New York Clipper (Jul 1863)

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tor .,:,-!■) -AMtJ'SEM'ENTS. _; ■ - ■ ■ ——— ' — : t ' • / TO ADVEBTI8BE8. , A M U S E MEN T S. n4 Oa car, lOWWIU MTAHTS'JOHSTBffla. - OT IXOttOOB IBOUPB OTTHB fOMD. W Ti. BOHML^^ O. B. FOWLEB, . T. OBrrraOB. •n^^m^aaL JiKeBBmONT UABT. BQBMBIDE, **tTfimHi DAMQnfEIT, UrELBUAO. ^mSirttoiluiiM bills of tb*d^r> . , Itsketi »oenU. . B-tf wooD^i liJSSi?:? fmm W»p7» ■ ■..Botefiopil«»epMMin«r. THB BBT TEHmATID H£LL IN THB OUT. *" • OBnmraAlJT BTOOMS Of TBI HiUMUKJUIT ■ PANOBAMA or THB HOaiH Bim, Beoetved nlghUy tj Otowdad Honiai, ' With TfunnUnoM AtoUtua. In eoniMauiM otthe cnat nootM tttendlng tEb trolr BEAunrcL Afib abtibtio EXEuanoM,' It1flU1»I«PMt«d KOHSAT. Jalr-ll, tad tittty erenliis ATOiag the ireek, u eenatonon nUh ib« Worid-Btnonned WOOD'S HIKBTBBI.B; Wlie will ftpptH la tbe foUoiilns I^ngbmble Acta, nmnrJiit, dbatasiPor, Tn FovB Ownre, Tsi Biw Bboborsi Fur roOV f AZB, BODgl, DUUM, AO. HoxMB.-»o ooimMtloB irttk anr ttsT«Ui« ooaptnr unming tbtBMMOfWOOd'lHinitNlf. i.^*" OoettoptnttT; oonanneoitBo'oloo L Tldktti 08 emta. raw BOWBIRT THBATRB. OomnunolnaUondsrErenlng, jaljre, TEE OBEAT OBiaiHAL AND ONLT CAMPBELL'S HINSTBEL8, Vattt the penonal iQpeTvlBloa ot ' UB. It. 0. OAUPBELL. Tbt aompiny eonatoti ot the following trtlatai vlf :— '»^?XB01t^!HEn. 0PEBA BOUBB, B0BIOH. KAIU. ^ ''tnovenltangalMiimvUiiiiDmOTtoiir. h TBOWBBmaS'B lOMBIBEUS Oontleintni W/'.LOTHIAN, B. M.I.OAB BOLL, J. QUEEM. r. wiuuBm- B. VBEDEBIOEB, J. >. HTTi TJABD, D. J. HAODINNIB, L. A. ZWISSLEB. ^. , JAPANESE TOMKT. ThA.Viatgainakt can puttonltf notloe to ths wot* dlftU' -><itttlMdHinr otTUrat. v ' ' .V f.: „ £^ti 9BMnfi; BoMmd BMt« so oanti. , ^mpiny ITED DAVIS. E. N. BLOOUV, M. W. OOXTLD. UASTEB BDDT, 810. ETTE, L.BONNT, 18- 'OoDilatotthetol 'lor-hobbb; '4 BEUiXHOBBliBi J0HKH7 PEU),- , 73: TBOtnuDas, , B. W. IBESOOTI. .,■ J. It MattB aT, ^ ! AHKnnR ^DTEISEB, D. W. BOABDUAH, LON KOBBIB, UUU««r. DRA. HOCBBI, BB OOK liTWi i COUBI & BEUBEn STBUWIH ^.iii-i'-B.-.lIi^PM?i---"-.""Bol«Propri«t4*.. . ^ '^■SM,Mml6B/7,.\ Dlnotor ot Amnaemanti. ,/i?H4«.>S'»5map(lABT...AVocUDlr^^ :^'^4iraSiX BVZHINO. Jons 39, ind dniUg tha UMlL. •■'■■i^i^'''-. ijgBW.-AHD OBiantEL PBATDBES., ^t;[jt:r.if'-f-^- 'HB. HEBT BEXTOM, ' Slnoo hl» retnm from Eniope. ■ Vii-'.y ':iPtortirtekot ■ ,V : ;f . -OBOBOE OBBIflTTB • . .d- • f. •■• ■ Hlj|hly^5Bi£,gF»rc«/ ■'-»'■•>;... SBOT, . -f:-, ■■<>>•.>; °0OL^ . '^^alhii'BatMimaaibciitf...:'..'.'.,.;.^'.. Ocoige Ohilitr. : i-.^V jf,-. . Clhtn«t«nby thoTroope.' .; Kir ,• <: '.'.»9tat.WMk <)t Bowan' new and litigluble BketoU,- caSeft:^ ., ,.,^i-v .. .pbopbbsobblowhabd; . . r VMimk ot Onhnt Eettb, Biaai inoe ot Tlrglasr.SUly Ooiq^: Vp, Sc. JOBNHT BOOEEB, J. W. HILXOH, U. 0. OAUPBELL, J. TABUENBArU, E. OBBEN, J. H, OIiUTOBD, GEO. OBAT, T. WADDEE. J. BUIOE, F. E DWABD 8, A. 8AWTEB. FBANk EDWABDB, OoDaral Agent. BosTon nvsBVii. BOBIOK BTJTUiB'S Frontbe OBEAT UUBEUEU.' OOMBIMATIOK TBOVPE, AMUSEMENTS. AUBBIOAN TBEATBE. „„„„ BBOADWAT, HEW TOBE, Win open for the ■nmmar eaaaon, on ■ HONDAT EVEHINO, JnlyB, 1M3. PraaeBMag totha olUieniot Boaton andTlolnitran entaitaln- mant whloh, tor noTSltjr, variety, and atarUng merit, 0!