New York Clipper (Jul 1863)

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«i «h* oSiSTtdmbtleDot rJUnPB OPHBA HOVVBf . . 'nSSHSaSnL' DAK moiBiT, unu luo. Lia M* nUatr of Bmp. Duosc BsdcKWii Piu>«i«M ■aMiTIni tit ArFa!tte«Iu*M«bUliofth»d*]r> '■7u<^''<il - ■■ ^ 3Satstra»:«eii4i. Mf ■DBOU aBiVTBIlIU, ift 00>B lUHBTASIiB, ^inrsoK'iBEiB onaA. hoxiee, bobiom, hass. ^ — Dt irtew on 111 twrnlir inniiil ir nniMr t onr. mil k TBowBUDas's HnmuEU i<i9t.lni.ii''' OomMof thefoOowiU Ctartlraua: •lU Ol'l'Ii . BITBA. AtnAOnOH, ' RonuRt Mommi noycLTTi WOOD'S MIKBTBaiiB. XOHDIT, Jam It; «nd (Tttr tTsnlDg darlm tiu WMI, w TBB OlUTBUICPUinr TABOR BXOCBBIOH, OBbcudttuMwudtdoldM^iUtlUBcMkUtlMtt ' "XificwHimaB," v.- iihiuiiB«»ttMADauto-ui« " PANOBUU. or THB KOBTH BIVKB, OMas a oimet MpNMBUtUa ot lU th* intamedUU poinU CremmWBDBa to HBW TOBK 0IT7, BtaUMti. Hoop*. mvHut totts, &«., pMalnc ap ul down ttie (iTOi BanMt on the Halloa: Hoonlliht Ttam; NewXo^kto Om IiUbti Onnd ninmliutlon ot the OUT Vkl OuU« Ouwli ao. Pnrlinii to wUoh, -rannr/lm," "B*w BooraUi," '.Detf u » PMt," "TlMVoarOtowi," "VbtFootJa]to,"8os«f,DinAM,bo^. by no tntlTC Tioaps. jl^. 8AI0BDAT, JULY iUt, A OBAHSllATQIBI, The Bteembott Blonnton, mi BihlblUon ot the rwonn*, In tddHkm to the lunul Hlnatnl EntorUlnmeal, OOHHEXOINa AT IK 0'Ct.OOK. HonoK—Ho oonaeMtoa irlth titj tnreUDC oompmr tfiamlai leumoof Wodd'^WiuitNlf. U- Ooon«ptettT|MaauiMtt8o'elock. IkkMi 91 ealb ' n inaWd'-PBUv. '■■".M.Mt'nssacfn. VnlcU-OIIAEBT^ i..vJJ».'.»HP BM^" -■■ ' ,v..rAVaDBC aOHtniDXB, L( BOABSHAH, & M. CAB BOU> J. QUBBH, r. wIUlAB^ B.'jTBSDmOKB, J. J. WTl T.Km, D. J. KAavnona, Ik A. ZWUMLEB f APABBBE TOmn. BOBTOH HUBBVlf. B09I0H BOT^iEB'B OBBAT inrBIDBU. OOHBINATIOK Vtomihe Ih«;1lHM(«tnaiit oen perttonlir oottoo to lha ebore iltUu- M i)><t iiTiiSgiMiVotntii B«MmaBeatonoattli. . 6i:'; -1 . -XiOH UOBBIB, IbaMga, ^^™^7^'^0(».001JBT*BKlIBKHBrBEnB . ^''^i'jiC, HOOLn;..........-Bols Pnpdstor. .' '"''^K^OWXBS. DiieotorotABBiaaaati. . <'^T.^K^raKHSXBOASr Tooal Slnetor. :>'''Ho( BrBAUB-. iDitrdinmUDlteotar. JUnBAT EVKSraa, Jane U, and dmlim the wMk. .^BQxiAXTAiii) mpoanra soTmriEB,. . OWii. ;;OTff,iJn)0BI01HBr,PBAT0BE8. . ■ Wi l l 'i iuu M rtB t w ''of' ■ ■' ' •' ■ .J -. > MB. MKBrjEITON. ./ ■ unsiriiftr'., V I ■-. BlnoehlaiohiniftomEniop*. ; ■ !^I^.C„yitot'T»ek"o^:: . ■. T*V > »ir^ . ;aW)BOB OBfelBTTfl ... lUiUrf-'Vi -• J. HlgUFAniaihuPaioe, ■ V V-. VJHEkMEBfltlaH'BBOY, , Jnjfif '0Aaiimtthaii. 0«o;ge 0hil<ir. '■■jj!-'M '< - tIha<nuactanbTthsTn>Dp«. : . 'llWwe« ot Bowen' nwrand uaghible atoteh, called ' : : '->!7i'i . < . PMnasOB BMWHABD. - nilirjiiA.ot,OfimHeath, ' ; ' t't-L!'^ .beenoeol Vlrglimy.BallrOomo Vp, Ae.- : JliltOBBB, BOVUtB. li-f.iM/^ i OBBISrr. BEXTOJJ,. ' : . BBIUUEB, BALPB, OHABLIB, >. .r.>n* ' 'AndalltheOompaDytaiBewltetaraa, , Biiofi open at T; to iMnamanoe at 8. -'II» I Stoketi at eenti. Pilnto Boiei 19.. U- 'ClI^EJrSoABiSrar^T^ \reJtimti end Manager, ,...W1L WHEATUT. ( da '.