New York Clipper (Jun 1863)

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59 THEATBIOAIi RECORD. o^nan innraii, «n umau nomuoM. orR liBTTEB BOX. j3ll» Mortimer, Stm Simpler. »■ B- MUm. «««bIo MItebell, J F. BIrata. Ulanla Lualer, Loala Bennett, \Tm. Aimitrong, CliMlor noTuoMe, Mr. Me»er. 0. A. Hoii«h, 0.1. TrMt, OUtj HwiliutSD, John nacbeit, Bomd WUpule Myen, EUubeUi Luuder. Un. OUdil«ne, Jue CoomlM, ^m. Dtfldie, w. H. SeuUaon, Fnnk Honknnt, Adtb lauce Uenken. L. M. 8ta«n. Wm. Peek, Neleon Kneen, O. Billion, Ohu. J. Fjrffe, Tonr Ptttor, 0. W. OonMook, J. A. Onlerwooi, E. B-Junn on, M. wilaon, Obie. D»Tld, Aldermen Jeokeoo, W. H. Bowdlloli, Tliomta J. Oeweni, 0. J. ITlUIeauon, Cbu. A. Moirlf, cko, BloddtTl, Oeo. Ctulttr, a. B. Eroiett, Edwin Helmu, end Un. SoBtlnflton. CITY BUnnART. . , UoiisiT, Jaaa], 1813. When tile cruel Antl Is OTer, thln«i mer » "'"j •tiler; bat tt the present wiltlnR, tbe "fubllo mind" !■ a load deel ulttted with "oonllUiUng emoUoni." raperlndnoad cempnleonr Tleloneof "irtm-Tlatged wer," In eUlUborien. Znrolllngoaceneratgtio eboat, <'6iUiign»mee,"iM«,«t«»lera. Aotoie ftrget their ptrle la thlnkUn or the drnft; to nelco Ihem forget 'IKil, Ihoj tike ■ dranght of enolher and more vtlatable dcaisrlplloa; the pobUoace on the "anxloui benon: hot weather Je at hind, and the Idea ot ihonldorlng imatkct, toUsg along a hcarj knapsaek, et«„ with the thormomettr at W hai Induced manf ef oar people to hnnr off to the coaolrr, and thl>, with the fiat apprsaohlng doae of the aeaion. It IhlJuUng out the atlanlanoe ot oar tbeatrat, halli and ailooBi. ...Themoit noteworthrerentof tbe week Jnstcloaed, wta the pcrformimce of ta Eogllih Terslon of Oluok'a opert of "OrpVeat," produced at the Wlnlor Oarden bjr TaettilL The fetr we eiprwted In our laat that the prioet of tdnlitlon wye too blah for the miitti, aeemi to hare been well-lbnndeo, for bualneie IhronBhenI the week prored rnj bid, tcanwly halj a honee being pruent oi anf one eranlng, A foil tcoonnt of the oiieia U gWen In tnather irUole. yittraU, with her anperb Umbe and exqnltlle TscallttUon, wti snoqaal U> tlia tatk of attrtoUng a large andlesoe ^en on the opening night, and alnoe then the AoHliut haTObeen more ihf then arer. Vgh prioea won't go down In Hew York, thafi certain, anfl tUo tooner inbllopeifomcn comprehend thin fact, the batter wiU It be for ""uui Dtlemtn brought her parformtncea to a doao In thl« oltrontho MUiull.,tppeirlng at JulJa, In tto "Hanchb^ Her eoBtgemant hia Jjored. one of the moat auoceearoi e»ar riiVed In'lhla cltj. We balla« 11 la. theladj-ii Inlention to Jwofor Europe thi week, but It li not her InUnUoa to perlorm * AS^"h?u""t'«ldlUo«. to the ll.t of •iblWU'O"«» T«E iT-Duflook-a HolT ttnd^"^ ThU 'J'JjJjJjJf.''j'.^.Pj*^ whiohths moot daring, tkUtal. and oarethUHral.-iei aUiM*i* bare ahmnk. Wo giro (hla nolle*, uobongbl. In ordtf to land a bolukighand toaalraoger. . The eiperlmenl of KagUth Oper*wiatgiIneatT0don Ilon- dtr night, UtrUlh, at the WlnlorOitdeo, under Ue inaploM of M'Ua. FellclliTeitTtll, who baaooUcctod ttntipvof fintolaa artlala to lacltt her In the entarFilae. The open leleeUd waa aiuak'afamoai"Orpheoa,or the Trial of Lon." or rather, an EDgUiliadtptaUon ot It Thii open waa written nearly a canlan ago, bnt It la nercrtheleia a nodal competition, and la eaneolallr noKd for Ita beautiful melodlca. ledaed, wa bare no doubt It b«e boon the foualain from vrhlch muiy a medom open lb com< iot«r bia qulffad many • dnught of melody, - At Ita nrlral, in '•rla, afew yeara^oe. It tobloTod an nnpanlleled ancceae. Thla Is the fint time It hat heoa praonled nera. On Kconnt otthe nther high tcale of prices Uut hadbeenjntaoduced, we did not oipeot to aee the house Terr crowded, and It waa not; bat ftlll iharo was a Tory good aUondincs, bolb in point of otaanctor and nomben. The ptrqnat end oichetira alalia wan well dUad, and there wu a fair atlanlanoe la the aeeond oliele, and ibont twenty or thirty In the nppat tier. Hid the niual ohargaofU oenta been adopted for the latter locality. It woold no donkt hare been dlled. In the back part ofihe parquet, two cilolam lights won lotcodooed to allow tho ftshloniblas to aae •tcb ottor In thatpart of the thettn, that being tu Important part ot open going, whether to Italian orEnglltbrepresenlatlont, A quarter of an hour aflor the time appointed, Ibe onrtaln rose upun the fInt scene, dlqilaylagOrpbius—lilts TettTall—moura- Ingttthelombof hUloTadapouae, Enrldlce. He Is iltended by'aodaasaes In hoops and pink tiahit, and by aome of tha aeo- ond claM gods In arghl-gowiia. Hymen—Hits KamUe-ttandt by the tomb, end condolee with the moumen. Aftar the afore- u In which to ahow a pldnn of that sort . A panorama ot the "In. fun^ naalona" might do much hotter. We thall be bippyto loarn howerer, that mulHtudea do flock to tee the Eoly Lend. Wo are to hare aonelhlng new tbit erenlng, In tbe shape of John Bronihtui'e "Doko'a Uolto," which la to be vroduacd by Ur Calling at Niblo'a Oarden, Itcaan. Whealloy k Colllnt a>- •nolsgtheleidtngnto. Thla drama bis commaided a great deal of attention in London, when It It aUU balnj