>nnpt be eonalled by any place oi amnaement In the world. E. W. BUTLEB, Manager. HONS.' LA THOSNE, Stage Uanagar. FEBO. TON OLKEB, Uoaloal Dlieotor. p^mi BBlIiLUNT, Ballet Uaater.. ' 10-tt THE BAHONAIi AMnBEUENTIKSntUTION, Waihlngton, Dlatriot of Colmnbla. ^ . Pieprieton.....' A. HAUBUN & 00. Btage Uanagai JAMES PILOBIU. Itaaderof tSa Oroheatra FEED. TOnNKEB. NOW IN TEE FULL TIDE OF PBOSPEBITy. Inunesae andlepoas honor thla beantltal Temple of Amaaement with Qielr'praonage, eipreaalng erery mul. ' i ; ' .'futattonot delight and applanae > ' ■ . atthe V V '. : EXCEEDINaLT. ABTISITO BiENDITIONS '()ff charming elnglng and danolng, and the mlrth-proTOUng, JCBT FBOX raw OiUiBAIIII _^' •IVBA mMUfm. fl»«. "^Sd toe IBLAIID OP ODBA. ' OBOWNBD WITH tntPABALLELBD BU00B88, lua wtw worn ■ ^_ „ ._ XHB aiOANTIO UC&DINa MINBIBEL TBOUPB OF THB PB0FE8BION. HAMHOTH OBOANIZATION AND BBABB BAND. Betws of thsfU'tuned and world wide leoewned BTJPBEZ k OBEEN'B Obiodul Nbw OBLSUia & UmorouiiM BIJBLESQDE OPEBA IBODPE AND BBASS BAin>t Alao, COM. FOOT and gOl. SMALL, _ ^ ^ • the two nalleat men in the world, outdoing Tom nnmo twm- ty-flTeper oenL They are 33 yam old. wrigh 33 ponndi each, ■adinbMlnehaahlgn, admitted'to be the greateat cariosity •TMf brought before the pnbUo. Thay appear to M different sets, expraaaly arranged for them, Jnat ftom New Orleana and tkioogh the laland of Onba, where they mat wUhanUmlted sno- eesi and were recelyed nlghtty with rom ot bnghter and ahonta ot spplanae. fibge Manager B. OBEEN. UnSlcilDlreotor 0. MTmLm. Tooal Dlreotor O. BIDEAUZ. The company la composed of the toUowtng eighteen Arttatto and Brlllant OBEAT STABS OF ETBIOPUN DELINEATOB& J. E. OSEEN, OnSTATG BIDEADX, OHABLET'BEINOIJ)B, LEW BENEDICT, OHAft H. DDPBXZ, H. AINSLE7 SOOTT. O. BUBT,. OALIXA LAVELLEi; 7BED IXOBEMCB, - A. BEBOEBOB^ J. CAUILLB, FLEM ADAMS, EDWIN HOLMES, OILBEBT POND, A. & PBENTIBS, WM. DUBOIS, OEOBOE lODNO, BAM P. MABBION & H. OOLUNB. Being the Oreateat Oomblnatlon of Talent ever conoentiated u one Company, exceDlng and ttt soperlor to all other TrareUng Itonpes inexlatenoe. i Xba whole under the control and dlreellon of ' DTJPBEZ t OBEEN, Sole Proprieloi*. The above popular Tronpe will, daring the renudnderof the leaaon, Tlalt tiie Weatam and Eastern Btataa, alio the Oanadas, OBAND BALOONT BEBENADB3, ' Eadi erenlng preriona to upenlng the Doon, - n TH B Vn fipJUJXD MEW 0BLEAN8 AND MffTBOPOUTAN BBASS BAND, or TKH FDEOIB. Manager and Oeneral Dlreotor, ° OHAB, H. DUPBEZ. AdTertlBlngAgent, A. S. PBEMnss. 1-tf / ' 0HBIST7, SEXTON, . . BBIUMEB, BAIiPH, OHABLES, :.'ri'i '. '.Jj^jQtjj) Company in qew fealniea, V'Docn opalat-7i to o6mmenee at 8. Pritate Boies IS. 13- ' AV'UaaeeaiUManager,.... WM. WHEATLE7. ' ' 'Begln.»t eight; condnde at a quarter before IL : . 1 • •• • fiOHDAT, JULY 11, 1883. . THE ATTEAOTIOS OF THE OITT. ' ": f tfbn'Brongham'a Ortnd Boma ntlo Dranu, entitled ; , . ' THE DDEE'S MOTTO, K ow'n r T Bx 'SEOOKD MONTH OF ITS TBICMPHNNT OABEEB, » . Aaddlmlnntlon In thi> nlghUr-Throngs to witness the moat cfllrtlngulihed foooess known to fiie Meti^Us for years. - '.Die Odabntad Irlah Comedian and VooaUat, MB. OOLLINe, ■ ■ .,' .Infalaoelebrstedtharaatarot CABBIOEFEBOU^ 'An Irish Soldier ot Fortane, with two songs, "Wine, Bright • 'Wtoe," and ••WhUethere'a Life there's Hope."