New York Clipper (Jul 1863)

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104 NEW YOBK OLIPPEB. AMUSEMENTS. TO ASVEBTISEBS. W« «tU «k* itUaUn <rf lIiiii«Mi *^Lf^!^Sl!liV'Ji?^Il5 to tmlX IhtfflMlTMcf till Mt«ii»lT; cliCTiUUon<«.«f • ™ ba^ii^ miti, d*.! to «u foDowlog Mhaliil* of ntw tw id- T%T« eam ptrllu for «eh u4 tren Inuitloa; foi ^tBiUo niiem ft«B otbv stsm, Hooiponled la ou nuomiir, U euti ■MBto vban |mJ4 for tk>w«r •UmoDtUlntdniut. D*r .I^SSt^Tk^^nn^ieBUon la Um tarn fbr thtt wuk, •konld i*Mhu tjMonair neniliig,at littrt, ot BttudarU polb le. HMbialM' Bill, 471 Bntiwa, them OiuS ttrMt BBTIIITBBOTBEBS, Proprlelon. JOHS BUHfiON, TtMnnt. WINADB ud BDOHAHAN, Clbtm. A. BOBS, Offlcw. nmxB xuB or the iBioiHiL tobld-benowmed BBTAHT8' IIIN81BXLB. THE BX0EI£IOB TBOUFB OF THE WOBLD. Um Oobput d codsomI ot th* CoUowlBj UUiM AjtWi:— DAN BBTANT, ■ KEZL BBTAUT, B. 0. OAMf BELt., f. E. BITOnL a. W. E. OBIFFIH, SAVE SEED, BOUJN HOWARD, W. L. H0BB8, a. B. FOWLEB, T. OEmNOB, O.A.00iniEBS, J. M9BBIflO», MABT. DOTMBIDE, wakvw T.MT.Tg SAX EimnT, LTITLB UAO. U t a«w yiu^ ot Betf, Dtacei, BntIe«i«M, PtanUUon ,»«.,»<. /(»rPittleiiUc»M«bUliofUi«diy. TiokaK U mdK. O-f IBOU TBEIB OFEBA HOUSE, BOSTOK, MASS. Tkli popnlu tcoaM !• now OD lU 'rB»'i""HS?r ■OBBU SBOTUEAB, pell k TBOVrBBIDOE'S UINBTBELfi Couut of tbt foltowlii^a«iitl»n»Di LOn MORRIS, BILLT UORRIB, jommtPELL, J. 0. TROWBRIDOE, X. W. PBESOOTT. J. L. OILDERT, I. P. ENDRBA, ADonsT bcumeideh, D. W: DOABDMAN, ... IxnHIAN, B. M. CABBOLL, J. QUEEN, F.'WILUABTB, B. FBEDERIOSS, J. J. HILLIABD, D. 1. MAOimnaB, L. A. ZWUSLEB. JAPANESE TOMMT. T1i« Kuugunent edl puHcnltr noUM to UU wots dutlii- ggi&edirr«rofT«i«nt ..... , Tickets 35 mdU; BeHiTtd Bull M cent*. «.(! IAN UOBBia, Iluisia. BOOLBY'B UPKIIA HOVBB, BROUKLYN, Cor. COUBT k BEUBEN BTBEET8. B. U, EOOLET Bole Proprietor. /' E. BOWERS SImtor of AmnHmenU, ' ' T. D. PBENDEBOABT Vocid Director. vProt, BTRADB iDitrameDtel Dlrectar. HONDAY BVENIKO, June W. ud dortnii the veek. BBILUANT AND IMPOSINO KOVELTIEB, NEW AMD OBiaiNEL FEATDBEa Flnt ipreuuice or MEM BEKTON, Since hla rolani from Europe. Flnt weok of OEOBOE ODRIBTS'B niBbiT Anmelng Farc^ BOHEiniEBBORa'B DOY, J oil OS Scbemiiorliom Oeorgs Cbrltty. The Otauecten br tbe Troupe. Flnt week ot Uovort' new ud lenibelilo Skctcli, celled PR0FI8S0B OLOfrOARD. Flret week of Oiemir Uettb, KiHence ot Vliglnoj, Bellj Come Up, && SVOnEB, BOWERS, CBBIBTT, SEXTOM, SRIUHEn, KALPn, CHARLES, And bU Iho Compuj In new teaturea. Doon open st 7; to commence at 8. Ilcketa M oenli. Prlrste Doiee 13. ll- Leaeea end Manager, WU. WHEATLET, Begin at eiRbt; conclude at a nuartor before 11. UOXDAT, JULY 11. 1M3. THE ATIRACnON OF THE CITT. .John Brongbam's Orand nonaoUo DrJima, c&tJUod THE DDBE'8 UOTTO, HOW IN Toe SECOND UONTE OF ITS TRnnrTHKNT CAREER. And dlmiaatlon In tlie nigbtly Thronge to wttncMi the moat dlatlngolahed ancoeas knows to the Ifelropolle for ycare. The Celebnted Iriab OomedJin and Vocallat, lUI. COLLINS, In bli celebrated cbimcler of OAnniOEFEROUS, An Iriah Bokller ot Fortune, wltli two aODia, "Wlno, Bright Wine," and "Wblto there's LUe there's none.'