performed it Ifr Fechlcr's Ljceam Thattn, hsTlog reached fla llOtb repre- senltllon at laat acconnta, Um principal cbancten being ane- talned by tfeMn. Feebler and Brongham. The dnmawlll b* nroducM at Niblo'a with newacenery, appolBtmenIs, etc, and ft la confldently expected thatltwIU meet with great luoeeta, baring the adrunage of being preaented at one of tha cooleat Dl/ees of imuiemont in New Terk Tom Thumb and bla little troupe hare been doing a splosdld bntlncn at Oimum't Muteum, the alteneon entertalumonls eapeolally being largely attended. Commodon Nnit la tho moat cuning litUa outt In the whole crowd. Neither Thumb nor hla wife can eing muoh, Tom'a TOlce being rather dlapleaalng, and reaembling tbe toIcb of a boy of Mint peonllar time when 11 beglia to grow ooane and mtnliti. If yon wen to hear tbo olhen, with* out aeelag thero, yon would at onoo arrive at tho conclusion that they were Utile clilldnn o< half a dozen yean. Fire weckt mako np a good round number of nights for a alar eniweraent, and then an hot few who can ore^run eech a torn without lou. Ur. F^ldyhai juatcoeelnded an eiigaiiament of thirty nights at Ihe Mew Bowoiy, and during that time he hts performed to good bualneaa, the houaa on many evanlngt being quits fuU. NoTclly, howoTiy, la tho motto of thla houae, and tblteTenlng montser LIugard brlngt out the nowly Imported drama of the "Diike'a BIgnal " Being of the senaallonal cliirio- ter, It ahould draw wtn for a time. Un. Jano Englltb certainly deterret snceoaa, whether she meeta wllh It or sol, for ahe seems to be a hard-working, enter- prlalng tort ot woman: but thus far, wo are seny to tay, her experience In NowTork has beenTOiy eipenalTOk'without any adequate recompense. The thcain (Liun Eeene'a) waa pretty well run down befon Un. EngUsh look hold of It, and once a place le tabooed, It It lomewhit dlfflsult to bring it Into ftror again. A Tcry cleTcr burletque on our fonign openilo frienda la alren by Dan Bryant inri Bollln Howard,In iheaat entitled "Tha itlata. nan In Italy." Tho Intenae feeling wllh which Din enaela the difficult nit of Count UcQInnle, la worthy of the higheat pnlae. He actlas tho upper 0 without Impediment, and dascenda throngh tho Intrluto puatffn leading to the "A below the Uhs" in a atyla worthy of the great Salri. Bollln Howard, toe, la worthy of particnlir mention, in bla maaterly deUooallon of Ihe ftanttc female of the fasllTO foreat. Words sro not sufBolvit to Ueacrlbe thoae *'aounda so Joyful" which goah forth from the nnulocrated ttiroat of thla gioat penoisator of female women. If you would hear Ibe bltok open In all lis beinUet, let nt adrlie a Tlslt to Bryania' Ulnatnlt. A tolacllon ot retdlnqi ind nollatlont It to ha glren at Sod' worth't Hall, on the Blh Inat., by Ulaa Augnsti L. Dargon and Ur. J. B. Brown, (not tho gentleman who heent tbe coal yard) It being the lady'a Brat ippoaranoo- Un. E. F. Ellet wUl taaitt, and to will Mn. J. K. Jickann, who will alng a fen bellada. Hernandez bad a benoSt at the New Idea on the SSth nIL, which waa well attondod. It waa hla tolenUon to bare departed for HaTana on the SOth, but a liberal olTcr on ibe part of tbe nuuigement of tbe New Idea has induced him to remain In Now Torfc, ao he oommencea anotbor ^gagemont at tho aame bonae on the let Inat, which Inaugnntea tho summer aaatOn. We looked In it "Mt" Broadway on the Mlb, aud found the hooie ornwdcd In ererr part. Hr. OoUlna, the "Oiire," Old not show forth, an apoloijy uolng made for lilm qa tho pioa of India' noalllon. Ur. J. H. Allen did not allraot Urge andloncet'attheOld Bowory. We were there on tho 2Bth. to tee Mr. A. in tbe "Dlickemlth of Antwerp." Allhough laboring under a aercK boaneneas, and being badly eupported, Ur. Allen did very woU. Wood'a ninatrel hall Is one of tbe beat ToniUatcd placea of amnaemont In tha conntry, so that thoae who do not oaro lo be broiled In a theain during tbo hot montha, oan comtorlably and pleatantly rasa on ovouing at Wood'a aplondid lltllo aumroer re. aort Another good programme la prorlded for the preaent week, IntiodKiilng tUo company in the rarlous actsot alaglng, bnrloioue, dancing, eto. Ur. wm.' Long, of Long's TarloUea, Fhllodelphli, wis In the «lty lilt week. Ur. A. D. WUaon wlU pleaaa obaerre Ulaa Wade's reply to bit card of last week, In our advertlsloK columns ol thla Isaao. Adah laaaca Uenkon has it list conoluded toahandou thla part of the ahow world, and take her long propoaod trip to Oall- fornla and England. She la at present sctlroly engaged In making all due prepanllons for an oxlonded tonr, and will shortly leave for the gold regions. <The arrival of "Vemcke," a gymnaal ot European renown, dally looked for In thla oily. Ur. Terrooke bii ncTor been In thla oounlry, he Infornis^i In a noto; it unuqnaintcd hen, and cometwlthont in engagement, solely dopondfng on hismerlla aa a gymnaat for anccoaa. While performing at tbe Alhambri, London, ho receUed offen to visit America, but could not ac- cept at that time, aa hit engagement had not then ciplred. Ho now comes to try bla fortunes In tho new world, and we henby introduce tho atringer