New York Clipper (Nov 1863)

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L'l SI. '-X. lu. 0>. W Y 0^fB^ :<^^ IP P B la; 250 ft" Hot 2mllr S. Vif- iroin)AT,.HOT. M, 1M3. '^j'i^& aoaMtolIed foi htolEidnMa to ya pooplaof jITiSST?tfww their plons «tiprool»«on of the mtny favors iDsnd tbelr treafuea with alooieliaild and an open '>'V^kitmv]met the drama they did mnoh frequent, and '••^'^iMM did Ihey.beitow upon ye poor player* who ware ?lSf S fflwe tJiWi Pi»y«" dj4 iwJt]ook with fkypr J?iiSi»bll««end ye Shoddjltoe.knowlr- ^wBiehabllaa—, , - . ^ ^^^^ '?SCi^ndiDnu!ell», and to play before whom waa Ifke throwing l«^S:'^Sbefoie ye weU-fedand dlityn^e. W«t«^ knowing them to be mere reailB before ye weU-fedand dlityawlne, oolet and gedlal managers did fratemlie fiuhablle. for had It not been said that t lI«Te>. with ye ^. Halt, who ha».)^»j».v^y#^8^fl29ft^^^^^ H^ODi, If How in Ite^otty-Zmlnfomavt that thebrolhen are nMta nmdODi ittar.a'ahoft Mdtv to Taitf, AnQ that he upedtt foMfttbamlnHew.Zoik'byOhrlatdlaa.' f.:it i i .ii. ^ "vUlfok'f iratn't "otpwded to thb' ostUiig" aamvch last week;-, kttirlbalable. It U' sappoted, to bad Iraathsr and a too mnohneaa.' iftbeaamafirOi'i''I ■ "■.'>,■:■ • ■ i ^ t Uonday.erenlng, Noy. 339, Ur, a«d Mn. Barney'ViU _wUln*^4 thelr.roUra—weMbw that's the word—beforel e'w 7b Aavdienqa, Iheyare .popular, and alMya attiaofl sonatMihedharaotte. ln'nunyrcBpebts, and flndy at he i«ad ths put, tke nraal etagi mannerlims pnralled to k greater ei- tantihin'hla preyloOs efforts hadlad ni to eipeoi lUoJttlto- ?iether,'ln'oompatUoi) <\»ltfa:''other repreaebtatloaa ir4 ha'fe seen he past two'seasons, Ur.Harrlsbn'sOlaailabompaiUr tSiTtorably with the bigst that has beon presented. lUsa Irrlog wis' not at ffioo)! at home In the oharacler of Fanllno is her abfllly led m to' aipoot; bnt donbtloss ulth dUTerent aurronndlnga she trbold ap- pear to greater adyantage. Bythe-way,a "leading old lady" . .. . . , wonld be an advantageous aoqalslUon to this company, and larfea addlan'oet. 'During the uigagement they are hoife'ntarlna mora oare In rehearsing those standard pUyg would not detrttot ipon;therlnlendtoproduossjinmbwofnoveU16(iiifanattt%^ the merit of tholr performances, Of-the others. It Is Ht^ aik'd'tno^oK'aracter, Their'opening bill coffl^rlsos'!Xos icatodr necessary to sptak beyond stating that as a general munloatlon waa again'nnmsd, Thallo«BMwM •uit in eno;.and au thwwi waSSw£^2i?^!^ThS^S5* aaad on SnndaTeTenlnB.the loth iSrt,theUdiXMSi^ of her father-thonte ab«nt haM.pul^BhLiiS^ISSJKf ?** lover, who had made the needMir^riauSSf!;! JSiS?;!, Ji? Off they ttarted to Onndas, wh«re-l£™S wm. m^K^Xr**^ then iter want on to Wait ^■^^ y^ A^'^^^tSS^ Whether Ibeylntonded to return to £Llton!iSdtott.^S!i approved and orthodox style kneel dowi bifS™ a?"^"** 2nd le Bachablle, for had It not been said that there was them? BojomanagenjUdUU^yefattadcalf,and " '"USift - ' • - -j- jjfj Iifl Baohabltaa w«8 muairflatlered,juid did • sayman. afli^^Jl ye cth'w fat<«l oalrea to their tkbemac'les, and did Unit tnsD ols* aaUniI4>tmnoh merit: and n ahnA. SSlia Baohal... """.-..J <i.iiui« aboat-yemoialdrama, anddldpuTcfai asBUny S'tS^MmiiiBontothatemples^thattheir friendsmlgfarau' •J'SX^pUTaia Trdl bettfwed^'without money and wltboat HiX Ud t*drama Nourishes and grows apaos In ffifoSiniltT o' Oothtm, yea^Bven to ya very gatei of .ye;pn>.. IS,dilS>»n» dots ye fonnof taMUttofl.psrn'glad-.tldlngs.Df ^jli^ifligled with tho)uaBds,of je.fllmslo^ wMoh y»?rnt ^ Btgnu.iwJ greenbaoks.; T»ipdAtM|S*bIeaa< jitntloniiily ELAierdlMi ply I>1> <*U'>B T^Oi ipuoh #ia«irltyi SDd-JiIs t^ban-. I^^fsike unto him ,muab. blinds, of .ye free llstuw^obryo ■ad. SahM i^*'' oommandto play befbre ulvi aiWathtoBton, •Z not at their peril, at ye base Jndlotal lanmmmift lod wiathfally expresses lb Thus endeth ye tnt !!vlSoine'leaion ot ye day, whloh may serve to .point ■ moral !^3fiil6n'atale,If ye dlsorimJnatlng reader«a)i.aeelt..'.,'...In on' Bterloiii eplstls, easntl mepUon waa made- of .4ha •tret ■ u^'^^iiuh'lnqtltnllon haa. been mwh abused of lateyearst to She (red detriment of sundry places of . publlo retort Plaoes «n "cnrsdsd to the oeQlng," but there was no money In Ihsm, mriii toths'fteelliteis ImIdi Inthe.majorl^, and most all of Oiafe raw lecralls actually ca(llpa themselves "membenofthe -jfU "to themBnlfest dlagnst.oitheleglllmato membeis of tha ueaa gahg, who generally, pn;. Ihehr way, and aak no favors. Souls Of the managtrs ue now t^glnnlng to elft the ohaff from ths.wheat, and Bcatter-uoiformer (o^e four winds, whatever Uulmayoiean; .toall'iitwDloliwecrT "amep,'.',aild "ameni" • iphAAnfin vma *'hnri" ' ..TMoptfjkjiMt "hurt" ^t jEaek,.!'OWlng totha Inolemency of the weather," and vthe high piloe ofprdvlslons;" Init the at- lagl^eiwu'not tery meign, Be^^'tt^mr Baohablto friends piitJn'fone,andtnrql|w.lnthaureserved seatawlth 1 /uioe,"' UKto itiMt latta^'w Jake Herbert, as vre ]! hUn.' .•uMS'W • reared IiftchenMllBg.on his monsy - • ■ bn*-Ve ltjthe,aUfti«dest to .thl«:hll great fmie, he Is . 