New York Clipper (May 1863)

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cmttfTt, I^TEW YORK 0JL I Pi in;giaAi.i MnrnnHL nonnoit. . oQS uDnniR'BPZt - w« h»T# l«tt«w for Aflih iMMf MejdMltjW. ^wkr*' 51 oJjk SlMflj OoiUT* BItoni; P»nk E«nl; ft J. Wl- CITT iD]IIIiAB.T> 70 TBB psorsssioy, . K^Ths OLnm 1<8'**^ oT^sn of the drsmsHe tna ihow JftUloD and our dmln la and ever baa bten to main tUa da. IrfmBslnot only oaaftil to the profeatloii, but intenatlog to the !f^|ateaderrn»>angh the medlumofonr little aheet, therefore, M«orossloP oaalean thevhereaboutaandboalneaaofeaoh ihar DropuaaplarblU.anewipaper,allnoort^oofthemoTO- umta otToaiselTea and thoaa asaoolatod with 70a, ao that they M leaoh ua by S*tardar> or Monday, at the latest, and the Itema S^ubed will appear In that weak'a laane of the Olippeb, which rfonrardod to aganta throoghont the oonntry early on TaeadSy oonilog of each week. Wo charge noticing for recording the uiJmODtaof onr trlands, nolthor do we ask or eoak favors of ^ kind for ao doing. We wish to oonUnae the Cuffeu as a !(Si])1e organ for the benefit of the profession, and thereby ex- jgd Uie aphore of its usefolDeea. HoHDAT. Uar M( '63, iijjlohmoniis ooral" was the senaatlon^ry of . the "nnre- bUu" last weeki and people were eottewhat IndlUed to believe jii ainard, because It waa thought that Rocker's retreat >raa a isrtof Ml "atrategy." For a short time there was a sort of ablUnt feeling, and "Fighting loe" was booked as a bully boy. rule the seusatlen luted, oar theatres "drooped" a little,'the aUua being on the looi's for a short tlae only, to oopgratolate ach other on the ''auooasaful laane'^ of the "osmmandlns leneral'a" plans; but oh I how sudden was the collapse; and Sil bow ohoptaUea -were the sdralrera of the tohtlng Oeneral rhen the "news" was proved to b« a fkbrloktlon. So they Iwwned their dtsappohitment and aonowa.ln the^"flowlnR bewl," and at plocea of amustoent, the ,woek olpalntf with good visa Batemon conttnnea her triumphs at Mlblo's, drawing Rlondld houses night aftor ulght. We attended on Friday hist— May, you know. Is the worst night In the week for theatres— hndfoand every available apot from which a vldWot theatage sonldbebad, occupied, the Jewlih "persuasion" being well re- gresguted, while the Ohrlstlon people were also In full force, nruly applaadlog the Jewish sentiments exproased throughout Uio Piece. It was a happy bringing together of the "lost children of &ael," and a lovely fraternization of the "Jew and OentUe," ahcwlni the "bene&dal Influence exerted by the drama." ••Iieth'°wlU be repeated thla week, Ur. L. B. Sbcwell taking the DiMt ef Mr. Lancrgsn, who retiree. Hiss Batcman's engagement Issiuiciuiccd to close In a couple of weeks, and It Is probable Uutiht vUlloavo for Earcpo early In Jone. ' Adah Isaaca Uenken arrived in town on the 15th Inst, and la nowtnjoying her "oshnm oum dignctarty" in private. Some of tba papere, we noiico, ace engaging her for Boucloanlt's London Theatre; but, as we say of army news, "the report needs conflr- matlooi" . We don't believe Adah knows what she Is going to do, befsaU' Sho bos a good many applications for her services, fiom Esglandffrom Oallfomia, from our own managers, and ftomnunagers away down Soath In Dixie Tliat'a so. She's a safe card for any manager,'and drawa like Borrlng'esafo team. Hr. Eddy atlU holds his own at the New Bowery, This even- loglie Is to appear in a new drama, called '"Dick Turpln in iranoe." Hiss Mowbray is to make her first appearance here iUa evenlilg, ad Sally Bcraggs, In "Sketohea m India." We dOD'l,knowat-anotber manager In tho oonntry, who has pro- daoea eo. many novelties, etc, fs Mr. Ungard has brought out tills acaaon. Without being full, the houses of w^r Gardes m»be do- wrlbcdas having been good, while the reception of Mr. J.'8. CUrke has been quite flattering, without warranting us in any of those extreme expressions or extravagant pralsea so lavtsUy butcwod on Mr. 0. by crlHce who are ln"Uie rlnfc.". f Babes in the Wood" waa one of tho vary odlfMng pieces with which tbe.comedlan favored bis audiences laalweeL The presentla announced as Mr. Olarke's farewell week, when "Babes in tbe Wood" will be brought forth again. Mrs. 0. Ohlorinl, and her daughter. Miss Josephine Ohlarlnl,' the celebrated equeatrleDnejand daiiaeuse, of Havana, arrive^ in this city on the 13tb, and m now stopping at Held'i ~ ' Wood's Minstrels have found It advlsabls to ratal Wood, the Juvenile balladlst, whose vocalization adds greatlyto the Interest of the regular performancea. In this oonnecUon, wo would caution our friends in other olHes against partleetrav' eilng under the name of Wood's Minstrels, knd inretendlng to beloDB to this ol)y. All snob oonceiiiBare[bog(n, ^or the orig- inal Wood's Mioitrela are atlll giving onteriuninonts at their 'beauUfnl opera bousa in this city, and have noJiitentlon of trav- •ttncthms; UtSTtblygdod. bnfdeBmsd vnlgtr, yo^ knoir." In tbe ciitMSffl' of the daiUss has got to be • gre^t fkrce, and jntnl/thezesnltof pnrohase byfkvor.or oansure bom pr^n- dloe. In the flist plaoe. It li so nice to puff up one's kind l^endi^rMid In the second, it li equally agreeable to piyilsh oer- tlilin flianatnt*) or their agents, for any neglect of attention to these self-eome artUcs, who hold themselves u suoh Ugh estlma* tlOili'altbbugbthlS'tlilng U now weB understood by those posted in t)ie workings of the theatrical ring. The general pubUohave yetttf l&vetbelrejeifopened