New York Clipper (May 1863)

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62 KEW YORK CLIPPER. NEW YORK CLIPPER. BATDBDAT, MAT 30, 18C3. TO niBBOBiBni. AomnuBS, a»d w»"J;^ II n» ii»Ta ^mnrf ibo etwntUon of nma, tut una •T^oimMt lk«i b«i«n«r the Ourm wonwrb*, fm tti» Uie» son, »n4 to fc«UU»U IrailneM, w) Ihuttore •Mwia »lotoMtOe THE QAME OF CHESS. To IteUU IgnK, 4Kota ffltb of|oM .WM Baburlptlaa, va untm.U 00 Ohib of Eight w w ADTZBTHmaarn, U ooau iw Um for euh *ga «™t,I"- •Mttos; for <r.miUoiiollcM horn '^^SiS^SSi^S^ySS^ nw bTokli *r WmtlMBonU wta«n ptU for Ibrteor tlx SnmttiOitBwa to Imum »ttontlon to ttit Una Ibrttat wwk, ihouM TMCbH k; UoniiJ IttMt, or BirtiinUrlf poulble. - aOBB VRRT rULa TAIiK, So on* otD nod lbs foUowtog "DonmUbtd Ule." fom out tf onr coneapondenU In "Iha flaut ttnj on the pteoet," wllb- CQtaahudduof homr, and a IhrlUof Indlcsailon perradlog bla onllro balsg, that nob abwa eilat, and not matclT oilit. bnt aro irtskal at, and not manlj wlnkod at, bnt panduad to; naj.vortly.partWpatadtolixUioaa In aslborilr. No man can road tbU opw who baa not ths donbia rail of ooirapUon and tiaaoborj atlf'toipoaad npon tila beart and oonHluu, and not leal Ibat onr oomapondani U ipeaUng tba boneal worda of In- dignant patrloUan, to tebnka of Iho coniia of Intolerable «lek- odooaa now rampant at the baad qnarton of tbe atmj of daftat- ed UUtor nookor. DoobUeaa, It'a fw aaalor to vtiuy oqnala, ra- inoTo aabordkiAtf'> aanuie wllb boon companlona, and Ion tba powtr and fatUlUea of Mmmind Inb aganslea for panonal emolaraant, and iwlndllng tbe trmloi of tba Union ]nat attar ptf flay, than bird flgbUog to tba open flald to «blp anned and doapuato Il«b«la. No.ona can deny, for tbe ItUar lUolf btais unplo proof, that our correapondont knowa fall waU wtacraof be •mrmi. Wa im aant tbaae man to tba tald, and oolmated tbomirltb (bo Urea of onrdaatoat and our beat, to ratlora our Cnlon and Ibo genial (way of oar glorlona Oonilltatlon, by Ant OTcrcomlng, «llb «bat aarerlty may be naoaaaary, all armed op- poalllon, and tboa damonilrallng that iro wlablovo, andfra- tomlty, and equal rlgbto, and Ibe good eld goramment onr ta- tbora gare oa. Here la tba laltar, read and ponder:— ••Fbikkd QTJHH-KnowIng full woll tbat yenr motto la "Fair Tlay,' I wlali to any a fow vordi In rifard to a carlain nowipapar man In Mew Vork, and bla roaaona for making Dooker a great naDoral, and 'Lltlla Hac.' a poor one, I auppoaa you know full wolltliathalalntoroated In tba lala of wbat pasera are aant to Ibsamiy. Wa hare to boy raptra publlabed In wiabtogton, or HO without tbtm-papen tJuit are not lit to light a Are wllb. Wlion Mao. bad oommaad, be treated tbam all alike; It lUd not jnatlor to bim If locb or aucb a paper waa bla fMand or bla ape. nyihewaiforpurnlng one conne, and tbat waa to wblp bla nan boforo him, whiablia nlwaya did: but aince be baa bean ta- ken tnm ui, wa bare bad notblna bnt aaoond-olaaa butobeiadri- Vina mon Into alangbtor beuaaa, for Uio pnrpoie of having tbem nnrilnrcil. Ton oan go tbroogb Keamey'a old diTlalon at any tliDo (alltioogh E., when aUra, waa oppoiad to Uac,,) andaaktbe jnon what commandor lUay would like to have orer tkom, and tboy will tall you, Qaorga D. HcOlellan—ntocty out of eroiy Iinjjdrod go for Ifao. Keamey'i old dlilalon la now commandad a~ aon. Ulmer, and tbay aared Uie day upon the riKbt. We 0 uado a moonUgbt obarga, and drore aoma of the 131b Army Corpa out oC their iifla pit*. Tbe lllh, to retnm, opened a bal- tory on ui—ae you can form aoma Idea of the goneralablp of onr nioaisnt oommandora. And bare la anotoar awludllng ope- ration, which. It not aoon atoppcd, I think the oUcera of Use Army nf tba latonao will bacomo a nt of dmnkarda: the aforo- aaldiionapaprrmanlaalaolntareatod In thla apaouUUon. Ua Iiaa a aliiro 01' tbn rocalpla lakon lu at tbe head qnarter'a pur- veyor for Qeneral Hooker. Tboao vurreyora get ordera Iram tbo dllToroat eSloora, tndgonpto waabtostoa.and bring down two or three car loada of whlikoy, and when It cornea It doea sot lait twcnir-fonr bonri; and It would be a herd thtog to Und a Boher olllcer around that dlTlak>n. Theao purveyor! ban ITee (raniporlatloD on the mall boala and rail rood, and have army wagsni to draw It from tbo rail road Id tbair tenia; while ■ anllor, who la antlorlng for a regiment, baa to pay twenty doUara a day for a Touel to bring down bla gooda—and then bait the tlmo cannot get a permit for bla vooael. no haa alao to keep wagona, and eight or tan boraea alwaya on hand Furvoyora btiy wlitakoy In Waililnglon at about 30 or 40 ocnla n bflllli'. and aik three ilollara for It bore, and have no oinaneea. Kow you aee tbo roaaon why Ihlu oowapaper man tbtoka Uookar la anch a good general, and 'LllUe Hao,' anob a. poor one. Bpeakliig of MeClellao, be, Ibia acrlbbler, boa tbe aatoundlng ■elf uiuranoa to aiy:—'Wo ahall propoae a courae for Ibe gov- ornmoiil, und Iben hope to bo relloved from Ibe nocoaalty of pay. Ing any further aHanllon to blm.' Indeed 1 How long wlU aneb mon na that be allowe<) to go looae, who would, for doUart and coDla aoo the beat army on the face of too earth deatroyod, and our counlryrulnod forever I Outtboro la a day oomlng, wbon Iirlvatca will have a word to nay, and tboao Allby 'genUemen' imI liclter aland from under. "Near rotomao Oreok, Uay IS, '03. Pbitue. TO COBnABFOnDEBTS, "LT.J., Newark, N. J.—Evary Fawn reaching Ibe elabUi rank m^tni^i'ade a Qnoen-benee'lt to pbyaloally poaald. to nbu Vt at onoe, r(i.--tbe Q oonaorl, and one for eaob of lb* Pawna. luna Bbtoii, BgrnondvUlo, C. W.-A notice of yonrmatoh, and tbe abortor game, aball appear. MoaoDT, PhUad'a.—f'aear*.' de. By aU meani forward, and we will credit yon wllb tbat dllBcnlt aoluUon. Osia. A. OiLBESo.—Half a doian of tbe tieat will be yery a» oeplablo. BuTLZ'a Dims Cniaa Iii*nnjCTOB.-W«> are hlgbly grmUBed to annonnce a third and rovlaed edIBenof Ibia merltorlona UtUe treatlae. It la dlapUolng aU other cheap alemanluy worka on (be game, and weUlt mvi »ta aoMrior aalacUon of wbat la ai- oeUantand rallabla, only; llacarefdl avoidance of mare verbiage to the tort and of ioak and unaaMafactory varlattona to Ito lea- aona i Ito brllUiut gamea, each bavtog a point of well delned planancT about It; and aU coupled wlUi Ito aitraordlnuT obeap- nwa. rendarltlbani4tn«cumofObeaa anutonra. ByUaoii J. HaiiLTnn, &q., lime., pp. M. lOoenta, Forwarded poatpald from tbe OurriB effloe, on receipt of price. Hauo ox nx XnnDi,—Herr Lowentbal, to anawertog a oer- reapondent, baa dlcUted the followtog very pllby and very ang- geaUve paragraph :—"It waa, no donbl, a aonrca of great regret 10 many Ameilcan aaatenn (bet Ihe aitleto on lb* 'Pawn and more opentog,'coDtilbntod by Herr L. to the Amorloab Obeaa Oongreaa abonld have been pnbUahed to foreign netatton. It wu, certainly, alranga tkat tbe Editor of tba book of Ibe Ameri- can Oongreaa abonld have taken ao mneb Ironbla to tranalatlog bom the EngUab. To Herr L. IA<i mi a treat ilvmoMnat, -i having beatowad mnob time to lie preparation, lit arUcU, <n ill snKK/orm, <i iiflcrly ludm to Amaita» Chtu Amabm," Tbe llalSoIalng to onr own. Uanyrtnitolacanctaoflbatatoga- lar diacnaalon over the "Oerman KoUUon" to tbli country are awakened, and cemmonto anggaalod by tbe above. ■ ■ISBA He. ■89. from Bell'a Ufa to London. Bt PB. COMBIS BAVZa. * ^ S S fi ■tQB3, KM», KT, <3B«, Q 8, KKt4lh. 09, EEtaq, QDaq, EBS, QKtaq, QRS, XRT, ZJtti, ^ ' ^aDUckPawieatKSandQttb. milto to plv and give mato to five movea. FBOBLBK Ho. SBD, Tnm toe World'a Oongreaa Tonney, jti eziui a. wiuiua. BLACK. ISK Buics Oan BoLW—Kzw Toai, Uay (, 1IM3:—Vr, JUtitr.'—Salow yon will find a game to which toe "nurloally," wbleb appearttd to tbe laat OUPTZii would occnr. Ton will aee on awmlnaMon that tbe movea aro alike on oaoh aide. Black nut plar from 10 to IS for the lint move. I believe no other note wlUlntog abonttba podtlon, at leaat byanyklndof r»- apcetahlaplay. .10 to IB ANOTHER "VUIOB FROU TUB SEA TuiK Voice ISxruiHa the Onina Toics— It u rnrnEii Bicb THAT "IlaoHa Uowk"—Cutteb wma Laumcu—Cuallxnob TO Tns OAB— POTOilAC •vrjUJ BUSQUBBAimA. Our roadcra may remember In too CLirpxn of Jan, 2tto, nn- dor (lie capUon of "A Voice from tbe 8ea,"aome talk about i boat mce tbat didn't oome off hetwoen toe gallant ton of tbeae good anil rival voaaela. Allhougb vety