^' MR. WILUAU WHEA-nUET In bla great cbaieeter of CAPTAIN HENRI DE LAOARDERE, Unapprowtaable OasI, Beautiful Scenery, Original Uualc, New Coalumea. Mechanical EtTccli, and Furniture, mtb the moat ooinuleto OEAMD DODOLE CORPS DE BALLET In the conutiT. Unalcal Conductor HARVEY D. DODWORTH. Box OfBce open dally, liomS till S, wbereaeals can lie secured ebree days In adranco, 13 JANB KNOI.IItII'8 TIIBATRE, LAURA KEEKE'B. WIVES THE WONOEUTOL BnOCESB' OF PAIIIB, WIVES OF THE KEW COUEDY OF PABIB, WIVES WARRANT ITB CONTIMDAMCB OF PABIB, WTVBB MONDAY, TDI8DAY AND OF PARIS, WIVES WEDNESDAY EVENIVaS. OF PARIS. WIVES COUBINATIOK OF BTAIU). OF PABIS. WIVES MABIE and AUODTTE, OF PARIS. WIVES the finest dancen In the world. OF PARIS, WIVEB EVERT EVENING OF THE WEES OF PABIS, WIVES AND BATURDAT AITEBKOONS OF PAItIR, WIVES Will be performed OF PARIB. WIVBS as original, emotional, aomallosal, OF PABIS. WIVES local Comedy, called the OF-PARIB, WIVES WIVES OF PARIS. OF PARU. WIVES A FULL, EK0LI8H DRAXATIC OF FAIUB. WIVES COMPANY, OF PARIS. WIVES combined wtlh the nopnlar OF PARIS WIVES TBODPE BT, DENIS, OF PARIS. WTVBfl MILNER OPKRATIO CORPa OF PARIS. WIVg a ANQELO IN BIB GREAT ACT. OF PABIS. WIVES FIVTY LADIES AND OSNTLEMBK OF PABIB, WIVES In the SOKOS and 0U0RUBE8. OF PARIB. WIVES During the piece, sOrand Carnival OF PARIS, WIV BB andDaU-ntwarouplngs, OF PARIS. WIVES The characters and Incidents are full of OF PARIS. HUSIO. BONOS, AND FLOWERS. TODRBDAY AFTERMOON OOUPLraENTADY TESHMOMIALTO MRS. JANE ENQLISH. The whole Tronpe and the heM talent In Nevr York WILL APPEAR OK TBIS OCCASION. 13.11 OHESTNvT BnHEET, ABOVE BIXTB. PmLADELTHIA. PA. Tbc Suit or THi "Casixo" Nevcb Sen. The Unerring Voice ot the Public PlOCLlUia TUAT FOX'S OASLN'O, FOX'S OASIKO, la the meat Rtapoclablo, The moat Comfortable, and The most Popular place ot Amnaenieut IK PHUiAOELPHIA, "THE COMPANT' The Lainet, The Btrongeat, And the most Venallle. THAT EVEB APPEABED IN AHV MUSIO HALL. Fertormera ot acknowledged abUlt)- can Invariably Snd aleady aagagemenla by applying peieonallT er by letter. Stsra liberally beatMl wllb. vnBU MODBIS, Treunrer. O-tT ■AH BIIARPIiEY'S UIN'BTRELS. BRASS DANO, AND BURLESQUE TROUPE, THE BEROES OF A UEtUSPIIEUE, Xow ntomlug from their TRIUMPHAL WESTERN TOUR, Will appear at OniOAao, Jimo 39, for III nlihls, thence to • SKTBOn, TOLEDO, CLEVELAND, BDFFALO, ROCO'EBTEn, SYRACUSE, .UiUANV and TROY, Filer to their appearance In NE^r YORK aud PniLADELFIIIA, «bsr« they wlU Introduce THEIR ORIGINAL PntXIRAiniE, aa perlOrmed onir by the OREAT ETHIOPIAN IRON OLADB, BAM SUAItPLET, IMI Sole Manager and Proprietor, OANTBuoi)nYn»(I£u^ ^^^-..^v- WAABIKOTON, S, 0, THE MOST MAONU'IOWT UUBIO HALL _ No Waller.airlB (mployed, Ladleiand OcnUenieii ui'knaim Ability always wanttd. Mo outside iiertomiera omrloyed—none but the very boat tal. ent engaged, Address to WILLUII E. SIKN, , ^ Bole Proprietor, I'-'' Waahlugton, D, 0, AMUSEMENTS. WOOD'S KIlimiBb HALI<. n« BBOADWAT,, Oppostte It* Bl Nicholas Botd. EXinY WOOD Bols ProprMer lad Mana ger. TEE BIST VENTILATED BALL IN TEE OITY. TBIUMPBAMT BU00EB8 Of THi HAsnncm ____ PANORAKA OF THE NOBTB BIVEB, Bscelred nightly by Oiewded Houses, With Tomnlhiens Applanie, la eonaennence of the fmat suoeeas sttendlngthls truly BEAUTIFUL AND ABTIBXIO EXHIBITION, II will b« repeated MONDAY, July II, and erery eTealng daring the week, In connecuon with the World-Benowned WOOD'S UIHBTBELB, Who wUl appear In the following I^ugbabls Acta, FosNt Jiu, Deit as a Peer, TBI FoDB Caows, Tbz Baw BxcBcns, Flat Foor Jaie, Songs, Dai^ca, Ac. Konot.