New York Clipper (May 1863)

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47 THE RING. THE FIODT BETWEEN JIM DUNN, of Brooklyn, AND JIM ELLIOTT, of New York, FOR TIBEG niNDBED DOLLARS i SIDE. AT JIL'S ?EBBT, RKW J8HBBT, KAT 13tll, 1863. DUSK THE VICTOE nt • lurty-Five Uinates and Twelve Boands. TIio Fiffht Won by a Fonl Blow. la ininbolwMnthMe twouplniiti for pgglUtllo honon, Klilcti but for tlis noro tidtina and Imporuit milob ntn JovOobom indUlka UcCoolo, vonld bavo crated t Eh BfMttr JegK* of JntorMt In tbe ■porUBR vorid, ouna o» llrt DionilDg of Wedneadar, "tb Inat, la the Batobborhood IfKbawwn. N. J. II ttnnlnaled lo tbe awaidtog of the >|o to DoDii, In coDKrtaenca of Ibe Utter balDg bll foul bj M, It la ellnged, Khllo on Iba ground, vhen twolre loundi (ufo tfrourincloali, one, Donn,la noTtca,Ibli beingbla iiiipeaTtnco In Ilia prlie rinit, and It la alao aaaerted that ha «tv<n wltueeeed a rInK light before. He la a Inelr buUt, InTOUDg fcUow, rem>Tkabl7 drll, and nnaanimlngln bli leuor. Ho la not yet tweolj-one yaar* old, altbongh In ilot aae be bad Iba advaslane of a year oter tali opponent bll match, bo backed from OnwUrn, to wblcb piece be inni be la a nepbe* of the letoran Phu Cliro, who defeated me Lrcao aoino yean a|(o, and who baa taken a warm and ro liilrrrkt In bim finoe lha match wia lint arranaad. He : Ilia brnilhlniia at Fort namllton, nnder Itae caro of Jobopy la, of Drooklyo, («ao of bla ilanncheal baokera,) and the fulauperloUnilance of Clare bimaflf; and bla anperbcon- n, when broiiRbl Into the ring, rf Hictod the blgbiait orrtit la mcntora. Hia weight wia In Ibe nel(ihbortaood of igilM., bla height lltl. 9Hln. . „ ^ ^ .us™„i, n Elliott, hIa opponent, balla from New Tork, and altbotigli nlnctorn yoara of ago, hia twice befom apponif d In tBO Itetlc arrua. Bla Drat batUo wu with Tonng Nobby Clark, at time a now Importation from lha ■■hardware jlUifre, In and. aa thelowu of Birmingham la generally called br the uldora of Ibe ring. They fojgbt for a puno of m at «he adea. M. J., May Mtb, IBM, CUrk winning aftar a good tght rer an hour. At thia time. BlUolt waa a raw, Inoipnienoed bla frame not baring become Armly knit, or attained lla ilele duTOIoiincnt. Unt be manlfealed luch pronilae ai a r that roanypradleUd fOrblma bright and aacocaafnl ea- In the ring. aUoiibl bla ambition lead him to pnme that 'r. I'or nearly two yoara be remained qnlel, not baing able nt with Ik ■■Julr,^^ aa the Engllah page hire It. nnlU he waa had agalnit that olevar trainer and Fourth Ward fa%'ome, WlnUe, for {200 a ilde. There wu bnt UlUo lime for pro- Hon on cither eldo, the match beloB aomowbat of an Im- ipia cbaraolar. They met on the olaaalo ground of Wea- leo, on Ibe apot when John Wooda defeated Oeorga King a remoDtb before, and after a rattling mill of two buuia and a ler. during which nineti-lltre ronnde were fought, (be ro- I jKlared It a ■■drawn battle." The preient matota waa a about two moniha ago, for 1300 a tide, the edllor of the trTA iMtng nauod aa niakoboMer.. £Ulott went Into IralDlpg IcComb'a Dam, where Joe t^obum waa at the Una, nrepar> iDrblaoonleit with McCnola, for ItaeChimplonahlnofAmer- Uc waa at Ant attended by Johnny Aaron, fora abort Ibno, igl»f quenlly by Morrli, of Boaten. Re did bla work with ibrliy and ateadlucaa. aa waa oTidonced by bla really mag* tstcondlUon when be entated tbe ring. Ho alanda In, In., although not ytt ■■nineteen yean," and hu a flnaly do- ped and weU-proporUoned frame. II day originally named for the flahl waa Monday, the 11th , uil tho place aeleeted by Sllott'a reproaentattre, who won Uiariirchulee,wuC4aip Scott, Slalen laland, ^Tbyauch a • jbouU bare boon tied upon, It la dllllcuU to Imagine, aa Inltrferenca of the auiboritire there waa almoit a nutter of ilniy. Tbe grratcai publicity waa glTen to the ilTalr, and, aa kt Uft been tiprcti'd, Iba police tuUinllIca loon became iliint of tho contemplated centeaL The Harbor polica r»- ti loitrnctlona to proceed to the laland, and pteTcnt the Icomlng off; In which oltjcct, ItwUl be aeon, they wer« auo- fal. I It waa generally nndenlood tho Dgtat would take plaoe at Utah, Mreat number wont down to Statrn laland toe ctmu iRTlooik All.thebotaUat,CUf(aD,aiaplaton, andquaran- •tte UUed wlthgueata, Al the latter place, we dropped appointment, and would be mutually bound by bla deelalon. Dy thlallmo, the ring bad bcoadeand, and the man buaymahlUH their tollota. Dann won (be olioloo of comera, and took Ibitwblcta had the adrantage odilstaor ground. HIa colon, which war* Emerald, green, while Elllott'a wcro black, wera tbenUedlotheatake. A bat of 140 ana waa alakrd between the two men, bnt onUlde the ring illgbt oddi wera onrrantly offered on Bllolt. Tho Sheriff, at (bla Ume. made hU way Inlo the ring, and ordered the tight to be atopped, but be waa nllarly dlira- narded, and onalod oiiUlda the ropea In a moat nnoanmoslona manner. Preclielyat »:SS, "time" wu called, and tha Sgbt commenced* TUB Flour. Bound 1. Aa the men toad tb« aoratcta, tho oontnat wu marked bolween the two mon. EUlott toouod over bla