tale In too day to revive tbo mnllor, under erdloary circumalanoea, we oan aympatbUo with our trava aallor lade "abut oa( from too world * on their weary round of blookado duty, and can beartUrJoto them to any congenial efforta to rallove Ihe tedium of tlielr long dare of watching. Tboy may all be euro wo gladly bear from them. The followlug la a little "aay" fjtr mum, from tbo Potomao— tbo fomicr waa the Buiiiuehanna view:— EoiTon Cuirrui:—Your correapondont from too D. S.Frlgato SuaiiuDhanoa, of aomo woeka aUico, baa ao for orentopped toe tnitli lu rof«r«nae to toe iMoklog down of too Vrlgato Polomao'a l)oya, that I doom It duo to (bom that a fair aUtement of the oaao ahould bo given. It aUnde u follovra:—The orew of each ■hip have a favulla boat on which Uay wlab to bet, and a cbal- longo hail been given by too Uuaquebannaa to match tbe rival Inala, which waa promptly accepted by Ihe Potomao'a boya, who very »illtoiily oliorod to raee toe Buaqnebannaa tor ttO, or npwanla. Our coiawaln went on board their ablp, armed with toe iiw'oaaary "groenbacka" (o make a aure tolag of It, but their coxRwntn ahoved an oolin diapoalllou to diaplay Ibe while foatour, and avoid bringing toe malter to an actual trial, VI- nally, our ooxawato ofTorvd to put up 11(0, to bo forfellod In ollhcr ahould back down, too raoo to toko place on the lint fair ^day, but to neltoor of toeao olaueoa would the Bueqobannaa agrco. The Potomaca then offarod (o race toem at any time, ■'for any auio they would namo—over 9£0~all of wbleb toey de- clined. It may be well to Inform you of the oharacler of too two tuMla In queatlon, for you will aee tbat too advanlage la wito ourproitOMcd anlagonlala. The BuaqnchanDa'a boat la a naval Imlll cutler, wbllat Ibe Potoiuao'e boat la toe aeoond launebi UHOil lu cariylog all klcda of aloroa, to and from too ahlp, and li iMlli larger and heavier than lie rival. Your eorreapondent aaya tlint Johnny Olvoua, too coxawoln of toe B.'a boat, had flag made for hlmaclf, wlih toe molto ■■\Yhlle I live, I crow;" i_ to (hat 1 cannot oay, but naturally Infer that he wae at one lime prcalilcut of a hen oonvontlon, he ae well Imltateii the apoolea, and CTOv* lendeet on bla Own dunghill Aa to the Potonuo' boyahdvlng "beaked out wlto toe grace of anapping turUea,' ■ ilaTl,bu( - deny Iho ohargo of Uielrhavlug backed down at aV, butaOlrm Ibat too hat Bwlla on too otoor aide of too meeUog bouao apongo vaa torown up" by tooni, for (boy even backed from their own propoalUana. Tbe Boaqnebanna la a good voa- aol, and boa many good mon, but they wlU have to opto a great many lucre roiio yama, and dlapoae of a great deal more of beef aiid bi-.-iua, before toey can oompBlo wlto the aeoond launob of tbe old I'otomaa There la no aueb word aa "baok down" to toe Potoinac'e dIoUonary. liar aecond Unnob wlU be very happy to mrel Iho S.'a cutter In a friendly trial, at auy time, aud for any aum from 9iO lo $100; and toenJot (be pnblle pronounce a ver diet upon toolr morllia, aa toey way toon and toere acquit tbea' ■elvcH. VoTosuc,' V, U. FnioAn PoioUAC, Fenaacola Bay, April IB, 'OJ. AKOTiian Fox Uomt.— On the IBIh Inal., another foihnni •emc uir about four lolloa from Toronto, O. W., nuor Galea' race track. OpL Htevcnaon and tir, Slcen appeared on (ho gronnd •bout ntevea- o'olock, wKb the garrlaon nonnda and a couple of bag.fiiicB. The epcrt aoon commenced and too hound* were torown Into toe nolghlioring wood, allcr neynard No. 1. Almoal at (boBratdaahof (betaonnda Into covert, he broke gallantly away, and afler a long run, a forralilabla fence atopped bla (uniicr career, Ur. Bleora waa the lucky ouo that aecurtd too "bruali." Afler a real at Oalea', lleynard No. 3 waa unallnped, and after a abort run waa overtaken by the houoda and only ■avadal "llie death" by Oapt. Bleveneon of too OOto. Thefci hunlere then partook of an oxcollent luncheon, aorvcd op In Oatca' Tft^nJu alyle. After Inuoh too Ileynard Mo. 9, toat had navcd Ilia liooon torongb (he bnmanlly of Oapt Btovenaon, waa •rnt Into toa weoda, but afler a abort run, toe "death" iraa pro- claimed, and toe bruah waa awarded to Uaalor Oavli, who wu ilgged out la aeat butUog