—No connecUoB with any trarellng company assuming the luuae ot Wood'e Mlastiela, l>- Doors opsn at 7; oomtoeoce at 8 o'clock. TIekels U centi, HBW BOWERY THEATRE. Oommenelog KosdayETesIng, Jalr C, TUE OREAT ORIOINAL AND ONLY OAUPBBLL'.S MINSTRELS, Under the penouil anperrlslon of MR. H. C. OAUPDELL. The company consists ot the following srtlals, wlz:— NED DAVIS. E. N. BLOOUV, H. W. OOULD, MAS TER B DDY, BIO. ETIE, L. BONNY, 13> JOBNNY BOOKER, J. W. HILTOK, M. 0. CAMPBELL, J. TAIIUEKBAUM, O. HILl, E. OREEN, J. B. OLIFFOBD, atO. OR.AT. T, WADDEE, J. BDICE, F. E DWAB D3, A. BAWYER. FRANE EDWARDS, Qeneral Agenl. BOSTON nUSKVH. BOSTON UUBEUEM. BOTLEB'S OREAT . COMBINATION From the TBOUPE, AMERICAN THEATRE, BROADWAY, NEW TORS, WUl open for the summer leaiou, on MONDAY EVENINO, July C, 1843. Presenting to the citizens ol Boston and vicinity an sntorlaln- ment which, tor novelty, rarlcty, sad sterling merit, cannot be equalled by any place ol amuaemont In the world. B. W. UUTLGB, SlAhaget. MOKB. LA THORNE, Stage Uassger. FERD. VON OLKER, Moilcal Director. PAUL BRILLIANT, Ballat Master. ICktl VARIETIES I VAJll&TIEBI— THE NATIONAL AMUSEMENT INSTITUTIOy, Waahlnglon, Dkilrlct of Columbia. Proprietors A. HAMBLIN A- CO. Stage Manager JAUES PILORIM. Leader ott£e Orchaatra FRED. YOUNEEa NOW IN TUE FULL TIDE OF PR08PEBITY. Immense audiences honor Ihls hesntltnl Temple of Amuaemenl with their patronase, eipresslug every nianl- teslatlon otacllght and applauae at the EXCEEOINOLY ARTISnO RENDITIONS 01 charming singing and dancing, and the nlrlh'proroklng, ■Ide-aptilUug, and InlmlUble repreaen- talloge of the VARIOUS SHADES OF THE COMIC UUSE. Its anpcrlority la cndoned by all Ihe prominent Journals ot Waahlnglon City, and uotveraauy admllled to be THE LEADINO UDBIC BALL OF AMERICA. PERFORMEnS OF ALL KINDS, And ot every attracUos—both Ladle* end Gentlemen—of estaliUahed reputaUona, In the Music Hall ProfcoiloB, wlihlug engagements, should olwavs Oral addrcfia d-tf A. HAMDLIN k CO., Proprietors, OETROIT, LATS DELLER'B CON'UERT BALL, Tns Ols DnoBT or mm Wan. JOSn. OAOT It AXXOaiO DRSTTB, proprlelfirs. Tb< managers ot this popular catabUsbuKnt have reiumal from Now York, having tecured tb» following,talented Artlale;— MISS ANNA 0UE8TSR, Ibo popular Daui«i>ue and Vocallal, M'LLE riOTOniA ROSS, the taaclnallng Danseuse. OEOROE WARREN, tbe Dost Bai^olit In the West, W. H. CHESTER, Pontomlmlst and Comedian, Who will appear In coiOunclton wllh the tieat Block Company In the Vait. First class Artists wlahlni engagements, wUI address aa above, or to JAMES CONNER A CO., Theatrical Agents, 3t West Hous- ton street, near Droadway, N. Y. IS-lt CLEVELAND ttFBUA llUVSh:. Bole Proprietor DICK O'NEIL. This beautiful hall wUl bo apoodlly re-dccorated, and opened on the laih ot July. Among the srllats already engaged aro:— MISS KATHLEEN O'NEIL, TUE OOEAT CHIRISEI, KATE WALTERS. UlLUE TBEODOR.l, HARRY TALBOTT, OUAS. A. WARD. Performers, wlahlog eogagcoienla, please addresa DIOK O'.SEIL, Post OIBce, Cleveland, Ohio. WAHTEO-Finy ladles for tbeDaUitot Olaelli, or the Night Dancora. 