New York Clipper (Jul 1863)

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YOUK CLIPPER: 07 HEATRIOALi RECORD. gaim, iDinni*, akp laoiDtHn or mTBunioUt onoiti, MOnoiL, AKD namiL rmraaiov. .UUK LiKTTBR BOX. r Vo huTo lotten for Monira, AuRimtiii Foaooyor, Wnu Ac IT, Alfred CnUIy, 0. U. Qnlck, U. A Bcolt, W, n. DonildKOD, Ailn Webb, Urs, Buua Wtalpjlo Mfon, uil Un, B. U. »c. ■_■ . .. CITT BDIOHARV. TO THE rHOFESSIOlf, r Tho CLirmn I* tba great omao of Iba dnmaVo ui4 abow ittou, anJ our <1aalre la and otot bai ^cao to make thia do- gent not osir usafiil to tba profoa«loo,bDtlntoTe«UDg to tba ttl rendar. Throiiph' tlio ntMlum ot oar lltUe stiaot, thero* Uie profoMlon can loaro tba vbarea^uta and bnaUieia of cUier. Drop oa a |ila;blll, a ntwtpapu, a lino or two of tbo nenta orjoutaalroa and ttaowi aaaoeUied with you, ao Ibat isay renoh un by Satnrday, or Monilay, at lha lateat, and tbo I Mn)lab«d vlU appoar In tbat vook'a laana of lha OLtfrza, b la forwarded to agonia throughout Iba oonntry aurly on jay momlDg of auh woak. Va chargo nothing for rocord* [b« moromcnta of oar frloDda, mitbnr do vo aak or aaak t of any kind for ab doing. Wo vUh to oodUduo tbo Oltt- IS a rollablo organ fbr tba beneflt of tho profeaalon, and by oilond tba aphoro of Ita uaofuljjoiif. 1 UomiT, July 19, '09. II Jnat bet a cool Ibonaand Ibat then ara no ptople on tbo i Ibo globo BO lond of oxcltoioenlj ta tbonconia of Xew York; uHy ibsy baraauppcd full of souastlona latojr, for vliat <rllh BitUi'a In Fennaylvanla, tho aurrtO'lcr of vldahnrgh tho aoDla ou Ibo Pcninaula lo fHghton Iho roba. In Dlchmond, 'm\ua of tbo Dragg ponaral b; noaecrana, and the worry* r U-o a rcuialna on tbo Polonac, acarco a day baa eUpacd 4 the post two wculia witbont canae for baUeluJanuaa and jniusaua. Lvcrytblug voa *'aurre&derad" for tbo timo [-workabopa vera ld)e:'etroot cloaoora woro Idle—and It ibaaumetbiri(;oxtraordlnary to nako (A«m aland atlll, cm- iptdklng—b'nuca of aowlng mactalnaa and ooal acroona led off; Btrlkco all along ahoro wero aaB[ionded—which la ber Ibing that don't oflon occur; nanagora of theatrca Kore 10 lako a nip with the henry rllUln and the gantool and ikel comedlBu; utility pcoplo and pooplo ot no uUlIly fra- iM with Bupcre and call boye; our Oliy Falhars gathorotl Vr In tbo dumobtio circle, or rlnc, lo dlacaio Uio chanc^a fTiod colobmtlon In honor of tho incceu of our anna; kid icoDtfActvra wore hand and glove vllh yogonUo Aldermen Common CounoUmen; Uger beer andwhiakoy ml 111 woro JqU aa the Potomto during toe etonn, and ye luitUiiot ot the iwero brbnlnllrr. Take It all lo all—not tho wblakey and '-Iho week Just doMd waa a atunnor, a regular ton etuoner, BomlBtako. Bucbjobllationabytbetfnlontata: fuehexccra* ib7 tUi dliinuloulala; anchlAudallODS by our fallen, and anoh Hiloaa by tbo aoceah, have noTor before been aeon or J, In the Mmo itiTen time, by that reliable blatorian, tba t luhabllant. It waa a gala week, Uidcod. "Tba mailer bo I hoi the putple ebeut hoi bo I It muat be. near ! good time coming. In the year of Jgbllo." ^Ith anch loga on, and free apeccb, and free drlnka out of doors, In* placea of auuiement were eomowhat neglected, much to the tlMtcd dlpguat oft^OBO who control the conlents of tbe y Doxee. Managen who oloaod their dr&mailc aeieoo* and .1 their honaoa to other pattlea, amlled "promlacnoualy," aa lU Tovee aaya, when tbey saw how tbe people dld'nt crowd icbly. Tnrif wore all bunk; It waa one of the mlafoitunea of »r tho Ineomcra, aud one of tbo fortunes for the ontgoers; all Ibluge conaldcred, bnslneas mltiht haio been much >, aa our Ruraraary of aummery ehow amusements wlUsnm* jahow; oil owing to Mlator Lee'a excnislon to Penneylva- n'e'll make aomo Tardea about Lee and bla axcuraloo:— MIBtcr Lee lo too rlrer'a gone, lu tbe rebel ranks youll ftnd bu'e on bla way from tbe Keyatone Slata, with the Union belilud blin. "Xjtnd of coal," uys tho warrior bold, "lo Iheo were a pity; but I really thpeobt I'd apend.the fonrtli, tUadclpblacliy." Poor MUtorLee uy tho river atanda, with rolo. f^ill before bim; while In hbi rear Meaile preSBeo on, fl^lory blszoncd o'er hlu- '-Hold bud," the Onion chief* cries, while uafllyroara Ibe torrent, bnt beedleas of tbe dog voice, Leo plungca In tbe currenL And now on o1d7lr> fa shoro, And In tho mountain paaara, tho ecaltered rebel 41 stray, whom Pleoaanton bArAsaaa; tbe Jig la up, the rout ;4tto—uo succor, no diversion, Lee diuiDa tbe day, he came my, on tho Koystono State oxcnrMloo Tbe minstrels t A liold attack on our front and flAOk lost week, takiog poO' to or llicBlree, museums, and ulber hslla of dazzUng Ugbt, (heliii! Jio lLR.i tljan alx Arst*class companies In aud about iiy, Ibreo of thcni coming from "Nigger brigadea" boloog- 0 ollifr clilta, and throe being our own regulars. How they ilori{^, and how thoy dld'nt got along, tba uvaluable reader Aud only rocordctl bv our division commindera. Drjant'a itreUbavo "retired,'' alihOQgb tboyeulfeted no "repulse" 1 tbo adv.tnco of tho opposing <orjtf—tboy ccaae from ' colored labora for a short senaon, to lecupcmto prepare lur neitaeaaon, andto give Dan a chance to atudy tch character for aomebody's beneflt next year. Here's a (r mfrafn about Dan and lila recent appearance In white Jlaody Andy. Wo composed and "writ It" diutno ljac-'» I Action advaiioe to the coal mines of Fennaylvsuu, and 11 tbe robs, were apendlog tbelr Ararlh In FhlladelphlSi ilstoughootboreba., lan'tit? BattotlieTOInln:— Did you hear of the Irlsli