New York Clipper (Jul 1863)

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'■CI - ■ hS'^ii\^^-1^ifnsi^^ ■ V:'' "—^Bi tteXMctrlMl Oim of AuMdo*. to »>»kf «K tWkHLtto., to tCnuiowlUMliedala otntMfiW M- ' lliiMinU p4ia for ihieeot ■izmantiiilB*dn>>«K. W.ilUaTRBIa.HAU^ OPBHT. BBOIDWA'-. dto ih* St NUiliolM BoW. ' W0OD. Bii l»>iop*l«tornaKiiiHMf. _ EBSr . TEKTILATED . HALL IN THE OOT, m find iu> necMiltJ for olotliu dniiDB the wim Huon. ~ inrit nmMFTMtnm from Enama of"/, 'i' % . tB*IliABliig«& ) of tbe anlTentlfawTlt*, ... FBAMX BBOWXB, r Iti Origliiil "mPPI.TpiOLS TOIL" ' IflnSDiX,'/Tdr'ao, «na evett eT«nloa^dailiu| the vMk, • WOOD'S .MI*8TBB1.8, '■ B&rar DBOLE TOU, ' FO PB OBO WB, ' ' ' BUCK BSIOASE, OBTTHIVrS TO ^OHNHT, ' ■Air BIOBUITB, HAULKI, TABaXT EZOUBnOH, ' : PAKOBAUA. 07 HOBTH BIVEB, ta). 'nmC'—Ho eoimeoUon ^th aor tnveUog oomptny ummlaff ttitaMMOf Vood'tUliwtnli. ' u- ' ioi)«natTs eommeneoAtSe'oIoo)!. TlokeliSSotBti, ■OOI^T** OFBHA HO Pgg, BH OOK liYir, - Car/COTJBT k BEUBER 8IBSETB, ;Bi l l.' HOCI !Lgg... • Bole PioprlBtor. r- - It BgW BBa. . .;;-. IMwetor of ATnuwiWlMltfc ' ■ 'Ti-B.VTBBin>BBQA9I Tooil Slnoln. '; :Viat g CBATO .InitarnmentalDlNStoi.' "■ WOWPAr;j lvmiS & , Jnl y 90, And doTlsg ttM vMk. : ■: UptKNBB ATTBAOnOH ,,*•>?■,■'■'•■••*■-»' FOBXHIBVBEE. •■Mjatli wdt.tiM ' ■■ V ■ • • >■. i : :''BHTIBBtS HEW AND OBiaiRAL FABOB, \Wctttal«^t>aulrfoitbU Oomp^ "■' ■. -^-. ' UB* B* BOffBBSf ■■ y-^ ' V-' ''' nAT.T.yw - ■ ' - IHB'inTFOBTUNATE BAHiBOAD tjONDVOTOB, ' , ' ' '.'OhiUMtm br Ohilitr, Bow«n, Hogbe^ :aiaiirMk''o( — ■■ ■ ■ . . , . .■ ■ \ "hj Highei ind finmmsr. li'Jtt^w^eltbfthtBuileiq BdOB ' ■ • ' ■■ i - nrmart i, ■ ■', ■'.vv'-"'?^''V''Sfv\'V:!"' V,. br-BovantsdOhrtitT. ^■^;^"''<fe:s|?■\;•;•'''>l>^''SAIlIs COMB n^^^ ■ . IBJSBEEOABT ARB EEBUAIT, • ' / ■■'HiMi!^; ■ ■, . 1,^- lnK«wBona««ndB»Il»dfc : . 'J ,f.' ■''a;,' .', ■ ' '.br theenUisTMnpe. .'^rBaon'opnatTiltbeoinmu^ - >'-:,. , . - J?,-..; . .. . . - TlBkelir M oBnti. .Private BoiM $3. ,"-14. V! jiimi*! Bbia<obEM)ir, BAi/m •.•^•.r.'j';-'.' <i. ■ ..-.AHb : .i - I XBA'8 KELODEON, DEIBOIT, StOH. : 0 ;i>BOBaB lea Leasee and FnprletOT. wlBk above eetabUstamenta an now doing a fine bnalnaa nnler fkeamiaaniantof QEOBOB LEA, wdTtato-wn tbtbe dUzeni «ttli«Oimed States as one of the most Bocceasfnl managanln ttsOeftoertpnfeealon. ~^ ■ v'Vesbnnan ot.vdl known aUIlty oan seonie better, engage OMnti'irlttblnitlian any olber manager.' .-^^^ - AAbmM,Jv eDgagementi, at eltber plioe, to OEOBOE LEA, Baltimore Helodeon; ''■»L;.i'^ • Baltimore, Kd. i.nw IUIomigwauknonn names are among the few wbo are ■ovpetfgrmlngat the above Conoeit Ealls^— > JOHH UtLUOAN, ATOBEW LEATIIT, .6. a PUBDT,' IBOF. GF. Vr. EIBBIE, VXOima.AMEBIOA. sOeLOBABO BROXHEBB, '■I8S tJJUk BOBIHBON, • JOBS VIOrOBIA BOBS, IHBB lENBT. ENGEIi, '< .anas uzzr BomiANii,. WSS mLE7 F0BBE8. .VIB8 KAOaiE UABSHALL, ., mBSJAiotywAT, •; , ' XhaeDltte Oompany'nmnbatlnf oveif ONE HnifPBEDPXBFOBHZBa -' Seamonnt of Salary'too large for talented Artlitii TOBH HABT, BILLT OATAITAOB, BILLT WEST, JOHN. OLUSKT,' aBOBOE WABBEN;' . BiaNOB BUBS 'k BOEi UI8B Amni.OHBSt mas oLABA'BimToir, :. .UI8S LATIBA LsOLABE, UIS8 TEBBBA VIOLA. MIBB FAMin B DEVEBEt UlflS EITIE LEE,' . , lUBS LOUISA BI|I8S. '. • IMt . THE? OBbI^ OUOXNALTItm (WIT ' OAHPBBUVa mNQtBEU, . , , Voder lbs penonal snMrtlilea of .. KB. H. 0. OAwBELIi. Thaeompanr oonaUti of tiie ftDowlnB arttaii, vii nxD DATisr iomnKT boobsb, j. bc ouffobd, K K. BLOOnW.' - f. W, BIL10H) OEO. OBAT, B.W. GOULD. U. 0. OAUPBKLL, T. WADDSX, , lUBTEB BDDT, J, TABUENBAim, . J. BUIQE, BIO. ETTB, O. mUL F. EDWupa, £, BORNX, S. QVtSlS, . A. BAWXEB. 