New York Clipper (May 1863)

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NEW YOBK CLIPPEB'J AMUSEMENTS. BBVAinrg OPBBA HOVIB, ^ „ . Iftrliinln' 4n BiMdmr, ibara onsd (UMl nJABTBBOIHKB&Fnntelon. JOUMBIUmOR.^aunnr, gMUMM i ii niB OF TBX OBIOIMAL WOBLD-BlDIOmD BBTAHTS' WNBrBKLa THE XXOELBIOB TB0DP2 07 3HH WOBU). 1h* OMipur li coapoMd or tht (tUowiiiff Ulanlad IftUil— HHL BBTAHT, g. A OAMPKnjL. w. w. vevaoitB, a. h. OBivyiM, DATE BXED, BOUiDI HOWABD. Ik BOBBSL 0. B, FOVLEB, >. H. 8IV0BI, a. A. oomvSs. x uorbiboh, uabt. snsNfliDE, JTBAHK LESLIE. SAM ZMUEIT, LITTLE MAO. !■ A new Tutoty of 8«ig>, rineta, BuilMqaM. riinUUn <ii<TH. M tr /orFuUoiilmiMUJaoftludAr. , IlokeU 31 emiA. ■OBRU BROTHBBa, & CO't HIKBTRBLB, FBOU TBKIB OIEBA ROnSEb BOffTOH, UASS. nil popalu tnnse li now on lU noiiJii unul nminar lour. ^BBUBBOrnSB, FZLL * TROWDBIDOE^ UUWl'BEU Omriitot ttuftOovla^OoiiUemaii LOR MOBBIS, s nxTiro iaiBt JOHMH T PEI I» J. a TBOWDBinai^ E. w. FBmcorr. J. L, ansEBT, f. p. EHD^ AnaVBI BOENEISEB, S.^W, BOABSUAV, ... LOTHIAM, B. U. OABBOUU J. QDEliN, F. VnLUAIlTB, B. FnEUBRIOEa, f. HILLUBD, D. f. UAOOINNU, L. A. ZWIBBLEB. JAPAME8E TOUUT. XlM lbiiig«iii«Dt eiQ puttcnlir nolUie to Uu *>»Tt dirts- gtiliAil ttnj of Mmt. , „ ^ St^oli W eanlfi Tlminill nmli nil ninti UOOIiST'B OPBRA IIODSB, B1 MW)K 1»Y», Got. CODBT A BEUBBH SIBEEIB. R. U. HOOLir Bolo Fioprletor. E. BOffEBS Dlnetorof AmoMmmli. T. B. PRSIDKB0A9T Toctl Dlnotor. Pnt BTRADD lutramutil DliMtor. MONSAT EVENINa, Mtr ID. I'd dulDB the vwk. HOBI XOTEI/riEB. NEW ATTitAOTIOM. FM WMt of Uia blgUT Aniulng Isteiluda uUad nOOLET'S mMSTDBLB EXOUBSIOM 70 U01TAN0B; OB. Tm QuAT Bailbou) Explouob. Flnt irack of THE COmnBTUAK'S DEBUT, By Bugbaa, Bowera, tad CbAtlta. Tint m«k of Uio Terr IraibiUo burlMnna on DD, OOLTOlPs LAUOUIKU OAS. Sa OAS'DU. .' E. BOITEnS. Vlntappuitnoaor UB. FnAKK 8FEAB, TbaTaloBtad EltalopUu Comadllo. Hew Songi, AcU, Duoea. Darlcaqaaa, Ao. Dean open it 7; u oommenoa at B. nekaU II oeota. Printa Boiet $9. 7- AJUUUCAN TUBATHBU M UBOADWAT. AMEDIOAN IBEATBE, 444 DBOASWAT. THE BEION OF FUN, A coRTDiroua oabnital or UEBniuENT, AT XBja OBUT fTAMOlBD TAAUTI TUAATB^ Pnaanlloa A OBASD PBOTEAN EMTEnTAINUENT, Coablalag In ona all tha popnlar Amuiomanla of Uia aga, ud S'aaentlJig In lla peatonuinoa 8TBB OOVBDY OOHBINATION, Without t piccedaal tn tha Ohionloloa at Uia Amciicu BUga. Among Ihg thnoirof BTAB ABTIBI8 in tha following:— SnSB EVA BBENT, JAE 8. BAFFTT, W, H. BAXTKOLOUEW. 4A8. 8.' BAFflT, W. H. BABTilOLOMKW, 0HABLE8 E. COLLINS, OBABLBY WBITB, E. N. BLOOUM, JAS. WAHDOLD. BOB HART, T. t. RIOOB, MAST, TOXUV, inss LIZZIE sunLTze. . MIS0 FBAKOIS LE BOT, M T.T.g inLLIB FLOBA, IflBB AUOUSIA ITALBT. UABY BLAKE, UATILDA BECLTZE. LOUISE 1TALDT, FLOBEHCE ^TELLS. OLABA BOOABT, THE OBEAT PAUL BBILUAMT BALLET TBOOPE, All tppaar In a Oholca FrogruDno, ■■■ Vlilsh for tilast and Tariotj cannot bo aauallcd In N«w Tork. MORS LA IKORNE Slaga Uanagar. FEED TON OLEEIl UuiUaal Dlnotor. A OBAND FAltlLT UATIMBB On BmluiOAjr aflanioon. Btattllng KoTtlUt* In pnparallon. 