New York Clipper (Apr 1863)

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4,1883.- -T Ittmristt F. n. oHfumiHW irids BSiiixLai) lor^ioB'FBjT'.— BlnM iinttliiB tmi tot "f4m" to pmi, we. »» 5» teodpt of I fMt)iliit'4hC.bHk«B^ ot Ibe CnknotA ifiifViiArriBiiliea: welfllit, ItT Iba. He la 831 in Uonaar OTenlnj, Boptember 11, tor aximstlol titoiiBte.Md.-l. HoltheroneiBmaarertfrfi.-r-, . , ^ m iC^l Id Trice's Height la 6 feet Inchta; he l^^y, migd to tuke t&e neoesuir peooaUiy deposit on tbe df^ ipoitltig'pipea;--^ Mdaz Oat-our nadmuarmU-M PWMlTM< nuT arrive at.<i»l!iWll«»t:W4enf«4lw.9^,%»fl"»' Ly« of Maioli U, aajrafr i it i' i. ".' •<Thla a&lr, tft nsnt toMr; begtnato look etttealelr 4^ ItlojLybe ieooiioote&tbaVvhantlieDiatohwta. tot nude, !wb (Uted tbet romore .mie onmnt that the noknown wu a^ mjth, put forward by Mace, In order to gain time tovarda .hla holding (bobili 'These'nimcnwethenaaldmbelleTed'weMimroimd- ed, sa we oonldniot see wherein the adrttlago would lie, a» no tMe'-woaldoount.nnlia Jem won a battle. ■ Motwit nn t anrtln g tble, the nunon etlU pnvaUtd, fnd we were aunred that Uace waa getting moneyinererr direction £(oai Us Mendsi bnt that evenuidto^ere would be'a forfeit. lOlhlaweropUedeuitoioP If'the^Unlmoimfbtfelta, UaoewUl oloailx gain nothing, as he mnat, in that nasei return the moae; he conowed Oram his friends Awhile, on the other band, it femforfellL everyone wlD Know itla not tcom want ot money, bnt aheerly for .'the purpose of fleeolng'-aU those whom he basfoondto baok him, and this was a pSoV he was not likely to adopt. BttUwu thesame thing , , ^ „ dlonsd into oni.ears, ^ and we were positively assnred that the pnlalijttonV JaAm^ famlav doA TT.Vnimn MA not mist, aa we should see.: 'We legrst extremely WAlOW.' ■", "' , ;|]igw to say that the progress of events has taken an awkward turn. In OUT last we annoonced that Uace was at Jaok Hioki's #«U*'(» Thursday' inomlng;'Dso«fflbjt'«VlMlr'^-8. y MiiifHrriM. TblladelphlB, -was-ibmnM-down oothe rffednesday,July7.18M. , . ,.. MW' LJi.' xhe conMilption %gt,W(mld ilot loaoh a person lUed a: "With the exceptlob'Of here and there anomber, 'hive the dhjsma ^ik. wish at ournstlal price, six •Our Iheatrtoa^Bummaiy.wJllBlveyoiihla wheieabouto Jin ai^oUlot rat/l^itt j6r,^Mlasi we know of. ^hMagcM>-Wiu)t ilbeit'wi* iciriiioe '<)onsort Immediately' uSu^weddlns the Queens OSie :tenn.<'a«lwort':^ineasa, in one . .J!% jMdulngB..married.-and I* appended :(o, the^tls to They are belnrXohnd out ' They ^bjive no' Otedlthere, dapeailt oUier oltler.tpdla- FtlikitoTlBihariMter.'','■ ■•! I; •' ■•; '■■I-'.;' j- ■ ' j^iio.VrHavlii||| jbnirned up Jio>, lhi);^^delde^ Mra^ oqe. bjdeed.' - ^ ' _iiSi^^^Sl^^vUiiX'^eiM'Vi iUaL '^<i oaonot under.' 6. T., Mymouth, H.jd;-T*ttpBOfiiw«aeh-;pI»jBr'needs tw^ qMA'to 0o,nt; theone havincilow,'JMki'goM ontbatorethe, -iSiabavlagliiitlWfame; ^^'W'Bi BJi lliWTott.—Th» ~lady11M' Meh maitled, bot Is now ' d.'> Bhetrtwenty.lhMeyeaMbf' iiSe,'and madeher tot meeln.Soetos. ... IiMP, I'hliadelphla.—1..Act.Of faith.- .a -The.old style.Of rteUng, in what is called Oerman text 8. The nbnoat limit The highest narM 'toJfbliSg. ' A.Iiaaas,'uaiid(M{.—]>tter're<ildved''anil^^'a^ He ■ d Wlte Xttahortiir. .-, ■ •■; .''n. : j ^^^^iK^V.'i£.''Bdtimore.—Ihepom noiArtemoce Hzlngtiian'wB '■I'llffBSIme* glvoif '■'./•:' ." ' <i'fi^p]i4<?i(u BzBin; Bittt]0.-rIt .ii'twy: jiret^, a]id:Wlll.'.BPr •'-^j^m^'l^i^'asriyday. -i'.? .^-r ■ ^'■■^ti itrat,- Fort Baron,'Uldi.-.We do not hnowhis mienl where^ zaUiite, ;\AddHts h Une'to Kr. Stoepel, .Vallaal^s Thsatte. Allrljpit. iDon'tlalltoglyens.theoaewbenconvenlanL o'!Z«V>'b./<BnMnnati, O,—The oards should have been "bunohed. ".'■'qgaAjaaUagatn,'-; -i ^'tk^'tFlrVat'BIohardion. Ta.'~Eara, bjiadidy^ <o t£e ' ' ^fiH^I-whewfflno ,.' J, 'l^^'K^i^Vllle.—Tours 9f > the iith^ ,dj|d not . teaoh in -season for ' ■■..'iiiwT*'^. '■ .' j :^i^^koa. F., iin> Fbbsd, Boebester, K.'Ti^Bolh'oTlglntny oame ;«AaBLlie]and,'bQt'liavebcenhereBlnce'OhIldltOad;'' -' ■'< ' | ^''tMtoT.'iSttB.-^TIui dealer Is ratltledib'tie'one toi Jaidcai . j!4Biy,asturnednp.:. : .; _ '. ^V'l "..'^ :J^' '.v'■ },^',JPi(jnbD, lOTIh, N.'T. Tfis,—^ i(ni2MiiiEa/—WlU probably oommenoe themwlth our new volumei jA{.9; T;iSeen<,K. H.-r-TIie money; aiiilTM |dl !4ijgWtimb ^■liWS.'GOBinii-rVehavea.l^^ ,'I'^Baii(n)diBoir.>-We have two letter^iwyoi^ ■ i-'-iiJitlN.'/Sew'Xork.-^AppIy to Mr. Boganinb.ISCinrst-iLvenne. ..T;'>':>xii}inaxB,B.'T.