New York Clipper (May 1863)

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■ ' . ii ;• jt\r '..',v,.'-i'-; ;:•' " ■;!.•■ V';: AMD?-"! ;. '', nim Hs^BGD pouiits i side; ,. BVU'8 FEBBT, BBW JBBBKTi XAT l^th, UiB. r . DUNN THE VICTOB T]]lrty*Flve UlnntM^^^ a Twelve .BonndB. ||rh»i:iglit Woaby a Fonl Blow. Tbs mlUbehrMO'thMa twouplniobi for pngllUtlo hsmon, lai whloh bnt for ib* mon uoltliiff ud iBoerttat mttoh btbrean Jm Oobniti tiid Hike MeOoole, would ntTt drMt«d • maoh mtUT degi«« of IsUmt In lbs ■porttu vorl^, sun* off OB tbo BornlDg of - Wadoeadar. Uth Is^t,, In Iba DOlibborbood of 'Vrtehivkim, K, J. It tarmlBaiod 1b lbs Bwudlag of tb* btiUtto DuBD, In oouKOMix) of tbe Utter bolngblt fool by .ElUotl,it iB alleged, vblla on tb* (ronnl, wban twelre roonds had been fbngbL. . . , ■,■ ■ ■ ., Ofibe two prlnclpali, ene, Pqbb, Is t norlae, tbli baiog hu fink tpieiruiee In the prl^e iIdi, and It ii i1«> aaeeited ttiat he BereroTen vrttneiaed »ilng flght befoie. He li a llnelrbBflt, MUre jonng feDow, remartablj qItU, and unajeuBalng In Ida demeanor. Ho la net yet twenty-one year».old, Blkbougb to ebebadthoidTantagoof ayaar <)TerhlBoppon«Bt Point of aue be nao ■ut»u.^w v* * / w ttjl'*; —"L" K thto mXh, he wa« baoked ftom Brooklyn, to wbl& plaoe b, belcSig.™eUanepbewof tbeTeUran PhU Obuj/wbo-aefeated flSitie leeae aoftsjo*™ »go,and wi,p baa taken • warn and •StlTe toiereetlnhlmelnoe the match waa fltet arranged. He took hia bieatblBBS at Fort Hamilton, tinder the care of Johnny OalTln, of Brooklyn, (one of hU stannoheat baokere.) and the BkUlfuHnporintendanceof Olaro hlmaolf; and hla auparbeen- dlUon, when brongbt Into the ring, rofleoted the bighoet credit on bli meotora. Hla weight waa In tho neighborhood of Utibe., and ble height 5ft BXIn. . • , ...... ■ Jem Elliott, hlB opponent, halls from New York, and allbotigh only nineteenAear* of ago, has twice before appeared in the Tnulllstlo arena. His drat battle was with Tonng Kobby Olaik, atuiat time a now Importation tfom the "hardware ■rtllago," In EMland, aa the town of Birmingham la generally called V >be ohronlolers of the ring. They fonght for a pnne of |60, el the Pallaadeh. N. J., May Mth, ISep, Oiark winning after m good flgbt •of oyer an hour. At this time, Elliott was a raw, inexperienced 'boy, bis frame net baTlng became firmly .knit, or attained It* ' complete development. • But ho manlfeated eaoh promlae u a boxer that many piadloted forblma bright and sacoeaafDl ea- * * leer iEi tbe ring, ehoold hla ambition lead blm to poxene that career. For nearly two years be remained quiet, not being able to meet with a vjob," as the EnglUh piige hsTO it. until he was matched agalnat that dever trainer and Fourth Ward ftTorlte, Hen Wlskb, for 1200 a aide. Xhere waa bnt little time for pie- 'paratlon CD either elde, tbe matoh belns somewhat of . an Im- promptu cbaiaeter. They met on the olaatlo nonnd-of Ifeo- hkwken, on the apot where John Woods-^e'feated Qeotge King a 'twelTamonlh before, and after a rattling mUl of two hours and a onaiiar, dnring vblob nlnety-fivo roonda wore fought, the to- feree declared It a "drawn rbatUe." The present match was mads about two months ago, for. $300 a side, the edltoi .of the • OUFFBBbelngnameduilakebolder.. Klllott went Into .training " at UoOomb'a Dam, where Joe Oobnm was at tbe time, prepar- ing for bis oonteet with McCoole, for the Gbamplonshlp of Amer. lea. He waa at diet attended by Johnny Aaron, for a short Ume, 'bnlsabteaaenlly by Uorrla, of Doaton. He did blswtrkwltk jegnlailty and ateedlneas, as wae ovldoncod by bis really mw- . nUcent condition when he entered the ring. He atanda Ht. UK In., allhongh not jet "nineteen years," and has a finely de- 'telopad and well-proportlaned frame. . " ,. The day orlgtnally named for the flght waa Monday, the IXlb Inat,, and the place aelcoted by BUott^s repreaentatlro, who wen the toss for ohelce, waa Camp Scott, Btaton Island. .'Why such a plaoe BhouIdbaTo been fixed upon, It la dlfSoolt to Imagine, as the interference of the authorities there was almost a matter of "certainly- The greatest publicity was glTen to the affair, and, ais 'might have been expeoted, the police authorities soon became cognizant of the eontempiated contest. The Harbor police ro- ceSred instructions to prooeed to the Island, and prevent tho flght coming off; in which object, U will .be seen, thej were no- MSaf^ ' As It WIS genenlly understood the flgbt would tikepla** at daybtesk, a great number went down to; Btaton Island the even- ing previous. All the hotels at OURon, Btapleton, and Quarto- tlaa we're lUled with guests. At the latter place, we dropped Int* NautUua Hall, to see our old Mend Tommy Bnma, who waa io long the popular boat of this beautifully sicqated hotel, bnt 'Whibas recently retired flrom .the business, we. antlolpated ■having Itn pleaanre of bis oompony tha following morning, as we wdl knew, by previous experience, how much bo lovealo witness a really good, aquara bIIL Unfortunately wo found that hla tnalant enemy, Signer Bbeamatlam, bad bad a tussle with him, and placed blm Itort-de^oniljiif, by "Booring" him