New York Clipper (Jul 1863)

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118 iNEW YORK CLIP PEB: THBATBIOAL BIOOBD. OOBUaii«lboon«<lM< ' ' CinOUIKB. OMteUo k Tu TlMk'a ibow «M ti Wliioiil,Mloii., on Ihe ITlh loik, uddlltTorTiiood bailDW. Ai wo bin not before utTon • Unotthli comiwsri wo wlU do ionow:—lien OwUUo, John OlaatoT, 0.8. Rimwi, H. O. KeUy. W. 1. HmlUi, Tom Boneei, T. PoUnd, U. UcCoUom, B. V*nVilkenbsrg,"A. BiUlTtiilO. Lee- lie, ud joetpb miibeni. Den kei hU adnotted bml "Don ' Joan" aloDgi who eppoan In e rerlotj of performinoeaf Oeorgo XtiT li muter of tbe tiesi, ^ohn Uridle; ttetannr, ul L. Vu VleoktdTUiceegeDl. mtoaLhAmopt. . In • Mnunnnlcetlon tnm • oorreepondeit, dated DtlUmore, ' Jtlf lltb, we bare the following pertlonlu* relillDg to ibe "lb- , Ian norenenla" of UornU'e wondertol clock, ilu tbe preaent . iiberwbonle of tbe Belmont Tconpe, wblob baa beau miaaing ifom the abow world for aome time. Oar urreapondeni aar':— '.'Soelnff In ToDrUat edition an cxlraot from a OalUmoie paper •bootltorrUl'awondeitnlclock,! wlah to Inform jon Ibat Ibe alalement U coireot; It tj a wonderful piece ef nieelianlam. Mr. It baa Jnat conplalad and added quite a number of new morementa to It Bealdea what ^on mention In jour ■Tall Olook ^filorr," Uplara an accompaniment to a gultir aolo, lUlkea Ibe .tloie when aaked, and galls * number of .other tbinga which I irlll not menllon now, but whloh I wUl lake nreel pleaaure In ■bowing joti when we arrive In Mow York. Mr. U. baa been /onrteen Teatt working on It, and It la almoat Impotalbia to give TOO a deeprlpUon of It that wmihl do It Juatlco. The great fea- <«in la, that It la nerer tonobtd (torn tbe time It la wound np UU It moadown. It wUl be eiblbllod biconDOcUou with Ihe Bel- *inant Troupe, oonaltUng of Belmont, magician, Toninioqulal, gnllatlati Mlto FraoUli, vocallat and comedlesse; Mlae .lAUa, planlal and balladlal; anil tlltlo Ella, the aerial wonder; Kbo open at Baltimore on the lut of September, being Ihe drat •pnearenceof Ibe "OelmoDU" for two jeara, ' .aotlaobalk, tbe eminent planltt, gare ouo conoerl on tbe 17tb InaL at fttanoboiter, b. If. . Uadame Aona Blabop waa announced to lAn a grand prome. :1iade ooucert on tbe 9<ltb InaL at ObrTaUl I'llaee, Monlreal, 0. E.,'aaalated by Edward Segubi aod OnataTe Spleoa. La nao'a Panorama of tbe War commenced. the eeeoud week of lie alar at Nordbolmer'a Ilall, Uontroal, ob tbe Igtb Isat, The Carter Zoaare Troupe la at preeent In tbe email towna of .Seolnckr, meeting with great aucceaa. Bo we are Inlormed bj A oorraapondenL Klngauurj Block, on Banilolpb atreet, Chicago, la the epol .Mleoled toi tbe New Maeeum to oe opened there ahorllr. Four ' large btcrlea have beonloaaed fortuo purpoae, from tbe flrat floor'np, Including the Ulnalrel Hall. It wlU open about tbo Diddle of Augnib FOBBion drahatio aho shuw nbwb. Mlnetrei and other aliow nowi kt niglaod le lliua briefly dhrmeetl •of bjoliroorm|iondRot''lVli]e Awako*' eodordale of Jimeid:— Harrj Tami'lelon'a troupe dKbanla after the 2Ial or 3a\f. J'lbmj Adamii'wilti Aoil^on anil tbo reatof the compao/, bai advcr* tiaed fnran OflngemcDI. Tkmplolon la gettlog up an fnlcrlatDmeiit : for blinaeir alone Eddy Vardei haa euried tho Cjraphell'e VloeireU eiala; Bill Thomaa (ale ot Cornea' Chrlalye), Utile I Bobby,end Jobooy Dily,arc with ible troupe Bob Soilih and ' 'Charley Fdi are pitylog at three concert roomi In T^nclco. Bob la .' downoa tbia cooolry, aod la anilooa to get home Theodore "DooaldiDo baa Joined Golllui' party again Tbe grtnl Uaokoey leooly doleg laelam a night in U>ndan; be la nearly played out. Won't aomeiwdy come oror here, with aomelblng row, to give . Haokneya chaoce to eee II dooe. ao that ho can do n ani call It .dflglnalf Hr. 0. Parker, the Anerkaa Barijolat, It pitying at a , «eBearl mom In lAedon 0.9 Koorebadagieat buurCt at St. Jamej' Ball, Liverpool, en tbe 2>th of June. Ur. T. 11. Olenroy. who Tolonleerod for bin. waa well received,and Ihe bouaewai loo nmall to accommodite tbo people In aitcQdiiioa. Uoorv li a greet favorite In Liverpool rrenk Drew lakes bla benefll nn Friday Digbt July 3; Uila la bla laat week. Mlai Polly Hinball la Ihe next ■tar. Frank pUy.i "Rory O'Uore" for bla ben»(U,',,.,,neaamo night Ur ^nd Mra. Cbtrloa Krau uuko thoir laat app^nce ai tbe Theaire R.iykl, In tbe traneily of ■'Tbe Camctler." Tbe Chria ty'a llla<tr>l< aro In their elorealb week at 81. Jamet' Hall. Liver- pool Ihni ChrirUan. 0. W. Uoore, 6. 