|°5"?0f"» fight, exeouted St oomnosillon, and pny. •"•m Of the bttUe of New Orleans on (he 8tL In (bis very 'SJilSIS^?'*".? ""^ most truthful, parMon- Sf^lnlSi » M. P., Oon. Foley, wooU pn^ce "Here's (heHyperooon himself" puts In another, as a sman general curvets firam'Uie throng in Donti In aU the pomp of an eztnyaguit saddle-cloth. "Uy eyes,—a pocket edlacn of Fre- mont Well there's nothing like crowding It when yer can, yon know." As the oolloaal figure ot Oeneral Ward, commanding Blmey's (late) brigade, was exposed In thcmovementa of the crowd of offlcars, a buzz of approbation arose, for the General, like aU bluti; righted lelt, up and down men, is weU eetabllaheil in the affeedon of the troops,—who are quick in dlscenilog tbo genu- ine, and Juat as quluin discerning the base,—and, I may add, very—vary—alow in forgetting either. It was (he dash, (he hmsqne, the vigor In Kearney, which hla men admired so much, which endeared him to them quite as folly aa his uneqnaned bravery and splendid generalship, aa may easily be seen firom the remarks theymake at reviews,—"He rides something a la Karney," or 'that's spoken like Kearney," when an order is given with unusual amartoeas, "that" or "thla Is Eeamey for you," whenever anything manly or soldierly is seen in an officer. But to retom,—the review was received by Oeneral Bumslde, upon whom aU eyes were tamed, excepting that of the "guides," oipaitdnt It was the first good view that many of ua had of the auccessor of HcCIallan, and you may be sure that the alblr of Ikederloksburg did Hot diminish the curiosity with which hla un- ooveie^oranlum was scanned and measured, and hla features Bomtlnlzed by the thousands of freemen who theta and there were assembled in Judgment upon his tcvt tmarHt. But the soldiers ot this army hare become timiliarUad to great pencnages—like the children with the soap bubbles which rise, gleam, burst, and vanlah, ss If by magic. In their mother's wash tabs—and "BenBatlona"ot this sort are pretty much pined out. little remark In the way ot criticism occurred amangiha nMii and the psgeantpassed and faded, and dulneas, rather ta^SpUv prevailed after it In the camps. One piquant notion, ^Maeaaea byapemleied-looUng soldier of our regiment, however, wss verystrlBBg. I saw him after ranks were broken, scratoh his head In a mmlnatlre manner, Tintn the lost flut for which he seemed hunting occurred to Iilm,when he straightened hlmaeltup, exclaiming with an emphsUo—"Demme me! I've got him now." "Got who?" somebody interrogated. "Demme me ll've B(dd pies to that felIoi%^veiy day «t the week, in Fulton Market He munched 'em down rapid—by the 'alf dozen—and then rinsed them down with a stroksjof brandy. By Jovel that's him." ' ' • "Who?"'- "Why, the customer that reviewed us; who else? I wonder what biz. he had there ?'! "Bis I why,' 0«h. Bumslde Was originally a taflor." "OhI J Bees; and that's why he la appointed to/ommanduS. Good I Well, no wonder that aflsr Mr. Pcpe'a b^ in which he had old Stonewall, borstad, they'd try aometipdy who undeietood sewing 'em up tight as a regular trade; correct piinoiple. We may BOW look, aa the naaSd aays, tor Blohmond to be taken, and the rebellion to be crushed out perfeoUy, before the first shower* of AprlL But that's k<n." . SlBBiS-OOB niH. The peculiar taste of Ailltary people. Iter sport of a very steep order, was illustrated the other day on a neighboring parade grohnd. A brigade, was drawn up in line, and after a vefbid ceremonial, of which the Assistant Adlutaot Oeneral acquitted binuelf Very handsomely, standing In front of the troops at such a distance from the centre that Us volc^ faintlyjxaohed It and never waa heard at aU on the. flanks, the festivity commenced, It consisted In