New York Clipper (Jul 1863)

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TIE NEW YORK CLIPPER. AMERICAN SPORTING AND THEATRICAL JOURNAL muHK acuv, ] ■dltar ud ftof rlttar.J NEW TOBK, SITUBDAT, JULY 18, 1863. I TOL. Xtimau, 1ft. \FBioB«izoani« KVLOeiVK O H. IHA MCtPllAM. ViimH ox Hu BntBDiT, Ann. 33, IMS, n < w. loos&iL miaoK. InuoniLBudl loltatttUuUaukaw, Aad RMl tbw u t iMrIa (iMt tbali Use; Codrlsi ttUl 1^71""*. ■* ^* ^'^^ thaw; Ttf pnlMi auk* Uu wood and mlUn riag. LUu Jtwil* i*>«, tbr «orki til rtdlut fir* FotIK brUllut njo of Uahl ud tntlunbUin*; IhoT tewb tlUo bow Tootn ud oge ilionld Ur«. And ohutu kwiti Uitl o'oB tranght wlUi etime. Ob I vosd'nu mutw of lb* tri dlrlnt, IbT mlgbt^ power orarwolmi xu *U: Ud Uei whom out to tbj iml tralbl inuino Ilutt fHllb7 Unto obtrtd tt HtiTta't ctU. Innlnd Ibit-lbj word-ptlntiagt mnit liTt, At llTOd Ihtr h*Tt, ttanogb iga ptat tad gono: A fllUiij tribal*—Uut tU DMoaa (iTe To OM wboot gtnlai e'u wu nit a'er known. 'ind thoogb (oil lauT a pott-Ugbl bit ibed It't halo o'er aunUod, they itQl to Uit* An Uk* tbt dwtrftd bub, tbtt t«tn Ita bold Buittk tba tbtdow of lb» glint titt. Tbi ptoft* In tbelr btart o( btarta itjolee That EDgUad bat a pott Ukt to Ibte, And Ihotgb tba world prooltlm witb mlgblr roloe Tboa'll nrenaotd be tUl dittd Etainltr. •aso Cllppoc Prln* »toty. THE SECKBT COBCLATE; OB, HISS OAROLING BICHINGS, ACTBISS isv Opbritio Cantatbicb, MR. PETER RICHINGS, Actor. For BlognpUwl 8k«tohe«, iM uolliet Column. nt nsmms boose or thb tin rourrs. A STOaV OF tlKVr TOBK CITY LIFB. miRBi watMULX 101 tu nw lou outiBii BT J. A. DMDEBWeOD. CopTTlght Becued, OHAPTEB XXTn. BIBT AUD D0C101 BUIIDOW—TEl tUBtCttPnO!!—THl TUIT TO osioM a«Uiii^» CTPttii—itannWt ntti lo bucit— BUB VOlU ox Hit tlMrtlTOtS—HI IZtOLTM TO ACCOMMIIT BU—A eOHXEB't mon—TBI inVTElIOUt HOOtB-.-BainT EmUPBS. nle moTslDg roUowlog tbe latarrlew botweu Ui/btw and UolM, HeniT Uordisnt roM at u earlr bODt, 'Ibe bob bad olrjoatcomneoetd to Ulamtno the lopt of Ibt bootoi, tndthe ut otlT btd not 7ct awakened from 111 tlusber. Whea be fined hit bed-room window and glanoed Into the atroet, be taw Ct It wai enilnlT deserted, wtib tbe oicepUon of a few ctrlf iDkcajrti. Ilwuaglortoaimomlngl The alrwat balmj at a tepbjr of irlna; and It cartiaed bit tan, u with one elbow reaHng on tbe nadow till, be glanoed forlb on external nataro. Tbe if x wai a k«p bine, without a eingle cloud to obtcuro It Henry dnt Jinoedttlbealuaberlngoltr, ud thu raited bit erotcotbe itotd blue buTentaboTo him; ud one might baTeinppoacd hit be wat endeavoring to p«ne(ral« the mjaterlea of tptce, be :tpt kit gaze to long Aied there. Bnt the fad It, be wat net Unldogtuntthetkrat that moment, bnt bit thongbltwere tolled on the two happr daya ha bad epent at Ctptaln Oolgtto't uontiT teat, ktaud hid nenr afptand lo bim to Und—to (Tectlonite—eo loTlni—at on that day. When be thongbl of the lear girl buglng on nit arm, and the prettnre of lore which aba elutted, bit ejet Inroluntarllr fUltd with tean. He uw ber urelr fonn m palpably at U aha bad bean pretaat-be conld gain feel Iba prcnura of ber hud, add a|aln aiOoyid lha fallclly le had eiperluccd on Ihoee two dallgbtnil dayt. Eli raTsrle laiM^cdt (WO bonn, irban tba nollt or.^blcOta to. iM tiraet aroniad bin, and recalled bIm to bit eTary day Ufe. 9t ordered bli brtakful, and hiring partaken of lt,waB.pre- urlng to go down town to attend to nil bntlnitB when be wti larormed that Doctor Brandon wiehed to too blm. He ordered lit Doolor to be admllttd it once. "How are jou, Mr, MordauntI" tald the pbytleliD, at hi en' kied tbe room, balding out bit hud. "I am dallgktad to leo |M—looking u blooming u ever, I aee." "I im lulie wtll, doctor. How are yoi ?" "Uooh after the old way—nearly worn oat with Uleriiy libori. IbtTi worked very bard lately. ■Ibaroaaplendldwork In the intt; aomethlng, I gnetB,.lbat will atlonlth the naUvea." "lodeedl Iim glad to bear It, doctor. la It on