New York Clipper (Nov 1863)

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S68 gSf«.i«tr«inh«aoatl alUr • bearli (faetza. ^kflCiBUl. dhsoUlai 22^piMa.-I» 1w ooattaved. HEW YOAK CLIPPER 8ATUBDAT. NOVEHBEB i8rl868.- ■OoMHe" . 555S?iS5ocB ot Ui»t luiSnig^ 111* lMoHoB»l7;'of the F ■Mi ltd' iLUdeoi ^ k iM nL Toll.—l/Jolm O.He«n»»did iMneftlenaftle ^ '^C^r'iu^irKM^ted.M Ur.lLliid leUied from pngUUm. l5l5SfTvTtofi»il»find, 6idPool*TO I«P?5¥^.^i8«W5|tt» "'■■gtMii, th.t not btliig "Uuifj"^ir» cwmot lUto podttTdy. ;'.ra:(L0..-B«idlii8 0i n>Il>dtiplil»,'P*.—luTtnorteoIUe- illmlnMBudto whoimt toitlieltttsTnow. Of ooan«,the '•'Strnrattspi«parnims«tU>*7«oiiId nothwa bidtt. "^a atMadTiiwaiTaiinlMdtanacmi aoimpondanca, or mdioiiM '''aeoBBwdona of Vndla Bam'a itoiolioiiias to itow tt vwtf In.. *hn^ «lnhUi-t-Tli«ia iie two trfndi of f<i«tUa' nnnili t'"li ' '■"« fiiiiii nttMj^' *■**' iliramblngtlMtbioitwtthtnrpantlnaonafuuar. The odicidtba d^ ntUt, foT,«IU«]ithe lemedr li gar^o if»W**ddini»liath«)»t ■ asu, H, T.—Thla eomapondtnt uka vs to daoUa a lAanSB Inragaid towhotudmoat monsrln bis .'." nnMLirUliofittaUIiig va tnaamennt aaohor either man bad. '%w Buon- U aald to bava baen a Vnrr wlie mia, batUbe .MjAeft oTtt mb a qoary ba can M .i;''9.TB>iiXAE0ia.?Va don't exaoUy nndertiaDd tha natnia of tbe -I'VdLvlVUn'lIoalaaey foagbt vtlgbad iestba-4t ' ^.'^STsNMatd^rbawalgba aomaiAareln.tha nelghboibbodof V:aw™i'''^'''■ I 'i till .7tj »*s*5, .'HptlMaald. O.—VBayaia'iroB dnt blaod'liittie ;i'tatwitttt «ltt> Haanan. 3; nta edda bare aiefUOtotTOon -'^'■SSKnr^vUdh'la'baitartbaBTtar oiih. 8. foe Oobtiolanot -n gft |BaaaflieMKflirbt- ■- "'-■'^^ji ^iiU IDMOB, pD]toidiaBi,'i(. T.—Tanr letter dated Nor. Utb. la Iba 0DI7 ana .we bare leoelTad from 70D. Tonrolie ' " peja for fonr nantba' rtlyttlptfaB, commmnlng with the {nosabar. • • - • -rr t aiti^ K>q|WLnMi;.;CUlaa«Iphtai—If. In 'aldttlon to jntelaaa lefMBaea,7011 oan. bringaoma pelionallallsenoeto Tipon naatanar ownCM,yon-might aetan tbapofltlon jgaalinat . . ■ i.-' „, i -il''^in'puT. J<o>narU, V«u—L Bob Brattle knoolud Ita '■''MaSt'ivm In'-tbe fbnrth round;-and thna won Untknoak Sown. i. Bma waa only floored one« by Satlugbam, and SKappeSadtttbaaUtandlaatroBad. _ " ' ■ ~QDi>nonB/<Bia<AIyn.—Va beIlaTa;thaia la ■ teeatlaa in xWalker'a Uanly ExemUaa." Ifr.Kaboe.gtrea InatonotldiiBto Ua outomaia, giatla, wa belloTe. .Uiij/iTiaoAn, Ueapbla, Tmuu—In arlbbtga' 9 ftnna, 1 firail l»llnnd.% fdartomednp eonnt llj'Tla.i'alz byflftaani,alxfbr ^''-'l^ijayaltfnd'nlnaftraaqnenMa. : ' ' - OuSBOJLT. Alexandria, Va.—Tba. ttrea of dtambndi, atoba add nadei. and lack ot hearts In, band, with the fire of btarta tamed ll^p^t the bigheat hand that can be bald In oilbbage. . "l^wifam naD. Bon,lh Benrfck, He.-If yon get anobnd en a iana'hand,'yon daow.toloae fonrpelnta, bnt yonr opponoita oiljisooM.two. I I " - -amw —im Jisid .thattha.dtalar oannot playaIbB& when kla partner aialBtB: the roIasajs.Uiatha mayor henay not, bat aaTthe'gbastlonahDnld baaaiuea before """■"tuning the game. ■ „ JJoars Jpwotrj Byois.—B la mUUedio the money/havlna } IMPaated the'wotdB.glTen him. Awas.OTainaohed,wetbInk. "'wnbia uonM at once band orer the aniomt of tha wager. ■ ' ^-——-■T- . '"WT. iSxkBKRi TbSMilpilK-^.Otulj'a feat wonl4, we nift^ take the palm, VUl InTeatlgste fnrtlier, ^oWersr. and v ,,po(t yon next week, >' ' "itB,; Boxbnry, Uaaa.—We ahall have to triable Wto repeat '■'8WP«p i««|b1B,i f ff »b e JU»ttf na waroannpt-maka mt .ii^y^ .BiiTiuttT, Kamprt—ne game' is aotmnob played bii. -;'ilid;weh«Te,nnJrI>een ftrtnnato enpnab.tqaeaaVotatrnS yja nii, wa do li.ot beBerethey are to be fonndIn prints ■ ' ■ "h; L,; Bookrille,—It pnidea na aa mnob aa it does ion- ';lmt'.'«»:>b«UeT« :I«DWter,^,lf thf eonaot addrea' Vilto 'Umandiaf. , WMhlflgtoiuj-The liJywM,in»iA a taraoafha ,io;^»^;waaUby ganUaman, ^d .^: retired ftom tha pro- J; 0 jl^i^iioiwg, at I«Bli.—ire are always plaaied to hearftoin'cfiD L';:uil)DirB<niiIhlIadelphIa>4nid Blatter to'oiiTsddreaf.aBd '•WimiadwitueittolUBi. mb 'i',' '1r.']L''X; jbiladalphla.—TTe knowno other method: thanbr '"■•ndliigtbnmgbtbemaa" ' . .f Tnoma 8., (HndnnaU, 0.e-The ooat for four wadia 'inaerUon CI yonr adraUatment will be (LIO. Sea It in another colnmn. ^ 'teoorMflamen. .Wm call their ulentlbn to yonr oue. . ^' jJ'^^TiiVilSi L))nIa,KB.—We' balTe not'hsard of tha party for -,^jMBde.tllne•. iia 'i. El', Hewark.—We baTa ezoUaogta, andooneipondente ftbm i. ttBry-oltylntheeonntry.' ii. n^i- Bnaioa (Ubikb, Hsrana, 0nba.