New York Clipper (May 1863)

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NEW YORK OLIPPEn. 5^ lamtalno In Ui» hmi ot mffVtUf to lulit isottaer HMledby thaiDMtTM iDlba duk ud dUmal vlntor k di of ni •» Utble. Let It, hawnw, be nooidwl, tb*t Jen npruentod Uie «Uols Mhool of mmlenu, ud, khiTlngw ImporUnt Dttoh on, wonid b*n •pured If 'udold JomnrBbtw, too, tlona otttaa "tsolaslet," 'ti ud mtlinobsljr tt tile tUenoe ot hlf oompeen. May ij ibe OTergretn JammrneTarbe In need. Dot If tbej Tlhoj bne Ihelr Undneu nlorned tenfold. Tbe nu- longb oiosUj uplnnU, gtra greet aetlitictlon, tbe fiiet w l£o Hewke* Brotben, wbo -were mnab apnluded, A i^lo betWn Sanaa and Deconb oane next, and mneb TH excited wban a "ngnlir mill" took pUoe between Dob 'VOTlee (a leal "daiUe") indYonngOfawlej. It«uan- imal tbe bluk would Bibt BOT one al lOat alb i be la nally M fellow. The botui ot eight bonU between TosBg 4 Cnnnlngbam were reallT worth aeelng. Both want to 11 riLamldalloodapplauae, altbongbOiinnnlsgbam,iraa7- i/l a (bade tbe boat of It There waPno laok ot tpanera, ellicr aet- to calling tor remark being that between Tomia ud Deeomb, which wu excellent; the former, u Onto ioTlco, pnttlna the apectelore In mind ot bla mentor Id Htr daja. Ulie and Sehaner wonnd np, the gentlemcB MorYcd aeata and tbe tpecubn aronnd glrlng the old jier. Ur. W. Ttarera, well known In epottlng clrolee, a the dntlea of U 0. moat eSolenUj, ifii SusBiK'i Uiu.. —SuLraoi, or Dddlet, axd t aOBKAL, IT OlTOU WHOBT, FOB 110 A SIDE.—COD- elotereat haa atlaobed te tbla match, from the fact of r being a wall-koown clever bmlaer, and the vlotor In bird Dgbt, and alao from the fact ot Boat being reckonid illltr, and a much bigger nan than bla opponenL u well ud longer In tbe reeoh. Br brtek ot day, on April 3T, nre on the road for the betlle-Oeld, at Drewood Foree^ 1^ Stagordahlre, where the prellmlnarlee were qnloklr 1 isd the men got to work. Bnlphnr, after a Utile apar* i dereily on the faae and ribe, aulckly obtaining the iKond efenla, and conUnned the lead thronghont, pnn. kk men tearftillr about the head, Boat planting to xtoatheriba. TheyconUnsed a eluhbig flgbt,mncb r of Bnlphnr, whoee snperlor eoleoce told talee, for ler nonda ((Oagbt In 1 hour S mlnnlea), when tbe rm of the peace" cane on tbe aoene ot aoUon, and 9 captnrod by theae oiBoUla. Bnlpbnr eacaped with le than a tew acrelobea, while hla opponent waa aerete- od. Betting opened at 6 to i on Balpbnr, but before e waa halt oror, 3 and 4 to 1 were freely olbred, without IB Tiic FAiicn.—vnien Ji Tom Elsg not lorn Elng) U Joe Elng (Joking). I er Ma>. Qon.—Ifo regret to annonnce the death of the he celebrated lot Qoaa, wbloh took place at \7olTer- >, on Wedneaday CTenIng, llay t. The deceeaed waa tpeded by a large number ottrlenda In Wolrerkamplon. lannltenpaetbybia mlifortnno, aa ho «>a dOTotedly to hla wife. Tbe canae ot death waa inflammation ot :b, Aq.VATIC8. CnAMTIONBHlP OF THB TBAkfER. le now an appHrance of aomethlng definite being done I'Diooted quoaUon of framing rolea to floren future for the Ohamplonablp ot the Tbamee. The adjonmed of tbe Commltteo or tbe Tbamea Bnbicriptlou Olub, 1 on Thnreday, at tbe Albion Hotel, Corcnt Garden, e following code ot lawa wu drawn np to be anbmltled uKrmen and othere Inleretted In the matter;—£2A to bo h year to tbe Champion, by tnarterly Inatalmenla, doe 1, April 1, July], and October 1, provided tbe pr^ nitce bare lieen fallbfoUr compiled with. The conne to Putney to Mortlake, with tide. Tbe atakea to bo equal ■Moe, end not leaa than £100 a aide, If tbe Champion de- Ho Champion to be compelled to row-another race for nploQibip In Icaa than three nontha from the time ot 'M a Bide being aUkod. The Champion need not accept vklle a ChamplooBblp la pending. A copy ot artldea of Llofell ChamplonBhrp milcfaea to be lodged with the jil iho Tbamea Eubacripllon Club wltblu one week ot Ike flret deposit. Any Champion xefnalng to accept a s on the above terma to forfeit all claim to the Cham- I. The laws to be observed In a raco for the Champion- • BlmUar to those In force at the Thamca National Be- llMilui Spmiin} lift, Xay 0. rum* .OnAuriOKSRip.