New York Clipper (Jul 1863)

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38 NEW YOHK CLIPPER. NEW YORK CLIPPER. BATDEDAT, JULY 11, 1868. AHHWionS TO COUHBSPONOKNXS. TlOKP OiM), I)<»lon.-Wlicii, •! wllit, > p«rt7 pUyi ont of hit taS/U talntleopuonof .lUi.rot^hli .dv«mrlMto ejUUi. sS«Sb rewkoi of itoliherolth« «dT«>TOP»rll«iUto:Md, ErB»iaMlr« UUptrtaMto ii»ni»thoittlt LoohWiMtalu« kult. AH Oin 8OTUC1UDI31.-II1 pUj)Dg»tCTlbb«g», Apl»7«d» ■ atriT'AitTa.kiid »ok two for JUmdi aod D • foar, for 5woh fc ci'lmcJ thr«. wlnU. Wu he ODbUid to U>om T .... OurUlDlr! tl>« tlireo poInU for Ui« wqoeaoe, », t, I; or 4, t, », vutjoKlfhU. D HMbTllIt, T«sn.—"The Amerleu gune ot bUllards" It tho'/our btll R>m« v<(A pookoUi whan pUjlng foruroua alone, It U called tba MoaricaD aron gamo. In the lata toiunaoient the carom game i>aa played. SEiitii Na* Haren.—Uonora are nerer called In ihor* whiet, tut alwan counlad aicapt at the point ot toor, wliloli corral- noDdi wllb the polat of niaa In the old gamo, and, In like nau- Bor, tricka lake prscadaaca ot honora. P. K. 8., NiihTlUai Tonn.—Your comnunlutlona arrlTB too lato, fraqnoatir after W6 haro gone to preaa. Leilcra Inton'IM for (be paper msat laaoli ua on Uonday morning, aud conuis the lateat nan. BLBianii.—L Dumb bella made alter tlie moilol you mellon vonid be an ImproTamant on the old elyle, wo Iblnk. 1 It Ij dllSoult to Bx the ararage ealarloa of auob people, bocauae 11 dc- ponda aa mneh upon their Individual talent. J. W. E., Dayton, Ohio.-It la a weU aothf ntleated el Flora Temple (/(J trot a mile In J:lll«, on the Haljmaioo. HIdi., Cwk: iwo have fre^oenlly atalad, and on what wo belleTO to bafa been correct authority. A. 11. M., Drooklra.-In hlnff. If ■*o one onlera for tho pool, «ho Blakee are doutled, and the deal pajaea to the oeit player to the left of Itae deiler. It la tormed a "double header." T BuTTU pliUadelphla^Mr. 'mUatd la tho Uaaee of tho »aoward," boalon, next aeiaon, and A, D. Bradley Is Ua Stage Vanager. n D J., ^uhlniiton.V.O.—The All England Qeren crloket- «n came to tlila country to play matohea with oor twenly-twoa In the fall of lUV. - OccAaioKAi., OhIcaRO.—Tho article la a little too strong, bnt even It admlulblo, It ehould have the name ot the writer aU tached to II. 0. P., LoulSTlUe.—Den and Sob Oaont were nolh In this eoonlry. D. OBAnuD, Oolden City, Col. Ter.—Wo have no papeia on kand containing the Cobum light. n. n., Omaha City, Meb. Ter ^The Qoeen'a Thoalrt, London, In 1836 was under the management ot Ura. Mlabett, It. A. M„ Now York.—Mr. Bamnel Dutlor, Iho tragedian, died •I Hanoheater, Eng., July IT, IMI. 0. D. n„ Boaaai, N, S.—We can aond yon all tho hack suiuben ftt all centa each. J. H. OuiTsi, Zenave Tronpe.—Your other loUera did not nadina. J. H. J., St. Ionia.—The dlatancs trom hub to bub, la quolISi Is uaually 18 or 31 yarda. J. O. P., Albany.—Ton will a«s tho whereabonla of Ibe compa- ny yon enquire for. In our cironi kninmary, oroiy week. ItoHio, NubTllJe.—Bather too late this tine. The news waa Anticipated. P. P., thUad'a.—Wa have no copies ot that dale on hand. •TUB BOVIjUHO OIIAHPIUNBIIIP of AJUHUICl. IIAMIU. VS. WAno. ALL nu Srais Hohct in Oub Hians. The tincallon In regard to who will bevlolarla tbeforthcon- lag groat sculling match tor 11,000 and the obamplooablp of America, at Pooghheepale, N. T., between Ibe renowned oaramcn Jaoee namlll and Joahua Ward, la now fully lanncbed upon the aes of pnbllo opinion, but It mnit remain a mooled one nntll the dccif Ivo day ghill arrive and either one of them luTe pro- pelled the prow of hia Hoy bark tint past Ibe winning goal. A ,great deal of epocniatlon will be done, no doakt, for both men faaro friends who bars the tunda which they ue willing to rlak on their ferorlte. The etakee, one thonsaad doUarsk aro nil now In onr hands, tbe ceremony of poitlag the laat depoalt having been performed at the Ounn olBoe en the morning ot Jnly % Mr. Stephen Itoberia offlelating for Hanlll, and Meaara. Earl and BIsdon for Ward. So far aB la well, and trery thing, Jmlglng from tho amicable manner In which aaltora have boon eondncted np to the proaent time, hide. fair for a good and oi - citing rac^ test live mile time, and the scnlUng