New York Clipper (Nov 1863)

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THE I AMERICAN SPORTING AND THEATRICAL JOURNAL. FRAHK aUBBM, 1 ■dltoT Md Froprltlor. / NEW TOBKi SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1868. / VOlM,kl.^a. 30. \Fiuca iix oBRm. BTJBIEJXHIQHT: OB, Be Tine Histoiy of "The Pretty Walter Qlrl." A FABOT FOBB Ilf THBU OAS^Ot. wumx ExmanT roalm nv lou oLims. mud tscsrdlsg to lot of CounsH, In the jtu 1843, bi Fam QuziM, In tlis Oleik'i OBiie of Uit Dlatrltt Court (or Uio Boathern Slalrlel of New Totk, OAVTO III. XUTII, Dot Blowmu knew dliotetlon Im t put Thit ofl«n li lAopteA bj the brate; XlMDoa bnilel Is hu gluud (he'd no heut) Hie dMghtei'e otlinee—ha did not ffet nor me; ind Boale, with a genuine woman'i ut, Conoladed (or tha pteeent aha wonid walTe Allualon to a theme whloh ha, no doabt, Hid Jiat aa aoon ahoald b* ba aje forgot Since ihe had left her place bj lagil dolngi, Bhe'd llred a lUb raooh tultt thin be(bre; Hid hid more loran, foiapea, and tender woolnga, Than erer In the banpx OAjt o( jora. Thtt xontUnl ebrer, Loa,, kept np hla ooolaga, Uata the thought U ben to glre him o'er, For aomethlsg flereer, byaTOTj tiolder. longner, dri A fniiltH. haidioiie, moaetaahed; Union olBgei. Bil altar aO. Ihla Uh grew flat at lift, A«d Siala wlihad tha whole of Jt wia orar; OieilDdad that tkanlaa|iBt win eaat let In Ihe paik or nuia'who vlar the i Eoiw thoraa predomlnaled la tse Cut ■ OieilDdad t ■ irarer: iaKinej lite ahe lad. One ooutaatlrar Wire batter than the doien bolteiaiea, nhe laltoad laual the light et her brigU area. Htr quiet home amid Hew-Hrgliafl hlBa, Came up before her (inor In her dieaaa;. The ihadr itiaet, broad delda, and aaoleat Blllai The lUent foreat aad the noliy atreami ;> - na old (amlllir wiUa. tha ilaglng rllli, Whlcb aaemad to drink the Bommir auUght The merry cricket, and the merrlarbtrda, ' Whole aoag la Uka the horeriim angela' wacda. All Tnnler aporia annnd the great wood lira, \rbm coantrr bellee and beiui had oengregatadi The thoaghta their pleuant simei ware wont t' Uuplrt, 'kloDgit yonlbawho wtahed, of all thlaga, to be mated TTato 8ao. When the llunei leaped high and higher, And ill the party had beoomt elilad. How huhfQlneaa amongit Ihe boji wee mlulsg, Aa loog, loud amaoka proolaUned their powers at klialng. Ahroa, who In the town drag out ezUtenoe. who've alwni llTsd within the laatleai city, more men at heart are erer at a diatauoe. Wtaorelire la but a game, and few hare pity: TRien yon (If euoh your lack) become the rlallanta Of ume cool, oountry cottage, neat and pretty. Pee If your thoughta don't run In purer ohannele. Thin when jon're lelllng ilooka, or bonda, or flinnola. tfo Saile got e plan all nice arranged. Of going beck to aaa her former home; Of miking up with thoee whom ahe'd eetranged, From thence to go no mora—no more to roim. Paihipa her (rlenda would find her aomewhat changed, And wonder much thereat, when aha ahoald come; Ho ehe reaolTOd to nee a lltUe art, Dreai up In black and play a wldsw'a put jLn. Well, lo her fithu ehe dlioloatd thli plan— yot In that lengthy ityle thit'i ipt to weuy ua, Dot with the teneneaa o( a bailneia man. In locenia allghtly haughty md Inperioui: And he aaeented, (or few pireone can Hold out agilnat a women, when ahe'a aerlooa. Unleu the women folka haro their own way, Juit muk my worla, there'll be the do'll to piy, XLT. Two daya from that they left the town together— Sut I malt tell yoa how, betore they went, Oar heroine. Soala, put the crowning feather Upon