opponent, who, liy tho comparlaon,-aaemed a leu man lhail ha wtually la. The former weighed about 170 Iba., wUlla Dunn waa In the neighborhood of IH Iba. Both wen In admirable condition, eapeolally Elliott, whoao mnaolea on tho ahonlden, arm*, and cheat, were aptendldly developed; Indeed, ha looked a perfect yunthfol Honuloa. Dunn la of a mon alender and elegant tgun, bnt bll mnaolea bad not an ounce of anparfluoaa leah on them, while hIa bright eyo, clear complailon, and Arm, elaallo atep ibowed be wu In tho parfeoUon of health and condition. Hla poalUon wu eicellant, alike for offanoa and defenea, hla guard being pntlculatly good. Elllolt alao alood well, keeping hla left and right alternately Is forward motion. After aparrlng for acme time, Dunn led off with tke loft, and got home lightly on the rlba, reoelTlog In ralnm a ntUer on Ibe lea eye, and iounlerlng beafUy oo the brow, which ralaed a lump im. oroaa-counl „ , . medlataly. They oloaad and atmggled for the throw, ending by bolh going down together, Dnnn nndcr. ■■Tint blood wu claimed by the aeconda of bolh, but not allowed. 9. Both aprang up promptly when Umo wu eaued. The eSecIa of the Uat round wen plainly paroepUblo, Dnan a leR eye being In mourning, and a largo lump OTar Elliott a peeper. Both iparred for an opening, and at length Elliott led off and aont In hla left itnlghton Dnnn'a damaged ^PV, dnwlng iXiatllua Hall, to aee our old friend Tommy Buna, who waa »(tbe popular hoil of tblt beanllfiiUy altnated hotel, bnt lui ri^centlyntlred from tbe btialneaa. We antktpaled la| the pleutm of hie eompany tiio following morning. ai we ilnw, iiy proTloua axporlonce, bow inuob be loroa to wltneu UI; good, aanan mill, nntortnnalcly wo fonnd that hla Uattnomy, Blifnor Rhenmall^m. bad bid a tuaalo Willi hUn, 1 ptucd him k/in-df-amtalt by *'floorloa^' him on bla back, io I be couldn't come to time. Slaappouled In onrtnTellog tpulon, after eecnrlng a oonreyanco for Oamp Bcott neat f>Ia(, we aonght a llllle reaL nag befsn daylli|ht tbe neit morning, wa won on (he way 'ugp Bcott, towhicbplaceacoreaof Teblclaa and bnndreda '4dt«trlaoa were wending. Tbe apot aeleott'd la about throe a from ClUton In (ha Interior of tho lahmd. On arrlTlng fcand the ring pitched, and aome aeven or olgbt bun- 1 people aaaembled. Both EUlott and Ihinn were on lha ind, in coachea, with their mpectlTo frienda, tllbough the hla of the former bad nolarrlred. It appeared that BUIott'o va had engaged a aloop to convey themaeuai and their party »laland, but that It had beenaalaed by tho Uaibur Polico, and holo lot (akAi iMu k to tbe city, where (hoy wcredlacharged. woro coiikcqurnily obliged to wait for tbe lint forryboat to >l>ud, and lit a iialaT cauaed the light to he poelpcntd. El- of coume, would not fUlht wlihout bli aecvnda, and their il had to he nwallcd. Hour after boor pawed, and It began whiapered anund that the Uarbor Polica boat bad arrived at in, and thaitboir preaenca might be moraenlarlly oxpeotad. truth of ibio rtport wae quiokly proved, u very loon a g body of tbe bine ooala wore aeon deacondlng Uio bUL A ul atampndo cnaued, alike among the carrlagea and pf4ea- I, and II waa an amnalng eight to witnou the fnntio effort* I to escape from the pursuit of tbe dreaded offlcon of the The latter, however, mido no arreata, their Initrucllona t ncn-ly lii priTi.nt tbe dgbt taking plaoo. Porcelrlng llila, >m of Ihe runaway* apeodlly aniialded, and they gradually ncd to the anot. Tho elakca of Ihe ring, however, were re* Id, and at [aat, after a long and voxatloni delay, finding mu not ibo allgblctt poiilblo ohanca of the fight coming u llio polico aiinuunced their Intention of fullowlog the rwliorevrr tbey went, a return totheolty wuapfeedupon, I nit-etlug of tbe baoken apiiolnled to arrange another time Haco. nnilogly, Phil Clara, on Ihe part of Dunn, and one of EU|. I»clien loat, and Uuil'a Feriy wu (ha place, and Wnltieaday ilug iMtaeuo tho houra of 6 and 7 o'ulook, thu tine appoliitod be aecond roootlDg of the men. All night long, carrlagea paa«lug nvor the uaoal and UarcUy atreet ferrica to llolw- n iWe for tlio battle ground. No attonpl wu made by the Kclllra toulop tlio drpariun of tlio crowd, probably owing «T lielng Ignorant of tbe oontemplated mill. On arriving Kniiwken, we found the hotel of the Jovial and good hu- ll Ed. Wilaou crowdnl with thinly wayfann, wboae'wanta Uling bu>t waa actively engaged In aupplylng. Boln- u na ibat Ouoii and l^btl Olani wen on tbe ground, having all nlMUtai UoDni.y'a Uoiel, al UuU'a Ferry. Proceeding a or two up ttia river, wa reached Hooney^a, where aome ■even Hundred poople were aaaembled, ohalting over Ihe hlen>iul|of tbe coming light, and backlog thrlr opinion any amount of nrwnbacka. One yoaog feUow wu w- ly unaplcunm by bla bowlful offera (o bet oii Dnnn, and hacking down when coppered. One chap at Alt dropped ,><°'<!',°8 <><<n to taU bel, obliged him to alaho a ■. paving thua niade an Inveatment, he thought bluaeir illy to roaunio hU Daley eiuroulon of oulniootbat BllloU 1 get licked, accompanying It wllh IniullTng luuuago with 110 tho lalier. Ouuof Biitotfa trleoda took un the matter I cbjd Into hlro riglil and loll, and So lut wo uwToS 'log frlcml, waa lito wandering amid lha crowd, Inoutr- inyone had aoen hla gold Wftoh laving nrennd on iho a. It having myalenouklydlaippeerea In the lorlmniago, g only a portion of the broken guard In hla noaaoeilon r a long wilt. It waa aacaitalned tliat BUloU bad not ar. bat waa on tbe Now York aldo tho river. A boat wae aent J^li'".:."