on hla b'aok, eq , that he couldn't coma to time. Disappointed in onr traveling oompinlon, after aecorlng a conveyance for Oamp Scott next nornlog, we sought a UHie rest. ' Long befoie daylight the next morning, wo were on the way to Oamp Scott, to which plate scores of vehlolea and hundreds of pedestrians were wtndlnA. The spot edeotcd Is about three miles bom Ollfton In the intorlor of the island. On arrl|tng we found tb* ring pitched, and some seven ot eight hun- dred people aaaembled. Both Elliott and Dunn were on the ground, u coachea, with their rcapeoUvefriende,'although the seconds of the former had not arrived, It appeared that KUlott's backers had engaged a tloop to convey themselves and their party to the IsUnd, bnt that It had boon seized hy the Harbor Police, and the whole lot taken back to the city, where they weredlaobsfgad. Thay were aonsequently obliged to wait for tha first ferryboat to the lsland, and tuts delay caused the flgbt to be poslpoiied, El- liott, of coune, would net flght without his sooonds, and tholr arrival had to be aw«!ted. Hoitr after hour passed, and it began to be Whispered around that theUarborPollcaboathad arrived at OURon,' and that their preaenoo might be momentarily expected. Tbe truth of this report waa qnloUy proved, as very soon a strong body of the blue coats were aeon dascenillng tho hill. A . general stampede ensued, alike among tbe carrleges and pedes- trians, and It was an amusing eight to witness the ftantto efforts ^ made to escape ftem tbe pnnnltof tho dreadod oiSoers of the .law. Thelatter,however,male no arreats, their Instructions being mcrolir io prevent the flght taking place. Peroelvlng this, . the fears ot the mnawaya speedily aubalded, and thay gradually returned to the spot. Tho stakes Of the ring, however, were re- moved, and at last, after a long and vexatious delay, flnding there waa no^the allghtost possible chance ot the flght coming off, as the poUee annonoced tbeli Intention of following tbe party wherever they want, a retnm to the olty was agreed upon, . a meong of the baokera appointed to arrange another time Accordingly, Phil Olsre, on the part of Dunn, and one of Elli- «tt s baokert mat; and BnlVs Ferry waa th* plaoe, and 'Wedneaday morning between tbe honre of 5 and T o'clock, the time appointed forthesaocnd meeting et the man. All night long, oarrlaaos were passing over the Canal and Bfrday street ferries to Hobo- ' ken, en fvu/t for the battle ground. No attempt was made by the • autkorltlea to stop the departure of the orowd, probably owing to their being Ignorant of the contemplated mlU, Onarrlflng ■ at TTeohawken, we found th* hotolot tbe.Jovlal'andgood hu- jnored Ed, Wilson orowd^d with thirsty wayfarers, whose wants the smiling'host was acUvoly engaged In soppiylng. Ho lu- • formed na lhat Dunn and PbU Glare were on the around, having sleptBUnlghtatUooney'a Hotel, at DuU'a Ferry. Procoedhiga nue or two np tbe river, we reached Moonev'a, whore some BIX or aeven hnnlrad people wore aaaembled, obaningover the ' reanit of the coming flght, and backing thDlc opinion 5 if' •'nonnt of graonbacka, One young fellow was aa- WJlalw oopaplonont by hla boaalfol offers to bet on Dunn, and ;Sr^i2."r"^' ?*,^ when coppered. One chap ot last dropped • ?5t5??.' niJ^'lL'* »^ to bis ■ bet, blm to etake a .at ^S;►^.S^22?*'"1I'. lnvoatment,lie thought himself iVSSiSi "o""' •upreeslon of opinion that Elliott 3I2SSKth?u?L'!!^?W°r"K"'*"'''°°'^ laniUBga with SS^^iS^i?^ M O'^li'W"^'^ tool up.!ha mottor, ?Sjo«ta^' left, and the last wo saw ot ou^ 'i^,A?7S.i «?i SiiT-* "if, '»?4«rii'8 »mld the crowd, Inqulr- !5lnn.rrtSJi5;*mW "•tob lavlog around ou tho mpwid, It having myBfc.ylonslydlsftppeaw3 In the sorlmmoRo. After a long wait. U waa ascertained that EUloll bad not ar- ?«, "iS JS'* AiS wsS>eTt across forlum, and daring the tiresome dekv whioh onimnii .the. BherUr of Hudson OoSily arrived, JndlSLJiS^ Waebouna, bythe datleaofhis oflloe, to stop the tShl .£i however, he was nnaoeompanled btahy one, no notion waa ,t*k*n of his threat. At this JunclutJ, Eiott °;£Un'»?mTn1 ■ <ffFl" U>V'"?."" * '"S •» immediala move to thikpotwharo the ring wna pitched ouaued. < Thlswaa a lent spot tn tho belghts whloh (rloge the noble Hudson, and was ad- • .mlrablradspted for the purpose. Both men werosooB buthe ,tpot, Blllctt being tho Aral to shv his oap Into tho uofiB atlB ' .l9lif.)aastll, Dinn qnloklr foUowlog salt Both went rocelvod " ..Wlh Immenas aheerlng by their respaoUve (Honda. IJarno^ .' Aaron ahd Jimmy Oarroll seconded Elliott, while Ihll Omo ani 'TXllBnnUoffldlatedfbr Dnun, Jobnny Qalvln, hla trainer, bolni IbottlahOtder, Jam QllUiigs wu umplro for the last neMtoned aad'ltoddy for BlllMt. Some time wa* apent iii ohooshu. a lelktMi' John Lawrta^ wak agreed upon, but pdaltlvtl; ro^1Bod to aooept th* «n*ron* and nuthanklul oSoe. At last, Oapl, : .Mike Norlon.