New York Clipper (Nov 1863)

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BitOHDAT. NOTEMBHB 7,1863. ^wliMptfoni, thM we ^"■Bif-DiWrtftiii know Uiett»flTem«nj pinion on ]i[ITBJUrATipiilAIi^VI&] %,ti*«i?t''t loittlili^AeiipndW, o^rt'tia*pWjv _jifMon8eptBth,18eL-.J •. , ,-v.r , - iri o»i)iiot:«lTe'jon ilie «m* t)Bw.,1^6,taIlor» D ilZen idd biitc. on BuBlon Oonne, B«pt Sib, jmoB ihitnora did ini one (it ihethTna .FlMtthb Sdhsitb; criy a rUcLiiii-.Wii, ''Ihe iBooki wMUld to b^T^,.Ut«;^,.pn]lea wwon, loYflitlio'wore.^ ■,,":;•):■.•■•'• ■ dw(t>r, Vlohi-rU'ttiftballi so tntttcr whisthai ted idbiick qff,tl)«..oiuhlant',vlthoiit.'.tmliig:ooiBBln I iome'ptnon or mua PVtat, It ehoaUnmun whtie LnlUofli Jflt rauJnoAon tntontUoni'UiaTed bdl. ^•^ued on tU pimi ftoUH ■ iirhUainU^:U: ^mUd ;^ ■ ^ -m,;, " [B^AoM'-Teapla'ttetMt time on tlta'Ikiblba Con'nb' MM iniffi bn JtdT'»/f86V«UeB°«li« Wobribekt igalbM^tl^ Iltow-T^ ! ji.tkn<iW«.«ii»tiiIn 3:n>|f,'. Oas: a^W* &BtaitlA*^ tbe<iitas o«imbMMDtd«<m'(Mt.7ib, jao^ vlua be HU«T«d i-MH unbrMddlcMTimosbiliia,' '' ,'' lit, ls'lm|{opl^||bK,«Kf^ iL.plknog lUlhfoiin'tlie palnti:*n i»irliur 9(d«(:iDn'blgb;'(eoond. lam.tibStS) 5fr^Swn«»i *o& beta»:Apotoi<4to lion'Cie game, do msttaraOTtmanjpoma lUs .JDB,injp,nj.i?!«flrrTa:.woB.: -•<: ^- •: 1 •■ • • ML.flDM bvaaAbd indtiiMlUd<m:^Iltli^,,(ih>>y B.ti St ra.ira*.'' i.««#(MIUni'iiiike4;'lNifoi|e' ttdldidty Iti tlM UBUdlur MADBiualal Uf n^'iurSiEe^dSetrS&^lliilo oontaU ihantueVatakan place, will be fought In Bsg)iiM:¥«twpei»;i74fi>C4<^BMnM)', b-, mlJlKlj.kBfiiaiUilW.l^dlX^im^ jUlLToin King, 'inJSgBiimu,aiiSlSeMD^'MrotBrilidn'i'diimplbii. Boili aieieokoncdtotie x«prei«ntatlTe mas, In point of lAyifguc and ipnglUatio aUD, of Ihe two oonntrira; oonaeqnenUj, It leldot to be . wondtKd It that the grcattat Inteieat ihonldbemantfeitadln ;i«gaxd to the leanlt b; the pnbllo of both natloss. Tha'jUnmeiu^ ' nun to be fought for, WO.OOO, also Bdde«W.t«>t^; t^, Md.ttr moTcmentiot the men, and the pI0g^ei«r«l->^^i5^»to^^^ become flnt due topics of conTonalion tai^jirtlng olMea;;. to' pioofotthl»,wemIght»t«te that st theUte.OwatewflahBao*,. Heenan and Elsg, aa w»II ai Tom Bai«^ aj»n wd »he fitaley. bHdge In&nt, and bthtta, w«»» 'pi««i<nt, and the Wnbe of .Walea, andtheBJiig 4f. >h* a»*eli .irere'«D«IOMtoh«w them ipolnled out thai tiie:r ilght ibto of the model gladla^on. Iln regaid to Heenan, tt i ailatei ihat "he already laoka wond«- IfnU J impwred diceiSi location t( hli trmlnlng head etnarteia." King had n<3ti at latent adrljeB, done much aottve work, but had. been taking Ihe gnattet oaie of himielt Heenan •tUloontama* to be the tkvoilte to beWsg, aihotigh the manner |n which mngi frteidii take the bdda immaU tod large beta wonld tadl- . cato that he ta not withflnt frtenda who tklnk his ohanoee of TOO- 'cesearegood. We look npon tito^'aUte of .Odngs aa.a good omen, and tndlcattre that (he mertle rasa at meiile Xraaa-tlde iwlU be right merrily oohteetedrrMiBi of Heaittn'aAito li»Te klready Irf^Colnmbla'B ahoiM to be ttne or tberekfionta on the Iday, and ibie broQier-lJ^'Uft thlaj^<mtli'e.3W ^he aport,andpiobabi^io:-trte::»B*?4,lng6t0ng Us blotter. Into oondiaoi OUier^prqtiilnenfcBi^ takeeWpln a fewdiyt-wlihthe aiBSe:obj»ct%Sl*ir,to lh»t lhee»ltement boniequent npon the!e»BiiP;Pi«»««*»iWe nUy expeolto a«e a large ^bareof snjilli;wn^ Jhe^porttiip Lift we aie aUtee jQut'ijjISIij^^ tor • oertalntyt but we baUere he itu ifi*|^ miilS^ip,hlBmlnd, In othtt word^^ •he la on the 1eB<)<i^i^M^iti^oti^ .<>t-^,W latminy Joo^.io i^^O^ig-^^^mi^iaiamuiT^xmSnaA \^'^Aiiia<>:-f.'^qni'Mi knbadrlp^n U^piA i'flilifcfTro/^aTelWan ioA oredltjforta,mpi» ■■■,noth<jr*Jahtm6nl- • ' suA^lnr'Urouu I fflir'-iinother^ht m6n%'in))MialJ iriwlteh. tfd.