New York Clipper (Nov 1863)

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Cr > %t A.^ U S B M B NT S TO asvebubbss. ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ Huaovvjxvn-^^.w A.Boaa.oao«r. TUB or THE OBiaiHAL VOEUMISHOWHBD , ■ BBYAHTB- HIH813Utt8, „„„„ m zxosLBioB TBOuna of vat wobu). ^ PAS BETAMT, SBK BBTAST, SATBBEED. OOBOB & TOmiXB, BOUJH HOWABD, V. ORTIHaB, /AlBBOABmai V.L. HOBBB, lUA, raUB BKIHOUB, J, B. BI70U, J.fl.BWSGS, _ JAUBS UOBBUOIl, O. & OOHHOB, DAS EKHBT, Ud k,* Jww luUkftd BoBgi. I^M^ BnrtoKM", EIinWioB to Fni«tlanUn,iMMBiotthedir> „„ . - 31e£rtiol AAndMlonUcanth W-U , F*:...v" "iiV'' ..fH':..: ■ ■■ ■ ■OOlAT*! OFBBA. HO Pm. BBOOKIiTBi . OoK. COVBT k BBUBBN BIBEEIBi KM. BOOLET Bole ttdpittat. ' Oi' W. OBITTIN Dlieetar of AmoMSUnHL I. B. FBEin)BBGA£fr.....Voo»lDli«)toi. Vnl BTBAUB.i initmniaiitalBlnonr. MDAZ XVXRIHa. Honmlwr letb, and dmlag Um wmb. ABOXBEB OLOBIOUS BILL. " . BAST, WB8T, NOBTH, AND SOUrtt by HnabM, Boyoe, artlBD, and Pirkeifon. . BLXJHDBBlHa AUDI, y \ 'by Hoghf tnd Orlffln. C jumuiuj IJIKboraOT, ,b/ J. T. Boyeo, CHI "WHAT Jiceeflol OAT IB rr." by B. B«lp&. UHOLB SHOW, br Aidur Hogbai, iBAQtoSoiot^ kJoMk OonolnUaawltbtliencirWtlkAioiind, •'^•«'&!SMr*i^^B«K.i.. I Orif HiLL. BlOOCLTR. VABK VHBI&TABI, '<'<'-;''..'^"''- ft|j||in ^Syi^«^ -~Tr...itABMjli"BtBBlBOH '' ' ' Btin lUiiMtT B. A. BAKEB. ------ Dbm «pai at 7K: oom'i'M"!* 8 o'ebMk PBtnat W<W. OuifmliiOtitai: "S"^ ItanQTOliela. = — Baat* '.v.. TOoB. fitntaBeiivHaBdtl. MaftomSA. ictoiSr.K. HOrBXXBA OHABai FOB BSQBBVXD BBATS. S3-tt ■UiISOBB ft HBWOOBB'B OBBAX'UOBAL EtmBITION and . PABLOB OFEBAIBODPE, AM.aqv on Ibdr Onnd Tthnnpbil Tour, dNwnedwithtba ' inoatfliUailngsnoocaa, WH lUt an iba prtndpal ottlMtalhe VBlled SUtas and Canada, pnnoni to thalr dapaitan fbr BnioM, Bli'IfiBifflothOondilnaitanli eoopoatd ufoOowa;'— V . OOHHOOOBE J90I^ 11 tmimtU,3t toah MMyhjjmd intghaMpouadi. Bla ilttar, liUTMiioU,171naluabt«b,andw%hiUJ<peandib ' oolobSbuall, . lalTnanoId,391nobaiblgb,andwtlghaaapomid0. Bawbdcmrldlaohallangedtopndaot tbtbaqoal in die, %ei(hk oi ednoilios. laaddUlantotUignatattTaolionli ' MOBa 0. LATALIXE'S fablob opeba tboutb, ■ OOUO AHD BEimtlEIITAL. ' nnhianmbar. •nappaaitnginoneOnndEntailaininaatl ...-jfcftJOnrooife BnalneaiManag er. • It-'tiiO.BVSSELUAeent. IMiMtor of AmnMmanti. ' oomraira>Ai< thbatrh Am) MUSIO BALL, . Valnnt street abOTaEl8hUi,RiIladeIsUa. ; lUJBON fe HntOEEK LeoaeiasdlUnaAan. , . nie.towat and Beat Condnoted Ertabllihment In Immifm. low IH TBI FOU. TIDE OF StTOOESS. HAimOTH OOHFAinr OF 100 FEBBOBUEBS, .Vbe are (reeted nlsbtly by_ , ' '■ ■ nmEMBE ATJDIENOES, V1 ^' b IMIODilDa, Billet, BnileaqTie, EtUaptin Ada, Qema ot tha OpMra, Oymnaatliii, to, to., - HMnhaiepiMtmted to the pnbUo in perfeoUonlnaBthelr womri •u [■SBBIi BAIilii OFBIt )A1)WAT. •U BBOASVAt, BeUrnpil««eraDdllaBi|t& QLOBIOUS BnoaBBB. . HOUSES OBOWDBD RiaHTLT WITH ■""raAOTT AMD »ABHIO». ^ THBBTABTBODPEOFTHB WOBUD, Ohadtf F^ftank Bnwer,' A. J. MI^AS^jPiS^ta; Hto^.aWanWd, I*5nio«d, Oleo^ ^wioardl.Haatar Wood^aaca Brothaw, Haalam. I^lliS^^B JOnrai OoBAnnuKOonnB, TmBBDBOKne, H*in)T Ahdt, to, «p. ^ ^ tt*i|me«fWbod|i^ "^StSnsbr sraBET, abote sixth. ««,0AS«0.