New York Clipper (May 1863)

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ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. 43 rHEATBIGAL RECORD. fff MUiM f nwnam, awd ni ojuum or t mi T Mrn iiiioAi^ onopij ' OUB LBTTRR BOX. Eire htTt Itlton for Adth Iuu> U«ii]i«n,W. FMk—or BURen; 0. W, wslilook—C*iudt lotln; Tony Pulor: nor Uio Bargeroblldno; W.H.]>oiuldtaii; FrukWnnt ruirorolt letlar; MiM Lonlia Boanatt; Btm. B. Suibrd; Ulu kilo Laonler; Ur. Kalion Entut; Olua. J., tftt; tttak Inrdii Tony Oinler—LoDdos lotlot; Chirlw Dowd—loUor IB Cork, Iroludi QuUTa Bldni; Ttuik Eait; (7.1, WU- Qion, and J, 0. VUlUnuoD, oomodlan. •Ilnctlou, lotonbly good, l»it"d«Bnn«d Tnlfkr, yon kaow." U ftot, the orlUcUn orthedalUu kugottobeftgiutiuco, tod manlj the rMult or pncchiu by Utot, or ouuro rtom prrju- dioo. In tba fint puo«, ll li w oloo to pnir up ono's kind Mosda; ud In the aecond, It It eonilly •giMtbls to pnnlih etc- tain nanaion, or tlieir agenti, lor any sealaet or atlantloa to thaae aair-aame orlUoa, who bold thtmaalTea fn anoh high aalima- tlonr altbongbtblalbbiBla Dotrwtllandantoodbylhoaepoilod In tho worklnga or tba ititatrioal.rlBg. Tba gantnl pubUo bava yattobaTBthdrayaaopsnadtolbebet, W«Tt>lt*dI«\inEa«sa'i old tbeatra, now ondar tba maaagirlal cbarga of Hn. Jua. BogUab, and balDg aonawbat pirjudlaad agilsat ibo parrorni' anoca by >ba ooamanta ol tba aroraaantloDsd dallloa—we ougbt to ba*a known batlarwa oonCaaa, butatlU pr^ndlcataTaryaaillT aroniad—ws waia agnaably nipilaad to dud not only a won aUed booaa, bnt > raally eioallasl andlance praaent; wbUa Itaa tlboral applanaa bealowad on tba perronnaod^ wblob wa flod to OITT BUHHABV. TO TUB PROFBSaiOX. Tba OLnm IJ tba graat organ of tba dnmaUe and abow )((«alon, and onr daaira la and over haa bean to naka Ihia d^ idnaatnot only aaafol to tba proraailoa, bnt InlanaUng to tba garal raodar. Tbroagb tbamaulnmoronrUttlo ibaat, tbararora, ) pforoaalon can laam tba whareabouta and bnalnau or eub nr. Drop uaaplnyblU.a ntwapaper, a Una or two of lha moTo- III! of youraolroa and UiOM aooolalod with yoo, >o that IbOy • rcuh nt bj Batarday, or Monday, at Iholatort, anil thallana ■Ithail will appear In that weak'* liana or tha OLimn, wblab oiwardad to agania tbroogboat ttaa ooanUT ewly on Tnaaday nioeor ouh week. Wa obnige nothing ror reoordlng the nmonta or onr frloDda, neither do wa atk or aaek rarora or tUnd rorio doing. Wo wlah to oonUnaa the Ourpts u a uUa organ ror Ibo banellt or the prolaaalon, and tbareby ai- ^Iho aphoia or Iti uuTulnaaa. IIOKDIT, IKt Ig, '<3, iBkbaondla oaral" wae tboaaniaUoD cry of tba '*nnr^ tl»" but week, and people were somawbat Inclined taballera ittMnJ, becanaa It waa tbongbt that Hookar'a retreat wu • lofikii "alrategr," For a abort lima there waa a aort or llutreellog, and "Flahtlng Joe" wu booked aa a bnlly boy. lit the leoaatlon laalad, our ttaeatiaa "drooped" a lllUe, the Aici being on the looaa ror a abort time only, to congratalata ;h olbor on the "encceailtil laaee" or Ibe "commanding Deral'a" plaoi; but oil I bow aoddan wu Ibe eoUipae; and I bow cboprallen were the admlrera or the gghtlog Oeneral eo the "newa" waa >proTod to be a rabrloauon. Bo tbey taned Ibeir diaappolnlmont and aorrowa In Ibe "ttowlni rl," and at placea or aooaemanl, the week olofllog with gooi iloeee, a Ilia Diteman contlonoa ber trinmpha at Mlblo'a, drawing !iidld bouiea night after night. We attended on Friday Uat— lay, you kaow, fa the wont night Ui the week ror theatrea— fouod orery anUnble apot from whith a view or the alage Id be bad, occupied, the Jewish "peianaalon" being well ra- lontod, white the Olirlellan people were alio In roll rorce, miy apulauillDg the Jawlah aonUmonla eipraaaod thronibont piece. It waa a bappy brlog'log logether or the "loat ohildreb larael," and a lovrly Craternlzjition or the "Jew and Oenllle,'^ wing the "benoQolal iulluimce exerted by the drama." ^b'^^wlll be rnneatod thie week, Mr. L. n. Sbawell taking the :o or Hr. Lcneigan, who retina, Ulaa Bataman'a esgigoment Doonnced to cloao In a conple or weeka, and it ia probable I abe will leave for Europe early In June, dab laaaca Menken arrived In town on tlie IStb loaL, and la I eoloylng ber "oabnn cnm dlgaolarty" In prlTata. Some or papera, we notice, aro engaging her lor Dondcanira London uire; but, m we aay or army newa, "the report needa conlr- Hon." We don't belloTe Adah knowawbatabelagolngtodo, h(lf. She bae a good many appllcatlone for bor aerrlcoa, a England, from* Calirorala, from oar own muiagere,and Kouoagora away down South in Dixie Tbat'iao. Bba'aa ard for any manager, and drawa like Herring*! safe team. I. Eddy atUl boUa ale own at tba New Bowery. Tbla even- te la to appear In a new drama, called "Dick Tnrpin In ue." Ulaa Mowbray la'to make bar dnt appeaiaoce bera ereolng, n. Bally Bciagga, In "Bketchea In IndU." Wo 1 kaow of another manager In the conntry, who haa pro- td so many noralUea, eto., aa Mr. Ungard baa brought ont leason. Ilhoutbeing ruU, the honeea of Winter aaiden maybe do- ted ta baring been good, while Ibe reception or Mr. J. B. de bag been quite flattering, without warranllng ua In any or M oxlreme exprcealons or oxIraTig&nt nralaea ao lavlably lowed on Mr. 0. by crlllca who are In "too ring," "Babea Ike Wood" waa one or the Tory adliyiog pieces wllb which comedian faTored hia audlencea but week. The preaent la Muced as Mr. Clarke'a farewell week, wbon "Babealntbo 4d" wlU l>e brought