New York Clipper (Jun 1863)

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58 OUS'OIilPPEE. Ilun ■wini Uuttuoliu •lUum illd sot ouot joux Tlem, dwbUtM bwn nlilnfonnid" ' i_i„„«,w.. Alltilimomuit Iho goni lanimoBlnB tb» bOM4cij to rapptr uondtd tlinraihlhahutcl, mi Uatput»n MMiloU» co«er- uUon. A IiK< BtimUt 0/ jMrtoni took their imU »t »• "P" par Itbte. AiSodi thim w« M.od, looJlDg mow b»olUBl thin •nr. Atum»«lit«»Ml«T«r dom Uia Ubia wtBanr^Mor- ^Dwlifl tb« Btil, the lorert oonTsrMd with euh oUi«r b)r ■UaToL udiDiMrntditiig tbamvooM bm lmmcdltt«lr ■nimlaed tba frnlb, tliit tbtT wem deoply In lore kIU. aich other. 'Lata AnriUwilchMl bum oloidr, lo Uial aot a tlcglo ■In paaaad balwcan Qim Qui ba did not read. AfurUiamMl «aaonr, Mtud, tluowlnii a llgbt abawlonr lier bead, atrolled oat of loera towarda the beach. Bha via •loaa, baTlBg reftiii^ aartral who voald bare acc«up>Dlert her to the beieb. She kid not ptocaedtd br, howeTcr, beroia aha waa Joined^ UeaiT If ordaiuit. Thar then prooeeded together *°At«1U bad neVtr laat algbt of tbem for amomant, but loUoved tbam alaaltbllr. It Ual, bf taMng a tonnd-ahout palb, he man- Sod to gat berer* Ibtm, and coicaalod blniaeir behind a clomp traea. Tbo lorara loom approaobad, and tatted tbemaeWea on • ftUrn Iraa sloaa ta tba plica wbeia Averill iraa concealed. Be watched and Ualoned,—|To ba couUnued. NEW YORK OlilPPER. SAl-TODAT. JDNE 6, 1803. ANHWlAMa TO VORJlBllPOaDENTS. H. r. Sniixna, N. I. Voli., Wtfbtoglon, P. 0.—1. Tonr paper la xballfd to jonr iddrwa rrgnlttlj- If Ton donot nco^volbcm tboblamo KitionljwIlbthoroitOfllcabeiiartnient J. Tbura- da; ereiilnir. Wot. U. IBW. waa Ibe dale tbal JohnDronabam plared U Now Voi* andrhlladelpblaon tho iimo night. It iiaa a imcoiilalloD bj UasvC. Jarrelt, who cleared about nOO bT the trip. The comptn; plajed Apiece at the Dowarj, New Voti aiiU ilarlad it T.dO tiom foot of Couitlindt alteol; Irfl JeaeT-Cllr T.tZ Paaard Kawarli, 8.M; EUzabelhtown, B.11. How Ilniniiwlck, 8.93; Triiton, •.11. Beached Eenilogton depot, rhIUdalphIa, 10 o'clock. Vera on tba alaga of the Na- tional Thealra, (now Conllnrnlal) Pbllidelphla, at 10.30. The oonpiny retnmad to New Terk lalo at niobt. Qiill« a nomlier of peracna Hcoapanled the paitj (o Fhlliaelpbia and beak. It WW ouo of the Riealaat thaalrloal tiavellBg futa, aa well ai a good "gag," that waa •Taratlemptad. A OuicorCniwiac.—"A daili, II pla;a an eight, A pla^a a ■even, and takea two for Uteen, B pliTa a nine and taken Ibiea for. a aeqnenaa. A aaralt la a "go." S Uieii playa another ■aren ana olalma Bra holaa mare; Ibreo for tba aenuence and twoforthUtj-ona, whkbl dlapote*. 'Whole right)'' Ala right. Tba eight waa aoreraa andcoold not ue cuuDtcdlna ■ennenco In B'a lut plaj, two for "tUilj-ona" being all he wia •nUUedto. J, R., Earanitowa, TD.—1. Edwin Fotraat waa bom In Phlla- delphlN Hinh t, IBOC. Ho waa Ant In a Oeman iDporllng Bonia; then with a Bhlp Chandler. Bla Brat appearanco on the alage wu at tba Old Benib Slrcet Tbcain, In hia nallre dir. Ur. F. *ai appeared In the eawduU ireoa, having perforaad a ■tut Tanltlig act. Be haa alio tunird many a "fup.Bip." 9. tta do not know injlhlng ibont the book f on loqnire for. BdbktCobi.— 1. Br. Lealar Wtllaoh waa bom lnNew7ork eItT In 1819. 9. Uada hli fliat appearance on Ihe elage el the Broadwar Theatre, New Toik, In 1M7, u Ohirlta Borface, In "Sohool for Bcandal." 0. Ha ntlUd London, and made hlatfchii ■t the Ea;narkolThtalra. RroBT, Carlo, 01.—Boch nollcaau Ton wlah laaerled wonUl wjry propailT bo oooaldarad aa pnmpled bj apleon, tho mora ■o aa we are not peneniUy cognizant of tho olroomatancea. Toitharmoro, JOD do aatglTO yonrown name, and we do not vluh lo be anj ooa'a calapew Id anok mattan. W. St. 0.—1. In pliTlng "all foon," whan all tba carda hot one era eibaoated torensh lha frrnuenoy of the aama tmmp holng turned np, the carua thould ba bunched, and a now deal had. 9. The dealer wu entllled lohla one point for/Mk, aa fh>t U Bcored Imnadlalelx It la tamed. Firro ATBinx.—1 Black Uarla, Trifle, Itij Ilollef and Shark, Tan In tlio twenty mllaeTrnt yoaallade to. 9. Henry, not •'Cir Bonry, who ran lha gnat raca with Zcllpaa, waa a Tuglnla bred ksrie. Faoah Tnx Vnirrun, Kaw Tork.-I. "Angclo" now performing irllbJane Isgllrii and "Young Amerjca," are not the aama. U. Birry Chapman haa been In theWralem country formaosyeara aoUl wllhln a year. 8. L. B. Shewell la the leading man atHnilo'a, W. J. F., Nuhrllla, Tarn.