leading forth a victim ot mattial-law, whose heart had probably beon, brave enough, but his underpinning proved recreant when the enemy waa in front and tnmlng him over to a pair ot sorry wags, who went to work at his poll, divesting it of every "partlonlar hair." Whe'n tbat portion ot his corporeal at- ganitatlon was ds nude as at the hour ot his birth, thejnveterate Jokers who haU him In hand finished up by cutting toe buttons off his coat and thus, a hapless chlokon bereft of his feathers, he was trotted out on the left of his regiment and paraded the en- tlie length of the line, between two flies, the front-wlth bayonets fixed, and "arms reversed," and the rear at "pbaria bayonets," ■■ni/2f «?S.n.'i'°^'""•^"'y' »naisporiionnlng "Irish r ml^tyhirdto '■'ir.-i r f-rl; an arrangement whloh caused him (0 "approach (fe point" un- oomtortsbly whenever he would lag or huten his step. TO' give the sport more exquisite unotlon, the drum corps of the whole brigade followed in tbo wake ot the party, playing a diabolical air, known ss "Poor Old Soldier," the words of which are- . "Poor old soldler^poor old soldier. Taneds^d feathered and gonetoh-lll Poor old soldier." ~'.Do yon imagine that any one lauahod at.thls spedadc? Be- lieve me, not a smile anywhere that the unfortunate wretch moved, betrayed the least merrlmont and when he was opposite his own company, to which he turned with one quldr, sgonizlng glance, averted faces and downcast brows spoke to mm ot their shame and pity. It is a glorious oharactenatto of the noble fel- lows who bear arms in this division, that where their fraternal sympathy is once bestowed, It is never withdrawn-In want In peril, in slokhess. In ignomlnv, or In dcath,i(t will atUl fOUOw yon, and when your name is Uie blackest. It wUl labor in some way or.othor to find an excuse 'to relieve yoy ot some shade of disrepute. Never a word ot ribaldry of disdain followed the "coward" In his miserable Journey to the right flank, and when the sentence of the conrtwas eteouted, the subjoot was dropped —covered by the broad mantle of % soldier's charily. The only distant reference made to it slnco, in my hearing, was in a dis-i Snte between two graceless ''dead beata" on tho prsotlcablUtr of esertlon. . . i , ' "111 (en yer what would do It sure, unquestioned," said one to the other, "an operatlon like that the'other day on your brain pan; if you'd show your bead with narybalron It you'd fiot have to 'avoid obstadea' much." "That'a (rue for yon," was the reply, aa the speaker shot one eye.upon ths Ides, "och, »n' it's yop that's lovely." BOOIOH OLOABS Aws'PLAtt) OAIS. It Is not for me to draw the curtain which ooocaals ttttia the eye of the public at home, the senttmenla of the afmr. Whatever ether editors may think, I know veiy wen that the mail who "stands kt the wheol" of the Oums has not forgot thAt :hla ftUow-'men In arras In behalt of the Union, are reflOotlng creatures, not aalomatong, not brain- less mtohlneiy.'^ And he need not be told that they feel a vital inteteat in ever* measure ot the government, for they kno* full wbU that more than "high traUed battlement'' or bMBtUng host the conduct of the govenmeot, its polloy, must eveutaale' snc^ ttesefully or disastrously for odr cause. Why should they divest' themselvejkof such'cohoernt Are-Uiey mercensty soldiers, whoioendffand alms are compassed In the unohrlstbn trade of war. or are they fkeO-born men, oltlsens snd sovereigns in the land, for whose unity they battle.' 