New York Clipper (May 1863)

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54, iNEW'YORK^OLIPPER. TBBATBIOAL BBOOBD. ConUaiud tnrn Pw HI- jniOEUiASKOUli BAItRT ailiOEIlT—PunowiiUT. Tti* Dolllii Ilulton fuly, liAvlng doted In VlUiljiirch on the 16th, snt^nt to UlelravlUo, Fn., no Ihn leui uitl lotu; on the SDIh at Indiana, ttaunce over the line of Ibe Oontrel UaU Uoed to EeiTlilinrK. A concert le to bo RiTen el Llbnrr II>n, Howk, V. J., on the Saih IntL, In tthlcta the foUowIng irllela wUI putlcIptto;vl>., eit'ut Yiubcl, Umc. StoeM 8lg. Boboitloi, U. filnn, end Ucrr Btoo]icl. AtuuilimWatenwunpforiirtaillng >t Feople'e Hell, Kew- bnrgo, X. Y., on the 91it Ttao uropiunme coueliilad of iieico- Uoua from Bhakeipeuo, £«ror, Liiawlg, Too, Sontliojr, etc. Ho bid proriouM/ appuirnl et i concert ilven b; L. M. tiollaoliilk. With lliet eicortlon, ho liu been »itlll Vtlen. BIKi Erinlnle A, Merah, lUo New EoBliind TOcillet, otter en abeence of more llian a jut, U now rcturalnff to her many oaat- en frlooila. I^t week iho aug In PllUborgb, at Muonic Ball. Poring her abaence from the caat, abe haa glren ooncorts In Bouc of tlio principal dtlu Id the woat, and hu been rec«lved wllh nirkoil favor. The preaa enoalu blgtalr of hei maaloid ac- compUaliuKpnta, nnd ahe wUl douutloaa moot a heartj welcome from her old frienda In Kow England on her return. We hear of nnother "outbreak" lu one of the Now Orleant ilieatm. On tho croulng of ilay lUi, a largo aud very roapcct Able audience—Including manyUoloufatnlUee—woa prcaeutat the Opera Uouac, the occaalon being tho banoflt of a much Mtcomod and talented 70uo(; cajitatrlco. Tho uorfomiAnco bad gone on mo3t agreeably for about an hour, whou a aoildon call waa made among tbii AUdleuce lu ollparUof thohonae for "llAll Colombia," aiid almiduncoiialy a number of Union Haga were being waved In ovciy direction. Aa tho outcry ciiutluue<l nud kcntIncrciulng In force, tbo pbyen caine back and goTO tho fine old aoag amid tho moat hilauoo eulhualaam, Tho porformauca then proceeded ae before—everybody, apiiarontly, quite aadaOeU —and many friuhlened ladlca, who had rtoen to follow thoee who had tctnalfy leR Uie home, were reaoaurtd, and reauuied their •oaU. llul, by and by, Jiial after a chamdug duet had bnen cou- clsded, a cry aroae, from aome few rolcea, for Iho "Star Hiiangled Banner," foUowe^l by etUl more general and TOolforoun calla for "Yankee Doodle." Dpou thia Dr. Dortlo (a Terr prominent Vnlonlat thero) got up la tho parquet, and hoped thai, aa their If lab had once been gratified, tooy would keep fulet and let the ooncort go on. Capt. UlUer, the Blayor, dao apraog to hla foot, and aala ttut, M a nntloual air had tfcen played, ho would allow no further Interraptles—but hta toIco waa drowned with loud criet of "Yankee poodle I" "We will have Yankee Doodle;" accompanied by alnliler criea egalatt the MayoN-(wlio firmly kept hla ground) of "Ue'a a traitor 1" "Put 1dm outl" The aOalr at thla time waa becoming quite alannlng. A huge num< ber of mUllory olUceri wore preaent, and, gauerallr, oeemed to aide wllh the poilllou lakeu by the Uayor, who declared be had BnUelont police forcu to reatore order, and would nee It If nccca- Huy. A Ueiitenaiit of Zouavea here brought the eicltnment to a culmination by walking uptua young luan who waa peralatanlly WAvlDg a lit).', tnatching It from him, and putting It In hla boaoni, amiil Joerlni! crIea of "(Je)i|>erliead," "traitor," kc, to whioh he made no reply, aa ho rtaumtd ble «al atnoeg aomo other offlcera near Iho Mayor. Tho whole eveuu uow iMcamo aa uproarloua aa ItwaHdIigmccliil. Tauntaand anjiry epIIUela wore freely han- dled about among dvlUaua and oOli an, while thn panlc-atnick ladlea, iiiomeolarlly eiprcling a celllalon, were hurriedly pre. paring to leave the building. Dr. Dorlie brought the tlilug lo a enddco eloao, by calling open all Unlunliti tu leave the hou«)and lottheCouporheailiiremaJn; upon whloblargennmbommarctaed out, amid loud clieen, aud connlderably Ihlnnlng the houae. She few who renulnrd acemed to Lave no further nllah for tlio conoerl, atlll Icaa bad tliii perforurra, and ao the whulo affair rapidly broke itp:~iUu Mayor aua Cul. Uojiklujt, Obiei ut ruuue, remaining to the laat to keen order. . Mr. A, W. Fenno, the writ known actor, Intenda once moro to ntire from the drauallr Beld, and conHue hlineelf to giving Ico- turoB for the Tolamorama of the 1\'ar, pnlnlud )iy Heaon, Utan- ley i ConanU Mr. Feuno goea to Docboaler thla week, where the painting la, to write ap a lecture, he having been engaged by tne managcra aa lecturer. Mr. Fenno poaaeeaet a rich and uelodloiit voice, aud added to thla la an eaae aud nataralneta of dcUvary, which rerder the mere nucAanlcal otToot of apcoklng ou thepanofUi.F, highly ploaaing to bfa audience. The Pano- rama, after having aeveral yarda of new canvaa Mded