her trlumpha: thia one Incident YTUf finlih up the naughty loenu. But whethw I'll do ai well upon mother bent, I einnol iiy; If not, I greilly feu You'll wlih to twaik ray noee or pall my au. XI.7I, Sae Ibooght ihe'd rlilt Laura Eeane'a that night —Twia when the "Seren Sliten" had lla run- She liked the plioe, u well Indeed ahe might. For then and there ehe aaw good acting done. PulEi ire a thing I know not how to write. But thIa I'll aay. our laura gala more fun, Uore Jollity, end common eenie oomblned. Inio her plaji than eliewhcra you will find. Thla being Bue'a laat night In Tork, ehe thought Twia right that ehe ehoald iport a lllUe etyla; Aad ao eome extra trinketa ahe hid bought And brought her genlui Into play, the while: Bo when full-rifiged no amorooa Tork had iought A pietUer girl on whom to caet a amlle— And. by the Sy, thoia Turki do.belt the dtrll In gelling handaome women for a rorcL TO na ooKTnmD. IHE UBESTIBE AIIS HIS VICTIM; OB. THE SOOS OF HIE FBOFUGATEi ' A TALE OF QE LIQHT8 AITD BHAOOWS 07 ITZW TOBK LIR, liOVa, AMD ORUIHl The Theatre, Turr, Rbg, and Bagnio. mrm npsiaiLT ron na axw tou ouno. OHAFTER Xni, | tofrmn Anuipn to xacirn—i BmaooLB ron Lire—surn or Dnuos—niLL im> nunx iiiiiHTXHnoHu.i,T nzaoOE ooa. •OH rnou nia dooh-toz aaBOOHin-ui ll amd wni ax btatIw uuMD-^Qz aitn or oaodb—tub un add douhle ounutiE ■-An DHEXPaOTBD TllIT—DILL TINIBTIES WXAZ WlTn A DDLLET '"BAU OARLZT AMD COHPAMX TH TlUT TO SE TOO LATE—TBIAL UDCOKDEUIIATIOHOrDELL—BUaTOXOAD'rrDIDTSEOAVinH. ViiiuLT pMscd the hours In the lonely caxem where Ked Bur- ^xta condned; Ihe dayi and nlghte ha could not dlitlngulih, ""■tlmellaelthebadloatalltnok c& One long, dirk night ?{!Bad ipreed out before him, and to add to Ita borron, nla JJV lUowince waa redaoed lO fkr that be already began to feel !* (Higa of hungu. liagerly wonld he wait and wall till the ir- ?'a(hlinext moiael, anddeTOar It with an iTldlty whlcb 'h' lUrrlng mm can feel, ^ad to pick up erery onunb he ^ did, ind bitterly dliappolntad when all were gone, Jn pinge of dapair hid entered hie aoul. and while In hla S*"" lie would revel In fcuting md liberty, making the wak- H nalliy lU the more (rightful, bU body waa now beginning to he felt hla alrongth dlmlnlahlog, and with theae fided rV hb bopos of release. He now prs;ed for death, and In an- lo Ihe Jeers end tanula of OUl end Barney, begged Ihim to PMn eal lo hla auDbrlngs. But with wild laugha they onlr ^- ... _ „ It him the more, and chuckled oror the agosloi which ■"1 alowl; but anroly orertaklng him. lil'Jxti one day, inaloid of Iheaa two mlBanai the old pun ^ brought him hla food ind, lUenUy lading II down, da- ""N, eitaugo to. gay, II waa ihoreaaed In iiuinlltr, and a derUtikeltl ohaage. I HONS. V£BBECKE— Tbi: Paiubiak Gthnaet. Tnia cebbrited gjmnul waa here at Orand, i;' ljluni, in 1834. Bon of an ancient ofDcer of Kipolecn DcntpuU). Bla earllnt trlnmpha were achlercd In the country of hla birthf^d there be, in 1833, Inrented the pecullu exerolae which he Iab render- ed (imcui throughout Suope. Uids hla ildnitln ;«n4«n, at the Alhimhri Filice, at which eitibllihmint u iit At>datlsg pe^ formincea hare been Introduced, and wheriV'ilijJ]}.' ohlalned in sxtnordUiary auooew, which la'not taiprislng, la an ullat of hli claaslarare- Hlsperformauoelaof anataremoitremukabls- ou a aUigle trapeze he boldly bangi on by tha nape of the neck, and In thla perlloua poalUoa aooompanlea an air of maalo on hla dram, and thla at the height of alilyor elghly feet from the ground. EreiynmniatwhahaalmlUted