New York Clipper (May 1863)

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46 iNEW YORK CLIP PEB. THBATBIOALBEOOBD. OmUnaaA tron Ftgt t}, ■U8I0 UMJit. HIBS EVA BnENT, TBI Plzuimo TOOIUIT. tUthlwD OTItlloIonA it OInolDnall od the OUi, uid ippwrad •tTrimblo'a VultllMon ttao llUi, yiben ibt U isrMt rirorlls. Neit vnk the U onnounosl (o ipptu at Uie Wublngton V*- rltUu. Ur. B<B Tilu ud Uil'lltt. Zot'a onniomoot vlUi Dick O'Kgll, PllUburgli, ctne to ■ doH od the 1Mb. FtDDjailmon, tbo obiniilag aoDgilran, coDcladcd > blRhlj •ncooufal Ibreo VMki' ongagemeBt it ritiiburiib on tht ICIta. Cblrlikl, tb« lagfin ud iioiienl pwformw, U Ibla vook it Trimblt'a TmIoUm, Pllbborgb. Tbo BowuT, 8L Louli, b«i nrlnd U» hnou nlnitnl Kcno ot tlio "Tbm Fwt Has," uidlxlrawlog good honiM, Ulit C«Tle ATon Dado bar tnt apnaranca on Uoodaf oTanlog, llth. 8haaIngaToiTaTe»Ur, butborToleaUnoUtnog. Her -appoaraoce on Iho aim la nulla prapoaaaaalng, Md aba prom' laaa to ba nnlla a (aioilla. Oat ooneapondant "E." aaia-.—The ■nnd tiUi danea bolwaon IlaBk MaaoD, Alai. noaf, and Uaalat Mmtf, allraoU altantlon enongh to bo rainalad avory oTanlnR. AUdolhalrbaali Udaaobhaaataoatotlrtonda, Uuior Barao; la lha bTOtllo. /obonr Powan and Bank Uaaon gin a apar- ring (rial aiob arenlng, and aeam to ba abont aqnallf nalctaod. Tba apaoUalaot "Aladdin," nbloh ku baen aoma Una In pra- «aratlon, waa pcodoead on Thnnday avanlnff, litb. Ur. Ooo, f, WUllama hu palotad onllralf new aaanery for thia apeotado, and It ivIU tM brongbk out under the apaolal anparlntaudanco ol Hr. Oliarlaj Levta, the popular and flBdaot ataga manaaar. ThiDga "abomnatlcaV' u tba grMt eapltal ollj, Waablsgloni *r* TOiy Uralj. Tba Oanlarbnrt Hall la doing an Inmonaa bnalneaa, wtib U'Ua. OaUattI aa tbaiUr. Ulu Agnea Bother- landi (be Pcottlah NlgbUngala, oonimenoad at (ula bouao on Monday, lltta, and wu Rrealed vamJj. Tba Star Biatara, AngaataandUarle, BtlUreniaUi; tbay are great aitraotlona. The ballet tronpe, under tb'e dlr«otloD of Uonalenr BcoUoay, la oi* coUont, and a prelUer eat of glrla la aoMon aean together. Tha oompllmenlanbaneSKolIr. Oaorga R. Eileaon, tbealage oanaaer, on tbaoih,waa a tremendona luecaaa. Altbongh It rained torr bard all day and olgbl, (here *aa a larger audience (ban wu arer In lha bnllding baTon. Tba plajof Jaokehrn- pard waa pndnoad In good atjle. H. W, Eagan waa lha Jack; and Edeaon, (ha ranowned Dlneakln. J, U. Bndwonh, W. H. Hanlaon and BUIr Dojd ar« nodoillnod to appear on the IlUb, The Baltimore Uuaaum la to be opened ou (be I8II1. nndor the management ot W. E. Sinn, of (ba Uaatarbur;, Vaahlii.ilon, D.O. OoDoart Hall, Newark, under tbe management of Hoaera. mtohoock <i Co., cloaed lait week. Ulaa Eala Wallan. (be daablng danaanae. opened at Itlmblo'a TarloUaa, on tba IBtii, for a (wo waeka' engagement. At ailkert'a Molodaon, Ban Fitnelaeo, a good mlnatrel (roupo 1^ meeting with great aucceaa, Pathar Bcmatd aota aa Inler- loootor, and Joe klurphj and John Da Augolla are on tha enda. llarrr Leallo, (bo rope-walker, came near (aking bla Uat walk at Wunlngton, D. 0., dnrlng (he paa( week. He nad iinnonueed to walk tha rope alrelohed mm the gionnd to tbe top ol tbe "TarteUea" building, lie bad aacended bu( a abort dla(*Dco, whan bla weight draw the abaft to wblob tbe ropa waa attaclieil, 0 tt of tho ground, and Mr. I,, wai ImmeUlatclr preolpltatoil to the aarlli. Medical appUcatlona aooD lealorod him, and ho la readj for anolhtr atari At tlie Varlallra, 81. Ixmia, Hha Uaria Barton mads her flrat appoaranca on Uondaj OTenlna, Iltb, In (ho oharaotor of Carlo, In the plaTof "Aamodeua." She la aald (0 hare baen ciulle auc- caaaful. The order of tbo ni^rformance laat wook coiulatcd of alnglOR, danoing and the ballsL Ur. Edward Bariy, tba excel- lent aligo manager of thIa houae, la about to open an Eogllah porter bouaa on Fifth alreet, with tka Uila of "EJ. Dorry'a Frlrato Doi." We wlab lilm anccraa In hia new aniarprlae. Oulta an amualag affair (to Ihe b;alanden) came off jnat aflor -tlio rehcaiaat at the TarloUaa, oaBauirdajiuomlug, tthlnat Ur. W. U. Iteare, and Mr. V. Thompaon agreed to retire to tbe bar-room, and acltle a Ultle mlaoudeiatandlng by a reaortio tho manly art. Hr.Tboapaon alrlpped to tha walal, and Ur. Baa«a kept on hie onderahlrl. The affair laaled about tbirl; minutaa, when Ur. n. garo up on account of an attaok of phin. -nay, having noeWod a aoTere blow In the month. Ur, T. ahowed ' Hororal aonlohei. Tha affair la (e ha renewed, when our oor. ivipondeni will try to be