-^ii W«.af Tankea oati ^fium^y liea^ Allla U roondi.Sept. Ui 1SU| -iiPff. 18, UtSi ^.OllTerlnMnmnda, TO mfai," _ ■- : liol!! ^; ■ __^__«ev(8nii:KBiaaT.--nie>Kliigwa^ In hli' .eoimtlii^- liana itllliiiHiil mil hie money; ■ the <liieeii' waa In'thd pkntry' attfaf hMdand'hohey, atad—we fbiget the'rest; bntwm lepv tfB)dlln«nek^'mor«airleM.''" ' ' Bgla 0, W.—We never a^w inoh a'work. By par- iMugaeomto a'fUeof the'<'1MtfBe^star''former^ Iff'- - - _iS/0Id fipMC of, Oe Jftntf, yon may poaalhly find '';^o>b)n.-:T''^ ^><'' B ttai a whlt^ .a oertainheab -They maW a'dead beat' Who A, b«t,that ^e white hoiae wonld hot the black, lttaMienly,.Bwon, OtiAIbitnyJ-^lfter begging, AraeeaMa moat be'^eUt to W:(i;^^iliu(miiiioii^ iwk, waa i^i^>t^irtng''bem^ ^ inapend .' eachJttme the akme' trmnp'Ia tamed.'" The dealer I *f' Sitiwrt ahasig*. to B leaa nnmber of cards wlthotit the oonienlC I'f' •flfcjortioaltBpaity. . ■■ .■••■-I'-. J. A, E-.^'l, Deaf Anrke. was deiiuted by-Bendlgo, —KWlMiHirmln;--^-''- -^^ " u .>vx^« a£d'by Kick Ward, Bepi 33, ISM, In 17 vomU,'* %W<hm,noknowtedgeorahygentl<inangMngfaBlU' XJ^Ks^iJai^iiliaiT-iUHni^ deaerfbed lnr n*ln> ■£&fiflmg|a,^jinnbt the i«n«r(oan colon, 'weabonld like to ^irw|il|^j|^;K'*^ 'Ihfy were.o9ippoaedofred,whlti9andbtae, BUi34ini'.Ootamibna,'>0.''-8hoti]d'be'pleased if.we'lsbuld ttb^attilhe dUBanltykibat:l>elag''in 'idTerUaement we bannoC Xlta».lit](<medledii>obtb]yi l^wrlllnglhep^eiithenisetTes. ti^^HtM^^ St^^^l^^^' It Is^igpo^ofor na^tp gtra 'a , , ^ the-oldeat. refijjofthatwp, ,, , V: •-.•.o.^!':. inrgtLrVhie if^l we heard of - tbe parties thAy jhla. ,'A'IetterrdtNOted care'Of iSuiLUIDer, int'Btteet' Honu, Philadelphia, wlU.probablyrMohfthenL' . '■"%niftliTat' tliAe (asldo'fmn'tbe Salamasoo Ja^w iO^OM.' agttiM BUlin'^.AIlsh and mats, Bashlon ttmi.^Tbp Iidyhi^ been'married and i^^ihJlld'lN|a£.. .'.The' gebt^fjman yon men* ' k^ioir.aoUiiog'of eioept that ^l,jbr..: Win Bbow>yoiir Istte^to'tbam; Iaynair»1>lei(i>aanleforll«»l: 'I jCBBMtf-VmUtieioDl Pi (kuin idaylng at bagitcdie; It a baS' QtfjottiltisLtatte,Mdkes:Ihewab and theh^lls'baek'again 9*09)1, ttdbeabotoonnt and shooia be'tfiKen dff''ts'"dead." Bki^.alvW 'g.jmii^Bltofls 1(^^ and;}«ft'h»nd f6^en)0i't' I. MAdlilo^'j^B 9k(^ Baioiil'i'^rere' emudljf. good ellha£way. Vewprlieflghtey staudirittkthe.rlghthiihil'xiiit. {-.T^: { .;;. , b'^^Vr-ieei :tbe {ebt:h'u bMntwloeiu*' Xraatee In OS mln, B&x saoi^ and^oncehy .Stseost-. si ;i PMghkeSpEle.'.N. T^Wkrd's qnlokeel'flTe'mlli Mm*, In a pnbllo match, waa that at the SUyer Belt Ohamploik- aUpaMdXBfcBllltah laland, where he'^ifSnWaS mliLlOseofi i:9M!, Ma-kflbi riDti.—lilk'e'Wiith'dlsd'^ Kew'Tork elty,° ^jKVifSailke«ten.^lTS''apaU»soAbfobIIsh'ldeiis'la_.„. iBgJtn.laUdf fottaltroMsiloiL '.:T6n'3uin1i<r(''th'e UandtiTol 'Vhit9tik;mUiaTeilo«ndan>>:>,^Oui;i !.iM;r>Si<<:'. ,- '.T ,^^<k^B^^VT¥4'.o*nnot .glTe.y.OQ ^gmtlfflian'h present ^sjl^^aotise: We dinnol teD yon ,^^^tl|t)r'ffl^lni£i^^ »™.rTJ'pple,»na MorrlBierfonghtfor HOksMfrln l!)>«8illau':.«A Ama gtreetidook. Inly 95; ir" T.iAyidfatinf^H.^T.^Th'e esrde'«n»ll&BMid'''«biMilati NNdlMdswpfiUe^I''J'i'' ' i:i;:i'--'i Bn.i'i'i ii '~r;:.: (iwlihjyoniailthiaiae 'iTttiand ♦yJMU? r,' i» '.,-i-'yil: u.ii 'ii: '1. ^JW^&lH tthntb'lettelr hits JopBdhBDJOdtudsi BeTViMiAed>aK>il ->.: Vlit'B^^mtXi^ii. . _ , „...^^, , .^^PWWvi.ri.'i'r .. . w-j.,SWti»'*rHi'P'" wnffof«^e/My»W^ 'amuefrMioi'ihlsTcIalne.t• •■ '^ . rT r . i.f.)r<.i ( ji u &ili^elnbja.-^yre ,haV« iu> reooll .. iymfcaleUli)((pJftto]iragedy, ,,■ „,,. I}*la.—Twelve oenlaTer Una tbr each and-ewryj "WW off W. three months., .■ .i.^ ■■■ .:i.' )v,i/ t«?5' "<>»'««"'teoelr«tth» fdrmar'ttt taaiffofenfcii ■ 111 •■ ■ i* where. Whip, to.,. „ .. tiiem tl)! -tlM •mnker'otiiSf^'^ Oher dwildBdly 4Pod things tb'h«Tolnihe:iiiKiSiid It la * the'ttnuloken';; ' can no. longer' sl«t*jBe'Sijiiijjng ind etgar air.; ■We^te ' wlthdiiiwal wffl oanse manfof oriri^y DnndrearjB to eiolaliii .