„,.3^,. •THE OBBI TBESOIEI T HE gMLT 0^ jumiwra HAnoKAL nranrDTi ' '^*^;i5LS35iUEnJoableAm«a«Mnt \ "^B* fSSFiT Tin WOBLD. ^•^HOl to ABBOLUTELT OBOWDBD TO OTEBFLOWINft. Xm eSeted to a DaUghted'Fabllo. Tort«ata«f Arplaaae. ^ ^tttoBoaiflOlDaUfhi, nom the Bdverted, the OtUoal. the Baflnad. AUagreainpreoo^^^j^ OAHDJO TBI BaXABLIBBlIEMT OF TEE AQB. W. B. BHUH, B*NJ.»gSf.,oj^,BB-n...k«UK «. N B. Aiiiitaof aoknowledaad abUtyou alwqi meet vUn ,ooi«M«-«-.b,ap^a.-g^rtooj,A^ti, g^K 9SWeatH0BSlanitaeel,B.T. ■OHBIB BBOTHKBS* A OfTB BOBBVaBIiBt awMJua 'ggJfl^SJ^BoBlOH, BfABB. OOHMBKBD-TBXIS aEVIM'H BBOSLiB BUKW, ^^^HOBDAI AUOTJffr td. wnnma BBOmEBB, FELL * TBOWBEIDOIV I OmSit ot the toDowtna Oentlemmt lAB HOBBIS. «• LOXHUH. lOBHOBBia, B OLTM OBBia^ lOHNHT FELU f. a TBOWBBIDa^ K W. FBE BOOOT . J. flTT'^''- P. ENDHBS, AUQUBT BOHNEIDEB, D. W. BOABSHAN, B, H. OABBOUk t. QUEEN, F.iimHABTH, S, FBEDKBIOEBL J, J. m LTARD, D. J. MAOPP nOB, Li A. ZWISSLEBi JAPANESE TOUIR. j^'OompetantAttlataoan meet with aftrantigeoiisterina by ^gng aa abore. j^jj^g pnxjBIM, Sta ge Manager. •VABIIITIKBI VABIBlTIBiail VABIBTUStll '' " " "taUDtranla ATennt and Ninth atreiat, WABBraOTOH, D. 0. ■ Wiim xH k Oo Fioprlstoifl. * Bl'iX BIUHONS Btue Hanagar and Admtlaer. W)BB.-BAPnBTIN Uaitre de BaDat ill mh OENias oub auiDiNa stab. < _ atoFiiat Olua Uuie BiU Of Wuhlngtoa Oitr. by tha leading Jonnula of the Natloa'a OapltaL jbtb daily oomnundattona ptore onr aaerUona. OBAND^UBIEBIHa OF ABT AND ABTUTS. QBDiaafAdmlaaton, BOandSteenta. Frlnte Boxea, IS, ggr- lMtarionaU of atarUng ablU^, and STABS of oaiH ■iSimtatlon, wiAlnc engigementa, will addreai BAUBLIN & Oo., Pnpilaton. ': caaoAoo vABiBTisia, , lU AND m DEABBOBH SIBEET. ' , O. H. OHADWIOX. Pro p ri e t or . ' ' eiO, F. UoDONALD BIfge Uknager. . . '. now tn tarn foil iidi or inootaa. ' iMalghtly vlitted by Crowded and Enthoalastla Andleoeea of Ladlea and OenUemen. .- BfiBlaoolmingacoonunodatloBafbr 1000 PEOPLE BiaM largeenongh toaooomodite tbeoiowda that aeeken> tmuoh idghCv. eoed Ptrfomen ean ahrni meet with good eogagaaaata by ■■alriac to the abore Froprutoia, or to JAfl. OONNXB fc Oo., as Weit Booatoa atreet, N. T, ■Bit Iboagement oaB partloalar notiM t* tkaaboradlatla- "^^UtoSwoantit Beaarred Beati BO oerti. ao.