—"In ptaying Bachre, A leada the lelt buwer, (Jack of Dlaaenda)i If any of tho plarera hara dbunonda In baad, but no Inunpa, are they obllgeu to play a diamond I". No. 0. F.—1. Hra. laae Bnillih la tho mother of (be Slar PItteia, UlBBcallolra andLaelUe Traatera. 9, Ur.Tirni. B. Eogliahla their ilrp-lklher. 9. They were bom In Boiton, Uaaa., and mado thtir Biak ippearanca an any atoga In Ibat ally. ) Bmnrar, Bawyerk.—inlndltidualwcnld not bo oonaldered % olUien under rack drcumalancea, and Iherafore la notllaUe tedrart . .. . ■ f ■ ■ TT, B. K., Barllordi—Tho poelty la not (nlle up to tho markt •\ another Uffltyoi may dobatlarilf ao,wa aball glvayoqim kiarlng.' 0 ' J.'B, n.,newBaTan.—TobaVaa oorreasondantln your oily; Bialrvecauaeof thanoq-parfoiramco of Ine lady referred |0| voaglitn la laatwMk'alnne of tho OZiirrEiL 8, B., PbUadelphlb—Uanj thanka foryourklndoffer, but you vlll tee that wa han all Ihe iiewa weekly llamlacd. Long orlUelfma etc., wa hare no room for. a. H. 8., Waahlngton, D, CI—I. Dnfortnnalaly wa are unallo io ruake up tba Hie conjrlata; what vo hare, bovoTer, are at 7onr aerrloo at all cenia per copy. 9. Tbaoka for good opinion. A. B. Z, Dalllnon.—Wa do not charge anylhtng for tho In- terllon or the little cata jou refer to. Ihuy are drawn, en. grand, and pabUaktd at our own czpenio, CovariHi BusZB, Idlh lleg., V. 1. T.—1. Uorrluoy and BuUlveu iDugbt Oil. 19, IStS. 9, Foole waa abet Fab. 91, IBW, but though the ball lodged in Ah llurt, ItTad till Uarch ith, 1. H. E., Army of Folomao, Va—A andB are playing 91, or Tlogtuu. A deua^ and both got nalurala. Whowlaal It It a "aland off." 0. E. J., Fblladrlpbli.—1. No coplea of Ibat dalo on band, a Uii. John ITood and Hra. Barney IVUllama aro not alatora. 8. BoV huaband la atlll llTlog. Ax Aumca Fiouisuh, ITamlllon, 0.17.—Tho book may be 9»cured tbn ngli BcMn, WUmcr A Began, No. dT Niaiau atnet, but at what price we know not. PiitHA ZouiTiB, Otmp 'White Oaka, Ta.—Either at the Old Bowary, New Voik, er at 1^'elcb'a Nillona], Philadelphia, alunt twenly.yeanige. V*eannotaUtepeelllnly(alpreaent)which. II. D., Detcelt. Ul^-Addraai II. T. T^lor, No. <1 Aun tircet, X. Y, J, O'Nnu., BprlDgfletd, Uua.—Ton wUlbaTo to apply to aomo KtUt In Ibat link Ottawa OiTT If, In your rrgnlar turn, yon did-not elect lo play alone, yon cauBOt do no after another baa aodeeldi-d. Bouniua, N. T.—Fbll Oaia'e height In hli tloeklng feet, to mare credibly lofoniiid,laBfeolBj( Indioi, IlnBT BONT, Oawaga Co., N. T.—17e aend yon all Ihe hick aumbera el Ihe ueiy that we haTo ob hand. Aomnu or IlgOLZLLiH.—7o bin not the tpaco loeptra Joat now. ComTAKT BEAnnn, BilUmore.—A li right. Brooklyn la larger flian ellhar of Iho olllaa nimtd. J. W„ New York.—li le alloielhcr a miller of taato, but the Xeand^r Ooit OUb, wauld net be Inappropriate, A. B.i Ottiwa 0117.—After ha bat dtoluad, yoa cannot "order %\a oir," and play aloae, jooriilf, a D., loulnllla, Kj.—She la not married; tea aoUco bi Uat i wek'a OLirr an. , _, BaAUBB, Broollya.—Cell on UK'Guma, In Cenli* tlrect; parhipa he will aooonnodale you. Ik H. B.i Bangor, II»—Wa hart antBoIant on hand to Iiatna tar aome tine yak Na TVia Bltu, Breekljn,-The man who bet ho wouhl Uat «lof en, loaea. FnanAM.—Our Inpreailen la, Ihit Ihe oath tllll binda yon, uleaaatUpalated time waa mentioned, Baxooh, 81. Lenla.—Ucenio fought but opoo In thla oonntrr, ■Id that waa with llomaiay. New* Aonrr, BalUmera.—lam Biyera haa aerer boaa In Ihla country, OoLun, Fhlladalpble.—Wa don't know. J, V. 0„ Uhloaio.—It la a loal bird, beyond donbk - THBI BCFI.LINO CIIANPniNBIIIP. Kolhing Creih hia tnuiaplred In regard to Wird'a chillenge t> row llamill on the Ugdion, neither Ward nor bla bicktia hBTlng reeeliad neitlilag from llamll] ainoe our lut Ur. Blapben Roberli la In raralpt of a letter from HimlU'a backer, certain polnte ol which hare been anhulUod for our ptmtal, nay are bn' aripalltlen of whet appeared In laat wtek'e Ourmi, ■ud It UMloM, therefore, la glTa tham hare, Ward, wa preaoiua, vlll attend 10 hia irgulir builnoat, and thaa the affilr enda. Hamill, we bear, will atlend Ilia Boalon regtlta, on the dUi of Jaly, bit ITard w.ll act ba there, at hie dullaa at praa nt will prwcbl bla leaving Nawhurg. Oor Fllbburgh frienda will no donbl feci a liltla diaappelnlad at tho foUuro e( Ihe allonpl to bring TCard and Ilamlll tegelhtr again, ai many of them ai- preaaed the optalon that BAnUll vauU oal/ ba too glad la meet ^ 'Waiduywhan, A UAl> BKUIMKINO. Bofflt time ago anoounccminl waa mida that a earloa of trolling malchu had been arringad between the owneia at the horaea Gen. BoUar and Ocorgo U. Palcheji, and Hfom th« repro. iOnUtlona mado. It wu inferred that the publlo were to hare a treat In the oihlblllon o( apctd between thoio two anlmata; aoTeral raeca were atld lo biTa been atiaagad for IMOO en each OTonk Wedneiday, »f ay KIb, wia Iho day aeltded for the Br* aonleit, and the Faahlon Courae named aa the traok upon which the Important matoh waa to bedoaldod. 