13-tf "^thk'wkdbwStbkm, mib3es emma and adah. Thcee very talented, >'Oung, and vorsatUe Aitlals hare Just re* turned trom a highly socceasful engagement, ot Six Uoutha, In Havana, and at Nassau, and are afpreeent tulllllng a very BRILLIANT ENOAOEUZNT FORD'S HOLIDAY BTREGT THEATBE, DAL'nUORE, Managers wlahlng to secure the services ot tbeae ver,v talented Artists, vrlll addrtaa them al Uio OupfEB Ottice. ll-U -^fwrtiXuOiaiiriri^^ — ASaiSTKO BT UEB FATBD, MR. PETER RIOaiMOS, Commenced on cncageuent at John Heccta'a Metropolitan Theatre, Dulttlo, on Monday, June 22d. closing there on ihe 4th ot July, a moat proiperous season of ten uonlhs. l£u A. a PBNKOYER, Agent. VO MANAOKHS. OHAS. J. FYFl'E, LEADING JUVENILE, end LIOUT COMEDY, Win bo disengaged after Jul; ttb. Uauogers desiring hla ser- >1ccs wlU please sddrcss " - . - . - lJ-51* OHAa J. n'FFE, Doi 78< Eprlngdeld, BL BUSS ELIBE DK COVRCY, having concluded a high- ly aucces•^ll engagement at Liverpool, appearing In such char- ters aa Don Ca'sar, In "Don Osir de Boian," Loulaaud Fablon, In the "Coralcan Drothcra,"—"£AUD la Paris," aud In "Aurora Floyd," WlU ahorUy arrive In this counb7. Managers wlshbig to eugege the eerrlccs ot tbln lady for neit season, wUI address Vt'M. J. MADSUALL, Ageut (or MI8B DE COURCY, OurfEB olttco. ii.u NOTICE TU TUB TilEATHICAti PHOFBB> BIO.V —Having been liiformcd tliat ccrlAin parllca have put In circulation a reitort to tho tltccl tbat I csnuct or do not niAnu- (acluro EOOds Ihesamoasuirhuiband, tho late James Oamer, I take Ibis method to lulorm (beiucnibcn* of Uie profession thsi such a slatenicnt Is tiho, i>arllcuhiriy with regard to paddings or symmetries, which are niadu by ue as rerffctas heretofore. ll-4t* CLARINDA OAllKElt, 314 Sowery, N. Y- BALLET OIIILS WAKTKO to lean to ropreeent the ORECIAN STATUES, ytt will fluonuilce lo tescli tbem In three leaaons. None need annly but thoao who can keep their agree- menta. JAUES CONNElt k CO., Thealrloal Anonls, li Weat Houston alrcet, N. Y. ij-lt MAStAQERS OF TIUSATltES wliliing lo engage W. U, DONALDSON, Pantomluiltt, Tight Itopo ArUal, Ac, please direct all Ictlora la care of 11-31* OurrEii OrncE. W. II, DONA LDSU.N, Tight Kuiio Arllite, la uoiv ready to make high Rope Aaconsloni across ^Itlvcis, Streams, Falls, or any place where auch rope can be alrctclicd, no nMtter how high or dnogoroue, rroi>rielors cf Watering or Public Places, A-c, keep your eye open to baelneoi. No mailer wbcra too are, North, Boulb, East, or Weal. Direct your lellera In care of ll'3i* (^LirrcB Orrict. PITTBUVRUII TIIIS.VTUB:.— LaiUci aud gtuUefficn wishing engagcinoula for tho coming fall and winter Beaaou, wlU make appUcatlou at ouce, at tbo nanagvr la uow comnlotlug hla arrangements, stars treated with on liberal Icrms. e-U WU, HENDERSON, Leiace and Slanager. '^RAMAT^C^CnMuTcT^ Ronanlloa Kovelelle. lOOttselil; but lOU reuitluliig. Heut free, br Diall, on receipt ofTon cenia (ton for 7^ niitn), by CHARLES lIliNRY DAY, the AuUior-Publlalier, New Uavun, Coun. Mt Ankrl Dourgolne, and Fevol, la publlahed aud for sole by W. 0, WEUVS3, Oroadway, I'rlce 13 cenU. 13- AMUSEMENTS. <IIIIT FBOfl BBW ORLBAHB AND THE ISLAND OF CUBA. OEOWNHD WITH UNPABALLELED SUCCESS, HAD WAl fOl THI aiOiimO LKASINa MINSTREL TBOUPE OF THB PB0FES8I0N, UAimOTB OBOANIZATION AND BRASS BAND. BetUB of the tar-lamsd aod world wide renowasd KUFBEZ A OBEEN'S - OBToneu, New Oblsuis A MitBoroUTAii BUBLEBQDE OPEBA TBODPE AND BRASS BAND, Also, COM. TOOT and COL- SMALL, the two smallest nwa la the world, outdoing