« LON HOBBB, Maaater. ABmBIOAB THKATBK, tU BBOADWAT, „ THE QBAND SBSOBT OF THE XETBOFOLIB. A BoeoeMlon of Crowded Honsea Greet BUTLEB'S OBEAI OOUBINATIOH TBOUFE. Ereiy Nlgbt. Site noat onanlmona tokena of approral, The Frtaa and PabUo, OlaltalttdaelBfnglt. ' THW OBEAx TABIEIY THEATBE OF THB AOE. The oompany'la Pertkotlon in aU Ua detalla. THE UAlUOTH ETHIOPIAN TBOUPB, SHX aBBAT FANTOmHIO TBOUPE, THE SPLENDID BAUXT TBOUFE, InahoriailihateoeatomakeTiD __ fgw OIQANTIO COUPANT OF THE UTH OENTUBT. tnPh^gac<fto^ Mpm e ^reg Weeh.... . HONS LtJEOBNETsSge MaMger. J. AUUEBKAN, Treaanrer. PAUL BBILLIANT, Bal^t Uaatar. F. TAB OLKEB. Mnalaal Director. SS'tt FABBwaui tov a, OF THE UNITED 0IATBB. XboQfOitOzifllnal. and only BAH SHABHOT'S UNBIBELS, asias Bias, AND BUBLESqUB OFEBA TBOUFE. / Teb IIaukoib Tsotm ov tbb Wobld. SUFEBIOB TO ALL. At the termination of the preaant aeaaon. They win appear ia BSWTOBE, BOSTON, FHQiADELFBIA, and WABHINaiON. BALTWOBE, 81-tf BAM SHABPLE7, Manager and Proprietor. ^■OOW BnJJ OW BVBBT OBBOBIPnOB. XEBODOBE DUnON, _jtoiBfi)mbIsoIdMenda,MaDagaia,and thaPnbltagen- r.thathslsnowIoeatedatthD : (UCIBE SIEAU FBINnNO BVABUBHMENT, 18 BFBUOB BIBEET, NEW TOBB, tbawlUalTellia peraonal attentloa to tha prodootion, feanf atyla,ofanklndior ' , sZilN, OOLOBED, AND OLUBTBAiaB SHOW BILI4 . ■ Far Monlarly adapted fttr 0WTEUJHC1 BXHIBITIONB,. . OIBGUSBB. MENAuBBlE^' ETHIOPIAB FSBFOBBUNOXB, OniNABIB, MAOIOUSB, . MMSK OUTS OF AI Ii KINDS, TBOTTDia TO HABNBSS OB WAOON, , ' DOUBLE TEAMS OB BDMNINO EOBSBS, FOUnOAL 0LUB8. ' ''Xill.lnftathAt bla manyyeata eiperienoe InthebTiaiaear, ~ I«cirlarma8iortmentof0ntaathlaoonuiund,anyofwhloh ibepirbitM in one or more oolon, the aerrloeaotthe beat ~*—B andEognkTen tot sew work, wHl aeonre to him a oon« bpfpaatfaTonandatrlalbyaewpitrona. SS4m nil OomiBodloaa Ban haTlng been re-moddM and anlargal, MireMiatethenie of ' OONOEBTS, LBOTUBBa ko. Ifopalna hare been aparedtomikeit oonnlelalnan liiu- aagninnnta Oneof OanninkFandiar'a beaf.PianoahaabBan vli-.;-';: 'Mi*'':'" to Ita fBmltaretandwlU berented with the Ban at* naflonaUa Bvioa, - tar (Drther iatormatlon ean beobtalned at tha Book aad ■Sa StMfOt OHAB, BBIABBOOK, AgMt, ^ ' 67 Water akvel, nawburuh. |to(UBUnuB,Janitor. SeptM.USS. »av VBBAimB BOTAIi. KONTBEAL. CANADA, btaatlfai Theatre TO LET, nightly or wMkty, vatn the itofDeeember. Apmrto Ji Ir. :8U0ELdND, VoBtrwUL .ialit IKa-m'B DBEAK; or, Wima'ainniirOoLUMt . n-tf BaBS KATK FISHKH, The DlaUngnlsbed Tonng American FBOTBAN Wb EQUEBTBIAN AOIBBSS, . Baa Jut oomdnded one of the most anooeiafal and brilliant togagamenia at the Varieties Theatre, In St, Iionla, erar known in the Diamatlo annals of that dty, . BerMAZEPFA la prononnoed the most Aitlstloaod Diring Feokils Etneatrlan personation ever seen npon the American boards. The Stage Borae DON JUAN—trained brWnilamB. Depy- eaed by Hue Fisher, la the beatln the world. Manaien of Theatoea wishing to make propoaala to Miss Flaheriw&igttementa,mastaddresa' aXOBQE J. DEAOLB, Tarietiea Theatre, Bk Louis,' or, JAB, OONNEB k 00., n-tf < asWestBonstonatraetN.T. A :M U 8 B M B N T S . ItiUH'S MBIaODKOB, ^^^^I)aWtJOolL_ OlOBOC XOA FrapnaM. ■ W. B. OAVAHA0B ActbuHaaSM. XHI OHIiT MT.TtnT.g OONO EBT HALL tS DBTBOnT. I Ta iU Mnu t Orn Au Onua, TALIHTED **'"|2tpoH8IBLB KANAaEBB. OBOWDnt ^UBES ATTEST ITS WOBTH. Oandneted on a fkr more liberal aoala than Its oompwioca. LIST OF ABTDI8. MlaaJltrHIII HOLI, Mlaa FAINIE DBVEBE, Mlaa Kmr,BOOTr. Xla UEZIBFnLDIKa, BIUTOATAHAaH, joHjnnr bo yd, OHABUI XANB, BniLT-DBUBANTT, MlU ADA TESHAH, - Mlaa JENNIB JOHNSON. Uim LOUISB ZINa, Misa MABIA BEAT, BIIXT W EST. JOBNMT MnVBBLL, TOED SH AW, JOHNBT WABD, TOUNO AMEBIOA. PAUL CANE and SOB. The highaatSalariea paid to lint class Artiata. 