New York Clipper (Apr 1863)

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t ■ 1^ -tt: ■ - - .■:;.::.:;^;ii!fr«--« Of .f ; ■:j <■ ■< J .If,. .'.'.i-t ' I I., :t.;ii;;!\.7f..iiPi:rA; NiW TOBE, BATDBDAT,< IFBIL 11> 1867. ■:)• ' man tbt WtQeV 8Mft wtk <r¥«r.', ' "'And Sl9 tiuttek^ lonee kt,Mtt;;' , ■.:> •; • ' Li, . • ' ■ The dn»ky «h»96w( W'*! Of lU tJleie pTMl(n« ofBeHiigs.' ; utg-tiattrna Ott^nttniita, ,. ■ '... • ; ' laljanoc«iio»Wtiiy»d,", '. ■' ■■ niinddeain tlie tiiailiula,'' '' . ' ■ ' V-"' 'Vr' '"iiiiMiiVfttr^ ; Tba TtotdTbnu d*4l*i<>r rsw toMi ftot, leoke^moodly ^nnd Urn. IdokM ibt tmnnto tiodr of Ui foe, tnlleftUieftniu iiBiaitltaaiiItaoft»«pitasti > Th» people looked CD MCh inir- prlM.ri';i|itl«a.tliS';mdartlo^lcerjwUob loUtelrmaAHliuUd wlthoamser,noT)idlongo(mev«a. TbeiaItIvtn^tbe>oldito{ Uood, irttli stroCoSedUiabf abaftMeMe7e,irt^atibe slig^teit elgns of life. They ooUd not blip admiring ni ■jMig ftW wfio had erlnoed ao moah flrmneaa, oomcsge, andmanUneHi aind ther all left tba amphllheatrfaatlafled with tbo(r day's anmitment. Itionly remalna M oa .toMr that the bravo-Jew*! Iknlto were "pardoned, and he was freed teom-fatnra-alavegyr'hla mMiteT giving him enough aoneyrto aet. hlmadf op In boilnen. He wudtet wards il^^^ dghtlng'for the llbMr ttf' Bomer „ iieoMarrto-;Ol>ierT«'ihkttl)*cibc«ntit la etrlcUi tTDe,>aS !<nj one ipur verlfr br ponstdtlng aitr^'Wtlt'nrUtta hlatMT of'Borne, ondeBXcDjan'srqgit H«wUlaeeRiat after Trojah's'trlgmpb,, mora than tea tbonaaad glidlatonrweia exhlblted,'aaa anloiua irere ilauRhteiadbj: the thoqpandi.-' And thla waa In taovoi of a! taaa who ua alaln more hunan-tMlng* than h||i laaa tjlood-ltalntyi oompanlona. .. : , i ■ : i , r . | Tha aladlaior'a Ufa dapeiUad on'the will of the aiidleiuie^ wlto praaMdowa tbaistbmnbalf theywUhedUmtobeaaTad.'btiti tunned them, sp If .ttMxwlahad him to be Ulled, and otdanO^ him to tpoAn. IbeL'ctfOM, wUil^ gUdlatoti ssoallr did wltblbe gieat««tfirmnaaa>'., .'i' ; - H (. 't! ;: :•. i BY OUa OAHW-.BOT r.'.noian otdercd ft .gr^ gu^ktorlal ^^da 6f guaiatoM w«t« to W Uhlblted, iii'iAoin wML^-ypantf-'ehrJUmea Elaanr. wait a.alaTe, 1!U bees' edndtmnM °to death tw aome tttiaglharjr orlme, UtUfaiAainMea^on aaddnntbf UattalekUb^Ughtaiid the MttoKt his fbRBi Be'waa taken Ikfom Ma prison atle^ the iMuaed vletoiT^wlietei If'ItekUIed UuPtlMrtiiaUiat yhloh M <» flgbb'hU iWe^r wik to b« DBtipiatM anfl lUa o^«j \nai'^< ■ ' ■ ■ •■' • • '■■ '• ■ '• ' • ■ UMtn of the amphitheatre was of the nitaalemptloal ahapo ; mna, oOTared with sand tc preTent ellpplb|, and to absorb -Udodi'iiaa entirely sarroandodwUh aeaa. It waa anr- iltd bj, a .WW eJghtoen feet high. In order to render tbtf tatoif entlnly free from the attaoks of wild iMaata; the top t> b'glUlni WM oofmred.entlrelr over by pniple ellk, bob- dVsol^oii silken knots. The eon shone brightly, , iUnlng through-the fragile,zoof, oaat. brilliant .ahadowa Itiefkces of the ai«einblM maltttada; and on tho dresaaa tolidlos who ooenpled the highest part of the bnllding. ai.«f thonunds of speotators hod aaaembled uid were u aioiind tho arena, whilst a vakt'nt^aber were roving Ailtrs abd'there, and talking In a low and Indla^ot tone, di lAonded like th» distant munhiuliig of the sea. ' mta- eyea'wire'.op^ed' wtthekJiMitaklon pni tho arriyalvf itl ind looked about him tbisa the eanae of ao mnoh agl> ibvA hnngrytlgarwas brooght In, whiob,leaped In anger iMMildeof hisoa'iietO'the other,roaring.and'ln eipeota- M bit prey. Els red apd amoklng tongae hung ont, and he ibid hu teothwlth rage. Eleaaar lay down again, ahnt Us ^'iflar curtlng a oontemptnons glanoe aioand him, and Mdtodlapoaemmsdf sotfAthoBhonld have a comfortable mT«r,tbe ^adlence became Impatient, and angrUyaaked a Ite iport shonld begin. At last the oage door waa opened, ' Iger, with panting sides, nuhed forward. The ezolte- g to the highest pitob, and all eyes were tamed on the M Un, who stlU semod to be In a qolet alnmber. The tiger ■iirilh raised head and glaring eye, looking around, aeem- (vboonMlona et.tha gUUatora preaenoe. The andlence lugUnnedtoBhoTitianathe'koeper of thearsni. In obedl- A lorepeatod commands, apprqaobedthe sleeping gladiator, Iflo^ed^ epike Into his arm to awake him. Eleazar no Mfatt tSli than ho started .np, seized the spike, and wrested A tbe keeper's hand, and, foaming with anger, broke off the itcahtiraie, which he hnrlcd at the keopor'a head, and kept lira put In his hadd.' ' ibefoee, the spuotators ooold see the fall height of his ■a (gorq, and the behilUfal devslopment of bis maaole, InlnTolontaiyehoutot admiration bKke from Iheandl* •iVbloh was repeated over and 6ver agabi. All were per- ^u^ed that the savage tiger and the oppressed Jew were [nsldte a desperate allklr, the blood of both would be shed wuly, agd probably the enlightaned mnltltnde assembled NUire the pleasnie bf seelngboth die. Women were there, |!i1)uttUli]lyiand wearing costly .Jewels; young children ipn-halted old men; and all these waiting ferine denouf [U.lUa tragedy.. All with atretohod neoka and eager eyea 1.