- : i^UOHDAT, XOKB 39,18<a '^geeond-Mon th, and the P aiore In awailng. ' 'BEXJOBXED'AHD UTTEUJOENT f liniKWfim i>\ ■■■ ."1- ' . .. Vaui'ljia -^iJiAiiBnnigham'i Bona n tio Dr ama , mt lUed .1; irN-".' ■. ,'THB DTIKS'S MOITO,) ' ■ inthlhaitaoatllattenagtokeniot ApplaoaaandSeUthL thla ' vpadoojcndoool Theatn belJig orcnraed nlfhtlj to Ita aimoet ' oapaol^. l^oOdebntedltlah Oomadlan and VocaUit, . MB. OOLLIHB, . J.JtowoiMifktadehanottTot o&BBKIEVEBCniB, 'AL'imn'.BwIttOt Poilane, irtthtwoionn, ■'V7lne,BilaU W^'l and <*VtaUe ttun'a Life theie'a Hm^ IflL 'VnUJAU WHEA3X2X pof r'HENBI DE lAOABDEkE, >ippro>oliablee«at: Heein, Ii. B. SheweU, aett,'ir.\rT/)oIir«r,'E; Iambi P.'Uordtmit,&o,; Umea, 1r|k f.'H. Allen, 0. Jordan, so. 1 BiieoiO;'Original Hnalo, under the direetlon of H. B. ^ 'Imttrdj'neir Coetamea, perfeot MaoUhlcal Effect*, nn atUl Appolnlnieola, and an excaSaht- OBJUIS VOVBLE COBM BE BALCET.' " 'BMtMtoe open dally, from 8 tQI S, when aeati can be aeoaitd ^(n^^^^^adeat a |< before IL 'Boots oiMm:)i('i^t7^ QHUM'Nvr BTBEET, ABOVE HUTU, .' ' -<;'■'>, ■ • PBILA9ELPBIA. PA. "Td'Sdh 'oir'XHi' <'OiaiHO'' Nktzb Ben. ''.V ,i ThieUneiiingVoIoeoflhePublla ' a^ .w«..r., ,n:. ■ iBthemortBeepeotahto, TBOUPB, AMEBIOAM TBIATBE, . BBOADWAT, MBW TOBS, WlllopenfortheanMinera««son,OB' ' ; HOIIDAT EVSNINO, falyl.l8«3. Prosenttaff to the dUcena oi Boirtoa andTtolnltyan entertala- ment which, fOt naralty, fsttoty, and etteUng meilt, eannot bo eoaallad hr any plaoe ot amaianMBt In the worU. ■ B. W. BUTLBB, Manager. MOHdrflL THOBmS, Btage Manager. VZBO. TOM OLKBB. Maalcal Blrootor. : tAXJt BBILLIAMT, Ballet Maater. 10-tt TABIBTIftBI TABmHEBt— TdB HAnONAti AMOSEMENT IMBTITUTIOR.. '< ' Waahlngto^DlatrletotOataiBMa. Proprietor*...;.........,......A. HAMBUH ft 00. Blags ManAgar;.;.... ..:„...JAME8 PnOBDL Leadarot the Orohastr* FBKD. TOimXBB. MO.W IS TEE FULL TIDB OP PBOBPEBITT. ImmenM inllaniits honor this beantlfal Temple of 'Anraaement ' fUhthalr patronage etpnsdngeTcryinanl* .' .teaUHon of delight and applana* ' ' : ■ :■ attte ■ BXOEEDINOLT ABTIBTIO BKHDITIOMB ' Ot »>««iH«ifig staging and 'dancing, and the mlrth-proTcUag, ilde^iplitttng; and InlmllAblaiepRaen-" ' totlons of the ' TABIOUB SHADES OF THE OOHIO 'MUBE. Ill nrparioilty li endorsed bf alt the prominent Jonmals of Waahlngton Oct, and nnlTersaUy admitted to be ^TBB UADISa'MDBIO HALL OF AMXBIOA. PEBPOBMEBS OF ALL EIHBS, : And ist OTery attraoUon~both bdlea .and Oeatlenien-^ estobUahed repatotlone, In the UaiIaHaIlProfMon,wIiAlng tagagdnenii, aboold always Drat address A. HAMBLDt & CO., Proprietors. "**^SS%B mAto Of OOBA. TBI oioiHiici lOAsnia HOiicBBi noun of xn .PBQn68H)V* J iUHKMB OBOAHIZATIOII AHD BBABB BASD. Bstn «r «ka te-kaad sM.w^ irtdsnaswMt V. DUPBBZ fc.OBIBII'a : : OaianuL Raw Oaiaaai k IlanMtaLEUM BUBZJBQITB OPXBA TBOUPB A)n> BBA8S BAUD, OOM. FOOT and OOJfc BBIAIX, ^ ^ , lha tws ouBeat man U the Mdd, sntdttbg Xna Iknab <WM> ' ftrsperiDani Theran^reaisold,weigh U.pmindaeMk, d^^UdiasUgWaABwad to b* the, gisausi osttoa^ arerbteaght bsfbn Um pnUto. Theyaroear la M dUhno} aoli,«iiresalT arranged for tfaaiB. fast, flmn Raw Orlcwt sad Ihioogh ^aULad of Oabe. whan lhay met wUkoiBmUad N» seas sad wars noetred nlgbtty Witt tsars ot laaghtor and ihoBto MweMAaagar.... >• OBBER. UaaleidDlisetor ...a LAmia TooalPlrsator .....0. BIDBAUX. Thaoompaarta eonpesed of IhaMlowlBg eigktaeaAitMk OBBAT STABS OF BTHIOFIAS BIURBATOB& J. B. OBBBH, OBABLEr