forth again. In. 0. Ohiarlnl, and her daughter, Hlaa Joaenbbie Cblarlnl. McVrated cqunstrlonna and donsauee, of tlaTaaa, arrlred IbU city ou Ine 131h, and nro now stopping at Held'a Dotel, rood's MInslrela bare round It sdvlsibls to retain Master H, the JuveoUe billidlit, whoM vocalization adda greatly to lolerest of the regular porformtnua. In this eonneoUoo, foiild cantlofl our friends In other otilca agabiat ptrtloa Irar. Hniuia*ii>*-»uuu4a.Wnod'«.aaia«treliw and praiendlog to »a u tbla olty. All each concoma an bogot, for the orig* I Wood'e Mlnstrfla are atlU glrbig enlarUlamenla at IbeIr auful opera bouse In tbla olIy.andnaTe no latasllon oftrar- Ws a good Idea sold to baTC been adopted by a London muu, and If wa mnst have reserrod seala, maoageia In Hpttia-mlghtmake the new wilnkleprollaUa, HIa plan la »-lMlead of chargingmorothsn theuinal price for mserred II, taktn tMforehand, ha cbargoe Im, beoanaolf any one lakea Iteable to come beforehand for bla place, be oogbt to be ipieiaied ror that trouble. Ha ongbt to enjoy aoma ad. Use OTer thoke who come lata, and the heat fom In wblob nl that adraulage le to let him bara his place at a lower rale. Ir. Robert Johniton, aflar anabienoeor three yeaia rrom Beirery bosrda, la to make bla le-appearanca this arening, rl8<b, at the old Dowery. It In announced aa blalaatan. timoDt and fkrewell of the alage. [ko beblea bad poaaesalon or Bamnm'a Unsenm. last week, Uttrsclod a large number or admlrera or Infantile animated lie. There were red bablea and wblto hsMea, arose bsblea I bleeeed bablea, /'motber'alllUe dears," and "papa'a dar> n;" but the bablea wero not alono the attraotlon; there e aome ooroely looklog motbore present, whoee domoatio Dllona to their offspring afforded food to the Utile onoa aa Isa to the goalleuien prenentwbo went to "eta the whole r." We donotUketo make unrivorable comporlaoos, bnt Minot help aaylng tbnl the doga were belttr bebaTcd, aa a iral thing, than Ibe babies: aome or the latter kept up auol, unearlbly lelllngaa to deter many young oonpfe preaent 1 outerlog Into lhat connubial rellclty, of wblcb they bad rd ao mnob, and to which tba preolons babea are soppoaed ootrlbnieao largoly. The dogawere nolay, but the bablea 0 ten tlDca worae. They have now rahimad to the bosoma ^elr reepectlTe famlllaa. Douolcault'a drama of "Paunelta" D for this week. illclU Tetlf all annonncca that she wOl open Ibe Winter Oar- on the 2Itb Inst, for tba purpose of giving a aerlra of Enalleh fa. We have not been able to learn the namea of the lady'a Kipal Bupportera.'. be report la renewed that kin. Wood la to take bold of lanra oe'a Tliratre next roll. Lanra'a loose does not eipiro until tutor Augual. It Is said that Ur. DuU who recently par- •M^ the properly, hsa leaeod the house to Mrs, John Wood tin years, dating rrom tho 1st of next Boptembor, and that Jos Jeffereon will have an iolorost In tho mtnagcmout. We ■lime that Mrs. Wood will gatlier around her a good com- r, and not depend altogeiber npon her own aklHtln. Mug shaken off Ulaa Parker, after ber flrsc night at the wniy, the "lDdlspo8ed"fort'lEncra at onco resuraod their sform, and aang In good alyle, although tho business baa ' been alarmingly nood. To-night. 18th, la lbs oloso of Ibo Ko, and the farowell appearancoOi the troupe. *'Bloa8 'cm. •ngo." ■he Htrangor" la one ol the laleat produclloaa at Wallach'a, boa thua far met with a very rsvorohle rccopllooi lat charming ballad alager, Eva Drent, makes her llntap- mee st lu Uraadway, tbla evening, 181b Inst, on which co- in, also, Uie oomlo pantomime or the "Msglo Flute" will ba R SVJj",' "•^o'' *•">« "Pluj pantomlmlata, . .jfiil???''^"'"'"" anataln their original parts. An. !^^; = t'o,"" "">P»nr will be made tbra ovenlog. In tho ??i™l;'5'°?.°?>*""»P'"> eooedUn. The programme ho preaent week Is unnsuslly altraoUva, and wiU help to nu"'ko gija popnlarii, or &la bouae. laUyComaUp -Davolleod'o clever little triao-hi as popu- •nfJSU'.SV.'n"..' being received nlghtlyiwk .merited applauso. As usual, buelnaas bare la "gorgeous," w Evoy's mumloon wUl dose In tbla city on tho Mtk. We ^jy^o panorama wlU next ba exhibllad to our nolgbbora In U.**? J'«l'"'»' 'l",' grwt Australian ridor. In the oily on lay.bebavbigmnlarorafewhourawhile the olrasabeli 1 waa In dose proximity, .u.o -lo oireuaoei. be Webb alalcrs returned to thia oily, last weak, Itom uu, N, p„ wbare tbey have boon elvlng perrormanoos for e weeia past. e don't bear any mora about Mad. Hethna Bobetler. She waa uve made bor appearance on the English atsga with Mr. iDann, Ibe Oerman tragedian, bnt aha haa noTTet come to 1. Wbat'a the matter} 7»™inow le ecaaoa at the Mew Fork Bladt Theatre, U the Dowerr rellayardalraet.oloaedontbelOlhlaal. "owery, j 0 Pennoyer Is one or the dancing roituces st Un, Jane llsb'a (Lanra Ecena'a) Theatre. 10 dally papeii are golUng to ba Tory nnrellahla msdlama or nnatlon In raforence to thoatrieal nutlera. Their ormoa are r alobberlngly laudatory, nnJaaUy abualv^ or "damn with ipralaes," There Is no dherlmlnallon node at all. iribey n a new drama, and llemaaateafromooeolthelrownsel, It ilonce set down aa or almoatSbaeapearean aiceUeace; but ir I the production oreone oujalder, no mailer what Its Intrln- jorlte inay be. It bccomea "Irnaby," "Inoon'lalent," a "per- T.i 0' fiarUea, "whodon't f'l"»i">"i jou know," why all there Is to ba dona U to om sUde," or "wrllo "cm down:" Favorite aetora and ac- Hifv*"^;'?.'