New York Clipper (Jul 1863)

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ISTEW YORK OLIPPJER. THE RING. 'OOHAPHB OF JOBH a BEinJLM in dtlMin dM SJSlSiMiil". of TOM KDIO: Mornu •Mb. Jul TIBAH'B nAIiU, Cor. Wool ud Thlid (baeO, Flltobnnh, It joBim; UAOSEV t joamn ioudor, Quiring mtr B«tiird>7 HIghL B-13t* I FiiOTfraRAPHB OF JOB) COBURII, U oenU nt to my BOdrrn, on nccipt of pilco, bj W. a 'wCroiiLMy. N.T. lO-W CLVDS AND TIIKIH VBEK.—Wo an gUd to 1 He Indian Qnb In fiit coning Into pnblk) ttTor as > eitrrlso, coodnclnir. m II doti, toagosonl dOTelopotnt ntbenlni of Uio plijolcal ayotoiD, Ur. B. D. KEHOE^ 'imI DuunOicluror of Indlos Olubi Is Ibla conntiT, li o itcolplol ordonlVom all aoolloDa, and ba laflUlag m npMly a> poulblo, Mr. Xoboo nudo tbo Olnbo bnro ncrcUtd vllb irhUa IralnlDi for hli lata Sgbt Mill, and vhlcb wtro ao klRhlj tpokan otbj tbo Oham- den utdreneil to.6. D. KEHOE, Itenro Ilonao, Mow roit OOlcr, X. Y., wUl rocolve Immedlato atlontlon. 8 AMKHirAff ciiAmpioR AT imnir.—JOE ■ad JAUES BAOMrEns wlota to Inform tbalrfrlonda qHIc ibm Iber linTo taken poaaoailon of tbe WHITE 113 onAMD SrnEfiT, «horo tkar vlll aliraja bo bappj lha old f«cai and other* wbo may fovor tbem wilh a Tine. Iliiiira, alca and lOBara. «re of Ibo dnutqiinllly < Mrellat IQ tho city. FUlVATE LE38UMB Ui HPAB- I bt ijlvto by Uio Cliamplvn. M-lt SETEnlllNED MILL, nr.TtTBr.N • IKCH DORSn AND TttA^K MoOADE. irc4 monIbB a;;o airanccmvnta w«r« rntoredJnto ba> k I»r»ey, o( tlils clly, bioMior to MAa Donay, tho wpU- ibtr vc'ltlil, and Frank McCabc. ofNrwuk, to dgbtat '111. fvrJS'tin aide, tho Uat votk loJano. To avoid »lldly, CTcrjibhig was condaot«d In tha qiilotoit poi< 3«r, and only a aolcct few woro aUoaed to TJolt tbo mon rnlnlOK ii'-'ilcn. Wlion all looked favorably for tbo itlenoi ilioir o:iJect, an anUmely deatb happened In nnll;, aud u It wta out of all naaoa to forco tbe k r Iheeo clrcumilaucoa, Donay very willingly agreed roijcniciil until Tnoiday, the Itth Inat., which Jem it biTo Inltatnl vllb crcilll to blmwir In bla mateb ou, The f'liiicnti^ a niuolh'.! grace on account of hla Icaib, but II wM not granted, we are BoriT to aay, r York party U tl Ibia olty on Suoday oronlng "on tho ii), airivmg la Pblladolpbia, put op at tbo Olrard len tlcy riprrlr'nccd lllila or do trouble, by keeping lark, except to Ibote truatwortby onfa who wouldn't ir "blow tbe gkll" on tbem. On Monday, Doraey and ■ itartcd for Cli09t«r, and lodged nt a well-known t\, the landlord of which waa prtient at tho Cobtim :ln Debt McCabe and bis friendi apent the night In a I far iron tbo oibcn, and at daybreak Taeaday mom- tdttwerojogglog along on a voyage of dlacovery. Bo- a e o'clock tboy bad round a good apot, right on the 10 of the two Biaic, P> unaylvanla and Delaware, and atlca from Cheater, where, aboold Ibore be iDymagla- rfrrcnce, all they bad to do waa np alakea and Jump oe. It waa not over half a doion xnllea from where ranleat for tbe Cbjioplonshlp of Arnerka took place, rilcQ of a referee bavlug been amicably got through St person of Jloiniy White, Frank McCibe waa Ibe Drat a ilfiiwr over tbo rupee, quickly followed by Jack Dor- ik UcCAbe bad for hla acconds ibo colebratod English Hiibl. Air Walker, and Miller, both rcaldontaof FbUa. Uoiary was bandied by hla brolbor Mike, and a aklU- ' fiUuw namod Ultchkeafl, of this clly, wn believe. 'A9 were a dirk blue, wltb a neat white border. Sor- A orer to McCabo wltb the greenbacks, and offered to cenlurf, pvrn, ootba battle, which tho laltor accepted. tcDlbiiHlaum on both aides. All being In rdadlnesa, at to ininutej pout fl o'clock A.M. they stepped up for THE rioin. 1. On pooling, tbe dlaimrity In ain waa very marked, ludlng all oi 6 ft 10 to Doraey'a (ILS.wlih some four 'In Itio admotngo In weight, and bottloR commenced at M bl|{ '110. Dursoy, however, waa In the beat of con- 4akowed mueole of great prominence ou hla arma, body. Afier mannuvrlvg about the ring, eagerly fur a cluDCo to "put lu," Frank, aeelng bis tlmo, lot '« one on Jark'a forehead, but waa mot wltb a smart too tbo ribs, making bini fool rather lively, and lead- n couutc-rlug, UcCabe getting on tbo chest, Doraey on it, and ODo splrce on toe mozaard. A nanse for ob- ■.soil ou Ibo llrat shot Doraey dellvereaa bot-'nn on fw wlih bis right, knocking him clean off bla plns. tk down for Donoy. Mi hadn't vlalblv affected the Torsoyman, for he came M to meet. Ibo Yorker, who tried to land with bla Ion, I, sail on McCabo following him up, caodht a ■tunning Jrom Mac's right on tbe larboard aide of hla cocoa- lei In hli auiklng mother Earth on all foon, making ksl round. Maoied rather leoiy, and kept tbolr wlta abont tbem ad. but Doisoy was the Urst to try It oo, and caught lahibrlous oiack on bis right aqulnter by a good. Minder, Mao rctnmlug a similar Mendly compU- ibo mug, drawing the claret They Immediately i9d Doraey was tbron-n. FIrat blood