a popular "Fopularl I believe yon I Ton moat read It when It la pub- liked. In fact, everybody In tbe country ongbl lo bave a copy dlt." "What It the tubjecl. doctor?" "BnnJUn on Ikt tliiKia I THiit do you tbink of thai)" Hairy tumid bit bead away to pravint Iba egoUalltal phyil' din (Tom taeing blm tmlla. "I have enuDolalad In that book, air, tome new viewt—I miy uy, tonolblag intlialy new U> tbe proreulon ud world it Urge, tbe world, air. It til wrong with rotpact to aierdae. In tbtt ^k yea will find thai I recommind that every hnmu telig ibonld lake a different kind of eierclta every hour of the day. if Hut meant every mnicle In tbe hnmu frame will be derrt ipad equally. It It my bumkla opinion that It will eaoae a lavo- otlon—" "Anything new ellrrlngt" Intarroplod Henry, rappretalogn nwn. "Br tha by, your queillon racalU to my mind the porpoio of If Tull to you," "Eicuia me, doctor, If I iik you to lot ma know It aa quickly It poitlble. I ought lo be down town by tbli time." "Well I will come lo the point at once. Ton are awara there hue bau a great many dluppeirancaa of well-known citlzeu •itbln lha lait yair." "I know tucb to be lha fiol, ud It hat bean a toarci of grett lunrlae to mo." "Theta dltappairucti are not natural; Ihiy nuit bave a outt. They bave bean loo fraqsant to auppote that they are volustaty on the part of tha mlating pettont." "One would corlalnir think ao." "There ira rtportt abroad—I do not know bow trae they nuy b«—that there It tome eeoret toolely exItUng, to whlob the Inth of lU theta mining clllzeni la to be aacrlbed. "That Burely It tctrctly pottlbla." "There It no knowing-but tha fact It a partjt of UeiolanlB kitajolned together, and hare lubtcrlbed u amount of money to employ deleciivea to peuelrale tha myitery If poialblfc I am OBBltiloned lo collect tubtcrlpllont, ud bavaoilled on you Ih that purpote." "Iihillbehippytocottlrlbala to to praltewotthy ip object. Otre me your anbicrlptlon piper," The doolor bended blm the Uel, which Henry perattdwitb tomi curlotlly. "Ilea yon have one rery liberal oontribntor," tald he when he read tba llat otdonitlona. "Ion allude to Ur. Luke Avorlll; ye* be la tbtmoateamiatof •U the marobult lo tolre tbit myttery. The moment I budtd Ike paper to blm ha put hli name down for a boadttd doUan MlbonI uy bitltaUon, ud aiproitad blmtelt very warmly ui biheltof lha movement." "Well doolor-bow are ten dollar*? I cannot afford lo give JOU u much at Ur, Avarlll." "0,1 don't aipcct to gel at much again," Henry entered bit name, ud took up bit bat, at i genUe bint that Ibeir Inlorrlew wat at an end. "I hope you will buy my book on muadat," tald the doctor u be urted wllb blm In tbe ttreel. ^Vhan the doctor left blm, Henry looked at bit walcb, ud trandthaltac had yet half u boor toepan, We have bafora uid the diy wat a glorlona one. Some feeling which he eould Col explain cauaed blm, Inalead of proceeding at onca down town, lo turn bla ttapt In tho direction of Union Bqaire, He did not utlclptta meeting uy one, but tbe vary gnt peraon be •iw wu lland Wilton, Hbe wia tatted on a baooh near the Btoidway entnnce. Ha ran up to ber, and could hardly cefriln (torn kitting btr-«ven In thai public plioe—but ha wat obliged lo bi laHtded wllb a ferveni nreatuia of tba hud. "I know you would come, Ilenry," tald Maud whan Ihdr flnl Reeling bad patted-"I fell carlaln of It, ud that It tbe reaton Urn here." "II la very itianga," relumed IIuiTi "but tome tecret Impuke aide ma oooe to the equara Ibit mombig, Bnl, darling, tall BO—do yon bring me good newt t latbera uychugain your bibir'i diapoelllon lowardt me?" "AlatI none—be appoin to be quite at bllleritevcr. Ur. Uhi Avorlll pild blm a long vlilt the night befota lut." •■Indeed l-did ha ace yon Uiud t" "He did-and panlaled with bit odiout allonllou." "He la a bid—bad mu. What antwer* did you relnm)" "What antwer* ahould I nlurn but nnmlugated tcom) 1 ■poke more plilnly Ibu 1 have ever don* la my