New York Clipper (May 1863)

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'^'hP' ' ' </.•••; i • v. — : - ...... ~. t IC ■ P.". BATTODiT, i£A.y :'28,1663. le Bant j)*tw»«ii wB"'™"*^"^^ "jfisaithB^ilit, A M B that OolraiB ^^SSTtolS «6«SJ^2^«'Md A took tbi-b<rtl «Wn S/'* .w... —BeontonAa • ^^ffl^^STto S««to?rttfctt» Ughteattna Ukeap tbehe«Tl«rla " 'iSHSlilrthtooWl** A few leaions mi ei«rol*e» In a gjm- • ■^ ^KSi ^SSSd batf^axMllent C0W9 lor rtopt. a.."ff8 •iCSitaimWooU'-'n* UdreDteied ttte profeutoniflieiiqoites i f^a^^iSi' litiei «I1 the "abM" parta, nioh aa one of tbe ' 'K^ffiteaafn w''Rtrasget"—BoUa'B otilU,and raoh'llke. :Her ''vSi?bitroddotlontotlie kaWiMtbt tlie«U Bowery datosbaok ' MS2kr aa IBM. ' Ubo* tiien aha tiiu appeared irtth great raoceas ' '•^^BZnj«t the'pTlnalpal dtlea. fibe played Bnaan mpper, In \: >^coBt«r and Bon," at the Aicb, PblladelpUa, Jnde t, ms. . ■ ■'■'■■B. H. 0.. IHiltnar'a Point, H. T.—l. ^oaoy leoo^Ted,-and ' ^anraMiD'ent Inteneid, aa yon itOX obeazre to . the pnper ' '-.^S^dSili.'' Thank yoai 3. Oorolnbiates wUltM foundpnbUihed S eaoh^faue: 8. Wo havenoatly'all tho numbenfoithepaat , tinontha. V^;.J.lH;iIi..lonlaTinfc Ky<^l. Bin Poole *»• ahbt on.Bondw •^^SS&'/w^ m7i»S. ■ Tank«« BnlUvandled May Wi.lflM. vf^SiimmVl^t ngnliirlng fight Trtia that irith • ;<ii«TBi'iQTJABt—In playing at forty-ll»e«,the ptayortat the ' fi^t^ot oannot take Ufe^priTilege of ahnffllngand Swns to- the exolnilonof otheta. All bave.the priTllege of ' iTtoaqn a laaniaal of phonogiraphy, through any. -nom agent or ;^'''j5ok»enarlnyo!iir^ty. •« • Wi'-M. J.,: Britford^-l, The gjorea lie V paraettrf fonr, ' Ai atti^ i. The dtaba yon refer to, are made of blioh, with oty. handlea. Theirelghia vary, and ean be Bd|nited'.aa ^bed'iuthelattlaaneofthoCurPE^ '^v'^^^Bij<Be*Uo.—Mra. George Jordan, formerly Uaa EmUy, - ■ '■iSakt.-ii a daughter of tho former manager of one of the Ban- MaolBoo theatreii Bhe waa playtng «th hei-fttber In the' • .;)i j^ti| fnf miBf liKMUmmia. ' i'. B. B.—The lady boa been married tnloe, and la at preae^t ;-JllfliuT with her last oholee. '^en notfoUlUng aaesgagement ' ^SSiSakea her home in-Hewlork. Oor theatrical aunmaiy.wlll' -i'-j li U. A, Bnrllngton, Vt.—Fowler I: Wella pnbllab.aTery olerer ' 'TifSkon ■aohexer(dae,.«nd"WaUer'»IIan^ con-' '' tMnf{a[ .trtatlM on the'olnb exerdaa.' Any of onr 'book igenta 1 '^^iijEUtBoif, Ilanoheat^, N.?.—Oolng to preu ahead uf time; tWMMfed tbe nae ef 'yonr little a«re«a. Bh|U be glad to- bear .•.;,-j^B»'^on again. .-. ■ - ' "ttiX'Jf; Bij Centrai (Sty, 0. T.—TTe know .nothing of their %',lint' yea eahptoonre the cbeoha yon Wlili')>y addnaalng; ltoofa>^'.,<Ul Broadway, Now Xm^ ' -pjii^Wa^ T>iwi>iipn—i. They, are,iUledwithibriD, _ '■bS/iSiiig of that' Bort, and ahonld be of yonr. own wilght \^K'.IBght or ten.jpbiuida. ; X -'Hi'H. 0., Port-Hope) Ulolu—The calibre of a o^on it defer- -Blnedby thk weight dt a aolU,' oast Iron, roond ahoi^ fitted to' . 4ft Bot'e.' .'' . •t-' ^ V.v' New Terk.—The' preparailan need by'downa to whiten jiielr fkce with, la called lUywhlte. Dr; Goorand, of Np. 4SS ^^wadyi^,'oanafipply yonwluiaDy 4nanUty of theflnaatgnallty, '^'V'xiiEkipri.—I. nie ladyla inarrled, and her fanabandtnTela '-Wttliher.^.S. Her alater played In Baltimore abonttwo years TogPt .tint 1* at preaept In aigland atarrlng, A:. ruijjD, ihlladdphla.—We laTe been nnable to tnce np the /^partlea whs pnbllahtdit, and U la doabttullf a oopy.oanjMpio- .Vjjptit'ednow.,'.-i 7 ^^icSinaoBisiB,—In playlngblind' an lonrs, or. ffma np, the ■flealar vdoea aot loae .hls dt«l when maMng li .mtajleal, aia it '^tKiU^tM iDulfestly atiitali. towards hl^ . ..^ '■■•i'i^'yr^, PhOUdpllia:—MlM Bateou^Wb^'Orn in tialtlmor^ ,':r<|>eteMr 7,1843. Braogellne la a poem, and miaTiatefl from the ■^ObiKLk'n.TS.Tl.—'We mnitirefer>the qneaUon to yonrown ;'ikxj^rlenoa.and tl)eladles of yonr own Inu^edlate altols,for '.^tfolalon*: .'^ ■ ' ''^'vr,i'iii*t7 Clty>MMtaldB betq go :,with tb(i battle moneyl and .1. ^therere^'BdeoUon ls'InfiTorof Dnnp, the stakes wiH be -'.-^tUrmd'tohimaoMMlng^^ ... ' I 'Cax3>tt'0''mpBo^iis,iTewbern^^ Thapolntshonld be 4Seiltdidbef«i» sonuhesotng the'game. It is played both ways. A'17e have not heard of the oonoern lately. '. AiuROB,Phllad'a.—Weoanforwardybn'<B6xlngIIadeEasy'' ' tiy*apnpUof Uandoia; and "Owen Bwifton Boilhg," ftar . ^etttaper oopy. ^')kii6n OoH'nnmaa.—He was married some time ago to lUaa ' Ban Blarens, an' aofnuthat former^-performedIn this oltyr ■ ^'i^bO.isfLOWl^Snglind. ' .-, , ' ^ ■ ■ j^<>ita^',4»r'nb—niey would not aooept ball bom KewTork, ^^iiih.yiujfiieooiit&ito manjof themiemalntng Iniaolongt t/bbl iViiisaiin,'Bt XonlB.'Uo.