0- m^op OOBTIIIXIITAli THBATHIE, PUILADELPHIA, \rahiQt Ebtaat, aboTa Blahth, Sola J/aut and Pnpdctor FBED. AIUB. Tnatniorand OiuUuaa Uanagat. .J. W. ALLINBON. Slaga Uasagor 0. UoMILLAN. LaadarotAcbeatn JOUN BITTBB. TUi Una and oiaanlilunt thoatn la ' OraN EVEBI ETENINO, With tha graateat combination of arilallo oxoollanco arer con- •OBlnlad Id any Ibeitn In tha conntrr, ptomlnant amosgat ivhom maj be mentlonad The Fnmlar Danaania of the agt, ITDLLE HELEHE; Tha faaclnitlBs Dasaasaa, inSS KTm DLANOBABD: I IhabotnUfol Bonnlraa indDuMoao, ^ lOeS EBHESTINB DE FAIBEB: MB. TON? PABIOB, Tht ptlnce of all comic atngen ul Jaalara; UB. JOBKNT HAOE, Tba Biaat otlgtsal TaratUle Ethlqelan Comedian Uilnc; UB. DEMNX OAULtanEB, PhllAdelptaU'a jponslar fivotllai MaKBOtTUAIHBS, The oalobraladparioralutar; ' Sia JOBN K. OAMPBELL, The original «nam fat man;" UB. UIKE UoEENNA. popnlar Ethiopian paTfonnar; S, OEOBOB aERKAlNE, ThafaTorltaballadUt: MB. HABBT KELLY, The Obamplon Jig Daneeri UB. OBOBOE W. BBCTE, "ttnd tha lirgoil and moat eOlclent CORPS DB BALLKT Id America. Ibgether vlth oter tSXj peiformera of known rcooffnizcd ablUlT. Flnt olua artlata, open tor ongagamoDla, will plaaaa addnai aa abOTo. S-U liBA'a BIBLODKOII. OBOBOE LEA BALTIUOBE, UD Proprietor, W. B. OAVANAOn BUga klanagor. OBAliD OFENIKa OF THB SPBINO BEABO M. - JOBN UULUOAM * ANDREW LBATITT. 8ION0B BLISS and SON, • UIBS JENNIE BNOLE and BILLIB OATAnAOB, The aboTO talented artlata can bo laeorad bj raiponalble nan. uen for any length of time bTappljtng leOeorga Lea: hut It wl be naaleai to tnnbia them with Indlrldoal olTen, aa no at- taiUonwlllbaiiald toanylotlaia nnleia addreaaed to tha pro- ■rletor of thouelodcon. In connootlonvllh tho alreadr named veiformen now partorm- Ing at thlB aalabUahmont, are Ise foUowlag:— Jlr. Billy Bbjrd, 0. U. Ullra, Fnnk Wood, 'Jfaiton AUrad and Obirlea BlUa, John Olnaky, Mlia Tiller Forbea, Ulu Blagglo Uanhall, H'Ua Loulia BUaa, Mlaa Lonlu Brana, and Mlia Julia Boblnaon, bjothor with A full ud elllalent ballet tnnpe, of twelra yonng WANTED.—Fanula Danoan and Tooallila, of good paraonal •vpearanoa. Apply aa abora. M.|f AMUSEMENTS. WOOD'S milBTRBIi lIAUn fit BBOADWAT, Oppoalte tha St NIeholaa Hotel ( BXRBT WOOD Sola PropilelCT and M anaaer . THB BEST VENTILATED HALL IN THB OTTT. ajmu amno flavdrs FBOU OBOWDED AND DELtOHTBD ATTDIENOES, NIghUy great tha Inimitable Entaitalamenia glren WOOD'S MIN8TBBL8. •THE MODEL TBODPB OF THE WOBLD." HONDAT, Kay U, and arery aranlng dirlig tha weak, Tui JUiLioAS Exrujiioit, Tax Foua Caowa, Bomixa toi Buxiaisa, Tb> Ocbbu FmiLT, UA0IEB WOOD IK FAVOBTTB BALLADS, ' , Tn WAHsaaoa Mma iaxM, ■ Wram Spoan, Oihsllo, Ac, by Charley Fox, Malaa Baymonr, Cool WhHe, a Haarr, 0.0. Lockwood, luialar Wood, J. W. olana, H. SehwIcardI, Iiaaca Brolhen, I. Oantagna, B Haalan, J, Lata, BL Lowla, Ao. Ooon open at 7; oommenoa at S o'olock. Ilokala M oanta. Noncx.—No oonaaotlon with any tnrallng company ii ramln g the name of Wood'a Mlnitnla. 7- TUK saw IDBA, THE NEW IDEA, 4IS BBOADWAT. Uonday, IBIb. FlratUaw of the OOAND PANIOUIUE 0T1 SODTHEBN REFCOEB, BOD THBB N BEFDOBE, SOUTHEBN REFUOEE, BOUTHEBH BEPDaEE, BODTHEBR BEFDOEE, BODTBEBN REFUOEB, BODTHEBN BEFUOEE, BODTBEBN BEFDOEE, In which MABIETTA ZANFBBITA. MABIETTA ZANFBEITA, WIU perform ber Oreat Character of THE DADOHTEB OF THE BEOIXENT, and the eelabnted A. H. HERNANDEZ, WUl appear aa the Country Boy, Durlas the orealng, MABIETTA ZANFBETTA WOl latrodnco bar aatoalahlag and unequalled performance on the TIGHT ROPE. Oaid TO UAKiaEna.