New York Clipper (Jun 1863)

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ftHMI Hill ■ Tp AliVEHTIHEM. ^ ^ ^ • s 7^ * JIBTA9XB M'N tfilB PA ■ " " ■ im 'wr nmra nTl TBOPW OF THB WOBU. ■ ■.ntCTW^^r BOUiIN H OWiBD , wli'iBMSB.«• B-«>'i™. T.omrniqs. •A^j^flmraaa 7. ksbbibom. uabt. bubkbidb, ^SaoBTrSmB.. OiNZHUErr, IJTTLB ISAO. J«r PuUinla^ Me tula of tka d«r< ■OBBII BBOTHKBa, « CO*! BOIIBTABM, <ci;nuni THEiB opkha. houso^ bobiom, icab& .||Q;5BBiOTmDBi FELL fe IBOWBBIDarB HOBniU »>. !'•'« ' OonalrtottiMtonairliifl'Oontloiiiaa: .^r XrOB lIOBBIB, - Tlr. LOIHIAS, 'f, BIUiT HOBBISi B, ILOABBOLL, f'O.iJOBBBX FBLU J. QUZBH. ' J: a'TBOWBBtDaa, t. viluabi^ 'if. Bi v. IBBBOOra. S. IBEDVBIOXS, 1 • «I; IW GILBEBIl J. f. Hni TiTABD, I !. j^>.'Ein> BBa, - ^ D. f. MAouanns, - ..-'AVOUBT WlHWaillRTt, L A. ZWIB8LEB. I.? :D< irJ BOABDHAM. fAPABBSE lOUUT. Iho XnaiRDBani can Dutlenlir noUoo to the tboro AliUU' ■gUttliiiiTaf XUaBt. .- tnT; ] ii:nek*toaSoanto| BaMmdStotoW«gato. . «4f .LOH HOBBnt Ibaifff. HOCra. BBOmUiTB, , ' Oar. CO0BI k BEUSEK STBEBIB. " HOOLBT:...........Bolt TiopiMor. . ■''"-'B.'SamBfl. ..DlnotOTOf AmoMmaBti. :7;T;'S^PBKin>EBaASr Tooal Slnotor. i 'nA B HtAPB..-. . InitnauDtalDirector.' ' JIOHDAT ETBBINa, fooe 3t, end dnrluiho weeL ^^^^^rjnHT.AKD OBlOINBIi FBATUBD. ■ MniebDurADoeof ■ ■ *' '' • MB. MEBT flEXTON, raH'tn''' .'■>.■■ SlnoeUiretnm from Europe, ^ {!!'-I'i.',? V'''• 'soaEHliE^^^BOlf i'SohaEEimeibnil ...r Oeorge Ohrbtr. fiv/ r ; t XheCluuMtartbyUieltoape. . kireekot'BoweB'newudunsIuUeuetob, oeOed - . >iooii" ' V|ianflBOa BLOWEABD. ^^w^.ot qnnmrSa^ • 'Vtr' ■•'BnanoeotTlrglimj, SallyOomeTrp, &o. 'i : trin~u,. ' iOBBISn, BEXTON, . BBIUHEB, BALPE, OHABLXS, ;,>oi .' AiidiIlthe0oiDpaD7<niiewfkitDrei. Bjiwn open'tt'7; to ooamenoe It 8. :>.'('. ,.:; v ' XkketaaScenta. PrlTatoBoiOifl. . U- IKBUUer, VnL WEEATLET. .-liofiDAT, Jims as, u«a. /"BeoOBd BOnt b, iad the F piore In eroMlng. . DELiaHIED AMI) I HTEm QEHT AVSIENOEa .; BBnma *'>fjoliB BnnighABi'i BoBUDtlo BruUf eotlUed . ' - .T. <, .v^ ' ■■. ,- IBB DUEB'8 UOnO,: . ' With the fliMt flattering tokans of ApplauaaadDeligtaL tlilf ' apadotuand'CpoI. Theatre being orowaed alghtlytoltanuBoit latoslad Uib Comedian and TocaUrt, ' KB. OOLLIBB, l«baiaoteTot aaasiauEBaTiB, r At Fottone, mth two ■cniB, "Wine, Bright -^tte." ahd'.vWhlle there'a Lite tbeie'i Eop^' MB. wn.UAM WHEATLEI Jb,Iilf great oharaoter of - , , ^ OAPIAIS HEMBI DB LiOABbEBE, And the.foDowlog miapproaobable caat: Ueean, L. B. Ehewell, -7.qVB3nelt,'J. W. aonier,'E.'Lamb, F. Uordaont, Ao.; Umea. Xeilafi'lDM, J.'H, AOed, O, Jordan, Ao. '"ISoeni^T;'Original Unalo,under the dlreeUon of H.B. ''entlrevnew Ooetomea, perfeotHeehaidcal EtTeoto, an aiU Appolntmenta,'and aneieaDent •; ' SBABD DOUBLE OOBfS DE BALLET. - __'Bo i.p aee opendallr, fkom 8 tfll 0, where eeati oan be ■eenred tm^^^^uSiiie U a jl^before ll. Doion open^paait'y. :;;..\,.,.,'9P8nv , '■' Xa Bob or i™ ••oiawo" Bktsb' tera ' ''V',., XbeUnetTlngToloeotthePobUs i"; '• " '■■ 'rpBooLino THAi ' jfptv otmo, • , Eors oAanro, ?^il,r f' ■ ■. lathemoirtBaepeotAto, .