lUt before." "How did be appear to take It t" <'He wat veiy ugry, tad lalt Ike konta In a grAtmga." "With all hit hypoorliy ha cannot eoncaal bit fiaUaxt." "I have t«ad hu heart long ago. But, dear Heary, lam iboot lo loll yon wby I eama to Iba Square tblt motnlng, WMaJIr. Amtll had gone, I taw ■ Meoa of paper on tbe toCa on i<hloE be had be«B HMng, It evtdenUyfallfnmbl* pocket. Iwaaibgal paltiigit Into u uvalopa to latnralt to nlm, whea I cugikt algbtoltoDettniigelugaagaor lattan latcrlbadthtrion.'iill Mimed to me lo beTerytlruge, to I datermlnod I would ate yon ud oontull you tbeat It." "HiTt yon Ihe paper with yon, Hand?" •Tea, ben It It." So ttylng *ka banded him a email piece of papar which tna lonawaat worn bom havlag been carried la ua pocket tOme line, Heaiy opened It ud found that It contained Ibe follow- liu strange worda. Enta BOA Boataai an inznaiL TniBonoimt'* icii RTinsu. lEir.tooT ma TBoatEi,iiv ziiivioiT tomr lannr iL to DBIP OA UCIUM, WD BlBUT AI. ZBtO. KuBUToot CO imoi mvor nionouBinti. Thlt It lomilhlig very ttranze," aald Henry, wtun he hid read It," ud I am certabi It wlU lead to tome reveliUent. mil you allow ma to lelala iMaattlen of tblt. Hand) 'Certainly; I am of the same opinion u younelf, ud will of conna glTi yon thi paper." Weahonldhavattid that Henry bid sot told Hand Ibt put Avarlll bad played In tba matter which prodnoad Oration'* death, not daemlng it expedlut at pnaant to alarm her una*, oauarlly. He wu more and more convinced that ha moat be on hit guard igilntt hitarob.uemy. Heoiy carefully pal tbe place of piper In bit nocket'book. "Whit do you think that maaat ?" tald Uiud, who bad witched hi* action. It la a cypher," tald Henry," ud will require lome time to onravel It—out then wu never yet a oypber that conld not be aolred. Thli appearato be aTetyelmpb OBa,aadI bave bnl Utile doubt lahallBoon be able to And tbe key to It. Itbtll aadeavor lo tolre II thlt evening." The lovert wilked roaod Uie tqnata tavoril timet, ud tuned tbi tubjoet of tbalr coovenalloa to more agreeible topics, at leut for them. At lait Ihey wan obliged to atptiala, Uaudto return home, and Henry lo proceed down town. But even In the dry rontbia of commerce, ha bad that one Image coitlasUy btfon hie eyes. It wat late when ho raluroed borne, ud after partaking of hli evening meiL he tnddenly remembered the piece of paper be hid hi nit pocket, ud plicad It befon him, for the pnrpoeeof Bidhis tha key to It He bad, however, acarcelyoommanoal, whea ne beard a tap at hli door. "Come 111" be npUed. One of the tervuct atlached to the booae entered. '•If you pleue, tlr," sild tbe, •'then It tome one wiptt lo tea you." •'Who It It?" "Wall, I don^l know, Ur." , . |'Ii|l|«mioorairoinint"—•-'.-7 ■ • —. '•A girl, air," tald Ike domettio, trying to bide 1 imUe.' •■Itli some mlalahe, aha cannot want lo tee mo." "iQdead, ahe dots, sir. I aaked ber twice, ud she mtnlloaad' your ume li full, kir. Henry Mordaunt." ••Show ber up, then." A minute or two aflerwardt, a yoiug girl, dreiied very plibily bat neilly, made her appearance, Bhe entered Ihe room wllk a dowBcatI look, ud appeared to be very 111 at ber ease. She na rtmirkably pretty, ud her eyet were red, at If tha btd been tnna, be sold hit farm for osa fourtb what II cctt hba, ud re- tamed to thlt oily." •You tlory Interetia ma, my child," aald Henry, affection- leto: ••go on;" •■Wall, air lU, air, day by day onr Utile meant grew Ins ud leu; wa obliged to remove from lodging to lodglaa—cioh oat wont thu Ibe fomiBr. AI Utt we have reached iMuwast, namely, 1 wntcbid apirtmeni hi 1 houte In tbe Five Point*. Iverytlung that wo poueatad hu beu told lo provlda food, ud now,'tlr, my poor tilhar ud motbtr bave nothing bnl bat* uraw to Us ««.