New York Clipper (Nov 1863)

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234 ORK CLIPPER. NEW YORK OlilPPER. BATVBDAT, NOVEUBEB T, 1883. A««waBt *(> ooBKMMiaonaTi. evMomn, Billon End, a a—1. Will fonntd jona Utter, % ymttw, If UI7, praprldM* tnowUi«lr*dT«>llMn,p*ncii. ■Or, vblcb u prMlwIr U>e ui< *<ll> <■■: ooDHqoaBlly, we »n Iteult <o ■<«• u ojilBloD 00 Uioir hoontj. Thoj m (or Uielr ■dnitlwDCBl*, ud Ilut !• (U, «IUi hw •utpUoni, Ui»t w« kaow kboat Oitm. Ton we <o qanUon ttftm In legud to tteir noni cteruKr, ibry wcold no doobt lake It u u ttinili, •Bd perbipe **glTe «§ ooe od tAe knowledge boi'*—If tbej could. Tim,— Flora Tenple'e bttt ttmei on any Iadr Iilind Inck vere nedeos thenolon Coiine, Jane Sib, lUO, n. Fetcbro. «b<n •bennkfd down to 9:11; and eielnet Etbin Allrn uil luXe on IbeFukloB Oonnr, Jaij 9Mb, IMl, 9:«>K dli/onrifvfV lam. At tbeir •■Iwl" neesnteron thla ooiine,Fionwu bnloe taitbrfo itnlabtbeatii but loattbe leoondty a tort nrlr ool/, ln9a«K, nUweionSepLIIbilBgL H, 1.0.—We otuol glTe yon tba eiad tine nide tij Tlnrt Temple n. Etbea Allen end ntle, on Feiblon Ooune, Btpt t'li. ItGI, ter Ibe leitoD Ibet Flrn did not win enr odo el the tLii <> beeU. But ibeloettbe 9db(itb; cnly a niri', InSrlOX. Tbe nsBlag bone Bocke wu ulil lo b*Te lltoreUT puUcd wegon, Sbin (Od all OTe> tbe ecoie. H. C. i„ floidwater, Hich.-Iftbe ball, no nutter wbetbtr rrd •r wUtMolled back off Ibe oniblon wltboul bifloR coma In oOBtaet wUb tome penon or olber object, It abonld remain wbere It itopicd rolling. If It reaalsed on tbe oublog. If a rM ball. It ihonU be placed on lU prc^r apot; If a wblte ball, It would J, B,—Flora Tenipln'a fbtteat Ume on tbe Fublon Ooonn «u made on July M, IMl, wtrn iho won a beat agalott Ettaan Anjtiij wHb a running mate, dUtasdog tbemin 9:90J<, Gan, Baller'e balMt time on tbe aune ooune wu made on OoL lib, jm, when be acblerad 9:91K <"i^' n. FUllogbtm. LtoBT FntON, Kew York.—!. Tbice alxra and two tnyi In cxibbage count twenlj, tbna; twrlre br flfteena, eU for a pair ton], ud two for a pair. 9, Fire card oribbage li tbe better and more Inlereallng game. In our opinion, wben two penona adraieptaylnc, t, W. E, Oajton. 0 In playing All Fonn tbe polnia an taken la the following older: Bnt, bl«b| aecond, low; third, Jackitourtb, game; ameequtnlly, botb being all pohite, tbe •n* boUIng nlgb won Ibe game, no matter bow many polnia bla csponent belL To enm np briefly—T woo, •<16M."—1. Oibae le mantca and baa bad two cblldren, oae of vbem li Uvlng, 1 In onr opinion, TMn Bayem waa a better taaa than lam Mae*. 8. Be waa, 4. Hew Orbiane ranked, befon <h* tebeUlOB, tbird dty In tbe Union In coBUnerolal Importance. Boaton to ahaaa of Baltimore, Mai. W,, gonib Otrella—I. Tour flnt aubecrlptlon did not •xplietmta'tblalaaua. We bare glrao you credit for 11 mora -vnlobBakee yon good Ibr another eight monlba'mbacilpllon. f. The book yon litnlre for !• not for aale. B. W., Baaorar Bwlloh. Ud.—I. Life of Tankee Kulllran la out •f prM, 3. Daa Donnelly bMt nail In ID roundt, Bept 14,1814; . Oooperla99inlo.I>eo,18,Ulll;andOIlTerln84r«nnde,TOnila, Ja]yII,Ul». AOTBOB or Bmi Ihioit —Tbe King waa In bla eonntlDg- kowee oonUngonl hie money; tbe Queen wu Intbepailry aattam bread and honey, and—we forget Ibe reat; but will nply fey man la a week, mon or leei. Anioiii, Bgin, 0. W,—We nerer aaw anob a work. By pur. •baaing or getUog acoeu to a lUeof tbe "TnrtBeglatar" Ibrinarlr BBbUabed I» the Old Sfirtl c( thi Kma, yon may pculbly find What yon are In aeaicb ot A BprnnaiBia, Bofton "A beta B that a while bone betia a black bone on • certain heat, Ihey make a dead beat Vbo 'Wlnat" Aa A bet that Ibe while bone would btat tbe bluk, •Bd U renlled la a lia only, B won. Bam Vr, Albany.—After brgglng, llim carda nnit be dealt lo •aoh man each time tbe aune urnmple turned. The dealer aar not change lo a leaa number ot caida wllbont Ibo conieol tt a» oppoalte party. t. A. H—L Dear Burke wu defeated by Dendlgo, Feb. It, lot. In lOr,, 94 nin., and br Mick Ward, Sept 19,1810, In 17 lounda. 9. WebaTeDoknowiedieof aoygenUemanglrlng Joab. Ward a whip lo be held until aome one beat bim. C. D., Fblladelphla.—ir Wllion'a colore, u deacrlbed hy ne In •aotber colonn weie not tbe American colon, we ebonid lite to ^ow what Ihey ue. They were compoaed of red, while and blao. Bn Tana, Oohimbua, O.