7'the goods aid chattels B6 now possesses; he htolng oalonlator" of the lint order, and could "auff tp"tSe}ilce of apiece of beef with furlona rapidity, and gener- il^IitdUie credit of aelllng cheap, 'We remember, "onoe upon I timer of being prestntwhen a ladycalled at Jake's stand to piuthue a piece of corned beef, as she had promised her board- en eomed beet and bsbbagt for tbelr Bonday dinner. Running bra fonflnger deep Intoihe recesses of ajuloy pleoa, aald she: "ffhat's that a pound}" "Ten centr," quoth Jake. "Too ooeh," wu the lady's r«]olndor. "Well, I'll weigh It, and b4.( what I can do for you." Ths eomisd beef was weighed, and Jikt, lousing It Into the lady's btsket^'^ild—"tan pounds; ten tan^ a hundred and ten, take It for'a dollar;" and she did, tUsUig, according (o Jake's mode Of doing "Agger work," that, ihewts getting a DUgaln. Jak6 made a great deal of money on bis "ten tens a hundred and ten principle," and la now a tegular patocu ot the opera, and the Kew Tobe Old^ IZB-' Edwhi Foireat wound up his engagement at Xlblo'i, on the 20th, We tried to purchase two Vstalls" onthe moralng of that dav, but were Infbrmed that all such seats had been sold at an early hour pn the previous day ;so we. Including our 'tender Duldnea, had to "rcngh It" among ye gods of the diolee, The house was "Jammed 'with people^" and the play wuOa.r<'CJumS|^^u'vao|]]jH^ U,nAt. /yqoUL .!u«'aDWsUthemme;fB<F«^ Inl&cid VT^Se' Ihem a apcech, after-ne has iMen chosen as consul He's down on the people, and treats the "voices" of the people with con. tempt.. At the dote of the play, the voices of the people In front called upon Edwin for a apeech, but we really bdfeve he atin feUUmselftobeOotloUnus,for It was acme time before he re- apoaded to the call, and then moved olf without saying • word, nie"voloea" agaln'called ubcn blm, and he ahowed, •'Speech I ap«ohl.apeech7"ahput«d(he.volc«a In the circles: "speech I" TDclATated the genUemen up stain; "apeech I" sofUy cried tho possesaon of the stalls. The united "volcet" fetched blm; he ■jKile words but few, and those In tones subdued; "londerl" ahoited the gentlemen up stain; and tho tragedian raised his voles. He thanked the ladles and gentlemen fqr their patron- we, etc., and said tbat-whenhe ahould next have the pleasnre 7 'JSi?^?!;* *«°^ "Tlmon of Athena" would be pro- di^lhUieumeaiilendld style vrhloh had marked the pro- "Co.n-ola.nas!" and then he withdrew, and the '^^J JB'U o'heert....T.The pUe of Bntph dirt la stlU to be.aeen to tNnt of the new German 2!?^[l?,£!'. '"v'^v toBBtruotlon In the Bowery, ye jOy wntractor, who tlrnw ssnd In the eyes of: ye worthy ^maB^manager, "gettlBg out . ot the dlit," In aome mj: M TO a onto trick, and shows that they don't have oil the SJr.^Jlr!^" J"*" *" Washington......We Trill now com- affecting Ultls poem. In vene. about JlJmortooibUoirVe wUl wil& It htoTt style which hat JSviSi??^ alnee the day when Koah'a ark oame to anchor oujunmtAaratal. And this shall be the "burden of onr song:" Gome an my galllant pardenen. Gome listen to my song— 'lu otaBowery boctblaokboy— we won't detain yon long. Els blackenlh'coat him pmnlat'four, Bit bruihet, ahllUngs two, A carpentter did niake his box— ■- -He owee him font, yet ■HepatroalsedtheBowerypIt, .. And eke the pat nut stand,. . And^aplash-edmnd on people's shoes V ^''^'"'■>'<^tfi**tobIean'em; > A brigadier waa patatng by, , Bit b9oii with Inttre thone: Oar hoot bla^ friend ot fourteiNi yean, . Did mark him all for hls'n. At Bayard street there ohanoed to dwell, , A gutter filled with mud- And onward did the soldier stride,. .Without no tear nor'fkvor. The guahlng bootblack thought him how , To makbthe soldtensUp; ' •. "HoT ho I h«t hAlini* hearty." nepltced the peel upon (he gnnnd— - '• Thewtrrick(Witbode, .' He fell,'at many a iddler felL . ■. „^''»UowedlntheguH«f.'. ■ - . and apled'thi venemont boy, -At yoa.may oft heard tellt , , Int'teldler oaoght him by th'eneok, 'i ■" ■"■-;***«»P«lhiin"o'Tir the nose. He dled4-4hls ftagUe boot buck l)oy— - . Sp** of itrtft';' ' " ' - ..--'AMotlnptothwbrlWdlsW'-'-' ■! , .Bsitnftltedhlseditaaos, ■''■ all ]e pardensnUidlstiett, Wliat wania to plarsonr prankt ndfilShllkVfblki,' , Onbrlgtdlenani ] ^'Bsbantuthowybudo'lti ' Vor« aomethlng there la which ihapea'our ends,'' ireotu'tteUwhatltlt^ . •• Bat take warning by-the boot blaok't fst^ .' ' •' . .-•LUMwlse.thQbrigadier. . •; .. ; .. ■ - .: InS^^'*''^^^*^ °'tUst Wooi'i; tftnstrels bring but a &S^J^^P^^>>rmk week,kiaVthSew/hlt'Cfun rtdWiriywi^''''' 2».'>?l.P05»enl to hawjflur tatloBs o< hash Wo^jlJA'^Si boie^'Frto irotrer. who 18 fat «>«ffita MiWtmijtlYe OamlUe, with it^ffl^": ^.bUo yo wiry and iltedttatei olurley Fox Is to robust loyerjSfla'ufl, . fleo.what.a WtfhrS!**"^'' >' torfonf V* vlTrUy b«leve. If It ^i&^^i?!'