(Or*w) vnu nimed by Oatnejr Aitton. mi agTced,t« .bJ Phil Olaisi but befbr* h* wonld agrea w act, he rtqulrod an JMAmnoD Mai l^' pMlaaUikt theyvn* saUiflwl with Ida and wonld be mntnally bound by hla deolalon. By time, the ring had-hoen cleared, and the men busy maUiii tbelr tollete. Dunn woh the choice of ooners, aitd':ji>ok th)tt which had tho advantage of hlchor' tfround. His ooior^i whloh wero Umerall green, while Elliott s were block, were then tied to the stake. A bet of $<K) even was stoked between the two men, butontalde.the ring slight odds were ounentlr c§»ni od EUJolt.' The Sheriff, at this time, made hie way Into the ring, and ordered tbe flght to be stopped, but he wao utterly dlt)c«- garded, and onstod ouialde the ropes In.a moat uneeremonloiu manner. Precisely at 0:19, ','tlffle" waa called, and the flght commenced. .' . . THE yiOBT.. -'.-4 Bednd i;' As tho men toed tbe aoratob, tho contrsn waa marked between tbe two men. Elliott loomed over hla opponent, who,.by the comparison* seemed a less man than he aoroally Is. 1h» former weighed about' 170 lbs., while Dnnif was in :the naUinbbthood ot ISO lbs. Both were In sdmlrable oondltlon, eipeolally Elllolt, whose moscloa on the shoulders, arms, and ohest.'w'ere splendidly developed; Indeed, he looked sperfaot ;rbqttifal Hercules. .Dunn la of a qore slender and elegant 1 Igor*, bnt his muscles had not an onnoe of snperflnou flesh xm them, while his bright eye, clear complexion, and. Arm, elaaUo step showed he was In the perfection ot bealUi and condition. Bls 'poBlUon waa excallant, alike for o'ffonceand defenoe, his niarl being partllnlarly good. Elliott alao stood well, keeping lis left and rlgbl'allemaiW[ In forward motion. After sparring for seme time, Dann led off with the leR,'aBd got home llgbtly on tha ribs, reeslvlng In return a rattler;on the left eye, and oroBs-connterlng heavily on th* brow, whfOh raised a lump Im- mediately. They olosed and struggled for the throw, ending by both goug down toielher, Dunn nnder, "First bl9<A" was dlalmsd by the saceBOs of both, but net allowed. 9, Both sprang up promptly whan time waa oaUfiO. Tbe efftsta et tbe laat rennd were plainly pataepUble, Dunn's left eye being in meumlng, and a brae Inmp over i;illott's peapar. Both Bf arrad for an epanlag, and at length Elliott led off and Bent In bis left straight on Dnnn'a damaged peeper, drawing blood, but napping a haavy rlbber In return. After aeme good exohaagas at long shets, they oloeed, and Dunn fought. Elliott down, amid ike mcstuproarons sbaarloa fcom hla puty. First blood for XUlott waa claimed acl all6wed. I. 4ft*r aeiae aUrmlahlBg, EUlott got in heavily on the lAjured eye, nearly alcaiBg tbe shatters. Dunn waa not Idle, bnt ad- salnlatered a warm rlb-reaaler Inretam. After some exobanges, ikar tUnohad aad pegged away merrily, Elliott being especially at home at tB-flghtlng. In the end, Elliott went down on his k>aes. iBBtBse chaSMng (com boUi sides of the ring, sad eStra to bet tlOO to Ut en BUott. 4, They fainted for some time, at last Elllett dashed In and de- Mvared us lall tirioe in succaaelon on the faoe, whUa Dnnn re- letted hie heai? hltUng on the body. Oloalng, thedlibad away B good style, bnt at laat Dnnn wks thrown. 7^ 5. The facial appearance of neither man waa much Improved by the other's handiwork. Elliott's eye was nearly doaed and hla forehead swoUea; wblls one of Dunn's peepers had adopted the early oloalng movement. After eparrlng some time, Duno led off, but Elllote Jnmped back; amid crlee of "Oo in, ElllottI" be came up again, khd rushing in, was met with a tremendous right-hander on the ribs, but getting home cffeoUvaly twloo on the (kce. Some'merry exchangee fallowed, both men being'oo- caslonally out of distance. In the close, Elllett threw his man cleverly, amid tremendous eheerlng, and offers to bet $100 to $iO on his winning. t. Both men had evidently their orders to adopt tbe cantlouB kystam of tactics, aa neither seemed wUllng to assnme the offen- sive. At length, Dunn, flnding his opponent would dot begin, led off, bnt missed. Breaking ground, they met again, and, El- liott tried his left bnt waa short, and Doon countered him on tho m9Bth, receiving a hot 'on on the cheek. In the end- Dnnn wered his antagonlat with a tremendous body hit. In the lal- ter'a own comer. Qreat cheering ITom the Brooklyn division: 7. The oall of "Ume" wae promptly answered by both, and again ther sparred together, neither willing to take the tnlUatlve. Tired, at last, Dunn ledof^ bnt was neatly stopped. Sllctt tried to work roBBd to tt)e higher ground, but Dunn was not to be had. At length tbe latter tried again, but'waa short, and HlUott countered Um wltb a one-two onIhe (ace, napping a rib-tbtater In return. Boas sharp exobanges then fbllowed, and EUlott got down. Oreat eheerlng (Mm both oomers. 8. Up to this time, there was bnt little dlfferenbe In the amount of pmnlahment received, and although Elliott's friends, bavini th* longest .purses, ofartd odds on bis winning, yet in reality 1, was aa even thing. Dnnn tried'bis left, but wa# cleverly stopped. Heavy exchanges on'the dial and body followed, tnd after a pause, they met again In the centre of the ring to renew their mutual hitting. .At laat Elliott dropped, receiving, as he did se, a smart upper cut. Hit aeconds appealed, on the ground that Dnnn hit him while he waa on the ground, but the claim wis not allowed. 