New York Clipper (Nov 1863)

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'2SrEORK CLIPPER; 235 fHEATRTOAL REOORP. OUR laKTTIBB BOX« >«ahmI<Hn* fur Umn«. SUnw k Haln, 1. H. Otitor, nnr J. 0. Shirpl'T. F, O, Wttaon, DIok B«rth«l0D, A. 0. nuTTBUowont, M B. ImtIU, Losta flimment, 0. H. (T 0 Cbnroblll,! Tbw. Jwobn, L. M. W. BtMi*. U. a J^Dr. B. S. JooM, uul UU« Jannl* LmII«. ro r/7J5 PBorBSSiow, OLirrn li (he mot omn of lh« dniutla raA tliow __Jgii tnd o<ir dMrt !■ nod *nt hu bMo to mtk* thU 1»> Zat got ODlr nMhil (o (he proraHlan,bot InterMUof (o (h« iM'l«r. TbniKh (be mxHam of oor ll(U» ahHt, (hers- VuproffaloD uo iMrn (b« vhansbonti widbatlDeMot Keihtr. Dmpiu « pl«;blll,> nemptptr,* llat or two of (h« ZmM «' T0"r*<1'<* t<>^ Mwolt'ed with TOO, ao th*( RUh lu br Bitiirdt^ or Monl>T> *t the UtMt, ud Itte JhrgUhcd «intppoarIn uil week'!Inaaof theOLTprn, Vu i^r«r<1«l (o «gfD(< throughout theonantrTMrlran Sir nomlnit of oiob vaak. W« obwrgo nolblng (or reoord* At oMrcisant* of oor frlonda, noKtaer dows uk or aaek rlf lor klud for ao dolog. Va wlab to oonHoaa tha O^cr- uittlltbte onM fbr the banafit of (he profaailoD, tod eiKod the aphere of lla na«fiiloea. OITV ■oguUUlT. HOUDIT, Not, 4, Ml ibMlrknla, dorlag the put vaek, na hare Tair Utile to Biiitttbeopoiiloitof thapreaent ■aeaon we here been at- .unolthtd at the crowda on oiowda the'- dock nlRbllr to ^Hlnt. The Broadweju well u the Bowerj eattbUab- ubin all '"'"(t * ^"T Kood ptjlng boalnau, ^MUt neroa comotncad en enganmant at NIblo'a Otrden, u«ib ull. opabloit In "Camilla." The andlenoe, on thaoo- B0( her tmira la Ibia sllf waa rerr large, and ane contln- utUT on the off nighu of Ur, Forreat to large and aeleol >«ae. ll-r randlllon of "Uedea' waa moat eicallent. On ^MUl. Mlw Heron la to aopear In "Edith," and on tha 7th aa ristUMUTri'r. oneof luH Racbel'agtMlaatrolct. Hr. Bd- ^^lipp<tr<A on the Mtb nlL.aa Old Febro, In'Tbe iu«rDoiie>a," andltwaa oaoof the moat ancoeaafnl oha^ n Uul be haa repraaenled thia aeaaon. Ur. Wheatler liuttrtt Kfftmna (tinc» bla lenglhaned rlalt to Fhlla- ^1 ai Anlonlo do Cabarero, and waa moat «nthnalutlcall7 ^tH. TbiB evening Mr. Forreat appaara, for the flrat tima mwi, lb Bhakeapeare'a Ho dud tragedy of "Oorlolanna," ig~| sltb a Ine cait, new ecenarj and aplendid monntlnga. "jMUtk'ii Theatre Ibare la nothing to record eicepi the (wt ijiurlfall'ck'a oomady—drama—faro^Uelodrama-trage- i^t/ittiAt" eouHnnae to draw hogelf. -MlWood, erar on tba alert for producinganrthlng pioTe altracUre, brioga out at her Mhu eelabllahment, Obnpic (hie erenlng, the great aanaalloD of the daj, ot M VM'/i Tiit^ of Sorrla laland, wbloh ahe haa had >in"tip'eaal7 for the oocaalon. I( wlU. do donbt, prora ^-Idtoble fare*, and If Iteonlalneonehtif of (hefua(ha( TiiZiMXItwlilaerTetoallrupthe pnbUo curloalty and iitnil'lo(heth'atre, "Focahonlaa" wu ' keptWlaat ^u4fJII remain for a abort time longer. wi ^ Cbtke cloaed a aneeeaafol two weeke' oniigement at fubr Oirdan on Ibo 31it oik Tbia evening Ur, and Mn, en, Ike w«ll known loparaonalor* of Irian and Tankee tarn, commence an engagement, opening In "Hagdj I ■ "kUacblevona Annie." and