—Tom.Paddbok waa.neTar :<Bianiplon M Bagland. /X; B., iT«w(«n), 1.0.T^Tom Bayers and Harry Orme neyer met I'tiietmgfbranght.' - Tm, Koadonderry, Tt—One point for Jack ;ls tAen .^ffeiytlmo It Ib turned np. ■ v ■ (,ii'ihir;B«ston.^en, Bhlelds Is ^ot |iVpns*niIh the'United 'Watte MTTls*."' He redgnedaboa^iilne months d;io«|,; /\ - Vaahlngton^^Tti'e yoa jnqnire;>Wt,,l8^Uvlng, and wiff«l,l5iMw ■.. ' '■■ ..:•. . v'Wj '#/,'/Brdo^^ best oonise would-be to sdyertlse j06H VilO) OEALLSHaSS TBS OHAUPION, EiUII<I<. '' ■ ET«r'-t^«»-the defeit' of lokli.'Vatd^'.'last'spminer, on tia aohniflUll iiterr at Phliadtlphla,'<«nd ttie aaaiiBptlan of the ohamplonshlp by jfamea'Bamlll, of ^tttabnrgh,' there baa been a g°ef talk ooneemlng aonlllsg mattaia; bnt nothing dune of It at aUiHamlUietalDlng the honors nnmplested. ..^elngnn. able to flnid ^ oustomor.-ln iikeiioa, he dlreotad' iiM atlentlsji U' the Ug'gnns ot XBgland.aad'diaUenged the beat of them'to row hlmaihatoh; his ohaUenge, howerer, remains nnanswered to this; day. Ur. HamUl'a trlepda >aem to be anxleos to saatoh their man agalnat any soaBar UtUSi ,*nd ss Boston, Phllsdelphla, and even England haa lailsd toprodnce a onstomer far the Pitts- borgh man, MewTork'osia more comea fotwardt In the person of JoBh Ward, and throwa ^wn the ganntlst to the champion. Ilore It Is:- - : oobhwui, K. T., May 13,1863. Hb. PBiim <Jinan»-J<r.--Slneo my oonteat with Mr. James Hamlll, on the Oahoylklll,' at Philadelphia, last aeaaon, I, aa wall aa my ttionds, have repeatedly been aaked If I Intended toroW again; and aa ihebackera andUenda of Mr. Hamlll iMm dealr. ona of having another oonteat—a oommnnloatloo tothalelieot havlag aome tlmesliice appeared In the public prlnta—and, aa, also, a proposition was lately made by Mr. Hamlll to meet me at th*BoatonregatUontheaoiiUng«thof Jnly—];takethe present ovTortonlty to atato that builnesi now requires all my time and aitentlan, and I will uerefoie be nnable to attend the Boston Bcgstta; bnt I will row Mr. Hamlll a fire mile race, on the Hud- so.irl7er,fort800 aside, Bald race to take place earlyln Jnly. Should thla offer meet with Mr. Bamlll'a farorable conslderstlon, X w.'Jl guarantee him a square race on my part. Oemmonlca- tlouB on the sahjeot may be addreeeed to Diok Bisdo» and BOBEBi Eabl, care ot Fbikx Qued, Ousra offloe. New York. This offer will remain open for two weeks from the date ot pub- lication. ' ■ . JOSHWA Wabd. Hers -we hsTS a talc and eqnare cbsnange to the dhamplon, which he wm no doubt reapcnd to at an early day. It la poaatble thut EamUt may'object to the rlvor named upon which the race ■hall take place; and yet'it la scanely probable thai he'wiUdoao, has ofbred to meet Ward Ii^Boston. ,Iher|i'aTO many good pUces. along the Hudson fbr % race of the kind proposed, embrs- oing an- extent of upwards 'of sixty miles, i^m Haverstraw to Mudson.Vnienthemtoh between Ward udOhambeis washed made,,0faamber8, through varlons lepresentattonstse^toted the EBda'on river wherison to have tbe; ebntest deolded^ We know ttu^t 'Waidhiisnbdesire' for aoythlngbutfair fle^d and no 'favor.'V Bels at present laboring under the disadvantage of be|- i ng a beaten man, yet the'atakes he proposos to row fbr are suffl- olently.large to tempt even the champion. Mr. Hamlll maynot have a bettor opportunity to show his aklU than that offered by W,ard, and it Is but falrtopresuma that the two men win onoe' ynbre come together in friendly rivalry. In an aqniatlo contest for. the BouUtog championship of'America. ° 'lOBI '. rlimn—The bbya would like to finowihat a. dspoalt Isup, -.'.'- titfire.Investing, . . • \'-.■.::'■;-■■ ;<■•• ■■: '•■:, . ' . iissi BuBT, Pittsburgh.—Tour ••UttleVlioy'" haa' now the : ^anee Us friends ssfm to have been so.uUdons'ftv.',' ;^ ;.' , °-' ;'T.''jji V^,'l!lewark.—Bpooner, .'tTeathall, and others havib waJked -". «'«T|uil'6bueonttve mUtaIn dxt^^ minutesi wlthoat lijtBnnlsalqn. ' : A;iir}''l>., Washington, Si O.—'TaUey-Vctrge, Where Washington' v ,: , ' . ino|m'pea, la .in Pennsylvania .'/ < : V.a.&^itlsaloetblrd;th'grBaniea^ '. ' I '•}■ > ~ jUt ir,,'Maw Tork..^The lady Is married. ' v r^.':..''.!.':';':':-:;..-,:-''' -r^-— r——r— v.:.:i,i.^ln Lin "KEa33ao".DiNKW f>Bsn,^^.(mr Blng Depart*, -v:''^^^ afesnt.mky .hi finind a foU report of the lato puisiilstlo mee^g bo-' i'-irftwii^'^'ppio and Sllott, at Weehiawken; the^r^ult of the tight; '-'f/l\j^imi^Bk n appears a[lilkithe battle was tei^ ^ . '.