■wUh .ttie Unmprtal bard Vlaow ja.t^k Trtnterofonr dlsc<mt«nt;'^bnt iet them not commit snlflldB.te In a fewslmrt weeto. Zero permltUag, they wUhaTS.anop. portonlty to exofaknge tbelr rldli^ psUkeyi <tir .Aalmoralt, (prndea'siar/theyare isuiipifid hot w»:doh;t ieeH) .'a!nd skating pa(aph4a>>la.''0annat' lom*. «f: onr .<isfiiuintlal p!ommlttei"pr«TOU on the prolong tftetoitay.totll t^e Oentralluk pondbh)oqndlJAciiEi7 Thtywonldnot, Jndg- g from the preaeot sti^Vtbewsl^sr, luve to wait grand baU ! What'a- 'gnSd^lasngnratton of the skating o^mlTsl ll .'wonld prove fc^be.. Sy'ail meahe let ns have an op- pprtonlty to see the dM^Hnioavlte diM^ on the park pond. TBI Buiorm) Wm—Another, and a crowning work, by Urs, Ann 8. Stspheni. Fram the days, lob'g ^e, of '•Adilon and limlne,"the fame of this gUledsnthoreashaa been steadily on the i norckse, and the present wMk, lit She prcdnoed no otber, la fitting ollmaz.' Space folrblds .na; vtevlewi 've can only pay:, bny it^verybodyt ndngUsg of;phases«fhnfableUfa with tae.hlghai.'ptrsonagea la, in tbls^ 4ia«^ peonlljuly.hiqppy: This vol nme ISnstrateii |fcM.^BttpbeiiBi'lilgliuit, anidlttes; .hu.ifliarao- iers «itp«'i«santed wlilt 'sw4i pot^.tliBt tbey seem' oor own every iij atf^ulntanees; jandwe fMl'^'lntaiUe;'Sinnp«thy Vrlth theiq. 'idd'eeS t)<e dci^-'to'*^''^ the belirt'lalinimd ImlDsoy paa£igak 1^' piofonnAj^.b^irovdiall appaitent.el^^ of aEt,nlde pp. 169, 183;'37D, 8n (comlo)^<f '(tg.,md the lutaniie; dnnutlopoweT'of tti;e whol«.<;^fio||'f^^W A¥°4Bnmiearllii: lib.Ibf ^iwok Is a iBsgnlilniiTitly prttfedlj mixl 'pp.:4Sa.:; T. B. fateison^&Bros,, 806 Ohestirat'StreMV'FUIMtjpbl'^^^ I^ by ^. '.IIext^,HaDmtonl''^'po;,'il^';Sa^ti:'i^^ p8pir,'|l; mnaIIn,$l.Ml'>'^.,.-:'^ :;i'.'' . ^ ;•, ''■.■•; • 'Y6ra'EiBU( ASS 'ta^V, hu. bMn'tlje advice', frequently eliw by totareetedbnt 'nntirinolpled jrtlltilnlana to thelr consll' taints. As we are' not >>Ittlclans we danhdt' ^endorse aaDb' ad- .vl^;'.;butbeii<(( lnter«hk( .^„tli* tiexpt^^jr/itthe Union and tbe stability of its inslitatlbns,'we can emphatically axpress'the ho^ thati evety American dltlzen w^ vote at the Mew Yor^ elgctioia 6ti'^the''^l]l;lntt','.'|i!e^ jaipkspsW and 'd6ino«r»tlb"motto . ■•i- 1"-.!'!'.. ■'<■ y ■ , 'm i--..- ^ •iTheUnloiiM<(imd'St('piesmed,'V'''.|'.'!:..,\^^ prnfl'Voft'i^ iid l^i ^h.ttiaVdjtirnoLti^dorui^' . , / J_£ I/-. : - ;'.' ! r'i . .1.. ■'■ ■<■ •■■'■'■''^ ' TBa'Iiurs'AHft FBionos or >BDaEU-.1CiiDlire, oontldered b/ Yi'tbi'liiteti of eira''gmes, i^d-'i^oirj'o^^^ tii the'most'ev ively placed of any, is'yet Ih'i leul^jiis nflsd'by recogidz^d. .—^"ranily thlsdeflU«>oy,'ihb'tRat^ aii'd Is ilssned tn'a:!'new tiA mlstd'adUlott'.'r'.: Ihe nplanalloli of lB'4SiMMI;ffxielIijn't''At>Mlifiilly printed isino. ;a0«nt,'MvAnn'atrwt,% T. '•hli 'BnX BttVBtB'DZ^ute'Olt.' WixD.' the. H^nlll and. Joih Ward „race8 (qr, pnlled,'between WUllam B^t(nji,,cr 7i Ol^mplbnahlp.were epaie,aiul,9llWHd, ibaivplrau,: 7kwbiiigI>ith«lAtter'i:bMtberp( illbbrt Wara .liSB to fwetlm'ci Deed jbdneldered a p'romlslSR .,....v. ..„.«.r.^.iri.. thelal/oomwall dayaflfrthelaat li^Kobby.Oltelteijid'jlm 'Se, ie()0. 'Olake^wbtflSiihil Ubtt'fbng^tf; 'j«Sf^:IWujit9.bandi;.03]aBkTon^^^ taammiKiiMtmti. Began whoadyertisesinttttrooldttiur 'lfifh}-^t/ttif>'iita'sioiii'''i^ ,.;it^p^,giy;jtfits,th&d innV^eoember'lilh^'i We: k d.ltiwtai'' io •'allp!r ini.bnX«iot!tt**<'4ms itbp.' ifi/'tolliii.' n i;' .. -.. ■ : k::.) ■<,. r.i:jhi <. .■ t^la •):( f.:. Ill r.i I..'" u.U >1 .IIU. !v'H !>.i' .1.-. "-^ilni OuuBA.