13. FBAME EDWABDB, Oenenl Agent VABIHTIBiSI TARIKTTBSI— F ionUhg on PmuiaylTanla Aven ne and M lnth street THE HATIONAL AUD8GHEMT IHBTl'i'U'i'lOR, Washington, Slitrlot of Colombia. Proprleion .-A. HAUBLOT k 00. StageUanager....;; JAMES PILOBIH. : Leaderot i£e OtOhastra...... .FEED. TOUKEEB. HOW IN THE FULL TIDE OF PBOSPEBTIT. Immania andleneee honor .this beanilfnl Temple of Amnsement ^th their patronage, eiprtaslng eTery suDlr tetabon of delight and applause . !i3(nablHaLT ABTISnO BENDIliOHS Of ohanolng singing:and. dancing, and tbe .nitth-proToUng, sldMpflttlng, and Inimitable repreaen* ' Nations o f the TABIOUa BHADEB OF TEE OOUIO UUSE III tnpolortty Is endorsed by an the prominent Journals of Wtahlngtan Oiqr, and it la nnlTenally admitted to be THS LHADINa MUSIC HALL OF AUEBIOA; PBOFESBIOHAllB OF ALL EIHDB, and of ererrattiaetlon— both Ladles and Oentlemen—of ESTABLISHED BEPUTATION OHLT, deslions of performing in this &rst olass Hall, whioh Is known to possess adrantages over any similar haU In the oonntrj, eho^ adoreia the nndenlgned. For sterling ability, we ilways pay its standard valne. Profeaslosala will keep this &ot In view. Ibnagers, an over the eonntey, who, for mon^ have been re^ printittg our advertiaements; bills, bo., merely alterUk the names of onr performers to that of their own, are leqaesMd to add, "Adapted firom the Washington Varieties," as we pay for every line written, to one eonneotedwlth na, eiolnslvely for thatpnrpose.. Address aUIetterpto A. HAUBLIN k 00.^ Wash* IngtMi, D. 0., or to our Agents, JAUE8 OONHEB k CO., Honse of: Commons, as West Hooston etreet, near Broadny, New Toifc , . ■ k-fS'> Wt HOnCllD TO MANAOBR8. . ' ■ THE OBEAT AM EBIOaN D BAMATIO BqPBaattAH TBOUPB. M'LLE OENEVIEVE, "''.^^ ' ' - The.BeantirDl and Dashing Eqaerineane, , JIB. 0. B. 00LLIN8, ;. i .. The OelabratedEqnestrliuffiMUUo. Actor, 'imn ■'WITH . ... Jf ■ ^' • MB. H.. B..0ATES'Horse BLACK BEBSeftf.nost beaattfol and best trained Hone in the States, are now negotiate with Maiiageis.fohthe pradaoUon of EqaoaUilan lOMmatle Bpec- toelaa, the reportlore. comprises sU theoldPleoea and several new ones.: Oommnnloatlons addresaed to .. i HENBT B-OATES, Bnslness Manager, . ° li^lt* . Clitfeb OFrios,-H. T. ; THBWEBIPBIBTaRB, .'r'.jmSSES.EMMA AND ADAH. ' These very talenM, yonng, and versatile AiUsts. have Jnst re- turned from a JilgUy snocessfbl engagement, of Six Months, in Havana, and at Nasaao,. and are at present foUlllng ■ very BBOXIANT EKOAaEHENT AT FOBD'B HOLIDAT STBEET TEEATBE, BALTIUQBE. Managers wlabing to seenre the serriees of these-very talented Artlsta, win addieas themU the Oiim^ Oman... : CLErVBLAITD OFBRA. HOrBE. Sole Proprietor.. '......'....'DICE CNEIL. This baantUol haU will be speedily re-deoorstsd, ud opened on the ISth of July. Among the artis te already engag ed ar e;— ■ UIW-EATELEEN CNEIL, TEE OBEAT OHIBl ' KATE WALTEBB,.... MILLIE TBEODOBAl'fj ^BABBT-TALBOrr, OHA& A. WABBtnATV Perftormers, 'wlahlng engagements, pleaae, WOOA'd'TKEATIUD, ' ■ LOUISVILLE, EE. WOOD'S .TaBATiue, .UIJHUUIMATI, . ■ . '.-, v<cwq -<. .. . .. K¥. . '.- ;KjBBffIZXB'TEEATBE, NASHVILLE, TENN, . xju nnderslgDed having leased the above theatres for a term ot r«kn> each.