to tho nnlventl Tankea nitl-in. Yer. rccko la a native of lielglum, and wit bom at Oand, hi ISM—the son of an oBlror who aarvea under Napoleon Benipirto. Hit etrlleat trtumpha were achieved in tho conntiT of hla birlh: and there he, In IIK], Invontod the peonllar exervlsa which ho baa lenderrd famona tbnughont Enmpe. It oonalito ot a perform- ance on lb* tingle trapexe, and le, pertaapa, tho meet remwkable • ever attempted bj a human bblng. From the bar of tho trapexe be tuapenaa hlmaeUtyffunapa vhUtuck; and in thla periloua potlUon playa a drum-iccompanlmont to an air pUyea by the band, at a hi ijiht ot from sixty to olghty feet Cton the gnnnd I . rrhia he continnca until tho criea and applanae of tba aadlrnce aaann him tbat Ihoir an aatlaOed. Every gymnaat who has Iml. taled this perforoaaoe bae bean canful enough to olace a book at the beak ot the neck, to aecun hlsaatcty; but Terrsckn baa ■neta atnnglh in hla neck, that Ibis precaution be deolarea to be quite nnnrceaatry on hla part U. Vorreoke bea bad the honor to receive the applauae ot their Uajeetlea tho Enptror Napoleon m.. the Emperor ot Iluaala, the Klnis of Prastla, Balglam, Hol- land, and Ihe Queen of Spain, who waa graelonaly pleaaed to makoblma handaome rcoomjtonBe, after wllneaalng Ihla aott daring 'exenlae, performed under aatoanding oinumalaocoa. Tentake actually went up anapendod under a balloon, where he ronilned, holding on aliuply b; tho neck, and heating hla drum, till loat to view, This Intnpid gymnaat has been Ibe admiration oftlfbFarUlinpnblloforfour yeara l>tat,attha Ulrnne Mito. ' leon, when ho firel made hla perUon leap ot the rope, for whloh ko waa largely nwarded by the Director. When LeoUrd ar- rived In Parte with hla nowporformanceof the triple tnpeie, Vorr«cke, after hivlDg aoen It once or twice, exhibited the aane exenlee, which lo him proaented no dlDcully. M. Verracke left Paria to give L«olArd*ii performance In all tho principal towno In France and Africa, from whence he returned coiond with lau- rela. Afior hla lojoura In Bpaln. be rclurned to lha Olrque Na- poleon, Faria, for au engagement of one year. But Ur. Wilde, Director of the Albarabra, London, having hotrdof hli oiplolit, tent for him;'and aa bit angagement wanted seme time of Ha termluatlcn, he paid a very oonaldenhle mm to have tbe prlvl- lego of addbg thla marvel to the altraclloni ot-hia eslabllah< ■ent The ancceaa of the gnat gnpnut has mom than Jualliled the npeotatlons originally formed ot him. He It, In hit peoh- Uac eienlteiy aald to bo unipprotohabla; aUampllBg teal* Crom mentioned goddeaaet have placed towan on her tomb, Oipheni bldatbem all nllrcand he then invoket the aaalalance ot the ■oda to enable him to vlalt tha realms of Pluto, end ragain bis bride. Oupid—Ulaa Oairy—then ippaan, and makes a covenant with him, whereby he Is pertiBlod to onUr upon a seven trial of hla love, and vltlt Badaa. Thla ckisaa ihe fint act, the suig- Ini of bolb being very line in thla hitrodnotoiy act The second aotieaveiybrief one,and tbsacene It enppoaed tonprsaont the Infaraal nglona, vrith a view of a number of furiea and de- mons. The effect, however. Is enUrtly spoiled by the inferior scenery and alago appointments, and ihe dltgnlio atsnmed by tho attendant goddaaaea of tho pnTlona aoene, is too flimsy not to be sppareni to a child. Flnb la her* aetn iln bis roalm, and preaanuy Orpbeua appein, and after subdning the fuiy ot the demsna bv his mualo, he OiaUy gets Pinto to content to hit vlaltlng the Elytlin Fieldi In saaroh of Eurtdlee, who ia among tho good spirits that oODgngatc in tbat myltaologleal palradlse. The depanun of Oipheus olosea this act The third Inlrodncea what the hUla npnsent aa tbe Elyilan Field), aa dsacribed in tbe heathen mythology, fMm whkh we ahould Judge that tba word flelda waa a misnomer, itaamock as the Win tar Oarden view gave na illtla elae but water and coral neks, of the Sevan Slitor atvle of make np. In Ibis act tbo goddeaaeaof lha flnt ect—not all, however—throw off their boona, and appear in Boman oo«- tumo; hut the few we nfer to still adhere to the pink tlghto and hoopa. Aa the good eplrils—only third proof by Ihe wiy—pau InprecasalonbefonOrpbetu, he aaeka to recognize Enridloc, and la beginning to deapalr, when the laat one appear*, and ta toon daaped lo bit arma. Prevloualy, however, the Spirit of Good—Ulaa Drome—cornea on the alage, ud alng* a solo; and on Uonday night the broke down in in attempt to ntch i high nhte. Aa aba went off, her frienda threw bar boqnela, but they ware picked np by Ihe supamunierariet, ana they r«al]y walked off the auge with th*m. The departnn of Orphena with bla bride cloiei Ibis act wllh in "impreialva tableaux." ThebiadaaorlbeaibaBceaooribeith iatit"A Thick Forest," but we didn't toe It In fut, the loeneiy thnnghont waa of tho meet mediocre kind, and the ata|o ippolntmento no bettar. It WIS u bad aa the open teeneiy at the Braoklyn Academy. Th* tinging and toting of Ulat Vealvall and Madam* Better— EuTldlce—En thla laat act, wai worthy of the hlghcat pnlae. The whole acene it one of the mott lUBenlt and trying of any open