-8ent letter andnawa. nijaitei ontheaiatlnst • ' ■■ '™«anonews- r;,,JiP:p<>wurai Boatan^ames, or,Tanker BnniTan'a rloht [;^^|i^:W4:top^TebeennankAmbi0M ■ ^n 'fiim),i-tfKMMem" la the only pleoathe lady baa appetred Jb. Bhe la studying two or three new pieces: ' Lnnj7i();iE;i^xteg<ea,Ky.-We ■ 'TUnrtlaaninyAHradtoyota^ . . n j|j!lL.:Wit, Hewut-Xha nnmbers yon'want an oat of print .^iWeoasiiottellwbeieibayaretobeobtalned," m i^BttrotihBEAloiB, I.oiilaTine.-t The U^yla'aot manlad. X 11}e]adyla80yeaiaofaga. . . „ ' 'aJtoS^HeenSi""*'""** S«» Btevins la the irtliof ^^^&°tolt «:ib.d:n..bat thai 1 ■■^tln BcaioVi.H. Y.—Drop a line to- tba Priddmt of tho Vew _ W. N» I c, Waahlrgton, », 0.—The Obamplonihib Belt of iahi((UadUmnedatX100,'ortSIW. ■■■■■■ jJ'^'^^^^^-^fJh^Sotoniaa- 'i^ikiiy tant o^awiiing mikar can mike one for yon. Fed. Oo*MaS;—WebiTaaTrrglnlaOityletter'foryon,-' ^noi nil books. Some of 01^ B|, Boston.—See anawar to 'Xltho^pb,'^ P. 8. J;: I "• d«ol» Booiir*; W&anltrMtf of Obaraoter, Is.tba bit Daw book .atr^'Ha: ant; ntbstesa of "Paatagea In ibe life of' • !rast ia^SSf'^^!*'-?^''^ nytebtMpltdoie ■illi.W: 'W«bn» 4!W(^».»i.W«.WaIywa.ooxflamo»atrnlyand oordUnyBbbt^ ■miTha dealgn la waU ooooelred an|I extontod; aa'oha^' nvSfl!r!'^^if!?Ly'^ M«n nothingaoile oliKHmV; J|nA.^T||dena than tbe dlalogne ,ln many paaaa«e» .osMt ibanqiiat Mane. ale. An-exOeedlsgly readable ji'oyd, T^C |Uai*,«;}dtaide>iolei, (DdmpaiUybutneatiy'ilrtntid, BW^pp-iea, Woents. John Bradbain, pnbllib**. •.M WdUa sttaet^-jrew Tirk. ,t I ik^<5^ ?W<?;;«W^ Hwre.-PWB- oni EngUah' ex. moa or ^olhtafttffitateroit. Qi -regtid to the Tw6 SIS ^.ls,Ao.wei;fur,,t^tiake nam on DsMmKn 1^ ,.T'e • fn'i'Mmborlat.botweenMfce implonahip. and lbat en Daoitnbaf iijBeWean BanDan^^ SlpgVm.'learn that anYanaauS'iS' Hni.'^'-rM^'^^ '^^S^ work""SSiS 15'hiS5U ^^« bas,b»em,ba«kad fee £20 to tunflremSS "OTOmberMtb. The betilns U J to 1 >l.toaonIIaoeaealnat-ByaU|.anil 6 to-46nHeenani(Sat ,'Of t«noarter, P»,>'iihie. tfaear flnl annnal Van bii On? tuika a»»,dwio th*'gantlataen In eStooL . —na aomWhlBg ittoM'antolahttal than l»lwfH!ABW^'<uae.-.-.j vr ji''i-'-."■'■ i-' •. . ' '.. '-rt-:,-, -I','. .veJUaif.>I.BK-» -il ".' rlifH;-^ (>rr.- -1.:. 1 ; 1 -ii;.'..' .f.^O.-I •! ' ! •">Mm.O .V) /jf'dl .at,.) 0." ■ < 'I J '.! ;..! I: :.'.:r ■ 'i- In-,.. fiU.' . ■■.t.: . ■ o4) U.yiticr,! lit* Hf ),■.'.« ;.i:r:';T i.j...; I'r.l li .ctti uj,: ;i.!,v. . ^^wi^libM FUGIUSTIL.. lEB TOim^ oiiinS OP THB OU) 'TOL .. lM»day,i4ied:jipo*br the great pngnsttp «n<w^tar>tw<en diHatan'and.iVsmSlng. the t^^m^tattrw. nl!***"*' tj. ot Tonngimerlaa and Old Xngiand, Is fistappioaohlng, and altbongh In this cooatiy the Interest In tha Important afttli Is IMaaadbythaiaor«'«ttllUg»|e]itt 0MmtftU[-wltb the .great r^edliiaiyatlnKi^a/^^eldbifiadithAmoat Intenaaev eltamentiunrpieralla. Than, the Prize BlngU an aaknowMg- ediDstitntlaai SOB* ottba moat pnmlnant man In the conntry taking an Interest In U. ui<Ltte<ia'»!itlyfCWitribntlng, luirMHr- wblob means "keeping Bli4dy"-to the Inoneyfongbt for. Hen ttU dUIlH&li UlaWigVpimBtirBMetlag «llb bnt little fkTor, on aooennt. In a meason,of theabamefnl cohdaotof "rongb aIIeya"wbo an to betoond ateveryaaaembligeof note, we aay the ring apforaay meets with UtCe towr here. How. tbongb the attendanoe at onr ring not generally large, yet It la an nndenlabla fact that the daily papen new glTo tbalr naden a mow palatable llt^ 'rJ.*^J7;^ toey gin eUbontenpoitnof well.foughtbattlia Inthe pngUlrtto tiena. The details of snob aflUis'are read with t»(^«>M«. Interest by nearly all daaata, by Old and young. »bJip*T* »• gay. tbe fithir and the oblld, and occialondly.'^iy softer aex. We remember whatan exdtementwas <»#Wto thU oonntry when the nejh of the Heenan and BayeJ^ ?gbl Miobed here, Oengnss dlsoniaed It. and for w«lijt w^w the Cabinet held a meetljigon tbp strength of It ,:Pl»P»«n wen nererreadao oaw^bllyaa they Ven read then. Eteiy lUm connectedilth t^iflgbtwaa oilledontof tbeweH-flllad oolnnmaof the daUlei./and ewrytblng elae gara. plaoe to the then aIl.abBorblng topfe-flie flgbt "Heads of IMnlllea" wen np bettmes In the morilng, ta order that they might aeoon an early copy of thepapefli The women fota ahowtdan equal Intereat In the erentiand dlaouaaed "npperonta,;* •'flro«»' buttocks," "oomitan"'and '•owiwuntan" wUb atooaenasa worthy of yeterana of tti tine puiOUttipu. . The 6eys, «eeln^;th»: old folka "on It" so stronfc gotn» to|ffo* f<n i»n .t | i! iit»>nd b l ack a ^ eaobolheneyeawltb»ianrttywortby:<ifab(rtl»r.oanaa. yfhji m hum of aeTeral Inaluioeawhen ont. finow loUizena of the "clergy penuaalon" obtained a cojqr.