-All appUoatlona for tha aorrloM of Mari- etta ZaalTOllA, tha moat woaaertul Tight Bopo perfoimtr la the world, mnat be made to J. 0. ODBBEN, g. Manager of tha New Idea. DBARBURIf BTfUIBT OPBBA RUD8BI, OHIOAOO —VanSaot k Chadwlok, proprlatora: Obirlea Fatria, bnilnoaa agent; Oeo. McDonald, alaga manager—will open Monday CTe- nlna. May ISIh, with a flnt cliaa company of New Tork and PhlUdolphla arllila. Flnt olaaa artlata, male and female, wlah- lag angagamonta, will addreaaaa above, or to our lolo agent, JAilES OONNOB A CO., Houaa of Oonmiona, U Welt Houaloa atreat, aear Broadway, N. T. TUB nonrroRs ov HnBTRBbBT. BAM BHABPLETS U1N8TBELS, BBA88 BAND, AND BDHLEBQDS OPEBA TBODPE, THE OBEAT ETHIOPIAN IBON OLADS, Now conaummatlng the moat profitable Tour erer known In the biStory of MINSTBELBT, Appear CTery night thla week at • THE MASONIO TEVStX. LOUISVILLE, ET. Will open Monday, April 37, for alx alibia, at 8MITU K onsoN'B hallToincinnati. And at the. UEBOANTILS LIBRAR7 HALL, ST. LOUIS, Monday eTeaIng, May ith, for a abort aeaaon. After which, they will appear at OmCAQO, , DETBorr, TOLEDO, And other dUea, en route lo tho EiaU J, D. NEWCOMD, Adrenialng Agent, BAM SHABPLET, '3-lf Manager and Proprietor. BIIjI<B> UARIB ZOB, the Oceal Fnneh and Spanlih Daauuae, now atarrlng at Jano SngllBh'fl Tbeatn, Broadway. wlU commence at tho Dearborn Btreot.Opera Honae, Chicago, on or about June lit. Allbuilneaa Ictten muil be addreaaedto JAMES COMNOB k CO.'S Theatrical Agency, HoueofOonunona, 21 Weal Honaton alraet, N. Y. VOX'S OA8INO, OBESTNdT BTBEET, ABOVE SIXTH, PHILADELPHIA. FA. Tna Sow or tbx "Oabdio" Nivxm Ban, The Dnorrtng Voice of the Puhllo paooLima tbat FOX'S CASINO, FOX'S OASINO, la tba moat Beapectable, Tbe moat Ooaifortable, and nie moat Popular place of Amnaamant IN P giT.fngr.^irTA . ■■THE OOUPANY" Tho Largeat, Tbe Stroogeal, And tbe moat TonaUla, THAT BVEB APPEABED IN ANT U08IO HALL. Porforman of acknowledged ability can luTirlably find ataady engagemania by applying panoaUly or by letter. Stan liberally OHBIB NoBBIB, ITeaanrer. treated wtlb. «-tl DORVAL & OO.'S tIATIOIIAIi TUBATRB, OIN- 0INNA1T, Wm, 0. Smyihe, alaga manager. Thla ulabllanment la now In the full tide ot aneeaaa. Male and female artlata, bold- lag Inl olaaa poaltlooa, wlablag engagamaala, miy iddreaa aa abore, or to our agenia, JAMES OONMOB A CO.. Home o( Com- moni, 2S Weet Houiton atnal, near Broadway, N. Y. SHOWS AND TROVPK8, DBSmiNO TO ENOAOE A BUSINESS MANAGER OB TRAVELINO AGENT, can obtain an aallTa, anergoUo cue, of good prlnclplca and lotegiltr, who hai tnrelod, uaderalanda, and had experience, and who la well 2naUfled for tbe place. Aa a manager, will, under ordinary tTonble clrcnmBUncoa, guarulee a good, paylug buelneaa to any flnt olaaa tnnpe. Addma Immeillaloly, with a pro- gramme, N. QREEN, Box No. 41, IMt* Whilney'a Point, Broome Co., Now Tork. TnB''anBATTwMIAR now performing to crowded hooaea at the Now Idea, Broadway, la open for atarrlng engaiiameala. All builneu lettan muat be addreaiad to JAMES CONNOR ft CO., Houaa of Commouf, 3S Waal Honaton alreet, near Bnadwiy, H. Y. HOWARD ATHANKUH, • BOSTON. Sa> Flntolati STABS wlahlng nighta, will addioaa the anb- Mribar, aa aboie. 