•' Uy Ood of Heavenf exclaimed Henry, "do you maair to say that year poor dying father Ilea on atraw?" "AIM I It It only too Ini." Thlt lut oonfiulon appeared lo decide Haniy, lor hi stnlohed out hit bud lowudt hit bit. "Htdamolielle," tild be, "If yon will allow sM.'I will acoom. piny yea lo tee your Alher." '"To-nlghl, sir?" "Cerlalily-thlt mbinle. It It poitlble tbtt we cu be Uvhig In a Obrlaun bnd ud tucb tblngi can eilat among ua ? I cu ba of lervlea to your tatbar, Uadamolielle. Ha raqhlrea pnpar bedlcal atalalanoe; who knows bnt bla Ufe Dw yei be eparea?" •■OhI yon reanimate me with hope. But I am aibamed to lake you ont lo-nlgbl, air." . .•Ilntltt on gohig; I ibouU niver forgtra nyielf If I tiapt In lay bed wllboul doing what I cu lo nllevt afallow being in dli. (teat. Come, my good girl, I tm retdy." ■ ••Ton will place ma nndar 1 debt of graUtnde that I never can took the ohair proffered ber bv Henry. Young Mordannt wanned hi* vlallor with tome ourleellr, for he wu at a loaa lo know why aha had vltlted him. Her fealuroa wen enUnly nnfimlilai to blm, but ahe conducted herself to modeaUy, and wllb (o mnob grace, that ahe at once commanded bit raapact, ind he IncUoed bit bead u a bint to hir that he WIS reidy to bear uytblng she had lo uy. ••Havel thepleuureof apeaklog to Jtt. Heoiyblordaunt?" uked Ibe young girl In broken EogUab. WemayuwellatoDce Inform Ihe reader Ibit she wu na other thu Eneittie de Seleane. •That tt mr name, young lady," returned Henry. ••Ah, Uontlanr," aha rttumed, "I mutt apologlie for vlitUng f ou, but I have beird how good, bow kbid, how noble you my same, air, la Endoxle Legron; I am a poor French girl, ind have beu but a few yearn In tbli country. Iiu^emy uvlagby sewlog, but for weekt hive bad nothing to do, ud at lut I hare simmonad op oouraga lo apply to you." Tha pretaodid seimitrua wat tucb a conanmmala acinu, that tbe begu lo foal u If tbe part wen a cruel one, ud loan atraimtd from her evet. •'Uy poor girl," ttld Heiry, til bit tympithlet irontad In a Donent, "do not weep. Ton may commanu me In uy way you pleaie—ner^ take tbli pnrta." "You mlilake me, air," aald EraetHne, putting biok Ihe pine with ber hud. "I wut to earn my Urellbooil-my con. adance will not allow me to receive any money graloltoutlr— Sim, allow ma lo Ihuk rou for your good Utleatlon-all that I rtqnin It, that you will give ma eometbing lo do, whereby I cu earn mooey for Ibe tnpport of my puenli.^' ••Uy good girl, you ahill make aayUungyoa pleaae for me— commonca at onca with a doien eblrtt—nothing conld come nore aprofa—li wu really my InluUon to tee about It to. mortew.^^ •*0h I air, how ahiU I thank you for your Undntu—my poor, ■lob father, who la now lyloi at the point of duth, will pray for yoD with hli Utt hreitb. U you only knew what a load of cue nod inxloty you have taken from my boirt—If yoa only know how we bare all Buffered—It you only knew that I bare eeen my fa'.taer and mother actually wanting bread, you could bettor com. piekond the debt of gralltada I owe too. Hay Deareu bleu end preterro you, tlr, eiouia my faallngt, for I ciniot control them." And lha pretended tainulrou let ber fate fall In her haadt, ud tobbed ind wept u If ber heart would break. It wu dene so naturally that II mortd Henry lo Iba rery heart. ••Uy poor, dear girl," ba exclaimed, vainly endeavoring lo keep down bla leara; ••I have done nothing Ihil deeerret nch thiokt. DoyouuyTourtitbarltUll" "Alul yoi, tlr;benai beenoonSned to bla bed for upward! of two monlha,'^ "It bla dlieue u Incnrabla one ?'• Tho doctor glvM at no hope; bit dlteue It a loftenlng of Ibe brain. But 11 hu wounded ma to tbe very heart to tea blm wanllng necettlUit which I could not procure htm. But, Hon. alear, I hoard of you, ud I dared to appeal to yonr giniroalty,^^ "when do ion live, my poor girl?'' •■In a very low nelgbbornood, bnt our neeattlllet compelled u lo like tuoh a lodgbig. It It In the Fire Polntt." "It your mother Uvlag t" "Yue, air, but ahe It a oantrmed cripple." "WeU, my child, yon' hid belter let me pay yon sometbUii In advinco for tbe work yoa have to do," "Ah, air, rou an too good; but I nally ironld Uke to earn II