'When you answer that yon win undeistand with what Inxle^ we—ths rank and file—vle# every act of Congress, every deed and every word of the exeoo- tlve, oslonlated (0 affeot the one neat Ol^eot-the rettoratlon of firaienlty add peaoei And bete, let me record for Us benefit*' May that has ooodrrf d to me mote than Once. Abtabam Un- 6610, who his shown uk "Oilce upon a tUOe!' (hat be U not above B''dlsnii«/odnU pitofltably eihploy ODe n'bWi Xet him don'ii oouU paaa tn evening of nnprecedented jollity in the wad If he wouMnot oollwf a fand' Of infdrin*tton, , digested into practice would prove ot untold valde in UtMdo^ Ittration of natloDil afBilis-he cannot be the man ha has the oredit of being. It might be a UtUe odd, to be sure, to hea^ himself stvled "You ham'," and soiiie other expressions of the boys would appear very singnlar. Indeed, but he would soon see that after all there la as much genuine respect even covered thus unooatBly, ss In the high-flown snd ceremonious langjs((o of his own high Otarcle In Woshlngton. He might stand aghast too, when encountered by the ghost ot a dinner which we have in the army, but the two inchee and a half of pork, and the speok of bean soup, tnd the four quadlaterals whloh would be served out, would prompt hhn to tho contemplation of conteaot- orlal rascaUty But waving all that-tor what a base caitiff he must be, who lets the cra'rtiigs ot a stinted appetite drown the Blteone ciU of humani^, the last politlcsl hope of whloh Is slnk- ig In this bloody vortex— he would leara from the expressions at bivouac re-unions-In every direction, tho desire and the prayer ot tbo army, and it ho would Icam It praOHcauy, the tide of calamity and revorso Would be stemmed.' It Is this morbid atmospbero of the 'While House and the Departments, that causea official deblUty everywhere. In It an object seems to ap- pear Inverted, and a mind ot more than ordlnaiT purpose might soon learn to distrust Itself. Let Hr. Lincoln live more among the Boldlera who are fiahtlng at his call, and the people who are buoylnk him up with the "list dollar and the list man," and less wiOi (hose who are "on the make" In this business, imd aU wlU yet bb weU. Aye, lethim listen to the heart-beat of .the re. pubuo at country fireside and at camp-fire, and let its throb in- spire Um. , Yonrs, Bfbebioal Oasb. AlgOTHBR BLAST FROM PIPBB.. ' FioBTiBa Job's Divisioh—Thz Lainss amobo tbb Boldiebs— QTAipEB Oni BSADmS— TBBT OH FiBE, BO7 NOBODZ HOBT — Thb Uxm WHO Belzi Tnraas— a TtsnrntiB Cab* ob Db* HOBAUEAXIOK- THB DimSH ASIOOKDBI), Bia, Eia Hooxxb's Onmii Gbabs DmstoM, Jan.' 16,1863.. HTDBABCLiTFBB,-BTt;.—Wevrould seriously advise yon nn. der no clroumstanoes to took |or anything in this letter that wUl be either strange or startling, InterasUng, entortalnlog, or amus- ing; and after requesting yen to remember the injunction of. a venerated colored clergyman, who once remarked:—"Blessed smdey, dat speot.notlng, fordeywontgetdlsaplnted,"we 'wiU proceed to biz. In the flrat places the nnmberofthe^-fain and lovely of your northern oommunittea—God bleaa 'rtn—that have been, are now, and are to come among us, are truly dellghtfdl to contom' Slate. They are a decided novelty, excelling any attraction ever rooght out by any of our noted ano^en; tliough if it pays ss weU, is a matter of doubt Such as are SO' coming, are thS' wives or mothers, sisters or sweethearts, oouains or nieces, of the brave lids who are now here and arrayed in Vnoui Baudbl's ; uniform. Their bright eyes, neat, oomely'fonns, dxspied extensively with crinoline; their winding ways, anS pleasant and agreeable conversation (not 'What we are used to), serves to turn the now present wik demess of our existence Intoa latve'iuedrespeolsble paradise, nmlndlng us ot days now paased and gone, when throughout the broad luds whloh go (0 mfdie up this great nation, peace, happiness and plenty reigned supreme; and bringing vlvfdly to our recollection the many happy evenings spent amid the Bodsl family