BEINOLDS, OH AB. H. BUPBBZ, ». BUBT,, . FBBD FLOBBHO^ J. OAMILLBb. BDfflHHqUmB, A. & PBEMTI8B, OBOBOB TOUHO, OUBIATK BIDBAUX. UEVBBHBDHff. K. AINSI2T BOOTF, OAUXA LATEUSK A. BEBOEBOBB, FLKM ADAMB. OILBBBT POMS', WM. DUBOIS, BAM P. MABBIOH BdaM the Graateat OraaUD^Sntf^ant arer'^oncaatiatad tai ana Osmpany, aioelllng aodbr snpetrief tosB olhtrTMmiiDB ftuup ea la wlatacoa. Zha whola onder the oentral and dlrteUea of PIIPBEZ k OBKEM, Bole Pnprlatai*. ) ShaabimpopalarTronpe win, daring lha lemaladatof tha saasoB, flaU the Vealan and Bastan Blites, aba ths Oaaadaa, ^ OBAMD BALOOmr BKBEMAXjB^^ Eaoh arealag pnrtooa to "panlng tha Doois, jn TUB UinE^AXXBD, . MEW OBLBAMS AMD MEIBOPOUXAM BBAB8 BARD, OV TSH PIBOIS. Manager and Oeaeral Dliaatoar, ^ OBAE H. BUPBBB. ; Adrerttslng Agant, A. B. PBBMTIsa Ut TBBl UAHKOTH FRUITIKa HOUBB OF MEW ENOLAMD. Taa "J. B.'nraswxLL" k Co., STEAM PBIHTIMa - BSrABUSBBIEMT, 87 OOHOBBBS 8TBEET, BOSTON. Jm & PIKB, MAMMOTH P08TBB>MD FBOOBAMMB PBIMTEB. THBATBE ahd OOBDEBT WOBS A SPBOIALTT. ParUaaor tionpea TlaWng the Eaitem States wfll Had it to their sdTUtsge to rlalt tUa aitobllabment Pnioia 10 io 2S nn OBBT OHBAna THiR AKT omcB oi .Mew B11SI.UID, and aaUalae-. tlongaaraataedornopay reqoired; 10-tf MIBB OAROLIITB RIOHIHGS, '.,, .'AiaisxJi) BXHBB vaanos, MB. PBUB BIOHIHOS, OeauBenoed an angagement at John Heeeh'e MctnwUlan Theatre, Bnftilo, an Monday, Jane Vli, olaalng than en the ifh of Jolr, a mort p t ua y a w ua eeaaon of tan mnntfiit . * TIB HA'¥B9 AND DICK B ARD9,-;>These world-ie-. nowned CHAMPION OLOO DAMOEBS, now onatlng each aa Intanae excllsnient at the New Idea, will soon ba ready to accept star engagtmeato throoghoot the United Blataa. Tbtaolcal nunagers wishing to'aeonn the aerrlccs of :fbE8B VALUABLE STABS, can do ao by appljlog to JAimSOOMNEBk CO., Theatrical Agents, as West HoBSto^atroet, Mew'fork. CONRBB. dt CO.'B TBK&TRIOAIi AGBHOT.aSWeak HoBSton street, near Broadway, M. T.—Mlis A. lUTHAWAT, the Tsry popular Catnedlenne, Pantoatmlst, Danaaose, Vocalist, and moefbeantlfal repreaanUtlTaot the OBBOIAM BTATDBS, wHI ba at Ubexlz,.atVer tha 1th' day ot Jaly, to .accept aagtgc- menu fMm un class 'tha<trloal managera. All engagementa BoatbeDadewlth JAMBSOOMMBBkCO., asabOTS. U-lt A CM>OIK1>BB6li AND BAIiIiAD BIlfdiDB.' U'diialr. oas of a eluBe» to alng la some good Oenoart or Minstrel Ttonpe. Best city refenneesglTen. Hanagen wishing to engage won ^ease addreaa 0. W. DUNOAM, Oommerolal Honae, Boalotf, 10-tl A. B. PBNNOTEB, Agent. OANTEBBUKT HALI^ WASHIMaTON, D. THE MOBI MAOMIFICERT I ''ttl't nuhii Odsifbrlable, and polar'placa of Amnaement n t .1 ■ m PHlLADELrHlA. ■ ■»vtHS:aoMPAljr', • , |.' .-"■/^ ^'Thhliargest, '., The Strongest, And the moat Versatile, ' THAT BVEB APPEABED IN AMT MD8I0 HALL. Itirft^nien oX;a«kn9wIedged ablllty.on Innrlably find itaadr .'.•Bfwcnaatoby.applymg puaonalbr or to latter.' .Stan llberdly tm^t^iim' f..-..'... I..; OHBjdWyiflft gresiiBrw. ,., -j-U , ''^TBKimABuSSKp^^ ' •.■■■iyH]r. .ly;'' MIMSIBELS, ,' ':.. ... > - SBABB BAMD,- AMD BDBLE8QUE TBOUPB, ' ' '.- TJ: iJ.'-f^FRP''V'"' OF * ITBMTHPIfP.Pa^.... . . .1, ^evvstlinuDgftcmttelr.' ,:>'.. ./.- :. Jiiii'" ...ri .TBIUMPHAL'WEfllEBM XOUB, Wmsppearatl.'