noger, Bejaber, Tbat appeared on the tegular stage. In thla age t niB name la Dan Bryant—aonoll and dellant Aa to tackle the great Hapdy Andy, All alone. Ee put It right through, withoni much ado, ' And came out of It allok aa a dandy, Oobi hone. The profesb, or at least a portion of them, are laying off at Ktugs, "on old Longlaland'a aeaglrtahore," at the Capri, ^a^ara, among the moontalDS, fn loooh rooms, and other I retreats, enjoying cool breezes and whiskey with InAnlte esod delight. The "full strength" Is pretty well reduced I long and ardaoua winter and eprlog campslgo, and a Hof a few weeka will have a tendency to mue eUUmoro leous tbe genllemon who do the vlUsloona parte, aud add to niglit of tbe charaotera InlruitoJ to the hoavles* The repre- Ltlrce of ohambcrmalds wUl have an opportunity to atudy charscter well In observlog the girls who do tho ehotea at "letlog pbicea—that'a where yon can tee them to perfection; Ueal your cologne, wear your beat dresses, eat your ban bona, nake themiolvua decidedly free and easy with all aed every* luntoyou pertaining. Why, ladica, they even euUce off your uida and gallauts, while you ore powdering your lacea and log abcrry cobblera on tbe aly. Arch Utile derlls are the bormalda at our anmmerreaorls ^e don't know about mmmer aoason; It lan't very Urely, bo far; aome of i pccforme^ who step In at the end of a recQlar aeason to I managers for sanmmer campaign, will gel acorched, we I. Ii'a a balardoua bualness at best, and It la hut acldom tcrainer aeasona can bo made lo pay. Mr, ^allsok would 0 rout out Ail theatre durlog the month of July, but, as for ibsTo been able to learn, ho has bid only a few nibblea, K> bill a. Ue prefeis leutureia, and concerllsera, and don't uy drainatlo party to get hold ot It; neither will appUco* 'for dog and moukey abows, or drouses, lie entcrtaluea, no tr how entertaining they may be. luta' Mlnttrela brought tbelr season ot 1801-3 lo a Irlum. lclo«e ou Saturday evening, Uth Inst,, the occasion being put lor the benoOt of Oau aud Kail Bryant, the popular ■gers. For a few weeks, the boys will enjoy their cfiiin nim [athebosoma of tbelr own roapecUve ramUtoa,or lo tbe ei of other people'e famlllea. In their privacy, we wlah 1 s season ot pleasure sa aucoaasful aa the bualneaa aeo* itilcloAotl lias proved. »ilnarta havajwiUirelif cloaed tbelr lltUo perfomuncea at Uutuu, after a acaeon of unlntcrnipted farewell 'appear- 1. They played tberaaelves oat on the 11th Inet,, prerloaa |ur deiMrture for—Connecticut. They are o Utile crowd, ill gsga aa perrormen, for their vocal ablUllea ore of a very order, Indood, aud tbelr various acta on tho bUibo below iKrity. 'leg the rcceaa at Amorlcan MuMo Hall, the place Is being A order for au early ro-opeutou In August tromoQilouB bill was thnt of iToolor'a last week—eitenslvo ah for three ordinary mlnalrol compsnlos. Va visited the I llouinUat Wednesday evouIag,ln a perfool torrent of 'Iosco forounrlvea vbolher a regular cnulncctlslalorm ipoaslbly keep tbe fun-luvlng Inhabllanla or Drooklyn city ' from the hall, but tbe effect on tho sudlenco was scarcely tptlblo—In fact, "not any," oa the roughs aay. This la ilol ' Toudorcd at when atiraollons without number are kept up I ifler week, eueb aa were noror before atlempted over llie '. What think you of thla for one nigtal'a progrsmne. In* Mtnt of Ibe Urst partt Darkoy on the Fence, Exempt 'eg Quakrra, Tbe tloof Scramblers, Qranny Ueath, Tlie iltd Uouae, aud E. Dowers' new piece. Look out for Your ''I Day, Old yonevorT And yet they all follow the oaual jiulory porllon, and are Inloiepersed with dandng nod ■••Iniitog. It la aaloolablng how tbey do IL lu lha Carpel 'uoc Urorgo Ohrlety le IrrealsUblr fuioy, and bla dniuken < «ss the cause for any (luantlty of enlbuslsam; ho la ^ Ibe ehauiplou dug dancer, comuencea under the ilooley "I'beu aoolbor entire change of pngronimo «U1 be In- wed. ^Iddlnga, Iho celebrated vooalUil, m ore pained lo learn, ^luo quite blind, lie went to Iho war oa corporal In the ^ ConuecUcul Datlcry, and contraelod a eerlea of oolda • reAullcd In bla losing hll sight. Ur. B. waa formerly with tbo OonUnontala, Father Peed'a, tlorrli, ri-ll 1: ■vrlilKo'B Alluslrela, and aangwith tbo Oryaota under tbo Tom CbrlsUan. We bad tho pleasure of hearing him ' >ad luilUle aeverol mualool Inslranonls a few evenings ^>04 be proved himself poaacasad of tatrsordlnary pathos, auil compaaa of voice. It li peopoaed to give Ur, "9 a boneOt sborlly, la Oitdgepoil, Oou., wtatn Bber Campbell, Mr. sod Mies Kerrigan (both blind) and many of enr minstrel n-lenda have olferod thebr servtOM, aud It will, wo hope, prove a rra) aaalatnnee to him. We believe ho la now niidor- going an operation under the handa of three diallngubihod ocnllats, bnt with what euoceaa the future alono can teU. Tbe re-openlng of the Winter Oardar, on Uohilay evening, Olh Inst, under Uie manaiemont of BIr, Mark Smith and Mlaa Knily Thome for a ahon auramer aeaaon, wu welcomed by a brilliant gathering, both In point of number aud character. As the performers appeared, each one waa received oDlhualaatlcally by an eager audlonce; and we nnietdo the'perfnrmera tlie Justice to say, that they exerted thaniaelvea saceessfnlly to Juatlfy Iho warmth wlUi which Ibey were grfcled. The company, In fact, made a moat favorable Imprcaalon. Tbo bill of tho evening pre- •onled Tom Taylor'sfavorfto comedy of "Mine Polnia of Ihe Law." The piece was well played on the opening night of this eelabllah. meni, and