-jtf ttoOUinB, ud taking It intothelratadlea, eagerly deVomil^! great account of lh« "International atmggle" bet;rMiijtbilr;ij^^ tnd.SngUah obamplona. ■ ■;■*',;/< .•■■ Well, altbougb we have sald')^hm to'.iiottheaame.ltttiBrest atticbad to tbe forthcoming eneajnttt aa-.then waa: to tba' Heenan and Bayen meeting, wa bare bellen that the reports of the Heenan and King colii|{i>l:wIIl bsye foBy as many readen aa the detalla of the FatnborOTig;^.^bt bad.'and already news dealers an aending In their or&n fin/aitn ijuantltlea of the Ourna containing the nport of the|M|tl^ We 't"" endeavor to rntet the demand, and supply tb^ oonntty with the most truatwoxthy aoconnt of the meeting. Bythe lastarrlTalfrom Buwpewe.leamthatalnethonsand doHanof the battle money hadbeenduly plaotd In the bands of-tba stakaboldai^.aa lhaaxtldlea of agreement called fori and en this, no doubt the lut.^ake of one thonaand dollan has been'addedt making ocmplata theWu total fought for. The battle-mon^ thonaand ddlats. Is aqaal-to tbe laigeat sum enr fbogbtforln therworld;; .We bellentbls'^ountliaa only beeA'eqiualled cmoa .bebre, and that waa lO: the eter-mem- orabia fight'between Tbm. Byar and Tankee Salllfan. In Feb- ruary. ,1U9. In the "i;tlce rIngof England, no^anob'sumwia erer fodght for;altbongh"Udaea not /oUow'tBat large stakea bring about good flghta; aams of the best fights on record han been for sums Tarylng bom: tBOty-JUt dollan to flnlinndndl Tetit la true that the onlalde world attacheamontn^xntance toamatchfbr ablg itake tbanlt doea to one. fbr a email stake. It la aald that some fears .an entertained that fmiglsterlal Internvtlon" may'bring the Heenan and' Elng afblr. to a ter- mination without a. flgbt; 'Anijr the spoil sports off the acent, It waa recently prapoaed-^wblle tbe two gladlaton wen attending some raoea at Sewniarket—that tbe flgbt abqnid take place then and {tben'f deenan. we heir, .waa agnuRiIe to it. but iriTi- ■"-'"-trti alttiirnir*' »jt-'-w.^-^*;-<«M^ jp«i;.«m» offeredblm toantlolpatothe day.flrat aet .apBnLand"baye t oat" on the! spot^ '.'We pteaume.Xing bad good .rtasona for ob- Jeotlng. The gentleman mtrnibiiirith tbe managdn "exonislan" iren:Vilng eirary baTetbe aibir come Off fair and aqoan on Its merits; and If the thing la at aU feasi- ble, they will gin tbe riptonsnbble the cold, abonlder, and tr^ to get along wlttkoiU,tUelr.'pre8anM n '.'aasfstance,"At nearly enry prize flj^ht^-andat moat'all sort* «f laiga gatherings, for thatmattap.4i^bea'ofnblayiuiddJtt^ iS Intnid^'a'iiftelT^^ tbeV either make money by breakbig np the flgb^ CTi^lcUngpoakels. Weban pien^ of'sddifUIowshere, andlt is'only a wonder Hd na that the pnfeasora and::Bdnilren of the ring do notdrhie them away by giving them a "good warming." For the coming meeting, the pnaenoa bf the nbbia la not at an dealrable; their Interferan'at 'I'anibpnagh greatly Injn^ tbe Brittab Bln^, yet it k(pt'W<'dbim^bn',BeIt"'ltt'theccnhii7; anidiUhongh Heenan lQBt:the'trophy by the ontalde dlatnrbanoe^ yet Iw gained some Very InfluentlalMends among all olast^.iuEugUi 1 soolety. aome of vrlibm are iaow backing blm for the oomlng 04- oennter. In order to ihow thalr appnolatlon of bis eond'upt daringbla iojoftmItfEn^laad^ :' . ■.' ■■ *'■:''.*■■' f Th'e:"b()illgerenta" an' to asttn taalnlngi and have bean ao for some time past:' 'tOoiilltlon" must not b; lost sight of for tlie approaching paaaage^of. flsts> and'well do both .men'.know iL And though the AtMiteanla booked to'wln among tl^oaa wl 0 knowtheiwoin'm,'y«t We''wntlm naden. .against looUig at this or any btlieraportlng event aa a "certainty." Wa don^ believe In "oertalnllea," e'ie^wheniwopartleB are'Wt^ gather. It wak~ aejg'eberal.'opinion,; the flgbt some months ago b^tweenSUigand l^ce. for this championship, the Utter would irin,.owlng to bis superior aolenoe, etc;, bnt KInig got ItfbnrblOw' that hnoeked; ali: their' ealoulattoni, 'knd Kaoe 'With them. toto'Vlriattrlhihle' cqnftislon,'' and. tbat ended Oiil certainty. King ta^ do the aame'.'agaln..-1 Wa aay^that we do ntt undentand why then thonid be snob odda on Heenan. Know- ing, aa we do. that In ^elgljii wftlght. ^e, ,eto., the men an eqoal whUe Sing haa fought .oftener than'^anan. ani ii* had. tber^ fon. morapnotloal expeitluibe.In' ^e rlngi Jie also baa the aA- vanlage of flgiiUng 'on his 'ciwn gnnnd;' that Is, toEnglanf whUe Heenan, aa to hto|flgtit wUh Bayers. doM battle'^n^ of the atrange:^!',' : Ali'thlngs cbnaldared, the advantages an in bvor of King; andtbexefon wa an puzzled why Eeban overtops bis opponent to betting. The bnlyreiiscn we can see for It. Is the ex^rdlnary ablllttca be dtaplayed in his contest with Bay- en, whlob, at. the time, our tr^niatUntlo frlands were not 40 wllling to admit as they be at pneentl' - However. Ve aiiaU soob have tbe news of the result of the impending straggle, and thett, per}tap$, ey^tblng;wUl appear aa . plain as:"hoasehold words.