-. M yo^ng gladiator had remained in one po< I litis folded, and hia head bowe'd down oahla-b^aat, DtJooUd and despdndont, for ho did not know If he. n eru come cat of the srana alive. He praytf to that Ood M tTtr wat«he4 over Israel, and his heart peoame more ' H« was awakened from hla rereile by the abontsof the ■ " who oiled ont:—... uaarma away from the Jew. Let the Jow fight the Wbetit any arms whatever." ^TMni num Ia6kM„oontemptaonitar about hin)/and a^ «<m5' toward tho tiger. - -"' ' Bnt the shonta'Increased. p'tw has arms. Take ihem away. ■tmt'Sioatarnishtd'lbrward, broke tie bladk In two Vnd: threw the fragments at the tiger, whUU waa ehirp^ Iw dain agalnat the pedestal of a ooTomn. IWkni], feeling Itself struck, tamed angMlyaronnd la Pffm foe, whom It no sooner saw, than,'wlth a leap a^d a IS. ipmng towards him. The-gladiator avoided him by ^.<on, and the tiger sprang over him wllhont doing for- 1The animal no aooner reached the ground, than, tf^Vi It ntlred baokwarda a few paMs, preparat<ny to a ll.waa ihs tiger deceived by the aame mancgnvrec ISSS^ed no Icpget to be dccalvod,'lt advtnoed at a alow Hiablng eyes, erect tall, bloody tongaVi gnashing ^^vaiabont to seize tho gl&dlator, who, M avoid bin, wly.over his back, to the aatonlshment of the multU A^ya vent to their enthottasm by means of deafening Una for a Ions tlrae^weekened his adversary, the wo Was hli6 extremes .veik, but waa upheld by jaentof the oagor']|)Uildlt8of the moltltade, de- -to bring matters to a eMail,'. Mmalncd Immovsblel "i Mt^ig him thus, ran towafda him with a fierce cry. [*'MKor,ptrbaj)i; horrori CAkab-aiAoati^uItaneonBly Itnce.aa tSeysawthv animal tialngon hliUnd I claws on the naked ^d white- shcolders of his 1, opening his smoUug mouth, prepared 1o derrour ut throw his head baokwwde, araiped theaeck Mlh his hand*, and eompresaed It with so much the. Uger's tongue prqlectadftom'his tnonth, and , j^eaed'hlsgrsspandltmgglddvlolentlytobreatbo iMk'J!!^''''' hewasunablo to do, beoanie his neck waa Rf »llhavlce. |dlatcr becamb gradnajly weaker from fktlgne and Jpco. Be knew tho longer the combat laited, the >>c waa In, Uo determlpedthen qolcUy to terminate tod all his weight agalnat the tiger, bending hlih u^far as he could. Ha heard the aulmal'a ribs wOh him, astraam of blood itsning from his mouth, mthlnlself from the cDnvulstve grasp of the tlg^r, .hu neck in dying agony. ' ' . lut gradually alnUng, the poor Jew snmmoned all Id MM the tiger to the earth, where he planted hIa ^#g sides, and, still preaalnto-wllb' all hUpowti' Sfivn the. anlmal'a limbs stlfiknlng ia death. It M In vain, endeavor* to Inhale alrjits month waa :PMni ll« teeth ware oonvulilvely oluped together i Uljf bt aome ipjiMneata, and ttMH fellb•M(• - ;t^.d«4*i KPnai TlT a Vrr i w wptapiBBBt) p^uuijrtu ra^nmr'a aiavW , '^i^t}.rtifAfiKM''.~^xaa;fifuni innu<«tilT- . ',i»OR ^^-nasi 09.Dq4r-SKU ACoirtiDiof EkraftBo. m- .... ■gqsr.y^ M aim Tuimniti.oi rasBKpiiOQX-nEisszMO itn '. vfsiirirsxiaBL^a—ViuM- vs E^isoovi^^-eoiS' soap— lum),' *:. BP.rrifiBuax on a book—oowko ibbotos ihe soraiM^ '..^ '.^ki(.Taai—"aois{a thbouoh" onB.i.vooAqx— zicbibkmi<)s.i> .yV'gj^iia^ 'I hi OnSatnrday the trill of Huir vras set down ^BoAie cfiC 4- Aombar of ildlcaloas charges were brought igilBlhlm, notko aaaoh to-ioJore his feelings as to alToid the vereatUe WUnesaea a 4hanA JO .dUttngnlah'themsalvea. In the afltoiioon, ihe long taUaot thcgrttd saloon was kept espeelally'fiir the cour^ lafr> yen,Jury,and prlaonor at the bar.' Ix-Oovemdr 'Banda]l,of wladanaiB,'.