continued on the bllla au tbswMk. Mr. Sol Smith (sun of "Old Sol") made bla Qtat appearanae In this elty on Ibis occa- sion, anpcArfng oa the lAwyer In the comedy. Tho aldoaplltling farce or "Wanted 1000 MlUlnors," was slao clven. In wbtoh Dan Sctcbcll appeared In hie Imly Inimitable Impenonatlon of Mad- ame Vandorponts, a character In which ho haa no rival on tlio American alage, HIa make-up for this part Is one ot tbe bCBt we over BAW, Mrs, Unrk Bmltb, who haa been abaont from tbe Me* tropolltan boarda for aonio time, rc-apnoared, aud by her oarefiil acting aud general falUifnlneas to the obaiactera aaeamcd, made a favorablelmpreaalon. She la a voir clever actreaa. HIas Em- ily Thome was of course Ihe a(ar of tbe evening. Daring her prevloua ahort slay In Uila clly, ahe won golden optnlona* She was moat enthuslasUcslly received on heireii<rr, and played with much aplrit throughout the entire piece. Meaara. Mark Smith and "Dolllo" Davenport, two eapeclal favorite wllb Broadway audiences, aro two of the principal features of this company, and deaOrvedly bo, for they are both clever artlala. Throughont Ihe week tho aome bill waSplayed, and Ihe attendance was falrlo middlloi). This (Monday) ovenlng, 13th, a new burlnsqae, on' titled. "Lesfa, tbo Forsook," la announced for Ibe first time. Alao, a new light comedietta, never before oclod here, entitled .^CoUromla Diamonda." The Thnmb-Mutt-Wamn pigmy trio have at length, after • long time a' lorrying, left tbe Uuseum, and on tbe 13lh are an- nounced lo appear atStamrord, Conn.; 14tb. Norwalk; 10th and 101b, Danbnry ;andontbel7ihandI8lhal Bridgeport We bad a peep at 'em Thnraday afternoon, heard Lavhila sing, saw Thumo dance, and Kutt ' do .the Pilgrim Fathers burlesqae—all very good In proportion to their wolgbt and Incbos. Wnalevar ago Mra. SIraltou may bo, her volcoand prcnundallon of words In the alnglng are thoao of a child, bntber aellona have an air of dig- nity quite emnalng. Now that thellUputlana have gone, Sanford's Opera Troupe, who made their flrat appearance on the 0th, afler an absence ot nine yean, will get tbolr full share of tbe public approbation. The troupe poaaesa latent mnch above tbe aver- age, and tho two end men, S. 8. Sanford and F. Myers, ar^ r^ "artlala," aa Johnny Lyng would expreasit Whether In Irlah, Dutch, or Negro borlcaques, Ssnford, Myers, snd Haven can't be beat—Ihey are a aort of Btliloplan trinity, Tho duett, "Lar board Walcb," by Meeata. Wllllama and IIaII, waa Indeed excel, lent: bnt the gontlemanwho aang "Vive la Amerlcx" put on a "leello" too many moUons, and not very expressive ones either. E. J, Turner's "tfo One to Love" seemed to atrtke homo, olven as It waa with ao much feeling. Ihe remaining members or tlil* wlddy known and popular minstrel baud sll proved themaolves alara In their different characters; and aa for Samlvel 9. Eanford —he'a a comet of tho first order. On Friday afternoon and eve- ning next, tho proceeds of this ealabllahment will be reserved for tbe eepedal beneSt of Mr. S. S. Sanford, which will be Ihe flrat.heneflt that has tsken placeat the Museum for quite a uiui, bar of years. On tbe nth Inat we were shown one of the handsomeat prs- aonU ever made to a public performer, coDBlstlng of a boautlfhl banjo made by &Ir. H. 0. Dobeon of thla elty, and of tbo well- knoirn Dobeon Dros. II waa gotten up bytbe order OfMr. Wm. T. McDonald, the well-known sporting geaUeman of Baltimore, and owner of Flon Temple. The Inatmment coat 1100, and Is Intendedaaa preaent to Mr. Nelae Seymour, of Wood'a mlnatrsls, one of the best In tho profeaalon. The handle of the Instrument la solid roaewood, sU beautifully and Ingonlonaly In- laid wllb pearl and papier eucAe. The keys are hilald with pearl, tbe drom la clasped with silver bondo, and Is flnlshed In Ihe blgheat alyle of art. On the handle la a silver plate with the following InscTlnllon;—"Presented to T. Ndaen Sandeisoo by bla friend Wm. 'f. UoDonald. July, 1603." Taken altogether, for beauty of flotah and power of tone. It Is the finest Instmment wo evor saw, and one of which Noise may well feel prond. Ur. Dob- eon la alio making a tambourine of like bcanty and finish, for Mr, Dsn Bryant, we are Informed, to be presented to that artist by Mr. MoDonald. On tbo 0th, a grand eompllmentary teatbnonlal waa tendered Jane £ngllab, the fOlr mansfleroas of Laura Koene'a Theatre, on whiob occasion all Ihe allncha of the ealabllahment, aa well aa a boat of outside talent, volimteered tbelr gratullons servlcea sa a mark.ofeateemtoonewho, byhor'IndofflltablewlU and perse- verance, had kept open In spite of much oppooltlon. thle eatAt>- Uabment, and tbus'far carried It successfiuly aloug. The bill eelccted tor tbla occaalon waa a kind of ano/fo jfdriila one, coO' elating of a laughable comedy of "How lo Avoid the Draft," In which Mr. Bradshaw and Mr. Uctaoaky, ot tho Dowery Theatre, appeared, followed by the eocond act of the "Wives of Parle," In wlUch were a variety of performances. Flrat come Alexandre Zonfretta upon the tight rope. In which he exerted hlmaelf to the beat of his ablllly. Ue waa tolloweil by tho renowned Bosl- ta, who made eome very difficult af well as' erocefal perform- ances oo'tlio Mpe. The very pop'aiar doiurau, Eale Feiuoyer, aaelated by Mona. Augoste, appeared Inapoidedeuz, and gave general aatlatactlon to all preaent The Star alaters, Anguate and Marie, two of tbe moat gnceful daicors on the atoge, ap- peared In a Fellah dance, whlon waa exceedingly well