^ •'"""B Ureaome delay which eniued, Kna of lluilaon i^unty arrived, and announcrd Ibkt ho und, by tho dutlea of bla ollloa, to atop Uio fight. Aa ir, ho waa unaccompanied hy any ono, no nuiloo waa >fhlathreaL Al Ihia Junotnn, BllloU wuaeencoralng tiio river In a rnjall row boat, and an Imnedlalo move In ^whi-raUia ring waa iillcbed onaued. Tula waa a kivel itlie bolglila wliicli fringe tho noble Iludion, and waa ad- Mdapird for (haporiioae, Boib man wcreaooB on the 'Unit bi'liig tlio Oral toahyhla rap Inlo Ihe arena at In •aid, Dnnn quloklt following ault. Both wen received mniMiae aherring by thoir reapacllve frieoda. Itarnoy Ud Jimmy Unrroll aocondad Elliott, whUo FbllOUrn and rneomolatoil for Uunu, Jolinoy Oalvln, hie tnlner, bring oklor. Jem OiddiiiKu wu unpira for th« Uat menlioneit. Illy for Mliolt Home time wu ainnt In ohooxlna a John Uwr«iic« waa agreed upon, hHl poalllvcly refilled pt the oneroua and unthankful oBw. At laet, Capt irtoii (Orow) wu named by Baraar Aaron, and agreed to Claroi bat before he would agiM io act, ha reouired an m f^boUi lattMtbat tuoytnr* aallaled mih Ua blood, bnt napping a Keavr rtbbar In return. After aome good eachangeaat long ahola, they oloacd, and Dunn fought Elliott down, amid Ihe moat nproarone cheering from hla patty. Flm blood for EUloU wu clalmad and aUowed. „. , , , 8. Afuraoraoaklrmlahlng. EUlott got In heavlly on the Injured eye. nearly olodng the ahutton. Dunn wu not Idle, bnt ad. mlDlatand a warm rib-router In return. Alter aomo exchasgea, tbey clinched and pegged awar merrily. Elliott being eapectally at homo at In.agbttng, In the end, Elliott want down on hla kneel. Immenia cheering from both eldu of the ring, and oOare to bol tlOO (0tW on Elllolt. <. Tbey feinted for aome Umo, al laat Elliott daahod In and de- livered bla left twlco In aucccaalnn on the face, wbDa Dnnn r»- Egated bla heavy hitllog on the body. Clcalsg, they fibbed away I good atylcliat at laat Dunn wu thrown, t. The facial appearance of neither man wu much Improved bytheother'a handiwork. Elllott'a eye wu nearly cloacd and bla fonbead awoUen, while one of Dnnn'a poepen had adnpled tbe early oloalng movement. After aparriog aome Ume. Dunn led off, but Ellloti Jumped back; amid drlu of ■'Oo In, Ellloltl" he came up again, and mihing In, wu met with a iromondoua right-bander on Iheriba, bnt gelling home effccUvdy twice on tho face. Some merry exchangea follo'.ved, both men boing oc- 'iulODillyontof dlalauce. In the cloae, Elliott thnwblaoan cleveriy, amid tnmendoni cheering, and offcn to bctJlOO to t<0 on hla winning. t. Doth men bad evidently Ihelr orden to adopt tho cantlona ayatem of tacUca, u neither acemed willing to ounmo Ibe offen< alve. At lengib, Dnnn, finding bla opponent would not begin, lid off. bnt mined. Breaking ground, they met again, and El- liott tried hla left bnt wu abort, and Dnnn coontered him on Ibe noulb, receiving a hot 'on on tho cheek. In the end Dunn floored tola aniagonlat with a Inuendnoa body hit. Id the Ul- ter'i own comer. Gteat ehaeriog ttom the Brooklyn dlvlalon. 7. The caU of •■time" wu promptly anawercd by both, and again they eparred together, neither willing to lake tne Initiative. Tired, at lut, Dunn led off, but wu neatly atopped- Elliott tried to work round to the higher gronnd, but Dunn wu not to be had. At lengUi lha latter tried agahi, bnt waa abort, and Elllolt cooilcred bfln wllh a one-two on tbe face, napphig a rib-router In telnn. Soma aharp axobangu then followed, and Elllolt got down, anal cheering ftom both corner*. 8. Up to thIa time, there wu but Utile difference Io Ihe amount ofpunuhment received, and although EUloU'a frienda, havio] the longoat pnraea, offered odda on nil winning, yet In reality I wu an even thing. Dnnn tried hla left, but wu cleverly ■topped. Heavy txchangea on tbe dial and body followed, and after a panic, they mot again In Ihe centro of tho ring Io renew their mutual bluing. Arlut EUlott dropped, receiving, u be did lO. a amart upper cut Hla aeconde appealed, ou tbe ground that Dunn bit bIm while be wu on the ground, bnt tbe claim wu not allowed. 0. Both came op u atnng u avir. Elliott led off, bnt mtaaed bll man. Here Barney Aardn, hla aecond, appealed to the ref- eree, that Duim had aometblog In bla handa. He opened Iben at the referee'e command, but nothing wu found In ther% Donn (allowed EUlott Into hli own comer, naUed bin buvlly «n Iho mark, but wu aent to gtau by a finely deUvered abot on the left eye. EllloU tlock up to «100 to $00, and hla frianda aan. gnlna of victory. 