the "Betumed Vvlonlaer," bi nil bionihl by niobard Bacott agalnal the rzeootora of niu Vm. E. Borton for tll.MO damagea, waa decided on tba jah, In Ibe Snpreme Court In thIa dty. The trial occnnlod Itmr dajTiand the Jnrjbrought In a aealedTerdlcifor rcl (or M sn 80, It waa alleged by the defence that the luj nre Incompelent to aing Eogllah opera, and that Ibe nlftilloiltoproTlde a proper wardrobe and •alBclantor> ml >ol Tocal moalc, acoordlog to bla agreement Tbe int ni aiarolned aa a witneaa In hi* own behalf, and oallad lUn bla let Umony it number of mnaloal eiperta and other Man. Tbe plaintiff prored bla readlneaa to perfbrm tbe ncl and hia (niaioant generally of all the brma of bla aStl The company aajg "Bohemian Olrl" and "Trora 'la Ibe Drat week, and bid rehearaed "Karllana" for tba bI wMk, whan Burton cicaed Ma theatr*. The company iin angering from tbe effecla of a atomy paaaage from Oaf' •bra Ihey commenced to alng, but Barton inalaled upon rfolnit on the alage. r.OKinyan the Armanlan Turk, gm one ofhla lectnrea on il( lift and aoclaly In Turkey, at NIblo'a Siloon. on the ]9th III iKture waa llluatraled by tbe Introduction of aenral 1 Id a uriely of characterlatic Torklab coatnmea. They gave laira of the dinctng of that country, and Ur. Oacanyaa I T«rr InU^rMtlng expoaltlon of the charaotor of the harem ftiracilic Inalltullon. L Goo. Vandanhoir commenced a aeilea ot tbroe readloga at Rilb'a Ilall, on the 3let ulL iiUricllona at 444 Broadway the piat week were nch li no kr place of entertainment haa gtren amongat na for many a Aa aome of the poators aay, "crowda, crowda, crowda" b Kt tbbugh there waa only that particular nigbt when we Ictoaet apart to be mon crowded than any otber nl^bl. nxd ao to na by tbe way peop'e docked Into the American n on the laat day of Octoberi but In reality It la not to, for !t Jnot Ibe aame lim every night In themok. Amongat retw ficea which haa llgbled op Ihe American during the It ilaya, are the beautiful Hlion Slalen—Frank and Ade- -Ihe former a dancer and tbe other a ainger, Adelaide ud ainga very aweolly, bnt bu hardly enough compau of 11« be heard dlaUnctly at a dlatanc^tbla, however, will be iliengthened by practice, the lady having only recently M Ike etage. Frank— a downright pretty name—aa a 4a» la very agile and graceful Ulaa Emma Temple, anolher lomtr, la aald to be a voiy olever actreaa; we abaU be able to lefber merlla afier wllnenlog her performance, aa we dldn'l mill tbe laat place-the only one In wblch ahe appoand. Chiilakl, the win walker and Tcntrllooolat, cloaed a very nltd wrrk on Ike Slat nit. Ur T. L. DonnaSy, a favorite I lha boya. la back again, doing Irlah comedy, and tUke Uc- u glvM pracllcal lUualratlona of the dancing at Lanergaa'a .