4-41 HENRY wnXABD, Leoea. THB BORGBR FAKILY.—The undenlgscd wOl feel obliged for tho addreeaof tho pannia oftho ■■ Dnrgor Children,'' (mualolani,) who are now, or wero lately, performing la Oblo. «.» Addroaa "ZOUAVE," Di^Gia, Ohio. WAMTBD.—A VIOLINIST, oaa who oin roid muilo at alght, either lo act ai flnt or aebond, a good locoad praianed. A young man with the aboro aocomplLBbmeata would flad it to hia advantage to Join a MlnatrolTronpo to give oeoaalonal perform- aacea In the Immediate nolghbpring towna until the Fall, when they an to atart on a permanoat 'naToUng Tonr thnngh the Staua. Plo«ioadilra»8.UOnTON, No, 473 Eaal Fourth atreet, or'by letter In can of Wllkca'Spirit, N.Y. 0-at* BniB lIBNDBRMOn, TBE CELEDBATED AMERICAS ABTISTB, Hal Juit oemplelfd an Begigemeot of FORTYSIXHIOHTS IN LONDON, AM hu relumed lo thla ccunltr. She bilogi wllh hor aeroril ENTIRELY NEW PLAYS, «Uch bavabeen cepyrightad by her. Thryara entitled:— TUB FLOWER QIBL, BCOTTIflU MAIDEN, KATIILEEN MA- TOORNERN, ud OyrSEY GIRL OF ORENADA. Muagen wiibleg to ntgotlalo wliu thla youn^ taanlaome, Md talented Acbtta, wlU plraae addreia tM WM. UENDEli80.>r, PlUabnmb Theatre ■TO nANAORHN. UME CARLOTTA P0Z7.0HT. Thla emiunt Vocallal ud Actnu will atriTo In New York early tn Juno. Otr nperloln conalila ot imnt NEW ud ATTRACTITE eiBOES. Muagen wlahlng to nogetlate for the eninlig tall and winter •on will pleue iddroii, car« of FBANK'QUEEN, Xiq,, Oup- loflln. T-ff VITTSBVRUfl TIIBATHB—ladlii and genllamen f -wtahlag ODgucmauta tor tha coming fidl and wlnlor acatcn, will " — ;caII ■ > appllcAllon al onco, aa the muagor la now completing hit .MTangeuonla. Blan treated wllh on nlieral torma. V-tt WM. HENDERSON. Leiaee ud Uanagar, JAOKSOBHAINBH.theworld-rwowned Champion Skater, now at the Continental, Philadelphia, will alart on a alarring tourWeat on or about June 16th. Muagen wUhlag to aeoun hla acrrloea, wUl addnu hie aole agenta, JAMkS CONNOR & 00„ Hooae ot Oonunona, 38 Weat Houaloa almt, neat Broad way,H.Y. AMUSEMENTS. JDBT FaoB RBW ORbBANH AND THE ISLAND OF OUBA. OBOWNSD Wim UNPABALLELED BUOCmB. lun WAT »oa THE aiOAXnO LEADING UIN8TBEL TBOUFB OF THB PE0FES8I0N. MAMMOTH OBOANIZATION AND BRASS BAUD, Batom ot tha fu-famed ud world wide ruownad DUPBEZ A OBEEH'S OiioniAL Niw OaiXAHa A HmorouTAii BUBLESQUE OPEBA TBOUPE AND BBASS BAND, Alao, OOM. FOOT ud COL. SMALL, the two imillMt man In the world, outdoing Tom Tbamb twu- ty-flre per cent They are 33 yean old, walgb 33 ponnda each, udoaiy3Slaabea high, admitted lo be tba graateat cnrioalty. •Tar brought baton tbe pnbUo. They appear la 34 dUTerut^ acta, expriaaly arruged for them. Joat onmNavOrlaaai ud through tha lalud of Cuba, when they met with niUailtadeno- ceai ud wan reeelTed nightly with roan of laughter ud ihonta of applanie. Btige Manager J. E. GREEN. Mnaleal Dlnctoift , a LAVELLEE. Vocal Director. 