^^. Tl't-hls OablnBtiroininay, ■■ ' ■■ " u«1£^*lO<"°'°°*i>'1 thoso two o6m«dlani'to ( loSKn O'Jltili'tnd It would bo trroflUbU j ,t A\)rabam Ivoa perform' [Otothenesr'.iF«lal(l l^S; JSMtwli will give a BwKnee, or day "•»»gt«ag, mi lnat"»Bd alio onlatwday, ^l^oriBanoA, en Va^ Circle," "Onstons of the Country," and "Pst's muuders." AaltlsoiHoF.theonstomaof tho country to see the WllUanisea pe^ns,'th«re wUl t>e no blunden committed If our friend^ drop In tt Nlblo'a this week. ibodt the "biggeat ram in tho pen" Juat now. Is Henry Wart Beecher, -Ton are aware that Henry has been to the lion's dsn, whldh is £ogland, TCd know, also, that he made apeeohea-'and a great foaa there^ and sassed the Britlshen In hb own quiet and peculiar way. Well, he Is all here now, "after his retuin fr^ Europe," and draws bigger "audiences, and gets better pilpet than any other actor on the ttage. Last week, he ap-. peered at the Brooklyn Academy, for one time only, and crowd- ed the house at two doUan a pop.' This week,- on the 2ith, he shows at our Academy, the price of tloketo being fixed at thru dottari etchi which knocks the Italian opera scale all to smIUiar. eons. Henry will toll us what he did In Eogland, and what ho didn't'; what they did to Aim, and what they would ilka to have did; how the Thunderer got mad, and thought to laah the Brook- Ijj^ man, which It didn't, though; of these things, "all of which' he was, and part of whloh he aaw;" he wQl discourse to his de- luded brethren at the Academy. To the credit ot Mr, Beecher let it be recorded that the proMads of his "talks at ths people' arei devoted to the fOndsofthe U.S. Sanitary Ooumlselan. The Academy and tha people will bf .well stulbd on the Sith'. . . ; Bank Uudge hLanother big card. Dan' Bryant ahowl 'hlffl ' evoy nl^l'^TmBrSfiMy; Ad^iebiihJmtB 'as _ . _ .. _ arireetthe_. fulgent Hnoge wen never dreatfed'en^ln'tburphllosopby. 'Wi .^fi't know which haa tha bestL.attractlon, the Academy with 'E[enry Ward, or UechanldS Ban with Daniel S. ' Qo and aee 'em both, "and thereby gain great fame."'. aIke notice. All ye people who bayie cares knd la'rge tkmOlet, therefore iubJecttothebluea/ttkeallttlablU)f ouraeem- Ugly disinterested advice, and go tee Ura, John Wood as Henrt dSI«gadare,lB::"The,UoRo." DjtctlidlroUaWelailditer.Kd^tU. evoke, dispels the blues, and IsavM the patient In a nappy frame of mind, and fit to face;a frownlng' boardlng <hb{lse keeper to whpm you-owe two weieks board. 'Just you try It, We know what It Is, and can safaly.fecommend • dose of Ibi. Wood to sut- ferlDg humanity. Bhe'g Val) there" pv«ry night, at the Olymplo. ' '"Beato there a hearten earth slnaere t" Inquires the J Uted and tndubltabla poet.. We answer, "there beata." Sear, friends, you might think we meant to philosophise npon the Immutabll- lyotaUthlngs here below, and girls. In. pBrt(oalar; but we have no such Intention. -We only wish to say UUt-sybu^ouId apend an eventog pleasantly an|l pipfitably, andaf.lneiderato coat, call at Manager Butler's American Theatre, .4^ Broadway, where the new prize drama of the "M<mntiln 0utlsw"1j being played, and when Charley'Whlto, Tony FaBtor,>Bbb Hart, and other "hale fellows well met" wlU-iBeet-}tm--wlth-smlles,~t]id songs, tod Jocular Jokea. There's' to be a matinee .ht the American .on Thanksgiving day. ' We're not much ot a hand a^pollttct/.bnt in regard to the ap- proaching election for Muor, we ahonld advise onr friends to cast their united yctos for Blunt, Boole,. Qunther, and any othtr man who may be ahoved forward during the canvaa, 'Veto the whole ticket, and thus secure the dectlon of "good and honeet men,*; .^mlons to the.alecttonVho'w8ver,'«lalttheold Bowi Theatte;,a&ateethedag ttan Tiafayatte end Wonder, In an appeannce thla ireelL tn the /'Forest ot Boadn9:<-Fanny Herring continues hcB takuig patfOrmanoet><asd 'the monsger Mr.a.]:,.Foic,alaoa^iph)ito8to tha.lntotestof the enterSln- msntt. look out fcrihanksglvlng—day and night They've got dogs at the Hew Bowery, too; their names being Carlo and Bmki, and they appear this evening, under the dire? tlcn of Mr, Edwin Blanobtrd, In the "Felon's Death." We were Juat thinking what a crowd could be drawn to both thealiea to see a good dog fight, now tha( the managen have got the stock. A farodous canine contest In the street atways attracts crowds of toterested men, women, children, and other dogs; therefore, to a lees pnbllo place, auch an encoimtor would fill the house "from plttoSone." Let's try It , Maretzek'a opentlves abdicate the Aoademythla week, and Anschntz and his Oerman troupe take hold on theimh. "The Uountaln Outlaw, or the Wreck of a Life," by John F. Poole, has made one of the greatest hlta ottlie season at "M4 " where It has been well placed upon the stage by Hons. La Thome. Bob Hart the well knovm negro performer of "M," who was taken to Havana by the steamer Eagle on the 3d Inst, by acci- dent arrived homeby the same steamer on the 18th. Bob had a very pleasant time ot It on the outward and. homSward Ixiund pasiage, as he had his banjo along with' hlm,'whleh'afforded much amusement to all on IraanC • Bob kept up a continued round ot excitement by letting off hit ^uAhit ■tylnks.'knd pick- ing on the old banjo. ■ Mr. James Madman tailed by fhe'VIAfiner Ootamtala, onthe The well luown firm of 'Van Amburgh b Cd, having taken a tetae of the old Chinese Bulldlna, and after fixing It up In good style, opened It to the public on the ISth Inst, aa- one otthe in- stltatlons of this city. Tha odieotlbn of animals Is the laigeat'' ever brought together In this dty.. The entire three lloon of this buDdlng are oaed by the managen, and every available spot' totakenimsesdonofby somefctodof an f'anlmlla." Theunt floor, or baanuentihaa'aring, where the 'ele;phanis and mon- keys perform. Arm chain are placed hers for .the.audltors. The second floor has oagea of animals placed annhd the room,. Here may be seen a striped hyena, the nrst one exhibited here for 'twdve yean. The third floor ahio haa quite a large number of cages,'nlled with every spedes of the brate' creation. The place Is beantlfnlly fitted Dp, and haa been very well attended ■luce the opentog dght The location Is ^e of the best In the dty, and there Is no reason Why the Menagerie ahotdd not floun. lah throughont the winter, , i . , ' .' Wallack't Old Theatre was opened to-the.pabllconthelSlh Inst, by LI B.'Lent, as a flnt Olasa Amphitheatre. Therprlvato boxes havq been tamoved,- which- gives room for a forty foetzlng, which Is built on the stage.-. On- tne opening night the kttend- anoo Was so great that b^dreds were unable to gain adulttahca, and the treasurer stopped selling tlokete befbrei the pertotmance commenced;' Afintdaascompanvlneveilyraspect'nas'liiMnen- gaged, among whim art the UdvlUe Family, B, BUekney andlils son Bobert, Joe Fantland^ Jimmy Beynolds, aifd Tom King, Tht perfcrmanoes on the opening night vent off'to capital'style, and Uis attendance throughout the weak has been very good. I ' .'dbAb&tio. ^ -' ' . On Monday, Noy. 16th, Sheridan Snowlea' capital play of "The Wife, a Tale of Mantua," .Was produced for the fliat ttme at the Park .nieUie, Brooklyn, when Mr. Oabrtal Harrison made his first' appearance on the atage of his theatre, In the character- of JulianQtPle(ie,Mla8.lTving enacting the p^oi of Marianne, The bill of .thk evehlng proved to be very ailnotlve, the attend* an6e IC'indaied belngof.aohaiflotar highly complimentary to tha npntulon of th'e -^orthy manager, for a more appreciative, and afthe'skme time Indtilgent,'audience ilever patronlted the drima In Brooklyn, than the one that filled the Park on this oc- casion.. Hundredswere turned away, imable to procure a sight otthe stage, every aeat In the houae having been engagtdihe webk pnvtous, itandlng room even being ataprerdiun. In view m the great demand fbr aeate, we wen pleased to see that th^ manager refused to permit that dangerous nuisance of pla- cing extra aeate In the alales and paasagewBys, whereby all safe egrau'thnn theboUdlng In okse of flre Is so oompletdy cut oC On the appearance of Mr. Harrison on the atage he was received with sound atter.roundot applause, and at Uio close of nearly etoh aoene In irUbh he appeared tho andtenoe teatlfied iholr ap- ^pMbatton othls fine aoUng. and when the onrtaln tell In the last ttct h4 was enthuilastlcally .called out Indeed we do not re- member aeelngan aolcr more' warmly greeted thin he was on thltooctdon. The bast «f It'was, his ttmy adhdrable rendition of tiie diaraeter, and exhibition of fine doontlonaiy powen,'de- served the plaudits he recdved, and'MlssIrvlna's performtnces alike meri)ed.the approbaUon of allipreeent . Her quiet and ef. fecUva .^eadlni, and her Judlolooa appreciation of the telling polnte Iii the johiiractort together wllh her ttslaful drtsstog and graoe.ot movemont, wore such aa to favorably contrast her act- ln|t tit, the,.drta>a with that of the popular Mrs. Hoty, whom, ,b*<lhe;wari'th'0 greatly reaembles In '^tyle and manner. Of the <0tUeH,'MbBSrt. 'Whltlngand MetUff are tho only OQOS (hat merit pralae, the former's penonatlou of Qonzago being voir credit- able to hla hlatrlonlo ability, and Mr, MetUfTa Lonnzo was do- oldedlytliemo^ pralaworthy place of acting-we have seen from him, Mr. Andrews greatly dliappolntad us, ospeolslly In his mskeup, whloh was anworUiz!u) actor'of hla exporionce and rebutatldL ^^ Had he b««lf^a5«j-.^pon to act the part at a few mftjutee^notloA, hecouM not havo^b«on Istt effective. Aster tho. !'S.^^?A.''??"^f"?,*.'''»M»*»! iho Duke, dl we have to say Is that fa« hsjl ivldontly mlsC^en hU vocation. Ta lois Indulgent audlenMvrpoia have hlasediUihoff the stags. - Count Florlb, to6, lacks the penmnd raqnldte tor the character ho assumed, could play tha Apothecary, In Hamlet, to perfection. Tbetoenei » mante pAilrioWorihy, hoislgna«tlwpnvemont;lndeod,ltkn' _ rather late In attendaaiSo on there^eiimtf In qieeiionVWe coull only proourerstendlng 'room hear the dbor, add to aonsfiuence we. wltttaU thoso In tha vlcUlty.'