miteh (or the Cbimplonehip of American walen, to be eneof Ibegreat evcnia In the sporting annalaof iet3. The people ofPonghkeepiIe ehould feel highly elated at their ooane being aeleoted as Ibe tryiiUng place ot two auob oanmen, In a oonteal where ao much In the way ot reputation and gnenbaeka are at atake. Speouletlon baa hardly commenced here ai yet, but we have hewd ot a Uttlo In Boiton at odda on Hamlll on acoonnt no donbl o( ble Tielory hut year, and hIa winning twice In the regalia on the late tth, on Charles river. oiin rationaij diuthdat. Tho annlvoraaty ot our national birthday for the year 18IS3, baa been, in many reepecte, the moat romarkable one ot the en- tire aorioa. And title we aay advlaodly, and in no aplrit of aeek. Ing aomelhlog lo glorify Into an appearance of uodae Import* •nee. We bare good rcaaon to believe that never In Ibe blatory «f onr Fourth ot July oelebratlona waa ao lllUevaIn lelf-glorlil aatlon ludnlged In, io Utile mere blatant paUIoUsm, tbe ell- •pring of whlakey and powder amoke, let off at gaphig audiences, u on the present. There waa a too deep-eealed eamealneaa In the hearts otmon tbr anch frolh and abanrdlly. Han now know end feel that ll la ■ nAH49.ib*a «a« 0*«a| aaoUon of the country slanda aloof allko troui the oclobraUon of the day, and the bloaa- liga and obligations of the civil compac)ef la typical. VUr over two yearn the boom of artillery, ihVanck of' the rtlle, end tbe away ot tho aabre, have etrlron to dacldo ttao queatlen •t onr unity or dnallly, bnt In vain. Ilnndrsda of Ibousanli bavabled In iho atruggle; blUloneot tteasnre bavebeon ex- panded; each baa In turn Invaded the other, and tbe end la not at Doth patUci, animated by victories, forgot atfeata, and .'■ j,^ t ted demon of dvU war ahrieks In an agony of doUght as he . es in an ocean of Imman gore, shed by handi that should be bniha ^'*'' ^^7> **" *** celebmtlon, in which nearly half •or coi. "'^ °'*'' °°utainn, tempered wllb a deepfc'ellngor aorionaness, and awllUngneaa to leennd ac- knowledge ''o"*- before waa the value of our land, Ua Ubertitt,- laws, and its constitution oo nrioialy felt by ■ eof people The bnlletln boarda were annpnnded with orowda uxlona to catci"'whiaporlnga ot tho lightning moaaen- oer, for a great ba >Ue bad-been fought, heoatomba ot vIoUma had fallen on oltbat ali'o, and rumors of an nlUmate Federal Tlotory were heralded. The wrnuora were mere genartUtlee and men woro anxlona. The .Invaalon ot Fennaylvania appeara.lo have been atayed, and tor aff mueb the publlo heart U grateful. As lo the day llaolf In Ka-w York, It was cloudy, but wllhont raUi, Ud with a conalderablo brooio. Tbe Young Men'e DemocraUo AsaoclaUon was oddreaaed at tho Academy of Unale by Oov. Beymour, and Ex-Oov. Seymour, ot Conn.; and tho Tammany Bichema had their nsnal "pow-wow." Our mlllUry, alaal the Sal J of acloal war witneaaed their valor, rather than tbe neual UaplayotlhelrahUlondresa parade. Hover, probably, did so • i r-T people leave Ibe city lo onjoy themeelvoa onlalde. Hence itbs small dlspUy of mlllUry, chiefly cavaby, had not the usual oowds of spectatori, Tho darkneaa ot the evening waa ex- oeedlngly favorable to the pyroUehnlo dlaphiy, and tbil at the rark was unaurpoisedbi splendor. Evory piece wnsaMIKanl ■ucceaa, and lo crown aU, the 300 feel battle of Ibe Uosllor and Herrimao wta truly a nrat-ralo masterpleoo ot Ibe arL TbIa waa groetod with dcafcuing cheers by tho maaaea of speclalom. On the whole, tloeplte the public anxiety, fully the average ot per. ■anal onjoynent waa bad on this day ot which vo vrlto, and we «n happy so to record It. TDrATODEM iKoDinLinTaoTTiHa MATonE*.