^ inlnatM:iIi IKvor'of Dunn, by the reiFeree 'deddlng thatEniett ^J,'':-':;d^cj^..I)nnn A^: Is, while the- latter was. down. ' - .najni'iiiiA l'MdA '' ; ■lituoti'f'Msndss^ wail eoslfflltted by .V/jj|(eii t^t I>nnn';.wu the ropes, and n'ot'TQ^ the : .. .' J^ Xronn'B partisans malnialn.thst their ..%V ijplnetpiil.^as dqfn':when'struck, and that he waa hit foul, ao- .i . .Cpfdln^ti) lh,e rfiles, Theatakobblder waa nbtUod by the back- vj 4|^o^hl^oi{!.not to give up' the stakes, whQe ih4 backer of '"'~""^T;^HiiMi''s demand upoi^.t^toISolal for the battle jBone]^. Is''iiniiide;" the etakeholde^has nothing to do bat to do-^'ltbV'iiibney according to the. doolslon of then/eiee. rpcj^ower In the mattor, whatover; and even If lib doubt- i']iysndj|of the. referee's llat^ he oannot go behind that |j|^de«^se, his. dutjr being to hold the slakes untii the bittile r/.klA^'then hand;' thorn to that party In whose f^vor the '' '. Feeling aggrieved at the decision, 'Xaub'tt's A obn'^s 'Q>P'>1*0 <>' O>* moment, objected to the stakes bilsg givaa Wpv, but. we have no doubt hb haa thought bettor of ^'<lit?msttar .siw this, and win match his man for an^iihoi insetlilg, f^l{j|MMA,oi('^f«^iii^ In (>oari The referee was ehoaea' I ^ botU^mtn, and waa'Arti. named, we have boon Informed,'by )of Elllolt'a£rl(lhds,''He,9pdba1jtTCndoredwhathobe^ I be an honest deolalqn,'.^ He ' doea not have had any ^resl In tha matob, tn any way, and as ho was mutually sgreed L to act la the nittiankAil capabtty, we tiilnk It very fbollah ke losing pkrl^ to eoibplain. ' If Interested parties am tb do- nr^i |s wa use of flghtinir, and why Is a referee appointed, ^ .CaM.alwUd' be exordsod 'In tli« selection of- (i referee, ' 1 jMee i choice la made, let.hls, re^bote<l 0hMai—Hall atones, threbbf wUbb weighed &k to Jtav« fUI^ durlDs.a hall Biom In SaUW,.°an« rHyoHitwswUbsd, Pw, Mi«^lii|KMMliiil . TBBI-GKBAT IHTBRBrATIOirAL piGKT. ^ latex Ennipftui'advices brlng.bnt littlf news of Interest In Ve.. gard to the Great Ibtenutloiial Fight .to tske place. In December^ next[!between'}: 0. Heenan and Toni' Sing; wlilcfi, however, is] not toiba-wondered .at, considering,the interval of time, that must dapee ere the men go into training, to siv.nothing of dat- ing. As oitr duty llfs In dircnlcllng events and not in.lnaUntf' (hem, thebfst-^ecan doforour reaisrslf'to glvs thamoB.'lke' UUaiarii rdiatUtiem diatcmalolui^tai here It is,>as quoted tr^m the foreign papers np to dste of Msy 8:— ' X3(S0a dde Is alreadysUud'for thegreat fl^tbetweenBeenan and Tom Sing, for iSOOO, whloh Is fixed to tako placa on SMtai- berS; and anothv Instalment,'of flO a side, has to be posted on Thursday, May 7, at George Brown's, when It Is expected bbth men wlil be present,—^pomif Z</<!. Tlie above brief paragraph tells the whole atory the BrlUshere h ave to this time, andwe have little to addt.eiccpt a tolerably authentic tumor to thb effect that the Aneilcah chainploti In- tends visiting the United BUteslna ahort .time and for a brleit period, before entering upon'his arduous'duties in oonnectioii -with training. Tbebrkveabn ot "Benidi','may look forward -with iwrtalnty to the beartteetldnd ot awelbome, and it-he isao. 0 ompaided t^. Sayan, and the two were toleput Varnb<»png Pid^laspmbanclbaure^jilDa^^ near,ihe s&e i^Octiijiral PaA, weni^bet aSAnstamg theywodi^' liaves'fDn fietdt'and Heenan wonld secure enough-spoils to reimburse him for' his trajiilog expenses, end make ^tha. stakes, so'-fu aa hif own pocket would 'be soncemed, -very light Indeed. What ttieBoy'a Intentions are, providing he does make a sortle-on our torrltoiy^, wA know not, b nt we hope he wm shpw.hlmiielf i^'pnbilb'muoh' a peep, ab that hla' filaids'here msy have aome alight opportunity of judglngof hlsohandea of pollshlbg off the King of the British p/B.,"::';■:-;.' /: yy:' ' ■" '. ■ ' 'joBT iioos Bnc—ii is sn nndanUble fibt that the genllenijin in Waahington who do the •.'vigoipns.p^eouUon'Of ttie^inr" in Tlrglnia, .are. the ioiort'aoobm^ that were ever fed at the publlo. crib, .but It remained fbr Gen. Hooker to •• oversize" the Waahington orqwd In politeness, and good f MUog t oward the enemy. For instance—Whne'tbe battle of piianod- Ibrvine was being fought, Blohidond yas drained of every available fighting man, 'and waa at the mercy of almOat ai^ force that Oould' have been aeht agalhit It JcilL Davis sentwor^ to den. Lee .that he must hasten to its succor; Jiut' he could nbt get away, on account of the dose pnxlmlty of ••Figiiting Joe Hooker." In .order that :the rebd Qeiieral ahould not be thus inconvenienced biik<iacooont,'l(iater Hooker kindly consented to .Wlthdravr hia Army; and, to this and,Te«roased the BappahabnotA to. SUiqcnth. 