New York Clipper (May 1863)

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m ^ o -UK,*' cnut pM'S W 5; Mawter/OM Btti Toto to' the Chair. ;!ni«^t*f ■iV I tThbow A1«B »B4 0ta«».coD8UBtlyonh»na. The Pre ^^S'm^ "'o tteir nta^ promottthe iomfort of Ihow '^DI°<*"Alm^i^a M*« .Iwiji «t home to glye LtB- „^tathe«tof6gtDrf«M.^ HOI,TWOOD. Iropriator^ vHOVOOItAPHtl OF JOBM C. HEENAN in dUmu dreei, iAtthtisig ooataaa. 2S oenti eioh. and lent posted by V.«. «a?Ba«6Breiiaw»y.W.T. . ' tad ■poAtssuh'b HUiii, Cor. Wood and Third itruta, - PlttibnMh. __• _ BT JOBimT IU0KET & JOHMNT lOUBOK, Bptrrlngerety Saturday Hlght ' Mil* OABDPHOTOGBAFHS OF JOB OOBUBV, 39 oenla tub. Boot to anr atfdreaa, oA xeoaitt of jirlce, by W. 0.' (ntHYBB, SIS Broadway, N. T., . 7 CARD PHdVOGRPHB ot .TOU EIRa,' 35 oenti'eMh. gist to any addreas on- receipt of prloe by W. 0. vaUT8S,'t7S Bioad way, Mew York. ■ ■ > ' ■ ■ Mt* VnC FfOHT BETWEEN CON ORBM, of Colorado Territory, ■ ASD .-, OWEKT QBOQHEGAN, of New Yprk, VqtL ■ ' ■:- ■ ^ FIVE HDNDBEp DOLUBSli . AT . OHEBBE OBEES, V. JT.. OV KAT lOtb, 1863, Oeoghegaa Wins by a: Foul Blow* liseteen SoandB and Twenty-Tbree llmates, loiSQBAOBFCIi PROOBBDIHaS Off TBXt OTIT- BIDBRS. The Sght betweeo Owen Ocogheghan, of this city, and Oon lOrtm, the Ohamplon of Oolondo Territory, came off early on Tataday momlng, the IBth Inst., at s place, called Oheeae Oreek ■boat throe mllei tron Sonth Amboy, N. J. This match hai, created some Interact In sporting clroles, In conseqnence of the high reputation as a boier, wbioh Oram had bronght.vith blm toMev York, In defeating Enooh Bavlafor the Ohamplonshlp of Uie Ring In Celorado Teirllory. Oeoghegban, at the time of ^«m'B arrival here on a Vbit from the far west, was looUng ont for a onslomor, his repeated ohallenges to parties lo this olty not hiring eUolted ua response Ukely to lead to business. Oram's AM en (he Newtbrk sparring stage was oonseqnantly looked brward to with much interest, as It was anpposed that some ap> proximate Judgment uf his pngUlatlo qnalitfea conid be formed Oram seeing him eet-to with, the glOTOS. Bis flntappearance was at JoeCobum's eihlbitloie at Hoztrt Hall, when he put on the gloTes with JnokDath. His perroimanee was not thought anything extraordinary, far although he showed great aatlvlty udwresUlng abilities, he Was hardly equal In aolenoe toOdId Jack. Some time afterwards, Oeoghegban, who was anxious for B light; challenged him, and after some paper warlkre, both par- ties met at the Oumn office, and at last draw up and signed aitloles to light for the sum of $350 a aide, leavtag It open to be lBoraa8edto$900aBldeonorbefon the day of fighting. Oram at flnt objected to fight In the neighborhood of New York, as he ras under the impratslon that be, being a perfect stranger, nuld not have a fair show, and dedued that if he won the toss ior choice of ground, he would name some locality near Pitts, burgh. Pa. Qeogbeghan assured him that he eonld rely on luv&g a fair, square show, and would freely oIto up aU claim to the stakes If It turned out otherwise. At this meet)ng, Oram manifested a trait In bis oharaoter highly honorable to him. He triskedtoputuplhewholeof the money at the time, but the gttnrpai^not being prepared Just then, offered to s^ke$IO, any foiqt; Hla' 9rit^ jitob was with a youog fellow with an un- Sronoonoabls Dqtoh name, for (300 a side, wl^oaa oonrage, how- 4tir;°obzad'eiit at his elbows before tbs day, and a forfeit was the ooh'soonsnee. He was next matched sgalnst the .olever Ed, Houhsy^ D;? Bock, bat the Interference of tho bluebottles prarentM their getting off to the appointed flghUng grouQd, bo a room light waa mntaally agreed upon. They met at a prlrate hoif^e'iiiOberryetnet, April IBth, 1801, and after flghtlDg 40 ruands In 01 minutes, the seconds of Touhey threw up the spougo forhlffi. Touhey had by far the beat soleoce, nailing his opponent hearlly on the face OTsry time ho rushed In, bot Owney's superiority of wieslllEg gained, him the victory, as he eould tbrowTouhey every round with violence oii the floor,and the repeated heavy &Us at last had their effect in entirely weakening bio. Since (bat time, althodgh he boa repeatedly challesged otherpuglllats in the city; yetln conscqnence of not fteing able to come to terms, he has been unable to got on a match until the preaoDttlme. . ■ m ' The place sdeoted for the fight waa aapotnear Oheeae creek, Middlesex Ooimty, N. J., about three mUes from South Amboy. The steamtng John Traoy- was chartered by Harry Hill; of the' Houston Street Exchango, to convey a select and limited number of gentlemen to the plaoe: It being given out that a fishing ex- clusion wss the nominal object of the trip, at $3 a head for the , oumcy. The rendezvous was the 01tyElotel,ln JsiMy Olty, and )y 3 o'olAOk, A. H., after a smart chase by the blue bottles, we ftund ounelvee on board with some fifty others, the minority belonging to the tapper strata of sodoty. After a long