New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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Olio ' J- 'I *!!,<';,'' 1,. ''ic ■ 'MfBLaJBA'TlXli boiM, »iQonnUL«,to thirty. Tfsre boaght iy Mr. Bld^ » wem 'OliVMM' «t «Mh, Ibon 16 oonto, ani M cento. TUIttt 100BtetoU tt6 areas cliolewer»t»k«nby BWeyat28 oai4t» BpemlOT.' n«ie»tB in the parqnetwere then pnt np, and « ••fhftiiuljorltyi(rf4,»t-lB cents Vii^S°J?f^2if«!S «• •' «!61rd aiaparaed; There being no pniohasors left. It was deemed \'i MvlsiMe notio pit np the family circle aejts. iw rsBnocelittWMnonhtofprenrfninsreachingabo^ or WOO. •■).M!-W6Vero BittdtoB the fist who foreahadowed the auccceaof •lU.aiii'lnioino'Weatem.whon we recommended a change In the i ^-'iSp^rtolr* of that Udy. The Weetcm aUleia oame Info notice - .- .ta^S^lSi^ciUea So "Three Faat Mod," and It was thonght by t^'J rtlile fiit tbeyVonId nerer ahow to adyant«o In myothor '«W*ot perforiance: we armed differently. We aw in thoao -vio.SsSg: talent if a high order, and wefelt aatlstted that, .■.r.v^oottOT'oruiir.theywonld make their mark In a higher Tang* l^^ ..S:tt^o tamr We alreidy And Miae Lncllle deToUng hoiedf to oi Inline of bnelneae entirely different torn that whlcU engaged her Kiri »tl»tttlen a few yean ago, and her anccese la even greater now la/I GuTit -ftas' then. A few weeks ago, in pa?Blng ttrongh PWla- ■.t^i^^SuiU. she ingaged the Ackdemy of Hoalo lA ihal olty, and at n«:.°.iMrra()rt noUoe, brongbt ont her venlon of "East Lynne," sa ^• artJbatUed for her by Mr. Tayleor. If we remember, rlglit, ;t MiMree rebresentatlons were given, and the audiences were both J1'>^'^i5m «nd'ftehlonable. Bnt for other engagements, the play :vMt<coSd liAve been ran for some time longer. Ulas Western, baa ,^i-i«e«B pM<brmlng in her great charaoterof Lady Isabel, in "Xast , -i:K7Lniie,"'at'the Washington Theatre, where she has met with dif-ji'mat gnoceas: It was given' for the last time on the lOtb, since Xml!i%iiiob time Ulas Laeofe has appeared in the "French Spy," thus iii') mmailttt atUl another evidence of her great vetsatlUty. She 1>' ■ '«Ioeed«(' Waiihlil^n on the UOi ult, and iHH experiment on -I.'^'ihe Brooklyn people; at their Academy otUosle, this evening, c I. •aethjnst I • - • ■ c: ' ii? 'UMie, who has been statrlDg It at the MeMpolitan, Bochester, c.n -tliti piin week, vaoa^ In favor of the "SeTeH Blatera," which ei'!'MM&de la the atll(act)oii for'the onntmt week. \~' "^'-eie Thetttk'Bbyaii'HanUlton,0. W., the "S.Q.O. Bifle Ama- '''-titan itmonnoed tottVe two porformanoes, the Drst on the 19th, C'z l^dthesecond -O^'ae^'lnat. "Lend me Five Bhlllingsl" a '' ttui'ttatnti .bWds for'!a long^ - ' - - 'wa>vxvi»>» - , •S«il/(WyBi^<>Ur. EarryOUnton ialmmepwiand Isal^^ is wintering in Dayton,'(niIo, neaittvorib;Ua8)er Fat Conner, Irlah.vfoaUst, and Uons.P. and msklng .pmpaia(4oB for the. coming'aaaaon, in the wayof' wio, olaaald performer, were received in a manner, that must paint, paste, and paper. The elephant, Hannibal, Is represented have bean graieftl to their feelings. Miss Fanny Wilson and by a corre^ondent aa being very dooUe this winter, nd so Is his EUIlngton were both well received; Joah Hart knd Miss Laura keeper, I^rank Thomas, since his marriage. - Tlppo Balb is In good LeOlalre, I understand, leave aoonifor Milwaukee, after a.very UondlU4ji,:welghing upwards of nine thousand lbs. - The bills Euccessfol engagement Ur. San BaihneU Ip In hla last week, say Hannibal's nearly fifteen thousand lbs;, bnt_he U Mlas Olara Barton, one of the very best of Jig dancois, has been, a little short weight slnco his tusk was takenoff. Hons. Davis, trying the olog dance with Bucoeas." v- itbe animal trainer, bad a taaale with one of the tigers a short Signer Don Bantlaao Qlbbonnolse made his first appearance 1 time alnoe, and It la said Davis got the worst of it, as his ann at tho UetroiMlltan varieties, Detroit, on Uond^, the 10th, ' was severMy bitten in soreral places. Don't fool with them var- The Continental Mnalo Hall, PhUadelphla, la doing the best inlnts; they are very fond of fteah meat. Froat, tho laanager of haalneei of any aaloon In that city. By constantly engaging the the institution, has been laid ap at tho Phillips House for several very bisst of talent In the ptofesslon, they attract crowded | weeks with rheumatlem, but ^s ont again. A pair of Jvan AiU' houses. M'lls Bopble.Nelson and Mons. Fouche, latfOy with tta« Rlohlnge Id Washington, are engaged her# They are very Jan,;6,.by one of the Qupmta.auoUpijeesfc.for a meS^MSL? It is aplfirthat the poor ahlmals phonld>,Vo re<!elTedthv2Si trestment.os their owner did by cne.jjf .Klog'i auWotSS? However, W do say that ealwnlildsbf a like Suton^sS!!: samo time. la this an oSiJlet . ' > ■ ™^'^'«>« FantomitncB continue the fouatioa in London,'aadihiiW vlnces have' .their prototypes; odhsequontly,'stars noat^MiKl idle for a season. Among those ^tlng on their 'out 'anuS . r . — t ™—. ..,.,_™, ; , .—- --^7 .,. V J j„ aooonhts, were Mlas Avonis Jouea, Ulas Ettte Hendervni Sv M'UaBopble.Helson and Mons. Foui^e,Jately with tta« | bntgh's horses went thioughDayton a few days ^Inf?. wj<*™ | and Mrs. H. Watldns, Hdon Woatem, Mr. OolUns.ltT' •tf themjiJattvEwBiofiW Bodioii-i?