to It, will eihlbliatltooheaiorfor one week, commonohig the flntt week In June, From there It wUl vlalt Philadelphia, Dalllmore, and Vaihlsgton. Hr. A. M. Orliwold, Ihe hunerlat, whgea quaint wilUnga over the nondcpfuBir of "FatCou|rlbutor,"have often "aet the table In a n)ar,"^haa been engaged by that "Ineorrlglble knat," Arte- mua Ward, u hla agent, to prenaro the Oallfonila pnbllo for hla prolected lecture tour In that State. Mr, OrlawolA alarta about the drat otAngtiBt Artemua "drapt In towaeena" on Friday laiL He la u phunnj- aa ever, and looka aa fraah aa a pumpkin on a aqnaah vine, That'a what Ihe Yanheea uy down where Artemua eame from. The Hateblnaon Family were adverllacd to concertize In New Dedford, Maaa., on Ihe Kib Inat, u A dne, large ball, oapeblo of aeatlng a largo number of people, haa been«reot«dln llendeiaou, Arntuoky, It la Intended for ilramatlo, minatrel, concert, and other companies. A troupe of K-iiue aort night do well thero now, there having boen'a dearth ol iiuuaemenu alnoa tho war broke out. Madame Juvlaella Olivia and MUa Ooloalla, atyled the "Blar Blatei^'an annonncrd to give n conoert at Concert Ilall, Fte- donlB, V, T,, on the aeih, The Fakir of Ava recently ahowcd In Otwego, K. T., but did nol meet with (neceai, owlug. It la aald, to a rtfuaal to permit Mm to dlttilbnte hla gifw. cle.; aohehad to peek up hla trapa, and move on tnrther, taking hla "houaca, lola, slga, honea," ote., along with him, ' The BefMrehUdras. who were advcrllaed for In our laat, are In Ohio. They are aald to poiacu mnalcal Ulonta of an e^traor dlnaiy eharaotcr, aeldom known In one family. Their agea range trom eight to thirteen yean, there liolug four of them, Ther eienle the moat dllBcult muilo, aud have been concertli- Ing In Ohio for Ihe put three menlht. They an worklug their war out, and will probably vlalt Mow York In the fall. Their father la a celebrated enias-bulldor, the family formerly hallliig from PhUadelphla, B. B. Palt«raon la their nianaglng agent The Peak Family—Bwlia Hell Illngen-wero at Ihe Marylaud Inatllule, OalUmorc, three daya biat week. On the Mlh they open at Ccuccrt Uoll, Philadelphia, when they irlll remain du- ring tho wcvk. The allonllon of managon la diroeled to Mmo. 0. Foaionl'a advertlaemcnt In another colnmn. We underatand that the lady poaaeiaee a well eulUvaled aoprano voice, full of ayrepathy and feeling; added lo «hlch ahela wellakllled In tho dramatic art. Dnwtter Uall, New Uaveu, 01., la to be enlarged, and with ilde gallerlea, kc, will make a honuaome opera houae. BInng'a Panorama of Waahlnglon and the War la on eiblbl- lion at WUlird'a UaU, Waaklnglon, D. 0. The Tom Thumb party did as Inimonae bualnpaa during their (tay In PhtladelphloS aorae two wteka Is all, we belluve. Utu nichlnga gave a Sunday eancert, at noward UaU, Provi- dence, It. I., ou tnantli, to a full houae. tir. Uonry Eandcrtou, planlat, having relnmed from Havana, announcna to give a concert nt Mnaleal Fund Hall, Philadelphia, on the IDIh. He la to bo aaalatrd by Mft. Jeuny Koiupton, Mr. Wm. Oatlle, aud Mr, Qeorge W. Morgan. He will alao give a conoert In Daltlmero on tbo let of June. At the requeat of the management tor tho Philadelphia Hoapltal for the Iiiaane, J. U. Iloberbi, the tragedian, road "Hamlet" to the lumnlea or that Inatllullon on the Tii Inst, Ho had a aorae- what "mlacd" audience to pleaae, but he la aald to have auc- ceeded admirably. Mr. Frank Tryoo, long known aa tho treaanrer for Oootso Ohrlaty'a Mlnilnlt, Istenda leaving ahoitly for Sngland,< 01 RBGRO.HIIfliTHKLaV. The Dackua MInalrtlawera, nt laat acconnia, playing at Hong Kong, China, to large audlencoa, at two and throe dollan a tieket. They had plajod at BUnghae twelve iilghta lo a big bualncaa. Oeorgo Chrlity and troupe hu had another break up. He doaed at Troy, ImI week, end la at preaent In Ihltcltv. Carncroit k liliey'a Nlnalnls oonolnded their 'aeaaon la Philadelphia on ihu'i3d, and opened InBalllnioro, ou the utb. narrlngton k Thompioji'a MInilrela am doing a line bualncaa In Memphla. Tlieao la aliendance an principally aoldlrn. Onckloy'a Xliialvl) ciiwct to open their new ball. In Bnmmcr atreel, Uoatou, o/or tiwil the lotb of June. Bemcthlng new la lu be given at Hooley'a Optra llo\iio. Urook- lyn, thla week. In ttie aliape of an Interludn called "llnoley'a Mlnalrda' Eicuralon to Oowauha." Tho "C.Mintryman'a Udmt" la alao announced. TliU popular hand an cntiilnually prodtelug novclUes, Is tho way ol new tkelchee, or frsah iierfonnen. ftauk Spear la among thoUltal addltloua to the company. The Tory popular place of amunmant, Arlington, Leon k Don- niker'a Opera UoUBO, Olileago, la nightly crowdrd wllh Urge and delighted aadleneca, and tho perforraaucea nu each occMlon prtaented by th'B talenlrd troupe of "burnt cork" artlala, are a decided aucceia, Tho sew uUadlal and teuor, Mr, Mel- ville, who