• i .m ; i'.,. -.- •>T|jlOBiaAOO, Jane 19, for sit nights, : . DBTBOIT, TOLEDO. .aLETBLAMD. qOFFALOi BOOHEBTBB, V, ;BYa4OT8a ALBAMI andTBOIj .i, r . ^., " Motito their appearanoein.. . i T>l^ur I t-MBW .TOBK and IHILASELPHIA, . rwhawL.they.wlll inhwd nea ■ , ; ; •... - .-i.-: j> :.TBEIB OBiaiMAL'PBOOBAMME, .-'MpatlbnBad>o^br'lha. . ' ' ^BATBTHIOPIAMIDONOLADS^c.: 8AM SHABPLET, \IWI> ; ,. . •>.' Sola Huiagariaadiftopitotar.. ■:jft»ii>J»raV ■>■■'••-•'•'■,•■ ! ■ ^rii' , f«t0'is<)>-:•>« .iii;>'''':'' Lisa., ' .■ • ■• .■ " ' »«l SiiTi'M if'.BBUiSB'B COMOEBT.HAIi^ ^r^>iJit'<>l'.'^ .TBa/.Qu> IteiiBZ .or XHB'Wa^ - >jnWm.>HABT k. AM^ BBSITB, Prtniletors. ' ' I]is.ttUtg^Df;thls ipopnlar.estobllahnient hare retnmed CrbAMeiwxorki'.hairtogMoarsd the foUnwlngialantsd artlstai— MUB<AMMAOHKgreB^.tha popnlar Oansense and Vooallsi niWISM VIOIOBIA BOBSi. Aa fatolhatlng Daaseaae. ' A'lOJMSaB WaB^Ii the Beat BwJolft In the Weal. _v.' liviWi H. OBBQXBB, Pantomlmlat and Comedian, . '''Who wm appear in oonjanotton with the beat Block Oompany Jn . Virat daaaAitlstawlaUoB engagements, irlll address aaabore, «r M JAMBB OOMMBB k 00., Theabloal Agenta, ai Weat Hons. <>ta^Mwst,;a«tt Broadway, N. 7. ' 13<lt ^ VHVmBBB BIBTBRH, .^wT- " MIS8E8 EMUA AMD ADAH.. '"''"^Tsrrtaleplad.TOBng, and TeraatUe Artists haTe'Jnst r».' I'tma a hlgUysucoeaaftil eagagemeiit, ot Bli Months, In' if sad litMaaaan, and an at present fUlUUag a tarr J^HOUDAT BTBEET TBBATBB, BAI/nMOBK „„j wishing to same ths sarrtces of these Terytileatsd ArUsti^ win address them at lha Uupna Omoa. ' li.|f ''jGnSuSXiMWBATRBi ^^^^^^^ t,wo; ■■■ ■ . iM.BBOADWAT. . v.v: 1,11'. 1 LABX WBBK OF THB SEASON.. (. vl LAST. WBES OF XaB BEABOM. ' LStlabeahUfalTemidaoflllTth and Melody, after one of tha BBIOBTEST BBOOBDS OF BU00ES8 I^ttlf hlstyr^.pt. .'BAbLBT eiRliB 'WANTBD 'to'Isahi'io'reWeMiltths 'OBBOIAR 8TAXUB& .WawUlanaraataa to iaaohthaatlathna HALL . .. ,IN AMEBIQA. LadlfS 'aad Oentlsmen of known Mo WaltarOIrls employed, abm^always'wanted.' . ,>' ,.. - Bo onWde' p«MOrseM smployepdl—agaa. bnt the re^ best tal- enteagagad.; , ■■,„'■,.■,■,■.' . --Ja- Address to ■ "mLLUH B. SIMH, . ' Bole Proprietor, 94f ' . . Waahlngtnn, D.O. BtBTBOFOUTAR .T HBAT RB. / ; . y .BOOHBSTEB, M. T. Thla eslablUhmant TO.LBT, nightly or week^, for an kinds ot EihlbltloBa, on nisonable, tarms, dnilng the Sammer Months. AppUcatloiu tor Stock Enmgtmenta wlU now be receWed' for ne^ seaaoa, commencing wont the 1st of September. . > B-8II* ' , Apply to W. MEEOH. HOWABD ATKEBEUn. . 'B08X0H. ' ' Ladle* and OaBtlaman of ability, wishing eagagements fbr the FaU and Winter ^eaacn, of .'36 weeks,' commending on or abont Angnktatlh;'iris plsasssddressl elating tarma and bnalneiB, , . i '„ ' ' A. D. BBAJDLET, Stage Manager. , Boston, Jane), 1883, . g-tt MIBB BLIBB DB COVBOT, having oonoladed a high- ly incceasfal engagement at :LlTeipool, appearing in snob char- ten ss Don Oasar. In "Don Ccaar de Bazan," Lonlsand Fablen, tnttha "aor*loaaBrothon,"—'.'Batanln Peril," and In "A'orata Flbyd,-''wUl:shortlyarriTe'ln'thls ooontry. Managei«wlahlng to'engageiba.aarrlocs of this lady tor next ssasen. wlU addreaa \nf.. J. MABHHATiT,, Agent for MISS <0B OOUBOT, OniFPEa ofBeai'.'