—'nie loter«<ifi4[port.tti' ih^ *nrf,of H'lfi/hiJentiyiildadaf's' r and KDlbeting next leiaoB. T, JVidnMsnnr*! the iaicotttM' ' > ' pedtoj^UTe.acegniM .P.BilVtti,,a«aNl«fy ^dt^(lo)i,,an'd' by inany be the ciQce hla brotberJoih mta Ibohed npon as'a fit cwdldate for ha 1^ sd. .loPK.and :ix>L)>ftW dVdd^ !fibjls, not iaaUs as tall or so ■st<ritUhlillrothor,.bnt£feth? ■f-'--*^----- - ■ ' jip mlar w'lthHildion river boaqni »!pqg, aw,eep||Dg iatroke. so ^1 Ifjojinds; He Is Opts , i/a IS M'jreiT^li^ar.slrbkb.'' In fonr'bwed and other races or rt- '^^jhb^inejt Tllh conndeiaM^ siic^; and this, added to IbWer df ;^ "jiojifxfiBg tbe cobrse'! |tt,Ward'and Hamlll's ls«t a prOmlosDt admirer of aanaUo sooirta ot. Ponah. M< eV indnced'a prominent admirer of a<. <K»ipsle to' bock him agslnet aoWfd for tbe'am'onnt above ^Bknetaod ^flerIt hm madf ho Was for the,first,lime,pnt Ib^lliUj^nne of trying. Oh tbe .Aaybrlglnall; fixed forlho 'btoi otf^he hlrbnlontiU^.'Of,lie waters rendered a rJ?iH' iiS^^!^- ' 'o'W'rtng .dv, however, Oi, ibi ,ef<i4iedta uters deeaed, favori^lei, aiiL4^}, is., fixed. it, oi kewblugi, fdr'Ward.'aiid' 'o^ateyens,vibUe John Uoort. !itiitjid'gfli(;w!rfr»';trini -|%o5(! fmlf^i^lSkn aii'drtlsJearilllfiivingdra*ti''tho«TtonUon'„ he^leg .nlOItaJn, Mother dirMUM hardly a corporal's gvard Itas. of' inM vbar tTeW .Tork CMbald^tble entboslum^i^as „.,, - . lobohb 'lo|So<(k(mt, W ;tt#ubnrgh,1f( lpT I Ibnii^efilla.Ie, UibepUd the ooeroui pfflce of. rabree, ifhere lWRi.o''JnPfral| Jew, toeeent, the, late Ohamr 5?H^» ffiW"***"'? «i and. the fight nlSgeriia fitvUiR drawn tho nitonUcoTdf Jb< ^ — „ 11 MTiniwJyt^ rfftft' mantfi)sled"I>ythii'n{i)rls of.'»e«bargh and PoDBbkeepels,'two rival .rlTM. towns, bbt there vifl .more Ibooietlcia than procilMl beftlBO.' InlrlUt: JlftWi'ttiite,'.W»a d4ne;,W»ta had tbo cljh At 15:04, P. If;, an the;;llM*Msry trellmlbsrlos having been ar. rlinged, ti the propeVWjniiU bblh m^n dropped tbelr blades and ?r h'rs^.M'Mr?^.;i'd?hc^^^^^^^^^ nuking the tihn, WhM,>ie,tgtpel on a liltlo mora steom, clored t gap, add passed'UlS lAu; getllBg ionai the stelie hottI m\t taifiyo .^ndj i^Dad, .XhU gave him'd great afl-, th^ short Vani^tf w^lchWaird 'oHiUdlibTliKiiwiudl overcomerowlba, alleg'^ Mlainn mi* ' fPhi' jIam;^..^...: ^'^ *J . leged, to his annsolvlMont..2^t\f<oniebtience riua*,H. was that ha. la distasoe In lleMtath*' We stietA)^ tbWy-nlna mlnttts «^:«'5;};„J**!2,%,» oXgTo the lateaeMof-lheswm.nuy be looked ni«naa^ /IiuiI« forl8«3,we snppoee; bntlnl8Mwe 'h^LiSilSS^hS 1(»k eut lor Mn«h.lLf :a<itKme good t^^^ Wodif, flleveBsrHamlll, and others, to which the stakes will be qnot^ VtraUghet'flftiue'Uu^itUe .above. THE TURF. lB*xTB0TOimj»6Li.isTB0T.—An assemblage, estimated at MOO people, oamd together on the HaUonal Oonrw, Washington, to wlueu the great trcttlDg contest tor $1,000, the oapllal prize ot the trotting w^. wblob, ai pravlonsly ainonnced, bad been p(*tponbd'to' thflrth nit. Three fott "nns anally appMred at tte<«at3ir»ttti*, Pilnoe, and Belle ot Hartford. BnU^ the 'slaahtng buck gelding, owned by Si-Ald. Oenet, ot New xork, waa the winner of the raoe,. u wu expected by the knowing ones, The iiiie 'wte 'W«n eontested, however. San Uaoa managed to land the gamellUle bay geldloi. Prince, first at tbe score at ^e end etthslhlfd beat ■ Be came home lappedtpon BnUer In the fourth and last beat, the ftstest of the raoe. ' Bomman':— NAnomi. OoiKaE, Washington, Oot ^th.—Irpprletor's pnne 11,000, mile heats, bests to 8 to haniesa, , B^r.lovettenteiodblkgBntler...11 J 1 DanUaoeenteredb gPrlaoe...i.'>:'... 8 i \ ' Mr. UarUn entered oh m BeDe ot Hartford.. .2 .8 dr •ame-iMH: ixSiiii itaiK: '. Ax AOCBDIHT OH THX TJHIOH COVBSXi'L. L—HOB+0» P. JOTO SiaiorsLT I»nra»i>.