this perfonnanoe haa been careful to place a hook at the bick of the neck to aeoura hla aifely; but Tenecke hia lucb ilienglh In bli neck that this pre- caution he dedarea to be qnlta annecoaiary on hli part Tbh ex- erclie wu created by Terrecke himself In 1899, since which time he hai nerer found an Imitator. He hai a iltength In hla neck which surpieeea all Imagination. He haa had Ihe honor to be ap- plauded by the Emperor Kapoleon IIL, the Emperor of Rojala, the Elngi of Pruaala, Belgium, Holland, and the Queen of Epali, who wu graclouily plaued to make him a handiome reoompenai. After thla meet daring exerolae he went up nndemeaUi a balloon, when he itirted holduig on by tlineck and beating hla dmm till lost to Tiew. He hia tiao been Ihs admiration of Ihe ParU- lin public during four leirs it Ihe Olrnaa'Nipoleon, where he fliat made his perilous laip at Ihe rope, for which he wia hlahlj rewarded br the directors aad aoclety of the Olrque- ^hen Leo- tard arrlTcd In Paris with hla new performance oa the trapete, Tarrocke, alter harlag aeen It once or twice, began Ihe ■ ami ii- erclie, which for him wu ni^t difficult, and Varrecke left the Olr- qan at Paris to do the uma parformaica u Leotud In all Ihe Brindpal towna of Franca and Africa, from .whence he hu rougnt Ihe laurls of hla auooeai. Aflu hla tniala In Bpiln he rttnrned to the Olrque NipolaoD, Pirla, for.u engagement of one yeu, when the director of the Alhambra, London, sent for him; hut aa hla engagement wanted aomeUmaof llalsrmlnalloD, ha paid a conalderahle lum lo have him at hla eatabllibment *- The auoccu of tha great gymnut at the Alhimbra mora than JnitlQ«d tbo' expcctitlcna originally formed of him. He la. In hla pecallu exerclua, nnapproachable; he altempla feita from which the meet dulng, iklirul. and cirefuUy trained athletta have ihmnk—h ila which the public would eoiilder ilmplj Im- poulble did ther not beheld them; and the world hu never be- fore wltnused three snch netfornienoei u those reapecUraly conntc'ed wllh Ihi namei of Leotard, Olmir, ud Tet«ekel About the middle of Augnst 1883, ha ealled fbr America, aad landid In Hew York among stranger*. Mr. Jimf i IL Nixon, the olrcui manigtr, leimlni of hla arrival, Irnmodlalely aecnnd him for hla country circua, uen In operation on Fonrteenth sireet Tdrrecke made hla ddiul on the Slat of Augaat, and owlng'to ihe canvu (under which ha wu to perrorm) not allowing his lei^ leg to be properly put up, AL VerreckomadeadeidraUure; that la—so ar ai doing hla act ai be ought to have done It cn his dnt appearance, and oretllng the exoltement he certainly would hive done had ha been properly brcufht before the pubUo.which for his own aike (tMlng a lirangu In i foreign land] we are aony to aay wu ncttheeue. Beingwell ivnre ihit he wu dinmlcg hla falure proapecta (If he hid not already) In thla oountry by continuing his engagement with Klxon, he bronght It lo a cloae ifler hla aeccnd or third appeirance. II remained, however, with Ihe enterprising manifer of the New Bowery Thtatre—Hr. Llngird—to introduce to the American puhlle. In a proper man- n«r, Ihe tilante of (hla young gymoiat Allar a thjei wieka* rest Verrccke made hla daul at the Kew Bowery on the Slat of Bept, In his wondtrfal aet auA proved beyond a doubt Ihithe wu ill that ha wu repreaanted lo he nnnof Ihemottdirlng gymnasts of the age. In the dramiUo columnn of this paper, hla lint appeaiiDee at Klxon'a wu apoken of In nry plain terms, eeniuring hlffl veir aeverely—the crIUo at the Ume not knowlngwhare Ihe