'When two horMot note aro adrcrllted to eomo logclhei. In what la boUered lo bo « fair and honoil Icitof apetd, 1 largo aUcndanco la alwaya aure to be the reaiill, and ao It proved on tho occaalon ot the raca on the 97lh nil., there being npwirde of flro Ihouind peradna preeani, from lU porta of Ihe Slate, and In tlct &'om all parte at the country. Bonea and tehlclea of all klnda were at a premium, nrariT ererylhlng In Iho ahapo of horae-Beah being engaged ■ereral diya In adTanco. In another partoftbla lane of the OUPPKB, our reporter glree an accountetthetiot, and Inddenla therewith connected. Our paipeee. In writing thla atlloIeJtJiP make menllon of the unaoHelaclorT character of Ihe r«^ and to comment on the axproeaed opinion of many Ibat thereanltof the trot had been determined beforo Ihehonaa enleiednpon the apparent elmggle. II appcara that alnca the annouDeemant waa Brat made of the milch, Palohen waa the faTorite In the betting, and eo conllnned, we bellere, nnlll a day or two before the etent waa to be decided, wbtn Bnller anddenly creptlgta tiTor, a number of'knowligonea" and their tatalllteaaoB>ngdiit with ollen of long edda In favor o( the Oeneral, while aotna ot lha abarp onca who bad prevtoualy ventured tholr money on Patohea, now eoucht every opportunity to hedge; the eJTcct of whloh wu to oceato the annplcloa that there waa a acrew looae tcnawbere, and that "Iho thing had been aet," During therace, eddaof tlOOte $95 were trtfly offered on Bnllor, and oven when Palohen wu permitted to win the tint heat, tht eddt on Butlgr rflnanud of the JUjura quctit, with ^ffera (0 wager any amonnt at three ratea, and ao it continued to Ihe end. Bome peraona who muat be "Igno^ ■nt" of turfalblm.oandldly avow that Fatehtnwu pnrpoaely "held hack," while otheia, equally "verdant," aaaure tia that one heat credited to Duller, waa unmlilakably a "dead heat;" olhera aay It wu a "dud beat"—thla latter, hewerer, we tUnk ii Intended aiaarcum.' Jlolhatult may, altar Atiok of tear heala, Butler wu awarded the race, and whatever money may have been pending Ihe remU. Te uy thai the whole affair wu nuaitlafictory to the nameroua dau of dialnteruted petiena prucnt, la but Ihe plain tralh; and we have heard many prf^ laeni Indlvldoila duricterlu Ihe match u a great 'wrong, if not a decided fiaud. It la much to be legtetled that Ihe aeaieo hu thaa opeaed UDder anoh diaceunging auaplcee. ^llh many oikera^ we had ■ntlolpaled aomo good and honeat trolling mttchea thla aeaaon; we bad hoped that the dieaatrau^ rcanlla ot the put two or three jaara would have deterred all partlea tram renewing the fraudulent traoaaoHona whkb hive cut anch a blight upon the "Turf," ot late yeara; bat il acema that we are to be d^p- polnled, that the trotting turf 'le to contlnne under the ocntnl ot men who make a gambling epceuliUon of It, and who can name the winning beite long before the ttoetaket place. Ot oonrao the pubUo will not earo lo wltoeu Ihe aeeond event ot th( lerlu, which li Bxedfor Joae 3d. Dluppdlntcd In one Inatanfe, they will not ■ubjcet Ihemaelvce to ■aeeond diuppelntment, and wa do not believe there will be much of an attendaneeon Wednerday, June'ad, when Falchenand Bnller are to repeat their bnrleaqna on the trotting turf. THE CUAHPIOR BCULLBRB, OHAIIOEBS, OBEEN, HAUILL, AND fTAIlD, Ihe forthcoming aoulllig rioe on the Thamea, between the two Bnl named oanmen. In England, la, we are pleued to Icaa, progreuing aatlafaotoiily, and the eeoond 4epo«llwu duly forth, coming on Uoy 7. Tlie affair Ir atyled "The Ohamplonahlp^of the T7orld;" but why, we oao hardly ande^itand; Qba aifctn Ohanplon of England, and Ore«i holda'uieaajfce'hotfors^P', allien u regtida Auatralla; bn^llmerlca (and we don'tknow bni that tome Aher country. Is fading lha Brltlah CroTlneca,) may have aomo man willing and worthy to contond ICr Ihe Champion. ahip of. the World, when inch an honor la Irgttlmatolyatalake. At all oveatf, England and AntlnlU are not all Ihe world, eo fir u bolting la oonoerned. In ita laane of May 18, Ihe Spirting Lift uya:—"The American Obamploa, flamlll, la oa Aiimoilire- epectlng thla