«^wbloh .will be thqroaghly renovated and reOt- M, «e.I!repared,to negoUats.wlth Unit class STABS, for nights ftl eadh estsbllsBihent, to follow regularly from Cincinnati to BeshvUle. AU eogageilienis made by MB. OEOBOE WOOD Ilia theatres. both^tock and star, win be dn:^ honored by BIABB andotheiawlshlng.eng tgetnentB wfll please address' ■...>: DuFFIELD k IXVNN, ' ' Wood's Theatre, Olnoinnatl, Ohio. ^, IgOOD'fl THEATBV CINCINNATI AMD LOUISVIL LE. ' ThepnbUo are respectfully informed that Messrs. DUFFIELD AIXTmN have leased the above theal^s, in connection'with •m KaalnlUe Tlieati:^. NaahvUle, Tenn.; are prepared to- offer aiaeh Indnoementato'aurs and othen,'aa bq other Oa ominiry.oan. AU those engaged by me, and negcfiating, «ffl pleeu address as above. pA-at*] OEOBaBWOODr . ■dbAio coif'oBHT ttauu, ^ ; . . Formerly German TbMtre, - i '^LiV .V • ■■j'i' OOLUMBUS, OUo; .- imas k 00.. ...........■.'^l'^?^Hw^lProprietor». . • JKD.FOST EB .......i..;...'...-..'.TBttee Muiager. . '-JOHN U. iKlNMKK...;.'..'.'.............'.';.'. .beasDrer.. ■ . " ' •-■ OonlpriBesthefQllowlnBtslsnt:— .'..EilBS ANNIE EAliBISONi . ' iOHNNT HABT, MD'LLE aONSB!ANqEi - TIM WOODBUFF, . ' /BBEKOLDB BISTEBE, ' ED.WBAT, ' 9B0F. WEKZEL, .. .. GEO. OLATION, - : SBBD. BEENEBOLT,' '. BANE OOODMAN. . . X'JpiBEINOLDS, NEDFOBTEB, - - ^aHbrraenl Of merit wm find permanent and resptf'nstble en> ' fluenents byaddresalngaa above. Oorrtspondena who may '< SMl Ncelvo answers to their ;commnnlcatlons. may iitfst *i><A ,4kMrlln«'of IniBineaslBimed. v ' ■ i J™™.'™^^ "* ^mo, «!•«, a good \,-.|BOOND >VI0L1N PLAIEB. • •:>-•.;• lMt»r* •A» ■■' 1' . MINBTBELS, "^V- '. 'k'V ' BBASS BAND, ADD BDBLESQUE TBOUPEL ' - -V >' J - ' TEE.HEBOES.'OF A HEMI8PBEBE, .'^ 0-\Wfm IUiirnlJgftomtheir ■■:';-' ■ - . ■;. li".' f^l'. , .TBIUMPHAL WESTEBH TOUB,' . .'>nBsmHr*tr:'. i ' • . ry «■ :- r''OHKIAOQ. Jnnea»>forsd*nlahts.themMto • BBBOIT, TOLEDO, CXiEVEIiANS,'BUIZ'ALO, BO0HE8IEB; ' V ui,!S-.f . ■ vBraAOPBB> ALBAMt and TBOT. I ' V'>Blfa«t7'^i«lfapi»aranoeln ■ ^th^AS «id philadhlphia;^ ue " 1- - 'l * sthiopiai^,ib6n cladi . 'flAH SHABPIl. Bolijfiaikager end '■i^, ' ' .' ' ..Bo^^Jbikager ond.^nildetsr.'. WIUUK E. 8IHN, ■; . Brti Proprietor. WilUngton, D, a ......«aU|iaiiB'fl VA BlMltB H, ..'- r' -' . ''.'' ■ ■!^> ^;''-:'.. ■ ■V1 ■ ymMiUBoH, pa. ■•• t s i jygotTiO. npiEPittinatTM^FnsT olasb vavdl ; : "iMft^iWallbB Loi^Ooihs dia,W suSi ,. :;pkMtdCAl'Ajlent*, ilS WeslrHoiBiSoB.itrert/HjwTorfc?.' ■-.i MM^ii^^; v -Aji ' vBENJ41(lM<TBn(ECiB,Ptgprletot. - '■ OTW PH.gOtt.the ITth listant, tfie-wlft' of Janiei Melrilla, PoatOt&o^< WiBTED—Fifty ladles, for thpBallstof Oli Sanoara. TOMBUB'B TA HIEIT IKB. ,.'.'' ' 'PmSBUBa, PA, • The above taamed popular place la the ONLY MUSIiTHALL IN THE OITTI Having an established repntatlon of FIVE \EABS STANDINO. Win open for the Fan and Winter Season, on SATUBDAT, JULT loth. PertOrmsra of soknowledged ability wishing to negotiate, wniaddreai BENJAMIN TBIMBLE, ' li-We ; ■ ' ■ . Bole Proprietor. ■" CABnfb, . ' ■■ ■ . OHE0INUT BTBEET, ABOVE BIZTBi - • PmLADEUPHLL PA. • ' The above place of amnsement win dlose on the lat of Angost for.eitenslve alterations, and bnstness'WlU be resumed on or sbout the 36th Anf. Dnjlngthe interval the place wiU be re- painted, dsoorated, and enlarged, and every pams taken to make the establishment the leading and most fkshlonabla Mnslo HaU In Philadelphia.. Artists desuoos ot securing good engagementif can apply by letter to Box 930, P.O., Phllade]phli\; IS-tf r ; : r? - "~ ?r--".'r--:-':---' ; ^ .JAM. .OOHRBH & GO.'STHEATBIOAL, LITEBABT, MUSICAL and BQUESTBIAN AOENOT, M West Houston street, near Broadway.