-.Wehavenotheard'ofthemlnsonietlme. ' 5: v t>.W.' il„ \fruhlngton, 9. Pt-AU rlght Half tip, Quarter $«■ F. a1, 01eveland.-4ee answer toi J. H. B. Tiixnia Bxuuaina.—In oui;bst waeVs lasne we gave the .$)^4 ofiqile jif ntUlf 8*nff ptfbtniMila, in which Ueaar& naid on his behalf had atued the money with our cashier, and it \n8 not nnbl too late to do anything last week, that -we made tbe discovery that he had not done so. Under the olroumstances, of ooniee.Uaoe Is entitled to a forfeit, ehtmld he see dttodaim It On Friday we received a letter from Ur. Behurd. the nominal baokerot the Unknown, saying he bad not heard from New Xork by the laat mail^ and did not like to put down any more money, and would forfeit unless we would- give him till the I8th, when there Would be another mail in. < To this letter there was no ad- dress, and ss we knewnothlng more of . Ur.Batnard than hie name, it Was of course unlikely we should accede to- his reqiieat, moreespeolallyasltwasto Uaoe he.should have applied for tlms issTeid of to ni, asthe forfeit was then in accomplished tMii - It now remalna; therefore, to be seen whether, In the face of the rumors so prevalent. Uace will dalm tbe forfeit, and so throw himself open to the locusattons that are certain to be made, or whether he will give the desired time for Ur. Bemaid to go on. It Would' be vary hard upon Mace to pronounce tho whole thing a scheme oq Us part, as he baa all along denied all knowledge of the American party, nor has anything reaohed our ears beyond rumors to Indicate oompIIcltjr,on his pert We cer- tainly have initUnted ihqtairles- in every direction, in the hopo of disoovsring some news of the Unknown, but with the excep- tion of a tip from ShefBeld that It was one Ned Price; who once fongbt Austrsllan Kelly, we could hear ot nobody, at all probable asaoustomer. -It;la awkward, to say the least of it, that the ImslnesB-should wear such a suspicious aspeot, andwa trust that'another week will Uearitup. We offer no opinio e what- ~ " ' 1 wUoh the affair la handled do with the treatment of the . That Uace Is entitled to forfeit we again say Is quite olear. Hla own feelings on the subject mnat be bis guide In the matter. If innocent, whlohwe.have no reason to doubt, it would be hard that he should forego the for- feit; if the contrary. It is a dangerous gamei and one wUoh will tnOlllbly loae him,all hlswall-eamed laurels," 'Hit^fdrtin^'W o' Varoh 14th says.--T- " '■ 'fihe state of aflUrs ieq)eotln^ the battle supposed to be pesd- ing between Jem Uace and the Unknown, has assumed a very nmiealthy aspect- The :Unlmown last week did not table his mo* ney. iSB, ooooidlng to the artloles, and no notloe was tdien of the matter by-those who bad prevlonsly staked up for the Unknown imtU yeetsrdoy, when the stakeboldeF received a note from Ur. Bernard, in wnioh be states that In conaeqnence of his having been'dlsappolnted In recelriog remittances from America, he de- clines gomg on any farther with the match for the Obamplon- sUp, unless the nakeholder would ellow the deposit to sload over until tbe 18th Inst, when another mallwoald be due Item America. ToallintenisandpuipoBesthoUnknown hasforfeited the money down, and Uace la dearly estiaed to receive the same, should he claim IL The decision is out of the stake- holder's power, and It only, roits with Jem Usee himself to decide the affair. The sooner this misty boilneas Is cleared up, the better, and we hope that another week will SMihe aequel either one way or the other. Tom Xing is once more his friends, to find money to fljiht auybod]^ and as Heenan. ft Is supposed, will once again perform, no gnalsr treat could tie afforded the Ring followers ot England than a meeting between two endh fine specimens of muscoltr Ohiistlanlty aa Heahan and Tom King. TomKlnglsabouthavlng.a'teslUaOnlal or startllDg.^liak tSen >dWeIo^;ooiicemli)y'th< i match beti^ Uaoe and tUi UUnoim, for the q^iamplqBship 'o|>'EBglsA>many Intimating'thai the Unknownls a mythflmi' npknown in reality, jFlthout'form or substance. Be this as It vAy/ihete sM o^rtab tpidlMfliiiBs that 1pm King may eatei fhe SLg^igain, iUd ihkt,W, a^littteWitet.than had beenantiolpar ted. Rom these tndloaUons, we alio Infer that Hoenan and mBTviUMnlrantMMh othei ln the flatle uesa befonjteenan ntuma hjope,.. Heenu, himself, has said as muoh, and now we iHi ttki'Eing U'befalnnlng to speak out a llttte, and give bints tbathewlll'Bgala'entertheBlng.' 