niida Ui flnt appeuosot on Monday mslng. Hay mi greeted with round after ronsd of applana^ asd a Tamable addition to Ihe oompasj, Henry Stuart, the dog-dancer, la rery good, and his daadng prores a new feature to tae ontertolnment, Arlington and Bam Price an great faTor- Itoa, and their performanco u the candidates for Initiation to Ihe great bnrleaqnaof the "Sons of Malta, "vrhleh hu recently had so ancceutnia run there, wu Immense, Wllh tha addltlona made In tho lut week or to, thla company now raskt vrltta the beat In Ihe Blatai, and they arojncetlng with the liberal pitnn- Bge Ihe nntlring energy of the niauegen deaorvea. Binford'a Mlsetrela will perform la Fatartos, M. J., during the raelngaeaaon Just commenced there: aflerwhlch theywlll retom to Pcnnaylvtula, and 111 up their time until they open at Bamnm'a Huaenm, Mew York, on the eth of July. Morrla' Mlnatnlt (0. A. Morris' party) wan adTtrtlaed at Btnbom Hall, Winona, MIn., for Ihe 9Iat and Ud. Morrla Drolben, Pell t Trowbridge's Ulnstnls gsTO two en- lorlolnmenls In Mew Dedford, Mau„ on Ihe 3]d and 93d InaL New Uedfoid haa bean qnlta lively with amnsementa, lately. Morrla Srolhera, Pall fc Tnwbrldge's Mlnitrtls, after having "evaeuated" notion, "oceupj" Moslo Hall, Mew Haven, Conn., Juno etb aud Olb. It wu thought Ihnt fipragne'a HIndrela wen about lo open again In Nashville, Tenu. Qua. Bbaw and some othen of the company wen "In repose" at lut oceonsls, waiting for eomo- thing to torn up. * * M. 0. Campbell's Unetrels appear In Uutlo Hall, Mew Haven, Cnnu., May '.ittb and 30lh. Mr. Oampbell bu 30 mesiben In hla company, among whom are Urn Sayet, Diok Bands, ssd Johnny Boker, Campbolla'Mlnsliels wen at Newark, M. J., on the Mi and 33d. On the 9<lh and 90lh, they ahow at Mew Haven, and Inlab tho week at Orooklyn, M, 7. nank Edwards hi aranf reurfn- for tLe CampbeUa. Dick Sends and Tim Hayw, dog dancen, ap- pear each nigbt In a friendly strife for aupnmaoy. The com- pany an under the direction of "M. 0, Campbell, liaq.," the ad- vertUementa Inform na. Bow are yon, 'Anulnf W. Haydcn Onnuor Is now vrllh Monls' Minstrels. A letter will reach hlu al Madlaos, WW OIROUBKIc Baoda' American Clroua will open tho cntTCnt week Is Mew Bedford, Maaa., performing In the afternoon and evenJug. In oiu lut, we auted that Mr. Jamu M. Blxon had aecured the luUIng up a ten- Since then the Daring the npreaenlatlon of lh< latu it TAr, at the Theaba of Nancy (Meurlhe) on Ihe 3d IntL, Mdlle Oucrolsy approaotaed loo near the fbolughts, and In an Instant her dieu wu In a blaia Fonnnately, the fire wu neon put ent, and the liOurlea she sua- talnod wen not daugerons, her only tauma being ou the back and arms, Mr. Daniel Blonun, for many yoon Ihe machlnlal of Her Ua- alv'a Th«Bf«A v AH.inn -tl&.l —H Al..- aik ■■■■* JeelT'a Tbulte, London, died on tho glh Inat. Thr *'^'--- — • don, eipn vaiore.' e NUtos Slstan sre esgagod at the Adolphl Theatn, Lon don, asd will shortly appear then Is a saw bnrloaqne, written 1 by Mr. ByroD, enUUed, "111 Treated, B Tro- eipreuly for them "OltyHrrlng"Iot. In Kalllmore, and Intended pulling up a ten. poranr building for eqncalrUu performancu. Since tsi Clly Oounclla hare rciolred that the lot ahall bo "Aied up," and need only for. what It wu orlglsally Istendod—a Olty Spring. Thla of course, haoupietMauagorNlzon'spUnafiirtbalclly, Mr. Mlion, however, haa nrganlteiT a traveling olrcna company com- poaed of tlie following poraona:—The Byro-Anblo-Troupe, con- slallug of Male aud Female Jugglen, Acrobats, &c; Mr. J. Cook, tho EogUah Olown, ^IB flrat appearance In thla country; M'llo, Cnrrell, Eaton SIODC, i^am T^throp, Jimmy Beynolda, Madame Mwnric, Ilarney Carnll, M'llo. Marie and M'lle. Lonlae. Mr. Horacii NIchola la the Ennealrlan Director, aud Mr. Paul, for- merly agent for DainoyWilliams, la thobualneu agent, Madame Mncarle wlU Inlmlnco her beautiful atud of trained hones; she will alao appear lo her maaqnendeacene,enlltlea The7enotlan Oamlval. The flnl perromiance will be given under ceuru at Waahlnglon, D. 0., on tho 961b, on the Hth alroet lot, near WU- lanl'a Bolel. From then they pull ttaku aud go to Btltlmon, when they will ahow on the old oinna lot From Baltlmon, Mr. Mlion will work lila war to the principal elUes of the Weal. Thla company la a nllroad drcns. Mr. LaieMUon has the "Side Show" and the "Candy Bland" department under his ehazve. Tho company Is a good cue, and with tho experienced genend- ahlp of Mcaan. Nlion and Paul, ought lobe highly saccouAil in their peregrliialloua Mr. Harry Wbltbeok, one of Ihe oldest asd moat experienced advertlsen In the United SUtes, hubeen engaged by L. B. Lent, to "go ahead" for Iho Equeaonrrleulnm. Mr. W. leaTca thla week to Join tho company at Geneva. MUef Clrcna Iloyal did not meat with a very good bnslnesB at Qiiebec, owing to the cold weather. They wen at Montreal