on tha atage, and from tint to laat It was aplandldly and axtlat- ically rendered by both. Otpbena mgaged that be ironld not look on the face of Bnridice nnlll h* bad branght her to earth, the penalty being that ahe waa to go back to tbe land of spirits agam if ha did. Enitdice, not hnoiring the tgreemant, ia dlt- traaacd at bia apparent neglect, and, by her pletdlnga. Anally, after putting him to a severe trial, hidnces bla to look upon bar, which no doea, and ahe tanmedlalolydiea. Tbeexqnisito melody whloh Orphena alnst ever hla loat one, la,|he gem ot the opera, and it waa baautlfally aung by Ulaa Tettvall Indeed, her eplendld penonal apptannea, her admlnhle acting, and her truly artlatle ToealUation, an tks featnrea of this produc Uon otttae opera. She wis ibly aialtted by Uidame Hotlar—an oioeUent iclroit and aplondid alnaor—and by Ulaa Oaary,'whoae vocal performancet were perfeclly taUafactoiy, but her' ama- tonriah action In the movement of bar anna In tbo flnt act, waa a drawback. In all other reapecta, ava, pothapt, the ohontei, which were pretty good, and oichaalnl periormances, which wen flnt-olats, tho manner of tbe production of tho opers wu everything but creditable to thoaawho saporinlanded tbear- nngeraenia oooneolad With It. Among the audience we oIk aervod a nnmonna delegation of the opontio and theatrical pro. featlon. Uidime Johinnaen was the observed ef observen by her Oeman frienda. Then wu also pnaont a full npresenta. Uon of tha genua critics. Wellkeoae arnngemont, and that la, that reaerved setts in not obirged extn for. Bnt l»w preaent, we preaimie, wen bescflttad in their interpntitlona ottbs play, by the fact that it was English, and not Itillin open, that wu being prttented. 'What with the IliUin EngUah Ulaa Teat- vail, tho Oetman Englleh of Uadime Better, ilthough both did well in thla respect, considering Ihe dllBcnlUea they nave to en- counter, and the wutofdeirenuncUtlonby thoae vrhoaang In Bngliah, it wu only ban and Iben tbat one oogid nndentand what they wen uylng. Thl*opeml*onethatieqnlr«alhebeat of Boenln affaola and ahua appointmenta to do ft Jnatlee, and Irst-clau artltts irilh full cboruiea, to gire Itsbnntlt* i^(t]l force; and under snob drcnmatances It would Indeed be an ep- enllo treat worth llatenbig lo. But In a amall theatre, iritb V»r teenery, ind poorer ttige appchilmentt, ind with but bilf-a- doienenpemumenriea wbenlnera ahould be twenty or thlr^, tad with but two or three good irtlita to All the numeron* rcUs ef tho open. It cannot achieve the euccew It It entlllsd to: if It doea. It wlUbefrom the Inlriislc merits ot the openlltelf, and Ihe oapllal elnjrtng of tbe two prominent vocallats, Ur. D. O. Waldron, agent for tho Alleghanlins, is la town thla week, taking a real prior to bit departure for Eorope, when he goea ahortly lo mako tbe nsceaaary preparitlont for the ippeinnoo of bla troupe. The bnthen Denier, Tony ind John, Ibe well known pintc mimtsls, gymhaatt, and tigUtropeirllato, annow pnpired to aegoUato for long or ihort ongigemenla, at wUl b* tsen by car adrerilelng oolumna thla weak, htinagera wlihlog the aervicea of theae talentod performera, would do well to addreu them at onoo. Tony Putor'a comic songatar, bis been pubUahed and la for sale by James Oonnor, theatrical agent Bea advettlaenunt. Ulaa oatherine Belden, the olerer young aetreu, very proper- ly, we think, conlndlels the Idle and tela* tnmor that hu Ijeen act afloat in regard to her hiving a rich fither. W* regret, for her like, that It Is not Imo, but when it It known Ihit be aleepa bis lut ileep. It mutt neeemrily. deeply iffeot the foot- logs of the filr yonng aaplrant for dramalio honon, to tee and hear her nime coupled with etnbi nnder the olrcnjottiuoee, in offaoilve and abrupt itatonienl. By the lady'a card ela^ whore. It wlUbo aeon that ahe fully undantinda ber poalllen, and entortaliia high and noble reaolvea for th* future, and hu no idea of pnrchaaing a name, relying aolely npon her merits al. ready attained and to be acquired. Wo commend her for thla, and tincerely hope that these who (peak tod writo of bar here, after, will bo genlleminly anongh to refrain tnm offanalve alln- slonsL and eonflne tbemaelvei to hooett oriUolam, whtoh Ihe lady ivows ahe aeeks rather than avoids. The Old Bowery produce* Ibis week the romantic drama of "The Duke's Device, or the Hunchback of Paris." Ur. Ttaomu Btker well-known to the kaUtva ot lann Keene'i Theaire, hu been secured by Urt. John Wood at tho aboTt named theatn, conuutnclng hi October. Kale Btlgnolda' comblnitlon eompaay. In lis tonr thnugh Kew EngUnd, 'met with only avange luccats, tbo aiile of tho plac* bang almojat too neat and elsgaat for eennuy lowna, aad lha cinralt almoit exbnsted by earlier atan. There wu no do- flailing, hewovir, no cloaing np, and Ulu Balgnolda and her oompiny ataad on no "black Hot" In the hooka of any town •lark, printer, or hotal. ' At the UetropoUtan, Indianapollf, Ur. F. 0, Wblto, 3d lew comedian, wu tondered a beneSt on datnrday. May m. The lUya were 'iSertans Fsmlly" and "Toodloa," Air, Wblto aualaln Jng the part of Aminadsb Sleek