—Tho aorloi o( •Ix trclUDg matches between the celebrated troUIng borate Oeo, M. Patoben and Oeneral Butler, came lo a condnalon with the olilb race on tbe lit biat., a report of which event la given IB another colDuin. Each match la said to havo been lor tMOCi iC so, Palobni loVos t3O,O0O of lbs slakes, and Bailer (10,000, tbe formei having wen four races, and the latter two. Thow trotung aalchea have been anything butsallstaotory to lhopubllo,Ui acme Inalancea the atrongost evldeneoi of nnCnIr dealhig being nppa- . lenl, leading lo Iht opbtlon that aome ot the partlee Intorcalcd knew how the melchea would be decided, soon after the arllclea of agceement had been algned; andonlhealrenglbot thlaknowl- •dgo a great doal of money waa "captured" by the "knowing ones." The hut race, on the let Inal., oxblblled a bold and barefaced allempi oo the part ot a Jockey and others connected «ltb bim to Interfere with Patchen and his rtder; tho patties •lladodlo having acluallygono upon Iho track to proveut the dder ot Fatcben from diataucbig Butler, which ho was In a fair ^y of doing, and which no doubt would havo been nccompUah- •d bil for tbe inlerterouco ot theao we have allndod le. What a ftrae the trolling turf haa become la the bands of ntptlnolplcd ■un, and what a wboloiale ewlnOle It la upon ths pabllo I We bave the best ^trolling atoek In the world U these parts, but acme of the owners appear lo be In le ague with a set ot horse Jockeys end aharpers who control the turf, and defraud the pnb- Ue at will, Had wo an organlullon of acme kind lo take cog- ■Izance of Ihoae frauda, and forbid all twindling Jookeya and thoir aaleUllea from coming uiwn the track, or bavbg any. tklng lo do wllb our U-ollIng affairs, the Inlercela of the turf vonld abow a gnat Improvement. Until lomolhliig of the kind fs done, we may look for a conllniunco ot turf robberies. Boit, EowABD EvcnxTr preiouted Iho priios lo Ibe aerersl ■«lolors in tho Fourth ot July Ilegalla at Boalen, It ware Indeed honor lo rtcclTO a prize honor,ibly won at Ibe hanila ot ao hsnonble a gentleman. The Yacdt BEwnnivoDa.—Next alter ila aniaal regatta In Inlereat la the renduzvona ot the New York Yacht Club for fleet mannnvrlng, or, aa II has sometlnea been deilgoated, ocean 'Balling. The laet attempt at this latter form ot the omiae was, however, a comparative (allure, owbig lo the small part ot the fleet which actually parllolpatcd In the proceedlnga. The pres- ent form of the cralae haa proved alike Judlelons In dealgn and incceasful In exeenllon. The regatta la contned lo a m ere effort of apoed for ono aingle bnrel, no other qajJIly seeking to be lUsplayed bnt thia one, this only maellng irith any proffers of reward, either In fame or tangible piooIS ot superiority But auch a campaign aa the cue occnpylng tkepreaent rendu- voui, while II embracoa apeed, Indeed, aeeks to bring ferwnrd honor, and reward all other fomu and developmenli of eico 1- lence which model craft ehould poisess apd display. And ber e Bee Ibe pnbllo lotercat In the exlatenee, prosperity, and displays of Ibis the metropolitan aquallo organization of Ibe Wostem hemlaiibere. Here le whero Iho national paaslon for the ufile cum Ma ie gratllled, and while grallBed, deepened and perpetuated The private oiUoymenla ot ibe members are of no more pohllo Inteioit than thoae of any other body ot men, txeept that their weallb, directed by high laate, leada them lo do an Indirect goodto public cultivation by holdhig upaaport ao noble, and worthy, and healthful In Itself, to general admiration and emn- lallea. Thua even the pleaanrea ot the wealthy become a pnbllo benefaction when they encourago pursuits of thomselvea a prac- tical good, and oulUvale tastes In tbemielvos pnrliying and on- nohUng. Bnt bi a gathering like Ibis under remark, questions of even ^groat practical moment ate Involved. No wonder naval oIQccrs of rank, allko of car own and foroign sarvlcek fonad It an In- ducement le attend. Donblleaa "grindmslhei Welles hetself night have found a now Idea or two,.and biTS Imbibed some valuable energy from being presanL Hewtaroan theae falry- llke forma be mode avallible for the pnblie good f What nlutble qaallllca, In addition lo apoeil, do their graocfnl Ihies and Jaunty rig present? What Is tbe moat efficient tua thsl can be mad e of auch craft? Bow tar can almllarmodela be enlarged to advan- tage? Whatmodiacatlona otheavlorottftdothelf performancee under a great variety ot olrcnmatances aaggetl I .'Such are a few of the questions practical wladom now regnM^ot the explolta qf Uicaouio Usunyslaaaed'ioere playtfe^^to throw aome light np4n: types of the Inveatlgallona nowilBf ^h— ct«--«uU. in serious oaraestness respecllng Ibem, AKorma Aheuoak YAonr orw von Ehouud, —On Friday, July 3, the Amerloan