New York Clipper (May 1863)

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45 SPORTS ABBOAD. THE nniQ. ^ OAUE MILL jnC UcOABE AND PAT DDTFET, AT TBI lOtn, FOR IM. nne pnmtilDg inilniilj to nngUUIlo hoaon mat at BatMll'a Mo.onthoLllcbOFldioad, onMondtj, Apill 37. ForklODKth il Ume tbg nktota Lu cioltad conilAanblt lulorot In BlrmlDg- vus •Dortlng clrolei. Both lid* hall from tlis Emmild and •ncomparaUn nortec*. Pal, who I* now twonlj-two jttn ot ue. and Htaod* tft. 3ln., hi* »nani one* pnTlonntr iu a votr omo balUo wllh tbs BlnnlDgbam volaran, BowoTTi^lor, wUoli niultod Id a draw. Tba praaent 1* tbs lint aocounttr of HcOtia, wbo la a rarj prorolalog Tonlji ot twcsty.ona, and ituda MOioirk 4ln., or * IrJBa oier ula opponont. On tlio ova el tlio bitOe tlirrawa* a Totr atrong nular of tbe taprtaenta- Urea of tlia nobis art at tir. Klng'a, OlrmlDghxni, to wltneaa tba •tUblDg, and on tba lad* golllog to loale, Pat DnlTaT wna found aiMrllhln tbo allpiilaled walgtal, wbUe McOaba wm SKIb. undar. Tfaia biiitneu balOR over, a roferca waaoolactad In tbo perRon of avail known Bonlfaca of flallo calabrllr, Hondaj dawned au- nWonalr, aud at a Ttr; aarlr taonr, vsblda altar vohido might biaanwandlng luwartotha "Pola." On atriial, nearly two hnri wtco WMIad In walMnR for tba rope* and *tahM, and ran. oai ware tha anrmUaa oa to wbatbar thara woold bo a fight at all, Iba parllBini of ValStj lUndlng ont for tba proparand lagltl- mala attldsa, In oppoalUon to a propoaal to auballtuto aoma unog aUka* whIoL lay In tba janTat tha "Pola." Fortonalaly, haweTer, pallance wu tt length rawirdad, aa tboaa Indlapana*' blaa oama In hot but* to tba aoene of aoUon a faw mlnnka to- lore Ian, and. a* a raallor of coune, tbay wars qalcUy poatad In a Itid adjoining. In the maantlma, a large rioi bad bean fomi- ad ol the alakca abOTe raTeirtd to, which aarrsd u an axcaUent mier riog. All being In readloeaa, and tba referee baTlng taken la hia poit. Iflo'a cap wa* thrown Into the arena, and waa itawat linmadlaloly followed bj Fat'a. Tbe lidi alo-id np amldat BKh cheering, and gaT* tba uanal abaka ot tha band. In which Ike atconda Joined, aa^ at oiacUy ton o'dook commeDcad ni«-rioiiT. losNS I.—It wa* nldanl that tba lada bad paid alrlct alien- Urn to their training, as Ibeir condition waa nporb, and tbeir I altitude, for norlcae, Tar; arilatic oapeolallytbatof UcOabe, wbeao demeanor waa otaanelerlEed br that rtnarkabla ooolneaa and preaonoe of mlod only generally lo be foond In older aol- dlara. Tbe ihorongbly aolentlflo form in wbloh be bald btmielf belokeuad bla barlDg been broogbl np In a good acliooL On tba other bend, Pat, wbo la llkawiaa a waU nade lad, looked tbo very penouUcttlon ot dolamlned plaek, and Iba leanlt ot the tgbt prored that be poaioa<»d thatrrqulallato a great drgrao. Thay aparrad for aome flra mluuica or« a blow waa alruck, whan Pat led off with bla right, but, MIo balsg tborooalily on bla inard, Iheblowallgbtodoa tha muacla of bla left arm. wbJebat once ■bowed that Patbad been there. Some rary prcUyeparnng now followed when both countered almnlUneouily, on Ibo mojib, IrawlDg blood on both aldaa, Tbe lada now retlisd to their nrat blood f*om tbo month In the fliat ronnd, and »J• •"•'Ji down blow by a rtabt-bandor on tbo law In thotbird. In lb* alilb round.SlUolt.relidl*ted by a atralgbl one '•li the lefton tbesoae. Alter tbu, Moielay hid the batila aU hi* own ww, and won! by Fallding throwing nptha aponga for Bllotl. alter they had been HgbUng U roln., during ''•"•J';'?; ronnds ware fonpht aU In faror of MoMlar, ''>>oj?n^«*,'J»5 aoarcoir any marla of punlahmeat, wtlli tie oioopUon of one blaok oy». Tbeloaer fa one of lb* gameit men that aTer en- tered tba ring, bnt he wu orerfflitcbed In all abapoa, aa bagtTa both weight and Icogth away, a* wall u alx yean In ago. »mot« for a wipe, but were aoon at work again, when aharp ai- ibaugea ananed, Ulo landing hie rl^bt bearlly Jnat . , t OTer Pat'a left tya, °Pat returned on the rftia, bnlbia ,blowe were sotao elTec- llre aa bla opposant'a. < to 4 wa* now laid on tflo. Before the round could be completad, and when the lida bad been at It ai- icUy tan mlnataa, a aolltary "bobby" came to the aoeoe ot ac- tion, aud a baaty retreat wa* affected; and a morowaa at once made In a vrry clroalloai dlracUon to Sultan Wood, where a Kcond rlncv..