83<tt ■UieVIBX'B OFIIBA HOVaB. BAN FBAHOSOO, CALDOBNU. ' THOB, MAOUIBI Proprietor and MAnaget. JAMES DOWUNS.. J. L. BOHMT W. STEVENSON. TreaanreK^ TBI BIAB DBAMATIC OOMPAHT. JOBS SOPHIA EDWIN. , .Stage Muager. >,leader ot OMhsatm. MDB LULU BWKBT, MISS 0. m NOEJi, W. O'MKIL, 0HABLB8 THOBN, D. 0. ANDEB80N, W. B. HAMI LION, a BIKVBMBON, ka^ MBS. W. a TOBBBB, mas NEUJI BBOWB, FBANK MATO, WnJlAM BABB g, HAB BT OUBT OH, F. B. WUITSL W. B.XAnAB, BtariHalttng OaUfbmla ahonid iesrin mlad thatHr. KagslM Isalaopiomletorotthe Metropolllan Theatre, Ba Mam a nto , and theMaryirOlaTbeatM. «B-T.s.t( lapoBTAnr XO THE THEATBIOAL PBOFE88I0N. The greateat remedy extant for the onra of BBONOHTEIB, OOUOHB, COLDS, to. And lastantaneena relief of Boarseneu, Innammatlen ot the Oiroat, elcb OBB AUEBIOAN MZEROES, OB PABTILLEa. ToPiblioBpeakere andPrcfesslonsI Slogen they are InTalo. able, aa they slTe tone and vigor to the YOOAL UUBOLES, aUay InUatlon, and wholly reUere the throat and arUonlatlng organa of aU tendency to hoaiaeness or lasaltade. A package containing 100 Lcnengea sent free by msUcn receipt of 8S cents. Addreaa WM, A. AlffiEBSOM, care Mr. AYBBY, (3'lt* 78 Broadway, WlUlamsbargh,L,L THB WBBB BIBTHaa, HISSES EiaU. AND ADA Managers wishing to engage the aervicea of these very talented Artlats, for STAB Bigagements, wiU address them oare of 81-tf OUVPSB OmcB, or 38 Henry staeet, Brooklyn, BIB. AND BBB. BABWBT 'WILMAKB, TBB OBiaiNAL lUPEBBONATOBS OF IBIBH AND TANEEE PEOUCIABITIES, Win inavgorite their Winter Seaaon, at NIBCO'S SABDBN, on Mondar Erenlng, Nor, 9td, In a series et those pleaslBg and artlatlo peiformanoes, which have gained for then the sonbriqnet of the most attraeure jBTABS in the proStaalon. Sl-tt WABfTBD-tor a tint dasa Theatre, immediately, llrst Low Oemedlant Sinolog Chambermaid, (good); jQTanlle and Ught Comedian; Waldlag Qent; and aareral good UtOlty Men. ' Addreu W. H. WaBD k Oo,, DramatloAstDta, ^■3t* BozUia.SiiaUo,N.T. BIAmitnB IjOUIBB TOUBHIAIBB, tha wen known Iqaealrlenne, can be fbnnd at all timea the coming winter, at Newtown, Long Island, where parttaa leanirlng her serrloea can Cpply or addreas by letter. 