Yacht Qypaey left New York barber for a voyage ncrosa the Atlantic. The day of ber departnro was do- fened on account of her having been "captured" by aom e cua- tom bouse oOeers, they enppoaing her to hive been a "block- ade runner," or aomethlng ot Uiat aort However, aha - ia now tripping gallantly o'er the wavesj no donbl, and bar owner ex- peols her to arrive at Cowes In time lotake part in the regatta there at the close of the proaent month. As OuprEB readers wlU remember, the famous yacht Ajnerioa was the Aral belong- lag lo the New York Yacht Club to croia the briny ocean, and contend with Johimy BuU'e fleet onea for tbe honors of the flood, and nobly did aha do her duty, aa on the 93d ot Auguat, leoi, she defeated no leu than eighteen oonpelllera caaDy, and took the Boyal Yacht Sqnadron Onp, rained at £100. Tho Sylvlo waa the aecond entry for a trana-AILuitle voyage, but, althongb aha took part In one race, aha did net bave the oppor- tunity lo make a roputatlon like that ot tho America. The Oyp- sey Is tbe third lo make a like venture, and Is aajd to be a very apoedy craft What aucceaa aha la to meet with remains to be 4ben, but wo hope it wUl be auch as will reward the enterprise of her owner, and wo wish him and hie crew tm n^gt. She la owned by Mr. Anthony V. Mono, of M William slnet, K. Y., who goos out sccompanled by hla lady. Tbe yacht may bo gone four montha, during which time aba wlU vlalt Qneenatown, Oowea, end aomo of Iho Oiiannal ports, and thence lo tbe Medl- Icrrasean. Her movements will bs lookedforward to with mneh Intcreat. BonoH FouBTn or Jolt BiOATri Aa Is alwaya expeetod, the regatta on the "glorious Fourth" in Boalon, pasned off quiet- ly and resulted aucceaathUy. Thonianda of apedatora ware on hand to wllnoas Iho various conlosia and were dollf hied with tbe wmo. Jamea Ilamlll, thb Ohamplon Scalier o( ^orics, now raalchcd with tho ox.champlon, Joahna Ward, for ;B second en- coualcr, waa, as will bo aeon by a report elsewhere; vietor In two of Ibcm, viz,, the single eenll race, easily: and witii Leary sa oo- propcUor, the pair oared race. The manner In whkih he "walked over tho couree," so lo speak. In the flrat named event, led many to advance Iho opinion that he would take Ward down In the fortbcomlog oncounter on July 38, at Poughkaepile, mrc. For. hapa BO, but we think these ontlclpatlona ahould not be in. dulgod lntoo ardently, aa we all woU linos how Ime ills that "Ihoro'a many a slip 'twixt the onp and tho Up." To be sure, naniUl won easily last year, hot Ward ia said to bave been out of condition then; and it that wu Iho case, Uanlll will do well to bo caulloua, and not be bclrayad Into Indifference by the over- weoulng conOdence of bis (riends. What the Ourrzn wants lo bave the plosanro ot recording la, that both nen were quite wall on the day, thai both strained every nerve to win, that the fhat- eat flvo-mlle time yet recorded waa made, and that Iho bast man won. _ TiiE DtTmxMOB.—Wblie Hooker waa In command of the amy ot Iho Potomac, Iho rebels did u they pleated, net having the leaattearof onr commanding ofllcora; they evon invaded onr Nortbom dllos, and lived on thoTal of the Itnd. This tboy did .10 show their utter oootompt for Hooker. VboD tho latter was rsUcvod," "at his own reqaeat," and Iloade ohcaen to lake command, then come a change In tho Uietlca of the rebels, end they hurried back towards the Fotomne, to f roorvo Ihemaelvea from deitmctlon. Bad UoOlollan been Ui oommand, Ibey would not have boon ponnitlod to mako tholr oionislon lo Uarriaburg. Bnonr amd Dxsuivi.- "FlghUng Joe" Decher'a oxpeilence aa commander of a groat army waa remarkibly abort, and uhmla. lihably decisive, for hla bicapaclly waa nude painfully manlfeal In hla flrat attempt to handle a Urge force, at Ohancellorvllle. Tho President cerlsluly did a wite thing ia "rellering" thIa ■•IgbtIng Joe," and for so doing he ll entllled to the thanks ot Ibe oonnliy. nis appointment has ooit Ibe nation Ihonsanda of nloable Uves, and almoal Incaloolablo tieaanro. TUB GRBAT PVUII,I8T10 CU.VTKST. STAEINO OF THE EiaBTII DEPOSIT. tSOOO, OB Halt tse Biahes Dow.s on Jolt 3. Ths great battle in the prize ring for 810,000, between our American Ohamplon, J. 