.Wire pMventtd from hearirtg t -x^.. . - .1 . '''l^P'o4uoflo^l ot this diina is but the toauguratlon of a aeries of dmUar stendard plays at this as abUshment after which the old Olympic nroor^iMB Is to be ^reiproducedi, ■ 'i.On Wedlitsaty.tfrhs jSu^oI^b^'^waa^ •dtiSad, the,oast todudlngHarriiSn?«d iSS ItX^ CUudaand faultee, ;E^rfn>tti»o&mpanUvdrTnlet HarrlsTinLl the "Wlfc,p; id hUfeSy Sredftawf fiSi^MSon ofpt ^ We Itdly eWt^ltof^^ <?SS{^reSSt^W Snmatto tcttbu tott'ordlnarily olibM^M kHiSb^^ teadlng titWt in tUt Bslo4inmatiril^tat.^ll^ half ot'the oonvotsaUon on th» atUcI thringh tte oteakln; at "the dobr, which was on th*eUde^»u3iU,itfg,g.*S|S',J*^» ahpuld bo prevented in fatar* .ThJproduoUoaof JBai .. . ..'.>. % o.(.!WMT:»: leant product of the genius ot Miss Onshiuso', da^ _ xdletot oar suffering soldlen. Is onl^tha mott striBg)tt0(splIficatlonyet made of woman'a power and win t<^ do hettidlvait In the national struggle. Inspired with love and pltyl 4)S4ilcan women have been by,{halrlaboisand.Q]bpattde8 'lO^'the army, andithelr ranks> under leadmUUWsa will not Meak, while tbelr sons; brotbaainU'JiDB.. >Jlrm.aqdtklthfaUnthefldd. Itllt'.AueioHlts'aha^' lc|t4(KiwMtn',to savtiMrttthls.extraordlnaiygiriiitiAtitoy-i'sD "^yoked bir her ap^lrbnt theldastpiirt'ef tha tetvlto tS/^j6fl<)t:l^<jn^ .btga&.'sh(i,haabesn sanderlilg emr KRope. a(»<wtnrtt.Idtftfavthiidack8M: honia,her -iAUenoelni«mni)CM'£iK.ticQ(itiatitpttClotlanln . J, havetesn iioutit JnOifaiott 'ttoid, talt <dMrve immand the gratUude of th^whole nartton; .^ccoqillment i<$le woman whose generous bestomnant ot {8.367 39 I .pubUo}yackno.vl(dg% the Commission has ordered the ImonjBt tec .be expennftd through , our home branches to thos^Htfei wheiAthe several sumsovsre contributed, that this monef may cc«tinue :aa. long as possible to-be aanotlfled by the toncli,anly.QfWomaB'a'haa(U. It wUlthnsjeschoui soldlen on battkeieldf and In -hospitals, ohaigtd with ihe blesidngs, pny- ere^Md.iem of American Koaanhood. < ■ 'I '.i ■ ■ . ■.-.i .■,.: . HsBOX.W. Bellows, i.^-: . ■ Jtaddentn, .8, Bsoltaiv-.Commlsston. Atfthe Bt LoalS:Theatreifpuno.'WaUar cicaedi h«r.engagement l^thlnat,: On the 16tB< EmUyJrhorht oomnlenced, open- "Pocahontat," and..;-I{athlng Slops Me." ' . . Mary. MoWUUamstooka benaflMiptheUthtosfcat the loe Theatxe,',Oalro,Jll,;.'ths ccoatlan tiso being the last .ot.the se«soiu..Ihe,;Qpaedy.ottln'!Haney Moon," and ma ef the "French 8|)y," Were the ptecas performed. A if Jh9 tCTK/Mttr; HriT«A fl>ltt«'.t)ttyjast to time to offer -'WB, Miss IIoKllUamsj>ejsK,st»voritolnaalro,had a thing they did woU—Andrews espedally,.~,.,3%e attendanoe thronghoat the week was excellent, both to ohoraotet and num- bers. ' We noticed that the "heads," that have been such llbenl !))atrontof ths theatre, have had their privileges out off. It Is '«l>ont time, we thtok, that the manager waa remunerated by (these people for his liberality to them ao long. '. On Thursday night, I9thlnst.,attheAca<lemyofHualc,Brook- lyn, (here was one ot the flnest audiences to the bnlldtog that we ever saw collected together before, the true reepectablUty of Brooklyn betog tor once talthfally npraaeited; tor the majority ot those present were of the olaas repttseittog the refinement, Ulelllgenoe, and gentility of Brooklyn's beat dtlzens, and not those whose Influence and podtlon Is derived fh>m wedth done. Tho oceaalon—ostensibly for the benefit otthe Sanitary Oommls- don, the whole funds received betog appropriated thereto—was an ovation to ths Bev. Henry Ward Beecher, on his arrivd.home from Europe, and truly should that able and eloquent and wa may truly say patriotio dUzenot Brooklyn fed highly compli- mented at the earnest and enthnslastlo greettog ne rtodvad from such a splendid audience. Els sddreea on the occadon will 1 by mUllona on t>oth ddes of the Atlantic, as well as cn otthe Faclflc, andthere-U Ultis dcnbt hla Words 'will ' ' niiilil aaail In lliii ii f "IWijiiliJtiiiT Itht're^lAs %^to.^< inCbnnaiistlbn'^^dsi ' , jlv»f*aI«tonHJnMth'epAtrt*' > pf ouriBinlsbn&htd %<nlnbyWiimani Mlat <)ht(i ,,(Wlio,itrom^e:'VBaeel:ln«iilcli: she leavaa.'auz ' ' otends-.blm; rtttt Ml'' aocDont ot her. I toithe dck'and vraosBM tbtnngti the United molaalos. 'TluraBeitt,fi>llolm>T-> .' r ofiMuatoiPhlladdphlKBSptambeP' ' I'..'. .'i., ;... :j. »V, 1 ^ .'<. < $1,811 27 X of JUodcj Boston, BeptaaihaeiMih. 9,030 7C i.Theatre. Waahlngtoir. ectojief A7th:, 1,800 00 nieatre,>Bdtloiore, Ootobdrl9th.'...'.T'' 360 00 xanU attribntebla to-the negUgsnce an^ :. . £4ii4iD4Uiager.M}.i'0,V i../ v .;'i - < •. • - i y.of Mode, .Hew! Tork, October ffid;.' 3,773 -ar tnc^ nstug pitoe. xne meeang wss a etormy one, and m are not misinformed, the stick of tho father andlhe hekdcS tho lover oame lu contact more than onoe, to the neat detriment of the latter. But the knot had been Ued, and ih* daughter had now become a wife, so that nottUng rematoed for the father but to retam to Us home soirowtog, leavtog the in, fatuated pafr to the enjo/ment ot tbelr matud ollsa. Jane Coombs commenced a two weeks engsgement at McTIok- er's Theatre, Chicago, on the fith Intt, openug to a crowded house. Bhe rematoed bstweek, and was announced to brtog her engagement to a dose on the 31st Inst. ; The performances at the Defiance Theatre, Cain, HL, wars brought to a dose for the present on ths lith Inst After a short Intermlaslcn, It Is add, the house wiU tv ra-opened 'Under the management ot Miss McWlUlams.' , . ' i' Mn.Qecrge Jordan made her letui In Sat FfanUscO Odobar 12tb, at Magufre'a Opera House, u aertrnd4 In "The Llttla iteainie." Bhe appeared for tour nlgbtoonlr, "owtogtoa'iM> vlouely made engagement with the Manh Troupe.'