-r.ALL OF THE FUtSI OLtSB THBATBICALS ai«boeUft'<at .thlB.ofBoe for ..FALL AND 'VnNTEB ENOAOE" MENI8. Managers win do weU to can and seellst of names. .H...g.-.ProfessionalB, beware of^bogus Agents and swindling apMralktlng.managera.. We happen 4o know those who are and tbose.«ho«re not responsible. JA8. OONNEB k CO., as above. BendinPHOTOaBAPHforouTPiotnreOanery. lUt . .-A'M U;S'E M E N'T S... ■ HOBBIS raOVHBBS, * CO'B .inHtBTSAU, V , .raOK THEIBOPEBA HOUaBlBO0IOH;MAfla ^ ' Vlw popiilar troupe li now Ota'lis rMDlar annual tominntoar, VOBBIB BBOTHEBB, PELL k IBOWBBIDaE'B MIN8TBHLB . . Ocoalat.of the ZiOKHOBBIB, BttXy MOBBIB^. romnrTpELL, I. a TEOWBBfDQI, . Z. W. PBBSOOn. I, L. OILBEBT, i. P. END BEST AUGUST SOHNUDXB, S. W. BOABDMAH, Oentlemen I n. LOTHIAK, ' a K. OABBOU* J. QUEEN.' :• . F.wn^mK- ayBEDEBIOSa, t. J. HTTi TiTABD, B. J. UAOuimns,- L. A. ZWIBSLEB. JAPANESE TOMMY. The. HkBagemMit'eall paxttcniat notloe to the above dlMB- nlshed amy of .lUeni ' .noketsUoent*: Beaarred Seats to eenta. • Mf : . LON H0BBI8, Manager, HAGtiaUV'B OPSULA HOUBB, . . Ban FBAN0I8OO, OALIFOBNIA. TEOS. HAOmBB ^...ProprietorandUtnager. jAME fcDO TOIMa.. BtSLM Manager. J. ; L.-BimM IT .Leader of (nohestra. . . ' W. UTEVENBON.''..........Treasurer. . THE STAB DBAMATIC COMPANY. MISS S OPHIA EDWIN. HE'S LULU SWEET, MBS. W. 0. FOBBES, MISa 0. H lNOltLElfi W. O'NEIL. . OHABI^THOBN, D. 0. ANDEB80N. W. H. HAM ILTON. 0. STEVENSON, MISS NELLIE BBOWN, FBANK MATO, WILUAM BABBT, HAB BY CLI FTON, F. B. WHITE, W. B. TAYLOB. ko., kc., ko. ' Stan visiting OaUfomla should bear in mind that Mr. Magolre' is alao proprietor of. the Metropolitan Theatre, Saoramdnto, and the MarysvIUs Theatre. jagVBOFOUVAH TnEATRB, BA N FBA HCISOO, CAL. OHABLSB TIBBEITS ;. .Leasee and Msnager. This Theatre Is now open (or the FaU and Winter Season, wllk the finest Oompany ever in Oalifbmla. JULIA DEAN HAYHa MBa JUDAH. . MISS MOWBBAY. MB8. C. B. TH(»NE, MBS. OLAUGHLET, MBa-JAB. BXABK, MB; . J. a BOOTH, lTSman, . m ii-Ti \jM4^v*x— a . WTHfl FBSDEBIOESL MB. L. F. BEATTY,' W. C. FOBB^ FBEDTBANEB,' H. BBOWH, .. W. M. B. W. LKAOH, E. THAYEB, With A Hwnerdus Corps of Auxiliaries. rams or isioBsios. Dress Oirols.. fl.OO I Otaheetra Seati. Parquet..: (Oots.j Gallery......... Private Boxes. lOandBdoIlan. Stars intending to visit OallfomU vtffl find U to their InterasH toaddnaa aaabove. - . '.';''.-•,: ~ M-aU •. -ti.oo .asets' OBXOAGO OAHTBHBVRT HAI.!., ___ 133 and 138 Dearborn street A. J. SINE , Proprietor. "T.L. FITCH.. .'...StageManager. The Company comprises at pres«iit the following ladles and Gentlemen;— KUs Annie Bordwell, ' Warren Boidwell. , Mlaa KateiPartlngton, Tom Poland, MlM Bci^Sutheriand, Old Du Crow, .'U'Ue Eloise, ' - f L. J. Donnelly, KHeLonlse, . Messrs.BnrrousekEelly, MiasJniUYal^ AdmlralTale, Johnny Boyd, T.L Fitch. ... None but the BEST TALENT wm be engaged. Ladles and Gentlemen of lecognlced ahflity and talent wish- ing engsgemenia win please address ' A. J, BINE, Bof 90n, Chioage, or ' e , Washington HaU, Oolnmbos, Ey. FimrOBl OB< WALKS TBBATRE, . . LIVEBPOOL, ENOLAND. c This truly elegant and very beautlfDl theatre is kept open dur. ing the whole of the year. - ^ . AMEBIOAir STABS, of acknowledged poaltlon and iilent negotiated with, for long or ahort engagemenu, aa mutual interutsjouy reonlre. Address, ^T.tcm QENDEB80N, Bole Leasee and Proprietor. 