—The ttaking of the second de- r (10 a Bide, for tho great sonUere* raco for £400. between pttn, tbe champlou, and B. Qreen, tbe Auatrallan, on 1 fram Putney to Uorllako, caused a great number of the I k)u>tloa to moat at Ur, Panhhurst'e, the Dull'a Head, oe Tburaday evening, Uay 7th. Harry Sailer w.u in r.tkced by Ur, Wardroper, and enoncst the rowing rwet we recognised Geo. DrewlU, Tom Hoare, }. Tegg, Ir. n. Oreen, J. Macklney, <:c., wbllo the Mewcaalle dl- mttprcecnlodbyUr, Laldlor and tllends. B. Eelley iTtrIhe money ItiO) for Oicen, while tbe chairman riffllUr amount for Chambers, and aunooooed In a tew MlboHcond drpoclt had been staked; staling, at the ^ Ihit tho third dopoall, of £00 a side, bad to bo made Hi. CWIlcoi'B, the while Hart, Bemes, on Thursday, Onat eaUaTsctlon woe apparent when the above an- Qi wM made, In oooseqnenco of there havtsg beea « ulOreu waa about to forfeit, which bad originated ' dmoiatance of the AQStrslian having bad an abeceaa -''othia nock, which bad not yielded to medical treat- ' Wedneaday. Wo can now, however, aaaure our >he la In a fair way towards convaleacence, and, l>e- j been stopped in his work, will feel no 111 elTeeta, ao belling on the champlosahlp at the meeting what- 'ujiiftkAfflyg. ECDLLINQ ItAOE. ol Ihe great aonllen' mstohes set for th week came (sin of Uay, at Putney. Tbe compeUtoK were John maamoTamlth, and Frank Ellaby.ot Lambeth, who ivB Hght-wny scnUora' race from Putney Aquednot to «P at Uortlake, for f 2J aelde. Young BIffen le nlno- sof age, and weighed llsL The pressnt la bla maiden rsioDcy, He trahied at hla fatber's, nammertmltb, (onildering his youth, a oftdel ot condition. Fttsk tnnly-euo ycsra of ego, and weighed lOst He baa srloosly, having dsfeafeo Bpcncer and olbore. Tbe be river and Hammersmith Uridge were crowded.vritb I. while the accompanying steamer, Clllzen U. (Captain , had a good mnster on board. Elleby won the loss for nations, and ot conne (when the referee bad been ler a loug delay) took Ihe elde near theFnlham abore. eo^pir waa eventually agreed to aa the official, TOm nillng umpire for BlfTen, and Cole for EUaby, All Inlnarlea havlig been adjusted, the lade took np their ad at 4,10 p. m. were oil for THE BACE. el alart, they rowed aa near side by aide aa possible, alle Ihe Star and Qarter, whoa Blfftn waa aeeo to be a atioke telling a tale through the lumpy water. The nllhladwu halt bla boat in advance at tbe London I, and hla own length <n front at the middle of tbe nod, Ellaby waa rowlag with groat power and effeot, nking np BUren, wbo never had an opporinnlty of II neverlbeleea took his oppcnenl'o water at Craven, nfeelto siiaro. At the DuDg.wharf-wbore Bllfrn s, toUowed by EUsbr—another good race enahed. Mo ugo took place nnlU past the Crab Tree, bat soon Dloen drew hla boat a dear length In advance, which at lbs Soap works and thronghllammanmlth Brjdge, the leader being 11 min. 3S sea. Opposite Hafflffls^ L pigen took a blow, and the hopea of tbe Ellabyltes 1 for a few momenta, but etIU i to lonBUfen went n most properly loo, for the water, which had prt- »rather Uvelyi sow became Dearly aa smooth aa a In coDseqaence of tbe vrtnd having InUcd, and, aa a uomience, tlio rowing of both showed in lie true form, uthlng wrong notlconMe In that of Ellaby, bat the neb, even pull through the water, and vigorona HBen from lima to tlmo called forth lend bnrala ot '.A Abe rowiog was beautKul, and BIffon made Inohea Id feet Into verda, untU, at the top of Ohlawlck Alt, "Bf'Jl'wo oJesrlenqlbaand a baft The race waa Si-. '''"'•l botno change tookplaco, forBlffen, 1h,!?K;.'"15^'"""' Baruae Bridge three lengtha ■!rvS.tri/ " notwithstanding aU the .^l Vi »"«' PMlUon forthebetter, iif,f?Mfi^?.'f.'1?"°'''' ™ ''"fy "l"""* for r/f™. finJ!. '.iV "nmaicement waa at evens, and «rto*'p;i%ir."i,s?£/u"^ iiSjiiJru.u'Ji':'"' «»«^e>.oe'of l!SS-5 jne- Raoi, forttOa aldt, between H. Colo. otObel- aaywood, of Weetmlnator, come off on Thuiedar. proved Tstr one-aided. Oole is but 90 year? of ale out of bl. apprenUceahlp. to ttt. Ota. iJ hJfjw,'A'j Mb. Haywood welg))S 9tt. lUb., aland: Jit. 8uln!^ roars of age, ao that they seemed a tolerablTeveii In age. The nmplrea appointed were Denn ■eie, and Creen (the Aualtallao Champion) for Eav- I Hieklnney, ot Blcbmond, alanding referee. The 10 the aqueduct at abent tba appointed Ume, Cole I loss. Tliey were not long In disrobing, and at the 1" o"/ <"> * aplendld tide, Haywood wu quickest Ihe water, and led allnhllyfora couple of etiokoa. JOels had well collared blm then, end they were nol ulsly mere than 100 yards, when Cole-wlli a stroke by one ot the prettiest seuUem ever eeen (wbo wu • beat) to be beautiful, steadr, and,atthoeuieUoe, "III for a youngalor—lltorally ran away from hla op- bo had cleared himaelt at tbe Buke'a Head, led by I oir BImmona', and oppoalto tbe LoudoB Boet House *n s (dear length aheaa, fowlng, u hu beSD aald, In .i??.?"