circle. There is scarcely a General among us but whose "better haU" has paid him a visit and thediumber of ladles who liave been down to see, and are now here visiting the rank and file, are too numerous to even goess at ' During the .past week, alx of the fkirest of the staid, sober,' "Quaker City's" temsle population, have been guests at the HeadquartOrs Of Oen. D. B, Blmey, 1st division, 3d Corps De Armee,and the manner In which theyei^oyed themselves Is truly delightful to contomplate. The Genenl himself is not only an ardent admirer of the feminine portion of our rice, but is, withal, soUta, courteous, attentive and generous; and as for skin and oravery upon the battle field, he haa but few; If any equals. To briefly and expUeitly convey a oorreot idea of those who comprise his oommand, we have only to aay that each and everyone of them ire entitled, to wear Eeamey'a "Bed Patohee,''they comprising the Dlvialon that was once^mmand- edby that dashlngOeneraL His Staff, (00, among whom ore Major Brevoort, Oapt F. R Hllss, Lleuls. Briscoe and Gavagen, of yonrdty, Lum and Moore, Delhi and Fassett of Phnadelphls,' and Graves, ot Boston, are aU young, brave, and gallsnt; and upon this ooeadon wero un- usually attentive to their lady visitors. Each night (hey were there, a buid ot mndo was in attendance, and occasionally a dance was Improvised. Whole hosts of Qenerals, bringing with them their handsome staff officers (Gen. Hooker's in that re- spect—the handsome par^exceUIng all) were contlnnaUy danc- ing attendance upon them, and a gay and happy time waa ex- Ssrieiiced byaU. The ladies returned home to-day, and will onbtlesa remember with pleasure, their short experience ot life upon the tented field. These visits are Indeed refi«shUig in the extreme, and we trust that mere ot them may l>e vouchsafed us when another like opportunity is offered. During the etay of these ladles, an acddent happened. In which no danger to life waa experienced, but where much private property waa endangered. The acddent was n9ne other than duiing the evening of yeateiday, a large hoepltal tent whlob had been pnrposUy put up for the ocoommodation otthese same lidles as their deeping apartment, caught fire from a spark whloh came firom a stove In the same tent; astiong wind blowing at tbe time speedily Aoned It Into a'flame. It wsS' soon discovered, how- ever, and the appUOt(ton .of • few bucketa of water at once pot an end to. the conflagration. 'Fortunately, none of the ladles were present in Camp at (he time. 'THE SDTIiEBS. Although they put the tariff on at an enormons rate, yet they are a "necessary evil." and must be endured. At present there la condderable cursing apparent, for the reason that one Senator Wilionhaa introduced a bUl Into the reipeoteble t>ody of whloh he is a member, which, if passed, will virtually abolish the sutler business, and make itbao for the boys; as. in strict accordance v^th the terma of the bill, no canned fmits, no vegetables, and nored eye (on the sly) csn be brought hmong them. Senator W. ought to be saUsaed with his efforts to promote the comfort of the colored'gentlemen, without trying to orlng discomfort to the brave lads who are here, and enlisted in the cause of the Union. ■ SEW DEFIRITIOH OB DEHOBAIilZA'nOH. There is a good story told here, whether trae or not we do not feel disposed to dedde. But, tme or not It Is amusing. It is related that during the fight at Fredodcksburgb, guards wero I)laced at thO different pontoon bridges, with order to permit no one to pass to this side, not eyen a General, nor imderany pre* text' At the bridge, near to the Lacey House, were a detach- ment of the Seventh "Nye Tonrk," all Germansj and as brave a set of soldiers ss we have in' the