ilyfc. (c) The movei in all forced from thla potok THB BOOKS PI<ATED OUT. The following game baa been given to aneoeaaton by Bay, As- denen, and Bpayto, and all, Andenon backed by toe Olaagow Olnb, agree to dlaoontlnntogat toe Hi move wlto a drawn game. By "playing ont tba play." It la hereby abown toat BlaOk'a poal- Ucn oontalni tbe germ of aometotog bettor. BT y, HCLXAH, (oLfio far Hay gave It to 1638, which Andenon copied, and afurtalm, Bnayth, In toe A. D. P. It la very atnnge Ibat tola ;aine abonld mn too gauntlet of toe Olaagow club, who exam- ned tbe gamaa for Andenon t ^ gfthVnOK OF POSITION No. 0—Tol. Zl. ST B. BDtXS, Zai|. FOBITIOR No. T—Tol. XI. Bnd.Qane between Ueaan. laitB and Hnixa. BLAOK.—(Lcura.] WHTTK Whlto to play and give mato to four movte. OABB He. asa. Intaroating game played oome Utile time alnce at Cologne be- tween Ur. CantanyoD, a atrong Bmalenr,andUr.Paulaon.—ifni. xvAiu oiiurr, Sefenoe, Panleen. PtoK4 QEt-D3 KD-D4 BX Kt P ii-qn4 KP XP P-Q3 Q-KB3 QPXP EKt-R3 B-DS?a) QB-qa Rt-()9 Outksa.QB K(-K4 Q-EKt3 FiDlaan annonnood Attack, Oanlanyen. l..PtoK« 9..CEt-n3 B..ED-B4 4..P-4)K(4 i..F-gD3 a..P-Q4 7..CaB(lee B..Q-berKtS P-RB Atlack, Befeace, Oanlanyen. Fanlaen. U..Stto<)B5 KBtoEtS 1B..KIXQ1> QBXEt 10..KBXP(») QPXJ" 1T..ED-Elt EEt-B4 ia..<}Il-KBq XB-qa<i 1B..KB-K9 - 90..KEIX Et 31,.qB-ET 99..KBXEI 3.i..snx B 34..n-QBeq lS..E-BBqrJ) 90..SBXEBP(c), and Mr, XEt-<)8 KBXEt QRXB QXEB P-QB7 B-qB4 mato to nlfu movea 1 (a)Tbe correct move hen la Et X K P, oontlnning Una:— n'.ktXKP K(XK((1) |13..B X Et, and toe AtUck ia..l)-EIII+ K-Qtq I mnstwto. IfCoaUea EtPXEt 13..Q B to n Sd, and toe AtUck baa toe bettor game. 11.. 13..EtXEt 0) Very well played 1 0) Ur. Paulaen poaaooaea one of the bighcat qnallUoa, prompU' le to lake Immodlate advmtage of toe weak potota to bla ad. vertary'a camp. Tbe movo In too text la an togenlona one, rcB' derlna victory wltoln euy reach. (d) E to It eq would not have led to any better rcenll; and It la alao obvloua that If K take B, too Defonce retcrto 35.. Q to B 4 -fi regaining too Rook. (e) Loung tbo game at once. We Invito toe attenUon of onr readen to tola remarkably totercallng lermtoatloni CHEQUERS OR DRAUGHTS. TO OOBIIBBPOHDBHTS. We bavo received aoIuUona of tbo "Dlook Game"—which re cently appeared to Ibe Ourrin—from numereaa oerreapend' en(e, "Eipreae," "Groan Uountato Boy," and "II. L.," of FltU. burgh, Uoing among the number. Wo give toe eoludon for toe beneSI of aoutosra, tbla week, H. L., nitoburgb, Pa.—"Eiproaa" la poated rcgardtog (Aol poalUou. O. W. nowAXD, Fekln, III.—PoalUon received, and on lllo for examination. B. llnfc^—Wo are nwallton your report of the matob belwei# Moaaix. Durr anil Leura. "Uako your gome, gonllemen 1" n. L. Amta roh Ikvobuatiox I— Eo. Oupteb.- If "Eipreaa' will bo ktod enough to ahow a draw for While to (lul poaltlon whereto ho made ■'a," of Philadelphia, "baok down," bo will eonfer a favor on one who "can't aee It," H. L. Ouuadow AoAmn I.OKDOx.—Wyme, of Olaagow, baa put up dopoalt of tlO, lo make a match wlto V champion, Uartln, ( London, The match will oonelat of N gamea, dnwa to count, and (he day propoeed la Augut 16. Artluea bave boon aeni for Uarlto'a algnaluro. DaADOBTa IH Enound— Ucaan. Bundy and Bvana have tond toto ortlolco to play Iho Aret five gamee, for £160 a aide, to take place at toe LclgUton Anna, Kenllah Town, on Wednea- day, Uay 13, ■ ANOTHER CblUIBCTIOH OF THE A. D. P, Mew Yonx, Uay Bib, 1BC3.—filUor OurPEn;—I enoloae yen one of toe many corractlona I have of toe A. I). P. I bavo heard toat the compiler of too above named work baa become eo dla- guated wtlh iC, thai ha Inlonda to laane a now work In toe ahape of an appendli, or eupplement. If he doea, he can put tola game to, and give the credit to—whoever be chocaea, OAIBB N o. T— Vol. XI. FIFE.' _Jthe game la Bnitlly drawn by Ur. Bpailb. (a) 17 to 14,10 to 17,31 to 14, and now will the llallngnlahed ocmpUer ahow ui IMW black la to Anw Ut game. If he can,' wlUeUlga, 13 IS IB e 19 le Black. 98 to IB 34 90 91 17 97 33 31 17 14 34 91 17 White. 6..13 to C 9.. » 10 10.. 4 8 11.. 8 19 19.. 3 18.. 9 Blaek. 33 to 97 97 (a) 33 99 JB 9B 91 30 2B 31 97 And wblto blockatoe game. suck. ..11 to IB 11 .10 . B ..IS .13 . 