on hand aoil giro n full rrport I. M. OatT haa taken tba triok for BuOOo, when ha com' niancea bnalnau on the IBth. Be la a Tan clover pinlomlmlat. Lew Blmmoni bad a aplondid honio at Trimble'a Varlatlea, Plttaburab, on tbe Itth, on (ho octaalon of bla benefit, aud Uila, be It unoarttood, whan there were 1000 panona In attoudanea at Qran'a Italian Opera, at Coneert Ball, and a crowded houae at the theatr* for Ulaa Thompaon'a besaflt. Ur. BImmona waa fraaenled with a aplondid algnol ring, while Uanager O'Nall handed biffl, |U, bealdea tho rsoelpta of (ho bonao, (ho "ailraa" Aalng anbeorlbed by four aenUamen admlreia ot quaint banjo Mioloa. BImmona wlU remain at the TarloUaa tor acme time. Fanny Qllmore, having oloacd her engagement In PlUaburgh, jeea tolaavenwoith next. Uano.Ohlrlakl, KaUilcen O'Vell, and EaUIITallaTa are Ue sow altracUonl at Trimble'a TarloUea, FIttabnrgb, Ibia week. Zoe and Ben Tataa, now at tba TarleUca, have otfera from Laura Eeane'a, and alio from Oluclnnall. It la pnbablo that they will accept Ihe Now York offer aa aeon aa they aball bava oonduded their eiigageincnt with Dick O'Ncll. The old Baltimore Uuaaum baa bean laaiod for a abort aoaaon, and onanad by (ho Wublngton, D. 0., company, oonalaUua of Julia UorUmer, U'Ua Jennlcjl. W. Eagao, Dirk Parker, J. 8- Edwarda, Barry ronton, Jobnny Uowaid, aidd Uona. BcL Iho Aral parfbrmaneo look nlaea on tho iKb. Tbe attracUona at Pox'a Oaaino, Fhlladclphia, are kept nn wllb inunal llberalllyi In ticl, <'anporIorlty" la tha alandard motto of Ibia ealabllabment Among (be perforraera now (horo, «i« UlaaHally Taylor, aongatraaa; Ulaa Emma Ulica, danaeuao; Billy Eoanon, Uughey Dougherty, Frank Wood, FatUe Btowart, Sarrr Raloor, Low Oaylord, J, 0. Wallace, and aa elUolont ana AaflA k Tbe aim ot Ur, Frod Alma, ot tba ConUnenlal Theatre, Phllo- -.^elphl^ appaara to be, to pleaaa hit patnna, and bla aucccaa la not to be queaUouod. Be haa aope good "people" tbcro now, among tbem U'lle Helena, Kilty BUnchard, EraeaUncdo Falber, TonyPaatar,JackaoD Balnea, bealdea aavaral amnaing counter- felt oontrabanda, and fhaclDallng female Tatpalobortana. Tbo manager alec alunlllca that engagtmenla are ponding with aoT. ' eial Aral clau arlltti. Uualobathobarma, and nnain balla arc becoming nnltn Ihe raga. Anybody might have foretold UiatOblcaitowoiitd not bo Ions without on^ and Uaaara. VanOeet acObidwIck are tbo naraaa 'Of the genUomen engaged In the entcinrlae, having occnpied and Boaaoiaed lha Dcarborc-ilroel Opera Uoua^ and tranafcrmcd It Into auob an calahllabfflont, Oblcagolana Ilka mualo and mtrtli; ao with aucb arUala aa U'lle BrlgnoU, La BoUo Oceana, Fnuib Whltuoy, Cbaa. Davla, L. 0. nrtmmer, aud Jennie- Johnaon, In ooolunoUon wllb the liberality ol (he managora, aoocava nay preUy oenfldenUy be looked for. Charley Pelrlo la their bual- ueea man, and ha knowa a thing or two about (b« bualneaa. niBOBUiANKUUB. Ulaa UaryfBhaw, wllb bar operaUe air*, took (ha people ot L«aveawor(h by atorm for a tew daya, but they aeon grew (Ired of (ham, and (be lady, at laal advloae, wu making a tour of (ha Belgbborlog towna. Hanagen on (be look-onl for a good builneia manager or (nveling agent, will obaerva that In our ibcalrloal adretllalua oolumni, N. Qreen offer* hla aerrlcea, and auica bla quallBcA- •lone tor auch a poalUon. Allbeugh Ones by name, we hardly think ha will br found ao gtaen ei not to prove of valuable alu to tboia vrho might engage hin. Bridge k Daan'a American Ooncett Troupe, a now organlu. tlon compoaed of Ulaa Oeoigle Daan, Ulaa Emma Dean, 0. D, Abbott, vlollnlll, (fbnnetly with E.P. Chtlily) B.U. Bridge, MdOartaltHawley, wore at Oahheab, Wla,, Uat week. The Waahlnglon "Pan da War" oloaed at BU Paal'a, Ulnn. an Uay a, after one wock'a good houaei, Uod, Dealer, the ropa walker, la along. TbeAlleghanlanaaadBwIaalleU BIngen opened at Ingereoll Hall, Bt. Paul, Ulna., on tbe gib and 7(h iBak Tlieyalao ap. peared at Bk Anthony'a Falla and Ulnneapolla; thence vlalted Ihe "Laughing Watara," the celebrated Uinnehaba Falla, and bad a good time gaaerolly. Oravea* palnUaf ol "TbaPiaaentWar" la (ravallDg In Wla- •onahL The Alleghanlana ware In UleDeaola at laat accuuuu, and doing a good bnalBeaa. They turn (hoir alepa eaalwatd aoon, aud conremplateaa eioaralon to England. In taforeDoa (hereto, aT«BlBg,BUi Inat, at Jamoa' Houae, "Tha Eatfte/- Wll^ma- burgh, on which ooculon Ur. Flelda, the tynor.fhrm the Houae of(aiimona,ll.V.,IIUed tbe chair. What with bla delUhUul warbling, and (heewct( eonge ol