in ihe former, anpported by Ulu Uacarthy u Un. Ormahy Delnulne, ind Mr. J. II. HUl u Cbu Tomna. Ur. While alao appeued u the "Immortal Toodlu" In the pl^rof tbat name. Hla "drank" ia aald to have been toudly cheered, partlenlarly by th* riling genenUon of critic*. Hr. Wblto wu greeted wUh • foU houa*, and Ihe andlenoe aeemed wtll utlafled with hi* eflbrls to pleuo, showing ibilr sp- preolitlon by colling him before ibe cutuln. Prcparallooa an behig nude for the fan and winter aoaton at the Howard Atbenenm, Beaton, and ladlu and gentleman of ability are reqneatad to aend In theli applloatlons, through ' an advertisement in cur columns. Kato BolgnoMa look a bantfll at LIbtriy Hall, Kew Bedford, Uut., ontbaSMhult, and the wu honored with* very crowded houta. We notice In tbe eompmy the name* ot Uoaan. Beck. Uarlowe, and Stnirt Robeen. Mr. Z. Pann Hingston is tho bnaineM silent P>t Ihe tnnpe. Tha Yirlelles, Bt Lonls, nnder the managoment ,of Oeo. Dea- gle, la nightly becoming (non dnmitlo ind leu maileiL Tho suble illracUon ot lato hu been "El Hyder," wllb W. B. Dorr and hla trained hone u Ihe aun. Ulu Uirla Barton wu alto ttorring there in light placet, aueh U "Aamodeot," "la He Jeij|as 1" ou. D. Baltoo, nom Laun Ecane'e, wu alao tuder- llafl; aad UoSonald, with bit "Seven Bitten," two bote* of loohlng.gliHU, ind a doton or two nvotTlng plllin, ire ahortly oxpeotea If Dieagle goto into the dramatlo line exolutlvely, «* think bell go under. Barry LIndan't Toronto Theitrical Ttanpo hm been tnvellng through the Oinidu, vliUing the tmill townt. Tbay flnt opened itOuelpb, end niayid lo an IIB bouw, whan they ez- peclad IIM; tbe aeeond night Mr. L wu alck, oonaeqnenlly llidre wu no performance; third nlgbt apccrhonu greeted them. Beoelpt*, tOS; eipenaea, IM: loto ot pnfltl I I Oalt wu next "billed,''but wllb the lame effect Flnt nlaht, IS in the houee; aeeond night, nobody cams near the balL At lut ao- ccnnta, the company wu at Firir, Ur. 0-E. BIdwoll, well known throughout ihe New England Blitoa u manager, bu Joined ihe company it Myen' Ponlind Theaire, Ue. Uanton & Sniton'i dramiUo company are at pnunt "wiy down Ualne." The company now conalata of Ihe following la- dle* and geatlemeo:—Ulaaoa little Oale and Annie Bacon; Ueura. J. P. Sniton, Barry Limpee, E, W. Uanton, O, F. Jons*, and Ur. Shaw. Ur. Alt Bnmolt, tM waB knows hnnoritt, hu ntnmcd to tho army, and la at pruent locatad among tba camp* ot th* Ar- my ot the Cumberbmd. At UoVicker'aThutre, Chicago, Mr. J. WUku Booth wu the reigning alar lut week. On the 9fthhevnaupfora"ben.," when ha wu to eauy tbe part of Hamlet. Buahieu bu been very good Indeed. Mr. Boolb remaint thla week. Uln Jennie Hlght, tnm If oVlcker't Thealm, Chlctgo, wit ft tha Indlinipollt Theitre but week, pitying lo good butineu, Tlie UetropoUtan Theatre, Bocheaiar, N. Y., Is np for rent for Ihe snmmerkiontha on restonibl* terma t<* idvertltcment Uanager Ueech, of IheUetxopoUlinTheaire, Bocheater, N. T., It now prepared to attend to appUcallona fbr alack sngagemento for'Ibe next aeaaon, oommenohig on or ibont Sept lit The piofeulon WlU do well tonukeanetoofhlaadvertlacmentln these colnnua. Tbe "Union" Theaire at Fort Learenworih, Kanau, under the manigeaeni ot Mr. Addis, bu been Jogging along very sn» ccssfullr, recently. The minigcr hu been producing "aUn" Innpldaseoeulon. Ur, 0.'W. Cenldock wu playing then at laat advleea. Tbo BuStlo Theatn It pliytag Julia Daly ihIt week. She opened to a very good bouia, and bnalnew bu continned excel* lent Ulu Moule Wllllama, who la now i petminent member of the compiny, hu by her Uvaly acting proved tumalf a verr val- nibla acquUltlon. During Mollie'a peifomance of YloUnto, one night lut week, agar BnCahiDlan who wu present, perpe- tnted the following:—Why la a lovely young lady like a key hole t Because she le aonelhlng to adore. The police an aald to be in hot punult after the nnhely Indlviduil. Ur. W. H. Briggt, who hu been laboring for Ihe entire winter nnder • tevete udlapeallloo, nude hla flnt appearance thla it*. ton on tha arib, at tbe Boffilo Theatre. Ur. John Albaugb, a promising yonng actor, and one who blda fair to became ono of Ibe best leading men in the country. It at ptetent engaged at Wood'a Theair*, LonlsvlUa, where he It a great fivorita. Hit beneSt la .annonnoed for acme nlgbt next wwk, Ulia Miry Pnvwt, biviag concluded ber •neeeaafnl asgig*-' neut at the Boelon Uneenm, peued throngh New York liat week a reule toOinelniutI, where ahe appein, Jane 8. at Wood'a Theitr*. From Olnclnnati ahe goea to MoTloker's, Ohleago, ap- {leailng June 23, for two weeks, after whloh she wlthdnws for be rammer seuen, nnta August 81, opening for Ihe Oil and winter campaign, with Ben Do Bat at BtLouU. Itwuintlel. pited thit Bim Colvllle, Etq., Uiry Provoti'i butlneat naniger, would be compelled to visit Ireland dnring the annunei for the adjuaimant of family afltln, bnt lato uirieea render it nnu' eaaentlal; conaequenOy, the Ur artlito will not he deprived of hla valuable semces. Our St Lonla ebzrefpondent "E," writing flam St Louis on tho 17lh olt. Rives na all Ihe laieat aem in the