^ at nnce formed, and the toUetaof the lada in tha mraoUm;. oavlDg t>con looked after, no time waa loat, and Iheronod waaruaumudaltwenty-flTemiDntaapaiteleTen. Altar ilitUafelallni and dodging f'lr an opening, ulo lad off with a lUnger on the cheek, aud right eye. Pat, aomawbat riled at tba liberty taken, coiisterad beatUy on tba riba. More aparring, until both connlurad atthraamolnftantonthe Booth, and aa Pal'a mouth waa bleeding, ho walked lo hi* comer for anolbar dpe. They were no aoonor togethor again tban Ulo admlnlaler- td one, two, on the right eje, and made bla right on tba rIba, bataomewbatlow. Some not excbanflea followed, both coun* liflog very prettily on tbo forahoad. Pat, In getting back, allp- pel i«d fell. Time, 17 min. In tba two ring*. Fourteen more naada ware fen(bt In tbi* ring, muob in favor ot tleCaba, wbo iboved aome Tcry line polnla of attack and defonca* and, from theilmoil total eollpae of Pat'a Tialon, It wa* evident that hi* innliblng quillllea wtK eqoal lo bis eclauca. Shortly attar the coramencement of the flfloonth round, tbe ory wa* ralaad, 'The bobbloa aro coming I" aud true enough It waa, aa two of tboaa worthy aoardiana oi tbe poaco nbowed, and a fbrlber mora waa Bide for Wlitoo, whore, [or tbe third Ume, tbo ropee and atakra nte adjualad, aud MIc, wbo waa almost aoathleaa, (U we aicept kU ricbt hand, which waa allgblly pnffed.) nimbly skipped vllbin tbs ropei. Pat, bowerer, being now totally blind, nn- dutd It Impoaalblo fur bim to obey tbs mandate, and Ulo wa* mutfonenlly declared tha wlunor, alter a tborougbly oamo and idenUilo conlaat, laillng etaoll; CO mIn. In all—10 mln. In tbe Inl aud to mln. in Ibo ai-cond ring. Mat CoUlnaon headed the RbKrl|<llon for lha gtma bnt defoited Pat, and ooUtctad an ad- dJUonal sovereign for tbe lad, who abed bitter teara at hi* defeat, nm ha la a thoroughly gosnlne bit ot atnS no one can deny, baton tba preaent occasion was certainly overraatched In adenoa, la Ulo Is a dulabed ucilclan, and alrongly reminded na ot that clever pngUlat, Foter Uorrla. ifATTLINO MILL niTWEBS ^ lODMO FOriS ADO a. FLEIOHEB (SZBBT LAD,) FOBJUO. On Monday, Apraillb, a mill look place between Vonng Pott*, eltbtniDld, and Oeo. Fletcher, foimarly ot Derby, bnt latterly of ■btUeld. Tbe match bad bean niido soma time, and tor the balfevr wocka noltalog In the milling elrdea waa apoken of, bnt tbe one of wblcb wo now write. Pott* had never appeared be- Ian In tbe "magic circle," bnt he bad mad* aneb abort work of iblgonatorasuiall anra, that a csstomor was looksd out for Immcdiattily; and Fletobor having defaaled Bnck Short at Cbrlat- »w, In clever atyle, a match wis made betweau tha two, at alcb weight, for £16 a aide. The mauh was looked upon by min; old rliiu-goeti u s good thing for Fletcher, who wu a knovu game one, and a good geooral, dtliongh not by any n»na au cImIIvo Agbter, the knowing ones arguing that tbe "kid" (who, by-tbe-bye. Is in bla elgbtaanlh year.) would bo too weak and loaiparlenced for aueh a conleat. Tbo lad. bowaver, ■ipraeaed thegrealialcoDlldesce, aud arorylhlng wont on wlUi- >at the allghteat htti b. At tha proper time, oaoh repaired to raining qiiarteri—l-otls, uodur tbo cars of Joe Bailey, not tar ^m Uarueli-y, wli lie Iba other Oeor^t took tlio benefit of the alubrloua Noituiifbamsblre broazui, unilor tbo watchful eye of loll, and bijLh wrra reported to be good bors at acbooL Accord- ng to tbo arlL-ioe, Ibo wboreaboule bad to bo tossed tor on tbo irevlouR uigbt. but, tliaoka to tbe kiodneia of one of tbo right ort, a piece of ground ww olTorcd for the Uds lo meet on.wbicb ru. of course, accrpled, and there all repdred early In the lornlng, On arriving, sonio lltUa time wu cut to waito in tbo idcdion of a rt-frrco, vbcu anoiceUcnt ring me pilobed, and ho lade prepared to disrobe. During °lhle oporalloo, bolting waa languid at evona, at C to 4 on the young one, At tan mln- itca iiaitt elttbl, tlio lada ajid their seconds, baring "cioaaed dad- lies," repaired to their reapoollvo comers, and the flght com* Mnccd. II waa evident, on tbo first glance, that the baoketi ot rieleher had mlebiken the dlheuiloua ot Potts, who wa* some Knuda bigger in weight, aa well u being taller and longer In a resell, thia tbey antlclnatod. In tbo flrat two or thrso