^I'^^'ni^'Pdi^bTlable.jBnd . ♦^fiHEOOMPAlnP'' tJTO) i-jiaiji—gi^ TheBtroLg^ak, And the moot Versatile, ' .TBAX EVEB APFBABED IN AMY HITBIO HALL. lytotfrtototaadkMBaa i: • HAIJj IB IBs OUT. Oi BBOADWATi T . OMltottaatHIAolaalMtL HiBBTT rotor.. . , .B»»e~ Tgn BBR TEBTILAIB D' _ . , EllBA ATrB AOnOW, ROVn/ni KOTELTII KOTKLTTI WOOO'B MIKBTB1L8. HOKDAT, Jnat W,' tad erery erenlng doriag tha wael^ THE OALITBVKnAlir TABOET EXOUBBIOK, Oa board the aaw and atfei idia teat aatt lng rttaaboat - "MICT WUUrfLBH," ' v; BiUbUtagattMaadUfg-Uke u PAHOBAMA Of THE KOBTB BITEB, (Htlngaotrteet tepteteatotttD of aU the intermedUto peinto ftom BBWBVBa to HBW TOBK 0IT7, ^. Bteaaen, tkxq^i, market betla; Ao., paaaing vp and down the ilTeri BmuetontheHndaon; Hoonllght Vlewa; MewTorkby GaiUghtt Orasdniamlnatlon of the Oftfand Oaatle Oarlan, so. Pimloaa to wUoh, "Ennnr Jim," "Baw Beemlta," ',1>aaf at a Fott," "Iha Foot Orowa," "Flkt Foot Jake," Bongt, Danaea, &o., bj we entire Tronpe. 49* BAT0BDAT, JULY 4tb, A OBAHD UATIHEB, The Staimboat EzonnloB, and Exhibition of the Fanotama, in addition to the nmal uinalnl Entertainment, OOUHENOINa AT 2^ O'CLOOZ. Konoi—BeoonneMtonwlth an; traTellngoompanraaramlng thenaaatotWood-tlOnatTelB. . ^ ^^^^ OocnosoatT; aommaiieeatSe'oloek. Tlokato M eealh BOBTOH BTOSBVK. BOSTON UUSEDBU. BUZZ'S OBBAT OOHBINATIOH TEQUPB, Fronthe • ■ ■ AUEBIOAM THBATBE. BBOADWAT, BBV TOBK, Will open lor the aomme r aetto n. on '■ HOBDAY EVEMQia, lobe,ie«3. FreaaoUng to the dtUena ol Beaton andTlolnUran entertaln- mentwhloh. fbr nareUr, variety, and alerting medt, eannot b« •gnallad by any plaoe of amnaement In the world. • B. W. BXrtLBB, Manager. • MORl'ltl THOBNE, Stage Manager. FEBO. TON OLEBB, Moaloal Dlreetor. ■■ FAUIi BBILLIANT.Mlst Maater. 10-tt VABIfllTIBai TARnLTIBBi— THE NATIONAL AMUSEMENT INSTITUTION,. 'r ITaahlngtoniDlBtrletofOotamUa. ' FroprletonTTnT... A. EAMBUN A'OO. StageMani«er..i ■ ■. ■ JAME8 PIL OBM. Leaderof the Orohaatr« FBXD. YOUNBSB. Vpyf m THB FULL TIDE OF f BOePBBITY. . ImmeaiM anfll«nc«H honor thla betatlfDl Tample of Anraaement ' wltii tbelrpatroaaseLetpreiatsg erery manl- . ^ ;fb8tatlonofdeilgntaadapplBa)« ' • EXOEEDINOLY ABTIBTIO BENDinONS' Of nharmlng alnglng and danolng, and the mlrtb-proToUng, ■■■ ■■ aldMpBttlng; and InlmltaUa repnsan-" " ■ •• totlonaof (he ' TABIOnS SHADES OF THB OOHIO MUSE. Itaanperlorilyia endoiaed by all the promlntst Jonmala 'of Waahlngton OUy, and nnlversally admitted to be ' THB LBADINa'HUSia HALL OF AMZBIOA. PBBFOBMEBS OF ALL EIIID6, '' And of OTery attraottofi—botii Ladlaa and Gentleman-^ attabllthed repntalloni, In the Moalo Hall Profeaalon, wlahlng engagatnent^ ahonld alvaya flrat addreaa A. EAMBLIN & CO.. Proprletora. . ^TBEBT, ABOVE BtXtO, ... PHUiADEIfHIA. PA, The moat Pbpalarplaee of Amnaement lj( pqXiADELFEIA* .ni,". • HINBTBEL9, ; ' . ■<■ I BANDi'AND. BDJUiBSQUB TBOUPB, "ITow ntwnlsgftom their' - •■ . , jU;-' . Ji.TBnJMPHALWESIEBH XOUB, : .'.^ Wlllivpearati' i-ii! - flHICAOO,'Jnn eag.f OTBbtnlghta. thanee to ': ' DBIBOir, .TOLEDO. aLEVBLAND. BOFFALO, BOOHEBTEB, ' >. BYBAOUSE. ALBANY and TBOY, ' ■■ Filor4«i their appeaianoe. In- i. r>it.i:iMi I .SEW YOBE and PHILADELPHIA, irhatejttey.wlll lntrod noe ai.-t.- !> :;TBE(B OBIGQCAL FBOaBAMME, ' " p«tA)nBed,anly.brUie GWAT ETHIOPIAN IBOM OLADS,: " aktu BHABPLBY, ' : : Bole Uanageriandviropitotor. . . /illn-il. ;f:-.-ii' I::, .- - tU3M ■ ■' A ll q,!'