—Should bo pleued If we could ebilale Ibe dlOcnlly, but being an adTcnlaement we ctonat II may be remedied,probably, by wrlUng tbepartlee tbemaelrea. O, luaaoi, St touli,—1, It la lupcealble for na to glra a •erreotauwar l« ycuraueallon. 9. Ur, Conner la theoldeal (In Ibe bnalneaa) prnteaaTonal of tbe two, H. A. F„ Earrlahnrgh.—Ibe lait we beard of the partira Ibey •mm Id Fblladdphla. A leller directed cere of 8am. MUler, Cheitaat Btnel Ilouae, Fblladelphla, will probably leaoh thom. EniM.—Flora'a qnlckeat tine (ulde from the Kalamazoo ttnX) to ^* 9:30K, agalnat Ethan Allen and male, Faahlon OnuSe, July J«tk, 18(11. ' "Sum Ooujoa, Hew HaTen.—Ibe lady bu been married and UTorced. She baa one child llrlng. The gentleman yon men- tloa ui M( got charge of the "IndMdual." W, E., Trey, V. 7.—We know nolblog of Ihe party eicept that tteto adrertlieaenl la paid tor. Will abow your letter lo Ihcmi knt to pnbUab it would lay na liable to a aolt for llboL K EnEA, Waahlnelon, D. 0.—In plajlog at bagatelle, If a ball Inmpa off Ibe labia, alrlkea tbe waa anf then nlle back aiain Bto a oup, It docB not count and ahould be taken off u "dead." Bnn.—1. Tom Sayen alanda left foot and left hand fonmnet. S. Bcodlgo and Jack nandall were equally good either way Vew priie Ighten atand wllb Ihe right band out B. Dtnnt, nttabnroh, Fa.-Teal Ihe feat bu been twice ae- •ompUahed; once by Ttnalee in V) mln, 3tH eeca,, and once by I,ady Fallon In U mln. H aeca. TBLioaiPB, Pouiibkerpale, N, T Ward'a qnlokcat flre uUe Hme, IB a pobUe match, wu that at Ibe Bllrer Bell Champion- •hip match at Blalen laland, wbere be won in 9t mln. 10 eeof. J. F, I.., 90lh Valne Voto.-Ulke Wehb died In New York clly, Varob 17,16(0, It la generally bellered that be wu foully dealt With. D. B,, Detroit—Ho mailer If all Ibe balla bad been pnokeled, lb* fbttellare woild only be two polnle, prorldlng Ibe cue ball Bad loaobtd Ibo olber white ball before going In. X, T. P„ Itocbeeler.— OIto up all anob fooUah Ideu u adopt- tog Ibe etaaefor arroreaelon. Vol hare not tbe lout Idu of vbat yoa will bare to endure. A. W, K,, Waaklaglon.—We bare not heard of Ibe lady for ~*Uine. TUB ORBAT INTBHIfATlUNAL FIOUT, DETwrnv }. C, HEINaN, AM AniucAii, JlMO TOtI Il!ia, AM BDouamiAii, la Jnat ebout a moatb horn ibe dale of Ihto toane of the Cur- ru,oneof IbegreaUal puglllallo conluU that bu erer taken place, will be foncbt la England belween John 0. Heeoan, b- mlUarly known (a Ibe Dtnlcia Boy, an American, and Tom King, an EngUahnian, and Iho oooquerorolDrltaln'a champion, Dolb are reckoned to bo npieiculatlTe men, Id point of phyiqw and poglUallc iklU, of (be two counlrlci; coniequently, II to not to be «cnd<red at that Ihe grMliitlolaiut abonld bemanlfeeltdIn regard lo Ibe rcaull by Ibe pnbUc of bolb natlona. The Imnenir eiim lo be fooebt for, tlO.OOO, alao adda ccloi to tbe iffeir, and tba nonnenlaof IheotD, and tbepiogieaof prellnlnarieabaie become flnt daea topica of conveiaallon In iportlng olrdea. In proof of Ihia, we night aUte that at Ibe late CuanwItcb Ilact, Ileenanand Elng.uwell uTcmSayen,Dyalland theSlaley- btldge Infant, and olhrn, were pieaent, and tbe Pilnce of Walei, and the Elcg of the Oietka were aniloua to bare Ibem polnled out Ibat ILey might take nolo of tbemodelgladlaton. In regard lo Beenan, It la atelcd Ibat "be already iMkawoudei- fully Implored aince bla locallon at bla Iralnlog bead qnarleia,' King bad not, at laUit adrlcea, done much acUre work, but had been taking tbe gieateat care of blmaolf. Beenan allllcontlnuu to be the faroille In betUng, allbougb tbe manner In which Klog'B filtnda take Ibe odda In anal] and large beU would Indi- cate Ibat he la not without frienda who tklnk bto chancre o( auc- ceia are good. We look upon IMe aUlo of ±lnga u a good omen, and Indlcallre that Ibe nerrle mill at nenle Xnaa-tlde will be right metiUy coutealed. Many of ncenan'i fricnda ban alieady left Columbla'a aborea to be there or tbcreaboute on Ibo day, and bto brctber Tim left Ibla pen on Ibe Stot ult, to are tbe aport, and pnbtbly to lake a band In gelling bla biolber Into condition. Clber pnmlncnt apotia are to take ahip In a few daya wllb Ibe atme object In riew, eo that tbe exdlemcnt ccnaeqnent upon Ibe altcUon once over, we may eipcctto aee a luge ebaie ot public alUntlon drill Eorope-ward. Ibo Sporting Zv^« we aee alatee that Joe Cobum will be there (bra certainty; bnt we bellere be bu not yet made ap bto ml£d. In other worda, "he to on tbe fence," Aa tbe eportlog fraltmlty of America naturally look to Ibe Cuma for all detalla of all aoehpnnn'nent erenla, we bare glren quotoUona from onrfoialgnfllca elae- wheie, which, to Iboee talereeted, will repay peruaaL Tbb Laar CoacaiT of the aeaaonat the Centre! Fark, wu glren on Batuday, 9ith nit, Itbarlag been dcdded to inapend them tlU Ibe annner of IBM, They bare been deoldelly good tblBge to haTe In Ihe Fark, and II to a pity Ibat tba "mualcken' can no longer aland tba nlpplDgand eager air. We fear their withdrawal will canu many of our Lady Day Bpankan and Lord Dundrtatia to eielalm with tbe Immortal bald "now to ihe winter o( our dtocontent;" but let Itaem not commit auldde, ft>r In a few abcit weeka, Zen permitting, they will bare as op- portunity to eiebange their riding hablte and white palfteya for fJalmoiali, (pndcauy they are iamoral but wedon'l aee It,) and BkaUng paiapbemalla. Oannol aome ot our 'Inlbientlal uonmlllea" prevail on tbe Bnaalanaio prolong their alar uatll tbe Central Fuk -pond to In condition I They would not, Judg- ing fiom Ihe preaenl elate of Ibe weather, bave to wall long after the grand bait What a grand Inauguration of tbe akallng carnlral It would piore to!». By all meana let na bare an op' potluolly to aee Iho dear Uoioorlte ducka on the park pond. Tnn nwacnD Wirs.-Anolber, and a crowning woik, by Iln. Ann S. Slepbeni. From Ibe daya, long gone, o( "Fublon and Fa mine," Ibe fame of Ibla glflul auUioreu bu been ateadlly on the i ncnaae, and Ibe pnaent work, Kabe produced no other, la a fitting climax. Space forblda na a rtitieir; we can only nay, buy It—CTerybody, The mingling o(pbaaee of bumble life wllb tbe higher ptnonagca to, Intbto cue, peculiarly happy. Tbto TOlnmelllnatialealfra. Btepbena'blgbcat qnatlUei; hercbarao- tora are pneenled wHb aucb point that tboy eeem our own orary day acqnalnUncea, and we feel an Inlenae aympalby with Ibem. Ind c«d Ihe depth to which Ihe heait to mored In many panigea la' profcoidly beyond all appaientifforto of art, ridepp. ICS, 993, ITt, 881 (comic) << Uf., and the Intenae dramatic power of the whole doalng chapter. It to a tale o( Aaron Buir'a earlier life, Tbe bock to a magnificently printed 19 mo„ pp. 438, T. B, Feloraon & Dna., 3M Obealnnt atteel, Fblladelphli. For aale by H, Dexter, BamlltOD 1: Co., 113 Kaaua alreat, Kew York. Paper, tli mnallB,tl.W. 'VoTZ Eablt ard Orm" bu been the adrice bequenlly Rlren by Intereeted bttt unprincipled polltlclana to thalc conall tuento. Aa wo are not pollllolana we cannot endoiae auch ad- tice; but being Inlerultd In Ibe peipalulty o( (he ITnlcn and tbe lability o( Ita inatllutlona, wo can empballcally eipraaa the hope that oTcxy Amcilcan olilMn will role at tbe New York Slite election on tbe !d tool, boatlug In mind Ibo Jackaonton and damoontio moUo "the UnlOD mufl and boall be preaerred," and role (or no man Ibat dooa not ondone It 0. B. Wonrn.-We oannot give yon ibe genUemaD'a pnient Wbanabouta. J, R., Brraoue,—We cannot tell you of any party mann^ai- Sagologahoee. > •v"; ftrJ' r!f 'J" "I""" 0' tte Turf," but another Flon ttat "kicked the backet" A Bonicni»ia,-Poole andForrlaecy (ought (or |M a aide In Ihali celebialed "keg fight" on Amoe etieot dock, July 98,1884. T, B., Ebnira, H, V.—The carda enumerated coniUtutej a aoaUae or aeqaaaee, S"?"!;,,**! rj'ael'M, OaL-Fapen reoelred Jnat In tlaa, Hncb obliged. BcOraUi bu arrired, 0. B, P., Boetea—We can fomlab yon with June 911b and 4tpt3(KtL WebaTeBoneo(llay9d. Joeii Waan. OonalagloB Bnok, 0, W.—Tour former loiter baa MTorreuhed aa, B, J, H,, Bante«a.—A good bone trainer mlabt cure bin, bnt II la donblfol. nniau tba horae to quite yonog. BDnoaiBaa, R, Y.—A man being of age, 91 yean, and a voter, la eligible to a aaat la the Aaaemtly, U elected, JoBii W, RoLARD.—Your pnMBt BobacrlnUon expiree wllb BUmber 84 of thlB velunw. -r r A BoiaoaiDxa, Philadelphia.-We have no reoolleoUon et Ihe ■evileman ever playing a leading part In tragedy. «.?'.2:i.'''i!'**'''*'*P«'lln» (or each and eveiy Baeitlon; 98 per eeni off (or Ihiee monlba. i"* "«"**" reoelved-lhe former to good, bnt the latlar vary indifferent •I'lS&nWJS^^ErVe^Vlifo'SJhTuj:*'"*" Biin&.'aJi'jir&y-t.Mjsyrn.''"''" O. L.,Balllaen.-lloneya*(alytabaBd. Thank yon. BiiDaareir.