Tom Tbomb twen- ty-lire per eenL Tbey are 33 yean old, weigh 99 ponnds esah, sod oBly 38 Inches high, admitted to be ths greatest cnrloslly ever brought befors the public Theysppear In 14 dUfereat sets, aipresBlr arranged for thesL Jost from Nsw Orleoaa and Ikrongb Ihe Island of Onha, where they met with nnUmiled soo- cess and were reoelTsd nightly with roars of langhter and shouts ot applause. Bbgs Manager J. E. ORKEN, Musical Dlrectar a LAVDXEE. Vocal Dlreetar O. BIDEAUX. Tbe company Is compoaed ot the tbDowlng eighteen AitlsUo asdBrUlant OREAT STABS OF ETHIOPIAN DELINEATOBS. J. E. OBEEN, OUSTAVE BIDEAUX CHARLEY RETKOLDB, LEW BENEDICT, OHAa H. DDPBEZ, M. AINSLBY BCOIT, O. BUBT, OALIXA LAVELLEB, FBED FLORENCE, A. BEBOEBOBE, J. CAUILLE, FLEM ADAMS, EDWIN HOLMES, GILBERT FOND, A. 8. PRENTISS. WM. DUBOIS, OEOBOE YOUNa, BAM P. UABBION R. B. COLLINS, Being the Oreslest Combination ot Talent ever ooncentrated 1b one Oompany, eicelllng and br anpertor to ell other Traveling Troupes In exialeice. The whole under the control and direction ot DUPREZ <c OBEEN, Sole Proprietors. The above popnlar Tronpe wUl, during toe remainder ot ths •eaaon, vlalt the Weatom and Eastern Btatee, alao the Oonados. ORAND BALCO.VY BEBENASES, Each evening previous to opening the Doora, BT TBI mtEQIIALLED NEW ORLEANS AND METROPOLITAN BRASS BAND, or nti PUCES. Uansger and General Director. OHAS. H. DDPBEZ. Advertlalng Agent, A. S. PRENTISS. 1-tt LBA'B HELODEOn. GEORGE LEA BALTIMORE, MD Proprietor. W. B. OAVANAGH Stage Manager. ORAND OPENING OF THE BPBINO SEASOlT JOHN MULUOAN A ANDREW LEAMTT, BIGNOR BLISS and BON, MISS JENNIE ENOLE and BILLIB CAVANAGH. The above talented artists can be sscured by responsible man- agers for any lenglh of time by applying to Oeorge Lea: but II WUl be useless to trouble them vrilh Individual offers, aa no at- tention wUl l>e veld to any letters onlees addre^d to the pro- prietor ot the uelodcoi- In connscUoo with tbe already named performen now perform- ing St this estAbllahsient, are tee foUowlng :— Mr. BUly Boyd, O. M. MUee, Frank Wood, Masters Alfred and Charies Bliss, John Clusky, Miss TUley Forbes, Bllaa Maggie Marshall, H'Ue Louisa BUss, Miss Louisa Evans, and HIaa Julia Roblnaon, Together with a full and efficient lieUet troupe, of twelve young ladles. WANTED.—Female Dancen and Vocalists, of good penonol appearance. Apply as above. -U TISf IIIYES AND DICK 8\NDS.-Thoae world-rs- nowned CHAMPION OLOQ DANCEBS, now creating euch an intenss excitement si tbe New Idea, will soon be ready to accept etar engagements throughout the United Blales. Theatrical managen wlahlng to secure the services of THESE VALUABLE STARS, can do so by applying to JAMES CONNER k CO., Theatrical AgenU, 13-lt 9J Went Houston eircci. New York. A OOOO TENOR AND DALLAD SIKOER la desir- ous of a cbanee lo slog In some good Concert or MInalrel Troupe. Restcltyrererencesglven. Uanagen wlahlng to engage WlU please addresa 0. W. DUNCAN, Commercial Houao, Boslon, Mass. ij.jia hetrofulitan theatre, rochester, n v. This eatabllehmtnt TO LET, nIghUy or weekly, tor aU klnda ol Exhibitions, on rcasonablo terms, during Uie Bummer Months. Applicatlona for Stock Eegagements wlU now be received for noxt season, commcnchig about the lat ot Bcplember. 