Ueaare. Lowj, Poab, Taylor. Jcnkloaon, Batee, and are "a good-natured dtar -tha evening paaaed eo ploaaajfly Uial one felt almoat Inclined to "niok a muae^Ui Ihe clock when lU awlft hanla Indicated lha Sudnlght hour. However, lime, Uko youth, muat ba awved, and after "our worthy hoet," Ur. Jame*, bad charmed hu SieaUwlUi "Aula Un« Syne," (be compiny ben( Uieli alapa omeward, hoping Uial Uey'd mee( again bifm "Ihla emal war la over." Ohumal ■. ,_ , Onu'a Italian Opera Troupe, wlUi Lorlnl, Cordler, Uoreoil, BrlgnoU, Uoocaferri, Amodio, Bnelnl, and Uocio, conductor, gave their drat oparatlorepreaentaUon, at Plke'4 Opera Borne, Inclnnatl, on the IStb. Lnerella Borgia wu (ho fiiat opera, to ba followed by UTravlata and EmaoL . , „ Oran wl(h ^a opera (roupe la eipeolad la Oltreland at the cloaa of the piteeot month, ■ Harry Beyoore, weU known In Ikaatricol olrclaa, tuM for a while doffed (he a««k and boOkln, and la at preaeat to b« found baUllog wllb hla country'a enemy. Be la an "active member" of Company K, 3d Battalion, Bih Ohio Vole., where be hu been alnce Augoat Uat lie may now be ttund at Camp Denver, near Ccriolb, Ulai. At Oorbiib, Ulu., they have a email dranatlatoonpany, con- pored of the following membera:—Jnlea Merodllb, W. Il.sborir, U. B. Johnaon, and Jcnsy Flcranoe. The reat of tha company la modo up of aoldlora from the Ohio regbnenla. A new hall la being mted up on Uain atrtet tor the appearance of a new dramatlotronpa. * Father Cullok'a ConUnenlal Old Folka, wllb tbe veritable Ttaomu Warhurat u their agent, bava bean Invading Colnlnbni, Ohio, during the put week. TheyworoatVangbloD'aUoll, on the 131b, and from thero Journeyed to lielawar«, Ohio, a good ahowtown. Tbe Paige alatera are groat favorllcawmithla troupe. WlUlam B. Drown, vocallal, humoriat, author and compoaer, la peregrinating through the New England towna. Bla parform- ancea conalat of bumoroua and comic aonga, peraonaUona, and dollncaUona of eccontrlo and comlo charactcn. He la aaalaled by H. Webator Canterbury. On tho 18th, be woaat Bandulph; 10th, at Eul Stongbton; 18tb, at North Drldgewator. Ulu Qoodricb, who lately made a debut In Ban Franclaco, la IvlDg pulor entertalnmenta, auch aa readloga, ncllaUona, ho, irough the mountain towna of that Btate. Harrington, the Boeton Teslriloqulat, will plav tba monlb of Uay In kialne, comnencbig at B mtb Berwick on tie IStb. A gnat bnrioalty at Bangor, Me., la Ave young foioa, which were nunad, brought op, and etIU matemally eared for, by a hitch dog. J. 0. UyenlaendMvorlng to obtain tbem for ealil' billon Into DO defence agabiat thIa Indlridiul, ware It not to aet myial^ ^oyd," and It proved a (allnre Tha drama ot "iat right with my friauda and tho public, and In vlDdlcallon of our^"-'-'- " ""— '—'■ ' *■——'—^ cbaraolan from lha affeola of aucb KandaL Hoping yon will give place to my latter or u much u you can mako room for, I am youra rwpeoUolly, Wiixiui T. Aliua. Ban Franclaco, Oa]., April 31, '13. (We havo abbrerlatad hir. Aymar'a card aomewhat, but tba above eontalna all neceaury particulars. Tba doonmenta re- ferred to by him Id tbe above, bavo hoan received by na, and have every appearance of being genuine and authentic, and fuUy prove thai Ulu Batchelor wu not marrltd to Ur, William T. Aymarat tbstloa other doalh. "rhe principal document la algaed by Dooton Wendell and Kinney, and andoraed by John B. Lovrjoy, V. 8. Oonaul at Oalloo; and F. J. Thlbaull, Notary Public ot Ban Franolacc— Ed Cup.] Tba orun of ahow* In lenueuea, aaya a Uemphla oorrca- I londant, la "Old Cany'a Great Pavilion 8kow," and ha hu eome I lr«t olau performer*. Be hu been ploybia under oanvu In the dlfferant cajope, but haa now bought out a large hotel bare, and la nnsliig bla dreaa In town; ha nu been verr aocceaafbl u re- garda pecamary aSalm. He bu Ur. OUvar BeU, BUI Bparka, Ned Slrolgbt, Oborlla Straight, Hughy Uorlon, TolaakI, Carey cIovn)> and the wonderful Holland fomUy, coiuUUng ot John loUand, Ban., Ui Muleta John, Oeerge, aud Eddie. The llireo Ulaaca Cater do tho alnglng and dancing. OUver DoU tabca abeaeOI the i3ai,on which occulonUr.Qeoraa U. Brnlley, tbe celebrated waatom dcm, appeal* In aoma of nla gtotcaqua and comlo antlca, U B. Lent'a EqnaacDrTlonlum wlU eihlbit at BUca, N. on Uie nib InaL Mr- Jamea M. Mlxon, with tho aulatanco of hla old aaooolata, TbaddeUB Barton, bava leaacd tha olroua lot In DolUmoro known u tko "City Bprlag" lot, on Calvert alreet, and Intend putting up a vonmer garden, whcrcla will bo given circua and