and tedl- cos voyage we found ourselves opposite tho appolnted spot, but unfortunately the tug had run on a sand-bar, and the passengers wera obliged to land in small boats; a proceas which oconplod sometime. On landing we met BamBavls and Dan Kerrigan, who infarmed us that the Bght had not commenced, nor was there any prospeot of Its coming off, as the Sheriff wss nresent, and hod read the atatnlo lawa of New Jersey against pme fighting, womlDg all' present—and especially the prlndpalji—of the con- seqnescee that would inevitably follow if the fight was penlsted in. Oram was willing to go to another spot, but Oeogbegan was determined t^ fight then and there.' The sheriff; Indeed.niad ar* rested Ban Kerrigan, who was cue of Orem's tralnera and sec- onds, and the latter only escaped by giving Um the slip, snd plunging into the thick woods around. Arriving at the spot we found about a thousand people assem- bled, the roughest crowd, without exception, we ever witnessed, Orem was sitting alone, cool and collected, and apparently Mendleas in the ring, his seconds having deserted htm, and his Mauds, if he had any, evidently too much afraid of the Uwless ohonoten present, to manifest openly their sympathy and feelings. Here ooonrnd the difflomey of getting seconds for Orem, as none wero willing to act for him. At lost Kit Bums was named, and although he openly declared that he had money bet on Ooogb^gan, Orem expressed his perfect wlUlngnoss to ac oept his aervlcas. The other seoond was found InBeddy, who boldly volunteered his aid, so that Oram might have a fair show, And. noW a second dlfllcnlty arose In a choice of a referee; Jim Irvlngi Harry Hill, and the representative of some newspaper being all named, but all refosed to act. At last a person named Ohortey Uocre, whom few knew, and who was evidently pro- foundly ignorant of the roles of the ring, or at the least tuid strong partisan feellnge, either volnnteend or was chosen to fill tbeamce. Nick Smith and Ollpper acted as Owney^ seconds The colors of Orem wera blue silk, with white spot snd white lf}ti,V, Qosgliteui'o green with red border, and embroider' ed harp in sMh comer. At twenty-five minutes past levea o'clock A. it., time wall called, and the men advanced to the torstoh, and shook hands, the OolOrado Ohomploa behi'g greeted with the filthiest epithets and hootings by the brutal crowd outside, while Qsoghegkn was warmly cheered. It was (dearly evideQt that the flgu could only have one termination, from the feeling monifeeted by the mob. Bound 1, As they stood fadng each other, Oram's superior height and ilze was evident; his form is splendidly devdoped, the musolea being very prominent. He was not In that fine cou bted the olicumstances under which the matoh was brought about, we will now proceed to give abrlof aketoh of the pugilistic performances of both men, commenolng with John Oohdie Obbk, or, as he Is generally termed. Con Omm, He was bom In 169S, In Carroll county, Ohio, and branght up at Fort Elnlay, laths sanie Steto, until ha had attained to man's Bitete. Bis father, who was a blacksmith, brought up bis son to the same occupation, and taught him how t(> t>ecome a sclon- Ufic wrestler, hebelng one of the very flnt. artiste In that line In his own native State of Uarylond. Having served his time to the bushtessihe had acquired such great prowess In the wrestling art, that ha atortsd on a tour throagfaoat tho West Bogiging In motebcs everywhere he went, for from 130 to (300 a dde, generally ocmlng off suocessfyiL tip to this time, and evsi dnce,.the present chaieplen of Oolondo made it his doctrine to Unch, taste, or handle not, either spirituous or molt liquors, or ass tobacco In any shone orform. For three eoneraUons his an- Doteisbava, with slight exceptions, followed up this course ef life. After traveUing five years, he fetehed up in Denver Olty, Ciolorado Tenltoty, where be started in the business of a black- smith, and got along lo well, that in a short time he was enabled [0 employ qnito a number of "Jouis," and earned money very kst. He epent most of his leisure time in the BoekyHountains, bnllklo hunting and shooting game, living pretty much like s ffestom pioneer, camping out and roughing It generally. In Ihto way he became quite an export wltttee tMe aubewle Ilf^ and baa had many a hand to hand conflict with Old Bmln. Ion's first regular ring fight was in the spring ef 1801, when ho net a man oilled ••Texas," and whlppsdhlm easily In two S?'^?!,.?^^""" ** *n 0* 1880, he had a slight hush with Jock O'Holl, who woe counted something of a fighter, md socn after this stroet-fose, a match was arranged, butit was E*? of *y the death'Of O'Nell, who waa shot The Hands of Orem now began to look about for iume plucky allow against whoa they could pit their ftvorlte. they SP'v'if*' S"f\.» onstomer In Bnsch Davis, '<Rongh Inoch, an old fighter of long experience, who intimated that te was ready to fight their man. Some UtUe chaffing was in- hdged In on elthtr side, and two or three cards appeared in he nenspapen, which finally led to a mateh for (SOO a aids. S?i??