^ the prcaeoatiog attorney, Jodg^AIlsn the Cotnrt, and Hoir was defended by n shrewd Pblladelj^ilit lawyer. Joe Onshlng vftvone'of the Jurymen; 14va another, Edwlil Booth attended the trlaL There were no ladles present Eor once, thaae . great men oast aside their real digdty, to aAnd a little amusement for "us boys." Everything was conducted with great aolemnlty, and at the fiMt'Intimation of aanlcker.ths aerseant^taima, rapping his baton, brought orderlna moment ' The offences Unlr wu sBppoaed to be gofl^bf were rathet fooUab, tabeeure,bataaiioorLevlsMi'nscidtosay, "AIlttlefbDy noT and then la relUhed by the wisest men." Gertatnlyao In thisoaae. Oneln^tmentwaathBttheprisonarhadbeencsnghl purloining hair from Uorriien's pony's tall, wherewltti to aAke arlngtopreeenttoihc little dark'^alewardeaa. He was seen is steal noUielasaly along In his stocklB'g-feet to where EltUe EqTiIs stood "cabined, orlbSed, and"—no, I'm wrong, he was not "eon' '(becaose that would be aomeUilng never betMer baud of . etiallhlly extract three separate and distinct balra whereby hnng'(he anlmal'a tall, while he yet slept Little did Uuir an. tidlpale anchaohargs aa this. Be wis ready and aniloaa to plead hla own case, but Us couniel; an ecoentrlo mlmls, Jumped up In high dudgeon, and'the lawyer and client were'^fcr the nonce" at loggerheads. The: Ooort's determined and serloua fliat had no effect on.Mulrr.'he wouldn't be bnlT^d aroi^nd any longer^ nor would he atand It- .,"aet out, then," saya Bodaon. ,'^aiewllllgo7"asked4bepersecntedmohonuntaoi "Loavie -the ship I", abarply reported apvenuir'BanidalL TShii created azaar, and fet(^ed the criminal .down-. On his '.Hllg" in lesatnan no tune. It«aitao spvptoneons Item Hls Bondr, and i< about Of a of the be^t tUngs live beard In some time.: ,. The prboner bavlqg.become som0«hatmj>re oalnu his counsel (they wanted; me to act and tle«n>theQi O. totho namel proceeded to vindicate his .ocnduatli) a .wy.lngiiitlaai Be aflnUt^d.Uiat.hiBjtot , , . e, pattUjf'Idulrbnthe head, "would aoorn lb ocmjUt snoh an outrage were it not that he had a method which would benefll the nmyymoro than blmeell . Oestlemon, yon are Well aware what ldn4 of'an arrangement that pony lives In, (turning a sly look at oaptaln Palon), how, for want of proper room he iaoramped' up, and: kept bound down like a beast of prey. Well, gentlemen, my cllontwas the only humanitarian onboard this groat and inlghty veissl, that had feeling and Ingenuity enough to ocn'celve a remedy whereby to giie reller to the pony, for by taking ttiree halra out of his tall, did he not enable Uiat waU-nIgh smothered epedmen of the mustang nee to move abontllke a thing of life? Eh, didn't hoT Of ocniae he did, and that's what's the matter I" ahoutod the amusing disciple pf Blackstone. It Is needless for me to add that we (the "Intelligent Jury") aoqaltterthim withcnt leaving our seals. A buzz of admiration arose as the Court read hia acquittal. Bis second indlotmont was "Oannlballiim." The pritoner, when quite a boy was accused of eatlnft six youog Honolulu virgins. Just about to bloom, and a small boy. This crime was. worse than his scrape with the chambermaid. That a~taiau of Holr's. education ehooldlie guilty of such a holnonaoffencd, ■hocked even the lomb-llke Joe Onshlng, All the Jury were now set dead against him. Witnesses were <C>llcd and' examined rclatIvK,tb his cannlballsUc propensIUes, one young fellow, resemblug Edwin Adanm, the aolor, maUhg a highly interesting and comical statement For the defence Professor Wells was put oh the stand by the aovcmor to slate his opinion of Ihe man from phrenological examination^ The .questlonlngand cross.questionlng. of BandsU and serious . answer* of wells added not a little to the already good ehare of merriment In apeaklDg about hla bump for Honchiln virgin* being rather smaller .developed than any of the iothers, Bondall wanted to know whelherlt never happened that by a blow os foil that partlculoi bump might not have been "drlvcnln?". Ton ought to' hav«,'sej)n Wella at that moment.. I hevir saw a man so pnztledin all my life. Seeing that we bad the laugh on tho Profesabri he Joined in with the. rest. On < this indictment the Jury could hot ^gree, and the prisoner was lot out on bail. . A dozen-or men eccentrlo mals took place, which might be interesting, If there waa tlme .to give them. Under present dr- oumstahces, there Is not At 10 o'clobk In the evening wo passed Oape Bace, and although rockets were sent off and cannons fired, no boat .oame out, and consequent^.ho tin can was thrown overboard for tho "reliable" newvapers;' Simday was devoted to rcUglbtu services ss on the first Sab. bath, with the exception that Btohop Lynch held forth in Ihe first'cabin, as a sort of op^osllloa to the others. Be told us whloh he thonsht was the boat way to get to Boaven, but as that will net very likely tra asked when we get there, it makes Utile difference which route we