17. .\ gTbIDEAUX. ^^^T^ omijany la compoaed of tha following alghlMmAitlrto OBEAT STABS OF EIHIOPTAN DEIJNEAIOB& J. E OREEN, 0U8TATE BIDBAUX, CHARLEY BEYNOLDB, LEW BENEDICT, OHAS. H. DUPBEZ, M. AINBLET SOOIT, O. BUBT, OALIXA LATEUA FBED FLOBENC^ A. BIBOBBOB& J, OAMILL& FLEU ADAMS, EDWIN HOLMEB, OtLBEBT POND, A. 8. PBEMTISS, WM. DUBOIS, OZOBOE YOUNO, SAM P. MABBION B. B. COLLINS. Being tbe Oreateit Comblaatloa of Talut ever ooneentratad In one Compuy, excelling ud tar auperior to all other TnTellng Troopea In exiahmce. Ibe whole nader the ooalrol and dlrtetlon ot DUPBEZ ft OBEEN, Sola Proprielon. Tba abore popular Troupe wlB, during the remainder of the aeaaon, vlilt the Weatem ud Euleni Btatei. ilio the Oannliiii OBAND BALCONY BERBNADET ' Each aranlng prerlona to iipenlng tbe BT TBB UMaqVALLBS NEW ODLEANB AND BIEIBOFOLITAN BBASS BAND, ov nR raoiB. Manager ud Guenl Director, OHAS. E. DUFBEZ. AdTerUatngAgut, A. S. PBENTI8S. 1-tf BAOI)IBB>B OPBRA HOUKB, SAN FBAHOIBOO, OALIFOBHIA. IH08. MAOUIBB Proprietor ud I jiUES DOffUNO Stage MiBiger. J. L. BOHM IT Leader ef Onhctli W, STEVENSON Treaaoier. TEE STAB DBAMATIO OOMPANT, MISS BOPniA EDWIN. MBS LULU WIEBI, MBS. W. a FOBBB MISS 0. BINOKLEY, MISS NEtUB l" W. O'NBIL, FBANK MAYO, OHABLEt THOBN, WILLIAM BABBT, D. a ANDEB80N, HAB BT OLIF ION, W. H. BAMI LTON. F. D. WHITB, 0. STETKTSON, W. B. TAYIiOB, Ac., to., Aa. Stan Tlilllng OallfomU abonld bear tn mind that la alio proprietor of the Meliopolltu Tbeatr% ' the MaryiTllla Ihaatre. THB DBAHDORlf OPBRA HUD8B, CHIOAGO. Thla, the flnoat hall In the Weil, will open on or about May 33d aa a flnt cine Mnalo Hall, nnder the management ot Meaan. Vufleat A Chadwlok, wllh tho Aneat compurot artlala that money cu ieonr«. from New York city. M'lle BrlgnoU, the Female VIoUnlil, Vooallat ud Danaenie, with olbor equally talonled arllila, an already ugiged. All builnoaa letlen muat be addreaied u above, or to JAUES OONNEB h CO., Theatrical Agula, Houao ot Oonunona, 311 Weat Honaton atreel, N. Y. Olty. CHA& PETBIB, Dualnoaa Agent. BTViMiT ROBMOir, tbeyoungAmsrioanc«madlu,lancw performing tbnnghout the New Englud Slatea, with the moit llallering aucoeiv. Oommunloallona addnaaed to OHABLES TUOHaS I'AIISLOE, Dramallo Agent, H, Y. 7.0|e ^tSuBs'olCSoia.NM^ifiwHn^ AnaiaTCO BT mn rATnxa, MH. PETER BIOBINGB, Now playing a moat auoceaafnl angigoraent it the Doilon Mu- ioum, wUI appfar at the PrOTldooco (B. I.) Tliealrc for ona week, comraeoclng Monday, May 11th, asd atWcroeatcr (Uiaa.) for three ulghla, oommeniilng May 18th, S-U AUG. 8. PENNOYRR, Bualnea Agent. ' NLLB. SOPHIA NBILSOB & BIOIfBIEUR BAP. TISTIN,—Theae great DanlahudFnnch artlala an Dowpr^ pared to negotiate with reaponalble maaagen. All bnilaeaa let- lera muat bo addrcaeed to oar ad* agenia, JAUES OONNOh A CO., Eouio ot Commona, 311 Wtit Honaton lireat, aear Broad- way, N. Y. VARIBTIEBt VARIBTIEBI— THE NATIONAL AMUSEMENT INSTITUTION, Wiahlngton, DlitrictotColumbia. Proprieton A. EAHBUN k CO. Stage Muager :. .JAUES PILOBIM. Leader ot the Onbeitn FBED. YOUNSER. NOW IN THE FULL TIDB OP PROSPERITY. Immuae andlancea honor thla beantlfol