0. Heenan; and Ibe Slog of the Dritlab P. lU, lo take place bi Seoejiber neit, ii fut gathering lo llatlf an abaorbing Intcreat; lo mneb lo, that even In Ibeir eim conn- try. Mace and Ryall's maleh for the Chanplontlilp ot England ollciU bat oomparaUvely little regard. Not much beUlog has been dons yet on the other itde, bnt there yet remains abnn- dinse of tbne for persons to dlipesed, to trade Wall eb«t agalul Lombard Bireel, or aU Uaole Abe'a grcenbaAs agilnst ali Queen Tlo'a len pnn notes. Althongb onr foreign excbangea do not HO remark, probably trom a tort ot nttlonal pride, yet tnm a prlvaleaonroe we learn lhatlDa few monetary Irauaaellona which have Uken place, Iho odda wore allcgelher In favor ot Hoenan.and that the knawing ones feel pretty cenldeni that "Ikom ten Ihoa- land" are evenlually to be hit. Tbie confidence In hlin. Is, we are told, on acconni of hla iademllable bravery shown la the great battle at Famberough, and ftom the tMt ot Owen Swift be- ing the Benlola Boy's right hand man. Aom latest advlcee II would aeem that everyihbig In connecUoB wllb the event le pro- grcsalng very aaturactorlly, and we are asmred, that in epile ef double to Itae contrary by some, the event may be let down oa one ol tho aure tUnga to be, l>ai accident. That Ourtxa read- era nay be fully pealed, we append qnotatlona from Uie lateat foroign aportlngjonmala lo band:— There waa, u naual, a meet Influenllal muter of the right sort en Thursday, June IB, at Mr, W. lUehardaen'a, lo wllnem tbe potting of anolber OOaelde for this eicltlng event, which, although on IheBurfaceepparenlly regarded wlihoat Inlereet, IB In reality occupying fuUy as unoh of the pnbUe altenllon aa did the match between Turn Sayera and Heenan, The reaiun for the apparent apathv on thetobjcct la that the eventful day is ao far eff that speculators an deterred by fear etiacldonten sllbar aide trom Inveatlog their money, eapeclally aa there aro soiaany eveata alpreaent la Ikeaporting workl demanding all their energies. Toe apecalitets, however, although net laveaU ing their money, have evidently got their eyee open, and welch every move oo the board. Thoee who follow Ibe ring aa a eporl, from eheer love of the art, boverer, are by no maaaa ao quiet on the enbject aa the aportlng fratemltf, and tbe eagtmeee with which they follow the deluge ef Ihe men, and the anxiety they express le learn wbothor ttao depeella are duly made, show hoW tbe event haa fixed Itself In their miodi, and we hive not the flilghlcet doubt that on the all eventful day we shall have lo record auch a muater of the rciily upper cruet aiipperters of the F. B. OS has never yet been sranot the ring alilo. Never was tbe love ot the art more prevaleot amena the gentlemen of Eug- laad than 11 la now, and never waa Inere a iMller cbnnce for good men le make themeelvee nanee and famei than at preaenL II reals entirely with themselvn, and If tbit greit rniU, and thoee ot almoet equal Inlereet which precede ll, via., between BUlon and Traveta, for MOO, Oosa and Iface for £1,000, and Mace and Ityall for the ohanpleniblp. are carried out In the true aplrit with which matches should be mode, we think we may yet hold out a hopo that the palmy days of the Blog, bo often wished for, hut so coostonUy mlated by aome mlaMnduct or other, are yet in Btore for ut, and may flourish for many yeara. Having made thcae few ronorks by the way, we have now only to elate tlut Ihe UO a aide wis duly tiblod at the appointed hour, the usual toaate auproprialely rendered, and the rciualn- der ot tho evening devoted lo harmony.—Ml'i Iffe, If there be any who are still denbtfUl of tbe genalneness of ihe above match, we would odvlae anch lo pay a vlall lo the mak. leg of a fortnlghUy depoail, the Utah for whioh la alwaya an- nounced in onr columns. On Thoisday, June 18, another of thete movea on Ihe board wai played at Mr. Rlohardaon'e, Shoredltch, when Ihe elghib depoeltof £80aaldewaa atafced, making Ihe tri/Kf aum of 1800, or £4W for each man. To aay that the room—one of the tneat ia London—was crowded, would imply that hundreds were present, which was not the fact; but there were many familiar tices, wllh thai order, sad regularity, and quietude, aenre proof