New York Clipper (Jan 1863)

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■ . tJMPJ .-— , ytndlliaagtrr ' JJENTES SUOOSSSI . - r' • ': ■; OH&fiLEI TOZ, and ,.• .1. ■. ' HHL8E8EYMOUB, ijw^gcUBBD OOMTBABAXD, - ' OtSkoH'S BAMD, mTT ' Bominio the OiMteiABx, It^piun's Btasn, ■ <!< ' ASVUliUtlUOH THEPiUllUA'IUjUOAD, to, ' ■' ' '" Ktir SONOSt SAKOES, tnaplmUtlODSMnu, by - ntxSn! ^ .SaHWIOABDI, ' ISAACS BBOTHEBS; flmfiwA. HAaL AM. ■ laifl, tSSjBl- Ml* ' • COOL WHITE ■ . Boon opan at 6K: oommencc at 7}^ o'dook. Tidketi 9S oeaW So canneotKiii mui any other Tionpe imnimlng the name'of Todd'aUlnitrels. 13- "VSW BOWBRT VHBIATAB. - SoltProtirletOr:..'.. ..MB. J. W. UNQABD. 1 ^ HONDAT ETEMINa; JANVABT3e;-1863. v. ' OJtEAT HOVJUUTT OF TOB Q^BASOM. yint Might of ait'Bfisteamea.t of the QreotTnge^Un '".'*. UlB. .B..BDDT, ' inolaengoged ibraV Uiidt^ p«xiod,« ;makelils flnt " '""MnjES HA OOPPALEnT,' In BonoIotaU 4 Vondtrfol Dnim* of' TEE OOLLEEN BAW, Wth all theiadjuttcla of New and Uagiifleent Boenair, Ha- nUiieTr, AppolntmaDta, to> aided by a powerful coot of <£iTao- ' ill Uie Original Mnslo. by toll I -. , THOUAS BAKEB, fSQ, ' -it of'theOregt Bnrtytta, enttSed ! ItrENXT-SE^EMTH STREET OHOST,' . . yi^giMe .(eoently ocotdoned anoh Immenie eioitement In th« <StB,• / - r f ■ ... Alw, the fine DraaiM of ' 0MB GLASS UORE. . 43 IAVBA KBtlSB^S VHEIATRSI. THf " ■ Foorth.'Veek of the EDg»gement of • • HB8. JOHM-ffOCa), ■■ QtEEMOF COMEDY AMD BOMO, vbow hrlUlont parformancea nightly eliolt ' ^> THE MOST BAPTHBOnS APPIAUBE; Hon AndlenMg coapoBed of tho ' ELIT E OP THE OITy. ' ■ UONBAT EVENIMa, JAMTABT 30, 1863, > Will be pert ormed the Operetta entitled THE PET OF THE PETTICOATS. ttVL, (thePety, -....Mr* JOHH WOOD. With a powarnil cost of ohorootera, including a noneroas Cons de DoUet - \ r MB. AMD UB& WBTFE. IB which Ura. Sedley Brown, Mlu Emnu TOylor, Hiss lone Birke, Mr: StewartJtot»OD, Mr. Daly, and Mr. Stoddart will npMr. A aewTonion of afkmons • FAIRY BUBLESQUE Ii In prtporatifln. In' wUoh HBa JOHM WOOD win anistaln Ibt principal oharactar. ' THE ABAB OUST, MB. OOBHAU, Bis,been engaged, and wUl appear In a apcaklng character. LAQtlA. KBRRB'B THDATRB. • ' ■ MRS. JOHN WOOD'S BENEFIT, FRIDAT EVSMIMa, JANUABT 30, 1863, On whloh occasion' ehe wfll appear In TWO FATOIOTE CHABAOTERB. Boi-Bo«k open on Monday, 26tb. 43. JAKfi KNGLISH'B MBW TRBlHORT THBATRB, LAZE ALLBTOM HALL, TREMOMT STREET, B08T0M. lUsnew and magnificent edifice, located In the moat ItahlonaUe pit of Boeton, is now being rebnllt, under tlie dlreo0on of Urs. English, aided by a talented arohltect, aUlfnll and cxptsrlenced nichliilata, soenio ottlsts of taste and ability, an4'wlU be tions- tamed Into a ' FEBST'OLASS THEATRE, hr the prodactlon of VATIDE'VILLES, OPERAS, AGREEABLE OOUEDIES, PADTOMUIES, and such unexcoptlDnablo pieces n cannot Call to satisfy the most refined taste. Mrs. EogUah la new ready to receive applications fOr Engagements firom respeota- bit members bf the profession, as it Isber intention to offer to Ike Boston pQblle the BEST TALEMT OF THE CODMTBT, and lirSUOH will par the most liberal salary. Will be opened at an atdyday. Address JAME ENGLISH, <0-3ta Sole Lessee and Uansger. ■IBB OABOIalNB RIOBIMaS, -. • lii p ^ .i-, . . , |D». RBTER BIOHlHaB. - HtTe oondlnded their very Bnooeaafnl engsgemmt. of alx wteks, at' • ' ' ; •' .r: - FOBD'aTHf^ift^JTASBraaroar. j>. " lUMetnmWtBEl'|io(iUiFju'Ult^hnnowpm at UBS. DBSW'S, ABOH STSBBI THEATRE, PHUiADHLPHU, ComBMndiig