'ELIiSIiER'B ATHHRBUni . COLUMBUS, omo. ne dramatic aesson doses on the Uth InaL, (AprU)-^ler which dato the Atbeneum may be ranted for aU kinds of exhibitions— hlghUy, or by the '^eek. This is now the largest, best arranged, and most popular, place for Leoturesj-Mlnstrel Troupes, Oon- oerts, ko. Apply to ■ JOSN A^ BLLBLEB, Jr., . -l-^f ' Academy of Music, Cleveland, Ohio.- ^ ■HEW IHBnpilis THE ATRB.—Ladles and Gentlemen' of abUlty, wtgUiig engagemehta forthe FaU and Winter Season, commencing on'or about llrst 8epiefflber,'WlU please addreas, stating terms and 'bnilneasi-StartikwUd with on Uberal terms. Adj^rass B. B; HAOINLEY, No. 18 Lock Box, M emphis, Tenn.. Ji ' '•' '' GEO. BAYFIELD,. Manager, 4r. 0. KPABSLOE, Dramatla Agent, UE. Houston sbeetN. Y., or P;0.boxa,4U. NOTIOBt-iAiter July 18th, aU letters for MI8B ^AH ISAACS MENKEN must be addressed to ' . HAOUIBB'S OPEBA HOUSE, IMt* SAN FBANOISOO, OAL. ;BO,WABD:ATUBI! . STABS wlshli to,Mr..OHAaLI ,..:3ulr.m- \ 5*" »nd.Wlnter Season, wUI apply i BTBEBNABD, *B8 BrosdWah New York, o? 18-tf BENBY WmUBD^Boston. .BUBE BLIBB DB GOVROY, havipg oonolnded a high- ly suooeasfDl angasement at LfverpooL appearing in anch ^r^ ten a* DOn'OeMar, in "Don Oteaar de Basan," Loula and Fablen. In the. •'Oonloan Brothen,"—"Satan in Paris," and In "Aurora' tloyd,"; MH jdioitly .arrive in thla .country. Managen wisbintf to engsge the servlcea of this lady tor hext season, wiU addresa WM. J. MABSHAIX, Agent for MISS DE OOUBCY, Ourns ^^Jv^^j^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ' iniTBeUBOH.'THEATRE.—Lfdlea and gadUemen .trlablng engagemento tbr the ooming fan and winter season, win make appUoaaon at onbe/ as Uis manager is now completing his arrangsmenifc - Stan treated with on liberal terms. 6-tf . WM. HENOEBSON, Leeste and Manager, SHOW BitiL iPBINTINa _ OLABBT >B gTa> ■ •' I,. . —HMENT IN IBB WOBLDI _ 3BILLBY, V, . ^V.P«{«Bors to John B, Baota,) NTMB. AKD 'Ten GBAV.BBB, Mr putunlar attehtite to gettlnirtip aU kiitds ot ' m ' 'f *^ "o' "ao#^DrsLB . For ttaveung oonpanles, and liav« on hand t'large and ^lendld : aMortmeEtotlaigeandsmaU ^WOOD <fn.Tg \r: - ■ BuUUe to(:()t(aatses,3fenagerief, Ethloplan/Parfbrmen, Gh^ haste, M s gfM t in, ko.,.te., w^ oan be prbited In one or more 6olMf, to salt customers. ;•■ • - .- -j;. • O^A deposit reiinlred on an work oMered, All orden addteased'to "OLABBY k beilleY," Ssood Prints Ycrl^wm be prantptty attended to. lg,tf DBDITHIAIT BAI.Ii, EXCHANGE PLACE, BOOBESTEB, N. Y;, 1 be Bented for Concerto, Lectnrea, Exhibitions, ko. Addreu m. A,^YNOLDS, ta^me (W Aroade, Boohester, N. Y.- AOADBirr or BTOBip, OIXVELAND, OHIO. ' . The Dramatto Company return from Oolnmbna on the 18th ot April, tor a eontlnuaaon of their sesaon at the above popular Theatre. . AB business communications may be addreaicid to- JOHN A. ELLSLEBj Ja., , 1-tf . . Proprietor and Blanagtr, TBBATRB BOTAl., * MONTBBAL, CANADA^ LssarB.'. ......J. W. BUOELAND. ' This estobUshment TO I£r, nightly or weik^ for entertain- mente not dramatlo: Applrto 'J. W. BUCKLAND. Ltr -. . , ^ Montreal BIBTBOPOMTATf THEAT RE, V , ' •: BOOHEBTEB, N. Y. This establlahmeht TO LET; nightly or weekly, for aU Unda of Exhibitions, on rteaonable terms, during the Bommer Months. Applications ;for Slock 'Xn^sgemante will, how be received ft>r 'next season, cfgnmenolng about the lat of September. > '- ' . HABRIHGTOIT & HUN'nER'B UiNBTBBIiB. ' ODD FELLOWS'HALL, MEKPHIB,.TENN.' ' This company have beien p&formlsg at the above place, for some time past, with great success, and in addition to tbelr regular members, are constantly availing themselvea of the Ught of new "Stars." Artiste ot acknowledged, talent'dealrons. for a fresh sphere of . action, are Inrited to addreas as above,'under the aa- surance ot Uberal treatm«|lt.and pa^. ' 8-tf. OAWTB RBPRT nnJSlO HAliI,,: i . N. W. COB. FIFTH AND OEEBTNUT ElB.; PHILAD'A, PA LABGE8T AND MOST TALENTED COMPANY IN THE CITY. JV Ladles andrgenttemen of known abUltt, wiU address ' ^Msa.