matoh between B. Oroen and Chambere, and hu eiproaaed hia Arm oonvlctlon that he can'whip'both of them. Should BamlU partlonlarly vlah for a malol^ there eon bene doubt that he will bo accoDimodated by tho conqueror in tho proKnt cxdting event The American, howerer, will have to row In England, u be cannot. In Ihepreaent unhappy dlilurbed elate ot the Morth,Ieiped to be met on hia own water." "All right my covey" about the "atataot tba North;" but we know whereof wa apeak, when wo aiy Ihit Ita "dlalnrbed condition" would not Interfere with the match being Urouibt off bore quite •1 aallifaelorlly u la England. In their uxlety to get Ihe ilch^off there, however, we con forgive the writer of Ihe above in magnll^lng the "unhappy dlalnrbed etato of the North," Into ■ point In their favor. What DamlU'a "particular wlah" may be In regard Ingoing lo Englnbd.weknow nol;bilprunmehewlll prefer lo know hia Ikte at Ward'a banda Bral, u Begotlatlont are pending for a conteet between tbem. The third depoall, ot tXH, for "TboOhamplonihIp of lbeWorld,"wutol>eigAde on Hay 91, when 11 wu eipeoled that lodlcallona would iw given u rft. garde the reipecUve poelUonaet Ihe men In tho money markak TIIK IKTKltNATIOnALi FXllZK FiOHT. Kolhing particularly alaiUlng or frcah hu traaliplted la n- g .rd lo thla tmly Intcreatlng pugllalle event, our foreign advlcta villaining almeiat nolblng In nferenee thereto. The elith da- pwltof|jUOaaldawutohave been madeon Uay llat,at Joe Ilowo'a hoatolrle, Blahopagate. Tom Eing, who waa a ■peclater ot the pedealrlan eventa al Bachnoy Wlok, on hiaylt, wu re- ptirtod In blooming health. It Hcenen foDowa np bla intanllon ot coming home for ■ brief atay, ia July, u elated, he will eooo hne to be packing np hli bnnla, A hearty welcome swalla him, and ahould Tom Saycn accompany him, they will be the llona of the town," and country too. Bayere and lleanan need nol,,and win not wo opine, be afraid of the "dlaturbed atala of Ihe North," Tna lUcnifBcABO)).—It la deeply gratifying to note the im- provementa exhibited In racing thla aeaaon over that of lut year. Already two mcetinga have been held, oao al Jameaburg, and Ihe other at Fiteraon, N. J., and on both ooculona, we are hippy to atato, a aitlafactor; reaull hu been allalned—aatltfactoi; tllka .'ito Iho public and to tbe projcolor* of tboie meeUnge. At PAlenon, eapedally, ihe meellng waa ■ moat 'decided luccen, peounlarily and olborwlie. Tho meellng wu under the manage- ment ot an uaodatlon ot genUemen ot known rcepedablllly and inlegrlly, in whom tho public could place every confidence, and the reaull hu proved that Ihe conSdence repoeed In them hta In no aln^e Instance been mieplnced. Everything wu con- ducted on honeat prlnolplea, and turfmen and tho public ezpraea thdr gratlllcttlon at the manner in wblch the meellng wu oon- ducted. Lui year our lace meetlnga were controlled by gam- blen, and ■ dliaatrona fallnie attended them. Thna far thla year, thagamblen have been cut overboard, and gecUemen aelcotad to manage the rachig campaign^ anccen hu been the rawardoflheehangeaoopportnnelyeffected. Ourreaderemayre- member that wa recommendeil thla change lut year. We uw the dcatruollon the gambling managera were bringing upon the turf, andlwe oppoacd them from the moment vre aiw Ihe object they had In view. We rcconmended that thoae detealed dead beata bi removed from the head ot our turf affaire, and that (^/cnun ba aelcoled to take their placu. Thla hu been done, and the reaull la beforo na. On the lut day of Iho meeting at Fatenon there were from eight to ten ibooaand apectatora prteent, and the grealcit enthualaam wu manlfoatcd by tbem. Having now got Ihe baU alerted, llja to be hoped that tho aeuon nay con- Unue uaucceiilbllyult bu opened, and'that ■ revival In racing may lake place all over the country. BiBBVOOT BBTuann Fboh EmLinn.-Deerfool, Ihe Ameri- can Indian, returned home from England, the acene ot hia m any Irlumpha and defula in padealritn malcbea for aome moniha put, In Ihe Orcat Bulem. He looke well and hearty, and^fll lo ran fqr a man'a Ufa. He, in company with John Law- rence, called upon na en Friday lut, and apoko well of hie 10- oum and treatment In England, beerfoot eeeka an oppor- tunity to Bhow of what alufl he it made, and challengea any man In Ihla country to a nee of 11 mllea, forfBOOaalde. Oh xnE Bautaob.