reanda, tbo young nno took such a strong lead, that It was Ibouilit tbo fighlwould be soon over; and dlhough Potts got tbe ual knock-duwii by a aovcra body blow In tha abvanth round, tad drat bluod from tlio uiouth In tiie following one. Uio Derby [epreMiulatlvo gradually g>lnl^d ground. Wbcn twenty minutes ud olapaod, even money was laid; and so dovorly dU Flotolior lull tbo body of Polls wiihont a retorn tor aome Ume, that when ulrly rounds bad been fought, 0 lo 4 was laid on him. Tlio my porcepllbhi puulnbmont on Fletobsr, wa* tbo left eye aadly nlaod bleeding, and tbo nalurdly large nose allgblly awdlau, ruiat PoUs ahowed tbe vlallatlona ot Oeorge's right on bis left We, bualdcs buliig sllghUy swollen on tba side of each ore. ine light conUnuwl for aome tUnowllhoulmnch change. Polls Mng conalanily on the damaged eye wlUi his Isfl, which ho allowed up wllh a rcmludor from the riBht on the body, wbllat Korge kept making calls on tbo rlba snd tics, but without much About lbs forlleib round. PotU began to nso his right .T»?,?'Jr''5rt' • 'aH'oiI off was perceptible lu lbs trengtb of Flitooer, whose dellvorlea lacked atoam, and the ooy, seeing iho a<lvauligs gslnod, forced the DghUng. Every S2. -?!l?w'ilfH'7 ""»'■>. inlll the muoth ronnd. when ytta caught Holobor on the Jsw. and knocked him oil of tlmo. S?","? thrown up after flabtlnglhr. Smlo. I'olS «n-li tfl H.'St'SVil!"' *"•>•» '"Ion advsraaty, who eon wu aU rlabl, altheuub nordy mortlled at his dcfesL Tbo iwpounda si&awelgut wrtabily won tbi* Sgbt, So winner lavIng tbioksuoa couddoiataly during the last feiTmontbt As •lards ability, tbaro wu, uotblng^to ohMa,, aM ?rilh aSJ ecend-cUae eightstone man, KieSher wlU cottatoly hold bli M V «? »»». '"•t<»d of his prea- <l"U"ry.a4rid,wlm,„,'5„rionc^ will no douEt bo ward of again. This light was a ploHure to wibina nntiwiM ba qudlUssof tbo men engaged but Kr IbreiSffcSt ortS Ulnialned thronghont. Tbe winner la matehod S «S^t Youn J Unnlgon, of llaruslay, tor tU a side, » ngni loung IforeLEi vs. ELUorr,-On TtawJay, AptU Dd, as off-hand «gbl. Lf'J H"""!'"'"!''."" •'•".•"»»»'"« "iwllu tbonelgbSJr- pod of London botwocn i»o novkioa, who bdl. Id workinir kr>.,frommilitR«iale. Tha maUh had been madS for aom? fi!i, conaoquenca of "a growl" at bualnMfc *lch roublug the asm ot lliair employsn. Uisy put down tS Jonoy. tha mtngelilogss atu ths/oould In Ilia tim "tSJ nnpetltors were John Uosoley, who haUsflom Oslbnalan^n ti. ■H""'^ If Whitaorosi'sliwrt. TB*n!^« a griS^fc m "> "Is''* 0' 'bs men, Uoadey being muob tbo Mvler and lha longer lo lbs reach; the welghUbeing lOst mm M, which, .wllta men out of trslulng, must tell 11* own laK. bt.''''JS?'..*"*'"'"' ""f'"* of PoiSmoiUh, and J mil JS*.!!"*" ?S""»''Jl! "PPonont. aiqalred by Teddy !ff.^''.°J"'^j"'*- TheBghtoommenosdlt live mlnnlri r>ian, and, ns there were baiteer ipecUton present, no lnt*^ bUon waa *ipect«l, A long duiripUoa o? the flght fcrMo*slsytaldtt»T«i«lhiou|hinH. HegiliisdtU TIIU IBIBH FIOKBT. I'm ahtanding In the mnd, Biddy, With uot a apalpoeo near. And alienee, opalcbkssa u the grave. Is all the sound I bear. Ue gan Is at n sbowlder arms, I'm welled lo Ibo bono, •And vblB I'm atlbor atapakln' ODi, I And meaelt alon*. This Boulhern ollmate'* qaue, Biddy, A qa*r« ud butoly thuig, WId Winlor cbalnt all the rear. And Bummer In tbe Spring. To Dind the hot place down below T And may ye nivor foar I'd dhraw compariaons—bat then It's awfDl warmm here. Tbs rnly noon I tee, Biddy, Is ons ahmall star, uthers. And that's tomlsl tbs very olsnd It wu behind before i The wstahSms glams Aloag the bin That's *welUn^ to the aoaU, And whin the aintry psasta them I **e hi* oogly month. li'a dead for ahlape I am, Biddy, And dramslB ahwata I'd be. If them onM Bebela over there Would only lave me (res; Vnt whea I lane against ashtonp And abtrive to get repoM. A mnaksl ball he's oemiln' •hiralghl To bit me opadona bom. It's ys I'd like lo see, Biddy, A sbparUn' bars wtdms, iBd than, Bvonaen, hero ye aay, "Acoshla—Pat—maehree I" "Oob, Biddy darllsl," Ibaii says I, Bsy* yon, "Oat ont ot that;" ■ay* I, "Msarrum mat** ynr w*l*t," Bay* yon, "Bo daycant, Pat," . And bow's tbo pigs and duob, Slddy t It'a them I think of ahnie, That looked so innocrit and ahwata Upon tbs parlor flars. I'm ahnre jo'rs sliy wllta the pig That's