done, an4 ellelted great applauae. Vmt A. Mailer's vloLIu solo was one of the tealnres ot tbe evening's performance. He. Is a flrat dsas artist and can draw the bow eqiial to any mnalolon we have en- gaged at any ot our theatres. This waa tellowad by more dan- cing by H'lles Jennie and Ella, and Mlai Calla. Taken ollo- gether, Iho benefit waa a great suecesa, for the house was veiy crowded, and everything went off exceedingly well. The seuen ended on Saturday night the Uth. Jano Ensllsh goes to Washing- ton with her Trbupei St Denla, where ahe wul open on Ihe Ifilb, at Ihe Washington Thealre(Oarusrs Band Box), which ahe haa leaaed for a abort period. Mrs. English is also trying lo negotiate with several flrs&clsss artists tor the pntpoee of producong lo this elty the sensation drama known as "The Tbtse Faat Men," and It eacceesful In gelUng the parlies ahe rsqnlrea, abe wlU relurn from Waahlngton In tne course of two weeks, and re.opon Laura Keone'B with this drama and an excellent company, sirs. Eng- llah deaervea great praise for havhig kopt fhlB theatre open aa sho has done, and In having tttllUIed all her obligations lo those In her employ. We tiuak that ahe will neet with aucceaa In Washington. Mr. Frank B. FUin, st proaent playing al the Howard Alhes- Kum, Boston, haa been engaged for neitaeaaon at Bamnm's Uueeum, being bis first appaaiMoe In this city, C^ol. Elllugcr, Com. Foete, tbe smallest msn sUve, OoL SmsU, snd all Ihe members of DuprnskOreen'a Mlnslrcla, arrived In town on the 10th. M'lle. Boalla. Ihe charming rope-dancer, who haa bean one ot Ihe prlndpal altractlona of the Troupe SI. Denis at Jane English's, and who la aslaler to Marietta Zanfrella, was marrledln Ihla city on Sunday evening, Olh, lo Augoale, one of tbe dancers of the same troupe. At NIblo'a Oarden, "The Dnke'a Motto" conUnnes to draw crowded houses night sfler night Tho piece hu already com- moncod lU second month, ancf tha atlendsnce throughout the paat week haa been most eiocUeut; In fad, there la hardly any perceptible tolling off In the attendance any night atnce Ihe In- itlal performaaos, which provaa that liberal management such aa Manager Whaalley haa shown our clllteas, will alwaya be re- warded. The very large attendanoe at thla beautiful temple of Thalia and Melpomene la a convlnolng proof that tbe publlo Is mora delighted oy what appeals to ths eye and to the aenees— by what In taet, la langlblo—rather than by what appoala to Ihe Imagination, IhefMllnga, and Ibe Intellect In the play of "lha Duke'a Motto" tbe artlat haa had a wide range for dlapjaylng his abilities on tho eonvos; and that It haa boa carried out lo tbo felleot extent Is nighllyimaniteated by Ihe hoarty applause with which each scene aa It appears la received. We therefore con- tend thai It la to theaccnlo effect acd the general mounting of the pleee, u well aa the fine acting, that In a great measure may be attributed tba oonllnued anccenof Ihla pleee. Thetntrlnalo lovoUncaa or Ibis building, combined with the beauty ot flowers, founlalna, and varloua auporb and eessonable deoeraUoua, nuke up a eool retreat tor one who for a abort time wlahea to wUe away a pleaaaot boor. The ventilating appsrotna la always kept In perfect working order, and dlflhaes tbronghont tbe house a de* llolous coolness, Mr. OoUIoa' engagement eiknda to tbo lOlh ot Aitiuat during tha whole of which time "The Duke'a Holto" and Fbolon's perfumed pbiy bills will be all the rage at Slblo's Gordon. In consequence of a severe hooneness nndor which Mr. Whcatloy la at preaont htborlng, Mr. Collins haa, at the ahortoat notice, eonaented to porsonale theoharsolerotI,sgar• den on this Monday evening, the 13lh, for the first tlmo. Uov- Ing had evsiy opporlunlly of seeing this chsraeler well played In Ihla elty, as well as In London, we have so doubt bnt that Mr, Collins will give a eonect Intorprelollon of Iho obaraoler. On Ihe lOlL Inat we paid a vlall to Iho New Idea for the par- wao otwllneulng the perfonnanoee ot the old Martlnettl Fam- ly, BO long and tavoratdy known to tho amusement-going public Tiiolr first appeoronee In this oily waa In lata, when they were lulroduced lo an Amerloai aadlenee by Francois Havel. Slaoe that time thoy have appeared and rfrappeared In thla oonntry aud Europe and hove alwaya mot with tho grealeat auccesa. Af- ter leaving the Savola they organliod a company of their own aud went to Oallfomla, whore Ihoy reraaUcd tor a long .tlmo. They returaod to tbla dty a short tlmo abioe, laden wllb Ihla world'a gooda, having reaped a golden harvist In that Slate. On the Olh Inat thoy appeared at tbe New Idea tor a short summer aeaaonwlthsveiTtalentedlronpeofarllales. Tbeperformanoea commenced, en the evening wo otlendod, with Exorolaea on the Tight Hope by Julian, FbUippe. and Paul MortlneUI. and we tmbosllatuigly aay, that more JUDcall and at the aame tlmo truly surprlsUig performances we nerer saw. lallon and Philippe eleppod upon Ihe rdpe, ond with a cross bar loading 6om their naoka at a.dlstanoo of alx feet, aod wllb Paul Uarllnoltl atondlBS upon Ihe bar, the brolheis gave a aplendld exhibition of aklU and daring seldom wItnossM. Then foUowed Ihe beatitltnl Zon- tratu upon the rone, whose porformanoea throughout abaolnttlr electtUea the andlenoe. She aecompllabaa teals noprecedenled, and, to the beat of our knowledge, mors exlraordtnary than auylhing ever atlempted. She valises on the tope, oa- ths slant with on* toot, onl doss all lotta of marvoHona thinga wllb