? - . ' *^ About seven o'dock Monday eventog, 16thInal, as the itsge at toe Boetou Museum was betog lighted up, preparatoiT to tha perfonnance, some ot the scenery caught firs, .Olie'-fitBS*- epread quickly, but were put ont wlihftu' a»tptrii1atiBt punp totendaMOadi M~ ^wasatretdrWt>ftt.l rUS-^^^ tom«irt:*lff iiiSS^oLi^tiiBjaiijlv oqs v(ers,ln)tofr«at..pto«tfltlto'4un«i^ P • ^'Jf^J^'^^* (tM<tnnb'b4Iotfitaia4.-»i^.-> ';^e .t|)eeia«la,^,«inu' Sea of Id^'V As^ftdn<luiSfSii<S& ci« .•tota, and .waa rypeatad on aevanl. o«ad«nt.;"«k"ohlef«< iten|'ware_snatatoed ifwL r...^iji., tt^,^ ^niKKm^ Min " c; Dmighar* Mr. Jplutapaicn,-onB'(t<!<<te>dbapany; Uas^.ttMMv: < < t^.fqllPTl^ CMd:-vA'^ql«adent«»dtogihSrt5'«rii«Jrt;., ,1 tweenmyadiWMeaar»iaagdiWtDong^^ , engagement with them waatofsltaaptinl- ifeeaMd. pUytav iS ■ v <^ the time, I deem It due to thentand ithe'pnbllc that'l.icSidMt''i nt edge Uiat I was In fault, and the canae of tlle.-wttdemiSdUtfii'r '-> andMessn. L. & D. havtogagato ktodly consentedtiwiceota^-^c;" servloes, Ibeg.thetodolgenoebf thepubUo,wblle'rtebsarb*i "> '> tore; them and use my bestitbUlOes to eateitalirantrcleaiaL J TooT'Ob'taervant, JoBKDiuos/'--. .. < - .-1 ; i.."' . .i ... MlatAUw.FladdeMtonmade'her dctUat the Theatre' Bovat. Htmllton, 0. W'l on the leth ln«t, Im •tMadUatoe," andTetoatoT ' i ed during the week. . i-.;^:.'^ ..« > <•.. -i. j. --.-.j , TheMBishOhlldr«n/«(terian'absAioe of .Ave yaats toiiiiaalMa'*-' .' Ua and Kew Zealand,'made their 'sppaaBne» tt aiagalr6.'s:<mnt9: > HouBe,:aan FraDalico,JOaL; Dolobei' 1^ < SpksUDri A'mSj. .i the of that dty; sapU'-'.'Tha -iheatan.wiS. filled, to ovsrfles^ : • tog,; .BsTNal .of tha young drlt have. RTOwnunlo womtDhoed.'. > Improvug all the. while.. Otbir Jtiventla msqiMxs ale 'added to -i thetronpe.. ButtbepiiaaA>«L'attlatx;itslalhShell'relaUsbpcat- -tlonsoocupledvtwn.flnst .vldttogOUtfornU.^.'llQviLadlaaBtU > .tie,'an totertodt of.^nglsg'and dafietogcvidr. IToodlag/eoasil>'. c.-. .toted ths opc«itog: prcifldnmft. Tfae:erowd'Mrs06**M,1MMt'^ - 'WSS'Ojilv.s.gUq>PS« icr-late 'ocmen, .'.£i«]QlUo#>fktl4f off ■■■■■ pIeabantly,;Mid dl wera:^tlfl«d,> On the 17t]i,tbty.sifA:<Baai»> ■' ■ and the Betst,U B(atlod ,and -ttQIdohoreaa idlK-.aildv^WaiL-! sQpod/or Nothing,!^ .an loimenae oonoonm critidieaan2:<;/<•'. oblldrwc at the attemoda petfcntanae, and In thtf av^atog'tUr - . •Manlao Lover,' and i;^)Odl«l.*fliled the bill. The leadln^lbfata' .' of tho troupe an Georm .w>Mtnh, Miss flattie and Jsnnta Aiv .' not Jndgtog from todtAMflaMt present they wUl have a'lcdgi ' ) and suocessfnl engagement" ~Xl {he condudon of this epgag»>' . ment the "Ohlldnn" vrill set sail tor thla dty, from whlch plaoa -I they have been abaent a long time. ... A letter recently received from Bdt lake, atates.>that John Hddllnger, for a number of yeare leader otthe Sacramento (Oal) : . Union Braaa Band, and Ave other -mnalclana connected with tha ' Second Oallfomla Cavalry, had Just flnlahed a theatre 80 by 80 feettoalze,»t a cost of 11^800.' The-letter written on the «h alt, says that the new thefitre had been opened, and had met vrith gnat success, Mlas Maiy^vqattolbe .'.<$ta( of the eventog". at Ihe Metr»> polltan Theaitre,.Bu{L4o,iN, T.,tUsweek,.the lady havtog'mada.. '. ' ler appearanceit^ere rathe 3Sd>lnst.. It Is to be hoped uiathte- sucoess may.exssfti]. If waalhle, that whtob-ihe achleTed during. her!lato,'epgag«iPfint.^at^s.'Walnat Philadelphia,.whets.;i' lEleav's ihiat J. WU^^B6bih will.shOflTjr^wd to byme- — -^e baanllial'4ua. lasclnstJ^.l!ai^\Bro.wn. Where's noade many^laB|dih „ tormahciaa aVgo(nfmitar»but np'^^lsliuitday. tieddlflU^d to. wltoett hey.ptFt toufle, Otoe i?*o5"th<|16S l^tif 4ie BloUngs Operti'^ It ap41t held the boards .aU At Bike's ( produced "Ball >. ,v '.'.i ■<'..'- week; MlssBtoVbgs'tocdcherfiAndWon.theSOth. (Inthend. Ii^a Uolsvlllc thbatra, Laur^ Keeps aql her ccmpacy re- the "EnchantnAa" was Bnnciqioea,,to baprodnoad. The Bla)i«~.' 'secood week, produclog''Mcbel'th'e Reaper''on the leth toga are stopptogther^,aronBje.b£-«e^ -;j . .< . lola^^'-IheTcsler.lE^otfieiV wa#-at Ust accounts, r.^'wubas tool(her ii(rendni|f«efit|aiiWo^^ .W^^.