Temple of Annieinut vrtlb their patronage, expnaalng every manl- featatlon of delight ud applanie. EXOEEDDiaLT ABTIKnO RENDITIONB Of cliamilng einging and danolng, ud the mlrth-piOToklBg, alde-apUttlng, ud Inimitable repreeu- latloaa of the VABIOUS SHADES OF THE COMIC MUSE. Ita auperiority la udoned by aU the prominent Jonmali of Wuhlngton City, and nalveraally admitted to be THE LEADING MUBIO HALL OF AMEBIOA. PEBFOBUEBS OF ALL KINDS, And of evety attracUon—both Ladlea and Outlemen—of dtabllahed npulatloni. In the Mnalo HaU Pnfeaalon, wlihlag ODgacemula, should alwaya flnt addreaa O-tf A. HAUBLIN k CO., Pnprieton, OBTROIT, UTE BELI.EB'S CONCERT HAIX, Tnx Old Dauav or tbe Wzar, And the only place tbAt baa alwaya wllhatood the atoim, ll AGAIN OPEN, And meotlag with MEBITED BUC0ZS8. The tollowlag an among the BRILLIANT STAR PERF0BMEB8 now performing at Ihla tiona& MISS E. WARD, MISS W. BLAIB. MLLB ANNETTE, MISS FANNY MAT, MISS KITTY LEE, MISS LAUBA LzCLAIBE, MISS BF7IB DALTON. MLLB CABBIE EDOAB, MBS. P. H. SEAMON, DON SANTIAGO GIBBOltNOIBE; DAN SUKLB7, p. n. SEAMON, CHAR & DOBSON, OHABLES OOVBLLL JAMES RYLEY. PETEB HONTZ ft FAMILY, JOBH HABT, F. N. BPEIOH, J. DUMAB, W. SMITH, WM. OONBTABCE. ARTISTS ot all doacripUona of acknowledged ablll^ will find K to their advantage to addreaa ' JOSU. nUtT ft ANTONIO BKETIZ, Proprielon, Box 347, Detroit, Uleb. P. S. None but flret olaaa Talent need apply. Mf 0. oomilil, Stage Uaajger, TO UANAOBHS. MISS, LUCILLE WESTEBN, Ha\iDg oonoluded a highly aucceaatuli engagement of five wceka dunllon at the Winter Garden, Now Ion, will oommuco abrtet engaiieuentattbe - NEW CBJESTNOT BTREBT THEATBE, PHILADELPHU, On MONDAY EVENINa, BAY 4th, at the oondualoa ot which the wUl play four weeka ai OBOVEB'B THEATRE, WABHINOTON, Commenelag May 191b, which will oloae her ugagemeola for tho preaeat aoaeoa. * Mlia Weatem haa decided to make a tonr ot the Woat during the coming leaion, nahlng her FIRST APPEABANOE IN TEBEE YEARS In uy Weatem city, Hernpertolnbiabeularielylnereaaed by the addlUon of aew plan, amoog which may be mulloaed a dramallo venlon of Ura. Henry Wood'a popnlar novel, cnUlled EAST LINNE, Which hu atlraclad tho largeat audlencca ever within the walla ot the thealiaa when It baa beu produced. Thla play la Mlaa Woatem'a aolo property, and la duly copyrighted. ESPECIAL CAUTION 10 MANAOBRS. Wbereaa certain unprincipled penoAa have anmpUtloualy ob- tained coplea of ttila plav, Mlai Weatem annonncoa that aba vrlll notactlnuy tboatnwaen "Baal Ijaae" may be allowed to be played, ud will alao inuiedlAlely cauae legal proceedlnga to be inantnled for any Infringement ot her eopyrlgnt. Manageaa dealrlng to aeoure Mlia Weatem'a aorvloei may ad- drea me at the New CuximinT Stbzet TnUTaa, Philadelphia, until >by 10; after that at OaovBni' TnUTBB, Waahlngtoa, D, 0., untU June 16, An Inmiedlato application wlU be neeeaaarr toprovutdlaappolntmut J. B. MEAD. S-tt IP nits. HVBAN PUIIDY. wifeofB, B. Puidy,rnnn»lj Sue Wide, will lend ber addmia lo the olllce of Ihc N. Y, Clip- rn, aha wiU hear ot a legacy of two tbouaud dollan, wbloh wulatthcrbyadecotaeafrlind. A.D.WIUUN. OAHTERBURT RALIh ^ WABHOtOTON, D. 0. WHiUAM E. ' SINN Sole Proprietor. OEO. B. EDESON stage Uanaget. Alao of UBEBTY HALL, ALEXANDBIA. TA. THB OANTEBBDBT la tbe . MOST MAONmOENT UUSIO HALL IN AMTBinA. None but the VERY FIRST TALENT WILL BE EROAOED at thla BEAUTIFUL TEMPLE, udlea ud Oentlemu of known ability alwiyi wulad. AddreMto GEO. PEBOIVAL, Bnilneia Muager, 6t WILLUM E. SINN, Pnprielor, ft-tt Box UP, WaAlngton, P. O. BloVIOKBR'B THBATRB, OHIOAOO. AppUcaUona for Slock Engagemula will now bo received for acxtacaaoa. Slalapartloulanaatobnalaeia,udtheaBionntof aalaiy wulod for a aeaaon ot at lent forty-eight weeks, oom- menolag luAnguit Donotmdoae atampa. It your iervlcet AMUSEMENTS! an requfied you win receive a prompt reply. »4te j. n. itoVIOSEB. HBTBOPOUTAB THBATRB, SA N FBA NOISOO, OAL. CHABLEB TIBBEns Teaaie ud Tbia Tbeatn la now opm for tbe Fall ul Winter the flneat Company ever la OallfomU. JDUA DEAN HATNl, MBS. JDDAH, MIBS MOWBBAT, MRS. 0. 8. THORNS, MBS. OIAUGHLBI, MBS. JAS. STARK. mb. j. b. booth, b.TSman, MISS FBEDEBIOUtl MB. K F. BEATirP W. a FOBBS FBBD FBANK E, BBOWN. W. B. 8. W. LEACH, E, THAYEB, With a Namerasa Coipa ot AuxDlarlea. raicta or ADumoB. Dnia Circle U.OO I Onheatn Beali Parquet Ncla|GaUary Private BoxM 10udBdallan. StanIntandligto vliltOallfomlawill fladltto to addreaa u above. OHIOAOO OAHTBUtBURT HAI,b, 139 ud Ut Dearbon ■ A, J. SINE PnprielatI T. L. FnOH Stage Miu TheOompuyeomprlieiat pnseat thofoUowlni ] Oentlemu >- Mlaa Aanle BordweD, Warren Bordwell, Mlaa Rate PirHaglon, Tom Poland. Mlaa Boo Satherlud, Old Dn Crow, M'Ua Elolae, L. J. DonntDrl M'Ue LonlM, Meaan. Bnrrogiil Mlaa Julia Yal^ Admiral Til Jobnny Boyd, Tl None but Ibe BEST TALENT wfll be e Ladlea ud Oenllemm ot reoognlaed ablUly ud I Ing ugtgemenU will pleaaa addreaa A. J. SINK, Box 3061, Oblteg*, or 0 Waahlngton Ball, Oolm PRUCIB UF WALKS THKATRB, UTERPOOU ERG Thla truly eleiut ud very beutlful Ihettie K kaptl Ing the whole of the year. AMERICAN BtiSB, of acknowledged poallion ud talut negottited with, I abort engagemeata, u mnlnal Intereata may reqnln, MlMM, ALEX. HENDEBSOH, 4Stf SolaLwaeaad CORINTHIAN HALL, EXCHANGE PLAOa BOUUEUTEB, ILl. Will b« Beatad lac Concerti, Lectarea. Bxblbltlooa, ttl W. A. BEYNOLDB, 6Mme n Arcade, J AOAOBMT OF B TOSIO , CLEVELAND, OHIO. TheDnmatloOompaay ntumfnm Colsnbui call April, for a continuation ot their aeaion it the abcn| Theatre. AB bnilneaa ecmmonlcatlona miy be i JOHN A. ELL8LBB, Ja., _l-lf Proprie tor and 1 THEIATRB ROTALi, MONTBEAL, CANADA. LiaaxB J. W, BDOH Thla eatobUabmeat 10 LET, nightly or woekir, ttt t menta not dnmiUc Apply to J. W. BUOELASlll 1-tf Md BiaiBLBR'S ATriBRBUM, COLUMBUS, OHIO. Th» dnmaUo'aoaion doaea on the lllhlait, (Aprfl)- date the Athennum may be nntcd for all klnda of ei nightly, or by the week. Thla la now the largeat, beats and moat popular placa for Leclurea, Ulaatrel Traui carte. Ao. Apply to JOKH A. ELU[Ln>,7i^ 1-tr Academy of Muaio, Olevelu^l UARRIHOTON it THOBIPSON'S BflMBTH ODD FELLOWS' HALL, MEMPHIB. TENN. Thla compaOT hive been peif onilng at tha above place, ll tlnepaat, witu great raccaaa, and In addition to thdil memSen, an cooalutly availing