^ ■ . , lira \nujAM WHEATLEt • ' tn fala. great oharaotar of ' i —I— r— —v^»wiii iiiiiiiii ini iiOOAaaaMms - 'Vnqjiproaenable OaiBt^ . ■ Beaattfal Boaneiy, . OilgtailMnilo, KewCostumaa. - Meohanleal Effects, " and FnmUnn, ' yWith the moat complete OBAND DODBLE OOBl'S DE BAIXiET Tn the eonatiT, ' '; .'XtutgalOondactor HABTET B. DODWOBTH. wattnue opan'datly; from 8 till 0, where aeais can be seonred l^ife.'iMyf Inadnhca. 13 TWITE S . ■WIVE S ,■. TrtVEa ..) WIVES -s WITOB-- ■ ; : LAtlBA BIENE'a ,: THE wosd ebfo l sttooess ' of pabis. OF THE NEW OOUEDT OF PABIS. . WABBANT ITS CONTINVANCE . OF PABIS. HOBDAY, TDXBDAT AND OF PABIS. WEDNISDAT ETEHINaS. OF PABIK OOUBINATION OF STABS. OF PABI8. . MABIE and AUGVSTE, OF PABIS. the fl neat danc ers to the wo rld. OF PABIS. BVEBT EVEMINO OF TEE WEEK OF PABIS: OFPABIB. OF PARIS. OrPABIS. OF^PABIS. OF PABIS. OF PABIS. OF PABIS. OF PABIS, OF PABIS; OF PABIS, OF PABIS; OF PABIS. OF PABIS. OF PABia. OF PABIS. OF PABIS. AKD 8ATUBDAT AITEBNOONS Will be periotmed an ariglnil,.emotlosaI, aenaattonal, ' local Comedy, oalled the . WIVES OF PABIS. A FULL EROLISH DBAUATIO .COUPANI, combined with the popular TBODPE ST. Dim. ■ BHLNEB OIBBATIO 00BP3. AKOE LO IN BIS OBEAT AOT. FIETT LADIES AND OENTLEUEN . la the SOMOS and OHOBD8E8. "^DnrlDg Ihe'plece, a Grand Oa^ral and Ball—new Grooptoga, ' The obaracters and:toolden(a are toll of •v v ' MD SIO, B ONOS. AND F L0WEB8. i- a-;: ' THnBBDAT'ASTEBHOON COUPUMENTABT TESTIMONIAL TO MBS. JANE EKGLISH. : The w hole Thiupe and the beet talent to New Tort , ;!.-K :.. v^jwwPE- oAsmo;»; ■ • • ■" ■ ..' OHESl'KuT BTBEET, ABOVE BUTE, ■ ■'•"*!l!r'>-V-, . PEILADELPBIA. PA. < Tn-^BuH or tbx "OiBiiro" Nktxb Bin. v^>!i3; ;', ■• 'VhftDaerrIng Voice otthe Pobllc *' r/iV^.' ■ • • ' ■ rBOOi.ailis nun V ' 4 >sox*s oAsnto, FOX'S OAsmo, f^i\ : - IsthemostBespeoUUs, .''.TbiBUWtOomfortsble, and '* ,A ''.':<<,v~.*-v'^" '' ' The most Popnlar place of Amtuement ■ ^TBil OOMPANT". jv.t'-ijlie-Iirjest, ■ The Btroageat.- y^.v • ' >And the moat Teraatlle, ■ • M! ^.v r-IBAT EVSB APPEASED IN ANT MUSIO HALL. '. PAifotmera of scknowledged ability can torariablr find steady; . <4iagtigiem«nto fay appIytq^penonallT or by letter. Stars Ilberallr. '^tMtad wilh.' O^IUSNOB«I& Treasurer. t-W ' ««MUt<gBABPLB)T'll taNSTRELS, •BBABS'BAIID. AND BDBLE8QDE TBOUPB. . ^THE HEB0E8 OF A'BEIUBPBEBE, - VMr'Nlnning from their . .^►yii . • OTHJUPHAL WESTEBN TOUB, Vniaspearat^ ■ ye:. ■ OEKlAQO, Jui&e 30, for elz nlahU, thenoe to liaiBOIT,'TOLEDO, CLEVELAND. BDFFALO, B00HE8TEB, 'W^.^::-'-/' BSBiOOBE, ALBAllY Bad IBOX, ■ . 'Hs«WlKdr'*jni«aranoeto' ' iMm.iherinUtotooduoe v. > V ' :' " TBBIB OBKANAL PBOGBAUUB, iSI«*lmU*aonIybythe ' ■ -1^^- : ■ • enBAX SimOPIAM IEON OLAbS. ■.■■V. ■■ ■;■ ' ' SAM bbabplei: '. : Bole Manager and Proprietor, : CAHTBAaVRT-RaU*;! r. .r >>;■.»: • v^iSHINaTOR, D. 0... ... . . . ' ^: jTBB', UOn .UAOMIFIOBHT >. v^.s^.-.^ -..-^iiiJinaro; halL' • Ka^^'.. ■ ■ ■ * Df AUEBIOA.' .^^^^^lUt^QHrU.empIoye^^^ of known Ae;twn&nn«i4 tinployail^l^iiM ^i.