• BOB'T GABDINEB k Co., ftoprieton.. PLiAY BOOKS, PHOTOOhAFHB of EATEBATEHAN, alio, asLeahi Magne MitcheO, LucUle Western, Liun Eeene, Caroline BIchings, Mrs. John Wood;.also In chanctsri A, L Menken, as French Spy and Mazeppa; SuaanDenln, Eito Denln, Isabella Cubes, Fanny Brown,'also in character; Webb Sisters, Lavinia. Warren, Tom. Thnmb, Mr. and Mre. B. WiUlama, Mr. and Mr*. Florence, E. . Forrest E. Booth, J, W. Wallack, Jr., Wilkes Booth,'Ed. Adams, Leeter Wallack, and hundreds of oth- en. as' oenia escb, 9r five.for tl. Sent to any address on re- ceipt of price. Catalogneajent on receipt of postage stamp, by 18- --^.^yr.p. WBMY8B, m Broadway, New York, OAIiIFOBNIA' THBATRIOAI. AOBITOY.-0HEBL DAN OOBBYN woidd respectfully inform memben of the dra- mUe, Mudoal, or Eqnestrlan professions, that he has ettebllshed n Agency th BaaFranotscej and is prepared to negotiate engage "jnanw'iMid traaaaot an ot ter business pertaining to the pr» ^(tosldn.' AddMS* SBEBIDAN OOBBYN, Bah Eranolseoi, CaL .' H. B.—AU^afien requiring, answen nnut oontain a atamp to ^v»r.v>».i mii^_^^ ' ^^_ ^ _~ _ _. _ r " '•'jBiwa B H^iii m " " '^" - \ '".''' THB^ELEBBATEDAMEBTOAN'ASTIBTB, Bu Jnst ootopleted an Engagement of . . ■ ■>. FOBTY-SngjllOHTfl IN LONDON, And has returned to this c ountr y. Sh e brings with her several ■• ENTDSELY NEW PLAYS, which have been'oopyrighted by her. > They are entltledi— , > THE FLOWEB Gm^^OOTTIBH MAIDEN, KATHLEEN MA- VOUBI^EEN, and GrraSY GIBL OF'OBENADA. Managen- wishing to tacgCtUte with this yo^ng, hahdacme, and talented Aoti«u,''wiU please address .' THB U/LUnO'TH FRIIITIITO HOUBE . - . OF-HBff ENGLAND. TacfJ. £. Fabweui" k Oo.V BTEAM .FEINTING ESTABUSHUEm^ v , 87 CONQB^ STBEET, BOSTON. >. ■ ' .... . . :';''f -- X .>B. PJKE, .':' .'• uAmmoth posteb and PBOOBAMMB PBI^MTEB. iv. . TEEATBE and OONOEBT WORK A SPSOIAI.TY. ' " Parties or troupes'visiting the Eaatfirn<Bteie8wUlAnd It to their advantage to vialt this estobUshment Fbiobs 10 to U tsA OERT OBSArn THAir ilrthmak nc New Ekouid, and satlsbo- (ton guarantodd or no pCTveqnlred. .V .* ^o-if ROYAL ALHAOBRA PALACE ANO.AIO^iTHaATBBi Leicester Square, Londoni. England. The Proprietor Is at dl times ready to enstge pM olaas talent, and novelty sottableto Us Jiammoth EnterUliment Terms Uberal.. Apply aa'above.' ^. ■ ■■ ^.. ■ - ■ ■■'■. .■■.4m, ■ <f- '*VUK DVIMl'S DAildHTBO," M.M. AnIoetBdursoli«r^d Mrsl, Is -pubUshed and for Ale by W. 0. WEMYBB) BTBB/otdway. i^iloeUaents, js. p H B L A-N.^l^vIMPKOTED BILUARD TABla; AND COMBINATION OUSHIONB. These BUlIard Tables have received the unqnalifled apprevil k the best playen and most competent Judges; who ure mi.