*' It Is pnbablei iia we said In a previous Issne of the Ourrsn, that the day fixed origlnaUy to the ''arUdes of agreement." may be changed, and an earlier day ,named. .to order, to. mlalaad tUe 'iibum bdllA" and bthit spiai' We than eideavor liable account of thA'^i ittui, although we may not be quits as early ^), onr ttnids of tbe dally pies*. When the great Internitlonal Mitch.TOsJa pngriss. we promised to give thefal)eft,datalls.. 'Wemontbfn fbioned our pnmlaes tbei. and bircalalednearly Om iu'nirrf Uunuata'icfta vf OuppiS, oontalnlngtbenportot that Impot^t event We ahaU strive' toflTf ^qpj^Iy.e^borate the oomtogseVto. if)^ f^lp- ^"Mm^ '1 Tbwtron..letnews agenta prepm themadveh andBUathelroaloiaBUoiufoi'a'Urg'e^adeitf to'e'OLi^|j&, 00] 1. anOiftsaitiff m jfto,»Un di4 ani.y gjtQilfp'jiji^^t ;(!( .( .■;!•"■'.;• 1 ' ■■j. . ■•-. ' . r-- ^-rr---.- i.- ; OBXAIBSUI. ills CSEVOIi PkttEST'TO A Bowiti' PihAuif.. - We wen. reoantlyshown a very handaAmoly palhtM iS'd var- "lehed Indian club, totended- f«»'l'ohii'O'i UiJo-' Bf. «W*f)(rt»t;fwPian of Bagte Eoae Oo.,sf Buffalo..; It Isla ) B^!aBQ^f^jff,.imaul»otiu»i by a, D.Kebo»i taa«rlgln4i ?i*y24l?^l'rS*^''f''5'!.' <">thelowetpartof,thBolub s ^tMMl/W ««»«;.«». Hose, spcUkon tub whMM and,)dongilde ,tti.<i "mubeen'.' stands.the popular yon& 2Hr*R?feL'?l*-^* tnunpe* under, bis arm. imptryaaniiZ <mttmt6v4*afWfnln la splendid, and Itaaana tt^flntt^ pl(m clw^ftnu^ «u young Booheatot frlandi Jit, ir la pnpltiauf on;ihe.«$i«a- turn dol'oi every man and iivnca DAT lath* aloD.lhenrls nsaallyaveryg«nenltutnoa^oL . boy to the metropolis who ean handle a ball or wleld^ bat fUn. every avaUabia space of gionnd, on thla hour comae i«(ndiaint,l|l'OMnpladvrttb..parUe^ idtat totoV^Nfa-apagamadf baat^tllaiMbL.. ... time of It bafon dinner. Parllas for a match an made np who aever tonoh 1 ball at any other time, and gamea an played be- tween.canlealauto whcaa oecnpittons only«dmltof tneir enjoy medt of ball play on such holiday oocaalona as Thanksgiving and rooHh.of Jnly.-.- The paataeaaon, on the whole, haa been very successfgj^d. undartba'atrounistanMswe jnay'say'qnlfea'bTOUanl-'one:' At any rate, the Slucesa attendant upon the progreu of bise bdl doling the pistlhne seasons of the exlslence of olvUwar, nbt only aiforda evidence ef the great popularity of the game, but atao of lis oompleto establishment aa a permanent American In- aUtaUon.'' Onr s(ddlan play ball on all lelsun oooaslons. Just aa the Eogllah^oUlen paraolpste to their national game ot orioket. Bvery regiment In the army almoat haa Ito ball dub, and aome flnt olaaa gamea have been played In several of the Bonthenr States during the past two yean. The season of 1863 waa marked by tbe visit of'Several clubs from looallUes outside of tho mf- tnpolls. Tbe Athletlos, ot Fhlladelpbia, opened the season By paying us a friendly visit, glvtog us a week'a brilliant play m ooDsequenca. The Hudson Blver Olnb, ot Mewburgh, foUoired. salt toOi and learned.several valaible lessons from the expa- rtaa«e't)iey noelved: and It Isbntafewweeka alnce the Obt- lege Ba>s, firom the Prihceton College, aitonlabed the BiooUy^-' Itaswltn .'a display of ddlltbatbas notl>een surpassed by any club tittalde the metnpoUs, and by bat few to the city. TheM tevaial.vldts bave not only tended to promote that social/ana hntbariy tedtog that ehoald exist thnngbout tbewhids ball ilaylngoommunlly of ibe oonstiy, bnt also to toontsttne wd- hn of the game, and promote Its general popularity. We trust tbit.nait seaaonthe dubs from the wastom part of onrStat^, and'.thbae from Beaton will payuaavlaltto addition to tbe (ddbi which have done ao this season. The series of obamplM- sbliTgamea tesnllad thla season In the trinmpbant sueeeas ot tbe Olnb. who can pride themadvee on aoblevtog a success aever befon equalled by any dab to tbe country, vu., that ^f Wtoatoir avary match, bo^ flnt and aeooud ntoe games, that tiwy. wan angtged to. Considering that they played against the Bt n la g'a sl 'elnEa to the country. It la an aobtevement toey have a Jnstngbt '.tp bi proud ot The Eokfords, by the