-AddiMB J. iiegan who advertlaea in onr colnmna. B. A, O,, BlUtel BUUoa, Va.-9ee anawer lo O 0. B, 0. R. awkrier, O.-Tbey wan pat on Oct 9ttb, Tbb CairrawA Oaictar Ciuu, of Pblladelphto, givea Ite third nnd baU at IheMualcal FandHall on December 14th, Wo kop* Ihto third ball will be of Ibo rinbt l„gih, pitch and apeed l« bhe a wlaktt ke(oia "over" to called. Wa thank the genllo- ataa of the olub (er a eompllBentery Inviuiion to he there. We ■ay maik a "polal" ie "allp" la, but not tor a "long atep, ■ Ib» Tdbf i» CAKanA.—Ttai hven •( aporl en lha tirf, o( ■eafiitb,0, W„ rurally bad a day'a raolag and Inlllngot'ao •attolaolaiy a aalara Ibat thay have ielemlaad to have a regular B|*tog aad wm IteaNng aeil aeaaoa. T. F, Ball, Baq., leontary •il Tnaaanr •( Ik* Aaaociattoa. Tni Lawe and Piuoiioi or Encrmx.-Euohn, oonaldered by nany, the queen o( oaid genu, and now one of tbe moet ex- tenilvely played o(aD7,la yet Ibe leul o(all ruled by ncognlr«l lawa. To aupply Ibla deficiency, Ihto treettoeli putforlb, and to now toaued in a "new and revtoed edilloo." Ibo eiplanallon of leehnlcallllea to eapeclally excellent A beanlKUlly printed 10 mo. pp, 188, IS cento, Patenon & Bioa., Pblladelphto) F, A. Brady, agent, 94 Ann atreet N. Y. AQUATIC. ANOTBEB aoULUNa IfAfOH. Bnx Bnvma DarEan On. Waud. Di anoceulva ncllcea Id Ibe Cumn.lte readen bare been Id- (ormed that a five uUo aoolUng race, for 1100 a aide, wu to be conteated at Poughkaepale on Oct 18lh, ocor Ibe aane courae u the HaratU and Joah Ward racca for tlio Ohomplonahip wen pulled, between William Bteveue, of I'ougbkeopdio, and Oil Ward, of Newbureb, tbe latter a hrolbar o( tho ex-Obamplon. Qllbertward bu for aome time boon conaldoied apromlaing youth wllb the acuBa, and bU aobiuvemonte at the Ute CorawaU legalta, and at tbe rtgalt* at Poughkeepele tbe day after the lut Ohamplonablp race, added to bu reputeUon, and by many b« waa looked upon u t fli candidate for tbe ollce hli biotber jcab had BO long and honorably filled. Be to nut qnlte u tall or ao atontuhUbrolhor, buthulbe aamo long, aweeptog eirake ao popnUr nlib Uudaon river boatman. Dill Blavcna eu long bien looked upon u e flnt olau aeoller, and bto fellow-clUuna ct Ponghkoepaie bare talked long and loud on bto merUi, and have aomelimee thought ol pitting bim Satoal Jeeh whan he wu Champion, but never quite made up elrmlnda. He to noleolall u Oil Ward, bnt to atouteranS pnltoaveiTaliullaralnke. In four-oared and olber lacea or i» (atlta, be bu met ellb cooaldcnble aucceu; aad Ibla, added lo bla nunner of "raundlug the couna" el Ward and HamlU'a teat laoe, Induced a prominent edmlrer o( aquatic aporta of foogb- keepale fo baak bbs agalnat Oil Ward for tbe amount above named, and after II wu made bo wa« for tbe flnt time, pnt ihtougo a oonrae of training. On tbe day orlgtoally fliad for ib* race to coma off, lha lurboleni ateto oi thewaun rendered a poalponement oompnlaoiy. On the foUowlog day, however, Oct lllb, Ibe demeuto were deemed (arorablo, and U, H,, flxec <br TBI arABT. Tba Judgee war* Tim Donobua, of Newborib, (or Ward, and J, 0, OaokunI, o( I^wleburgb, (or Stevene, while John Boon, o( Fougbkoei>ale, acoepled Qi* oncroue olllce o( re(eRe, Then mm buKewapeelalon, oompantlvoly, piueol, Ibe late Obao, plouablp matobia having overabadowed II; and the fight k* tween wilion and Fltigerald having drawn tbe allontlon of die belling >|iorte lii another direoUou, bardly a corporal'a guard wu on band tiom Hew York Oonalderable entbnalum waa manlfeated by the aporU of Newburgh and Poaghheepile, two rival rivor lowua, Imt tbero wu more tbrorrtlctl than praotlcal belling- III what liltlti then wu doon, Wiiil l.nil iho call. At 13:01. P. M., all Iho neocaaaiy prelimliiarica bkilog been ar- rauKtd, at Ihe proper alueal bulb man dropped lliiilr bladw and made npld beadwayi Ward l.aillcg aligbilf. bkvooa did not puab bim muob tliu Aral ba)( u( tliu Uiilauof, or until about maklrg Ihe turn, whore bo luri,cd oo a little moru Hleam, cloved tbe ahnrl gap, and paaaed bla maUi gotling niind Itie aUka boat one mlnuio anil five iiconda ebead Tiilagaveliimagiwtad- vanlide, which Vard could not afterwarda uvircoioe, oiling, u la alleged, to bto arna alvlog eat Tbe conaiqurnce wu that be wu b.