themaelvei of tho 11^1 "Sun." Artlrtaot aeknowlodged tdut, dealroua tarn aphen ot action, an invilad to addreat u abova^ oolal sunnce of liberal trealmut ud pay. ROYAL ALAAHBRA PALACE AND AUPB^_ Leiceater Square, London, Englud. The Proprialof | tlmea ready to engage flnt eliaa talut ud ncrel^ n hli Mammoth Eaiartalamuk TermallbenL Apply a OANTBRBCRT HUBIO HALL, N. W. OCR. FIFTH AND CHESTNUT fflB., PB LABOEST AND MOST TALENTED COMPANY IN 1 Ladlea udguUemen of known ablllly, will a 4Mm BOBT GABDINEB A Co., r ROUND TOP OABVASB,' FOR SALE. Sixty feet In diameter ud In good order. WIU baioU| aa the owner haa no uae tor It, not bring la the olnni I Addreaa box 163, FlUaburgh, Pa. F. RVUJSAIf'B MUSICAL, DBAUATIO, ud TEBPSIOHOBBAN AGBNOT, OJEut Uth atreel, cor. Ualon Squan ud Alh Lymv None but FBST OLABB ARTISTS, aad thonugbly r ble Muuemeate negoUated wllh. All lollem and tppl muit udoae a atimp tor nply. Ternia wUl be forwirat-, requeatad. A OHALIiBNOB TO THB WORLD.-Ccl. 1 GEB aballugea the whole world to produce u eqtiil I MODOBE FOOTS, In age, eln>, weight, udeducaUa Commodon wean the "Qotd Medal," whioh atampi I ■miUeet mu aUva. He la aaaliled by hla UlUa friud ai peer, CoL BMALL P. T. Bamum advertlaea the an ~ ud vromu In mlalatun llviag, Thla I duy, ud ob for 140,000, to pr«4nce a pair In dimlnutlvoncaa oqoil M Leitan addnaaed, can FRANK QDSElf, CuviaOt reach CUL. WO. ELI.INOBB, 60-tf Preceptor Commndon Foole ud OoL t PUAY BOOKS, PHOTOORAPU9 of EATHBAU alao, u Leaht Miggle Mllehell, LnoUle Wealan, I«iin I Oanllns BlchlngOln. John Wood, alao hi chin Menken, u French Spy aad Uaicppa; BuaanDcoln, _—., laaboUa Oubu, Finny Bnwn, alao la charactor; Webb | Lavlnlt Warren, Tom. Thvwb, Mr. and Mn. B.WUC ud Mn. Floruot, & Fernet, E. Booth, J. W. Wil_. WUkea Booth, Ed. Adama, Leaiar Wallaek, aad htudiedil era. 36 cute eaib, or five for )L Seat tour addn oelptot price. Oitalogneiaenton receipt otpoitaimiU.^ MtJ W. 0. WaaY8a, t76 Bro«lwi^ Hiw| ~ OAIiIFORRIA THBATRIOAI. AOBIf OT«i . DAN COBBYN would reimottiilly Intonn momberaefll maHo, Mualoal, or Eqnealrlu pnteaalona, that be bu eitaL u Agency In Su PXuctaco, ud la prepared to nagottattl Biuta and traaaiot all other bsalneaa perteinlaa to ll Ibaalon. Addreaa SHEBIDAN COBBYN, Baa FTueM] N. B.—All lettan nqnlrlng uawen muat oontala a f pn-paylhaaama, ■ FOR SAIiB.-A now ud aieellent STBBEOFTICON, In flnt-rato order, aB ready for tnvellng. For price, M,, addreaa 7-lt B. A. BODEBTB, Btomflald Boitae, Boiton. T HH lAROBBT BHOW BILL FBDmNG ESTABUBHUENT IN THB ^ OLABBT ft BEILLBT, (Sncoeaaon to John E. I—, PBINTEBB AND ENaBAVEBBTl Umd 14 Spmce Street, New York. Pay paitlenlar attention to getUag up aU Unda ot FANOT SBOW DILLS For tnTallng oonpanlei, ud have on hud a large aad t iiiortaeat of large ud arniO WOOD OUTS Snltebla fbr OlreUNf, Menaiario*, Elhloplu Teribnui, naala, Magiotau, Aa„ Ac, wLleh ou be prlnlad bma* colon, to anil enitomen. S^ A depeeit reqnlred on tn work odatML AU orden addreised to ••OLABBY ft BBHiUT," L. lag and bgnviof eatabUahmut, UaadlASpnmi York, win be promptly attended to. A WOVlf a OTHNABT WANTED, Addtei* W. B. DONALDSON, , <■ Ourm Oirns, I