other perfomuncea, ot a lighter order, approaching u near u the epaco of ground vrUl normit, tbe eame atylo ot performancaa u wu InangnraUd at Ike Ctemomo Oardan In Uila dty. KEORO BIINSTnESLSV. The Holman Opera Troupe opened at PorUand, Ue., on tho Iltb laat., (tf a Dig houae, ana did well, we undrrnlond. on the Bucccodlng nighta. They oommence a seaaon at Ur*. Jono Eng. llah'a New Tremoot, Doaton, on (he ISih. OoUle Dullou did a VC17 poor bualnen at Uaaonlo EaU, Pitta burgh, laat weck- Cortar'a Zouave Troupe met with a vet; tAVorable reoeptlon In ColumbuB, Ohio. After leaving that city, they wead^ their way farther weal, towarda Sprlngteld, Dayton, etc UluDlcklnaon muat now ba ranted among onr nrofmlonal frieoda, u abe bu become a public woman In The pollUcal arena. BI10 In to "deliver a general engagement to Ibn «oemy"onlbe •23d luat,.|atthe Brooklyn Academy. Buhjcot—"HowProrldenca la Tcacblog the Nation." Wo beUevo Aun la an "anU-UcClcUan man." She apoula Uke a female locoD^oUve. Uadarae Obarlolta Tarian, Henry Draper, and Edward Hnff- mon, gave a concert In Mualo HeU, Now Haven, Ot, Uay 13th, mealing a poor recopUon, but by "unlvenal reqout" tbey rC' ^ Uay IBtb. If the "unlvereala" are then. It vrill pay. ibujer, tbe rnan that "murder* a boy and then rcaloroe him to Ula again," la at Mwbanlca' Hall, Utiu, H. T., Ihla week. On tbo 33d, be aunouncca a grand entarlalnment In the open air. In the City Oatden, glring In addlUon to bla tula ol magic, a mualcal concert and a diaplay ot llnwcrka. BalloonI ballooni The "uroiuutloacaBon" la aboutopenloi and Ur. John H. Btelner la to "go up In a balloon" on tba 30ll from Broad alreet, PhllaOelpbla. All who dcalre to go up a thouaand tut or ao, can bavo that privUege granted ucm for tbauaual "equlv." A fatal acddont occurred at Odd Frllowi' IkU, Boaton, on the afloraoon of Ihe ItUi Inet WbUa Ur. Bcbuti, trcaco painter, wu engaged In decoraUng tbe eeUlog, tha alaging, on wblch bo wu at work, gave way, preelpltaUng him to (he door. He wee taken up uudeu, In which alala na conUnued unUl tba ro|. lowing moruing, when he died. Ue wa^orly-one year* of age, and Icavaa a wife aiid three chUdrcn. Bla funeral took place on Uiel7tb. Uadame Anno Blabop Icavta Boalon IhlB week tor Ihe Brlllah pro^incea, whore abo propoaea to give a aarloa of concerta. Bbe wUI bo aaalated by Edward Seguln and Ouatave do Hpleea. A benefit concert given by Mr. Ollmoro, at tho Beaton Thea- tre, on the IGtb, la eald to have roollaod glOOO. Hadama Anna Illahop aaalated, and tbu Tromont Zouavea performtd a variety ot evomUoua on the ccculon. CHABLEB n. DVPItEZ, Uamuu or Dupntz k OcEsi'a Udoibk Pride," vrith Ulu Avonla Jonu u Ihe heroine, wu revlvad Ibe STUi nlt,bntbaalneu didnolaaomlo bo vary good..., Badlor'a Wella la graced by tbe engagement of Uadame OelM who bu appeatod In tba drama ot "The Uoua on (he BrUn Notn Dome" i"The Olty ot London" bu brought out 'ipa ThaaS*.'' * ^ engaged at (he Uaryleht^ Tbo foUowIng goaain ooncaming tbaatrlcali, clrattau,i4 aire]*, etc, la Dom a new York profMBlonal, now In Bngloa and known In onr correopondaoeau "Wide Awake." Hlalalt ladatadLlTarpool,Aprir Both, and la u tcUawa:—Jim Hy« ClrcnahuDotdonamnchbnalneuUyetber*. Onblaopanl night lha bonaa wu not over halt tnll, and lha performaa luted tU] halt-put eleven; Ibe neil night tbe ebcw wu n early, and tha houae vru not u full. Thla hooaa hu a Uqg Ucanaa, and tha bw la kept on tbe American atylr, under 1 |' dlreoUcn of Jim Uyen blnuelt Next wtek, Bothem gpea Uio Prince ot Walu Theatre, Birmingham The Ohrii Ulnttieli (Wllaom parly) are doing an ImmauM bnalnew at I 8t Jamw' BaU. O. W. Uoore'a comical uyloga ot "BUck me," and "la mydotbu aate," ara all over the town. Thla eo pany have laued Ibe Bt Jamu' HaU for Mven yean—not a ■ permanent place tor the band, but u a apecnlaUon ot WUai ' and Uontague'a. Bpeaking of the Obrialya, temlnda me tha told you lut week that t<exlon and BIrbaak wen going America. BIrbank bu loll CoUloa' party, and hla place la U by Howard, who came to thla country wltb tba Buokleya. B bank lefl tor America, In a aaUlng Taue],fiom London,! I Saturday. Sexton wu to go wlUi'blm, but when hei on board ot tbe ehip, bla courage tailed, and he went a I wont Into the Wine Concert Boom Ihe other night, t uw old BUI Bedar—kuca-n In New York u Bill Price—daaei Jig. Be put mo In mind of old Umre. BUI hu got maid over ben, and la tba father ot aeven klde; he la one ot the a i aobool. Speaking of tbe old eohool, I met old DIok Pelbaa^ day, and he looka u young aa be did (wtnty y wr* ago ~' ~ gnat aportlng man, and la thought a groat deal of here I taea. niabntharaiUlelnlAnden; QUIla tboonei ekedoddled from BuU, after gelling oU tbe ealorifr, and Itari thabindvriUioutarad, Tbe lu( UmaDlck performed v tha TbeaIra Boyal, In (ha "Uaaqnende BoU," u (ba T doorkeeper, and (be bouao vru crowded. UeuyabewouMi (0 aae bla old frienda, Frank Bnwer and Dan Emmet... Speaking ot old pnteulonaL^ I went to Ihe Edinburgh T Ooncart Boom looi night, (o hear old Charley Uanh, (he ( elnger. Charley, In bla younger daya, wu (bought to t irutut down In tbe pnbulon. In fact, the people uy be 0 excel tha groat Wallalt Thla concert room la genonUr llnl that la vlalted by tha profeaalonalf fnm Anarica; and Tbomu, proprietor, bu a Ane aaaortment of llkcnetaeal American performen, ot all branchu, hanging In bla ho People who have gone back from ben, after rialUng Ihla i' muat know old Oharloy Uoreh. It wu bore that Bill DoDu uaed to aing hla gnat aong of "Bight In tbe Ulddle of t' lalar," to plean hla ftlend, Ur. Boach—<i la Wlodbam- Sew Orluna.........Dick Beck, who came over to thla cou with tbe Buckley*, arrived hm tbia morning; be baa boon t eUng with tbe "Ohio Ulnatttli," and tbey went np In a bar and Dick had to foot It here. I uw him In Tbomaii' lut 1 In company with tbe Chrlety boya Next week I ahaU I peep at tba Supper Boonia, a reaort tor the Amerii:an capli and tbe gayut of tho gay. Bo, look out for WiDX Awir CinoVBEB. D& sPALcnta, Tbe Will Sxowm Oiaooa UavaoEn. we lake tbe fcllowbig from Ibe Laeroue, Wla,, Polly l>cBiocntl ol May l;-"kIiinion Exooaaoa to Ehouxd ^Weaooby Ne* Tork pap<n that Ut. Woldron, Uie active agent of the world 'I .' New — . —• -«a world renowned AUeghanlan TocaUaU and Bwlm llcU Blngei*. hu parteoud arrangemonU foramannoth exenralon to England on the Great Eanern. Tbeeiounlon la lo come off tbe middle ot June. Tha Alleghanlana are lo give dally oonoeria on the r'l''...r'*.'<>"""'>'^°'"°">><» floketa an already engaged for tbU the Boat cxlenalve trip ol tba kind ever known/ A trip^lo England and back on tha grealeal ahip in Iheworid, with dally concerta on board, will be a Una thing. We beancak .allokataun," Noyte and Thaycr'a Olroua wu at Cbiveland, O.. en tha Iltb and 13lb loot Oardnor nnd Hemnlngs' Olraua were IraveUng In the Statu of Dolaworn end UarjUnd during the week onuing Uay 0, and uolwllbalonillng a heavy and almoet conUnuoua taU otnin, Ihaydldafalrbuelneu. TbeyweictoboatEuton, Ud.,ontha ICth, and expected to reach Lanculor, Pa., by tbe 3dlli Inat In Ihlaeompany ore Dan Gardner, lUchard Uommlnge. W. Naylor, J. W. IIIU, Ooo. King, John Foaler, Big. Wambold, Ooo. Do I/>nlB, Goo. Bnwn, Yankee Boblnaon, Thoa. Bynder, and (he Ulaaca E. and U. Oardnor. Dan lUce'a BaU Bead Olreua la adverUaed lo abow at Fort Plain on the lOUi Inat: St Jobnarllle, 3nih; Little FaUa, 31at; Trenton, 31d; Boonvllle, 33d. On the 3Ilb, ha pltobea tent at Dtica: Home, 3<ib; Onebla, 371b; Biracuoo, Thundar and FridoT. May 3111b and 39th. ' O, B. Wbeeler'e Onatlntarnallonal Olrcua la at preaent In the New EugUud towne. On tho IBIh tbey wen at Lynn; Igth, Salem; and are odveitlaed to appear at Nuhua, aid: Uanehea- lor. W. Jim Cook, a celebrated Engllah down, arrived In (hie country on Monday, Uay 11, having vaoaped tbe portla of tba dlauler to llio Anglo Baxon, by not reaohleg Liverpool lo lime, uTIor having taken p-naoage. Cook comca with a good nputalloo, and bu been forlunalo ouou(ih to find Iraracdulo employment, having en- gagoil wllb Mr. Jamaa Xlxon lo act u Jcater wllh hla company, 'now performing In Alexandria. ' Ullea' Circua Boyal bu made a good atartlng cot They lavo their llntahcw on tbe llth at Qucbnj, ouUlde St. Lewla Gate, and rowolued fmr daya. During tbelr atav, builneu 'wu very Socd. Mr. B. Ullea bi pnprlotor: Ohoiley Bherwood, equootrlan Ircelor; and 0. Do<lgn, maaler or the olrdo. The foUowlng la a complele Uat of the compauy:—Tbo Sherwood fauUy, conauting of Cbarlea, Ume. Tlrglnla, Ida, and Uulor CbarlM: Ur. W. II. Penny; Jobu Boblnaon, Wm. Aablon, George Balcholdcr, J. 0. Blvera, and John Lolow, clown. Tbie organluUon Intend e«n- llolnn their travola alloacUior to Ihe Conndaa, Ballcy'a OInua and Uanagerlo, pitched tent tot one dar onlv. atnoadlnB.Pa.,onlhclSlh. ' " Among The many aucceaaful anlnpriBca of Ihe^ leoaon, la Ibe NaUonal CIrcna, under tbe Imncdialo dlrocUon ot Urr. Warner, late Mn. Don Bice. Thla company la advertlacd to appear at lleaiUuR on the IBIb; Kutitows, 