way, played l|i ten.flm^, soortog a total ot 317runs, to80on the Sitt oftlialrotponento. play tog gamea with the Atlantic, Uutaal. nlon. a*^Tr™s Hudaou 'Blver. and Beaolnte dubs; the high- est soon mads .against them, to a alogle Inntofs, betogby the latter Atnbk and the Ughest to the match by the newbnrgh olnb. NsJitatoseatte gnBtoontast tor the championship wlfllay b^ twaan^th'a UfanSD of Brooklyn, Unlual ot New Tork, and Eureka of.'I(tvw3[l'.th».two former wlU eapeolally make strenuous exe^ tBteto'tokirQie lead, and an exolUng time may be folly expect- ed^bn l^;QiloaaIan'of the matdiea between them, but both alula liari'detimdited that no auch oatalde toterfeienoe and dlstacb- 'ssMM/aB-.^JitaRed'thelr games this year ahall be permitted to dl^ InAthabanabny of their gamea next season. ! . tXh'f 'next bvent of Importanoe to the ball playtog fntornlty Is .tts aasMbblage of the delegates to the ngnlar annual conven- JltiNi'Athe NaUonalAasodatlon cf Base BallPlayen. Thla meet- tog takes place at OUnton Han, Astor Place, New Toik, on the e^entos of theaecond Wedneedq In December, and It Is expect- ed that folly one hundred dubs will be npresented on the ooos- alon. Ddegales from the dubs ot Phlladdphla, Balttmore, Waahtogtbn, Altoona. BnfCelo, Boobeater, Utlca, Byraonse, At bany.TTOy, Boston, Lowell, Providence, Trenton, Prtoceten, &a, 50., have promised to put to an appearance on thla totanst- Ina oocaslon. to order to get thoroughly seqnatoted with the new rules that an to be totroduced at tote convention.. In ngard to tUa subject we have to say that objeotlbnable aa It Is to change tharnllaB)aftBb,ltla 'nevertbeIesa neeesaary that the game be made', aa >perfeot aa proper supervision and JndldorUL.ohangea can make It, and It la well- therefore.- until tbey an made oompleta, that, every two or three seasons, sundry obangts be made to the rules, whenby the'experiencas o^ the past aeaaona' Elay can be made available to.Improvlngtbeaamec .tn><changeB avebeen made to the mlea alnoe 18fll,andatooetoenaevenl Important ebangta and Imprbvementa have been: ahoifti to be Impentlv^ necesaary to order'to.reaob that potot.ot excellence which abonldidiazacterize the game.. - . .i The Oommlttee on Boles and BeguIaUons have new under con- sideration a boat of soggaaUons to resard to the wording of thla and that mle. arid the totroduotlon or new ones, wblob.they win brtog to toe notice of the convention embodied to their regnlar report Tbe moat important Improvement suggested Is that of the totroduotlon. of wldeballa,aa to origket with avlaw to do awaywlth the wild pitching to vogue. 'Wbetliarthe/lilBn an» gested Is an aivallaUe oile ornot.wetraSt:.the'.'oonVADtlonwlll see to It that some plan Is adopted by whtdlt'the civil referred to canbeobvlited. The fly'game,too,to brought nptoradcpi- tlon, and en thla aeco\int then la likely to be qolte an "exolttog trial ot atrength between toe two partlea wt)0 advocate, and op- pose this style of game. Sacccsifu^ sA the past season Bss been, 'We have ^vsirreaaon to believe tUat the aaaaon ot IBM will be <lie mostDmll^toi sny known to UeDMat VBals of our tlonilgame. pntnp dtyof Im pntnp tween tba bo: fUrult DIOft BOLLYWOOD iSD lOBiniY KlATISa FOB leOO. "ATOHED Tbbb IttflatMBtama met al oiir oSoe da the Uih intt Ing to appototment and dnw tifaitUlMto -fltfht onihl.^^ January. IBM. at l()8lbB.,f«>i«0oraisldaJl *i£<^oUm '""X idoihiS??!'^ PEDES TBI A N i; S lyt. 100 TABDS Foos Haob miwaBM Tbohas AKD.ilaCUBa.—ne Orasge, N.f.; bslf-mUs tnck exhibited si. llvdy appearance on the 19to Inat,. fa between four and five bundnd say aporta ftom Newark and'dsewhere wen congreigated to intoeas toe great 100 yards spnrt between. John niomss, of Newark, and JamesHoC*be,ofOsnada,for$100a>lde. Tbe match waa made on toe St&'ef Nevtsmber. (made todnonble' by Old OUy f'awkaa' '~rtog to sand'the memben of the British Parllsinant klttog ith his gimpawder. plot, which will never be forgot) by William Oacker, tor Thomas, and UoOabefbrhlmselfiWltnassedby Qeo. Condlt and Ulbhael Oeany, otad toe variona deposlta duly pott- ed to our hands'. We arrivad at toe track about 8'P.U., by means ot steam aud hbVB»power, toeettog toe familiar ftcerot Jem Qlddtogs and Harry Hasktogs, from Brookljn; Pngb,' Thomas' trainer; Hat Oasaldy and Frank Prtolz. old opponents ot UoCabe : BUlClacker, of Newark : John Ortodell, the ten mile ohamplon; andotoera of'less hotoriWy.. The proprietor of tod track had toe aasnrtnce to aak $10 for toe nn oi It, but came down after mnob long aafferisg and talking, to a mon moderate figure, taking the apectetora IK- cente'each, except toose who scaled .toe' walls—by ftr toe greator majori^ adopttog thla metood. Owtog Utihe late dank weatoer,<aUhough dear overhead, toe traokhad to be raked over, and was toon sloggy and slippery. The betttog wasto fkver ot theNewazk man. at toe odds of two'.tO:one,'Wblelt.waa fre^ quently taken by UcCabe's friesds. John Grtodell was nnanl- moosly chosen referee, and a Jadge was appototed to start, and anototr to call back when toey didn't start even.. Boon sfter 8 o'dodk toe men doffed toelr flesh-bags. Ul but tight under-shlrl snd dnwais. and look a pnllmlnary canter. Tbonus,' who la 1 "^*5^.