to thetkot Wevklled Laura Eeene's old thsatrei now- under tbe managerial (barge of Mrs. Jane fiigllsb,-and''boln^ scmewhatprttJudlood against the perform- ances by the eommetata oi tbetiforemeDtlonM dallies—we ought to have known better we confess, but sUllprcOudlce Is very easily aroused—we^ere -agreeably surprised to find not only a well filled house, but a really excellent aadlence present; while the llbefkl appbuae beatowed on the performance, which we find to be really Teirpraiseworthy^plaisly evinced the satisfaction af- forded them oy the attractions presented. Tbe company en-' gaged at this theatre is caned the "Troupe St. Denis," and they are composed of several faUonted artists, especially in panto- mime, among whom we could noQie Mons. Montenari and Louis Zantrelta. The performances opened with a pantomime, in which tbe former took a prominent part; after which there waa a tfhSlOB variety offered. Including a donee, by Miss Pen- noyer; Tablssuz Statoesqne, by Prof. Donctd and his son; a buffs scene from a popular epera, capitally rendered by Mons Montenari; a truly capital rope danoiog act, by "La Belle Boslla"—a beantlfal andgracenil woman of splendid-form; an extremely comical duet on two violins by Messrs. Auguste and Oaion, and finally some extraordinary pfaying on tbe violin by Mons, Mnller, the entertainment oloelng with a veir good render- ing of one the Bavel family paBtomimes. The whole perform- anncs throngbcnt were amusing and Interesting, and one as wor- thy of tbe patronage ef tbe amusement seeking-public as any given in the-eame place for the past year or two. We saw none of tbe vulgarity Intimated in tbe dallies, or Indeed anything that the most futldionscould notwltnaaswithout ablush; and in this respect the performancea were as snpMor to the Oubas de- monstration tbatbrought forth such a crowd of the moral Brock- lynltes, as could weB-be. Tbe brevir^ of Mrs. English's season wlU of course prevent the Introduction of any great improve- ments, and therefore Auggeatlons. to that effect would not be neocasory: suffloe it to say that tbe entertainment she offers is well worthy of patronage as it la. A violinist, one who reads music at sight, is wanted by 8. Mor- ton/otMo. ITlEastFonrthstieet. See advertfsemant IHd yen ever hear of many Amerioan prima donnas succeed- ing where they were surrounded by foreign singers, as In an Italian opera troupe/ We have repeatedly obeerved, that when an Amenoan lady is entrusted with a leading part in an Italian opera, she is snre to meet with some show of opposition from the "foreigners"—the tenor la indisposed, tbe basso is out of gear, tho contralto ia hoarse, or something of that sort Bolt was on Monday evening. May 11, when Miss Parker, from Oall- fomia, made her first appearance at the Academy of Music, in tbe "Trovstore." The opera Hub a drag flrom beginning to end, none of tbe "foreigners" appearing in their true fonoi and one or two of them elnglng as though they were sbout to "strike for higher wages." It is tme that Hiss Parker ftllsd to create any enthnslaam;beretagebualaesa being sadly deficient, and her voice wanting calibre to enable her to move along successfully with the robust "Ontob Italians" by whom she waa surronnded; ' .TSkt's'a 6ood Idea aald to have been adopted; by a Lod^ .sbownian, and if we must have reserved scats, managers in these parts might make the new wrinkle profitable. Ble plan la ibis:—Instead of charging mora than the usual price for reserved seals, taken l>eforoband, be charges tat, becausslf any one takes tbe tnubis t« come befonband for his place, he ought to bo compensated for that trouble. He' ought (o enjoy some ad- vanlageover those who come late, and the beat form in whiob to put that advantage is to let him have his place at a lower rate. Mr. Bobort Johnston,'after an-Sbsence of three years from the Bowery boards, is to make bis re-appoaraooe this evening, MaylStb, at the old Bowery. It la announced as bis last eU' gsgement and fiirewell of tbe-etoge. The babies had possession of Bamum's Hnssnm, lostireek, ;and attracted a large number of admirers of infantile animated natore. Then were red bablea and white babies, cross babies .and blessed babies, "mother's littio dears," and "papa'a dar- lings;" but the babloa were not alone the attraction; there were some comely locking mothers present, whose domssUo attentions to their offapriog afforded food to the little ones as well OS to the gentlemen present who went to "see.the whole show.". Wo dp not like to make unfavorable •comparisons, but we cannot help saying that the dogs won better behaved, as a gonarel thing, than the babies; soms of the bitter kept up snch an unearthly yelling as to deter many young ooupie present :from entering into that connubial felicity, of which they bad heard so much, audio which the predbaa babes are supposed to contribute eo largely. The dogs wen notsy. but the babies were ten timee worse. They tiave now relumed to tbe l>osoms of their rcapcotlve families. Boucloanlt's drama of'^Panvrette" is 00 for this week. Fellolta Toetvall anncnnoes that shs wUl open the Winter Oar- -den on tbe 26tb.bist, for the purpose of giving a series ofEngllsh Opera. We have not been able to learn the aamsa of tbe lody'i prlDalpalsnpporteis. - ' The repottls renewed that Mrs. Wood'ls to take bold cfLaura Eeme's Tbeatn next faa Lanra'a lease does not expire nutU tbelaat of August. It Is said thU Mr. DuA who recently pur- chased