that real buslueu waa be- ing tranaacted. Frevloaa to tho lime for ataking, Pfall Benjamin Kva hie experience of bygcaedars; he Irueted thithoehould ablo to eee the aelUenent of Ine quoallon of Ihe £3,000 match (the greateatenm on record), when ho waa cut thorl In his elo- quence (which had been iddrcised priaolpilly lo Joe Bowe, Uarry Brnnton, and a few pila) by tbe announcement that It woe only alx minutes to Ion o'clock. Owen SwUI, who was pree- ont, sllhongh suffering from an attack ot tho "old enemy," im- mediately paaaed acroia Ihe table a "Arty" on bebalf of Ihe Ben- lola Boy, which was quickly responded to by Metsis. Bnah and IlloharUaon. who went abarea In handing In a like amount for Ihe "Odd YouoK Satlor." The etake-botder's Ivum UnaiL qui- etly fobbed tbe fllmeles, and then ipokeof ihe lucceaafui pro- grots ofUiOuateb.Hopalda woll-deHerved coupllmcnt to the two - I p^—— |.g. . —...If^-i ^,^1, ,h, I Mj ■ n ■ that they wonld do and actogilnaa they prevloualy bad aoied, with luany other malten, antidpitloni, and forethadowlnBa, with beet wlahea, and the itereelypcd toaat Ibal both "may bo weU on the day, and may tbe belter nan win." Both Eaat and West were woU repreaenled: Oeorne Drewitt, with a Bulla of laodeat triumph, eat betide hUbacher; anda very pleaaautoa well aa evening, waa flalahed by Ita being an. nounced by Owen Swift, amldat much cheering, Ibal the next and ninth depoalt of £60 a side wis to be nude on Thursday, Jnly 3, at Aleo Eeene'a, Soho, which depoill, when completed, will mako Ihe amount down lato one Ihouiana psunjlt-holt Iho moaey l^-iiporting L^c GLOBIoiraKnrsI-Theneyn ia regard lo the, victory of Oen, Ueide over Qen. Leo, aa4 tbe xelreal ot Ihe army ot the latter, after a eeriea of detperale enceulcr* In the vicinity ef Oetlya- burg, la Indeed, aalde trom the tad lota of Ufa on both tldea, gloriooa news, andaU palrlela vrill rejoice that at length the rebela havo been compellod to <'tkediddle" from Fennaylvania and lo ceaaa their ravages there, Falae hopes, snd (hhie mmon have been ao long and ao often ladalged in, that the people in thie vicinity were very cautions how tboy gave credence to tho tiateucnt that Iho army of the Fotomao had a t length gained a dcclalvc victory, and wore not at Jubilant at ila Ant Rcepllon aa tboy olhenvlie might havebeen, for they were not without fear thatdlaasler might yet follow in its train; bnt Oeneral Meade appears to bave been the nan for the emergency, and we rtjolce In recording tbe fact thalltae news, In aU Ila moat Important particulars, it/ttUt; eonflmtd; for which we bave Ibe authority of Oeneral Meade himself, who, in ao order latued to hla gallant toldlets on the "Qlorions Fourth," aald ot Ibe enemy "baHod and defeated, be baa now wllhdnwn trom the conleat," and aa Oenexsl Meade, unUko Hooker, doea not appear to be a man given to vain boaallng, vro toko It that the above quolallon meane all its aays. HcEKAS's Pbofoseo TiBrT.—It Is quite Ukoly that the great exoltement about the war wlD sow Interfere with Heenan'spro- poeod vlalt to this country. It was his Intention to come over here aome lime In July, endbringlom Sayera along with him, When thoneweotibelnvislon of Ihe North rcaehca him. Ilia not probable that Sayere will care to carry out his part of the pro- gramme, and Heenan wlU alto bold back. Wo nndcntand that IUb engagement with Both Howea expiree on the 38d ot July, and If he then decldea loglvo up tho idea of coming here, be and Sayets will visit Fsrls, for a month or two, where they would create quite a aensatlen among Ihe sporting monsleurs, who box as wcU wilh their feet, ohnott, oa with their hande. Wo should Uke to ace Ihe two flitle heroes here, but u tho war fever la on Ihe Inoreaae, end buabieas Is falling off, ear advice to them hi, to hold up unlll they bear better tIdUigs, An iHTzoKATioiiAL SonLUMO Uatob.