? " faywood by antprlse up V' •'"nolJ »n»w what to maVe of it; laelUed down more to hla work, his pnUlng wea ex- w-ln Hut, he wu rowing precisely u heliartone ' eesMlons, without posseeilng the advanUgeu f ahead. The rough water u they nenred the Potat itaiaoQuldaiably, butiUU Uuy tretentd thilr hli lead, eireni ot 4 to 1 on him both non being knewa to b« flysra at the dJst ; he led by two lengths, and de- moat reniecUtile neotlngwu aasambledaai ru very lumpy between here and at afublonablsnceoonrse in thanorlh mone form, and Colo still Increuod finding no token. At the Point 3lite the fkot that the water waa tmt lumpy ammenmlth Bridge, be gained foot by toot, wae throe lengtha ahead at tbe Orab Tree, end four at the BoapWorka. Here a wave oanght the bUde of Haywood's ienll, apparently, tor he nearly telfont othU boat, and (bU glvJngOoIe a aim greater ad- vantage be passed under Hammenmlth Bridge In ten minutes tromthe start, and leading by live lengths. Soon after tbla Ihe water became very smooth, and Haywood'a rowing wu one cos- tinned apnri: so pluoklly did he nw, and so bard did be strive to win bu backera' money, that many a "Biavol Haywood," wu heard long after the race wu to all Intents and purpoaea over, Ool^ however, althongb Haywood nndonbtedly kept him goina pretty well, Increascdhia lead rapidly throngh Ooraey Reach, and ed by eight or nine lengtlia at Ilaraea Bridge, In 10 mlo. 30 aec From the BuU'a Head to hero, and all tba way hom^ be had It iretty wsU all to bimaelf. and althongb Haywood spurted gamely be Ust quarter of a mile. Cole arrived at the CM Ship a winner by about liO yorda. The tlmo wu variously elated, but 29 mIn. 4I> aec. Is abcnt correct, and abown the winner to bo a very likely mSLD- AMorniB BcDixno Uator.— The match between O. Diewlll, ot Chelsea, and T. Boyal, of plmlleo, came off OB Filday, Uay i, from Putney to Uortlske, for tSO a aide. Betlhig wu s to 4 on Brewlll, wbo Inat the station, and wu, conseqnenUy, on the Burrey aide of tho river. Drewltt la 38 years ot sge, and hla op- ponent U, while Drewltt'e height and weight are respectively I feet 0 Incbea and lOat 13 lb„ Royel welgUng a few ponnda leas, and not being so tall by two Inebee. The start took place at twenty minutes put five, Boyal taking Ihe lead vary rapidly, and drswlBghlfflSSlf halt a length In front by the tlmo they had reached tbe DBke'a Head; Drewltt then began to draw on him, and had decreaoed the lead at the Star ud Oartor, nntllng the noae ot his boat In Itont at BImmona*. From here to the naif- mile post there vraa a line raco between tbem, Srewllt aU the Ume leadbig slightly, till on naaring the Point he gradnaUy worked hla wayTn front, and at thoPolnt wu clear. He now rapidly Improved hla jpoaltleD, Boyal's stroke being muchAori- er, and apparently wUhonl mach power, At Craven, DrewlU led by a clear length, and now commesced the dodging antom, which he contlnaed right away throngh Hammenmlth Bridg^ Royal losing mucb distance In his endeavors to get out othls op- ponent'a wuh, Hammenmlth Bridge wu reached Intmln. 87 BOO., Drewltt leading by a dear length and a half, and this be had Increased into four at Oblawlok Church. From hen he held bla antagonlatvery ewUy, alihooghihls lead wu decreased at times, paaaed nnder BamM Bridge Ic 30 mln. 10 see., and reached the Ship at Mortlake a winner by Ave longlhs, doing the distance in 33 min. 43 sec., on a splendid tids. THB TVnF IH KmaiiiSD. BAOB FOB THE OHESTER CUP, This Important event of the Cheeter meeting took piece on ITcdnesday, 6th Inst, bnt the Bltalr seems to have been some- what tame, u compArgd with preriooo coDtcsts tor tho Cnp. The following were the etarton, with the order ot placing, and details ot tbe raco :— Obxstib UDma—Cop Day—Wednesday, Hay 0, 'C3 Tbe TBASzaim'B Plate of 300 aovs, added to s Handicap of 3S aovs each, 16 It, and 6 it declared; second recelvBd SO sovs out of tho alAkea; wlnnen extra; about two miles and a quarter; 173 subs, II of whom declared and pay 6 aovs each, and 3 did not nemo. 1 Sir J Hawioy'a b h AaUrold, by Btockwell, C yn. Oat 41b Wells 1 6 Ur Jeckaon'a bk c Haddington, 4 yra, 7st Jllb lOlbeitn) JfioyIe3 7 Ur E EllloU'a b