— For ■ovaral wceha put, the preu'of tbit dty hu been on lha rampage about aporting ablra. Dalllw and weekllee alike entered Iho liila, and where^egltlmato meana would not incceed In "gaUlng the polnta," OleglUmato plan* wore ailopted—that le, bogua "aporttoglnldllgence" wu manU' taolored by bcgua reporter* ■! ao modi a cord, and pnbllobed by l»gua papcn (or Ihe eipreta purpoao ot deoelvlng'lhoir readeie, The CLirFEU cautioned Ihe public agalntt auch "mock turtle" concefna, aud ndvlaad tho people to beware of the impoetora; and wo are glad to know lhal onr advice wu heedod, the people lotting the bogua eheela aevarely alone, and compelling them I* laU hick on the ghoet ttory dodge again. A knowledge ot aport- ing mallen la not to bo acquired In a day, nor la It to be expect- od Ibat a nan oin reperl a prite fight beoanae ho once had the hon»ottbBklnghanda with the aluhlng champion ot Tlmbno- too. Yet aome of our oontompararlu astually dragged Into their aerrice, u ■ "iporting reaerve," men who knownomohof what they are expcded to writo about, than Bunum'a bablee know about tho aslhora ot tbeir being. TPhit bu bean Ihe re- aull? A torrlble calaalrophe—promleu unfttlQIIed—dlaippolnt* ad readara—loteaa In more wayalban one for tho proptietora ot the bogua concema, end awcarlng enough toaailal^ "our army in Flandera." On Evil Bani.cnu),—Car readere will do wen to refer to the very pointed denunulitlon of our oorrupondont, "Frlvato,' In hMlweol('aIuao, and than Join ne In being thankful that an eltorlla at Ual being mate, wllh at laul apparent alncerlly.le deante one atall in the Aageaa aUblu ot abuio and Iniquity, In tho Army of tho Fotomao. The offloe ol Purveyor lo Iho Army la abcllahed by order, It la ult, of Qen, Hooker, "<n matipam at lAagivalohuaicMcA kcH («in prgdlnrt," In place ot Ihla oBloer and hit horde of loechoa, aullere, u'nanal heretofore, will be ragbUrly appointed lo aaoh regiment. Bo much for one ot Ihe groiaoal, moat aelBib, and moit bcarlleu awiadlea ever perpe- trated. Would that the vnllnru themeelvea could be made io dlagorge, "reatore fourfold," and Ibeo bo brongbl to OOU' dlgn peraenal pnnlahmanl. 'Will refornii reub any higher orlmu, or dlipUce any greater crimlnala 7 « TnE OBAwn Nauoxal FauABs Todshaiiziit la new la pi*. greu al Irving Dell, ooroer of Fifteenth ttrael and Irving Place, where all neeeaaary preparatlona have been made for tba con fort aud cenvanlaneoof ipaoltUn. Llovaled aeata for 1800 pt*' pie have bun erected, end we ue pleued to l>am Ibat the afb- ble Chne Oooeor la proprietor of Ihe bar for tba eccaatani eo lhatvlellote may calculale upon gelling llqnar^ dgara, eta., of the but quallly. TheprUaetadialaalOBlafludalMcenla. OoiKO 10 CKLxnBAiB.-By reference to another celamn, onr readere, more particularly thoae Intereited In aqnalio aporta, will leo that the uiual gala day on tho Charlea Blver rowing oourio la lo behdd Ihla year on the approaching natal day of our country. Nolbtog could be more app,roprfate, and nottiiog moreliberal than the icbcme of prizea, open free to alL There will be, without a doubt, if we may Judge from prevloui Beaton rcgattu, a fair conrae u well u a tna one, and Ihe beat man will wlnl^on that day, and winning, will reap the xewarda of victory. • • Oab't Uovt.— Aa Ihe rebela acorn to have become Ured of waiting for "Fighting Joe Booker" to renew hi* opentlona agalnat them, il la tinted that Qen.'iMmedilalu a movement ^galnat Booker, who, we preanme, la ninabla to do anything Jual pew, on acoount ot the extremely diy atato of Ihe weather. Heavy Wota kept 1^ back kia^ winter, and now—they dont. Tbe aoldlar* oontlnne to nurmnr for their old conunander— '(ion. McCleUan. Not' All at tbs Pbub Fionia-^We thought there wu a pretty hard aet of ronghe at the pilae Bghto which recently oimeoff In Ihla vldnlly, but there wu Jual u hard a crowd on the Fuhlon Coune, I,. L, on thf, occulcn ot Ike tret belween Butler and Fatchen. If anything, the odda are on the aide ol the crowd lut referred (0. Wimin or tbc Sebbt.— By a telegraphic diepalch from Cape Ba:e, we learn that the great Derby race, at Epaom, wu won by Haccaront, I>)rd Cllfden being aeeond. Uaccaronl wu alao the Ttolor in tho 1000 gulneat' race at Newmarket, and la the fiiat h ino alnce Weal Auatrallan, in 16119, that hu won Ibeao two Im. p»lantracea, The alakea were worth more than 110,000. New Tobx ItACxe.—Theaeracuhave been fixed to come off over tbe Oentreville Coune, L. I., in tho early part of July neit, niey wUl continue three daya, and will be under the manage- ment of that experienced turfman. Captain J. O. Uoore, of Een- tuoky, tho owner of Idlewlld, and other famoua race honea. (Bowsed Got.