13i*i;iianel between Heesan and Vng wtfl either j^(nn|n«t^;in f tjuntuntany moment,-or in a regular pitched'batUe. itla most Ukdiy that the latter will be iei'eoted 'the" m'ost propW wtyto.setOe their .differences, and a match' of Ols kind win oreate iriill sf much Interest as that created by IhogtAt International Hatch between Heenao and Bayers.' Such a matoh would be f n Bioie equal terms than* th^t oonteated at Pamborongh, for both ate yoosg, both strong, and of equal dlmensioDS In height, etc " ' ' The coining match between UoOooIeandCobum mayflmilsh a candidate for the honors of the .OhamplpnaUp of the EnglUh Blng.' It Is already tbe topic of oou'versatlon and specnlatlon in Bportln^\oIrdea he^way, eaoh man having bis respeotlvead. mliMsi. Oobum and UcOoole are working hard to get them- lebes lb fix, and a rattling mill Is anttdpated.' ' d^r— — aroond. „ •^nstashe ■treet enl . ^ . _sr,o>~.;2;^<? —TTTTn lumu oaiung in attessDtlnff to^Ann^^^^* ^ and oonsequWnyoneir"pntffi6lr !?• ,ftS?'*i>f —„ taken to enllghton theirunderstandlnmr We"wpS juises, anyhow, and make no bones about telUno i??* "aSS one refneed to have anylhint to do with It We rf;LK'i'*i nhl on& of these flue uontfigsOie whole tran8aoiior!- -'iwfl mated, with the name of everybody.oonol^^\gjj'V-^ After considerable demonstration by the iudlmM « " - ^S*" the U. 0., bounced on the pUtfonh (died uo fo?fhl^ W 'the extceme end of the hall, and a very miserable rm.77°^ a"porfooton^«,',' hl8 face boiunlogwith good tiahivl. eyes aU sglow wlUk enthusiasm. He lntr(Sucedl^i£> xkI iceremonles OHinLn -'W'ttnB aiiD. Toxma Baaur, tWoivnirfJ- geUlnganlte ambitions of late. ' Walker Is theuiL^^ Harry Abrahima, aiaob simmered down or Bonah^S? Hasley comes from-Washington Uarket. and t»;a . atlohi.lfwe mUtako not, "Shorty" (DIU>ool«?lS?'l« Ite) brought young Bonley tot into notice, and ha i,?" to be ashamed of Us'pupil, we assure blm. TheTaS.'" oouldn'tbeoaUedspaiTlng—half a dozen rounda. LS!"'^ unsatlatkctorlly by Hanley aoddentally bnttlns vi^"^ ^ Sam Saris apologised for Oharlsy, end they nu^''' I TUB OHAlPIOnBHIP. ' .. TEE UNKKOWR AN AUEBIOAN AQAnR \ The English sportln'g.papers up to Uan^ U'glye no due si to the Identity of the Unknown, but they'sUll .penlat in assaxtBig that he Is an 'American, and pnbilo opinion there'has sljniled out Heid Price as the man. Befft, if^c "makes believe It knows,' but won't-tall. '.What a Joke. It does say, however, positively, that it is not Heeoan, Uorrisaejr, dr Ooburn,' 'There's news for 'you. But read what they say for yourself i—^ There was a large jnnBter.Bt Jaok Bloks's, Elng'jrilrtii, Whlte.^ obapel, on Ibunday, Uerch 5, to vritness the stSng of X18 a side between Jem Uaoe and the Unknown'.' - Jem wal In attend- ance, but the Unknown still keeps datk, so that the- pubUo have to cool their paUance until March 27, when the hero 'will have to< solve the mystery. We believe we axe not wrong In assuring our leaders that the aspirant Is a real-tens jCdi claimant of the title, and that ho haUs from the other side of the Atlautlo. Bis name has boon whispered to us, but he does not wish It made public; yet-wh^. we know not We are iMtiaylng no confidence, how- ever. In saying he IS neither Heenan, nor tforrlssey, nor Cobim.* lie place fOr the next deposit la to he named by the baokan of Unknown.—Bdl'tXi^e, Aforch 8. There Is nothing neeh respectlog the match for the Obamptos- sUp, beyond the tact that the public opiUon Is In favor of Ned Price being the Unknown. Uace Is still in London, but taking very great care of himselt He 'was at Hackney Wick on Uon- day,' at the race between Deeilpot and Ullls, when he expressed a wish to make a matoh with (berfoot to ran for one hour, if the Indlanwouldallowamlleand a half start; thematoh tobefor £100 a^de, and to take pbue - a mohth before Uaoe fights the Unknown. The next deposit for the OhamplonaUp has to be staked next week, at a honse .to be named by the baokeia of the Unknown,—i^wrtinf £<fis Jtardk 11. '. i na^iiOrtteiSportingNimUt tioirmtbhte on the sutilecti and wisely refrains from indulging In wild speciilatlons. Tbb lUQBiBaiXD Hiiii>.BboK or BnjiUBDB If much In it-, mai, and tbe various editions ptlhUid have goiie off "like hot eakes.'^! Andno.wpnder^ 'Whenso mildli' desirable.Information on tbis -beantual game on which It beats,-Is given at so low t\Sti<»r<)l^'yf <>m to'get it, etc.,'see Ueisis. Phelan and Ocmendeir.'B a^ye);iiMan.eDt elsewhere. wr)n!i'bnnght .about to li^nal.who.hadjttatenten sporkng-rankaasibtniard er^fbz'%.