fonr da:ttf lut week, closing then on tho 33d. Tbayer k Moyw> United Slates Circus and Blppotoonomodon pitched tent on the 3Ilh at Pittsburgh, Pa., and nmain then three days. Their next principal aland will be at Zaneavllla, Ohio. Mable'a Menagerie wual Ottawa, lU., on the 33d; La Salle and Peru, 33lh; and wna ndvertlied for the 9eth at Princeton. Thla oompaoy la one of Ihe t>eat on the road this aeaaon. IlaooUec- tlon of wild animala and ran blrda eicesda thoae of any similar eihlbltlos. Prof. Bean, known u the "Lion King," esten tha dona of the Hons, loopaiila, tigers, andpaalhera. Thoperform- Aiicea of the educated elopoaula, Borneo and Juliet, form one of Ihe principal feaiiircs of this estsbllshmenL Lake 100.'e Oreat Wcatcra Olnus hu been performing In St. LouIh, during tho put week to Isrge crowds. The atuaetloss olTercd sn few. LllUe Alloc Lake la a dublng rider, asd la mueb admired. Mr. W. Lake, the dows, la not thought much of out then, according to our corroapondenL The company coniprlaet, LIlUe Alice r,ako, Madame Agnes, La Belle, Joonette, La I'aUlo Emma, E. W. Penr, H. Marka (clown), Wiu. liiko roigwu), x-aaeno Bminern, ir. Lvater,'0. oluuoj, and iiio per- forming hone Don Juan, undue the manafleuiont of Levi J. North. TheywcnlobeatAllou,Ill„ontho9<thluaL Ur.W.U. Mooro la the advauco agent, B. Q. Blokca' Circus, with Ihe renowned "Ella Zoyan," la at present In New York SLato. L. B. Lont'B Eqncecurrlenlom ahow at Byracnso on Ihe 30lh Isat; Auburn, June let; Seneca Falla, 3d. a 0. Whceler'a lulematlond Olnus wu ahowlng at Low- ell, Maaa., on Ihe 'iOtb and 9lat Inst Then must tiavo been a grand turn out of faotory glrla, for Lowell Is noted for having a urge Bumbcr of splssen and weaven. Qardner k Hemulng's Circus show at Mount Joy, Fa., on the 3dlb. Their route for tho next month vrlU be through tho weal- em part of Penusjlrasla. AIUTBiVII. Thk Edwim FoutUT DaAiuno AssocunoH, Philadelphia, gave a benelll on Ihe 0th, on which occulos, the plecu oelocted wen "Tho Hole In tha Wall," and "The Two uuarda." Mr. It Itoborts, personated Frank Lenox, Is "TheTwo Qnards," asd wllh the alnglo exception of apeaklsg too fut, wu very good. The part of Old Oruaty wu enaoted by Tom OUfford, Is a very eredltablo manner. Thla gentleman deaervu great praUe for tho rapid edvanconent he la making. Bo Is ous of Ihe best "old men" aniatcure In the profeetlon. Tho three olstera sang veif PKlllly ou tbU occulon. Wo undenland that this assoolatlon Intend shortly giving a performanco at Fnnkford- TnE Exoxlsiou Diimutio Bocirt gave a homo perfonnones at No. U9 Eut 4Uth airecl, on Thunday eveling. May 91. TiiK DaaBATTAT AwATCon Uismiosiu Olpo, of Ban Fran- eiaco, gave their fourth cntortalnmout at their Hall on tho 99d ull. Tobln'a ■'Uoneymoon" and "To Parla and Back for Five Pounds," wen the iiloces seleelcd. Among the volnnleora for Iho occulon were Julia Boon Hayne, urs. Frank Mayo, and UUt Virginia Lawnsco. I Seitss DnucATio CLnn, had a meellsg ad their Hall In Bay View, Boiith lloaton, on tho 191b, wheu a code of lawa for the government of the Olub wu adopted, and tho following gos- Uemou deeted oQlcen for tho euuliig yur:—Manager, B. B. Hplnney; Stage Manager, Uesry Huudl; Seerotary, 0. Mead, Jr.; Doorkeeper, T. Barker. Mr, Danid Brlacoe, the Manager of the Olnl) for the put live yean, decUsett serving In that capa- city for the proBf nt year. At Ihe conclusion of tho proceedings, a voto ot tbanka lo Mr. Brlacoe, fbr his past services, wu usanl- ihoualy adopted. FOHKION BPnilTINU ITBHH IN ORIBF. We havu ailvlooa from I.ondon to May 10th. q*bo following U aaiunmaryof events tranaplring lu the great MelxopolU:—At her Moloaly'e Tbcatru, BIgnon Trabelll made her rnilm, oa tho SIh, lu tho Opera ot "lUrblere dl Blvlilla." Signer Be»- tlsl appeared at Oouut Alnuvlva.. On the 71b, a new Opera vru Ero<lucod,-for tho flnt lime, entitled " NIoolo de Lapl; or, the lego of-'Florence," founded on a novel by the Marqule Maoalmo d'AzcgUo, who aomo yoon ago wu attheheadoftbo Cabinet of Turin At the Iloyal lullan Opera House, Mdlle. Adellna Prtttl made her ilrtt snpesnuice thU souon on tne 7th loet, u Aminalii " Somnambula," and met with a most entbntlutlo reception. Thoae who Imagined that thla young lady'a success must prove ephojueral, bceauso 14 wu sudden and nneipectod, wen again thown to bo bad pnphets, for Iho puhllo " took to'' Addlna an aysipathoUcaUy u over. The Prlnoeaa' Theatn la sow under the sole ansplcts of Mr. Qeorge Vlulng, On tha Ith lust, Mr. Oharlu Keen gave the flnt of tils eleven perform. anceri, appearing u Hamlet—Mn. Eean u Oertrudo At the 81. Jamea', "Ae Little Sentinel," an adaplallon frem the Fraach, by T. J. WUIIaraa, la the attnetles TheBtrasdIi pUyIng Mr. IiOtgh Blumy a farnwdl engagement Madame Ooleate allll nnialna nt Badlei'aWdU At the Sorny, Ur. Uenrt Drayton U alnplng what Is