- An over full cargo compela ue _to luve out aome cricket, hue ball, and other matter ot more or leu Ic- toiwl, which we will try to make room for in our next THE RI N a. PHIITOOIIAPHM OFJOBNCBFJOIANindlltcnadieaa. and fightingcoatnme; alao, of TOM KING; 9t cento euh, and unt poat paid by W. 0, WBMY88. BTS Uraadway, N. Y, 8-11 BFOHTSIIAR'I) HALL., Cor, Wood and Third atrcelab Plibburgh, BY JOBNNY UACEEY A JOHflNY XOVBOH, BparrlDg every Saturday Night, £-1910 OAitn piioTaaii'APiiB uf jor ottBoniT, 9s oenu each. Rent to any addreu, on receipt ot price, by W, 0. WEUYBtl, 078 Broadway, N. Y. ^ YRDIAN CLCOa AND THEIR. UflRa.—Wa are glad to learn that the Indian Club la tut coming Into public favor u a mranaof exrrclae,eondgolng,ultdore, tsageneraldevdopnpnt and ttrengibening of Ihe phyelcal ayateh. Mr. B. D. EBHOB, the prlndpal manufacturer of Indian Oluba In thla oountry, la now In the receipt ot ordere from all aeollona, and he le BUbig tliem up aa njildly u poaalble.' Mr. Kehoe made the Oluba which Cohan exerdaed with while lialnlng for b]a-lal«Tfiahl with UeUoole, and which vera ao highly apoken of by tbe Cham' ploii. Orden aildraaicd to 8. D. hk:UOE,. Revere Bonre, New York, or Foet Ofllce, N. Y., will receive Inuuedlalo alluiUon. 8 Dome IlErLiu TO Mease.— EnrroB Curm 5Vr.'—In your lut week'* edition I noilcrd a ehalleage from John Meade to fight me, Al lha requeat ot my fricnde, I did oot inland to fight for aome time to come, but eeeing tbia men la anxiene for a BgbL I will accommodate bim at bla own term*, aud meet him at the Currtn ofllce on Thunday, Jnne dtb, belween the houn ot 19 and -i o'dock, lo make the matoh, and will pat np two hundred dollan fur Iho Oral depoalt Yoan, &o., ^AUEB Dani. Brooklyn, May 30,18(9. • Jaueb ConoBH AXD JOBM Ltvob KATOnoi—A commnnleaUoa from llarllutd, Ct, dated May ueih, |i1ac*b u« In poaaaaalonot tbn Inrorinallen Ibat Ibeao two boxen are malcbad loflabt onNovambir 18,1M3, forlUUaalde, al utch waluht, we pre- aumo, |ia no aUiiulaiiona (0 lhal effect an made In tho erUoKe or agreement, Mblcb wen alguni at Joaepb Iloie'a noma. In Klin atiaet, llnrtrom, cu the IBtb ull, A uuniber ot frlouda • 'Uilh panlea Wiiro preamt, and a aeelal llmowai anjoyad, tiie prev^lllnii aeutluenl being that the beat nian might win. From Ibe artidi a iif agreement, a copy of which wu aont n», wa cull the folliiVliiR deiatbi:-Ihe flabt la to Uhe place ou Nik vriiibrr 18, for (MM a aide, tlOO a aide bi'Ing already denoaltcd. Tbevcviid drpoMI la to be madeon Jnne 18; tnd tbtrd,ou July I8| aud ILafourih and Uat, on Hnvcaiber II, when tho bartHra of the men will aHres on Ibe place of fightlijg. Tbe men are to be In ihe ring at 9 P. At., orfuifcll, and In Ihe event of magialetlal luierfernitie, Ihe uuplrra er reft-ri-o are to n irae a different luoal.ty far meeting, on the aama day. It iioaaible. One oapllal provlao U mule, vii., thai If lha partlea fall lo ai(Tce on a rafnrto, altar Ibe lajiae ef one bour, Uie aiahe-bntder ahall Ki'irotanroper parly. Thla will tend to prevent oneuaaallr great iiinioulty in arranging the prallmluarlea ot a bailla. Ue- aiUM Ihe algnainru ef Ibe men, are Ihoae of Mallbaw U Cough- IID, Hote, and Johnny Willie, u wlineiaea. The above an all Ihe euenual polnto el the docamwti U being la MI etliar reapeeU a copy ef the ninal feni of dnwlag np artldu, which an qnlto ikmiUar te OLipi-xa raadan, and Ihenfore need no repeUHon, All pirtlenlara, aa the affair progreuee, will, u ■ matter of eonru, be found in Ihe Cluvkb. Oox Oaaii TO OwEH aioasEOAH,—Con oaDtd altheOLima elSce on Ihe 2>lh ult, and elated hia wllUogoen to accept Oee< Rhegan'a oballenge u it appeared In onr lut laane Oram lai^ neatlydealru tbatOeoghegu upon eeeing thla, wlU Immedialaly repair to Harry BUI'*, la Bouatoa alreet, with bla money ready . tnlilnd the borsaln, u bo, Onm, la auxleun to have eaUafaotlon if ba can only have a ahow of fair pUy. Now, Owney, face Uie muele like ■ man, ■ad giro Ihe atnnger the ihow he lolldU, Ax EmiXATlOH.