9, Both came no as ttrobg as ever. Elliott led off; Vutmlsstd his mkn. Here Barney Aaron, hia saoond, kMPi'l^^tQ .iixaref- aroe, that Dunn had acmethlng i^ his hands. H« oj^ened them at the referee's'oomniand, bnt nothing wu found In them, Sunn followed lUlott Into hla own corner, nailed bitt-heavily on the mark, bnt was aent to sraas by a finely delivered eh^t on the left ay*, llllotteloeknplo tlOO to |00, and hla friends B*n< galneefvlotofy.- It. OohstderabU BpaTrlng,-.E1116tt sUU flghtlng ahyandoaa- ttooB, and canslBg the Dunn part^ to express londlyihelr opin- ion that he waa getting enough ot It. 'OA the'Other hand, Blllott'a (Honda showe^ their oonfldence by offering to bat odds he would win. He, however, could not lie Induced to.eomo out of bis own corner, to which he retreated' whenever .Dunn fol- lowed him. The latter got home on Uib'tkce llghtly, and Elliott mlsahig the former got down. '' 11. Elliott opened tho ball but was prettily stopped. Kora epaixlng, apparently to gain time, Dnnn at length planked a hot 'un on the ribs, bnt Elliott cleverly countered on the neck. The latter than bored ti), and was met with a atnlght left-bander on the mouth. Some good exchangoa followed, EUlott cn the (koe, Vhlle Dnnn'a body hitting seemed to bo apparently .effeotlve. In the bloaa Elliott went down. 11 and last. A long time was spent in sparring, both evldeptly under "waiting orders" (torn their aeoonda. Dunn at last got home a smacking rlgbt-handar'tn the ribs, and Jumping book, avoided the retam. Uore Ume wasted In sparring, Dnnn point- ing to the soratch and calling on Elliott to meet blm at It, and not keep In bis own comer. Following him np, he again dashed in his right heavily on the ribe and retreated. Again more spar- ring, EUlott mablng in and Dnnn rotreatlng. Heeling again, the Brooklyn youth sent In a one, two, fair and straight on tho dial, drawing thaolaiet Craoly,and wts away before BlUott oonld return. Tho same routtne of mutual felnUng and retreatlngfaUawed,Dann Bgiin oalllng EUlott to (he soratoh, bnt IneffactuaUy.. Tired of this waiting game, Dunn went to bis man, and soma good flght- lng ensued, the exobanges being heavy and equal on both sides. In the.rally, EUlott pressed Dunn on to the ropee, whloh had become looee and Blackened, causing JUm to (kU over them. In this poalUon Elliott etmok blm reveral times In the (ace, jthen hla aeconds claimed the flgbt on the groand o( "foql," aysglng that Dunn was on the gronud when thus hit. The referee d^ oldad that EUlott had lost the flght, and that Dniut was the vlo- tor.. The time was exactly 8t mlnntos. A scene o( thegreateat disorder and confusion followed the anhouhoemenl{o( the referee's deolelon; EUlott'* party main- tained that Dunn was not on tbe ground but lying on the ropes, whloh prevented his going down. With this, however, we have nothing to do, aa the decision of the referee must be accepted as coneluBlve. Ho was mntuaUy aeleoted, and both parUea agreed to he bound j»y hla. decision, and his high, honorable oharaoter as a aportlng man- gives weight to the correctnees of his decision. How the flgbt .trbuld have tormluated, but fbr this affair, we wlU not undenake to say 0p to this point It was «very even conteati neither having any deoldad advantage over the other. EUlott olaima that h* had Dunn "dead Uohe^," in the war nowgoliitf^ofl;'th^ atefflaD7 stin In tliersnluof the Vnlonarmy/aiHsttiirto-dafasd'tSeatatfl and ktriite<,'UV .to keep na a nation. Flgnt is now the word bverrwhetc', ud Why. khonld the Prize Ring be taboobd? It ftsslsts to iBfose oonrsge Into a man, and we know thatvaome bf onr pugUIsUo frtenda have been of material servloe In the army, in being sent on expedlUons, the objects of which required daring nilrtts to exeouie. Why, than, prosecute men for being spectators of a harmless mill. In. which no. weapons were used bnt those pro- vided by nature for man's defence. Xetour Jersey friends , be lenient,In these war times. , ' . ' ' . . Tbe 'Wnoniia OoLons.—At the'White House, 100 Qtand street, a ho'atelrie of which that prince of good feUows, Tom McCoy, Is tho preeldlng spirit,.are to be seen eomo Interesting mementoes of tho American prize ring, llost prominent In its asaoclotlons are the Idontlcal colors (red, white, and blue sUk) woi:n by John Horriseey. In his memorable contest with tho Banlola Boy at Long Point,' Canada, Oct. 20, ItSS, The emerald green colors nnder whloh tho present champion of America, Joe .Cobum, fonght, and which wore tied to the slake, are ilio here, pro- sAited to the worthy host by Ur. WlUlam UiilllRan. The colors which Oobbm's clever aecond. Hen Winkle, also bad around him, a present from the skUfol trainer to the popular landlord. To aU who take an Interest In such things, we would say, pay a visit to the White.Honse, in Orand street. New York. Au. Wixstn II HouE.