.. ' : ■■■ ■ . u'WHOITASTS AD AGBNTf-Wanted; for the com: tog months ot Jnlr aiid Angnat,'an eagagemeht aa AOENT, TBEABUBEB/or BUSIMES8 MANAOEB, with some gobd BTAB, COMOEBT: COUPAMYj or TBATELIMO OOMPAMT ot any deg. 'briptlon;'by a.paison'ndly competent now,'and forthelaat two ySus Asent foe,Two ot tha Bert Stan trsreUng. Beferencea glTsn, if reiairM, 'Addreaa X F. D; " JO.U -; ; V .Oareof-Fjain'<)pzE|f, Ouffzb Omoa, M; T. . iSoi*iOB to THB VHBATR10A1L FROFBB- BlOlf —Havtogbean Infoimed that certain parties hare put In olioBlattonareporttotha effect thatl cannot or do not manu- taotnra goods the aama aa'my hneband, the )a(e James Oarner, I take tUa method to inform the memben of the proteaaloa y'A sdch a alatementla'fklse, 'parflcolarly wlU) 'regard Ip pr^ddlngs or symmetries, whlah'are miade by me as periTeot u hontofon. U-«t*: ....pUBpmAaABRESrSMWeiy.N.T. HIAITAOBIRB OF TBBATRBB wlahhig to ennge W, Hj'DOKALDBOMi Pantomlmlat, Tight Bope Artist, ko.iplease dlreotallletlaiatoeanof'. . i!^ ll-8t» OuppxB Omoa. . W, H. DURALDBOS, Tlght..Bope Artiste,'Is now ready to'make higli Bope'AaoensIona across Bhsn, SIreama, SUls, or any Plata when snoh nps can ba stntched, no maltar how high or .ijuugenns. Proprlbton ot Watering or Pabllc'Places, &o„' k^'year eye op4h 'to bnalnes*. Mo matter when yon are! ^tfth. Booth,; East, or West Direct yonr letton in oare.of' JtSt*. . OUPFKB OmoXi ' PITTSBUBGB THBATRB.—Ladles snd genUeaea wishing engaaements for the coming £in and winter season, will ikaka applloaUon at once, as the manager Is now oompletlog his ainngements. Stars treated with on liberal terms. . B<tf WH.:HENDBBHOM, Lessee and Manager. DRAMATIO OttARAOTBRB in "Katb Vauob," the SeasattonNorelctte, IMOaold; bnt 100 remaiaing. Sent free, by mall, on reoelpt ot Ten osnte (ten for 78 oaata), by OEABUK HBNBX DAT, the Aathor.PabIlsher, MewHaren, Ooon., 941 'A liBOrriMATB AMD RBUABLB AOTRBBB d*. Sire s aa engagement for FIBST OLD WOMEN, and. HBAVT BUBtHBSa Baaponalbia managers omlt, looal or traTeling.' .will pleasa add*a*s,-Ara ata, SUttonlS. Bib le Honse,,R. T. ^^l&ttr imRBTBBt BdSQ BOOKS, by aU tha popnliu'mini Send'Staap for sotoafeto Uit,- i<l b h am ,na if,' ■.own.':.■,"'>■,'•, 94t'; : LBIA'B MBUjODBOR. OBOBOB JiKA BALTIMOB:^ MD .Proprietor. W. B. OAVAMAOH Stage Uinagar. OBAMD OPEMIMO OF THE BPBIMO SBAflO M. ; JOHN HULUOAM k AMDBBW LEAVnT, BIOMOB BLISS and BON; ' ' MUS JENMIB EMOLB and BILLIB OAVAMAOH. ; Tha abore tilantsd artlsta can be aeonnd by reaponalble maa. agen fbi any length ot time by applytog'to George Lea: hot It WBbaoaSis totioabls them with indlridasl olbrs, as no at- lantloa wilt be paid to any lelten nnleu' addreasad to tha pr»> lirMtof otthaUelodeon. "... ' la eoaasoUoa with the already aamed performan now perbra. lag at this eetabUahmant, sn the IbDowlng:— ' Mr.'BUly Boyd, O. H. MUea, Ftaak Woad, Hasten Alfred and Charles Bliss, JohnOIOaky, Mln TOlayForbea, Miss llaggleMarshsn, Mile LonlsaBUss, MlsSLoalaaErans, and Mlas Jnlla Bob l nsoB. TogMher with a foil and efflclsnt baOst tronpe, «t twetro yonng WANTED.—Female Dancers and Vocalists, ot good pancoal appearance. Apply as abon. - -tf la-at* .