.'. " r»nflTlng applause from "crowded y^'llT^!"•k'l'OM'lalessthanhsirfnlli and then I, certain pacformanoea are aiioken of ai oera ooneert oaloon ba really very piilaaworlby, plainly arlnoad the aatlafaoUon at- rordedtbem oy the altraolkms prcsanted. Tba company en- gaged at tbla tbaalta la oallad tba "Troupe St. Denia," and they aro compoaed or aavaral talented artlaia,-oepeolal]y In panto- mime, among whom wa oonid name Uona. Uonlanarl and Lonia Zanrratta. The peifonnaseoa opened with a panloinlma. In which tba rormar t«ok a promlnaet port; after wblob there wu a choice variety ofTerad, iQoladIng a dance, by Mlaa Fen- noytr; Tableaai Blalueaqne, by Prof. DonelU and bla son; a buffo soene from a popular apart, capitally rendered by Mens Uoatensrl; a truly capital rope dancing act, by "La Belle Boelta"—a lieantirul andgrsceral wonun or splendid rormi an extremely comical duet on two vlellsa by Maun. Augusta and Oaron, and finally aoma extnordlntrypUylngontbe vtollnby tlooa. MuUer, theealertalooent okialng with a very good render- ing or one Ibe Bavel family pantomlmea. The whole perform, anoea througbont were amnsug and bitereatlng, and one u wor thy or tba patronage or the amnaemeDt aeeklng pnbllo u any given In the same place ror the put year or two. We aaw none of the voloarlly InUmatadln the dolllea, or Indeedany thing that the most faatldlont could notwitnsuwithout ablush; and In tbla respect the performances were u superior to the Cubaa da- monstrallon that brought forth ancbaorowd or the moral Brook- lynllas, u could well bo. The brevity or Ml*. Englleb'a aaaaon will or course prevent the Intndactlon or any great Improve- ments, and therefore anggutlona to that effeet would not be neoeaury; surBoe It to uy Ibst the antextalament abeofferaia well worlhy ol patronage aa It la. A vlollnlat, one who reads mule at sight, Is wanted by B. Mor- ton, or Ho. in Eut Fonrth street Baakdiaitlsamant Did yon over hear or many Anerloan prima doonaa aaooeed. lag where thay were surrounded by rorelgn singers, w In am Italian opera tronpe? We have repeatedly observed, that when an American lady la entmated with a leading part In an Italian open, ahe la anre to meet with eome ehow or opposition rrom the "forelgnera"—the tenor Is Indisposed, the bssso Is ont of gear, the centrallo Is hoarse, or something of that aort So It wu on Monday evealsg. Hay 11, when tllsa Parker, rnm Call- f >mla, made ber flnt appearance at the Academy or Mualc, In tho "Trovalore." TheSwra wu a drag rnm beginning to end, none or the "forelgnen" appearing la their true rorm, aod one or two or them alnslng u tbongh tbey wan atMut to "alrlka for higher wagu." it la trae that UIm Parker falbKl to areata any enthuslasni; beretegebuslaeaa being aadlydedolenl, and her voice wanting caUbn to enable her to move alobg aucoaaaruily with the robust "Putoh Itollsna" by whom ahe wu snrronndad; bnt her dalclenoles ongbt not to have conlsmlnated tba other eingers; tbey should have endeavored to have made amende ror ber short comings. Instead or adding to ber conruslon by bolcb- lag their own rolls. Maiulaol, the tenor, nngallaolly deaarled bla poet at the aod or the third aot(boananaaa being the ezcaao, u uanaU and BhrlgUs wu brongbt up u s "rorlom hope" to nil his pisee. All thaae things landed to the dlaeomBtnn of the American lady, aod the first appearsaca of lllu Parker at the New York Academy may be aet down aa a tallnre. The attend- aucewuallm. the koMlua deeming It beneath their dignity to Ktnnlae the opera when thera'a an American lady In the oaae. ss Psrker Is not announced ror a second appearance. The llstle alar wu In the ascendant at the Hew Bowery the early part of lut week—JoaCoborn, the newly-beaten-ln cbam- Jloa, having been engaged te spar for two erenlogs, tbt lith and 2tb InsL The resalt was, Immeaae houau, and people turned away at lhat; auch wu the pibllo desire to see the victor In Ibe late Bgbt. Cobnm eet-to with Norton, while Oualck and McDe^ molt aulsted. Manager LIngsrd made a good hit when be a«- cured the ssrvlcea of the champion bitter. "Peerlaai Uly of the American Stage" la the lateal title be. alowed upon Mlas Datanun, now blooming at NIblo'a Oardcn, as we find It recorded In the advertlsemenla of that popular rc- rwort. We hope tbla "pcaTleaa Illy" hu not been tbua early developed by the fonlng proceaa. "1 know s man that'a got fileifj/ ol spondulicks, and won't give hie oelgbbois none; belban'l have any or uur spondulicks when Afi spondiiUoka la gone. Ob, that'll be Joyru].Jai/ul| ioy- /nl; oh I tbst'ilbo Joyful, whan ftusponduUoka is gone.'' would Ku bslleve that the Italian opera company at the Kth eticct uBeslngenchaasmutbe aoorot Na Neither would ens one or aenia. Well, whether yon believe it or not, we take it npon ourselves to aay tbst they never tiwAt of ainging anch a piece; but tbey do get off a lot of stuff Jual u outlandish u the extract given, whloh la the burden era very touching ballad now being aung At the -varloua ooucart aaloona with >grut -gyuta and e^m, oa the reapf ctahledamphool operatlo crillea term IL' "Tom Baker," u be Is faailllarfy tanned, aonoucea that bla engagement u conductor and mnsloal director of Laura Eeene'e Theatn hu terminated; oad now, ha'a "aeeklag foe a borne," for the anomar seuon, "lo gUd retned gold, to paint the lllly," to uy lhat Tom Baker Is s double learn in an orobulro, would be wuterul and ridlontona eioew." "Uers'a a health to all good Isulu," bnt especially to the nympba at American Mnalo Hall. Broadway. "To gild nflned"—no, no, we said that before; but IT you an rend of aee- Injgr New Fork girls' pntty faces, look In at 'em at the American. The American Dnmatio Find AuoclaHon met on Monday at- taraoon. May 11th, Mr. Marry Seymour In the chair. Tho Beo- ntary, Mr. 0. 