tbe property,.haB leased theboiUeto Mr8.'JobnWood forfivcyean, dating from the lat of next September, and that Mr. Joe Jefferson wul have an interest in the Dcanagement We presume that Mrs. Wood will gather around bora good 00m' :piny, and not depend altogether upon her owh abilities. Having ehaken off Miss Parker, after her first night at tUe Academy, tbe "indisposed" fordmers at onoe resumed their true form, and Fans in good style, although tbebuslneas has not been alaimingly good. To-night, 18th, is the olose of the season, and lbs farewell appearanoe of the troupe. "Bless 'em, let'em go." ... • •. ^ producUbnsat Wallaok's, and bak thus far met with a very favorable reception, Thatoharmlngbanad singer, Eva Brent, matea her firstap- pearaiice at ilA Broadway, thU evening, isih Inst, on which oo- •oMlon. also, the comic pantomime of &6 "Magic Flute" /will be glTtti for the first time, in which those capital pantomlmlala. i;Sr"Ji.?"'i'*l?"'»''''*":"sUln their original parts. An- other, addition to the company will be made thfi evening, in ths sereon ofK. N. Blccum, Ethiopian comedian. The programme «BMn^?'""Jl?A*»~i°S?!'!!^ will help to lopu- with ons.' lar as ever . weU-merited%] •".^SSP*i*"" 8"»' popularity of tbis'hcnse, Oonw Up"-6ave Bead's cleverllttio trifie-ls aspo; »♦ Bryant'a MUstrols, being received nlghOy , ffl2*?f?' Asnsual, bnalnesa here to "gOrgei ^ewtte pinoramA wUl next be exhibited to our Bel«bboi8 to flZaa^hlh^nSi*' *V Atelrallwi ridor.tatheoityon ■nSm^*?' ShSJih.^S"'* tothto oit^, laat.wW. ilKom t^l'Mii^^^ ^^"^^^" *^ elTlng porformanoes tot .■S^r^&t''.'$h?M*«^'^'^'^ ' The season at the Hew Tork BtaAt Thnntm in •bove3ay>rd etreot, closed on the Slh'tael ' .,Eate Pennoyer is eno of the daiudna featnrMi at wr. t.h. Bnniuh's (Laura Eeeno'a) Itea^eT^ n>»»ores at Mrs. Jane BtmnB to be very unrellabie mediums of Ifilermatlonln referoncoto ffieatriofd nittois. -m.iTJSilSS".;! T.ui^Bstlyabuel dlscrUnlnatlon m rwnuo a usw.araioB, auu » emanates fTom one o( tbeli nuatonoeseldownosofalmos»8tokespear»anMo»Uonoeibnilf " Hthj pifoduollijn of some oula«or, jio matter what Ita talrto. . yoihertte may be, itbooomos "trashy," "taconslsleal." a^'nor. t5itfUlpre," 'fco.;<M.,tadinthe ease of paruST'^b^doS^ yotitoow." whyaUtbewytobedMeUto •Jrt 'em m*,".tT "wriU 'em down." Favorite aotors and aS SJISJ .SirfW*"- " *noelvlng applausevl^ ."orAwded ^**'^;!^^i^>l*> tkahoni*lslottthitib«lffaU| andth^ ^^uit osnaia ytrlnaunoe* ^e spokea ef as mere oooM^ ulpon , buther deficiencies ought not to have contaminated tbe other singers; tbey ebould have endeavored to have made amends for her short comings, instead of adding to her confusion by botch- ing their own nia. Mazzolenl, the tenor, nngallantly deserted his post St tbe end of ths third act (hoarseness tieing tbe excuse, as usual.) and SbrigUa was bronght up as a "forlorn hope" to fill his place. All these things tended to the discomfiture of tbe American lady, and the first appearance of. Miss Parker at tbe New York Academy may be set down sa a t^un. Tbe attend- ance waa elim, tbe tiaKtutt deeming It benoath their dignity to tatronlse the opera when there's an. American lady In tbs case, lias Parker is not announced for a aeoond appearance. The fisUo star waa in the ssoendant at the New Bowory the early part of laat week—Joe Oobum, the newly-beaten-ln cham- ] lion, having been engaged to spar for two evenings, the Uth and : 3tb Inst The result was. Immense houses, and people turned away at that; auoh was the public desire to'see tbe victor in the late fight Oobnm set-to with Norton, while Onslok end McDer- mott assisted. Manager lingard mads a good hit when be ae- oqred the services of the champion bitter. "PeerleasLUybf tbs American Stage" Is the btest title be^ stowed upon Miss Bateman, now blooming at Nlbld's Garden, as wo And it recorded in the advertlsementa of that popular re- resort We hope this "peerless Uly" basnet been thus early developed by the forcing process. "i know a man that's got pUnty of spondolloks, and won't give bis nelghbon n6ne; be shan't have any of our spondnllckB when Ail spondulicks is gone; Oh, that'll be Joyful, jovful, joy- ful; ohi that'll be Joyful, when'Ms epondulldka Is gone." Would you believe that the Italian Opera company at the \lth street lionseslngsaoh a gem as ths .SD0ve7 Mo. Neither would any one of senee. Well, whether yon believe It or not, we take it upon onnejvcs to say that they never thought of singing such a piece; but they do got off a lot of stuff Juat of outlandish aa the extract given, which is tbs burden of a very touching balladnow being song at the 'varloua concert saloons vrith great gasto and vim, as the respectable dompbool oporaUo critics term it "Tom Daker,"a8heis famlliariy termed, annouces that bis engagement ss oonductor and musical director of Laura Eeene's Theatre bos terminated; end new, he's "seeking for a home,'! for tbe snnunar season. "To gild refined gold, to paint ue IUly,"tosay that Tom Baker Is a double team in an orchestra, would be-wastefal and ridiculous excess." « ' "Here's a health to an good lassies," but especially to tbs nymphs at American Mndo Ball, M Broadway. . "To gild refined"-no, do, we said that before; but if yon ere fond of sep- IngNow Tork girls' pratty faces, look in st 'em at the American.- The American Oramatio Fund Association met on Monday af- ternoon. May Uth, Mr. Barry Beymonr in tbe .chair. The Sec- retary, Mr. 0. 