4 . 6 .10 . 7 . 9 .IB . 0 . • . B . 1 .13 . S .li . 3 .16 .10 14 10 34 10 8 19 IB 14 8 34 10 13 14 S n 14 18 10 33 IB Wblto. 31 to 18 3« 33 31 97 38 39 33 17 96 9i 28 31 IB 37 33 3« 39 33 3» 33 IB Brawn. 3B IB 30 34 17 98 10 99 10 IB 37 B 94 17 99 3B 7 99 18 14(0) 38, 34. 3S..1B 36.. IB 97..11 98..98 10..89 30..33 31..19 33..33 33..97 34..31 31. .9« 80..18 87..99 38..18 39..IS 40.. 10 41..14 43.. 8 Black. 19 to 10 IS IB Whlto. 14 to 10 38 ID IB sa 33 18 33 37 31 3« 33 14 18 IB 10 B 10 10 7 8 7 U II 30 10 11 7 9 17 8 I 6 1 S 1 1, and wins, 7 3 7 It 37 17 10 11 7 3 0 18 1' B 1 S 1 6 Uuongb a aktlfol andoinning device of otntegy, auoceededto wlt- neaalng a toeatrlcal pertenuance at toe oU " Walnut," and at once conceived a tuto for toe bnna, which Incnaalng, cnlmU naiad to Ito adiqitlon for bla profeealon, Everytolng being ready for blm to aatonlab toe world wlto bladramallo guilua, ha made bla dtM to toe Wtoter of 1868, at toa old Cbeatont Slreet Tboalre, to hu native dly, aa Lndovlco, to "Evadne," tona lUaa- trating toa tmto of the oft repealed aaaerUon, that onr beat ledlana make toelr flitt efforto to tbe ranka of liagedT. H* waa not long, however, to dlacovertog bla laglllmato Una, for toe volann yoaepb 0. Foater, manager of toe Front Slreet Theatre, BalUnon, tounedlalely dlocovend toe real channel of bla lalento, and be at once aecnred bla aarvlcea. Here he apeedlly togn- Ualed blmaelf to pnblle fkvor, and ao mncb waa " Old doe" pleaaed wlto toe knoceaa of the yonig actor, Ibat on hla leaalng toe toeatre at Fltlaburg, be waa engaged aa principal comedhm. After nmatog here aevenl aeaaona, popular alike wlto toe pub- Uo aa well u wlto hla brolber pnfeaalonala, Ur. U. departed for toe Weal, and ainoo thai time baa fnliUlcd auccfaotm engage- mentetotoe leadtogtoeatrea of toe Bonto, and WeaL Dnrtog IbeaeaaonofieOO-lBewufora abort time at Ihe 0>nltoenlal Theatre, Philadelphia. He made hla flrat apiioannoe before a New York audience to Angnat, 1669, aa Tony to toe "French Bpy," at MIxon'a Oremome Oardena, 14to atrcet and Blxto Avenue, dnrtog Ibe enoogemenlef SanorltoCnbaii. Hemetwlto a very flattering reception, and waa apokenvery highly of by tbo Freoa. He reautoed ben bnt a week, aa an engagement prs- vlonaly made compelled him to leave for Uemphla, Tenn., where ha aaanmed toe duUea of Stage Uanager of toe 'Ihoatre for tba aeaaon of 1869-3. Ur. Uaglnley la a tomedlan of eicellant ■Undlng axd abtoty, parilonlarly to bla deltoeatlona of anch obaraotenaa "BameyOToole,''Ae., &c. He hu already ob- tained a repntellon aa a comedian tbat would be dlfllcult la ~ He acte from nature, and conaeqnenlly aote well. SPORTS ABROAD. Black. .15 to 10 9..10 14 14 7 White. Oto 0 6 10 3 ID Block. White. 4.. 1 to B 10 to B B..U It, andwtoa, BOlinTOIl OF BTIIB6B8' md POSITION. White. Black. 1..91 9..IB 3..30 4.. e 97 II IB 11, and wtoa, 31 7 31 24 10 30 BCATOH OABm. BDWSES OBEEN UOUDTAIN BOY AKD AOCEFIANOB. Black—CI. U. B. Wblto—Acceptance. 19.. « 10 16 6 13.. 9 B 33 31 TBB li>3d FOSinOH OF BIDBOES. BLAOZ. WHITB.—[Htoca.] Black to play and Wblto to wto. WHITI!. Black to move and wto.' ' DBAJSATIO AND OTIIBB BKBTCBBS. ITEW BBRIBS.—HUUBSR SB VEX, ■Bii'iAB KxraxatoT vob the hew tdbk clxpfxb, BT OOL. T, ALLBTON BBOWH. OWEN B. Tkytovrr, Bom to London, Eng., Nagnmber 91at., 1B38. Uadeblaflnt appeoranoe on any alage at aarriaburgb. Fa., aa Delve, In Ihe faicoof toe "Loan of a Lover," November 18, 1663, under tbe management of J. A. Eeenan; II waa a traveling company. Waa under bla management for ntoe monllia, tnveltog tonngbPenn- aylranla. Opexed at too Obarlee Slreet Tbeaire, Baltlmora, Ud., under toe aane manager, to Jnly, IBK; "bla." notmeettogtba expeoeee, toe manager left anddenly, and toe company waa ''ainek." 