army. During the afternoon, one of Baxter's Zoo Zoos was seen'coming down the hlU fnU tUt no coat and no sccontremenla. and hair streaming out with the wind. Dutchman tried to stop him. but he rushed by, crying, "Don't stop me, don't stop me; I'm demoralized like h—11>'' . Suoh on utter stetoW damorsUXatloii was beyond the eompre* henilon ot the "Sharman," so he lete Urn goes, Ho morie now. ' •' ' ■ ' . . : ^tee, ■. , , "poitlBWAHb BOVHDI" , " A TBIP FBOM iJVEBPOOL TO HIW YOBK ON BOASD THE''aBBUT,,SASTEBN', ! ' palro-fshoddlei^ encase his uppei^ works hi a' plain high nl> *M/t 'oOki^tuA' tai' ^t ■>4Aet«:".>' Uj woM ftr*it dia 1''j,...";r;ii.t . ■(■•Mi'Ti /'".ilfir't'i''-, . : il: ~'. .i-,-::r ■ ilgjU under mine, and near enough to aDoUM--^'^?^ iSiflli.t thtkUsof Beomad^ «nX pSSSS^w!?^'!* changesqueeaeaa.the hand.andoflSkepF M^boUi. of us went to aloep, b^t "not a«LrtlP*?»C f^na noto." 1 don't know U^that I i^YetT!!L"*< 1 Aaon tsnownut watlmay tti tZJ*^ toUJng you (his, captain, but kSpnMi*?5>i ly else you know. It looks so riillouloSr'i?^»»S ' WBHTEH ZXPBBBSLT VOB'THB BZW XOBZ duPPBB, BY.OliaCABIN.BOY. Iin«i ui«.juouuMp BOHumg nouses, OUQ tbe ohItsmT.P'V member the trip by. fiomeof you, mavbe Sutthe sexes in the same room togethor-ll ta^iiS 1 thupderdo they manage V" unsophlaUoSfa " but the "thunder'-Jmay ve"i7 tondcently S^^^ we managed, was to Ut the girls go first and bV *• tUl they ware aU in bed, which wm do™by »,SL°r><« ot asoreom from each onetltematdy—that's tKi^ "''^•1 Beg pardon for this dlgroeslon. "•"Jway.i.t What iHB Pasbaob Ooei— Fivb 'DinsBxirr' Pbioes—Saiuno '7ISEBLS Vs. COBAf BOABniNO HonsES—A Thobn Bbtwxew Two BoBxs—SECom Oabs( mot PaSTTx Good—What ise FOUtS OAMB-30 NBW ToBX FOB— ThBIB DiaAPFODAUBNT^ Ooicna' TO a Deau Stamii— BnziBAaB— The BBTAiraB—' PBOPOBITIOB TOB A'UORUUEfIT TO DaH. Through the straightforward and honorable conducl of the purser, we were'aU eVcntoolly put where we respectively be- longed. Here. I may as well bring In the range ot prices paid to make a trans-atlantio voyage in the Great liastorn. You'd hardly think It possible for there to be fivo'diffelrent tkrea in one steamer,:lintso it Is, and by this means one oould see the sameamOnnt pfarlstoOrscy and poverty, oomparstivcly epaak- log, as in the dty of London ilsolf, In thb first plaos, the heavy swells Invested $liO for their tlokets, entitling them .to a steto-' room each, the best furnished and located., and onO or tWo other Uttle et oeteras. The $tO less, or $106 passengers were aUowed precisely the same privileges, except single stato-roomsi they' Sat at the samo toble, and hod free access to ' toe bolls, W tures, mock trials, and so forth: with aU this, however,'tbe "extra forfy dollir rooatots" sffected considerable airs, and •wanted a diatlnctlob without a dlffcronoe. Taking aOoUib'r step down tbe Redder, cpme the iocbnd cabin ,folks, or .$70 customers, about whom I AhoU have more to say. Srobably,toanthe.othors, bocausotbeyiresresenttbe'greatmid- le Uoss; or true Demooracy. I was one 01 these tellowa. Being as I have told you how mnoh It cost me to oomo from Liverppd to New York, I might as well out with the other etoiT, andieU the amoimt ot spcnduUcs I had to pay tor getting to London to a dipper ship. Two doUsra andahalfnobody oan gueSs. Jus^ fifteen dollars I Only think of . feeding 0 man for five weeks, bcardand lodnlnglDolndod, carrying him soar 4,000 miles, for fifteen dODirs I That beats your twenty shlUtng boordtog houses oU to smtshi T was never ai permknontboard'erln a "two-fifty" h'o-tIe,bot have been inside'those'paladal rosldoncoa for decoyed hatters and typds ' "who bave Soon belter days," aa they will invariably teU you.' In the oourse'o'f tny observations, I generally fouiid the atmosphere dubious, the wtodows with oonslderabie more Ventilation than eveh''H<il('i,roi(nuit'of EeetUh would spprdve of, the Walls inusttatadln colots by the bte Professor Bed-Bug, and an Ur of tftlsSrv' about everything li).