h Gardener, 6 yn, 7at 61b Clement 9 3 Ur W rAnson's br m Caller On, t yn. Sat Clb Ctaalloner 4 4 Blr J Hawley'a b h Cowley, STTSSat Drwwe 0 6 Un Osbsldeston'e b b Csmorino, 6 yn, 7Bt Blb-H Grlmaliaw 0 5 Hr H J- Smith's ch h FItz Avon, 0 yn, 7at41b Jhdd 0 0 Ooimt F de Lagrange'e l>k tStraideUa, 4 jn, 7at 4Ib AWattlnaO 10 Ur HelviUe'a b c Tho Plover, 3 yn, Cst 31h B Adams 0 11 Ur T Hnghes* oh h U Philippe, aged, 6st (cor Ost lib) Banter 0 13 Ur Elpblnstone's oh 0 Dunkold, 3 yn, Est 131b-J Orimsbsw 0 13 Ur Goddlng'a br o Black Deer, 3 yra, Oat 101b (car I at lllb) Woodhonao 0 Betting at starting: 3 to 1 agat Btrsdelln, 0 to 3 agst Caller On, 11 to 3 egst Asteroid, 8 to 1 sgst Haddington, 30 to 1 each agst Tbe Plover snd Flti Avon, 31 to 1 each agat Gardener and Cam- erino, 30 to 1 eoob agst Comln, U, Philippe, end Black Deer, BDd 60 to 1 agst Dunkeld. Caller Ou and Plover- flnt emerged from the paddock, anccoeded by HaddlogtoD and Btndelto. Of the remainder, Rlr Joeepb Hawley'a two ((k>wley for dlallnotion carrying the red cap) did their "prelimlnair" together, while GaraoDor (Ust out. snd with no tlmo to spare) cantered down to his bonee without belug put through the olrounrotalory show. Thus, muatorlng to the moment, the lot looked like coming away at onco, when a trifling delay arose, through two or three bolt- tog ont to the front, Aetoroid meanwhile luhlog out, and all but landing a'anuisher for Cuatonce, wbo, on toot, wu "uilattag" at the post At 3:34 a capital sUrt waa effected, Camerino lead, lug. but only for a few atrides, when he fell back, and Dunkeld, with Cowley at his girths, took op the nnnlng. Next, in a body, were Fill Avon, Black Deer, Gardener, and Caller Oa, fbUowni in the order named by Camerlno, Haddington, Plover, Aaterold, and M. Phlllppo, the lattar, dlreetlj the aUsd wbk paanj, drop- piDg beblDd dUadella, tui then whipping In. From the lut. mentioned polut tbe leaden oloaed, and racing hoad and head each ahowed alternately Jn advance, waited qp tma tbe In- firmary turn, when Block Deer early shot Us bolt, by Gar- dener and Flta Avon, clear of whom, aJong the Dee aide. Cam- eriBo, Haddington, and the'Ualton mare composed the next trio, succeeded by the top weight No material change occurred until Cowley disappeared from the Itont Juatbefon re-entering the alralghl, after which, when fklrly round Ihe bend, Oardener wu let out, aud depriving Dunkeld of the command, came on with an advantage of five or bIx lengtba OTer tho former and Fltz Avon, both of whom beat a retreat In theensalng two hnn- dred Tarda, leaving Camerlno and Hoddhigton side by elde in allendance on the go-ahead Gardener, those nextup being Caller Oo aud Aaterold, wide of whom, after re-paaolng the Btud, the lolled divlalon wu headed by BtradoUa. In th& way they again rtachod tho rivonlde, when Comorino's old leg giving way, be suddenly eloeed accounts while pulling double, having Jkat pre- Tioualy been neariy down on bla quarton. On his nUremenl, Aalerold Jotacd Haddington, and took aocond place al the T.T.O. postOsUer (^a lying fourth, those being alllcft In tbe race, to the bottom ot the lut time, when ObalTonor, finding saoceu hopeleea, ceased to perseven with tho mare. The biUcr thus disposed of, ell eyes were llxtd on tbe stUl.ln-tront Oardener, but ao closely pressed by.hla two remaining opponenta thot at tho OuUe-pole lorn. It wu "heads or talla^' In Cavor ot either. Ustten, however, aasnmed a more decisive form whsn at the distance Haddington, mil ot go, in attempting to go up Inside, for which there wu ample space, wu atoppol, amidst Inmen- doos uproar, by the now roUlng-about Qaidoner, on whoae right the all but similarly-Impeded Aalerold next responded to the cell ot hie rider, got bis heed In advonce halt-way up, and won, through eheer gomeneu, by a Beck, tbe disappointed one snatohing second money by the same; Caller On fourth, about six lengtha off, finlahed at leut twice u far before Camerlno, cantering In fifth, U, Philippe being alxlta, tbe tavorito aeventb Dunkeld and Tho Plover (whose rider asimred ua "wouldn'i move a yard") next, succeeded by Cowley and Black Deer; Fits AvODlut Bun In 4mln lOseo. Nett value ot the etokes, £1,996. dlstoao4ftoberan. A witnaaau-lndsed, money would not flow monfroelr, Whataljrwu the bvorit*. in oosseqneace of pre- vious performaneea, but Block, who got 10 yirda atari, moved off like a deer, and It wu soon aeen bad Iherace in band. Black oame in on easy winner ^y two yuds. SnoiiuB Mitch ooaiiin Xnfi: vn Boiroix—On Saturday, Uay 3, omoo named BomBol Outing nnderlook to walk on crutches from the Block B^ Ins, at Sndboir, to BnrrBtEd- nnnda ud back, altcgelbsr a dUstaooe of 93 mllu. In 13 boon, taiU. OntlBglefl SndburratO a. m., and rawhed that town again at 6;40 p. m., thus acoomiliihlng Ua task with 30 mln. to •pore. Tm Deubt Dat.