8. Bernard, read the nportof the put year, whereby It appeomd that the fond wu in a presperoua oondltlon. Mr. Bernard also elated that Mr. Jsrau U. Oaldwell, or New Or- leans, Mr. Ssnford, or Boston, aod anolber. bad contrlbutad 910,000 between them to the fond, which bu thua Incnucd (in addition to Its ragnlar income, collected by beoe&ta and dlanera) to $11,700. Tbe following gentleman wen elected oflicen for theenauing year:—President, JaiaeaT, Brtdy; Tmateea—W. P. Chapman, T. 8. Holdbrook, O. W, McLean, Jno. Oenln, Barney Willlama, J, Bridgemas, 0. K. Hason, T. a Eadaway, J. Beflon, J. Byrne, H. Isberwood, J, W. LIngaid, J. Moore. W. It. Floyd. T. Mou, W. Davldge, N. B. Obirke, A. W. Young, J, QUbert, and J. P. Cooke. Fantcmlaea are moat nmntlng, end we think It a good idea ol tbe Maoagen or the New Idea to make that homo colebratcd ror getting them up bi style. Thlsweek, th-i grand pantomino ol Ibe " Botttheru Beiugee" la on. We haven't seen It yet, but those who bave, speak of It In terma ol pralaa- It Is eminenlly eullod to the preaent times, being of the military type. In addition to thl^ the perromuncu of Mile. UarletU Zantretta on the tight rope, an worth more iban the price of admission, by " several per cent" A, M. Hemandei sad Goatavns Qeary, In their ro- epeollve apeclalltlea an alee groit carda. With all the good tbioga pnmlaed, we have an Idea that It wUl be a bad Idea to ulu vlalllng Ibo New Idea tbe present week. Mn. and Mlu L. Onwn will give roadlnga tnm the poeta, at Dodworth'a Uall, Broadway, ou Monday evening, 33tb Inat, and tell oar readers, is aloply Ihli; tlial whDa lalenl of lbs iattx order, both In tbe dromatlo and operaUo worU, hu failed to meet Ita mgritad abpporl and palronaga In Brooklyn, a mlsar> ably medlocn company, wllh one bright atar—not of tbe flnt magnitude, howevr>-or the ballet world u lu gnat alt>a> tlon, bu crowded tbe Academy to suffocation, tba reserved aula being hurriedly seourad In advanoe by an array or Ibe bald and gtey-beadcd "old boys" of Brooklyn, who, with their opera glaaaea, dnnk In with a tmaoklng or their amorana Ilpa tbe voluptuona scanu praaented to Iheir view in the French Spy and the pas ii force, or ballet gymtuUw of the "buutlnd Oabu," her lively obindon and "abowy" atyls bringing In tbe [reenbaoks wllh a perract rnah. Wbatseommantaty on theob- eotloaa urged by the Immaoolale direotors of tbe Academy against tbe appeannce on their stage of that "wieked Mra, Woodl" Thebeanlyor it wu, that the ohuta youthe or flny,or upwards, composing their dlrsctlig oommlttaa, wan preaent In nill roroa, and largely composed the bald and gny-beaded pantset delegation. Talk no mon to ns abont Brooklys rallty. Why tba verf beat patnasoroor leut partlcniar and moat model-arUel-atyle ol coacart aaloona In New Fork, an tbe aons or the Drooklrn 8onday-go>to-naatlng man, who on ao par- tloalarlydownontnelmmoralltleaotaothain. OhI ooaslstonoy, then art Indeed a Jewel oT ran price lH this matropoUlan market of ouis. On Taeaday and Friday, Hay g and 8, "Annni Floyd" waa ].^nf.,e .nli« niwin.,^ of tba anthoror the drama, Kn Cbaa. Oaylot. Dnlnckllyfor bla eolar- prlae, the vreek pravad ta ba oaa of the moat atormy and nn- pleasant onca or the moatb, and oonseiinantly tba attendance woe not u good u It otherwise wonld have bean. On Tuesday night. It rained In torraats, bat neverlhelau then wen t|ulte s number present, and evaiytblng paaaed off u well u IT the house bad been crowded, tbe "ulect and appredatln aaaem- blage" who ware then being lend in their demonttntlona or ap- plause at the excellence of tbe parformance. On Friday, hough the wwtber wu allU omlnooa of nlo, a very good an- dlesce WM presaaUtba honsa being u wdl flUed u oa tho Dsadmsnn lught mtalled comment on the Brooklyn perform- ance of thla ahlv written dnma ia DOtnecesaary, u wa have pre- vtonaly rerenoa to It when prodnoad at NIblo's. Bnt we bave to speak or tbe nndlllon or those ctaarsoten or Ibe pleoe wblqh hod dlffenat Interpntsn from these given to them at NIblo'a. Among the ohangas made ware, 0. Wbeatlelgb ror Horry Purson, u "Bqnin UeUiah;" Mn. Elnda for Mlaa Wells, u "Mrs. Powell;" Mlsa Coursn—ber flnt appeaiaaoe in BriMklyn—for Mn. Jordan, u "Luoy;" F, Maadar, Ibr Mordaant, u "James Oosyen;" end J. H. Allen for Collier, u "CapL Balalrade." In each Instance the snbstltnles discharged their dnUu moat creditably, and, u tar u we ware concerned, we did not gnatly min the absenteea, wen pleaaed u we bad been with their able efferta at NIblo's. We are tree lo confcu, however, that we pnfor Ohu. Wbeatlolgb'a Sooln Malllah to Pearson's, but in all other raepects, wa would nther have tba Hlblocutof tba two, ir we wen obliged lo choose at alL Mr. AUan'a aoneapUon of the character or Ibe Captain wu good, but bla mannarlema wen too appannt With a goodperaoiHl, aoapltal voice, and wllb the ability to lake high ranklnnJa profeaaloa, he, bydolag utoo maayofbta breihnndo, taking tbe atjgemodeu forbla o' bielead of copying rramufo, aacrtdcM bla talent at tbe abi of that ambition that alma bnt to win the