«ltyTaper." Hdwasso dexboua of- wriUng'np , peexy, ihiki^ he forgot to look out'(oi',sinaanf of letriai j'tii^'aonseqLnenee waf, Ijhat when ypmig Goldthwalte offend -;i6 in( to.the test ths supposed abllltlea of Deery, the latter was ''^^wi)i] aeoept an olfer to pUy, or ifillsl^ 'gmniliies of hla ^portorlal "frjond;" so two matches were ' ,1 Hgfriijil iiDdii. Slii jiiiiim Qoldthwattevaniiulahed hlsadvenary :' '_v|jftth'jqti^UMt eqae, and scattered to the winds th; goealp of the ''' .'j'i^appolnted'bOiiard doctor. We, felt conrinoed that Oold- ; .ntttrallawas mere than a match for Deery, bntasthelatter'eBf- .' ^'''^^eMs.Mein^ determine^ on a match between the up.|own and - '.t^fi^iiown. rep;(eseDiatives, we gavjg.the young stager from , .rViBMteniii^too the back, and told-him to goln. Hewentin. r'^ljiiliiilfii^o'ba^ by his «jb4cksia,iii' thevain endeavor: to bolster'upt'tbe bombastof a .- r^^lniutt^g winter"' '^Bo'me geotlemen imaglife It'to.'be e very .'.','.^^jll47.'qy4^;j^|;^eiold of a pein^ eibeiyBoiatoft^oir'.ariloles'm iaftmUnH -'snhJeetsi: ) They soon discover: their error, however. " ' hUc ihilo^^ m exploded'by pr^ id to Um, notonlf Is a^aik of respect for his. njpdoot ^'' ^va],i^ni his prf'nte.fnQndiiC ;Xnr|)n«.ibyiIeglafflA<e .'q|ortlng..^w^ -by-man -who haye - . n^pmniiQp wlth'Oiir sports, and understand-ivery movo and turn :;v'' :fj^)|ii^']^ii^'(«|^ aro BOinryfi* young tl.ejiitr. '.The reteit ' ,' ^' '^)patq^'<it'jiil?e|4^ him a dOol of liijuryi and It will tshe .some time •' iriWiitB' to veconrer himself; and when he does so come Into pr^, -^. Aj gi^ fe fe igaln,^ lot blm take onr'advi'pe', and tot'.attempt .to talm' >i '^'^/n^u^ on^gel In.defenM of the opinions advanoai. by every Tom, '-V'Slok^ and Harry , who .may. fancy, himself..a sporting writer. '',:^: i%A/'T(nmg ac]dlhwalt«.^;whp beaa. Us.-.lionffn: -modjatly. Is now a ' V '/gnsier.Cavorite than,.ever Trltb-thpi.AoMuet oftor billiard' .io'^;!V:.ft«■;'■:^■l-' '';^^^:.:-;':Tr-;'I>VnroorO>naiEn—Aateoot^ elsewhere, Seexfoot has '';° ' /9t<)il^\Aii4f 1^ bis brilliant career, ln Iong.^listanceza> !f'l^0^ij^^ii]M^:OrTCp^^ Oiey please to paijlliliii >«^t'oiiiaraldeef tiie.A'^Uo,.belng. his .oonqneror; itisbnt ' .t:jj^(M$'{otto Ipdlan,hoW^ that he was'somewhat -.'' j{a^'(^ir Vq<)n we. might express th)> -•■4>4^f''that-this ;li^ oit condition is not permanently brought ^jAMt'byftstUfe' ln London, as has been rnin^ . jyJ(M|i!^LIai^glo,uidLondco fliaoinatisg' females, will surely defeat '.' ^:^lBr.iaan, let him be evfr ao tougb,,or ever so goiod a ped. or pug. '.''^ 'Shgla, ahnii flrewater. or It will bring on the "ughs.;' ime, y . . ^/;',l6nj!AidBl(Ui^^ BHiaraooiiBi;,—Ur, Daniel Wood, of Roohes- ^iir.'ir.X.,'has prepared and . ptibllshed a work on the subject of ..^l ,^'.'3jd^60Hsg^eii«raUy. aoatopport^ above, >7; ',v|tbli(kAlatns.ii ftsatl^ on gunnery; iLustrjitlng the praol^oal nse' ' '^, J'<!(tt*.telaBcope sight as appUoablo to the rifle, rifle battery^ ar- '^UVl^itte.i'beaides much other matter that it'lsdeslrabltialkoj ^li(^ a sportsman Should know, ^eeadvari^^ -i ^j^i^.^i'-'-: ——— " •' '7!^^*^'*** Aaii—Nothing new front t^e army, and "sH is ,^'.;?iMI|('^(aSthi»Bappkbanno(^ '. 'aifm^veB^^^W for,. ThOiti^^W^ cutoff..nmalnsOT^^ ~ ■ ij!tM/,i'*i«edy..operations. are- pioiiiS;" ^f-FIg^ * *^ '*^<°' flghtUig-;HM^ 'jpaper.^' Iha);i'ro«-' 'p,«|&Mring., , '■Si, '■•i'i'_ ''^■r"iil^■ ^ —T ■ ' i>v.i ...f; -v.: .a^ ''4MUMni>K^ this sccenbld-^ ; r;<ajffly.*h^''!9lab,^ ' fr.|n{|)inants;itboli, iilaM at Jpsea' Asaemi)ly Bdoins, isM Brosdwa^.' ..55:'>»*h*%'«nlngV4»^ |^ iTlb, atd'.tns waH aitendia by the^ P^pjllfl^^ ,-:.;,.,..,:.:-. .';,.;,-•• '>t-fl^i'2-y!^-^i^);_' ' — ' " ' gaOB Bioa—A' Moe oamt off reesnfly on the Blii. Blh Jbrin a1ilstne8*i^V^>n private life. Thetwoganlle- meu, 0. B.. Esq., and W. w., Esq., will shortly make all the nao- essiirypreparatIons,.and the time and locality will be duly an- nounced.