8-8t* Apply to w. MEEOD. ilARBinOTON A IIVNTER'S NlttSTRELS. ODD FELLOWS' HALL, MEMPHIS, TENN. This company hare been performing at the above place, for some time past, with groat success, and In addition to their regular memoera, are couatantly availing themselves ot the light of new "Stan." Artists of acinowlodgcd talent, doalrona for a tTeeh sphere ot acUon, are Inrited to addrees u above, under tho os- sunnce ot liberal Irestment end pay. d-tt OANTERUUIIY nvaiC HALL, N. W. COR. FIFTH AND CHESTNUT BT8., PHILAD'A, PA . LAB0K8T AND MO.ST TALENTED COMPANY IN THE OITY, Ladles and gentlemen of known ability, wUl addreas dt-Sm BOB'T OABDINEB A Co., Prcprleton, A CilALLBNaR TO TUB 'WORLD.-<oL ELLIS'. GER oliallengea tho whole worU to produce an equal to COM- MODORE FOOTE, in age, size, vrslght, and education. The Oommodors wears the "Gold Uedsl,'^ which atamps bim the smoUeet man alive. Ue la assisted by his UtUs friend and com- peer, Ool. SMALL. P. T. Bemum advertlaes ths smaUeat man and woman In miniature living. This I deny, end AsUenge him for ttOiOOO, to prodacc a pair In dbnlnaUveneea equal to mine. Letters addreased, cars FRANE QDEBN, Curroi Office, wlU reach COL. nL ELLINOER, OO-tf Preceptor Commodore Foote end Col- Small. PLAY BOOKS, PIIOTOORAPHSef EATEBATEMAK, alao, OS Leah; Moggie Ullchell, LucUle Weetero, Laura Keens, Caroline BIchlnga, tin. John Wood, alao In character; A. L Menken, u French Spy and Maieppa; Suaan Donln, Kate Denin, Isabella Cubaa, Fahny Brown, also In ohancter; Webb Sloten, Lavlnia Warren, Tom. Thumb, Mr. and Mrs. D. Wllllauu, Mr, and Mn. Florence, K Forrest, E. Booth, J. W. Wallack, Jr., WUkea Booth, Ed. Adams, Lester WsUack, and hundreds of oth- en. II cents each, or five for fl. Sent to any sddress on r» eelpt of price.' Calalognes sent on receipt of poeiage stamp, by 13- W- 0. WEMTB8, »7I Broadway, New York. OALIFX>RI«IA THEATRICAL AGEIfOV,—SHEBI- DAN (MRBYN would respectfully Inform memlMn of the dra- Butlo, MualcAl, or Eqneatrran profesaloos, that he has eatablished an Agency bi Ban Tranchico, aud Is prepared to negotiate engago- nenu and tranaaet all oUior huameaa pertaining to the pro- leaalon. Addreas SHERIDAN CORBYN, Bon Francisco, Col N. B.—AU lotlers requiring answen must contain a (tamp to pio-pay the asms. KTTIE HRNDBitSON, TBE CELEBRATED AMERICAN ABTI8TE, Has Juat completed an Engagomeut of FOItTV-BIX NIGUTB IN LONDON, And hoa returned to tbia couutry. Bhe brings wlUi her several E^TUBLY NEW PLAYS, which have been copirlfblod by her. They are enUUod:— THE FLOWER OlftL, SCOTTISH MAIDEN, EATULBEN MA- VOURNEEN, and UYP3EY GIRL OF GRENADA- Mansgers wlibing to negotlalo with this yonng, handsome, and lolonled Actress, will plouo addreas 8-U Vru. UEN-DEBSON, Pittsburgh Theatre, THE UAnflUTIi PIIINTINO HOUSE OF NEW ENGLAND, TuE "J. E. Farwell" a Co., BTE.tM PRINTING ESrABLIBHUENT, ' 37 CONOltESH STREET, BOSTON. L. R. PIEE, , lIASniOTII PO!ITER AND PROGRAMME PRINTER. TUEATRB and COKOERT WORK A SPECIALTY. Partlea or troupes vlaltlDg the Eaatem SUIes wUl Dud It lo their sdvsntagc to vltll ibla eatabUahment. Pities* 10 to 98 fed obkt OuEArBii THAN- ANV OFFioE 111 NEW Eholadd, and ssllafac- tlon guaranteed or uo pay nqulrcd. lO-tf "'"'^^'^'''"^^^^^''raB^LABi^^ SHOW BILL PBINTINO ESTABLISUMBNT IN TEEWOBIAI CLABBY A REILLEV, (Bncceeson to John E. Bacon,) PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS, 13 