applanae of the in- judicious, "Csuo by Day aad Night" la the title of a local dnma par- rormad ror the Int Umo at the DeSanoe Theatre, Cain, 111., May ath. It la In three ula, b> which an depicted eoenee ol misery, mystery, run and frollo. It la svldenlly of the aentallonal order, and among the ocenlo effects, la a grand conflagntloo. To. give aoma Idea or tbe piece, ws quote from tbe synopsis of tho seta as glvaa on the bill :—"Loaren enjoying tbe enn—Dill sporting on a new principle—the soonodrel's plot—loafen' pandlae—appearaneeof Baelaabab—Da Vermont Incites WUaon lo murder, eu." In tbeculareMeasis-T. B. Hann, T. B. Hol- land, O. Boacoe, 0. Maoler, W. Marble, M, Bralnerd, Weleh Edwards, Peiry, BoL Smith, ktn. H. A. Paaaoyer, aad Mlu Alice Howe. The buslneu hu been linmenae, we axe told, alnoe tbe pleoe bu been on the boarda. Miu Otaarlotta Thompaoa took a benefit at the Pittsburgh Theatn on tbe 8lh Inat, appearing u Jnlls in tbe Hunchback, Mlu CecUe Bush Is well liked by the people of Leavenworth, end in Fanohon and Ida Lee, hu bean frequently encorad- The People'a Tbwtn, Leavenworth, hu been doing s good bnatneu or lata, and Mn. Walten' eong, "Tbe Balde C17 of Freedom," wtth a cboraa, nlautheanthuilaam of the andloncas rar beyond concert pitch, -The HewTnmont, Boeton, doaed the aeaaon, on Batnrday, May 9, to a baadaomoly filled bonaa, ror the beaeflt of W, W, Pratt, the baalneaa manager, A new five act play, written by Ur. Fratt, wu performed, bi which the following well knosm iroreaalonala appeared:—Mr. and Mis. H. Chapman, Mr. T. lampion, W. J. Lcmoyne, O. B. WUaon, L. E. Barker, 0. J. Boniface, Mlu Llixle Bwlndlehiust, °Mlu Msggis Parker, ko., ka Mr. Pntt nmalaa la Boetoa to coadnct the affkln of tbe New Tremoal, duriag Mn. EngUah'a aojonm at Lanra Xeene'a. Cbarlea J. Ellla, or the New Tork and provincial ttaeatrM, bat mon recently or tbe 13tb Begt M. F. Vola., from wblob, a abort tine atnoa, be' wu diaebarged, on account of wonnda received hi battle atOalnea'klilla, antend Into a long eagagameat, on April UA,jrltb Mlsa Loalae VlUlen, daughter ot tba Uta J. E. ViUlemorvhUadellibla. What the ljulleu or ua noels railed DftABATlD. The Colleen Bawn wu proaentcd at Ihe New Uempbla Thea- tn, ror tho flnt time, on the tth inat, with the roUowliig artlau la tbe priuolual' cbaractcn:—Uylea ns-Coppaleen, 0. It. Magln. ley; Hinlreaa Oregan, F. A. TaaneblU; Danny Uana, J. F. Ward; Corrlgan. kl. Lawler; Father Tom, F. B, Pierce; Eyrie Daly, £. A. Eoicnoo; Bylsnd CreaU, W. Herbert; Waraor, 3. M, Dmclaol; PbU Tsrton, T. P/atberi Elly O'Connor (Ihe Colleen Dawn), Mn. ¥. A. TooiiablU; Anne Ohule (the Colleen Iluadh), Mln A. Iladcllffe; Mn. Oregan, Mlu CLastor; Uhelsb, Mn. Dyke. The drama la aald to bave beea placed 00 Ihe atago In good alvlo, and wu still runnbig on May 8th, B. A. Emerson, the walking gcntlonien and llobt comedian, oloaed bla engage, nontot this bousu on Ibeitb, being then shout to Join Manager Wood'a company, at Clnolnnatl. Mlu Mary Bill wu expected to Join Manager Maglalcy'a rones seme time during the put week, but, for some reaaiin or other, failed to connect Mn, Orahun hu acceded from the company. Mlu Charlotte Orampton (Un. Wilkinson), aome three weeks ago, entered the Bethel-Temperance Meeting at Doaton, and then made a puUlo pnreulou of temperaaca, from whose palha alia freely.oonfoaaed abo had atrayed. Since then, she bss dellv. end addnuM oa tbe anbject st the DIacbsrgod Boldlcn' Home, the Bethel, sad at olbor plocoa, Bhe declared bor belief thai ahe wu specially oallad to tbe tenperaace work. Mhu Oramplon Is a very eccentrlb woman. At tbe breaking out of the war, ahe gave her only eon lo tbe ranks, snd sflerwarda went beneU, u a nurao, aad u a wuberwoman. She imUtaf from Clnclaaatl to Wublaoloo aloae, and Johjcd tbe regluent ber aon wu in, and wu in Modellao'a Panlnanlar eannalgn. Daring all tblstlma, she received no pay except for wuhlag from the olScen. Worn out wllh tbe campaign, tbe came home on a sick furlough. Having noovend ber health, she haa now devoted her senlcea to Ibe cauie of temperance. Mr. and Un. W, J. Flcnnosleave en tbe 30lh Inat for Eoglaad. Tho problem Is at lut solved, aad It la now oalabllahed u a fact for the luformatlon of maaagen la geseni who deain to eiperimenlollie on the pdekela of Brooklyn clUiens, that the way to the aair^ama deposltorica Is tbnngh the medium of lege. Lege an trumpe. and tba only vrlnalng'carda to draw a Drooklrn audience. Morelcak. st considerable oipenee, treat- ed the Urooklynltes to the vocollsm of oaa of the beet opera tmupM wo have ever bad In this conutry. What waa tbe rmiultl Wby, a positive lou of nearly 11,004, Uarl Aaschiila tried bla eioellent Oerman troupe of flnt elats open artlits,aad with almoat u great a loaa. Uura Keene took a capital comedy company tliero, and barely Qllcd tbe Academy, falling un 0 second attempt to hair Ull It A now drano, wllb capital aooalo effecie, wu next triad, and leea than a two third hoiiae vna the resnlt Barney Wnilanie, to be aun, had a good time while ho waa then, bnt thou the CelUo element nlllod to bis support Adultery In lbs shape or East Lynne and Edith wu not oven spicy enough ror tbe Unmsoulateoltlieus of Drooblyo; and ao flnsUy [o bring mat- ton to a lest, tho bandsorae and voluptuous looking l)ailat danoer, Ouboa, wu broaghltobearontbecold. Icy Inhabltaal of tho Oily or Obunhes, sodlol and behold, she "fetched 'em,' As ws