UOnday, /tnnaiy'etb, 1883.' A. a PpiMOYEB, Agent OAMTBBBI'RT.HAI'L., . J2^ - ' ■ '■< . WABHIMQTOM, D. 0. KSUAU X, sunt ...Sole Pronrletor. r. :. ,' Also of . . ■ ' IiSBRTT FALL,'ALEXABDBIA, VA. > ; ■' TBECAMTEBBIIBT .;, ' ' '. Ms the : .'i.: . , MOST MAOMIFIOENT ' ^ UDBIO HALL IN AUEBIQA. MoD'ebntihe VEB7 FIRST TALENT WILL BE ENGAGED . ' . att hlB - . I BEAUTIFUL TEMPLE, ' ^es and Gentlemen of. known ability alwtyt wanted, '■'Address to' ^ 1..; GEO. PEROIVAL, Boslness Manager, Or WILUAkl B. SIMM, Proprietor, Box 1(9, 'VTsAilngton, P. O. lOBUT UAIiI,, ..-li .. ■ I ■ ■ .HELENA, ABK: . . I .JStim, UDRFH; t ^reEOEBTHTSEB, Proprloiors.. Entertainments'every Eranlng, ■'>v's..')r ■ ■■nrm .. ,: i/r . . ■ ' SABLE HABUOltlSTS, jl»wp ri«Mg tho following talented Ethiopian Aitlsts , ,(i» B.jroHPHT, .' '■. ' , ■ !• &. i., MAETIM FREEQEBTE7fiCB, l,is;i ■' B.D. GO0DIMa, . . ; .. VIC .. -J, H..STOUT, , ■ .... •i'.5;. ', .'. ', JOHN FREEBBRTHTSER, '. .../, ; ' HEMRT FBEEBEBTHTSEB,- .. . nv.'v. JOHN COLE.- .■>-,. ',, > ., CHAa SAMDFORD. .XiWonnoU.nwilh.a, <^^^ >]<''. , '. U%E(XE LOUIBB, .. I .. ahe obamilqg Dans'ense and Vocalist, ' . ' . ■k'-i!. '..'Aim. ■ 1. V ; ,. . MDIiLB THBODOBA, ,./ .■. ., , '.. The fksolnating Prima Danaense,' cTMondsad me'ilL wishing evgagementa, will' vp>y . .^PHYi.Holena, Ark,. , ■ , . . , •...>•)• . ^Balailes pald.thoh by anyUanagementintheconntrr,' i^ll'm',1'.;,;..'. 1- . , AC-tf •yA»BIllQTOW HM. L OONOBHT ROOM, ^''-.J-w .-. •WPE5I(IMO,.VA,, 1,1 Booia'Tn the Olty soltaUe'fbt ,. .' tuJ^ffm Ttaatuaoi. AND MnoirBKi Pikn>Htunoi& ^OTfiMlnfteheirtofthe'Oito'. • '\ WV^PPJW OF MARKET. AMD.MOMBOB'BTitEIrtB, ^jib tl^>^,^jq«dlatelymipoBlte'|he UoLateBqtUfl,, ' ■ -ittVii. «' '^'.' - • 'BSsy of Access, «taffi?KJ£i! l?^*y*»« by M feet wide, Uffeet ooflldg, Ih- |M^*S^|<> !». by go feet,' with fear dressing Rooms,* and BriaiMay tlghted and fomlshed with Ann Chain, ixii^'''- ■''V'Let.onacoomdlodatlngterms. ' WaahlngtonHallDuUdlng, Wheeling, Vat KT'HAMBLIMibOO,,.., Bt ; ^ ?'"tW>' -• '•'♦' ,f>-JMt 1 v. i^ OPENED FOB.THB ... '.. ..wira'A = ■ ,. e'i.11 ■ , I >ni8T CLASS COMPAMt-;.. ... ; ,j.. "uui.lOroleganoe and comfort, oannotbe« anr otEat^Uimentln the country. . '»'«™*oy»ny !«M«iku SDTEBIOR BNTEBTAINMENTB.W . IhSfflSraBf PUntoinlnies, BalleU, Ethlopetni'A^' gi^LiJ^ J VtiH,^atttaladesiringengagenentsna>yddt«l> • awn. D . 0„ Jan. 1868, ^ >. U;F, WAUUd .TUBATIIU, ; lMEBI0AHSTAft|J.'''>^'7' .■!f*>J:'';iij, - - aaUoin«4 talent neMUta« with, ftr w t^aMtfaUUtercMWi^fi^^ - AUIX. BBMDBBSON, ■I I ■ It lifotd* Vti WHBATJCet niooh gr«tidcatio& In annonnolng for MISS BATEMAM, X,' 'i „ .^.OBEATTBAGIO ABTKT, ^^^^^jw^ded Ttiomph aadBlgiialBneaesi In her wpnderftal i -' 'l I: ':'-' •• LBAB, THE'FOBSAHEM. Orowdea Honses taatuying eaoh erenlna their apprtfolation of this most powerfht creation. ■ :■'■'' ■ ™n v> MONDAT BVENIHO, JANUABT S«, 1868, V«5Ji* Panonnod the new Sve acta- Play of'^gnlar and' beaotUDlInterest,entitled ' ■ ■ J 1.^ ^ LEAH, THE F0E8AKEN, . AzrangedftomtheOennanofUokehthal,'expieMlyfor ■ »v '■'ll-.i^ ^ MISS BATBMAM; ' ■ .'BhewUlbesappoTiedasprevlonsly, by ' ■ MB. JAMES W, WALLACE, Jr,,' . 'asd . . - -MB. EDWIM ADAMS, ..^.^S^fP^J<>t^^\a (upresaly selected with a vlewio' .thelrttnMs for the charoslers to be represented. It wUl be pro- dngsd with New and BeaatUtal Soenery by J. H. SELWrM, .' Entirely Original Maslo, composed by BOBEBT BTOBEBt, ." Mastosl DhreotOF BARTET B. DODWORTB. Mew and Oharsoteristio Ooatnmea and Appointments, . By MOMS. PHILLIPE and S. WALUB. In eonaeqnenoe of theOBUi Dihaed vo6 Bkatsl' the Pablle' are rupeptiUlly informed that the Box Book is now open for any Avanlng daring the week. - .i Door* open at 7, to commence a qoarter before 8 o'elook.'