&v222k'2!! the only ohaMSUMwWIl ffllttWiflfi.'' > i''»' *""™o«. JemUMe^solraiia horses were kniMkeddttwn inaw)^ should Ai , , jy cne .AI However, they do say that ealsmltlds of a like sort a alelah,,whlob made some fhn for the boys. Hannibal had, a jontlnuod prosperity of American thoatrea la a nutter of' JT.—,,. »goln thelot near th(to buUdlngs. L,„,oMty to tbrBngUsh, aa also, the amount of mMTejeStS for oxorctao, as ui elephknt becomes xancaahlre for the poor. They don't know whot to mSeTii. or :iheT often take too much exercise I ' . , ' ~™»«oraiaj "Ivanhoe" was attracting densely-packed booses at the PiIiim 'of Wales Theatre, LiArpool, and Manager Henderson was hrili glory.' The "Old Btoiy Over' Again," oomlo drama, was also oil and the old elory over again'of crowded honsea continued - :Prof. Anderson, the Wizard of the North, was announced to open in Liverpool on the 13th inst. Anderson, Jr; i was in Dublin are of patronage. | wee». Jonn rosier, me mown, w » gr»»«vuriw Y«u. uiuiiiiu- The Oljmpio, Philadelphia, under the ianagement of Heii. Uo, U«p tho Conrad Brothers, who aro,two of the best gymnasts mind-ln BngUnd. M. Joseph Brice Is the name of ihla aw >gt< dever In the Torperohorean art~ Kilty Blanobard will ahb^Uy appear. . The Uelodeon, PhUoddphla, opened on the 17lh, under, tbe management of De Wolfe, on the' aheap prlnidploi it remained open two nights, and then went iip in a Dolloon. Ho one suffered bat tbo "poor players." . ' , The Casino, PhUadelphla, .under the management of Mr. Fox, morning walk some days ago in the lot near their buildings Wo are Informed that It was foroxorclso, as an elepbknt becomoi . aturby alandlng still all winter; they often take too muoh exercise j^erloans. In. the spring to suit the proprietors. The Japonoie hog ftmllyi' eleven in number, are a great curiosity. . > Gardner & Hommlna'a Olious, Philadelphia, with Madame Louise Tonmalre as tnb principal star, has not been dblng a U In tho foil tide of suocoBB. Mr. Fox haa gotoneof the beaU very good buelncss the ^asfwMk.oiring, probably, to the VW^^ located places of amusement In the olty. and he enjoys a good fa;v9rable state of tha weaUier, Madame IJUTMlrermiaUis.ttils alftre of patronage. ' " we«i. John Foster, the down, is a great favorite with tho pnb- -fiuilod InttirlndO by the P. 0. O. Minstrels, and the firce of the .'i.'xioaiAp attJrimtbr,'' formed the programing.' Vlvat Begins, r .'/ .'''BaI4«d'sPKrlor OperaTnupearoperforming Balfe's opera of V' ik&'fBohemlin airv' In- the various towns in Massachnaetts. Theywura In Ashland the latter part of last 'week. They go u] :ti 'i •«« KoTWlob-and Woroeater'route to Oxford, New London, att lV --thenoe to Hew Tork State.. The oast of the opera is as follows ' ;Arllne.MlaBiidaUhy;QlpsyQneen,MlsBaeorgleN. AlIon;Tbad- ileus, Hr. A]£ed W. Bn^; DevUshoof, Mr. 0. M. Ohirter; AiU' !<.: heliii,'B.Bayiwr;Flore8teln,0.'Vmiers. .', . .s .Hr.-WUllanii'Fiiller, annoancod j>s the "champion akater-cf I'-.--' iSii. world,'' "ia .among the attractions at the Nattonal Theatre, 7 ."...'ciiialMatL V>'i-' 'VHiat's the trouble at the PIttst)nrgh Theatre? Itlssomewhat ■V)^ 1 imnarksble ibat frequent, disappointments take place there. / '~ I, first, Mr, B. L. Davenport was announced, but dldnot perform; Jtben Jolin'^. Owens was announced, but tie did not appear, v'.-t';Last we^ki FMmy.Btownrwas to show her pretty face, but we be- t'd) jjleveshe-wasnof there.-'.'What, does' all this mean?' Are these • 11 -dlnppouitaients the faolt of the performeis, in all coaes, or Is .11^1' there fiome trouble In front? The week was filled up with pei- the stock company, and this week Mr. Cbanlran !-r will commenee an engogemeAt at the PlUsbnrgh, -';; 'i' '. Ht.Ioaeph P. Price bas been engaged as atage manager for ° ^-'.. UAVJoker'B Theatre, Chicago, and loaves Boston nla week. ( .i' v .-Ur, Edwin Booth was present at the Beaton Museum, on the iG i: ' 31st, y^hen hla brother, J. Wilkes Booth, performed Pescara. He Iaat Ui8 play out, and being recognised by the audience was loud- '. ■ ^applauded. Itfi probable that on the occasion of J. Wilkes BooUi's oloaing benefit at the Unseom, Edwin will appear, the two. biothera peilOrmIng the leading choraotera In Othello. ' ^niat's what wellke to see; brotherly love. ' ' Maggie Mitchell had a splendid week of it at J. 0. Uyere' Kcadnny, Providence, B. L She dosed the most brilliant en- gagepientottbeeeaaon there on the 21th; ehe'played Fanchon mee nights, SattyO'Bheal, and Maid ond.UllklngPallontho sod, and Matgot and Eatty for her benefit on the 23d, the house being Jammed, and hundreds iornod away.- In ftot, it wasA&e largest audience ever asaembled' at thia Aoademy. Pet of the Pottlcoab and Four Slateis dosed the week. . Moiglo Is a fa- vorite In Pnvldonce, and speaks well of tho support she recdved ~ 'In.the dnl^ of 'Eatty O'Shoal, etc Ulas Ultaaell wUl return - i' ' there after Bhe'bas fulfilled her- Waablngton and Boston en^e- (..iMi^ments..- '.,:'.,' C'.i. iTankeb Boblnson Is at the Academy, Providence'.(B. L) this Vedr, and next week plajm In Worcaator,' with Myeiis'oompapy, r- r.. ffiibo vatale the A(cademy for a short time. ■'. -. . ... Mlas MatjJda.Beron's pDrfbVmaneca at the Bt^Lonla.Theatie >..- ..hav»baen a series - of .trinmphs. Tho first and. second net: b( ,.....