go.' Isn't uat about the mun and ■nmiait of the matter t Vhere was this dUferenoe between the first and last Sunday on the Ortet Eastern In tho second cabin—on the first we Ikred only eo-Sb, on Uif last, "aumptacnalT," as letsr Oallagher remarks after Bfleid; We had all the dolicaoles, exoept fried iton,as much nwA could "Oram," and a dessert after dinner. That'a the w*y they smooth over the roughness of nearly every sea voy, age, 10 aa to get commendatory rosolntlons drawn up, praising everybody and everything on the strength of an extra auowanoe. It la what the boys oaU "shutting up a man's eve." Anyold fool can soe tbrbugh this game of ahan^gans, and woatover inter- ested individuals may eay, I found lota of Ohanoea to oompUln if IwahtMlto, Whaf* the use of all this blarney? Would you be. ItDve Ui'aetrlng of names was sent back by the very first sleamsr that left this dtv ^r we laqded, Augnat 36, inth the name* with' a half-doien j^nts of the white ohoker persuasion attached, ahd ^ublls^sd In sovoril of the English papers, to the olfeot that "everything v^tfl lovely and the.aposo hung high;"'they even tried to iiialn) the .British publfo boUevo the Big Ship doesn't roUl Bythshlgtoebf Hbsosl U this isn't perjorr^ I'm d if I know what Isf' Excuse tliii adJooUve, but If aigt bt paiscns ban wilh a dear conabionce do and, sign suoh a pucel of lies,- and go to tho'good plabe after all, there c^n'tbe muchhstm In k mis. orable ouss lUto me saying damn. . .These resolutions were cut ont of a Liverpool papor, and loot mo by a young, friend who kBCwnowdl, aa a proof that.nUnistota can lie (and in more way* than one) aa wou is "helMosorvlng alnners.". On Monday we hove In.slghtbflknd, and-then felt gay and happy. Verw Utile was done in the way of sport, and evening oame on apparently quicker tban uiotl.' .In the evenhig, ta au are aif ore, when opposite UenUtik's Point, the Leviathan struck bn a rock and knocked a hole In her bottom. Hef officers tried to^keepit*hady,<oavoidunnoceuar;alarm. Itl* but.juitloe, howev«r,' to Olpialn Faton, to lay that the pUbt had nd( arrived. t«d 11 wa« very dangerous soiling lu tbat part of tho Bound. Onr dUly paper* gave aU the partlculat* at the.tlme-lt is sot hso«a*ary;therefOre,fbr me to spread oa tbedi. The strlUng didn't evsn me \ip, so that I've no causb fbr growUng, and when Iksaw-'ltln the morning, it didn't troubM me, becaule.if we must oo'dawn, there-w»* lots ef oampany. Both Ucnlay, and Tuesday ««wer«ialut*d on <very side byeanhCna firlnr flags flylnfli fnupB of Udles. waHng thehr embroidery, t*m bearing aIcniald*,'Uhdi playing, bravo men ohearug, addi the IntaitBttA fciUNi of VvsSoi. ef Jolr. TeHlf, thole i ndUng iaed«»l)»t|hir«iH tfaM nnallbytMdi mtt with le, aBa..anae: oaiteafa Waa, icme dx or d^tt'of «■ te2'f**^'»EJi-?!ftfW:t»U <*i MfBlyM ilahbd for«Igner<^lnUihe.way.of pnnlahing, Jersv . A' whf^iMeg of ^wtie tUoiril at biU «ln)osU M H|l9>> B^tead 0(»ipsA^;tp:4^fiirB jaA Ueyip*i|)lB»- ^^ni<me of the' bigfatfa „^ , , ^jJeto'tartttMrtoE MUy by the time Z got back, and left one half of-^eih Il£k ,fei^.toju>^«Sfll«iVSal>)Stoiity. Of'oonnel'didn'tcbllbot ^psey. Up fiui4ilai;.<',|i;^ aboard r* having been given out tratUffibs'.lllr eiigbWgot the word^to ''Qo ah^P' and off wealarled, ntU^ the very devil by ainging' and -bheerlng oil jIbedaU e Eemj^ , other ex- pteaalonstlut bslhet«d theforblgneitTto-know vtihAttb makecC On arriving at ttodepbt'at least two Bonn itMoht to waste hunting up oiirluggage,but at.tata.orclo<ifc J had'tnlneaUse- oorb; Ured B b£^e nr «iro hs^f^vS^^SeVdilVer^^ b'i hadn't - seen''abimyh «pMIelDrsfmOfatll)' *nd 'bydev«i'I'*as once more in fthat .deareetof aUn0lAcea;''>htitte,Blreet'<lfbm»,V after an abeenp; pf Just a year.; Blow delighted my M^i^ were to see mo safs-and'aouhd, (nUn-ns the nqnuiia pouhds/though) Ineed scarcely ton >you. ' -. : ■' * ■ ^.hayenowarrtv«datttaeendof'myJourney,'Just in: time for reel half so , '^bmeword Bbdhd." '-. :. ;!,..'.;•■■'. . -.".: n I- ■ ■ ■ fVuueatsDt at the hopefblnaH and'.patriollflm of Tonna Aiaaria*' to the nUdstjoV«urunnatural, TK^aoHfloiBg. dr^^ Uoody war. meh rlitft Hew-ToAiome eUhteeBlni I thought a year woAId end the war sor^ btirttis b'larL..