Cat u he can be. And tads hint wld tba liosi, becaoi* I'm tovld ha looks like me, Whin I come home sgin, Biddy, A.sargent tried and tbns. It's Jooat a daycent bonso 111 build And riot It chspa to yon. We'll have a parlor, bedroom, hall, A dnck-pond natelydone, Wllh kltcben, pig-pen, praty-paleb, And garret—all In one. But, murtherl there's a bule, Biddy, That'a orapln' round a tree. And well I know the cratore'a there TO have a abot at me, Xow. Ulitber Babel, ssy yera players. And howU yer dirlby paw. Here goee I—be Jabbers, Biddy dear, I've broke his oogly Jaw I "WITTT BXAGGBIRATIOIIB. TboT* la a specie* of homer, peeollarly American, whkh eonslai* In grote*qna hyperbole, tbo carlcalnre of aome tiot which exprasaae it belter than a faithful portrdt would do. Borne people lake the make and kill It when thoy wish to ahow it lo ua; bnt the lively Tanko* hnaeriat Jiut oalchea It by the tall u it paascs, and alrekhe* it into ladieroaa Jiroportions, u actors In pantomimes do lbs tails of those amons ductlls dragons, which ao sstontoh and dsUght chil- dren. Instiness of this wUd and ealravagant humor are u common aa proverbs. Evsrybody has heard ot the weather which wu ao cold that tbe mercury want ont ot eight, and which no doubt would bavo lioen a good dad oeldor It the thermematar bad boon long enough.■■ A almilar euggeraUoawutbalof a yonng man who look oalomd on a mom log ao oold, that tbe mer> onry ran down Into bla boots. And speauig of boots, remind* OS of tbs stags drivsr, who wore snch large ones that he had lo ■se tbe fork* ot the road u * bootjaek. ns toUowtsg paaaagu anilluatrallons:—The man ont West wbosa leg? are ao long, that be bad to go down collar lo lake oflhliaboea. Theman who la ao large that he hw to go ont ot doois to ton over. The man who annred ao loud, he bad lo aloep In the next alreet to kssp from wakening himaelt. The man whose noss Is so long, tbst he bu to atap forward throe paces to reach the oDdotlt. The man wbo wna so large *nd be*vy, that bla shadow killed a lltUa boy when It tall on nlm. Tbe man who wu so fat, that hi* shadow laftagreuy trail dong the road as he walked; and the man who wa* aolhlnlhatbebadno shadow at aU. Among these deearva to rank the bone that ran so tut aronnd tbe ring, that tbe apoolatore could only see one continual drculsr boras; to- gelhar wllh that other more tamona racer, that ran so swiftly shout tbs aiana, that be nearly caught np to himself, and conld aee bla own tall Just before him. A fireman once relalod an ad- Ysntora, In whicta ho found hlmsoltin a rich sdoon, surrounded by wodth sad fine company. "I didn't know myself, mitU I folllnmypookol* and foond 'am empty 1" Bome one Inferred that he waa cuatomarlly abort of tnnda. ■•Ttait'e ao 1 if ateamboata wore aelllog at two cent* apiece,' •*ld ha, "I haven't enough to buy a gangway plankl" Wo once heard a peiaon tell ot a fright ho reodved tMm a big dog. "I loat llesb," add he, "at tha rate of ten ponnla a olnula, till the owner oam'e and called him off I" Along wllh Ibia, we may place the atory of the man who. In coBiequenco of a fHgbl, ran ao fast and ao far, that whoa ho ■lopped it was mora than twenty mlnutos before his shadow came np with him. Howuprobsblywabibed by tba man whose dickey wu so high that be bad lo climb a fence to see over U. Bn Yov A Hoo OB 1 Mottaho.— The tort nports of Cdl. fomla are a Jolly act, aud will hot most anything whan they gel Sning,' A week or two dnce, at a race between two hone*, tnm :big% River and Fresno, reapacUvdy, the former are add to liavo canted off hundred* of dollars, bealde* Innumerahls bee SDit, long-homed c»llle, hogs, sheep, snd mnstanga. Wo ouldn't core about being atakaholdor under aach alioam- stance*. i ItcnsmTQiiuTioita.-To uk an OBnisirled lady how old ahe Is. To uk a lawyer if he ever told a He. To uk a doctor bow nsny pallenla ha hu ktllea. To uk a mbiUler whetbdr bo over did any tUIng wrong. To uk a merchant whether ho evor ohoaled a customer. To uk an editor the name ot any of hi* corroapondenl*. To uk a yonng lady whotbar aba would Ilka a boau. To ask a subiorlbor if ho ha* paid the ptlnler, Oioi or TUB Owta.