804ffl* VBB ADBBBSa of J. B. HUBPHY, Ute adrertlalng agent of Cistenok Tan'Vleok'sOirons,anthorot ••TeaogEphe'a Lament," and other acnp, la at the Tailetlea Theatr*, St. Mnlf, MO, '81-4t xriSVBDi^-JXim or three flnt clan end man. Nona bnt ttrietlyflrsi oUia need apply. Good aslarieawinbepai^ and tngiaementa made tor one or two, years. No traToUng. Apply immediately to & H. BOOLST, doolej'i Open Honle, Brook- lyn, or IMBipadway, Hew York, .. .;. ,, 7-., •).,•. BVOKIiBV'B ' NEW MIR8IBIL BALL AND AQUABIAL OABDENB. Sanmer stree t, <nea r Waahlngto a) Boatan. ' THB LABGEST, FINEST, BEST TEHTlLAraD, Holding twice uminy People aaaay HtnatrelHan inScston. Hotwl^stanUnFthe Ftei Hnadreds are Tu rned Away from its Doon Nightly. THE BUOELEYS, ^VB TBEIB STAB lET CNDIMMBDI She world renowned B. BISHOP BUOELEr, TOED. BUCKLEY, f. a, SWAIMEBUOKLBY, JAHB8 BUCKLEY, Bnrroanded by a Oonstdlatlon et UNEQUALLED ABTIBTS, EACH PEBFOBIIEB A BTAB, Aad ererr Star a Brmiant one, inclndiag She Qoeen of Bono, UBS JUUA GOULD, SoppoittdbyaOorpedeEthtopeof aOFroteasloaals. . 4^ The Bocklep* Bepertolre embraces many fresh gemot Tooallattlon, New Ants, OperaUo Bnrieetnes, and BHABDOHaMCHlAB FEOULIABITIBS, Dona in theli own peonllar style, and notontdonebyBay ftoopa in the FroEsBsion, for which the oltlseBaof Bcatonand the press han laTished npon thsmths moat flattering demon- atrsilonaof approTiL THE AQUABIAL is open Aftemoon and Sraalnff, Admlsatonto both Bihlbltlons, aS eatik Beearred aaats, BO ots, HOTICE,—Peraona vlaltlng tha Gardens In the dayMme are en- titled to a dbeok ot n^"-'—'^ to the oTcnlng entertainment SfrSm* VO i^aATBIOAIt AND OTHEB MANAOEBS. XHB ELEGANT STUD OF BDBSBB, belonotaigto . OABDNEB, BEiraiHaS k Co., •re TO BENT. FOB STAGE OB BING PCBP0SE8, At any time daring the winter. With the Hcfaea are TWO COMPLETE SECTS OF TBAPPINaS, (D r e ss ea , Saddle Cloths, Saddles, to) The Bones are aB thoronghly broken. Thoae wlihlnt to negotiate for either long or abort engage- ment*, will please addrem DAB OABDNEB, No, 310 Jaooby street, PhlUddnhla, Pa, P. & Those intandina to bring forth Show Pieces will And it to their advantage to appvuaboTS. SO-lt OBBAT OOBBIRATIOir. NOTEUTT BUOOEEDB NOTKUTT. urAwigAT.T. B. PSSB, The Oelebisted Anthor, Comedian, and DeUneaior of Zcosnbrio Oharaoters, WmpUyaFarewenSngagemeBttn IhaprlnoIpaloKtes daring theFsflud Winter, aaistedby U'LLB and YANKEE GLUM, nie Oieat Prlnos of Yankee Eeclnltidttea, nina terming one of the Greatest Combinations of TSIsnt that has erer appeared together. Ohsradeilstic masfaaUona of Heal Tilfti; Fnn,wlthoatTaIgar- Uj; lihrth..withont Alloy. Look oat lor Maiihans. Pike and YandeeQloffl. - 99-tf GEO. E. GOODWIN. Manager, OABVEBBOBT HAUL, wabhin<>t 6h,'p. 0. TBI MOST MAGNIFICENT KDSia BAU. IN AMEBIOA. HoWalter^lrls amplayed. Ladlea and Geailemea ot known Abmty always wanted. Voontalde perfHman emplOYSd-aiona bnt the T«iy bestial- Address to WOLUM I. BINB, Sde Proprietor, 8Mt Waahlngton,t).a THK LABOMHT SHOW BII£ PBINTINa ESTABUSBMERT IN TBt WOBIOI OLABBE k BULLET, (Booceaor* to John K Baooo,) PBINTEBS AND BNOBATIBB^ 13 and 1« Spmee Street, New York, pw ptrtisnlar attention to getting «p an Unds ot FANCY SBO W BILLS For tnT8Ungoempaniea,andhaTeonhandaIarBeandraiaBdia assortment of large and unan WOOD OUTS