<ilks>«aijigi«lil»ft:Bie'.Bu«al«i "ftW<43g(f.'j^<h(;^^ oni^<^ ■ lealre odthe •iu\ Toat'^The diama-ot Ihe''DetdHiurl" .iuan- vlveid and met with groat favor. At Ford's new Tbeatro, Alexandria, 7a., the attraction last week conalsted of Mcssn. Charles WheaUeIgh, Ur. and Mre. 0. B. Bishop, and I Alice Orey, to cou)uoclI6n,wllh the regular "atoCk'' otthe. theatre. "Lave Chase" was produced on Ihe ISth, ant istui Wa- tOTS. Ron Deep" on the lOlh. Miss Alios Grey's benelt was an- sODOced for the 20th. Ur. James E. Uurdoch, the weU known actcr, has ntoraed to his family In Cincinnati, Ohio. It will be remembered that Ur. Hur- dochwent to jphattanooga to tiyto recover the body of his eon. Fdling 111'this, and ever ready to render aid to.the cause of the Union, ho accepted Ihe appointment of Tolonteer Aid on the Steff of deuefal Roussoau, and, on that gentleman's assumtog a new de- partolonl,Ur.'lIurd6ch has tokoo the opportunity to revisit his fam- ily, toteadlDg to reUm and resume his place «n the Generd's staff. White vrilh the army, Ur. Hnr'^'och put hla great elodullCDtry tdent to admirable use. Ho r)iad;.pn Sundav, the Holy Scrlptares te tho men, and accompanied his readlsg with lessocs of advice, wUlo on other days he recited palrioUc odes and eccss to Immense crowds of eoldlore, and, Uke the bards of older days. Inspired his hoareis with the ardor of battle, and nerved them to deeds ot noble darlog. This novel experiment wns eminently succesatul, and both dBcers and men were eager for constant repetitions of Ihoee admirable ex- ercises. Th^'fYebb ^latere commenced an ecgsgemeutat Ford'eTheatre, Waatibigteu,on the tbe plays eutlUedireapecllvely, "Tbe Nobleman's Daughter,'' and "to and Oat of Place." The dasclng of IIIss Ada Is highly spoken of, and her appearance In five characura In the same piece has made for her a boat of admlnn. LnclUe Western made ner appearance on theieih last, at Orover's Theatre^ Washington, lu a new character—that of Mary Tudor, In '\'loter Hugo's, play of that name; and nolwllhatandtog the nln> there was a luge audience present. She Is edd to have succeeded very well In ths part lire. Uyron la well spoken of to Ihe cbarac- torof Janet .On Ihe 19lh tost.,UIss WesUm appeared ln"Vlclo- rine; or, TU Sl^ep On It." On this oocadbn. a new candidate for puhllo favor made her idmL Tha Lidy la uIss Annie Ward, and ehe Is Shid to have made a decided hit She appeared on tho fol- lowing night as Colin In'"Nature and Pbllosopby," "Leah, Ihe Forsaken," Is In sollve. preparation at Orovsr's Thea- tre, Woshlsgton. UIss Lucille Western will enact Ihe eharacMr of loah. :it will probably be produced the proaent week. - Emily Thome has appeared with much sneoeas at theEt Loult Theatre, aa Hester Qrazebrook, to ."Unequd Match." Her stogtog Is much liked by the trequenten ot the " St Louis." lAimEeene and her combination oompanywIU auooeed^nlly Thome at the St Louis Theatre, HairySapgood,Iateadvertlatog agent forRamsey'i MtosMs, Is no.lDDger connected with that company, but to now with lanergah's parly, at MUwatikee, Wis. lanergan'ia dramatlooompanyopened atthe AoademyotUndc, Milwaukee, on the 16lh, aud bnatoeta waa good aU the wsek. The conipany slay there four weeks. Buftoess to LoulBvlllSi to thedramattoworid, has been vtiy good'otlate. Fromouroofxespondeht "aB.B.,"wehavethe following Items of news:—"Laura Eeene's combination (mtont Ur, and Via. C. Walcot, Jr., who aeoeded at Nashville) vrere engaged by Ed. Bauer, Treasurer of Wood's, to play for hit bene- fit on the 7th tost, 'Our American Ooualn.' On ths 9lh, they optned at •Fuller's,'and during the past week, they gave some «t the good old standard ooaedles ; 'TheSchoolfor Soandd' was admlnb^ jpresented. Mr, Maokay aa Sir Pater Tead^ gave evidence of abluto that lawldom tonnd on Ihe Western stage: It wad a most masterly ddlneaUon, The L. Eeena ccmbtoatlon wU| remato' tintll the 23d,' whto wa nay oxpcot ecmetUng In the spectade Itoe. .Sam QDllok and aaalslante have tor aome wsehs been engaged to patottog pew scenery. A. corps of dfident cos- tuiien, tailors, mnitoers and drcss-maken, (o say nothing ot sewtog toiaohtoes, la hard at work on the wardrobe. At Wopd's Thcatro; Mr. J, Proctor conuneneed hte two week's engagement With 'Nick of . the Woods,' which proved sufflolently — I ngntthat&r.AIbaugh'attamptedtheput of • lolllus,' without Qoro careful study. He to getttog very oare- losibflate." At Wood's Theatre, OtodtonatI, Oubat appeared on tho lOth tos^, to "Lavangro," the speaking part It was played but on^.^^On:'lhe foUowlng night ahe appeared to •<TheWltard j.?!!P'?^f*"'?"'2P*'»'*<>''P« S**" thtoo perforinaaoes at tha dd, Wsahtogten Theatre, oommendng on the 9Sd tost, ■ ^dopemepteaaa to the theatrlod worid took place on the lBt)i'lnsl., to EamUton, aw.' She hero waa Mr. Edwto F. mafaltoln oharaoteh aheten: to ilovewlth Ihe actor, and her at- taohmsntwasretartied,.. Sometime ago,ho obtatoedaUtense. of marriage, bnt the frther, hearing of the affair, rofnjtcd' hla oonaent to aa illlaaoa vrilh a tttanger whom no one' knew mtioh .ab<tal<' and oompeUad 'Ui daughter to reton. aU - ItttcAi and' lovs tokens that finA .