8. Bernard, read the report of thepaat year, whereby it appeared that the fond was In a prosperous condition. Mr. Bsmard also stated that Mr. James H. Caldwell, of New Or- leans, Mr. Sanford, of Boston, end another, had centrlbuted (10,000between them to the fond, which has thus increased (in addition to Its regular income, collected by bepeflts and dinners) to $11,700. Tbe following gentlemen wero elected officers for the ensuing year:—Preeident Jamee T. Brady; Tmaloes—W. P. Ohspman, T. 8, Holdbrook, O. W. MoLean, Jno. Oenln, Baniay Williams, J. Dridgemsn, 0. E. Mason, T. 8. Eadaway,' J. Selton, J. Byrne, H. ISherwood, J. W. Lingard, J. Moora, W. B. Floyd, T. Moss, W. Davldge, N. B. Clarke, A. W. Toung, J. Gilbert, .and J.P.Oooke. Pantomines are most amusing, md we think it a good idea of the Managers of tbe New Idea to make that house odebrsted fCr getting them up in style. This week, the grand pantomlne of the " SonUiem Befogee" is on. We haven't seen it yet, but thoee who have, epsak of it in terms'of praise. It is eminently suited to the present times, being of the mUllary type. In addition to thla, the perfonnanoea of Mile. Marietta Zantretta on tbe tight rope, are worth mora than the price of admission, by <• several percentW A.H. Hemandeiand Gastavua Geary, in. their re- spective speolalitles are also nest cards, With all the good things promised, wo have an idea that it will bea bad mlas vlslUng tbe New Idea the present week. Mis. and Miss L, Brown will alve readings from the pootai, at Dodworth's Hall, Broadway, on Monday evening, ilDlb inat order, both in tbe. dramatic and operatic world, has failed to. moot its merited sopport aad patronage In BrodUyn.amlser'' ably mediocre company, with one bright stais^not of the first magnitude, however—of Uie bollsl world as its nest attrao- tlon, baa crowded the'Academy to suffocation,, the. reserved seats being hurriedly secured in advance by An array of the bald and grey-headed "old hoyai' of Brooklyn, who. with their opera glasses, drank' to wlto a^macktog of their omorona Ups the voluptnons.scenes presented I0 their view to the FrenobSpy and tbe pot de fortt, or ballet gymnastics of the "beautlnu Oubas," her lively oMndon and "showy" style brlngtog to tbe greenbacks with a perfect rush, What a commentary on tbe ob- jections urged by the Immaciilato directors of the Academy against the appearance on their atoge of that "wicked Mrs. TToodl" Ths beauty of it was, that the chaste ycnths of fifty, or npwsrds, oompostog their directing committee, were present to fliU fores, and largsly composed tbe bald and grey-headed parqaet delegation. Talk.po more to as about Brooklvn mo- ralibr. Why the very beet patrons of omr least particular and most modal-artlst^tyls of concert saloons to New Tork, are tbe sons of the Brooklyn Snnday-go-to-meeting men, who are so par- ticularly down on the Immoralities of Gotham. Obi consistency, thou art Indeed a Jewel of rare price to this metropolitan market of ours. On Tuesday and Friday, May { and 6, "Aurora Floyd" waa produced at the Brooklyn Academy, under tbe auspices of the author of tbe drama, Mr. Obas, Gaylor. Unluckily for bis enter- prise, the week proved to' be one of the most stormy and un- pleasant ones of tbe month, and consequently the attendance was not as good as it otherwise would have been. On Taesdsy night, it roloedto torrents, but nevertheless then were quite a number present' and eventhtott paased off as wdl as if the bouse had been orowded, the . "select and appreciative assem- blage" who were there being loud to their demonstrations of ap- : clause at the excellence of the performance. On Friday, liongh the weather was ttUl omtoons of rato, a very good au- dience was present the house betog as well filled as on the Bsndmonn night Detailed comment oh theBrooklyn perform- aace of this ably written drama Is notneceesary, as we cave prO' Tlcnsly referred to it when produced at Niblo's. But we have to speak of tho rendition of those oharacten of the piece whlcti bad different toterpreters from those given to them , st Niblo's. Among the ctaiasgesmade wero, 0. WbeoUelgb for Harry Pearson, as "Sqaln MeUlsb;" Mrs. Hinds for Mlas Wells, as "Mrs. Powell;" Mbw Oouran—her first appeafance<to Brooklyn—for BIrs. Jordsn, as "taaji" F. Maeder, fCr Mordonnt as "James Conyers;" and J. H. Allen for Golller, as "Oapt Balstrade." In each instance the substitutes dlsahargsd uelr duties most ondltably, and. as fer as we wero concerned, we did not greatly miss the absentees, well pleased as we had been wlto their able efforts at Nlblo'a. We are firee to confess, however, that we prefer Obas. Wbeatlelgh's Squire Melilsb to Pearson's, but to all other reepects/we would rauer have the Nlblocast of tbe two, if we wero obliged to choose at aU. Mr. AUen's -conception..of the character of tbe Oaptaln was good, but bis mauDerlams wero too apparont With a gocif^Kiut, a capital voice, and with the ablU^ to take high rank to bis profeealca, he, by doing aa too many of bis bnUiren do,' toktog the~stage models for his own. tosteod of copying from life, sacrifices bis talent st tbe shrtoe of that amblUcn that alms but to wto the'applause of the to- Judicious. ■/ ■ "Cairo by Dav and Night" is tke title of a local dioma per- formed for tbe flisttlme at the Defiance Thektre, Cairo, Bl., Hay 9th. It la to three acts, to which are depleted scenea of misery, amerj, fun and frollo. It is evidently of the sensatlenal orler, and among the scenic effects. Is a