0.8. F. relumed to Philadelphia, and obtelned a altnatlon aa clerk to Ibe Fblladelpbia Fin and U/e toeurance Oompany, which poaltlon he filled for Ibroo yoara. -Infbeeummorofl85T, he engaged wlto Ueaan. Olark, aue A Cappell, for tbe Norfolk Theaira, and left for tbat place on Bepieuber 7,18S7, In toe aleamer Oily of Norfolk, which waa wrecked near Cape Henry. The entire company, of toe Norfolk Theatre, (with one or two eioapUona) wen on board, and loel everylhtog toey poaoMaed In tba world. At hat arrived In Norfolk, and after a moat dlaaa- trone aeaaon, nlumed norih, and engaged wllb 0.8. Fortor, for Plltebnrgh, Pa.: remained vrllb blm from September, 1658, till April, 16B8: traveled tonngb toe Btetea of Virginia, Norto and WntoOanUna,(udor toe monagomenl of Joeeph Parker, from Uay, 1850, tlU Augual,I6C0, and ntumod toNeiwYork. Engaged with John T. Ford, Ilolllday BIreet Tbeaira, Baltlmon, Ud., In September, 1660, at which toeatre he baa nmalned ever ehioe, wlto tbe eteeptlon of the eummeraeaaon of 1861, when be wu engaged at too Wtoter Garden, New York. Hr, nweett belonga to Ibe beat and moat genntoe aobool of oomedy—toe ecbool of nnforcod gaiety, animal aplrite and buoy- ant bnmor, TheartofplaytogooualauofelmnlaUngtoofeeUnga and aeUona nnder parllcular autee of an aaanmed obaraoter, but Bometolngmore llian undonlanding toe natnn of toe oboracter to be pneontad, and power of expreealng oortaln eondlUona by vcloe, look or goature, la needed, and toat la enob anenUn aym- palky wlto Ibo ahalracUon aa aball enable toe actor to live and feel blmaelf toe Imaglnaiy peraon ho rcpreaenU, dnrtog toe whole acene. Tbla puallo aenalblllty, wbJob onablae toe aoter to beeome anotoar being on Ibe Inatent, la a gift of natuze, and Ur. Fawcell poateaaea toat gilt. THB BINO. TUB OBBAT HATCH nxrwBKif JOBS 0. HEERAN ADD TOU EING. Arotoxb DEFOfiT UanE. Three Tboagaod Dollars Now Up. The Important matoU between Join 0. Heenan and Tom Etog Inoreaaea to Inlereat every day, and tooae who were once dla- noeed to doubt Ite gennlneneaa are now convinced that toe aftotr la tmajlic. Anotoar depoall of 1250 a elde waa made on Ihe 7to Inet., of which toe London Spartint L\fc, of Uay 0, givca toe fol- lowing porlleulan:— Every move to regard to tola matob only tocrcaaea tbe Interat attcabod to II among all olaoaea, aportlng or otberwlea. On Thnnday evening laat, toere waa one of tbe "olden time" mna- len at Oeorge Brawn'a, toe B«U, to Bed Lion Uarket, Wbllecroas •Ireet, on toe oocaalon of maklug good toe Bfto dopoalt, of £80 a aide, which, wlto toe £100 eteked Bnt, inakea ICOO tewarda toe £3,000, for Heenan and Etog lo contend for. No better (acdle conld have been aelected on Thnnday, UBre eopeclolly for toe great crowd which aaaembled lo endeavor toeltberbearoraaa toeprocccdtoin. IledLlonUarket-aocalled—badamnelaroftoe eone of *'OUI Erin" to cheer toe auppoeed deacendantof a aon of toe Emerald lalo, and cordial waa the greeltog of Ibe lip alronger. The arrangemonte of George Brown were to good keeptog vrito tbe occaalon.tand Horn flnt to laat only one feeling waa oxpicaood, toat of agnwlng excitement aa toe match progreaaea. Then wen many of the colebriUet ofoltoer toe "toner or outer ring," prea- ent, Eeone, Duncan, toe good-humored Ilarry Ornnton, a etel- wart aon of Oy Davie, cum eiulKt afiir. A aharp np on Ibe teble by Billy Duncan, toe chair pro. (rm,, announced tbat toe moro Immediate bualneaa of toe evening waa to commence, two mln- uteabefontoe/o/al toir/or/ar/hft—(en o'dodL, and Owen SwUt banded over a "Blmay" for ito, a Bran new, on toa part ef toe Benlcte Boy. A patue enauod, but one auiUclent only for u gape, when Mr. Preaten aelected carefnlly from a roU, ton nice, new, crlap "Bven," wlto Ihe curt remark, "Tbat'a for Elng." The reprtoenlatlva of toe alakebolder, then, to hla uaual felloll- oua atyle, apok'e of toe onmtog conteal, toe excitement It cre- ated, that It wot expected to even beat thoballle of Famborangb^ wllb many otlier nallen from which people totonsled—If toey had heard It—would beat form their own oplnlonb. Tbe rattling wbeola of a cab, drowned by a ringing cheer outelde, annoimoad tbat Heenan had anlvod, and quietly, to bla own gentlemanly alylo, tbe welcome alranRor entered toe room, baring act-to earlier toon uiual In too drcua, toe wind-up coming oil to tbe mldiUo of Ibo performance, ao toat he nlgbC keep hla word wlto Oeorge Brown. Let thie fact be recorded to Uoenan'a favor. Ecena, tbo Tjlen, Young Broome, and many otbcn now ar- rived, and whon we