^ IsUkely.tolast just as long as oontnclbr*. thieving poHtMans, and ipecnlaiors sre aUowed' to ^oape. a haltw. That's )nst what's the mittsr. ' ' The best part of Tuesday wM consumed by the Oaatom'Hoose officials "golm.thropgh" onr trunks and boxes, locking for con- frabond goods. They fulfilled thdrunploasantitaskvery satis- ftetorlly to aU but a few smugglers. My box they didn't dUtnrlk at'a)],aa I made ont an-inventory and re«d hover. Perhhp*' ,aoipeof yoQwou)d llko ti^ knqw Wbat I bod, and.U there WBS tinul wooldn'tknlnd tuning; as it is, this must llepver. , ' - Two steamtugs wei« chartered to convey thb first'and seboiid cabin paasengera and: their Inggage'ashore to Where fhbcara w$r^In waiting, and it waa a grealreUef <o fi^d ^baVwehodnow '-^bopod the ^donln Arabs, for'pot a cent waa .oharged, ns for le mubls. The totehnedlite 'and sieerage fbUU' bad ib 'go 4own to Oostla Qardon as: 'ei u i igi iants; and ^rathey ■ than put up 'Wl^thIs,:seTeralr*ntheyIskpf;g^tlsg op onr. boat, bn tithe i^gOantpbUce detected ^itjna^ m^tt ejr^hadtoiiut bock, amid IsdC jht. Iha Ihe Je«« of the crowd. TBe 1 DdidtUU'lltblMght f. A-iu>TenowaDTv«aa(ineBnnoi'myjoumey,']ust in: nmsK theoonsbrlptl^'ir.YlfOreelsy gets, drafted;!shan't feel half i bad abbnt It) and ttios ends the account of niy tHp.'"Bbmewai Bbdhd." '-. :. ;!,'..'.;•■■'. . '-:..'.: 1- . 1 ' ■ ■■•[;. r.;.r-.-:. !J.I . .*..! }:i : ynStTfX, BIPHlWIliT FOB TBM BTW CDBX OJJfna, ^ • " ^-' ': ■MT.T.' y^.' , This youagtady'wulMrhtfl'B^diaster, V. V., FWbrniiyaetb'; ISM.- She was nev^i • iBtended for thk.profesalcoi; batlaunbhsd out upon the dranutio world aU at cnc«, wilbou^ a^ preparation Whilttover. Dning'Csrr'al^iuilagsmeht'bftheBobhestefIheatre, and whUe thU (lhah) very popolar AttMe; Ulta Jdlla TurnbuB,' was faiasiiw one of her star angagemonts there, our Utile harolkie conceived the id^ ef .making her dcbvl as a daniense, and ao- "—^'-"'t appeared on the otscasion of MlsaTumbun'sbBheflt,. as ■ dlsolple of Terpalehorb,-belng only ten yearl bf "age. Her | ropes, -whero'fir. 'Oul^ dosed,. on'il^jSb] ■nnfjtiui wajinf .*hyj^n«fc.flf^ft^Tffig: Wi» ^j ^rtA .<p^ff)ft^^|frt^^lilfVt¥inAi1,' V7mT« iMa ■vtnn.V tin'MI' 4h "iced ^enelf nnd^,the able-tuition of Louise Fray.and Prof, 'ood, of Bceh'ester, who taitght hb^ aU the difficult bustoeas'sp- irtoinlng to the tMpslOhonttn bnsiniss. Here Bbs iinprbved yronderfuly. She thm conoalyed the Id^s of. hbooming a musi.' oIafi^«nd placed horsflf .-pndsr il^e- able hands of -f^t B^trvUi' vlhvlh BSiiorttlmepronodniaetf her ad /ait upon ihe'vlollh.'' In' •a Ineredlhle short spboe of'tlide; sfie ocmlifpUy tho nibst dlS-' cult piece of moslq upon that Instmment' In UljT^ihe wended, at Way to Albdny, IT 1.;° anil during the same -yew. Joined odebrated Seller Trcupci WUtf were' then 'playing m .that city. She retaiatned irUh this trat^one'yean' Milting all ttib prlndpol bitlea throughout,the SpollL^^West sndalwaysineftlngwlth: the greatest success, jshe bw thit pipular bompany.' UljwtiwQirait. On geWag Qp-ftaift this.flo(a«r„bi<(9fuir showed nmptoms of weaknea*, which via .taken aOMBioaTr^ by the VOMckea." who again floored Ur. 9aliy with SsVXh Ittjhe ronnds>om tb*ihIrty-««Teh(h:.tO|aie forty.f •'Oblokan dlsphaeda decided' sapaxloilh',?a]ihpngh h. mnch PBslfhe^L. In' tbe fo^.fbprth, Pearbe apt hla lb:.aiiliya thro]^, and again fioored hUi:' l&,Onnyi miration frotDialliby themasnei!'in'wUchhebamb'tld' sttotoaslveroahd, 9at he was glttlng' i^elka^ aidweal- tHe fifty-ninth roimd, Wh«n hffi Mends lhti^UM,Abd,wos]SS_ •Jlowhim.toflihtanylongpr, udbepprrendenw the*lbtorTtft' "OameOUdkea/^ afl» flgh&nii Ihoiir 1» mln.- TU* bflUa WBS/lon^ aflwtheday, sqontknliil sobilMit of admlnittdil'Whefc- bveranfrgbod fights wtee'the topic of bb«v«lBatlbai"iHlr;eiiia^ didnot fight anotbat battle, for a'<oohple"of years, wMflhe'lMr (»reg*on< BLanoashlte moi, nearly60,-Mn; In helk ' dose upon lt8t,,aud of'tmormbua power. -The balL, — at aix MUe Bollomj near Tiewma^t, en October 4£ 1 aOO gulneaa. In the first .round, when they ftced eael ,th«te was a great diffteencoin.tbesla.ef the nun, buta Onl^, nothing daunted, .cotDUHOoed the work by golni to Ihe j'blg.'jHi.t' whim they. ezdunged,«lasod, and ,«u romds succeeded each olhw wltb great, raplduy, and l terijatj success, unffltjiq.sevonth,.when ' ■■ beaTib'on ttprl(*t|yW.wh^eB hl«w,h)5^^ l!5l-*'^£^^^^^'?'^*"Sjdea *M*w>'ns*(imin*ag8b'aDd edds wtte'IaldVmoa the M«nMdsft toandi^JoiOl)' teoovUed frefi t- iahmmtt alttiongh-.&oih'tfaae tottubhe -ftit-wetf.'' U „ teenth, Oregson knocked down Mr. Qnlly, after a mot 1«IR .FOTthelasttinroundB-'the.eontist oqnld-be.seaicalyojSi flghUng. Both?ierecom^steIrexhanaleil,andthevl^ayMs thirty-dxth rotlnd. Mr. anBKTaUIsd all hUpawei«iand-aUh ^5.y*M ^^"2? &^S: S'ffia?'