thealrictlworU of that city. He eaya:—Tbe St Leola Tbulnlsdolnga splen- did bualneis with the star oomblnalion—lieaan. Waluck, Div- enport, and Un. Farrea. They are tolenbly wtU supported by tbe dramatic companj, E-'I^ Davenport took a benrill on the ltd, and appeared u Hamlet which fa one of hia but efforts. Ur. Wallick took tho ehaneler of the Ohoat. We Ihonght hit rendering of thlsobmcter wu exoellent Ure. Famn did not look the ohancter of Ophelia, but othenriac it wu well ten- tared. Ulu Wyotte enact<<d Ibe Queen very creditably. The audience wia very large and flablonibla. Oen. Curtis and ttaff, and Oan. W. E. Strong and staff graced ths dres* circle with their presenoe. Ur. Wallack took a benefit on the Sdlb. The blU preaented on thaloaaalon«u"D(monand Pythlu"and Ihe comedy of "Uy Aunt" Ur. W., u Pythlaa and u DIek OuhaU, vron.the admlntlon ot all. To-night Ura. Firren tabu a benefit, and appein u Dlnenli, in "Bt Uaro," and Bally Scraggs, in "Tbe htago-atrack Tailor," and Ur, Ben De Bar aa Tom Tap*. Thoae lalooti,<l arttales, Ih6 Webb Slsten, who have Jutt r«- tnrned from Cuba, bait leued "Winter Garden" for a abort Muon, and engaged an excellent oompany to rapport themi "Fanehon tbe Cricket" will bo the fint pteeo produced. In Ihlt charaotor, Ulta Ada It lald to be oipllal. In protean Urcoa, it it claimed that aba hu no superior on tha Ameriom itage. BUe la a beantlfnl alnaor, and ducu with much grace. Ulaa Emma 1* also s vary good actrtu, pnmialng much for Ihe future. Tbe Webb Slalen bare iiken the Brooklyn Academy for one night, Uondiy, June let, luid will give "Fiuehon ihe Orlcket" and tbe Protoin firoe of "In ind Oat of Plioe." Miu Adi wlU ippoar It Fanohon, and penositothree or tourohirioten In the firte. Ulu Emma will play the Witch bi "Fonebon." Hr. A. U. Davosport, T. Hind, the tlleiaa Uonell, Un. Le Bmn and others, have been engagou for this occulon. Bon Biker, ot Liun Eeone'e, it stige mmigtr. If auceaaifa], ^ay will have a sec end night during the week. ^ We bur tbat Ur. OrUBlhe, at preaent alliohed to the oompany of tbe Bt Loola Theatre, la to be ludlng old man at tbe Arch, Philadelphia, next aeaaon. He it utd to b* qulto a ftvorito to St Louie. Tha Now Ohealnut, Philadelphia, bu Ihe entire Bold of that city to llylf in tbe way of drauiattc porformanon, ihe Anh now aald to bava been very flatlaring to Ihe inanagenunt At Ibe Ikemont Thkaire, Boalcn; theSoln bOOMl* Juaa T^enp* biva beeniacoaaafnllnth*faIryapeclacloer"Ch)der«Da." neycon. tlnne^at the "Tramont" tlua ireek,briiigliig out "Bean^ and tht Ettla Bendmen eenaenee* * thnt eBgi|«iB«al at lh« Hov> ird ithansinm, Beaton, ontluMhofJuly, Mr. John 0. Kyen Is nlhlna eagtgemenla fhr next leaun for hit olroull of Now Bngltnd towns, and purpoaea playing |h* "Beven Slalen," wiUi Ur. MoDoaough and Ulm Leuy Benib, eemmenoing at Porllaad in September, and making in all * mo. ten of fonrtoea weeks. Mn. F. o. Stvige, * member of Ur. Umhia's Boston eoit. liny It tht oonmeneemonl of this seuon, wu buriid en the sth nit She hu long been in Invalid, Urs. Sivige flrst i^ pured u Ulu Oirellna Btowitt inil wu an •lamnhur wua, Bualnau at tha Wublngton Theatre, OarnafaBaad Box, haa taUen off alnce our laat laaia. Tblawuk to announced u the lutof"DnaleIom." Poor Unole Teml when will he die olio. getharf Ur. and Un. F, B, Conway's bnalaen a lha PHtabargb Tbaa- ire bu not been very good. On the eccaalOB »f Ur*. Conway'* benefit, ahe pioduoed "Peep o* Day" to a p**r hraa*. They ar* ihe "atan" thla week. Th* dnma in NuhvUl*, T4n>u, app«an to b* flonrlthlng. Onr coiTeipondrat, "Bomio," wrtUng nnder dato ot the 37lb ult, uye:—■• Ve have now two Iheatraa hen, Dnfflcld'* Theatn and the Kew Nuhvllle Theatn, u It la called, nader tha man- agement ot Ur. J. B. Allen. The oompny at the new thuire conalato of Ulu Uary Ultcball, Mr. U. W. LafltogwcU, Ur. and Un, J. B. Allen, Ur, and Un. Oeo. Burt, Mr. Hlggtns, Ur. Mor> lan, Ur. Harry Taylor, MUa Carrie Novam, and MUs Pauline hiahman. Ur. J. E. UcDenough prodnotd hla "Seven Slateiw" at the new thoitn on last Uobdiy night, Miy Mlh. Ulu Lotty Hongh alao appeared. Tho old (DuOold'e) theatn hu th* liTgut and belt oonpisy, whiob ooniltt* of Ur. Claude Hamll> ton, W. U. Feitor, aXetlle Alien, Htrry Everett, T. B. Duncan, E.01inlon, Hairy Jordin, Alfred Stowirt Bogen, Beechy, Aib> ton, Themu, Ure. Battle Dernird, Ure. Jonlia, Un. Dnncin, Un. Stowatt. Un. Annie Soanhn, Ulu OonitiaUne and th* UltauPerolviL "Bamlel" wu prodootd at DnfBiId'a on Uon- day, Sttta inat, to a orowdod audlene*, Ihlt being Ur. Bamll. ton'a oeoond appearance u Hamlet" Tbe anmmei aeaaon eommenou at the HoIllday'Street Thea- tre, BalUmote, thla (Uonday) eranlng, Jane lal, with Mr, John B. Olark u ihe star, opening in hla great rala ef the immortal Toodlts. Ulu ED* Oermon eonllnnu * ■oralwr of tha com* paay. At lha Fnmtttrset Thettn, Btlllmore," Undo Tom'* Oabia** hu been Ihe laieat prodoellon. Un. Foal*^ wife of Old Joe, hu Kecome a member of thla company. U'LLE ZOE. Thla very pleuing daoKux la al proiant flninga highly tno- ceaafUl engagement at Laura Keose^a Theatre, irlth Jane Eng- llah'a