> baiA'.hava.'boon , crowded nightly by the "npper ten"of Bt. loidj. aott rliha**?!?'"" tllin "'"'r pf .westhev.ha^. been at nondez, Is Btlll open with the Lelunon Famllv, and a few others latdy oonneetod with the Bavd troupe. Busmees is not good. We understand that Hemandez,'wllh a pantomime troupe, will soon start out on a starring tour through the Eastern States. At'tho Canterbury, Washlnglon, bualness same aa,' evcr^r-flill every night. Julia Mortimer, Eate Pennoyer, and Miles. Angus, ta and Mario, are as popular as ever. The great feature of tho week past has been the production of the pantomime of the "OoldenAxe,"wlthacorgeB.Edeson as the down, S plays wdl, and has been produced -with new. scenery, dri»ses, ko. Three, new people were added last week—Larry Tooleyi the Jig dancer; and Ulas Hannah Birch and Ulas Florence Blvers, from PhUoddphla. Dick Parker, E. W. Eager, and J. A. Willis, stUl lead the eorklama. /. Concert saloons are In the height of their glorious success in PbHaddphla, but aome fears are entertained that they are doomed to a ahort.Ub, because a committee of wise heads ficom Harrisburg have been' down by appointment, to report the morallly or liomorallty of theae IniUtatlons, in compliance "with a reqaest of numerous pious residents." They vlalted the various academies of "Bong and 'TIce," and have "gohe up," we mean returned to the Halls of Legldatlon, in "bad condition" to support suoh instltnUons; conscqaently, the aeqnd may be— "ahut^em hp." U'Ue Llzetto continues one of the prindpd attraotions at the 'Washington Tarlotlcs, where she has now been perljormlng for a couple ot'weeks. Mile Llzetto's/ortc Is in fancy dances, bnt she seems to tfe one of that school who can torn (heir abilities to Intheprofesdon. . „- Trholselghtfeettwolndiesihhelght. HewaBlaatinLdcSSar Wm. Aymar has relumed to Sata F^fSScisoo from South Amer- growing with the miniature lady oalltd the Countess of Owtm! los. Quito a number of the BBWdust llraternlly are add j,,gj(,„2t^gj,,£giyjBjehod to the glant'a knee. W^ Sm'I 'ISjfL'f'l.'SiJ^J-'l^i,..;.!, •:. ' LI .,,-»..,„ „,.t„i.- ^Is conple get mamed,;or make bdleve.togetTnarilrf,ilkeTom >rho Is eight feet two Inches m height. We have already pabllsbed^an account of the shooting of John B. Marshall, at Walla Walla, WV T., Vhlle endeavoring to a&ve Peoples Item, the hands of a mob.--We now leam that the wounds reodvcd byi Marshall donalsted of a shot In the head. . _ . _ , IlkeTcm Thumb and the Warren girl? The^might make a good UUogof in a minister of the ■ it, Just osiBomum and our couple hope to make by thdt dodge. It is easy enough to get up a mook mairiage—hire a chunh-rCiK ' ' ' 'he goapel (for some of them have their prloefiii I"^;, other wounds are not dangteoua. Although pret^r fcitue Countese, give tho BriUshere a sepsation, and put mi^ wdl leaded. It was thonght that he wobM uMa poemtAona y^rir pnise. Ton" might try It on us cute Yankee? fSt .his llmbs._^ The dioollng was done by a Yager rlfleln the hands | „J ^ yjj^ „ „ eourag we do. at every hnmbug 6f tfio Sd Johnny BuU will swallow yon without a word of expItnoUon. ofoneof theOuard. Tie "Wizard Horieman'," allasUr. Wm'.pTal1or,'oommenbes an vhltdo you say ? engagemjntthlsweek.aJ.toAmnU^^^^ .Theyhivo. ban Rice,down.In Dublin. Geo. Bloman, who peiforms tne globe act on fipr^-baok, Spanish Tranca, Magic Band, eto^ la.engaged for the B. Bands concern, Mr. Foshay proprietor.,. Be l^ now In DeUvan, Wis. . We hear it sdd that the Mables have disaolved, and that Jerry Uable la to go it done with the diow. , Jaft'MdvlUe, the Australian bare-ba«k rider,'commences on engagement this week at the'Brooklyn Arena. His UtUe ones also appe^. :. maoBLiiiunKoiiB. signer Blitz, dthodgh 'not Juvianlle; continues to. please tho 'oSTllS'elSf bSdi.XaSS'JSc'eSd rdToil^ToSSg Wend I S'SSlS'So^i^'""" " Phlladdphl^ oppodng the W on lh'!n!!?„°iS°ZS^Sfn?S^,Z?™«^^^^ luidonlst,ls doing afinebuslneaaat Concert dSi'^'^e'SSt?Sd'°qll'S"SSh«\hS] Phlladdphlo. Holsundoufit^ono of the bestpl.nlsto the handaitthe men of the West, and filled a S,ceesSlUl en-1 «'*''*0'"«'^»"r'^-'"""^^ nee agent. agement. Now that she is at the capltd of the Jfatlon, she bvotd the patrona o'f the 'Varieties with both fknoy and Jig dances, and succeeds admirably In both. In her Jigs, she per- forms lome of the stepe used by Mickey Warron and Hank the Mason, and whldi have made those two dancers so popular In Jigs. Mile Llzette Is a usefd performer, for in addition to dancing, she la a vocalist, a pantomlalst, and also an actress. Wo hope to see Llzetto In New-York again, before long. • Messrs-Hess and Sinn have transplanted some of Qeo. Perdvd's great Canterbury company from Ivashlngton to Alemndrla, Vs., where they are now peiformlng at Liberty Hall, to a flourUhing biz. The company numbere among lla tdent (be Ulsses Olara Harrington, Nellie Taylor, Eato Hairlson, TlUle Forbes, and Annie Hornson, all f«»nm«r names to concert sdoon patrons in the prindpd dUea of the north. The masculines are Matt Oeb- bler, oomo singer. Billy Emerson, aU sorta, Frank Wysnt,. "barnJo," M. J. Cloakl, Jig dancer, and Horry Talbot, nonde- sorlpt Miss Ndlle Ho'ward and Miss Julia Bobinson, "{he two brU- Uantllghts in the mysteries of. contorting thai pedals,"'l^oiui. BUss, and other popnhir artists, were atttactlnB laige audiences to the Udodeon, Balllmore, last week. 