—At the trot on the above na)ned coarse on iheasth nit, for $1,000, mile heats, best 8 In 6, between Lady OOlfton and Fanny Allea, the driver of tbe latter waa capsized, and waa to all appearance serlonsly tojnrefa Tbe qnadmptda had alraidy 'done two heata which Fanny hid won. thns moktog, hei ^he favorite In bettligat extravagant odds, and had been ■ttflad evenly for the third heat tirhlah also looked very mnch In fknt ot Fanny, being over a length ahead at tbe halt mile pole, wheitli4y OllAota made a sport and began dosing, and as Ibej went Into the tower tnm ber head was olose np to the wheal of Iteny'A]Iaa.,"In antnalant more the vehlol^s were together; - --- -'-■■•^— tamed np side down, and Fanny Allen was Ul speed around tbe track, with'tbe broken herhwls. ladyOlUton dldnot seeqitobe b~bytbe ledilent, for whan the^eyesof'Oie ^ from .where Jones lay on tbdhoonl, they iti o np tha'iiomeetretob on a aqnanvot, and at a than ahe bad shown betore In the raoe, coming io.ihe —' - acoldeat Idolpded. Every body nowmshedto <f!^Bcraoe Jones, and to aseertalathe.axteiitor lidncalved. He wufonnd lying :on thetraokln- fithe Jar hsbad rieoelvedto his lUL-'BIaear na ^Ing vary freely; Irat apart.&om'tbai there did not _„ any bthar'i extenal wooBda, He:vrM placed be o^age, attd-aent'lfflmMtaialy to ib^ «lty. for medical aid. ';He aeemad to iwxmr: bis leMon aohiswbaton hU. way t»town, and'ttompUlnM'of great paln^to hi* bretat ^ Pfifer, the drlvet ot £i2l^gi{ltpgnuopwtt8 for thb Aoddent by sartitg. that Borice i^-t.iJig:r:.i,„n mtn.thfl gwi^'arid at that moment Horace's ip<and:swervtogtoatlll moreonPAfer, thcrlatter jr Horace's wigotf;. Pfifbr'B escape was mp«it'iron- Ittdges state ttat tbiByhad'hd way of sMcStalntog ^i»y ware statloDCid-^ne half mOe tarn the spot ot whether:theie was any fonl .pli^lv either of the telt tbemsatves eompellsd to awara the raoe to the the^rojper welgbta'to tho stands^ Snmmary:- jOBBi; i £—Wedneaday,'..Oot, 28th, match $1,000, aillaiieals, bett three to five. d: 'Pilfer named i bay mare, mate to Lady Olltton, to : -, harnesa^ .'.' a. ■ 9 ■ 1 Hdnob K Joneanamed b mFanny Alleo, .tO'wagon.,... .1 1 dls. ; .-r':'rtoioH>:81X;a:«?K5 a:»8^^ , Tarn iT BuiWt6az.—Ou tbe28thalt,tbere«as an exciting trottlBg contest at Baltimore, (or a pnne of $1000, between Prto- oess ud OeiMral Bntler. mie odds were at first On BnUer; after the first heat the betting waa even, but after the thbd and toorth heaiaPrtoceaswasttaepetst onehnndfedtoten. Upon coming np to the'atand for the first daah, tbe horses, started off In splen- did stile; BnUor, however, broke and fell bebtod, bnt aprndlly lesaened the gap, and reached the aland to 3:32^. Tbs second and third beats were won byPitocess to 2:30 aud3:81. Upon contesting tor tho fonrth heat, Butler rarprlsedhls most aan- gntoa friends by his superior movements, maktog the score to 2:31^ and tlia fifth to 2i30<l^. He waa therefore declared the wto- ner. . . .■ .. j.. . i; TBomHO AT BoBion:—nerewai a goodly assemblage on the FianhllnParkOoursa,nearBasion,iass., Cn. the .28th nit; to. Mtneea two'spirited and well contested trotting srentsi firrtthefonowtogtoa: • '''.^ '" ' I' . - ' BcnouaT. ■ ■■ JTatih $200; mils he«|a; three to fivs. 8 'White natoed g mXady Hale, to 180 lbs 'wagon;. I Woodiuflnamedg g BIDy Orayi'to'wagon: - Basi Biu'mmb W flttKHii|.='ATerylnter«atlngg«nt wu pUyedat Bedford on OotMth, bstwet9> tbe dnt aloe pf tbg Ion Oot S , , „ Atlantlb Ctab ftnd seventeen plajen, oomposed of twelve eri'nl!? «MnflfltbbaUplayeia, tbem«jor3y of thepiavetabelnn!? gMW ttW.Mew Tork Orloket Olnb. and the bill pUyers. of 'Atlantic Base Ban Olnb. The original arrangement wu the al Untie nine agatoat eighteen old countmnen, bat tram tmri jansuesiiwi,^WMrime^ass^htMff^'fUM - ■ petranoe, and to conseqnenotf, tbe.gaae.'hM'itaiUmadeuD u beat they could, the match m u^^ Interest attached to It In spite of the cpldneas of the duT . — —- ,siriJS»-. Of,tIiie ;i 11 •2.2.2 mm».i^2:MX; 2:61X; 2:82. • The nttt race was one creating a great. dUd of totereaf aa It InauBurStedanew teatore to trotting, and one thilTftauit'.even-. tuaUyprevallonalloTirctnuses. TUs Is the appototHihnt ot oha fudge to decide the race. If timekeepers,are..reqa|md, they bughttbbetodepetidentdf thi Judge, and'iia their .prfvtooe.Is m'osttoteNstlpgfbatnreiIir.,Bobbtos i^ever'hav. ^ .. appbatod to'}M]i«T acstnme, 'Tbe'bompetfng',>^ were.the gSji tdiup; koliy, and the black mtM, {Uispimt, th^: e^va, Bfeari.'