«THB DUKB'B DAUOHTBR," Tranalatad byU.U. AAloet Bonrgolsa, and F^Tsl, to pnbUahed and tOr aale ej W. 0, WEHfB3,57SBraadiihy. Pries IS eents. .10-11* HARBIRGTOR a BURTBR'B mir btrb m. odd fellows' hall, meuphib, temn. niM oompany hare been performing at the abora place, for some time past^ with great anccaas, and to addlilon to their i««nlar menifiei*, an constantly sralUng themsalTea ot tha Ught of saw "Bttn." Artlsto of scKnowledged talent deairona':tor a freeh spbanof aoUpn, an torlted to addreaa aa aboTOt nndez the aa- snrsnsaotUbaial>toeatanentandpay. (.tt OABTBBBDRT BIUBIO HAU,, M. W. COB. FIFTH AMD CHESTNUT BIB., PHILAD'A, PA. LAB0B8I AMD MOST TALENTED OOMPAOT IN THE OITT. ' gn«dlaa and gentlemen of known ablUty, win addrea* 4Hm BOBT OABDIMiat k Co., ProprtotoZB. MAavaOfB OFBBA HOUBB^ . XAaUIBl.... VropristoraadMaaiM JAMB OOWURa:..... :. .Btig* Manager. J. L.':BaHMlT .\;......... .T>*faaf Orehaaln. W, VfHVBNHOS...........nawarar. . XHB BTAB DBAMATIO OOMPABT. ' ~ Mma B OPHiA SDwnr. idn LULU nreR, MBa w. o. fobbbb, 1I1S8 0. m MOBLKt, cnmB^oBM; B. a AMDEB80M, W. H. HAMI LTOM, 0. BTBTBVBOM, IXn BBOwR MATO. ■ • lUAM BABBT, HAB BT OLIF IOR; B. B. WUITIC W. aiAlLOB, ko., Ac moti flui.. «v. BIsr* TlsttlBg OaBfomla dkOBld daar to mind that Mr. Kw^ is slsa proi^etn of Jha MetropOlltaa Thsatn, Saomnut^J^ IhaMarrnlUaThaatn. ■BTBOPOLITAM THBATRB, BAM FBAMOISOO, OAL. OHABUfl TIBBBTIB...' IiSHeaand Haaiget..: TUa Thaatn ii now w«> XBd Wtotor Beuci, m IkaflnastOoBuaayeTariaOalUtorBla. ^ ^ *^ ' JDUA DBAS HAIMR 1IB& JUDAH, MIS8 UOWBBAT — aB.THgBMB, 1^^^ MB. L. F. BEATTT, W. 0. FOBBm, FBBD FBAMK8, H. BBOWR, F. RUUJIAR'B MUSICAL, DBAMATIC, and TEBPBIOHOBEAM AOEKOT, tS East Uth street cor. Unton Bqnan and 1th Aveaae, R. T. Rons bnt FBBx CLASS ABTISTB, and tboronghly reaponsl. hie Managements nagottatad with. .All Isttan and apsUeatloas most enobsa a stamp for nply, Tenas wlB be fOr«iMed whea reqnested.' Sl-Ut* A OBALLBirOB 'TcT^'RB 'WORLD.MJoL'KLUR- OEB ohallangea the whole world to prodnce an eqoal to COM- MODOBK FOOTE, to' age, aize, weight, and ednoatlbn.' Tha OOmnodon wean the "acid lledal," which stamps him tha gmalleat man aUre. He la asslated by his Uttia' friend and com. peer; CoL SMALL. P. T. Bamom adTcrtlaea tha smaUest man' and woman lb mlnlatan Uring. Thla I deny, and challenge blm fbr (10,000, to prodnce a pair In dImlnatlTcnea eqaal to mine. Letters addressed, can FBAME QUEEN, CuirzB Office, win reach ' COL. ffH. ELLXMOEB, . . {SO-tf ' Preceptor ComiqydorttFoote and CoL BmaU. PIjAT BOOKB,.FHOTpQRAFHSet KATBBATEHAR, alao, (sLeih: Maggie MltoheU, LncUIs WasteriLlMn Eeene, Carolinn 'BInnlBgs, lbs. John Wood, also In raaraotar; A. L Wankm, as aawaoh Spy aad Maseppa; BoaaaDaaln, EatoDenln, IsabeBs Cobas, Fanny Brown, alaa to character; Webb Slstois, lATlnia Wairan, Tom, Thomb, Mr. and Mrs, B. Williams, Mr, and Mrs. Florenoe, K Forrest K Booth, J. ,W. Wallaok, Jr., WOkea Booth, Ed. Adams,. Lester WaUaok, and hondreda of oth- ers; aS cento each, or llTa for IL Benitoanysddressonra- eelptofprlca. Calalogasaaent on receipt of postage stamp, by lO-lt* . W. 0. WEMX88,178 Broadw^ Mew Trak iOAUFORRIA THBlATRIOAIa AOBIROT,—BHXBI. DAM OOBBIM woOld napeotfoOy. Intom Biamban of ths drv Dutto, Hnalod, or Eqaestnaa pnfe^ens, that he haa estobllBlieA IR.B.