(hb house, Uy trip to Lon- don woi inuoh the lame aS putting a ohesp boardina-house ta HowYork, ohly "a Uttle more so.^' They do get drledapplos occvUonally, poworfdl butter, hash, and fried liver, which We dlOn't evOh tee all the way over; Then,' asto oqr "bridal cham- ben".^bo#ihotUd yoll (prbsuijlltag you bave Just riot married) llk/tol>a»*'ffree'Or fOiir felfwrfif''the sam* bodirtiSr S^, how shoold'r'ou like (hal t. . That's titeolsely the way tMho^ WMe. tfiAurift'OB the ontwaM boufld £rt]L X^alept w^ Iwas speaking you and me, ft tog about lio second cabin artaB|[em6«( otijm there's tho same dlstlnoUon between firtt isA i^Lt.'M board the Groat Eastern, as between first cabtowfSf *^ most other iteamers.. In the first the floors aM^n,i ''ti peted, you have ousblosed chilrs, and event]ifa»<!'°''' Btyle, muoh the same way as the Filth-Avenue SSffl >!i loon is oondnoted.. In the second, there's nel^ ohsirs; to place of cbslxs, stationary benchte the tables, and if a young lady happened to be hS^iw she hod to "atrad^le''right over the back of th^MXT^ venr lady-Ukb manauvre, was It? Hundreds of othiriS!:!' will boajluded to as I coma to them to my iuS.n.".'** Shan never get at the mato potot we ore trjins toVinKl ? *■ BtUl two bwer grades ore marked out after (he s^a^'^ the totermedj^to »>A steerage, respectively $S0 and Mi vS" accommodations they get is more than I can teU: Tv!, ' ther a mlxed-up crowd, *-■" On^ would naturaUy wonder what.toducement iw fourteen hundred people to come to New Tcik InsoShSl times as the country Is undergoing. It it klader cuitni?; WIS one thtoff about it to coax' people to take the wiL couhl go and oome ttom place to place for a&niSl* Bome hundreda, I believe, came over for this testes.^' few expected to be able to aee all the fiihtlni whan 11,. ' KewYorkI It is toe general impreasfon tb»<<~v.i!'''ffi that tho battles are fought somewhere ne don't seem to have any Idea of the geognpny o('UMn_ States, or lis vast extent Ot course, educatedandwcUJi^ persons know better, but the more Ignorant bellere su^^ say. AU those, therefore, who thought that by mlBimi roof of any house to New York they could see the Fe£^ murdering each.other—aU those cb^bxIhlitlnitiMn weU oonvlnoed to the contrary, and hare no doubt toui the blasted countrv in disgust AgreatnnmbeihadbuBb. IntematiofialJSxhlbltlon, and were coming home In tuTM so as to say they crossed the Atlantic to the Great Eaalm should have started a month or so sooner, onlyfauu; reason. We were aU try tog an (experiment, legirdlaa el quences.- . When dl bearte were getting buoyant and evetrthhu la bright for a apeedy and prosperona voynge, a happened to the screw ongtoes, and we came to idol Then you ought to have seen toe long faces and heaill^i muringa and prognosttoattons of bad luck I Tou knot kt my face is—wall, sir, fa about two hours it wis as long u 1 ami The whole time.we were resUng, fif^ dlfferenlSlaie around, no two alike, as to the probable trouble, ihtao should have to put back; or, if it was possible to croa Md never pissed a longer twe hours to my life. Iftoeolbenti acted so mysteriously, we shouldn't have eared a cut 1 knew the extent of the danger—how long it wouhl tike Itn tbe break-;and might Just as weU have told us as not; tig by their sllance, one couldn't help antlolpattog ticnlk. course of time the engtoe was fixed, and once mote va to the great delight ot all on board. The sudden chUMd tures, ttom grave to gay, reminded me ot toe nin^daa been to Bryanto' Minstrels when tronbled with theUio, the different expression of my mug five mtoutee ifltr Un commenced, to what it was five mtoules betoro I cntctti Dsn Bryant ought to have a monument sure; for Ihi (id does more to make.tbe dodors'andundortolun'pieii duU than any man to. the State. I don't suppose Um classes would put to toglve Dan a statae; bit loay iteIte ones that wouldn't ^0 seconds the'motion for Ut of Old Tlrglnny" to marble, np at the Central Park) ' TO BB OOMTINUEn. BIL.L.IARDS. Tbe Stab Club AvEBAOBS.