* OuHy got one hmpci sufBdefat force to khbck down.aiegson, who could not gat up 1 time, and itwas notV^tll Wvti«I mlnntea hideUpsd^tL^ recovered cbdsdoulntlis.' ''Oi«gMn''aadhtafi1eadsVerenfitiG Isfied-with Ur. Qully's vietory, and cbiallengedlor'anbihi Us, tfhibh rwos aoo^pWd-tfy ltr.«ti]ly,fw tjMhlldtL ■ttble* draws vjf, it 'waM tlpnlatad thU oeKher irta wiMit ont a knock-down blow, of courae suhjcct to the dedtf raJfit- w EIrea.1 QntbefirstappfDhitlfl.dayvtte MttqtUi of BaulBii- lasapd a fbnnal igotlce.taihe - DwtoCAnmtcfe, whidihadt& t of diuslhg the dijy.of hattle to-'.be IqiR when ther fought In 8lf John, Sebright'* Park, ENrUqrdaUn. H?.'anuy;'from''thd oommeacehlent &riha'llAKi'fook a d£dae4 Ukd,eih^«({ettlngtheflrlt ktt^qk-iicmSut^^ round. iUr. the second, Qreglcn was iMlBmimd'l^ OOthSBoie. In'th^ third'roond/Ot^&blfletgb'Qirnttli^ ily«ttheluad,<wbiahwa» stepped trVr-(3^^nStW'i^t^ This Uow caused severe inijnry to U(/<)QI^''iahi aiSI' M4S iotgsttlte.betterof 'the hit for aome ycon. i-ln.SislMhMMI 1^.'Bully was Im'odked down by a right-hBodsr.Da>th»BM&'.>il^ the sixth,, after some veryhaa'vy exchanges. Oxegion rushedlau u!uhtMr.<HiI]y'byth«'ihlc(hs,llfl4d Uim'itomthegrbSiarwi' fUlneavlly upon him. InuieMTeBthMund,Ujr. QuBynanA tot winfl,<gQt soohreoove^ed^ and went to'irprHi'.with aVrfiflK til both were down. Ercm the eighth round, Mr; flii ywnJ tB « science begap>to telj, indhl;ite9nentiy flM^-Oi* big'bn'e, viz: Ifi-the elbventb, twelfth, and fSurteenth. JDnndki After t^ts. ,1b. .flully hod Ih^ bi^ alsMst aUUBOwa B dtlietigh Oreglbit fought wjlth gre|)t'ga)peneML; hl|lbi(hl* t and as a naturalresnlt; was' hUVitr PlliilstiMl la 'cpdsM BeiUsBedlh upoD.Ur. O^J^ho, tf«lr ina'coUAbtM,-'raet'''lilai with both hands, right and left, af'hA'Ume ^, then'MbjppM baA and BgdnanjI again jdi;ttsd;qn'hiiO is heBdnnMd.-sattl aregson- stepped,' and, appeuing as Ifjpaalc-tttubk, ra&HotItt ropes, 'Where Mr. Oul^ dosed,. and,j9bbea him heavll — - - droppedi ftom this rotmd unitU 'ills' t'wenty-t gradoaUy loot all chance. Ho bime^o't/and 'dlds could do to turn the tide in 'hli4lTar,jnt ;Mr.,0nIl7,had'Mltf>- llshed his superiority, ahd he setttl'ed the battle In nis favor by knocking Oregson but of time by a hit under the ear, alter tu battle had Jssted exactly flfty-el^ht mlhnte*. Unmediatdy attar the abqva battle,'Mr Qullylnfarmod the sporting, world tUtrlt was hit'decided IntenUen'never to fight.vv more; and thrt. althohgh'>Ch>winh\3r, he hod'fotlght'nnder considerable iStiV vantage,) tltrough having hurt his arm.: >iir>. Qully retired bh bat lanrols„and for.feme years keptthePhmgh Tavern, Oatey.atNefe.' ClscOl^'tf Inn Pelds." pe afterwards ret&fd from busln^U^ dhrlilg mv>y y6ars bf -on honorable (iarbet bn the turf. rbaUkeaa leofithf puts, and " engigem'ont, that pMndpal characlbr. EMgoclfwas BOgrtatalhvorlieliadshoDebomeduriBg the an^aooron this oocaaton Iwstowed a perfect ihowar bf real gold and sUver npcB our )ieroInej the> stage .being .Covered with specie aU around her. In December, 1S61, being In Altfony, and at the urgent request of many friends who werto inilous to see' her once more a eandldato for pubUo apprbval,and that her aUnlng light ml^t not be."hld under a Dushel,".Bhe, after a little retirement, once more 'entered the profession, and Joined the cbmpahythen attached'to Oaptaln Smith's'7arlotles. Her success on this ocooslen was not very flattering, owing to the line of business which she waa oempelled to. adopt t>elng entirely dif- ferent from that which she' hod formerly been playing. Ber style of songs was not of that order calculated to plelse tUt class of audience. She, however, sob'n "learned tbe ropes," and im- mediately became one of the graatestfavoHtea ever seen In that city. The press was very loud In tht pnlse of her, and with one accord pronounced her to t>e one of, the post attractive as weU as talented performers over, seen In that city. Slnootbat time she has been eagbrlylohgfat for by managers of concert saloons, and she has appeared in fliany of ofr- principal blUes throughout the West meeUsg with libnal success. Her engage- ments havb always resulted to. a re-ongogement whenevpr it would permit,' knd she bos retunied to bltiea after an absoncb of only a month.: Ber'reputatlcnhaafaund ltself smong'thb East- ern managers, .who are qow beeleglsg her to appear at Phlladel- pblo; Bilnmore; and Washington, and she wifl inake ffJoUe a sen- sation when sh^appstrs. - Bheposaesses the nnnral endowments of a. fine pwsbn—a symmoUcal -and welUevtiobed fbrm-^ta- tare of becpmlog