called an admlrablo character- IsUoiongof the Ooutbrru BUlu, "Down Among the Cotton." Tho CoreUl Family opened at Balh, Eog, vrlth a drena Ironpe, OS the 8th Inst E. A. Bothem made his drat appatrasos at the Prlsoe of Walts Opera Houae, Birmingham, Eng., on the 4lh Inat, In hla inimita- ble reprcsentatlos of Lord Dunoreary. MisB Marls Terson wu the Ibry Meredith. Theatn Iloyal, Branlford, Eng., doead on Iho 3d Inst The Theatn at Blrkeuhoad, Eng., la adverlUed to be taken don, and to be disposed of lu lota. Tho lut performance took place on the Olh, the bill iMlng "Dead Men tell no Talea" and the "Conlcan Brothen." Madame Albonlwu at Cork, Ireland, on the 7th, giving oon- certa, O. T. Brooke performed IhopartofMalthew ZImon at the The- atn Iloyal, Dublin, on Ihe Oth. On tho mth, he wu annonnced lo appear u Corlounus. The Pyne k Harrlaon troupe commenced a twdve nighls' en- gogeuient at the Qnees'a Tlieatn, Edinburgh, on the 11th. Uengler'e Oinna' and Pantoulmlo troupe Is meeting wlUi grut sucoeu at Edinburgh. Mr. asd Mn. Herman Vezin (Un. Charles Tosng) com- menced a ahort engagement at the Prlncou' Theatre, Olugow, sBlballth. Mn. Hudson Klrby Is at the Queen's Theatn, Hull. Theatn Boyal, Halifax, closoil with Ihe Badlor'a Wdls com- pany on Ihe 7th Inst Mlaa Cothsilne Lucelte, the dlnotrase, look her heneUt on tho 1st The house la to be ro-oponed by Mr. O. Owen, with "Aurora Floyd." Mr, aud Mn. OharlcB Matthemi opened at tho Theatre Boyal, Liverpool, oa tbo lllh Inst, to bo followed on the 1Mb by Mr, and Mm. Ohu. Eean. Mlu EUse de Oonroy, who will bo remembered u a Weetcrn stock actreu, made her llrst appearance at the New Adelphl Theatre, Llvenool, on Ihe SIh, lu Ihe seDsaUon drama of "An- AiraFloyd." She aUo appeared u Don Oassr, In "Bon Ccur doBazan," and made a verylkvorable Impression. A sad accident occurred receiUy at ihe Alcazar drcns at Lyona, lo a gymnaat while golea through hla exeralsu. Two men wen performing on tho parolkl bars fixed at an Immense height, benaath tho cupola of the building, when one of them. In iprlnging trom one bar lo tbo olhcr, nilsaed hl*grup, and fell Into the couiro of Iho ansa. The man wu taken up Inaenalble, but aubaeqnently recovend, and will. It la boUoved, cacapo with a dislocated arm. Quaglelnl'a New Olrcut, CuUa Market, Newport Monmontb- Bhlra, la crowded nightly wllh the Aitt of tlio town. Mr. Henry brown, Iho down, appeared on the llth lnat ITHW BOWBRY TUEATHE. Bole rnnrtetor MB. J. W. LINaABD. MONDAY and TDEBDAY EVENINQS, May 91 and 30, Twenty-fifth Night of the engagement of the Popular Americas Actor, MR. B. EDDT, Who vrlU Inangnnle tUa week by Ihe nvlval of the Oorgeons Spectacular Drama of MONTE OEniSTO, Written expressly for and perfonncd by him In all the prlnol- iwl Thealreaof tho Dnlled flUKs upwards of Five Hnndred Nights. It will now bopradncedwlUialllha rennlallea of New Scenery, Macbluery, and Splendid Bfi'eela. Nnmenus Auilllarlos for the Orand Oamlval Scene. Powerful cut MB, E. EDDY Is five ohtractcn. The popular young Actor, iin. O, 0. BONIFAOE, Will perform the character of Ibe Abbe Fairla, and his Ikvor- lle ohoncler of Wallacivln the drama of WALLAOE THE HEIIO OF SCOTLAND. Wllh tho roaring farce of BINES THE DAOMAM. Blnks MR. a. BBOOEES. Mn. W. 0. Jonea, Mlu Kate Newton, 2fr. Mardon, Mr. Nnnan, Hr. Olauford, hla flnt appearance, Mr. a. Ungord, Mlu Hatha- way, Mlaa Eklrldge, and the whole ttnngtb of tho company, Wedneaday, Twesty-aevesth Might of MR. E. EODY. - 7- MIBUI'S OAROBIll. Leaaee asd Manager, WM. WdBATLEY, LAST WEEK or niB Great Tragic ArUale, MISS BATSMAN. Whose FABEWELL ENOAOEMENT of nsprocodenled bril- liancy ^Tlll terminate at the oiplralinn of the next SIS MI0HT8. Ill compliance wilu eo almete 17iilveranl Demand from tho hlghcat eourccs in tho conmunily, Knowlea' pUy of TlIK DDMOBBiOK, In which MISS B AXEMAN will auttaln her great character of JDUA, Will be preaented on Monday evening. May 30, and on Tuesday evening. May 90. No palss nave bees spared by the Management to aecuro the aervlcsB of audi Artiats at niayglTe due elTect to thla nnUAllKAllLB lUPEBSONATION, Which flnt slamped Mlu Saleisas u the Isldleclnal and Beautiful IDEAL OF THE DBAMAllBT, In this, her most exqnlelle creation. ShewlUboaulBledbyamoatpowerftil Company, Box book open thna daya Is advasce. Doon opes at 7)^; Performance to commence at B o'dock. Wedneaday evening. May 37, MJBS BATEMAM will appear for the flnt lime thla season, aa OEBALSINB. MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 1, flrat appearance for twelve mostha, of the cdebnted Irtoh Oomedlss asd Tocalltt MB. OOLLINB, In Jobs Brougham's grand romantio Drama, enUUed THE DUKE'S UOnOi 7- Th~e SUadard la doing a good bUtlnett with tbo English tipen Company A Oompllmontary BeseAl loMis, Oharlu Selby, took place at Iho Frlnoen' Thoain on Iho IgUi. On this occMlon Mlu