apparenlly' porrecteaie. The ballet waa the next featurr, ot which we shall eoy nothing. Tbe danclnif, however, of Mno. ManelU—formerly with the luvela— and Velarde, fully compensated Ibr all prevlons ahott eenttnga In tho lerpalcborean Uno, MarxotU, although atoaler than when last with as. Is still as symmotrlosl as formerly, her acUona as lenloto with grace, and sa charming u aver. The light footed Velarde supported her well In the dance, aud gave ua aomo of tho qulckeel and most dUllouit as well as the moat sdonllflo movemonta with the foot, wo ever aaw attomuled. Ue plrouetlea baautlfally and is without any doubt one of the verr best male dancers over seen on the American atage. He haa aucn complete control over his mnsdes snd limbs aa though he waaonplvols. Mr. analavosOeaxy fdlowedin a favorite ballad, and rscdved a hearty enarr, as he daoerved, tor be Is • very swset atnger. J. Sanla'a perforuunoe on tbe wood and atraw piano waa very cleverly done. Ur, W. O. Harrison, lha eitemporano. oua olnger, then appealed In a eomlo aontf, and reoelvlng an CToore favored the audience with a oong upon the war times; this waa heartily CTtcered, end he asngsuulheraongapnposot what was paaaing la hla Immedlals Tlolnl^, which was ospllolly rendorod. ThefiilrTpsnlomlmeof tho '.Oreea Monster,^'con. eluded the evening's Dill, Julian, u ths Knight; FhlUppe, aa Obevalier, and Telarde u Harlequin, wer« very fine. Tbe MarllneUls tor vsisstlllly. qnlckness of pereeptleo. grase and elogaence ot pertormanco, ore really eiceUent We abonld bam been pleased to have seen a Isrgei sllsndanee, tor the artlala engaged here deserve psinnage, and ought lo be retfsrded nightly with orewded audiences. W, Borrmon, woU known as a violinist who started ont at the commencenunl of this aeason wilh Ramsey's Minstrels, and who was compellod lo leave the oompony through plckneu, relarnod to this dly s short time since snd died here last week. Ee was burled on tho IMh, Ihe tinetol being atlendad by a ntmiber ot the mlnatnl profession. Senorlto Oubaa, the Bpoilsh iataeuu, airlved In the dly on tho Olh, and will remain here until the aeoond or third week In August, when aba wUl oommenee the fall soaaon at ths Winter Oarden, In the aenutlon dr^ma ot "Tbo Honse on Ike Bridge ot Notre Dame,"in which ahe will nuke her flnt appearand on any alage in a epeaklng ehaiocler. Her engsgemenf extends to fourweeks, dnrlngwblohthe mtlHaiydrama of "The French Spy" will be produoed, with many new and verr Important fea- tures. Horses will be inlndncad, and Onbas will sppeor In ths second set mounted apon s highly mettled chMger, Onbu has already appeared aa a danKuia and a paatomlmbt and now we are lo have her aa an eqnestrlenne. The next we shsll hear ot bor will be as the "dashing hone*woman" ot aome Angle-Amer- ican circas company, traveling through the eonntrj towns, Mr. jamaa M. Nixon oontlnaea to manoge Oubaa' affalis. At Wood'e Minstrel Boll, we have nothing new to record thla week. The panorama ot the Korth Blver coutinues on tho bills sa one of the main feohircs, and It may deeervedlyoo eonttnue, for It la well gotten up aod forms quite a treat for those who ate lu the habit of wltneaalng only the alnglng and eocenlildllea si^ pertaining to burnt corklsm. The Inlrodnetloa ot this scene with the minstrel beys on board afforila an exoeUent opportunity for aome fine alnglng and hiatrumental music, Imspeotlve ot what haa already been (rivan In Ihe first part ot the enterlatn- ment Ono thing which we admire the moat about thla com- pany, la the evennsaa of Iheir ohomaas, together with the pre- clalon with which they modnlato Iholr voices. The extensive collection of psthetio ballsda, -which they pcsaess, enables them' to place oonuoaally before the publlo a styls of mualo In which they eapeolallr excel. As inatrnmestollals the Wood's lllnstrsls hsve the gooj tortu&e to possess several Arst-alaas srtlala, par- tIcuUrly Messrs. Isaacs and Haslsm. Mr. Isoaos Is a meet finlahad performer upon Ibe Ttolln, and rnssessw on easy man- ner wblcn at once stsmps him as a msaler In bis particular line. Mr. Haolam, upon the llate, playa brilliant oalsctloiia of popular airs with exquisite grsee slid skill. Ot the slngen IndlvUnolly we ore pnpared to speak In the hjgheat manner, Mr, Behwioardi poaaeasea a boas voice ot great compus and flexibility, which la beard to great advailoge In tho alnglng part of uie troupe. Messrs. Henry and Loekwood are poasossed of thoaa light tenor voices, which givs so mueb effect to the simple bsllads, which sre identified with Wood's Mliiatrola; oiid their singing of "The Good Bye st the Doer," and "WlOle has gone to the War," are moat beauUfully and tonehtngtr rendend. Ur, Ooel While, ai middle-man, hoe no aiperlor In the bnatneu, and the two end' msn, Beymour aud Fox, moat agreeably dlveraify the anterloln- ment by their eomlcallUes, That popular bond of mhialrels known evaxTwhete as the •Campbeua." with Mr. U. O. Campbell al their head, took pos- aesalon of tbe New Bowery Theatre on Monilay evening, Ihe Olh Inat, tor a short sumxoer soaaon, and opened lo a very crowded house. We otlcnded on Ihe 0th, and wire very much plsaaed by the fine antortalnmeat ottered. In the flrat part, the singing of "Slater, Thou Art Dear to Me" waa beanllfiilly glvenbyllr. Oeorge Ony, who la the happy poeeeaaor ot a very aweet and musical voice. "UyOood Old Frienda," by BUton,waa well reudcred. 