lanll lala At hla aueceaiful dibtU, however, when we "aee what we did aei," we took oeeulon to apeak of him u we found hUn, and give him credit for hli line irtlallo performaaoea. He remained one weak at the Hew Bowery, meeting with great aneoeas. He then en- gaged irllh Managw Geo. Las, of BuUmote, for one yeu, at a vary large uluy. HenudehladratappuianceuiiderMr.Lea's management on the lllh of October, u the rrcnl alnel Theatre, BiltlDor*. At pieeent time performing In Phlladalphla, gleam of hope now spring up among the now almost. manlie thoughta of the oaptiva. On the next diy the aime happened again. Burton caujed to apcik, but the old man only ihook hla head and then went away. The third day Darton spoke out:- "Old man, do you need money! If ao, I have plenty." "Ucaer—money I" half aoUloqnlaed, half cjMUlatid he, "whit would I do wllh money ? no—no I The time wia—yes, tune wu wiawhenIdldwantlf indgotlt—andspentU. Toolata,nowl no—nol" . And Ihoa the old man commnned almnat iMBfllbly to hlmt'^ while replying to Burton "Too lite I that cmnol be; I will give yon gold In plenty—tike cm of you—11 yon will hut help me to eicape (torn this place. I will make you rich I" .. ... . "Bloh—esoapel no, nol that would never do—my Uie would pay for It Qold I Ihe time wu—thetlma wu"— And moodily turning away Druck left him. It wu evldtnt that he wu In nla aeeond childhood, and bom hla Incoherent ta- vinga It wu plain that he did not comprehend what Burton meant. For aevcral daya Burton ^pealed tha experiment of trying to bribe'hlffl, but he either would or could not nndt^ eland him- A week had now elapead since BUI and Bmei'i lut visit, end strange thoughli crept through Burlon'a bralni he would at any rlak make one'clforircr liberty. In eiger expectation he waited tor the next coming of Bruok,' and when he heard hla foelstepe, got npon hla feet BUllcloser they approach—he enleiarrand with a bound Burton endeavortd topuaulm. He succeeded, and aped ^ong the puiaga and up the sulrs, but horrible fklallt/1 he could nol ind ibe spring which opened Ihe trap. With all his might (and In hla neble condition that wu not very great) he tried to forte It optn, hat In viln; and now he feele a bind upon him, and Ihe old man, with a powu hardly Inferior to hla ovm, endeavors to drag him downwards. A struggle ensues. In the pllohy dukness%hlch envelops Ihem, neither can see the fice of hie intigonlat, but with deep drawn breathings they atriva for the mutery. AI let t the old man (Alia back, wtlhfiurlou In hla grupi they roll together to .the foot of the ilcpi In a heapiafswgupsand groans, and all la quiet .... BUI and hla companion, xeturalng to the hovel, ralieed Bmck for a time, and daicendlng to the cavuatosea ihelrvlotln, stumbled over the bodlu lying In their way. Buiton'a hands stlll'.'cUipod the tbnat of the old man who, wllh llvU (ace, pro trading tongue, andalarting eyeballs, wu stone dead. Burton nad received a.wound In the head, and was, to all appaaranoes, la the eame oondltloa. . .... "Velll". exclaimed BID. "'ore's been a Jolly row; Ihey'ftbeen and gone and did It vllh a wengwnoel Theold'un's had a pleuant Ume of It to look at hlffl, and that coisedohip—velll p'r'ipa It'a Joit u velli he's uved ni the trcubia o' Anlsnln' our Job.''