ana 14 Spruce Street, New York, Pay particular itlUintlon to gellUig nn all klnda ot FAK CY SHOW .BILLS For traveling companIc^ and liavo on hand a large and aplendld aisortment of large and smsU WOOD OUTS Suitable ft>r Olrmsies, Uenagerlee, Ethiopian Performers, Gym- nasts, Maglolani, Ac, Ac, wblob oon be prUited In one or more colors, lo ault caalomers. a- A deposit ro<|Ulrcd on sD work ordered. AU onlen addreased to "OLABRT A BEILLET," Bacon Print-, log and Engraving e^labllahment, U aud 14 Spruce street. New York, wUl be prempUy attended to, ig-u ' AMUSEMENTS. ■AGVIRB'B OPERA HOVtB, SAN FBANOIBOO, OALIFOBNIA. TH08. UAGUIBB Proprietor and Mniiiir, JAMES DOWLING Stage Manager. J. L. SOHM IT Leader of Onhestn. W, STEVBtBON Treasurer. THE STAB DBAMATIO COUPABY. MISS S OPHIA EDWIN, Mrs LULU BWEET, MBS. W. 0. FORBES, MISS 0. HIMOELEY, USB NELLIE BBOWK, W. O'NEIL FBANK VAIO, 0HABLE8 THOBN, WILLIAM BABBY, D. 0. ANDBBBON, EABBYOUETON, W, a. HAULTON, F. B. WEITE, 0. STEVENSON, W. B. TAYLOB, Stan vWtlni Oallfomia should'Win mind that Mr, Vim la also proprietor ol the MetxopoUton Theatre, Sooramente^ IheMarysTlUsTbeatn. 4S-V4 BUTROFOLITAIf THBIATRB, BA N FBA NOIBOO, OAL. CHABLES TIBBETIB. Leasee and Manager. TUa Theatre la now opea for Ihe Fall and Winter Beosoa, \ Uae llneet Composj ever In Calltomla. JULIA DEAN HAYNE, MRS. JUDAH, MISS MOWBBAY. MRS. 0. B. THORNE, MRS. OLAUGHLET, MBS. JA8. BTARI, MISS FIIEDEBIOKS, MB. J. B. BOOTH, MB. L. F. DBATTT, W. M. LEMAN, W. 0. FORDES, S. W. LEACH, FBED FRANKS, E. THATER, H. DROWN, With a Numsroua Corps of AuiUlorlea. IBICES or AnuitnoM. OreasClrele tl.OO I Orcheetra Beats Parquet U cts | OsUery II Private Boxes 10 and 8 deUsn. Blon hilendlng to vlalt CaUfomla wUI Bsd It to Uiclr lata to address sa stMve. 4AI CHICAGO OAHTERDVRY HALL, 113 snd 198 Dearborn staeeL A. J. SINK Proprietor. T. L. FITCH BlAge Manager, The Company comprises at present thetoUowlng LodlM Oentlemen:— lUss Annie BordwaU, Warren BordweU, Miss Sale Partlngten, Tom PoUnd, Mlos Boee Sutherland, Old Du Crow, M'Ue Elolee, L. J. DonneUy, U'lle Louise, Messn. Burrouse h ti Miss Julia Yale, Admiral Yale, Johnny Boyd, I. L, n None but the BEST TALENT wUl be engaged. Ladicesnd Oestltmcn of recognized abUltyand talent >l Ing engogementa wlU ploaoe addreaa A. J. SINE, Box 1061, Chicago, or 8 Wuhlngton Hall, Columbus, I| FBIifCB OF WALES TUEATRB, LIVERPOOL, EROLAan This truly elegant and very beautiful theatn Is kept opea I Ing ths whole of tbe year. AMERICAN BTAB8. of acknowledged poaltloo and talent negotiated with, forki| abort engagements, u mntuoljnlereata may re<iulz«. 48tf Address, ALEX. BENDEBBON, Bole Lessee and Proptlek CORINTHIAd HALL, . EXCHANGE PLACE, ROCHESTER, N. T., TTIU he Rented for Concerte, Lecturca, Eiblbltlons, Ac. ' W. A. REYNOLDS, ii4m» 83 Arcade, Rochester, R.I AOAOBBIY OF M t'BIO , CLEVELAND, OHIO. The Dramatic Company return from Coloubus on the Itt ApiU, for a continuation of their aeuon at the above poa Tbcatre. AU bualneaa communications msy be addressed b JOHN a: ELLSLER, Jn., |.tf Proprietor and Monaga THEATRE ROYAL, MONTREAL, CANADA. LzaaiE J. W. BUCKLAKD. Ibta ealabllabnent TO LET, nigblly or weekly, for enlaili nenti not dramatic. - Apply to J. W. BUCELAND, 1-tf MonM KLLBLBK'g ATIIBIIEVII, COLUMBUS, OHIO. Tbe dramatic aeason doaeo on thellth