3Ir. H. has a very good voice, and knows how lo oae It On the end we find Johnny Booker and Ned Davis, two very fuoay comcdlana. Johnny Booker la an old eslabllshedtkvorite, and la one of the beat eud-man In the bualness. Msny of his lohes sre original, aud tbey are not only given with a seat, but ho baa tbe faculty of knowtng.exactly how to plaoae an audience aa quick aa he comes before ono. The vocal and Inatnuiental business tliroughoul Ihe first part wsa very-well done. In the olio, or.second part ot Ihe programme, the whlmalcalllles of '"-lor n-o bnught Into tuu foroe. In the sola of "TheTwo h(a'^ud"0(bcUo"bewai TiKionlsnygwa, nsplaat*- tlcTl festival of "High Daddy," wllh Ihe full strength of the com- any oloaed the perfonnancs, satlataetotily to all ccnoemed. lunneu oonllnned very good throughont the weak, sad the Campbella" have mode obit on the east olds. This week there is aa entire change in Ihe programme. ' We regret to learn that Mr. W. H. Bowdlleh, agent Ibr tbe Florenoea. is now lying very 111 with tbe erysipelas, at Ihe test, donee of the letter. In East Btosdwsy, On the iOlh a beneflt lo FlercS L, Jorvls comes of st Ihe Btsdt Theatre, on which occasion the following persona hare volun- teered to appear: Messrs. J. B. StuAley, 0, W. Iliompaon, H. W.' Chapman, J. HcOloskey, H, Eotto, 8, Bradshaw, U.H. lik^ 0, Nlobols, J. B. Pardon, Oeern Davenport Wm. Johnalon, J. Thompton, Ulekoy Warren; KSaea E. Bsrnett, L. yelyenU, HaUy Walby; Ueadamis A Flonnoe, 8. WUklns, and U B, Pike. ' The impreaalble and daahlng Mlas Adah laasea Menken boa at lost bidden odlea to her Menda and the dear pnbUe end sailed for the land of gold. It has long been the wlab of theatrical managen to secure the stbactlve female "Uazepps," lo give an Impetua to dnmatio alTalrs in the flolden Blale,bntillstUs [ood fortune of Mr. Megsln to be able to say that he, by hla iberal offers, has Indnoea thla greet orUst to - inske her appear- ance in Ban Frandseo under his n.ltu. The Menken tookher departure on Monday, ths ISIh lust, on tha aleamsr Northern Light and we don't remember seeing mora Mends and wdV wlahen bound to eee the laal of Iier, than' asaembled on Pier & Itwu a pleasant sight, and the faelwlU be read Wllh great In- teiest by tbo Isdy'a nnmenma admirers. A taw daya baron sail- ing, we won ahown Ihe ooalllest and moat mognlflcant ologe dreaawanmemberlo have aeen,manataotared byHr, Keyser, aud valued at tMO. We should like to hsve bad the flitt view ot ■Maxeppa"Jn her new robes, bnt Miat Is reserved torlbe gold Jiggers. Miss Menken la under engagement tor olaly nlghta, and will ploy at Uagulxa's Opart Houaa. A pleasant voyage and pnaperlty to her when ahe gets then I Old John Tiyon, known by every professional as nonoger-and agent, haa retired from thO active lUillea of ahow Ufa, and may now be found oi ,vo hoel of tbe "Ceey Shades" drinking saloon In Spruce street, opposite the well-known printing oflloe of Messrs. Olorry DelUey. Laura Eeene'e Theatre Is advertised by Mesaiw. Conner k Oa for rent, for concert hall or tbeabrieol purpoaes. Infant oMld, The nnalns of both were doposllad lo lalne Csnwteiy.. She Isavss.nany.tdaiula.taAQltfiRir ■ Mr.Bmlth wsaobaent ta'lhe'ktmy ariht'UoooTIier 'dal5^' The lost aeason tbat the Cooper EogUsh OperaltouM mratad: - Mrs: Smllb wis the'oontrallo aint&et Ibe/trJane,ud iSiak ' theprinolpal'membetsottbeoompsny. About two-months ogOL- Uieladrwas tranllu) i<ltt| a cobptay as plaplat tbnngh Uw Btote ol Ohio, nnder the management of Jamoa Keunoy, Death la bnt s kind and walcomo aorrant'irlio unlocks wllb nolielsB- oand llte'i flowerendnled door,.to ahow as those we leva, Th» apprioal ot this intolUgenee to her ntunetous friauds thnwi a rayotudnea and casta a gloom upon allot then, who kMv'. oer welt Bbe waa a lady posasaalng a lit rellanee.'inletrtty, ana i ^PU]aji|hroplos^lilt doing whslavsr tier hao^ toond to to J^'M'Jf!*>u<>tT-Uke Ihe dair, tram flowan eihsM mat «edledlnbeauty-ltteo*ir.l«*o»(A«lifo»y (l«y; • . , . . ste ISV" SV'T-Wonlght'agoms, aelronud thera4lantaogo| 'ir^ " glOff-Uke Ihe aun amid the blase ot June I ' " B. T. RInggoU, now at the ChestnatSlfeef TheatrOPblladal.' ?ort tm next aeaaon at Niblo'* Osgdao, Daw I'^-X'J'fJf"'' T""'". <Ihh>am,benelUwere the order of DIUUHATIO. Ur. Oharles WUklnaou, wen known among the Hew England' Ilea as a very popular cem(dlaD, la ready lo negotiate with acme reependble manager Ibr on eogsgement' the coming season. A |Ood singing cbambamuld wlshuiga "sit" tor next aeason, may lear of one by addressing Ur. wQklnaon, u advatilaed In another column. Theatricals In Alexandria, Vs., ara In a flourishing oondlHoB. The present is the flflh week since Liberty Hall was opened. The eomtlsny, tmdar Ihe mahogsment of Bom Lothrep, the well known down, conalsia otthe following persons:—Mlas Anna Levering, Mn. J. 0. Dunn, Miss Thompson, Mlas Kellie Taylor, Mlas Julia Parker, J. M. Ward,' Jos. 0. Dunn, Jos. Porker, J, S, Er*us,'ll Slephena, J, Sllbonme, 0. HlUlard, Ac. A dramatle company, under the management ot W. A. Bouse, la at preaent playing at Bewne BaB, Oooperalown, N. T. The following are In tbo companr:-^UIssea Jooaphlne Tyaon, Fanny Cenham. EmUy Denban, Mrs. WOford, Mlaa Alice Merry, *o., Meaaie. William McForlond, John Dunn, J, F. Onoaen, F, L, Kent, Deul, and Thomas, A dramatic performance was given at Delaware, Ohio, on Ihe tlh inat, under the ausplcea ot the atudenta of the Ohio Unlter- elty. Ouo act of "WIIIlan>' TeU" end the five act play ot "The Lady of tho Lake" were given, J. W, Bryaon was manager. £ T, Wella, heavy "bli;" Miss OUre WoUa, leading lady; Tom Oordner, walking gent: T. Uendelhall, nlUlIyi and UUlle Bpeor, donaeuae. Tho HoUnan Troupe are announced to open at Utlco this week. Mr. Janus P. Porter, a member ot lha Wolnal' BIceet Thtatn company, PhUadelphta, died In that dty on Ihe Olh inat, Ihe Adore' Order of Friendship, ot which he waa a member, held a apodal meeting al Philadelphia on Ihe Olh Inel., and roaolved lo attend the f uuoral In a body, wearing Ibo uaual symbol of mourn- ing for thirty daya, Mr, Porter was a young man, oboal twenty- nine yean of ago; was a native of Fltlaburg, and promised to be. como'S very active member of tba hiatrionio profeaalon. He leavea a young wito, who Is alae apicteaslenal. He was Ihe yoongnat son of tbe veteran ador, llr. Oharles & Forlor. Bs commenced his theatrical oaraor al Daltlmora. Md., during Ihe aeaaon of IMS. During Mr. B. A. Marsball'e management ot Ibe Wolnut BIreet Theatre, Philadelphia, he became a member of Ihe company, and continued so under Ihe aucceaalve nlgna of Moadamoa Dowera and aarrellsea. Early In the seaaon of 1H3, bo was taken aick, and never again appeared bofon Ihe foot- llghta. Aa an actor, he wai alwsya reliable, bnt one who never aspired to reach lue lopmoat round of the blatrlniilo ladder. His nmalna were depoaltod on the Bth in the gronnda ot the "Order," In Oleawood Otmitery. Mn. 0. T. Bffltlh, formerly Ulsa Moris Barton, and wifeotOhar ley Smith, tbe wall known stags manager ot several thealM In the West died M Bl. LonlsTUo., Jane 18, with spasms ol Uis heart, sgedN ysanaal two days, (oUowlig Ihe dsmlso ot hoi otttajtlcn the posl week. Iteynais, doa^keeper, was np fer • beneflt on the Mb, when the boose wai weU Wed, sad the baM> ,. fleloij waa the redpleni ol a gold watch tram his nnmaniM. Sis . '^f^'?'* S«J'»»<'I*«*> Naramottahra t»« "Wept efihe Wleh-lon-WUh,*' a ehaiaoler In whlnk ise the not- gramme aays) she Is equal to the great Oubaa, but we learn ftom our corroapondent "L.U.," that she did not quite eome no ta thst mark. The Boalon comedian, Wm. Warren, epene hera oa the 18th, appealing in "The Belr ot Low," and "IhePoor Oso-' tlamanu" At the Bt, Louis Theatre, the "Bevea Slaten" atm hdds Uia alage, snd during tbe past week, wa leam fh>m ear eoiresnoBA. sntL, 8.," Ihsl II has been the Bubjeot of severa oilllaini ta the dally papan ot that dly, Tho first was a eomfflonleaUoB from on Individual, eomplainlng that it "woo not played la lha true snirit—that aooasbssntlmenis and puns wen ntiandi thai Iho'OldPlsg' vros not lied lo tbe Zouave DrIB; and Ihe vers* coulilnhig the aenlenoe,'And well burl the Bebel onwtna tbe land we levo the beat,* to.. In Ibe song ot Tbo BatUe Oiy toe Freedom," waa omilled inlenlloually." The eorrespoadenaa through tho dolly papan beoamo very spirited, snd Ihe Provusk Uanhal ordered the manager to use tbe flag oteosh reprasan ' tallon of tho pleee, which waa done. Datlnasa has been veiT good bora. Tbe UeliopolllaB Theatre, IndlaBopoll^^ Ind., bos oloaad <b( the season. During Ihe next three weeks, tha thestee win b* thoroughly relnvenolod. The toll aeason commencoB lata ta SejileniDor, wllh sn enltrs new oompany, nndor the stage msi^ agemeni nf W. H. nUey, Kate Balgnolds* eompssy hos been vary sncoeesflil at Rsv Dedtord, Msss., where they wen perlbrming all last week. Miss Belgnolda haa added largely to Wtronpe within the vast week. On Ibe 71b, tbe eenloea ot Un. Manhall, Emuu Belgs. olda, and E. W. Baallia wen called in laqulslllon Ibr ths In* tlmo. The slstera Angnsle sid Harle eommaaoa si Ihe WuUaglaa ThneIre, on Ihe lOth, under the maasgemaat «t Jsas w^Jia wllh Ihe Troupe St Denla. ° ^ The engagemsntot Mlas EMs Henderson at tho Howard llhea. ainffl, Boston, has prared a auoeeaa. She la sold lo hove tha manner ot a lady, departs oooaalonaDy bom cotinatien, bal° always with propriety, intuses no lllUe of Uu sympslhstlo Iota ' hsrstyla, andgslnsgralaaUysndsnrolyonhsraadlsnce. Bha - makea her pedis iieallr but not obtraalvely, and knowtnc exaallyho*lsrsheeaago,atlenplano movB. Bhsspneamta bovanuds a gennbielygood toprassloa with ths "-■'■'nliTiTi Her opening pleee, '^e Flowar Girl," Is sold to beavaw - effeottve drama, and OS good of lla eUaa oa has been ImpetM for yean, and poeaesolsg some remarkably toning sitnatloaa. On-ihe 18th ahe was snnonnoed to sppear in s'tbiti act play aft» dUedtha "aipaeyOirlofOranada.''^ . . Tba "draft" haa bean buaywilb thapnfSsalon Iniliigaa paat week. At Boston Wm. Soallon and B. H. Oralg wsntba vloUma, and at Pltlbsigh, Ur. J. J, Dougherty cams ta (br aU the honors, - - The sloek company and otfadtts ot Ike Howard Alhonra^ Boston, hsve tendered their msnager, Ur. WUIsid, s mtinilt - msnlaty beneflt lo oeonr on Uonday, 90th Inst Ur.Ohsaani' and Mlaa Ettte Henderson on among thavoluoteentorthaaO' coslou, sad Mr. John Taylor wlB s«appoar befbm talsBoska triends afler two yean'abaence with Nuna'battery. Mr, S. Ik Davenport, wllb a company eomprlsing Un. K Ik Davenport Un. Tbos. Barry, Uassrs. W. B. Ourtls, W. Beallsa, I. H. Elalghta snd othen, will give a performance of Biehoid m. InLoweD, on ihelOtb, Lawrence 10th, HoverhlU ITIh. Hart' week he Tlslla Portland aud Bonggr. Messrs/ Dnfllold and Flynn, Ihe weD-known South Wsstara manageis, hove now under their oontrol Wood's Theatre, Oa. clnnaO, Wood'a Theatfet Lonlsvltls, and ths Hubville Tbsstn^' oB ofwbloh they will open the oomlog Fall seaaon. Flnlcloa otan wlablng nights Ibr Ibe above popnlai plaoee win do wan tv address