-te--. ,\:-:- v.:7;.,.: .1 ,:.te;;c;.8oIeP«tpri»tor:. '.. -V .;iTt-''^'AW»ihlagtoi, D, 0; ■Ide^pntttog, and Inimitable repreaen- tatlonsofthe ',V VABI0D8 SHADES OF THE COUIO MUSE. ' 'Its superiority Is endonedbrall the promtoent Journals ot Waahlagton 01^, and nnlTersauy admitted to be XHE LEADINO MUSIC HALL OF AMEBICA. PEBFOBMEBS OF ALL KINDS, And ot every attraoUon—both Ladlea and Gentlemen—of eatabUahad reputations, to the Musk Hall Profeaalon, wlshtog engagements, should altaays lint address £tf A. HAUBLIN & CO., Proprieton. DBTROIT, - LiTB BELLEB'S CONOEBT Thx Old Dntmr or tbe Wzst, JOSH. HABT A AMTONIO BBBTTS, Proprietors, lbs muisgeis of this popnlar estabUahment have returned from New York, having eecured the followtog talented aitlats:— MISS ANNA CE^nm, the popnlar Danseuae and Vocalist UUiE VIOTCniA BOSS, the faaclnattog Danseuae. GEOBOE WABBEN, the Beat BanJolat to the Weat.. W. E. CBEBIEB, Pantomlmlrt and Comedian, Who win appear to conlnncUon with the beat Stock Company to ■ . • the Weat. nrat olaaa AMlata wlahlng engagemenls, will addreaa aa aMve, or 16 JAMES O ONSEB h CO.. Theatrical Aaeata-at w. i tJt n n a-. ■v ju ^ ^^iu^ umu i»nHmway, -ir. 11.— lJ3x Sole Proprietor DICE O'NEIL. Thla beauUful haU will be apoedlly re.decorated, and opened onthelSthot Jdly. Among the arttats already engagod are:— HISS KATHLEEN O'NEIL, THE GHEAT OHIBIBEL . KATE WALTBBS, ' MILLIE TBEODOBA, EABBT TAJiBOTT, OEAS. A. WABD, Perfonnen. wlahtog engagements, please address . ' ' DICE O'NEIL, Post Office, Cleveland, Ohio. .. WAtfrieD—Fifty ladles for theBAUetof GIaelle, or the Might Dancers', . i3>tf TEUl WBBB BIBTBRB, MTaapj £UMA AND ADAH. ' ' These very talented, young, and versatile Artists have Just re- turned from a highly nieceaafUI engagement, of Biz Months, to Havana, and at Naaaau, and are at present fnlAning a vary BBILLIANT ENGAGEIlENT AT : . FOBD'8 HOLIDAT BTBEET THEATBE, BAtTIUOBE. Managers wishing to aeonre the servloea of theae very talented Artists, ^ address them at the Cuffzb OinoE. -Ml-tf ~Mesir7j£Ssaxn£""ia^ ^^-^-"^^ ABSOTXD BT BKB VATBZB^ MB. PETm BIOHINaS, Commenced an engagement at John Meeoh'e Metropolitan Theatre, Buffalo, on Monday, June 32d, cloatog there on the 1th of July, a moit prosperooa aeason ot ten months. 10-tf : A. a PENNOIEB, Agent TO BIANAOKIU.t OHAB. J.' FIFFE, • LEADING JUVENILE, ai • LIGHT COtaDY, Will be diaengaaed after July 4th. Managers desiring his ser- vices will please addrtaa OHAB, J. FYFFE, 13-3t» ' . . Box .78(1 JBpringlleld, Dl, BUBB BLIBB DB COUROT, havtiag' concluded a high- ly ancotasful engagement at Liverpool,'ijlVeu^g In such ohar- ters as Don Ocaar, to "Don Cnaar de Bazan," Louis and Fablen^ to the "Oorsloan Brothers,"—"Satah to Paris," and to "Aurora Floyd," wlU ahortly-arrire to this country;' Manjgers wlshtog to engage the eervfcca of thla Isdy for nttt seaaon, will addreaa WM. J. HAB8HALL, Agent for UISS DE COUBOY, OurPES olBoe. ^v-' ,■ ii-tl NOTICm . TO THB . TBBA.TRIOAti FROFBS- BIOR —HavtogbeentoformedthatoertotopartlMhaveputln olrouUtion a report to the efleot that I cannot or do nbt tauad* faotnre gooda the aame aa my huaband, the late Jamea Gamer,' I take tblB method to Inform the membeirot the profeaalon that such a statement la false, psrtloularly with regard :to paddtogs or symmetries, which are made by me as perfect aa heretoforer U-lt* . OLABINDAGABNEB, 841 Bowery, N.Y. ' '^'BjSSMfflS^^OIHLriS^^ GBECIAN STATUES. We will guarantee to teach them to three iMlons. None need apply but thoae who can keep their aiiree* ments. JAUES CONNEB k CO., Theatrical Agwts. 38.Weat Honaton street, N. T. . 