- 43- THB GRBJAT AMBiaOAM BflTSIO HAJUL. m BBOADWAT. , : . THE HAIL OP.MIBTH. ENTHDSIAflU DHBOTINDED. . ■ . , ENTHUSIASM UMBOTODED, of the" ■neoeialon of triampha nightly mark the oait^ EXTRA0BDIMAB7 HOST OF ABUBTS now concentrated at this establltbment • . ' ' . ?«aentlng an endlaaa succession of Motelile* This week we ont^o all oor former efforts. THE GBKAT 3ALLET TBOTJPE composed of the most lliiiahed dancers. ' ' First'weak of the beanUfoI • iSPAMtSH DOTBTIBSEMBNT, . . ' •enUUed . . THE OLGA. . : , . . Arranged expressly for this estabUshmeht by Mons. Panl Brlllani 1st, Introdnctory Dance...: By the Ladies of the Ballet 3d. MongadorPolka.MlaeesMsrySlake,IdaBos8,FaniiyAioher, ^.' «, ^ ... . Isabella-B(«art,E8te'8cott and A, Stake 84 Olga PoUa Mazoorka :. .Miss Eitty Btanshand ith. Grand Finale ..Kitty Blanchard, Mair Blake, IdaBosS a nd the Corps deBijait . OEABISZ WHITE, , , <. famed Ethiopian Comedian, and aothor of all the 'pop: • iiTfti* ' * ■ . ■ NEGRO FAROES AMD BDRLE8QUES OF THE DAT. TONY PASTOR, Hie popular Comlo Singer. 'With a host of other prominent performers. - , Forming in sll a company wnlob'for artistio prercmllience has never been equalled. A nnmber of stiikinn novelties in prepOratloB. Grand Matinee every Batuday Afternoon. ' ^ ^-tf, BOBEBT W. BDTLEB, Proprietor. ''"nRTAHD^URsTBA^ ^ TheOriglnol IRISH BOT and TANKEE GIRL, . ' . Having coBpleled a most unparalleled sucoessful engagelneBtBt the Walnnt Stieot 'Thsatoe, Philadelphia, will-commence at - . ' GROTER'S WASHIMQTON THEATRE, ' 'On '• " ■ i MONDAY. JANUABT Seth. / . 42-_^ ■■ , W. H. PAUL', Agent BROADWAY nSMAOBRIB. 600 BROADWAY. , . L. B. LENT..., ......Manager, Open Ooliy from 10 A.M. to 10 PJL, with the most splendid collection of Uma 'WILD ANIMALS IN AMERICA. THBEE PEBFOBUAMCBS DAILY. At llK A. M., 3 and 6)i P. U„ by PERFORMING ELEPHANTS, PONIES, MOMEEIB, & MUL^ ^amission 38 cts.; Oblldren under 10,1£ dts. . a- RAYMOND 8ISEET, ■ ■ BEr WKgM lULTOK tSD DX KlU AVENDEB. EVERY EVENING DTIRIMa THE 'WEEK, AMD' CM WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTEBMtiOMB, Superb Horeemanshlp by an the great rldera, Albletio Feats by the Delavanti Brothers, bo,, (to. Dress Oinle, 38 ots. Ohlldien 16 cts, GaUeiylScts. iO-tt UBTROPOUTAN TBBATRSl, SAM BBAMOISOK OAZu - .^.r 0HABLB8 TIBBEn& ..Ussee andHan^apK^^' Ibis TUeatre Is now open for tbe-l^'aani-WillterSeasoii.^liltli tho finest Company ever In California. > r-. ■ JDXIA DEAM HAYMH MRS. JTIDAH. HISS MOWBBAT, MRS. 0. B. THOBME, UBS. OLADGHLEY, MBS. JAS. STABE, BOSS FBEDEBIOKS. . MB. J. B. BOOTH, . MB. L. F. BEATTY. W. M. LEMAM, W. 0. FORBES, S. W. LEACH, FEED FRAMES. E. THAYER, M. BROWM, With a Mumorona Coria of Auxillatles. ' rnicBS .OF antdssidK. ' Dress Chicle I Orohestra Seats $1*00 Parquet... 60cts | Gallery....:.'.'..... SScts Private Boxes... I. .10 and:s dpllarig. , stars Intending to visit Oalifomia wlO find It to their interests to address ss above. 