.':, ' .''BELLEB'S OONOEBXiHAIiU >-M)tu I'." . TBI f.QiiD DaoBZ or TBI Waar,' H<ir^OaB,)HABT fe.ANTONIO BBEITB, Plmrlelan. Thenasag^of thla.'popnlar.eatabllahment oare retnmed (lOB^Rew.Yorkrlia^ngaeoDred the following talantod artlata;— VIBS 'ANNA OHBHTBBrthe poBnlar Danaeoae and VooaUai' n'MUiE VIOTOBIA Boss,'the taaolnatlng Danaeaae.' i ^GBOBOB WaBBEN. the Beat BvUolat In the Weat. V .'bn-Wi 'S. OBBSIBBiPantomlmlatandOomedlas.'. ^^0 win appear In ooQjnnetton with the beat Slook Company in the Wast. Bint daaa Artlata wlahlng eDgagementa, wQl addreaa aa abore, ' «r to JAHBB OONNKB A CO., Theatrloal Agenta, 28 Weat Hons- V «u irtliwe t, 'near Broadway, N. Y. . u-lt VHVWBBB BIBTBRD, . , ,Uw,- ■■ . ' HISSES BUMA AND ADAH.. M yary talented, yonng, and TeiaaUle Artlata liaTo Jnat re* i.iVpm a highly anooeaafnl engagement of Six Hontha, in iafaiidatNaaaaa.abdaieatpraa«Dttkiiaillngatery -'^'T""; BBILUANXENOAOEHENT : i«Wi«!i.:by- .• ■ at i'fCBJMl HOLIDAY BTBEET THBATBB. BAI/HHOBa MkUigM wlahlsig to aeoal« the eerrlcee of theae yary talented Artlata^ wUtaddreaa them at the OuFTZBOmoa. U-tf fifi.'A. ■ . . . 4M.BB0ADWAY. />.: vlASI WEEK OF THE SEASON. ..\: < > I LAST WBBE OF THB.SEA80N. L Zhla.lMantlfiil Tempi* of Mirth and Melody, after one of tha BBIGBTEBf BEOOBDS OF BUCOEBS .*SftP,Wf7:''f: : AMUBEHBNU. •:• ' ^tOtiia BATUBDAT XT«nlilg,7alr 1, 1883. BBlIXBT etBI.«^ANTBl>io'IMm io trtinaeilttha 'OBBeiAir BXATUI& WewlUaoaraniaatoteaohthamlnthrte THB BIAHSOTH PRIIf Tltro HOVBB OF NEW ENOLAND. The "J. K FAnwBUi" k Co., STEAM PBINma ' BSrABUSHHEMT, 87 CONQBZSS B TBEET , BOSTON. L. B. PIKE, MAMMOTH POSTEBJUID PBOOBAMME PBINTEB. THBATBB and COBOEBT WOBX A SPBOIAI/TY. Partlaaer tnnpee TUUng the Eaatem Statea wlB find It fa their adrantage to Tlalt thla eatabllahment Pbiod 10 io 15 ran onm Cbkipsb tkax art omo> ni .New Eh6I.ahd, and aaltibe-. Uongnaranteedornopayreqnlred. 10-tt mas OAHOlj Iira H 10HI1I G3. . .■f.'Aaaiar ai) bt n nn w unsMM , ..MB. XEIZB BIOHIKQB. Ooanunoed an engagement at Jobn Heeoh'a Metropolitan Thwtte. BoSdo, «n Monday, Jone aid, oloalna there on the ith of Ji^, a moat praaperoaa aeaton of tan monUiB. 8. PBNNOYEB, Agent. OABTEBBUBT HALLu WASmNOTON, D. 0. THE MOST MAONIFIOENT .HUaiO HALL •IN AMEBIOA. ' :. No Wallar^lrlB employed. Ladlea and Gentlemen of known ability alwaya wanted. .. - No ootalde pwtormara amploywitT^igae bnt the yary beat tal- ent engaged,. „'...■■■ ..... ,. Addreta to ' ' . WHJJAH B. SINN. . .' Sola nroprletor, <M( . . Waahlngton, D. 0. UBTROFOIilTAN .THB&TaB, ' BOOHEStBB, N Y. ' Thla eatabllahment TO LET. nightly or weekly, for aH Unda of Eihlbltlona, onretaonaUa terma, dnitng the Bummer Mentha. Appllcatloha for Stock Engagementa wlU now be receteed for next aeaton, otonmenolng tboot tha let of Septeml>er. 8-8t* ,. Apply to W. MEEOH. HOWABS ATOBBBITn, BOSTON. ' Ladlea and Gentlemen of ablUty, wlahlag engagementa for the Fall and Winter Beaaon, ot'.Se weua, oommenolug on or aboat Angoat aotb; win plaaae addreaa, alallng tarma and bualnesa, A. D. BBADLEY, Stage Manager. . . Boeton, Jane), 1883. . g-tf niBS BLIBB DB COUBOT, having oonoiadedablgh- lyanoooafDl engagement at LtTerpool, appearing In auoh char- t«ra aa Don Oeaar. In "Don Ceaar da Bazan," Loulaand Fablen. Inithe "Oonlean Brothon,"—VSatan In Parla," and In ••Antohk Floyd," will:ahortlyarrlre In thla oonntry. Muugervwlahlng to'engaga the aerrloea ot thla lady for next aeasan, will addreaa WH,. J. MABSHATiT.. Agent for MISS DE OOUBOY, Oliffeb offlee.