3. Wllaon. Joe Crocker, Johnny Bluer and F. Homer, are doing the oM elylo boalooi Wa>hltigioo FrIcDd'a ranoreraa of ibo Aoerlau War. nl tho Concert . Hall, Livorpool, l< doing a bad bii'looa, Toe "nekelof Leave. Man" la Ihe ncit new piece for tbe Pnnai of Wala Tbteire lira. Waablnglcn Noriou and Sire. C. Stewart led LondonlaH week for Auetralla, to meet their buibinda, who are with tbeCbrlelyi Tbey wont oh a aurprlto party, and abould tbo Cbrlitya leove Aua. tralltboftiro they arrive there, II will be a dooble surprin nick Lecek ulki for'Amerlca on Btturdny, July 4lh JIra Slyer* bee Introdoced tbe ■ Ohoil" butlaeaa at bla olrcua. Ur. Oboat la to appear In the ring, and bla aalory la a hundred poeodi a week Aotora wi to like lo see tbe gboit walk erory Satanley, but If Ibia gboalbnhicn keopa on, tho acton will hare to walk, for the bual. «eaa ti11J he dene bv ghoal Oollloa' ChrUly'a party are at JfotUsgbam this week-lhey are going lo lake avaoatlraof three wecka. Ura. Joaepb Wood, Ihe favorite Cngllib Tocnllut, died very re- 'Cenllr at Uauobwler, Eng., to wblob piece tbe bad gone freni ber oountry acat In Yuikablre to cooiiilt her pbyelelan. Tlla ladr'a •2it?".'!l"°;"",*°*""''''*'<»'• »"a born InEdlaburgh, : Boollaod, October, lKr>. At two yeara'or ago ab^ cooij dbunguvlj any note, whether a full tone or a aoml-lona. At fbur voire tbe .played on the pleno end harp; end at Ore ycara compomd lOTeral -Jleeea, whiob wore thought worthy of poblloului. At eight yeire of ege ahe gave peblki Conceria, uutler the patrooigo of the Ooobeas •of Boeoleoab. Shethen withdrew rrom the pulillo for all yeira. -OoloberS.lMa. Blie appcoie at the-Hayoiarliet," London, i So. , to Lord William Lcono<_ln the year INO-wbcM cmdncl tewerdt ^SlSli'ryM^rSSrK"''''"'"^'*'''^'' »./fJ'!!'i'"''J° f'"'?^ 1 '""•'•ail, oho vUlted the United • SS*'.?!lS"''n " i*^ September Mb. at the Park flieatre, New York,a«0|nderelU ;nrtt apiirared lo rhiladelpbia October tlh of «he aamo year at the "Old Cheeinut," u Roaoui In'herein a vn *>«•;" n»«»™<«»<»SoropeInlSM eflerhTJl^g fSlllllSlM?ofTie R%a:h?!fSi^*'.P"^°'' »«' "'«»«' onJhiAmerlSiauii in IIMB ahe entered tho Convent. Tbta deolalon of Mr*. Wood waa DO eodden ebullition. On the oonlrary.nhe bad been lbr*!v«aS ■!^Jlh ranalnod at tbe Convent, however, but a abort time, and returned to ber huaband'a bone. •"""""'"»♦• Mrs. Wood'aalyleer acting waa remarkably neat and rinreealve 7^:^^ ll» •dvantag. of a eommouding llgu're. If not i very bJnd* !?S!l'J?'. f'Wf'lv?''«ilonin Soro'woceunlry'fM ■ Sliit'SltlfiJSlfpS.'la IK ^'^f^^- , IbDa paaetli away tbe ikir a«d pare of earth. 1» common, all ibat live miiat die— J<»uId; rroniiatare lo elemli;." 'A bentlt took place at dmry £ane thaatN, London, on the 3l)lb nil, tbe ptoceade ot wblob were for a natlonel monument to Ibe memory of Shakoapeare, tbe greateat dramatic antboV that «Ter Uved. The attendanoe. It la uld, waa very good, bnt not ao large aa tbe occaalondeeerved. Iteeems that tne originator of tba affair—a Ur.-Adolphii* Franola—bad a number of enemlea,' Whlobopeialedmucbegalnat tbeauoeeaeor the evening. Tbe ealertalnmeut offered conalated of no loaa than nine aeucUone tnm Bhaketpeare'e playa. To make up a performance in each a .liagmentary manner le, we think, a great mUtake, Involving too • .long a time to fulAl It. Not alone IhUt we think it a great mio- itke for any manager to make np a programme wllb a aceno ■ot thlk and an act of that. It dooa away witb tbe Intenet ot > tiio audlenco, and noquot Uontbly doeaanlnlnitloelotbe author. The pleooa played npon tbla oeeaalon were tbe flrat and aecoud . Mia ot "Homeo and Juliet." Mr. n. Reeve, BenvoUo. Tbe iblid act (fbitrtb aceno from "King John") followed, In tble, JUu Avonia Jonea played Lady Oouatanco, and Ur. TTallor loyco 'Xing Fbllllp. To tbla ancceeded aeenee from tbo third, fourth, snd Iflh acta of "Aa You Like It." In tble a treat waa afforded :to tbe aadlenee wblob alone wonU have eatlalled tbem, bad Ibere been nothing, elae lo follow. Ulu UeUm Fanolt Imperaonalod tba obaraelcr of Boealind, and auoh an Interpretation, It la aald, baa aeldomrandianotnow, lo be eeen, Ser performance waa •biolntely tMlllant, and ber rfoepllon one that proved the an- dienoe oapable of appreciating ber genlua. Ur. Uenrr Taoden- bolt waa Orlando. The lli«t act, tbird aoene, of "Beniy Ibo .Vourib," oame ueit. In wblob Ur«Fredorlo Doblnaon enacted Holtpur. Tbe dret and fourth acta of "Much Ado About . Kothlni" wu neat played, and In theao the charming and flnlehed eotloa ot Sitae Amy Sedgwlok, aa Uaatrloe, net with iU reward, Mr. H. Vandanboff wu a creditable Uenedlck. Tho lOnrtbaotot "The Merobuit of Tenloe" followed. In tbla, Mr. Adolpbna Froncla took the part of Bbylook, In tbo third act ot '•Olbello," the lago of Mr. Jamca Bennett In' aald lo bare been «rtlatlcally aud well aoaUlned; aawaa the Deademona of Mlea <al«Oar«>n,anA tbe Emilia ot Vc*. Leigh Murray.. la tho ' •«loaeteo«neot"aamlet,"IIerrKragorenpi>ortod Ibo oliaraclor moat aatlataclorlly, but tbo andlenocat the .Ldo hour he np- veaKd,wat*(katrollrlng. ThulbtrdaotofUldjinmmerMlgbt'a ' Dream" waa announced to conclude tbe performancoa, but It being paat two o'clock, and the houae nearly empty, II waa not npreaanlad. In Ibo conne of tbe evening the National Antbem . wuaongbyUdUo.Feiepa,Ura.aFanl, andMltaFool*. There ware two or throe dflaya during theporformanoea, which did not ImpiOTO Ibe nOa m tone, bat, with tbla eiceptlon, and the late- jieee of tbe boor at whleb tbe eatettalnment Anlahed, it may be ■aid to have been a meeeu—nolwlthalandlDa more than one Journal aaya It wu a failure, auolhor that Ibo bouae wu empty, ■Dd another Ibat only one arllat ot known, or ot any talent, per- • formed, Ao. Tbe aeaaon at Ibe BL Jamea': London, cloaed on tbe iHh InaL ' The lepntallon galuedbyUdlle,StellaOollaa,on bertfcMu ' Jmiel at (be FrlucaM' Theatre, London, a abort time alnce, hu .teta almigtbened by Ibe enoceaa ot ber aubnHiueat peiform- > >aiic*a> ' Oo each occulon Ibat ahe bu appeared, tbe attendance. It <• aald, bM been very large. At lb* Oily of T,ondon TneaIn, lb* EngUib Opera Cenpan (rom Oovtnt Oarden, nnder Ibe direction ot Qeorge Petien, olviog peHohnaneea, Ur. and Un. Ayoalty Cook, who wer* In Ala oooatty with tbe Ooopet Troup*, ai« hi thla oompany. In tb* Tlco-Oboocellor'a Ooott, Loudon, Mr. Dion DonclcauH bu Sled a bill of complaint againat Ur, DelaBeld, the manager and proprietor of tbo Queon'a T^ealro, Uancbeelar, for an IH' ictlon rtairi - - Junci AMUSEMENTS. rtetralnlog bim Item performing a piece under Die title of tbe "Colleen Dawn," and loading the public to believe that tbe piece wuldenUcal with tbatot Ur. Bonclcault'e. The piece contained the celebrated "Cave and Water Scone." Tbe defendant mot the CAM by affidavit*, tuilng Ibat the piece pro- duced by him wu neltber lo Ungotge, plot, or incident the larae u tbe pteco of which Mr. Bouotcaultwu tbo author, oicrpt ao far that tbe piece waa taken from the name Incldenla contained in "Tho CoUeglant," and which novo), alter Hr. Douclcaull'a picee wu produced, wu repnbllabed aafThe Colleglana; or, tho Colleen Uawn;" and that auob place wu complied by Ur. Young, Ihe aulborof tbe defendant'* piece, la Uarcb, IWI, from tho sow publication of the novel, and wllb atitct iDjunctlona-eud wblcL the writer obaervad—nellb* copy or Imllato tho piece of Ihe plalutlff; and that wllb regard to the cava and water aceno In tho defiindant'a piece, there wu not a cave, but rockeende waterfall Into the pool. In Ibe eentre ef wblob wu part of a pro- jecting rock, from which lb* OoUeen Bawn wu putbed Into the pool; end tbo Utla of Ibe defendant'* place wu called and lO produced u "Cbrlatle U'Cree, or the Colleen Bawn." An Inle- rim Ipjuncllon reetralning tbe pertormanco of Ibe piece bad been obtained by the pUlntlff, and.on a motion lo diatolvo the Injunc- tion, tbe Vlca-Cbancellor retneod lodlaaolvo tbe Injunction, oo tbe ground that It wM evident tbatfltom tbo blUa announcing tho purrorraance of tbo"CollconfiawD,"lhoAdelphl Wonder, tbe dofoudaut meant to lead tbe pubUo to wu tbo Adolpbl Icce. Tbo philntlir, bavlng obtained tbe Injunction, would not ave proceeded further In the null, tbe detksdant lutvlsg become bankrupt, but Ibe cue bu been forced on by the defendant'a aoUdtor, and nowcamo on moHon for a decree^ Ur. Boutbgate, Q 0., wllb Ur. DIckonaon, were beard at acme length on the part of tho plaintiff, contending that, nolwItbataiUIng tlie caae eet up by Ibo defendant, bo wu entltlod to bla Injunction, on Ibe f[round Ibat It bad boon decided by Lord Eonyos,'and followed n other caaee, that tho mere repreaentatlon on tbe atageofa piece wu not a pabllcatlon by tbe antbor; and that Ihe pralnliff wu not, by the Copyrlgbt Act of Dd and lib cl William IV., com' polled to reglater too pTeco. At all eventa the plaintiff waa eu' titled to tbo injunction on Ibe gronnd that the defendant had ad' vertiaed tbe piece to bo produced In each a nuymer u to lead Ihe public to believe that It wu Ibe Adelpbl piece, and that to produce nnolber wu lo Injure the plaintiff arid an Infrlngemont of bla rlghU. Ur. Uoyd, Q.O., witb Ur. Haitlngt, on tbe part of tho dofiudant, contended tiiat there having beenapnbllcatlon of the "Oolleen Down" In America, tho pblnllff wu ealopped by Ibe lOlb eectlon of tbe iQternaUonal Copyrlgbt Act, aud that there bad been no infringement of tho pblnUira 'rlgble, aa be bad not taken the neceeaaxy atop* lo aeouro bla copyrlgbt In tbla country. The learned counee) proceeded lo abow that tbe mere eihlblllon ot Ihe piece wu a publication, and aubinltlcd that the Injunction ought lo bo diuolvod and Ibe bill diamlned wllb ccala. Ur. Sontbgate having replied, the VIce-Ohencellor etid the caae really turned on Ibe conatmctiop of tbo Inlematloual Copyright AcL Judgment reaerved. The farewell performance of Ur. aod Un. Obatlca Keen, pre- vtoue to their departure for Anatralla ontbeOlbinat, took place at Ihe Tbwlie Hoyal, Liverpool, on the 3d. The playeelccted for Ibe oocaalon wu "The Oamoetor." At tbe Prince of Walu TbMire, UTeipooI, "Anton Floyd" cootlnned lo attract good audloncea for one week, Tom Tayhir'a drama ot "The Ticket of Leave Uan," wu annopnoed for the dibloet Ur, Frank Drew lookaaecond benoAtontbeSd, an- ^earbig u Bory O'Uoore and Stephen UargreaTce In "Aurora At Ihe Agrlcnitaral Hall, London, Hr. Bnwell gave a grand concert cn tbe 3d Inal. Speaklogof the concert tbe An aaya:— "Tbe alar of tbe evening waaOarlolta PatU, and without any dlaparagementto thelaloni lhathu appeared at thenrevlou* concerta ot tbla ball, so other performer bu created euch a perfeet/arvre u tbla lady; Indeed, ber ainging wu marvellona, and charmed every Tlattor. Tbe otbtr performer* were Fanny Huddart, Ulu Bttbbaoh, W. H, Foolo (bla Uml appearance In London), end Herr Formu," Ur, A. B. HoUUiiawortb, a favorlle comic alnger la London, la allll In a very critical atale at the Opbtbalmlo Hotpltol, It la doubtful if be WlU reoovor bla eight, oauacd, we boar, by cataract. Numerona friend* are eierlMg tnemaelvea for a beneflt tor bIm. In tbe apecle* ot Autobiography, recently pnbllahed by U. Victor Hugo, there 1* a Jnvonlta drama, InUluled Iiux Ji Quln, which the author comprlaoa (to einploy bla own term*) amongat "the abeurdltlee concocted by U. V, lloco before be wu hero" (anni $a mUam), meaning, of courae, hie really literary birth. Tbo title of tble drama hu been plioarded all over Fatla, u If It were a new production, and hence the grievlona diaeppolntmoni of every one who hu read IL In the aeml auloblograpby lo qaoallon, it la elated that U. Ilogo Induced tbe great tragedian. Talma, to play In romantic drama, and tbe following obeerva- tlona wen made by tho latter:—"I have sever had a piece wblob quite aulted me. Tragedy, I* certainly beanUlnl, nol>le, grand, lehooldwltblo baveu much greatneaa irlth nor* of reality. What 1 have all my life been looking for la a penonage eihlbll. log Ibe Tarletlce and movemenu of life; one who aboud, at the ume time, be Iraolo and yet human—in a word. Into lo our common taumanlly," A grand toornamentwu annonncod to be given by the man- ager of tbe Oremome Oardena, London. The affitlr waa lo uke place at Aabbsmhem Ball, EIng'a Bead, Ohclaea. It wu to conalal of 940 penosa, with dreaaee, appointment*, amor, AccoulremoDta, weapon*, bauson, horaea, etc, u noar u poaal. ble lo nproaent Ibo daye of anolent chivalry and noHone of feudal grandeur, with the arlatncrailnpaadAiof or Uuiporiod aud of modem lute, inolndlog the dart, tbe ring, the poplojay, UlUsg, moleea, etc. The introductory preceulon wlU cosebit of, guard a, heralde, tnimpolert, belberdlen, knighia, aqnirca, porle-armoa, banner bearer*, pagea, goarda of honor. RANFOIID'B UFRIIA TKUVPid, tfllB, TUB OLDEST ESTABLIttUED UIHsTIIEI. COUPANY at EXISTENOe, Are BOW performing a great Engagement at Labnuu'b uusedsi. To Ihe largeat andlenco* over eeen wlihln tbo walla of Ui*t e*tabllabnenl, ' SATURDAY AFTEBNOOK AXD EVENIXa, A Grand BenoUt will take place in wblob BAHDEL S. SAMFOBD, Will appear In Tbreo of bla beet Obartcter*. Ticket* CAii b* bad of any of the member* of tbo Troupe, alao at the Box OOee Window. ASK FOB SAITFOBD'S TICKETS. li-l* nUYANTB' niNSTRRLa. UeOBANICS' BALL, Cloaed for tbo Beaaon, will r»«pen AUOURT 10, It- NEIL k DAK BRYANT. HllBLtt'B QAUDEI). Tbo Ladint and aesUemen connecteil wllb Iblt Eatabllab- Iaoll^ ate Kquealed lo atleiid a rokrnraal of TAG UOKE'S MOTTO, On Wodneeday noil, July n, at 11 A. U., prior to tbd ro-open- lug ot Ibo Ttaoatro on Thnraday, July 33. It- LEON J. VINOENT, Stego Uanager, relalnere, Jeeteiia, Scotch gnarda and arehery pagee, malde of honor, kUig and qnees, and queen of beanlT, ana all Ihe nasal guarda and retinue. OombbilDg an enterbunmeni, the like ot which hu niver been prodnoed at any pnbUe place ot entertain' mentlu LondoiL A new Toralon ot tb*"Dake** Holla" vn* produced at tbe Bnrroy Theatre, London, on Ibe t7lb ult Tbe prologue I* aald to be almllar to Ibat of "Tbe Duke'a Uollo" ei now played at the Lyceum, and tba lllaelratlon* nearly tbe eam^ with the exce|> tlona thai, the priaon uene in Ihe Ihird act la cnl col, pnd tne eharaeter of Oocordaaae, wbleb *t Ibe Lyceum le rapreeonted u an Irlabman, In tbla new venlon la a daring adventurer. John Brongbara'a new end original 6omedy«dranu of "While tbere'a Life, tbore'a Hope," wu produced for Ibe Oral time on Ibe 9d inet, at Ibe Strand Theatre, London, Ur, Frederlok Boale, Ant dlraotor of tbo Boyal Italian Opera, at Ita formation In London Id ISIT, nnder FenlanI aod aalolll, died at tbe reeldenoe of bla aon-ln-law, at Obltelhnnt, England, Jnse M, Ur. Bealo wu unch beloTed and retpectod in mualoalclrclee,botbathomeandabroAd. Hewuanenthualaailo lover of art, and had tbe Judgment and lute I9 bring forward maoy mnalolana of noto, who, In Ibolr early career, were negleeted and unknown. Be wu a prinolpal member ot the firm of Eealo, Oramor, Wood k Co., mnelo publleber*. Ur. Fraxer PearaoD. a member ot Mr, Denglu' eompany, died at Spalding, June 30ln, after