10. Conalderable aparrlng, BDlott allll fighting ahy and can- tloui, and canalng tho Duuu parly to expreM loiuUy Ihrlr opin- ion Ibat bo wu gotttfig enough of It. On the other hand, EUtoU'i Irionda ahowed (heir confldenco by offering to bat ,odd8 he would win. He, however, conld not be Indncad to come out of bla own comer, to which ho ntroatod whenever Dunn fol. lowed him. The lalter got homo on the fkoo lightly, and EllloU miaalog tho former got down. 11. Elliott opened Ibo ball bnt wu pntUly atopped. Hon ■parrtog, apiiarontly to gain Uma. Dunn al lengib planked a hot 'un on tbe ttha, bnt EUlolt cleverly countered on Ibe neck. Tke latter then bored In, and wu met with a atralght lef l-bander on the mouth. Some good exobangea followed, ElUott on tho faco, while Dunn'a body hitting aeomed to be apparently affecUva. In the clow Ullott wentdQwn. M and lent A long Ume wu apent In aparrlns, bolh evldenlly ander "waiting orden" from tiielr aeconda. Dnnn at lut got home a amidung rigbt-handet on Ihe riba, and Jumping back, avoided the nluro. Uora time wuted In iparring, Dunn point, tngtolheacmtohand oalUng on Elliott to meet him at II, and not koep In hla own comer. FoUowIng blm up, he again duhed lo bia right beavUy on the riba and ntroated. Again more apar- ring, >3UuU nuhing In and Dunn ntreatlng. Meetmg again, tho BrookIjQ youth unt In a one, two, fair and atralght oo the dial, dnwlng tbo clant freely,and wu away before KUIott oonid return. The aamo routine of mutual feinting and retreating foUowed,Dtinn again calling EllloU to the icralob, but IneffectnaUy. Tired of Ihia walUng game, Dunn went to bla man, and aome good fight- In the war now going on; there arc many alin In thannkaof lha Union army, awtating to defend the alara and atripu, and to keep neanaUon. Fight la now tho word everywhenKand why ehosld Ibo FrlioKlng bo tabooed? It aulaU to lofoM courage Into a mas, and wo know that aome of onr puglllaUo frianda have been of material aervico In the army, In being unt on eipedltloni, tbe obJecU of which reinlrcd daring aplriU to axeoula. \niy, Iben, proeocule men for being apeclaton of ■ harmleu mill, is which so wwposa wen saod bnt thow pro- vided by oatore-for mas'a defence. Let onr Jeney frlesda b* laslest Is three war tlmu. Tu« ircmao Cotoaa.—Attbo Whilo noun, lOd Grand atraat, a hoatelrle of which that prince of good feUowa, Tom McCoy, la tho prcildlng aplrit, an (o bo aeon aome Interoaling mementoea of tbo American prlio ring. Most prominent In lla aaaoclallona an Iba IdonUcal colon (rod, while, and bine alUi) won by John HSrrUaey In lila memorable contoat wlUi tho Deiilobt Dor at Long Point, Cauada, Oct 20, IBtS. The emorald gnen colore under wliloh lha preaont champion of America, Joo Oobnm, fought aid wbloh wen tied to the lUka, an auo ben. pro- tented lo Die woHhy boat by Mr. WlUlam Mulligan. Tbe colore which Cobnm'e clever aecond, Hen WlnkI^ alao had aronnd blm, a preaent.ftom tbo akIUul miner to lha popular landlord. To aU who laka an Intereat In each Ihlsgi, wa would wy, pay a vlalt lo the Wblto Honl^ Is Onsd abeet. New Toik. Alt. Wauxa ax Hon.—At the Oohora asd UoCoole fighl, at Charlutown, Iho weak before lut wa wan glad to meat and abake handa with the renowned UlUe Bngllah boxor. Air. Talker, the only conqneror of tbe accompUabad Joe Holloa, bellor known to the votarlu of Flatlana u "The Spider." Al£ hu been for Ihe put two yun Bghttng Itae balUu of hla adopted country. He li now kuplng • Uqaor aaloon In FhUadelpnla. Fioirr-rAU.—Ulan bu baan, and la allU, a gnat deal of '■fight- talk" among tho bova, and nutohu of aU aorta and ilxaa aeem lo be brewing; bnt nntUaBanehaffaln Can boamnged and oar. rled out orderly, and acoordlng to a atrlct oonitractlon of the rulri, the len laid about them Ihe hollar. It appcan to ua that the pngUlata and backcn of pnglUali an oonlroUed, to a certain extent by partlea who go to the tingalde, for tho purpoaaof winning a fight by a wrangle. It neeeaury. Thua .— .. _ .. . . jj,p,|„ jijg^ BILLIABDS. lug enauud, tbo eichaugw being heavy and eqtU on both eldea, lu tho raUy, EllloU preaaed Doun on to tho »pea, which bid become looee and alackoned, caualog blm lo f^l over Ihom. lo Ihia iioililon EUlolt altnok him roveral tlmu In the face, when bla aeconda claimed the fight on the ground of "fonl," alleging that DubD waa on (ho ground when ihiia hit The nferco do- cldod that ElUoU had loat the flghl, and that Dunn wu the vlo- tor. The Umo wu exactly 90 minutca, A uene of tho greattfat diaorder and confUalon followed the announoomeni(uf Ihe tetorta'a deolelou; EUlutt'a party main talucd thai Duun wu not on the gronnd but lying on the ropea, which prevented hie going down. Tllh Ihia, however, wo baro nothing to do, aa tbe deolalon of Iho refene muat bo accepted u cobcluilvf. Ue wu muttully aelcoted, and both partlea agreed to be bonud by bla declalon, and hUi high, liononble character u a aportlng man givca weight (o (bo corKO(neu of bll (ledalon. Uov theflght woiUd have tennlnab-d, but for tbla affair, we will not uuderiake lo aay Up to tbbi point It wna a vrry oven contcat neither having any decided adrantago over Ibe other. Elllolt clalmi that he bad Ihinn "dead licked," hut hla unwllllngiieu to oomo out and fight hta man doe a not look u If thU wu the caae. Ho bu made a wonderful Impnve- »ent In bla atyle of fighting ainco ko met Clark and Winkle, id bull fair to obtain a prominent pwdtlon In tho ring. Dunn, although a novico, fought wllh the ooolneea of a vnlrran boxer. Hole a good two handed Ogbter, atralght and quick In hla de- liverlea, and u gome a man u over pulled hla ahirt off In the ring, \flih a Ullla mon experience, bo will prove a noat dangcrouH antiguulatib anyoDOWbomay fancy him. Tbrongb. out Ihe flghl he aeled with coolneu, Jnogmaut and manly atralghtforward conduct that redounded greatly to hla honor. lUturalng homo, Ibe Joraey police woro fonnd In forca on Ibe qu(r(K atUohokon fiiriv, arreallngno leu than aavenly.fivo parilea on auaplolon of having boon prtacut at the Oght The prinolpala and aeconda avoided capture, by oroaalng tbe river at Wf tbawken In amaU boala. 0< tho partlea caplured, about twenty managed loglve aecurityin the anm ol tOOO eachto aoawer, while the nnluoky osoa up Utely to tcmalo lucarcenkd for a pralracted period. Tho backer of lIUoU larved a soUeo on Ihe atakehoIdar,.pro- tcallng agalnal tho ilakca being given up lo Dunn, That ofllclal nbnqutndy ncelvi-d THE BEFEBEB'S DEOIBION, My dcelalon In Ue fight between Duun and ElllolV la, that Dunn won the fight In oouaequenoo of • fonl blow on tho part of MIOQAU, NOBTOH. May ICIb, 1863. t Tbe alakoholder will at onco glvo no Iho alakoa to Dunn, on reoalvlng a ullifaotury guannloa agalnat any cUlm on (he part of Ellloti, Wo aro glad to nndonland, however, that (ho backer and friends of EUlolt will abide by lha rolene'a doolalon, and let tho matter end, IH Tin HAMsa or tbe PinLunin«.-mwlng to Ihe pnbllclty given by ouUldcn to the ("role of the recent mill between Dnnn and Klltolt the poliro autliorUlea of tho tieUhlnring Slate of Mew JeiBoy wereenabled to pet track of tho belligrnnia, aud al- though tho fight wu pernilttod to lako placo un Jeney aoll, wllhuut roaglaterlal Interference, quite a number of arroila were made ere Ibe party roiohed the ferry at Kobohon. Thoae arraited wure aprcuion of the mill, lha principal! and aocondi ■uooeodlng In eluding Iho Tigllauce of the Joraey oOlclala. Our iielglibonln the Sandy Blalo are a lilt a too aeven on New Vork- en upon whom they lay tholt clutohea. Surely thiiro la no great offonco committed in loohlog al an oxblbltion of Ihe manly irt of Beir.dffcneo, and wo do not know Ihateron tbe Jeraey atithorilleii wonld moleat tho parllu, IIII were not fur Uie dlacordant ule- m ° "1"oblrvde themaelvra upon Ihe Priia ning, and ahow how bewUy tbey can act Wo b.llove Uio par. V™rr?l^«''".""J'"' '■»«' ganwally been adulUed lo ball lo "5. Soma of our pngUUIa, and a number of anpporton of pdgUlim, hara amed toaircmmtiT partlea Intlmldato aU well-dlapoaed patrona of and bring everybody connected with ft Into bad odor. It la lib wonder that the aulhoritlea are oompelled to take cognlxanco of ring oonteata, and lua their efforia to prevent them from taking place. Propcriy con;,acted, we do not believe the P. B. would meet with tho oppoilUon It no* dou In tbla coimtry. DaLT ixn Obibsii>.-4o the Klh Inat, wa received by Iho handa of a friend, from Callfomla, a fina pbolograpb of Polo Daly (who recently fought Johnny Lacana.) and hla aeeond, Harry Oribbln. Daly la In ring ooatome, and In alUlude, while Qribbln la lu hla comer, on ono knee. Daly'a lltonea la uld to bo moal eioeUent whUe Oribbhi'a wa Iwu lo be lo. It la a ro- aUy good plotara, weU dealgned, and beantlfuUy axeonlad. TfiB CBAHPioir.—By refnrenco (0 a notice elaawhen. It wilt he aeen that Jo« (Minm hu already been challenged for another conteat Ellloti, who hut week fought Dunn, bemg tho party lo meet Ihe champion. The offer aecma (o be nude in goodlallb, and Cobnrn will have lo reapond, or ntlro from Ihe field. McCooLB.—Mike Hclkiole hu bean keeping lomewbat qnlot alnco bla recent meeting with Cobsrs, and alttaongb he la atop. ping In tbe vIoUilty of tbla city, wa do not know that any ar- rangementa have u yet bean made, for giving lilm a bosaflt Tbe FnooBEna.— Joo Cobun la aahl to have raalleed about Ihrea hundred doUan from hla two ovenlngB lul week at lha New Sowery Theatn. Mnaolo dooa It Ikouii Olsbb ami tbeib Uaxa.—We are glad lo laam that the Indian Club la fut coming Into public favor u a meana of exer- clM,eondnalsg,aaltdoea, (oageneral development and ati«ig(b- eslng of the phyalcal ayitom. Mr. B. S. Sehoe, Ihe prlidpal manufacturer of Indhm Clnba In tbla country, la now u tho re- ceipt of ordtn from all aecllona, and he la flUIng them op la npldly aa poialbla. Mr. Eehoe made the eloba wbloh Oo- bura eitrelard with while training fol hla lata fight wllh Mo. Cook, and which were ao highly apoken ot by lha champion. Orden addroaaed to a D. Xeboo, Beven Hoiiu, New York, or Poat OIBco, N. T., win ncolve Inusedlalo atlenllos. AaoniBn Fiobt.