181b; Allonlown lOtb. Ohorley OuUe conUnuea ahead of Ihe'ehow u ccntiacUog agent, and Dr. B. P. Jonea, luvadea the aancluma ot yo odlloro u muter- ot publloaUont. Wo aonie time alnce pubUahed a OaUtoml* leller, Blgned by one Monurg, In refonnco to certain aUeged tranaaulona' In which Mr. W. T. Aymor wu aald to bava Iwu^. In luaUoe to the latter gentlenon, we give the annexed letter, and have alao received oOclal doonmonla, algned, aealed, and wltneeaed, In eorrcboraUon of what Hr. Aymor heroin aeta forth :— Fnux QgUH-Bia:—Allow me. It you pleaae. (0 occnpy.a Ul- Ue of your tpaoe In pioring (ho truth ot my prevloua 4arda, written In reply to Uie writtnga of a certain mallcloua pereon, who hoe not the nanhood to talk lo my face u ho wrilu, and who, manlfcBtly enrioua towarda my brother and mndf, adopta that meUicd to do ua Injury. Tho badlvldual aUuded (0, after running away and tearing ualn Pern to do the beat wo could, and pay offthelndebtodnnaoa of Iheoonoem, amounting (cover 81,300—which we did hooorably aud bavo recelpla tor—pub- Uahed a canl la four paper ot Uanh Slat algued Jwepb Hon. lorg, an auumed naran, which conlalued elalefflauta utterly at variance with Ibe Irulb. In proof thereof, I enclCM yon an authentic copy of a document aent no from Pom, pmvbig that Ulu Barah U. Batchrlbrwu not my vrita a( (be time of her death; furihermore, at tha time ot her death, uld Joe Uonlirg wu In Guyaqnll, and not In Lima: neither did uld Joe Uon-' targcrUlu Batchelor travel wltb tbe company In BonUi Ame^ lea, of wblch, when Wdtcr Aymar arririe hen, I can give fuU pariltnlan hr lellcn recelvcil fnn Dndor Bauolt during bla aleknew at Ouyanull. Aa betcre Inllnulcd, Joe Uontara 1* not " ofltr—^ •- " Uorrl* Drothara, PeU and Dcwbrldga'a Ulsatrehi doled an exceedingly proapenna aeaaon at their Opera Bouae, Boalon, lut week, giving an eitia poifomunce on Saturday altemocn. They an now on a aummer tour, and appear at New UaU, Hanohuter, N. II., on Uondey, IBIh Inat, for two nigbta, and dnlah the work at New Dedferd. On Monday, astta Inat, Uiey oommeuM at tbo Academy of Uuele, Providence, B. I., for one week, when and where tbey wlU bring out tbelr Uagte Bom, wlUi all Ihe original Bcenaiy, u given at tlieir Boalon houae. The fane of thla Brat dau mlmlrel tnnpe la re wide apread, that the aplrit ot pro- phecy netd not be taxed largdy to predict a very aucceaaful trip, uenrylMdyoo their route will be en thofut vfealoaoe MorrlB k Co.'a Uloelrela from Boaton, and bear Dcmou Hupplu. tub'a addreaa before the Hordacrablilo Debating Beolety by HUly Ucrria, bceldca all thdr other exceUcnt eentlmenloUama, ninny, lama, danco and bomplpolena', etc Tho burnt oetk fratirnlty wan pretty well repruented at Montreal during tbo put wtek. At Mechanlca' UaU, tbe cele- brated and original "Buckleya," with Mlaa Julia Oould, have been attruUug very good audlencu. The oppoalUon wutbat of the veritable Otorge Cbrlity, who, wltb bla troupe, opened at Buckland'B Tbeatro Itoyal ou Uondoy, the Ulb, tbe une night that tho Buokloyagavo their Initial performanoa. U. Frcebertbyaer. kite of the Concert UaU at Belena, Arkanau, now doatd, la with Uarrlnglcri and Thompaon'a Mlnotrela, bt Uempbla, Tenn. S. B. Pcrdy, had alao arrived at Bt Louie, and wu to appear wltb Ihom on tbo tth Inat. Bumaey'B Ubielrela opened at Smltband Dlloon'a HaU, Cln cInnaU, oothe IBUi Inat,, for one week. Bom Bboipley'a MInatnIa drew large and fiBhlcnabla aodl. enc«a In Bt Loulo, week boforo lout but lut wtek tbo bualneu wu >llm. Bam la a groat favorite, and bla wllUdama are very auualng. Tbo Ont part of their enterlolomenla—muelo, Joku, aod aloglog—IB BUperlcr^but Ibolut part IsaaJd tobeaurpaoaod at either the Varietlea or Bowery. Thoy were to clou thdr eu- terlalomanla on Balunlay, lOlh, wlUi a matinee and evening perform ance. Tha Ituouoy Ulnatrcia performed to very poor bualnen In janeevUlt, Oblo. They wen In Culumbua and other placea In Ohio, Uat week. Duprax k Qreen'a Ulnalnla wen In Sabaque ud Davenport, I'twa, ftiraocupleofplahtaateach place, lut week. Thla week thoy are lo appear In Qulocy, lU. ' Frank Orower la no longer wllb Wood'* Uloalrda, and la now open for ongagemonta u an ElhlcpUm comedian. Ur. Brower bu few equals In the bualncaa; In fact In acme ot hla ovrn apedal acta, be li without a rivaL Boa bla card amonj our emuumeot adverllumonta. Oamcrou t Dlxey'a Ulnalrela doee tbelr aeason In PhUadel phbi thla week, and wlU atari out on their annual aummer tour, on the 30U> Inat, vlalUog Ihe