Saliableft»Otaanase*,Menagari«a, EthlopUn Perlbmum, Gya. nasts, K a gldaa s , to, to, which ean be printed in one or more oolois, to anit oastomen. :A'<M].17.'B'E-M]E.N'T 8, VBB eAHPBHLbB ABa«OHUra| • I AK D OaLT . ( OAUFBIU/S MERSIBIU. . A«D BBua auiD, 8IXTEIN.XN NUMBBB. of ihs ■^TlWhiiri and wtwaA bcdUuit B0IBEI8 DUmOPB, EaTa gsd aedfo r them with Frees and Pabi V IBB EX0EL8I0B BAND OF ' ~ 4^ Bead the nameai— U. 0 OAH^EUi, Pnprieter and _ B ID DAVIS, Comedian, JOHNNY BOOl JOUMNV WHITING, Comedian NED »0( rnnt N. W. GO ULD. Oaltar. Tenor, T. WADDraTTmi;^' HA8IBB EDDY, J. T. aULTOE,aMSu . Bamamed «Oabas," J. BAILEY. dnML^*''k A. NI0HOLU, Leader, J.UmoSIC^ J. FBAUNIOBT, Contra Basso, Violin tu,.^ J. B. WABD, Tenor, A. SIEWABT, eaooi?n% JACOBS, General Agent ^"gj .Who aabndts the fiBewlag names otths Bmh^ mapeuaanflloteatanaiBateetorthaeuaUenMiSMSL. , tainSiita. and whUhlheIr many trUaSntiSSn^JF^ U adaaee. sBdwdlMUM taltot taloi^^ U TADIFFIBEMT phases of Sa^i tn. A deposit reqnired on an work ordered. Auoi " ■ ■ ordsraaddieasedto"CLABBT k BEIU2Y," Baeoa Print- ing and Bignning estabUahmant, UandUBprnaeatrMkRew York, win be promptly attended to. sO-tf OABD TO HAKAGBBB AND PBBB<OBaBBB.— A certain BInn-er from Washington, who has had the good tor- tone to mskeafewdollara br keeping a halt starred concert' room, more throngh damb lack than good management, ii in the habit ot TlBltlng Philadelphia in qaest of talenC Be UTarlablj visits the drinldng saloona toqaentsd by the profeaelon, and u always ready to taie a smile with any one, espeoUUy if thiae la any "champagne" aroand. bat he was nerar known to "ahen oat" and tetnm the oompilmgnt, ThIsSInn-er is always ready to iistniot performera bow to break their engagemena, in order to obtain their serrlcea to go to Washington. He can tell a ballet girl to pnt an her aUra nnder har dieas when she learea the ahow, and leare her empty Inmk behind, which of coarse hewlU make good; andhs can also otfar a aong and danoe man, or a banjo player, a aalary which he noTcr had the courage to pay, and even It be paid 11 tbr the lint weak, he wonld, as nrasl,naTe to out them down the aecondweek. SheoUeotot this card la to pat managen on (helrgnard Mdnst this Blon^r. who goes aroand like "a wolf In sheep's oTothlng," end Is tally quiUaed to act the part ot (hebestblaok sheep in the botineu, and although thla eipcsure has done him good, and in some maoner checked his naaty, dlrly, practices, yet be Is.not thoronghly repented, only oheokmatM, and will, nodoabt, stay at home for a abort tlme,nntU he Mta another chance to ply hla nefarioos oooopttlon. The perlormen'names mentioned in the Card of "Bla Boyal Nibs," are people who, having algned Contracts, did not know how to keep them, and aa our "ShaDghae Manager" is well aware thatBeyntfd Is too smart to let either manager or perrormer, no matter who they are, get the bestot him; henoe the that, «0 hare nerar