--.^^^^ ^,^^r^'-j.i.^^^.^w.vww'.^^u^ .'^uT^ "VTHO WANTS AN AOBNTI»-Wanted.'for the com- ing montha of Joly and Aagaal, an engagemeht aa AOENT, TBEASUBEB, or BUSINESS MANAGEB, wiUi aome good STAB, OONOEBT COMPANY! or T&AVELING COMPANY of any dea- 6rlpUon;'by a penon- folly oompotent; mow; and for the laat two yoara Agent fbt. Two ol the Beat Stan trsreUng. Befereneea given. If reAolrad, Addreaa- Z. Y. D, JO-tf ' ; " Care of Faaira'QpxEV, Curras Omoa, N, Y. l(01<iGB' TO THB fHBATAICAI. PROFBS- BlOir —Haying been Informed that certain purtlea hare put In olionlttlon a report to the. effeot that I eannot or do not tutnre gooda the aame aa my hoaband. the lafe Jamea Gamer, I take tUa method to Inform the membcva of the profeaalon that atiob a atatoment la falaa, parileolarly with' regant (p paddlnga or tymmetilea, whlob are made by ma aa piufeot aa heretofore.' U-«» • . , OI^ mNPA GABHEB, W Boweiy. N. Y- KAKAQBBS OF THBATRBB wlahlng to engage W.' H. DONALDSON, Pantomlmlat, Tight Bope Artlat, Aarplaaaa dlreotaUletteialnetreof ' • "'"»«' U-8t* OimzB Ofhoi. W. H. DUHALDBOiV, Tlght.Bope ArUate. ta now ready to mike high Bope'Aaeanalona aoMaa BItoi*, SIreama, Faila, or any Slate where anoh lObe can be atietolied, no matter howhlgli' or daagerona. Proptltiwra of Watering or Pobllo Placet, Ac,.' kM year eye dpeh'to bnaineaa. No mattor where yon are. North, Soath.Eaat, or Weat. Olreot your letUia In oare of ■; llrW* (hJrrn OmoB. PITTBBURGH THBATRB.—Ltdiat and gentleam wlahlng engagementa for the coming fUl and winter aeaion, wlU mtk* applloaaon at onoe, aa the manager la now oompleUng hla Bmnmmanla. Stan treated with oa liberal teroa., WM. HENDBBUON,Leaaee and Manager. QBABCAVIO OHARAOTBRS In "Katb Vavoh." the BeaiatiM Noyeletta. 1900 told; bat 100 remaining. Sent free, br naU, on receipt of Tea ctnta (ten for 75 oentaJTby CHABLXB UHBY DAY, the AaUlo^Fabllaner, New Hayen, Conn., Mt 'a LBOrrinATB and RBIJABIjB AOTBBBB de- firetu engagement for' BIBST OXO WOMEN and HEAVY HUaiMBBS. BeaponaU)lemaua«enoBLT,Ioealortravellng.wUl plaata addrea8,-AIttat^ Station D, Bible Honte,.N,Y. iMt*. . * - -|- - , - | ^.nj-i,X'U1AAJU1 iamiBTBBii ROBQ books, by aU the popalt^' mit>> abela and olOwa ; 'Bead alampfoi aodipMa liti, to CEABLBS H. AMtTS^EMENT'S. . AHt> THE BILA Ba O F ODBA. CBOWNiP wiiH TOffiffitriTiBriTO BogoHa. ■-. Kan WAi foB ■ ^ • XBii oleAirna ioAoixa minbibHi tboufb of FBOFBSSM)H. icAidfora obganikatioh and bbabb bans. t( the fu-Btaaad aad-wodd wide fuawMi SUPBBE A.QBBBN'B ' OaioDuii New OaLBun k MnaommB BUBUBQUB OFSBA XBOUPB AND BBA88 BAHD, COM. FOOT aBd OOU BBUU, ^ ^ t men Is the Mrid, antdeiagTMaXknaab twtB' ty-ftraae* otat They areas yean old, weigh U .poondaaaoh, uulo^asinehaiiUgk, adnUtted to b* the greatoat earlertty crerlnoBght before tha pabBo. Theyappaar.In M.dlfTarenl acta, eifianaty arranged for them. Joat ^m Neir OrleaBa and Ihrvagh Ilia laluad of Onba, lAere thayinetwUhaallmlted too- eeaa andwen reottyed nlghtty wUh roan of laagttler and aboBta •f applaaaa. ■ -■ IfigeManagar J. BL GBHEN. Mnalcal Dlreetor a LAVXLLEB. Vocal Dlreetoi O. BIDBAUX Thaoompaayla ecapoaed of tliaB)llowlBg etghtaenAilMto GBBAI BTAB8 OF BXHIOPIAN SELINKAIOBa J. B, OBBEN, OUBIAVE BIDEAUZ, OHABLEY BKYNOLDO, ,LEW BBNBDIOT, OBAa B. DUTBXZ, M. AINBLEY SOCTT, 0. BUST, OALECA LAVEIXB^ FEED FLOBHNCI^ A. BZBOEBOBB. J. nAMTT.T.n FUEM ADAMS. EDWIN HOLMES, QILBEBT POBV, A.