40-36t : ARItlMGl^ON, I<BOR 6( , D0NNIB:BR>8 MIN- 8TRBLS, from 688 Broadway, Mew York, comprising the fol- lowing talented performers:- WILUAM ABLImQTOM, Comedian; J. B. DOMMIKER, Firet Violin, and Loader; MASTER LEON, Donseuseand ' Burlesque Prima Doiina; EDWIM KELLY, Tenor and Light Comedian; ALBERT JONES, Comedian. SAMUEL OARDMER, Desao, tato of Matt Peel's; WM. SPADLDING, Batplst; SAMT7EL PRICE, Coniedlan; FRANK OORDELLA, Pianist; FRANK SPOHEB, Comet; ^AMES GRANVILLE, Sd Violin. iFrom the Olncinnad Inquirer.] tronpe of Minalrels, the beat that has over tiaitM our oity.remalDS atBmllh DItson's HaUono'Week long- er. They drew an Immense audience at'the above haU lastnlght bntwhen we take Into consideration the mnslcalablUtyandtalent that comprise thd company; the oaosf thereof Is tidly expUned, " Due notica wlU be given of their retnm Eaat' 41-31* • ^ . R. L, DIMOBSS, Agent FOR SAl^,—Having other business whloh demands my entire attention, I 'will seu the Soriplaral Painting known as thie "PAMORAUA OF BDNYAM'S PILGRIM'S PROGRESS." This Panorama,'whloh has nevai/been equaUad t^uiy similar: work of art, oontains ovdr 13,000 square feet of Canvas, and wais. painted by Dallas, Kyle, Hontlnglon, and Wright, of Mew York city, %hefe it'was exblbiud for over twp hundred and fifty nights at fifty cents a ticket to crowded houses, since which it has been ' continually on exhibition in the States and Caoados, everywhere meetlng.wlth the mostflattcrlngauccess. Thenature of this exhi- bition is snob that It is always favorably advertised by the clergy from the pulpit, and pnbUo sobools attend it in a body, so thafa paying house is always certain no matter where it goes'.' The Feinting is In perfect order, end looks hotter than when first ex- hibited. The whole property consists of two rolls ofcafivaa (welghlnR about 800 lbs) with the complete machinery, lights, (10,, fov showing; a large two-horse, four-whool, obalsc-top pano- rama! oarrlage, snbetantlal and showy, and so'constructed'as to liontaln the canvas, with all the maohlnory, baggage, <;o.{ a spab of targe, dark bay horses, weighing about 1100 lbs each, with complete double harness; a lop-buggy, used by the agent with horse and harness for the same; also electrotype ptates, blUs, do,, making the most oomplate exhlbltlofivof-flB kind in'the world. It can readily be taken to placea olT tho line of rallroads,- where but few exhibitions go. It has always cleared flrom fS to $60 a day when traveling Uuongh the oountiy, and wlU do as well for ten years to come. I should prefer to seU a holt interest In ltto aomeenbrgetla n)an wh,0 'Wbqld:take the management of It I don't wont to hire ati agent for It but want to a<dl to some, man who wUl go wilh It and if he hasn't the' cash, I wUl trade for uy good, tangible progeilyi It ooat aU complete, over $600O, but a'half Intftes^ WB be sold to the riifthl tosn for a loHr figure. AddreeS " . CHARLES A. SHAW,' . 43-UB.b. " '-• ^ I • ■ Bldderord,Me. • ljBA*(t UBIiODBUN, BALTIMORE;-MD.—This house is the only Conoert Rooni open In. Baltimore, and ta carried on bj^' GBOnGB.LBAifbnncrl; . .1 . . " PROFBI£IOR.«>F TH9 NEW,YORK MELODEONi Performers of talent wishing engagements win address oa above. Open every nlghtexcept Sunday, and "No Matinees,'" . ' ; V, B.-^TWraTY FIVEV^IWa LADIES wanted tbr the baUett Those that .can danco single dances prefeited. '. . . iMt IPIiLB MARIET TA RA VI ' . . - TSX BBAUTIVUL.Ain) !tAIiXKm> . , ; 'SPAMDO 'DAMSEUBE Otad TIGHT BOPB AB'HSr; ' ' IS BOW pertenrmlng a BTAB EHaAOBUBNTJ'uador'the manage- tMBt'bf JACOB BBLLER, ih Detroit Mlohlgan. TheatriiU ondOonoeri Managers wishing to aecnre the servlpes of the Uet»arilate;candoBObyapdyh>glarAS.p6MHOBtai4XBraad> , *ay,M»w,T<ikOity,.. ■ .... ■ ■•.>..•, '.;,(,^ ■. '.41.11; • • . AMl>iBtfBBB8QDE QPBBA TRODPE. . • IHE M0N1T0B8 OF.mJSTBEiaYT • , ' ■ .L"'.