to bewan the Ices ot apsltty FlftrDoUan, andtir by pnltlDg fiota In the newspipen, that cannot be sabsttntUle4 to Iqjare the obaraoler et any performer. At the Casino, when a person engsgea for a certain aalary, he knows very well he la golog to get fl, and eonaeqaently we nev«c bare to adranoe moner either to act aa a ••bait'' to get them to leare their present sKaatlon "dirty,^'ora*a guarantee ot oar ownrenclty. This Baltimore Flog baa this week been endeaToilag io sat the Delaware river on Are br oaailna bis "Fowler'e nela"ln the city ctFhUadelphlai but u bis tsckOagwu of a fourth alias descrip- tion, tha Oraad Starring Tonr was a failure, and Slnn-er's lofv hopes faU to the groimd. Tmsting these remarks wlU have the eifeot npon the mlnda of Profesdonals and the' pnbllo ia general, we leave this irioked for the present w his own ccfleoUona, 8J-" . , B0BHMri6t.' AOAIB OH THB HOVB, SHE MAMMOTH LEADING TBOUPE OF IIIIIBmir» . Bolaiged and Improved for the year IStt and'uT^^ Tenth UoBphaat Annaal Tonr of the Uneqaallsd aad^..^ , . DUFBEZ k GBEEH'S^^^ OBiaviL- aiW.OBLEANB AND METBOPOUXAN IBNRUu BDBUIQTia OFZBA IBOOn iSD BB1I8 Bian Tha rendt of Tea Yean ot experience, pUroaixtd brUah.iL. and eUte of the leven ot the Burnt Cork ttotmlt* THB MODEL TBOUPE OF THE WOBW^ <^»^»''»'afiSM^MS^"*^ Rarer bebn conoentratedtita one OemMa*' Ob wblch eoeialcc many new fseea and all theoU'kiM,. wfflupear. DBTUgthe prsatai season Iheywin visit theOiuiMia Bnaawuk, Nova Scotia, Newtonndlaad, the blind otoSu aU tha piiadpal OlUea in the United BUtea: IntrodsdSiba! mbUo the beat Neno Ddlaeators, thebestSlaW £. iS Daneera, the beat Haslolana, the beat Female PeaeuknlE beat Brass Band, and the beat Orehestn in MinaWlir. ~~' AlBO, tha Inoompaiabla LION QUABTBRE, Ou mp o ee d ot tki onipproaohaUe OUtlA'TE BOAn, J, B. Green, Edwla Eolmia, and Oensahro Bishop, ulnm) admitted to be the b est and most powaiftl ^ OUABTBTIE ETEB BEABO, Bie Biggageof this Beaowned Troupe Is theFlsMlai Begant, BeaatUal, and moat cjiaUy let of Zinc Tniti n aaea eoaneoted with one Company: tlu whole was ailtl apedal order, at an Immeaae expense, ~ . THE WOBLD OUTDSHE DUPBEZ'B DBBAH OF MINSIBEL8Y, IS ena of the principal lines on the grett Mamaolh M now used by this mDp^ recently oomplsttd St Olairy k B«h Spnse street, New York. Itsurpaases In Design, Stota dear, and Expense, every thing ever befora attempttd, nola excsptlnt Olnmsea or Itenagarles. This imm«»«f Bg^ tUOt, ItiaeompoeedofthIr^-fiveeke«la,wotkedlntODMh ttls nineteen sheets larssrUian any Porter ever printed. | Poetara along the roate will take notloe and reserve gnifH plMesfbr^u cmanent ' OBAND SEBENADE BY THE BBAB8 BAND, etch evening prevlooa to opening tlu Itoa jift ttan partloolan, aee Programme* of the day. Stage Manager J. B, GBEBN. Leader of Omhestn and Hnsieal Director JOHN EELS, Leader of Braa* Band ALFHONBE BEBODOI Vcotl Dlrecter OUSTAVE BIDin, The wkda nnder the ansploes and Immediate coalnlol , DUPBEZ k GBEBN, Bole tafMnl OHAS. H. DUPBEZ, Manager. 