'Being now nnobsiruoted, Lee msde back track! tbwiatds Blchmond, and accomplished the objeet of . Hooker's ratrograde movement;' If that iah't pdlteUeBS, 'we ^ould like t(ji']mbw'.w^''The enimy having, got plenty bf leeway. Hooker-; ilibught it.w^nld »k> no-breaoh of etiquette If he allowbd the Union forcea the pri-yll'ege of fonowlng after the "Ae^oralJMir'enemy,''for., the purpose of destroying them, ss he had promised; hla sddlers. at OhanbeU^vUle. "And thus Uiey j^sed a pleaigant time, nor tl^bnght of oare or war," In tihe days when 'they went bunting Lae,AD under "fighting joe,'* in the'days.when they went afier iiM, all under M.g-h-t^l.n:g Joo." \ Wbbsh a Hiir -wis aiRt bt xhb EzpiAKioB.;f-We have heard a r emarkable storyiiioonheoUoii with the lato explosion at Tork- vine; and we ventilate'the tile as .It waa told tons, it appears that aMt.H.B,,weUknownlii' theFoltonmarket^ andwhbxe. Bides In the vidnlty of the scene of the explosion, was seated on the side ot hlsbed', .tekliig.oS .lils,i>oois,'st the m'oment .the ex- plosion tbok.pIaoe.^i' Bi\ says-, he knew nothing mbre of what oo< ooned (until hefouid bliaselfatttie oorneT of drand and Centre -ab^'ets, dbse by the Odd Ftllbwk'Ball. 'We don't tmowActii K Is, It '««' a.b%oxplos>on', and <iii^lU have ddivered the man when h« found blmsetr, but It's aJong Jonmey. -^How did he get there, is tho problem. Who can solve it?' . > Stum FmB EKOtn Tbial,— There appears to be cons|delrabIe rivalry between the yarlpuBsliiadai .fire'engine oompanies In Hew Haven,' Conn., In regard to the time taken In preparing f(^.a flt«i and bdngquite ready.for action. 'On-Hay 9, Washlngtoni .steaper K9...1,'got ready In'pne minute au'dthlrty-throeaeoohds. was.oondderedby.ihemss alt but.nnspproschatie. 'Oon- sUt-Dtton steamer NO.'8,.ih«ught/^dlffer«ntly, 'and'pnttlng fbrth their titmost exerttotiA, did the same thing In (eh ^oonds loss time before Chief^glneer'. AUen and,other witnesses. The OonalUdUbn Oompanyfebi'proaa of their performance,- andsiw laoklEDg around for some'other''company to "take'am down.'' - ' ' ' ,' . ' ' , i".. ■ '.'-I '..BATHU'SiBORa,'—o2o 'bf ow ^"respeotableV oontemporaria pnta the fi^e bf tho trtnsaotlons4| the "money ohangers" on thf late fight at half a mmlbn./.W^ we W'they Ultls.say u4 ^'<riM estimates^ decent follis) and, to onr notion, be the same'ttora. or Ins; the moqey - mlght hay* been ehsog^^r?ra-vbne^firppM),andpnt 'toworseiistaattor ItwasohangedL.; -:- .i ■-''•;'^-v ■■; i-"'--;;; ' '■' • ''■'•*■{ NiTaain':^miaD.'.^ere was atnanlB Fslmou Hot)k«r' .iraa ■ bis pame-^Ue mluohed' mi arm)* ' tits'tto'p., for wlilp^ hel.faiiied giwt tiuneV; Wt'.,«liwbii^aaw irhat h(j bad dOBe,.wiih'alJi his might and aialni the soldier turned apon bll Iiself, and marohed tiiem back" agala" U^«iX^V,lnii' go liUe OAIT PVOII4STAO „ t: - OHALLiaTOE TO OOBUBN^- CHAMPION'S BESPONSa AND A00SPTA1|;0B.. .^VfieMoent prise ring contest betireen - Joe Ooburn ^d. JfPf«. 'liioOj^Ie hMireitnstnraUy'created A:good deal orilxaltBiileiit among the e^ponanta and adnllnrs Ot the minly tft of keif^' dafenoe, and several parties have been mentioned as willing to 'meet.dbbimi;sBd infiiiendIy strife bontend wllb him'for'the ohamplOB^p,' - I7>!> ^onBlioUon of the lato matob betwoen Dbnn and laUptt, nnaatiafaotoiy %the latter pwly. Induced the iMckerbfXllloit to ohaUenge Joe Ooburn, la order to bbnvlnoe the publlo that ZUlott oondders himself not only a better hnai^ than Dunn, but la wllllng,^;fiij^ even the champion hinuelt BUott's backer hajB anqh Unbounded oenfidehco In his man, that has Issued tho fbllawiiig ohsUitnge, which appeared In the' JTeroU of the 16th lusl.t^ 'v • '.: ' THE FIGHT BBTWEEN t>UNN AND ELUOIT. . to TH> ^nnen'or nu BaniU). 3*3 ^rrai^ SzBXBT, Nxw Tobb, May II, 1849. As a backer of ZUlott I wlahtoaay a fewwords InrelaUonto the fight between blm and Dunn. As'cegaidathls flgbt, .so far aa reported la the dally papers, ther* la a deddsd dborepaicy. In regard to the report ofa meet Influential daUy sheet, there an many ocntradlotious; Inlabt, I look upon them as downright pre-; varloaUons. In tbe sheet I refer to It Is slated that the Bllott stook was $100 to ISO even 'op t(»the,lsst nund. New If such were the odds (and op to the last round I aaaert that it ww as. high as IIOO to $20), whatocoasion hadEUlotttoactln that njmd aa asserted In tbe published aooounte and by the utOnst decision of thenferaol I can bring one hundred men to prove that, although Dann was on the npes,^t waa Imposilbla for his party to olalm a " foul." Dunn'e back rested on the upper