height—beanUfdl featurea—long, flowing, raVenringlets^^-an emresalon beamtogwittianlmatlon, humor, and Ihtelleot—avolceniU'bf aWeetneba and mdody. It Is Impbs- elble at times to conceive anything more blear and mdodlona thon the middle register.of her.volbs.' It attlmea vibrates Upon the ear llkftthe itoeat iqnee of ,a bell, and. again like the lippung sounds of meandering, streamv> dances with much grace,, and stogs a sodg Mith much swelbbiess. Htolocal songs always pmve<TeT7taUng, and:aocOmpanytog henelf upon the violin, (Which she plays with oa muc]^ rkiU as an,oId muaiclan,) proves jvery attrlottve to her audlenqes, and ahe la tovarlably cached ttom five to six times;' 'At present this lady tsperfornitog'Bt iWoshlngtpn. '■.■,•• . ..i •. •' . r 1.- ; • TBE BBHO.wV^D SPOBTflMAM. In our IsBBc of April d, appwbd editorial nottoe of the .death of this eminent'and world.renowned sportsman. We 'would'that the iportteg i{orId' n'ninbered wltbln^lla'cbblel, more men of the some typ«,fbT, to'qootoaaotfaer, "he waa a maar Uke him fbr aU to all w* ne'er ahal) Ipbk upon hi* JIko agato.' For thls'reasoo, and to fluke our pirtul ptomlse good, we make rocm for^ths following obfadensed biography bf Mr. Onlly, the Inddeat* of whloh we glean from the paper* of hla native tend, iht ajurtingt/Vc to particular,' nftwtthstandtog the (uowded state of onr'coIinlDB, ' Perhaps no bontemporary iportsman baa iUlod a more remark, able or a more oonaploncus or honored poaiUon In sporting an nals thui John Ouliy, who died atBurhami on .Monday, March 9, to his eightieth year. Be was at one time a ablnlng emament In the'BrlSsUP.B.. when the leading pugiUalsbt the day were taken to hand by Bcyalbr, and when, amenglt th'elr-backers, the arlstobrnoy of England' mustered to verr strong num. here: Mr. Qblly was declde<ny. In hie time, the man of the dBTf fer, although deseended frath ho,arlBtobr»Uo Untf,'^'d raly served bynis own naloral t>owen, he ritse from the lower tanks of Ufe to be one of the legislators ef> the^ land, and fiUed his high ofllce .with honor to hbnsolf, 'Ms oonsUtncnts, andhlBConntiy., . Joh^ (JnUy was bom at .Bristol, onAu'gaM9i;i783,ahd before he entered'the pugUlstloarona, wu a master bntchei of great reepectabUIty. 'Be was adt quite six feetto height bnt.was of a very ihuscnlar and wdB-dovcI' ojptd tkBue, and so ccmpact.was he to .hi« bul|d, |tbat,,irhen In thoroulh bondltlon, he never welghid^ I^s thin' thlrtoen stone and a halt After the fight'tbf Btty gubioas' between Harrr Peorcp. an^^ Oort of TUmning', on April 37, 1805, to'whloa Petroe won 'with almost .liiicalous .ease,, Mr, Onlly^wts per- snided by hla iHonds tb cbaileilgbPearee, wh», nothtog loth, ao- oeptod Ihe oartbL end the'"aaiilo' Ohickeh" ^aa backed at tho odds of fSDQ to £400.. Mr. Onlly. allhoogh be had never'foooht in (he'Btog, bid displayed to private auch a thorough knowledge of the krti that a very large n'nnfbsr of the . oloyer division, backed him ^some large snm*. < The fight was fl:f Ml. to oom» clTon,ieOB,but Inoohssqnenoeof mlgtotoriUlnUrfer- ence.^Aihnottlll Octobers that.iheyfoughtat Stuse*. - The 6d«s woro to fsVor' b^ Pearce, rto, dlhenih not 1 tall as Mr, tiullr, was supposed to have ftt UoU extwrlenoe. Mr. QoUy, la-the 'first round, after some daver movementt, made a .tremendous mo(veat .'.tha''ghlbkea,"bot.baUgontbI distance, waa knodied down. -.In ^e thirteenth round, Mr. ann^ dlhmid hlibl(rtrt wilh nobSrerily that Be M.hUUdf frbji tjialr fotoe. la Ihf «¥* >«?J>«j,«fe;'2^^ ^- ^'-"-,43nllydtfaB»>aiM*aMe itniittetittieinfll'tha tte^dsASRVBf.bat ot^^andigroe fo^me.r>_Be.'waa^d«el«d a ittambarof Parll j[ Mttt<i> ' .their L... 1' ^ .7! - -'" '''-' "FttDKBT&tAfrtBBf.. TnnsB HoUBS' WAUono UATop.i-Xha. Welt Brpmpton' Am-' Oronnd waa weB attended on MefldayrMlroh 1$, hy thelorei* of 'toll" walking, there betognofewer than fifteen hundred nerecu laniUat Oreen; the Ohamploij, and James Ullesof Brixton.' who Vfare .lo present towards the conduslon bf the sport. ThciutcB.nndae. • " n William'Bpoenor,WXBi5Si2\ cons^eratlon yrti bn'e between ] Green, the Ohamploi^, and James 'auob w s^^nuii. wuy Tfvn. w .walk tblr lUel and toe three consecutive hcnts, for £35 Mlde^ SpeonereUowtog his opponent otunrinutoand a fiof^itart. Beft have attempted to walk R0(Ti<j^oM miles to three hour*; Bpooatr. ■ sbme yeara atoie, at Hanohesior, when he flUed, andHI]ea% coliple of timas lost year at Oorralt-lane—the flnt timp sioppinc. exhausted at dghteenmlles. end the seoond time being beaten br a few seco^ids.. -Spooner will be thirty«ne yoirsbf Ibyv next, and stands 6ft 6Kto. to height of a very wiry fnd codmM buOd, so muoh so, tharalthough-llb looked very flne IndiedT hi* yelghed on Monday only Oit CUb, -3, MUea Is twehtt-three yBara bf age. stands Sft 8Kto. tojislght end weighed) like hls-pppo- 'nent,9st'61b.. He is a fine young.anlmu, and shows^veiyr 'marked dovdcpment'bf mUsde on the ribs afld ^hbuldn*-' BpooserwBsthe first to show, with Browa of Kensington! tafy- ped, OB his attendant MUas.wu(kttended'by Button; the Xoottar: Stag, but recdvedbrdorBnotto'attendtohimuntIlhs.