0IAWAQBR8 OF THBATRB8 wlahtog to entaae W H, DONALDBON, Pantomimlit. Tight Bope fitUt, Afc^leaee directaUlelteiBtooareof ' . ^^l;'**^^/^ ^^^^ CUPPBBOmOK, 1 W.^HviDWWALDSpw, Tight Bope Artiste, la now ready to niake high Bope Asoenalona aoroas Blvera, Streams, Falls, or any place where aooh rope oan be atigstbhed, no matter how hlsh' or dangetoua.. Proprtetois of Watering or Public Plaoaa, to.i liBA'B HBLODBON. OEOBOE LEA...:...-BAI/IIMOBE, MD W. B. OAVANAGH. ... .Proprietor. keep your .qr« o] North, South, ~ 11.8t» in to .'bnttoess. No matter wheie yod are:' or Weat>' Direct your letters to care of • . CldpA OrnoBi 'FITTBBI7BOH THBATRB.—Ladles and senUemon wlahlnu fagagementa for th* oomtog ftU and wtoter aeagon. wlU make appUcauon at once, aa the manager Is now oomplettoK bIs arrangemanta. Stara treated ,with on Uberal terms. ° e-U . . WIC HENDEBSON, Leasee and Manager, ^ DRAKATIO OHARAPTBBS to "Eats Vatob." the Sensatton'Noveutte, WO aami but 100 rematotog. Beat free,' by man, on rtoelpt of Ten cents (ten for 7S cents), br CBABI2S iflMBT DAY, the Auihor-Pnbllilier, New Haven, OonnTswin «THB DDKiB'S DAUOnTBR," TrAualaied by UM, 4S!S?J£?'K8'1'*' 'S^ ''♦vjVIa pabU^ed and for sale W.iOi WEUI8S, S7B Broadrnty. PrlooUoeati, ' is* .stage Manager, OBAND OPENING OF TEE BPBING SEASON. JOHN MULUGAN A ANDBEW LEAVm, SIGNOB BLISS and SON, MISS JENNIE ENGLE and BILLIB CAVABAGH. Die above talented artlats oan be seonred by xsaponslble maa. agers for aay length of time by applytog to Gecirge Lea: but It iriU b« naeleaa to trouble them with todlvldual offers, aa no at- tention wlU be paid to any letters onleas addreaied to the pro- prietor of the Melodeon. la conneo Hon with the already named perto|mers now perform' tog at this estabUahment, are the foUowtog:— Mr. BUlyBoyd, G.M.MUes, Frank Wood, UasteraAUredand Ohorlea BUas, JohnClusky, UlB TUley Forbes, Miss Maggie jf.T^^.n, irBe Louisa BUas, Hlas Louisa Evans, and . Mlae Julia Boblnson, rather with a fuil aad effloleat baUet troupe, of twelve yonag WANTED.—I'emale Daacers and Vooallata. of good peitonal appearance. Apply as above. -tf TIK H%.TB9 AND DICK BARDS.—These worid-re- aowaed CHAMPION CLOO DANCEB8, now creattog such an totenae ezcltement at the New Idea, will aoon be ready to accept star engagements throughout the United States. Theatrical managers wishing to secore the services of raSSE VALUABLE STARS, can do io by applytog to JAI&S CONNEB & CO., Theatrical Agents, 38 Weat Eonston street, New York. A GOOD TENOR AND BALLAD SINQBR la desir- ous of a chance to stog to some good Concert or Mtoatrel Troupe.' Best city references given, uantgtrs wlshtog to engage win please addreaa 0. VT. DUNCAN, Commercial House, Boaton, MasaV 12-2t* A-.M.n SEME NTS. XUOUIRB*! OPBRA HOVBB, . BAH FBANOISaO, CALDOBMIA. CT09. UAGUIBB nopriette Bad HnoM ' JAHZS DOWUNG.. .Stan l^Hia«er.^^"' . J, L. BOHM IT Leader of Orchestra. ' W. STEVENSON. Treasurer. THB BTAB DBAMATIO COUPANY, MI88 S OPHIA EDWIN. MBS. W. a FOBBE MI98 LULU SWEET, MISS 0. BINOELET, W. O'NEIL, 0HABLE8 THOBN, D. 0. AimEBSOM. W. H. HAM ILTON, 0. STEVENSON, to., MISS NELUB BBO^ FBANK MAYO, . WILUAM BABBY, HAB BY OIJP TOk! F. B. WHITE, W. B. TAYLOB, to., MB. L. F. BEATTY, W. C. FOBBES. FBED FBAME8, B. BBOWN, «J., au., CM,. Start vlslttog OaUfomia ahonld bearto aitod that Ur, Un la also proprietor of the Metiapolltaa Theatre, BacraniaiiS!? the MarysvUle Theatre. 