rope, which was very slack from the pressure of the crowd, and the calves of bis Up rested on tho lower rope. He coidd not gat down. And even If he had been down, the conduct of hla seoondaloat the fightfor Doan In eelzlng EUlott'a hands during the time he bad Dunn on thenpes. With regard to the referee, I can' prove that he was never ap< leded toby tbe umplrea; and ontll such ap^al was m vie by hem to the roferee, he had no more to do vriui 'giving a decision than any, tbe moit dlatntereated map anund-the ring. Mrl Norton atterwarda acknowledged that he had no efflolent acquaintance with the rules ot tbe P. B.,.and that, had he pes- aasBed |l,IIOO,^e would gather have saorlfloed it than hdd the office. .. Durlng.the fight. It la asserted by responsible parties that Norton oaUed to Dunn to "go In." . * . In tbe alghth nund, a claim ot "foul" was made by the sea Ottdsof 1IUlott,when heat oncatold the referee and umpires, that be did not wleb to win by aiiy dalm of "teul," for If he oonld not'falrly Uck his man on' his merits, he was content to loaethe.battle. " Ih oondualon, Mr. Editor, having done with Dtann and Cnw, lam prepared to back Jamea EUiott against the champion of America, Mr. Joseph Cobum, for tl.OOO a tide and the proud title ot'Ohamplbn of America, tip first depoaltto be $100 a aide, and the fight to take place In four montha from the first depoalt-- In tUa OhaUenge, I . do not wish {the present ohynplon to got cut by naming a larger Bum, aa he haa JuBt 'foughi for and won that k^onnt, and the English obamplonehlp flgbte oiUy lemanA the sum ot £200 ($1,000). It Cobum does not make the matoh for this euni, ahd''at four mpnths'-time. I.claim the title of Champion j^f Aikerlca for James EUIolt Toius, truly,' EuohBilit. id addition to the shove chaUenge, mmon have been rife that an English pqglllst named Burgess, recently arrived here, la anxious for a meeting with Coi>nm, but we have Seen no direct ^ ciaUenge to that eircct. However, to put to the test the'daims of bU'aspiranta to the ohamploii honras, ve havbbeen'.reqnestfd toglvepubUbltytothffbUbwlng' ' OABD FBOk THE OHAMPION. : New Toss, May 18,1888, EbiioAor THZ CUFPEB—Aiir Sir: It waa my fixed determina- tion aft^. my recent fight with McCoole tor the Ohamplonshlp, to retire' altogether £rom the Prize Blfig, and leaving its :honore and rewards to be contenjled for by others, pursue my career es a private dtlunr Having, heard, however, many rumors of parUea being deelrous of meeting me Inthe roped arena, and having l>een directly and pubUdy challenged through tho dally preBB of this dty, I wish to etato tliat I am willing to fight any man <n the United Statu qf Jmeriea toi one thousand or two thouaand doUan a Bide,' In. four moniha tnm the preeent time; the place'of fiabtUi'g to be either In the Bteto cf 'Virginia, or the B,tote of Maryland. As an^ldenoe of my alncerlly in publish- Ingthls obaUengOi X herewith indoseyon a check for tlOO, on Tb£ Manhattan savings Institution, aa torfdt This chaUenge la open for two weeks, Tours respecttnUy, Jobbth Cosdbh. ] Tbe- Gbaxs NAnoRAi. BnuABS T0UB11411E11T, asstatedlast week, 'and''accordlng 'to'Uverasament elsewhere, .la to Sbnuhence poaUlvely on M<kday, fane is< when Foley, Tieman, Fox, Deety, Eavanagb, fieerdter, EftSphe, Nelms, and Gold- thwdte, win wntand for the Ohsmptbnahlp of America. Irving Hail is the'place selected for the tournament and Phelan ft Coliender's tables and material are to be. need. It la to oontlnue for about ten days, and the price for eadi admission haa been fixed atSO'bants. Altogether, a grand ttme 'may beexpebted, and the blUIard ftatwnlty—amateur and professional—have great reaspo to be thanktol to.Keasrs. Phdan.b OoUender, under wiloae auspices the affair has', been gotten up, forithls. oppor- wltness the sdenco of bflliards so shllfolly 4|kbbrated, as It Is safb to say It win be on this occasion. AqvAnoa "Down Bast."— Fnm. Boston, the headquarlenil !ti -ln the eaatem ssotiott of our country, vre have tbe 1 !• news that the oaraucu of that section an wide awake, 1 niakinar'aoUvs .pnparaUonBforthe oontaateof the coming i. 