—At tho Cobum and UcCoole flgbt,' at Obkrleetown, tho week before IssL we wore glad to meet and shake hands with the renowned llltlo EngUab boxer, AIC Walker, the 6nly conqueror 'ot the accampllahed Joe Hollss, 'better known to the votaries of Flstlana as "The Spider." Alt has bean for tha past two years flghUng the bfittlea bf bis adopted loount^. Eels now keeping a Uquor saloon in Philadelphia. FloHT-TALi.—There hjisbeea,aBdisstUl,agreBtdealof "flght- talk". among the-boys, and matehes of aU sorts and^lzes seem to be brewing; but unolaU such'affairs can ba arranged and car- ried ent orderly, and according to a strict oonstmotlon ot the rules, the less said about thorn the batter. It appears to us that the puglUate and backers of pugilists are oontroUed, to a certain extent, by parUas who go ^o the riogalde, for the pnrpoee of winning a flght by a 'wrangle. If necessary. These parties intimidate aU weU-dlaposad patrons of the prize ring, and bring'everybody oonneotedwlth ft Into bad odor.. Ulsno wonder uiat the autboriUes are cdmpelled to take cognizance of ling oontests, and use tbelr efforta to prevent them from taking placev' Properly Dondncted, wo do not'beUeve the B. would meet with the opposition It now doee In (his oountry. itilt im QBiBsnr.—On the lOth inat.,.we>s<!elved by the bands of a Mend;flrom California, a flne photegrkph of Pete Didy (who recently'fought Johnny LazaroSj) and hlSHecond, Harry Oi^bbln. Dalf Is In ring oostome, and In atUtode, whUe Qrlbbln la in his comer, on one knee. Daly'a likeness Is saloto be moot exceUent, whUe Qribbln's we kmuj to be so. It is a r» aUy good pipturj, weU designed, and beaatlfally exeonted. Tbb CHAimoir.—By ACorence to a noUce elsewhere. It wHI be Been that Joe Oobnm has slresdy been obaUenged for ' another contest,<43Uott,' who last week fought Dunn, being the party to meet tbe ehamplon. The offer seems to be made u 'good faith, and Cobum will bare to respond, or retire (Km the field,; UoCooLE.—Mike McCoole has been keeping somewhat qulqt since bis recent meeting with Cobum, and although he Is atop>- plng In. the vlolnlty of this city, wo. do not know that any ar- rangemente have as yet beon'niade, for giving him a benefit. .. Tax PnoczEna.—Joe Cobum Is said to have rekllzed about three hundred dollars dram his (wo evenings loat.week at the New Bowei7 Theatre.' MuBcle<doe8 It. ' ' IKDUN' OxuBs aim thbth Uses.— We are glad to loam (hat the Indian Club la fast coming Into ptabUo (kvor as a means o( exer- cise, condntlf g, a* it does, to a general development and strength- ening of the physical system. Mr. 8. D. Eehoe, the prlnolpsl manufactnrer of Indian Clubs In this counti7i is now. In (hO re- ceipt of ordertr from aU soetionsi, and he Is filling tiiem np ss rapidly as possible.' Mr. Kehoe made the dobs whloh Co- bum exercised with T^bUe-training fbr his .'late flght with Mc- Coole, and which were so hlgUy spoken of by the champion. Orders addrtaaed to' B. D, Sahoe, Bovere Honae, New 'xork, or Peat Ofilce, N. T., 'wUl receive immediate attonUon. AKomcB FioBT.—To^y, Hay 19, Is the time flxed for a flttia cbtateet between Con Orem, of Coloisdo; and'Owney Geoghegan, ot this dtv, for,.it la said, $280 a side. There does not appear to he muoh Intereat the ovent,'but Utilehavlngbeen heard of the parUes since the match -was made, It ls;glven out that (he flght la to take place within flfty miles of Hew 'fork, and that It may take a trip by water to roach the selected spot. ' 'Woi. HivB tbb Clipceb.— It Is an ondenlable'fkot, (hat not- 'wiihstandlng the daUy and weekly pepera generally reported the late , flght between Cobum and McCoole, the people were not utlafled TuHl they pttnsed (be Olipfeb's report And so It Is, always. The CUiFEB'sTeporte are retained for future reference, and. sent to all parte of the world, while the reports In other papere axe merely glanced at and then thrown aslda, At Jaoe Bath and Nobbt Clabs's exhlbltloB, which we have already uotteed aa to take place at the American Theatre, San Franouoo, Cel., on April 201b, Wm.. Clarke, Barry Lazarus,' Jo* Wlnrow, Harry Oribbln, Peter Daley, Johnny Lazarus, Denny Healey, Tom Enwright, and BUI; Dwyer, were to appear and set- t% and Johnny Lazarus And JackHatn were to give the wind-up. OwzH 'OxooBzoui's BkNEFTt.-^Thla popular boxer, whose flght with Con Orem Is flxed. for this day, took a beneflt on Thursday evening, the' lith insL, at a haU In First A,venne. It was a highly aucceaaful iflfSr, ihp plate being .prowded, and the sparring flrst rate, me.v^nd-np.was tietween Oeoghegan and his old antagonist, the.olevcr' Ed.Tonhey, aind was a' noh (r*«t to.theloveTBOfgoodSparrlnit.. . '*', ^ . JoBBNZ LAZABUSl'doi^OBS.—Dropping. Into Izzy Lazarus' hos- telrie, in Centre atrofi^ On the 17th, we found the Falstafllan host in a state of high .gratlflcaUon, and soon ascertained tbe cause. He hsd just received a package ftvm.Callfomla, contain- ing his son Johimy'scolors, flghtlng shoes, etc., wom In hla late fight for the championship of light that BUte. A ■ THB OBAND BAT/onAI*' '. BIIiXIABD TOQBNlHBHT I I ' '.- . . .WIU, TAXI riUOE AX,'" ' . ' »'; '.■■;•., ' . f IBTIHO HA£L, . > ■ '. Oomor of FlAeanth atraat'and Irving Place, New York, .