^.S?V*» Mjears of age. and'atahds 6 f t 16k toobei to- nelgat; no Is a,flue-made, atbletlo.yonng fellow,' wito a bounding,.springy, siotlon obartoteilBUp of speediiSo rarely to be f&atid to men of bis weight and atatun. He Thas fig* nred exIenslTeljr'ontoe raoa-tradk. wltoHavtoa, Kelly. Scboltze: eto.—his best race to 200 yarda. UoOsbe,WBbeUeve,lsaOanadl> an by birth, of about toe same sge, and some two tocbes shorter to stotoK; he haa only figurdd three ttmea atooe bis dilmt to toe Stotes, defeaUrlg Frank Printz to a 10O'~yards race,' iratt>Cassldy to a two mlto3iieat amd snffertog defettaomtoebtterlnuicther ot two miles. Aftor'toe ttsok had be«n deand, -as no other one man coold'hava dleared It by BUI Oladker, tos'ifien toed toi soratob, and. aflbr aodrtog eight or ten tlm4a, got off eVen In a splendid bant or speed, and from Onr «nd ot the Une,- toey look- ed to be side by side for the flist fortryatds; Vulhera'toe Jerk seyman began tooh by tooh to gato on the OanadlanMho'labored heavily, owtog to the sottoess cf toe ground, yet gamely strug- gled on, but was beaten at toe bdmeebratoh by about ton yards, Time of the'^n^—lOX seconds. The race wtt nobly icontestl ed. taktogtoto. oooslderatlan that UcOabe had- toe toalde tnokl when too grpnnd was the worst, and slipped at. dmovt ever stride, whereas toe Newark- man, by bis eprlghtly motion, go; over the conise much easier. That UoOabo'did blsibesttowto no cue wlD^galnsay, and with a bard, dry track, he. atlll thlnka that bis opponent cannot toke any Ubertlea wlto blm.' 01 tbi two men, Thomas' stylo Is far mon (he Ideal ot a runner toai UoOabe's, toe latter bavtog obad fashion of Loldloghls hesd lot' and snreadtog his arme too mnob, which, however, can easily b 1 remedied. „ After.tod race, Jimmy tried It agalnt and' seemod 11 go qnlckto than, baton. There Is some talk of getttog np anotoe' maioh between toem for a qntrlar of a mile. From tbe trto: toe horsea' beads ware turned for Joe Baldwto'a hotel, to Oentr i *'"'"i£i'i?''^^?^?^4''»^"''' ttesports toNewark,wher 1 we metThbmaal bther,.an old vetennwho dnn the mall coaol 1 whan Lafavette wasto Ainerlcsi andknew that patriot well, Johi 1 MoOormlok, and a house. fuU of sporttog men. Kr^.Oltcke ■ called on toe iWk and received toe slakes on behalf of Thomas. Afoibib Ua'^b, Uasb,— As'was anticipated,, Tbcgnas an< I MaOabo'ttide anbtoej mab*. to ran a qnaMerofl to»le for tW> aside, on (U« JaehtoS TncltX;,l, on'Tid>iday7iMffinAer 7tl, doubt bntthii the match ■will kttrtot oonsld/fmv '.attenttoi, ArUdee wfre Blgiejlop ^ho auttost. and tioirik A^t,deposlte I l-known genUeaun of 11,. too money. MfflTli?*' I Wdker'i'SSi'JJ'^ THE RING. reputaaon bt boto youngsten, a pretty UtUe mm'iTuu^?^ Mtween toue Tom-tlta of tha Prize Blng. Attached we^^ •^^S^^B^oSr'A^nsiijxiiT ^'(ered tiitoihis fsUi dav ar«.L_ ber, 1863, between Blcbard-HoUywood and John Ecttoiv^* said BIphardHoUnroofl agr^.to Qgbt toe aald-JehiKS'u.V'* fair stuilup fightaocfM&ig to toe Boles of the' Ui£?b3 * Btog, by which toe said Blbb£d Hollywood tad Jokn Kmu* hereby mutualiy'agted tol be'.bound. Slie^ttldfiiihlsliS^k^ place on Tueaday, January Uto, 18M. and shall b^ i„ai ™» ot Three Hundred Dollan a aide. In pnrautnce of tkiiT^.?' merit tu a dde annow doposUM'^ tho hahis of F^|vK!^ vrtioshim be final stakeholder.' The aiddfad deposit crMoYSS* Shan beuade at tbd'b'onsei of PatMdk'Hnrpby,^raet tfluSP bU'«tad Degniw itrdets, BilookUA. on Tk^y, toeuth^uS!: Novenbar. %iethlrdde^tdf f>Oaeldeat^yLbkn^%! Centre street on Tuesday, the 1st of December. Thtfimrtifj posit ot m a aide, at Phil .01We'B>'.«Ot OohimbU stiMl^^ lyn, on Tnesday. the 8to of December. The fifth depoSt ofui a side at Dennis Klrwan's, odriier of Pavonla Avenna uiii>_ vest iitnMit. Jonum tWtr. nW tVidfilav: <>m> 1 riW .>.'