grand ocnfisgratlon.' To give aome idea of the piece, we quote from ths synopsis of the acta aa givon on the blU-,—"Loafers eaJoytog the sun-Bill sporting on a' new prtodple—the acoundrel'a plot—loafers' ter of Ifylea na Ooppaleen did not add to the genHeiaan's'repiA*^ tion. tiie "Oolloen Btwn" wUl be repeated this week, with Uf^' DffAIIATlO. The Colleen ■Ba.wn'wss presented at the New Memphis Theo- tro, for tbe first time, on toe 4th tost, with the following artists Daly, B. A. ismeiaon; uyiana urean, w. neroeri; warner, Uy Braclanl; Phil Taiton, T. Prather; EUy O'Connor (the Oelleen Bawn),Mn.F. A, TAuiehlll;'Anne Ohute (Ue Colleen Buadh), Mlaa A. Radollffo; Mrs.Cregan; Mlsa 'O. Xeater; Bhelah, Mrs, Dyke. The drama is said to have been placed on the stage to good style, and waa still mnntog on Hay 8lh, E, A. Emerson, tio-wautog gentleman and lightcomedloil, eloaed ble engage- ment at thla house on the 4th, being then about to Joto Manager Wood's company, at Ctoolnnatl,^ Miss MBry,Hlll was expected to Joto Manager Magtoley's forces soms tims during the past week, but, for some reason or other, failed to connect Sin. Graham has aeoeded from tbe company. Mlas Charlotte Orampton'(Mrs, WUktoson), some three weeks ago, entered tho Bethel Temperance Meettog at Beaton, and thero made a pnbUc profesalon of temperance, (Tom whose paths aho freely confessed she bad strayed. Since then, she has deliv- ered addresaea en the aubjoct at the Discharged Soldiets' Home, tbs Bethel,'and at other places. 8hs declared her l>ellef that she waa speolaUy called to the temperance work. Miss Orampton is a very eccoutrio woman. At tbe breaking out of the war, ehe gave her only eon to toe ranke, and atlerwunls Went herself, as a nurse, and aa a washerwoman. She .looUuI tTom Olnclnaatl to Washington alone, and Jotoed the regiment her son vras to, and was to McOlellan's Pentoaular campaign. During aU this time, she received no pay except for washing from the officers. Worn out with the campaign, ehe camo home on a elck torlongb,' Havtog recovered her health, she has now devoted her services to the oanae of temperance. . * ' ' Mr, and Mrs.W. J. Flonnee leave on tbe lOlh lust tor Bnglahd. The problem is at last solved, and It is now established as a {ict for the Information of managers to general who deslro to experlmenlalize on the pookblsof Brooklyn eltlaens, that the way to the self-same depositories Is through the medium of legs.' Legs are trumps, aad'the ody wtonlng cards (odraw a Brooklyn audience, Milrettek,<at considerable oxponae, treat- ed the Drooklynltes totheveoatlnn'.of' oneot the best opera troupes vre have ever bad to thla oonhtTy. What was the result? Why, a positive Joss of nearly tl,0O<). Carl 'Ansohutt tried his eioellent German troupe of first class oj^era aittsls.and with almost as great a loss, laura Eeene toCk'a capital comedy company there, and barely filled the Academy, falling on a second nttempt to hdf fill it A now drama, wlto oapItAl eoetiio effects, was next tried, and leas than a two third house was tbe n^snlt Barney Williams, to be saK,had agoodUme while be was thero, but .then tbe ColUc element rallied to his support Adultery to the shape of E4et-Lynns had 'Edith jras not eveiVspln enough'for tbe unmaoulateclttxena orBroouyn 1 and ao fibau; to brtog mat- ters to a teat, the handsome and.'ToluptaouS rloOktog ballet dancer, Oubas^was bronght to bear on tteooMI, icy tobabltants of theOltTot Ohnrehes, andlol'«ndbeboI4,*he"Atohed'em," As .w« laid before, "legs dUl It" ^'ITbAt we axe trying to get at, paradise—appearance of Bedxebnb—De Vermont todtes Wilson to murder, etc." In toe cast are Messrs. T. B. Hann, T. 8. Hol- land, O. Boaooe, O. Manley, W. Marine, IL Bralnerd, Welsh Edwards,. Perry, BoL emlth, Mn. M. A. Pennoyer, and Miss Alice Bowe. The business baa been immense, we an told, stoce toe piece has been on toe boards. Miss Charlotte Thompson took a benefit at the Pittsburgh Thestn on toe Sto tost, appeajtog as Jnlia to the Hunchback. alias CeoUe Bush is well liked by toe people of Leaveavrorlh, and to Fanehon and Ida Lee, has been frequently encored. The People's Tbeatn,'Leavenworto, has' been dotog a good bastoess of late, and Mrs. Walters' song, "Tbe XatUe Cry of Freedom," wlto a ohoruj,'ralses toe entouslasm of the aadienees fkr beyond concert pitch. The NewTremont Boeton, dosed toe season, on Saturday, MayO, to a handsomely filled house, for the benefit of W.W. Pratt the huatoess manager. A new five act play, written by Mr. Pratt, woe performed, to which toe followtog well known profeedcnals. appeared:—Mr. and Mrs. H. Chapman, 'Mr. T. Hampton, W. J. Lemoyne, Q. E. Wilson, L. E. Barker. 