^ ven^ pronounced them imoqoalled for general exoeUesoe «(' Beven dlstlnot patente for improvemente in BOUaid TtblM have been granted to na by the United States Patent Offlce, aid- we have lately obtained a patent from the French govemmeatte onr Improvemento in bUlurd onshlons. We employ, in the consbnctlon of our tables, a variety of tt^ cblnea spedaUy made for the purpose, by whioh means we ui enabled to Insnn a MlenHfio and mechanical accuracy hlthaita nnknowB In bUnard mannfkctore. I Having a long experience and thorongh knowledge of allti|» appUanoes of bUUards, and constantly on hand a lugs atodfot. the best and mu -t thoroughly aeaacped materials, we are pie, pared to furnish everything required u the bOIIard Une wUb Q, preoedented diapatoli. The' eminent French bUllard player, M. Beiger, has publlihil the foUowlBg opinion: ^ "New YoBK, ad August, IML , - . "On the eVeot leaving the United Stetes, I am happy to dedadf to aU amateun o( bUUards that, after a tour ot eleven moatbg through the principal cities, I have been enabled to Judge la i- satialutoty manner of the superiority ot the BUllard TaUit mannfaotnred by Phelan fc CoUender. The system of """"Sff' tore U ao superior, that I am happr to Introduce their style di eushlon into nance. Tlier have united to their mannlactoie qri American BUllard Tables that of the FTenoh Tables, of remirtf ble excellenoe and beauty. For these reasons I am happy to make this declatatlon. "BEBOEB, CLAUDIUS. Profenor of BUUards, Paris." Partfea ordering ftom us will And onr prices as lowaa good work can possibly oe made for. We aeUuttolaas srtlolea ata fkilr price, and wuI not make an Infertor article at any price. Orden by maU carefully and promptly execu ted. IUnsfaat«4/{ Oatalogues and Prioe Lists sent by malL "Tez BtLLiABS fSnm.'t ■ a Journal published in the interest ot bUllards, and oonti details of aU novelties, a coplons record of bllUardnews, everything Intereatlng to amateun of billiards, sent ftee on plication. ■■ (: . PHELAN k OOLLENDEB, ( '- 63,6t, 67 and 69 Crosby etreet, K. Y., J ■ And 7M and T26 Montgomery Btieet Ban Francisoo,CU," HOW TD MIX DRINKS . OONTAININO / ^ Beclpea for mixing AmeriouL -EngUab, French, Germu, ItsUai, dpanlah, and Buaalan Drmks—anoh aa Julepa, Punohes, Oobblen, Slings, Oockte'Us, ko., r*^ BY JEBBT THOMAS, ? lAto Bartender at the UetropoUttn Hotel, New York, and Planten' House, Bt. Louis. V. To which Is appended a Uancal for the manuftetute of Cordi- als, Llquon,'Fancy Syrups, ko,, oonteinlng Bedpei after ilat moat approved methods now need in the DisilUation of Uquon and Beverages; designed for the special use of Mannfuturaa and Dealen in Wines and Spirits, Orocen, Tavem-Eeepvn, aal Private FamUles, the same being adapted tp the trade of tbe United Stetes and Oanadas. J> CONTAINING OV£B 700 VALUABLE BEOIFES, ' A large Book, bdund In cloth, Price, ^00. 'v--. - PubUshed by DICE k ITIZaEBALD, ^No, 18 Ann street. N.I,V Copies ot the above Book sent by ]iuO,.iio faj address, tntfi postage, on receipt of the price, i v :Yv ': " ' .'^^/S" p E B AS'-, BOOK ^il ' -'I '^K^M MEW: BOOKS 11 ,,-;i''. M; DON'T. 'f^I^ TO BEND . Fpi A OATAliCiOUE, OUB HEW OATAI»OUE NOW BEADY.'^ , , ■ . ' BENT FBEB-POBTAGB jpAxbr-ON AnUOlI^pft THE OLD.EBIABTiTBnn) AMP oamt ;1tKriTABTiE K>6lt^:j:} ,j^'[invma oooDSAoraoi^ i^d'tMttf^'eie^ited. : .... . Addieu TEOiUS OBMOBti; KkUs BuOdlng*, ^ | 1-tf eiNM^strMV'KiMr.Yarkiv BOOKS 11 Bodks 111 Tscmti BOOKS 1 0ABD8. » • ♦ • • BeautlfDl and original AUBB0TYPE8. i- Phunny. PhroUcaome, Phaoetlous, Pbancy, Pool Yankee NoUona, London Absurdities, and Paris BUMBUBTIFIOA'nONS. - Bend for OUB BELEOT OIBOULAB. It 1^^ ANEYEOPENE& We inrite comparison; challenge oompetltlon and DEFY WPOBItION. Avoid conntry Mushroom concerns and one