. iiT"' fO- The street sevento' _ _ _ Uontgomen street'JerMy'Oibr.'MrTo^lday, the'seli da^ oember. The saiddetmltokhsUni«iahd«< between ilieh^^.,. -- -^iMIWg <hsU'fortelttrf^^ _ » jataitnallyi^eeditowTiiS kstdepealtto be to the State ot Rfw York. TheTdiUuh take place toe day befon figbObg, at some place to bemobms; agreed niwir at tha last deposit an4:at)h/{r man exoeedltg los? toforfdtthe'mbnaydawn. The man i the bonis of I^A. M. and ) P.;M ..ntf , bybotopartiM., theavent.ofmagUterlal iateifeinnL thaparttea aball meet at the office dt.toe stakehdder ov ihtS. lowing day, orBu'cb other'inay be agreed upoa onthtltaS dayofflgbttog.. ShattheexpenMaoftharopessndstaknibiD be borne mtitnallr abanand,Shan^e. iTM StaksanottoKi given up, nnleaa bymiutnal' oonaant untU fairly won or kitbi a flgbt JOBKHT KKlTns. Wltoeaa:— Teos. Kumto. BiOHABi>.EcLi.nraaB ■■ •• DumiSKlBWlH. • ' NxDWiLSON'BTEAnsarviKcrFsmviii.—ThebcidWeebtiba QamaCock bas.bad'.tob'gpodtortnnbtQseoantoe StajvmS Inrtlfata; No. B89 Broad wbtl. near Bleeker atreeL tar Tti7«wS r tognlgbt,Nov:^b;'when%«^wai;iiodoubt be aiTltomme attendance dt h'eUday--keepeU, ccmprlaedof many vfioufinaiiw toey can't get Into toe toeafrM' or tolaatre) halla, wlU ^tnusl spwrtogSexhibltldn for toe flnt time. The regoltr "btVlues," thereton, must go esriy to enJoy toe ton. Bee Ccbun snd Ut gallant Crow, Izzy Ltzams and toe gentle Boberto Smllhli, Phfl Clan and bis nepberrYoungBeTilnla,'rlaXJrem andtofrHenia hero Billy HoOrato, BUly DenneUy aid Hike Oobuht, tarelkn wlto many otoen. Wilson toe Brtva is to wtodmFWItoafileaa, ToveeflllstbeJLA'sblp, which Is proof that'.iCsre'wlIlbe it lickofsporti Zh« tldketoanflnd«: toe unUwm latlbof Ifli oentoeaoh. . . .-ii- .- . ■ '.'">.. , ^ '.forATovB'saixATNiaBT'mBBbbiLm—'ni|B(T«eiday,Ker, Slto) eventog, toe I^tosr of Boxtog Is to bana-retl Uvabaitil at New Temperance Hall, Fulten and Ptoeapple atreelL when we only want a fine night to make It toe blggeit exhlbUoi the old gentleman avet had. By.(hs'!6111i^''wkSM'11iit thm glovefightean to' be ocntetted^betwednEdmrbwaiyand Bflb Dwyer, Biny Donneny and Hike Nnnan, andttw^ethsni'logtite wlto toe aaalatanoe of Phil Olan, Jem Olddtoga/Jbal l>uiis,)ia Hnnter. Ultoge Cortellv Jerry Conklln, etavetai-TwoidfTfrantt page an to nan a round or two, and .toa'wilclaeiiitaHalinel will termtoato wlto a tremendous boxtogmateh Is'twktB/id Wllllans (tostaad ot Olark) and toe etargieeaMIiale .Vfilta Tovee, whlcb la anre to be boto exdttog and amualng, A qjoh tor and fiity cento an toe ohaiges, and toe boxtog ocmmenoeiit 8P.M..' Fbiobkd bdc— Onr pungent btot to the man caBedlkeBitit IS elicited a nply uom lhe party most-lntarested, to sll^ Oeo. Baknr. who ohallsnited Oon. Orem-^-that'a the muna- goeed ttthan been Iks. 'We presume be U a brothtr ofluioty utforAradentlaintatnts hs didn't wish to bavethlstoon. OecigeBa now located at Hr. Well'a,. Pedestrian lavaii,iriit Troy, aid toanxlonato fight any man in Amerloa next ipitaf at lU IV.. for Uoo a aide. It Is ourrently reported IhitaMttS big'ui^ndenUy Imported, to now keeptog shady.reidysttte proper to^.'/abow canie'Vand flgbt aome one of oarUg men h* Asi opened* It named Mlow )u thing for. QimHQ I to be taken etoi JanntUy DiOE Hoi road, " In 32d,weB R. oracle ters to'en, go to a hell BFOBzrno HoDEi Dt Baoonn.—Ed. Lowerrku '■-mon toe oorner otPrdspeot and PtsrI stieets. It ip .Gryatsl, sod' ttom toe .popalari^ ot the yoou d bonlftoe, we eapieet it will ton cstageM i.<^BBrTy Latfiiiy has 'got so fkr cai of diigir sgato. Wa-ba*e 'rten a photograph of But 10 aflQyj l)9.I|>okil..|dn«Shat hagnrd, botli igadgar.' ■ - OOD10 TRAm AT Habx UAQolki's.—VhIb onl 00 Ibi oacKand four hgnes drawn by a any nare,'.' ea Ite id at toe Cky.iiaa Hotel, and tb^learoel trork Ite P. lic^ Hollywood wonid very;Im<y taiks DP hit qai- Ireln for hto fitht wlto J^hnay Keating. Eemiilrt irPlace..!''.' ■■ ^ ' .' ■. EroanBSiii^nBLi),iqa Mroroue soimoa"—ItlsaDliUa Dollon to tolnk. toat a sporting man lsii!t as good a mai for Om- nor asauy VtHer man,-ifbIoh will no doubt be proved la Ihsnmlii electloa. iunong otbitn rannlog for oflloe an Billy Watob for AMa- man, FranK Speight for Juitlce ef: Police, Dave FllzgenM for Ggas- eiloiao, Nlqk Jadge tdr I'ollce JusUoe, and Nsd.QmnIn for.t (ta- olQgrtolp. 'Iqdattca.^oglUaffl and.toe drama are allrtpretailelb IhcBofouriJamts., .Ouxoas ma BiuDQVABnaa.