<aten near upon belt a mile, BUvraa doiag ibe dialaac* in ika axceUeal lia* (*eaaldarlag then wu a ilnag fle*4 •• lb* home itntcb) of thirty-nine mlnutee Uly-lhrea Btcoada, Aa night b». aeppoatd, Btevena' (ricnda were Jubilant over Ihe le- eult, and (nlle wlUlsg lo back their man lo do It over agaUi at evane; bnl w the Ooiswall lade wanted 1910 to tiOO, the propoal- tlonwu allowed lo gobydetonlKortbe-prwiit Tbla nee, owing lo Ihk latcntu of the eeaaon, may be looked nponu lh« tnale for 1888, wa enpneae; but In 1884 we abaU be pnpaiM U> look out (or aqnilla,i( not aome good conleate between the Warda, Btevena, Bamlll, and olben, In wblob the atoke* will be quoted at a higher flguie than the ebove. THE TURF. TuATTnooBAHnDoLitaTaoT-—An uaemblage, eeUmalcd at 400(1 people. caiiiO logcther on the Natlooel Coune, Waablngton, to wllneaa the great trolling conteat (or 11,1)00, the captlal'prixe ol tbe Irotticg week, which, aa prevloualy anDOOOCcd, bad been poatpoeed to Ibe 97lh ult Three (ut 'una Snally appeAred iit Ihe kcntch, Butler, Prince, and Belle o( Hartford, UuUer, Ihe aUabIng black gekllog, owned by Ex-Ald- Oenet o( New York, wu tbe winner of thence, aawuea peeled by the koowlog onea. The race wu well coateeted, however. Dau Uace managed to land Ibo game Utile baygeUIn(, Prince, flnt at theacore at the end or Ihe tbird boat He came home lapped upon Butler In tbe (oorib and laat beat, Ihe (kateatot the nee. Bommary:- National Oouaaa, Wuhlngton, Oct 37lh.—Proprietor'a pune 11,000. mile heala, beet 1 In 8 to bameaa. Br.LovaU entered blk gBuUer 1 1 9 1 Dan Vace entered b g Prince 3 9 19 Ur. Uaitln enteied on m Belle o( Bartrord.. .9 3 dr Time—l:34Xi 9:99>i; 9:31X; All AcciDr.NT OM TBB Dmior CoDiai, L. L— Houaci F. Jona Bxaiovatr Ihjubxd.— At the trot on Ibe above named conne on tbe 18lh ult, (or 11,000, mile heato, beat 8 to 8, between Lady Clifton and Puny Allen, tho driver of the latter wu capalxed, andwu to all appearance aerionaly tsjuied, Tbe quadnpeda had already done two beato which Fanny bad won, thtia maalug her the (avorlte to belting at exirangant odda, and had been Btailed evenly for the third heat which alio looked very much In favor of Fasuy, being over a Icngih ahead at Iho halt mile pole, wben Lady Ulinr>n m^de a aport and began doelsg, and u they went Into tbe lower lam her head wu cloee op to the wheel of Fanny Allen. In aninatent more tho vehicle* were together; then Jonea' wagon turned up elde down, and Faony Allen wu Bean running with all apeed around tbe track, irith the broken wagon dragging at berneeto, LadyOWtea did not aeemlobe impeded very muob by tbe accident, <br when the eyee of tbe cnwd vrere taken bom where Jona* lay on Ibe gronnd, they (onnd her coming np the homeelreteh on a aqnire not, and at a faatar gall than ane had ahown befon In tba race, coming to tbe aeon In 1:38X, accident iBcluded. Bvory body nowraahodto the aaalataaoeoC Horaee Jonea, aad lo aecertaln tbe extent of laJurr be bad received. H* wu found Irlng on the track In- aenalmefromlh* Jarhebad raealvadln nto fUL HIaearwu onl and bleeding vaiy ftedy t bnl apart htm thai then did not eppear to be any other external wonnda. Ha wu placed In a urrlage, aad aeni immediately to the dly tor medical aid. He aeened to recover bla reaaon aomewhal on bto way lo town, and complained o( gnat pain In bto bnut Pilfer, the driver o( I>idy (nilton, aecoonto for the accident by uying that Horace wu oMwdlng htm on to tbe gran, and at that moment Horace'a man broke np, and awervlng In etlll more on Pfifer, the totter bkdio go over Ecrace'B wagon. Pflfer'a eacape waa moat wcn- derfuL The Judge* aUte that they bad no way o( ucertalnlng (ram where thay wen atoUontd-one half mile fnm tne apot o( Ibe coUlaioa—whether there wu any fool play by either of Ihe pirllea, but felt UionaelvM compelled to award Ibe race lo Ihe hone bringing tho proper welgbte to the etonds. Summary: - Umoir Oonnn, £. L—Wednuday, Oct 98tb, match 11,000, mile hwti, but three In five. D, Pilfer named a bay man, mate to Lady Clifton, ha hamoa 9 9 1 Horace F, Jonoeiuinedb m Fanny Allan, towagoB 1 Idto. Time-9:34X; 9:S8X; 9:38)(. TnoT at BAtnMOBB.