—The Isrgut owl over kilted in that neigh- borhood, wu shot s ahoit lima since by John Kent, of Newbary, Uu*. It was a big, grey Antic owl, meunrinH Ave tsetand ons inoh'ttom Up to Up of wbigs. This owl had been known to bin sovard tnrksrs In that nolghborhood. Ha woald come down wlUi a swoop, and kill them by biting their heads oiL EW Bft)KS I-NEW BOOKS I— jnz UBTBQPOUTAN PDSOBABUia OOUPAm', OBoiinriD iM ISW. Ooods ot sll kinds tor ade. Bend for oor catsloimn. Hailed tm on application. 'Addreu UETIIOPOLmM FDHOB. 00. 3.aa* Box Ut8 P, 0., New York. )'ATEREON RACES I PATERSON RACES I-Oeorge . B*nUy,TDrt Advlaar, I* now In Tofiaadon ot Important InformaUon regarding tbeao races, and will sssd thswloner'* name for any race on receipt of 94 oonts. The AUI moeUng, fl. Address, endoalsg stamp dlrecled enrdope, Q. BEMTLT, P. 0.. New Tork. •NaUondOusid" wins tbo EsgUah Derby. OiV THE HORROnS OF WAR cm bo Rteallv mltlKatcd by that aovamign remedy, HOLLOWAT'B OINTUBNT, u It will cure any wound, however daaporato, if It be vraU mbbed aivnnd tha wonndad parts, snd tbev be kept thotougbly covered with It A not of ointment should bo In every man's knspiack. Only 3S cent* per pot. 911 ...^ FouHto Photogr«pluI— _ Good, Bully and JoUyPhotogrspbsi They ahonld be In tb< pouswios of ovary sporting gent Beaa for one. Prlco, tt canlaeach; 4for)l. Addreu FBED FABNUM. t-n» Worcoater, Mus, QHI B'HOYSI-Gay Mia eOOBAUB'n LIOBART OP nooAifca. mJA WBiaHT-OiBio XTIL TO BB oonmsD. She qolchly, lhareibra, rssolnUen aud* To throw cold uoi«r on the Comet's sidor, Dsmaacus eras tha mold of bis blade, lint then bis <flv«a «u nothing bul "ffl mitr," Sbs uklmred somatbbig-bntlbo words she add Bang In hla ean like tmmp of cuUo wsrder— Wllh ehock slsofrlo from bla obalr he atart«d| Ik ko4 a iboul^ul>«iifiif>l snd dopsrled. Wo ahould think II wonid be esoigli to give sny lady f "dresdlbl headache," ss wdl srlisartacbe, lo be tbe posssuoc of a duk, freckled, tanned, pimpled, sallow, or rough skin, A perfect cure for all tboas evils, as vrtU aa all cnlanaons snip, lions, U to batonnTlnaODIlAUD'S INCOMPARABLE ITAUaSi MEDICATED BOAP. aonilADUD POBDBES BDDTILE will poalUvely uproot snporllnou* btir, witboul lojnry to the skin. Had, light, or any bsUr. may ba cotored a besntlfnl Jet black, by OOURADD'S IIAIB DTE. Pde Ilpa and cheeks may havs ■ baanUtuI and permanent roalneu Imparted to Ibuu by OOUfr AUD'S aplandid LigUID nODOB. DB. FEUX aoiniATn)'a pnpanUoiia can bs had at bis new and splendid astabUabmenf, iU Broadway, three doon bdow Orand alreet, removed from bla old depot, 117 Walker alrcat, eaUb* llsboA s qnaitsr of s centniy. AJao of Bay*, Brooklyn ; Batsa, lie Wuhlngton street, Boalon; Oallender, Philaddphb; Madame Dubois, Pennsylvania Avenue, Wuhlngton. D. C; and Beth 8. Hanco, BalUmora; and olhen wbo choose to sand cub orders. Forwarded by Express, snd olrtnlan sent free. "P H E L A N ' B LMTBOVED BILLIARD TABLES, 1^ THE PHOTOTDPAKSICVIEWS —Hero Gems for aentleman. Price, N cant* each, or three for tt A v.TOTti.T. Ddoooht to tbb Tbade. Addrees 6-91* H. U. OEOBOE, Box 1013, Bolton, Uu*. e-it* DLLT PHOTOGRAPHS for 25 onrt 60 ccDts encli. Esal Cambridge, Ussa, /~<ARD PHOTOGRAPHS OF nOGARTH"? WORKS. \) Tbe Bshs's PngrcM, B Plates; The Hsrlot'a Frocrsaa, t Plateai Industry and Idleneu, 19 Plalea; Uarriago a la Uoda, 6 Plat«a;Tba ElecUoD,i FUtca; The Four aiageaof Cmelty,d puts*; The Time* of tbe Day, 4 Plaice; Beer BIrcet & Qln Lane, 9 Flats*; *ad olben, is cts. each, or i for 11. Bent to any sd- dreis on receipt of price. Catslognes sent on rscelpt of red stamp, by W.0.WEMTB8.S7tBrosd«ay,Nsw York. 4-lt* fTiOBACCO USERS, ATTENTION I-CRATING FOR J. TOBACCO CDBED snd prevented by Dr. BIBKB'B "Ann- Buy Itandrld yonnsltof the expensive and dlsgniUng ■ " ' Bent free, by mall. noTB.' . habits ot OBBwnia and Shobiko Ihewceil. on recdpt otW cents. Five pXcksses for tl, by 2-am CUAB. u.' DAY, New Eaven, Cosn. XLNT.—ReducUoa in Prlm- Fanoy Package, wllh "addltloul atlncliona.' Our Fanona Bljoo _, Itncliona." oonlaloing Bketches, Bongs, Iotas, Touts, FIVE BOOK OnCDLARS snd a OOLOBED SlQIlAVlIia, acut to any addrota on recdpt of U Oenla. NO HDMBCa. ZDOAB. MOBPUY <r CO., S-tf 81 Nasuu Strest, New York. 