loft, baxmony waa trlnnphonl aud Ibe conr- leerofOcoigeBrownwortbyafamedaL Ur.lllcherdeon,eBbelng called upon, to whom, on toe part of Ktog, toe power of namtog Iha neit meoltog waa delegated, aelUod that (he neil depoelt abonld bo made atjoe Bowo'a, toe Gnpee, French alley. Union elreet, Blahopagate, on Thnnday week, Uay 91. AU were eatla- fled of toe genulneneoe of too match, and too tocreaaad Import- ance It oaanraca aa gradually and annly It creepa towarda toe coBclnalon. Bttl't L\fc aaya:—Aa II waa known tbat tbe flfib depoelt of £50 a Bide for tola all evonlful match waa to bo poated on Thnnday ,lAat at Oeo. Brown'a Ball, Bed Lion Uarket, toere wu an over-- aowtog mualer of toe right aort, eager to catch a gllmpaa of the great guna toonuelvu, bolhol whom II had bean dlegod wen to bopreaeul. Aa far aa Elng wu concerned, however, too vlalton wen doomed to dluppolnlment, u he waa nnable to ahow. Heenan, trae to bte pnmlaa, nnt In an appBorance, bulowtog to bte engagemente he wu nnable to do ao nntn after toecenmony of pealing toecorlanden bad been accompllahod. nila moat neoeaaary portion of Ibe bualneu waa tranaacted on Ibo part of Beenan by toe renowned Owen Swllt, who nprcaente bla moat luBnanUal backen, and no doubt will act u hla Uenter through- out tbo bnatocae. The totereala of Elng wore enlraated to W. Preaton, who on bte behalf exproaed regnt that nnforeaoeii clr- cumatancea bad .kept blm away; and aoaund toe public tbat no one felt more keenly than Elng blmaelf that be bad been com- pelled to break bte word, fiuatoeu orer, and toe nanal loute dnly bonoRd, It wu announced tbat Ibe next depijall would be made on Uay 31 at Joe Bowo'a, and Ibe company then proceeded to harmony, which wu kept np to a late hour. UIBS LIZZIE WATT. Tbla lady wu bom at Albona, Ohio, Uay loto, 1811, and wu bfptltod UatT EUcabeto WayL She to of Irlab dCKenl. Atels- lean Toara of- age, ehe became a teuber of one of toe pubUo achaola tofher town, when oho rematoed for tone yeara. She then vlalled Ctoctonall, to aee a nlallon, where aho nmalned but a abort time, u thla relative died, She then boarded wlto an nnt. and while there, made toe acqnalntence of a mate of one of too Weetem aleamboate, and toey Wen married, out to • vary abort tine abe illaoovated toat bar huaband bad anotoar irlfe, living to Pllbburnb, and cobtequenllyehe abaentedbenolf from hint altogtlber; but not, however, befon abe gave blrto to a ohUd, wbleh lived but a few daya. She then conceived toe Idea of becoming a publlo leotonr, and at onoe ut about complUng a lectnn. Ber flnt attempt wu not nwatded vrlto a venr Una attendance, but on her aeoond appeannoe, "on any alage," aba wu toa reolptent of a very largo and appreolaltve andTence, to tba Smoky Oily. We next flnd her abowlog forib u a model arllal, at a hall to a hotel fliled np for dnmaflo pertormtnou, or any Und of entertatomente, particularly eolted to toe rougher olaoaea of aoclaly. N. D. OLAIIEE Real name, Beldon. Wu bom In Oonnoetloat, In 1810. He reoelvod a very liberal wtneatlon, and wu totended for too mto- lalry. At twenty yean of age, he conceived toe Idea of baoomtoi an ador, and made hla flnt appunnoe on any alage at too oli Obattam Oardena, New York, to 1830 (toon nnder the manago- menl of old Blanobard), u Lord Blven, In "The Day After (lie wedding." Btore toen ho hu bean conneotod with toe nnfoo- ■'.'>?J' .?Mbo manager and leading actor of many Ihoalna, weet of Uie AUegbonlea; alao of (he principal tooatrea at Halobaz, Tlokabnrg, New Orlaana, ki>., Ac. Ho hu alao fliled toe poalUou of atue minoger of the Broadway Theain, NIblo'a Garden, Na- Uonal,01d Bowery and New Bowery toutrea. New York, In 1859, be wu at Iho old NaUonal, Mow Vork. Dnrtog toa eeuon of 1861-3, kewuaoltogaa tnvellng agent for Barney Wllllama and wife, and aa aueb vlalled all the principal elllea. For too oeaaen of 1653-3, waa engaged u alage manager at tbe New Bow- ery Theain, New York, which poaltlon bo hu flUod wlto credit to •-'—"uMi to too utlafacUon of all conccreod. ■, ■ B, n. UAGINLEY. This genlleman wu bom to PhUadelphli^toe home of toa Drama—November 18,189X Hla pannto wen honored and tofln- eslui sunben