&PBEMTI8B, WM. DUBOIS, OXOBGE YOUNG. BAM P. MABBION B. H. OOIUNB. BelBg the Greattat Oombinatkm of Taunt aver eoncaatatod ta «9MOomoany.eicdllng andlkr aaperiertoan otharTraTeitng y mup ea In exlatanea* Xh* whole under tha control and dlr«elloa of . DUFBEZ k GBBEN, Soto Propilaton. TbaaboTBiMpiilarnDiipa win, daring tha remaladarot the leatoB. yMt the Wetter* tad Eaategn Blitea, alao tha Oanadaa. GBAND BALCONY BBBENADB9. Zaoh eTenlif prevtooa to <ipenlng tha Dooit, BV 7BB UHBqgiTiTiTO NSW 0BLEAN8 AND MEIBOPOUXAN BBAS8 BAND, Haaager aad General Dlr«ctor, OHAS. E. BUPBB* AdrerHalng Agent, A. 8. PBENTIsa Mf I<BA>B HBLODBON. GBOBGB LEA BALTDtOBE, MD Proprietor. W. B. CAVANAGH Stage MSiiager. GBAND OPENING OF THB SPUING BBABON. JOHN MULUGAN k ANDBBW LBAVirr, ' I . SIGNOB BLISS and SON, MISS JENNIE ENGLB and BILLIB CAVANAGH. , Tiia above talented artlata oan be aecnied by reaponalbla maa. agen fbr any length of time by applying to George Lea: bnt It wulbentelMt totronbia them with InalvldBel oOua, ta no at- toatloB wUIba paid to anylattan nnleaa addreaaed to the pn»- prtetof of the Melodeon. : lB>>BaeotlonwllhtheafteadrnamedperfonnenBOwperA>nB- mg at (hla eaUbUahmant; are the following:— Mr.mnyBoyd, G.M.MUaa, FraakWoed, Maaten Alfred and Charlaa BUaa, John-Clnaky, MIta Tmty Forbea, Mlaa Maggie Manhan, MUe Lonlaa BUit, Mlaa Loalaa Evana, and Mlaa Jolla Boblnaon, Tog^h er with a tall and efficient ballet troope, ot twelve! yonng ' WANTEB.—Female Stncen and Vooallata, of good pattoaal appearance. Apply aa above. -tf TIH HATBS AND DICK SARDS.-i'Theae world-i*- BOwned CHAMPION OLOO DAN0EB8, now oreaUng anoh aa Intanjw exoltement at the New Idea, wlU aoon be ready to accept (tar angtgemeata thronghont Uia United Statea. Theatrical nianagen wlaiilna to' aeoare the eervlcea of ■ TbESE VALUABLE STABS, caa da to by applying to JAIOS CONNEB A CO., Theatrloal Agenta, la-lt as Weet Eonatop atreel, New York. CONIf EB & CO.'B THB ATRIOAIi AQBNOT, a< Weat Houatoa ateeet, near Broadway, N. Y.—Mlaa A. HATEU.WAY, the very popular Celntdlenne. Pantombnlat, Danaeoae, Vooallat, and moafbeanUful repreaentatlve of the QBBOIAN BTATDBS, wlUbaat UbMty,.afler tha 1th' day ot July, to accept engage- mento fkom lirn dltaa tbattrloal managera. AU engagementa moat be made with JAMBS OONNEB A CO.. aa above. U-lt '^A^GOOD^^raao^Aim^i^^ ona pt a ohiace to alng In aome good Oonoert or Mlnatrel bonpe. Beat city retereuoea (riven. Managen wishing to engage wOl pleaae addreaa C. W. DUNCAN, Oommerclal Houae, Boatotf. 13-at» <«THB DUKB'S DAtrOHTBH,'' Tranalatad byM.M. Ailoet Boorgolse, and Feval, la published and foraale by W. 0. WEMYSS, 87S Broadway. Prioa 13 eenta. lO-lt* UABRIRGTOir dtc HU.