'What Bllsanil moments an still In store, at the Mdodeon. Bdtlmore, we leave t<|the Corinthian Hall, Bocheater, has been in uee for the past three weeks' dmoat every night The ladles of the Unlveisallat Church had it two nighto for a fostivd; on Thursday ovenink, Jan. 1G,B. F.''TayUr,.of'Chicago;gaVe a lecture'on "English Words; Thdr Use and Bean^," to a largo audience. He was followed by Boberi 0. Fenn, of Booheater, a blind poet, who de- livered on tho evening of the 20th, a ssUrlcolpoem entitled "Onr Jnionslstencles." On the 23d, Bev. T. 0. Em'en, of New York, , ... He isongaged at ConneVs, without an 0. Big thing In England. Ur. and Mrs. Hoiw) Paul gave two entertainments at the Free Trade Hall, Manoheeter; onthpSd and Sth of January, wbon'flve thousand pereohs were In attuid- anee. QoshI . , Aftor an Illness of three months,,Urs. WUUani Barrjtscra' (who waa not unknown to the American stage,)'died in &i^laiid on theSOthof December, having attained , nearly her eightieth I year. About flifty yean agoi as Miss Adams, .the deceaied was I known as the moat accompllahed English dancer on tht alsge. After her marrlsgo 'with Mr. W^am Barton (for nosy years the stage mansger and Inventor of pantoinlmca at, Dpnty une Theatre), her service's were held at that estabUahment In great esteem, and her nquldte performance of FeneUa, 'the I dumb girl, In "HasanlcUo,^' assisted matcridly to enheipce the ' r popularity of that opera. In 1831 Mrs. Bonymore accbm- [cd|ner huaband V> America, where she became a great ivorite, and oflcrwarda aho settled at Boston, and retired from ths stage dtogothsi. On tho docease of her husband, In KoVom- ber, IMO, Mrs. Borrymoro returned to England, end, 'c«i a smaU competency, the resnlt of' her own profepalond exertions, happUy spent her dosing years among friends ond rdatlvea, - In onr lost, we mentioned that Mr. Pitt, manager of the Shef'> field Theatre, had sued the Uessn. Banger, of. the cliqus, for Knnjc^ "Momiof I E«'o™il«/?-»i.'^-^^^^^^ ladles oftbelndnstrld School were to hold a fesUvd at Corin- thian Hall, on Friday evening, 23d, the entorialnmcnt to consist <jf'vocd and Instrumentd muslo, tableaux, &o. ; Woodorllb's Olss^ Blowen are, doing a very good business at the Assembly Buildings,PhUoddphla. .Thenovelty of aglus steam engine, and the dlsnosd of many vduablo pieces of glasa work to the audience, make them"very attractive. • Little DoUle Button held her laat levee in Detroit, on Soturday i ."t:--!' v„i.* --■i.i' ... j a^.-^^^ evsninii. 17th. after* v6ry successfnl tlmb of It. She bos given porformlng in Cork,(not burnt cork), and towing good_bonses. "^•""'- " ••^^J^ " Duoiuui """"iJnthe company are Madame Tonndler, Emma EoyTTQgd,Ur. was thrown in a'wln.dow at Ur. Pltt'a. residence, Ura. Pittnir- rowly escaping eerious If not {aid Injury. It Is not known who threw the orlck. The two Aztec ohUdnn, together with the Earth-woman, who were on exhibition In this country a few yoara ago, were show- ing at Brighton, Englondi-at last , occoimts, under theimanage- ment of Mr, J. liorris. Brookhpusc Bowler, and an Engllsb Opera .companr,. wen Immense satlsfkctlon to tno little folks. Uasop Jones does not seem to carry his andlences by storm In Boston; He doee not flU Tremont-Temple dther.. Bis leotures publlo to dedde for themsdvt|a, after adding that Manager Lea I took place on the Uth. may be good, but the Boetonlans can't see It , Teresa Camno received a congratulatory letter from Mayor Uoboln, of Boston, asking ber to givo another concert, which la etui there. At the Boweiy, Bt Louis, "Harlequin Tom, the Piper's Boni" la drawing immense orowda. From present appearances, says our coireaponflent. It promises to have a long tun^'It has a good cast, costumes hew, and abounds with trioka and transfor- mations. OnFriday.ieth,nr. Fred Shaw had a benefit - Prom Fr. Bhudolpbson, who bos appeared at the Sunday Concerts of Mad. 'Anno; Bishop, in Boston, Is the B. nedorfoks, of Morris Bros., Pell and^Frowbridge's Minstrels. < Lewis k Co.'s "Panorama of tho War" humbugged the proprl etor of Naughton Hall, in Columbus^ Ohio, by engoj ' to commence on Jon. 10th, for one week; sdvortlse( motions, on Mldoy, wth, Mr. Bled Bhaw had a benefit - srom to commence on Jan. 10th, for one week; advertised In^papors, »">"o"iv, o">t "T^.v i . iCI r^.ZtViW^ZzrtTi !!»??i?.'if^:'J°!?yPj!!?:''?rtte prppri«ftre.hA6.f.Ued. tot&iect: i:?«<*J?iSg, ^^J:), ^X^Z.^'.^llS^^^^^^ Bosentbd, and Mr. Swift Here Is a chance for ye Jade tar. A Mr: Mace, the "Qreat In- dian Rope Performer," challenges any person In the world to lash to a cbalr, with any number of ropes or any nomber of knots, so that he cannot release himself in about four minntes. Now'Who wlU be the first to lash this man.' P. B.—Mace Is not he of ttie pOgillstlo peisuoslon. A fin hroke out in the Theatre Boyd, Plymouth, on the 6lh Inst, by Wbldi the building, comprlalng the theatre, asaembly rooms, and hotel, Iras' partially deslrbylid. 