Felbam, Mlu Harriet Pelham, asd Mlu Olara Oranvllle, all pupils of Mr*. Bdby, made tbeir flnt appeansce on any aUiie In the farce of " The Roudeivons." Miss A. Oetlxell, (Mn. Jnim T, Ifalnes,) hu recovend from her short but Inter- oiUng Indlatioilllon, and hu re-appearcd on the boarda of Iho S'. Jamea' Theatre Mr, Fauolli a member of the Compaoy at tho Olty nt Loudon Theatn, and a promising Juvenile aoler, favorably kuowii for the lut ten ycsra In RceUand, alao at the Theatre llovalt, hUnchuler, Liverpool, and BIrmlOHhsm, (then idaylng iiiiiler Ihe name of Hotlnett) died on tho Clh, after as llliioti of time wcoha, at the carlv age of thirty ycara. Tho Iloyal CulCMOum opened on Whit Monday, after bavlsg been oloaod tlirce monlhs Ou tho 7th, their iloyal highneues the Prince and Prliicrta of Walea, honored the Uavmarkct Theatn wllh their preionce, being the flnl dramatlo ctUhllahment they liAvovlalloHtiiicethelr nuptlaU Henry Loraine wu at the Siirray Theatre on the lllh Inat Mr. QutUvuaW. Ulake, from the Blrmlni;hain Theatre, nude hit ili6iit at tbo Vldorla Thuin on tha lllh luat Mr. Henry 0. Cooper, well known u Uie manager of the nooper Bngllah Opera Troupe, la at proaont couduolor of the Bngflah Opera, at tho fliandard Theatn, Rhoredlteh. Mr. Blanleyhu ntlrtU from Iho active dnllu of Ihe Canler- bury Mnale Kail, London, and It la now under the sole propilO' lerahlp of Mr, Morton, AMUSEMENTS. A IjEOITIHATIi ARO KBLIABLiB ACTRB8B de- Blres an engagement for FIIIST OLD WOMEN and HEAVY BUSINESS, nuponalblo mtuagen ohlt, local or traveling, will pleue addreu ArlUto, Slatlos D, Bible House, N. Y. 7-3tt MIHIi VAHOIjIRH RIOHINOS, Aided by her father, ■ MB. PETER BIORINOS, Commesced an engagement at John EUtler'a ACADEMY OP MUSIO, CLEVELAND, On Monday evening. May SOtb, when they will prnduco their gnat spedditiu BATANELLA and the ENOHANTBEBS. S-lf A, a PEMNOYEB, Agent THE TURF. TDK jAViianDna Baoxs.— Tho flnt nolng .meeting of the seuon waa held on Wednesday the 30IU Inst, at Jameabnrg, N. J., over the coune recently formed by aome of thopalrosa of Ihe turf Is that locality. Tho atlesdasce, although sot nuiuer- Ically large, oomprlaed all the leading lurf^en of the North, u well u many of tho Wealem owncn of thonnghbnda who have brought on Ihdr slahles lo Uke part Is Iho coming roolsg oampaign In the North, The day wu buntlfslly fine and 4he Iraok Is good order. Iho flntncewuaswcepalakcsoftMeach, single duh of a mile, wllh three entrlea, bnt only two nn. Theao were Mr, Bnckdew'ii Wabuhaw, and Mr. MallUard'B Hermlonoi the Utter the favorite at tlOO to tlO. Wabuhaw, however, won olevorly by ten lengths, allhough he pulled np lame at Ihe flnUh, The aecond race wu a eweepaUkes of |M each, b. f. mile heata, for 9 year olds; two of the three enlrlu tUrled; Mr, 0. Uoyd's, Danierona, and Mr. F, C. Buah's Fleetwine, the former backed to iris at tiOO lo tW, asd af lerlho socosd hut St tlOO lo H, He won both heats and tho nee In capital atyle, A match for 1310 a aide, alngle daah of 9 inlles, between Mr. P, 0, Bnsb'a Aenlte asd Mr, Buekaltw'a While Oak followed. The former with flOO lo 130 on htm, won a magslflcent race by a ahort neck only. The lut race wu for 4 year olds, sweepatakea ot tlOOeach, twomUeheats. Ibreeoat of thefour entrlarani BnrprUe, (Iho favorite,) EluUe and Oaprlce, The former won both hoaU,Elutle being tcooud. The following U a snmmary of Ihe mnslsg asd tho lime made:— BDmiAST. jAnasnno, N. J., Wedneaday, May 30,1803.—Badsg.—Sweep- sUkes,IdO entrance, b. f., niUe dash for throe yosylos* J. Buohehtir'B cb, c, Wabuhaw, by Langford 1 A, Mallllard'a eh. t, Hermlone, by Hermes 9 Time, liOSX. Same day—Bweepattkes, 1100 entrance, h. f,, for three year olds, ndle heate. • 0 Lloyd's b 0 Donaerons, by Bonsle Bcotlasd 11 P 0 Bush's eh o Floctwlsg, by Balrowsle 9 3 Time;-] i(lk: 1:10V. SaRo day—Match, t3liOeaeh, aingle duh of two inlles. I'OUuKh'soheAerolllcbrilovenno 1 JBuokdow'sch o While Otk. by Lssgfoid 9 Tlnie:-l:40,V. Bame day—Sweepstakot, |dO each, h. f,, for four year olds, two-mile heats. 0 B Unjd'a eh o Snrprlse 11 J Buokdow's eh o BusUo 9 9 P0Butb'abfCaprice OB Tlme:-3HMjJ[{: 3:(I0V. TnaTrmo— Paid FonntT.—In the great troUlsg natch for f1,000 a ddo, between Ur, Horrliaey's Becklngham aud mate and Hr. Simmons' Robert FUllnghom and male, to come off on Ihe Fuklon Couiss this day (Tocaday), Iho Utter hu paid forfeit Bronr Aaus.—A match of three noes hu been mode between Boberl FlUlnghare and a running mate, asd Boektsghais asd a runslsg mate. Tlie flnt of these evesU la sol down for Tues- dsy, 9«lh Inat, over Ibe Foalilon OounSj toi (3,000, mile heats, best Uitoe la Bvo, TiornKo at Bosiok.