a abort Ulneaa. On the plate of tbe ooffln wu Ihe following InaorlpUon:—"David FTazor Furaon, died June 30, aged 03 yura." Ur. Fearaon'a uniform good obaracler and abllTtlu on Ibe etage had gained bIm many friend*. Uofortsnalely be leave* two daughter* to moon bla lo**, Captain Uorton Price, wblle porformlog at 8lacMon.on.TeM, wu attacked with that ao much draadud dlaeue, email pox. Be wu compelled lo nmala behind wblle bla company pro- ceeded to Durham. Uont. DIondbi appeared at Ur. Frleo'a Olrou*, at Madrid, June '.lOlb, Uo commenced a alx nlobta' engagement receiving a ealary of U'U thouund reala a uigbt (IBOO) and on tbe opening nigbt too circue wu crowded, at donbie prices, to aee Ibo great hero ot Niagara. The Jilora <(e Bomlona at Spain, nnnonnou that Senorlla lAgiaogo and tbo celobratod Adulina FattI are ongegod.for tbe onaninu ecaaon. Tbe director la sow lu Llabon wllb Blondin, whom be hu engaged for ouo yur at an euormon* ealary. The great Spaulab dram* of Lt Dtudnt de la Ilmar bu been played with great auocoa* at Ihe Toalro Frinolpit de Oorunub Prof. Uormanu, tbe groat wliard, atter an uupreoedenled aeoaou In Uadrld, la now performing is BUboa witli tbe aame auoceae, and bu commenced hie liberality by giving 1,000 real* to tbe poor. In Allcaute, the iirfma rfcmna La Orange bu been alnglng In Norma to ovorllowlog houaoa at extra prleea, tbe chair* alone ■ellliig at twouty.twn dnroa (133.10) oaoh, aueb le her great power in drawing lo an audlooce, A Frenon dianutlo antbor and crillo, U. B. Lucu, bu rocesl- ly pnbIlttaod"APbllotoptalcaland LltertrylllatotT of ibeFrenob Blue," from romolo Umce to Ihe iiretenl day, {radsg tbe dra- toBllo llleratnro of blaconntryfrom Ita humble origin end Inolpl- eul prodnctlona lotlio laroateet triunipba ot ComelUe, Voltaire, Dumu, Serlbo, Victor Rogo, and Pooaard, not forgetting tbo play-wrller* of the moment, for all uo mesUosod—groat and amaU—In U. Lucu' istereatlng work. In fact, Itforma, In Ibrto Tolumoa, an osoydopiodla ot tho Froscb Stage, evetr dramatio anther ot any nolo being mesllonod, with uilafulory analyae* of tbo cblot work*, U. Lucu lakoe a bigb view of tbe nllilty of the 6Ugolngesora1,asd, inabrllllastandlmpKaaive manner, ebowe what It la doatlsed to become If dnmetio writer* and manager*, conadou* ot tbo opportunity afforded Ibem of becom- ing public benefkoton, take care to "pobit a moral" u woU u lo "adorn a tale," Qboala, ai>parilIona, "ImpalpableTlilona," living apeolrc*, and Hoc Qmiu omne (all more or leaa lo bo ucrlbeo to Profeaaor Pepi»r), are Jnat now haunting Ibo Tboatree and Holla of Parte, ana are likely to remaUi there for acme lime lo come, u Ibe Theatre Dolazel declarca lo Ita afflrlu that "the alrange apparl* tlona of living and Impalpable apeclioa produce an Immona* and lerriflo effect, and rookon on a hundred roproaontatlcs*." A Parle Journal aaeerta that "U. Robin la entirely abiorbed by Ibe Ebantoma through wblob be paaeoe," and adde that Ibe fut rloge down Iremendou* cbeera, that la lo eay "da r(f<c< ckal- aireazap^ouitlneneTili." Uowthe abaoiptlon in queallon oocui* 1* not explained. The Berlin paper* atalo tbalFranloln DermnUi ■ fkTorile vocallat of the Broroberg Tbuire (Pruailan Pound), wu lately bnmed In *o dreedful amaiuer on tbe atage, tbougb opproaob. Ing too near tho footllgbl*, that ehoebertlrafterwarda expired, TboHjonmala leverly olame Ibe Uanager tor not bavtsg preven ted tbe accident by covering the lamp* wlUi t •peclea o( wk« tesoe. BUOW DILI'S Of KVBllT ORSCAtlFTlOn. TUEODORB DTTTTON, Beg* to Inform bla old friende, Utnagan, and tbe Public gep' orally, that ho la now located at tbe EUPIUE UTEAU FhlNTIMO E8TABLTSHUENT, 13 BPBUOB BlItBET, NEW YORK, Where bo will ulve hi* petaooal attoutlon to tbe productlopi In any etylo, of all kisda of PLAIN, COLOIIEO, AND ILLrSTRATEO SHOW DILLS, Particularly adapted for THAVELLINa EXHIBITIONS, OUIOUSEB, UEXAOERIES, ' SrUIOPIAN PERF0BUANCE3, OIMNABTS, UAOIOIANd, TRACK ODTS OF ALL KINDS, TUOTTINO TO HARNESS OR WAOON. DODDLE TEAU8 OR BUNNIKO HORKES, POUTICAL CLDBS. T. D. Iruela that hi* many yeara oiporlonce In tbe bntlneaa, Ibo very lerge aaaortmcnl ot Oute at hU command, any of whlcb Can be printed In one or more colon, Ihe aervkea of the beat iMtlgnent and Engraven for new work, will eoeure to blm a coa lluuauce of paat favora and a trial by now palivsfl. lO-Sm DANJU A.KD JIG DANVINO, Taught by J. DOOAM, atlsOFlntAvanae, K-U* nSW THEATRIC. NASHVILLE, TENN. Tbe above place ot ADiutemcnt 1* nndergolog exienalve alteration*, And promlaeo to be one of tbe FINEST IN TBE COUNTRY. BIASS engaging with B, N. Pike, ot Cincinnati, and Ooo. FuUcr, of Loulavllle, WlUBsdlttolbelr ASVANTAOE To flay at tbla Hosao, Ladle* and Qestlomts of acknowledaed ability wlablng Eu' (agemesta wlU addree* J. R. ALLEN, Manager, lMt« Box tTS, NuhrUlo, Tenn, A CARD TO THB PUBLIC 'tfeP, like walobea, ebonld