Aral. I will eoon make tomelhlng, for I will tit up day ud night lo do It." Henry appeared lo nOeot a moment. It wae erldenl that aomatblng wu patting In bit mind, for ba did not apeak tor a mliule or two. laying, ebe n*e up, ud they left Ibe bone togelhtr. II wu 1 glorlout lunmiet't night, allhoigh then wu no moon; bnt the ttan thoni with peouUtt brilliancy,and Ihi lUlky Wiy, with Iti myrladi of bumUig gemt, tpannid lha bine areh of bearen. Blahig In Iheaaatwu Ihe regal Jupiter, a^ pairing Ilka a lamp among lha Siad ttart. Tha Aery Ban wu oh tbe meridian, ud bebig la oppoilHon lo Ike tun, ihone with rtiplendettt brightnees. All ihenmmeroouUUaUont looked down from their dwelllng.placa u they had dona for thonauda of yean before. Henry, who wu fond of latranomy, gUnced np to the beavena, and wu eo absorbed by the soene that tor a moment be forgot bit errand, ud wu onlr reoallad (o bit tltua- Hon by Ihe tUnry roloa of boeiUne, excitlmlngi- "We had better Uke thU ttraet;" Hury looked abont blm, ud found thai they wan In tba Bowery; they tuned np atmall alieet, ud toon reached tbe daaalo regloni of tba Fire Polntt. When Htnry gIino<d at tba mlaenble dilapidated bnlldlagt around him, ud noticed that Ihe ground wu corend with oSll, and that knotiof tutploloot loonng man tloodon comen, ud appeared tob)Ok malivfr lutlyat blm u be patted, a tbade or tntplolon utared bli Dlna that be might ba Ihe vicUm of ume pun laid for bla do- alrucUon. Tbe young gtrl'awambig, on tba night tht bid nved - im from Onftan't murdenu Intent, recurred forcibly to hit lemory, and he pauaed. Bmeatlne teamed to gueu what wu Miing iaiila mind, fo>. lowolng bar ayct, ahe exolabned ma em aahumd, ur, to brtag yon Into Ikl* low nelibborbood, GiVUt I poverty It compriltd'toteeli tiun'iboaet.'' ,. 1 '■Dq you live far from Sen?" uked Henry, ■Kot mon thu uolber block, alr,^' Aahamed of bit fean ud dlitmtt, Heary mollontd lo her to firocaad. Bhe obeyed, ud Ui a mlnut* or two Ihey tlood baton bemnterlone boute to which we have already , so ollu con- dueled onr readan. "Tbit It the houte, tlr," tild Eraeitlne. "It It a much belter dwelling thu tomt of Ihi neighboring bonttt," niamed Henry. ' Eraeitbie tdruced to tht door ud gari t ptcnllir knock, whlob, however, Hury did not notice. Tht door half opened. ••Who la then?" aaked a gruff rolca. "A frlcad," whlapered. Enetthie, In • rolce to low that ber conpulon did not hear It "Wdll" uldUt voice. "FUVATBTtSOBiMCB AXD UNinaTZO FucAtnci" wu E^ aettlne't nply. "FoiivEB AXD Fouvui" nplted Ihe voice. Htnry in Ihe mauwhUe tlood a abort dliUnce from Ibt door, ud begu towondtr at Ihe delay; but Iba momrat Ibe laai woida wire ntleiad, the doon opened widely, ud EmeeHne u lered ud beckoned lo Henry to follow ber. Tht litter hetllaled a moment, but making u effort lo check hit dittruit, hi rtto lately followed ber. He had notooner entered the door Iku II wu tbutwllha hug.ud Heury fell blmaelt tolled; hit eyet wen budtged, ud be fell hlmielt being home u It were andergronnd. Be heard a door open, and be wu puthed Into tome kind of u tpartmenl. Ibe bindige wu nmored ftom hit eyet, hit budt were untied, ud ba found ha wet alonl Id a dink, dark prlton CBAPTEB UVUl. TBI atCUT COKCIATE—A OIKTBAL HtXtDW—TBE BPIICB or TBI XOBLI-OBAHD—TBI PBISOHEl—tWISUOOlTIOlll' UKTSKCB—TUB BALLOT-D BT D—TBE mUOilXB BlUOriO TBE COMCLATE BBEAU Of—lUIBIW OVLT BIUAIlct. III the yeira IMO-tl t Itrge number ofpiiaou mytlerlonely dliippeared in lha city of Kaw York. They contltled for Ihe moil put of well known olticut, ud rarloni mmon wantdoti lo explain the myatery.