— The notional interest ainuslly monlfested In tho issue of the Derby resehu somelblngotscllmoxwithtbo let of UoT, ond people, whoee only oiperienoe of o race-coane is limited to the grand gala day upon the Downa, an beginning to oak the profound qaestlon ot the racing seuon, " ^l^t's to win f" The Derby Da; Is fixed for a much eairller Ooto llila year Iban formerly, tor, whorou tbe ell-absorblng conteet did not lake place lut year until Wednesday, Juno itb, the race la now appointed for iho 30th ot Ibis month, ao thst we en only re- moved by a tow daya from the stmgglo upon which ao many tbonsands ot pounds donond, and upon which the koeneat intel- leols ot the racing world an concontraled In the hope of dis- covering a solotfcm to the proUom. Alrehdy tbe eicltenent ot " the blue ribsnd" has commenced, and the useipected acratoh- Ingot Automaton hu anated a deep eonaallon. The foUowiug Is a enmniary ot the lalutatato of the odda on the Derby and Oaks :— Dubt.— 0 to 3 sget Lord Cllfden (off); 11 to 3 oget UaccaronI, (off); 13tolsgst6accbarameler(t); litologstTheGUlioton 100 to 8 agst Ittnger (t) ; 30 to 1 sgst Tom Fool (oil) ; 36 to 1 sgst NatloDol Guard (t); 60 to 1 agst Donnibrook (t): 60 to 1 oget Fontali (t); 100 to 1 agst Carnival (t); 100 to 1 agst 1 bustier (Off). »' Oana.—7 to 1 agst Borealla (t); B to 1 agat Old Orange Qlrl (t) 8 to 1 agst Queen Bertha (t); 16 to 1 egstlsoUne (1)7^ PBDBBTRURIBK. Tin Lur IUob or Dbotoot m Exauiin—Tni Bsousb Cbampioxb.- On Monday, Uay 11, al the Hackney Wlok Grounds, tbe nnowned Indian runner wu to meet the very elUe of the Enallah pedeatriana for Ihe lul time, among the eight ot the latter no leu than Ave being champlona nt thobr various dis- tances—Toung Bnglaskat six miles, the Orowcatcher at ten, tho Oowbor at four, SlapltXbu at one, Ihe Oateeboad Clipper, aup. poeed to be to hla eld form, aud the once ohanploD, at all dla. {anoee—the lodomltoble Bam Barker, thn lasting Andrews and Iho ever speedy Welshmsn, Blchards. Now that the Deerfoot fever Is likely to close. It may be u well to sUls, thai whalever may hove been the powen displayed by tho Indian, the stattllnn usertlon eheuld be known that the Indian "hu never pnvlouoly tmtned;" fortbiB tussle hohu donoeo. Bo hu nu over 11W nllee to Ihe hour, sud comploled ten mllw bi 61 mln, 30 see., on Good Friday, at fircmpton, altbongh defoated by Long at the 13 mUos by a bar* yard. Aa It wlU be seen, Deerfoot la trick and tie with Lang tor tbe premtenhlp.-Uteet bolUng—3(o 1 agal ?f"'oot, (ttli 3tolBg«lLang, (U); 6 to 3 agat White, (off) 0 to 3 agst UOis. (off); 8 to 1 agst SUploton, (tk); oven on Dark- ?' i'J * Mlo 16 that one ot the favoriloa do not wini 3K to 3 Ung agst White, In Ihelr placoa; two bota oven thst either BlohardaorBUplotongoeothedlatonce. -iffl^l!*" Insi-Aiio.-OnMonday.tbe4lh loaL, afoot raoe of one mile for f 60 a aide took placo la tba Beirut Borough «"°e«L"»" Alfted Whately of Bellkat, who ku h lherto ancceseluavcoDleDded against nearly oU who oppoaed blm, and Jamee Dloa ot Dublin, the champfcn mile roc^ of IieUal A Tsry great deal of uteiut wu tiolled by tlieiZce; QODaATIB>ll UBBART OV aOHANOB. niSA vraitnei-ctwto xnn, ■ TO HB OOJllgUlU, E'en to this doy, 'tis not fncUat known IVAoi hod cansed the Oomotsuoh 0 pong pratoiia&. But from thot nlgbt Hon Babretoobe bu flows 1 The iKd day It wu noised the town anond That Heaan. lyaon (Julla'a bank) had Hem, And could not pay a alxpsnee in Ih* pound I From leu ot love, or wufib, or MX combined, Jollo wu some tims to bcr roomoonflBed. The Bickneu ot heart produced by laaned, finckled, plmpM^ red or rough akin, hu confined many a lady to her roam, wk» weoM otherwise have been the bosplMl among the hagn, OOnBAXID'S ITALIAK UZDIOATED SoAF la a perfect remsfr tot theu evllf, maUsg Ihe skin u clear, ameoth and wUto as poUahed alabuter. OOBBAinvS FOOOBBS SBBIILI8 work • woodarfnl change on all supeifluoua hair to which they era a»- pUsd-totally nprooUng ths nulaanca withont iBjnrlng the skte. (lOnBADD'S HAIB DYS u Its name taspUu, Is o ohsmleal pr^antloB to change tbe color ot ted,llgbi tr gray ball to*, beiatltul brown or bla«k. DRFEUX OODBAUD'S pntporsHaBscaai babgd at Uaaa* and splendid esttbUshmeni, 463 Broadway, three dooH balw Grind street, nmoved firou bla old dep^ n Walker street estab. llshed a qnarler ot 0 cantoiy. Also ot Bus, Brooklyn i Bats*. IMWashugtoD alreet, Dcaton; Callender, rUladelphIa; w^.