and Ont throw T, aoilnni to make up for tho last two evoala, aent In a JIac'a rlnkl ear, caiolilug a Utile one on the body— upca-a cUucb, and tho big fellow cleverly thrown taelor. T^nd cbeorv for Doraey. Hmowbat slower ttian usual, aud eagerly looking one r to aeo what damage had l>oen done. At length Dor- br the scratch, and dashed In another loft-bander 'tank's Jaw, ueulog bis dander np, and Mao followed (rao General Meade style, leaving the mark of bla kand en tbe New York boy'a ribs, and closing In for vhlob ho lost, ae Jack tosaed blm handsomely, and 'on Ilia corporoslty to wind up with. The betting lum, and Doney became tho ravorlte from (bla out. : on botli sides of the houae, for the hot weather and ig toicethsr made them flushed considerably, yet they Ibe lese eager for the fray. Dorsey, aa uaoA, being lead ulf, although "ult goot" aa Frank waa away In a log good-ni)iDndly at bla eacape, Jack kept up the I, aid In one eluung hit eont Frank rowing over aa' lid been "sblmck nut a glob." lumped np sa If nothing uad happened,'and shot ont Isck's peeper—a good ono—Doney retaUallog with on Ihe mouUi and noae, but got thrown In tho flnlsb. Ball theee rounds Dorsey eeomod to ehow llttlo or no I full of gaiety, and had generally tbo best of the fills, lothothlrteontb. foolwasolalmadonaccount 'I taking Dorsey by tho leg to throw him, but tho ilsraa "dgbton.^' In tho aavenleentb, Doney by a I bander on Mac's snifter, drew the crimson In tor- lie latter managed to end the round In hla favor by lirow. k'lnoae looked eveiy way butthe right one, and bis faaranco sbowod elans of Jsok'a handiwork, but he wttd. At Ibis early stage of tbe Ught It waa pUiln M accldout, ho couldn't win. Doney fought him ■OWD comor lu gallant atyle. Bovon to Ave on Dor- W taken. Tliey had now boon tghting 10 minutta, [ val almoit oa fToah aa at the oommoaoemeut U la favor of Donoy. pads a desperate effort to (am (ho Ude In his favor opluton bis opponent who. In (he coolest poealble Wed tack and met him a regular "ballyhoolor" on l^n, cutting It Uke a knife, auB In spit* of hla por- rraak waa floored by another on (he Jaw In flret-rate iiof B((htlDg, 1 hour 30 mluutca. ndlast Itwsa clear aa noonday that UoCabe was faat DtUtDKtb, though garoo as a pebble, and It waa only Usttmponry advantage that hla friends ^owed blm '••■oogwIILoultbogbostof a chance. Thebotting ■sda waa 9 to 1 on Dorsey, but (here were none fool- lo Uke tbe odds, In tho last roond, klcOabe camo « erer, but very alow, made an Ineffcotual paw at X In ordor to Qolsb It, and prevent unneceasary pun- 1'ored a slinging oroaa.couuter, knocking blm all In ■rUlUiff hla Jaw srtth a fearful gaab, when hli seconds, "thly eliauce, very wlssly threw up Uio eponge, and •ailed tho winner, after flgbdng (wo honra and (en Tn Wnrnno COLoia.-At the Ourm BaaDn, W Beat Broadway, kept tiy Dick and Eugene Hollywood, mar be aoan the colors JoLii Doney wore ronnd hli lolna when he fonght and defeated Frank UcOabe, Ooand have a look at them. Jei Onm ns Man ron Jonnn Bicin.—In osr bat M waa gnlstanUonally stated that Jim Brown would tight Blokey, vheicaa tl ahoold be that Mr. Brown sent the money (HO) for Hr, arin, and It la to be hoped that Hlokoy will cover It, sad state (he amonnt he wUhea to flgtat for. A TniTLT PaimiT.—Mr. Xobort Bmltb, of (he Home of Com- mons, Uoiston street roconUr sent a fine colored photograph of JooOobomto his fHond, Jack Ulcka. now keeping JemWaid'a old dace. M Whitechapol Bosd. Being the onv one In England, It W1U be a good cap tor Hr. Ulrks, and lend greatly to Incresae hla coatom. We believe It U Mr. Cobom'a IntanUon to aend three or four of the aame kind in the City of Washington (o Jem Ward, Owen Rwlft Otorgo Newbold, and the lUuUnUti SpirUHa tftm Tboy will doubtless >ave a oolered lithograph cot and for aala In the Loudon ahop wlndowa by the lime Joe geli there hlmecir. Ed Wiuioh aoAiHar Com FiRonALS.—Tbia match la sow (ho prindpat theme of conveisallon and argooenlin all the sporting house*, and rarlnim ars ths opinions eipresaed of the men's ablUUoa. At mil Fitxgetald'e What Cheer hotel, No. IS Bodaon straet, the Itlenda of tbe gallint Con asaomble, and In tbe hap- piest possible manner chat about'the coming mill; while at Ed Wllaon's own suburban realdeneo, Wcebawken, all Ihe frequent- ers are vehement In thebr ontbuslum for tbe Obsniplon of Wee- hawkcD. On tbo llthof Augnat another deposit of ttOOaelde has to bo made at the White uosse. Bio Scorn Botr Into TnEConKTET.—Manyof the rroquentars of OUl Clarke's, when ho keptlu Laurena otrcet, will call to mind a sturdy young BIbomlan, over 6 foot high, who went then to get lesaou, and several times appeared In public. The same penononceliada bullet shot right through hla sknlL AHer braving all thcao, one night be unfortunately got Into trouble wilh Iwo poUcomen, licked them both, waa arreatod. and sent np tho rlrer for a your. FcorBcottyl We have spent houn after honra listening (o hla drvtlerlca, for, like Jack Alcroft he was of that malarial apt to "sut tho Uble In a roar" whooerer he open, oil Ills moulh. Tdmud DoTcnFB.