- At tnl It wu luppctad that tha parUea badlaftfor parte unknown, of Ihelrosn free will; but when other, erm bailor known ollieent wen mloed—mra, igtlnat whom not Ibe allabteat autplclon exitltd, who hid bau eiampltty fithen ud bnibudt.tben Itwu Ibillhe pabUomUidwu touted on the tubject At lut Ibe mining persont bcctme so numor cue tblt gnat excitement pnralled, ud It foimed 1 theme of conrenanon at every eodtl gatberlsg. II wu then rumored that a aecnt tociety eilated, lb* memben ot which had awora to protect each olber, ud utlil eiob other, hi wbitorer toberae they might bare In new. Tbla tumor could not, taowerer, be traced lo uy particular toorce—It had, hower- er, tbe effect of cauilnganumberof maiohutiudpnftttlonil mcB to olnb together to employ icUre delecUre offlcert for Ibt purpote of fernldog out the mytlerr. The lutborlllet wan ilio eiorttng thomioTvet, but u yet hid not dlacorered tbe fUnt- Ml doe. Buch wu tha ttale of the public mind at tho time of whkb we write. About in hour alter Henry had been aelcod, In Iba manner de- eorlbed hi the bat chapter, men began lo arrive at Ibe bonte tinglyorlngnnpi of Iwa TbtyHd not ul«r by Ibt trout "Yon uy you lire In Ihe Fire Polntt I" ••Yee. tlr.'' "Yee, tbr.' ••And you poilUvelr refute lo like uy money la idTUce?" "I would rather not, air." "What part of France do yon come from, my good girl?" "We came from near Bouu, eir. Our elory It 1 iihort one, ind commoiipiic* enough. About dre yetn tlnce wa Urad la I prelly rllUge on the Seine. We wen happy and conlealed lhars, air, ud were pouotted of tullciut meint to tnibli ut lo lire comfortably. Father, however, took It Uito hit hud Uitl he would vlilt America. He dltpoted ot tht llttla property he Eoueieed, ud one fine day In July wa Undad In tnit dly. Uu I tlr, our tnublat commenced that day—evaiylblng ap- peared to go wrong with ut. We Inl ot til went ont Vuu ud rather luretted hli little maut In a firm 1 but hit oropt ulied tnd bit calUa died, ud itler three yean' atmgglt irilk mlifor- lit tht myileilout dlitppairuo* of teranl dtlnns, ud U wu also nmond very strongly thlt 1 teorat todityaxlttad.l* whlab WM lo ba ttolbed all Ihatt dUappaaruoM. Ai obltf tt lb* OoBolav* ba bad thought It hit dn& lo mingle with the people, aad hear an Ihey bad^to aliu on lb* rabJeoT. H* wu btppy t> Infant 111* tttfrtra that Iba report ot tbelr tiUteao* wu 1 mut nmei^tbat no dadnlta bilbrmallon had bun eblalned. He ' dIseoTiRd, bowtvtr, that one panon knew BON Ibu uy one el** about tht matter, ud tbla person wu thai vary tnatag discovered prying about tbilr place of meattaf; ba'bad b**n ■nealad ud wu now In their power, to be a^ndgtd u Ih* Ooa< alive thought It A murmur of ipplaute foUowtd tblt ttiteatnl, ud aria* te •ha prisoner to be bnught Iniren repeated by almott««Ttry vole*. Tba oblet made a ttgn te two who wtn tatted seat him, and they left Ihe OoucU Chamber. In a lalnul* or |wo tber nagpeand with tbelr pritoner. HtnrTwalktd bttweu tbtm wllh 1 ftrm tlip, ud gaud ll bliioanisnwilhu nndunlcd eye. Ha wu pitoad at 1 bu ud tba Inttrrogation commenead. '•Whit I* yonr ninie?" uked Kayktw, tht chief ol Ih* Ooa« CllT*. •Henry HordannL" < •What wu yonr motlv* in vltlthig Ihli nalghborhood lo< nigbtt" • <I eamt here, u I nppoitd, le perform u ad ot ehailly." ; A murmnr eipieatlng dltbcllaf In Ihlt tlaltmmt lu Ihmghl the aatembly. 'Why am I bronght ban, and what tight have yon lo Intoio..' gal* m* ?" aaked Henry prondly. "Aniwer tha qneaUoni whlob an proponndad lo yon, ud d> not aak uy younelf," npUed lha eauL ••Wan yon i<vinilnt«d wilb a yonng BU named Ontlon?" ••Iwa*" 'DIdyonBotvlallhlin at tha.holtl In Brighton ud hnid ki«|jrivil* oonvanaUon with Urn?" ■Dldysnnotvltlktbontaotdeabttul rspiiltltOD InAnUumT' ilreat In hit ooaptny t" "I did." ' K ••Did yon not tflerwarda vltlt tht oonntiT (til of OaptiuV Oolnte, In Stamford, CL?" , \ '•DldyonnotmetthUnlbtnigilil" ^ •'I dli" ' "A (tw mon qnittlent ind I hiTt done. Did yon B*at Ua, convene with nhn, ud 'oontull with hlB tor one pudsnlir object?" "I did." "TtU Ihlt bononbia body wbil that ob)eel wu." "I decline to tell Ik" > "Tbe memben ot thli loolety will lU tsnuBbar tbla uiwir," tald Uayhew, addreuing tha maaked membtn aroond him. "An yon acquahiled with Dr. Brandon, air?" cootbnttd lb* chief, addnttlag Hury tgtla. 