^^ Dnbola, Pennsylvsnla Avenue, Washlnglan, D. 0.;and BelhBk Hanee, Baltlmon; aBd othen who choose to send caah ordsifc ForwardeA by Eipreaa, and cliculan sent free. pEELAN'S lUFBOVED BILUABD TABLES^ HOSTETTEB'S CELmaATXD BTOUAOn BITVEBB. To TBS DmiuiAixD Aim DicasriD.—For general debility and exbauatlen of the powen of nature, whether occasioned by alok- neaa, tut llvlsg, constltutlona] decoy,' old sse, or out other ' vlcal or mentol eooae, the one thing needf u and todiapenaa- la Uoeizrm'a CBLXBiAns Stouacb Bimaa. When the fin ot life Beams to be absolutoly dvlng out In the system, snd tbe mlBd, sympothUIng with the body, la redaeedalfflcattoa state of Imbecility, this mighty reatontlve seems, u It wen, to lift tbe suffenr out of tbeBkinihot Despond, and ncrultand K-invlionto both tbe itame and the Intellect An old tamer. In the Valley ot the Uonongahelo,WTlteo thus to Hcatetter: "I can compan the operation ot yosr Bitten upon me to nothing but the effeot ot oroln after a long dry spell in the fell of the yeor. The rain telling on the meadows starts the second crop ot grau, and year wholeaoms medldne seems to hove storied a aeoond onp of life and apirits In me." And this la truly (be offect el thta grateful and powerfalpnpanUon. Ladleaotwcok oonstltutlOD, or whoee etrengtb bu been Impslred by Blckncas or oge, flud It a most eacaoTons and dellgblral tonic, and It la admln&terad with great aucceu In mansmna or wutlng ot the fleeh, to yoang childreii. In fact. It la o much ufer end aunr cordial for the nnnarythan anything adrerUaed specially for thatpnrpcae. ' HOSIEnEB'S fSlOTiiSm BITTEBS, Freporedandaoldby HOSTETIEB k BkHIH, Pittsburgh, Po, Depot for Naw Tork, 438 Broadway. 7-41 -VTEW BOOKS l-NEW BOOKS I— IN THE UETBOPOUTAN PUBCHABINa OOUPANT, OiouoxBD n 1860. Ooods ot sll kinds for sale. Send for our catalogaea. Hailed fteeoDappUcoUon. Addieas UETBOPOLTTAN PDBOH. CO. 3-3m* Box 3688 P.O., New Tork. f^ARD PHOTOGRAPHS 0? HOQAaTH'S WOBKa \J The Bake'e Progreas, 8 Plates; The Harlot's Ptosreas, 0 plates; Industry SBd Idleness, 13 Plates; UaniagealaUod^ 8 Plates; The Electloa, 4 Flslea; The Four Btaguot Omelty, 4 Plotes; The Times of the Day, 4 Pltlee: Deer Street t Gin Lone, 3 PUtca; ond clhen, 36 cts. coch, or 0 for U. Bent to ony od- drees on receip t of p rice. Cstologuee eent on receipt ot red stomp, by W. 0. 'WEuISB, 676 Broadway, New Tork. 7 TOBACCO UFER8, ATTENTIONI-OBAVING FOB TOBACCO OUBED and prorcntod by Dr. BTBNB'S "Am- soix." Buy Hand rid yourself of the expenalve end dlsgnstlBg hoblls of CexwiHO end BvoKuto the weed. Bent free, by moU, on receipt of 80 cants. Five pockogts for n, by Mm OHAS. U. DAT, NewHoves, OoDB, "V" LNT.—R«dDOtlon In Price. Ou FarnouB Bllon' Fssoy PoAoge, iritb •'sddltlonal ottraeUons," containing Bketchea, Bongs, Joies, Touts, FDi'B HOOK CIBODLABB and > OPLOBED ENaRAVlM(}, seni in toaa. a a awlprul U ainta.nSo tromtia, ^gab, uobfut & co., e-it. 81 Naaaan Street, New Terk, PLATINO OARDS. And all ortlcles used in QAUES OF AUDSEHENT AWD CHANOE. Uonufkctuisd and Sold by U. NELSON, 7-tt 431 Broadway, How Tork. BARBERS 1VANTED.—Fiveflrat clan workmen want- ed at tbe Bt. Charlee nair-dresstog Saloon, Byracuae, N. Y, None but the beet need apply. Wages 10 to 813 tier week. Address immediately to HENUT K. DATIS, a-3l< B« «7, Syracuse P. 0., N. T. STBRE0800PI0 VIEWS and Oiirtca do TIgllo, 1000 differant kinds. Bend for Cotslogue. ^OTOB DELAFO. P. O. Box 6180, Mew Tork. g-tf-k BOOKS, SPORTINQ GOODS, eto. S«nl for a Clron- Ur. P. 0. Box 1368, N. ¥. . . 1-U AUE FOWL.—The andenlgned olStn for sale Ua \jr entln slock ot OAktB FOWLS, comprising seleoUons from theheststookin Americo, and coiefully bred byhlmselt All Ff wla sold by mo, I worroDt Dead Oame. Bofennca given It re- quired. Address PEVlt DBANIiON, l-lOl* 1009 PortLuia street, Phllodelphla. "■piCH, RARE, AND RACY." aald tho " Five Cent XVi Uonthly," ot ■■BATE TADaH,"theBensaUooNoveIette. BentfreebymoiliOu receipt of loots. Tenfor76cts. Eighteen hundred oeples have been eoldl "Our CIrculsr" sent tne to sll ordering copies ot the above. _ OBAB. BBNBT DAT, the Author- pnbllshor, {low Ilaven, Conn. 4.41 Q lUEER, (JUAINT, AND QDEERIOUS. For a Root, Bich, ond Bon Article, sand 36 cents to 6-31* J. & 1^0,167 William etreet, N. T. /^AUB F0\7L FOR SALE.