'A pcrfonnonceliod tkB~t<»li I been ^vcn In the theatre the previous evening, .before a crowded lATTaTinn audlenCe; and at that time a ameUof fire was peitepUble. hnt on. aides, It mnat have been a bumper. J. G. Campbell miade his re- thereby keeping other ahows from tiii city. - NMditon, the pro^ appearance on his old stamping ground on the IGtb, and was p^igtor of the hall, saya ho shsU show.them'up. received with great opploBse. -'^rtkmnfcWardwas tobave"spokoeplece.''^at Newarli,.6hlo, "AlmoataUurdcrl'^ That's tha-Ute(t:*'Me6s-da(us|Manee"|.g|VtheIttb,fi5t'w "Something sttho Canteibury,'<Ihlcago;-'«llh:FMIikPell''as the'culprit; and I th«n^^T with lils't£oat arrangbtnlmli,''he ■ayBv'''BB hod W.Bordwellasthavletlm: 'It'sa'knubkpiece. ~ ' •'■- ■ ' , alsoto postpone at Zanesvllle Uifftoudwlng night A-^H. Eernaudez and troupe wUl 'doae in PhUadelphla uils | a qnartem troi|pe, adled the "Spencer JFamOy," '';'., ;,. limes unprOTltlous; Xbe beginning, of her second week ehe liireaantea fxho Bdle .of the Season,"., which gave way to '■ "OamlUe" rfOr the last tlmo) on Friday, leth, for her benefit; . ^ and Saturday night, 17th, "Edith" and "Robert Macoire," Ben Hi -"'^VBeiBar'Ba Bobert Uacaln. Our correspondent"Copemlcue" uys:—To-night, 10th, she opens her third week in a new play ft- :' ''«iitlUed"Ozulna,orR<^Bevi9nge." This plw was'written for i'l ^.--^KUgH. by iMvBUzabeth Owen, of London, Big. From what . I have heard of it the drama promises to bo no less attraotive 'than the other playa brought out by Uisa Heron. It Is sdd to s.:.-^ «:beiliUaf BtattluiB afiiaola andbeautUnl tableauz, and is founded on the Iiistoried legend that Catharine, the second Empress of .,.,,..Buisla, experienced.a elngularly impressive represeniaUonof r i '.'^lleitMV daring certdn momentous crises of her career. It is V'r-' -.■tso.'ooniiseted with the wdl known Inddente of Czar Peter's ^',".°..;'^^liid4r by the Otlblb, the'abduction of the Princees Tarakonoff, r, mS itn^'Uitqrlgnes of'Catharine with Orloff, PotenUn, and Sen- , V. ■ uU;]pr: Journey to Taurida, ddringwhlch whole forests were ,.':\ iDbhini|VSdto'lQuniInate'|item|^nrypaloce,'wlthothtf ','- ,^ .eplBQdes 'whUh are Interwqven with the plot so that eveqwhen '-■■■"twiiMri.MKii aeems to dictate the story, the iestIino.ny of Catha^ . : xinfi'^ ^legraphen opmboratea the foots, 'r^ . : " Iji opportunity for a flist-dass ohamtiermdd ls.offered In our ;, \' ;.i^verttiln/}eolamhs, totravd, by Mr. Charles Wilkinson. Stand n iln'otupontneCrider'of your application, bnt apply at once, as an ^^°'^ly"iorwaidmovement'''ls contemplated. . ".' . New Haven, Oonn., is to be redeemed out of the handsef the '.;' >" '^hMMfies,' <. c UfaeuLba. Miss Laun Ee^e and company are > . ...-soon-to-appaar> in MnstoHall, and Mr. Jarrett Introduces Miss . .'LuolIIe WSstem In "East Lynne," at Music Hall, Jan. 2Ttb. v! '' Laork X^ieiie and companywlU dose at the Howard, Boston. *:,'. 'x'bn the 81st,' On the 2d and 3d of Feb. theyperfbrm at the Acad' V.' Cemy, Providence, B. L «' - <' 'BsUle Bt' dalre opened at EUaler'a Theatre, Odumhus, Ohio, on the 20th', and bos been doing very well, notwltbstandhig the badweatherprevaUlngof late. Sallle has played the "Borgia," „ . . oareenBushes," and'"Pauline.Her benefit was fixed for the ' , Md, Oharlea Barras in his' jMolade Tmaglnaino," and the "Wept j- ' -^ftheWldi-ton-wlBh" being the.bllL We understand thathor engagementdOBeaonthe98th,andltiaprobableiliotUd>onongta, wltnnis Seven Btsten,-will foUow immedlotoly after. . John 6. .Clarke IB now In his third week, at the HolUday, Bd' ' ', tlmore. ''-. "Lea Ulaenbles," . dramatised, as the bin informs us, by Ur, ' i'..:S.E.AyMi> wss.annoanoed for presentation at the BdUmcre Museum on.ljie Zltb. • Saouuy, {iltyours,.dekr?.. _ .Mr. Hackett niakes his first appeaionce at the New Ohestont Street Theatre. TbUaddphls, on the asth/.thot being Ur. For. ' ' ' rest's first night ofl^ . , ■ Maggie ;sit«h£U, we understand, wiU a.onimenos a second en- ' gagaasnt at Boston on the Uth of Febnuy, when, it Is thought <^''' she will iproduce of'Hennance." Billy Florence fbllowB ner; opening on the 1st of Uaroh.. - ' ' J. Wilkes Booth ha4 been playing to immense business at the Boston Uusenm. He remains there three weeks in all. U^. andUfS. W;',I. Florence were to'haveolosed at MoTloker's I: . Theatre; Chicago, pn th^i Sith, and open in St Lonls on the'26tb. :.' Mrs; JaU0 fnc^ldi's new theatre', Boston, wiU nol^he ready for .' ..thee4dilUhyasiloottashad been anUolpoted. ItwUlprobsbly 'beiq^edtowards the Utter part pf February. Itistobocolled T77 '. Jane Qigllsh'a Hew Tremont Theatre. Ura. English la gettlni - ■ *-''' together a capital company, and wlU play them m ForUandi oui other ploeesuntlluiis new eetobllshment Is complelod. The New ' Tremont promises to bo a sncceesfulBostdnnoUon. Ur. August r<, UoUer Is to have charge of tho'onbostra. : .