—AUMten repairing.aDswataiBDSt ooatalaaatamp to 0*-paylhaaamfc' - . . I-tf atnlaand atowai Si BTTIB HBRDBR80R, J ■ THB CELEBBATED AHEBIOAM ABTIBTEI, Has Jnst completed an Bngagement of > FOBTT^n^MiaHTB IN LORDOM, And haa retnmed to thla coantry. She brings'wlu her ssreral ENTQtELT MEW PLATS, whlch haVa been copyrlghtod by her.- They an entitled:— ' THBfLOWBB OIBL, BOOrnSE MAIDEN, KATHLEEN MA* TOUBRXEN, andOTPflETOIBLOF OBBNADA. .MaBBgem wlafatog to negotiate 'with this yonng, hasdaoae, aad talantad Aotreu, will please address B-tf WM. HBNDBBSON, Pitlsbnrgh Thsatn. THB KAROBBT ' SHOW BILL PBIMTIRa ESTABLI6HMERT IK IBB WOBISI OLABBT k BBILLBT, , JBnecessontoJohaB.Baooa,) FBI^TBBB AMD BROBAVBBB, ' 19 and U Bpmce Btoeal^ Mew York, Pay partlsnUr attention to gstUag op sB kind* sf ' FAMOT BBOW B Z I. L B Tor traveUng oompanlas, and har* on hand a large aad splendid aaurtment ot larga and sauD WOOD OUTB BoUaUafM Oimuses, Htnagsriea. Bthtoplaa PaitonMiB, Of&. tiaWl), Maglaja a^ to., ko., wfileh oka be prUted iBoaawman f l'j»>AdsposttreqnlreaeBanworikord«(«d.'' |ABsfte*aMf***e«fo"aLABBI k iSBUXt,"BtoMMai^ Mi MBB. JAB. BIABX, KB, J. B. BPOTH, W. M. UMAM, ,8. W. LBAOH, .B. TBATBB, WUh a Mamaiooa Oeipa of AnxiUarlas. FBioa* Of anioBBtoir. DiacsOlrela.. ...d.tSIOrohasba Beats Paraoat Steto Oanery . . Prirato Botes UandSdOOais. StotB tataadiag to Tistt OaUtaraU'trlU And U to their toaddnaa.uabara. - OAlOAOO OASTBRBURT HAI,Ii, ■ US and 138 De^m atnei; A.J.'BIMK.: J?''P^J""' T. L.'FITOH StageHanagsr. The Company eonprlus at preaant tbdrfoUowlng LadlsiHi Oantlamen:— . ' ytM iBnto Bordwell, Wamn BordwaU, Was Kate Parltogloa. Tom Poland, Miss Boss Sntherlsnd, OldDnCrew, H'Ua Elolse, ' L J. DonaeUy, Mile Louise, lIeBsn.BarronsakK«Br, • Hiss Jnlla Tal^ Admiral Tale, ^ ■ Johnny Boyd, T. IkMi .-• Moaa bnt the BBBTTALeHT win ba engaged. lAdlessDd Oentlemenofreoognlsed abilityudtaleatfli^ iagengagemaatowinplaaBeaddnaa . A. J. filMZ, BozaOSl, Ohlease, or '8 ' Washington HiH; Oolnmbu, ly. FRIKOB OF 'WAItBB TH BATR B, I I UTEBPOOi; XROIiABS, This tmlyeteaaBt aad vary baantUBlthaatialakapt oDaat igtbawfeala^dlka year. ' * AMXBIOAR STABS, taehaowladgedpodtlaBand talanraagotlatedwttfa.tetoMi Maa8BgsgBaato,aamBtBallBlaresteiwr*«ilra. UiSim, AUX. BXNDmSW,. UU Sola Lanaa and PrapilatK OORIHTHIAM HAI,Ii, BtOHABQE PL ACE. . BOOBBBTEB, R. T., Win ba Beated tor Ooaoerto, Laetnres, EihlblUons. to, Addna W.' A. BEIROLDS, SMm* ' 89 Arcade, Bochester, K. T. AOADBKT Otf MPBIO , oluvblamd, oso. Tha Drainutto Oompany ntom from Oolambns oa the ISft AprlLfora oontlBBaaoa ot their sesaoa at tha abore pqilv Xtaatra. All hTifrtnms f fTn^in^iMtinn m»y ha «/Ii1wim J a ; JOHN A ELLSLXB, Ja., I-tt PnprUtor and Haaagc THBATRB ROTAIi, MOMTBEAL, OAMADA. LianB J. W. BUCELAMD. . iThls astobllsbment TO LET, nightly or weekly, fbr enteitria aanto not ditamatlo. Apply to J. W. BUOBLAND, l-tf MontnaL BUiBIiBB'B ATHBRBUH, . COLUMBUS, OHIO. Tha dramatte aeasco doses ontheUthinst, (Apm)-aANFwU(t date the Athenenm may ba rented for aU fclndB of axblbtltas^ nightly, or by ths week. TUa ta now the largest^ b«t arraW