varlona olUea In the Eaat and Wat and producing acme of thdr grut burleaqnee. Tbelr Opora Eonae can be engaged for concerta, etc, during .tbelr abunoe, BoeadTcrtlitcmeut Itaynor, Boyce A Co.'a Osmpben Ulnalrela were advcrtlaed to ehow In Cevloglon, Ky., ou tbe 18tb and lotb. Kumaey'a Ulnalrela an lu ClndnnaU, tblf week, at Smith Dllaon'a UaU. Nelecn Kneoae, E. D. Palmer, Joe CbUda, and Tom Olonncn, an In Corinth, Ulu., playing to crowded houaea. Leon D. Dorger la dcelroua of knowlog wboro J. 0. CampbeU, formerly of Itou k Balner'a Ulnalnla, la at preunt; bla ftlenda are aniloua about hla welfare. DoyooknawHlgbDaddy'aUnde? If you don't, goto Boo Icy'a Opera Uouae, In Brooklyn, and make ble acquaintance. Bo la aald (c be "a high old feU." Uauagar Hooley keepe up (he right aort of change In hla programme (0 bring (bo riah( aort of change lo bla ueeiury. Thla week J. A. Cuiran and Mulerllalpb, chancier daucen, make their fint appearance (hen; bealdea. It la tbe fliat week of "Oubu at tbu Bolne,'' "Tirglnny Warhlera," and "Old Fulka* (^ocerta;" noal laugo able burleinuoe, every one of 'em. Thla la (Aa wook to go to Uoolcy'e. Don't add lo tbe cauau ol yonr regrela by alaylng away. FOHBIGN DRABlATtU AND BIIOW REWB, Ulu Emma Btanloy, with bar "Sovon Agu ot Woman," having oimplelod ber eccood aerlca ot perfornuncM, In Uancbulcr, EngUnil, extending logeiber, over forty-eight nighta, wu al Livoriwol on |bo (Kb ult, making pn|>aniUoua for another lour. Mr. J. Simmon*, the "rireat American Aoronint" wu at Vc- voDBblre Villa, near Lydney, Otouccatenhlre, England, at lut accoonia, making aacenalooa. Ur. and Un, uenri Drayton'a BcneUt and lut appearance Uio Polrgraplilo Ball, London, took pbico on tbe Dili mat Un. Koony Senbia, la giving ■■•^ ■• AMUSEMENTS. HIBLO'B OARDER. LeeaeeandUanager, WU. WBEAILET. LAST WEEK BUT ONB or ma FASEWELL ENOAGEUBNT Ot the Gnat Tnglo Artlato, UIBS BATEUAN. In ohedlenca to lha PUOLIO WISH, manlfoaledaoi biy by the DENSELY OBOWDSD and BBILLIANTLT FASHIONABLE ABDIE.HCE8, Wblch nlgbUy aaaemble to wltoeu bar WONOEBFUL lUPEBSONA'HOM ornxn OBIGINAL OHABAOTEO or THE JEWISH UAIDEN, the new play, LEAH, TBE FUBSARBN, Adapted and arranged expreaaly for UISS BATEUAN, By Auguatlno J. Daly, Eoq,, wblch hu achieved aucb UNEXAMPLED RCCOEdS, WUI be npeated Every Evening thla week. UlrB BATEUAN wUl be aupported by a moat powerful Company. Box book open three daya In advance. Doonopeuat7>i: Periormanco lo commeuco at 8 o'clock. Uonday, laib. GltAND THE NEW IDEA, THE NEW IDEA, MS BBOADWAT.I D PANIOUIUE or Tua BODTBEnN BEFBGEE, BOUTDEBN nEFDGEl; SODlBRnN BEFUOEB, BODTBEnN UEPOGEE; BOirmEnN BEFCGEE. BOOTaRBN RBFDOE^ BOUTBEBN llEFDGEE, BODTHEBM BSFCGE^ • Inwhtoh , MABIBTTA ZANFBETTA, MABIEITA ZANFBBCTA, Will perform her Orvat Oharutor of THE DADOHTEB UP THE BECniEKT, and tho celebnted A. tf. HEBNANDEZ, WlU appear u the Country Boy. During tbe evening, UABIETTA ZANFBETTA WlU Introduce ber utcnlablng and uncquaUed porter on ue TIGHT BOPB. Oa*D TO Uagaona.—AU appUcatlona for the aerrlcea ot I alia Zontialta, the moat wcnocrtnl Tight Bopc performer In U vrorhl,muatbemadclo J. O.ODBBLN, g. ' Uanager of Um New I r Idea, I UIiEVENTII STHKET OPHKA HOUSE, ELEVXMTB SIBBET, PDILADUrmA. OABNOBOSS & DIXEY'S MI.SHTIIELS, Taa axon noura or tbz world, Commence their annud Hummer Tour on tbo lith Inat, Ing the principal OlUu of the Beat and Weal, producing i., Songa, Acta, Burleaquw, t:c, &c, for wbleb thla Company la I famona, The Company la Ihe LABOEST IN EXISTENCE N.B. The Open Houae In PhUaddphIa can bo rented torO corU, LectUTM, &c, by oddreaalng e-lt> <!■ L. OABRCROSS, Uanager.l nhs. FKANK OliAHAilf, (widow ot Frank flrahan Ihe leading bidy laat wlnler of Ihe New JlempbiB Theatre, la M opontoran engagement either for ringing ohamboriualda,! leading Juvenile bualneu, Uanogera wleklng lo engage ber r vices, can do ao by applybig to UBS. FBANK oTlAUAM, . S-tt* Momphla, Tenni | THE BiiROBK FAMIIjY.—Tbo nnderalgned obUgod for (be addreu of the parents of Ibe " Uurgor OhUdratI rmualdana,)'who an now, or were lately, performing In Ohlo>l eat Addreu "ZOUAVi;" Dayton, Ohl&I (be real name of (be wri('r of that leller. It being auumed tot the purroaa of paxalng oO u tho brother of .t. Moitarg, tbe akel- n^f^ZHil'^ ..