said heron, "lags did It." What ws ate tnlng to got at, thla week, baglnatng on the IBtb. Wm. J. Laaayna sad lOM loolae Barbaak wan lo bkva Joined the company uat weak. EagUab'a dramaUe tnnna, ol Beaton, an now dloeagaf ad- Mr. Wbealley hu coma lo a very nice oonclnalea la comlaf down to ihe pmolar atandard of pricaa oT admlaaloa to bis Haw Obeatnat Btnel Theatre, FMIodelpbla. When the besu was flnt opened, paxinettasis won 18 oentaeaoh; isMrvadaaats la the drsu drtla wen also 18 cents each. Time wu when anoh priCM ruled, bat that day la paaaed, and people do not can la pay mon Iban to osnis ror s parqnat and dreas^lnls Mokak Wa apoke asaloat the scale of prTcee adopted at lbs New Oheol- nut, when the booMwu first opened to lbs pnbUa. Weforssaw and fontoU Ibe tnjorloas resnlu that wouU rollow the hlgk price ayatem. We an glad to find that Managar Wbaatlmr aeas hlaarnrlallme,and reotUaa It Id aeaaon, iSa new toale weal Into effect on the llth Inst, on tbe oooaslon or Itaa oommsne^ meat or tba aoauaer aeaaoa, and bnalnau daring the week bag been nally good. Tba papen on engaged In manylag a"— Mkggto itllAdl la aMr.Bwan,orBalllmon, Utrne, keep dark aboutlt; roreno* It leaks ont that a rreah and goahlng young aotren lit mairM. that noment she oeaaaa to be an object or attraction to any ona aava tba partner or her bosom, and Ibe abarer or bar oolb* snd caku. Mr. J, W, lanorgan's aeaaon at flt Johns, H, B-, commtnsss oa the latorjaaa. . Mn- D. P. Botren gou.lo Botloa, opeaing at the BeflDil Theatn, on the 34th Inat hUu Otaarlotta Ttaompson'a engaoameent at Ike PlUaborgh Theatn wu to have tannlaatad on tba loth; she bu done verr well In the Smoky Olty. Sbewu prMentedwIthsmagaUoaa't diamond ring, oa ber beaeflt nignt tbe IBth, whan Ihe tbsatn iru crowdecL Ur. Henderson produces avenlon or "Anrora Floyd" this weak. It was bnngbl trim England by Mr*. Bm* derson, Tbe Flonnoes dosed ibelr perTormuees at the Boston Thestrs on tba IBtb Inst Tbsy produced Ibe "Colleen Bawn"lutwae^ but It tsUed to draw, ana Mr. Florence's nudlUoaor the otaano* terof Hylw na Coppalaan did not add to the gantlaman'arvpQlfti tlon. Ilia "Colleen Bawn" wlU be npaatad tbla weak, wllh Mr. " arlw Wbeatlelgb u Mylea. Mrs-BedleyOnwalslhsOolleea to do, Cupid's dart iua evidently aocompllabed. and wa hope Mr. Klllo mayflnd, in the'aoetblng cffectaoflba latter, mon Iban auSlcleat tosllariate the snfferioge caused by the rormer. Ur. Ellle doea not Intend entering npon Ibe stage at preaent, u bla vroundii will not admit of the nacesoory study. ; Death hu anin entered the naka ol tbe dramatic pnfeaalon. Thla week. It u onr melancholy duty to record tbe panlng away Into eternity or that dietlngnlahed comedian, Mr. ChariM Baaa. TlUa aad event oconrred at namlltoa, 0. W., on Tueaday night. May Stb. at tbe age orality yean and two montba. As an actor, tir. Baa daaervediv ocsupled a very high position, having fhw equalain Ibapecnllarllnaor ohonolenbepetaoaalad. Hewu an axoelleat Sir Peter Teazle, aad oaa or the beat Sir Fertlnax Mu Syoophaata ever Been ia this ooontir, Mr. Bau wu bom at Moatroae, Forfkreblre, Brolland, Marts 9d, 1803. He bu ap- peared In nurly all the principal olUs) In tbla coanlry, meeUog with much auoceaa. Dnrlng the aeaaon of 1699, he vru a reg- ular member of tbe Arch Street Tbeatra, Philadelphia, and won the highest enoomlnma from tba preu or that dry. lUa Uat ap- pearance on the atago took place ot Hamilton, 0. w., on the Itlh or Ootobor lut, when he appeared u Job Tnomberry, In Ibe comedy or "John Bnll," and Adam Loetbereole, in the "Old Bohllsr." Bis lut pnbUc effort wu u a lecturer. He pnpared a conise or lectnru on "Canada," and delivered tbam at Han» Itton and ottaar placea in tbe Waal, bnt met with poorancceaa. or late, ho ahowed eigne of feeblenees and approaching dluolu- tloa. Ba hu been married twice, bU second wire being Mlu OsU, or Canada, whom ho married In 18U. Mr. Bau iru a member of ttaa Uaaonlo fmtemlty, and vru buried with Maaonio ceremonlea. At lut acconnis, UcEean Bncbasas's Dramatic Ttoopa wen at Wuhoo, and tbe Olsu Blowers were at DownlavUla. Manager Leigbtoa'a Tnnps, coaateUng of Hn. Jamu Stark, Un. Lelgbton, tin. Forbes, Mra. Berry la new arrival In Call- fbrala,] Mr. James H. Taylor, Walter Lemaa, Pbelpe, lawrenoe. Ruby, Beatty, Treacott, aad Orowa, opened at the Stockton Thea- tn, April lllh, In tba "Marble Heart^' At Uatnln'a Opera Bouae, San p^olaoo, tbe atandard coma- dies bad been adhered lo lor tbe two weeke prevloua to Ihe IBth orAprll, andbadaocoeededlndnwlng good bonsea. Drongh am'e "Bomaoca and Beallty" hw been orougbtont, iritb tin. Edwin u Hoaabel. Meeara. Mayo, Thome, Andsnon, and O'Hell, wllb Un. Edwlo, Mlu Mowbray, and Lulu Sweet an In ttaa company. Motlaeea bave bean Inaugurated. At the Eureka I heatn, San Francisco, a atock company, bud. ad by Urs. Julia Dean Hsyoo, opened on the 13tb of April to a good houao, Tho principal ploco produced hu bean Ibe comedy of "The Old Obalcau," which la full of buutlTul sentiment and exciting plot Then wu a railing off b> the attendance at placea or amnae- mont In St Loula, last week, with tbe exception or Ibo St Louie Theatre, when Ur. aad Ulu Couldcok have been appearing be. ron crowded andlcnces, In Ibe pUya or "WIUow Copae,' "OhImuey Corner," and "Jew or Frankfbrt" One or our corres- poadenU, "B.," saya:—"Or Mr. Couldock'a uUnglt la unae- oeuaiyforna to apeak, ror be baa no anperlbr IntbeMplecUc Mlsa