'AND OOMBINATTOM CfemONB. These BOllard Tables bavo received the nnqadlllcd aiprovd ot tbe best playen and most oompolenl'Jndces, wbo oavs nnl< vemlly pronounoed them nneqndlad for generd exodlenca and dnrabllily. _ Seven dlsUnct patenla for Improvonenl* In BUllard Tables have been grastad to na by tbe tlnllad Btatei Patent Office, and we have latdy obtained a patent ttoni tbo Fronoh govenmenltot ear Improvements In bUlTard eoahlona. We employ. In tbe oosatnction ot onr tablni, a variety of aif chlnea apeolally made for lha pnrpoae, by which mesaa we are enabled 10 inanre a adenllflo and mecbanlcd accuracy hitherto • unknown In billiard mannfaolnm. Having a lona experianea and Itaocoogb koowlcdgo of an lha appliances ot ollUards, snd constanUy on band a large alock of tbe beat and most thoroogbly seaaonad matorlals, we are pre* ^larsd to tUrolah everything required In tba billiard Una with nn- preoedented dispdch. Ths eminent Fnnoh billiard player, U. Derger, bu pobUshel tbs following opinion i "NkwToRB.ld Angnst,18n. 'On ths eve of leavtog lha Unlled Stales, I am happy to declare to all aoatann ot bUllarda that, after a tour of alaves. months thiongh tbe prtndpd dlies, I have been enabled to Judge In a saUabctory manner of tbe superiority of the Billiard Tablet msnnfa^nred by Phalan Is CoUender. The ayatem of masntae* tare la so superior, that I am bsppy to lacrodnca tbdr slyle of cushion Into Frmnoo. They have united to tbdr msnutactore of American Billiard Table* that of the French Tables, oticnsrka- hie exeellance and beanly. For these nssons I aoi bsppy ta msko this declaration. "BEBOER, OLADDIDB. FroressoT of DDllard'j, Faiia." Fartlea ordering from na will And onr price* aa ;owaa good work can poadbly be mads tor. Wo aell flntclaas attldea at • tdr price, and will not make an Inferior arUde at 'jny price. Orden by mall carefully and pnmplly executed. IllaalrateS Catalognw and Price Llat* ■ant by maU. "TUB BuiiBn OUB," a Joumd pnbllahed In the Intaraat ot bUlIardiL and containlnc detalla ot all novdUea, a coploni record of bUlIird news, and everything IsterasUng to snatsnnot billiard*, aent tree onap< plication. • PHELAN k OOLLENDEB, ta, ei, 07 and 09 Crosby strtet, H. T., And 794 snd 720 Montgomery street. Ban Frandsco, OsL A StbawobBibtbi.— The following IncUentof Bontbom life and mannoio, ocoun In a new work by a Uulon refugee, tho Ilav. Mr. Augbey:— Two ot Iheee aonil^avages had reiolred to remove to the Wool, In hope of iMttering their condition. One irishad to remove to Arkaiiaae, tbo latter to Texaa. The wife of the termor wlibcd lo go to Texu, tho olbrr to Arkanaas. Tbe bnabands wero desirous of grstll>'lng their apoueen, but coold dovlse no plan that aoemed likely to prove satlxraclory, till one day when hunting, flnding (lama scsrca, tbey sal down upon a log, when the following dis- ogna took place:— "Kit, I'm sort 0' pealsrod sbont DUsle, Bba awaars to lUok- ensaok aha'U go, and no wbar elae. I alien bad a bankerin' artor Texu, Plagao lake Backaniack, I aay, Ef a man war tbsr, tho agar and tho alrthquahea ud sbue him ont on 11, quickcr'n nolbin'." "Wen a woman'a sol on a' gwlne anywhar, tboy'ro a gwlno. It's Jest no use to talk. I've coaxed Ulnnis more'n a litUe lo go 'long to'Arkanaas, and the mors I coax, the moteaho won't loT" "Well, Elt,'e'poaan wo trade women," "Well, Bam, what Irado'U ye gin I" "Ob, a genllaman's trade, of course." "Sbnelia, Sam I B'poaon I had a young tlly, and yon an oU mar, ye wouldn't ax an even trade, wonlo ye?" "No.itudbntoohard. I teU yo what IU do, Elk Here'aa shot gun thsl's wnth leu dollsn, sf It's wnlh a red. I'll give it and that ar b'ar akin bangln' on tho aide of my ahanly to boot and aay It's s trade." ^. ■ ^ "Nuff sed, at lUe women's agreed," Home they went, and staled the esse to the women, who, sllsr duo ddlbantlon, acceded to tho propoalllon, having alao mada a sstlsfaetory smuigemonl about the children, and Ibsy all went on their way rojololog to their respective desUnatlona bi that "Amarlca'a haven of eternal rest. Found s lltUe further Weal," A fliKoDLaB CoBTBsr.