^'7* Are how retaining firtim tho • .MOST finOOESSFUL CAMPATON '.Ever node In th» Eastern States, andwlU visit the scenes ot \ _ -' THEIB-yORMEB TRIUMPHS, ' ' . In.the Empire State,-en-routo' '" - \, TO THE GREAT WEST, • mer« they win Appear doriilg the present season,'' ,. '•• ' ■ : ■. ' :■' mxBosuditia TBEm-GREAT CHALLENGE PROGBAMHE. .:Asp«rfiirtaed'6nly by these •'. ' .»iJL A2™0**™ 0^ ETHIOPU, - THB MAMMOTH TROUPE OF THB WORLD: .' In the ranks of this • ABMY OF ABUBIS, _ wUlbefound Five Original Oomedfans, 'i. Seven Musicians, Four Solo Singers; - ■ Five'Dancers, And a host of Auxlltaries, to give due effect to their ORIGINAL BDBLBSQDES. Tlie Best Quartet The Beat Instrnmentallsis, - ' The Best Delineatorirond ,1 _ ■_ •' The Best Orchestra, ■ / svn nTOWK jk unnnmsLsx. THB BCBSTAMTIAL ETHIOPIAM CONFEDEBAOY, ALL IRON OLADS. Ihe Largest HaOslB the Country-: ' ' . .' . Ale too smaR to sfcommodate THE VAST OBOWDS Whoflooktosee . . THE GBBAT OBIGINAI& The most Stupendous - • . E thiopian Organlxatloh BVERKMOWM. THE MAMMOTH ADVERTISIMO '•• ^ OF TUIS ' \ P#DLAB TRODPE ' ^ Has marked an En to the ■ . • AMNALS OF BDBMT OOBE, And caused our rivals to - ->. STAMD.AGHASTI HUGE BILIr-BOABDS ; havetabe> To Display The Twenty-five - PICTORIAL POSTERS That announce . .. ^ Tho Advent of THESE SABLE STABS, Preceded by the ,- : PASTE BBIOADB. Gen. J. D. NEWOOOMB, .'' AvantOourier. Col. B. BBIOHAM BISHOP, ' Advertiser and Faragraphlst BlaJ. 0. VMDEBWOOD. Programme Wrestler, SAM SHABPLEY, Manager and Proprietor. . 0. A, BOTD, . Leader. FBAHK BOWLES, Leader of Brass Band. G. W.'BAILEY, Property Man, 43- FOX'S CASINO, . . OLESTMnT STREET, ABOVE SIXTH, PHILADEliPHIA. Dnder the Uanagenent of B. FOX, late ot Oartsbbdbt H114, NowYdrk. The above commodious Place of Amusement Is now open and doing a first rate business. ' ' FOTformersof scknowledged AblUtyoan meet with good en- gagements by applying as above. 33-4 ' CHBIS MOBBIB, treasurer. BOOKS, PHOTOQRAFH^ of Ed. Booth, Ed, Forrest Lester Wallaok,' W. B. Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Winisms, Mr. and Mrs.. Florence, also in character, Laura Scene, Bote Batsman, Maggie Mitchell, Caroline Blohinni, Kate Denln, Snaan Denin, as Romeo;' MatUda Heron, osOamiUe; -Adah L Menken, also as MOxeppa and Ftench Spy; Isabel Cnbss, in six characters; MdBe GallettL also in ohsiacier; Kate Fisher, Ada Webb, Emma Webb, and all other celebrities, 38 cents each, or 6 for $1. OalalogneB sent on receipt of postage stamp, by W. C, WEBIYSS, 4^^t* 676 Broadway, Mew York. ATHBNECBI VHBATRB, • COLUMBUS, OBIO. ' JOEDI KTiTiHTiFiB Muiager and Proprietor. Opens on the 13th Inst, for a season df three months, with the IteamatloCompanyJMmtheAeadamycfMuslo,<llevelaBd< Stars wishing nights wlif please address JOHM A. ELLSLBB, JB., ' lOolumbus, Ohio. ' WAinxD baaiiLUXLS—An attractlTe Female Danew, If pos- «lble, oivlhaUanJiat^^'d sing, fhr.ttte-sepscrti, Oglhe Oolom- bns and ClevelandTOhio, Xbaatres.' Thesessoa tafrom date'to middle of July next THB OABTBB ZOUAITB TROUPB, FOUBTEBN IM MUMBEB. J. HENEAOE CARTER. , Sole Pr«p^etor. Owing to the great success of their exhibitions in thta country, they win poBQiene their oontemptated visit to Cuba thta season; and win again vtalt the Cities of the West, where they were so favorably received lost lUl, The company ta now enlarged and otherwise greatly Improved, l3Qt* FIRST OltABR.CBASIBBRBIAID WANTBD.