• ,''^ •■ ■'•. -OOlOtEltOlHa >;' .'' ■/•'■■f' ■ . .KONDAT, JUNE lei>,18«8. ■ : Th* following players have' oitarsd, and wl)l ooAtend,foi ibt prieesand.thB,.'.'.■''-'■'■ ■ _^ Vf'ri'^'CHAMPIONSHIP OP AMKRIOA. • ' UIOHAKb FOLET, of Cleveland; TIEUAN;ercinclnnaU; , SBEEEWEBi'Of.Detroit; , , FOlt, of Boehosterj . •'• ,'; B8THPBB, of Philadelphia:' ' DEEBT) of Washington; '' * HELH81 of PhlUdialphla; -'KATANAOH, af KewTork,' ^ :, ' 60n5rHWAITB,-.o< New'York. ' '■_ The Tournament vnUconUnne for absnt ton days. Each pl*y<'^ or wlU play a game of fl«« hondred polnU up, caroms, with eaoh of the other playen, khd- the wlnuer of the uaatest number of. games to be.ine wlnn^ (rf an (he prlkes; a splendid inlaid, fouN .pocket, BUllard Table, Fbelanb OoUender's patent, andmognlfl- cent gold mounted One, theemblembfObamplonablp. ' Elevated saate wUI be ereclod to aoc'bnunodate .1,800 apectetortj. 80 that all can see the plar. . ' . ' A charge of SO cente will be mad* for •aoh a4mlaalan to eovtr exponsea; the surplus. If any, wiU be distributed as mileage ta players coming from a distance, or sIherwUe dbpoSM of as (he contestanto may determine. . / / , ' Tlckete will be on sale at the prJkclpal BflUard'BMms,' and at the door of ttie HaU. .. 6-«» IxmEsma BouaboMa'tcb tif' Bosioh.— A bUUard' natoh of considerable local Interest waa played at Essex HaU/cofner . ot Essex and Washington straeU, Boston, on (he evening of. Wednesday, May 13, between two amateurs ot reputeUon in Uilitl' city, named respeoHvely, Bobert WUmar and Uelvin Fosttt; The condlHons were, to plav 1000 points up, the full gtmi th' olndlng caroms and poOkets, en one of Phelan's celebratod- tobles, (Or $2110 a'elde. Qnlte a numerous and influential oongie- I :atibn was present to wltitesa the contest, and at olght o'clock^ :'. M., aU prellmlnarlss Jiaving been fdjoated, the players up- iroaohed the table (or play.' Cbarlaa a. Oodfrey woe umpire (or rihnar; Wm. MarshaU (or Foster; whUe the oe1eb(atea young bUllard kqlght, Sir Wm. Ooldthwalte, was mutually chosen as re(eree, and Wm. Tobln, of the Parker House Billiard Boom, bfilolated asgame keeper. Cn oommancing, Foster soon gained the lead, turning the first hundred on his seventh Innings by'•> run of 81 a^ae flfty polnte In. advance. He was soon over* hanled, however, by Wllmar,who, by. several pretty rans, turned tl)e second hundred flrst by«bout twenty-flve points. On hla >twenty-flrst Innings, Foster sgaln went to the frOnt; and al- inbugn at times closely pursued by hla Intrepid opponent, kept therrtlU the dose of tbe'game, flndly .winning, aRer a contest- ireshonrs and twenty-flre minutes, by.l70 polnte. WUmar is loolK|d,u|ion aa a more brUllayt player than 'Foater,'the let* tar's/oriTbolnd^nnrelng, by which mmns he made his highest counts, tbe hlghest~4»; him, as weU aa ot the oatoh, being .108. Tbe defeated man was^anxlous to make another match, but we beUe've It baa not|«e( Mei^OQnsnmmated. Appended is (k cor*, rect teble of counm:— WILUAB. SII«(,Cli)iin<.2b(il. 7.... '7 3..U.... 11 8..16.... 30 °: «.. 8*... 40 8.. 0»....«' 12.... 08 : 78 8. 7.. 9. 9.. Ot'... 83 10.. 12....IBS 11,.18«...131 11..28....U7 ;i8.:a:--ut M,. 0....U7 40....193 I0t...203 112 212 o...:3is 20....338 21.. 3....237 M:.'0*;.;287 23..10.-.;.M7 S4..8i....2ei 26.. 0....3Si 28.. 0....281 27.. 8.. 28.. 8t. 29.. 0*. 9» 81. .il.. Ot.,. <0 ' 'I'.'.v *8. 'V... 43: '8it..>12t • 0*1 .'.124 0i...l27 4,...181 0....1S2 . a..V.184 ia....i«6 8....1S2 21.-.'..173 .0»...178 18;...194 :.-8t...l08 29.:..227 287' .290'. .290 .299 840 34. 8.... 0...; Ot,., . SO.... 18.... u?::, ■ .317 .201 .280 ';20S .2<S .296 .313 817 88...'.m 10.. 3. IWot. . ot 84.'i2S.. S6..23..,.393 401 87.. 0..,':402 , 88..10..',.413 47..;.4S9 I 40.-.S3;'...S13 ' 41..27k..840 ' 42..8»:;;-67» ' 48.. 0....I79, 5i4.';•.3•...s4l^ ^..84t...61S :4«;. 0....618 ,4T;.lt....627 4B;,18....«48' 4»;.«('.;;'.7U- so..18..:.729 61..28....749 82.. 3.;'..7S2 • 83.V30^..'.782 ■ 0.'...788. 9....790 o.,.iioo: ■3:...790 21....819 89.. 3..-..821 00., 0....811- 41.. 0...-821- vosrkB. '81.. S8.. 68.. nr.. aplandld photograph of Johnny, In ring costume, with his seconds) Joe Wlnrow and Tim Macarty, In poslUon, accompanied the above named mementoes of the ^bt- Matched.— As wlU be seen from our report of Cobnm's exbl. biUob, BUly Morals, aUas "Pnnob," of Boston, Is matohed against Mike Dorsay, for $100 a fide. Morris is the same party who fought BUly Donnelly, in Boston, a short time ago, tha tttter proving the victor. Hole a sturdy, strong-buUt young feUow, and although perhaps not so sclenUBo a boxer as Dorssy, ia said to be a regular glutton In receiving punlahmanb HaBBZ BUBOEis iH THE <kT7.—This wbU known English pi Ust, who fonght and defeated Jem Clark, ot UveipooV (an bid opponent of Harry Qribbln's) and Pateey Uarlay, the former In 81 xonnda, 80 min., and the latter In 01 rounds and 81 min.. Is now In this dty, and anxious for alob,. His height la aboutSft, 61n.,. and hla'flghtlng weight In the neighborhood of 148 lbs. There are aoifle mmots of hla wllllngnesa to flght. the Chaiopton, provided he can find l>abkers;if ao, he can ba accommodated, as a reference to a,card from Mr. Cobum, In another column, wll prove. A OtrsioHEB FOB DoMHBLLy.