be valued according to Oietr workt." It la time the Profeealon ebonld be made aware ot tho manner In which the proprioton of Ibo Dearborn Street Varletlee, Meun. Vin Fleet and Ohadwlok, practice tbeir eyatom of bnelnet*. Bavtog paaaed Ibe "flery ordeal," I conalder It my duty to ex- poae to my fellow artlala, tbe oelllBh, narroa--mlsed, ut^iut trana- action* or Ibe two abovenamed Indlvlduala. Though almoal every mombcr of Ibo company bu felt tbo weight of Ibe pro- prioton' Iron hand of Injaallce, yet, will I apeak only of my. •elf, and auch of their bonorable (?) dcaUnga wllb ne u will show to tbe public I have Juatcaute forcomplalnL Imprlmla, certain Qopleaunt oircumataocea, connected with tbe esiabllah- neot resdored my poelllos there ao utterly uncomfcrlable that, at the end uf oso week only, I reelgued my situation. Being ebllUed to a boeoBI, perTotbal agreemeut, I demanded It of Ibe proprlolor*, who rettimed a written anower, atatlog Ibat on "Ttauraday next, July 91b, yon can have a. benolt on the follow, log term* and condlUona:—You loptyul theoxpeneuof the bo0*e for aald day," wblob according to every known precedent nwst rntt, goi, and niuic A ]»rtion of tbe company kindly velunteorod. I aldtd lo tbo above every incidental Item I conli thiok of, and floaUy, figured np a bill of expesaea amonntlng to (0I,7«. NotwUhalanAIng tbla oaormona outlay, I Immtdlately com- mencod ray labon. It belug already Uonaav, and with the ardu. ona tfforta of tlioeeot tba cominny who bad volunlMred, I au& ceed^d (deeplto of the want ofaceuory, Ao.), in prodnotngunder pib eurn imfirirluol dlrccfion, and with only (Aree reheanala, tbo In. tricate and laborioua pantomimic apeeUde of "Am Juan I" The ?aod people of Chicago honond me with a "bnmper," for which Ihough I have received bnt a fracllonal part ot Ihe proceede, and that from tho aaloe of eiiti<ir< lidr^), I do meet humbly Ibesk tbem. The follewbig day, Ur. Van Vleet,'(tbe only oso of Ibe Provrlelon I would do any bnalaeu with, whatever), wh paiotaliy tion at, nsIB 7 o'olock P. M., when a eelllemeot wu otbrvd. Tb)recolptaatlbedoorwere(aobeu<d)WpMy-l»dii<- Idn end me odd ttnU, and he preaented me wllb a bill In which be actually mu my exponaea up to over tX> I Bow T By demand- ing an ovenbarge of not for Ibe ute ot the Varietlea, rent for tbe C^rnl^r^ry Miuic ffati, (sot need by mel, barkeepere'and beer-boy*' wage*, (tbe reedpta ot tho bar belonging, aehu<cely, to Ibe Proprieton), etc., etc, ad tnfjiitum. There wu an ovenlabt, however, on tbe part of Ueaan. Van Fleet k Ohadwlck. and, of which, far be it from ne lo remind tbem, a* I think I bare alreedy anffered (iifflolently; tbey Ibriiot la include their grocery and dgar bllla, I had boon advtaed oy many, to bring a anit for damage* agalsat tbeee gentlemen, for iK'oyhv Ibe pyopoecd acttloment, and thn* obliging me to poeU pone my engegemest is Detroit; but, | remomberedthat "Sweet water cannot flow ftom a font eprlng," and, if their dafly ex- ponaea, ovor and above the ularies of Uiooe who Tolunteered on Tburaday lut, exoceded tU, tbey neoled all of wblob they de- fraodeU eie— and mt/retoo I d'evo, and, I am enremy frientft will Join SPORTS ABROA] i dltllki^ particularly, lo Ibmat auob matlen nsdor tbe millc noir, yet I boneatly bcdlevo, and, I am enremy/rientft will Join we, Ibat, under tbe otronmataneu, Meun. Obadwlok k Van Fleet, have ao belittled -tbemaelvoa, they will nnavoldably be obllgodto(aioaaetheTnlgarlaml) "lakca badnatl" EeepeotfoUy, Ihe People'* Bervasl, OHEURY FETRIE, THE TURF. ttat onJtbz FasBioa Coosan.—On tho teib InaL, Hiram Tem- aloandBld^Nlobola, twogood''flyon,''had an Intereellog triel lobarnoaa forflOO. Prerloua to tbo etart Temple wu tbe f*. TOrlte, at a nut tlOO to t33. Alter each nag bad won cue heal, tbo market ruled et 1100 lo MO In hie (aver. Tho race termina- ted In a al igularand aomewbat eidtlng manner. Tbe third heat and He race wu wen In good etylo byMlobola, In l:iSi hot Whibi in, bla driver, wu dooburd dlattncod. In cosae- S^uoPco of eavlng bie voblcla boforo golllug tbe uauol pertnlaelon rotn tbe udgca. Mr. W., belug mervly un auuteor, uot well potted In be tochnlcalilloa of racing niloa, tbo Jadgu deolded til ouialde beta OIL ■UUMAnT. PmoioM Cotmsi, L L, Balurday, July IBIh.