- This movement la a right one, and we give cor hearty Wlshea for.the sdcoeas of the nttdertaUsg, ' Quolation jSo, 1 -gives palpable. evidenca that 3<a has got itself into B fix, ss it had prerionsly announced that the deposit due had been posted, wh^,bi fact, it had not It hadalsb,by stiatlng who the Unknown wis iu)(,.tried to make! its readers believe that it knew poalUvdy who be not, but that the time had not arrived for his name'to. b'e revealed, but they believed they won not wrong In assnring their readera that hailed ftom the other side of the Atlantic. Here is an erident departure from trath, In explknatlon of wbbib. It goea Into a vast .amount of special pleading, bat falls to tiake a'clear caae tor itseii;even' with the aid of an Innendo referring to the "Amerioan party. Had it taken Its cue from the Oiinm, U' -wbnld have dlscoverd long since, that,b^ .Heei^,'Ui;erewaa:^o.Ainerle(in likely {o step Into the shoescf the qnknoini, and it Would have.aav«d llaclf iMm the iBx'lt Uia got' itself; into by maUng Uttle shbrt of a p'oiltlye statimebt that he was' an Ame^lcani'and with an air of. immaculate wisdom, giving out .that "we know, but won't tell," and now'saying.'^t after lnstltutUg lh'qnIrieai'<iwllh'the ex- ception of a tip from tt'etoeld " that it TO Red Pricel 'we could, hear of nobody Bt,ail,pipbabiei os a,/ijvtomer." ,yrhat ansb- knowledgemmli.aitter- sooha'statfinehti'fgr a ike'eVelaiming pi' be -CAt.autborl^ as. * •porting.paper'of Qiwat-Britalpl The /^porting L^e has not eommltted- Itsialf ao tar, as, not being the stakeholder, it was not'so llkelyto'knowibkt the deposit due had not bea^i made; yet Iti .zealin;trylng toglvethe earliest news has 'oairied'lt.beyond Itself.' The/iluifrateii apartSng JTaot iu m- oiiped' the. troiible that Its aontismpbnries have got tbetDselves is(ti>, by.wlsely taUng^ieed of ^ibestatements mado i^m time to ^tjme in the Ouitsb in reference to thill Unknown tmalness. At •this 'prese'nt writing, It appears to us 'as thotgh Uislor Uaie Jmows quite as muoh about, the mythical Individual as tny one iebe, 'lf not a little more, and we shoU 'not be aarprlsed to dla- oovir'ttal he has taken a leaf ' out of Tom' B'ayers' book, to gain time to rocoyer from the effects of the jummelUDg t)e got ftbm Tom King. For Ihe^preient, v^e have said as mnoh as our time ina-spaee <rill permlt;:ln our next, pibKablv, we shall hays' more to say on this .second pugiUstlo.^lide unong' the "true British boxers;". In'olosln^/however, we daU attention to the ninarks of the /3)or«n; Z(^(i Ip reference to Heenan an4 Tom filing tiaving a meet in the P. B. It accords, in substance, with, remarks, p'n<(>u% wrtUm, in an editorial article, in thMeooik umns, bid oonflrma the riew takin' by ns, that ihe two big guus wlll.ahorfly measnre their sto^ilglh in il)eifistI6 arena.' Bo mote' itbe. . ' ■ -'. ' ■' ...,.; ';.-,.■' DjUTB, pir Ub.' Oullt.-^ WhexsTet s^ort Is knowta, there, too,' haa theiiaffle of John anUy beeft known as a hbuaetiold word for manyytars;-. Onthe'tthof Uiroh.the bearer of that name ex- pired at bis .ootutry rUdenoe.'OooUn Htll, 'nekr Durham, Eng^ In the eightieth year. ^ot. Us'iige, the-lmmedlate oan|e of his departare being a tomplaint lirtlie bladder. The deceased ori(j)pany a poor bojr, was the aroblteol of Us forlano, and tot ,<iani» iln, for any degree 'o* pnbUo atlehtlon, from the clronm.' Bt(in<*of his being • pugllut Boon after, he Intereiled himself In' howe .riwo^^nin'l^WBes 'of his' own, and was fortunate ttf a blih' degree, > He ..ihu) put up fora'se^t ln theOritlsb Parita- iient/ahd wis returned for thp town of Pontefraot, iuTorksUre, The: fortune amsfssed- by Ur. flnlly was- eloeedlngly large, and he leaves it to his aged widow end ten children. Of such a map, there Is neoessarlly a great deal to' be said and writtea, and It is posslW'tVtl^binoh more extended nfcniolr thanvre how pub- lish, will'yet appear In our cblnmns.. , lA, (ttillylwaaa manof gtekt htndaeta of heart and enlarged ohttltles.. He wu buried a tow.di)/iil AiUf his d«ath..Ui t)ie OiiUioUa OaiailfDiy at Aokwortb. THE RiNe. THB abubbicAr OiaAJtIPIOirSHU>.« TEE'NEIT:SEXOfiir-AT FETE oAiXAaHEB'S BOWUKa , BALOON, UONDAT APBIL 6. BOTB lin EoaD 'ix. woBK IN sBx oomraBlv The third deposit of tIBO a aide between UoCoole and Cobora was duly handed overtoour.depntyat Bobert Smith & Burlln- son's Bouse of Oommons, 16 West Houston street, on Uondav the asd of April, In the presence of a great mnater df the tosov InthellteraryUncvrereTomQalck, Baie, Olover, (the oracle and speolal oorrespondont for hsif a dozen pspers, acoordlni to his own story) not he otboilnii glove fame, and some two-or three "lespeotable'.? oussaa.. The ceremony was manased aa orderly and serene that the 1^ and easy wasn't disturbed apor- nole. Then were some little, donbts about UoOoole's urtr Being tame, bdtjujt ten mioales beforethetoeeip™ Herry EUl etepped inside the door Just