^,',,', .:..WasJallaDdywa«lndlsposed,fuid unable to appear during "fbf latter port of her engagement at Wood's Theatre, OhioinnalT '.'Seven Slatm" was etlU ,on the bills. They go to Colum- ipus nyxt ii.i' ->.',.'dromatla^ompony of Pike's Opera Hpnse, Olnclnnatl, hsyp week, and then stert on a tour, the Apademy, Providence, B, L Some evlI-dlsposed parties In PhOodelphla have boCn attempt- ing to liiJnre Ur. B. W. Butler, of M Broadway, NAw- York, by forging his nome to a documenfond publlahlnE it as if it oame direct from Mr. Butler.' Bee oara in another, oolnmn. ' A new place, caUed the "New York Concert Bdoon." h^'been opened In Cincinnati by Oetz k Co. Oetz was formerly manager of the 'Volk's Garden: Miss Fernando Flor^ la one of the cards. She sings "If Your Foot Is Pntty, Bhow It," and she does ehow It aa high as decenoy wUl permit So "Stanwood,". our correspondent, says, and he'a been there. Yolk's Garden la now used as a etatlon for the sddlen. They WlU appear neztTraek st Itbrou^h Ohio. The AUegbuiIant .appeared at Coltmb^, Ohio,- last 'week. was discovered, and tho place vos doaed, Not long after. «u>- ever, the fiomca burst forth, and the' inmatts Of the hoidlaft u speedily as ppselblo. The theatre ysAa' less injured than the hold, and It woe bipectcd that the foAner would soon be''oftaln pcd to the publl^. ^ _\woll knoM voeallst—FtAu^laln'lslier.same—has tal^im her STA iinirinir IcBve Of thosCage In i(2orewdl benefit at the StodtTheatre; Ham. BIO "n«™8 burgh, her lost repreacntotlon.being that of Amelia,-In-Tetdl'i ■ W -^.iiv I "Ballo In Unsohera." under the ffistlngalghed patronage of the Qoveno^, the Senate, and Hbuao of BepreaanteUves. It iflkea 'Woldron, their agent, to "puU wires." - .' • ,1 , ' ' ,, Prut Siddons,assisted by hla.daughter, Fanny Semble Sld< dons, a young Udy of icoroely 16, gave 'readings, & audiences; at the Medionlcs' HoU, Tonnto. foMflve evenings recently. ., . It Is reported that Artemus Word Is soon to lead to the by- jnenld diar one of tho most beautiful girls in Kentucky. The JTHOBO BDDITSIUDIiB'r. Arllngton.Leon&Donniker'sUInstreUhavebe^offered'alarge sum to retain to Columbus, Ohio', and give four more entertaln- ments at Baughton Han. Theyan great favorites of the Oolum- bualtes.. '.- r Nigger IBnstralKy has been revived at Memphis, Tenni. Uo^ nlngstar's Oabipbdls Had token posoesdon of Odd FeUows' HalL and wen giving entertalnmente there at lost advices; with whai success we have notleamed. s Abend of minstrels, caUedthe "World Star Band," wos per- forming at Oonterburv Hall, Cairo, HI. . Poge k Cree's Ulnstrds, who have been trevollng In Vermont have oeen dlabanded; Oree hos enllstod in the ISIh Vermont ond gone to the seat of war. ThePageBrotheraarelnPlalnfiald,'Vt, organldng a new concern, a brass band, and bnrleaque opera house, under the name of Page Brothers' Ulnstrds. Among those engaged are James Batohdder, N, Lumbard, U. B^ Page, t, 0. Page, Julian Lease, A. Lane, and Uoster Lon Page, u. 8. „;it / .. " 'ramiped from their troveU, and commonce their regular seosen ;.„;jiwis«7 ^ ^ ■ ■ 4yenlng, leth, '\^th Miss Matilda Heron as the star, whcwfll TCrPXO.dbl.cp her "Eaat Lynne," and the pabUo wlU have on op- jpbrtnniqrto see two great ootreases togetner. Miss Heron and Mrs. Farran. Our correspondent soys "East Lynne" wits bron'ght out at the National, Olnolnnotl.'^aft.Beason. and there ia -'^T ^Mkat dtidie to seeitogain. ;/:,' - -.^nie NsUonol, Olnclnnatl, under Ur. Fnller's monogement, : "^"'<bpAi«d Oli Wednesday evening, Jan. aist, 'with the foUowlnB '-r''''«Mi9ABr: UlU'Fannle D. Price, Mlas Uoty BIU; Uessn. L. P. 'BOya, U. W, Kls]|e..Ur. Honchett, F. Mockay, U^. Grieison, Ur. netoSd^«W'AipPld,;trni, Fuller, Un. Zarzedaz, MrA H. 7. NlehdiltWsaKpVam. .Mrs. Orferson, LottieTeme, etc, The '■ ' "B'was '''iQgbuor," '..ii"—*.v.- 1,1,1. — . , - .„ ... foUowedibt the little comedy /■LdiU'oraloTM." Mr. Pdle*, the gTeataiator,on _^,'''L<l4i»'et^_-,..- , . , ™ ' Ua'parlor'Bkaies.Dnbght down the hodso; hla reception traa ,•,: ■' • <re»t The nlght.wosjmiUoaBant but thoaltondanoe wjw good. ''t!ii<< ^^'T)l«' W«bt> IfllteM anlved oU safe In Havsiu, and were to com- ;■Ti-!'T''iiietice'a&engagelii6nt'at'tUe.Tlllanneva theatre on the 17th. ::-x^i\-'.-': ~ .' ■ .. , ' ' I' a.) ,, .'BXUBlb BAIiI<S. ..' .- Mr. Bdltf'i^ harrtODpiiDjr mode tbpi» fltet appearance In De- i'iioU;«S5nMaK'tS*>«tbj_toBj»y;mhous«,'JI'no Mori^Ut ■Wat IHt'tliraloirt gta^afiu >di4^iMu««'ihji1 that w< eii«it*l « tfer, I'iuu'iippeand tti' yoongUdyla.repiia^S^wSSyTJisSJ^ no leas than one hundred "cohtrobands." Arty gave his "Blity Dundreary-ls jierformlng. _^ _ ^ .. ^ ^. MlhutaB In Africa" at Masonto HaU, Louisville, Ey., recently, and Bt Washington HaU,'Wheeling, '7a., on the 31th inat B. Bheiman s Sons were bUled to ahow at East Montpdler, Yt, ontheZtth. Itls a magtolan concern. The Hntdilnson Family threoton to bUst their bugles at Ttey, N. Y.,'jpn1he 26th. They ore stDl Bound on ths nig. The Troy Knut^whloh was a UttU severe on our minstrel friends for their hlto at an imbeoUe admlnlsbaUon, ond pnlse of McOlsIUu— ought to be in Ite dement with the nlgger-worshlpping Sutch- Insons: ' ' Osslan E; Dodge and, his companion, W. E. Hoyword, ore oon. ;sJs^rreW^w^nV^?^&''°aTvi^ HUUbowugh on the 20th, and in Concord on the 240i. hoUday attrocUon at the Olympic Theotre, when ttot eeUbllfl^ KroffSor J.ftasOTttEh^^^ Edwin S*"* JC^^IJ?