^ "An' It'a a i—i good thing for him, too, I can tell him I It he only hnow'd wot a bllitin' It la lo him he got off ao hauy, I gucu 'e'd be bloody thankfol." remukod Damey. "LeI'a get'em out o'thla, then, u aharp u poaelble; It aint quite pleuant or lafe to have inch dead neat around vara a chap puts npi Ihem 'ere kindo'osrcassea don't pay to keep, It'a a Jolly dark night ind ve miy u veil do It at vnnce, butlt von't do lo put 'em together; If they vu found II vould blow on this 'ere plioe mighty quick, u the old 'un vu known," Ther then took the body of Ned Barton, and between them carried It down to the rivonlde, where they dropped It In. Ba. turulbg,'.they dug a hole In the eirth. not (u from Ihs hut, and in It dapiMlted the remains of Ihe old nsn. Brook. But Ned Burton had not UovMlcd to the land of splrlti, Woak In body, he had been oaly stnaned by the (ill; hla Immersion In Ihe water refreshed and reilored him to eanaotcuineia, and he had Jnit ilrenglh enongh to keep himself adoit Oolng down with the etreao, hla hand name In contact wllh aohiin, and gruplng II he found hlmaelfdoee beside a amiU echocner an- chored at acme little dlilince from the ahoro. Hla feeble effoita to hall Ihoea on board were fortunately heard by a men paalig the deck, who, though at flral acared by Ihe unearthly aound, ealled up acme of hla meumitea, and with some trouble Barton wu got on board* 'Herahowueoexhauatad and weiktbithe could neither ipeak nor aland; the captain, however, took him down to his cabin and, admlnialerlng s<vne reitoratlvu, Qnrton wu loon able to relate his elory—begilng st the sama time that at preeent II ehould ba kept eeerel,aall theburglirabecane aware of hla dellvennee from deilh, llrnlght betneneana of defeating the ende of JoaUee. Barton wu wall taken cue of by the captain for a eonpleof days, till he had somewhat recovered hla atrength, and engagtd hlmielfdurlng Ihe time In a cloae InToatlgillon of the ebore witbhi hla view, tn the hope of Hading some elue towhere he hid bein In oonOnemeBt He wu certain thit It could not be fw off, for If he had been In the water any length of time he would un- quuUonably have been drowned; and be did col Boat long enough, alter he cane to hie leneei, to oanr him any great dls- tanoe. Still he filled to detect inypirllcnlu ipot likely to be vhit be thought the right one; but nuking a cirefol plm of what he aaw, kept It for future reference. By a truly hand he dispatched a note to yuk Oliver, and Is-. tanae wu that Indlvldual'a delight when ha onoe igiln beh^ Ned all aafe, and ecnipuiUvely aound. It wu thendtdded be- tween them that Jack ehould return and like A prtvala room for Barton, whose mhraculons oacape wu not la be dlvnlged uutll hla htallh and atrengtb had been le reatored u to enable hlra penoniUr to aiiut In the eearth of Ihooe who had hlra In Iheir handa. Of Ihe death of Druck it hla htada he knew or remam- bertd nothing, hla lut remcmbrtnoe dating frsm the Ume ha made the nan to eacape-eU else wis i blank. Theabeeiue of BUI and Damey wuoaaaadbyanexcuifton they had made Into Ihe country, for a few daya, on apeelil busl- neea. By ciu of their namenua acacmpUcee, they learned not only the pertlcnltrs of aU the Iraoatoilons connected wllh Ihe prize dght but also of the large inoonla which had been pock- eted by DeU end VTyae In conaiqucioo of that reeult Encwlsg wall tkat they would hive to leave, or keep hidden for a Ume, BUI the Tiger had them ouefuUy witched; and certain that thiy carried their money on Ihclr persons, he detaralned, If pooil- ble. to handle the pUo himself. Ho tnced then to Blaten Iilind. •ndpoithighlmlalfulo everything conneeted with thom aid the cottage, prepued for a bold alicxe lo relieve Ihem of their vlllalnoualy earned cub. BeU and Wyee, to eioipe deleoUon ind