—On the 981b ult, thar* wu an exciting Iroltlng conteat at BalUmon, for a puree of 11000, belween Prln- ceu end Qeneral Bnller, Tbe odda won at flnl on Butlor: after the flrit heat the betting wu even, bnt after the third and (ourib hutoPrincenwu tbe pet at one hundred lo ten. Upon coming op to tho etand for the flret dub, the horaee atarted off In apian- did atylo; Butler, however, broke and (ell tMhlcd, but apcedlly leeaened tbn gap, and rucbed tbe eland In MiK- The etcoud aud third healj wen won byPrlnceaa In 9:30 and 9:31. Open conteallng for tba fourth heat, Bnller aniprleed bto moet aan- i;ulne frienda b>'ble anporlor movcmeote, making theacore In 2:31, and Iho flftta In 9:30^'i. He wu thonfon declared lha win- ner. Tnonmo at BosTON.—Tboreiru a goodly aatemblage on Ibe Franklin Park Courae, near Doaten, Uaae., on Ibe 98ib ult, to wllneaa t>oaplrllrd and well conleited trotilogavenu, 01 tbe ilnt tho (oUowtng 1* a BDinunT. Matcb>'>00; mile buto; three In five. BWhltel (OigAg.mLady HalMo ICO lha wagon 1 1 1 I Woodi Vraancd g g Billy Gray, to wagon 9 9 9 Time—9:S0X: 9:>IK; 9:81 Tho next race wu one creating a great deal of Inlereat as It inaugurated a BOW (eatun In IrotllDg, and one thil muat even- tually prevail ou all our cuunea. Tbu to the appototment o( one Judge to decide the race. I( timekeepera are requlied, they cugbt lobe Independent o( Ihe Judge, aud u their pnvtocele enllnly ontolda tbat o( the Judge, tboy abonld not come In ccn- Uctwllhblm. Thtoracewu the (eatnre o( the day, u while both bonra wen coaaldeied fut the dtlrlng c( Ibem wu tbe moet totereatlog future, Ur, Bobhini never navlog pnvlonaly appeared In Jookay coatame. The competing naga were Ibe arey mare, l<oUy, and the black man, kllaapant the ownen, [eaan. D. llobblu and T, 0. Wblte, to drive, to wagon, mile and lepeat aunuBT, Uateb llOO; mile and repeat; towagona. TO White named blkmUlnapent 1 9 1 D noblilna named g m UoUy 11 1 Tlme-3:3S; 8:10; 1:18. BALL PLAY. nonoszM ve. Niw Yoax—Tbo grand match between eelecied ulBM (rom tbe above localltleB, which look place on tbe ball gronnda at 83d atieet adjoining Ibo 3d avenne rail road depot on Friday, Oct 93d. turned out to be, u a oonleat between lha atrenglb of Ibe two pirtlea, next door te a failure. Through wild pllcbtog. It wu not only a tedloua game for tbe apecteten, but a ureaome one to Ibe majority o( tbe fleldeia. After a conteat o( two boon, daring which only four Inotoge had been ptoyed, darkneu began rapidly to ai>proaeh. Tbna far the game had been enilrelr onesided, Ibe New Yorken appaienlly finding no dllBcully In battlog Ihe baUa pitebed by UcUweeoyand Wanatey, their aeon at the clcae of the (onrib toning* betog 93 lo 8, which wu not matarUlly altend In the next InnlDga, u will bo eeen bytbetollowing aeon:- BATmo, B.L. aune | Niw Toai, HonoiBi. Wanalay, o HoS weeny, p-.. ZeUer,9<1 b Fag^ lalb Booney, 3db.... Walker, If. Blokem, of H,Wifght,ia... Thoma, rt 1 1 3 9 1 3 1 9 9 Total.. Hannegan, p. Dr. Bell, If Budaon, e a Abnma, lath— BlrdaaU.o Faltenon, 3d b..., NIoholaoD, 8d b,., T. Dallon. of Jewott, r f B-i. aim ...9' 3 ,.i ...9 ...I ...S ...0 ,,.1 Totol.. 1 3 3 1 4 1 9 i .93 Bma lUDX D) XAon unnwas. let 9d Id 4lh 8tb 8lb Tth 8lh >lh Hoboken 1 118 9. , . .-8 Now York 4 18 8 1... .-J3 Umpire—Ur, Orum, o( Ihe Bckford club, Fuaed ball*—Wanaley, T; Rooney, 3; Olrdull, 4, BUuckout—UcSwocny, 1; Booney, 1; Blokem, 1; WaUor, 1; Hndaon, 1. Put out on (onl balla—New Toik, twice; Iloboken, 4 tlmaa. ' Piit onl ai flnt bue—Now York, 4 Umn; Hoboken, twice. Fly oatobra made-Birdiall, 1: Abrama, 1; Hannagao, 9: Bud- aon, 1-lolal, 8. Walker, 1; McBwaoDey, 1; Booney, 1-tolal, 3 Calebu nilaaed—Blokem, 1; Waneloy, 1| Hndaon, 1, Leltonbaaea—llocney, 1; Nlobolaon, L Time of g>m»—Three honn. A Daaa Bau, UaTon wu played at Albany, on IMober 98Ib, between Ihe Star and Cow Boya, which raulud In tbe deroat or IheOcwDoiabyliinuB, Ibe aeon:— bATHMO. Btah. MoOlonla, p J Kelly, 0 Filtgeralil.lalb.. HoOairtek. 9d b... HEelloy, 3db.... Dolan, ■ * Halteiv, r ( MoCall, If Dunn, 0 (.* Tdlal B.L. amn ...9 8 Cow Boi*. WUurpby.p Uonagban, o Hraity,e*... JUny.latb.... . D Murphy, 9db.. EUray,84b. OUuipby,lt 04nnon,o I. Flemtog,r( ni.B<nn .4 0 ..S ..8 ..B ..9 ..« ..8 ..0 81 Total 8 nowa UAna «Aon nomiaB. Ill 3d 8-1 4lh 8lta 8lh Tlh 8lh Olb BUr 14 8 0 0 8 8 ; a J-85 Cowloya J o 0 1 « " ' 0 8 Tna KKmoKB AUD ATnrxTio BaU, Oinwi, o( PhlUiWphIa, played a atcana olbe match (or Ibeobamploiiehlp of muniulam. laat wee*, which wu won by the KojatoBa. Tho pUy of DIehl, 'toll field fur tbe EtialonM, wu fint daaa, he making two Hna uatehia In Ilin Haaio-UcOleary, OopOi Pebdergial and Follerioo, alao plajcd well, The lelurn maWi wlU i4a placa on Tnaeday, Nov, «Ui, on tbo Alhlalle gionnda on H h and Huler alreeta. Mr. F, He Binder ntobaida, acted aa umpire, aiid gave mnlver..l aallilacitoQ, Time at gaato Iwo hgan. Bcon-IejalaM, IS) klU*U«,93. BAia Bail FLanu va, OaioxanBa.