—I want to engage a good Comedy Actress, to travel with a new and novel entertamment She must be young, of prepoesesslng peiw sonal appeannce, and. CAPABLE. OF SUSTAlMIMa A PBInOI- PAL PART to the entertainment Travel and Hotel expenses aUpald.' Address, stating terms and qualifications. - OHABLIE'WILIUMSOM, Comedian, 43-11* Worcester, Mass. OAItlFORNIA THBATRIOAIi AGBROT.—8HERI. DAM COBBYM would respeotfolly inform members of the dra- matto, Musical, or'Eqnestrun professions, that he has established an Agenoy in San Franolsco, and ta prepued to negotiate engage- menu and transact sB ot her business pertaining to the pro- fession. Addrees. SHERIDAM CORBYM, Ban Franolsco, OoL M. B.—An letters reqnlring answen must contatoaatamp to pre-pay the same. > .464m'. CUIUNTHIAN <IIAI<Lu ROCmSTEB, M. T. This long'establlshed and popular place of Amusei^ent con- ttouee under the same Management that for 13 yean of assldoous attention to the comfort and conveplence of Ito patrons, has won for It the reputation of being one of the most popotar and best oondutted places of Amusement to the State, , A^ply personally, or by letted to W.A.REYMOLDa 31-6m« SO Arcade, Boohester,M.Y, NBW nBSCFIlIS THBATRB.->Thla popular place of Amusement Is now open for the Season, with a nUond &lented Company. STABS inahing Mights win plasseaddriass 0. T. PABSLOE, Mew York, or B, B. MAGIMLEY, AeUng Manager, 38-lU ' Box 410 Memphta, Tens. MASUNIO TEliPIiB, LOUISVILLE,' EY.—Thta HaU ta now ope n for the accommodation of FIRST CLASS TRAVEUNG COMPANIES; bos Stage, Dreeetog Booms, and aU the -modem improvomenta nocosaar; for a First . Class Ball. WlU seat com- foiiably 1200 persons. For terms, A-c, apply to. . • ROBERT 0. MATHEWS, Sl-8m Agent Masonlo Temple, LontaviUs, Ky. AOADBOl'V OF MUSIO, CLEVELAND; OHIO. . JOEDt ELLBLEB .-Proprietor and Manager. Thta ta the largest most comfortable, beautlfbl, and utogether the most popular theatre to thta dty. Ittafor BENT, BY THE NIGHT OB WBBE, fMm the present date, January 10, orTroupea oan exhibit to It on ahsrtog.terms.. AU.appUoatlons to be mode to the above manager, at Ooliunbns, Ohio, to the 1st of ApriL next I 40-tf OANTBRBCRY BftiSIO HALb, H. W. COR. FIFTH AMD CHESTNUT STS., PBILAD'Ai PA. ! LABG^ AMD MOST TALENTED COMPANY IN THE CITY. > 49* Ladles and gentlemen of known abiUty, wUl address . . BOB'T GABDIHBB A HABBY BNOOBS, j »8 m ..;.'. ■ r. . J. .J.-ji..^^ '^tois.. dPBRA SHOBS—0IROV8 PUJHPS. ' :. .'^ . J. 8OMBIIS, 178 BOWBBY. Seoond Door. Maker of even style of ,THEA1BI0AL GAITERS, SLIPPERS, ,6o.'i Usedby mbranohesof the Ptofeaaion, auperior and cheap- er than can be had elsewhere. Ordenftomthe country prompt- .ly ^pressed to all parta of Ihe.Unlled States of America, [SIMt* dIBABBOIIN SfttBBT OPBRA iiOVSB, Mob. US and 117 Dearborn at, Chlosgo, Wamud. 1 superior Clog Dancer, 3 End Performers, and other Mknowledged talented* Minstrel Performen, for a permanent Company Addxeas JOHN PABKEB, ^,)t. ' Agent and neasnier, TO UAOIUIANS, OWNERS OF THEATRES, and others,— I mht to buy • iet of DANCING FIGQBBS^ or, FAMTOCIMI,,or. Iihy.9thsr good Automatons.^ Address^taUngjowest cash prioe mt^aitloalan - [U-at]. ;. JGMAlItFs,aipperIMBie, the' only pjoiw of "ii ^—., M4 '''W.nptlcieit in i£e PhUadid^ IvtttUnatSKbittng Us name, - doubt .issued by some niallixf ons i)> takn'tiita method of rejpndlSllng ^ >eeiMioBieeted to any way, direoUy' OS of amusement to PhUMalpUs: ^ 3i5»P«>Wtator being tho AMEBIOAS P^VVfti'J'J^- '"blch f have Jtept open SS^nlgMtorpast f(^'ye^rs,whlle'STaryotherptaoB'at the kind wa(i,oompoued to (lose. ■ - ' aaosa botfos nwMgew. wnK «ta,, have taken refuge to PUI> c addphta,;'*»»tqj(ence the eame conne thai drove them trotu Mew Yor|/.yJ|(. r the publication of Use cards - dlshoneely, forgery, etb. .