*". dlreofion of Madome VoaWs. He was Fon^^dVtoTloasmslS Oii^ Uieauffiorbertde,ofsomefll5modemburlottn.ando^ rorren; u ^vm^ lewona Mi^h, "^Son^SvT pSfMi" ?Wph have gdned popuUrily by their neat conrtruotloB ud and J. 6. Page do the end business. Foster's ulnstreU oppeored In Troy lost wedc, and wore Uber- ally patronised. The bte manager, Ur. Foster,.doe8 not seem to nave been equd to the task of conducting a mlnslidband. ^y.tho-way. It is a difficult undertaking to control a bumtoork organization. Foster, It appears, left fbr New York to attond to acme money motten, and he did not return. At Albany, Johnny Bookelr ekedoddl<!d;but the bounce of the party, W, H. Brockwoy, Jules Btratton, 0. H. Oorter, George Ws^htmon, 17. Butler, E. UUei), Charles Wood, J. Qalnor, Carl Shuftz, W. Bly the, and W. Wotera, showed eis Foster's troupe, and like gonUemen, pdd bUU contracted by Foster. H. 8. Bumsey hos engogod the bond, and, ofler a coiefd re-organlzotlon, thoy wlU atert on'their tnveU once more, and, wo hope, under belter auspices. UoiTls Bros., PoU and Trofrbridge'a Ulnatrels, have purehased a bouse in the rear of their haU (on Province Conrt) and intend to make it Into their sbige, thereby enlarging their present area. They have in preparation a pantomime tlut wlU astonish the naUvea or any other man, ' Comcroas k Dliey's Minstrels, In Philadelphia, are atthutting very Urge audiences. It U olmost Impcsdble to obtain a seat In the lower port of the house after the performances have com- mencied. This troupe now gives an ezcdlent entertainment ."Dr. Gouge 'em Qnlok," "Susey Brown," "The Jedons Uus- bond," "Sagor Cone Green," "Mariner Boy," "TJ, B.'U." "Qlpaey Ohorus," and "I Con't Hdp Dot," are now being enact- ed by AiUnoten, Leon i: Donnlker's Ulnstrds, at their new opera house, in Onicogo. Willlam H. Lewis, thecontrdto vocalist Is up for a benefit at Hooloy'sOpera House, Brooklyn, on the 28th liut An entire obonge of programme Is Iningurated this week. At Springfield, Uose^ on tiie 28d, Bhorpley's BUnstreU, the Scot troupe of "Iron Clods," gave oq entertalnnent In Undo ill, to t2(8, il^e lorgcst house ever sssemblod there to witness a mtnstrd entertainment Bam pnt in an appearance, in per- soil, the fiist time In three weeks; he met vnlh an occldont. In Uondlester. N. H., aome time ago, whloh dlaobled him for ai tlmikand prevented him fh>m performing. TbtawlU account Tor . bis non-appearance In aome of the fiistemolUes. He is hlmsdf again; however, and wUl hereafter take part In the on tertetnmants. They were at Chleopee on the°21th. . I The last of the Worm pon-hogs le to be dUhcd up by Soolby's Ulnsfrels. at their Opera House, Brooklyn, thla wetkrn llie piece: Is brlaUing with cute, and slashes and slices up thefoUlos of the'day, tho whole belngfoDoded on the tde of Uotomora, or tiie Babes In Uie Woods. \, Bowers—did we ever oaU-hlm one' of theArlght Boweref we forget-does the Injun. Anby Hughes iasdd to have mode a decided hit in his ocoentridlUes, and is set down os'one of the best comedians in the boslness. We see them on their winding way. Bam Sharpley's Uonltore ofUlnstrdsy bave terminated their cdnpdgn In the East, anil now strike for the West This week, thoy open In Albany with a '«ery lorda oompany, and a strooi ond woU-dlvonlfied bUl of attraotiona.'. We predict a ten strike for this -great bond; pom Sharplay is one of the. wittiest, if not (Acirittiest manin the business, and his puns, pUy upon words, oto., afford a ded of jherrlment - " OhrUfyUlnatrelaoonttnuo to multiply in England. In addl. tlon to BSTCrd (DU-fledgod bands rejoicing In the name of Christy, a Jtivenlle patty have Just started up;'They are «dl«d the "Ja< wenUiOluJityuiiiBtrels,'' " " Professor Is said to be ^eU liked by the union boys. Professor Shattuck Is also at thU college, hdplng dong the phydod condi- tion, whUe Bdridge engages the mmd. Bhaftnokgives lessons in the manly art Ho Is represented as not unlike Wesley 8. Usnn, a former Instructor In the art "a U manUe." The Oorter Zouave Sisters were otAUentown, Pa., on the lOlh and 20th. Hiss Flonond theUttle qirig -ln Irish ohoractor. ore end^f^ to excite the ildblUties of a "hoponthetomos." Father Kemp's Old Folks, with Sarah Jans NlohoU, win give twoconcertaatCUca,N. Y.,on'the28lhand.20th,andat Borne on the 80th and 81st De Cordova gave his hamorous leoture on Courtshlpand Mar. rioge before'the Mechanics' Asaodatlon of Uttos, N.X, on the 21st ftbmKrrsiiioton. They.not ol qnttaftonnet, tamborinc-vldlls, ue ttll t» b« qolt* f, noTdty. ' seveA.ln 'nmtaber, wlioeeAgM'toiigA ling and donoo, Iml pU] veto, iSTutttB'-' The Pyne and tiarrlson English. Opera Troupe have ritvived Howard Glover's opers of Buy BIos,"at Covont Ciuden, London. The troupe compiliea Miss LonsU Pyne, UIss Bnkon Pyne, Ulas Thlrlwoll, Madame Laura Baxter; Ur. W- Honlecn, Ur. Bonlley, and Ur, C. Lyoll. Balfe's new opbro, Ha^le Tndor, Ubretto vj ISx. Bridgman, la to be the next nbvdtjv Ulss Eato Boxon Is ons.ot tb4 performers In the pantomime at Druiy Lone Theati«, London. Think of this, now. On ^e 8tb..Inst, bis BojrdNlbsths A new two-scfdramo colled "The Dork Olond," hos been pro- duced ot Bt Jomts's, London; with saocess. Ur. Boss, the author, on being odled for, rose tirom his seat, erosaed the slage, and bowed hl^ ocknowledgmente. T)ilB Boss seems to modi sweeter by amr other name, so he oaDs hlmielf, for ahcrs 1'Arthur Bketobley.". Ur. Charles Dance, dromstio writer, died at Loweatoft, Eng., on the Itii inst,«f dlasase of. the heart He. was In themb year of his age. Ur. Dance was the son of the arehltect of uat naiho, and with his brother, the late lb. Geqrga Dance, he com. menced, at an 'early period of bis' life; writing for Uie'stage. In ooQjuncUon with Ut. J. B. Plonohe he *toto aeverd:of Uie ftlry U. Leon AlberUnl Chlrlskl, "the champion slaok rope per- fonner;" la. We are informed, to appear at Mrs. Jane English's new theatre, Boston. Uonogen wiahlng to negotiate wlur him BhoulA-appIy to Jas. Conner, 6UK Broadway.