company. Allhough alio bu boon ou the atage bnt one year, ahe bu tlreidy beoomo « gioit fmrlto wllh Qie pnbllc. Sbo hufuinilcdvciTauccesatul oigagomenU with miny of our loidlug concert halls thnuahoutlbe oountiy, ind her services are much sought aftor. Hhe makes a fine appeannce on Ihe ■tige, duces wllh oonalderabis grace, aad blda fair to become •ho of tbe but dniueuici in the conntry. She ia a oudII of the well-knoiTO billet-uiut*r,Mr. Bei Yatoe, to whom she to In- Oebtad fortheporfootton wblob aha hu uqulred in the tarpsi- AoRon art OHAUATIO. •.''"'"'Sjr'* *'£"Ji' "',1' 'JTj »* Meonntv In a flourish lag cendlllon, Mr. TyrreU ind kire. Irwin ue tbe tUn of tbe otiablltbmont A Mr*. BeU dou the "Kaaeaoe of Old Virginia" In a itylo worthy Ota belter oanie. She la said to be •omotn the hunt oork bualneaa. Hit* LIul* Oil* it *M to have nude quit* an tmsteulen u LichelByl*ad,ieo«nlly,rtBaagor,Me. ""yneawu u being gutted, md tbe I7ilant occupied by a mlnatrel company. *lra. John Wood's ongsgement it the NewChr '— nlto lucctnlul, lad we hop* will to oonUnnk Ue," Kr.'Adunr fffBitai nixtwtek,' Uttais KUaiO BAU.B. ewChetlnut bu been lUnuk "The Fair One 'lib the Oolden Looka" hu bean wlthdnwn, giving place to Brougbim'i greet hurlaiqne ot "Pocahootu,"wlln Ihe following out:—Oaplalu John Bmltb, Ur. Obarlaa WheiUoIgh; Elng Paw. liatan, ur. W. Davldgai Mynheer Rolf, Ur. W. ^ chapman Lieut Drown, Mr, L. Oarlind; Pocahontu, Un. John Wood Opodeldoc, Un. 0. II;nrl: eto., do A llitle "dIOlculty" la aald lo have liken pbice it Ihlt honte laat week. Ur. D. Setobell wu giring aome rather ildloulons hnrtetque Imltotlona of Ur. ForrMt,the tragedian, when acme admlien of tbe taller oanl. fuled theirdlapreunn, by hUaIng SeloheU; Af< caoie wu taken np by otben, and a nice Ultle time wu tho ruult Wa do not bellova Ur. Foneat oarea for anoh thlnis; If be had any feeling in the natter, Ur. Sotohell't head would nave been chopped off dc foie thla; bnt we aw be U atlll on the botidt ot the New Cheat- nut, performing in aflor-piecea with Ur*. 0. Henri. Tom Oonnor, leading man at tho Bt Loula Thwlr^ InicnilB, it 1* aald, ahorljy to tako bit flight Into ihe itarry firmament "One men nnfottnnato." The Walnut BIrtet Thuire oloeed lis dramatic tetaon on Ihe 30tb ult All Ihlnge contldered, tbe buihitu haa been remnn^ ratlve. We do not find tbe nportcomborated that Ibe building latobamodernlaod. Than may be aome deanbig end painting done, but beyond thla we do not turn that any gnat Impnvo- menU an ecniebiplated. Ueura. Uanton and Batton'a Inveling compiny hu nlumcd fnm a ancaeaatnl Eaalen oinpiign, but will next week niumo opentiana among Ihe Mew Enghuid towsi. On Uondar evening, June let the Kato Denin Byan Troupe, embraolug tbe names of Eato Danln, Bam Ryan, Fannr Denham and a few othera, were announced to open tor a few nighia at Mechanics' UoU, Udoa. Tbe opening piece wu to be "But Lynne." At the Uuaeum, Boelon, tKneflla bad full away tial week, all ot which wore very well itlended. Ur*. John Drew wu an. nonnood to commence a two wetkn* engigeraent on Ibe lat Inat, openhiB In Hadamo de Uarguerito'a dramaUuillon nf "Aurora Floyd." Un. Dreiv'a oDgauemant will probahl)' extend to four weoks, w aba la annoiuoed u tho Uit "alar," and tho acuou oloau July aih, Un. D. P, Dowen created a great aenullcn lut week it tho Bciton Theiln, In the ehiricler of Lady Audley. On the lat Inat, Urt. Bowon wu inuounood to ippeir u Julia, In tbe "HuBOhbick," "Woman; or, Love Against the World," i part' whloh the enacted neuly twohondrod nights In London, ia soon to b* prodnotd, Ur. Edwb) Adina It lb* "*lar" Ihb week al th* Hewud Alh*. unm, Boston. He produce* Judge Oontad'i play of Ihe "Uit*. DIOX BANDS, Tbe Obzit Clo* Di>oa& Aborv*w*glreai>or1nlt of DUk Bands, lha JnallyeelebnIea elog dancer. Ur.Banda wuborn Uayld. IM*, In BenlaLTerk. abbe, England; he arrived to thle countoyea the id of llaicb, IBU; and mada bla flnt appearance on any ataaia In January, 18U, wllb Bcyant'e Uinttnls, at their ball en Steadwiy. Be next performed at Riven' Uelodeon, New York, and aftarwardt at tbe nilladtlpbU Uelodeon: altar which be went with Sloat k Bheppaid'a Oimu, leaving them to niurn to Bryania' Ulnttnla, tubaeqnenlly ippearing wllb Uorrla Brethen, Pell Tiow- hrldge'a Utoatreit, In Bolton. At pteunt with U. 0. Campbell'* Ulnatrela, hi'Phllidelphla. Bit dtnoing la chanclerlud by neatneea, grace, and artlatle akill, and ha ia ceialdercd u one of the best artlala in bla peculiar line now npon Ibe atage. He 1* [ontlemtnly in his deportment bolb on ud off the boirds, and lit nniuuming manntnand irtiatto abllltlu have won for him a lirgo number of frienda and admJren. Tha Gerraan Tbeabe of Columbut, Ohio, located on BV> atittt, bu been leutd by Ueun. UUu fe Oo., and filtod up m • nperloratyleu a concert ball Talent of aU kinds, inolndlng operatic, minitnl, and toipelchortan peiforman an wuied. Bee advertliement Kotwilhslanding Ib^ powerful opposition of th* anus. Trim- b1e'aTarietla,PltUbnr8b, dldagoodbuataieulut week. Chl> riaki. the'Wire walker, ia lhen,ud Ihratcaa to wilk a slack wlreaorouNlaganFaUi on Uie 41b of