^TBR'B HINSTBBIiS. ODD FSLIOWB' HALL, MEMPHIS, TENN. Thla company have been peif otmlng at the above place, tot aome time part, with great ancceaa, and in addloon to their regnlar membera, are conatantly availing themtelvea ot. the Ught of new ."St^" ArHstaot acknowledged talent; deatroaa .fOr.a freah aphere of aoUon, an Invltod to addreu aa above, nnder tha aa- aannae of llbaialtieatment and pay. t-tf OAJTTB BBPBY BID8IO HAUi, N. W. COB. FibTU AND OHBSTNUT BIB, PHILAD'A, PA LABOE8T AND MOST TALENTED COMPANY IN TEE CITY, g^ bdlsB and gentlemen of known ablUty, win addreaa IMm B0B;T GABDINEB A Co., PloprletOH. F. RVUAAIV'S MUSICAL, DBAMATIO, and tebpsiohobean agency, SS Eaat Uth atraet, cor. Unton Square and 4th Avenne, N. T. None but FB8T GLASS ABTISI8, and thonnghiy reaponal. bla Managementa negotlaled with. .AB letten and applloatlont mutt enolaaa a attmp for reply, Tenu wlB be fbrwuded when reqneated.' n-Ut* A OHALLBnaB'TO THB "WORIjD.-moL'ELLIN. GEB cballengea the whola world to produce an equal toCOM- MODOBB FOOTE, In age, alie, weight, and education.' The COmBiadon wean the "Ofold Medal," wUoh atampa him tha ■miDast man alive. He la aaalated by hla Uttltl friend and com- peer. OoL SMALL. P. T, Btmum advartlaea the amalleat man and woman Ih mlnlalnn living^ Thla I deny, and challenge him for (10,000, to produce a pair in dlmlnntlveneaa equal to mine. Letton addreaaed, cate FBANK QUEEN, OuirEaOBloe. win reach ' OOL. ffKL EIXINaBB, ;eO-tf ' Preceptor Oomi9j)doi*Foota and Col. Small. FliAT BOOKS, FHOTOORAFHSef EATBBATEMAN, tlM, aa Leah: Maggie Mitchell, LucUla Weatem, Unn Eean& Caroline'BInhlnga, Ibo. John Wood, alao In oharaotor; A. £ M e n km, aa Zmnch Spy and Haieppa; Soaan Denln, Bate Denln, IsabeOa Cnbaa, Finny Brawn, alao In chaisotor; Webb Blaterai Lavlnla Warren, Tom. Thumb, Mr. and Mn. B. Wllllama, Mr, and Mn. Ftorence, E. Forreat, E. Booth, J. W. Wallaok, Jr., Wnkea Booth, Ed. Adama, Leater WaUaok, and hundredaot oth- en. as eenta each, or Ave for IL Senttoaayaddreit on re- ceipt of price. Oatalogna a aen t on raoelpt of poeliae atamo. bv 10-lt* W. 0. WEMYSS, 178 Broadway, New ^rk. iCAIiIFOBBIA THBlATRIOAIi AOBNOT,—SHEBI^ DAN COBBYN woold reapeottnlly Inforai memben of the dn. matto, Moatod, or Eqaeatriaa pnteaalona. that ha haa eatabllahad anAgen« ptepued to negotlato engage. Bienta and IranaaAt all ot her buameaa pertaining to tha pn> feaalon. Addreaa BHEBIDAN COBBYN, Ban Franolaco, OaL - «. B.—AUletten le^nlrlng aBBwen;anat oontalaaatamp to pH-paythaaame, 1-tf BTTIB HBRDBKBOR, THE OELBBBATBD AMBBICAN ABTISTB. Hu Juat oompletad an Engagement of FOBTY-Sn NIGHTS IN LONDON, And hu returned to thla oonntiT. ShebrihgairiUihertaveral HNTIBELY NEW PLAYS;' which have been copyrlghtod by her.- They an entitled:— ' THE FLOWBB GIBL, EOOTriSH MAIDEN, KATHLEEN MA- VOUBMEEN, andGVPSBYGIBLOF GBENADA. ' Managen wttfalng to negotlato with thla young, handaooie, and talented Aotreta, win pleaae addreaa e-tf WM. HBNDBBSON, Plttabnrgh Theatre. rmn ubobbs ' SHOW BILL FBOnriRG EBTABLISHHENT IN TBB WOBIJ>l OLABBY * BEILLBY, tBnoceeaon to John IL Baoon.) FBINTCBB ArfD BHOBAVBBbT^ . U and 11 Bpmoe Bteeel^ New York, Fay pardaular attention to getting op an Unda at • FANCY BHO'ff BILLS For traveling oompanlat, and have on hand a Urge aad aplendll anettmaat ot lane and anudl WOOD OUTS BnUaUa torGIienaaet, Menagtrlta, Ethiopian Patfonnacf, dyn. lutftt, Ibgldua, to., Ae.,rtleh eta be i«tnto« la one nnm etiUjtMt to anil eaetoiaen. ' ■ ' IJerAdapotltreqniiedoaanwoAordeNd.'' '' ;ffl>i<awadd f eaaedto"OLABBt A BBILLBT," BaooB Flint- tag tad Btgnviag eatahlUtaaBi, U aad U Bpnua ttnai Na* ■ACraiBW OFHRA. HOV8B^ - . juurnAiraaoOb OALfiroBNU, IBOB. KAOUIBa Prvprietor aad' .