-Tbe following Card einlalaa meaninbly Ihe conduct of the " conaplcuoua Individual" In Oie betllng drclt* Jnil prevtona to Ibe Dunn and Elllolt flcht. u deacribea. by our reporter. Tho party In queitlon " deOnea hia poalUen, aubalantlally u foUova:—" When accnaed of * backing dawn * I wlab to elate, both to yon and Ihe public, that II wu net my In- tention to back down from what 1 propoaetl, but aoelng myielf aurroundcd by po nuny, at but, donbtftal-oharaelora, I Iheuaht II beat to gel oat Iho t-uleat way potalble. I bad rawen to W lleve that I had diacovered the money of the oppoalte party to be, mnali ef it, bema, while mine, whloh I prepoeed rlaldng an Dunn, wna genuine—Ible waa, I think yen will allow, anfflotent cauM for backlnif nut If ever tho men enter lha rluir again, I 4rlll bat the eame odda, but only with men of boner." B. E. X. Mat IlEnB!f rr, aud xo Qnisnoxa—^Tha man lhal took my watch, on the occulon refemd to .In my "Card of Explana- tion," and deeerlbed by the Clippkb'u reporter of the Dunn and KUlctt fight, may find it bla but end eule'tt way to rrlnm II. If he leavea II at the OLirPEB efllcc, he will rccdve a Jual reward and ao queatlona adicd, • H. E. S. BiLLT I>oRraaj.T Tale* Bacx to the BoLnm Bot.— BUIy called upon ua en Uay 90, and aald he would a'^edn to the torma propoaed by "Soldier Boy," ef tbe IMIh N. Y. Vola., and would fight la Tlrgtala, aad u an addlUoaal Inducement to get "eo," he would poet WOO to teOO ontbeptrtofthellny;knt would not ftght for leu than that amount eo Ux away from home. A* the Boy In hi* challenge fixed Ibe amonnt al {900, or npuurrfr. It la to bepreouned lhattha financial part will prove no obaUcle lo a matoh. A preliminary depoalt, and arUolca aent to the Olitpeb ofllce Donnelly prononncea hlmaelt ready to cover and algn,. BlUy, to addition lo the above offorof odda, uya bowillnotae- mand anything far e;ipeniee for golng.'lo Tlrglnla. GOEa Biu SlOO Betttx. —In nferenee to the alleged Intimi- dation of the referee In tho Ute fight between Con Orcra and Geogbegan, and lie denial by uld nfllclal; and alao in roRnnce to aomo olber atlll mooted polnta rrapecllng Iho name coateat. Con Orcm pronoau for the acceptance of charly Moore, the referee alluded lo, tbe following aerieaof beta :—tlOO lhal a re- volver waa drawn on him (Uoore); SlOO that Oeogbegan fell wllhout ablow; $100 that Moore elated In Orem'a proaencc, and baforewltoenate, Ibat the laat blow wu not foul; end tlOO that he (Orem) did netloae the fight according to tbe well-eelabllahed' and well-known mlea e( Fiallana. Do you make the book, Charley 7 (teBonx OH are TBAvELa.-^oe Cobum gave two exhlklllont ef aponing at Fox'a Culno. Pblladolpbia. on the 97th and 98lh lull. On the let ot June be la Uiihow In Rdadlng. Pa.: 9d, In Uairiahurg; 3d, In Lancuter; on tbe 4th and fflh at Lee a Melo- deon, llaltinjora, end on tho Gth, at Wilmington, Delaware. Bl* eiblblllona thua far have been well attended, aud the dlapUy* of the art of aclt-defenco loudly applauded. Tac CBAVPion'a Oballexoe.— Dp lo the prewnt time, then hu been no reaponee to Joe Goburu'a challenge, ao that all re- porU of nartloe nalng anxlona to meet the ehamplon, an proved to'be Hllhoul fenndallon In fiuL Jut ConoBK Uatobis.— Jim Cobum, tbe bnlhir ot Ihe (nua- plon, and Jack Loouey'a oM>antagonUt, la matched to fight Jack Lynch, of Bprlngfidd, for fMO a aide, to fight at oatoh weight on thelBlbNov. It la very probable that Jim will make another matoh with Jim Slllcn, of Hartford, for $300 a aide, to come off in July or Aognat next. Tea CniJiriox at Bohz.— Joe Cobum ntamed to the dij on Friday laat, after a very auccwaful exhibition tour Cbaixziioe to Fiout Axi Max la AiiaBicA^ohn 0. Oram, having had no reaponae to tbe <f<d pntffered to Owen Qeoghfr- gan, now boldly cornea fnrward and offan to fight any man 1b America (bar uooa) for 81,000 a aide; he (Orem) ruerviag lha privilege of naming tba time and place for tho encounter Tna OBAMnoN ox Bia Tuoa.-The Champion of lha Amerl- caa P. 11., Joe Cobum, dvei erarrlng exhiuIUona at Beading, Pa., on Juno lal; Harrlaborg, 9d ; Lancavtor, 3d ; Baltimore, Md., 4lh and Iih; Wilmington, DeL, Cth; and, on tho 0th, alaria for the Lake Bhon region. CON OBEM, THE COLOBADO OHAMFION'B SPABBINa BXHlBinON. The iparrlngexhlblUon for the benefit of Con Orem, endgot np by a number of gentlemen who were wHneaarae of bla gal. lani, manly, and atralghtforward conduct In bla recent fight with Owen Oeogbegin, and who aympaihleo with him on ai>' ooanl of the unfair tiratment he received on Dial oceaaienj' oame off on Wedneaday evenlnir, tbe 97ih ult, at tbe City Aal eembly Booma, In Broadway. Toe attoudanco wu both Lumar- oua and nepeclable. and aomewhen In the neigbborbood ot tSOO waa netted by the beneflclaro, who received a perfrol ova- tlnn from th« awemhlage, when ho appured on tbe atage tor the wlndnp. Tht gentlemen who compoaod the Committee ofAi.: rangomonto, and under whce auaplci-a the exblblllon wu got up, were Mesan. 