<blcb Tony Pwlor alnga with aucb gnato. All tbe old fa- Ua are allU nlalned—the fonambuUatlc bevy of "darka"— tey White, Bob nart. Lew SImmona, Jim Vambold, Dick i, aid Johnny Wild; and It le aeldcm we eee a company wort tUlogolber, withncneof that profeaalonal Jealouaywbloh muiee oharaolarlaea actor folka. The American Tbeatre I tbacbcapeat and moat veraiUle entertainment on Broadway, ra Dawrcn, Ihe dlatlogulalitd double-voiced Tocallat, com- «e at Ramum'a ourlcalty ahop on Ibe Mb tnat. a Bindford Droihrn and Mile, Medea, oomnoalng the tnope rtomlmlala and rfcrunuf), who bare Juat cloaed an engage- at Baroom'a Uuaenm, an prepared to engage irltb man- I for dial claaaenterlalnmenta. Fartlea reqnliug tbalr aei^ mnai addrcaa Iheir aoli aganla—Ueaan. Conner & Co. rania' Ulnilnia continue to give pleaiing and mlrthfnl en- lamenta to very Urge and anprcclatlve audleneca, Dan el and Davo Heed appear nlghtlr in tbelr challenge dance, k li vary laughable. Tbe Bryasla bare alao added to their L-llona tbIa week the laat aeraaUon ot Ullea O'Ballly, and «wbo lake part In Ibe act make a good dealoffoo. Ike New Bowery Thoilro hnalueaa haa been the aame aa ^ On the 30th nit., Ur. 0- C. Boniface, one of tbe moot Lhr adore on the eaat (Ida of the town, look a benedt, and bnenae crowd prcaent fully proved to bim that hia endea- llo plraie had not been fcrgollen. ThIa week eommancea Kbedraiiaof"Iha JeworBouthwark,"and tbe revival of rflrlnc Dulcboan," Boniface playing the Jew and Yandex m. Ilumor aaya that Ucllle. Leo will aborlly make her Mat [la a new dramatic apeclacle. BitirFoi, of Ihe old Bowery, haa been ao •uoceaafnl with tfl dramu, thai be will In all probablUly coutlnue them ■tblbeeniireeeaaoD.oraaloog aaagood onbjeot for tba ■locllon of the aptclral lUualon oan De foiud, Tbla week ■01 Inlrodncee Ibe comic piece of the "Oboat ot Ollea Bcrog. Courted Uolly Browa" Alao (be drama of "Korah *mU." Finny Herring,owing to accntlnued IndlapcalUon, ^ible lo appear. >4ir laat week, Barney T7llllama had an additional member oltd to the 1Tlli''.ina famllr. The newcomer la of tbe '(vian ^lon, and will dou'.IJeai prove a aecond edlUoo of lukeeOal." jafi Ulnitrala continue aa altracUvo aa ever. The panorama ^crlh river baa been revived, and le very popular with WHf. One of Ibe great fea(urea of thIa talented cos- iMDbiairela le Ihe vocalization of Haater Wood, wllb plane luconpinintnl. Uu(er Wood'a voice no longer labora u ■inwaihorl lime alnce, and, no longer fettered by Ibe <( ulaalDg hia Inlonatlona, he nvela In the tVSl diaplay ot 2!™ genlua. The elfect produced by bla voice la that ot a ■>nr eearcblnr Kmln. Without any Tlalble Inoreaae of \ bla high, beU-lIke ncloa aotr above tbe Inalrumenlal f-Such an effect la pecnllarly lyrical, the diallncUon be- "Wnl mnalo and the inatruroental being that the former y» lonmiely note lodlvidnalily, and that tho hero abould, >«> u pcaalkle, remain Tlalble to tbe eye, like a grral niln tba pictan of a battle. TbIa la one of (he moat dlffl. r^la any ainger can make. Hie Tolce la remarkably high £oM of abrlUneia, and from the higheat nolo ot hia range r^tdi, with remarkable eaae,down to theloweatnoteaof vhlcb, from the effect of the aodden contrut ot the ?^BH, tell with mon effect upon the ear, Bla anatalned '"(Tolonga with wonderful caro. In part* notte- Jj*<>liy there la great landerncaa and aweetneaa, and bla ^aienta are full ot playtulnaia, and ao rapid aa not to be ?ra Ironi Ibe anbJtcl matter. He la yet quite yonug, wllb ?