—Charley Hoare, wbo was talked about aa a malch for Joe Cobum some three year* ago, la now aettled down and doing a rouiing trade aa bulubcr In Fulton Market Ifanyof onrrriondaUiereaway want prime "roa bif," aweet mutton, or "no ou aa that," we shan't And any Ikult If tboy call, on Charley. * liinisroscD Dan Xorrlgan, the esteemed lllUe Mg man of tbo Fourtb Ward, la atlU very low, and very much redoced in fleab.' Bla friends are afraid bo Is In a decline. A Wonn TO Jomni McOastht.— Will this gentleman. It In tbe clly, bo kind enough to leave the wood cut of Jim Ooboru's, at his bxotber's, the White Uouse, 113 Orand atrsetf CoDonH AN-D Coow.—Every once In a wbllo reports arc started that Ciow has clislleDged Coburn, or Is about to cbsUenge him; but we fsney these acuaatlon rnmora are mannCaotured bj a certain daas of busTbodloa whoso object can bo nolhlug more or Inaa than to create unnecessary feeling between two of tho finest specimens of hnmsollywe have amongat na. Until ono or tbe oiber "sneak right out In mcoUog," let no hood bo paid to these incesssntprslllen. Be'il Do It.— OntBLET LncB Accepts Nonir Cubee's ODALUiKOE.—The very dsy after we went to preu wllhonr last Issue, Charley Lynch and hla mentor. Kit Burns, called on ns and lelt a ttOO nolo for Kubby Clarke to cover, accompanied with tbo followlDg document:— SDrron CuppEn—It waa not my Intention to again onter tbe P. B., Int aa Ur- Clarke hu soon At lo challenge mo, bo can have a chance Jmt once. To atop all talk, I herewith deposit One Hundred DoUots in your bauds aa a forfeit htm cover that, and then I will accommodale him for (MO, or as much mon aa he wants'to Sght tor, CbuixtLtkch. A Blikdeii.— One of the dally papon of (hla city aaserlcd thst Joe Cobum waa one of the leaden In the late draft riots. A meaner lis could'nt possibly have been Invented, and whoever the anihor may be, he should be made prove It or spologlu. BJirTLB nn a Baoitelle Tadle.— This (Tuesday) evening, Mr. Bobert Bmltb, of tbe Boose of Commons, 3ff west Houston OoiBiif vs, Hdtital.— These dobs played Ihslr But match together thla season on Monday, Joly 18th, at BoboktD, and It S'OTod to be one at the most Inlerestlng fimss of the either party had thalrfnll strength ont on the oeosslon, but theoolham's suffered meat on this acooant,as they have not luoh an eitentlve reserve«orps to draw fMm as (be Mutnals, (he latter dnb havlag at least adeienflrst nine ^ayenin their ranks. The gtne openM very favorably for the dothsmt, (he scon at the cloao of the Sih IsDlags being In their favor hr 19 (o 1, (he Motoals not aelUng a aojltary ran nntll (heir Sfth innings when (hey soored two tons. The tiltlmate sacoessor tho Gotbama at thla period of the game wu considered as very likeljr.but thenncenalnly of the game gave Ihelroppontnu a chance, and by (he close of (hs Bih tainlnga they bad brought (be tcbils np (o II to M, (he ao(hara attU being In tbe advance. In (ho t(h Innings, however, (he Mnluala rallied totbeluneof 8 mns. and plaoliig their oppcnenia kon da cnaMl wllnont aUcsrlng them s mn, they proved flually vletorlous by a soon of 91 to 10. The plar on t>oth aides waa eiceodhiglT good, the pitching asdcaiehlDgon (he part otthe Oo(haina oelng llnl- rate. But for the heavy batUng of the Mutuals the Ootbsma would have won tha game, (hair fine flelding merltlsg such a nward. IhescdrebelowglvesfnU'partloolan:— MUTTJAL. Brown, 9db... Ooldls, Utb... 8 Board, as 8 Wonsley, c 2 Oreen, of 1 4 McUahon,3db 9 Kelly, If., fottrf.... larrls, p.... TolAl.. ■fna for as to add in ilio way of nnarks, Tho bst- lale—Ibnt neither height, weight, nor stnngth tHoit Dretrsto science, when coupled with coolness *ige. In many nspeels, thla Sgnt reaomblcd that Ud Cobun. Frank McOabe la as game a man aa tfleah.bag, bat bu many things to loam ore ho can ' tope with tbnae having the aam'o qnelltlee, with *tk them up. To Dorsey we cannotaward toomuch fvprlse^ his moat InUmate friends by the clover ■klrb )je handled his burly opponent, and his knowl. 'd pollle, so casentlal during Ibeae rlotoas times for • iDow. It will puusis snyman of his weight to * blm, and this bolog only his second fight, while roeog, we antldpato even greater Improvement •tnUin the mnglo oinlo. IteCabewss pnnUhed [.bet beyond slump on (hs loftoy^ and s slight w ear, Domey la scalholeu. >■ DnArrtD James, (be elder brother of Joseph, *oe«n olocted oue of the chosen people lo go and Ufel," or aomtbody else. Hartford has Ibe eredit Coburn, also Lew Csldwell, aoelebrated perform- ''t* |jeule,"a« lajs ou cotreapondtnt,ILII. F. Blreet,'wlll raOleoCfa splendid bsgslello table at (ho above sa- loon. Tickets, One Dollar, (o bo had a( tbe door. KoT WHAT iT'a cnACEED UP TO SE.