July. Lew Slmmona, with bit binje wloa. Is a great favorite. Eathletn O'Nell hu been dellgbUng the frtquentert of Ihlt place wllb ber Iriib *ong*. Johnny Hart U tbe nignhigavarito with yonng Plti»> burab, and Harry Talbott hu nude a vety favnable iBpiealon. Ulllle Theodore eonunenced irlth DlokO'Ntll en Ihe lat We ' nndentand tbat Dick bu get Iblug* aU Axed with Uncle Bea Tiimble to ran Ihe 'Variolic* next •eason. lb* Varietlu prom'- Itulo pnretmlneot wealth to the popnlti Dink O'Nall, and bit early tetliemut wllh * fbrlana It noltobaelaued among impaaaiblllllea. TheDeirbora-ttnelOpenHoou,Chlcage,having nodnd a thorough rejuvenation and been fitted up la anal slyl% ia now open nnder' Ibe mintgenient of Ueton. Tu Bl**t ft Chadwlck. Ladlta and gentlemen wlaldngtoeuage would d*weBtoaddnta thair agml, Mr. Jamu Conner, 9S Waat Hontton atreet U'lle Zo^ lb* premier dinieute, who ia now one of the prin- cipal aUnsUena wllb Ju* ItegUth'* oompuy, wlB ahortly opes attheDe*rt>orn4li«etOpenBoua,Cbiugo. At Lea't Uelodeon, Baltlmoro, Andy Luvilt, Johnny Uulll'- RU.ind BUly Wert eoatlnne to daUgtat lU by their negro eo- oentrioIUct. Tha Court of Beauty it well repteoented by kUu Jenny Engel, Adi Laurent, TUly Forbes; Uiggle Uinball, Funy Devare, ud Jnlli Boblntcn. With snob a dltplty ot female buuty in varioua colored tarletu. Bay place cf amuse- ment ought to raooeed. John Olntky, tho Jig ducer, Frank Wood, in hla Enence ot Old VlrglnU, ud Big. BUn ud son, ba altaletlo exoialses, conllnus mcmben of Uuiger Lca'a com- puy. Bualneu is aald to be vety good It the Uelodeon. ^The Wubhiglon ViritUM hu been dobig a eplendld bnalaeta during tbe pavt weak. Oif Ihe Mlh, a coDpUoenlaiy benefit wu tendered Mr. W. P. Bndwotth, who hu beeom* a great favcrito with lb* Wublngtonlaoa. A boat of vclunteen ap- peared. Including muy fnm Ihe CutorbutTUnalo Hall. "Tbs Srench Spy" la In acdre rabunil at thla bona*. Friend Pil- grim—notwilhttudlng npcrU to the oontnry—contlnnct il the helm ot thle bonie, muaglng-lta atduoua datlw with a tact ud enenty whIob muy yean of acdv* Ufa In tha profeulon hu enabled him to be poaeuaed of, and wblob plaoM blm among Ihe flnt ot concert ball manager*. Tbe gifted titlan H'llo Augnita and Uirie, who in now en- gigod al the Outcrbuy, Waahlngton, bava won golden oplnlona from all who have wllneated Ibeir execudoa of the dlfflsuU octo la whloh Ibey appear, . . ■ The Bowciy, 81.1,0010, Is dobig a fine bnainea with tbe apoe- Ude of "Altddin," ind the uaual eicellut peifonmuce. U Ua loono'r*. tbe nrnfav ifaiufiiai ot ILIa eatabUrhmut, wu to lake a beneflt on Friday evening. Hay nth. UUa JeouloOnuonl. comedienne, ud Ulu Pauline Onahmu are ahortly to appear '''llFox'i Oulno, Pbiltdelphit, Ur. T. D. Onrria, a slngei of tha Bam Cowell kind, maku hla flnt' appearuce on Ihe let of June. Ur. Albert Dmhoffl, toner singer, also begtoa at the Cutoo, on tha aamn evanbig. Uln Buale Summerflrld alao Jolna the com- pany. The CUlno la doing a ung builneas. Some veryjieod perlOrmuou an gtveaat tha OonUnoutal. Philadelphia, just now, Uie prinelpil arllsto being Mlas Erncidna lie Falber.Eilty Dlinehard,'Julia Price; Ur. Jackaon Haines, Hike UcEcnns, tho Wallaee Bnthen, etc I L. Davit wit to have opened a place laat week al tha coraer of Sixth ud Walnut atroels, Philadelphia, but a poatponement until June lit wu rendered noceaaary. The place la called Da- vie* Open Houaa. At Loiig'a Yariefleo, Phllldelphla, Ulu Fanny QUmon and Md'lle. La Fnrrwt an imong Uo altraoUona th la week. La P^ tito Uitilda, duHuae, alto enlan upon u ugigement Ibei*. Al U<e Oanterhunr Wiilo Ball, WuhlogWn, D. 0., they an doing a Ihrtvtog bualneaa, wllb U lie Anuetta Oilletll ind Ulu Eva Brent ai the briubt patUoular alin, both of whom an d^ aarvedly popular. Tbe ntura ot ibe oM favorites, Mlaa Eito Pennoylr and Ur. U. W. Kagan, Is ballad with deUght by their admlnn. Ur. J. a Edwirdt, i vety flue performer, miOe bla ilehil al this houaa on th* lat inat, u Dick Tuipln. HBORO MINSTBHILBT. Dupniand Orou'e Ubietnla hidatllghtdlfllonltyat Keokuk, Iowa, on the 91et It aecnia lh>t the uenou whom tbvy aent ahoadto engage thoUall and attend to oUier hualueu, made un of language In tbe Ga!t CUn iVem OJtn, that did not become a Union lovbin man. Tho oo'nwquenoe wu that Madame nnmor eoon bad it that Ibe mintlrel boya were dlaloyal, ud were "high ^XB" for Dixie. Doforo tho couipauy could appear, Ur. Dupna wu obliged 10 come out In a canl denying the leport, and Pledg- lUH himaelf and every member of the company a aUnnob Un on man. Tha entotUtnmenle glvu by thU parly are bivariabv Intonpenod with patriotic •In.whilttpo iIIhIojiI tin move* imrmliledtoboauuKordlaloyalallualona niaila. Duptfi ud Ureou'a MInalttIa aro doing t flnt butlncii la lb* great Wut. Col. ElUnger, the llck-t "Her, hu bnir ot lite Uking in tho giecnbicki. On the 16tt ull, the conmuy wu at Itock ItUnil, loroea the ''''^.^•"''JJId On the JOIb ud Dial, the; wen at Burilnglon, •a^.'»»,'»j;°f? houaes eub night Ou the Md, tbay opened at Ihe AtUuen^ KeSrtrtJtowirJouorerilowlnghonao. The tame wurepeaUJ FaroBltouaUon of Thtiirlcal Btooid, aa* |a|t OX