*Kilarra, good eyea, and an eipreaalva moulh, and hide "Mmme, by oarefnl training, one of our oo«t promlaing ^■viKia. Ti,, (Ills of Ibe unalcal compoiltlon aang by ^'^1, la "Bid MeDiaconrae"-UennBlebop'a maater- ^Tha pianoforlo nned ou tbe ocoaalon la a micnlUcent In- ^1. ><«! wu prcaenlcd to Uaaler Wood by Uuen, Bled- '>)Iottl.,of iliiaclty. iM '.'""'nbraClicua re-opened In Fonrteerlh alrcelon the ,7.''° 'alliiir a alira hoii<e, and the allendanoe Ihrmghont '"•Tuel that alim order which wae nellbir dalteilDg to 2|°'(rr nor to lha /ev artiala engaged here. We were ^ M Ike evening of tbe Ulk, asd (here wai probably about >IM cub in tbe bouee. Since nnr lut Tiall 10 thia ahow, then haTC been only two addillona worth mentioning. The flrat ia Ibe ■ngllab eoneetrlenn^ Uad. Uarla Uacaila, who la one of the moat beautiful ridera we hare bad la Itala connliy for aome Ume. Her cue, her darl 9g, bar oerlilaty and her rapidity. In all tbe diffloolt fcata abe nndertakea, bare won tbr her (he admiration of lalL Tho olber artlat apoken of lo Ur. miliam Penny, lata of lha " Olrcoa B^al," who li one ot tbe beat " L'EcnaUe" pertonnen In the oonntry, Ur, Ootk, tb« BngUab down, ImpTOTea upon acqnalutance, and alnce he baa naolTcd to give na tbe pan nnadnlieratad Qaeen'a EugUab, makaa a tut clever down. Tbe weather waa very oold onder canvu, ao mncn ao (bit we could not alt the performance cut On tbe 301b nit., La(e Nlion took a beneflt, and Ur. Andnw Niien takuhia "ben" tbia (Uonday)aTenlng, 3d Init., wblah ocuaalondoaei up, rath- er aummarlly, Ibe pnaent aeuon. Tbe Trencn Tboatn In NIblo'a Saloon commenced it* tegular aeaaon on tbe 37th ulL, under the maoigement of Paul Jniguet. Tbe Initial performance oooalatad of " Balallle de Damea, cr no Duel an Amour," a comedy In three acta, by Ihoae eminent antbora, Ueaara- Scribe and Legarve. Wllb elamenta of ancceu much Increaaed and alnnnbened ainoe bla lut aawon, M. Juignet will doubtleu baTa toe aetijfaotion of llnding hia liberal- ity, in furnlablng the loven at Fnnoh acting an elegant enter- tainment, appreolated at lla full worth. Kalhleen O'Nell, tbe popular Irub balladlal, arrived la tbla oily daring (be early part of lut week, alter a lenglby profea- alonal tour Ibrougb tbe weatero eouniry, Bbe wu Immediately aecured by tbe manager of Ibe " Oanterbnry," Wwhlogton, and opena than thla oTenlng. DKABIATIO. On Wedneaday, October SSIb, Uin Charlotte Oaihrean ap- Beared at tbe Brooklyn Academy ot Uuaic w Lady Uaobatn, onltace playlug Uacbetb, and llctdannt, Uaodolt, (be occuion being a benelt tor tbe OranuUc Fuud Ataoclatlon. Owing to the bad management by thoae who bad diarge of tbe arranga- menla, not mon than Iwo-thlrda ot tbe aeala wen occupied. The demand for aula would bare led lo the bouH being crowded to eiceaa, bat for the action taken In placing Ihe whole of tbe tickela, lo tbe beat aula In the bouaeL In Ibe Eande of tbe regu- lar New Turk apeculatorc. Ibia tba Brooklyn pnbllo would not anbmlt to, and nance tbe comparatlrely allm aUendanoe. Con- aldering tbe grut dnin to aee tliu Coabman act In ttila play, Ibe managei* wonld bare done vrell to have add tbe aoaia at