^ A ... _^ . I atoo. "lib "bcmba travels, and lo make tho compariaon appear Ihelovenof TW»l mnals enjoyed a One tnit «n Tueaday llhtgrMler and mon wonderful to Uie pubUc "ahotUd eSlet . _ _ Beadlnge" at the Dudley Gal' lery, PkcoillUy, Eogland. Aunle UUnar, who wlllbo nmombered u Ihe Ropnno of Ihe Cooper Eogllth Opera Tnnpe, Is at prtaaut at Whitebait Uualc Uali, Olmigow, glring concerta. Ur. anil Mre. OborTea Uatthewa made their flret appearance at the " New Theatre," Uudderslleld, England, on the 10th Inat Tbo 1^0 and Barrlaon Opei*,Troupe, ro-cpeaed the Theatn Boyat Liverpool, on tba a7tb ult, with Wallaee'a Open of " Lur- Une." Itwu Intended to have given "IbeArocnrof Nantu,". for Ihe Initial perfcrmanceabutowlngto Ihenvenlndlapoalllon of Lhutoo Pyno, LorlUio wa^ autnUtutcd. Ulaa I^ne, however, tccoreradauIBcleiUytoappear IheaaneweeklBthe"Purltan'a Daughter." Ur. Uarrloon alao made his fint appeanncoon (bla occulen, and me( wllb a tnmendoua ncapUon. Ulu Pyne la atylad (bo Queen ot the EngUab Lyric Stage. Ur, Aynsley Oook coutlnnei a member ot tbe company. E. A. Betbam terminated on the Ski Inat, at the Prince ot Walea Theatre, Uvorpocl, one otlho moat BUocMatnl engagementa that hu been known In that olty tor manyyurs. Dnrlng thla en. gagement he appeared In an alter piece, esUlled ■ ■ Uy Aunt'a Ad' vice," an odaputlcn by Hr. B. of the waU-kncim Comedietta, " A Novd Expedient;'' and met vrttb great aucceas. Be la lo nlum very soon. Lady Don, aulatod by an eiceUant company, ro.npenod the Thutre llojal, HouUiamptuu, on Uie BUi,wlUi "Lady Audley'a Beorat" Ur. FuUer, eon ol the odebmlcd arena Olown, and lately tnvelllng wllb Ulnlon and FuUet'a Ulnalnls. died on tbo 37tb ult, at OamberweUgreen, aged 3T. Be wu buried at Biomplon. Ut. Ueaij Lorainc bu leoud tho Surrey Tbcatn, London for alx woeka, and glvee tbe opening performance (Peep 0' Day) on Whit Uonday At lut accounla tbe Uieatrloal world of London city vu not very buay, owing to Ita being between Easter and Whit BunUdc At the Hkymuket Mr. and Mn. Alfred Wlgan weroddlgbUng tbo audience* At tha Prinona', Ulu Amy Bedgwlck wu aualalning tbe principal oharacter In "Aurora I'lcyd." On Uie 4Ui Inet, Ur. aod Hn. Oharioa Keen were announcea la commence an eleven nights' engagement, prior to lhelr deuirtute for Auatralla At tbe Lyceum, Ur. Foloher wu aitu playing Uio "Duke'a Uotio" Tha 8t Jamu' bad tbe "Impressive" perfcraanoea of Ulaa Berberl In 'Lady Audley'a Scent" At tho New Wcatmlnater, on tbo KTTIIO IlKNDKadON The following an (ho (Itlea of some of the new dramas ccnUr breugbl by thla lady from Eiiulaud, and nroired to la advertUemcut In another colnmn:-FI/>WEll GIRL, HCOTIT MAIDEN, KATHLEEN UAVOUKNEBN, and UYP8BY UIBL GRENADA, aU of which are copyrighted. Ml WANTED.—A TIOUNIBT, cue who can read moalc eight either to ut u lint or Mccud, a gocil aecond pnferred.' young man with the above acoorapUatimenta would dud It lo k advantage to Join a Ulnstrd Troupe to give coculonsl perfon ancu In tho Imnedlota ndghboring towns unul tbe Fall, whi they an lb alart on a permanent TnveUng Tour through U Blalu. Plcaw addreu 8. UORTON, No. 473 Eut Fourth atrei or by letter In can of WUkw' Spirit N. Y. g-ai* FOR BAIiE—A complete act ot BOEHBnY, with everyUib ncoeaaary for a InveUng company. Price tOO. For partloula caU at Ibe Ale Bouh, Oli Broadway. 8-11^ THE DBAIIDUMN OPBUA llalUHB, OHIOAGO. Thla, the lluMt hall In Ibe Wut, wUl open on or abont 33d ua lint clou Uualc Udl, under tho managemout ot MessI Vanfieet Chadwiok, wllh tho llnaat company of arUala tt monn can oecnn, (nm New York olty. U'lle BrlgnoU, 0 Female TloUnlat VocaUat and Danaanae, wlUi oUior eqiil talented arllata, art already engaged, AU busbicM laUera Bi bo addreued u above, or to IIMW OONNElt k CO., TbaatrU Agenta, Bouic ot Oommcna, 3g Wut Bouoton alreet N. 1.01 OHAa PEIllIB, Bualneu Agent Tua Knaroiia Bua Dau, Olod, ot PhUaddphIa, hu obtalin tbe privUege fnm Obarln UcDonough, (bo Commlulouei dty property, (opUy en tha publlopaiode ground at llthil Wharton stnola. The ground einbraoea about dght uru, a when pat In ptopot condlUon, wlU make a moat avaUabla pla for play. j Tdb ATHLmo Bub Bai>i, Oltib, ot PhOadalpblo, expect'J rialt New York tor a aarlw of oonleaM irilh our prominent dulj some tlo» next month. Dies Dau. In PblladdpbU appean lo be In a llouriabing ec ditlon, and moat ol thedubaAnpraotldng wltb a conaldenl degree ot ardor, and geUtng Ihemselvoa In Si tot their vario _ oouteala In tbo coming umpaign, 37lh~ult,~lba "doliecn Dawn" waa produced, Ur.'aidMnT BMiiBuKTixatiiOaLiTOniiiamnal be gnat sport. IbCoiil Bouolcaultsualalglngtbeprincipalcharulenof Elly O'Connor valley, receuUy, a nun uamad Ueffoau klUaa flttean Ui n andUflca-na-Ooppaleon TheAdelpblbadptoduaed"Aunnl houial