— To-day, May 10, la Ihe time fixed for a flallo contaat between Con Onm, ot Colorado, and Owney Oeoghegan, of tbla city, for. It la aald, |3S0 a aldo. Then doea not appear to be moon Inlercit atlwhed to the event bnt lUUe having bun burd of the parllu alnco Iba match wu made. It la given out that tbe fight li to take place wKhIn fifty milea ot New Tork, and that It may lake a trip by watar to reach the aalected apot Will Havz tbe CurPBa.—It la an undeniable Cut, that noU wllbatauding Ihe dally aud weekly papen generaUy reported lha late fight between Cobum and MoCooIe, the people wen not uUified unlU they pcraaed tbo Cupna'a report And ao It la, alwaya. The Ouprsn'a nporLa an retained for future roferenoe, and aent to all parte of Ihe wofld, while tbe reporia In other papera an merely glaueod at and then (brown ulde. At Jaci Batb ud Nobbt OLinE'a exhibition, which we have already i.oUcad u to lake place at lha American Theain, San Franclioo, Ctl., on April Mtb, Wm. Clakt, Harry Laianu, Joo Wlnrow, Harry Oribblo, Peter Daley, Johnny Lazaraa, Denny Healoy, Tom Bowrlght and Billr Dwyar, were to appear and aat- to, and Johnny Lasaroa and Jacfc Batli ware to giro the wlnd-np, OWD OxooBBOui'a Bzinnr.—Tbla popular boxer, wboae Baht with Oon Onm la fixed fttr thla day, took a besett on Tbuiaday eveslng, Ihe Mtblnat, atahaU InFlntATanne. It wu a highly auccoaalul affair, the place babig onwdod, and lha aparrlng fint nte- Tbe wlnd-np wu belweon Oeoghegan ud bla ohl aniagonlat the davei Ed. Toohsy, and vru a rioh treat lo Ihe lovera ot good aparrlng, JoBHKT LiiiBoa' O>L0Bt.—Dropplsg Into Ie^ lazaroa' boa- («lrie, In Centre atreet on tho ITis, we foiud the Falalafllan boat In a elate ot high gratification, and aoon aacertalned the canaa. HebadJnatreeefvedapackigefMmCaUfomla,contaln- lug hla eon Johitoy'a colon, figoling ahou, ato., wom In hla lata fight for the champlonahip ot light walghla lo that Slate. A aplendld photognph of Johnny, In lug coetune, with hla aeconda, Joo Wlniow and Tim Macarty,lh poalUon,aocompuled Iho above named momcntoa ot the light MiTcnxD.—/ a be seen from onr report of Oohsra's exhl- billon, UiUy W ."la, allu "Punob," of Boaton, la malobed agalnil Mike Doriay, for IMO a aide. Horrla la ths aame party who fought BUly Donnelly, lo Boaton, a abort Ume ago, Itae utter proving the victor. Ue la a aturdy, alrong.lmUt yonag tallow, and although porbapa not ao aclantlfio a boxer u Doitay, Is atld to be a regular glntton In reoalvlng pnnlahmant Eabbv BoBOEca di'tbe Oin.—Thla waU known Eogllah pogl- Hat who longht and defeated Jem Clark, of Liverpool, (an old opponent of lurry Oribbln'a) and Pataey Marley, the former In 9Lroundp, CO mln., and Ihelattor In 01 nunda and 81 min., la now In tbla city, andapxloua tor ajob Hla height la abontlft 6ln., and bla fighting weight In the nelgbtxirtaood ot 148 lha. Tlicn aro aome mmon of hla wUUogneu to fight the Champion, provided ho can find backen; If ao, he can bo accommodated, u a reforonce to a carl Irom Mr. Cobum, In another oolnmn, will prove. A ConoHXB FOB DONioLLT.—In a communication dated Hay etb, from Oamp Weil, sear Wllllamibnrgh, Va., "Boldlcr Boy," of Co. U, ISOih N. T. Vola., uya ha wonhl like to take up BlUy Donnelly'! challenge to fight any man In lha United Blatoa al 113 Iba. for 1100 0 aide, or upwarda, providing be (Donnelly) will go to Tlrglula to fight and will aend the flnt Initilment of thoalakcalo thoOurrsBu aoon u be leans that Donnelly agroca thereto. THE ODAMPION'S aPADniNQ EXHIDITtOK. Ar TBI Onr AasEUSLT Booui^ Bnoanwar. Tho iparring exhibition for ths benefitoftha victor In (he late flgbl fur Oil Ouamploniblp ot America, came off on Friday ove- bing, the Klh Uiat, at tho City Aaaembly Boomi, on Broadway. Tbe attondancowaa large, at laut eight hundred persona, the majority belonging to Ibe higher daaua ot aoclety, being prea- ont Indeed we aoarcely recolleot ever attending a aparnog ax- lilbltlon where ao large a number of Inflnentlal and rupectable peuplo were pneont; Ihe deain (o aea Ihe boxer who had ao gid* UrUy dcfoalod the giganllo Voatem chafflplon being, ot eoans, (he adracting powrr. Tbe alage wu erected on Ihe eutern ilda ot Ibe hiU, Immedlatsly oppoalls the aniranca doon. The flnt wu between Jim Buraa and another, and wu a aplriled affair, neither dlaulaylng any sxtnordlnaiy lolenoe. Jim Han* ley and UorrlJ, ot Boaton (beUsr knows u "Ponch," and who la malobed to fight UUte Doney, for |M0, a aide In tho couru ot Ul xt month), foUowcd, and mado a capital aet-to. Jtrry UonkUn aud Flla, of Fiovldenca, bad a merry bo\A l«gslher, loma rat- tllog hlla being oichasged beforo thay retired, and gave way to Uike Cobnra mi Ultto iSorsay. This proved (bbesink rata and very-—* ■ - asd< TlUg OHAKD NATIONAL BILLIARD TOUnNAUKNX WIU. TUB rUOS AT • IRTHa BALL, Oomir of Flflsastb etnel and Irving Flios, Haw Totk, comagona , _ MONDAY, JUHB lar. ie«S. The following playen bars antarad, ud win sosleBd for lh> prtitaudthe ,„ • 0HAMPI0H9HIP CP AMERICA. MIOnAEI, FOLBT, of Olsveland) TIEMAN, ot OlBclastUi SEERElTElt of Dilroll: - FOX. of Roeheilar; B8TEPUE, ot PbUidalpiiU: DEEBT, of Waahbigtns; NELMB, otPhUadalphia: • EATANAOH, ot Now Tork;' _ _ OOLbTllWAITB, ot New York. The Tnorsamest wlU oouUnus tor about tan days. Xaeh play.