hone city llahmente. Bend to ua only, and save yourself tnm being —~'-ada Address aU letters, with stamp, to EDQAB MOBPHY, k CO., Porchaslog Agente, 81 Nsasau street, 18-It .New Yort BOOksi BOeKSII BOOK Bill fiPOBTINa ABTIOLEB, CABDS AND PBINT8, J, H. FAQBELUBooksaUer, 11 Ann street N.T. Books of every variety, either Foreign or Domestlo. fnniihel on apvUcatlan. Parties destdig boois of any descriptloi, U sendmig address, pest paid, wlU receive immediate attentlen. AH Bocks,-Sporting and Anoy Artlclaa you may. sea adverUsed, wU be fnmisliad to order. Oatalogsea sent on application. AdoMii J, a FABBELL,daa]eilaBookaiuiAFUoyAitl«les,Ho.UAU street. llewYork. l-tt: RICH AND SPIOTl—Juit published—two new booki —EnrmzLT Oaianai, and lorpasslng sB other prevlcti works ot 'the kind ever Issued in richness of dasorlpttoa. Abounding In the mott plqatnt amatoir scenes, vividly delliet- a master bind. - They are basoacmoly bound in olott. with flue lUnstratlonB. 180 piges in eaoh book. Price tl n elngle, or the two tor ta 80. Sent to any address, by maU or express, post paid, neatly and seour^ sesled, immediately ci receipt of price. Address o SABLES S. 'ATWOOD, U-ai* ^° 63 Warren street New Toik. *^T^0 YOU WANT. 'ffHiSKEHS OB MOUSTA XJ CHEB t"—In ISSa I flret asked thla question. It was an- swered by numeroos people; sad I ssk if any o( them ever knef my Onguent to fill In doing aU I claimed for it; namely: that I would compel the Beard or Monstaohe to grow upon the emoolh est Ikce wijibln six weeks from the first application. LikeaUsnc eessful iBventon, I have had to oontond with a boat of imlteloKi some ot whom even go so br as to copy my advertlaemenii, However, truth Is mighty, sod wlU prevail; and you, my beard' less friends, will find Uiat my Ongnent la the only thlngtbat wU reaUy force the Beard to grow, and win neither stain or InjuN the sUn. I send It to any part ot the oounliy, free ot sostaiei t Cr tL |7-tfl B. 0. GBAHAM, No. 109 Maasau str eet, N. Y,: TOBACCO USERS, ATTENTIONI-OHAVINO FOB TOBACCO CUBED and prevented by Dr. BYBNE'S "AMI- noTE." Buy It and rid ycnneir of the expensive and disgnitliil habits of Chewino and BaiOEma the weed. - Bentftee, bymalt on receipt of 88 cents. Five packaaes for II, by 3-8m OHAB, E, DAY, New Haven, Oonn. T ANDIS & CONRAD'S OTSTER BAT KESTAU- 'Jj baNt; Iteadlng Pa, Oysten rsoelvod daUy from P hll^d^^ pus, and served at the shortest notloe, A BEAUTIFUL HUf> over the Besteurant to rent,' havlDg been newly fitted np, oaptbls iOf holding Avehundred'people, Eihlbltlonttravellng can rati it on reasonable'terms. Address LANDIS k OONBAD, t,' ';. UiUon Hull Concert Saloon, Beading Pa. PLATING 0 A BDB, ' And all attldea need bi qAKia OF AMUSEMENT AND OHAM0<> ' r-' . UaDufkotured and Sold by ' i.^-tf , ,. Ui Broadway,NewTodt. ■vrOW EBADT.-That OiiriouB Rook, flfUy Illualfatofl. Prloe;M.' The Book of Natiu*^niuatratedi This bof* sent- securely sesled; Prioe/tlr Gvnbler'e Tricks with OudJ- 3S'o«nta. The Expose of OahibUnBrBOoente, by mall on reoelp of prise. U-tf Address FBEO. PABBELLS k BBC, .Box 3086 P. 0„ N. Y. W- riatesiThe seoHoo, 4 Plates; me Imuc di^iis>» ^':-viu .Ratisi The Times of thi DAy, i Plates) Beer street kainUM a^la(es) and bUier«,,9««ta. each,' or 6 for 11, Bent to •ly*^ dress on receipt of prioe.' CaialoAnee sent on receipt or^ ittanp, by W.O.WEMYSfl/eTS Broadway, New York. JJ, rjym ouc) ZSTABUSHIIID BOOK AOBNOt. tor a Qlroular. .EEMBX BTBPBENS, 66 Ntssau si ■ I /it/