4Srri BOCTBOPOIjITAN thbatrb, BAH FBANOISOO, CAL. OHABLES TIBBEnB. Leaaee and Maaign Thla Theatre Is now open tar the Fan and Wtoter Beawi, 1 the flaett Company ever to Oallfomla. -~tM JVLUk. DBAM HAYNE, UBS. JUDAH, MISS MOWBBAY, MBS. a B. THOBKE, MBS. OLAUGHLET, MBS. JAB. STABX, MIBS FBEDEBIOES, KB. J. B. BPOTH, "~ ' ""■ W. M.1BMAN, B. W. LEAOH, E. THAYEB, With BflBmeroaa Ootpa of Atixlllariea. FBiosa or ADtceaioic. DresaOlrole Sl.OO | Orchestra Seats Parquet;...-'.....; Mota |QaUery Private Bozea 10 and 8 dollars, Btort totendlng to vlitt Oallfomla wlU Itod It to their t to address u above. ««.| OHIOAOO OAHTSUIBIIBT BAMi, ' US and 138 Dearborn atieet. A. j. SraiK Proprietor.. T. L. FITOH - -Stage Manager. The Oompaay comprlaes at preseat the following bdlMa Oeattemea:— _ Miss Aanla BordweB, Warren Sordwell, Ulaa Kate Partington, Tom Poland, Miss Boae Sutherland, Old Du Crow, M'Ue Elotae, L. J. DonnaDy, M'Ue Louise, Meiars. Bnrronae & XtbJ Mlai Julia Yale, AdmlrdYaTe, .1 Johnny Boyd, ' T.L.Flkl| None but the BEST TAI£NTwUI be engaged. ..I Ladlea and Oentlemen oT recognized al>llltyand talent itil lag engagements will plaaae addreaa A. J. SINK, Box Soei, Ohloaao, or 8 ' Washington HaU, Oolombus, Ij, I PSUNOB OF WAIiBB TO HATR B, ' UVEBPOOL, EROLABD. Thla tmly elegant and vary beantifal theatis u kept opea lal lag the whole of the year, ^ AMEBIOAN STABS, of acknowledged position and talent negottated with, for Ioa|i| thort OT^j^jMoenn, u mB tual^ter Mtsj my^r eylie, 4gtt Bole Leaaee aadPioprieiai corirthiAn ball, exchange place, _ B0CBE8TEB, N. Y„ : WlU lie Bented (br Ooacerta, Leoturea, Ezhlbltloaa, tM. Addna I W. A, BEYNOLDS, %i^m.* . 89 Aiaade,Boeheiter,N.Y,' AOAOBKT or B IPBIO , CLEVELAND, OHIO, The Dramatio Company retom fMm OolumbuB on the 13thtl I April, for a coutlauaaon of their seaaoa at the above popnhr I Theatre. AUbiutoeascommunlcatlona'may be addressed to I JOHN A, ELL8UEB, Jb., Proprietor and Manager. HETSOPOLITAR THBATRB, BOOHESIEB, N. Y, This establishment TO LET, nightly or weekly, for aU fctoda of Exhibitions, on reasonable terms, during the Bummer Months. Appllcatlona tor Stock Engagementi wlU now be received for next aeason, conimenetog about the let ot September. e-8t* Apply to W. MEECE. HARBIRGTbR St HUNTBR'B MIRBTRBLB. ODD FEU0W8' HALL, MEHPEIB, TENN. . This company have been petformlng at the above place, for some time past, with great success, snd to addition to their regular memoers, are conatantly avalltog themselvet ot the light of new ."Sloia." Artists of acknowledged talent desirous for a tttat sphere of action, are tovlted to address as above, tinder the as- surance of Uberal treatment and pay. 8-tf CAHTBRBVRY MUSIO HALL, H: W. COB. FIFTH AND CHESTNUT BTB., PHILAD'A, PA, LABGEST AND MOST TALENTED COMPANY IN TEE CITY. Ladlea and gentlemen of known ablUty, will address AMm BOB'T GABDINEB A Co., PnprletorB. A OHALLERQB TO THB 'WORLD.