-naasM .btSrsea them, Bnt otu Th^tptaa was not thus to be baffled, and bided his lime. Shewas eare- (olly WMOhtd, bnt lore iMght tt locktmllbt, taS loon tftec osa- ^ Mn. Otodatane Is the star, thto week, at .Fdller't Lonltvllla ^Dieatre. ' . . -i EdwtoAdamswastoconunsDceabriefengagementonthaSM^ . at Wood's Theatre, OtoctonalL Jane Coombs was at MoVloker'a Theatre, Chicago, last wetk. The Holman Opera Troupe have fsBpossesdon of theMuaeoH. Hall, Chicago. ... At the Front Street Theatre, Bdtlmore, Mr. B. B. J. JtHiM, tha equedbrlandramatic actor, has bean re^nj^od, and appeaa tUa week to "Mazeppa." . i , > At Ford's nieatoe, Baltimore, Mtggte- Hltohall hat been.tka , bright star the'past ireek, and wHl continue so this weal^'biliii-. tog out on ths 23d ."Faaohon." On Shanksglvtog day,>>v duces "Little Barefoot" Hden Western oommenoes aa sagagement at Ford's Tiiettreb ' Bdtlmore, on the 30th Inst , : . i: The New Tremont Theatre, Boston, (latdy known as Hn. Jsaa i English's) 'Win be re.opened on the SOIh tost, by Mr. Jacob Baiw. row. His company will embrace Mrs. Barrow, Mark BmUb, Tool Plaolde, Mr, Wdcot and wife, Mr, Nolan, and others; Haggle Mltchsn win commence an engagement at the Beaton . Theatre on the 30th Inat At the Boston^ Theatre, Edwin Booth rtmatos another .w«i^ "Buy Bias" was produced last week, and met with mnohXavob At the Norfolk Opera Eonse, Mr. E. Eddy commenced aa ea« gagament on the I6th tost, opening to "Bratna." Sato Fteher la to the third week ot an already brilliant engage ment at the Naahvine Theatre. On the 17lh,Bhe appeared in ua "Three Fast Men" and "Claude SnvaL" Mr. J. H. Browne, foimerly connected with'the Boston thea- tres, is at present with Lanergan's company, at MUwankee. Mr. Geo. Byer hat Iwen engaged to topporl Miiy Pravoit tlila week, at the Bnffdo Theatre. Amntamante to Pnlladdphla have eiperienoad a alight lalUu off,the attendance attoetheatreanotbetogsolarge.atJisreKK;. fore. Avonto Jonet closed a bad engagement at the Oheitaal^ on . the 91st, Mr. Forrest who sucoeeos her, opens to BlcheUen on the 33d Mn. Bowers remaloa at the Arch. She appeared. - In "Lady Audley's Secret" last week, to fdr bndnees; .the play vrat produced to exoeUent stylo, and Mrs. B.'s perfotmanoe. ei»-. ated a very tkvonble Impression Miss Mary Provost closeA - at the Walnut on the illBt, and J. B, Clarke succeeds hertUa week Give Stuart Bobson a good chance at the Anh, aad he win prove a profiteble card to the maaagemeat Ladles and gentlemen ot known standtog to the dramatlo prd-- fSadon can secure engtgemente with Messrs. McDonald-& Bay* field, ot MempUs, Tenn. Bee their advertisement Mn. Barrow aad Mark Smith plav to Portland this week, prior to their return to the New Tremont to Boaton. HanrLaagdon and wife, vrith J. B. Button and Annie Beoor. give a Tfaanhaglvtog entertainment to Mllford, Mass. John B, Owena' engagement at the Howaid,.Bo^a, was verr. ■ucoesstol,todeed. . y. :-. B, L. Davenport wa^ too U . to. appear on Monday, with tha "graat anianoe" at the Howard AthenDum,.Boaton. BOBlO The old Green Street Theatre, Albany, N. 7.,waa opensA' on too aisttost by Measre, Avaiy t West as the "Grean Btreet' 'Varietlea," The theatre has been thoroughly repaired and - ttimlshed. The oompany engaged la aa follows:—Warren BorA> weU, Bob Butler, Harry SUto, Sam, Brimmer, Nallle'Howard,' Annie Hdl, Amelia WeUs, Fanny Thompson, Bllly.ThotoptaB, the Pollslr Brothert tnd theLeonl Troupe of Pantomlmltlt.- Warren Bordwen Is atage manager. Leo Hudson, the "Mtoppa** ' of the day. Is nhderltoed for an early appearance. ] .At Harmonla Hall, Cairo, IIL, the tooreaaed atttaotlont eoa' - stently offend by the managen, very natoralty dnw'a'ano- oesslon of large andlenccs, Dick McGowan and Emma Wtothrop arethetwoprtoolpklattraotlonaatpraaent .' .' '' ' . Mr. Luke Blven waa ap tor a l>eneAt at the National, Otooto-. nati, on the aoih Inst At the National Otoolnnatl, the manager produced last weel^ ' a variel7 of entortalnmente whloh met vrith nmuneratlvs honaat. Master Aogeto, Frank Donddaon, Uazle Donaldson and D. T. Oarrle, were re-angagedlaatweek. ^ . ■ . ' :'' *' " iu' TheTork Pa.M!dodeon win the publlo on this ^ 30th Inst,'under the proprietonhlp of Heasrs. Salaak ^Deicb, - ' With J. L. Berry for stage manager,. Itlaanswihall, hettly taS conveniently fitted ap. They want two fettdevoaahtaaadtltai'' danaeuici and negro parformen, Tdent of thli - detcrlptlen •WIU \ dtiweU to addreasat. once as instructed to anadvertlsemtnt':' dtswhora. . a . - ! Tho ifGhctl" wit produocd at tho.Bt Loult VarteUea on tha . Iflthtoat, Vevn.,J.^.Campbell, Wm. M, Beeve; Ti JeffettoB. . and Baynond,' oonttoue members of the Vtrietist'Oon>pAy.i>.'' ' SSiB Hsmandea parly has been dctog a fine two weeks Us. '' attheNewUaseamrohtoago, andBlarteafoiPeorto,Ill, on4ha '' 141^ tost, mder the direction of-.manager Melltn^ of tha ' Uaseam..',' i. ■>■ . Atthe Bowary, sb Loula^ budnest li.'nportedat'betog net ' Tm-gobd.;, The'^vtnBona;* wMihs'lttlatttaotiaB.'. . :■ ->- ■ "A ooTTMilottdehttoformt nt that Utile Wdbylt lytogvair ■tok tt St fouls, andfean are astertatoed at to her lecovacy. for osBitoattloa «r XbMUeal Bt«ai«. Ht M* tea. \