of Ibo Qoaker Icatemlly, On one occMlos, is, FIGHT BETWEEN BOB DAVIS, OF DIBJIIKaHAU, AND YOnNG UILLS, OF KOnTHAMPION. Tbla match, at Tel 101b, and for 130, which hu for a lengto of thne eiolted cooAdenbla Intercal lu tbe aportlng drdce of Blr- mtoflbam, vru brought to a ulUfactory conclualon on Tneaday, April 98. Davla, who la now to bla twouly-fourto year, hu twlc* contended wlto Fnd Fleber, wlto alleraate euccen. UUla, who te ccnnlderably younger, flnl appeared In Ibo Birmingham ring with too voteran Bowey Taylor, whom ho defeated after a doa- wrato encounter, to Febmaty lul. UUla at once Iraued a chal- enge, of which the preeeni match wu Iho ranlt. There wu a wdly gatoaring at air. NIghtlngalo'a, Old Bam, Smltoflcld, on Jonday, to wltaeu too walgbtog, vthlob took place at 4 o'clock, and boto wen wltoto toe weight. Davla did nol look eo weU u bla ocpononl, am»aring much too ataler man. The dawn of Tueadayuwtoo boUloerante mmiu for toe eoeneotacUcn, a quiet Utile vtoage cauod Hammorwteb, near Llebfleld, when, bavtog arrived, toe appnrlonancca of war wore placed <n pnnrla fmm, and ahortly after aoven, UUla abled to bla cap, which wu- qnlckly reeponded to by Bob. Tbe ouatoniary abaung of banda bavtog been gone tluongb, too lade atood up for TBE riOHT. noa.HD 1.—Sparring and fototing, each trying to neaaure bla dlatance before a venture, when Bob, being woU wlthto reach, duhod lUa right a hot 'un on toe body, which ecbood f^ and near, reoelvtog In ninm on toe cboek. Away, ogaln epirrtog. Bob fetoted. Ullle, qulek u Ugbtolng, euot out a torriflo rigbt-bander, alralghtfrom lhoaboulder,onIJob'euow,dmring bleed, and dulroylng bla equUlbrium, u he reeled and went lo oarto. ' 9, UUtewuflntnptotoecaUoftlm^and,nolwltoatandblgtoe dig to toodiba wu u Uvolyu a kitten. Bob wu aomewbat alower to hu movomonta. Both aparrod cauUonaly, UUU look- tog out for a vntoerableapol; Bob well ou too defonalve, On gatUngtogetoer, MlUa tried bU right, but wu neatly atopped, when men aparrtog esaued. Bob at lengto tried hU loft on toe rlbe, and lo getting away received a nguar Jaw-broakor, which aenI blm reeling, and he eventually foil. 8. Bob wu bleedtog pnfuuly tnm toe noM. UUla, aU Ufa, oommanced utlve aparring; Bob atoadUy on toe defonalve, bnt unable to ward eg toe young 'nn'a altacka u UUla again got on toe noae, drawing mon .blood. Bob, aomewbat riled, unded well on toe ribe, and acme hot exchangee lo the npta raUowod, ^kon UUU got down to avoid. 4. UUU wu np atrong u a lion. Bob wu evldenUy weak, but otUlnot wanltogto pinck. UUU led off right and left on the dial, Boblandtoffon toeriba, when, aUof aasddon,too "blnea" were aeon coning dovm on toe track, and a buly flight waa made for acme mQu to the locaUly of too Old Boeaom Bouae, when, too ropea and atakea bebig again adjoatod, UUU wu qnlckly at' hU poet, walttog for hla opponent. Tbla atele of tolnga conUnued for a lengto of Umo, nnUl It wu anapccled that toere wu acmetoing wrong, II waa aoon fonnd Ibat DavU wu loo much puBlahod to nnew toa esnleal wlto anything Uko a chance of ancoeM. UUU'a trienda aooordlngly made an offer of half a aorenign for Bob (o acknowledge blmaelf beaten, whleli waa accepted, and UUla declared Ihe winner, after flgbt- tog Juat nnder twenty mtontea. In which font rounda wen fought, By thU encounter, UUle hu Improved bla poaltlon In pngOUIto' cinlea, On toe otoor band, toe blow DavU received In toe flnt round wu one of tooae telling "oruaben" that may weU daunt toe pluok of any man, u ho certainly never recovend oflerwarda to aigr extent, and be moat not, becaoae defeated, be consldorod dUgraced, BENEFIT TO UIKB IIADDBX. Tbla affair came off at Brompton, on Uonday, Uay 4, bnt waa nol eo weU patnnlaed u Ibe clalma of Ihe man would lead poo- pie to expect, Ould HUie bad tnlflllod to toe letter, u far u too neat celebnted pnfeaaon of too P. B. wero eoncomed, "to* word of promtie'lo Ati ear, and broken to fits hope." It would bave bun toooght toat one of poor Ulke'a "name and fkme" wucettato toaecon many of bb day lo give a helping band. Seme were away, ao excnaanle; but none oan leU what may bap- pes-Uat what MB bMBiefutd now bob bright Hay day o(