— One of the flnait trots this seaten coat off on the 10th Inat, over the Franklin Park Ooone, Boston, B wu ose ot a series of InU adverUted by Ibe proprietor of tha Inoki Ihe pnne offered wu 1100, mile heata, best 3 Is «, In h» sea, for honu that had sot beaten 9:95 In hirnon or lowMoa The enlrlei wen seven Is snraber, vis:—Fansy Fern, ud; Bhaw, Union Boy, Bnohasan, Tonig Sstlcn, Eagla asd Tea Bestos; bnt flve horsu only oame upon the track, Fanny Ten asd Union Boy having tieon prevlouaiy withdrawn. Yensg BA tes wu aUo withdrawn pnvloua to Ihe nee. Tho weather wu fine, the track wu In splendid oondltlon, anl u eveiythlsg wu favorable for a flse race, eiollemeot ras bl~' J. McOWs mare, Lady Shaw, and Eagle wen believed lo pretty evesly matohed, bat Is a few pools that wen add on ibt ground, the Utter had tho dBI at the nie of M and M) In poob of tlOO. Lady Bhaw commanding B40, and tha othen brlngtat up the balance, Buchanan, who proved to be Ihe winner, sIom third Is dl the pooU asd bnnght low hlda only. The Judges were Meun. David Blanohard, Joshua Sewsrd and Oharlu Tourldot The trotting commenced about balf-paM three o'dock. Lady Bhaw wu dnvas by John McOlne, Buehaa u by J. Heed, Eagle by J, Bowen, asd Tom Benton by Baa Imenon, snncABT, Fnamnnt Pabk Cuobsf., Tuesday, May 10, IMS. Tntlhig to Proprlctdr'a Furao No. 3, {100, mile hoala, 0 In 0, to hameu, to horses that had sol bestan 9:3I'ln hameu or to wagon. J need named b g Buchanan 9 8 9 1 1 1 J McOloe nsfied b m Lady Bhaw 191999 J Bowen same g g Eagle 313333 B EmenoB named b g Tom Benton 4 4 4 dis. > Time—9:30>(; 3:MK: 3:30; 3:3«; 3:35: 9:3T- ' On Ihe 31el, Ihe trotting malch between the bay stalUn Hiram Dnw, Jr.,samed by J. Dlgley, and bay mare Lady Drer, named by J. Beed, pottposed IMm last week, csme off on Or Frashlls Park Conne. It wu a matoh for tlOO, mile heala bal three In flve, to baraeu. LaiSy Brew won In Ibne alrabU heals. Time, 3:00; 9:59: 3:01)(. An Impromptu nee, between a aonel colt, owned by A. L Morrison, and^a bUck mare, owned by Mr. Thomu Trent al« look place, Ihe matoh wu mile heata, best three In flve, tti owien driving. Mr. Trent's man won the flnl taut Una 3:58%; BIr. Morrison's colt Ihe second, lime, 3:95; Mr. Trann man the third and fourth heata, and cosaoqacslly, the nea Time, iM.\ and 9:07. AMomra TBomna Match came off over the same gnnsdi 00 Ihe 9Cth Init, for a pune and slake of fW>, mile huts, b«< three In five, to haraeas; driven towdgh 100 lbs. The "go" won at 3K o'dock P. M. By the annexed summary It will hi teen that by a tingle effort Pulaeklhnd It oil hlaonnrway, and tho time "no gnat abokcs." There wu a good deal of dUaaUa faction expresaed at the nanlt ot IliU event. HambletonUn wa thofavorltootvery longodda, and Itwu boohed, by thoae whc don't know everything, as a euro thing; but on gelliog awav, the favorlto "cut a ahoo," or aomethlng uf tLct aort, aud Pulaai had nn cuy thing of It. Summary:— D. Fdlfer'a b. g. Pnlaakt 1 H. P. Jonra' br. g. HambletonUn dU D. Tallmas'a b. g. Dutchman pd. forfeit U. WoodruiTa b. m. Jenny lUwkina pd. forfell Time, 9:«'f. Tnr. FIBST Bacb or m Sbasoiv, In St. Lonis, cane off <■ Saturday, Oth Inat, at ibe Mound City Cenise; a mile heat, to trotting hones; time, nearest to three nlnntes. Tom Dos^ "Spoiled Pony" came the nearut to tho time (3:01), aud wu d» dand the winner ot tbo 150 purse. As Interctllng race comsi off over thla course on Iho 90tb, Inatud of the 30th, u waa eii» neoualy elated. It la s match race for tl,C0O. Wdler B. Cair enten bay hone (to wagon) "Quaker Boy." Coiit. B. Hntchl» ton enten aorrd horse (to hameu) "Horry Moll." Mile hes^ but Ibne Is flve. "Qnsker Boy" eeems lo be Ihe favorlle. Al the Abbey Course, aeverd races have taken place. A race to konet never befon run os a course, wu to have been deoldel on Friday, 15th, for a purse ot tOO, Tbe Pom Bnuzi Pask AnocunoH, Philadelphia, an nut. Ing extentlve^nparatloss for the coming season, wblob pro» Ises to be veir spirited- For the spring trolling meeting they offer the toUowlsg prlzu:-A pnive ot V/X), mile huts, besll In 6, to, bamcsn, for honea that have tnlted In 9:30, or leafr Purse ot (300, mile healt, best 3 In 6, to wagon, for horsca thai have not trotted belter than 3:35. Purse of $?00, nlle httis, best 3 In 6, to donble hemes, for bones that have not Irottsd belter than 9 :<0. Pune ot t300, mile heaU, hea 13 In C, lo wagon, for honea that have trotted In 9 ;39 of leu. Puree ot$300,two tsOei and repeat to taamna, for horaea that have never trotted betta Ihan9:35. Puree of (50, mile and repeat lo wagon, for hones Ihid have never trotted better then 9:50. Pune of $100, mile health but 3 In 5, lo haneas, for honet tliat hare sever trotted bettet than 9:45. Pnne of 150, one mile, and repeat for dl colU fonr yean old or leu, to go u they pleaao. Pedlgreea nuat acccifr ptny enlrlu for the colt pnmluns. Entries for the above purses must be made befon Monday, Jnne let The rocea Is some off the third week In June- On Wedneaday, Ihe 90th Inat, on Assodatlen Premium ne^ for mile heats, but 3 Is 0, In hameu, will take place betwesi Wdter Cook's br. h. NorrUtown, Elsg's s.b. WhUkoy, sudQoofr wln'ab.m. May Queen. Amotses ExontKo AivNotnicniZKT.