—TwogenUemen of high birth, tbo one a Bpaulard, and tbo other a Oonnan, bavbig rendered MaxlmU- llao It. mat y aervlooa, they each, tor rooomponae, demanded bla natural daughter Helena in marriage. The Prince, who enlor- talned equal reapMt lor them both, oonid not give either the tiretoicnco; and, after muob dday, told Ibom thai, th>m cUIms hoy both bad to bis attonUon and regard, ha conld not give hla aaaenttbr either of them to marry his daughter, snd tbsymust dsclde It by their own proveu and addrcsai but w be did not wlsbto riik the loM of dtber.or both, by snfforlns them to flght with olToualve wesiions, he bed ordered a Urge bag lo bo brought, and ho who was auoceuful enough to put his rivd Into ^dlonUlobldn hla daughter, ThIa atringa combat belwMn iwoaenllenen wu lo theptceenca of tho whole Innerld OourL and luted half an hour, At lut the flpanlaid ifeldodtotba aerman, Andre Elhard, Baron ot Tetheid, who, when he had got him Into tbo bag, look him on hU -back and placed him at the ^Isns?'' following day married the bsauUtnl Wmsi CoKVHSBinL—In ease of dliseoBlan among the playsn tba*CbW ;Il.V""*npon Or give tha rlsgletdar a Ourm tudsr.lht tar. GAME EGGS 1-GAME EGGS l-I can fiiratsh to all who wish, freshEsgs, tor sclUsg, from all the Amoricsn and Imported varieties of Oama Fowli at low flsurcs. Addreu JAMES Y. FDLTON, 4.eie BammonavUle, Fulton Co., N. 7, B' OOKS, CARDS, &o.—Send rot my CIrcnIar, enolodDg stamps. Address a B. HABBISON, Sl-Sm* Boxiau.p.o., ' Boston, Mass. ASTEREOSCOPE AND TWELVE FANCY COLORED VIEWS. OOMPLBTE IN A NEAT OAB& VEBY DEBLBABLE. Beat by mall for HO cents. Addreu FEED PABBELLB k BBOTHEB, 44t Box SOBS P.O., New York City. BOOKS, PRINTS, OABDS, M.—Send for my olron- Ur. No fraud practised. JOHN'ATCBISON, 03 Dnans street. Haw York. LA tIMa 0 A B D U, And an srUOIes nsed In QAKEB OF AMUSEMENT AND OHANOB Usnutkotnied and Bold by M. NELSON, l-tf 491 Broadway, New York. BOOKS, SPORTING GOODS, etc. Send for a Ctroo- lar. P.O.Boil2M,H.Y. l-tf AUE FOWL^Tbe aDdratlgned olTen for sale bit T entire slock ot GAME FOWLS, comprising selections ttom tbe best stock in America, and carafnlly bred by himself. All Fewla aold by me, I warrant Dead Oama. Ileferenoe given it r» qoired. Addreu FETEIt nBANBON, l-m* 1009 Portland alreet, PbBadslpblL *'TJICH, rare, and RACT." Bold lhe"FlvoCont X\ Uontbly," of "EATE VADOtl," theBonsatlonNovelette. Bent free by mall, on receipt ot 10 cts. Tan fur 70 clu. Elghtaen hnndred copica have been add I "Our Circular" aont froo lo all orlerlng coplu ot tha above. UIIAS. IIEMllY DAY, Uu Author- pnbllaber. New Haven, Conn. 4-11 QUEER, QUAINT, AND QDEERIOnS, For a Raoy, Rich, and Bare Arilde, aond 98 cents to 6-3t« J. B. EINQ, 107 William atreet, N. T. GAUB FOWL FOR SALE.— Jonathan Dorwart, Lsncuter Oily, Pa., Importer and Breeder of Oamo Fowls, FctrtU, Rat Dogs, and Dull Terrier Dogs. Oaffs made lo order. Alio, Eggs of hla Imporlcd Fowl* for *ale. l-tt* THE OLD ESTABLISHED BOOK AGENOT. for a OlronUr, H2NBY STEPHENS, SB Nassau sk Send l-tf SmO FOB A MAUHOTH PAOEAQB, contalalng FonrFsnoy ArUdos; price 91 cents. Also, Bubber Ooods forOenUamenli oao. Addroe* J. H. FABOELI^ IS Ann strest, near Broadway, N. Y, l-tf WORDBN HOUSE, OOBNEB OF BOWERY AND BAYABD STDEEIB, N, T. Oaesls csn be aceommodatod wllb Booma by the day or weak, with or irlUioat board. OEO. P. WOBDEN, Fiopristor, l-3m JAUEB GOODWIN,. OominlMlon Paper Ocaltr. No. 110 IOHN BTDBET, near Ollir, New YoA. Kews and FzlnUng Paper Bannftduied lo ordsr at lha itiortsst noUoa. l-tl ROW AND SAIL BOATS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. STEPHEN ROBERTS, soccenor to Oeorgo a Nawmsn— Boat Bnlldlng shop, fool of llilb siroet. Harlem Biver—Offlce, 90S Sonlh stmt James MoEay, tho great ahell-boal and spoon, carmaker, works at Iblacslabllshment S-Ot* READER I—If yoii want employment, or want tba beat (Two-lhivadcd) Sewing Macbino ever nunnfkolnred, aond lo ISAAO UALE, jn. 1: CO,,NewburTPort, Maas,, tor a de. aorlpUvo circular ot terms, Ac Tbey pay a Uboral aalary, or al- low comniiulon, aa the Agent may ohooae. • Ml P r\A RT) P ICTURES ol Hogarlh'o dpsigoa, BETORB, \J AFTEB, and SNDFF BOX. Alao, Pictures ot SUIosmcn, Actors, and othor dbitlngnished obaraolorv. Bant poal paid, on rooelpiol9Scent*each, by J. N. OOZ,M,Y. S-ll* TOE BEST TEn?.—BeaiKirul Ambro^ypePIotnrcg IVom Life, sot In CaooT molal Frames. 