0. OlUgnon, P. J. Uanbnry, John Mcronud, Izev Lazaraa, Barry HIIL and J. D. Btone, and their clforta to- malo the benefit lucu^asfol, mot wllh a Jual reward. I'he flnt aet-to wu between Johnny Watker and Johnny tf» Caflry, and wu well rellahed by tbe apecUtore, hard hitting oa both aldee being the order of tho day. Tlieywrro follo^rdby Tounp llanley and ^liheDoreoy, and Ibeoo two clever bantaml- cKfA unbounded aatlirnctlon. Doraay la a fine two.IinudGd fighter, and exhlhllaa marked Improvement In lila btyln of apar* r.nii every time he aetit-towllb tboglovoa. Bnnloy la alao very amarl with Ibe mita, and niakea a good nutcb fnr Dona)'. Tho third conple wen Tommy Meaken, of Orooklyn, and Mike Obiacy, but aaueltfaer of tbem popaevacd any blKli degree ct' aclence, we will nolwaato time by apcaklug further about them, bill pTDceed to the gtm of tbe oventng'a aria-io.. Thla wu b» twcen Ramey Aaron and Johnny Aaron (nui brulhcra, u one of' the dalllea hu It, nor Indeed any nlallon to each oilier), aud a finer diaplay of adenoe hu arldom been wttoeancd; their quick billing, cleou atopping, and rapid getting away wu a ridi treat' to the admlren ol the manly art MlkoTnlocr and John Macariby followed, and mado an ex- cellonlaatto; the latter la much the bPAvler man, and baa lb* inneer rueta,bnl'lhe eclence iind aollvAy of TVatnor amply •e <roprnwated Iheie advantagu. Mike Doniay end Jim nerrtgaa I Dan'a brother) followed, and wen In turn aucceeded bv Uiigh MeluarVhohu challenged Geoghesan to Igiit for '{1,000 a aide) and Milage Cornell, Iho Doiear ot the pparrlng atage, who- made a upllal bout with enob other. Horry Iloblnaon and Young Brown, Alt Walker and friend, and Mnllaneyand noddy (one of Ocem'a aeconda In hU lato fight) followed lu rotation, aud gave entlra utufactlon In tbe company. The wind np wu between Oon Orem and Dan Kerrigan, and Ihrlr appeannoe wu tbe elgnal for Immenae cheering, evidencing the groat popn- Urily ef the'Colorado champion, who, h atranger among aa^ had haen ao ahamefully trxaled ou bla firu appearance lu Ihe ring ben. "Ihey mado a firat-rale eet-lo, and were warmly ap- plauded. At the cloae ot Ihe procaedlnga. Ham Davia, on bohaU' of Orem, auted that tbe lattor wu illaaailated with tlie reanll ol tbe ficht with Oooghegan, an'd publicly challenged bIm to a r» newalof lha combat, Ibr fl.OOO a aide.' The mnncv wu la the banda of Harry HlU, No. 90 Eul Uoualon alroel, and woold remain them nnlll the following day. If Oecgbegan refBaed to< accept ot a cballense thne pnblidy made, why, Orem would con- alder him lu the light of a coward. The erond than dlaperaed, appuantly well uUified wllh tbe enlorlalnmenL ■ Monawa or OnoozLtN va. Juhiata or nonoEBxT—Thete eloha played a maloU at nohohen on tbe'£ld iilu, tbe nenllcf whiuh wu a victory for tbe Mobawka, Ihey lima winning Ihe two- gamu of their home aud home aerlea. Thnf ame wu well coa*' tealed, aud good pUy wu ahown on both aldw. At the doae ot Ihe same tho Junlatu hotpllalily enlerlalood Iboir vlaltor*, and tbeday'a ptoceeduga wen much enjoyed by all, Tho aeon; aaw uio i MOHAWK. B.I. atixi. niBUTA. Tan Antwerp, 9 b. Burrell, r. f Worth, 0 Crochenn. Lt.... VcCrea,8b Heath, lb Uenry, p Hart, 0. t Lowe, a. • H,I.BnRl. ....8 8 ....8 4 ...a .4 ....8 3 ....4 1 ....a a ....8 1 ....B 1 ....1 » w TCUl.... vm» Mina ix eaou ixxniaa. ■ let 94 8d 4th Dih IHh 7lh 8lh filh Mohowk 4 7 9 9 8 4 0 0 a-M JunlaU 0 6 0 0 1 1 0 a I—II Umpire, J. Calptn. of SUr OluV. Boorera, Meiari. lollb and Eddy. Boarox Fourtr or Jott niOATn.-ThU gnit aqnalle fcaUvtl hu bmn an long and ao aueoeMrultycatahllaTiad, thatit hu coma to be kicked upon u a aporllng Oilore for lhal day, not merely In Ibe "Oily of HoUotia" lltelf, but by all the country round • WUl. Effiiria an Iwing aollvHly pnl rorlti lhal tbn calebraUOB, iiie iireaent year, alMll 111 nn way tnii behind any prevloun one In niimliar of eventa, aplrtt of rivalry, or general Inleraal, Ttaa/ifi will bo on CharlH Hirer, nver Ihe uaual emine, coramandno al 1 b'oloek, P, U. There an to be flra ncu, fur agareoato prizea 01 $77d, w (ollcwa:— 00 -Ti a- Fiiiar llAOB.-Dialance, two milee, for bnya not over 18 yeara olil, Flral ptizt, »J(i; aicond, 110. 9d-i1|p|ance two nitlea, for alngla 101111 wherriei. I'lVat prize, $100; aeonnd, IJiO 8<l-dla. tanoe two ralira, for double aoull wharrlea. Flral prize, llOOi aeeond. KIO 4lh—dieianoe Ibrra nllle^ for fuur-oarod bealA Flnt prlao. 8130; aeeond, Ua And tib—diaianoo three mllea^ far ali oarrd beata. Fint prize, 8176; aaaond, I7{. The rulu, ngoUUou, eto.,arela Iyp4 and will be given noi