—Every freab arrival from Calirornla apeahs wone and woraa of (ho (orpldlty of the gold dlpglnes, to the New York iporta. Mr. WllUam Clarke, In bit last letter, gives as a second edition of the Lamentatlona of Jonmlab. He sayi there's nothing doing at all-theatiea not paying expenaes, and concert aaloona aU hot gone to Jomsalam, becanao of the abollahlng the "pretty waller girls." As for eportlsg honaes—well, DlUy baa got gny-headod sItUng behind hla bar *'«altlng for a customer *,'' it'e Uso botog In a Ught-houae, aud a plagny sight wone than Fort Lafayette- Mr. Clarke has lost over 12,000 already, and If he ia*o( back homo bofon Kew Year's, wo shsll pnt htm down among the "lost, strayed, or stolon." "Oh, Billy, we have mbned you, welcome, wekiome home." ToK Krao re Fiohtiko Cosnnre.—A fOB length Ulbograph of the young giant now matched with the Bonlola Boy, can be aeen by dropping In at Darry Clarke's, 189 Laarena street, near Rons. ton. It Is bulleved to l>e tbe only ono In the country. Tom's *poslak" Is rather clumsy, and nnllke hta style of sparring, but Iba Ufx lo capltaL We ntver bterd of Tom King a bolug pholographed other than lo private dreaa, and under these olr- enmstancee tome allowance should be made if it la not as good aa It might be. At any rate. It la worth going to aeo. JimiT Eujon n "Oirr."—In the late rlola it was Impcasl ble to dlBcrlmloate between the Innocent and gulltv, and wo have every reason to believe the arrest and savage Mating of Elliott was aa unoalled for aaltwas brulaL Becanse be hap- pened (o be a *<poor pug," (bey pounced on him. and (hat, too, lu a public bar-room down town, far away from tho acene of any rioting whatever. Jimmy waa dubbed abont the bead and arma very severely, but be la now at liberty, as tho police conldn't make oat a caae agalnet him in any ahape or form. JORmT Uaceet oh a Tiarr.—Tho celebrated pnfessor of sparring, and second to Heenan when he fought MorrlSBey, ar- rived here on Friday last and visited all the "cemeteries.''^ Wo believe be brlnge a number of Mewbold's latest plctnrce, and Is negollsting for lUIng np the Chaniplon'a taeadqnsrten, 118 grand street, with an entln new aet of portralta mon suitable to Ihe estabUshuent John presented allksnossof BobTraven, the ficbting darkey, to Harry Clarke, and at nearly cveiT house hecalled, has lelt some Ultlesonvenir to remember him ly. CoH Obzh to mBFooiusnoP Akeuoa.— Being diappelnted tn ovoxT chance for a fight Con Oram will enter Into amngc- mouUi for a mill with anybody, big or little, for IMO or so. In a couple of months, (^n don't want (o go back (o CoIondowKh- ont a fight, and aa he has got to visit nls naUvs dty befora ho sails for England to see tbe Sing and Heenan battle, he will feel very much obliged for somebody to step ont at the earlleat con- venience and "nave a little bruab." Buroly, then ought to be eome oae to give tbo Colorado a torn for (be credit of tbe I pite Oily, if for n'olhlng else. Come, alep out, show your mue- ole, add never let It be said that out of the scores of good men liemaway, none cared to take np the gauntlet so cblvalnusly throws down by blm of Denver City. We ebdl be dbnppolnted If nobody taken np thla bold ohallenge befon our neit issue, Spirit of Jhn BulUvan, arouse. BiLLT'B I>o>niBii.T's Obeat DEMErTT.— Ws have received no Intimation of tbo poatponrmint of this grand compllmonUry, and take It for grauled thst It wlU come off as annonnccd, on Thnnday ovonlbg, Joly M, at tho Becond Beglment Armory, ooroer of Beveoth street and Hall Place, near Third Avenue. Tho blU le one of extraordlosry Intereet, comprising ths namoe of Joe Oobuin and Auslrallan Kelly for a set-to (ogolhcr; Old Joe Thoiow ana DM UlUTovee era also to have a go tn ring ooatome, and at least a dozen mora oouplos, ombncing Con Oram, Jaiuts Filllclt Ocogbegan, and othen whoao namea have fignrcd ao conanlouously or late. Obailey Lynch, about to bo matched wilh nobby Clarke, and BUly DonnoUy vrlU finlah the entertalnmrat and Lynch'* holla ate also (o be on oxhIbKlon In pubUo for the laa( time. The Ucke(s are but 38 and M 0{nls ATTAcr oa JouH LAwaEHCE.-^ohnnr Lawrence, (he cdobntod trainer and friend of Uorrlasoy, Is lying In a precarlons con- dition from ■ fearful gash In bis Jaw, Inflloted with a ai-oanter some two weeks ago on the Fashion Uoune. The wound Is a very ugly ono, snd will dlsBgura him for life. Ihe man who perpelrsled the act, 11 Isaald, wasan Intimate acquaintance of Mr. lAwrenco, snd they both went ont to the race together, which makea the ssaault appeu somewhat myaterlona. Jeu Wann's Opihior ot tub FOBTBcoumo Orbat Fiobt. We saw a Ielt«r from the Champion of all Champlona (the cole- bmtod artlal, Jem Ward,) (o bis friend, Isiy Laiama,wblcb loea (o ahow Ihat, although Mr.Ward waa the Ural lo bring Tom King before the public, he feels tbo grealeat conddenoe In John 0. Heeuan's ability to deUinne blm, and his opinion wlU have great weight both hen and In England. Ur. Ward baa over been a aUiioch friend of tho Ueslcia Boy, and from nodlng of Joe Cobum'a battles, hiia roimed aq eicellenl Idea of blamorils also. At Ward's, ueoolato all the Aniorlcans going to and fro botwoea tbe two conntrloa, and bla new tatabUtbmrnt, the Bit Cans and Crown, In Ilolbon, near Tom Spring's old bonsc, la doing a dne business. Tbo looatlon la ao much mon congonid, not only lo his own Inloroallug (kmlly but (o vIsKon, that his cnalem has Inoreaaed at least nfty par cant over that of the eatabUahmout (now kept by Jock Ulcka) In Whltochapel road, TWEHTT-BlX UlLE ,rooT Baob, bt BAiLons.