0. J. BonUaoe, Miss LUzle Swtodlehnrrt;. Miss Maggie Parker, &c., &0. Mr. Pratt romains to Boston. to conduct the ailkirs of 'the NewTremont during Mn, EUijlah's'Moum at Laura Eeene's. . Charles J. EUts, of toe New tOrk and pVovtoclal toeatres, but mora re<)ently of toe Uto Begt N. Y. Vols., jbom which, a abort time since, he was discharged, on account'of wounds ncelved to battle at Oatote'Mills, - entered totoa long engagement, on AprU 26tli, wlto Miss Louise Vllllen, daughter of tot late J. E. YiUlers, of Philadelphia. What toe bullets of toe rebels laUed todo.'Cnpld's dart has-evidently occompllahed, and we hope Mr. Ellis may Itod, to the soothtog 'effects of the latter, more than suffidantto dlevlate the snffs^ge caused by toe former. Mr. EUls does not totsnd entering upon the etoge at present a* bis ^unds will not admit of toe neceesary aindy. . D^th has agato entered the ranks of the drauiatlo profession. This w'cek,'lt u our melABcbcly record toepaashig away toto eternity of toat dlstisgulshed comedian, Mr. Oharles Bass. This sad event occurred at Hamilton, 0. W., on Tuesday night BEay Sth. at toe age of slx^ yean and two months. As an actor. Mr. Baas deservedly occupied a very high position, having few equals to toe peculiar Itoe of oharacten he penonated. He waa an exceUont 8ilr Peter Teazle, aad,one of toe beat Sir Pertinox Moo Sycophants ever seen to tols oountrr. Mr. Boss vras bom at Montrose, Forfanblre, Scotland. March Sd, 1803. He has ap- peared to nearly all toe pitoolpal olUes in this county, meettog with ranch success. Jlurlng toe sesson of ItSS, he was a reg- ular member of toe Arab Street Theatre, Philoddphia, and won toe highest enoominms from toe press of that eUj. His last ap- pearance on toe atoge took place at Hamilton, O. W^ on the lOlh of October last when he appeared as Job Thomberry. to toe comedy pf "Jc^n Dull," end Adam Leatoenole, to toe "Old Soldier." His loet public effort was as a lecturer. Hepropared a oourse of leeturas on "Canada," and delivered toem at Ham- ilton and dtoor placea to toe West but met with poor success. Of late, he ahowed algna of feebleness and apprbaculng disaoln- tl6n. He boa been married twice, bis second wife belag Miss BaU, of Canada, whom hs married to 186S, Mr. Bass was a member of toe Masonic fraternity, and waa buried wlto Masonio' ceremonlea. Atlastacconnts, Mcfeaa Buchanan's DramaUo.Tnnpewere at 'Waahoe, and toe Glass Blowen wen at Downievllle: Manager Ldghton'e Troupe, consisting of Mn.-James Stark, Mn. Leighton, Mn. Forbes, Mrs. Beny (a new arrival to Call- fonila,)llr. James H. Taylor, Walter Leman,.'Pbdps, Lawrence, Baby, Beatty, Presoott and Brown, opened at toe Blooktoai Thea- tre, April Uth. to the "Marble Heart^' ' AtMaghin'aOper»Bouse,8anFranolseo, toeetandard'come- dies haa been adh)<ifed to.fcr tbe two weeke previous io the IBto of April, and bad succeeded to drawtog'good bonsea. Bn&gh-' om's "Bomance and Beallty" baa been'brought out wlto Mib, Bdwto as BossboL Messn. Mayd,VhorBe, Anderson, and O'Nell, wlto Mn. Edwin, Bliss Mowbray, and Lulu Sweet are to toe company. MaUnees have been Inaugurated. At toe Bunka theatro, San FTandsco, a stock eoaipany, head- ed by Mrs. JuUa Dean Bayne, opened on toe 18to of April to a gobd house,. Tba prindpu piece produced has bean toe comedy of ,"Thc Old Chateau," which is full of beantlfal eentlment and exciting plot There was a tailing off to toe attendance at places of amnse* meat to St Lonis, last week, vrito toe excepUf n of the St Louia Theatre, when Mr. and Mlas Couldook have been appeartog oe- fore orowded audiences, to ths plays of/"Wluoif Ocpse," " "BW of Frankfort" One of our corres- , . . Jf Mr. Cculdock's acting It is unne- cessary for us to speak, for he has no auperlor to toese pieces. Miss Couldook Is only passable. She baa a good idea of stago bustoess, but will not compare, u a reader, vrito toe generally of leadtog aetresaea. To-night, 13to, toe aterling pw of •Still Watan Bun Deep' vriB beprodaeod—Mr. JcnnUildmay, and Hiss C as Mrs. Mildmay. Miss 0, Wyetto takes the cbarao- ter of Mrs. Stemhold, This lady has many admints, and Ik a veryoorrectdellneatoi. Mr. Griffith, one of toe best bid men on the etage, is toe favorite at to(s house. The oompsay needs a good Juvenile actor anda mitritfevery much..'....Next (this) week; Mters. Wallack and Davenport wlto toeir talented todies, appear at thU house, and toe loven of toelegltimatelcokforward toariohtreat" C Mr. A. J. Neafla is atpresehtmrallztogatTorkvllle,NewTork. A new ddntanU for dramatic laurels bos appearod at Magulre's Opera Bouse, Ban Francisco, to toe penon of Bn, Don E, Trooy. This lady made a "first appearanoe" on toe 13toof April, as Clara Douglas, to "Honey." Tbeglare'of tbe fooUlgbts aomewbiit unnerved her, but 'she' r^Uled, and suoceeded in oomUig to toe end of toe ptoy wlto tatlnactlon to her friends. She is 9atd to possess a comely figoie, a most plsaalng tace, and a dear toutlcal voice, B. n, Maglnley, the very popular stage nianager and low comedian ol toe Memphis toeatre, waa toe recipient of a com. pllmenlary 'benefit on toe Uto, tendered him by toe mlUtoT' and clllztfiB of .that dty. Mr. M. appeared as Handy Andy aai I as Blueskto. The toeatn ms orowded, sod many persons wero unable to obtain even a standing place. Miss Eltty Fyfe made her fint appearance, aa Jack Bheppard. Maggie. MllcbeUis snccesafttl engagement at MoVloku's, Chicago, terminated on toe Uto tost, on which occasion her tlueqell benefit took plaoe Mr. B. 'Warren, treaauier of toe theatre, was up for a benefit on toe lOto, when his daughter, Miss Mary Warren, was to'make her fint appearanoe on any stags...... J, Wilkes Booto sucoeeds Msggie Mitchell on the lito. George B. Wilson and W. 0. Baymondwen at Providence last week, with toe BlCblngs. J. B. Fuller and N: T. Davenport on engaged for Bt John, N. B„ by Manager Iianergan. .. . : We regnt to loam that toe oompllmenlarybutettto toe vete- ran actor, Ohu, B/'Porter, which took plaoe at the Walnut Phila- delphia, on the eto-tostywaa a uavitt'ixiuxoiilij, owing to tot nn&Torablt state of toeVeatoer.' Myera* Dnipatlo Company fire p«tt«natog la Portland; He.