-430L ELLIN- GEB challenges the whole world to produos an eanol to COM- MODOBE'FOOTE, to age, else, wetoht, and eduoaUon. The Commodore wears the "Gold Medal," whloh atsmps him the inullsst man alive.' He Is assisted by his little friend snd com- peer, CoL BWATiTi. P. T- Bamum advertises the sniaUeat nun and woman to miniature Uvtog, This I deny, and CbaUenge him Cor ^,000, to produces pair In dlmlnutlveneiB equal to mtoe. Letters addressed, care FBANK QUEEN,' OurrBB Office, win reach COL. WM. ELUNGER, Preceptor Commodore Foote and CoL SmoIL PLAT BOOKS, PnOTOORAPBS at KATE BATEMAN. JJ"',f"^t.'!i88l;Ji"'J''^°'S">"l» Weslom.Laura Eeene Oaroltoe Blohtoja, Mis. John Wood, also to character; A, L Menken^ as French Bpy and Maieppa; SuaonDento, Kate Dento, laabeUa Onbu, Fanny Brown, also to oharaoter; Webb Slaten! Lsvlnla .Warren, Tom.Thumb, Mr. and Mig. B, Williams, Ur. and Mrs. Fldrenoe; R' Forrest, E. Booth, J.' W, WaUack,' Jr., Wllkea Booth, Ed;' Adama, Lester WallAck, and hundreds of oth- era. 38 centB 'each, or dve for |L Bent to any addreaa oh re-, celpt of price. Catalogues aenton receipt of pcetage stamp, ^ 18- W. 0. WEUYSS, C7S Broadway, New York OALIFORRIA THEATMOAL AaBROY.-BBERI. DAM OOBBYN woldd raspeotinny Inform members of the dra- matio, Mualcal, or Equeatrlan profeaelons, that hehaa eatabllahed an Agency to Ban Franclsco,.and Ia«reptted to negotiate engage meau'Biid transact aU' ot her buameis sertatotog to the pro. (Hslon.' Address SHERIDAN OOBBYN, Ssn Francisco, OtL . H. B.—AU lelten requiring aaswen must oontato b stamp to the some. ; . I-tf ' aTTIB'HBRbBRBdR, ■ V ■ THE CELEBBATED AMEBIOAN ABTISIE^ Has Joat completed an Engagement of " FORTY-StflilGHTB IN LONDON, And boa returned to thla country. She brings with her aeveral. \; • EKTIBKLY HEW PLAYB, whfch have been copyrighted by her. They are entitled:— TBE FLOXVBR GHIL, BOOtTllSH MAIDEiN, EATHLEEN.MA- VOUBNEEN, and GYPSEY GIBL OF OBENADA, Managers srlsbtog to negotiate .with this young, hondaome, and talented Actress, wlU please address / WU, HENDEBSON, Pittsburgh Theatre. : THB nAOIBIOTH'PRIRTIRO HOUBB OF NEW ENGLAND, • Thb "J. E. Faswbll" a Oo„ STEAM PRINTING ESrABUSEUENT, - 87 C0NGBE8S BTBEET, BOSTON. . , . L, R. PIKE, MAMMOTH POSTER AND PBOOBAltME PRINTER, . THEATBE and CONCERT WORK A SPECIALTY. Parties or troupes vlslttog the Eaatem States wUl find . It td their advantage to visit this eatabllthment Paiois 10 to 38 pis 'oBbt Cbxapkr tbav AST oPFioB IN NEW Bkolabd, and aatlsfao- tlon guaranteed or no pay required. ■ '. lo-tt w^^^'^^^'T'T'^^^^'toh^lSS^ -|^^^/wv> BHOW BILL PBINTINa ESTABLISHMENT IN TEE WOBIAI • CLABBY fc BEILLBY, , .. ' .(Sucoeasort to John B, Bacon,] . . PBINTHBfl- AlTD BHGBAVBBB™ ' V UandllSpruoe'Street,NewYork, Pay partlonlar atteatloa'to gettlag ap aU ktod* ot ,V. FANCY SHOW BILLS i FW' tr AveUig companies, and have oa band a large sad splendid .aoaortmentoflargeaildanuU ■■ ■ .''," ' v^OOD 0DT8 ,■'.> Suitable tot OlrosaiaS, Menageries, Bthloplaa Pertormera, OyU^ naatt, Maglslaaa, Ao,, Ac., which oan be prtoied to oMornoit' colors, .to suitouitomers, - , "..-i ' AST ^depdslt required on an work ordered., ?'.•.:{' i '2n orders addressed to "CLABBY k BEILLBT," tUool'Print- &«v**i.f5«*T!^S*'*l?'^i?'' U«n4MflPnlMitwetNew ,YMk,#Ul be promptly attended to, . . , .