— Ou tho 19th nlt,i at Toronto, 0. v., (wo aallort bdonging to H, B. K. eblp Qeyser, named Byan anu tJolwdl, began a race of twenty-six miles for U a side. Tlie conditions wen (hat Rvan should start at dsven o'dook, and Oolwell at twdvo o'clock, tbolBne might know what the other was doing, and to onson boB going the (wenty-sli miles. Bran comploled eight miles and a Utile mon In tbe fint hour. Oolwell, at the end of his fint hour had only completed six miles and* trUe, After running ten mUos in two houn and fcity.foui inlnn(ea, Oolwell bad enough of it and left Kyan (o An lab as helikedi but, to decide some (Ims bets, be kept on at a p»(ty good pace, the lut six miles being done In a pouring rain, and compleied Ihe whole diatance In four horn sad toor. tiin miniilei, The gmuad wat rery itnj going. , BAIiIi PLAY. BATniia, n.Za Bona B 1 9 ....9 ....9 ;...« .91 OonuK. Them, p Bqulres.s s VmcoUette, 1st b Ooben, o B WeUlng,9db 8 d.Xh Bints ..4 a ..1 B ..3 eouthworlh, 8d b., Btokem, of ConnoU, If Schaffor, r f.... Total a 0 I 3 a 0 a ..ig BCIIB HADE in BACH IBMHiaS. Itt 2d 3d 4th «th Olh Tth Slh Olh Hnlnal 0 o 0 0 a 8 0 0 B-91 Oothom 8 0 0 :l 8 0 a 1 0-M Umpire—Ur. Bobring, of tbe Empln dub. Sconn—Ucasrs. UcConuell and Murgay. Fsssed balls—Cohen, 8: Wandey, T| McUahon, 1. Home runa—Wonaley, 1. Fly catohea made—Ikard, 1; Brown, 9; EoDy, 3; Wandey, 1 Onen, 1; Barrls, 9; Holt 1—tolsl. It. Welling, 1; Cohen, 1 Tbem, 1; Btokem, 9: Boulhwortb, 1-lotd, T. Calchos mlaaid-Coben, 3; Biiulres, 3; Btokem, 1; Wansley,! Beard, a: Qcldle, 1: Green. 1. Fnt out at fint base—Oolhama, 7 timea; Mutuals, 8 times, Pnt out on foul balls—Oothams, 0 tlmea; Mntusls, 0 times. Time ot game—(in> boon and forty-Ave mlnules. EtiPiBB vs. EiTBXEA-—Tho Bscoud Dlnos Of the above dubs ibiyod a gome togslber at Hoboktn, on July IBlb, the resull lolng a victory for the Newark nine by a aeon ot tl (o 13. Borne eicelleot play was shown on both ddes. The soon leBs the rest of the story:— nATTDtO. ■POaTMO AUD OTBBR FL&OSB UI IIKW YORK. m "WHITE HOBBX." TbeOood Book says, "Many itrive, hot f»v (hen be who SO' tnlheiein," which might be brought down Jiy a UHlasMeh' ot,(hs imaglaatten,'as i^fTlBg (o (he While Bossa. or RatteBoP Oapliai at WaahlngUni. OenUe readen of Ihe CianB, bov many, think youTofonr M. O.'e (and H. P.'s, loo, fbr that aiat.' ter),wen not at one Ume foil ot Ihe idea that Ikey.some Ine du would sqoat In Ihe donble-bieulsd pteddentltl ohalr now AIM - (to a esRaln extent on^, for Abraham bcaslelh of net mndi meat on hla bones) by A. Lincoln, Esq.? Theymlghtai't cttflo be in A. Ik's (nwien just now, and we donH know bit (»Ua hereafter win dread going (0 the White Houoe aa bod as her do- being sent to the Poor IToose. Wonder why they called ttlh*-' While Houae, any way t Not pairtlonlarly becatus of its coloi ' becanse nlne.(entha of one pnVio lotututlons an of Ihatvat*- inapproprlalehue—onctnend BqulbacaBa thomwblted sepnb ohres, diagnlaed by the pnnal of all colon to palm eS that which goes on wItlUn aa the eesence ot all good sadrlitnona acts, bat then he Is young and Innocent—In tact "don't know beans." It la quilo a dlffennt Inalltntlen we mean, thonah—our own Empln Clly White Houae, where all who please may enlai at - wfll. and get thdr fill. The White Bonae of lis Orand street 1» , . a nalty-looklog. three etoiy and bsaement brick edIAoo, painted. ' white (of oouise) with green Venetian bllods-lkIs partof the Astor Estate, and of Ihat oamforubl^ eld-fsahlooed atyle pro. verbid with (heAa(or family, whose properly undergoM very' Utile dienllon or Impnvoment 'When flnl baili, it wu een< sidsred a faahlonable bouse np town, and hOTSvar a yonag man. may wish for brown atone frnnls. we mutt cosfesa an odmln* " lion for Jost snob kind ol aKhlleelunaa thehmue under pan and Ink aorvcUIance. , / What brought 118 araud street Into nolcricly wta Ohtrle|> White's (the famona Ethiopian comedian and writer) Altlacit; upaa a drinking saloon InlBCO, and giving U thenomo llstin'' boars. Aa In evorytblog this clever genlna undertakea. hei,-? ■- made a "bit" on 113, but olhar bualness nnvcuted him ftom glvlDg bts undivided attention to It, and la November, 1881, ■ Tom McCoy came In poaacsaion for a good round som. Ur.', McCoy's popularity ai a mau that "knew Low to koep a hold'". aoon built a Kputatlon for tbo bouso that few similar establish*' monta can booit ot tn (ho cKy. On Thursday, (ho 8(h day of July, Joe Cohnra. (ho Champloa, - and Captain Jamea Baundsrs, of "tbe gallant tOlb," bought onl tbo right and title of the While House, and everything thereunto ilpertdning, ftom Tom MeOoy, and a allcker piece of bodnsa we never aaw, Mr. Cobum had acme Idea of setUlng down In B bold, and Mr. McOoy ditto ot selling ont tbe While Bouse. Ban Joe to Tom, "Howmnoht" and Tom'a anawsr settled It. Bin: Thomaa ttepped ont and Sir Joe and the Captain slopped In, In loos time than It baa taken to leU ot It EUPIBB, Byder, o Bowman wmiamacn, s s.. Many, let b Broach, 3d b.--. McCain. 3d b.... Kciuard, If BDeneon, of.... Wllaon, St Total B.I> BDHS ..-( 0 -3 .3 ..-a ...1 ...3 ...8 ...8 .,-8 3 9 a 9 1 1 0 3 EtmXBA. Van Houghton, 1st b. Burroughs, o Falteuto, p Barrlaon, a f Burt,9db Filigenld, of Mnnn, If Craven, a a Dawson, 8d b B.L. Bms .3 4 Total ainis MASE n baob nonMoa. let 3d 8d 4th tth 8lh Empln 3 0 8.4 0 0 Eureka 0 1 8 8 0 8 Umpire—Mr* Thorne, of the Newark dub. Sooren—Messrs. Oamoton and Holden. 3 3 8 3 3 1 3 9 8(h Blh 1 0-13 9 1-33 EcifcnD vs. MirTUAi~—These dnbs play (ogaUieradlobokeni en Wednesday, 33d Inat It will be a fine malch. OEIGKET. New Yoix vs. Tbot.—Oo Hooday and Toesday of but week, 181b and 14ib lost, the cricket match boiwoon tho secoodoleveo of ibo Hew Yolk club and aa elovsn of ilio Troy club was played nt tbo laal named place. The New York eleven, with a large party of rnends, letl tbia oily on tho ovtnlog or tho llib, and ofiar a plea- lent Journey np tbe Rodton, deborkod at ibsl clly of cbualc name, where ihey met wllb a moai cordial grectlog at the hands of the Trolaoa. On euoday, os a mailer of course,quiel iras obtarved, aid 00 Uouday bnl llUlo could be done In Ibe way of erioket becanse ot tbe nin. On Tuesday, however, tboy went at It wilh a will, and In IndlvMiul easea, some good cricket waa oiblbltod, nolwlltastaodlng tbe heaviness of th(Utrr|uiid, and the long araaa.axcapi la tbo lunar nutr r^itifrj- ur aisf-'inekelir.'- Uooiu. (or the Nnw York parly, bowled spltndldly, snl wltb Perkins snd Bbaw, did Ibo larger shsre of ruD-getilog. IhA iroy bowlen, both underhand, kc^ tbo bdl on the spot nearly ell iho tlmo, and kept down the Kore of Ibeir oppoaenia pretty effntoally In Iho Bret lonlegs. Whether Ihey would have done so In Ihe second, remoios s qoeailon, as It wu not played cot Jackson, of insterdam, wbo betongi lo ibo Troy club, wielded Ihe willow with effect, aa did N. Adams and Oorfa. It was a pliy Ihat the ran so abridged the time that tbe maicb ended lo drew, bQt some other time we shall have the pleuaro or rrcordieg which dub lu Ibo best nun, no doubt Tbe Trojans' bospluhty viaa of tbe most genoroos kind, even lo Ibe peylog or the boiel bllu, ror which iboy cannot bo too highly commoodsd nor lbs Hew York genllemon loo gretefol, and we have not the dightesl donbt but Ihat they will sqoare lbs ysrda wlih Ibo Trojans when tboy visit Hobo- koo. Tbe mtlch, In every respect boi ibe wesiher, was a most pleasanl and social one, and much enjoyed by the New York parly, Ibo score as II stood at (he dose was aa undor :— BEW TOBX CLUB. Beeond Innings, FInt Innings. Beech 0 Whitehead b Coipe.. 0 not ont, BortonoAndononbOorps.. 0 stWInnbCorps Suvdsm 0 Corps b Onw 0 Srler run out ; o oon not out 11 Ferklne b Corps , 19 Bhawb Corps 1 BulloAndtnonb Corps .... 0 ^ Olanndon o J Adama b Crow S b Or«w. Burt b Corps 0 Bates nu out 0 Byes a Bye b Corps, b Corps. b Corps . not out.. I^td.. .99 Told. FInt Innings, Orowb Dull 0 WlnnbUoora 0 Corps 0 Dprt b Moon 13 Doiightyb Sloora 0 WhittheidoTylerbMoon.. 3 nOZ CLDB. AndenoD cBull b Moore.. Fagan o Buydam b Moore.. Jackaon run ont J Adams b Buydam N Adams b Moon Pratt not cat Wldead Totd.. 8 . 1 It . 0 ..13 ,. 4 .. 4 .88 Second Innings. run out 0Olanndon b Buydan... notoul , oand b Buydam 0 Moon b Buydam 0 Tyler b Buydam , cOrawford b Buydam 0 and b Bnydam St Tyler b Buydam b Ruydaiu 0ClarendonbBuydam .... Byca 3, wldes 8, no bsll 1. Total., By tbo above, It will be seen that tbe match atands dnwn, and we think, a Ulllo bi favor of Troy, aa tha Now Torkon warned 30 runs to win, with but fonr wldrntt to toll, which would have boon a bolter arorage per wicket than bad been accomplished up to the close. TBsFiooxeCuvixsopms New YonxA.<n>8i OiobcbCubi— Tbe dtle (bribe playing of this niaicbwlroh bad been pusipuaod, Is now Onslly died IbrTbunday,July 30, aod lakes ptace oo Iho grounds or tbe latter. Wo boliuvo Ibo, latler bavo ibo more power, nil team of Iko two, hot whoiber euOlcleoUy so u lo make vioiory on tbolr parte toieiooa conolualon, ramalna to be seen. TInrBomnoaAior m Now Ton Cimi.