tbsmaugensi once. Blook scion sad setressea wish- ing sDgsnmenls for the comhig sesson win bear It in mind, sad' apply befon II Is toe late. The above theatres ara all flistctosih ■ and wUl take rank wllb aay In the country. Stetson'sCempany wen at Oetrege last week. Ur.andUm, 8. Byan (Bate Denhi) oenunenced there en the Olh, as slon. 1, 0. liyen'dnmoUo company closed thdrperformansea it Perllisd, Me., pa the loth Inat, efiw a most snecesafulnn at bualneaa. Tha company made a big lurk there, and Ihe ««■ and publlo wan nnanUnooa tn their pralaes,' eapnlally of Ur. and Mrs, langdon, who hove ably snstahiad their rspntatten m among the best lesdlng srilstsln the eoontiyr Mr. Myera.lai slowly recovering. Mr. B. B. Villa, pianist, oad a vary weflhy young man, la very low wllh typhoid fever, WntWarran, ot the Boalon Unassm, lithe •■star" thli walk at MoVleker's, Oilcaga. TtaaPIHabnrgTheatraelosedonlhs Olh wilh a beneflt to-Hit' J. 0. Seflon, Ihe low oomedloiL Than lieing aome saspldons etrenmstsiioes sttaodlsg Aft death of Mr. John Wood, at Tletoili^'yaneoaver's.Isliia,< the ecmner deemed It prudent lo bold on Insosst, whUh'- was aecordlagly done,' when it - appealed by Ibe evUaatS' that a dose ot ims.nnw. sameulng ot the klad,,'ltaA been admlnlstersd,' .whleh oarrled bim off quits suddaolr*- Henzy Oabert, sa seter with Ur. Potter's eompsay, seem* to have been In sttandsnee upon Ur. Wood, ■—'-.■-« hl» when bla servlees wen nqalred, eto. Be testified that Or. D*' Woltgan Mr, Wood o dose ot medldae which put lbs paUeat ta 0 deep deep, from whleh be could hardly be onuoedi aad lbOB*' In the honse becoming alarmed the Doctor woa aeat tOr, who Bold he would hove him all right and gave him on ametlev a IspU' bath, and performed acme meamerlo operations. Ths Doeav In his eiamfaiatlen, Ihoight that Blebatt muat hove given him. BomethUig, al the requoet of the patient hlfflBeU Alur Bern* medical gentlemen bod been examined, the Juir brou^ ta » veidlot that tbe deeeaaed, John Wood, name to his death tnm dose eteplala, taken wUls In a dlAoaaed slate of heaUb,bat^ whom admhilatered, there waa not anflldentevldenealetho*^ The coroner ataled to the Jury that be quite oouenned th lha verdict, and from the oenflloUog natnra of the evidaneek dU aM aee bow any other eoadnslon Coold be aiTlred at ' At the New ChoatnnI, Philadelphia, "Peep o' Day~ Is 0 mnniiig, and last week'a baetneas abowed oonatdeimhla lBi pn ii» meat over pnvlons weeks. The piece Is weU perfomedi tut- but tor the "Invasion" sxdiament would have dnwn laigtir tromtheatort Uernoidex Foster's dramoilo and poalomlmlo tnope pndac* Ihe "nylog Dutchman" at Ihe Contlnenta], Philaddplua, lUi week; UrTgam. Bemple, who oppeon at thla tbeolrek ossnmbv thepartot Peter Von BnimmeU, In tha nanUesldBuuk - *'lfa^ hoe" Is undsrUned as in piepantlea. now, lbs I for I Theatrloala on not reiy brlok oaywbaie. Just merheat Ihe war exdumenl, and- dapartans ( aoits.'thlDnIng out Ihe alleodaace at Uiealrea, and aadly Inlar. faring with the a"»-.'i.i bnalneaa et mAaogen. BvatybodF must "g) to the eonalry" la summer. It only ibr a weeki It Ihoy merely erooa o river, oad slop away a day.or two, that'a eaought a setUeethe quwiloni they ban "been lo Ihe eonnKy," oad Un. Jonea'brlet stay atTmiouffliatbonghtasmuebotssMrc Smith's sUweeka absenea at the Bprlngi. However, dromoUs. will oil coma right ogaln In amonm or two, whan we may look- tor another brilUanl season. •The Drunkard" is to be produoed this evening, July Uth, ai- Ihe Eleventh Street Opera House, Philadelphia, wllh T. Wait aa Edward tUddlatoa, H. a Andnwa oa Orib, S. Borlhoa BUI Do*^ ten, Hloa Johnson SB Uai7JUIl(r,and Mlas A'Beokst sa Uta, Splndla. Miss Mollis WilUoms Is not to snppott J. WUkss Booth la Baf> (alo,aoaoorreBpondant"0. F.,"laljrmi na. '. ■ ■ Uouogenwiahhu toaeountheaerrloeanf a'lssdlag Isdj*- aad "old maa," will ploase moke o noU of Alice A. HoRlsoo SM a. W. Hsrslaoo's osid In our advertlalsg columna. W. W. Wilder, Jr., ot BolUmore, Md,, aeeka oa oppottmtlyta aot aa agent for soma flnt daaa actor.'actrsoa, or eonpaay. ,ldr dresa aa staled la his adrartlsamant In those oolnmos. Mr. John T. Ftord, ot Ihe HcUday Street Thsoire, BalUmon, boarecelred aldt<irlh>m Joseph Jeffoison, at Udboameda. whlebhesayiaihsthsls actasUy growing talnp6B htsfnlliam of good boallhsnd pnfenlonsl prosperity. Ur. JeSbrsou bbo> Uons lha probohUlly'of his nlum to tbs Btaloa sortyna^ winter. At Ihe dooe of Benorlla Cubu' engigement at tbeWbter Oarden which eonuiencea In Augoal, ehe wlU appaoraliha Botton Tbeain, opening inthe'Tcenob Spy," and pUylnci'. roiud ot ohAracten extending In all to one month's engagemaolt ' Mr. Oeorge nyer le passing the tlittmertt tili''reUdenM hi' Oocanpoit, L. Z. Thepecnnlaryproaperllyot the WebbBlilen eagsgsmeatat Ihe Bollldsy slreel Theain, UalUmora, though very lonalr affected by Ike war exoltsment ot last week, waa nevestheuaB^ we hear, nmsrkably aaoeessfUL The attendanoe la aald Is hova - been, on eeVerol Oecaatona,v%ry large. Tbelr engagement rjl m It then on Ihb llthi and lliey are oaaounced this weak to sppear oIKortoUt, Vo. ■OBIO HAIiLB. Uansger Fox, of tho Csaluo, FhUodelpblo, la one af lha Uva managen ws nod of, alwaya on Ihe lookout fbr tisah talent, and olwkya prOMding a esplial bill ot tire fbr Ihe athusenenl at hie patrons. Uls oompany at ptateit la oompasad Of somstafT ^vcratUata la dandng, alnglng, ootnloalltlat etc, TkaOasIaa MnUhnestobeUbSnliytiahmhIMd:'' For oontlniistlon of Thaatdoal BMUd, Ma pi«s 110.