!). Bbbblna and "T. 0. White, to' drlte,'.to 'wliAbn, sille audttpiAL''••' ' :■ ■ ■. ,',■: "" ■ ■ . :i..'.:;-r.-j ■. !< ; SUMKABX." , ' •' i '■ ' ."', .,' ; , ■ ... '' UatcbrnoO; mlla a^id i^fwit;' to wagbns. ,/. T O'Whlte named blkm Uuspedt/i;.';o'. ■ •-1 21 HBobblhaiiamedci'mllolly..;;.:..'..',,.%'...'.'..V"2 1.2 • ••■ . • ■°'Tlm»i-8:«B;.3:19;'8:18.'. .."..';.:' .' .■,'. .. BALL P ' BohosEN vs. K>w ToBK.—Tbd tlinmd match bifwpen jMleked ntoea 'trbm the' above'kealltlei, which' took, plipe.,Pn theball, nofihds ai eSd' st^t, lldjotolng the 3d avbnue'rall road'idepdtt 'on FHday, Oct'2ad, turned ont to be, aa'a contest b'et«;(en. the' ■trengtb'of the two parUtsi next door to ^^Me,. " IIu!6agh>iM^ 'yitohng. It was'not tfnly a tedUma^Hme'tot'tha a^otatois^ bpt.'- &iieioiAe one to'themsjcrltyibf t£afielder^ 'AAer a bonteatptj twondQisi dnrtott which oiUy t6nr Inato^'hod been'pUjfed; daAseee JMgan rapidly to approach, Tbas far the game .bad been entirely one-sided, the INew Yorkers apparently ftodtog no •dlSoolty to battlfie the btUs pltohsd by HoSweeny and Wodsleyj- their scon at the^ose ottha fourth Inntoga being 28 to (, whIoU' 'wasnit matailally altered to the next-lnBlnga,-aawlllbe seen bVthefbUowtog secret—I i\- •'i*... •■■■i- ■ ■*■-..; iBATmraj -: - ■ '.• ■'' i v M.:, . Mt;' B,L,:BCIIt I '> I' Sww'SOBt. l'.'i' ii.u.aX!iii l.' ia.'i'i Hannesan; pi'...J.'.'..'.2''' (8'l" i :: I 'jj i' HOBODW.: . 'Wanaleytio;...''.!. lliiBwienywi<-'-'>>-- ZdleT,2db Pibe; latV.;).iVi BboBey, 8db WUktetllU/.i. .'■.'.4. ..,1 .'1119) Btohem^P fJ'^v .i.i„-;l..l' hT Wright, as..., 9 Tl|oHisj'r tl i !• •.< v. ■ • •' ■ 2' Totali:.;..'!.'-^ 9 0 ■ i> 1 ■■■'I 0 ■ -0 I'.l .i"i'.' Dr.'Ben,'l'fr;'.:.'.i.';,v.'U >< 1" Hudson, a a 2 "' 8' iAbramsi.'lstb.-.l.': ...<.'l <':!>3>< BlrdsaU, o;.;;.>.:. .'..B.i';'>1"'' Pattetooil,.'2ab.'i.';.jUJ0-'-1 A'v KlflholSon;8dbiv.i.Vi;.-l <" B' ' T. Ballon, of.'.'l<^''.l'P.'.2 ' '^2^'' JeWiett;r' j.-<il.ViO "-'l4!i( •' , . ■, ,1-.,) r.-;, Ir l -ii )'u •(I J niWi:.;.'.'i>'-1--.>''<''-'^'' i>:i.:(rotaIi.;ki.ti'.';.>';..';k'j98''''' »•«•' •.•'t->ifcw=iBM'liilwt-*%Adl'taiBfcSA"--.'•i't •'■ «» "«' ,;i'.'-irt ad " 8d''''4ih;'8th' «»h','ijW:;itt',W^ .ymasfi^iil&i*; btthe^kfort'oiW, ;;''..;:.■'.'.';•. , • >£«3ban»^Wahafj:,.!frSo^ ^LT Ij 11'lf''',- btibe^ktoi^'alob, ij il^,.;i'Soon,ey,,2;;Plr€lMP,:.4., Piased Bans—wanajyy,.y I ™u>sy,,jj;W««.H,:.«ij '-^ ■■ifir.i: ,Stin!k.mt7rMpBfi;e«i^, 1;,jPP<^ /,Btpk$m, ^| .^al^er^ J), ' KVqutifn ifoul b^fis-j^ .^.Um'es.vBbboken^twlg^' n-'i. hraniVt:" "A Bas* iajji lfATOBwM played atAQiany, ^,.Oo(pb«ti(>iii.> letween'the etf^andCowBoyHi which r^sqltad to,thp.defpat:M: ihb Oov'floisby <*nii»B. The loorei-r.. . •: :;irl .r :i I, 'j •iO between, thb Oo^, Bias. tfcOlnni*, p» J Seliy,'o. ;.'.■•".-■ Fllagetald, 1st b McOaiTlok,'2d b'.i '. HKMUyi'Sdb:..'. Dtolan,» r..'i.'."«' Batters, rf, UciCallilt. j>ujm,oi> . BAITIXO, B.L, BUDS :i..2; 8 <: 8 ..I B .»• 1 !»■■ 1 ...1 ...2 .1.. r , Totali. ,A 7.;. ......02'' fl**! LI CowBoM i> II '.'B,ti:«n(i W:Uarphy,'pi.;ivr.'V.'.li> ''lOii' ,Honagban,'«.v.<^.'i;;.8 ''-''0 •■ Beatl)^ B sI'l .>..'.'. :p8 u i>'l;'>. JBtay,.|Btb;.;';iJl.vl($"'-! ti' V Uorphy.M b;'jv..'.'Ja>i'' li'<< EBray,'8d\b;'ll..i.;<:'j:'.