„ JAMBS DOWUNG ,Btam Maatger. J, Li-BflMM lT.. Latlarof OiohaataB, W. BTHVBNBOft...... Treaanrer, . THB BIAS DBAMATIO COMPANY. ' ■ Mas S OPHIA EDWIN. MSB tVtV BWEBT, MBS. W. C. FOBB&, MISS 0. HINOKLEY, HIS8NEIXIB BBOH W. 0'NZIL,_ FBANK MAYO, OHABI^THOBN,- WILLIAM BABBT, D. a ANDBBBON, HAB BYCUF TON, W. H^EAJOLTON, F. B. WBXTt 0. BTBVBVBON, W. B. TAYLOB, ta., Ac.. Ac. ' I Bian ylaltlBg OaBfornla ahenlA Dear In mind that Mr. Itu^ I la ala* propitouir of the Metropolitan neatn, Saoraai«£S I tlieMarjiTlUaThaatn. . l^u?' amTBOPOUTAK THBATRB, BA NFBA NCmOO, OAL. OHABLEB TIBBEnS... Leaeeeaad Manager TbSa niaatre la no w open tor the Fall and Winter Seuoa, MI tkeflatatOoBtpaaTeverinCaUtomla. JULIA DEAN BAYNE, MBa JUDAH, MISS MOWBHAT, MBB. a B. THOBNB, MB& OLAUGHLET, MBS. jabTbiabz, hiss FBEDEBICES, KB. J. B. BOOTH, MB. L. F. BEATTY, W. H. unUAN, W. 0. F0BBE8, S. W. LEACH. FBED FBANES, BTBAYBB, H. BBOWN, Wltlia Naaunna Ooipa ot AuBlarlet. PBIOBt or ADItnBIOK. OnaOlnla H.W I Orohettn Seata mb| Paiqaet 88 eto | Gallery igZ I Fdvato Boxet 10 tod I dollara. ~' Slan inteadlBg to viHi CaUtonla win lad It to their IMaM to addicM at abeva. , ^OTIOAOo'ciNTBl^nBT^^ " m and US Detrbora ilnet A. J, SINK.. Proprietor. T. L. FITCH Stage Manager, The Company comprlaea at preaent thrfcllowlng udltiiul OaBtlemen:- . " ' mu Annie Bordwell. Wtnen BordwelL Mitt Kate ParMngtoa, Tom Poland, Hlaa Boae Bntherlaad, Old Da Crow, M'lto Hlolae, L, J, Donnelly, MHleLoulae, Ueatia. Bnrrooaa A KaBr. ' Mlaa Jnlla Yale, Admiral Yale, JOhnoyBoyd, T. L>RtA| None but the BEST TALENT will be engaged. I Ladlea aad Gantlemenotrecogniaed ability ana talent wtik I lag eagagemento win ^caae addreaa . A. J. BINE, Box a041, Chicago, or 8 Waahlngton Hall, Colombui, Mf, PBUf OB OF 'WAIiBB THBATRB, UVEBFOOL, HNOLAND. lUa traly elemat aad very beaniUBl theatn la kept opea dft I Ing tha whale «t Ike year. AMBBICAN STABS, of aaknowMgedpotltlanand talent negotiated wltli, for leaigc I abort eagagameBb, aa mntaal iBtareata may reaaln, AUnao, ii.wT hENDEBBON, tftf Bote Leaaae and FioptM* OOHINTHIAN HAI.Ij, EXCHANGE PLACE, BOOHEBTEB, N. T., WinbaBeBtedtorOoBoerta,Leelarea,Bxhlblttona, Ac Addiw W.- A. BEYNOLDS, SMm* - SO Arcade, Bocheater, N. Y, AOADBKT oif MTBIO , diEVELAin), OHIO. The Dramatic Oompany ntum from Colomboa on the Ulhit April, for a oonUnBanon of their aeaaon at the above pookr Xbaacra. AllbnslneaaeommunloatlODB may be addreaaed (a - JOHN A. B'.T.TJT.IliR, Jb., I-tf ' Proprietor and Maatgtb TH£ATRB RO'VAL, MONTBEAL, CANADA. LiaaiE J. W. BUOKLAND. Thlt eatabUabment TO LET, nightly or weekly, for eatartaifr aanto not dramatlo. Apply to J, W. BUOKLAND, 1-tf MontnaL KLil<BI<BB'B ATHBRBUM, COLUMBUS, OHIO. n» dramatle aeaaon'cloaea onthellthlnat, (AprO)—after whltk dato the Athenenm auy be rented for aU Unda ot exhlbUtaaa.