-I^ViwJnni good for aipuerile attempi at evil, I wouWleac^i tliA-rjwaway agenta thj aeoret of aw ' : suooess. .It to thta: an upright and honest principle to mS- Ogement and a cash down, aqnare-dealtog melhod to buaineas. As thta maybe as ppposlte to their prtoolples as It ta fortini to their natures, I leave tbem to the- phblto, from whom ohlcannr, - andforgerv, sooner or :Uter, find their reWard, OS those parUo! ' ' have ialreody found Oft to Mew York. ,]U>BEBTW.BUn;& .43-U ■ . .' 444BroadwayTKY. OOSTIMBIITAIJ fltHSIO HAIiIi, PHOiADELPHIA, 'Watout etieet above Eighth, Sole Leesee and Proprietor FRED, AIMS. ' THE MAMMOTH MUSIC TTAT.T. OF THE WORLD. THE LARGEST AMD MOST ABTISnO COMPANY Dt /" A1£ERICA. ' ... MI^B HELENE,' ' ".. _ The Premlen Danseuie of tiie age. The Great Ethiopian Trio . • JNO, MULLIGAN, ANDY LEAVITT, and DEtlNT OiZXiAGHEli. The Celebrate d'JM tomlmlats ■ • ■■1 . • J, 8, MAFMfrr. and W. H. BABTaotOBteiiSri. BOBS JULIA PmOE; ^ MR, GEORGE Vrj UOXB, MISS SUSIE SUMMKRiriKlJ). MISS MAGGIE NICHOLS. RATE HUGHES, KATE HAMOiTOM, MB. 0. McMILl MR. TOM VAMC_ MB. 0. W. FABK EB. MR. JNO. RITTER, MIB8 ROSA SMITK AMELIA ITRT.nniBP., LUOY' StOMB. ALICE LEACH, LUCY HAMILTON, CAROUME lOLUB^ AMNtB ELDRIDGE, 0. MORTON. Addtte Famous Court of Beauty, .- '.>.< THE GBEAT CONl^INEHTAL CORPS DE llAT.T,lifP.' '' ■ • ' Paninet ::.-„ 36cts. Orohestra OhalrSj, 37 cts. Lower Private.BoxA;.. .$8 00 Upper Private Bo'xi8....$3 00 Sootato Private Boxes.. .60otK.'.' GaUpry. lOeta.' Colored Botes...........35 eta., '. Colored Oonety..,..., ;..1B oU,;; 'Dobis op^ at qAaMer befere 7 o'olock.' ' ', Performance wfll conmence at 6. . Artiste of known'abnity, desiring engagemento, wiU please ad--.' dress ss above. . '■ ^ 40-lf . .' VABIBTIBB'TllBATRB., - LATE ST. LOUIS OPERA HOUSE, After a most suooeaAil 'season of -over Eleven months, ta sew open with the fbnowingOompany: MISS LOUISA WELIS, MISS OLABA Bim,EB, f MISSO. MOBLEY, MISS ROSE DE LUOB, MISSFAMMY TBOMPSON, MISSMINMIE LAMIEB, MLLE ADA'-LAUBENT, MLLE JULIEIFrE, MISS JOHAMNA GOFFORD, MISS FLORENCE 'WEUA. - MISS UDA HIBBABD, MLLE FLOBA, MLLE LOUISE WALBY, EDWABD BEBBY. WM. M. BBEVE. T..H. JEFFEBSOM» TOM CONY, GEO. P. JAQUES, MIOK FOSTER, WM. B. DEBB, . - JOHN COMKLIM; P. OONELIM, J. BABNEY, - . J. JEBOME, LESLIE HAY, • . FBANK STEELE, , A LARGE BALLET lllOtlPR BaUelMastar............SIGMOB C0N8TAMTINE, Leader of Oroheatra. B. VOGEL. ScenioArtlat;..;...:.,..THOa NOXOM. Costumer...-. HERB OHMAM. GEO. J. DEAOLE, Lessee. . EDWABD BEBBY, Stage Manager. ' - These, with many mtoormemberaconstltnte . . A MONSTEB COMPANY, Who are nightly drawing crowded hiusrs to wlteess their : CHASTE AMD BRILUA MT PE RP0RMAMCE8. ' - ■ 'I'UK vABnms IS TBE LABGEST, HANDSOMEST, BEST APPOINTED, ' -. AMD KOST ooairoTAnLE ^ MUSIC BALL IK THE COUNTBY. . FartleB of acknowledged excellence desiring engagements, maf - Address GEO. J.-DBAGLE, Varieties flieatre, 31 tf St Louis, Missouri. "^bulgdiub'b'op^ ' ^ ^ ; . . SAM FBANdSOO, CAL. THOMAS MAGUIBE Proprietor and Manager. H. COUBTAIME .....StageManager. B. HAROLD ^....Conductor, J, L. BOHMITZ. ....Leaderof Orchesbs, Fifth Week of the riALIAM OPERA TROUPE. BIGSOBA BIAHOBI, 8IGN0B BIAMOHI. . MAD. AGATHA BTAmEa....WiaB T.IW.TB JABKKR, Vfftg ffiWWTB MSn>EBVIIiLE, MISS ALICIA MAMDEBVUUk' - MB- JOBlraBEaa. siqmob J.