In the "nick of ilxne'' After caDIngup the house they "proce«df\l to blx." Thecal*, brated ten-pin pUyer, aa^uofl at every deposit so far. was thml with Us ptfe for OoburOiVod the two jwated themsdvMdom It one of the Ubles. Peter was solUoofiBlng In hla usqS dr?Lid domical manner, when Harry, aa if he tbouabt ten.pln Petai^ mUee away. Jumped up and wanted to knowlf anybody was to put up for OobuiD. whUo there sat OaUaghor. dose Jonmia? wl& the greenbadra In his fist Hill's rsufirk o«Xi a Slah at Us expense, fof heknew, or should have known that theonSZ Uon was unnecessary. After Ed Jihes had given reoelnta^ t*B amount of tlOO each, Harry Hill said he wSs onttoriMd to St $S0 or tlOO even on UcOoole. directing bis wmarks at Pet^o^? lagher, who had Just pnt.up hla hist dollar. "Uy dear frlena " eaisPete, "I haven't the money now, bnt I'Umake It aoai i, iei o'clock . to-motrow," which HIU wouldn't anee lo anii dropped. No other betting waa offered. To-nlghl ra^h Sof WflO .a Bide IS to bedded to the sw^^^^^ tending bar. 'TUs premlaas to be tVeV^'telit nliht%^ miVe expottto see allttle real betting, and less talk' We have here to mention the propriety of the lost demalt tag «iO a ride, instead of h the origtoalirtldS^ o, the" last deposit wUl come on the night before t&e flghtTTb"; woSd he vray inconvenient We hope the frletde ot both men vS See the advantage of this suggested olleratlon. "••uon wuiseo ' UcCooIe Is now under the supervision of thatexceUrnt ami^ ral,Ur. James Kelly, and Is domiciled at his ruSfrotrefI. in Uount Pleasant, near Ulddletown Point, V.T awetlv sMtVn tod for lU rolling Unds, lofiT mountain soptoav&'ewdi^ roads, and all those essentials for healthy wort ■ -Riiff''. .71 tollsUnentis easy of access from this olt^^ Vnd wTSS tike sS ear y opportunity of paying tho.Westom Champion ariBltrVw assistants, UcOoole bos the valuable eerriceiSf Bm Emti™ and- Bam' Davis, and the way Samuel hw to-^itMdfn w^iS with the St Loula heiS; Is e'eld to .affort M^ble ^'n?£ ment UcOoole to toproylngwonderibUysinceSgto?rMk |n earnest, end is looking ss hard as nails; •■•"•^B w worx The Northern Obampton, Joe Oobam. ratilni «i« »nri.I. .« Hon Wlnkto, and by dtat of cheer JS«n"o%.VXtaLdf Sf Bome twenty pounds already. With Toppy uignlro's exB?ri»M and adrioe. and Hon to do tho praotleal pit, Joe will eo irSi fhJ ring one o/ the bIggMt meno't llswefght^lit em' sWpM^^ Wesawhlm a few-nTghto ago, and werl quite pleased wlSi hi bright, youthful appearanoo. and elastlo n»?vemcutor hTi? r^ portod now is not much bv^r. 160 lbs., eo that ta tha^niSn^j time be ought to be as flne L a race horse. The 0a7nirf nSl.. UcOombs Dam,.wlll be Joe's headqnah^ii foj» feVd,™ SSSSJ and -thenhemsymovo further;^om^TO, Bo hSfclmaS^S; vrtsb^to see Um "at Us.wotk" ought not to; letX {bI>p^:^ AayUitagappertalntogtoOobnn)'emovemontsoanalwav« lu l-^'t«J»P' 5[o.rton, of tbe "toimorai™SrdSoT KovS get Information about UcOoole, we shau'be ioet happy to dospl TIUBI , WJLtTBRR OH&JltPION'B BBRBFIT. ',' HIS SET-TO WITfl JEM KELLY, BikBfM.isriMnjaox or oirtrijtksH '«d oi* spobm. ; The greatest exUblUo's we',ve had for years wu /». I'v benefltoftheWeetornOhamploilSalSh<2rt?flrttth?NX.^^ Obamplon, Joe Ooburn, for. ll.oOO i riSrand ffie oh.nSyii^M' of IheUnlledStotos. On WrfilSd^ eveX. M^Sr^t^^^^ sart HaU was packed so thick, that hnudiide oSSaiT't .5'.??: all. They nutnbend llttte iSs than aTonettd pe^lt ^fmSsh cnetomere at that-nearly equal to belf the atake-mraey. Wo arrived qulle oarlj, found Ur. Booho and an us ,Unl at thel»i.pflloe dealtog out the d|ff,,ei,t ool"^ UokSS with th. regularity of a moohlne. At the dooretoodthenb3toii7n?ii™ ist Fourth Ward atUleto, and Uvlng photomlh or thn iimSlS?: or tho Krthoh, Kit Dujmi, In a ooii56?oia^w''ooC ,hU^^^^^^^^^ the talma, ono of Xacob Dennclt'e LllXor some olhJr rSS American's., A short Hay be^e satliflid m ttat MmL™^^' iit had no Umo ilme to talk about Dublta Ba7. '^r thruS-T he noltHed us that. ■Tom Q.ulok''wasjiOTnd:i^.b?the.f^ llghto, .and Inoulring after "Uis . boy tbTetraok jem mZS? among the "respeotabje" reporters. • i^aak, Opion Talis*, PWaias Oonntx. Oal, between 'Wm. Ueto2fe, • fi>w dWAftW his d«ath..Ui t)ie OiiUioUa Calniltory atAokworth. S*'"! »"»'1<5! V °f*VSi ,.'R«m bur "poalsh':..we:oou)dn't begin to tell one h.if«#ii,. notables pres.ent and - tha -only.'aen^ matt wh? oiml 2f ftontpr,vU«.tpop«nlng,tbo«M>oof llauSSS were^M^'ifc! IT;: eye. Sam Davis apologtted for Oharlsy, end thev nlu^'" mediately afterwards a fight was got up by some ' (Ul.tsnmered people, we mean,) and though «>^,$*'^ them pasting each o^er. we heard the smacl»^i^?