89 designs. Prlco to cts. eseh. EDOAII, MOttPUY k CO.,' St Nanaa si, N. Y. O-lf LOVB-A-LA-MODK-Cataloguea of Dock*, fto-. eeol npon appUcaUon, A. OOnDON, Mlt* OS Dnans street. New York. aiSD PHOTOQBAFH3I-Sond for one. PMitieaoli, /. H, OOX,N.r. Prlco U Mt* OW BELLINQ UPWARDS OF 1000 COPIES FBI WEEK. PATHOLOBT UT TUB BBPBODUOTIVB ORQAMB^ BT BUBSELL T. TIIALI^ UJI, THE ■ IXUAL OBOASIBM, BT JAMES a JUOBOS, IL S. "Iba tnatlsea In this volume are npo* subjeda of Ih* utmost bnportaneelnaphyalologlcalpaiiitct view, fiieaa snbleoU are bandied In an aole manner. TUb authors sre msdicsl neo of Urgs experience; snd tha sdrioa whlcli they give la sound, and appUeablo aUks to the guidance ot parenta and to the benafll ol the yonng. A nerusd ot tbe work wtn do much to seonre hadtbymeoialsnabodJlyfunctlons; while to aufsring humanity, II offan Indidons sdrics, wblcb mayaaie soinyflnm rom^le» ting Itauranifering* by resetting to 4n*ck daetom ami -mpIriMl txeatment"—Boston JoumsL •'Bhould ba read by all old enough lo ondotdand n."—Watat Oure JonmaL •It win be tha unree ot mnchgood;\beIngpnpamlwiUi ca(%. and tram abundant knowledge "—Boalon Traveller,. "It is a book tor the Hmes, and shonld be In e^eiy family."-* Worid's Orlds, Boston. "An honest effort to dlflbse useful Intonnation. Mostpmola}' works on this subject are the tsvane of this, and are Basra ad< vertlsaments of quack*."—Plymontta Rock, "A vduable addition to medical lltarstnrh"—Beaton Tna- vdnablo book for the aflUctod, and for all who would not ka ,■ Its connsels axe ot grest Importance to alL"—Boatxn Congrtt»< Uonallat "Oontalns prscUcal InfbimaUon that ahouU b* known as|l act> ed upon by parenta and children, tha married and abigle. Ths chapieis dsvotad lo chlUrco and their management ought to ba read by every mother."—Nunda, (N. X-) News,., "That Ihla Is a suggesUvs vdnms must bo admitted, w* thUM, by dthar a profculonri y non-nrofoaalonal reader. Engaged, aa ire aro. In advocating a general reform of our aooid-babilB and' opportunlUea tor pbydcallsproveneni, wo lull wltta.ddlgM laj sngirsstlve influences that may bo broogbl lo bcar.upou onr m» vorite line ot aoUon, come ftom what quarter It may, • Wc Ibore* tore lake great pleuur* In recommendiiig Uieabbva volume to a fldr and candid conddonllon among all claaaea. Eveirrhaptaz is vdusbla, and sll the subjects of those clurtcearowoUchcaMBi Boston Is^grut In sll good works.'"—M, V, Clipper, Price TBDEB DOLLARS. Soot to any address. SondordM- tolhopubllaher, D. LEVEltElT EMERSON, 199 Waablugton atieot, Roaton, Uasa. For sslo hi Now York by O. S FELT, M Walker atreet and bf SmCLAni TOUBEY, 191 Nassau stmt 49* DnuiE ABT oni£B Booi, thisirlll tsaahlhs reader bow to prevent, and permanently Crns, Bvnr roan ot soxual die* ease ana denugomont, wllhonl feeing or coniulling any docloi wbatevar. No other medlcd book bu ever reodved such coBS» mendallona Ikom ths Press, Or tub Best. a" EAT BOOKS! r NEW BOOESl NEW BOOIUII DON'T FAS. TO SEND FOR A OATALOODC, . OCR NEW OATALOGDE NOW READY. BENT.FREE^POBTAaE PAID-OH APPLICATION, THE OLD ESTABUSHED AND ONLY ItEUADLE BOOK, AND BPOBTDta OOODS AOEHOX Wbero orden aro promptly and fdtbfuny executed, Addreu THOMAS OBUSDY, UaiUsBnIIdlngi, 1-tt SO Nassau street, New York. '*T-vO TOU WANT WHISKERS OR UOUSTA \ J OEBSI"—In 18911 list saked this qoMon, It waa an> fwercd by numenna people) snd I sak It aity ot thsm ever knew myOngusoltotallindolngiU Idalmed tor It; nsmely: that It vrould compel tha Beard or Mouitaohe to grow npon the *moolh< est fkcawlUiln six weeks from lbs flntsppUoatun. Like sll auo. nsafol iavenlors, I havs hsd to oonlaod vrilh a heel of bnltalon, soms of whom oven go so ^ u to oopy my advsrtlaements, Howsver, truth is mighty, and will pravalj; and yon, my board. leu Mends^ will And that my Ongnent la the only thioglhat will really fhrc* the Beard lo grow, aud win aeltharatabt or injure Iheakln. lee.-'" - ^r»t l»-»fl I eend II to any part of tbe comitir, too of postage, a 0. dBAHAM, Na 10» Nasaao atreet, N, Y. BOOKBl B00K8II B 0 0 K Bill BPOBTINa ABTI0LE8, CARDS AND PItlHTS, ' J, U. FARRELL, UookseUtr, IE Ann atreet, N. T.. Book* ol every variety, dther Forelon or Doaesttc fumlsbod on appUoaUon. Partle* dealrtng books of any deaoripUon, by sending sddreu, post pdd, will receive Inunadlsle sUeDUoo, AU Books, Sporting and Fancy Arlldos you may sea vlTartlsed, will be tumuhed to order. OatdoguHseatonsBpUcsUon. Addiesa, J. H. FARRELL, dsalai In Books and FanKArtlolat, No. U Ana - —' New York. l-tf w Ksic UW TO WIN AT OARI>3.-8«Bd your address end two red sUmps to HOWABD M. OBA'ns, Nsw YoA air Offlos, snd ba will Inform yon sf a BURB method of wia< Bfaigal ALL lha Taitooa gSBSi. Tr7U,aslg<taBauw*rbr ntonaiaa. il-Sm*