ebservillon, hid to keep verr doeei but by means of a ItOeral bribe to the keeper of an InteUlgenoe oflloe, hid enocecdcd In obtaining a reiptclebia Diddleaged, though ocmely woman, to ittend to their wmla. She urived at the college Juit the very laomlng afler Bam. Oik- ley had followed Ihem up. They laid tn aplantiml auoply of Uqnor, and their prinolpuemptoymeDtwuslillng day snd night playing cards and drinking. Thejpbyedof oonne (or money, but tkey were both euoh Infernal olicits, aad were ao well ao- qutlntcd wllh each oUier'a tricks, Ihtt they genoraUy camo out pretty near aqaue. ..^ It wu a few nights after Ihe arrival of Uioir domeiUc, andlbty sit u usnal It their game and glut. "D—nlir'cried Dell, it Ihe ond of Ihe game, Ihrcwisg tee o.^rdguFO^UloUble, "I'm sick and tired o( thla worki I wllh to (led we hid lame etray grsentaem to plneki of,' d I have a mind la eat up town to Hias Whlts'a, tor a _l^.!?I*{?f **'"'5£?'"'^ Jon'" eidilmed Wyae, who JSffiVl.T^.v'"'. »•'" bti one Inlhahouaefor tTa r! . '^ ''>*i *"> * mighty nice moisd aha li, too I "sSATSJd'Sl'SS'Kte" •oompuuanthinanyof Lllirt^'ll!"wh:i'ifJe'£j\S''" '■•''"-a'^'rt'" I H^l'* *°?". "^v**! »» >«"" •*>- I fold her, 4han she noretlSSht^ ' *•"X ^j^Thenl/ahe ean'tccme, lel'e go lo her-any way will suit ■•ru teU you what" aald Wyse, "lefa play a game at oardfr- tha winner to take the Ant ehsnee o( a look it h.™" " "Agreed I" repUad DeU: and the two ut down, and wlUi Ihe abnostcantlon exerted aU tbelr pcwira to win the chance of ant Ininltlng an nnpntactad female! <, •m^<n vt Wyse wu (he winner, and taUng np a light he slaigeted up stain to the chember where ahe liy. Hut a ahoit^llffle elaneeS when BeU heard htr tsreimi ind strngglu; thtse dldnotlut long, and In a few minotee Wyie reanpemd, flushed aad'teusb- ingatlhesuceeu hehidmotwlth. She oUier ««n fol- tewed up Ihe advanUge, after which. In oaae ahe should escape from the house during the night, they locked hu ln..Nid ait down to continue their carouaal. ItWBs dnwtaig towards mldalsht and Ihe two wrelehu wer« tut getting Into a oondlUon which wonld soon lender.thn help- tabyUitoilcatlon. when wiUi an 6alh,B«D,WhoM titttnf wiUi hU hoe towirda the doer, started to his feet fcllew ■ng his eye, toned round in hla chair, lad beheld a pair o) uy- thlny but prepcstesalng.looklne Individual entarlagVhd room. "Evenhi,gimn>an,"nld Bill, whoatoncaoomprehehAdthe '*^^i^T^'^ • I""* S*"" •» oardarih r' • ue yon 1 aad whu do yon want r aaked. «r rathualammersd. Bell. '.JlS'ii!!?.' ''••IV'';ow yon made a pDe 0' money', lately, S?'JSa,?.'? and 'avln' a ngud (or vu honois, we Utoagkl It might be coavanlent tor yu tolei us take can of It tor yuTtk yu in^ht vant it; lo ve took the trouble lo come down la' eel yar about It In cue some von halu might 'a' taken the n<dlca. Wyse, who by this time wu ahnost aohuedbywhat-wug^ Ugon.plnnged hla hand Into Ua breiil,lat Barney wu be quick Yor him, and ere he oould diaw his nvnlver bid hUuma flrmly pinioned. Bell, on the eU^r aide of Uie room, wad men aaaceeefal, andhidtlaetollreoneahot before Bin raiahed hiss, aadwIUitheblawofabludieoa felled hlffl to tie toei. net ahot however, took eAot In a manner be did nM Intaad; tor hla hand, rudered nnaloidy brhli llbitlons, wavered ha it* aim, and the baU went cruhing iLroagh Wyae'a brain. Ha gate one leap la the air, and auk to the door a corpae. BUI and 'Barney made abort work of their buslneaa; atarohlng thalr persons, and einylng off their wiUata, they Ireitad themulvM loa "drone' aommnt and left the