'aont also, that Oharlea Btver Is frequently dotted bT.varlM craft, propeUed br deydopers ot muscle of the genua homo, although many-have exchanged the oar for the mueketiv stlU preaent a fair array of ahUfDl and praotliad im" There ore to be two regattas'at Boston this year, the first I the Beacon Oup, which is assigned for ihe 17th of June. It i not tranaplred who -win parUdpate in' the racea, but It Is thoi that Elndav and Dpyle, eapedaUy the latter, who stlU 1 tbiuek In the arena, mav be relied on with certainty. )riua have not yet been decided upon, except In two instaatt he aingle aouU and four^oarad- race. For the alngle aouU, a piu or$IIB, oraoup of like vdne, wlU be the award, and for tbe toi oared,$100, braoupotequalwaTtb,wlUboglvea. Iftbelnda menu fora double acuU noe are eufflclont, $S0, or Ite aqulvi In a oup, -will be subscribed, so that, It la to bo hoped that 1 [OOd pain win be on band; for It would be a plly that asob] nteresting event ahould be aUowed to fkU thropgb, meij through lack of competlton. The four-oared race, as might V Buppoaed, Is bdng looked forward to with the moat Uvdy anil patfond, and they expect that aome of onr New Tork JoUy t wlU be op hand, so that their favorite crew,-who have effcb- the loan of the Union Olub boat, may have something worthy] their timber to contend with. . 'f For the annlial ith ot July regatta, the Boiton dty governma has made no conolnalve atrangomenU, but the prlzea ere Dkd to l>e ot the usual number ^■'d valub, while the boatmen sre'l termlned. to make them Inflnitdymore lotereatlng than " wen last year, when aeveral oauaei arose to prevent eatl ' competiUon for settle of the prises. ' For the Fourth ef July regatta, it Is nporied, saya the JVstt tBat HamlU, the preaent cbamplon et Amerlca„wlU row; l that Ward will puU, determined to teat again hie pnweat the champion, and Uila time upon a courte where his effdi have alwaya been attended with tucceas. If tbeee renew BouUen become competlton, the alngle .acuU race win be r IntoreBtlng,andthe regatta ranatrecelve additional enhanctn. with the presence, of theae Ulustrione and weU-mated adve] rlea. The ntnm of the nlnemontha' troopavrtU doublcss cru, an Influx In the strength ot the boating trateml^, aa Beverall our reglmente contain ma^y enthualasUb devoteea bf the spoM Good Nxws Fbou THB CoLLEoiAss.—Our realere wUl rcmd her, for a eerias of yean back, untU within Ihe )ut ihiii the splendid series ot boating matohes between the atudtnti] Harvard Untvenjty, Mass., andTde OoUege, Conn., undehlaif the two leading seate ot learning In our land. And the memei Is aU the more fteeh and gratelul, because by this most vduaU manly pastime not merd^was the very acme of interest'1 amueement centered, and a meet ganaron^. and wholcaci rivalry evolved, bnt a long-aonght'and premising ofliet to ( severe InteUeotnal appUcaUon necoBsety lU- thoae aeata ot Uta tun and sdenoe promised to be attdned. Then came '(crd JuiautI) the baft of aome old fogy "Ini," and hla fosaU coa jutbn, who bad bolter centuries amoe havo been Bleeping uni, the ruins of Nlnevah, and 'the .undeigraduatea wero foibldcM the continuance ot theae conteets. The UDderendnatoB : boUad, aa they alwaya do, and many an Incipient Demoetbe caUed on "the people" with voles and pen to prboblm 1 maintain their righto against tho decrees ot deepote.. Sower agdnst reason and abstract right come out as It usa oes; thf studento wentto the waU Initoad of to tho water,- U_ private matohes In defiance of authority oame to Ultlo, nndQ matter, subdded to. await a more favorable s'eaeon. We In that favorable seaaonhaa arrived, for we'aee by cor New Engb exchaniet that a chaUenge has been passed from Harvai4l Tde, with an opinion that t(o chaUcngo wlU be accepted, aili new matoh for the obamplonehlp be contoated. We eana ly hope that theae efforie wlU culminate In complete luccess, 1 hope, farthermore, that the old fogy ofilclds above nferrc4|( are either dead,'or displaced; or, having seen tbe error of Ik ways, havo heartily repented their mlitakta severity, and abi doned thdr narrow-mmded poUoy. We aboulil like to know, t that not menly a cold'asBent was glvon to the students to in the matchi but that power patronized enthnsMhi, 'and oflli preaence countenanced'and applauded the commoners', effori an.thla.occaBlon. How worthy ue podtlbn and dianllyol the 0 lege offidals on both sides to offer such additional rewards to tL^ youthlDl athletes as wonld be oppreprlato to such an oceaaloil Bdt this Is, at present we fear, a drtam too good to be reaUuT May a good day, fair and^e rowing, and an honorable oboitipKi ahlp be the results of this praiseworthy effort Hastabd vb. Taiz.— ThcBO famous aeate of learning, v«L wisely carry their emulation beyond books, and Intend as | Saat years,'during the coming scoeon of.aports, to enter lii 'iendly rivalry with the oar, one, and over tbct-hoord. Tb have already commenced ilielr boating eyerclica, ai)d at Harvai the soverd crews of the alma mafcr are In regular practice. 