| Iiooin Borbonk wen to have Jotoed the oompaay last weefc English's dramatlo troupe, of .Boston, an BOW. diaeagaged. . Mr.'Wbeatley aiascometo'a very sloe eendaslon in oomloff down to the popular.standard of prices of admlidon to his New Oh'ssteat Street Theatre, Philadelphia When toe house wal first opened, paiqnet eeata ware 7S cents each; nstrved seats in toedreas ouclewere also TSoenlseach. Time waa whea ssdi' prices ruled, but that day to paased, and people do not can to - Say more than M oents for a parquet and dns^oirols ticket. - re spokeagalnst toe seals of prfees adopted at the NewOhest- '. not when the house was first op«ned to toe pqblla We foresair - and foretold toe IqJnrloas results that would fallow ths high - price system. We are glad to itod t^t Manager Wheatley sees -:. Us error to time, and rectifies it to sesson. The asw scale treol . toto effect on toe llto tost, on tbe occasion of ths OoinmsiMis> . ment of toe ■nmmer aeaion, and bnatoeas duriag tot week kM been really good. Tbe papsn sra engsged to nunylng. Miss Maggie Hltehdl to a Ms, Ewan, of Baltuoon.. If tme, keep doA abont it; for ones Itlsakaontthatafreah/ond gashing yoUng actresa;to aurrtod, t that momeat shs beausto be an olgeet.of attraction to any «aa> 1 save toe partaer of her bosom; and 'toe ahartr of her ooSbe anA- .- cakes. ■ . .. .■'■,1 Mr. J, W. Lanergtn's'tttson WSt Jolina,'H'.B.;,teBuiMaMSall toelstofJune. '■ ■''■•,'.'■ . v '■ ■ .v-''J Mrs. p. P. Bowen gotf tb'Bostoi^ .bptBlnf at toe BottMK 'V Tbestre, bn toe 2Ito lost ' - • - Miss Charlotte Thompaon'a engtjemiMat at-the :Pltisbnf^ Theatre was to have terminated on'the Ifithr the hks done' 'ftaf, well to toe Smoky City.' She was preatattd Trito'amagnlflcrat. diamond ring, on her benefit night tot Uto>.wAtm'thetotatr» 'o was crowded. Mr. Henderson proddcesavwaloo.'of..','A Floyd" thto week. It was brought from BtgUnd by I deison. ' . t:'.•■ i^. Ths Florences closed their performances at tosBottOB^aatvAi'v: on the lOto Inst They produced toe "OoUeen Bawn"'last irMlL..v but it Called to dnw, and Mr. Florence'a raadiUon of toe blun^'r _ - --. . — . _. . _ -j.f Oba{les,Wbeatleighs!BAIyles. Mn.BedleyBromtotiied^U^'-l Bawn. ' Miss Laura Eeeae's first experiment to toe "j^rovtoclei^'*''- wblch commenced at toe Watout Phlladdphla, en the llto,.hM ii thus far proved s fUlun, her audienoea during toa post vreek betog extremdy email, and sesrcaly "appreciative." .She vtOr duced "Jessie McT,ean," "Bantiy Bay." and a numbur of bthar,. \ glebes durtog toe week, but vrithout etbot Bee "combtoatlah'' '' I not toought mooh of. Thto week she briags out < The Sea tC'' ■je." ■■ Tbe Oonways open at toe Pittobnrgh Theatn oa toe SSto Init " Mn. John Drew and htr oomblnatlcn did modifalbly .wdl at Grover's Theatre. Waahtogton.. lost week. . The .'l^ngagcanaat - closed on toe Kto, wlto Miis.D.'s farewell benefit, when tba " "Bobber'B Wife" was'presented, wlto Mn. Snw akBose Bed<. •■ land. Barton mil as Mark Bedtond, and Harry Clifford as Sawnsy 1 McFUs...... .Mln Ludlle Weaiem follows Mn. Drew at Grorei's^ - opening on toelSto, as Lady laabeU to *<£astLynne." Wallack and Davenport hove met wlto remarkable sucoeai' during toeir perfonnaneet scPikC's Open House, Ctoelnnoll. ',- Saturday, leih. was announcad as toe dose of thelr.engsgsment^' '.' At the People's Thestn, Denver Olty, tbeitricala are in'k ' v flourishing eondlUca. Messn. J. M. w«r^«" and J. U, Carter have been added to toe company. ' • ' Ghm's operatio company did not bavfyandargt audleneeV' toeir flnt two nights to Pittsburgh, bat iba ost foor must bava, ' brenght toem a heap of money, alley 'plky at .Pike's O^aiA',' House, Ctodnnafl, thto week. Mis. John Wood bss made a hit at toe New Ohettont, Phlla> ' ddphto, to toe burlesque of the'. "Fair One Wlto toe GoUea- Looks," which was produced toere for toe fint Hme on tbe Uto' r. Inst, and conttoued during toe week to large audiimbas,* Ihit ' east todades Mrs. Wood,Mr. D. SetcbeIl;Mr, W. A;Cbspmalh'' .' Mr. W. Davldge, Mr. and Mn, C. Henri, Mr. J. Sonnoar. ana . il toe "Belgian Giant" The "Fair One" wiU be npeated toU . week.. LannEeene, at toe Walnut, aeemt to be evenbadowed ,'^. byMra.Wood, attoeCheetout ';,'.-'.' Look herel "0nde Tom's Cabto" to about to . be TevlTM,.;> The toeatre selected for this mtochievoas dramatic revlinlto.tb* - ,• Wadiington, which opena oa toa 18to far a short season, wtlb''.-: "Dnde Tom" as toe card. . E. A. Emerson, who baa been playtog at toe New Uemphll ^. Theatre, toolAto leave last week, betog eagaged to ptoyjuveidlal ' for George Wood, to Ctodnnatt We have an "African Bosdns" among us, and Dunmore to bis .' name. He to said to have done men for toe African stsgetboii,' mo^ otoer Bosduses. Mr. IL B. Dunmore to snnonnced to - -Ive a grand representation of tbs Theepton art at FrankUa - :«]], sixto bdow Arch, Philadelphia, on the 19th, aad appetf la - selections from <'Jack Cade" and "Macbeth." Wlltord's Seaaon «tth«HnxraTil Atli«Tir«inii,ll««tnii/r/»iT<inMi|.j^ ontoelSto, toe opening bavtogl>een postponed from toe Uth. Gaylor's "Oar American Cousto at Home" to toe opening .pleoe^ vrito Mr. F. B. Obanfron OS toe star, his fint appearancerto that olty foB throe years. Amattoee toto be given every Saturday...' Mr. Edwto' Adams will probably succeed Mr. Chanfraa, and pro* - dace hto new play. "The Beretic" • [ The Front street Theatre, Baltlmora, seems to have done well. - ^ toe past week, beneflto betog toe order of arrongemento, which - have been pleasing bcto to the publlo and toe benefidailea. Oa ^ Wednesday, ISth, Mr. 0. B. Dowd took hto first and final' benefit'this season. The piecee played en the occaaion were '- "Margaret Catobpcle" and "Dare DevU Dick;" toe totter to on original compoelnon by John Hueaton, Esq., and was writtsii expressly for Mr. Dowd. Contnryto genenl Aippoejilion, tot ■ piece went well, sod wu bailed by the audience with conaldeei - ableapptonse, Dowd, aa Dare Devil Dlok and Will Loud.. acteA' in hto usual felicitous style, and wasoallsd befon toe curtala at toe termtoattOQ of toe performance, when he responded to 'a ■ - neat and plcastog addresa...:..On Friday eventog, Uth, Mlaa ' Addle Proctor (by toe by, a great £>vDdte toere) took a benafit ^ and reedved a substanUal recognition of bar emtoant abillttea.' A conrespondent says:—'Terhapa no actress on toe Front street .