premises without leaching anything elu; for, u DUI eigely remuked, "li vould look more nat'rall&e, U leave things u they woe." ^ on the eame night on which theie events occurnd, BanL Oak- Uy, by speolil permliston of hla muter, psld a tlslt to HevTork. wlUt an eye U> Uie winning of the twenty. Ave doUan reward fo? the disconry of BeU and Wyse. As the meat llkdy place to find Ihoaa he wu In qnut of, to eld hlffl In thla nkpeot, ha went dlnoUy to Julius Andrswi' Baloon: It wu a free aad euy night and there wu a large nnmber of the sporting fraternity preaent: Harry Qreanway wu not there, but Jerry Iliomaa, Air. Cook, and BUI Ball were. TIUi tbua thna Bam. vu well acquainted, and aoon nltted to Ihem bla edveniuRS. BlU Ball wu exceellnily JubUllint on launlng Ihe news, ind dedired Bam. to be "Ihe JoUleit Ullle tnunp he ever aet ^pen on I" Tom Blapleton and one or two of his pirUcnlu Meindi wen nquealed to Jobi In a counoU of wu, which wu hdd In ainog lllUa pulor behind the hu. The reanlt iru Ihit a party ahoald at once nuve for Ihe scene of action, under tbe guidance of Bul , It being considered pnrerabis lo tttick Ua enemy during the night, rather than In the dayUme: aceoidhigly, a aaleol ^arty of seven wen dispatched wllh full pcwera to ut u they might aee best and In leas than an hour'a fame wen on the Isuud, and oa the road lo the cotUie, which Uiey nlUmitely rushed without any Inlermptlon. Hen It had been igraed they ehould dsmind admlltinca, but If thit wu denied, they wen then to foroe their way In. Burituddlag the house, Uier diecovend by a Ught shining through the cartilna of • window In one of the rooms, thit tha occnpanta had appirenUynotyelreUiedtorettbatlt wu In vabi thai efforta were need to Ulract their ittanlloa. In retdUy yielded lo Ihdr hind, aaid the bo)B antend, pnpandfor in exoIUng scene. But they were acucely pnpwed for what now met thatr u. ionlihed gue. On one ilde of Ihe Ubie lay Wyae, the blood stUl oozUig out from the wound In hla forehud, hla body fot yet ohld; on Ihe'other, lav DeU, his nvolver beatdl hlmi wllh aa empty baml but racenlly dlacharsed—from bla heavy nealhlng II wu anrmlsed that he wu drunk; cn the teble wen Ihe cards aad hqaor In which Lbey had been Indclgbg, SauL, who from the Imporlant pail ha hid played Inthafu- ntting cat of the acoundnls, felt that he wu bound to ai4f some- thing, wu the lint to break illence:- , "TaUl I cells this'ere u deu 1 cue of murder u ever vi^ and ve'sjlstln line lo betoolile. Slarmaml vy oooldn't they • kept their ihootln' UU ve voe 'cretoaeofilrnlay? How,'' tummg to Tom BUpleten, "doee yer know 'em t Tloh la vlch 7" That dead feUow Is Wyse, Ihe other Is BeU; lAey vront try aay non tricks In a hurry, in wirnnll" "Tell, I'm sorry for the poor devIL" Slid Bun. "What poor devU 1" uked BUI Hall In inrprlae. ' ' : . > "Ty, old Nick hlmaelf—to he awe i vlUi snob a onn u thU 'en Is In his pramlau he'U have to keep hla ayufpeeled, m ball vy, be'U swindle him out o' hla altuatlon If ha kin"—HnUo I volii up now!" ■ ' 1 Thla exolamitlon wu produced by lome one In tharocmabove epenlhg a window, tnm which criea for hdp wen heard to pr» need. Bevenl of the party ruabcd up ataln, aad unlocking the door of a room discovered a poor domeatlo crouched In a coma*, tar- rlfled wllh the beUef that hutormenton hadretnraed,-'bat ahe wu soon somewhat pacUed, and they wan eiubled lo gather ftom hu Incoherant etalemenis, and the disordered etateof hu venon and Ihlngi anund her, some parUculin of the base out- rage that had been ccnmltted. She