—Thefollowtog are tbe tToifi the membeis of the Star dub of Brooklyn, who hire Uta to first ntoe matcbea durtog 1662:— ^ ^ I II I Chilton, B., Chilton, G., Ohappell.. Doty Fcrker... Field Gilpto..... Henry Jerome EeUy HorTls,T... Uorris. 0. .. Ultchell.... UeCuUough. Usnly Hndge Povis Bnedlker.... Smith Skaate Thompson.. WaddeU } 1 9 t D < t 0 M 48 3-i 38 ADSmOirAI, STATISTICS. , The Star dub during'1861 have taken part In thmen' ntoematohes, and in three amalgamated games, Ofu>j oontesta they were suceessfnl against the Powhitlu,m|> (twice,) Olym^c, (twlceO Charter Oak, Henry EcUtrd, n and toe Constellation. The dubs they lost games with wtn Charter Oak, Henry EokfOrd and Union. The total number of Inntoga played to the above ps" no, and toe total mns scored, 366; whloh glres in iniW two runs to on innings wito 60 over, ind 91 to 1 i°*<^*]! over. The total score made by toeir oppcneils in «• '~ ^ameawaaUT. . • Of the Innings played there were thirty-three lif which 00 were made, an avenge of 8 (0 » mateh; toe nnihber oa w of their adversaries betog 47. ,' v, 1, ' The greatest/nnmbarOf innings in a mitohmwuu w were obtatoed Waa {, the least betog one; toe auie 00 u> ot their opponemta betog respeotlvdy 7 and 0. ,wj Thb highest score obtained to one tosliRS wu u, >»■ (heir oppohente betog a Theblghebtsooteobtalneoiniii was 46, the lowest^S; toe.same scores on (he pan « opmnents were respectively 34 and 6. ,, ..„;-ubk Double figures to single tontogs wore ecor*d la three none betog sMrod by (heir opponenls. .-.'mi The tofaa number ot iiossed baUs on which bates number missed, 34. initial The number of times in whlch the Stats were P«i <2>iiilhi baUs waa 6T, and.the limes toey put out their opi«ne»»"^ was 66. ; ' . ( I lisnnilm' The shortest game ononpled one hour and foriyi»» ^ and toe longestlhree hours and a half. ..^ ..dibe . The first of toe above gaifies waa played Vn OctoberUto. y :■■ ;. .'. "■- • . BASB BAIX. AT FOBT tVtMiei. ,^^ ' POST POilSEI, On, Mb. Bnn:oB.-You wiUigreaUy oblige us, ^*-^^tiif- the Forty-dghth Begimen^ by inserting ln,.I»°f„?*Jfcit count of a basi baU match '<:^y8a withto thewu'^ ^,; laski, Oedrda. The, matoh'Wia played on ^Jk^J'^iU, B (Christmas), betweOh a picked ntoe of the Fo'V'^^'gi^ and the Drum Oorjip »''«>.> Amana the pi«*™_-.< be notiood sevenl , drulnmors some Junior players on both sides was of the ' ' '~ is of'&e same. ■*mong the pltfoj^^ flnl diss Junior Pl»W'i« mlor pUyors firom """"^jiydgMI _ first olisSi toons wore ow ""J ill ets on each side. Ten Inntogs were ptayod on 'St'SmuM of toe nlnto inntogs. Then"" botog a'tle on tho endtog toe score;— WOKBD HIHB. ,'• • Jf.L Hutu. 5 ■•'I.'.' -1" V'. 0' 'I'- Foley,Co. r.,p ...0 Bracken, Co. .F., 0.. ..',6 MoDormott, Co, F.,'l b. 6 NolaUi Co, A,J^B...;3 Sheban, Co, a;,'8db,..4 Stnrgos. Co.'O., If 0 Olsen, 00, K.',rf.....,'.4 ' Brookibaak,Oo.B<,Bf.8 ' • Total..... '.''1st Picked HtoB..3. Driiin Ooi^.'.O', - Utopir^ilr.' . Scorer fbr.tb*. Mortha, is Bennett, o...-; • MOrgap, Jd ">•••' OolgiB,lf.../-,' Johnson, Bdb,.; Saijflliond.p...", Terty.r.f..••.;•;' 'ToniphlM,l"*b OBOWOOi)^^, >ioui.. ''irim^kAioiiH''iAOB taaiaas. ^ . uhl**i o;.,t fl.:,.ia.,',>'». .» '■ niiiaMib l^OU jkoretfottoeD^^tow^^B^^^iiBATi'o'l' .'i(i Pi^wiijwy.