- . or will play a aame ot five handrad pobita np, oarains, with tteh of the other playen, and Ihowtmercf Ihe grsatsatsnmberot games lo bo (he winner ot ttt Ihe prises; s iplindld Inlaid, foni. pocket DlllUrd Table, Phelaa It OoUandar'a patsnt, udnaailfr cant gold monntsd One, Uu cmblenof Ohamplosablph Elevalod aaala wUl bo ertclsd Is ^nlt LSOO spseUlon,. ao that all casaaa ths ptar. ^ -i A charge of M oenta wlU be made for each admission to eovst expenses t lbs sorplus, U any, will bo dlaMbutad u mOeaga to players coming from a dliUnca, or otlisrwlu dlaposad of u lbs conteataoU may datsrmhis. ' Tickets wUlbs on salo at tbe prlselpsl BQUard Booms, and At- the door of ths Hall. t-Jta IirTtnEsriBO Bnxiann MaioB tit Bostdh ^A.bUUard maleta ot oonatdorebla local Interest wu plsred at Essex Hall,eonar at Eiaoi and Wuhloglon sireeta, Doston, on the svanlns of Wednesday, May IS, belwsen two smaleun ot rspnhtlon In Ihst oily, namM napeotlvely, Robert Wllmar and Malvin Fnstsr. The cosdillons were. Isplar 1000 polnta op.lhe'fnU Bamsln* eluding oamma and pockets, on one of Phslan'a celebntsd lablea, for t'MI a aUa <)alla s numerona asd Inflaentlal coB|r»- gallon wu preaent to wltneu tbe conlcil, and at eight o'doek, P.M., aU prellmlnariea having bean sdjnitad, the playen sp> proachod the table for play. Obarlsa O. Oodfny wu nmplrs for wllmar, Wm. ManbaU for Foalori whDo ths oalebntsd yonng blUlard knight Sir Wm. Ooldlhwalta, wu mntnally oboaen u nferer, and Wm. Tobin, of tbe Parksr Donss Billiard Booio, olllclatad u game keeper. On oommeneing, Foster ioon galssa the lead, turning Ihe fint hnndred on hla eevsnlh Innings by » ton of 81 aome fifty points la sdrsncs. Ha wu soon over. banled, however, by Wllmar.who, by aavaralpnity runs, tnnsd. the aecond hundred flnt by abont twen^.ftva points. On hla Iweoty.firat Innings, Foalcr again went to ths (rant, ud sl> Ibough at tlmea doaely poraaid by hla Intrapid opponent kept then tiU the cloeo of the game, findly winning, alter a oonliat of thivs hosn ud twenty- five mlnntei, by 170 points. WQnsv la looked upon u a more brilllul player than Foalar, the lat- tor'a/orie being annlng. by v^Ich meani bo mads bis UgbMt couols, Ibe hlgboat by bin, it well u ot tbe match, balng 1IM> The defeated man wu uiloni to make another mateh, bntws beUevollbu not yet bean oonaummalsd. Appended Is a oar> r«ct table of consta>- WJLKiB. jAof.OuRf.ntsL 7 , 91 88 W . 48 , «« 78 1.. 7.. 9..14., 8..ig... 4.. 3>.. 8.. 0*.. 8..n... 7.. »... 8.... 8a 0.. Ot... 83 ]O..!n.,..106 u..i««...m It..96....147 13.. 0....147 14.. 0....1I7 IS..48....183' 10..lot...903 W...! St...919 0*...9I1 1).. 0....3I8 90..90....935 91.. 3....937 99.. 0«...93T 93..10....94T 91..84....981 99.. 0.. 90.. 0.. 97.. a.. 98.. 31. 98:. 0». 30.. 9: goaiiiL CmnJ, lUal , 3 , 3 . 30 . 40 . 43 . 43 .194 .134 a....l37 4....181 0....133 . 9....I84 13....148 8....183 11....173 8.. 0.. 88... 9a., 0«., Bit...: 0»... 0*., n... St., 9«... M. 176 .104 .188 .917 917 .984 .384 .187 .990 .380 ,.9M 31..41....840 WIUUB. nc(.aninl.]|y«L a..}.m Ot...8l4 98....870 Zl..r8«3 8....401 O....409 10....411 47....481 68....813 4l..37t...0«0 41..39... 43.. 0.. 44.. v.. 48..84t. Onntmsi; - 3a...m V...1M 8....40« O....40< l«a, 108., 18.'. oa, 38.. .438 .848 .181 48.. 0. 47..11.. 48..18.. 4«..8<,. 80..IB.. 81..18.. 81.. 8.. 83..30., 81.. 6., 88.. a. 08.. 0. 87.. 8. 88..1t. 81.. 9. 60.. 0. 81.. 0. 84....961 8....908 0....98S Ot...MS 84....918 18....813 J4....8M 3....881 88....371 10....888 l....S»0 •Ula-1 forfeit tPookot oil (he wUts-l tortut ttasrsd-tforfslt Al lbs clossot Ihe above Dslch.sgaBis ot 110 points wta played between the winner and Ooldthwills, by way of additional entartalnment ot Ihe apsetalon, whlcb leanllad In svtstoiy tor. Foatsr by 87 points, Ooidthwalta avUwUy not playlsg his brat. 1671 .|87» .881 .616 .618 ..617 ..846 ..711 ..791 ..711 ..781 ..781 ..788 ..710 ..700 ..706 ..810 ..891 ..891 ..611 681 . m- 810- est 18.. 30.. oa. 0.. 18.. 84.. 80.. 88.. 0.. 3.. If::: o....Ma 38....1M 38...100O tPooketcff .8M .eis .ua ..8W ,.7gs ..710' ..m. ao« W8 n« very eouit contoit Doney being a clever two-buded apamr, Jadmnuraaoomlng lo poaaeuslargeporUon of bla broihor oo'a ikiU In Ihe uie ot tho glovee, ea well u being ■ vary flaa, tffeollvo wrcailor; throwing Sotsey al the does of nearly every round. OoigTove ud Reed (s( leut, ws think that la Ihe name, but Iho Indlallnot sonouncemenia of OU Tovee, who acted u Muter of Cenmonlu, renden ua unoerlain ot mIob comet) followed, ud by Ihelr nneolentlfih ud awkwaM allempla at sparring cauaed a deal of amuaemest The next ael.lo between (lharley Walker ud Abramt wu axcoUist the laltar hllUng finely and itopplng noaily aud cleverly, Ahrama, Indeed, la ono of our moatproinlalugiparren, ud bidatalrto take bla plabo among Ihe beat we have. Daroey Aaron and Johnny Bweslmu wcro Ihe next and, u might-have been utiolpatad, gave a alilklpg Ulualratlon of the beautica ot Ihe aYt of aalf-defenco. At lla ttnulnatlon, Tovee announced on behalf of Aaron that he waa prepared to make n miloh lo fight ur man In ths worhl for IIOUO, al llSlba. to llUhs. wdght Thla bold annonnocmentwu recoivcilwlth great cheering. Tbe wind up bolwoea Ihe bene- ficlaro, Joo Cobum, and laayliuama followed. Itwuaxpeotod Ibat Crow a-ould a»t-(o with him, but ilckncuprevented blm from being prennt Of coune, Iba aet-lo wu very amualog and pro- vocallvoot linmcnaa laughter. OldTpvee, on behalf of Jo^ to- tamed lliaota lo (hoae preaent for Ihdrpalronage, The gnateat decorain prevailed thnughost Job OoBUBM'a PaoTDOBarii ou be prooitei of W. O. Wemyu, No. 878 llroadway. fhr 98 outa. Everybody wuls one of 'sni. Boa advetUsemenk. TBomRo IB Oi!uoi.