- The.'Snprletor, of the Carter Zouave Tronpe, J. Heneoge Oorter, has given np his intention of Invading Cuba, for the best of reasons, viz,, that Us post suuesees ont west, lead him to ex- pect atlU greater oit the present time. The company has been added to, both In tUent and nnmber—fourteen oU toldJ' They were at Boston, Pa,,'the Utter part of the past week/and met with llberd encouragement They open the present week In Soranton.Pa. The FaUr of Ava appeared In Undo EoU, New Haven, Oonn, Jan. 33d and Mth, giving as an extra lndneem6nt IBO prizes, ronglntr from a bog of flour .to a mdodeon. and on. the lost eve-' ning a hone, Lve one, mind ye. Professor EdllB, a oullnd emdder, wlU soon give ai prestlcon- trdiandanlgget entertalnmont in New Hayen. Oottechau and Carlotto PotU were to give their last ooncert in Olnolnhatt on the ;Mth of Johuaiy, They then go to OpIumbne, 0., opening at Naughton HaU on' the 38th.. ''L|OIseau,"Iour Columbus correspondont predlote for them a Jim. The AUeghtnUns dosod at Oolufflbns, 0.. on the 21st They met with fdr patronage.' , During 0 lectnro by Mason Jpnos, at Boston, a few nights ago, in tpoaking of the groat generalship of Garibaldi, H'correspond' ont, "Beaton,'.' soys , he gave two or three bard raps af Gen McOleUan, and tho lecturer was hlesed. . Bornom's ddcoosod wbde has been dls^eotsd, and the'oauae of death proved to bo the rupturing of a blood .vpaad; whU4 be was being driven In homesB. :Bo muoh for'putUog the enlmdlna different lino of business to that 'which no wov acdnstomed to, ' I ' AUATBUB. PaniAniLrHiA Aoiateoo TsUTaiooLS.—Ontheevefalngof the Uth, the "Bbothenlon" govo one of their old style shows; to a crowded house, tho majority belijg lodles. The blU consist- ed of "BetribnUon," ond "Else In itaeDark." A correspondent, gained popularity by their : Uvdyand poUahed dlalegua. AlUipngh twice married,'be haa left no obUoren, and had survived both his wives,' ■ . AMU9EMJBNT&:'::t. ■KVAAT'rOFHlBJL HOUSB, . ^ ' Meohanl ce' Bd l, 473 Broadway, above Grand atreet •BYAMT-BBOTHEBa Proprietors. JOHN 8IUP80N, Treaianr. ■ 'WI NANS and BDCHAlfAN, TTahers. A. BOBS. Officer. gUVKN ' i ' H TEAB OF THE OBIGINAL WOBUVBEMO^miD BBYANTS' UIHSTBEL8, THE EEOELBIOB TBODPB OF THE WOULD. ^; Ths Company ia composed of the foUowlng tdented Aitut*>' DAN BRYANT, NBIL BRYANT, SHEB C. CAUPBELL, W. W. BEW COMB , • NELSON BBYMODB, G. W. H. ORIFFINi. #, X. HOBBB, Q, B. FOWLEB, - J. H. BIVaBI. a. A. coH Nma l o. w. oharles, j. w. hiit on. O. D.BUUETr, J. UOBRISON, T. aETriNOS,: BOLUN HOWASD. FBANE'LESUZ, LITTLE UAa;^ U a : new variety of Songs, Dahcea, Burlet^nea,'PlantotW BceseSi kc.&0. nrParttcnUnseebiUaoftliedoyi . TIckela 28 oenls. • ■OfUUB BBbTHBRB, PBI>Ii it TRO'WBRIDO^'S . OPERA HODBB, : BOSTON, UAfiSr TbU^fttpuUreatablldunentwiU ^ : . .:.. ooaniENoi VHiiB eixm-luMDUn BUflOX . V*; MON DAY EVENING, AUG. 4th. UOBBtS JSBOTHEBS. PELL li TROWBBIOaB'B UINBTBBU Constat of the foUowlng GsnUemeni' LON UOEBIS, BIUiYUORBIB, . . ., JOHlWYPEIiL, J. 0. TBOWBKIDGB, - B. W. PBEfiOOTT. jr. L. GUiBEBT, J. P. ENDB^ AUGUST BCHNEIDEB, 1^. W. BOABDUAN, ». LOTHIAN, , . -. B. H. CABBOLL, J. QUEEN, F. WILT- - _ ^ LHAKtB,_ J. j.~mu>uw>t ' D. J. MAOnnnnB.' L. A. ZWISSIiEB. JAPANESE TOMMY. The^Uasagement can particular no^oe to .theaboveoisna 'laid array of Tdent . ' '. ... ' nokets38cento) BoservcdBeats 60 oente. .. .g^tf ; • 'ITxJNIUOBWfljStoijgr^ HOOliWa UPElKii HUVSB. BROOKLYN. Cor. OOUM ^ BEUSHH STREETS. MONDAY EVBMnSfO, JAN. 28,. and during jho week. "THE OREUE DE LA OBEMB,'' OF ALIi HINBTBIL OBOAlflZATIOKS. W5?;**' "Fv*•~"'"?^*^2^°J!?W''^^'^i?""iS'^f^ Stm floatlBg on thffoUtiSe of PabUc Favor. acted with more than UBud spirit, Tho Udy (natoe unlao*n) "P* ""'r'owfv ram mammoth PBOORAUMB. ' . whoporsonatedOltoisaa,doMrvese^eoUlmenUonfortheoonfnl j. j^ohon?pateoSmayT3oU" in tho luxurioiAtop tt mympr inwblcbahp ployed and drtsiad the port In.the ftope. | '"{Krlimtf^^ fiiiiTB,. and flONQ. .; , Hicks Hoyhtust kept the house in a roar M the humorous man- . . . . ' . '. nerlnwhleh bogove. BellmPetUbono. This evenlna, 23d, the Bootbenianglte theflhepUy of tbe"Wlfe" Onth»21et. the WheoUey wore to have given the "Golden Former" and '<Uyl Neighbor's Wife;" but on'account pf the storm and the smaul hptue,lhoy pnlypUyod the "Golden Former." Itwasdpne Ihl fine stylo; Ueasrf. La^pn, Charley-Opmb6r. Holllsh and Tin-' pest. aU-being', ahow pasMd'61 teihptMt<'ah«St kioblfdlAM,,,; •eU up in the text and ataae.bnsiness. and am t6 Oonqtler," 'bat I aid .9jfoQSgUllr dul fttt ' - i&fiiitai vHt]r<tir«(%llWt; tlwt If Mk of the' „ i . . , .BABES IN THE WOODS 1. ; OB, THE LAST OFiTHB WABltPAN-HOOB. • ' rfiS^Ofl BIDLEY FEB'JOTJUK ; ■ • V,.. , ,. HOOLEY'S UmSTRBLB'OTAJDHILLIB/ I .: (-:JOHHNY'B GONE'-^jr"'." '• .,;.; . ,',„ ,' . ;,-iiAOGHiHG DAHKiBB. . •;"." .■;.•,:,'■' .f' ■ ■ ■'LA;'NOBMA»".i^';;t.' ■ ' r TpaNHYTBUMPBrOOUBSOIiOlBT, 'to,, W|;»-(...