—JoyATUiN Dorwabt, Vjr IdncBstor City, Po., Importer and Breeder ot Game Fowls, Femis, Bat Dogs, and Bull Terrier Doc*. GaltB mode to order. Alao, Eggs othbi Imported Fowls for sale. l-Ot* THE OLD ESTABLISHED BOOK AOHIOT. Send fttroOlnslar, BENBV 8TEIHSN8, 88 Naaaaa st 1-tf SEND FOB A UAHMOTn PACKAGE. oontAinIng FoarFsnor ArUcIu; piloe 31 oenls. Also, Bobber Oooda foi;OeBllemui's use. Aodiesa J,'. nesr Brotdwoy, N. T. ft. wtnnwT.T. 16 Ann etreet 1-U w OBDBN HO,»nBB . . OOBNBB OF BOWERT AND BAXABO BTREETB, H. T. Goests COB besooammodotadvlthBWEnsbTtbedoyorvreek, wUb or without beord. GEO. P. WOBDEN, Proprietor. l-Sm JAUEB OOODWQf, Oonnlaalon Paper Dealer, No. 110 JOHN STREET, near Oliff, New YoA. Neirs and Printing Paper moontsetniad to order ot tbs ■hortest noUoa. ROW AND SAIL BOATS OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS. STEPHEN B0BERT8, auccossor to George O. Newman- Boat Bulldtog shop, foot ot 114th street Hariem Rlver-Oflloe, 368 South alreet Jamw UoKay, IKB great ohell-bcat and spooB- oor mokcr, works at this osUbllalunent a-61* READER I—If you wsnt emplornient, or wont tho . J'",'»'^SrS*i°<'18*»"'» Mscblno ever ooaubctured, send to IBAAO BALE, JB. k 00., Nowbnryport, Uoos., for o de^ eoripllve cinalsr ot lorms, Ao. Tber pay a liberal aalary, or oL low commission, u the Agent nay obocae. iot P alRD PIOTOBES ol Bogirlb'g dcalgna, BEFORE, Airm ond ftiprp box. AIso, Ptctonaot BUIesmen Acton, and other dlsUngulshed chanoten. Sent poet nold, on receipt ot3a cents each, by J. N, OCX, M, T,^ 7.1l» THE BEST TET.-Dci\iilllUl Ambroiype Ploliirca Oom Lllb. eel In tknoy metal Fromos. 83 dCBlRus. Price 60 eta. each. SDOAB, MOfiPUS t CO.. U Saaaau at, if.™ 6-U LOVE-A-LA-MODE.-Cat»logueg of Books, *o., a«nt nponoppUcaUOB, A, OOHDON, '■^'t* W Duane olroet. New Tork. • lAND OOUBINA'nON ODBEIONS. Tbeao Billiard TobleebOTe rrceivcd Ihe onqnollfled appiml Iho but ploysn and oust ccmpeUst Judges, who botb nl> Tonally pronounced them nnequolled tor general exoellenna at dwablUty. Seven dlsUnot polenia for Impnvemesta In Billiard nbia* have been granted to na by the United Slatee Patent Ofllca, aaA we have lately obtabied a patent from the Ftanch govenuDSBtlsg- onr Improvements In billiard cuahlona. We employ, to the constnetlos of our tables, a variety of oblnas spedally made for the purpose, by which mesne we ar*- ensbled to Insnn a adeBUflo and mscbanlcal accoraey blUumtv unknown to blUlard manufacture. Having a long experience and thorongb knowledge ot oB IH* appUancea of billiards, and conatantly on band a large atsck aC tbe but end moat thorongblyesasoBed materials, ws an pra- pared to fBmlah everythtog required in the bUlianl line with bb> precedeBtad dlspslch. The emtoent French blDlard player, U. Bergar, bu pnUlaka* tbe foUowlsg opinion 1 "New ToBX, 3d August, len. "On the eve ot leaving Ihe doited Sutes, I sm happy to dedal* to all amateun otbllilardB that, after a tour of euren mosthi throDgb the principal ollles, I have been enabled to Judge la a utiafactory manner of the superiority ot the Dililard Tablaa- mannUclnrtd by Phelan k Collender. Tbe system ot mannlko- tan la so snperior, that I am happy to totrodace their style c( cuahlon into nance. Tbey bare united to their monufocnin af Amerlcon Bllllord Tkbks that of the French Tables, ot remarka- ble excellence and beanty. Forthue raasona I am boppyt* Bioks thiB declaration. "BEBOEB, OLADDIUB, Pnreasor at Bmisrds, Paris." Partlu ordering from na win find our pricea u lowu gcsA- work can pcaalbly Be mode for. We eeU flrtt-clou artlclca al a fair price, ond will not make an Interior article ot osy prioa, Orden by mall carefolly and promptly executed, ulnatntsft- Cotalognee and Price Llata sent By mall. "Tbz BnjjAaD Oo^'*' a Jonmal pabUshcd In ihe Inlenet of bOUarda, and oontalalaA details of sll novelties, a coploua record of billiard news, simI everything bileresting to amateun ot bllllarda, sent free on pUcatlozL • PHELAN ft COLLENDEB, 63, 06,87 and CO Oroeby etreet N. T., And 734 and 728 Uonlgomery strut, San Frondaco, CA NOW BELLING UPWARDS OF 1000 OOPIEB VB- PATUOIiOOT BBPEODUOt'iTb 0RQAN8» BT BiraSELL