^13<tt THEATRE nOTAL, MONTBEAL, CANADA. I^esEE..; J. W. BUOKLAND. This establlsbment TO LET, nightly or weoUy, for enterllb I ments not dramaUo. Apply to J. W. BUOKLAND, l-tt MontreiL ELLSLBR'B ATHBRBUK, COLUMBUS, OHIO. The dramatie season cloaea on thellthlnat, (April)—afterwkU I date the Athtnetmi may be rented for aU klndg of exhlbltlont-. I nightly, or by the week. Thla is now the laroaat, beatatrauel, ud most popular' place' for Leoturea, Minstrel Troupes, Oat- certK Ac Apply to JOm? A. ELLSUB, Jr„ ' I-tf Academy.6t Music, develond, Ohio, ROTAL ALHAHBRA PALACE AND AMPHnHEATU, Leicester Square, London, England. The Proprietor la at ill tlmiM ready to engage first doss talent and novelty snltal>lata Ua Mammoth Entertainment Terms UbeiaL Apply as abori MiSOELLAIIEOnS ASVE&TISEMEinS, G REAT BOOESII MEW BOOKS 1 NEW BOOEBIl DON'T FAIL TO BEND FOE A OATAIOGUE, OUB NEW OATALOOUE NOW BEADY, SENT FBSE-POBTAOE PAID-OK APPUCATIOI. THE OLD ESIABLIBHED AND ONLY BELIABLE BOOK, AND 8P0BTING GOODS AOEHOI Where orders are promptly and ttlthfullr executed, Addreaa THOMAS 0BM8BY, Marble BuUdtogl, 1-tf 86 Noaaan street, New York. "no YOU VANT WHISKERS . OR MOUSTA OEESr—la 18831 flrat asked this questloa. It was in* swared tqr nimieroua people; aad I ask If aay of them ever kaeir lay OngaenttobUtodouigan IcUlmed tor It; namely t ihatl would compel the Beardi or Monstache to grow npon the imcou estboe wlthto six weeks from the tint appUoatlon. Like aU sac ceaaful. toventors, I have hod to contend with a host of ImltatoiSi reaUy force the Beard to grow, andvrlU neither atato or tojni* the Bkto. I send It to any part of tho counlry, free of po■tag^ tor W. |7-tt] B. OTOBAHAM, No. 10»Maa aanatreet, Y. LAST HDNDRBD-1900 SOLD.— ' tg- "BIOS, Babb a Baot," said the Five Oeal Monthly of "EatI 49-VAvaB,"the SensaUon Novelette. Bent free, by naU, on SV receipt of Ten. oents (ten for 78 cents), by OHAft EBNBY 49- DAY, the Author-PubUsher, New Haven, Conn. N.B.—"OuB CmoirLAB" sent tree to aU purchoaers, 9-it TOBAOOO USERS, ATTENTION I-ORAVINQ FOR TOBAOOO CUBED and prevented by Dr. BYRNE'S "Aurr- DOTE." Buy It and rid yourself of the expensive and dlignsttog habits ot CBEwixa and Bkoumo the weed. Sent free, by moll, on receipt ot 88 oents. Five packagca for tl, by' a-8m CHA6, B, DAY, New Haven, Oona, LANDIS t CONRAD'S OTSTER BAY RESTAU- RANT, Beadtog Pa. Oysteis received daUy from Phlladel. phla, and served at the shortest notice. A BEAUTIFUL HALL over the Beatauraat to rent,- having been newly fitted up, capable of holding five hundred people. Exhlbltloas traveltog con tent It oareaaonable terms. Addreaa LANDIS A OONBAD, .1.1'. Union HaU'Ooacert Saloon, Beading Fa. SOMETHIMQ NEnf.-Sutleh ^nd Trade siippUed.- Idoz. French Card de Vlaltes and Otaas Magnlfleta (Lite Size); price, five dollars. Carie de Vlsltes—100 new atylM- twenfy-flva oints;' Stereoioopio Ploturea—100 new a^les—ser- enty-nve cents. Mloroscoplo Ploture—to Opera Glass-^ne dollar flftr cents, Microacoplo Plbtttre—to Pearl Handle Enlf^ibrea dollars. Enclose red stamp. ' H. POMOIA,Photomphor. .lO^t* Ifewlfork. ^L ATIJNO vO AR DS. ' .And aU articles used to GAUBB ■7-U OF. AMUBBMBMT AND OHANOB. Mahoootured and Sold by M. NELSON. A3l Broadway, New Yorib Xf 0% TlBADY;r-That Ottrioas Book, fliUy Illastrftted. 'jri W^ttti The Book of Naturo-;-lUuslratedi This book sent Rftfurely taoledi Price, (1. Gomblbr's Tricks with Oardsi 36 oehta. The Expoae of Qambllngi 80 oents, by mall on receipt of price, i AddretS "' FBED. PAR9ELLB b BBO., ' ffitf = ■ •■ Box3086P,0.,N.y. City.