14 le plaokT and determined, we are lnformed,.to' have a bout 1 Its heretofore oonquerer, nbt only at the oar, but'at chess 1 billiards, and tho atetcmont has been started, that Tdolat As Tou WCBiA-^The "commanding offioer" who could have ;narched into Blcbmond had he Been In MoOldlan's place, has had Oie Opportunityoffbred'hial bot'he fdled to connect;.so ■Fighting Joe'Hookw" is quietly settied .down again at Fal- mouth, afler'a'ahcrt exonralon-to ObanoiUorsvmei having lost in'the till between U,006 and 30,000 men; all tdd. Towhat on .we to atWbute the fdlnre of the: lost campaign on. the south aide of the Bappahanpobk, but "to the Incompetonoy of.the General in command,".as Gen, Booker phrases it Is'itposdble thaiPtealdontl lncolnjinintaln this man ?- Tn. OonbsiiT..—Thls,'-the latest production of tliat most fer> tile of writen, Alexander Dumas,'is also, at least to his admlren ia-this country, the meet seaadnabla. We predict tor this timdy. b9okalarge si^ .U la Ml of thrflllng, oapHvating'Incident Clear type; beautlfbl paper, unexoqptibnablepenonal apj^earanca every way flUy sets It before the reader, Oompiete In two volt,, illuminated mlUlaryooyers,.50 bts pu .'vol.--or a (Ine library edlttpnj beauUfaUy bontad in musljn,'one 12mo„ vol,, $1.80, T. B, Peterson A Bras,,'808 Oheitnut street, Phllod'a. .'' OaiozEr,-Thtaigs do not look very pnmlain g for a good cricket sbaBon ihls year,' not on,account oi the war orthe weather, or any of the ordinary obatadea In the way of a Buoceaalbl aeaaon, but simply'for the want of clubs'to play matches with. The only two dubs of the UetrepoUs, the New Tork and Bt George's, won't play together, the bgtenalble reason being that the one won't play If the other charges for admhidon, and the other won't nnlese they'can do ao, unoondlUonally. In Brooklyn,' there aro but three dnbt In existence; and but one of theae of any strength as a mtteh-playlog dub. The only chanoes of gomes, ■then,beyond a maton and e relom wrlth one ot the Brooklyn oluba and the two In New Torki are with some of tho out of town dubs; and there la but the Boston dub . that 1b ready for even that kind of thing.' Bo that tho pratpeot Is very poor for cri(iot this season. The toUowlng are oU the dubs now In existence In uid araund New Tork, viz.: onie New Tork, Bt George's,'WlUow, BateUIte,'Eaat WiUIamtburff, and the Union, uf Newark—Juat six dubs; when, by a Ubersl poUby and a less exclusive spirit and less-of nationalpreludloe Inthe management of cricket affaln, there mlf ht haVe oeen a doren good dubs at least , * . ^ , ' - I. ■ , . '. PLAT .GnouiiDB IK OBHTnAL pABX.—The recent heavy rdns have Badly Interfered with baU playing In this vldnlty, no^more than three Or fou^. days out of the pa^t iwo woeka being fkvor. 'able for the enjoyment of praoUce games on the soverd grounds. On Monday and Tuesday, 11th and lath, the weather was ex- oeedlbgly flivorable, and on Batorddy, 10th, tho sun shone brightly, and on each of these days there was a grand tuln out of baU playerson the several praetloe.granndB In and araund the metropolis, Dr thoway,wa would like to Isk tbe Central Fork Oommlsslonera.wliai they Intend-to do with the boll groundB laid .out In that .pnbUc play-grbundf This year, both the parade, Griokot and two bsU grotmds wIU -bo In exeollont oon- dlUon for play, and we humbly aah whether they,'an designed for use, or merely tq:oxdte the envy cf every baU player who Is' In search of .a good ground to practise his favorite game upon. It Is only the want of aulteble grounds for pncUco that limits the number of clubs. The pubUo parks In Lbndbn ore granted to the use of cricket dnbt, flnt come, first aorved, and we don't see why the same rule oannot be adopted hero. The groubds .set spart for tbe pnrpoee at Oentrd Pork an Just ihe thhig, and ,'why they should not ba used, We kuow not . Why do not the ofiloen or the National Assodstlon taks,some sction In the matter; with a view ot obtalnlhg leave to pUiy upon them f We trust .ilk Is not necessary to "see" the dommlsBlbnon In the same war as ocntroctors "set" the Aldermin, In order to obtain :«Dnaent to nie these grounds, ' . ; i'TEi'OBAimoit BTAmoN" of the trotting tneks in Cali- fomla,:named Battler, died onAprll IT. Be was fboled at Sondt ?'H;-?F*^*'^'^^' ?' ">4 was taken to Callforrift -ted AKOaggSi whovalasdhlBat 119,000; ' - ■.■ . ■ fldent that among their number, wlil be fouqd.lhosa of^ffioln caHbre 'to obtain a.triumi{>hln each of these^^etalniTpasliniii It to .these could added a msteh'ainerlchet abd baae what grand times tho big boys of theietwo blg aohbols, and trienda would have. TAOBTmo.