~A trot for m took place at Brsnlfoid, Osnada Weat on Ihe Olh Init, belweu Alex. Anhar'e bay mate. Jenny Und, ud J. Walaon'a bay mars, BpllOreL Jsany Llnd cams In about a laogtta ahead, winning Uia racs, osa aula, ui 3!W. VOHBIOH BFORTina ITBH* Iff BBIBF. THE UAOB AND OOBS FIGHT. . On Wedneaday, April 3S,'(hstswusvsrTlanraBsst<> ittb^ right lort at Mr, Tnpper'a, to wHnaas the ataklng of 11.1 ilxlh- deposit between Macs snd Oiu, for Ihelr grsat nuiieh t<- r Sl.OOO.. Mace had to pool £30, making X160 down for hlBi, ud Jos 0«»- had to pot down £90. making bis itaklos up to asonni l^yUTO. The depoalt wu diily made, ud uolher dspodt,.i)t slmUar amonnia, hu to boalaked In • nsntb'a line, at a nosH to bi»' simadbyMaoa. JosOou hsd premlasd to bs preunt ablb-c- depoalt bnt In oonaequuos of lha Ulnsu ot Us *uh, hs wu-nu- able to attud. ExousB PcaaiiTia ImB.—Onr coircspondsnt jfTfld»- Awake," now In Liverpool, wjs:—"Then are mora Amaricass hen St preaut thu wu ever known before, aAd tha cry (a sluy * they come. The pngllUllo excllenuntlsvarynsat herstoob.- ormlng (he Heenu snd King match. Tlie belling at pressnt la- all In favor of Heenu,bntltwlll beacoopleof mpsllia bottem- then can be much apoonlaHen on lha anhjeot, aa belh men aio- sUll on their travels Bob Travis 0vea u sxtalb^Uon here on - Ihe 8tb of Hay, when be will bs aaalatsd by Paliy Rsardos ud boat of aparrlng Ident Bob Is lo flihtJImDlllos for 1910 » dde, on toe Ills of Angnit Bob la getling old, ud lbs Natfc. WlU havs a lough cnatomerta dssl with this llmc.~—The^ moat esoltlsg affair at preaul ti the comlBg fight between Maoa udOou. The betting Is In ftverot Uses. Ihlsptomlaaatoha^ sgoodbaltla. A Biujuin MiTon for (9O0 was played In loodon, e»Jt]rj\P 30, between Meuia. Dallos ud Carver, tbo fhrmar glvlag udla of 300 pohita. It wu a does thing. Doflon winning uy tl* • points only; but It waa ttacngbl he did a UtUs'"throwing ofT," for which, ho was seventy reprlmudad by the pxsaa. ficrvs^ him right Tde Thjuies OBiMPiainBiT.—Molhlng farther of sots ha».< Iraniplred In regard lo thla aqaatio aveni, lo.lako place In Jnaa,- be(ween Oreen, ot Aoitralla, and Obamban, of NswoMlle,. Anolhsr depoalt of tW wu to luvo been mads, howsrar, a» May7. A BcsLuno ManB between Geo. Dnwllland Kom Boyal, for £100, wu lo come off on May 8, Dun or 1 "OEimEiuM" l>iDia.^Ur, H. EIwcs, s gcsUs, BUS rider on the Brlliah Toif, and swsoi ot Oalaloa, dlsd ob April 98, Is lbs 88lh year ot hli age. AuTOMaioii, buvlly backed tor ths DsrbT, bu bead "aeratohed," owlog, It la thonght lo u accident In sxsnlslsg. Linsr DETnuo ox ma Dzanr,—8 to t agalnat Lord Clltdeiiv offend; 8 to 1 agalnat Maccaraul, off.; 10 lo 1 agalnat Bacchanm- eUr,off.; Htolagalnat NaUoodGnard, taken ud oil; 18 (ol agaliut The OUJIo, off.; 90 to 1 agalnit naipedar/off. Litest Drrnxa ow tbs 0azi.-9 to 1 agdnal Lady Angnsis, off.; S lo J agalnat Flying Flab; ud 11 to 1 agalnat Fulall, taken. Fob tss Obisteb Cup, OaUer 0> ul SIradeUa are aeleoted by ■•Augur" u probabls^lnnen. Cnicnr Lxoiauinov.—Law QIT, which had be«s allsrcd by- Ihe Harylebons Club, nmdna "u you wen," becanu ot cer>. tain IsformdlUu In regard to said duration. 80, boya, mlsd your logi,unaad, Law > la to boatrlctlyufoTcedi 10, bowl- ers, bewaro, ud don't get your hud above year head. Mow. It - ws only had a good nmpin among as, llks Charley Tlnton, wbal dlautlafactlon ironld be anlded. OAnn FHOTOOHAPHa OF JOB CUDVRII,9S oSDls Met. Bent lo any addreai, en caoalpt ot prlos, by W> 0.. WBUTSS, 676 Broadway, N. F. RAHBERS wanted.—FIto 6rat dura workmen wanW ed at Ihe Bt CharlM Balr-drsaalng Sdoen, Bynciua, N. T.. None bntthe beat-need apply, Wagu 18 lo 111 per week. Addnai Inunedlately to nSNBY K. DATIB, 0-91* Doi 67, Biraonu P. 0., H. Y; ' GAnD PnOTOOIl^Pna—RIoh, Rwo and Racy.— A large variety. Beat pout paid lor 9B «nta aaob, by 6-ll« F. O. WA'noN, Naiua atnet New York.. OTEREOSCOPIO VIUWS and Carlos do VWte, lOOO' i~ dlO'onnt kinda. Bend far Catdogua, TIOIOB DELAPO«. p. 0. Vox SIM, New York. d-lt-k. GRM3 FOR GENTLEMEN.—Tb« Gayest LllcruT- Fuat Ihat ever ngdrd lha hnmu mind, with 80 lUnatra- tloni. Price 96 coole. OVID'S ABT OF IXIVB and Amorona WnrkaenUn. niualrated. lOcrnta. TBEXIRSEaOFBECDN* DUB ud DONNBFONB.wllh BPITHALXtnVH In fnlL Prlea 98 centa. Eltber of Itae above sent |ioil paid, on receipt of pries. Oaldosura of (lay Dooka udPtaolognphaafnIlnaealed envelop* «n reodpt ot i«d atamp, by F. 0. WATBON, ^ ' «-«» .VMBaasfeoot, New York.