Ceuldockla onlypauable, Bba hue goodldu 01 alage bnalnosa, but will not compan, u s reader, with the generalm of loading aetrcasea, To-ntgbt 13th, the elerilng ploy of 'BuTl Waten Bun Deep' will be produced—Mr. 0. u John lllldniay, sndMlssO. uMra. HUdnoy. Mlu 0. Wyetle taku the charao- tcr or tin. Sttnbold. TbU lady bu many admlren, and U s very correct delineator. Mr. Oriffith, one br tbe beat old mon on the alage, la tho ravorite at thla houae. The oompany noede a good Juvenile actor and a mbrdle very mnob Next (thla) week. Maun, Wallack and Davenport, with their talented Udlu, appear atltalahonae, andthe lovers or Ibo legitimate look rorward to a rich treat" Mr. A. J. Neale la at prasentmnllafaigatForkvllle,HewTork. A new de6i/lanl( ror dramallo Uurola bu appeand at Uagnlro'a Opera IIouh, San Franolaco, la tbe parson or Mrs, Don B, Traay. Tbla lady made s "Iral appearance" on the UthoT April, u Clara DongUs, In "Money.'' The glare or the rooUlgbte aomewhat unnerved her, but she rallied, and aucceedca In coming to the and of tbe play with utlsbouon to her rrlouda, Bhe la aald to poaseu a oomely flgoie, a moat plataing ttoe, and a clur louslca) voice. B. It *' iDley, the very popniar aUge manager and low oomedlai the Uempbla theatn, wu the reolplent or a com- pliment aeoellon tbe llth, tendered him by tbe mlllUry and oltli ua or that dty. Mr. tl. appeared u Handy Andy and u Blttoeklii. Tbe theatn wu crowded, aad maur penons wen unable to obtain even a steading place, Mlu Silly Fyro made bar fint appeaiaoce, u,jBCk Skeppard. Maggie Ulloholl'a ancoeurul engagement at UeVlcker'a, Chicago, terminated on the Itth Inat, on which oocMlon ber tanwell beaeflt look pbu:e Mr. U, Warren, treuunr or the theatre, wuup ror abeneflton the IBtb, when bUilaugbter, Mlu Maiy Warraa, wu to make her flnt appearance on an; stage J, Wllkoa'Doolb aucceeda tisggle tlllcheU on Ibo IBtb. Oaorgo B. Wilson and W. 0. Bsymondwan st Providence Uat week, with the Dlchlngs. J, O. Fuller and N. 'r, Datsnport an ongaged for Bt John, N. B., by Manager Lauergsa, We regret to learn that the eompllmenUry benett to Ibe vete- ran actor, Ohu, B. Porter, which look place at the Walnut, Phlla- delnblB, on the 0th Inat, wu a failure, flnandally, o^lny lo the unmvonble atale of tbe woatber. Myen' Dramatic Company on performing la Portland, Me., Mlu Ltnn Eaane's fltst experiment In ihe "mjtaam," wblob oomraenced at the Wahiat PbVadalpbIa, on the llth, lii* thua tkr proved a failure, ber andlencu during tba put week being ayienely email, and soanely "appnalaflve." She nr> dacod vJeaale McLean." "Bantry Bay," and a nnmbar of other ^'ecM during tbe week, bnt wlttaont effect Her "oomblnoHon" ^ot ttaougbt mnah of. TbU week abe brings snt "Ths Bss tt Tbe (Mnways span at the PlUaburgb Theatn on tbe 38ih liul Mn. John Drew and her eombbialton did modentely wen st Orover's Theatre, Waatalngtoo, lut week. The engagsmsnl doaed on the IBIb, irith tits. D.'a fanwell benefit wh^n tba "Bobber'a Wife" wu preualed, with Un, l>nw u Bos* BsO- land. Barton HOI u Mark nedUnd, and Harry Clifford uBawnsr tfoFUe MlH LnoUla WaSlem foUowa Un. Dnwat Oniw^t, opening on the 181b, u Lady laabd, in "Eut Lynns." . Wallack and Davenport nave met with nmarkable suoeea during their parfonnanoes at Flka'e Open Honaa, Olnolnnatt, Satnriuy, Itth, wu announced u tba aloaa or their angagamsBt, At tba People's Tbaatn^ Denver City, theatricals sn In • flourishing condlUos. Messrs. J. IL Msrdsn snd J. IL Oaitat ban been added to tbe company. Oran's operstio oompany dUI not bars very taigs sndlasssi Ihdr flist two BlghU In PliUhnrgb, bnt tba lut ronr mast hav* brought tbam a hup'of money. Tbey placet PIka'a Qpsni Honsa, Olndanatl, this week. Mn. John Wood bu mode s bit at the New Ohastirat, Phila- delphia, In the bsrlesqae of Ihe "Fstr One Wllh the OeUea Locks,"wblehwuprDdneadthenforthaflnltlmeon the llth' Inst, and eontlnaed daring tbe weak to Urge audlanoaa, 'Ib» cut InctndM Mrs. Wood, Mr, D, Satobell, tfr. W, A. Obapmaa, Mr, W, Davldge, Mr. and Mn. 0. Henri, Ur, J, Saymonr, sad ttaa "BalgUn Olant" Tbe "Fair One" win ba npeatad thla week. Lann Keene, at the Walnut^ seams te bs ovatstaodowsd ' by Mrs, Wood, at tba Chestnut Look hen I "Uads Tom's Oabin" la aboni lo be revived. Tba thaatre aeleeted lor thU lalacblevona dramaUo revival la tha Wsablaglon, which opeos on the IBlh fbr s ihot t-nm. wUb Undo Tom" u the card. B. A. Emerson, who bu bsan playing at ibe New Maaphla Theatn, took bU Uava lut week, being engaged lo play JnvsnUaa for Oeorge Wood, In OlncinnaU. Wa have aa "AJMoan fioadna" among na, and Dnnmon Is htt name. Ha U aald to have dona mon for tha AMcsn alage than most other Bosdnses. Mr. IL B. Doamon U snnenaaed to Ive s grand repreaenUtlon or lbs Thespian ait, at FnnkUii oil. Sixth below arch, Phlladdpbla, on tbe 1Mb, aad appear In aalectlona from "Jack Cade" and "Macbeth," WlUard'a aeaaon at the Howard Albenmm, Beaton, eamiencM on tbe IBth, the openbig having been poetpoaed from itaklMh. Oaylor'a "Oar American Oontin at Home" u the opening plsae, Iritb Mr. F. B. Chantran u tbe aUr, bla flnt appearance la Itast dty for three yean. A matinee Uio be glvsn every aataidaj. Mr. Edwin Adama will probably sncoead Mr. Chanfrsn, and pro>- duoa bU new play, "The Henllo." Tbe Front Btreatnael»,BalUmote,aoema to ban done win. ths put week, tienefliB being lUaoraar of amngementa, whloh. have been pleaaing both to the pnblle and the