— Is it by any ncana potalble that auch a famous aportlng event as an interaatlooal scuUIng match would prove to be can bo brought about > Cham- bera has, aa will bo teen elaewheto, defeated Oroen, the Auetra- llon, and they are again malcbed, It will soon bo decided who IB who on Ibis aide of Ibe water, and no great Ume is to elapae bofore tho same question will sgaln bo settled on Ihe other; whoa, wo ehould Ihbih, no heller opporlnnlly oould offer to again aUempI to gel on a match, United Btatea va. EagUnd. It HomlB abould defeat Ward, we bare understood that ho bitends making a voyage lo England to see what he oould do agahuit the crock oaramcn ot thai couatry* Should be do ao, wo hope he WlU'meet wllb belter sncceaa then has Qreen, of Auatralbi, bi his first encounter. ^^^^^^^^ Too Mnou WiiiBEsr.—The army ot Ihe Pclomae might bave boon handled much boiler of lalo, U there bad not been auch a free uae ot whlakey at bead quatlors. Some weeks ago wo tpoho of Ihe exceaa lo which drinking was carried on among Ihe lead- ing omclato, and tbe only wonder la that the army was not totally aaeriDced through Ike Inoompelcnoy of dninkcn ofllecra. We are glad lo lenm that now there la a pnapeet of anch abuiet bol'ng nbollahed, and that Ibe "finest amy on tlie pUnol" will have Bolier nien lo dlroct Ihem. and Inttoid ol wblakey they will have Ueade. OnsASO.—A company crvolnntccn has bean ralaed in I delphla, eompoted ol members of gymnutlc luttltutlont Is o clly. They coU Ihomaolvot Iho "Oymnaallo Oily Quatd," t are drilling every day, at the same time holdbig Ihemielva J readiness lo reapond le whatever call may be made upon I by Ihe Mayor. L. HUlebtand la Iho CapUln. Sown OR IBX NoBTH From private lattan rgcelved hei%^ are given lo nnderstond that the feeUng in England agabitl | North Is very blller, We are terry lo hear It, allhcngh wi J not aarprlaed. II la probable Ibal when Ihe war mm in thTw| Ihe North, this 'Hiltler feellag" will undergo a con change. We shall aee anon, aa the players say. BALL PLAY. Eaolb va BESOLnTE.—A match at baae ball between I. clubs was played on Ihe lit but, roaullbig at tialed In Ihe • appended:- UTmia. Eaolz. Tales, c I Clark, c Bcbaffer, a a Hlmmena,latb.. Begert, p Ohapin,! f P*well,rf Huiaey, 3d b.... Curry, 3d b ..t ..« ..9 ..3 ..3 ..3 ..S ..3 ..S Total.. RxtoLirrz. n.L, i AUtn,Sd b 8 Stanton, If 4. Wlbioa, of « lllico 9 Morrlaon, p t Wameck, a a 8 Wesden,9d b 9 SloreMatb 1 Cowparlhwalte, rf....t Total., BUHS MiSB IN TACU IHHTKOa. let 9d 3d 4lh 6lh tth 71b glh Eagle 0 1 0 9 0 0 0 0 Retolnta I 8 3 0 0 1 i t Bmpiro—Mr. Bpeace, of the Eckford dub, Bcoren. Jleaars. Steams and WUllanu. Faiaed baUa-Bllta, (; CUrk, 8. SIraek out—Clark, 1; Bbnmena, 9; Bogeri, 1; Bnisey, 1; i ry, 1: SlinloB, 1. Calebea mlaaed-Yates, 1; Begert, 1; Elmnena, 1; On Cowparlhwalte, 1. Fly catches nado—Weeden, 1; Storer, 1; Cowpcrlhw Morrieon, 9: Allen,l; Dllaa, l-leU1, 7. Slmmoui, 3; r Shaffer, 1: Yatei, 1; Curry, 3-tolal, 8. Pnt out on foul biUt—Iteaolntea. 6 timea; Eagles, 10 tli Fut out nt flrat bite-Rctolutei, 8 llmce; Eaoiee, Iwlce, Fut out at home baae—Tatca and Powoll, by Klorriaon. Time ot game—two hours sad forty.flve minates. OoraAX vs. Eurrnx.—Thoae clnba played their flrst i together, thIe eeoaeB, at Uoboken, on July laL The reanl^ d a doaely contctled game, being In favor of the aotbana U score ot 10 to 14. Van Coll made the beat tcere en the r " aide, Sebrtng, Ward, and Bydcrdolngbeet on ths Empires Tho score waa aa followa:— SATTDia. OoniAii. Thorn, p Van Coll, If I Welllng,aB 4 Btokem, ct 9 Vinullelt, 3d b 9 Wright, 0 9 Bnrile.letb 1 Forsyth,rf ( Boa,9db 4 n.L. SOKS .0 0 4 1 3 9 3 9 0 1 Total., ..10 EHnsE. Wrelervell, 3d b. Rebrlnc,Ittb.... MIUer,9db WUaon, It nuae ell, c Ward, p Byder, If 9 Uoyt,a a 4 Mauy, r f 8 B.LI ...8 ...9 -.'.3 ...4 ...4 ..9 Total.. nmia vadc xm xacu ncKiKot. 1st 3d 3d 41b 6lh Oth 7tb 8lh Ml Octham 4 1 1 8 0 0 3 1 Empire 1 9 0 0 0 3 0 0 Dmpiro—Mr. Page, of the A obve club. Bcoren—Mostra, Sebaffer and Wllllamaon. OnTUAU vs. EurraE.—Theae clube played togclheral Hob on June 93d, the roault being a victory for the QottaajB,! score ot 10 to IC, \n a game ot nino Innings. Thorn madil beat Bcore on Ihe Qolham tide, and Bogeri en thai ot thel nine. HcnrT EcEFono va. Eaolz.— A match waa played beli^ thcae cltiba, on the Hour}' £i-kford frronnde, at Blxly-thlrd and Third avenue, on June 9ltb. Tiin reeult being In tiiv tbe fomer club, by a score ot 30 to 91, In a full game of a lunlnga, Thla waa the relnm match laid over from lart icr Tbethlrdgamewlll shortly lake vlicu on neutral grounds. '. had bolter take Ihe Union Bill Qreunde. at Brooklyn, b ^ matchBnowandSanqdertmadethebeatscorot.onthev' •J . u, *-,..