—In a communication dated May 8th, (rom Camp West, near .WUUamsbnrgh, Vs., "Soldier Boy/' o( Co. B, '189th N. T. Vols., says be would like to teke up Billy Donnelly's ohaUengeto fight any man In', the United Stetos at 112 lbs. for tlOO a side, or upwards, providing he (DonneUy) will go to Virginia to fight, and WiU send the flret inattlment of thealafcestO 'lheOurrBBas soon aa ha leans (hat DonneUy agrees (herdto. ' THE CHAMPION'S BPABRINO EXHIBITION. At the Cm AjBEKBLT Boons, BaOAOWAT. i.^V\:,'^ ,,^ni^^... t,. .^^r,,r^^^ fl„i,i,hiG .inaBnnt I Tfib Bparrfng exhiblbon for tte benefit of the.vioter in tho late bnt hlB unwlUlngnossto come out »nd flght hla man does not U j^jj^jj^ jj'J , ^ , ^ on Friday eve- mentln hla style of .flghUng since he met 01a«and "JnklcJ^ large, at least dght hondrod.penons, the style ot flghtlng and bids fair to obtalh a prominent poslUon In the ring. Dnnn,' although a novice, fonght with the obolnoas ot a veteran boxer. Ho Is a good two handed fighter, straight and qnick In his da- llverlca, and as onme a man as - ever puUed hU shirt off In the ring, '\71th a little more expertenoo, he wlU prove a moat dangorons sntsgonlat to any one who may fancy mm. Through, out (he fight ne 'acted with ooolneas, Judgmont, ai)d manly straightforward oondnotttiat redounded oreatlyto his honor, nanimlng homo, the Jersey poUoo woro fo^d.ln force on (ho guiittM atuobokon forrr, atrastlngno lose than savonty-flve parUos on snspldon ot having beon present nt (he fight, Tho principals and sooonds avoided oaptote, by crossing (he river at Weeha^hon In smaU boate. Or tho parUoa captured, about twenty mstlagod to give sooniJty In the sum 01 $800 eaoh to asBwor, .while the unlucky ones are Ukoly to remain Inoarceratod for a protrabtod period. n . The backer of Elliott aarved a noUce on the stakehoMer,jiro. testing agalnat the etakes being given tap tol>nim.' That oindal Bobsequentlyrfoolved -. . ■ THE BBFHUEB'B AS(5li?I0N. . My decision In (he flght botwoAn Dunn and EUlott li, that Dunn won the flght In eonsequonba'of a fouVblow on the part ot KlUott-.^. ,„.. • • . MlbHAlL NOBXOH. ■ May 18tb, 1803. ... Th* atekeholdoliMUatoBoeatveppltho ktakes to Dunn, on reoelvlng a satlafaotory'miaranlee agkliitt any Alalm on (he part of EUlptt, yrom glad to understand, however, that the l»&or and Mmia of IQUolt wUl abide th* n(er**>B dedafen, ud let (hematter end,' ■ ; '.. ':' ■ . t ■ ■ I». TIM HAin)B o» TM PBmeriiiiM.-iOwintt to (ho pnbUdty "5?^1? Ihe^eoent-nfln between Dnnn and EUlott, (he polloo au( (be nUgbbbFlna Slate ot Mew Jersey were enabled to get^thwlk bt the belud«fe4s. and al- .ttopgh (he flflbl was Bemateid- to ts*"puS>5nJarBey soU, Wllhont maglstarhd t^tfkieUbe; quite'a nnmbVbf ircsti .wor* madeoro (h»pkrty.r<Aohed (rtflsrry-kt Hotwken. Thcao ™!JSSSJ?K3J!Sii'"^t**J*i?*^' •kbprlholjataand eeconds snoooedlilb in eludlnj Uie vlgUanoo of the Jersey offlblals. Our S2ffi."»l?«S'Z';?' "? »J.»*? «2? N«w York, era upon whom they Uy (heir otat^ei, Surel* (here Is nooraot SiiSiii mS™?'?}!* ""J"* (haleten the Jersey authoriUcs m«« Si*«»-"vl**?**.?*' the dlsoordan( do- nilfi aSr^iw iS?*!?'?.'''^'"'' «i»tnselvo<: upon the Prix* ti£,'^t£^^^^V,!t^*^ ttey ban adt; we bSovo (ha nk^ SSwTto^S£LVi'^i'5?,«^«"^*«"«»»dml(ted to Wifito 5S!S5f;«;ft'**!j'*' *"'''our nugUIate, ahd a nunbta of sapport^ ^»viaitm,hiittSf^W^<)o\iattj tjority belonging to (he higher dasseeof aodely, being, pres. otat Indeed.we .scarcely rocoUeot ever attending a sparring ex. hlblUbn where so largo, a nnmber of InfluenUal andreapeoteble >eopl(Uirere present; the desire to see the boxer who had so gd- anuy defeated the glganUo Westem duunplon being, of course, (ho a(tr*ctlng power. Tbe stage was erected on tho eastern sido of tha hall, tmmMUiibly Opposite (h'e entitnco doors. The flrst aet-to was between Jim Bums and another, and was a spirited affair, neUher dlspliiylng any extraordinary solenoo. Jim Han- ley and Morris, of Boston (bettor known as "Punch," and who Is matehod to flght Mlko Dorsoy, for $100, a sIdo In the oourso ot next month), foUowed, and modo a capital set-to. Jerry Oonklln and FIte, ol Providence, had a merry bout togcthor, some rat- tling hlte being exchanged before thay reUred, and gave way to Mike Oobnm and Mlko Dorsey. Tblsprovedtobeaflretratoand vary equd contest, Dorsoy bolog a cfevoE two-handed sparrer, and Oobnm seeming (0 possess a large portion ot hpi brother Joo'a skill in the use of the gloves, ss woU as being a very flne, ellaoUve wrokUer;' (browing Doraey at the doee of nearly kvory round. Oosgrove and Beod (at least, we think (hd( la the name, but (he Inaiatlnot Amounoemante of Old Toveo, who atted as Master of. Obremonlea, renders ns nncertalo of bolng oorroct,) foUoVrad, and by their unaolcntiao and awkward tltompte at apatrlng caneed a deal of amusamenb Tht Boxt sot-to iKitwcen Charley Walker, and Abrsms was exocUont, the latter hItUng flnely and stopping neatly and dovorly. Abrams, Indeed, Isono ofonrmostpromlalngaparrets, and bids (kLrto tako bif place amoDB tho beet wo have. Bamey Aaron