^1iu. ander the olronmstahces. After they had been sMt ..!?''''*! weUexhaustsd, the'rigUsnt police, or Bnap-Dniion v^l^ Bull's Eye Brl^e; Interfered and ended the mtui^ some Ugh old U. P.'s sround the Fourteenth watd Blgbc after this muss, we discovered the' fkmilji^ nvi . Oolorado Obamplon, all out In Us best Then came uf ° ciat of boxing, ullage Oomell (whose -fiame was on th.^n? going to spar in lookers .for OldaHolywood and M(w driaaod wRun an inch of bis life. UoJor Jim TuSf, SS* Boatman, CcUlns, end others, one by one. got up our i>u Ulke UcCoolehere quleUy entered tho hjl. looklnrj',j the save style as poor dead.tnd-gone Oountiy UcOlfe^ as Bojuoaly a soul taew him, no cheering oconnod, nn^' got right up to the dressing room; here a parUouUt Mm*. the cue, and quito a little dilst was klok^^ by tti7&l Michael was solemn and sedato. His fkce Is not tSaThjj Harry Oribbto's-thet's the nearest person wo can ffliorJ 6 ft with his boots on. Tho Western Oiamplon retiiiltoiJ eluded spot to see how other people do these thioii. - ' - CoK Oaru iBD UiuaB Oobhsil wen the next whe nvlh., appearance. Con sported the c^Uvattng John 0. He*wi?« Ion nnnd his loins, and bad on a bran sow pair offtKu pumps. Oremfeltgocd—Jolly, in fiot Hehadthe elartdh a bounoing ball, pawad and pranced, laughed and danced!4 tomakeallttlefunfortheboys." AsforUllaga—weUUncn a good pali^well matched everyway. OorueUladaMradltm one who knew "where the laugh came In"—Just auoh aaolloS the big fat man that 'used to frequent Btyant's-a vtnhulif laugher Indefd. TUe friend, whenever the Colondeualn Us pranks, would giro one of .those ba-ha'e that aata eTa else giggling, and such an upnort It almost made "in, roll over agata (we ehould only like to know hli ntmio Con also enjoyed it too. but not to tbe sane extent that I did. They bad aeveral good-natured rallies. In a otvle n original with the Obamplon of Pike's Peak, As Con InteSi ii to have a benefit, he didn't core to show ell he knew, )nii Wednesday"weshaUseewhatweeball see." How'sthtl.Mal Uore novelties and more attraotlons kept poniisgU- Centre Street Heavy Tragedian, Izzy Lazarus; the Fotulh 1 Uandarln, Flory UoOarty; Phil Clan, from Colnmblidi, Bfooklyn. with bis promising youngnophew, JlmPimLB matobed with Jimmy Elliott; Fetor Gallsgher, tram Ik Nicholas Bowling Saloon, with one of Btorm's best clin Ulke Henry, of Oold and Plymouth streets saloon; HikeTn. and a bodyguard; UcCoflrey. of Cincinnati; Ur. CUrb, l cleverandaportloringBritcnflromthe FaclfloHotel,on at' hen to see the great battle for tbe Amerioan CbamploDiliIp, e eto.—to tact everybody worth naming, and some not worth It 'When snob "solid men" as the wealthy Trojao, Ur. Johil rissey; the ouce fkmons gladiatorial Cblef, Tom Hyerr tbeg admlnr'of game cUckens, Tom VcOoy; CaptainUlohaelNiii U. S. A., of the Oremome Free Unslo HaU and Panorama o War, one door above Laura Eeene's; Jim Ouslck, who b and seconded Hoenan; Sam UcLangUls, the driver; Aidi,, Stark, of billiard fame in days gono by; when enoh genlleiMi J theee go to a sparring exUbltlon, depend upon It, tbeie'iioi thing to happen. What a pity John 0. Heenan Isn't ben lo i the excitement thia affair Is creating. > Ob, yes—and Cobtun i. then, too, bnt only for a few seconds, and then ho ccoUs't s anyttiing for the crowd. But we might extend this slrcady too long notice for cch if it were not for tack of where to.pnt It when ready, so wet it advisable to drop further rambling, snd come right di the point Owing to the dense crowd, the boxers beiif i to get through Jo the stage, with everybody anilcns I UoCoole, "and UcCoole only," Sam Davis explained the satisfactorily to the audience. He then announced that Job Aai^nwonld give an ezUbltlon at the same place on Tbu evening, April ad: and that Con Oram would. pnhaUr li supe thing on Wednesday, the 1st of April. QnTtiaadiyi i ^njaowirt Is to wresUe Lieut AlncsworthTlbr I This win keep Hozart Hall pretty weU oconplcfl.and *e I tteyOl make money-at the same time, It's very bad polU bunch them all up together lii such a manner. At nlse o'clet the Wlae Man ot the East (without the usual white coat tad t buttons) announced thai Ur. UcCoole end Jem KoUy wooU t minate the exUbltlon. He gave ns a Ilttlo DomogtheDti exactly a to Tovee, for he didn't dare any old man that k like Um to a glove encounter—thanked uoee present on b. of UcOoole, apologised for the sooiclty of sdarrlng, ud I came the wlnil-up between UiEE UoCoole am Jstt Kbllt.