^-u , Qf tiioEmplroe. Bask Ball at MonuaAmX-^orunivn oim, ^ ui-a. 1 log Buburb ot New York, turned onl strong oa Ihe 4lh a cd eeveral abort matcbea with very long ninee on a aide, give aU a chance lo lake a hand la. They had a good I plenty of practice. CRICKET. SmoLE WicxKT.-An Intoreallng match at this style oft waa played on Ihe nonoda ot the New Ycrk club at HobS, between Metsrv. Uamuond and Sadler, on one elde, andL eon and Byron oa tbe other. Betting waa lu favor of UhI named, who flnally won, aflor a atout conleat, by eighteen IT The acore:— ^ Flmt Innlnge. Second Innlnga. Hammond b Byron 33 o Hndeo'n b Byron ., Sadler candbUudaen 14 c and b Byron WIdea 31 Widea ToUl 70 Total Flrat Innbigs. Second Innlnga, Hudaon bHammond 8 cHammond bSadler..., Byron0and bSadler 8 bSidler WidesO,noballs 3 8 WIdes Total 24 Total Dmplrca—Meatn. Hlgham and Sharp. Cnicicr CoHvnmoH m MAaaAOBDSBm.—A oonventt tbe cricketen of ktaaeaetantelle ta io be held at Ihe Brooi. House, Beaton, on Tueaday, July, Slot, at 13 M., for the pn of Bolectlng an eleven to represent the State lolbecrlckelflL- All MaBMobntetls vs. New York Olnb, lo be ployed oil grounds ot the latter at Hoboken, N. J., on Auiiual 13 u Each club la entllled to send three deleealea. Thle oalLi welnacrt vritb great pleasure, la made over tbe tlgniis- Frank Crockett, Eaq„ the FrealdenI of the last cooventloal tlie preaent popular Frealdent of Ihe BottonOlub. Web Couventlon will tuoceed In telectlug a flrst rate eleven, U_ proceedlnga may be carried out harmooloualy, and thai I will come within one ot beating Ihe MewYorkera in thai in qneellon. CnioxsT OH IBK FoDBTn.—Aa Is cnatomary with theL mombors of tbe New York and 8L Oeorge duba oaeembL^ the grounde of their retpectlvo oliiba and played aeveiu promptu mitchce, and aaoclal time and good feilowahipB Ihe proceedings ot both. BosrnK va Fall Biveii.— The relnm match at eriokelb... tbe Boalon and FoU Blvor duba woe played on the groundfl formnr, at East Gambrldgo, on July 3, and woe witneeaedl Roodly number ot Ibe lorors of out.door eporla. AprovW le match on tbe part ot the Fall Blvor playon waa that I and O'Brien, Ihe two betl bowlers of the Beiloa club, iboi barred, and Meian. Oroekelt, Lurob, and Dra|nr, all of 11 eleven, did not plky. In tone ilagea ot tho game tbei aome good nlay exhibited, both In batting, bnwllugand fli but Iho odda were altogether agalnit the Fall niror gentb and they lost the match by eeveral wlokeU, In llielrt ninge they made 9i rune, 18 ot which were made by Hola tbetr eecond Inabigs Ibey made 80, Tho Beaton men nac their flret Innhigs, 34 iif which ware made by Comon, and 1 won the game with seven wlcketa to go down. The utuill monlea on Ihe pneentallon of Ihe bill, the trophy ot iif took place, and the doy't ploy wound up with a capital anM tho Droomlehl UoDse. ' PEDESTRIANISM.I LoRfl Island OnAsirioKBUir.—In reference le ths pKI race for tbe obamploeahlp of Long Island, between Vai' and Helmet, a corretpondoni eoyi:-"I hereby cballei winner lomn me a race for Ibe cold cliauplonthlp and L nldo, lo lots for tho choice of ground, hlan and monijl Ihnoe ready at Frj.tx PBTemoN's, Cor. Quay and FranUln atreota, Oreenp ConnzcTiD Tiue.-j. 0. Smith, Ihe pcdeatrlan, whoatij ot drawing a aulky over tbe Fair Courao at New Orioont, H recorded a thert time since, wrlloe ut to aay that enrg pendent on thai occaalon made an error ol Ivo mbiulei f timooftbo perrormonce; which waa 07 mln. 33teiH., r 00 mbi. 38 teca., oa then given. CnAiLEMaE TO PzDxnaxAN Feats.- I hereby challel maa living to walk oa apbnk,oron Ihognuud, foranoi daya, say kta 10 lo 30, for from 8000 lo liooo, the man iiwj Ibe moat mlleatoolilm tho noney. Alao, i will pull il from 1 lo 10 miles with onv man living, for IVem tlOOi aside. Theae on niyflratohaUenges,ond I hone the;! taken up by aome one. J. 0. Shiih, Now Orlcana, June 39, '03. U. B. Ship Perl AN Old Oao.— Althongb Deertcot la now In Ibis com ^ see that he la allil adrortlaod on Ibe otbor aide as abont 1 BUI Ltnu, of HIddlotei. Ob, but dent they know how Ml Uiingbi JlAadentewn? Well, they do.