ud moat popular plaoa for Lactnraa; Mtoabel Tronsaa, Oga> aarto, ka. MP)7 to JOmf A. HT.TiU'iRB, Jr^ Irtt >"»^«T of Hasto, OlaTeland, Ohk ROTAIi ALHAKBRA PALAOB AMD AHPHUBBAIBB Laloestar Bqnare, Lraidon, England. Tha Proprtetor to al a' times ready to angaga Brst claaa talent aodnoTBlty soltahlili, UaMammothbtertalaiaaat TeimsUbaraL Apwasshsn.': mSCELLAIlEOUS AD7IBTIBEKENT8. BEAT BOOESII MEW BOOKS I MEW BOOESII ' DOM'T FAlti TO BEMD FOB A CATALOOUil OUB MEW CAIALOaUX MOW BEADY. SSHT FBBC-POffTAOB PAID-OM APCUCAHML TEB OLD E8TASLIBH1ED AMD ONLY nwT.TABT.n BOOK, AMD SPOBiraO. GOODS AOBMl i When arden at« pnmptly and tallhfUBy eiecnted. Address THOMAS OBMSBY, Marble BnUdlngS, ' l-tt 88 Nassaa street Mew TcdL 'i LJ 01 YOU WANT WHISKERS OB MODSTA OHESr-Ia IBta I first asked tUsqoestloB. I|witM- swaredbynnaiatoBspa^pto; aad I aak If say of IhemererUM ByOngnenttoIaUiBdolng.all.Iolalmed tor it; namelyi tktti woBld compel the Beard or Monstache to grow npon tbe nnsctt , cattocawltninsliweekalMmthefintappllcattoo. Ukeans» o e aatu l toTeBtoTB^ I hats had tt^oaatend with a host of imlttloH, soms of whom sren go so tu aa to copy my adrartlstnaah. Howarer, troth to ailghty, and wlB prerail; and yon, ar b«M- lass friends, win find that my Ongnant Is ths only thing thai «■ really torce ths Beard to grow, and wiU neither atato or lal** theaUa: I send it to any part ot the coantry, free of p os tt #>- fbr pT! |7-tl] B. OTOBAHAM, Ro. 109 Hassan street, H.Y._ LAST HUNDRED-1900 SOLD.— ACT "BioE, Eabx * Baot," said thsFlTe Cent Honlbly oi I'EAii 49* Vavob," tha Benaation Rorelette. Bent free, by aeU, <* noelpt ot Ten oento (ton for 78 cento), by OHAB. HBHII 4^ DAY, the'AQtho^Pnbllaher, Mew HaTcn, Conn, g^ M.B.— "Odb OjB(7ni.AB" sent tree to aU pnrohaaeis. HI TOBACCO UPlBBB, ATTENTIONI-OBAVlNOrOJt TOBACCO CUBED and pmentedby Dr. BTBNB'S'^SI- soia." Bny It and rid yonrselt ot the expeaslTO and dlataW( hatitte ot OHTwina aad SKODaa the weed. Bent ftae, ot on receipt ot 88 cents. Five packages for 11, by a-8m OHAB. B. DAT, Maw HsTen, Oosl. T ANDIS b CONRAD'S OYSTER BAY RB8TA1I- JU BANT, BaadlngTa, Oyaten reeelTad dally trcm Phlla*); phla,andserredat&iaahortaatnottoe. A'BEAUTIFULHAU orar the Beatonraat to rent hattog been newly fitted up, oapallf of holding flva hundred people. Exhibitions trarellng can ren It on reasonable terms. ■ Address ' LARDI8 k OOMRAD, I. - UnloaHaU Oenoert Saloon, Beadtog Pa.. COMBTHINa NEW.—Satlen and Trade mipplled.-^ O 1 doz. Franoh Card de Vlsltes and Olaas Magiaifiers (Ltk Biw); price, fire doUan. Carta de Vlsltes—lOO new stylH- tweahr.flTe ceat*. 'Btereoscopto Piotorea—lOO new at)rla*-sar> eaty-flTa cents. - MloroMopto Plotore—to Open Olaas—one doDtf dum ^'otorsr-to Paarl Efandla Xnlfs—tkiai Enclose tad ataap, j...^ H. PCMCIA,Photographsi. ^ LA7IN0 ' 0 ABD.B, AadsnartlelsanssAUi aAXIB T-tf . 01 AMOBBMBMT ARB OHAHOl- Uannflutared and' Bold by ...It HEnBOM,- . ■ 421 BMadanViXawTMlk , OW RBADT.—Thit OarlooB Bbotc, fally Illiutrat«d> ^ . .M« Tha Book of Mata<*-IUnatrslad: This btok aaat.MbttnlyaaaUdi ?rla*;tl. qambler'a Trloka with Oaidii asoafatC TbiBlxposaotaambUi 60 oentSt^by mall oa isoeM ..PABjULLSk BBO., , : B»X,a|i8P. 0„M.T.OIU>