(Mi]iM)} had coinpleted'elght or ntoi mllss. ■ WhUe strippUg,'the bbtdflg was level to the extent of a few- sovs., both standing out for • shade of odds tp any larger .amount,. Xhe ^tehe* Jiavtog ben set and the'ofllclals at their pba^ mU» daihed off U" near, aa - poaalble attwanty-flvemtoutes to fOTir.'In'the aUoltUmtouto I Bhali; Miles covered about ill yards,, when Spooner Wintafi him at a rattling pace, nptwithstopdtog which, Miles hddhliovi^ and. If anythtogi.gilned afew yard*. Mfle* w*l|Mdhii firstmOe to?mtoriB'seo.,Bpooner aceompUiIilnghls mUb'toTmto.41 sec. Burlng.the completion of the secoad mile, whlbh WM inlkMI at a gobd raWtog pace, HUea gained open Spooner, and,ati( r"- anda halt took up his podtlbn'immediately'to lili oabk,'( kept there during the next half-mile,and thqr wjue n'ow—Ml . two miles In ljS mto. 80 lec/; Spooner havtog tccomsUihad. (M mlleudthreerquartorstoth« spmetime.ond his i^o .mlUrn ,. itemto.'SseC The third mile'WBS completed iritn'no vatiftialB' in pciitlon—by Miles'torn min. D^sed; Spooner; when ha'IM' accomnllshed his third mUe, was 34 mto. T.sec Theip/WH-.jaa;.' varfstim during the tth mile, boto sUchIpg,at.iV,,M!I*igt hoinetoiJniin.«seo.; Spoonerrto SJ mto'..30eeo.'Thtfffla^ waa gone through without lay variation to>p«tfUctt, a*iAav Spooner raced. Miles was irith him, and aocppipUsh^l -jhb OM: tMioe to U mih. II seo., Spooner being'41 mfu. 4i. lM.^aM^> jalthough leading Miles by a yard,- two miUhtes, or one lap, to tba rear, sndng the alxtb mile; a dash waa met by a liish,'aad'tbejr vaised each time by the referee, to the same order as prevtma^ ^^he eU miles wore completed by Miles, *tUlleadl|igbrVr lap, to to mln. 38 sec; Spooner, when bo had passed his slxikr ' mllenlarkilmvingbMnfomto.6'sec<- Dnrtogussevanthl^ . some very good rushes and struggles ensued, i>nt there >/Wu:b»< oltonUbn U positions, as Miles, close'.behtod Speoner; led BT.. nearly h' lap—seven miles having^ been walked by MIlM to H- mto.; Spooner, when his seven tnUe* had been complete d, hay -.v-i togocouptcd BS.mln. 87 100. ,ICach time pssatog th^- orndio . Spooner made sbveral tremendcui ruahe*. but lUIe* WH^'/aU. thor«," and weat tufad oa BUI, and the elf ht mUet '#*N 1'' plUhed by Ulles toowk0UI',f(sB<allfo,'<tlldluleI<«MOoadl;B- (m^^o^r,»^»m^nu{o,oml/(>rtMl^W^oa!B^^ Jherewereari™ tempts mtde by Bpoouor to break away, but Wis* mo^w* old plabe,-tho fiine mUes docmylifg I hour,'14«ito,-80 Wt^,. Bpoonorr lbcur lSmin; iaea Ten mile* werawdkedwlth W.<> bhonge by HUos tol hourSI mto..i9 see. i Spppner, Ifil.bMVMri': mln73»4eo.' At ten' mOos and ahJ^ 8pocnerat^Jpirti>W Ewiy fkom MUW, anbl' a dashing altomptlb bbld fats'owll ttri tU^ part of James, and Spooner was leading wdl after detig Bill M y. had been aocqmpUehbd by Miles In 1 honr SOmtoi SO sea t BpocOr br. to 1 honr 81 mto. IB s^i( Dprtog tl)s ^e BppMifr -KM 8«> ting iway flrom the Brixton lad, ttpw wore a oonple of , nSdoon thepartof MUis'flrlendlTbut tho d«oUlbn>fniriJ- ^te was,,"Oo oat eU right'.' So warm did Spobaet.tKr^rmlJ* ' hour ft min.'a? sac: At thirteen mUea and » , Siade an effort and bVerUok MUe* at the halt-Up, took a r*t and they passed the fourteen nJlM, Brixton loadtog by a yard, to J-honr BT mto.« s*). after this, they spurted for neulr a kp, wjien, f iwu-.alnldstcoDsTaMble cheering, an4.o6nUnue< Se wiiTeidtogbySOOyardl itOio «<«Shg4a <rf_-~ -^a^,^, niUe, whloh he accomplished to:Jh(nua«mto.«i*tlJSrai^ houm.rmto. 80 *ec At ^e oem]g«Uo|i.of-Uw. fiftet^Dtta nfllb. Jemmy itoiiped, after walUnaa oouple of lap*; and after walkin«a oonpli of HP^L^i^^S^iS aStelto mil*' to leave off. No &mo was tOen after ."^i ^iS.T haJ iStocner. but MUe* puUed up when h* hid'b**» *»™« ? "ffrr. ';J-j;.. fe'. • • - '.■:■'■ .^^ I '-'i^i.^-v: '" v'i''^'-'" '^■-''.i' ''-^''^^ ■.^^.m'':i\h<Mr.),i/. ^^^^^ ^■^■<\-..: '..'.!';^V-.f,.-.,;''." '«'..'';".'> r.'-- ' ' ; - ',■ .■'..•■'f-'i>^..rrf.s>.-.}S©:affi«w! .VV,;. .1 '-■■'.■ , ■