81-tf A. & FBHRTI88, Advaitlltl|l|it TBB OABTBB ZOVATB TBODPB, iBD XOUNG FEMALE DBAB8 BAND, t ElOHTXD Of NDHBXB. <7BE FBIZE ENTBBTAINMENT OF THB BUBOV See ••UnlcnDemoorat," Dayton, 0., JoneStt, IBL . guohiatheanlvanalcplBlonotthepreaaandthepa^lbii where, apon witaeiring the very veraatUe and aibMH'v SBlartaiiuig exhibition* aa given by the abore rat \ tnape. Whilst most oompanua have fdt comMlIed r ' •xtraOTdinary heat of the psat *nnun«r, tciatoi" the CABTEB EODAVE TBOUPE has been petforoilif ba coly "toll," bnt even crowded houses, J The reaaoa of this neat popularity la eiiUyerihlBttl OABTBB ZOUATE TBOUPE combine the Cmn BuDur oteU the beat exhlblUon* of the day, and ibe motto olll. manager Is.'^Mwaid," "forward," and he will notrntnll mskea It the best axhlbltionot the present age. I nia aansger of the above troupe, oontempUUig itUI EaropeTi^seascn, win be happy to recdve piefciibli maaagan of flnt daaa estabUahmenla. Any aioli, mm I nndar, win receive due attention. J. BEMBAOE CABTEB, Manager "Carter Zoaavs ftnipt," Oare of Faaax QdzbIi OLirpia (mm SMb* NewToIl<Br,V.^| BI<LBIiBB'B ATHBITB1U1II. COLUMBUS, OHIO JOHN A. FtTJT.aii MtnagerandPiqnK The only proper and Popnlar BoUdlng In theOUr. i'll certs, Lectona, and other ExbHrtilons. Can be nmM night or week, daring the months of July, Aogwi, ev*^ Mober, NovemberTDecember, 1868; aud April, HVi'C" IMt; tha other monthabelnaoconpled bymyngiivi™ Company. AU aaiiUeatlona directed to , . . • i ioBN A. »T.TJIT.«R Jr., ClevtlaiiS, 0,* J IB-U O.AlWAONBB,O0tafl«*i FBnOB OF WAUOI ^B^^, a<iu»J TUa truly denat aad very beaotlfnl theatnli I Ingthawtola-Sth.^-^^^^^ •faaknewledged position and talent, negotlstet*n>>" th*rt enf^vemed*, a* mntnal intarestt nay rea'"* tftf BdeLeawetadl DBAOIiB'B VABIBTIBB, ST. LOUIS. . TBIB VEBT POPULAB ESTABLIBKIIBT, An Ta> LiBoiar nr thb Uhubo Butm, a ■<'•■' FULL TIDE OF SU00B88. Firtt Ohu BIAB8 treated wItt at all ttajs. »" aeed apply. JAMES OONNEB ^J>}-l*&1'«u 17-8m or GEOBGE DBAOIA ft" AOADBHY OP BIDBIO, CLEVELAND, OHIO, .__^| JOBH A ELLBLEB ^^»^'*J?^,SShSH The M«t sad moat popular Balldlng u the WriJTn Lectures,andlU Undof EihU>lUon» Ito^^JSLrI Bight or week, during themonthaof f^ov^Ji^t Maroh; alia July andlognat, 1881, tha remaM* "^J ST. OLAIB UAI<L, ' PADUOAH. KENTUOKt; ,. 107 by M feet; Sbge 8S »>y,2'SoJ»«' l Appropriate Boanery for Dramatic OompuiUMw^ . J . edOhalrs cane bottomed, lighted «ttliO«V Licence paid. Police tonUUl. Liberal arrangBmenU made with dl ^'SS^tf.] Non.othe»ne.d.pp^^^jg.tlonrf»4^j!^ .80-Sffl OOBIB 1«IAN HAWji,^^^^^ WUIieBenladtCf ConcertsJ<eotnns,W Address . W'^f^ISSr&wwi 9Ma* SB Aioaaei«w-^ OAUFOBBIA THBATUOAL AO^^;^! »AH COBBYN -^J^J^^J^^ H, B.-AB Istten leqalrlng aaswaa ■ta-paythaaama. Kait W^|*«Il!I-^^ imTBOPOiaTAW.1«BU'BBL W»™^*5lit5'Bllg«' '';:i^ta?<flJBtAas.ppera Mid BUlet.Itoai'**"