^' nl^Uy.orbythaweek. Tbla lBnowthalaratat,beatarraut^ and moat popnlar place for Leoturaa, Mlnatrel Troafea,Oofr Mfflyto JOHN A. ELL8LBB, Jr„ eerto, Ac. 1-tt Academy of Mutlo, Olevelaad, OUc ROTAI, ALHAHBRA PALAOB AND AUPETTHEAtBA LeloeeterSquare, London, England. Tha Proprietor It ttd tlmea ready to engiga flat daaa talent and novelty anlUMali UiMammothBntertalnmaat TermaltbaraL Applyaaabtvi HiBCELLABEOTrS ADVEBTISEMENTS. p E B A T B 0 0 K 811 NEW BOOKS I NEW BO0K8II DONT FAlti TO SEND FOB A CATALOGUB, OUB NEW OATAIOaUE NOW BEADY. BENT FBEE-F08TAGE PAID-ON APPIICATIOK. THB OLD BSIABUBHSD AND ONLY BSLIABLE BOOK, AND BPOBTINa GOODS AOBmi When arden are promptly and tklthfuDy executed. Addreaa TBOHAB 0BU6BY, Marble BaUdiiigt, 1-tf 88NtB8an8treet,NewToik,',i; **"PiO YOU WANT WHISKERS OR MOIJBTA LJ OHES»"—IB issa I flnt asked thla qneatlon. It wai aa< fwered numerooa people; aad I ash It any of them ever kstf my Ongnent to tall iB doing aU. I claimed for it; namelyt ttati wonld compel the BeaM or Monttaohe to grow upon tha ameott, eat free wttnln all weeks from the Cnt application. LlkeaBaiiOi eesafttl iBventon, I have had ttvoentend with a boat of ImlUton, aome ot whom even go ao tu aa to copy ray adver M ae nvm la, However, truth la Blighty, and will pnvall; and yon, my betid- lose frlenda, win find that my Ongnent It the only thing thai wB really force the Beard to grow, and wlU neither stala or lajm theeUa. I tend It to ai^ part ot the connfry,free of poWM flJTlt .\Vt ti a o7QBAEAM,N0. 10»«aaaanatreet, LAST HUNDRED-1900 SOLD.— 4^ "BIOS, Babe a BiOT," aald the Five Cent Monthly of "XaH 4V VAuaB,"the Sensation Noveletto. Bent free, by oal!, at tO" receipt ot Ten cento (ton for 78 cento), by CEAB. EBHBT asr DAY, the Anthor^Pabllaber, New Haven, Conn. 0^. N.B.— "Odb OiaoDUB" aent tree to aU purohaaait. M TOBACCO UPEE8, ATTENTION 1-ORAVINQ FOB TOBACCO CUBED and pnventodby Dr. BYBNBB "AKtl- DOTB." Boy It and rid yourteUot thaexpenaiveanddlaoiattM habila of OBEwnia and SiioxiRa the weed. Sent free, br atA on receipt ot 88 oenta.. Flvepa(Aagea for tl, by a-8m CEAS. B. DAY, New Eavan. OoU. T ANDIS ft CONRAD'S OTBTER BAT REBTATI- JU BANT, BeadlngFa. Oyaten rMielved dally from Phllald- pSla,andaervedat&ie ehorteatnotice. A BEAUTIFUL HILL over (he Boataurtnt to rent, having been newly flitad op, capabli of holding five hundred people. Eihlbltlona tnvallng oan ml It on reaaonabla torma. - Addreaa ' LANDS AOONBAD, I.'. UnloB-EallCsnoert Saloon, Beading Fa. SOMETHma NEW.—Satleis and Trade mipplled.- 1 dot. French Card de VWtea and Olita Htgnulen (Utt BI«e)i price, Ave dollan. Oarto de yialtea—lOO new atylM- tweatr-flve centi, Storeoacoplo Plotarea—100 new atjlaa-aaT* enly-flve oenta.. Mloroaooplc Picture—la Open aiaat—onedoUat. flttreenta. Mloroaooplo Picture—InPetrlHanlle XnUo—tknt dollara. Bnolota red alamp, E. PONOIA, Fhotooraphtr, lMt» P,0, New York. PLATING 0ABD8. Aad an aiUelaa ntad u GAXBS or AMUBEMBNT ANB OSANOB. MBBOftotared and'Bold by ■ 'K. NEU90N. ^ aiBreadwa]r,HawTiA NOW, READY.—That CurlooflBbok, fully IlloBirated, Price, la. The Book of Natnre-Qlaatntod: Thla book aent teonrdyaealtdi Price; $1, Gambler'a Trloka with Oardai 38 oaiili, Tm BiMte or.Qafflbliiig: 00 oenta, by mall on reoapl ofprtoa. AMraai ' FBffi). FAIl9BUiS A BBC, aa . . ) Bo.^,a(p,p.o.,»y.