and Johnny Swootman were tho next, and, as might have bean anticipated, gavo a striking lUuatratlon ofi(he boauUosof the art of edf-detenco. At Ite terminkUon, Tovee annonncod on bobalf of Aaron that ho waa prepared to make a matoh to fl^t any man In the worUl for $1000, at llOlba, to 1241bs. weight. This bold annoQneement waa recdfodwlth great oheering, Thewlnd-nplietwoen tho beno^ fidaro, Joe Cobum. and lazy Lazarus foUowod. Itwks expected' that Crow wonld aai-to with nlm, but sickness prevented him from being pieaent, Of oonno,' the set-to was 'very amusing and pro- vooaUvoot immanae 'laughter. Old ^Ktvee, on behalf of Joej>re. tuned thanke to those preaentforthdrpsironago. The greatest deoomm prevailed (hronghont Job Oosdbii's Photoobaph oao be prosnred ot W. 0. MTnctiiM, •Mlss-l forfdUr tPo^ket bS the whlt»-2 foiefelt^ tPobket off (hered—Sforfdt' .'.. ■.';'..".■.■ At the.c)asaot^'above match, agame .»iaf&y>\oia)il*i,.. played between (he winner andadd(hwatte,bywar ofaddlUonkl entertainment of' the ipeotaton, which.tesulted In h victbry/os- Foster by 57pol^ Ooldthwalto evld^tiy.^ot tdaytng.Us brst'. .'' . voBkidji.Bii^&'ttHfi trimB .i9<buef<v:[:K ;.' On WadnMlw .M»riI>a9,.th*re^«*'B.v*irt^ right aortkt'lb'. %il|Mr'«; to^^dte*(he;^ikBnglbf Kf^. depodt between Mace and Qoas, for Iheb grAdnateh i- r-^I.i Mace had to post <80; making £I80'dotm for him, and Jo^ OoH. had to pu( down £10, making hia ateklng up (0 amonntto £120, The deposit was duly made, and another deposit, of slmUar- amounU, has to be staked In a month's Ume, at 0 bouse to ba- named by Mace, - Joe Ooes had promlsad to be present at IXk- <eposlt,'but. In oonseqnence of (he lUnesa of his wiCe, he wsa in< kbietoattond. Esouaa Puanjsna Iteub.— Onr eorraapondent *'i71do- Awake," now In Uverpoel, says:—"There ere ;nore Anm^:s<uln . here at plMent than waa'ever Known before, and'the cry fo'sttlb'. (heycome. The pngUlsUo excitement Is very great liere.aon-- cemlng the Heenan and King mateb. Tha betting at preacnt pi all in uvor of Beenan, bnt ItwUl be a eenple of moutns before- there can be mudi specnlatton on (heaubjcob'asbothman aro sUU on their travels Bo'b Travis gives an exhibition here on the 0th of May, when he wlU be aealated by Patsy Beardou and a ■ host of sparring tal^snt Bob la to flght Jim DUIon for £200 iw. Bide, on (he Uthof August.' Bob is getting old, and (be hlacli: vrlll'have a tough cnstomer to deal wlth'thia tlme......Tbo- mos( exclUng aflkli at preaent la the coming flght between Baeo oind dbes. UiebetUngls In tkvoc of Maes,' Tus piomlsci ta.bk a good battle. ' A BojjABnllAiaB for £200 wa* played (n ,Londoit,'ec'Atfdr 80, between MeesA. DnJton.and Carver, (be former glvloi,' oddl' of 200 polnte, I( was a doss (hlng, Dnflon winning by ds ]>olntebnly; liut it was (bonght he did a UtUe "thibirmif'fili.'t'r'' : or .which he wis severely reprimanded by (he press. iBerrod " him right j .i.-iJ^ . The Toaues CHAUtioHSHip.-rNottUna far(hei of nete hat- transpired In regard to this aqoktlo *T«Bt, tbiake plaoe Ini'Isaei'. between Oreen, of AnstTaltef UnS ChMiers, «( Nffwoasda, - Ano(her deposit of £M waa -ftjlUTo -beeB (dsafi liowenri on": A Souunra Matob balwaen Oao. Drewitt iiiit Toiii Bo:^ti, for' £100,iraa.(O9OB)e,bff onHeyS, , . • ■ ' •;:''■.• .' Vv'j? : Death (ui^iHiKl'EKiuiiiM'' Bmn—Ur.'H^^^ ' man rider on (neSriUkh TM, and ewaat of OtiMm^ mkS Sn Aprll28,ln(ho88<Ky*krof hleage.' •• • '■'.,' "'' ' '- AtnoHATOH, hefivlly. baoked in A' Derby, ,Iiu. bseBv. "scratched," owing, it ts (hongh(,to aaacoId(n( In elerdalniri'-- Latest BBmNO OH THE Debbt.— 8 to 1 agalnB( Lord 011fdeD» offered; 6 to 1 against Maooaronl, oS;; 18 to 1 agalnat Saocharom*,' eter, off.; 14 to 1 against National Guard, taken and'Off,; 18 to 1 against The OUlle, oft; 30 to 1 against Hospodar, off. Latest BsmMO ok thbOais.— 3 to 1'against Lady Augnstai off.; 8 to 1 against FlylngrFlsb; and 13 to 1 agalnat'FantaU, tkkaib'. Ton THE OHBSTan Cup, OjiUar Om. aad BtikdeUa selecled by "Augur" as probkble TJlimon;' Cmoxn LiaiEunoK.^LkwmT, whlah had been altered by (he Marylabono Olub, remalna "as yoUjWere^Vbeioihkeof oer* ( regard to said alUratlen. 'Baiptiijit 'wloA your legs,ssQBUkI. 'LawXlitob*(lricw*nroi«eai:;ab,bowI*. era, beware,'and don't get yenr hand abbvei'oalKhead. .Now, If' ' wo only had a good umpire among ns, like Ohu;lex Vli^ton, waa*. dlBsaUaflicUon wonld bo avqldad. , . ,' ^ " ''^ .'-' ^tv '' ' No. 67S Broadway, for 28 oonte. Svarybody.wabti one oiT 'etni Bee advertlaemeut .. .,t" ' ;'. ' '. .'. ; ' .^c^tTtRa tf Oai^ASAi^Atrbt fbr^tMiobit pUbe CanadaWeat,on(heOUilnkt,between " ' Joflnt Und, Shd'ji Wataon'k " oamt in about alengthahr-' - CARD PHOTOOHAPHS OF JOB OOBI^, HS^J^- eaoh. Bent to Vny kddrass, oa reodst of priw, by'W.'.'v;] ■WBUIBS,678Broadway,N.Y. ..',.%'■;. ' ' '"'" BARBERS WANTBD.-Flre itat oIoeb jwtktnto £ ed a( the St. Ohariea Halr-dreielng Saloon, Byrao.Mk, H::T^'r' None bnt (he beat need apply.' Wag*» 19 to $19*«t wert; . - ■ •, ; Add»ea»lmmedl*(«ly(o HBNBY K. l>Am„ -i.'' O-lt" 'V. . j7, B>r«oosaJP. O., S.T, ., nARD PHOTOGRAPHS.-EloVI^Tg:ina Bm^ V^^Alatge vule{y.^Beht