-^*i!'''."'v""8llBhman, was quite an old reostor, being 2."? Is B'T'^ham, in 1910, He first entered the ring lli 1881 SSlJ™.?;!™'*''..*'''',"^ wunds in two hSurs Sid 3IS5&Jl^?52'.'v'i?'f«*E.»^'»''' Enoch's-first batUoln this 71?' 0' Jonrth Ward, NewTork, 2L*n A".-2f-"?"?'^'' I*"' 'tMAiiltorflBhtlng. 'twemf-two h^^lZi^y?^" l"^' >n«4 in .a row, W^veirtuallygo ting the money. Davis also fought Jame^ ill IS' ■* ^i- '"i one hundred and two rounds in SLS!."'-!"^ ">'"«»«". whloh also ended In a wrangls. taU^ff».«P'".f*Orem and Davis woreto ►envar OIW, on the Platte Boad. and somo two thousand spscta- ^ti'J^i-'t '"^ one abovo another nearly M2?w?!*^SSf*f1'"!J?'S- half-past three o'clock, o5^ Med Wsdjapfflu Into tho ring, andTras noeted wlthrahBspi te' .JS'iJfihi'tS?,'?^**'Enoch's height wasMl, b JS,?J^S ? i2';,v''^^ ^ seconded by KcWshand SS^SSThn'n^^-s'SS'*"?' Swttsond Da^ofi. meaffSr "uWaJirdr, fe^iS'i^^^ dl8igln e«j7 round. J>f^bS;iS^^l°U^ tme, but the Immense strength of Owm Mi ti,?^iSS-'lSr irieswhtehhopourcdAnatenB^toiothSTili^rtS^^^^ f his advcrsarv, could nol buVtril fiSfauJ^o SS^S ad spry as a kitten after the fight wu^mrffcJS ^fJSliw mififcil obout tho face. Tho ftUoXB to^m . •Ik of a match between Orem and iSsi^^'dta th?.w! IqM ntiiri.T, R»«r h,it K>r«» ir.I«-_..rf??"'» "> tho above ditlcn that he oujkt to nave been, in conseqnenco of the short time allowed for plepanllon. Bis opponent, who had been an- ticipating >matoh,waa in ttr better trim, in fret, he was In the petltoUen of condition. The position of both was excellent and srllstlo la the highest degree. Cenwonbucksklnbreeches, with and star worked In each upper comer, white hoee,aB<. the orthodox flghtlng shoes. Owaey hsd on white fionhel knee- breeches, and, while hose. After some llUIs sparring for an openug, Owney dashed in his left fair on the cheek. Con countering him well on the ribs; . Oeogbegan immediately dropped before coming to ai dose, and anappeuwas made to the Nferee, that he hod gone down without a blow, but the order was to "flgbt on." Tremendous cheering from the Owenltes. 3. Oecgheian again opened the lull by getting home with the left on the dial, but reoeivlng a warm one on the twdy, and drop, ling Immediately. Loud oheen from his party, and offers to let (SO to $3S on his winning. . • 3. Both answered the coll of time promptly, and came up gmlllng tothesoratoh. They countered together, Oram plan^ Ing a«terrtfic hit on the body, knocking hlB opponent nearly through the npes. Flnt knock down for Colorado. 4. Notlmewaflsatin getting towork,b6th men going at it with a wUl, Orem getting home neavUy on the ribs, and Oeoghe^ gan ratnrBlng on the dlu, drawing flnt blood, and winning' the fint event u the struggle for the tall, Oeoghegan was thrown. 8. Both sparred somo time for an bpemng. Owny aconsed Orem ot having acme aubstanoe in his huid, and the latter leav- ing himselX unguarded, received a hot !nn on the nofo, whldi r—/ — » 1— • „v.^tamed on the tap fMely, and then Oeogbegan dropped'Immsdi. a forfelk and put up tbe remalnlna (300 in two weekfy InsOO^ ^tely to avoid a ntura. Tremendous cheerbg fhua OeoaluAan'a nonte of (100 each, and Seogbaabau's own house (in the lint friends, • . ivenue) was suggested as the place for the flnt deposit Orem ' •■^'^ —^ _4.v mtiast^jfr^t .'. .. promptly agreeoTand eald that If it was any benefit to him (Oeogbeghin) to have tho money ateked at his house, he would use name the samejilace for the second deposit Having thua T his sdvaisary's face,hu not tended ta tDoretseigieatly-hla npn- iotton.aa.a-sBgUist'-Though he is tadoubtedlya'good,'game fighter and heavy hitter, posieaslDg no meaojolancei ibesystem of dropping without a blow, evidently for the puipose of winning the light by a foul, which he adopted, was one which did not re- flect any credit upon him, and which, with *'fsir, 'lmjlartli4 referee, would have lost him thebatUe more than onoe. Of Con Orem wo can only say that ho proved himself as game a mon as ever entered the ring; a fine, fair, two-handed fighter, with extraordinary wrestling abilities, and .remarkably quick on bis feet It reqnired no ordinary amonht of moral as well as ; ihyslcal courage for « abranger'llke him to enter tbo ring In the I ace of such malignant hoatillty as the vlUalnoua crowd around the ring manifested towards bim, but throughout he displaced the greatest coolness and command of temper. His superiority, OS a boxer,'to 'Oeogbegan, was aclmowledged by every one who eaw the fight, while his seU-poesesalon and gentlemanly conduct; )rlonto, and daring the fight, created a genenf pnpoasesslon in. lis favor. Betnmlng home, between twenty and thirty of the speetalon were arrested St the Amboy.Depot while the eteam tog. John Tracy was taken at the QuorantlDe Landing, Staten Island. Fortunately for them, many of the passengere hsd gone on shore to procure refreshmonta, and thus narrowly escaped oaplure. The othera were brought to the city, and kept In dnranca vile for 48 hours befcre they were released. On Friday moning, the referee, Charles Uoora and Oeogbe- gan eUled upon the sukehdder for the atakes, which were hand- ed over; the referee handing in the following deolslop:— New Yonx, Hay 33d. T, Charles Voora, appointed celiBree In the flght'between OWen QeogheganandOonOnm, that came o&ln New Jersey on the 19th Inst, decide that Owen Oeogbegan won.the fight, fairly and honorablf. No pistols or anything to Intlfaldate me wera used on that day. . Ceabus Uoobx. Seversl carls have since been - published from the two prlnd- pals. The fint flmn Orem, was as follows:— ' ' _ . New You, Hay 9 I wBI fight Owney Oeoghegan in one.weak's time for (1,000, or In four months for from (1,000 to (6,000. If he wlU come to my country, I will cheerfoUy pay sll expenses and guanuUte Mm a JqSt ikoa, which is more than h^ did for me after all his promises, . J. 0. Obzk. To this Oeoghegan replies In the fbBowlng terms . ~ . Hew YoBE, May 31 I hereby sgreS to fight Oon Orem in a room at three days notice, for (300 eadi, to nave two men and a friend of each to agne.onaroom,and wHI fight htm his own style. Or I will - |ht him for (SOO at cateh weight in five or six weeks, or for ,000 a Bide in four months, I to be only 13 0 lbs., to .Orem's 140 lbs. .. - . OWBEI OlOOHBOUr. Nothing definite has yet been arranged, but Orem called upon us yesterday to say that he Is ready and willing to fight Oeogho. gsn ln'aroom, or on the deck of astesmbost, for (SDOaslde, or ie wlU fight him in the State of Maryland for any sum from (50O a aide or upwards, in one week Item the date of deposit A new cnstomei for Oeo^egon has sprung up in the penon 'of Hugh McLean, who has ohsllenged to fight blm st 138 lb., for (1,000 a side, in two months from the firet deposit Oeoghegan having replied to Ibln it^ in nther i, contemptuous way, by say.- Ing that "another ssplront for flstlo honora bos suddenly broke bis shell," and thatlie, as he cannot fight two men at one time, trill match a man to fight him at three daya' notice, for SIOO or (SCO a side," UoLtenlhaa sent us the following reply for pub- Wcotlpn:- ^ Naw YoBZ, Hay 33th, 1889. Mb. Fbuk <tism\—Sbs In perusing a Sunday paper, Isaw a- statement fMm OiTen Oeoaheahan, to the effect that I '.'Juft broke out of thO shell." Now, Iwlsh to state to Oeoghegban and his friends that If yso,' they may remember that, at the house ot Australian KeBy kept In New Bowery, Oeoghegban was one night talking fight and I offered toflght him for (300, In one or three weeks; or if he was not saUsfied with that^ I would fight him fOr abolUeof'wlne in Mr. Kelly's book room: he did not accept my ohsllenge. Now Mr. Oeogliegban says that be can't fight two men, but that he has a man that will flght me In three days.. I wish to say that I challenged Mr. Qeogbeghan himself and no- body dse, and any way that he wishes to fight I will accommo- date him, for (1000 a side; I wiU flght him in one week for (900 a side, at catch weight; or in twenty-four houra notice for the some sum. Tbwefoie,If Mr. Oeogheghon means flghtlng and not talking, let blm eltherpnt up or shut up. My money Is ready at Thomas B. Began's, Homo Shades, 188 Ohern street Yonn nspectfolly, Huoexy MoLsiir. ' By the time of our next bene. It is probable that some ar. rangementa for a mateh between ono or other of the above parties, will have been mode. Tbb OoBmm AMD EuiMt Obiueros.— The straightforward, bnslneaa-llke character of the champlon'a challenge, published In last week's Cuim, backed, aa it was, by a depodt of (500 In our hands as an earnest ot his Intentions, bad Ita due effect in one quarter, Elllolt having published a letter in which he de- clared that ho withdrew his challenge , to the champion. He, however, offered to flght Dunn, Bradley, or Harry Bnrgesa, for (1,000 a aide. Bis former conqueror, Dunn, Immediately re- sponded, and cfferAd to fight him for the amoimt named, but up to the time of writing, we have heard nothing ot a match being made. ■■ iljht, Oharlev Bwlte, but before rjattw do5d b,. msiAd 21 •Iter was shot by a man whon/he had ones tmi^^-^SxiSL llnoe that time, Oin has remained quiet ?te!dto uiJSirS*J?, malnoas, which la quite on *xten/lvo onV^mlio't^ll'i^to "Isheod to pay a vAlt to the Eastern States. ioiS fSS or «™ »!! S'.„T "" •••r tl'ta olty.'hte'qfiSJS'.nHl" "Illy, anannasanmlDgmannon, andprepossetslngpenoniSan* «aranpe, have gained blm the respect and esteem ot sll «i » 'ocmhehas been brought Into oontoot, and whlsh haTbMB naay and more.extenslvoly inoreaaod by his oondiot throual^ ot the late fight , .. ™". J:]!? <>>ooHioiR, as his Basse unmlBtakably denotes, is an lUDuan, by birth, having oome to Amerloa when very youns.- .iJl."?7 >'»" old, snd lUnds about eft din. & ^»'.'''f .'!>^"*£**'8l>t<> ISt lbs, and thU hs scaled the day wore flghitog. So U a r!anurkably.Btatdy,w«UbaiUyotmB wow, very dva»i># onlotln hia .monneiti.and, like his opp<S 6. AjSOrom tome to ths sontohfch» ww<:|IMt|irwith derisive laughter, and yells of "Look at the- fUlow's^nose," "He csa'l fight" eto. Orem t>ore the taunte silently, delgulsg no reply, but his determined expression of countenance showed that he meant mlsohleL Oeoghegan: ted off on the face, and Jumped away toTvold a return; but Oram followed Mni up, and deliv- ered a terrlflo right-hander on ths ribs, which floored him like aahot 7. At the commenoemoDt of this round, Oeoghegan was guQIy of an aot which 'wlU ever reflect the deepest dlsgTacs on Um as a boxer, and which no subsequent conduct on hJs part can ever wlpa out On eoming-to the scratch, he dsllbentely spat In his opppnent's fsce. ' He led off, but 'was short, and some smart ex- changes followed: in the clinch, Orem, Went down imdemeath. Onat cheering for Oecahegan. ' a Oeoghegan led off en the ribs with his left, getting the right home heavily on the left eye, and then dropped to avoid. Bu'frleads were in ecslodes, and most tamultuons In their ap- plause, aa Owney hod deddedly the Iwst ot the round. e. Orem waited quietly until Oeoghegan approached the sontdh;' when, with a terrlflo right-hander, he sent him down like a log In his own comer, and walked nnoo;)oemedly away. 10. Tbia was a well fought round, the exchanges being hot and heavy; the Colorado twyiiad deddedly the best of it, as bis de- liveries on the body wero fearfolly heavy. Cteogbegon, to avoid punishment dropped without a blow, and although. an appeal 'was made, the referee, as on every previous ocMSlon, reftiacid to Uiten to % although he warned Oeoghegan to be mora oarefol. Ihe conduct ot the ontaldere at this time was dlsgraoefol In the highest degree, and it was evident that the stranger would not be allowed to win, .even If, as many seemed to bdleve, he was able to do so. The Issue was predetermined, 11. Oeoghegan's left eye exhlblled nnmlatakable evidences of Orem's visitations. Some time was spent In sparring, to gsln a little wind: Orem remarking, "Then's no use betngln ^hurry, we have aU the day before us." Owney replied, "Unless we do different to this, we shall flght until dark." The expnaaiens of the one-sided crowd wera cUsgracetal and derisive, and by no moons calculated to have an inspiriting effect on the Colorado stranger, but he aeemed to treat them 'With the contempt they deserved. Oeogeghan led off with stinging severity on the dlu, receiving ttornpo counter on the ribs, and then Immediately dropped. U. Orem, ashooame up at the call ot "time," amiledpleasantly, and patting'the side of 'bis nose, he remarked to his opp> ment, •Thta is the place you should bit" Oeoghegan apparently foUowedhls advice, for he a stinger on the left eye, but Con countered with' severify, and in the clinoh his soperlor wrestUngabUitles enabled him to throw his antagonist 18. Oecahegan. wss quick in leading off, getOiig in a heAvy right-hander on the nose, but napping it hotly ou' the rib's. In return. He tried again, and planted two nastji hits on lb? chest and throat, and thon'went down without« Mow. Another ap- peal, not allowed, but Oeoghegan again warned. 14. Long time spent in feinting, when at last Or«m planked heavily on the boay, dosed, and throw Oeoghegan easily. . IS. Orem, who had tak4n the lead In the lost fhwrounis, knocked his man clean down, by a tremendous right-hander on tho bodr,aBd walked qtiletly to his comer. Oeoghegan's fHfiiids in high oonstomatton. < 10. Both roady at the call of ilmat some sparring, which aoemod to tiro Orem, es he put down his hands and Mgan whlstUns. Oeoghegan seized, the opportunity, got In a tatUer on the dial, and dropped. like a shou Appealing was usoloas. Renewed cheering from Owney's party, wno trleS by every con' eelvable expression to Intimidate gresi. 18. Again was there considerable nme spont In sparring, until at'last both got tired of it, and Iod 6ff tooqther, Oram Imocking his man down, and bitting blm a seoond time Juvt as ho reached theground. Immcaiatdyanappealof'lbul.foull"arosol^ma thouaaud throate, but tbo nforee, Mthough he aUoiwM the dalm was well Itunded,-decided thatthe^ht must proceed; Oeogbe- gan had aon^eatedly aonewrongTby going down without a blow, that ho would overlook this act of Orem's. Ho. however, cautioned him ogolBatlto repetition., ' ' ^10 and laat Borne good oiohangos commenoed this wnnd, «rem, by a wdl deUvered hit, sending Oeoghegan down, bltUni .him a second time in (ko of lUIhig. Then ensued a scone of '5!'P,'?rt*'\?.**2S,»*'l'*®"'^"*^''°'l''«<'«'8hegsn party yeUtog •tfOnl I" in the wildest manaor, and surrounding the roteroe. d^ mandad adocUlon In his favor. ■ Kstpjs wsra drawn; and oaa exdted fellow, presenting B MvoWerat tho referee's head, swore 4ha». he ehoulil decree "foul." Amffst the thresteTiSU uS uptMr, the referao dedded that Oaem had struck CmI. and lost «io flght, which had lasted eiaoily ■» mJntatesT "™* • aiius«n4»d,ln«iemosttaisstlafaotoryn»«nn»», this flght which jhjirt ihien MnfldenUy anUclpatoa,woul<l have pr«md one of Sll J"*i?,*. » longTSue. ilk the Aieitoan PriM Blbjp . W*klI«HwonldbemonifeiillynnJust^o.holdOooshegbab rtootatoiit awgh they vrtre. his oyrti putUuti*. his am ooUdutt ■ DsiTBorJiKHuaBBS.—This well known sporting character is no more, having died, after a short sickness, on the 34tb Inst He was always a swmth backer of Joe Cobnm . throughout his career, and-was In his oomn«f4be ling at the recent flghtat OharleatoiAi, Md. It was atbls house, "Ihe Rock Cottege," on the BloolhlpgdaUr rood, that John O. Heenan trained for his great fight .wlOi Kozrlasey.nt .the cUssMnalHp Of America and he was at the ring elle whan lila UlwlHj Iliu llVjilala Boy,^ ronabt Tom Sayen -nr thechimplonihlp a'tthe^rfd, at the bstUe of FOmborongh. Be was 37 yean Of ago °4t the time of his death. Peace to his aahea. ' .. ' < FiOHT QT inx FOUBIH W^BD.—Two yottug'^nDgs, bdonglng tothlaward, named HoOabeVid Diver, hadalllQemlllonthe 33d Inst' Theiy fought eight rounds In twenty minutes, when they'were interfered with, and they parted to meet again at an earlyday, UlTOH OTF.-The flght between MIkeDorsey and Punch is off; the fi'rmer having received forfeit ot thedodown; Pnndi's friends; In the present state ot sflialn, not being deshratu of, en- gaging In any fnore prlxe flghts..''' MATOEBc-^FrankMoOabe ind JohnnyDoney, ra brotherot Mike's,) are matohed'to flght at catoh weight, for (300 aside, the last week in June. . - , Joe Cobubk is in PhOsldpUa, where he Js to appear in the Tom Orlbbaoene frgia .'^Am and Jerry," at Fox's Casino, on Uie 38th and a7tli"hut-Be Is to be faced by OaptVlchael Norton. •• ' -.. '■ HnoH MoLeax's, auun^OB TO Owen OiooREoaif.—New York, May 33d, '03,^-1 wish to state to Owen Oeoghegan and bis friends that I will figbfhltn for' one thousand doUan a aide, at 138 lbs., or catch weUht In two monthh from the flnt deposit It Oeoghegan meana fighting, and not paper talk, I wlU be very happy to meet him ior any of his tHenda, at Thomas R. Begsn's, 180 OtMirry street, Home Shades, where they wUl always flnd my money ready; or at any sporting house that lOeoghegan may Udnkpfopor to.put up the fint deposit JBudH UoIjiah. A OEiEod^ lOB aisT WiBDsas.-The undenlgned, having learned that there is a b9y in the 31st Ward wlshlog to flght for money, takea this method of otuilienglng any boy in (he said Ward;.to fight him for (80 or (100 a side. Any one wlBtaing t<r embrace this opporlunlty, will please call on, James Curly, at Charles XiemanV, 180 East 83th street Weight, 110 lbs. New York, May 33, '83. Thckas Oleasor. A HA'rok AMnFoBrBiT.—PlItebuTgh, Msy 33, 1803.-FatEOD Queeh: Durlng^tho past few days the "sporta" of ihla «tty have Men greatly Sated In coseequence of a mateh having been made between Johnny Hackey and Pat Williams, ot this dty, to fight for (1,800, Ihe banter having been thrown down by Wil- liams, and promptly taken up "by Msekey. Forty dcUan wore 8at up to bind tbe mnteb, but later in tbo day WilUama came to le conduston that he hod better 'forfeit, as he Was then an applicant lOrallceuse, and It he Should engage In an ellUrottbis kind his applicaUon would be retosod. Thus the matter stands at present, but it is'' hoped it iriU not rest here, for a match between two sueh men would oansc no UtUe excitement among the fancy. I have leaned that Mackey Intends giving bsok the forfeit, which is venr Ubenl Indeed. Should anything new tnmsplre in relation to the match, I will let yon know. Sro^T. The BroBimuir's Hall, JohnnyMackey'si In Plttebnrgb,'od Saturday night 28d, waa atttnded by' about throb Snildred ponons, tbe sparring ou that oocosion being the best of the season; the man, in all cases, having been wen mated. The boys are improving rapidly, and it is expected, before long,-that Fittaburgh will have a largo number of flnt.dasa spa Johnny, alnse. his visit to. New York, has made a dedded Im- provcmimt..lil;hts alttady well-decorated'fenloon and npaMog bwl, h aving made a large purohaae ot sporting pictures while In your dty; . Johnny la doing a big "blsi": . ^ MoOoota ab'Ti£w>i> bT T^ENREssskAos.—Memphis, Tenn,, May 18ih, 1803.—Kstron OLtnpxn—The Ouiteb, giving an accn- nte account of the obamptonehip flght between Oobum and Mc- Ooole, osme to band in good season, I need not tell you that it was sought for by all dssaes. l^cOooIo was wd^'known hitre, and'hid alarge ouds otfrleiilds,whothonght that ho could whip tho best manin,Amerloa.' Qtiite a large amount of money was staked upon MoOooIe, while Oobum had any quantity ot book- CIS, who look all'bete. Since the flght tho HcOoolen faaVe oome to the oondaston, that the biggest man' don't always 'irlh ' ' ■ ' . _ H.O.W, Oor Baoe.— Johnny Aaren, who went .to Woonsoeket,' B. L, to train Damoy Farley, for.>ls,flght with Hesley, has. re- turned to New York. Afte^.botiig wilh Farley tifp'.\tioks, one ot the lalter's baokotR Itifcrmed Johnny that tbo Mbenses were so heavy, tho other backen dcoUnod to go'OA .With uie match.. On that'sam6,day, Aaron atrlppod the lad, and weighed blip, when he waa found to bo wllhlna half sound othls flghtlng weight, his condition was good. U is, regretted lUat Farley's bat&era wpnt back on the bov, alter (78 a ijAi hU been put up. The boy was and Is very anxloua fbr a idoetlDg, but as he is now wlthSDtbaCkers, ho will have to bide his time, .. . 'BEcaivEl)'VoBiErr.-^ohnayHealy, of Woi«eBtar,'lIas«.,tsfa« m mptobed to fight Barney Farley, reodyed forfdt' ot(78, q* the Ulb lBS|., 'Farley not comlnfiPp. Willi ibei ba|an««'Mtb«. Itak4,' Setfey EM>nptbti BUtdi osbnd, iro hMlk •' A WAgHraaToir oanabd. -->~ ... T0KH»EBASdJ0« COBtteH'MAlrcbxi). -^-r—-» In the BeraH of Sandairthe 3401 inst, spiteSred thefo]l(nrlfl» telegraphic iutalllgenoe from Wuhington:—' . ':■. -•.'- "WASHiKaTOM,Mn33,18^, ' Amatch.hsa been sgrsM upon between Tom'Byat ad Jo* Oabuhi, fbr ';ten thousand- dollan a side, to pome off wltbto sli months, one thousand dbllan. forfeit, part of which la almdy deposited, and the balance is to be )^ut up on Mon9^<"^''.'??l7 . 'Wftdo not know the authoritvupon which thsabcnrtaqaotmee* ment was made, but we do feel oonlldeht that there la not a'parw tide of tmth iiilt: Both of the parties mesUonddi^en bi Wash, ington, hnt'anyOne who knows the infirm st^te?^'health which the ex-Ohaapton has labored under for a long tlmapast, must be aware that fau ever sgain f nterlag tho ring Is a most prebosterf oqs Idea; and uttedy improbable. He Is now In the forly-flftlt year of hi* age, and his cohsUtaUon Js irremediably Impaired by the ssvere atlaikj of- ohiianlo rheumatism to which he has been si^bjecbd. Jtis quite probable that some one ,wlth more money tbon bralns, knowing of bis presence in the city, nnd being In a rtate ot "Bicohl plenns,-' may bave offered,'without ony author^ Itx or knowledge flrontl4n< t« make such a mateh, and may^oran have staked a forfeit;'but wo feel morally certain that it will never go any farther. ' It'Ia another Washington canard that th^ daUy press so frequently get Jiold of and publish. INDUK Olubs ■add TBEm uisESi—Ws are gbd to learn that ths Indian Club te fkst coming Into pnbllo favor as a meknk of exor- cise, conducing, ss It does, to a general dovelopmottttnd strength- ening of the physical system. Mr. B. D. Kehoe,< tht tirlndpal monnfiotarsr of Indian OInba In thta country. Is. now in- the re* colptof crden from all sections, and he la' fllIlhgtUe]ttus,as rapidly as possible. Ur. Kohoe made the dubs;vAlcIi Oobum exenlsed with while training for his lote flght wlth'MoOoolfc and which were eo highly spoken of by . the Ohampldn. r Mdm addressed to 8. D. Kehoe, Severe House, New York, or Pl)«t^-. floe, «,Y., will receive immediate attention. ■■■fv,^;-. LmLB BnxT Olabee expeota to relum to New Yort, frwi • BonFrandseo, by the next steamer. ^ WooiisooEBT Heabd Fbou.— J, Jealln will flght BUly Oliuit'. at 13S lb., for fram (100 to (800; as he says. The match'can b« made as. soon ss Orai^ signifies his wUllnguus to come to tlide., Pbize FtoBTinBALTiiioBzBsoEEMBp.—OnWednesdaynlgh^ 30thinat, Ueut Wright received InfirmaUon that two-men,, named Thomas Colton and U.' 0. Boohey, hod made arrange, menta for a prize flght to determine who ahonld be cham'nfon ot North Baltimore, Md. The flght was to have come .off at S o'dockln thevldnltyot Onlnwood, on the BeUIr road. Hio Lieutenant succeeded in arrestlng'bothof the comhstanto, who wero token to the MIddte. Police Station. OOlton 'was leleosed and Booney committed to Jail by Justice Bias. Babhet Fbaj;*, who flguied In the pnglllstto olrtlcs hereabout ^ some few yean ago, is now astUed in Bomllton, 0, W., alOtoogh he does not refrain from attending a mill, whenever the oppor* tunity preaenta Itselt Monet OnsN Up.—The battle money In the recent flght be- tween Duim and EUictI, was given up to the backer of the former ontheUlhinst \_, OAaD.—AB there seems to. be no prospeot of a flght between ' Dunn and Elllolt, I am willing to flghtelther one of them for one thoussnd dollsre a side. I can be found at Hannon's store, cor • ner of EUzalMth and Bayard sireeta: ' If flght snd not newtpap^ notoriety is what they want, they con oall at the above place and ' seeme, JohkUead. 1 NIOHT -WITH 7<Ha BOXGBS. TESTIMONIAL BENEFIT- TQ OO^K/ OBEM.. We an-glad to leam that a number ot gentlemen have taken measur«s to give a grand exhibition of the art of self-defence, for the benfit of Con. Orem, who behaved himself so coungscusly andgocd'humoredlv, Inthe fkceof the most discouraging olr- cuffistances, In his utebatCj with Oeoghegan, a report of 7hidi-> - contest will be fouad,ln this ntimber of the Olifpbb. The toK 'lowing la B copy of tbe snaonnoement:—. . ' .'' . COME ONE; COME ALL. ' - . A Oenerous Welcome to tiie Truly Bnve 1 - THE HEBOID. BXBAROtB'S niST BSWABD. ' Qrand Complimentary Sparrmg Benefit to^ • JOmi CON OBEM, the .Colorado Champion, At the City Assembly Booms, 440Broadway, On Wednesday Evening, May 37, Inaugurated under the immediate auspices of the following CommlUee:- C.F. OtUgnon, John MoDonald, Izzylazama, P.J.Banbury, Harry HlB; J.B.Stone, ' Who propose to consUtate the occasion one ol surpassing hi— terast to the sporting fntemlty generally, regarding it as they do, the Just tzlbntf to a truly brave, and coungsons but brutally . used nun. '• ■ ' The leading Profeulonals of the dty wfll countenance tha movement by their presence and personal efforta to give intuest to the scsne. Besides these, several diatiDguiahed Puglliata from abroad, wl]l contribute their foil '.quota to the- general amust* ment and enjoyment Tlcketa 60 cants. Beserved Seste (1. . For sale at all the Sporting Bouses and at the door on tu above evening. Boon open at 7, Spanlng at B o'clock,' 8. 8. DA'VIS, Director of Programme. - - e weather be at all auspldous, we predict a crowded do honor to the occasion, and show by their pn(< ^ courage and manly bearing wUl ever meet with and goodwlU of all genuine loven of fair and sjuare " Spotttng fnattais.,. Oram is a stnngar among us; a quiet; nnsa- roan; whose Inoffanslve character seems to nave been - ' "" ' of by some of tha rougher sort both lit . Hew '' '.Xorintha latt^.dtKJK^e.^tnM ago/ha''. . „_ _,...™,jded> out .of . the money In a' wrestmiff msteh i(hIoh'h(%qtMWnlstakabIy won. Let our friends unite in giving the stranger a New York welcome, by sttending litt benefit exhibition, -at Oily Assembly Booms, Broadway, OH' Wednoaday evening. May 37th. We hope tbe .spartera in New York, Brooklyn, and elsewhere, will be on hand to assist in m|dc*,' Ing'the entertainments creditable display. ' < BPABSEiamBBOoELTH.—A veryflneexhlUtion ot the art ot selt-doj^co WIS given In the hall knownV Burtls' 'Vsrlettes, BrookfinMhu Monday evening. 18lh Inst, for the benefit of Ed. LoweryPPxhere was a very large attendance of Bpectaton,wblla the sjparrlng was of such a charader as to give neat saUstacUpn to aU present Our old friend Tovoe*cffldated, as ususl, and italred the boxen In the tollowlne order:—Young Dwyer and ' [bonus, Cannon and Lowery'a brother, Nolan and J. MoOalbey, whpmadeaflnt-ntodispby; Ed. Megonljde and Charley Wau> er, who also mads a good aet-to; Lynch andBarklns, Mike OlaiW oy and brother, who gave each other some very rough tokens ot brotherlyaffeotton;Aif. Walker and Mike Doanelly, very olever Indeed, one ofthe best sets-toot the evening: then appeared J. Dunn and PhU, Clare, who were received with tremendous ap. )lause; Phil, is as good ss ever he was; T. MesUm snd Hallabyj tcOreth and Young miitehead BcIl This Was followed by the iHnd-up between Eo. Lowery and BlUy Dwyer; It was a regular punching aflklr, there being flv4 well contested tonnds fought each man giving and tebelviiig, without filnebing. The exhlbi- Uon was a complete success every way, and was one of the most, orderly we ever attended. FACTS FOR SOIiDr^.-rThTOugboiit''ttie-Ih^iii and Crimean Campaigns,' the onlytnedlclnes which proved - themselves able to ouie the wont caaea of Dyseutary.Scuny and-v. Fever, were HOLLOWAY'S PILLS AND. OINTMENT. There.' fore let every Volunteer see that he is bupiUedwith them.. Only..., SSoentapoipotorbox. .. *. -t^ti -^ 338': -r-: THB YOUNG .-AUEBIGA:' PACKAGE, contaiiilbR'> ' three Secfeta of great vune to Sporting Men, and (plehdll^f Card Picture Otom life. . Price, 38 centa.- Addreas ' 7-lt* . F..'^YSNDELL,P.'O.B()x4'I9i'V^rc«ater,'Maii.. 'BiCols. OW TO EVADE THE DRAFTv^Lfearri the Infillfc- ; hie metlii^ by endo(tng '(i; to P, piBoxin; OU^^, rr^E iPH0TOTiji»ANsicviEiWs!i-iaire '.Geriiii^iopv'; X Oenllemen. -.Mcea-SO oenta 'e^, or.tliree'^fbr '(l.> A . LiOEBALBllodintr XOTIIC.TB1IIB.'AddrStS'':. . .-.r - I^■. .-^V'' . 'H,:M..aE0BaQ,-BM16l9,Boi^ GAUE. Ea( UOAMG' EjQQS I—I cnnirdrnlshit „ 'who Willi, treniEEas, for«ttUngi4rqm^;t]U'iA^^ ^dlmportedtarwia^sku^w^^ ^8t* \i' ./^S<^''>'°ha\llW,FSl^^^^S OOKsTelSDSrSoi-iend^riD^^ stamps, .i'Ad<N«s , '• 'i'i\ .0. B. HABgIHp», .'*.Vv'.";\s'' ' . 83-3m* AflTCTE OSCOP E ■ • '•.'<-■■••'■•• ' . ' . • r- '• ' '■ ASB'. TWELVE FANOY'bOtttlteD tIBWB.'.'. ''', •.','."?;.■ ■' COMPBSn iN A NEAT CASE. 'VERY BEfilRABia.,,. '".V . - • Befit by malWbr JO cento,' Adtesn'■ • • '' . " ■ ■ :■ •.- .'HV-' " ^Bot303Brr o:.-Ne»TroaOllj ^/;'?*/. . i-it. Books; PEi!rtB,xiiHi)S; jk;.— ^i^.^tf^m^^ Ur, No trau'd«raotlM^ ' ; ■ :' •, JOIDfi ATOHUONi^: «Mm»-..-' (3 Duone atnet; Nefir.^k<')i;^" THB.'TANKEfi'^PIRM' 1«' oilco jndrt teciay"t6' foif^di^ ••pay Bom,'' vrtth "OayJlilDga,", New Books, New BoiWi,' - Band Wadtffcr OatU'oMai.'fiAlarB sefidyoUr UlrenlarsUok ,' -\M!tr^ ] , '.' , LoOI,MIl*i;?i? neralB.. McCla)lu».V ioRdkobpio' ^ ^ ,,SWker,.W(»V:««!t HoBter', Fr•^IWltI^nUa^■*ft•.*fc''^ i larga' oolI4Swicll»Boy:VlowiB;.aetin fealfOpsIi*^^ . " . ^-^ . H*til,to: ny-Mdnis toreoslpUf tea, Sow Yo* I'Vfir