- mwaM, • ^ BIG. BONOOVERI, MONS. CHABLBB, . ' Mpd^e Odebwsd.Geiman Ohoras, oonaUtihg of a^.TOleea. 'rJ?Vr~. DieasCliel>rnt7»<,.....v;;.n |.<MiBgtnSeate Parquet ...'.'.■..SOcta |Becand Clitle..,, ..36ct>' . and$10. ' .'V. BoztAleecipentromlOA. M. to4P. U. Seats aeadnd three-. -. days to advance. ~ Stara vlsitliig Oallfomta should remember that BIr. Magnlre.U: -. atao proprietor of Hayea'Park, Bah Etandsco; the MetroiN^'H Utan Theatre, San Franotaoo, Saeramenlo aiid.MaiysylUe. 86-tf - - - GOOD'WIR & \ViI.DER*S POLYMOlRAMA, Mow open for a short time, at MASOMIO HALL, PmSBUBGH. Scenes from the first . DREAD SIGNAL AT SUMTES, Down to tho last arest ^ttle;' Also, the Grand Maval light between the . MERRIMAO AND MONITO& Doon open at 7 o'clock, Perfbrmanoe at to 8,- Aftemoons open at 3 b'dock, commence at J£ past 3, AdmlsslanSScta; Reserved Seata 60 oo. Children accompanied by their Parenta to Bespved Saato, SBots.. THB liAROBST SHOW BnX FRINTIKa ESTABLISHMENT IK XHEWOBLDI" CLABBY ,fc BEILLEY. (Bnecessors to John E. Baoon.l PBIMTERB AND EMGBAVEB8. 13 and n Spmoa Street New York, \ Pay partlcttlar attentloD to getttog up en ktola of FA-MOY SHOW BILLS for travelling companies, -and haVe on band a large and spleiidld assortment of targe and small WOOD OUTS Snltable for Clrossses, Mehogcrles, Ethioptah Performers, Qjnk- • nasta. Magicians, Ao,, Ao., which can be printed to one or mm''- colors, to suit onstomeiB. 4^ A deposit required on aU work ordered. AU orden addressed to "OLARBY <b REniLEY," Booon Mnt-- Ing and Engraving estsbUshment 13andUSvra<^ebeetIiffir'.' York, win be pwmpUy attended lo. 4ltr mSS BVA BRBNT, » THE ACCOMPLISHED VOCALIST, ' Is now playing a hlgbly succeastid engagement at the WAUBINGTra VABfEIIES, Wasltogton, D.O, Bnstoess commnnioattens should be addhiassd to J, W. ALLIMBUN, Treasurer OonUnsntal Theatre. -41-4t» ■ Phlladelphla,>a. TO 1IIANAOKH8.—M, LEON ALBEBTINIOdlBISKI.lHB CHAMPION SLACK-WIRE PERFORMER, JUGGLEB,VENTBII,^ OQUIST and PAMTOMIMIBT, nowtperformtog. at MapoIeMi's. Theatro, Droadiray. opens to Jano &gUah'4 NEW'THBATB^' BOSTON, Feb. 1, performing ttom four to six weeks. Managers wiahtog to negottale for the above arUat for the Springahd BMm> mer Seasons, can do so by applying to JAMES COMMBB. 43-lt TheaMcal Agent; 81«jt Broadway, m7t. TO THB PROFBSSIOV.ii^tordisenmgedatpreaAit I offer my services ss BUSINESS AGENT or TREAflUB&B tm any theatre, or as TBAVEUNG AGENT for any htod of exhibl... Uon. Address COL. T. AIXSTON BBOWM, 3tf-tf OllppatOfieo, Mew York. - lb P. ROTS ta requested to send Us addi^ to 'Oi^.Oixt— FXBo&ce, as a gentleman to Mlohlgan wtahes'to ooxnsponfr^ wUhhtoonmafifc^^ 'WII<I< RHOD'F UOONKY please publish hta address to.i the OuppsB. . A gentleman to'Hltoota wtahes to 'write to blso. 43-lt» I1«IjI,H UZBTTB, ' JIG AND FANCY DAMOEB. Is now performtog with aucceas at the VAmETlES, WABHINGTOM, D. 0. WANTBD—A capable aud with (M^orlfin)frr Thousand Dollars, tolikeehsif eof a first olsss UlhsiiidStoBDA-- ' to travel; have been traveling eight yeara, and-im wSTmS^-...^' Itahad. Forpartloulata please address JOHNS. IiEFAWod£<£^^ Howafd Opera Troupe, Salem, Mass, ; JaJj^TJ^-^ - WAMTBoI^^SffeoMepoCom^ Daosenses. Address by letter, stating qoalificatlohs. '■5~ .a." - OltliT BIbli P08TBR8. IN BALTn[OBB,.-Ji # BUU-i:. PKBAOo.,Mo.80HorthstCb»*ttant) ' ^^^--a'SI^^ wiptot II, IirmseM Three Written l>iaa«a<on&«SSak^nr>v /ft