«' " '0 0 Mnrphy,lf....i'.''.'/i'.8'' "■f'-' aulaoil,'S f.'l ; .. .•t:iiV' ": » Flemtog; tt. ... Hi: .'iJt «"0'J .• I I !•> . ..•■' .1 'i ' ■ •■.:r.ll iu '„). "' Totol.'ik;i'.';'.ii'.i'.vl.'i'J'»';i' „,TnRlSaiSZ0II9AIII> AlBLienO'^AUi:lOH)H<:io piaye'd.aa«c0pd'ntoe mat^b^tor tbe pbaqplpnshlpiPt mnfflnlim, Ust week)'which wm won by the Keyslpps,: The,play,ol DIebIt left ileld lor l|ie Keyalbntr, was finl.oiass, naWng^wo fine ,ifktoh<s.talhaRame-Up01eary,.Oopei.Fendergaatlmdt^c|oni' lalso idayed wea The reiammttdiirtU:take, pUespo 1^**day> NoiVt ith) ontb»Atbl«Ui)i8tanndsQn„17>h'and kUsteraUeeb. .ui. t. de Binder Bicbapdi, aatad aa:.wnplre, and give.ttBlvetsal rw^s"*"' '''^ ^ t«e..kov%.' W«Mr;K*Tiitpa«,,Ml OowBpyn.,, fromo l^aitW „ dricketors, by'th?oon^tfliiVarll*»,'enb to th<olher,>-tlle tbsoll boSg'SI ftatemlelBg ot tne New Tork aDdUiUantIo dubs on the ooculmi l^t apeaks favorably tor tbelr future totoroouree to aloiUtf gamta Al^yaNtap matf|).hBsbeen.:.pI«o»dqponthi»i^ inmmt as'one of the flist games ot the seuon ot IBM, the sim« & be a game ot cricket between-tweaty-two bate ball playera ua th^^^relevra.afthe^^w,irork <dal}<i A nu^toh al|o b talked^ . $caandt ^core:— ATUimo.' Scarce, o Smith, 8db.., aurtilatb... Orane, 3db... ^Uver.lf I, each and all did reoaitably well to tbelr poiltloBL »^WennraoWiga.«'S2 fame oi cncut oeiween i w»u t y -iwo oaae oaii playere ml ele.vea.a(ttie,New,Tork otnl}.^! A match also b talked^ 1 np.the tit fli»,j^^t a'e^foii. b^twt^'ebven a3£' ' 1 the aeoofid «U>TeB of ttjajtr^w Tbik,<liit) f\ <^et iha ,..9 ...2 0 H.l. ..S ^•biBinn' •)'«.ii'f>:Sfiunlpil. lOhapman, of .^yto^rA..^,.,..,,. " '•;>'-ivitrf' ^ '•' «■'■■' I,':/s.*»WtVf l^AVf aWrlghto. Hammond, 2d b ^'.troli $n Byron, p ..-.^ So*. o«j ^ Hanh.It A 0 §iilLTt 1 0 Denbigh, a a gigbam;istb...'.';V'^y Hndionr of. „.;iil'i'J "J'rl Total., 10 B'v.'iil;' !i: B, 2 ;» •.t'u.vIiiiI'v;! II .'Ijir ,, .B.U-kim Whltet<u'.'. m ;i'.l .h-.A't 0 )SeMwAfcJci'iU /;«i4.:.'>.o ,uwkar>'f,ii .';ii9>!iiii Stelle, f 3 0 :K»«».t 8 0 rl) '((|i|iiit oiJ! i! 1 7111'.i.lT i ,.L'aALjtiyi^i liiiLUufi '" ■ —tn'sB»'/i»iy 3 Allaiitio....:'.!';"'.'.-^ Old Countrymen... 1 1 lumplre—P. O'Brien, pf, 1 *^ontatMti^ltU4^ik''ii'^ U- times. iPut oat at aeeond baae—B. Wrl^il, by Orans, tiri«, {Put out at third basiCi^San,:BtilMiaid<lfddMVlT BnlUb,' Put ont athome; ba s Bi H lghaihi'.by BgrsiffBi' tta'B{M(as,by BJmmond. ; .;'j,'.j ;.'i'ic'-j: i.;':i*'■ J. J;i>■"■■ ';'■',-.' Ply catohes madet-^PtaneiOniia,' 9)'- Bptagd*,' 4i .iBtitt it OUvIn, 1; Bmith, Ir-totd^ 11. Btehe,'2i HanUt;b£a;4;?E. Wrlgbtf>l-.totai:Wi:')' T.',.v r.'jj ;:■ '..>•. '^i^oi lE'iflTf Catohes mlssed-StaIbl'9;vBnlli 21 U. 8ialth,:li'BpittMe,9r. Start 9; Oranvlr <JaIvta.'K ■■ -i - -ii ' '■ t - ™^ [Left on bases—Byron, 1; Btelle, 1; Smith, 1; Orane, 3; Oliver, ii Spraoue, 1; Obapman, 1; 0>lvni;.1, Sound eatobeaitlaila ifHd'CoaiftrirmMii'lBri'AllaBaiuTlt/''- {Outs—br the twelve cddketenj U;: byiibe ftra ballplayers. 11. frimoof^gainiv twohomwaadfilty mliintes;! - ji.. .':' ; > i. I b'Ai-i '■ ■' .'.■.y^/i :ii: .1" :■" -'■■. '."■■'!<■ ': y. <- • . I... I ■ iFoBziOR fF0BTiiialTiiaiirBBiBr,^^-Oar flleof MMgh'spbi;^ papers hivtog arrtved'Jostbefbre we go'to t*es6;wvluyblaiily rdomfora abartsummsryof avanto...iXhtf^orMiipXf/'tbf Oct 91, lakes aides 'with lb contemporary, and threatons to throwpi. ojUam OTerboatd unleaa better randacted to futore Ur. IbnyHolt, (puglllatlDr Mporterof-iUt'iI^; and refeKe'lli ue ^te fight betweesilMllota'and Iravers,) Jem'Dlllon, Bob Mtos, Jack HIcka, Alec K«ana, Nat Langham, Fred Oliver, GMo.'notni, BbaTyler, and BobiWebb, were Ul aentanoed to ten daya'loiptlgpB. nient at tUe Oxfordahlie; Quartor SesiloDs, on the 90th ult/for- b^g present at tbe'Blllon and Tnvers' fight' Pretty rci^h on tbeboIa,paItlonlaIdy^BO for Harry'Holt.v!.;.Ted ITajiper'and ^b Fprge fought In tha liondon IHstrlet on Oot J0lh,'a mtUbg and protracted baiUe, lasUng Bb. IBin., and 109 ronnda.wben dlrkneaaputastoptolt [Full jlAitlbalars to our next].,.,,. . ' Ohx cotemporarlee sbto (bat £10b dowil' far-Ike Baker(o tflit. JceOoea, Howbthbl H.Oardneranaj.P.Joseehada Brimming match fbr£M.on:the lBihult Bbtancej 'X mlle/M yards, won by Jones to Bm., the qnlckest tima on record.