T. TRALU 1LD. • ■BXUAL OSeABIBU, DT lAUBS a'ACESOB, IC.B. . "Ibe traaUsM to ibis Tolnma an upon sahjsot^of tba vtasM Importanca to a phyalotoglcal point of view, mese subjaeta era handled to on oble monnor. The anthon on medlosl bub af Urge expedsBoe; and tbe advlca which they give la aomid, aoA nplloable alike to Ibe guidance ot parents snd to tha bonaM- CI the young, A perusal ot theworkvrill do mnoh to Baeai*' healthy iBeBtalaiiabodllytaBcllans; while toaaiEBrlngbanaiiUy» it offen Judldona advice, which may uve many from compT Ung their sufferings by nanrttng to qtiack dootonaad a treatment"—Boston JonmaL "gbottld be read by aU oU enough to iBlantanl tt"—IMM Con JouraaL "It will be tho seurtaot much good; beliigprspatadwUhatNk OBd from obuodant knowledge."—Beaton Traveller, "It la a book for Ihe Umaa, and should be In avaij Halty."^. World'a Crisis, Boston. ' "An boucst effort to dlinue useful InformMoD. lCostpopBln> works on this subject on Ihe nvens of this, end ara soan a^- vertlaementa of quacks."-Plymouth Bock. "A vahiabla addlUoB to medical Htaratara."-Cosloa tnm Flog. '\ valuobla book fbr Ibe aflllctad, ond for all whownvU not Ik .. Ila counsels on ot greet imporionce to all " Bialiiii Oiaigiaiai UonalUb a •■Oontalni practical IntbiaoUon thot aboald be kaowB tad aal> - ed upon by parents and the married aid alngla, Sk* ehaptan dented to ehlUren and thsirmsDagemenlontbt to b*-' reao by every mother."-Nimda, (N. T.) News. •That this la a suggestive volume must be admitted, «• Iblak by either oprofeaalonol or non-profeaaieiial reader, XBtana.a» we are, Ih advocattog a oenaral reform ot our soolol hufla tiA " opportanltlu for phystcu improvement, we koU with dallgbt ai^j aogirasllTe InfinencM thot may be brought to tieorupoo mt^w TonloUne of ution, oomefromwhot aaerierllmay. Wa l b« > , ton take greet pleuun to recommending the obovoTshuBe tea ■ tiii and candid consldentton omong all clossea. Svarr absptsr ' ISTSlaable, snd all thesubjoctsof thoseohopten onwella Boston Is 'groot In all good works,'"—N. T. Clipper. Prioa TimEE DOLLABS. Bent tour oddreu, I to ths pablUher, B. LETEBEIT EUEBSON, U9 Wublngtou street, Boston, Koai. For ssle In Now Tork by O. a FELT, 38 Wslket stneL and bf amaLAtn TOUSET, Ul Nassau ebroet g^ Vruu aht omxD Boox, this will teach tbe reader ba* to prevent, oud permonently Ccnn, BvmT Toaii ot aexual dl*. ease and deroDgement, wlthoat feeing or consulting sny deals* wtaalster. No,otoer medlcsl book hu over reoelvaa euob eoB« mendatlons from the Press. Gxr tub Dot. l-tf ptABD PHOTOQBAPHSI-Scnd for one. Price U \J oaato stcb. ), fl, (X)J, 11,1, 7.11* G BEAT BOOKS!! NEW BOOKS I NEW B00E8II FAIL TO SEND FOR A CATALOain;<- nONT Olm NEW OATALOOOB NOW BEADT. BENT FBEE-POBTAOE PAID-ON KtSUBLTUm: ■ THE OLD ESTABLISHED AND ONLT RELIABLE BOOK. AMD SPOBTCi'G GOODS AOEHOt men orden in promptly asd talthtully eiecsted. a - Address TEOUAS ORUSDT, Uarble BuIldlBgs, MI . 80 Naasau street. New Tab. "TkO YOU WANT WniSKEHS OR MOOSTA I f OHES!"—In 18131 fint uked this qneallOB. It was as-. Bwsred by numenua people; and I aak if any ot them ever knew my Onguent to fall to doing all I claimed for It; namelyi that tk would compel the Beard or Uoualache to grow npoB the imootb- utfaoawiujlnalxweaka from the first application. LlkeoUsaa. oessful laventon, I hove bod to contend with o hoot ot ialtolcfa, eome of whom even go eo far eopy my odvertlaementa. Howerar, truth Is mighty, and wiU pMvolli and you, my beard- less (riendJ, will find that my Onguent is the only thlnglhsl will really foroo toe Board to grow, and will arltber atato or Injnr* IbaeklD. Isendittoanyvsrt of tbe oonntry, free of poetags. for 81, |3-tf| B.a.ORAnAM.Ko.lO»Namuatreet.^}!T. BOOKBI BOOKSII BOOKStll Bl'ORTINa ARTIOLES, CARDS AND FRINT8. J. n. FARUELL, Bookseller, 16 Ann einet N. T. Books ot every vsrisly, ellher Fonlgn er DouesUc fntnlabeC on appUeaaon, Partlu doslriDg books ot any descripUon. Iv Bonding oddrees, post pold, will reoolvs Immcdisto otUoUon. AB Books, Sporting and Fancy Artloles you may are advenlaed, wlB be turaliihed to order, Cotalogaeeaenton application. Address. J. H. FAHIUOiL, dealM In Hooka and FoBsy Arlklea, No. 18 etreet. New Tork. • m HOW TO WIN AT OARDS.-6oBd yonr address Hoi two red stomps to HOWABD U. OBAm, New Tork Olte- Oflloe, and he will Inform yen et a BDRE method of wC- Blngal ALL tbe varlou giaca. by li, ud get an anawar by IttUBBkaU, ' ~—^