—Mr. William Cromley Is, ws ore sorry lo kiam, very sick with fever snd egos, the New York Club, wo know, will take every oare that boor his Iknlly will noi suffor, bol II appcara lo na that those orickelen oul<ldo of Ihe club, who have been Iho reclplcntaor blsalifnlloo, wblch bo has boilnwoa wllllogly and with slaorlly on all cooien, at all times, mighldosometniogln tbo way of bencSitlog blm si such a trying tlmo. We toko Iho liberty of soggestlog, llorefOrs, that Ihe New York Club selecl their boil cloven to play a msuh agalnit as many u shall api>csr oo Iho ground and are willing lo take a liaod la on oonio sinciOodale for Ciosmry's bencai, and ir Ibo day Is lu any way convojileot for as, count us In. This Is but a crude sufiesllou j will Uieolub aoi upon lit Ths White Bouse bouta eta oollection cfplctDns wall worthy ' Ion. Aa everybody gees np to Ihe bar of mention In Ibis connection. Oral, afur taking an approving glance In tbe plate minor (no* ' body can go back on Inai. SUm Jim aaja) aad a lltilo snlhln' lo drink, yon natorslly hxik around at Ibe "Ailn'e." Over tbe minor hangs the Mil Cobum waa-presonted with reocnllyat Ihe City Aooembly Bocma; on Ihe left hie odon when he foujiht Onbbin; and on the right one of Tom O'Donod's colora. no-. menus arta lie cMIe of Tom Hyer. Con Orem, J-B. Bees, and Ihe Champion's personal friends, on ranged by ptatuons on one Bide the mlmr. At Iho Grand sinet end of lbs bar an Ihe toU . : lowing porlrdta:-4>. Swalne Buckley, and Fred. DocUey, of Bnokloy^s Minstrels i Tom McCuUock, a prominent Fhllt- ddphta polltlctan; Obrla. Hogon and Bedford, detaotlvoa from iheOliyof Bnlhorly Love, In one fnme, as like aa Iwo peas; the White House, beck view, from peunsylTonlsAvennei fiUly Ohomben, foreman of 39 Boee, (he dead unige ot(be handsom* har(ender; Fam(, Fruit, and Cupid Bcene; OeoiflS Ohrlsty,» fine lithograph, now performing wllb Booley's Minstrels, la Brooklyn; TOmb ot Waabloglon, over which Is a boat of Ibe Im- nortd, with the Blsn and Wrlpes for a canopy: Declonllon or Independence, with portralta and antographaortho slgneni and. Major Abe- Bday, of the Hstnpolllan Brigtdft A si;rles otdE (aaolntting French Uthognpha, bdloved to bo Ihe only onealn . America, must be aeon & be appreciated-Uey Uluslrale Ihe.ef- feota ot sU bottles ot champsgns, in nnmlstskabls langoog^ without being In the Raat vulgar. * To Ihe left of the win entrance an lithographs ot KelLDaa. and Jony Bryant; and nndeneatmhe latter. In a little gUtsame, : Ihe opening night card of tbe Biyanta' MIntdds, io (he effect " that A wu on Monday, Feb. 93, 1851, (he edebntlon ot WsSUng* Ion's Birthday, whan the foUovrlng gentlrmea oomprUcd th«> company: T. U. Ptendergut, B. B. WInobell, P. a Isaacs, W. K. Lehr, Ben Msllory, 0. Foetcr, & Howard, I, Crosby, J, BsTOrft, and the Bryant Bntheis. AnUuperldphotogTapbaiBph.Eon, leaning on a plUar, with hta oamt bag lying bedde hlin, has • - ilace next to the Bryanta*. Then follow four mon Sut nte rronch tflctnna: The Wine Tutera, Kldnlts and Ohampaone Bancs, Ihe Chen Olub, and The Beading Olub—each one s hU> (orylnlladL Tbe BlU Foeter'e Dnam U anolhergoodlUnBr Fortrdta of Ihe Ant Ave mlnstnla (bat ever pal onbumt eprs an hen dec; via., O. W. PeU, w "Old Joei" O. W. While, ••Daa Tucker:" M. O. Btanwood, In "Love Noli" flco. N. EUnlsglan. iLncy Ned:" and F. 0. Oermon, In Ihe "PlantaHon Ohoras."^ ley 'Whita, In hU origlnd song, "Oan On each side et the Ohamplon'a pbi Undernealh'theee'an'Bllly (taiati. Low BIminoiw, net, and Oha»r - —■ -T17 me back moid Virglnny."' otoonph, la ring costnms, with Hen Wlidde behind lilm, an Dan Bryant In (he "EaHncs," SBd Oeo. Ohrtaty In "Blaok Blunden;" and not tar off, a H. rot, otWood'aMInataetai back view of lasylaaams, audslujllaons- acese, lnwhlohaman.sdos, and a nbbit llgare, ptrllnilalr Ihe "dorg." A piece ot (he stained glau (npresenllng a dancing nymph) that formed Ihe window of Yankee Bnllivan's sabailB . malhamstnet-lsarelloofnoamsllvdue. Abnnxepiofluei Charley Whlta dnishu the oolleaUcn, bnt Mr. Cobnm expects a very Uigsplctun worked In sUk by hands that will maksths. Champion Tdne II above all othen, for Joseph U on aidant u< mlnr of Iho Air ssx. Ths White House dlffen from other odooss la many reipeoU. Then an oe "dtten" aUowid.lnlbe Antplace. In the second, all Ihe dally and sporting papen an kept on Bleaangnlar as nachlnery, and what ta mon, kept clean and tn good ordor. IB^ Ihe third, at 11 in the moratng and 11 In tbe evening a splendid, lonohls served np, andwUl continue lo beu befon, Alan-" QnbBoom bubcen handaomdy foralahsdcror the mtt-iat" private partluof gentlemen, bat not for ganbllng pnipons. Another oxtendveroom tanaed ua gymnadum, wilh &dlan •• dobs, domb beBa, and gloves; hen Ihe champion gtvu print*' laetracttons in llis art of sdr-dsfono^ aid those gsnuemea tahdsg lessons han tbe use of Iho gymnulnm for exerolie. Then an other things we might introduce, hot thta Aotah 1« . (00 lengthy now to think ot them. Oantals Batmdon does the- honors .with the warriors, while the Champion haa a pleasant word for aU Ihe dvUtans. Add to Iheae the poUU and agieeablB- hor-lender. Handsome UQw, and we have a capltd trto. YALtrx or AsnmaoHT.