—The meat Isterestini and even oiclllng asnonncemeut for the icason so auspldooaly opening, la a aenes of all racu between the celebrated troltlaa rtalllon, George M. Patohen, and the much admired bUekgtC ding, Qen. Butler. ThU series of races Is reported lo be te 15,000 each, or an aggregate amount of (30.000, play or pay. The atyle and date ot each race U fixed u fellows ^Wcdnudagi^ May 97, mile heaU, three In flve. In harness.. Wedneeday, Jna 10, mile heata, three Is flve, to wagona, Wednesday, June Hi two mile hcoU, lo wagona. Wedneeday, Jane 34, mile hcat^ Ibne In flve, under aaddle. ' Weflneaday, Jdy 1, two inlle bestir under saddle. If all thU la a trae card, and the honea proti even tolerably well matched. It will form an event of the ' long lo be reuembend. Tnornxo at iue Fabrjom Puasube OnomiDS.—An Islettii Ing 3-mlle trot came off over they grounds os Tnesdsy. IM Ust, the entries bdsg Frank Temple, Shark, and Sen. ~ OlelUn. Frank Temple had been the favorite at $100 lo Jiut befon Iho start, McClellan'a owner paid forfeit, and a Ital trot In pnaenco of a Urge and highly gratified aeaemblan took pUco, The "go" for Ihe flnt heal wu given al 3)i o'olo^ and after a severe stmnle, the Ikvorlle wu detested, ns second heat wu very almlUr to Ihe flnt, the race being deddsl u per Iho following anmmaxy;— ' FASmoM CouasE, L. I., Tuesday, May 10. Pune, $300; rollna and repeat In hameu. D. Mece'a b. g. Shark \ U-WoodmlTa cb. g. Frank Temple ...1 W. Bandon' b. k'n. g. Oen. McOlellan, paid forfell. Time, 7:47Ji; 7:69, ItAnxE roB A Stauiom.— On the loth Inst., at Ihe Fashli Course, a raflle ot 100 chances at (10 a chance, caroe off for II young chestnut atalllon bdonglsg to.Uie ealale ot Ihe la thomu Buna. A VmT Olocclt OoHTXsnn Racz ciina off over the Monal City Coune, BtLonia, on the 301b. It waa a trot lollo heata beat threo In flve, "Quaker Boy," owned by Waller Carr aa driven by him, and "Harry Nell," enlered by B. B. Tvler, an driven by Lafferty, wen tho centealanto. The flnt 'heat wu won by "Quaker Boy" In 9:88,>j; the tecendby "Quaker Boy"li 3:37. Oonsldersblo mosey changed hands. At TBI Aiun Bade Coobse, St Loula, several IntertsUM and exelUsg neu have come off; The track It under ltaaaup» Intendenoe ot Jerry MlUspaugb, asd U kept In fine order. W Tuesday aflsrnoon, 90th, a pacing nee wlU like pUee betwta "Oon Belt" and "Dick Tarpln," for a pune of $100. It snmlsa to be sn eielUng one. *^ - Tbothho—Fast Tiub.— A tratthig rutch look place on lb 95th of April, over the WUlowa Park Coune, Ban Franclteo, be tween Judge Cannon's s. u. "Flllmon" and Mr, S. H Puksr^ s, m. "Caluomla Damad.^' It wm a aUgle daah of five for 11,000 a aide, the mare to wagon, and the hone to sulky. I wu won bv the hone. The mam wu acme two hnndnd yaii ahead on the fifth mllOi-and as high u $100 to $30 wen onsisl on her, wllh tew taken; bnton turning Into Ihehoms atretct the horse doaed thodUUnce, and camels tuadioniely ahead wis slsg the bent Is 18:10, This, we holleve,lt IhofMteetfiveaS best ever Irotted Is CaLfOraU. It U at the rate of 3 :S9 asd one teath of a aocond lo the mile. Watzbut Boat Onm.—We an happy lo lum lhal tbU alwai spirited asd dmya flourishing organization U not to be behlB the but the ooming seaaen. Their otiodatlos for the aeasa Is perfected, end their boats and beating ntllen an bdsg m la perfect order, alike for Ihdr ovraezerdse and pleunnTaH for friendly trIsU of aklU vrllh rlvd euodatloss, which the Wt verleys sn not glvsn to shirking. Their beaU are tho Waverltl slx-oared, and the Ivanhoo, fouroand, ncers; and the Omslboi th A Foot BaoE wu to have Ukeu place on Friday, Mar 99, FInUv'a Hdt MUe Bxerddng Track, Is the upper part of dty, betwees Dnteh Lew^y, and Black Jake, Lowoy did not' In asappearasee, but an hilaruting race for ose mile come'01 betwees Yonsg Sport end McOsbe, the foimer having twesli fin yards start Tha raco wu hasdsemely won by Sport who ■aid to have made Wo mile In four ralnulu and forty second! In the match first roterred to,Dlaek Jake U enUlled to forfdt, on aceonnt of tho non-appearance of his opponent Boum rv Bax Fbaxouoo, Oal.— Nobby OUrke and Jack Bath' oihlbltlos In that olty, on April 30, wu, we an pleased lo lean a tucceu, nolwllhsUndlna the rslny weather. The sots-tobt tween norr/Orlbbln and Joek BaUi, and Nobby CUrke am JohssyLazama, an highly enlogludi aid Bill Clarke la pre neunoed the be*t sparrer thai hu ever vlslled CsUtomla, Bra Zkvmjrt. Jzejskbbot Intends sending some Ihonugk bred AnbUnhonuto EsgUsdua nuolousfor Ihe Prince e Wdes' atud. Sir Jam U a gay b'hov, and we wont swear thatb U not a blood reUllon ot our o«n Hose aud Japanue Tommy. Boirron, a odebnt«d South ot EggUnd Jockey, died on Uayl