—Ualcb for tlOd, mllo heabi beat two In tbroe, lo hameM>- S.Woodipffnamed bgBlnmTemple 1 3t J, B. WhlTeos named b g Sid NIohobi 3 1* Time, 3:11; 3:41; 3:43. R Fusion CauntE, L. L—Friday, July 17—Uateh Tiioi tl,D0O, n le boata, beat 3 In 3, lo wagon*:— U. Wood? • D. Utco uff named or g Oenortl HcOloUan Ill lamod u m Nolly Bolcomh 333 ^ Time, 3:83; 3:33X; 3:35. Tut t osn BUTKn; A Tale ot Ibe Indlao Detort: by OnataTO Alni*rJ.l-Theplol,awoUnlghlnoxtrlcable mate; tbo aceno, the gloom ol twilight, OT Ihe doopor bonf n of nigbti everybody In t ftlae Lid painful poelUos,. tbe vlcUm* of cruelly, avarice, ttoachc/y or ambition; Ibe only apcolmen ot manly virtue, truib. If courage, made to porlab mlaerably 1 tbe only eihlblllon of fenifle love or purity goaded to bopdeu inaanlly. We regret, U MOtit Ibau leal, the time apeni over It. Tboao wbo*o morbid taalea jcad them lo "anp full ot horron," almoat unrelieved by plaaau|e, or virtue, ot tmlb, or purtly, or common bnmanlly'* tacce«ttuIcfforl*,vriII "deal" 00 tbla book. 8vo.,ppI0<. T, D. Polcrwii, Droa., SM Obeatnnl atreet, Philadelphia. F, A. Brady (Atonl) Si Ann alreet, New York, ■ 00 cent*. I ~ La IfABqni; or, Tho Midnight Queen,—A talo of lUoalon, de- latlnt aud myatery. "Bnlly thing I "aaya afriead et our elbow, wholaou/attbitnch llUralate. Dy Couain Uay Oarlelon, a lailrtUosa by Darley, Daub, cob, 8vo., pp 118. 3t cU, F, A. Brtfly, 31 Ann alreol, N. Y. OskVAil Castoxei,) ot tbe Blx Gray Powder*, an oiclUng Tale, by til*. Benry Wood. Paper while, type clear. DoDblecclumn, g To, pp, 00. 33 cenU. Dlok k Tllxgetald, IS Ann at, N. Y, SLABimta FIOBT IN TBE SHEFFIELD Dli BETWEEM OEonoE POTTS, A»D JOE nA:nnaAs, I Uosdar, Jtily Olb, wu the day 4icd for tbe Bihl J thoae lads, who bad been malched aome time to 1 catcb-wdgbl, for XII a aide. Tbla wu the aecond ap^ Folia In uo prixe ring, Ibe Bret enconiiler bebig wuJI Flelober, of Derby, whom be defeated cleverly, abesif mile* from Sheffield, eomo trfo mostha ago. Tho prtM wu made daring the time Potta wm lo tralulog 1^ and manypeople bnaglsedIf tbe SheOloldcr ebonld| victor In Fletcber'e fight, tho.prcacut match would f ground ; in tbla, however, tbey were inlataken. bL biesdi auerUog that their Ud could ditpou of Pot^| a coDpatatlTe novice, Joe Hannlgan la brother le 3 known MIok, wbooe game batlica both In the Losdon | ▼Inolal ring moat be well reinembered by all admlnti * None could mlatake the alriklug llkoonaa bctweou tbe h _ deceoaod brother, the young one, bowovor, being nuni both hi color and featnrca. He bad been prepared by j trainer, Swankey, who eertaluly brought blm to tbe i flaeretUe. It wuwlib difficulty wo coukl ucortalsb. wolgbl, that being a acciet he or bla frionda did net ^ care about lUviilglng ; but If we aay tit lOlb, we ahall enough, and give bla halgbl about Cll. Olo., wbllat bla ■ wu several pound* heavier, and allgbUy tailor, and ^ prepared by a friend who brought him wooderfuBfl whoreabeata wu loued for tbe night befote, tome ■ BhelBold, andltwunotunUi late that Ibe place 1 Darueleyltee, who won Ibo lou, wu "put about,' ._ demand for rebldea w.ia made u we acircely remembi ahall soleuUy forcet tbo "black mall" levied upon i more Iban "Biblbltlon prleea" being the order of tbe A men were to be in tbo ring, according to Ibo arllclei, J and, oonalderlng Ibat nearly twenty niUea hod to be li a road remarkable for Ite roughnew, early rlelng v , aOble. We left tbo "amoky village" ehortly after helf.^ and arrived at Langaett pomntblog before eeven, Imtat Slace where Kobby Hall and Charley Wllklneon fongbl] Ion* bdtle (when over an hour dauiitd before a 1 struck) would be adected. "Forward,''hou'evrr, wuL and acme diatance further auch a gatherlug u Uamaleil produce, covered the ground. Tbnt Indbiponuble M referee, not having been aoleded prevloutly, tbo uasall cut to wute In kargnlng, untll Potta, who, u waU u wu on tho apot, reuimod to Langaett, oil rbance of a apparently over for that day. xcoreeof ptraooalhere eu for home. It being now halfput les, when we ■ that some of Ibe backer* of Bannlgan had followed Ihel party, and agreed npon * refene. In tbo ebapo ot an ready black connliy pug, who gave Ihe rouglie lo sl_ that any attempt at Intimidation might be dlaaalrona tel tcreala. At twelve o'dock, prrcluly, all waa Inrcadii being aecondod by Irtenda, and tbe fight commenced.- StaeonFoIla. It wu toon apporent that Bannlgan waa a oomplalil for be moved about wllb great linpctuoally, app( anxloua. Tbla etylo waa Juatanlltdio Potta, wlio,'u| cacombor, took atock ot Joe'a overy movement, walll__ opportunity that aeon mnet proront lieelf. At lenaal made bla left digbtly on tbe cheel, and hia right cntEolT Joe laughing, and dew In tbo retnm; they then got t In Ihe fall Potta iru under. 3. Folia went to Joe'a corner, where aomo aparringU, Is fkTor otPotIa, who admUilatered a clipping tbwacki) left ey^ and uot away. Joo, nothing daunted, mibed i Juat Uie Iblng to eult Potta, who meMured blm well, a anolbcr left-bander on tbe forehead, nlalng a elk. wliBat Joe got allgblly on Oeorge'e chea*, and dodn^ down aide by aide, amlllng. 8. Pottt oompletdy aurprtiod the apeclalors by tbe ■_ which begot all over Joe's dial with the left. landln|i on tbe left ear, Bannlgan, u game u poaalble, ret ' awfully skart. The lada then oloaed, when Joe, who ) aelf Ibe beat wreetler, wu again uppermoet. 