nad baud the ahetflred, and Ihe subsequent deathlike aUence hid Impreaiedhulhat ■omelhlng wu wnng. She wu taken down ataln to asothu room, but nothing could Induce hu to look upon the vlBAIna who had been hu ruin. Ueuuree wera Inatanlly taken to communicate with thfaa- thoritlea, who on their arrival appraheadtd Bell, who w snf- flolently recovered to glva an accccnnt of whit had taken place; bnt II wu "no go"—the whole Ihlng wu u deu u day. A cor- oner'a Jury wu inpinded, indhenid thefeUdtrotMlngoom> milted for trial on an Indlctinant for mnrdir, and inolhn one of rape. FennUeu and friendleaa, BeB had to stand his trial i WM ecm- mltled, and condemned to death, whioh wu alUmatelr commit- ted lo imprisonment for Ufe, u the evidence wu martly dr^offl- ■liBtld, snd two pohits having been elucidated which wen taken Into eoiisldenllon by the exeeuttre u tending to prove Ihe poeal- bUlty of hla atory having aeine fhandatlon In flcL Theae vren: flratly, that Ihe domeatlo awcn mat poelUvely that she hsd ss- onrely futened the front door befora gohig u bed, while lim. and hla friends dsdarad that when they reached the placelt wu merely on Ihe litch; Ihe atcond point gilned was, that no money oonld be found on the penon ol ellh w, or In the hoaa^ and that, from the podtlon In which DeU lay, wllh the pUlol near him, he oould not have moved from Ihe plue after having Ired it One rcaaon why hla atory wu ganeraUy dlicredlled was. Ihit blideacripUonof the burglin tsUled eiicUy wlUilhalof:BUl Ihe TIgu, snd Oneeyed Birney; while II wu an estahUahed fact Damey bad some time before ccmmlUed suicide In the Tombs. In a hindsone speech byToffl TIdley, chilrmin of Ihe free and easy, Bim. wu praaentcd wllh the twentv.flve doUan which it wu conceded he bed won noel deservedly. In reply, Bem. merely aald "he'd be blessed If he could tcrk--bnt^ven tUng he conlddo vlch vu to drhik aU the company's 'aalib, 'opin' hofen to meet 'em In this 'en convlvUl auemldyi" andatandlng on a obair he poured down a quart of ale it a ifflgle dnught aad the eheen and plaudlta of hu frienda, who on tnla oocaalon treated bIm K llbenUy that ba had to be cirried up slain to bed. In the mombig he ind his nloney found Iholr way aafdy oru to Flilbuih. Aflu BUI and Damey got poueuloB of the money Cmn tte sonthenen, tkey took a turn in the conntiy lor eome days, but, fladlng that It "dUn'l pay" so well aa they onlldptted, latuned to wiuiimiburg-not a whit too aoon to uve Durton'e Ufa (Ihcngh they didn't know, nor by iny means Intend II) snd bury the old man who, thongh known round about had often been In Ihe hiblt of dlaappearlng (or vneka at a time, and wu not Blued. In a week or two Burton iru suOldently eIroDg lo enable him to lake part In an espedlUon which wu dlled out irtth the ut- moet seoKsi to hunt out the cavem. The memorrrot Bruck haunted Ned, and he wu iniloue to ucartain his (ate. Dyln- qalriea cauUouilf Instituted, he at lut (Ound out hla rraldenoe, the hovel above the cavern, ud wllh a powerfnl poses ol ssilit- aula bealagad Ihe plaae. Bul BUI end Bamey, who wen ever on tha watch, had aumclent time to stents thamsolvea; and tbongh every nook and corner wu aeanbed. the cavem renulned nn- dlicomnd, and Button lea the puce u wlio u he entered It This U not lo be wondered it, when It Is kept In mind Uut on both oeeulons o( hla entrince tnd exit from the cavern he wu not In a oondldcn to be awan of when he wu, and thoogb when ho endeavortd to eacape he found the place oleilli he had BO Idea whtn II led lo, 10 ni coimiiTU.