—The day for the annud regatta of the New Taj Tacht Olub Is fixed for Thunday, 4th pnx. Wo beepcabforll' greatgala day In aqnaUcs, a fair day, a fSilr breeze, fair aalL and an unpreoedented turn out of the fdr to grace Ihe'jojn occasion; Whatever may be edd of, or be the fate of Bone oil out-door aporU, there is materid enbngh and lndtcn enough to InaurelUUyaB brlUianta season aa UBual Id aqu. sporte of sU grades. The very drcumitance of onr war, w1l_ depreetes or destroys some sports, encourages every forma bay or B'ea-golng riyalry and Improvement-, flALB or THE Taohi Uha.— Thla ftmbua yacU, bnUt byl_ BteeiB, of thla dty, at a coat of $13,000, and -formerly owned t W. B. Duncan, Eaq., .was sold at auction In.Bostbn on tbe Itii to Major 0. W. WUder, for $1,8(0. 'Cheap enough. The Unti4 about70 tons burthen, and^has won, it is atoted, twdveprl In varloua regattas. Taobt BmiSiKa.—Several new yaobte, of various {anntge, 1 being bnUt and are nearly completed, for the preeont aeaaon, different vards. Grand times are anticipated while "ontont ocean Bailing,". Thb Taobt Flt^ known formerly as the Colleen Bawni t been purohased by a party in'Philaddpltlar ' ; PB)DE6TRIA1II89I< Foot Bace.— Quito an exdtlng race came.eff on the 0th Init. ebo'nt three mUes from' Cohoes, N. T., between Jas. Smith, aai Mike Bhea, Jig dancer, who^oUs tram Blngbsmpton, N. T. - Th» distance was one mile, for a ^toke of '$20atlde, At3o'do<k the.pedt put In an appearance, quite a numbor of Bifilth'i friuids bemg'on the ground before starting. The odds ruled it favor of Bmlth.-- .Before coming to tbe icntoh, Bhoa offered to baok hlmsdf for $80 or $100, bat iione of Bmllh'a friends seemtd willing to lay such a aum 'on the reauU, as Bhea waa dtogetber unknown to thorn. At 3:20 the start was effected, Bmlth gdi* off with the load, and keeping It until half the dletancowU covered, when Bhea put on the steam and fairly paeaed hia^ comlng to the winner bf the race by. aU rods. In i mln, 17 seo, On receiving the stakes, Bhea offered^to Jump with any man b the party, for any amount ot money any one might deCn; bd no one WM found .wlUing to contend against blm, as bekad shown by his porformonce in the race, that he ppasosaed good S.°Jf,u'„?'.;''?'V"»-' Psrty wenmucTbcutnpat tiio 3Jnfor*aton1wX'''" ^'^t »toehe had'b««_ AhAitosdio BAOBcameoff at the Six Mile Bonae, Bt Lbnl), on Saturday afternoon. May a. Ocl.Blnkte;propriitor .of 1b» above bouse, has been tho champion runner of Mlasonri for aome time paat and was quleUy retting on hla' lanialB; when a new comer c^Ued "CaUfonila Bam," diSlMgW him tokrJwol' K °^ ft' "H'^,*"?* 1' tl'^ionoo. The reauK waa that tbe "Colonel" waa badly beaten. Tho OolondV bnthar thJi ohaUenaed "Irlth Oharfey" to a race of two mile£ riSfiSa hta 300 yards stort. Chsrley o4me In fteeh, kicking up bis bceli, whUehlaoDpoDentwaa aoused up that he bad tobobreuaM back In a boggy. These races exdted much Interest and cci' alderable money changed hands, MioxBT FSKB,—Onr old' pedeetrian ftlend, Mickey Free, If among tiio "honorably^ discharged" fh>m tho U, B. servloo, When Uie rebelUon broke out .Wokey was atdong the first to- rMpond to the caU fbr veiantoen. He did. his duty fdUiflilly> add was among the wounded In U16 ckmpdgn on the peninsula^ €aving been ehottn one of his hands, losing one or two fingers,^ and beins otberwlae injured. Fbr his aervloes, he recdved as: "honorable dlseharge," md la now at home again at hla ootiske; Newark Avenue, top of Fourth street, Jer*ey City, attending !»• whatever Uttlo Jobs mav be thrown In his way. NotwlthSlandin», his wounds, he Is aa JoUy as ever, and haa a gobd word forJTeryl one. .• A.FooT Baox, that had been arranged to take piace at Caiseir.. Dlty on AprU-Bth, between Messts. Oardover and Oroas, for $500>':' distance 00 yards, was postponod to April 13Ui, Beiysg heavy;^'. Good Txm. Pzr BoLUKg.— IB' a' string of ten pins, roUcd at- WeUlngton'e Bowling AUoy, No, SIT Waahington atroot, Boatottr' recently, Thomas Clark; aUey.keoper, acored 188, at straight plii.'' with four |noh "ponies,'.' or email baUs, on a TO teOt aUey, Tbcr aeon sbowa' three VBtrikeB" ^d four "tpares," whfoh, fot' "ponies," Is fint rate... HeTa are thb flgoresi-lO, IS*. 8,6, IVt'i 3S}-.a0«,,39t.3Ot,lT.-108'. ' ;'. " Noix,—* for a ^p»re,-, t for a' sirlke. .'•■'.. , TBI OILISOIIIAM ClOB, Of BoSftoAi'beld a nieaUiig in the Tib. Iai>ti> when thb following ofilbara Wore eonduoted totbelrobalra:! ' William Bmlth, Chief-; J. GnUm^; Itt OhlMtslni W, Smith, 3d Ohleftatnt D. Wright SdOhleftalni G.MoOlemenMthOblertaln.' tbsOlttbArtlMpMtyaar,