- Various wero the about who the professional boxer was, Intended to wtod up i the Obamplon. Wages were bet In several quartets that mill BasUsgs would torn out to be the man. Bome sail EDlol othen, Phil Clare; othen, "Colorado;" and almost erei nan's name vras osUed over, but we believe It was an work, and are pretty euro that Ur. EoUy was not aware ot I awarded this privilege m until the very night of the 1 That makes but little difference, however, and we mail a Eellv showed off finely. They cut away very Ilttlo time'r. Tin, but the accomplished Jem bnsUed right to In-figUtlig, a the fint lead; and they Indulged In tbkt kind of mutual Ibm Ing-eoeh holding the other's head with his left, and tim away on the body—wUoh is so good to look at, but awAulati At out-flghUng, tbe Wostom Obamplon seamed very, awkr Thls^as no doubt owing to his being a perfect etrtngtib and the shouting confused Um—ta fact, a variety ot cite stftaceo tended to prevent UoCoolo from cxUblUng tolbits vantogehehas done In private. We hollove he can domu better than he did with Jem Kelly. Again, asasparreririlhuj gloves, for half a dozen roouda', Australian Kol& Is a periM wondei^then's no rubblog that out He also left off Jin *) the Western man was warming to Us work, and, as hegi natnredly remarked after It was over, "If I only had yoi'O or four more rounds, the tale might be dlflorent," we bellsTe V tablos would have been turned completely. At any n(e, we Ir' the Cobnm party should not be led away almplv because McC hasn't the former's science, It doesn't follow uat a poor tpi must bo a bad fighter—UcOoole'a previous career lulfy that Idea.' He Is a rough, gome, and powerful fellow, osA I a better Idea of tbe business than some tUnk for. Wboa I Coole did Ut Kelly, the latter hardly knew whether he j on his hood or Us feat, and "good-byo Jom," If Mao.l ever got In "that left" when he had Um backed np agalnu t wall. UcCqoIo evinced his gluttonous propoosllica to tbo-iw Indifferent spectator, and ho will turn out a game young few*] on the day of battle. When ho goto "a hot 'un," he's bcnnd v go after his man, and the more ho gots, tho more doloraUiM K Is actions. That was Us manner of sparring, and ho loom IV one of those sort "yon couldn't llok with a club," as a ficetio County Ohro man remarked. "Oh; Uosos; bnt Isn't ho ai'h'^ feller, though I" shouted one of Us admirers when the iH oraokod, OS he oamo-In collision with them. Bo hoi),» they'd only bod ono more round, we fancy the Big'Un nonj have ujlaet the calculations of more than one "good J°°(* flghUng men. Thus terminated the great Western Obamplon • benefit ' ' . 'After'losvlDg the'hall, UoCoole was followed by hundiedij people alonft Broadway, and that thorougUare was sll agog^" exoltement Every bouse bad Ite oroirfi ot sports, card-gayu afid betting men, assembled to dlsoffl the event of tn* spbrttng houses/did a thriving business on the strength oi > newsebsotioD. • ■ A. OostoHU roB Draun Um, onxn us Own f'^-'Zr, Beatdn's bold thrown out lost week, has ellolted thof"" lug r^olndet from the Xniaht of tlie oloaver. Tommy w Beadi " EsirOa, OLtrpsa:—In your last Igntd Dublin Ulke, oballengtbg ony uvhud, u.".- —-./-r, ■i"aoertalnnan from Brooklyn preferred," From that inru peep he moans mo. If so, I wotfld say that I had aim;" P' f bp the Idea of appearing in the ring, but aeoldg thot Mike u « anxious to meet mo, f propose to Uy down theoleaTcr«| whUs te glvo Um a show. I will fight Um at oalob wo gnt-Wjj would belmptSBlble for toe to come down Quito so low M bs.-for $100 or 'IMOIn ftrom four, tosUwooks. A depwj^ tort at Ulke Tralnor's, South and Itosevolt etroots, or at we i*" FBB office, will be Immediately Oovarad. '^"^J^^^^'jifuH' ThR (JOLOBIDO OBAllPtOH'S tl»V«B.—Ur. J, 0-PW""/-!!!" Mol I Oram," wlU give a grand sparring exhibition at "S* Ike MB nroadway, on Wodneaday evening, AprU let whon a" . Vialent" willbe on hand to assist Twonty-four "good meny,, IruB" an on the bills. Con -wlU .vrihd up with "The 'Jn*??^- As^air, Onm loaves ibis week for Pittsburgh, we trust ui'f'^, -wlllglvshlipagoodset-off—spoh an one as bo may >>""i|h(l iabamedtotefertointatore. XlolMts,BOoanta,tobehad«» | .). '-.ii a-. I ; >••'•'•.' <-5'i-'- issue; a paragraph apPj y novloe, froin U* "