'lam," . "When did yen tee hlffl bitf^' "Thla morolag." "When?" "AI my own roomt." ' "He oilled on you, than?" "Ho did." "For whit pnrpoit?" "To obtain wme money from me." "For whtt porpcae did be wut tbli money?" "To employ dittcUv* ofBcen to tnc* out the out* of the mnttriont dluppearuce. of aevanl ot our moat re*pfstabl« clBiena dnrlng tie put year." "Did you give blm uytblng?" ,«Idld." •Ton feel, I npsote, gnit uilety to know tbe oau* of the dtoappeuanoa of tbete pirtiu ?" "Of conne I do." •Ton bare, perbapt, taken tpedal means lo dltcortr Itf "No, I hare only nbtcribed tot Ikal porpow." "Hare yon heard any nporl* about the exlatuc* ot ■ stdnt toolely?'' ••I have." ••From whom?" "Doctor Brandon mtntloned It to ma." '•Do yon believe In tha eilatmce at that ttcnt locltty ?" "I do now, ud bellere, tnilber, that I am at one ot lU altllBgi." "That Is all, tlr—you may tit down." Henry obeyed, lad watched wllh aome onrlotlly what Ihe atit proceedbig would be. It wu a alraaga tut, bnl In tba Bldtt of that gloomy aatembly he did not leal lb* l*ttt abumad. H* vaa ulotuabad, ud that wu alL A panu ot 1 Blanle or two ncMedsd, whea Uayhtw spoks again.' ' . ••OuUem u," aald he,—"yon hiT* bsaid wbal lb* prbonot tai to nr. I aacd not rellents whit I befon tiatad at lha opaolng otlbu meellDg-It later von to judge what we ahaU do with him. la tha fini place I nave lo ask whether than It uy ob. JeeUon to the ordinary quetUon being put to the mtaHng. At U ntual I tbiQ will Ave mbialu for any one to tpetk;—inonld no one do to, i»ordlng lo the rules ot Uus tadety, Ibe deoaee mntl foDow-the'choice of tht mode of einylng out tbit deonewlU be Ihe only one loll yon." Utyhew ut down tgiln ud u be did to, be glinoed at the clock, tbe hud pointed exactly to Ave mlnnlM to one. Adatlh Uke ttlllneu followed which wu dltturbed only by Ibe Ueklng ot lha dock. Iloonatpok^naon**llned,uaontnlighlbavt nppoeed that Ibe mamoan ot Ihi* terrlbl* aaaoeiattsn wan and- denly turned Into elone. A vagna feeling at alarm for Iba Ant Ume utered Henry'a heart Tba alltnce, Ih* mystery, and tbe tombn tnmmdiDgt, otnicd 1 feeling of two lo onep throngh tilm, ud ht Axed hit eyu on the cloak. Thit Ave minulei ip> petted the longttt ht bid ever pitted in hit Ufe. ••At lut the tonoroni bill of tht clock timck «»-ud Ihe oblef't huimer tell it Iht ums momut—not 1 sosl hid spoken I" ••Row, gentlemen," tild Miyhiw, thin It but one thing re- malna tor ua lo do, 'ud that la lo decide on the mode ot ctnylng ont Ibe dtcKO. An von ready tor Ibe quetUon ?" Again he pauaed—tnen wu no reply. "The qneaHon Ibu It, gratltmen, it tt to be ^D by 0' or 'D by B' pnpan for the ballot" Tbe box wu huded tonnd by one of Ihe tianhala ud the ballots were depoalled lhaiebi—Ihe boi wu then tetnmad lo the chief, who counted Iham—they wen ill red. "Oentlemu," axolalmad Ihe cnlet yonr declalon li nnut- mont for ■D by D,' to be It i Umhil, do yonr duly." Tho pritoner wu immediately telted, bit eret bandaged, tnd he wu conveyed back to Iba dungeon from which ba bid beu liken. For 1 momut 1 bnathlaa alltnce followed, not atonadure tbe heavy bnalblog of thou preunt could be heard. Thlt, however, did not bit mon thu a minnl* or two, the Conclave Erocteded lo olber bnilneta, ud avu tha vary eiltlanee ol [enry Mordiunt appeared lo be enUnly forgotten. In abont two boon the meeting adjourned, ud all tbe mem- btn, with the exception of ue, departed lo their variont homet. lliyhew nmalned behind.