4. Qeorgeadulnlatemlainartly on each eye, and din Joo'a left eye tbua early wu tut oloeing, and the rigU . marked, vbllal Potta waa u merry end noacetbrd m i alerted, witb tho exception ofa few dight acratcheeonll 3. Oeorgo agals nude Ibe runnlna, feinted for miXL then lauded a allnger on tbo face. Joe now ruetaed Is^ ISK, got soDo tbe wont of It, and both were again dews h 3. Joe led offin tble round, but wuvoty abort twleai left; be then delivered the right aevnroly on tbe hi' brought 00 good exchangee, when George got dowiL T. la this round, Qeorge landed ou tbe throat vrllh L throe tlmos wltbout o relum, and then admlnlatextd i| cre«a counter ou tbe Jaw, and got down. 8. Tba 3gbt up lo tbla Ume wu like "Bridgncrtb a poorjoo*alefleyefaatdoetog,aud tberkhtono mnchA ed, Q<orge,.lii tbla round, again got on iho left eye. Jot] tag digbtu on tbe ohcst; they then got logolber, and* aloe by tide. ^ 9. All Id tavor of Potta; an appAl in bla favor ovc _ 10. Potta •eat out bla right whlcb landed heavily os t_ aod Joe ccanlered on tbo left eye, whos Qeorge waall amidtt Ibe derldon of tbe Uamileyltf a. (ierlalnly Potta 1^ careful In tbla reapect; ho ahould In future try to an' tacUca, upoolally when It la an^uldt en Mm. FcoinlUa] Slat round there wu no change, Potta grada^lly auIiBgi more certabl,' when be ruebed at Jue, wlio relumed II, nr wu thrown thzongh tbo ropea; Joe apparently uatioBgtj be began. 33. Joe attempted to lead off, but wu abort, and l. . to fight open-banded; getting a Utile doier, be landedl one on Ibe left ear; Qeorge made another on Ibo ton' got down. 33. Nothing ot Importance. 34. Potta led off wllb tbe left on Ibe good eye, drairlK| and got down after taming away, Joe mnnlng after 1 ronnd 30. Joe get Potta by tbe seek cn Ibe ropea, and held b for aome time, nntllthe referee ordered him to be role made Oeorge look aerioua for a round or two. Tbe t, givaaed aa Before nnUl tbe 061b round, when tbelokaae., wutbrowsupbyoneofJoe'aoeconda. Time, IhoniUl itxuinxa. 7 Tbe winner of ibiefight acnulttod bimadf admirably, 1^ Ing good boiUig ablllUea with both basda, witb great 0 though, at we bare already aald, with over msoh.c Wbeo the fight wu over, be abowed osly a lump usdarH eye and a tow marka on ble body, Tbe loeer la u game aL ever fougbl; bat be know* IliUe abost Agbtlsg, with Ike J Ion of bavlng aome notion of wrcalllng. Alteraome totif be fought open.handed, added to wblob, he wu tadly a the lead, and tbua bad no chonoe of winning. One f" miiat warn blm of—irllhout witbing to add one ' wounded feellsga of a loter—and that It, when 00 the g keep bla leg* *tlll. u tbe frequent attempe at "apiku, many enemTea, and any fair speotator la dwaya dlagnalall eight Anclber thing, too—he I* lu conatant dongsr f^ apped ot "louL" IiATBIR FORBIGN BFORTIVO ITBI Tnx AuxBiooK Bosac TrimBii, •ttboNewinarkel) log, on Jnly 7,won tbe flisl event, vli., a malob for 8W>« bdfforfclt, agalsat Baron BothacbUd'a Wlograve. on Umpire. Wlsgravs made play for hdf Ihe dlel^ Umpire went to tbe front, winning eveuluaUy vritb i apare by tbreo part* of a lesgtb. Tax P, R. OnAWioiisDip or Ekoians lo be cosh Jem Usee and BUI Ryall, wu piogroialng favorably atfl of laat advice*, and tbe aecond depoelt ot IS a eld* n handa of Ibo atakeholder. Tox Qreat iNTESHATiCHAr, Tnizc FiaoT,—All quiet i Unoa. Nothing new is regard to it, A Sooumo lUoE on tbo Tbamca, between J. Bet^ Onimb, for 130, wu won by tbe former, who went'oi ooune flnm Ibe Aqueduct, I'ulney, to tho *hlp at Uoi " 23 mis. 30 aeo, EisvES Crioketes* ot All England defeated fonrleal county ot Eent lu one Innlsge and five mna lo apare, Inil played os Joly 6 and T, at Lord's. England 330. Kent lUlf Revehxhd Obioeetess.— In a cricket match played bi l_ betweeo tbe ceuuttu of Norfolk aud Bsffolk, on July 3 asll clergymen look part and ecorcd—Rev. 0. R. Cooke 41, f flaomond (not out) S3, Rev. T. L. French 7, and Rev. B.I alls. Is these degesonle day* we haveanovordoeeotUi tbeologr, and tome practical dedt ent lo ue; but honk ample ot practical theology not otlen met with, but I ' pallamed after with profit. Too FoM or QuorATioK*.—A young ofllcer ot tho I_ - tophi achoci recently went to Drary Lone to eco tbe gietll dias, Cbarlee Kcan, In "UamloU" It waa the flnt time l| teen that noble tragedy, and on being uked bow bo Ukafl tald: "Bawl ll'a a very dovor play; but I think It's Wl qnoUtlon*," ■ ■ iBOs Clio ConsoiEiioE.-At ■ Sunday aobool tba t noon, a brtgb|.looklog little fellow waa uked, "Wbal'l adesceJ" Be nnawered very properly, "An Inward \" And, "Whal la a monltort" "Ob, one ot Ihom Iron^' JUST IMPORTED FIIOM PAHI8, Carts de Vlallo* from Life, very tioh, price 3t 0 Book*, Oardt, Prlnla, Ac Endoee red atamp tor our new oltoular. B. DBOWN, 18-4l» can Box 3773. H. T. \ BOOKS I phintsii OAnDsiii etc., etc,, Don't fdl lo aesd (or "catdoguo" to M-ll» ■ P.O,»Box8,"8blrleyVU1ega,l "/pHE GEM PEOTOOnAPHS,"—A HIg ' L Bent by malTTor 90 oenU eteb, or *lz for 11, ' P. 0. "Bos No. 8," BUrley Village, Mae*.