—Avery latanniat. wu played at Bedford on Oot Mlb, hatween Ibe Out tint JT AUaetIo Oluband wventeen pUyen. compoaed ol twelveau era and flve ball playan, the majority of the nlaven batwi* ben of Ibe New York Cricket Club, and tbe ball lUyaiTii Atlantic Bue Ball Club, Tho original airangemeut «h£ lanllo nine agalnat elgbleen old countiymea, but b<aT cauae or other, tbo whole of IhoelghtecB failed to put peanace, and in oonacqueuce, tbe game bad to be titlfZ beet they could, the mitch being iberabynhbed ofnratk^ Inureet attached to It In aplte c(lhe ocldaeaa ettu, nearly two tbonaand apecteten were pieaent, the nloiaiL net being manireated to re(eK0celotbe game. Itlunata* be one tbe moat lively, amuelog, aud Intetullng matcheaJ kind we ever uw, and w* Imat It I* but tho flnt o(ai«L atmltor ccnteata. Oe acoonotof Ihe colduaeaof tbadit, fielding wu almoet an tmpoaalblllly, and therefbnwiiJ from comment on tbe play. We muat uy, however, Ihtlii part of HIgbam, Hammond, Byroo, Datea, and DenbtakS crickelen, each and all did remarkably well In thelr^" A faitun of tbe mateb wu the very (rlondly feollig by Ihe conlealtog partlea. one to the other, the reauil hat? fralemlitog of the New York aid Atlantic club* m lha ttn that apuka favorably ^r their fntun Intertoutee lajZ gamea Already a ntnrn match baa been placed npoaCi gramme u orre of the flnl gamu of tbe ecaaon of 1884, U| J ubeagameofcricket belween twenl.v-lwo baie l>aU pjaig,' Ihe flnt etoven of tbo New York club. A match alio u igbi to wind up Ihe ptoy of the preaent aeuon, balwien elaviiii flea and the aecond eleven ol tbe Now York dab at oilii«, | Fearce, c Smith, 3db.... Blart let b Cnne, 9db OUverlf B.L. ...8 ...9 ...9 ...3 ...9 Bpngncp.... Pratt, a a Obapmac, of.. Oalvtn.rf Totol at, ....I ...I .-..I -.A n Wright c 3 Hammond, 9d b 1 Byron, p B Uanh, If i BulLrf. « Denbigh, a a 4 HIgbam, latb 4 Bndaon. of 3 Bate*,Sdb i laial., old cocionniBii, B.L. atnni White, r Luter, f Uackey, ( Btelle, ( Moore, f JHmllta,(. UoOarty, t lBnillb,r ....I ...4 -..I ....I .—I 8 Total I amiB KASB Di BAOB imiiaaa let 3d 8d 4th 8th 8lh Tlh 'ltta AUantlo 9 0 9 9 8 0 O-ltj OldConntrymen-.-l 1 4 0 0 » 1 1 |, Bntpire—P. O Brian, of tbe Atlantic club. Paued balla—H. Wright, 1) Haaunond, 3; Paaie«,-l; g man, 8. ' Home rnni—Blart 9- Blmckout—Bull, 3; While, 9; Lealer, 9: XlghAB, 1; 1^ Btelle. ii UoojB, 1. r Put out on ml balla—AUantlca, 3 Umea; Old Consbiu Umea. Putoutat Antbue—AltouUca, 8 ilmu; OU Ccu^bTaa llmu. ~ Put out at aecond bue—H- Wright, by Ciine, twice. Put out at third baae—Bait Haaacn and htoore, by B Put out at home hue HIgbam, by Bprague; and Bmm Hammond. Flycatebeamada-Pearce, 4; Crane, 9; Bnngue, 9;\_ Aalvln, 1; Bmllh, 1—totol, II. Btelle, 9: Baainunl, 1 Wright, 1—total 8, OatcbM nIaaed-Btene, 3; Boll, 9; J. Smith, 1; ban Blart 9; CraD4 1; Oalvla, 1, ^ Left on buea—Byron, 1; Btelle, 1; Bmllh, 1; Orana, 1; (I 4; Bprague, 1; Ohapotn, 1; OalvIn, I, Bound catcbea made—Old Coonlrymen, 13; lt1anNc8,U Out>—by Iho twelve crtoketen, 14; by the flve kallplija^ Time of game Iwo boon and fl(ty mtoutei. FouiOR fmunKO lmi» in Daiir.—Our flte of fonlgaipa papcn having atrlved Juil bofora vo go to pteea, we bam room fora aliurtauinmary of ovonia Tbo .^rlin$£(rt«[i 31, lakM aide* with tie cobtemporary, and thrvatejia te um gtllam overboard tinleaB belter conducted In (dure Barry Holt (pogliutlc reporter of IkWx Life, and refenali late light between Dillon and Traven,) Jem Dillon, Dcbltai Jack Ulcka, Aleo Keene. Nat Langbam, Fred Oliver, Ot*. Br DoaTyler, and Bob Webb, were all aentecced lo tan daya'laifli ment at tbe Oxfcrdabin Quarter 8eBalore,oD Oe^okki^ betog preeent at the DlUon audTraven' fight Pretty mi the boya, particularly ao for Haiiy Holt Ted Mapptf Dob Fnrge fongbt In Ihe London DUtrlot, on Get lOlh, aim and protracted batUe, toallsg 3h. 18m., and 109 romlta darkneaa put a atop to It (Full parilculare In our neill.. Oor cotemporarita aUle that £10 to down for ike Bak^WL. JoeOcaa. Eowtotbto? B.Oaidnerand J. K JcawA Bwlmmliig match for i8ll on Ihe Ittb nit DletaDce, X >li yaxda. Won by Jonu In 8m., the qnlckeat time on lecati FiuiHOi'e Ucmn.