- > boards—or, we might say, to Baltincie—has tentribntedmara''. to toe honor and reapectsolllty of tbe pnfesdoa than x*'* lady. Mlas Proctor's acttog to toe ven dlfilcdt Uough beautlAil part', of Jesds Brown, won toe highest pntoe of toe press and tba appUuse of toe- onnsnally luge andleice which graced the ' theatn on this—her first to BalUmore-beaeflt Several voIan> teen contributed hugely to toe excellence of toa entertainment^ inmtoent among whom we may meDtlea the names of Wm. rrazier Jr., and Miss Emma Florence. The totter to per- haps one of toe neatest dansenaaa who haa appeared on tot stage to tols dty, and, taktog toto ecadderation her yean (only '.' seven), promises to be ah ornament to the protesdon. As aa toterlude. Miss Proctor gave as toe beantUUl ballad. 'WhentUa : OrudWar to Over.' toe audience, ehowtog toeir appieotoUonoC : toe lady's efforts by calUng her beforo toe curtoto." The prodnctieD of toe spectade of toe "Natod Queen" at tha Holliday Street Theatre. Baltimore, was.«, great sucoeis. . Brougham's sdmlnble burlesque of "Pooabontas, or Te Obntla Saviags," now holds toe boards. Ito soenio equipaento, from toa pencU of Gets, ere said to be new and beantUUl; the costumea . en ngli; a^d toe general aecessoriw of mnsle, appototments, &0., of tos highest order. The oast to oni cxoeltont one, embraolng. Miss Enuly Thome as Pocahontas, Bishop as Powhatan, anS ■ Fred Williams as John Smith. * . Jolgnet's enwriment wlto hto French eompsoy at tbe New . Xremont Boeton, proved nnprofllabto, and tha season ended oa . toe lOto. The Bofmon opera troupe have posseadon thto vraeL Mr. Bonlfbce'a benefit at toe Mdonaon, Boatea, on toe Mlb, waa " not very well atteaded. ' , ' Miss Mary Provost to in toe tost week of her engagement at toe BoatOB Mosenm, She dpens toe curr^t week wlto vEltoa* ;„ beto," Queen of England, wlto new costumes, scenic effebis, eto. The new Addphi Theatre, at Troy, to to be erected on toe dta - of the old one. It will be GO feet front by 130 feet deep,- and twa , etorieahlgb. .The fint floor will be fifteen feet between Joists^ , and divided up toto bar, bllltofd, and' battog rooms; wbUs toa haUltaeU wlllconstitate the wbde upper story. ThtowlUba - twenty-eight feet from floor to celUng, and have a gallery nuu , ntog around toe front halL The floor to to be made of oherrw atrips laid edgeways. The stage, 80i20, wHl be built to toeatrt cal . shape, and scenery pototed, so «a to be used to oasit It la ; needed. >. . - ,' ■ • ..,.^JroBIO BAIiliB. ' '..-, -'.'' From Detroit, Hlchl. we have toe gratliytog intoDlgbnoe.' that' ■', Boiler's Concert Hall, Messn. Josh Hart and Anton Bnts, pio<" prieton, to drivtog a heavy trade togneabacks. Last weekinsy ^ . got up aUugbable Jlgdsnce between Hiss Clan Burton; slyltjl"' "toe tody champion of toe world," and Jeah Bart diampIoQ.of Bog lalmd. 'Jeah vru determined to go the.%holehM'4^'honsh but found Mlas Clan too much pork for him. W.'A. wrty, "tbar -' weaderfnl,""toedevl]."eto., asvre lad him apoken of In tba' '' bUto, to one of toe most recent attractions;'and Mad. Loiitoa ' Payne, oonfen conalderabto pleaaureon -toe audienoea'by htr ' comic and aentlmantal elnglng. The company^ aa a whtle,.toft''' ' good oae,and toe prospects for toe snmmsr season an toooi' "■ At tok Tarieliea, Wasbtogton,4). 0.;tosy)i»w, hATelt-lMga ' compooy, and toe peifomianoea an of the most veraatUtVtoA entertaining description. Among toe bblef features'an'toe ropa - -walktog and "puitomlniing" of Barry Leslie; to».'Bthfbplati 'eo> ' centricTtleS of W. 8. Bndworto; too oontorUonstf C: Mf. barkai: ' the vocalizations ef Miss Ada Teaman; and toe Terpdbhorean ' displays of Mlasndtna Smith. On the Oto, tooy-feave a ne# ' vanlon of Jock Shoppaid. The Forrest stoten appeared on Ita ■ Uto, and met wlto a hearty reocptlcn; and toe todies tkshlbnabla' -1/ .mattoooontoel3towaa"asorouger.''i" Smith, Murphy and Fnebertouyaei's coneert saloon, at Belen^''<''' Arkansaa, has got too shutten up, it not havtog proved a miito'":* of wedto to toe proprietors, • >-v: Hiss Agne^ Sntoeiland, toa Sootltoh'NIrthltoaale, after a bitof but suocessfol engagement of sto nlnbta nt toe New I4ea,'ln t&la' dty, was to appear at Canterbury Hall, Waahlnkton, D.-O^'aT * Monday.Utolnst ■ ^ - . ■.. ».J■ A Match Jig Danes eamt off at Bellar's Oeatertl Mich,, reoeally, to which,toeOhampleashlp ofM tovolved. between BUly Allen and Johnny ltoyd;j'i' he donocd tblrty-tbur slebs to Boyd's,twenf '' pears to be unfcrtunaU to hto Jig inatohes, It' defeat tectetly,' be UtTtoa beea'bahten/M atoce by Alex. BOes at'toe'Aoademy «( Uaitii ' imtt HeEfhsa, Ji^ dtucfrt seetfta^Hitt*. jblhg two neU at t^^^!ui' V6t ooaUhiutlon «t ThtaW^ .Uvi'-.fe: