New York Clipper (May 1863)

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iiT<ii>6paiiA.itooBB,': -.. I" . ''Bid,' «n BNUirnr, abmOirudflMai ' iton. roHN sniFSOM, TnMOnr. i.-'OV ,TEB OBiantAL 'WOlLD'BIBOTmD mUXOB^TBOOn OK ISS WOBLD. ' l^etppbiMa M ih« fannriog talentM ixtMlh- - ■ DAH BBTAHT, ■ : 8.-0. omP Ball iv frOOUB, a, B, OBOnif, , : BOIJIM EOWABD, J. UOBBIBOII, . HABT. BDBISIDB, j^LAHKUaUB,- .DABBIOan^ UTZLBUAO./' ;Vln;jk.iMW'niutr of.BoBgi^' l>«iiD«i,'Bnriciqata, RiftWka JktlMV'w.i In.Putlog^ :-iv^;'j,:.---: ; : .Itotatt.M.oMita.; • 'IWt -jroWW MHit yf Hk rta,' o pt»n BfHisffHBiia^; BBQu THzm op;m BotiSH; soanos; Busa .<OiH>op^ tftri)iip « Usowon lU rognlir tjlBntl gBinm«r fawr. MCnfinlBBOIEBBSi 'FKUi kTBOwBBIDOE'B HIMirEBBLB :' Ocnilttot thsfoUowliut OtiiUenitiit Tf.lOTHIAHj B.X. OABBOIXk ^ir<^,B m.rM OBBi^ f..>a onfowBBTO •loatJBT. a BOATMAN, 'J.'QUEKH; F.'^nuuBm a. BBKUBUIOEB, D. J, HAammns. ' 7APABESE Tpmnr. ' 3>e:I(t]U8«m(mt.eia ptttlealB'BetlM'to th««^^ •■•■viaiiiMitB ait Mnbj BaMmd BtOt so mdh. ' '•: ' :*!^-A- --r.'.. f LOH MOEBlflUJtaage, ■ vr '■ ':'j^'''C<it. OOBBT & BEMSEK BIBEBTS.. ,.v.v\:-jK: M.'B00 1iey;. ..i.golePxoprletor; ' <. .1 Br'BOVUSUfl.....Dlrtotor.oIinuiMmeiili,. . . ^-'^'''^i B.;PBERI>BB(UST. ....ToaaII>lreot«r. ■ l.'j^viIiftt-B TaATO ././:;../....IiutrBiBmt»lPlM<itor.' '/'llOin&T :BVSinir(<L MtT SV and dmiliut tbs «t«k. .:c- , vV-C .MtOBBvBOVKI/nEB, SEW AnfiAOTION. . . >7itt«tmiiikdrttiahlglil7atniuliigliit«rIlideoiUfid ^ VAHOOm'a UD(STBEI8 EXmnStOK TOaOWiKVB; ■. ■^Vv ; - OB, .. W V-Kf:'..;. TBl ClBXAXBilUOADEiniOIIOK ■i;..\-WmwBt>ol' ■. ■ " ; >',<;<,-; . .' ; .. .TBE OOUMTUnUirS PEBDT, - ' :!^";v;.-. Hagbea,Bowenvand'OIUdMi' ■ ■ -aIS.: ■ ra.ooixoHliSTroBiMa-aAS. ... v . ': t-^PB. 048T7M.: S. B0VEB8. : .^'iflxn'nmuaotot ^.■:.^^;.>^■•<^v "'• .^: - ■ MB. MAIIK SfflAB; .-' ;fv^: -'-<' ,f v . Olhe loWted^tUopUn Oomsdltn. .^;-.;.^i\v;-v;j>y;,-.y^i^^ WwJ*Bowels.' ' '7. .-.VUnilUOAll. VHBtATRBr; -' - TBBTailOHOFyTO. ' ' ^ - ^^^^^^ 07 HEBBIUEirr. .■-".><.'i v'.'Aga?Bn;nBMA'> in'AwnA»Ti.'TiTtTgr¥' 'rTnti' wr»j' '. ' fiwiilriiilng .ia me aSi iba popntor AitaTiMmuitt of.tha ig*, tnl ' .' iii>Vvl3C\ ■,<;:.V,MteMoMiigliiltiB«*)BiULn« - i ' ■ iLfi A-MOHBTEB dOUEDfcoUBDimOir,' • : ■ V . ; . V'|>lUunt • ptMAdtiif In the OlihnilolM of'tts Asienoaa Btua.* ."^ . V,-^'AMb«gUl»!tllIMI«Of • ' • . ~ . .■, ■ • ii-r^ /'iv-^-';^ ' ^"-V^^'BTABABIieTB--^ we'thetoBowlBg;-^ -. . .^ ■:''^ ■ Miaagtt.BBEHT. JAB, B. teABFTT, W. H, BABTHOMMEW, fiB, ,8, UimnX, . ' .'Wi H. BABTHOLOKBW, ■ ^ >■/A.■^^^,.^vv ■•- IOHABLEB B. '.OOLLIK Bj ■ ■>;..• OEABIiEX.lTEIIE, .^iBOB.HABT, , T. J. BiaaB. UAST. XOUHT. msauzzasBuvizB,.: ■-X^ -- /; .'MQS PBASOBSM BOr, JOBS ATOUBIA WAIBT. : f:^Kr..^'-' ::- ' HABg BLABB; : . :. ■ ■ ■■ ..'i-^ v : .'-..V- • MAHLPA BHDIiTZ E; '.■ ■ . '- . ..• . . IiOUlBE VAIST, B LOBBHOB.'WBLLa. ■ fUBA. BOOABT. - .TBB QBEAT SAUL BBIUUABT BAUfiT TBOuTE, -. jii.. • i; ■ .ABspp«»pln»(molceSio(i»uiun«, 'IMM^j^U<nt»nd.Tirietr 'o*imDtbeeqaaUedlnBewyotk. HOIrB IiA TBOBME........'.Btege'SIuuger. . -...'BBBS.TOM OIiKEB......UnalcilDliectar, • : " . : 'A OBAHD 7AMILT UATINEK mm; -- i^^WrtWgHdTeiaei 111 p repinttlon. * e< -.'■.•.vi ipd^feiiiinii*rai. tbobatmii, pmr.<'n Br.PBrTi ■ ■ - .~rifLi?v''i7g«Sl*ieeB end Pwprtete ;:'-.v.-'?'.»'j5fiw»-«AUger..-.....^ '.^ . ■• i/i ■IMaadtOiehftn...:.: :.-.jniiw Bi T TBg;, {thlgtUSe'iadaiMtilfloeiit theatre li - . ' . . -v- ■ ■ OPEN EVEEr EVBNIHO, . .. -TWi the gAiiaet oombliuUon of eittstlo eieeBenoe erat ooa. . .^wTS>*a .^'*»7. theatre In the oonitfiT. prominent amount ' .Thorn may be mentioned ■ , ^ The Fienilor Daniente of the age. . .jBlDUiE BELENE; '. ^TBe taclDat lngDaneenae. UXBS Eim BLAKOHABDt , NantIM Songatresa and Diniense. .'w^ mSB EBllBpTINE DEFAIBEB; i ll ! r''_:i-. 'i^ -MB; TONY PABTOB, ■ Xt^ SMtt MiglBal veiaatlle Ethiopian Comedian liTlng; "WOOD'S nomjiiaii haxjm ' . ,' nt •' , • ^1! BEOABWAT, m ©wedte the Bt Hlohola*Hottt. ' HBHBT ^O &P.... ... Bole P rcprietor and Ktiuwer.' TBB BMI . TEMTIIiA TED HAEL JS Tpij Ogg. g ngpamno njursne ' ' FBOU O^O^ED AMQ' DBLIOBTED 'iVBtBKOlSi Highly gt«et the InlBut*hI» EnleiialDmenta glTOB ■> ■■ • ■ ■ Bl WOOD'S UIKBTBBLB. ' "THB UOBBL TB01JPE 07 THE WOBU)." KOHBAT, Ha; 98, and ertijr erenlng doting the.weel^ Xn ButBOJj) EknotioM, Tmi 70m OboTCi . BomaHa tbb Biioaxiss, Xhb Oobbu Tiiou, UASTEB WOOD IN FATOBITK BALLADS, ' iB* yfuatama. Uoiimu, Wnrin fPOBQ, . OiBoxo, m., by - ' Ohailer Tox, Bolw BeTmonr, Oool White, 0. BmiT, , ■ a a.Xodnrood, ' .UutetWeod, J.W.CUeDn, . '. asohnleaidl, . laaae* Btoth'eta, f.'Oantaaoa, K Baalua. J. lala, V. I«wlf, to. Doon opcn at 7; oommenoe at B o'plook.. Tloketa 3S oenlik HonoB.—Ko oonneotjon with any traiellng company aaiunlng Uienaiie.of WoMlaMUatMla., . . T< TrtH'rtW.'.iDEA, . ZHE:BEWIDSA, . : , 4^ M8BB0ADWAT. ' Uosday, Jilb. .nntUmeof .ths . ■: QBAI)DPi]abUIHE or: BOVTBXBS- BEFCOEEt' BO UTHEB H BEFU OEE, gOUTBEBM B BTU QEB, S0U7HBBH BEPUOE^ ' ' BO CTHEB H B lifn OEB, ^PO OTHE BS B SFP OEB, VgoUTEEBM B EgP OEB, BODTBEBN BEFUaEE, In whl oh UABIETTA ZABTBETTAt ' UABIETIA ZANFBEITA, Win perform het Ote atOhar aoterol ^ ., • ■ . !' , IBS DADGSCTEB OF TEE BBQIUEirr, andtha celebrated " . -. A. H.'HEBHANDBZ, . . .. v .'- Will appeal aa the Oonntiy Boy. - : Snrlflg the eTenlng, , . . J&BIEITA ZANTBEITA Win introdaoe her.aalonlablngahd nneqoalledperfommae Onthe '. . . . Ous M Uuuqns,—AU appUoatloni for the aerrleea' of-Uail. eila Zantntta. the meet wondertnl TlghtBopa performer In the world, mnat be made to , ... J.O.OUBaEN,' . . . -'.f. ■ . ' KuagerofthsKewIdea. DBIARBOBIT STRJBBIT OFBRA. HOV8B, OBTOAOO »-Tanlleet ft Ohadwlok, proprletora; Oharlaa Fetrle, bnalh'eM ot: Qea UoDonald, etage manager—will open UondayeTO- », Hay 3Ith, with a flret olaaa company of Hew York and Phlladalphla artlala. 71nt olaaa arUata, male an^ female, wlah> las engagamenta, will addreaaaa aborcorto oar aole agent,' JAUBS OONNOB k 00^ Bonae of Commoni, 35 Weat Honaton atree^ near.Broadway.'B, T.' TBK aiOiirroRB OP MIBBTRBlL'bT. : y bAU BHABPIErB UIHSTBEU, >• 'BRASS BAND, ' AN D BUBLEBQUE OPEBA TB0T7PE, THE OBBAT ETHIOPIAN. IBOK OLADS, . Haw oeafommatln'g the moat profitable Tonr ever known In the HiiTOBT OP HINSTBELSr. Appear erery night thla week at .' . THE UABONIO TEUPLE, LOXnsyiLIiE^ EX. - -Wm open Vonday, April 37, for six nights, at BUITHI DQSOM'S HALI^^OINHATL Asdatthe • ■ UEBOAimLB tlBBABT HALL, ST. LODIS, Uonday eranlng, Uay 4th, for k ahort seasou Alter whlob. they win appear at OHIOAaO, '■ . DEIBOIT, TOLEDO, A nd other oltiM, en rente to the Eaat t. D. HEWOOUB, • Adrertlalng Agent.' " ~ BAU BEABPLET, ■i-tt- 'Uanagarandnwprleter. AvM U- S E- M E' N T ,S^' . ^W/vnon tfxw ojulkai^Ii - - . <i. ; . . ABD THE telL AP) < g OUBA. , . .OBQWNEQ. WHE CTPABALLBIfiD BDOBBBS^ _. • lUia WAT MB IHI QIGAimO LEADINa UINBTBEL TBOUPB 07 TBB . . PBOTEBBION. / . HAUKOIH OBOANIZATIOK AND BRASS BAIH), Betam et the flu>fikmed'and world wide renowned . . DDPBEZ fc OBEEN'B : Onia'nuz, Nsw Oauiaa A UKrnoiOLiiiJl BPBU8QUB OPEBA TBOIFPB AND BBAB8 BAin>. . ' . ■ Alio, . • OOK. FOOT and COL. BMALL,- uatwp UuSeat men in' the world, ontdolng Tom Thnmb twan. ty.finMroeht, They aro 18 yeara old, weigh 31 poonda eaeh, andA^981nohaal|lgD, admitted to be the greateat onrloalt;' ererbronght befbico.^he public Theyappoar In li dUTateni Mti,«vreaalT arranged for thorn. Jnat fiomHewOrleana and through, the bland of Onba. where .they met with nnhmlted an> eu« and were reoelTod nightly with roara ot laoahter and ahonti of appladae'. ' fljage Manager , 7. E. OKESN. Hoaloal Olreotbr a LATEUiEE, Tooal Director (}7bIDEADX. Tbe company la compoaed of thefoUowlng eighteen Attlltto MdBrlllant .. ^ OBEAT STABS 07 ETBIOPIAR DELDlEATeiSr J. B. aBEEN,. OEABLEI BEVNOLDB, OHAS. H. DDPBBZ, .. 0. BTJKT, FBEDrTLOBENOlL . J. OAUILLi; , EDmN BOLUES, A. 'B. PBENTISB, OBOBOB xonNa. OUBTA' VS B JDEATTb LEW BBNEDIOT, U. AINBLBI 800IT, OAUZA LA'VBLLEI^ A. BEBOEBOBBL FLEU ADAH8, ■ ' QILBEBTPOND, WU. DUBOIS,, SAH P. KABBIOR B. H. OOLUNS, Belqg the Oreateat Combination of Talent eTerconeontnted In one Company, exceUlng ohdlhr enpertortoaU other XtATeUng boapealnexlatenoe. . . ^ . The'whole nnder the control and dlrectUm.of DDPBSZ k OBEEN, Bole Proprleton. TliiabOTepopnlar Troupe wllUdnrlng the remainder ot the leaaon, Vlalt the Weatem and Eaatem Btttea, alao the Oanadaa, OBAND BALCONT BEBENADB3, • Each eTanlngprevlona to fqpenlng the Doom, ' i ■ ST THB TTVXQUAZJiD REW OBLEABB AND HEIBOPOLIIAN BBABS BAND, . . or Tin pnoDES. ' ' Uanager and Oeneral Director, OHAS. H. DnPBEZ. AdvartialngAgent, A. B. PBXNTISa *^ l-tf' •S X '■..•(irv'Vj.v.v. . UH DENNT QALLAGBBB,. Fhlladelphla'a popnlar favorttei JA0E8ON HAINES, : The'oelebrated parlor akateri . JKB, JOHN E. CAMPBELL, Ita .'origi nal '.' .Ham;" ... .HB. UIEl! McESNKA,-;'. ghepopnlar Ethiopian performer; - lO, OEOBOE OEBUAIME,- V .ThefkTaiiteballadlat; . . UB. HABBT BELLT, . Tbe Obamplon Jig Danoer; , 'UB. QEOROEW. SBIITBi <UA tl)e largest and moat. efBolant. ■a.-V.i/rf. r-Y- ■ /vtnofl'nff.nii Hlilillt OARIB ZOB, the Oreat l^rench and Spanish panseose, now starring at Jane Bngllsh'e Theatre, Broadway, will commence at the Dearborn Street Opera Honae, Chicago, on or about Jane let AllbualnMa letters must be addresaedto JAMES OOMNOB fc.OO.'B Theatrical Agency, HouaeotCommonL M West Houston Street, N.Y. ■ ', ■ ^. . . OHEEfEKDT BIBEEnr,.ABOTB'BIStH, ' POILADELFHIA. PA. ' Tbb Bdh or xhb ."Oasiho" Nbtzb>B>b. ' ■ .The Unerring Tol^ of the Publlo nOOLlIHS XBiT C . FOX'S OASIHO, . FOt'S OAfalNOr _ - .1: ' > IithemosiBeqMMitabls. 33ie most Domlbrtable, and ~ .' Xhe meat Popdlar place of AmOsemeiit ., . ■■. IN pbhuujelphu. ■ '«1HB OOBIPANX" . CteLargaal^ The Strongeali ..' And the most Tgaatlle. ' THAI EVEB 'APPEABED DTaNX MUSlO HALL.' Peifbtmers of aoknowledged ability oan Invariably find steady engagements byappljlngpeiBonaDy or by letter. Stars llberallT treated with. OHBIB NOBBIB, Ireasnrer. 6-5^ SOPHIA KKILSOir A nONBIBUA BAF> TISTIN.—These greatDanlih and Fnmoh artists are nowirre. psred'to negotiate with realpottslble managers. All buslnesnet- ters must be addreaaed to our ade agents, JAMES CONNOB k GO, Hona^ of Commons, 3S Weat Honaton street„nett BnaA- way,N.T. ' • y. ■ ■ TABIETIEai TAIUSTIHiB t— THB NATIONAL AMDBEHENT INSTITUTION, Waablngton, District of Columbia. . Pioprletois .i....A.'HAMBL1N & 00. Stage Manager.. . .'. .JAMES PILGBIM. .'Leaderof the Orchestra FEED. TOUNKER, NOW IN TBE FULL TIDE OF PBOSPEBITX. , fi«m«ti^ andleuoes honor this beantlfal Temple of Amusement with their pattuiage, expreasliig erery tnanl- - feststlonof dellghiandapplane , ■ - ■ ■ . atlhe ■ i^: ■ . , BXOEEDINOLT ABTISTIO BENDITIONS Of obarmlng singing' and' daudngi and the mlrth-prorohlng, Bld^«plIttlng, and Ulmltable represen. • taUonaof the 'VABIOVS SHADES 07 TBE COMIO MUSE. Its superiority Is endowed by aU the promlnefit joomals of Washington Qki, and nulTenaUr admitted to be Tnm LBADING MUSIC HAIJi.QF AIDSBIOA. PEBFOBMEBB OF ALL BINDS, . And of every attrao'tlott—both Ladles and Gentlemen—of eetabllahed reputations. In the Mnalo HaU Profeealon, wlahlng engagements, should slwayslltst address ' £tr . A. HAMBLIN b CO., Proprietors, DOKTAIi & OO.'B K\'VlOSKTU THHA.TRB, OIN- OINNATI, Wm. 0.. Bmythe, stage manager: This establlahment Is now In the full tide ot success. Male.and female artlsta, hold- ing .flrct daSs poslUons, wishing engagements, may addreaa aa abOT^ or to our agents, JAMES CONNOB k GO,, Boose of Com. mons, 38 West Honaton street, near Broadway, N. T. ' ■■ V'^'^-'- t^ifi'*''-'-'''■'-'' ■;;'':^,;':':^(&(ii^-;,W'. In'Anle'rlea.' inieilisir'Wlth oter &fly^erf«rmers orhnSwn tioogqlied abqity, ': AiiKelssB'vtlsts,' open/or: engagements, .wffl. Pleitse sddresi ''»e»*l»Te."-■ - ■ - ■ •• t' ' .'V - a-tt sddress e-u . . CBA'S KBLOPBIOIT, /: vO^BGB LEA...L. ...'.BALTDKOBB; MD. .. .PrbprietOT; V • WiiS-'-^OATANAGH...'. .Stsge Manager. ;'• ?.' OBAND OPBNINa OF THE SPBINO BEABONT^ • . ■;'i>, JOHN MULUGAN * ANDBEWXBATITT, ; ,i'r.;%.ti?/,'.. .^^ ...SIONOB BLBS and SOS,' " ;.<,v>. :%';'iqBS, j:dnna engle- and. pillib qatanaoh. '•''":^'Kta'Sb6T4 talented artlsta can be secured by refponalble man. .'~.. .uSi%jcuiy,Iength:ottlbeby to George Lea: bnt It .'.. jWlQ.b^'tiMlMa to tionble them with Inolyldaal .offers, as no at- ^ .'teo^wjW'bepal^toanylett^ nnlsif addiesaed to the pro- sirfMor ottlMUlelooeoii. ' • - ' ■ i '. Bt conneotlon with the already named peifoHnen now perfoni' V''Ing at this batablflhmeat, are the fbUomntf I—: .". Mr.BOlrBeyd,'^- ,70.M.MUe», .FtankWood, '» 'eil an^ , Oharles Bliss, .'. John Olushy,' leyForbai, Miss UaggloUsnhslVH^e Louisa Bliss,- ilsa&nuls. '-^d' M5)>nUaBoblnaon, itbafpllandefflolont ballet ttoaie,.of.twelTe.yonng I Daneer< and Vooallsts, 6f good'.penonal tply iaabOTe. . * - ^ . v . i. W-t'. ..:.,H1*!tlia^HBllDBIUON, :V» ■,. "• ■ ■7%>.v .v»lHB'0ELHBmTBD AKEHIOAH ABIIBIE,'; ■ ' HW JilalWntlMed an %igagom SmW^^^ vOiTr-BaM<i^ ni londoit. 'AB9 tiui40nied totbla conn tr y; Sh e brings wlthher saranl '•^''■^^-Vv^'J- BNTIB^T NiEW PLAW, ■ ',-. .: ■■ :, . • , wbuii'IiaVe VeoB oopyr)Ated by her.. They ere entitled', THb7XAY?BB .GlfiL-iBOO BAIHLEBH kA' yqn&Sm!^ - ^ ■ ' '.lutugnif^Muhlng to. negotiate'with thla yonng, handsome, Mdtabntid^iMsa/.win please address ■ ' ■ ' ~tr77. ' . Iv :- ■' ^ HENDEESON, PlUsbugh Thsatira. ,. . ..... . bABLOTTA POZZONL ' tnds imlnent Yocallat ahd AifUiti wlU /urlTo in New York early. •"IttJBBS. :'■;;:• - r ■■-:•-' r_^ -': ■■ htStrMtt cmdttt. ct .wishing i^ioiili^'mttit ensnW fan aiid winter jleaae address, Mire of ^B^f QtTSEN, Esq., Ouv^ ..Mim.«Ui«sineaUfor:the'MI SSftMi^l^Mfiofi atooee, U tbe ,' ZSMmtstA I'Stanl ttaaled wll IlV and gentleman d'TuUr season, will ttii&Wtompletingblf >8t'M^iudlIU)ia«K'' BBOTTS Atro TRODPBB. DESIBIHG TO ENGAGE A tOBDTESS MAHAGEB OB TBAVEUNQ AGENT, oan obtain an aottTC, eneirgeUo one, of good principles and Integrity, who lias tnveledi undetstands, and had .expnlenco, and mo Is well qaallfled for the jilaoe. As a manager, will, under otdlnkry iSTDrable circanunances, guarantee a good.'paying business to any first class troupe. Address Immediately, pro- gramme, ' N. GBEEN, BoxNo.41, - ; . ;• ' tnutney's Point, Broome Co., New York. ': THB ORBAT HBRIVAITSEZ.—This QurlTalled ahtsL nowperformtog to orowdod houses at the New Idea, Broadway, liopenrorstarnngengagomebts. AB business letters mast be addressed to JAMBS CONNOB &:00.,' HonAe ot Cotaunons, 3( West Honaton street, near Broadway, N, X, BOSTON. '(49* First class STABS wishing nights, WlU sddressthe suN ecriber, aa above. *4t , HBPBY WDLABD, ' :tHU BKRO^R FAlillLTirrThe uadersllined 'wflt.feel obliged for the address of the parents of the " Burger Children,'" (mnslnlsns,) who are now, or were lately, parformng In Ohio, •"- - "ZODATft" D^n,Ohio. S.3t AddreeS. 'WANTBD.—A TIOLINIST, ono who oan read music at stghti either to act as lint or spoond, a good second prererred.. A young man with the ab'ov'A aocompluhmenta would and it to his advantage to JclnaMlnstremonpe'to give occAslonal pwform- ances in the Immediate neighboring towna'untll the Fall, when they are to start on a permanent Travellug Tour through the States, Ploaao address S. MOBTON, No. 473i Esst Fourth street, orl^Ietter'lhcaroof WUkee'Bptrlt, N.T, '({.Jt* JAOKJUNHAIRBB, the world-renown od Obamplon Bkaler,' nowat tM Continental, Philadelphia, will start on a starring itcnrWeat on or about JonelStb. Managers wishing to aeoure his services, will address bis solo agents, JAMES CONNOB A 00., Hquso of Commons, 16 West Houston street, near Broad- way, N.Y. Tdta^BABUBORN^^ OBIOAGO'^ ~ 1^ia, the finest haU In the West, will open on or about Iby 3Sd aa a first class Music Hall, under the management of MeseiK Vanfleet & Chadwlck, with the finest company of krUsts that BOdney oail'aeonre, from New .York dty. M'lie BrlgnoU, the Female Tiollnlst, vocalist' and Dansense, vrith ether equally talented arllsfs, are already engaged. AU bnalness letters must be addressed aa ab6ve,'0V to JAUES OONNEB k CO., Theatrical Agehta, Bonse of Oommons, 3< West Houston street, N. X Olty. ^ - CHAS. PETBIB, Business Agent. DBTROrr, e • Lin BSLEB'B OONCEBT HALL, * TnB Ou> Dbubt or thb Wm, And the only Uaca'that baa alwaya.'wlthstood the stona, la AGAIN OPEN, And meeting with : ■ ■ . : ' ' ■ ' MERITED SUCCESS. ' The following are among the - - BBILLI^ STAB PEBFOBHEBB now performing at this bouse. . KOS B. WABD, MISS W. BLA IB.. I . ULLE ANNETTE, , . .■ MIBS'gAN NY MA Y, 4 - . MISS EUTX T.BSL >' ■ MISS LAUBA'LxOLAIBE, ' MISS E7FIE DALTON, . . MLLE OABBIB EDiMB,'' ^ . . • .1IBS.P. B.-bZaU0N, DON SABTIAGO GIBBONNOISE; . ' OANBEELBX, . ' ' p. B. SEAMON, OHAB. E. DOBSON. 0HABLB8 OOVBLU^ . - JA ME8 BY LEX, • , FBTEB HONIZ fe 7AUILY, • - JOSHHAB^ 7. N.'BPEfGH, • J.DDMAB, ■ '•■ . ■' W. pMITH,''__ ■ I ■ ■ ■ ' WM, OONBTANCE.' , ABTIBTB of sn descriptions of acknowledged-sbUl^ win find Ifto their advantage to address JOBHi HABT k ANTONIO BBEITZ, Proprietors. ,. . . "Box 147, Detroit, jfaoh. P, B. None but first class TUent need apply. ' ' ^ . - 3-U v ; COOVflai, Stage Manager. TO BtARAaBto. ; MI8SLUCILLB WESTEBN, . . Having ooncladed a highly, successful :engagement of five we^ duration at the Wlnter Garden, Now YoAl, will commence a brief engagement at the. " , .. : NEWOOESTNOT STBEBT THBATBE,<FdlIlADELPHIA.' ; On MONDAYSVENINQ, MAY 41h,.at the oondnslonaf wt^Ch she will play fbor weeks at , - > GBOVEB'S THEATBB, WASmNOTON, -. Cominenolng Hay 18th, which wlU dose ber engsgementa for the present season. Miss Western has decided .to make a tour ot the West during the odinlng season; making her . S1BSTAPPEABAN0BINTHBEBXEABB . In any Western olty, .Herrepertolrehaabeenlargelylnareased by the addition of now plays. amcng which Bay be meatloned a dramatic version of Mrs. Henry Wood's popular novel, entitled . ■ • EAflTLYNBE,- ■ • . ■■ . ■ . Vblohhas sttraoted the largest audiences evtrwithlo the wUls of the theatres bas .oeeo produced. This plsy Is M<— Western's sole proper^, and le dnly copyrlahtod. ESPEOIAL CAUTION TO MANAGEBIB. ': Whereas certahi nnprlnolpledpereons havk snrtepttUonely ob- tained copies of this plav, Mlsa Western anaoonces that she wUl not act In any theatre wfiero "Beat Lynne" may be allowed to be played, and will also Immediately cause legal proceedings to be usUtuted for any infringement of her copyright, Managenr deelrlng to eeonre Mlia Western's services may ad- drees mo at the New CBxaniDT BiBER TaaiZBB, Philadelphia, until May 10; after t&iit at Gbovbbs' Thba'tbx, 'Washington, D, 0., until June 18, An immediate appUcatlonwUlbeneoeaaary to previantdisappointment, ; J. H, MEAD;' S-tt oiArisBavRY HAti., . WASmNOTON, D. 0." WILLIAM E. SINN.....,, GEO. B. EDE80N..'i. ., BTOAHT RODROR, the young American comedian, la now ; leitbrinlng tbiougbont iho Now England Btates, with tbs most lattering saecess. OommuntcaHonS addressed to ngAnr.itf; TBOH^.'ARSLOE, Dramatic Agent, N. X. .. 7-8t^ , ' ' - i. ' ''' '' ''ASSlSnCD.DT OXB. riTBSB, ' MB. PBtEnSIOHINGS,, ■BOW. playing a moat auctearital engagement it tbe Boslbti Kti- tun will appear, at the. Providence .(B,7,) Theatre .for one . .'<w,'^miiienelog Uonday, 4lay.^lth,' and at Worcester (UaSs.)' IWthreenights,oommencilngBlayieih,_^' .■ ^ . gJU -yt ■ ■ ■ ■ ' AUG.- S, PZNNOXEB, Bndasiif Ageait HAOUIKB'B OPBBA HOOIBl^'; •' - . . . : Tl BAir FBANOIBOO, (UUFOBNIA. . V .'TSOS. MAOUIBB: .i . ProprietorAnd UaniMK ' . 'JAMES DOVLINa,.,.,..,.BtageMadager. ^ J. L. BCHH IT . . .Leader of Orchestra, ' . ' W> Bi'EVJtHBOH,. ..Treasurer, THB STAB DBAMATIO COMPANX. JOBS SOPHIA EDWIN, r.msS LTIL'U BWEBfi', . M1B8 0, H INOBLBY, OEABimlSOBN, D, a ANDEB80N, W. H, HAMI LTON, 0, STEVEVSON; Ac, MB8. .W. 0. FOBBES, MISS NELLIE BBOWR. 7Bi»K BIAYp,. ' WILLIAM BABBY, > HABBY OLIFION, 7. B. WHITB,. W. a TAYLOB, Btan vtsltlng Oallfcnila should (ear In mind that Mr, MaM Is also proprietor of the Uetiopolltan Theatre, Sacramento. & the Marrnllle Theatre, ' ' : -•48.'^^ BmraOFOUTAn THBATRB, BAN 7BAN0IS00, CAL, OHABLES TBBETIB. ...Lesseeand Managsr, ^ila Theatre is now«pen fbr the FUl and Winter Beasom, m the finest Company ever In OallfcrpU. " . ■ • JULIA OBAN EAYHB, '. Uaa 3XJJ>iAi\ ' MUB MOWBBAX, MBa 0. B, THOBNB, .MB& CLAUGBLE7, I^JABiBTABE. , MISS BBEDEBIOES, UB, L: 7. BEATTY, w, aFosms. FBED FBANES. E.BBOWNi loT j.;b. iu>oxh,' s, w. lhaoh, '' ' .'. . B,'IHAXEB, . WJth • Hunerons Coirs of Anilllariea. . K ' '-' ° 'moEs or iSHDsiair. Di«ssClrole .n.OOiOr^estra Seals. Parquet ...(OotsI Ganery......... .Prif ate B6ies..'..10 and • dollan. Stars "visit Oalifomla wlU find it to tbelr InteM to address ss above. iO-M) ..ft ,.3fi jOHt<;iAOo OAMTBuunnEtr bale.; . lis and tu Dearborn atreet A. J. SINK,,,,-. ' .....Proprietor. ' T. L,.7IT0H ..k StageMmager.v The Compeny oompilses at present the fCBowing Ladlek' Gentlemen:— . . Miss Annie BordweB, Warren Bordwall, Hiss Bste Partington, 7offl Poland, - Miss Base Sntheriand, Old Do Crow, M'Ue Elclse, L. J. Donnelly, M'Ue Louise, Meesrs. Bnrronie Eellrj Miss JnllB Yale, AdnUral Yale, ^< Johnny Boyd, T. L. Fltd None bnt the BEST TALENT will be engaged. .; -. Iceland Gentlemen of.recognised abUlyaM talentwl4 Ing engagements wiU please address 'A, J. SINE, Box 3061, Ohiosgo, or 6 Waahlngton HaU, Oolumbns, PBIHOB OP WAIiBS TH BATR K,. I '^ ''-'.''. UVEBPOOL, :KNOLAND.'.< ^hls truly elegant and Tery besotUOl theatre la kept opendi Ing the wtMie of the year; - AMBBIOAH 0TAB8, Of acknowledged petition and. talent negotiated with, Ibt loaf* ahort'SMnaAnena, as mntnal Interests may require. - Address, . ALEX.,HENDBBSraT, 4Btf : Bole Lesaee and P ro p ilotat OORINTBIAB HAIiL, EXCHANGE PLACE, BOOHESTEB, N. 7., _ WmbeBentedfbrOoneerta,Lectareff, BxhlbltlonB,kc Addn W. A. BEYN0LD8, ■ 8Mme . . > . 69 Areade, Bochester,N.T, AOAPBTg OF WPglO , CLEVELAND, OHIO. The Dramatlo Company retnr^tam Columbus on the IStk April,'for a conUnuanon of theiriieaBOn at the above ponk An Imslness oommonlcatlens may be addressed to nLsacre. 1-tf JOHN A. BLL8LEB, Jn., ' • Proprietor and Managst TBBATBB ROTAL, MONTBEAL, CANADA. \ Lbsoci J, W. DUOELAND. This eslabllabment TO LET, nightly or weekly, for entettt ■aentanotdiamaUo. Apply to J. W. BUOELAND, 1-U ^ . UontreA ELLSLBR'B ATHBIVBVn, , COLUMBUS, OHia ^. Tba dramatic season closes on tho Uth Inst, (April)—allerwlitl date the Atheneqm may tw'rentsd for aU kinds of exhlbltioiit- nightly, or by the week. This lsnowtbelargeBt,beatarrasgel and most popnisr place for Leotores, Mlnstrd Uoopes, doe oerts, AO.. Apply to . JOHN A. ELLSLEB, Jr„ l-tf. . Academy of Mnslo, Cleveland, OhU HABBIMOTON & THOMFBOR'S UnNBTRBLB. ' ODD FELLOWS' HALL, UEUPBIS, TENN. This oompsoy havabeen performing at the above place, for time past, with grsst succees, and in addition to their regihi members, are constantly availing themselves of the light of sn "Stats." ' Artlsta Of acknowledged talent, desirous for s tnl sphere ot scUon, are Invited to address as above, nnder ibai» snranoe of liberal treatment and pay, 6-41 BOTAit AliBAiraBA PALACE AND AMPHTTBEAin Leicester Square, London, England. The Proprietor la at N tlmea ready to engage first dass talent andnovdty sallabUk his Mammoth Bntarlalnment. Terms liberal. Apply aaabora . _ _ 4M OAWTB BBORY BTOBIO HAI,I<, N. -W. COB. FIFTH AND OHESTNUT STIS., PHILAD'A^ K LABGEST AND MOST TAUNTED COMPANY IN THE Cnt Indies and gentlemen of kncvrn ability, will addreaa - 4iMffl . BOBT GABDINEB k Co., Proprietaa, ROONJl TOP OAirvASB, FOB SALB, Blxty feet In diameter and In good order. WlU besddohaiK as the owfier haa no use for It, not being In IJu olrona bnslnaa ;Addre«sboiU3,Pltlsbai;gb,Pa. 61-tt Fa RQLiilCAirrS''MUSICAL,.DBAMATIO, and TEBPSIOHOMAN AGENCY, 68 East Uth street, oor. Union Square and 4th Avenue, B.I >of .Sole proprietor, ..Stage Muager, i MEB TX HA LL. ALBXANDBIA. YA. • ^ ' VTHB.OAHTEBPUBX r . : .■•.<••■.':- V u tbi '■ . ; ■ MOBT MAONIFIOBNT . " • : . MUSIGBALL IN AMEBIOA.' " , ■ . '.ii;. ''•"■•■'Ntmebutth* • TtUX'HBST talent' ■ .r'-'- - '-I:' :'.~'."WILL BE XKOAOBD • . ■ - at this' '. ■ . ' . - V- BBAUTIFUL TEHPLB, . f- ,;' • ; I«dtsa and OentUmen of known AlOfttmj* waatad,' ^''AddrMs to''' -*'-'• ' • .''t OEO; ipEBOITAIh Business HUawt,' :•• ot WUiLIAU B.;BINN, Proprietor, , omoAOO. • . ^Usattosiftr Block Engagements wlUaolrbemMtTMfdt n^aeasofi. - stateptrtlstilsnu to baUnss4,Mtd^e|tabahtof salarywanted tor.assston^'at least'. fbr^^idSbt^im ton- msndog In August Do not endose stampsiVlt lottt Mrvlces .are reqnlnd yon trlb reMlvs a prompt itefiT " '^v^- . ' FOR'BAiB.^A'new kbd MceUent'.BXianUnt^ A-OHAItLBlVQB TO THB WORLD.-OoL EllH' 8,S,f5!?'^SJ^*.'''"''*'""W^^ *» produce an oqtial toO0» MODOBB 700TB, to age, size, wefabt, and educsHon, ^ Commodore vfeara the "addMedal,'^ which stamns blm lb) !SS'??!i"SiEtf¥j*- H»l«sssl8tsdbyhis mtlefrienVandcci. peer. Cot SMALL. P. T. Bammn adverilses^e smallest ,^ OOL. trat'ELLINGEBV ■ P1.AY BOmCSrPndTOORAPBS'ef EATEBATEUtt also, as LMh: Msggle Mltobdl, LnolUe Woelem, Lkni Kem OaroUne Blohtogs, Mis. John Wood, also in oisracteri At Ilrahen,a8 Trench Spy and Maseppa; Susan Benin. Bate Deal* jMbeUa Otabas, Fanny toown.olao In chanuiteri Webb BUM ^I*5J» Warren, Tom. Thumb, Mr, and Mrs. B. Williams.» J5?..%5S"JS*'.5- ^<"^*' ^ Booth. J.,W. WduST". WlUtS^ooth, Ed- Adams, Lester Wallaok7and^ hnndwds of o* era, 38 Cents each, or five for $1, Sent to any address oni» Mlpt of price. Catalogues sent on receipt of poetago atamn. U Aluuuvg Boni oa leceipi oi poaiago atamp. U W. 0. WEMXSS, 678 Broadway, NewXbrb «R!^iSS2Uy"*.™"A™**'AI' AaBWOT—BHHB OAK OOBBXN wonld respeotfolly Inform memben of the di» taatlo, Mualcid. or Bqueatrlaa profearions, that he haa eatabUihl an Agency to Ban Francisco, and Is prepared to negotiate eog:<» menta and transsot aU other bnslneee pertalntog to the ii» tmlos. AddTMa BHEEIDAHOOBBXlfr8an7rMidso(>,c£',' M. B.<--AU)eiten reqnlstng answen must eantaln a stsap 0 (<».pay the sane. - ■ TiS THB IiABOBBT SHOW BHA PHnrnNG E8TABUBHMENT IN THB WOBUI OLABBX a BBILLBX, JBucoesscrstoJohna.Baoc(V) PBIKTBBB AJfp UNGBAYBBST^. ^ 14 Spruce Street, New Xork, Pay partlonlar attention to getttod np an Unds of . , „ F ANC Y SB 8.W BILLS 7ot .n*TeUng oompanlss, and have on hand a large wl splttM* •asortmsKt Of large and smaU • . WOOD OUTS BnltaUelbrO&muMe, Menageries, BtbtoplaH PerfbrnmOlS liut*. Magl«laas,Ae„ Ac,, lAleh cab be printed to one UM* «oloif,toinltakistemars, i ,.' 'I^A deposli required OB an work ordered. .,.-.'■ ,AlIordMaddrMiM t4 "OLABin k iBDUM.^'fiAeeDMM; ug;aad Bngravtoa estsbllahm4nl. U aikd 14 Qplntse atrsA tn X9ifc^Triayyrii55^>^ ' TvoOTo^'YauuB^ ..... ■. ■•.•Aa«r««l v- W. lb pitNAMW Oy, , J' in .. . ■ ' ■'Wlta'OniSK B'**