—To be oonUnutd. door, but allpptd Into a narrow patug* which tu bealda the ■ blind alley wu a aide door, at ullar nuiiner, and having houae, Aboulbilt way np Ihia t which each ot them knocked U a peci (Ivu the pait-word—••FiiTATi vcvoiahoc axd CNLDom PuisoBT," they wen Immediately adniltltd. Tber each touched tbe apring In Ine dm-place, u toon u thiy enlcnd, ud dc- ecudlng the concealed atalicaae walked directly Into 1 room, on Ihe door of which wu palited the woida "Scobr Coxclavi Obaiuei." II wu a large apartment, fureiehed wllh » great number of irm-chain. At one ud wat a nlied ittga, en which wu pUctd I ttatot muchgruttrpnlenalonaIhuuTottkaolhen. The chain ud walla, and even Ihe door Itaelf, rren oovered with black dolb, bnl the atat of Ihe prctldeni or chief wu trimmed with gold fringe. On the four willi ot Ihe chamber wu painted Ibe motto ot the bud, ••PirvATZ VciioEAtct Attn DKumrxn Pliuobi." By degnia Ihe Council Chamber Ailed, Each member, u he look hit ual, adjuiled on hit flea a mut, Euclly u tbi clock alnck twelve, Ibe chief or, ••UoalNobIt Omnd," u ne wu called, look bla leil, hit fkce ilio concailed by 1 black mttk, ud Ibe bnilneu commenced. Tbe proceeding* it Inl wen of u un- Inliniting cbiracler, conalalbig of Aiiiaolal npotia ud olber millen;bulamemberat bat got an and ipoke oa a «nb|Kl which Immediately olaimad Ibe altenUoD of every one prewot— It wu nolhlag lett than a detail of Ihe meui thomeNtulaud olhtn bad idopled lo dltcoret their lectett, Thlt membrr ipekeloig.udcondndcd breuggtiUng that the condareebould dlibaad for all montha, ud than whra Ihey met again all nt- plcion would ba blown orer. , - Tbe chief now rote bi bU teat, aad abled that ba begged to make a tew ramarki on the iibleot. He weet on le title Uiat II wu tnt thin wu 1 gttal teal ot eiolleaul is Ik* dly tttpMU Btioi FaioBT.— a muigtr *tys: I once teal ••on" a yonng medical atudent bi Ibe ohataetar ot a lorer, who bid to make 1 declaration, be accepted, ba tnrprltad br a riral, challenge him on the epot, decUn that he wonU not allr until Ihe green (ward wu alibied witb tbe blood of on* or Ihe other. In foci to go Ihnngb the greateet amount of bombut oomprtaalble Into a abort Ume, Of coune, Ibe lora makbig wu lo be ot the meal high Aown cbuaoter. On ht went, and at alghl of lha audience ud Ihe lady aealed at ber work Ubie, nb*lded bnmedUldy Inlo • rerr of fear. Inalead ot mahUig fruUoally toward lhaobjMl I affection*, Aingbig hbntaUoa bla knect, ud buntbig Into ay a InmcnTonrrbipirody, u he'oiighrto bare done,hiTIinplr itood ud looked al bar, twIaUag bit hal flably In hit hud. Hot 0 *-"—* "■■ atage, pnir lot one word conld h* aay, but bi dud tUuoa onpt isrou Ibe Uge, alowly took op a chair, eat It exactly oppoalU Iba lady, wnl hit bit under tha chair, oAbred todi iown,]ook<tt behind nlinio make ann tba chair wu nally In lla plaoa, ut down on tht axtKmi edge ot It looted il tha gtoand,rabbad bit knee* alowly, now ud then gUnced it Ibe Inluded bride, much u t dog doe* whu he hu elolea tomathlag aad knowa ba la geing tobewblpped. The audience wen Uiecatadu,llilnkbig that It wia all pun acting ud that Ihe part wu tbe baahtiu lorar. Oeitalnly any one who coald act half to wtU ongbl to mika hit fortune. Ue btd been In potte w lon ot tb* tttge tome terenor eight minnlet wllhoul tpeiUag 1 woid,wbu ht opened hit month once or twice, rabbed hit kneu tgiln, ud tt lut tdd in 1 broken tad bulky voice, ••How'* your molbu I" A perfect abriek of liughler bunt from tht ludlenoa, ud gara Ihe oppor- tunity torgtlUog bbn off tha altge. Tba rlnl mihed forward pounced on him, hauled blm eS ny lha collar, Aung hlmtelf on bit knee*, did Ihe rhapaody hlmtelf ud wt had to patch np Ihe reit of Ihi tcene u but we could. Indepeadeal ot to complete a fiUnre en tha part ot Iba medical atudeat Iba antin tcua wuiha bittol the erenlng, ud ••racalred Iht higbetk tnoom- Inmi of tbe pnit ud Ihe pnbUo." Lorraa^ QoiiBtLi.—Tht but record of krin' qnarrela, quick ud quick OTtr, that we remember to bare aeon, fa credited to a recent telegram, In manner u follow*:—•■Charley ud Julia met at 8, yealtrday—quamlltd ud parted forever—net Bgau lait momlog, tnd parted to meet no more-mat agibi Ihlt enuag ud were marilid." Tbatbliiio OK TBB UittntirrL—■■Whit miket you kavilb* bar In tht cutre-wby dn^t yon have a on Iht ddt, out ot Iba "^arkeeper.-^^WtU.'we would 1 but you tee II won't do lohiv* to Buy paMin|tn oa one dda of tba boM,"