—The world mnt( be amotod. It Is enllrdy false retaonlng to suppoae that any bumto behig can devotahlmadt exdoslvelrlo labor ot anydescrlpllon. ItwUl not do. llest will not give blm adeqnata nllef- He mud be amused, Ue must enjoy himself. He must taugh, sing, dance, eal, drink, and be mernr. Ho moat chat wlih hu Mends, exei- else hta mind in sxoillDglr gentle emotions, snd the body In agneable domonttntlons of sollvlly. Tho constltnllon of Ihe hnman syslen demands this. It exacta variety otlnflaenee and moUon. It will not ramain In bedth if II cannot obtain Ihat variety. Toomuch merriment affeeta It u Injnrtoodyts too much sadness; (oo mnoh rdaaotlon la >| poralolons u nont at aU. But to ths Indislrioue toller, tho tonsblne of Ihe heeri to Inet ss Indlapensabla u thaostetld sunshine U lolheAoveri Mth so«B line away tad dls, K deprived of It FOURTH OF JULY IH I1IVBBFOO&, OIT Tm—THB BOTS OR A SmEE—lOBH C. BEXyAX IBBnBS;.'. A?)D JOIKS TBE PABTT—WBAT BE DrnBDa DOIHO BarOBV ■ TBE noiiT—orr roa mmdok—a dullt tub. LiTEBFOoL, Jnly T, '83. FitBRD Fbibb— We had a gay Ume ben on Ibe Fouriji. Af. tar meeting acme of my American friendi at Ihe Wuhlagton Hotal, when we had taken aaverd amlloe In nmembnnoe of (he Foorlh, we ad|lo<irDed lo meet Ihe Chriaty boyo, and have a alroll around the (own. When we arrived at Bi. Jamea BaB, I: was snrprtaed at msetlog John 0. Hcensn tbeni hs Joined ss, - and we alarlod, our llUle gnus contlaUag of Iho followlDg;— -. John O. Heenan, Barry Bice, Dick Pdham, Fonv Moore, Oeorg*' Fender, Jim Heenan, Oeorge Wilson, Pat Martin, OapL Brawn,'- Oapt Adama, Jim Mysrs, Joe Crocker, Frank Dnw, Johnnr ' Bluer, Tom Qlenny, Old Emery, snd mysdL A Ane iniprlsa - fiarty, thta. After sooUlng around Liverpool s short time, wo eft for Blrkenbesd, (0 see Heenan have asel-tcwilh Yongg- Broome, ultwu bis taatdavwlih Ihe oliona; but thta dldnT' amount to mooh, owing to It bdng a day poriormonee, and a- - allm house; but at night Ihe bouse was onwdcd, it being the- laal appearance ot Heenan. The Boy looka well, and haa worked hard for thta lut diieen months, but now ho puposca taking 1^ rest befon going Into (raining. Be (old me bo wu going (o-' spend a few weeks In Parta, When he nlnna, be gou to- Brighton. Hta training grounda will be New Market. Mrs. Heenan ta lo ntum to New York, and then go lo CdKomls in a, . short time. John aenda Ua rtapccta, snd all snqnlrlng friends. After leaving the clnua (Howea*), we left tor Liver- - pool again, aU qulta lively (Bowu hu notmueh of aolronB" oompany at present and new losing his principal atlractien— - lleenan—I don't know how he will got along. Come, Bowes, at' you announce an American Olnua, why not have some Amori*. - osn performen?), when we arrived all JoDy, except the Boy^"" who drinks nothing bnl lemperance drinka. Onr party now be- gan to separata, lo pnpan for dinner. John Ueonan, Jim Haa- " nan, Barry Bice, and myself, aooepted an Invllatton nom Ponj ■ ■ Moore, and dtaied with him. It wu a ngntar Anorican dinner,' Eotlon npbyblswlfeforlheooouloii. AftardolnRjntUcebeR,he ivlted ua lo Bt Jamea' Hall, to see Ibe Chrislye. We atojnd In s few minulee, and left for Blrkenbesd agalo, to seethe Boy' makehlelut appearance, which wu done In flue atyle. Tonng ' Droome ta a very clover boior.but In Ihe laat round thsDoygavn him one on Ihe noeo which will moke Broome long remenber hie lut soMo with Iloonan, On onr ntum, we atoupod la Ihe Prioce ot Walea Tfaoain, to see Frank Drew, It being Ihe bat nigbtof hlssngsgomsnt Frank goeslo Parli next week. We paeaed Into Ibe adoon to have a amll^ and then wu Ihe old 5ronp, "oettlng them up again." Lel'e have anolher bolUe reeking, and amuhing hale and luublera, keeping np the- Fourth of July: but wo ekedaddled out tbo bock way, and made tracka for tho Watarloo Hold, when we had a Utile r«st for aa honr, and amuaod oursdves by the way of "binding" one an- olher a little, and then ntlred for tbe night, each ono delighted with tho way tboy had spent Iho day. On Bnnday, we aU look a alroll In tho oonntry; on Monday we ell took a rorUth balht and on Monday evening John Oeenan left for London. ' * • WlOB AWAU.. 'ANT Onm Maw."— Thta common and popular ttrm'haa originals at work for the pnipese ot aacertaluisg Ita alarllag pdnt Being somewhat ot an anhirologlat otuself, and prone tcaeoRhthe hsve disoovend Ihe origin of lb* tarm. It can be found in the Mlh verae of the Itth chapter of Judges, when Delitata wu coaalsa Bamson fbr Ihe secnk of his great sirenglb. HedlnlgedufoUews:—"Ifl beaharsn,lhm ny alreoglh will go from me, and I shall becoma weak, and ba . Uke 'any olhir man,'"