benefielulea. Oa Wadneeday, 18th, Ur. 0, B. Dowd look hU flnt tad OasI benefit thla aeaaon. The plecee played on the oocssloa wsta "Margant Catobpole" and "Dan Devil Dick;" Ibe latter Is aa original oompoeluon by John Bnuton, Esq., aad waa wilttsq expresaly ror Ur. Dowd. Ooatmy to geaeral lapposliton, tba pleoe went wall, and wu balled by tbe andlance wllb coasldeiw able appUnoe, Dowd, u Don Devil Dick and Will Land, sated In bU ntual ralldtonastyle, and iru oallad baton Ihe ourUla tt tba termination or the perfbrmanoe, when be responded in a nut and pleasing addreu On Friday evening, IBIb, Mia. Addle Proctor (by the by, a giaal (avorite than) took a baaafl^ and received a attbatantlalreoognlUon or baramlnani aUlltiaa. A comapondentuyai—"Perhaiat no actnu on the Front stissi boarus—or, we might say, in Baltimore—hu oontanbalad msta° to the honor and respeotaomty or Ibe pnreulon ttain tUs ItdF, UUa Prootor'a acting In the verr difflcult though bunUTBI paH or Jeaale Brown, won Itae higheat pnUe or the preu aad lha spplanu or Itae nnnaually lane audlsace whlen grseed tha theatn on lUs—ber first la Balumore—beaeflt Bavenl vnlo^, teen eontribntad largely to lha aioelleaoe or the enteitalBmsa^ prominent among whom ws may mention Ihe namu bt Vm. Fraxler Jr„ and Ulu Emma Florence, The latter U pa>- baps one ot the neataat danscnan who bu appeared on ths alage In thU dty, and, taking into eenslderstlon har ysan (only seven), promlau lo be an ornament to tha profeuloik' As sb . interlnda, Ulu Proctor gsvs ua the betntllbl ballad, 'When thla OcndWar U Over,' lbs audience showing their apprsolttlonot the lady's efforU by calling her befbn tha enriain,'' The prodnctlan ot tbe apedaele ot Ihe "Naiad Qneen" at the HoUldoy Street Tbestoe, Baltimore, wu a great sniwast Broagbom's adminble borlaaqna of "Pocahontas, or Ta Oentia Savage," now holda tbe boarda. Its acealo squlpmanta, trm lha pencU of Oats, an aald to be new and beanilfni; Ibe '~^'"'— a nfUj and Itae general acousoriu or mnalo, appolntmaals, Aa,, of Itae higheet order, - Tbe cut la An eicellani one, embnolna Mlu &aUy Thoraa u Poeabontu, Blataop u Powhatan, saa Fred Williams u John Smith. Julgaet'B eipeilmeat with bis Frsnoh oompany at the Ka« Tremont Boston, proved nnpnflUhlak sad ths aeaaon ended oa Ibe Itth, The BoTman open troupe bara posaualon thla weak. Mr. Bonirace'a benefit at ttaa Mdonson, Boalsa, on the Itlh, wM not vary well aitaaded. Ulu Mary Pnvoet la In tba last weak or hei eagageiaant st the Doaton Unienim Bba opena tbe currant week with "Ells^ betb," Qneen of England, with new ocstumes, soealoeireols, eto,' The aew Adelpbl Theatre, at Troy, U to bo oraoted on the dta or Itae old one. It will be 80 feet front by ISO reel deep, and two aloi^cs high. The flnt floor will be flfteen feet between Jolah^ and divided up Into bar, billiard, aad utlng noma; wblU ttaa ballltaclf wlUconallluta the whole upper atpry. Thla will bs twenly-dgbt ri-et from floor to celling, and have s gallery nu>- nlng around tba front hall, Tlie floor U to bs made or aherrT atripa laid edgewaya. The Btag^ SOiSO, wlU be built In tbeatrt cal abapo, aad acenorypalatod, ao u lo ba naedlaoauitla aeedad. From Detroit, Mlcl^,, wo have the antll>lng Intelllganee, that Beller'a Concert Hall, Meun. Joth uart and Anton Brels, pn^ pridlon, la driving a heavytradalngreenbaoka. Lutwaekuer gotupnlaughabla Jig dance betsoen Mlsa Olan Burton, stylsd "the lady ohamplon or the world," and Joab Hart, ahamptoa <d Hog IsUnd. Joab wu determined to go tba whole hog or none, but round Mlu Olan too mncb pork ror him. W, A. Wny, "Itae wondarfuL" "Itae devU," etc, u we find talm Bpoken oT In tba bills, U one or Ihe most reoool attnotloaa, tad UadL- Lonlaa Payne, coufen considerable plauanon the audlenoes by bar comic and MUllmental atnglog, Tba oompany, u s whale, U a - good due, and Ibe proapecu for tbe sniuner Beuonan good. At lbs Varieties, Wublagton, D. 0., they now bare a lorn company, and Ibo performances snof ibe most vsisotile snd aniortalaing dcacrTptloa. Amoag the oblar reaturw an Itaa cops walking and "paulorolmbig" or Han; Ladle; Itae Ethiopian a» centrlclllos of w. B. Budworih; tbe oontoitlona oT a W. Barker] the vocallulloua or Mlu Ada Tumat; and tha Ttrpadchoreaa dIspUya or Nlu Hdeaa Smith. On Ibe 9tb, they gave a as* venlou or Jack Bhappaid, The Forroat alsten appeared on tha llth, and met with a nearly neepllon: aad tbe ladlw miii^—M^ mailaoe on the ISth wu "A aonugar," Smith, Murphy and Frtabarthnya(r'sconosrtsaloon,slHelaB^ Arkonsu, boa got tha abullen np. It not bavbig provsd a mine tit wultb lo Ihe proprielon, Mlu Agnes BuUierland, tha ScolUah Nlgbttngala, after a brief bnt aucceutul eagagameat or all ulgbta at theNew Idea, la IhU dty, wu to appear at Oaatorbury Uall, WuhlBgton, 0.0., on Uoaday, lllb Inat A Match Jig Dance came off at Deller's lossart HalLTelnlt, Uleh,, reoenily, in which the CbamploiAlp oT Ihe West was Innlved, between DUly Allen and Johnny Uoyd, Alltn won, aa be danced thirty.four alepa lo Boyd'e twenty-eight, Boydap- iwan to ba unrorliinala In hia Jig malehea, thU belag bU aecond . dorest raceolly, be bsvlag been beaten abont three months abice by Alex. Itoea at Ihe Acailemy or tlu'alo, Milwaukee. Ulka UcKonn^ Jig dancer, seems to bave danced himself Inio saorape, laUly, In l>blladelplila, being Incannnladoa tha ahargs or Blabbing two raeu at the Falls or BchnyUlll, For coaUauatlon of Thulrlaal BaoonI; ass pegs 40.