auction, the whole of the proceeda going Into the Ircaaoiy of the Aeaoclatlon; no one would tben have begrudged paying (be pre- mium; but, u It waa, all the proBIa beyond ine legillmalo price of tbe ticketa wen pocketed by tbe apoculatort and thoae who wen In oollualon wltb them. The local papOn, we wen glad to aee, for once commented independently on Ibe aubjeol, and In fact It eiolled tbe Indignation of every painn ot the drama In tha dty. Ot the performancea, we have upeclaDy lo apeak of tbe truly airtletlo nndering of the principal onaracter br Ulu Ouah- man. At one time a pin might tiaTcbean burd to utop, ao fidly abiorbud wen the audience by her powerful acting- Bonlface'a Micbeth wu quite a cndllal>le effirt for one of bla peculiar achooL Mordaunl'a Uacdoff wu moat praliewcrthy, nia read- ing being nmarkably good and bla acting worthy of mon expe- rienced artlata. Tbe chorna ainging In Ibe witcbM' aoeiM wu capitally done and elicited hearty applauee. Taken altogether, it wu a far mon aallafactory performanca than we expected to have aeen at the bauda ofthe oaat named for Ihe occaaloiL At Ihe Park Thutre, Brooklyn," Kate Sumey " bu been Oie leading card ot the week, and tne excellent acting of Lennox, and tbe altnctlve vocal cfferta of Ulw Shaw in tbla piece, together with (he fun and frolic peculiar to the play, bare drawn very good honau. The attendance on Wedneeday, whan the pertbrm- ancM at tbe Academy and Ibe political faroe In tbe Park wen (he counter attracUona, being anch u lo Ml tbe bouae wllb a bigblr fublonable audience. " Satan In Parte " la ret down tor Ibe proaent week. On Ibe occaalou of Ibe QoUachalk matinee, on 'Tueaday. Ibe bouM wu ttUed to npleUon. Bonee'a Dramatic Ocmbhtatlon Tnaua waatal Scranton. Fa-, ontbeSStbulk ' r . • Tbe dramatic company now IraTelIng under the management ot O. H. O'Hara, waa at Etmlra on the Mlb nit., playing tbe "OuUe Bpectn," introdnclng tbeOboet bnalneaa. The com- pany wu then to gotoWatnna and Anbum, and then down Ibe Centnl Bead to Albany- At Pike'e Opera Hone*, Oindnnatl, Ur. and Ula Couldock were tbe atan lut week. On the 37ib nIL, "Orlctel dta tbe Hearth" wu produoed to a large attendanco, and wu npea(ed on Ibe 3Stb. Tbe mluai acme la uid to hare been iplendldi and reflected great oredit upon Ibe acenic artiat Hcna. and lladame Zarlalowaki conlinue to be u popular in thtir (ercelchorean moTcmenla u (bey wen laat aeaaon. Butlneu contlnaed tct/ good tbrongbout tbe week with the Oouldocka. Joaeph Kioctor made bladttof at Wood'a Theatre, OlodnnatI, on the Mlb nit, in tbe rob of Vuglnlua, iu which character he made a Teiy fiTorable Impreulon. On the 37lta. he appeared aa Jack Cade, and the preu of that city apoak rery highly of it. Oubaa, Ibe Spuiab dmteiut aad pantomlmlat, opened at lha Buffalo Theatre on the Mtb oil., in the "Fnnch Spy" lo a houia crowded lo ileatmoet capaolly. Ur. W. H. Loax wu engaged exprtuly to anpport her durbig thla engagement, and appeared aa Ucbammed, and In the broad avrord combat It la aald he wu meat excellent. The "French Spy" waa npeatod tbnagbont tbe week to Tary laive andleDce*. , AI Ihe Deflance