Inst-, (April)—sflerit date the Athenonm may be nnted for oU kinds ot eihlbltia nigbtly, or by Iho week. This ts now the largest, best smB| and most popular place for Lectures, Mlnslrel Troupeoi i cerls, Ac Apply to JOHN A. ELLSLER, Jr, Academy of Music, Clorolond, dUa ROYAL ALIIAHDRA PALACE AND AMPHITBEAII Lelcetler Bquare, London, England. The Propriotor Is il limes resdy to engage flnt doss tslent end novelty enitobh hla klanuuoQi EnlcrlalnmenL Terms UbenL Apply ss ohn UISCELMNEOUS ASVERTISEUENTS, QREAT BOOKSII NEW BOOKS 1 NEW BOOKS 11 DON'T FAIL TO BEND FOR A CATALOGUE OUR NEW CATALOGUE NOW READY. BENT FREE-POSTAGE PAIO-ON APPLICATIfl THE OLD ESTABLIBEED AND ONLY RELIABLE BOOK, AND BPORHNO GOODS AOBRt Where orden sre prompUy and faithfully eiocotod. Address THOMAS 0RU6BY, Marble BuUdlngs, Mt 88 Nassau street. New Yotk "no TOU WANT WHISKERS OR MOUSTj OHES)"—In 18891 Brat asked this question. It waaa sweied by numerons people; and I ask If any of them ever In my On(uenl to (all In doing aU I claimed for It; namely: IkX would compel the Beard or Mouataehe to grow npen the amool est face wluln six weeks from the fintappUcahon. UkesUa cesaful iBventort, I have bod to contend wllh a boat ol imilalo aoma ot whom evea go so br u to copy my sdvsrtlsemi However, truth ts mighty, and wiU prevail; and you, my ba less friends, wlU find Hut my Onguent la the only thing that really force Ihe Beard to grow, and wlU neither stain or lal< the akin. I aend It to any part of ths country, free of iiosiM for 11. |7-lf] B. G. GBAHAM, No, IN Nooau street,^?!! LAST nUNDRED.-lOOO SOLD.- I, Babe A Ract." said the Five Ceat Monthly of "Ii H," the Bonsstlon Noveletle. Sent free, by mal ^totTen cents aen tor 78 conia), by CHAB, BU 4[^"nicii, VlUOH, 4^ receipt ot Ten cents (tei _ _ $r DAY, ths AalhorPubllaher, New Haven, Conn, N.B.—"Oon CiBCOLAB" sent treo to aU purchason. Ml TODACCO TjeEBS, ATTENTION l-CRAVINO W TOBACOO CURED and prevented by Dr. BYRNE'S "U DOTS." Buy Hand rid youreelt of the expenalve and dtsgniB babllaof Cbewino and Bvoiiko the weed. BontfreeTu' on receipt of 38 coats. Five packages for tl, by 3-3m CUAS. U. DAY, Now Haven, OoiA LANDiS 4 CONRAD'S OYSTER DAY BE3TA1 BANT, Reading Pa. Oraten received daUy from PhlliA phis, and aerrod at the ahorlesl noUco, A SEAUIIFDL Ell over tho Rcstanraat lo rent, having been nowly filled up, capil ot holding five hundred people. Exhibitions travellug can It on roaoenable terms. Address LANDIS A CONRAD, '. ■ Union HsU Concert Saloon, Beading Pa QOMmUNG NEW.-Sutlers and Tradu supplied-' O 1 dor. French Card de Vlsltea and Glass MsgnUlen (U Bite); price, live dollars. Carte de Vhiltes—100 new atrM twentr-nvo cente. Storeoiconlo Plolures—lOO new stylea-sa onty-Sre cauls. Ulcrosconio Picture—In Opers Glaaa—one doD fifty cents, MlcroKoplc Ploture—in PearlHandlo Knife—tt> doUare. Enclose rod slaop, H. PONCIA, Photographer, p. 0. Now Yort PLATING 0ARD8, And all articles used la OAUES OF AMUSEMENT AND CHANOl Uauufaclnreil end Bold by M. NELSON, 7-tI All Broadway, New Toifc r ■VTQAV READY.-Tlinl Curious Dook, fully lUualrBW IN Price,«9. Tho Book ot Naturo-Illuilraled: ThU bod Hout eecureiy etaltd; Price, $1. Gambler's Tricks with Oan> 98 cents. Tho Esnoso of Gambling: 80 cenis, by mail on roMlf ofiirice, Addioas FlIEU. I'ARSELLS A DUO., H it Box Kii V, 0„ N. Y. Cllr-