-<lIlke Smilb,' " one of tie 'boja Ota ttis cut Bide," (dr a losg llDe-employed In toe Navy .ITardiMlliH- Ualone, unfw tbe UoOormack regime, has left lown for Port Rtpl, to look aftor toe ssnllary:oondlilon of toe " s(||er fellen," Mc. DBmooiqnED Uiurtor Abbival— Lieut.'Col. Hanynorciani la the city last week, aud toi cred us with a call. Dorleg bla ap» rioace of too war be has made tfie acqaalntanco of all ibegrttlaa ot too day. for a year and a halt Barry was Chief of fdlM Is M Orl«BDa,.nn(ur Oaneral Batl^. and bccameM popular tint ue * dies ot (he Cresoeat Qly prerentcd blm wilb abeaalini «ala ui chain. Ha mformfios that Nelson—net the ooe-armcd beroo w ftlgar, but Jimtiithe: boxer—has rstlned hlB " ocnmUB-"J* Tkylor to won and hearty., iHarry. met John Woods on tereruota- sloDS, bat (h^aa^flS'Boy looks ,wan and haggard. Tto UtsL ^ left for BostoOL on the:18to Inst; 1 ; .:.,. :.': ; . .. ' t "EocEnouoM"—The Utin qootellon headiog Ned ITIIionlMa has created as'.muoh tolk as (hd horse-catlDg baelocsi-eTenNq wasto to know'wbat-l( moans. Wilton- has nhertifora pn>>'7,w explain all about'It at bto bensfllon Tbanktglvtog al|l>l|tii" Stoyvestntloatltote. ..^ , 'ij .<;>'-.>; < KiBBvEiumXiiWoaABAoixR—On Thartilay, Noren^^ Thanksgiving dIgBl.'Hanry Hill; of toe Ednslon ttrcetCiD^waBb will go tbrcugb ttid.lndlan4lnbixdrdlw; at ihdSKiyrosui) Iiiiunn with 0 pair of Eehdk>s 80 lb. dab*, showing all tho votlciiliai^ on a scIonUOo principle. .TO thoae who have haadlod toMO cim too weight, 80 lbs. eahh, will sesm ralhcr Bleep, but b? OSes toe 20 poandars,H won't Be much of s task to bin. J'|'<Tl elon to Ned Wilson's liBBeOt, and; Harry has given ut bB'«n°; ilnniv IhA hlllB war* nrlDled. WOw " help tho Weebawken occoaatforltonon. FrBD FAlCLAKD'e EVl man aud onedt' (he old chased tbe hotel on the elDoe the blUa were printed, wW ■e there.' iH-iJohn Makewon.a popltr j ihln'gion Karket Boes BoioIbm.'WP nf BMi'dway Sod 6tto e(re«l,.iu") '! IJ (:.' > toonrhandsj,' A.apinTrDiBloB-8roB* Ab£ad.-A oorresponaest'iends ni the following aoconnt of a. eaplUl llUIe rtoe whiobhai lakeh ptooo "out his way," with a^ropoial made and accepted for k fint-otaas sporttog eyent bom a qd»rter-'<fb»adil WdSHot otto: i hear. Thenote'.to verrwelodoit«.'-'B»ays:->; <" ''<>i'' ' "' iKiulsvUleiiKy., November.l4lB,1808, Bonos OuppiD —i?«Xf «rviJA fodt rsoe cameoffhere to^ti, of onerhdudr^ yard*, fqr »H a atde; betwton an Unlindwn and Mf,^aroito..of toit oltyi .Ihcnce Idok ptooe about-one mllt from toe oltT. the betttog betogaU'to ttvordf (hb UnAown, at MmnehttElooto.»J0freelyoffeted/'wltobutf«#ttke>k, TbiS got off with a fair start at Jb*U.Batt 8 o'doch, keoptogsldaby side for toe flnt seventy y^idr, when toe Unknown took tok lead and'okme toi Tttonsr, byigfltetj'lb Uj^teeft ; AMFthe no( vaaovan.asentUmanofi sporUng'ffuei advaidoadto'toe bael£ enof toe Dnbdom and offeredto'toakeamatohi'fttftl.OOO^ I ?i' dat*- aatnkdar, Tflof. im, The ohtUaag* -iris; aeMplia oti tba i^t abdi|w a aldb \^-,.\\ii< iiiv.-ii-I . 1 ■ '..'... ..','i|.v r .'■/'"''1' -"I-•' J >;i:i);.'!'.'. .': i ''.'. ' ■.' ■ .' or moiuway iDu o,ui—-T-F,^ i occupied byFrtdFBlWand7%Bd'Iad U'tOflxod to Bplondld.Yle#bf toe CeBtiirjhrk':to iflbrded from «'»'**!uij which to lilerally swarmed on every fine tfUnooii. Joonwiu donbt do well lu bto now enterjrliT TnaC fewdk Iranspimu, oai.iomv B»7 wsi iio'e'Bii«r\ a '"'e"*'"''.''.7Ai,Mre The sladiator aad'Uooto Abe baTtmadbUp friends, and tftw ipeaklngleTtos.''!:"■■•'■ ■ '' ";••''"• •"•'. ".' .•' Oioiioa ■auaii'tiiisMa'Mw^o.ii^^ Wckt puglllB^.to, now damiclied.'dndd/to«: NM''>',¥r'^*iriiird3*» nSertrNsIl Fkctbry, Troi', giving' KbiOnS inlhd Oeorge also attends gentlemen at toelr own pitcea oT 100110. forOeorgol , minilO' A Foiniv Rawf-AJ.'l^. Il.'1'Bonds ns 'aB teooant oft ipui Drove YardyWegf PHItaddlpbia.^bolwedn Jobbny ™"?iSgrei» Ddua1tasp»blehlutedbd't IWd rddndt j'the nime?tW<«l VjJS,^ "flaD«redpuni«;PFMdDoug'atS'bdll!i)r*ncr'*wbatK«f^ to the disgust of the lookeri-oll ln'thdIJrove Yard. ■H^^JSiJi-JOi'iiJ^r.iil^ iI'Aa .... -ih,K'l>:i . na iDlugCItXrlL ratkllii DtllTa' liriy cf toe varminto were croaVad invoryiair --jigi,. . entered and kiiieU toelr rala,lh'nillovlng order: "."Jif « Hi rato in 1 min. 17 m? 2d, Old 48 i. : tS}y>':}1\ i,C?AM^ mm, 12sec.; ^lh^^ InaiMV'eihiS InMsed.' 7lh. (a "|Jy,'5dir er) 8ln 1:82; The|lrdpftoldrof tblseilmib wiltWhB viHiJ";^^ buying rato, as to'^'baWn'tgdi * prefcsslooalht .qatww.w A Match at BniiABirfi, iodp-Vbltts nip. 'fji'jjJ^^Btoi, o»Ji: sou-ton., Mtween DlddD uomu anB """^ "iiii bIooc":: contest WM very dose, snd on toe lut "^^'^^a^ potote and Honia 90t. the totiw to olay, ""■Jr^ShBt* teotandtbnswon. ra*'^t4elMl«S.0ho«nian4».«»" ->-.'J Jc.-. .t'fVJ-'.'I.' .'. ■ ''■".^'■■-''..',' ■". ,, , . ;