^' ■ I ' \ 'i , '.* ■ '? ., ■ ,'.^ .''' . ' FiBSidar'e IlmiKB.—Theiiie dbp hid a grand parade and toapecUon on'i (of Haverhill, Uasa., b^ asth nlt., the prowl- Inge oToatog by a trial 'of the throwing powers ot tbe vbiIou labs." Tiger, No. 1, 41 men, threw a stream 200 feet 10 inchv,. Thb machtoe b ot Jefler^'midte, baa ao(an,l9ch oyltoder, wlUi end atroke. ^wo and one-hair liiph,hbse wu na'ed by this com- pany. The boys tbol(hald'0t 'th4 bra)(ea with /k will, and.on Um fliat trial aent a Jet squarely over t)ie^le, reiohtog an altUadt, ■ccordtog to the Jild^es,«f 161 feet and 2 toohei. Tfied- W.'Let, No. i, (0 men,, threw. (4th ttttl) 301 fbat 4 toob^s, beating Ko, 1W Slnohes. Thb bb b'sle^oof'^tbeJeffeis paltem, with ten bca ojdtoder and olds (Mke; and pUved tl^iigh the aame hoae:,u nded by tbe Tiger. Each tdb 'iue'w lla own water and played through 300 feet of hose, Tbe trial was merely for supremacy, [\\ -.-,»!! ■' , I' ■. ..' . !-". I " ' 'l-'I'-i V Oeasut WAi,itt'«Bxinm<--«wln^t(f<tU*.^torDrwe<(ttu'» jlhere was bntveiy^fU^atteddaboe a^'.'UoptgAifiery Hall, bi ut aoth nit The foUoWto'^' Maers-appeared'afad aparndr^Icn mran and Al£<WaIkeir/%lU' BUMy'ted'Pim'c^, Ot-BmrtoiLBUl HoXialn and Tommy Ueakta,'Vjlok Rpbto- 'aifd JlmEerrun '.Whltebeaded Bob and Ub(Mauir''Tem -.Fanvl 'add Boapol iSwcleon Jenh]nB.'aBd':SrolhUr,'Wlth'(IIlka Sbney and Obirlty I Walker to tbe wtod np. Unole UU. Tovee appeared oa U. 0,, ,me first time ^ce h^ rftnm.^oto w Bia CBAiJAolifiwMjiit'tieimTTTh'elal^ Elliott b open tdfijOiti^y JWila.Aqerica s4,j)rap»;)« to'lWt^ for from tSOO tq.$lMra'a|df| al^taiyJUDa agreel.upon. .Uan and money M^^...'^',£l)l^ j{]!)<nX 'ffiooklyn. , ^l .;v,iii'. j- ',).''.i;ii .i-:.■•> . 'ji'i i.''^ ii" ' •'' . foi TBI WAUixBiJalMiAooaurwanb'to'sedyoa'liiinsdbtsly. „i ' 'I' ■ j^r- ■ ■ ■ " '"' •' roiJHa Sfobt to Jauu UcOabbc— Thb well known pe'*. aaees to accept JUcOabeb dudlengft .loi nn itwo, mllei, snd,^ ■pfet bim at tfii <£^nm 'oq\S^n)B'i^ ,^)makearrang(tUi^,lt^lijljjaJ:((p, ,,.,(,>. , L Foot B^o^t4W^>lM'4m^^ .ij'.:',.ii;'.'.'>.':« ^- IBAU.IHOB TO TouHa BFW(.-::J,£.Iaoki0n. win run. OSw^ I eve a fi<ra~mlIeTB«rii^$nb a slde'and give him slity Jt™ Bpprtanyi I ) I eedaya, bas'^^^J^iat kniidbJIsfcalu^^i e'^een In ..uf £ell< France. The clcae was-brllllant to tbe eitreme. Da 'griat event of the loat day bwa.rtbs) otieccid on account of IM '.mignltade Of the slakes, Thtf b'fttlfagwu evenonBtradella,^ rdTihbttitekt.avUie Mlh the IhM epou'i^^s* pipUtTons, The sui '?!l^f^Mixr^«i)^°i^nrDrhb.obw.'j^'foi»fb<ii^ DbWixds that have'never won thAjilloe prize betore; enlrtnc^ Hltt,, ht It: second to receive halt the enUy.: hpisea bred 1%*"** ;*3stalloweai01b|-f*nf"fallW '"^^' '■■ ' ' ^ SL,\ Bobto's Bouvenlr, by CaravaB—Emllb, 4 yn H'P, i-^l P'. nr..f ■!,■', Haidcaitlel SLlAnmont's Orphelto, 4 yri.'uilb..'.! Bsn^.lisJ pfntvV.TletBgranse'siBtnldilU, 4'-;»M,'UUb:-.:.'... '-0.^,9 'IWHI?''. U'lfijeaa (lU^nf^W^ 'ana"liomngiiWbiflll debWjMii, > ;ii[iin'(niunid,.MnilitifBS ^ dlxlihliestrslUnlt ibatdhl ofi'the Odi .#oHht'oa'Ualfttb'a1t', IBoth'lada bn MUt told tA'go/ Hollll)RS«iolih' taUed.fbrlkve muss and* balt'vrtiilfl add won byitioenty'^AtdBi' Tlml s<!ot>iulll(mlD','9(seo,;' thlrd^Zimltl, 'SiiHflB'iwblohi.tlnie^^g^i' was declared drawn, or d»»^S nNnt^'a*iSt^uni!iito°2 bibi