—Tbe Ibt* depailmant«(Btvathlll,! had a grand parade and InapecUon on the 38lh alt, the pn Inga cToalng by a trial of taa throwing pcwera ct lha ^ "tuba," Tiger, No. 1,41 men, threw a alnam 300 feet 10 ThlB macbtoe to of Ji-ffrn' maike, baa a ten Inch oyl]ilit,i endetroke. Two end on^balf Inohhoao wuueed bylUii. pany. Tbo boya lock hold of the biakca wllb a will, aal a fint trial aent a Jet iquartly over the polo, leaching aa ikt according to the Judgee, o( HI feet aid 9 tochei. The 0. t. Mo. 4, 00 men, threw (4ih trial) 901 (act 4 luchci, healing It C Inchea. Thla tub to aleo o( the Jeffere pallero, with Kb cylinder and aide alroke, and played tbrcusb Ibe aame bie uaed by Ihe Tiger. Each tue drew Ite own water and |1 through 300 feet of hoie, Ibe trial wu menly for aupiaaa OoAaLZT WALm'B BaHarn.—Owing to tbaetornyn there wu but very (air alli'Ddance at Uonlgonwy Belli 30tb ult The (oUowtog boxen appeared and ipimd-^ 1. . - . J - -m Doran and Alt Walker, Bill Dalseyand Pouch, HoLaln and Tommy UeakiD, Cock RohU aad Jim a Whitebraded Bob and UcOrath, Jem Parrel and.f Napoleon J.nkluand Brother, with Mike Dcraey and Walker In Ibe wind up. Bncto BUI Tovee appeaiedaal Ibe flral time alnce bto retom (rom Baraloga. Bio Cdallooe raou Jul Dokn,— Tbe late onpoaent dl Elliott la "pen to fltibt any man In America at from 148 la 1 (or (Tom 1600 to $1,000 a aide at any time u may be egnal Han and money ready at PhIL Clan's, 401 Oolomtlai Brooklyn, Job IBM WiLBia, Jake Beome wante to sea yon YosRO BroUT to Jahxs UnOAU.—ThU wall kasn. agrees to accept UcCabe'a oballenge to ma two mllei,aiJl meet bim at the Currxa ofllee on Filday, Mev, 8lh, at <a^ to make anangemente and pat ap, A Foot Dacx laku ptoce at the Oilon haUnll* tnck, 1 Inadale, between Bait Caeildyand Janu Koaaba,to _ Bide, on Wednuday, tbe 4tb loat, at 8 o'clock. P. M., abeX ter o( a mile dub, free to all, for a pune of 110, and a Wi bruah over alx bnidlei (oi the Bam* amount OnALLxxoi TO Yomo Broar,-J. P, Jackaoa villi ni B aleeve a Ave mile race for 8300 a aldd aud give bla alilTI alart. The race to coue off at PloUy'a Track. Ua n Hport any when Iho latter may deiiguato. , 4 yil llj :::::o!!! Tea FnxKon Toar.—The Parte Aulunu Keeling, whkkl Ibiee dayi. hu bcco tbe moat aaooeae(u] tnrf eveot ariiM la ntUe FraLce. Hie o:oae wu brilliant In tteexlrraa great event of (be liKt day to worthy ofrecoid oa acecuali' magnitude of tho alakca Ihe betting wu even on linM to 1 agalnal Orpholln, 10 to 1 agalnat BeiivcDlr. enough Ihto turned out to be to the very raven* oidaiaj poiltioni. The aumnary of tbto great eveal, wllk'lM' hones otoced, to a* (nllowi:— Orand Frix do I'Emperaur of 9O,0OO(., tor tanr yearil* upwarda that have nover won the eame prlie baron; WCr., hrit: ercondto lecelvo hall thoenuy; honMemb' ivul allowed lOlb; four lollu, U, Bohln'a Souvenir, by Caravan—EmlUs, U. Aumont'e Orpbelln, 4 yn, 1141b Oonte F, do Lagrange'e Slradelbi, 4 yra, llllk... BcuLiiRO— Taoo akd CoiLBis.—On Oct 131k, J. Tilt OoUeu nwed a race over the (ull ccone tram Polnayv ■ lake, (or £98 a Bida Tsgg hu rowed eeveral good nK4j yean o( age, welgha lift Tib, and la 8a IIMIo. toMght IB 38 yean old, Ost lllb, and 8(i Bid. In bolght Tagg wtfW vorlte at 3 to 1, aud bla (rioiide wer« Juatlfied la thelrca*" ror, IboDgb bolb ruvcd fakt, Tagg gradually dnw away, to*' by 1mm lOsea Ha went over the oonru In lOmle, 30iM ' six miles walkbig match, ou the L., , , _ worth, eg the 13th ult lloth lids were In geag ccDilMiaM on betog told lo go, ni.llIngsworlh look the Iserf, which bi>| Utned for flve milee aud a bait, when Tiumtna want to Uai^ aud won by tvesty ywle, Time:—K,nt uiilr. Brats. <" K. ood. lOmIn, IBiec.; third, 20iulu.i0atc.; rnurlh, 8<aila-<< arih, IBoiln. loiec; alilb, Uuiio. 17scc. Tea "quid" *" atake at uaua. Two Tnizx Fionn IR ADsrnAr.TA —The ant wu hila**' Dardy and air. ll'Lareo, oho met Ihe lut (Ulurdaf U/"J contend (or t'lOO, After agallautooiiteat at Imt houri durlcg which lime •l;ibly.two nuoda were feaibtto*'^ wu aecliied drawn, both being oomplably eiho"*", other fiiiht took place on Augunt 4, and wu k'.tveea "rLa llvinaad Uaonie Dodd, (or £300. Tbto fliklww i^Sa aellher appearing aaxlona to oonilnua lha eeaUat, anirsa" .waalf-alaat lenadi la 3 ksua 8 biIb. Bix UiLia Wauuro.— Tlmmlna and Bolllegrworlh d<^ Ocpenhagea On*°'^,?