Theatre,Oadro, n., the dramaar''ZTUybudy'a FrUnd" iru performed on tbe 3aib ulL, to a Teiy large altend- anoa. The pfece^ It la aald, wu not produoed u it onght to bare tMcn, and lla npreaenlatlon caoaed great dlaappdntmant. Tbe company generally were not perfect in tbelr parta, and the piece dragged dreadfully. Tbe dance wu apoUed by the nnalo, and tbe fane wu terribly butchered. The comedy of "Miae Polnia of Uw" and Ibe (area of "The Slameu Twlna/' wen announced tor the 37tb. - TbeHobnan Opennonpa tinlabed their engagement at SI. Lonla on tbe 34ih ulL, with "Oindeiella," and an now oi miU for Chicago, reeling by the wanlde at Spiringflild, m. Uaggle UilcbaU wu the ndplant of a oompUmantair beneflt at Fcrd'a New Tbeetra, Wublnglon, D, 0 , on Friday erenlog, Oct. SOtb. We an advlaed by onr ccrTeapondcnt that thla MueBI wu the gnnd theatrical cmp of tbe ecaaon at Ford'a, the hcnae tMlng honored with tbe preaence of aeveral official dignltarlea, including, bcaldea tbe PreaideDt and Cabinet offloen, nonMroof mambera of the eoipi DijUmalique, and a large ntuiber ot mUltary grntleutn of blgb oBlclal capacity. Uaggle cicaed thenonlheOlatult. • At tbe eale of cbelce aeai* tor tbe Dramatle Fond Denelt at tbe Brooklyn Academy ol Uneic, on tbe 37tb ult., tbe Oral pnmlnmpald for the obolceof three aeata In tbe parquet wu fltaaob. Twenty-nine more were diapceed of atllewb, Sallie St. Olair commeued a abort engagement at Fnller'a LouiavlUe Theatre, on tbe Mth ult, opening In tbe "Fnncb Spy" and tbe comedietta called "Ihe Toung BebeL" On tbe 37U1, abe appeared u Ura. Ormeby Delnialne in "Tha Serloua Family," aupported by Ur, Obarlu Barraa u Aailnldab Sleek. Tba "witard Bkiff" iru alao produced. Tbe lenaaUon drama of "The Woman in Wblle" wu underlined to b^abortlypto- diMed. JS- **■ Bowen cemmencM an engagement at Ibe Anb Street Theatre, PbUaddpbla, on Ibe Btb Inet, in aome of ber most brilliant cbaractera, Sbe opene In "Tbe Hnucbback" fd- lowed on the Mlb with "Love," Utb, "Lady ot Lyona," lltb, 'Love'a SaariSca," 131b, "Bomeo and JnUel," aad on the lltb, 'Plot and Faulon." Tbe aeccnd week of ber engagement will commence with one of Iboae new dramatic ohanotan la which ahe bu achieved a great npntatlon. At tbe Cheatnut Street Tbeatan%Fhlladelpbla,UdUe.T«atTa1l wuihe eiar lut week, and aucoeeded In attracting rery good audlenoea. The drama wtaweUplayed and eplendidumonnied, and lla great ancceu wu In no little meunn allrlbniad to tbe excellent muale and tbe cbomaw. Carl Anacbuiz commencM a aerlu ot opcru at the Academy ot Uual«rhlUdelDhle,ontbe2dlnet «v«icib7». Tbe featun of tbe pail week at the Arch Street Thutre, Pblla- ddnbia, wu tbe Davenpcrt-Wallack-Fanen Comblnallon. Ur. Wallaok'a Werner wu very highly apoken ot by the prew of that city. Ur. E. L. Davenport ia lha alrecglb of thla combbiallon, and le ably anppoiled by bla coUeagnca. Un, Oeollenuah give dramatic teadingaatUndoalFnndEaU. Pbiladdpbla, on tbe 37lb ult. Ur.uidUn. W.J. Florence look a complImrnlaiT beneflt at Orovor'a Ibeatre, Wuhlngton, on tba Wib nit On tba 3le(, itaalr engagement doaed, with tbe "CoUeen Dawn." The next atar wu to be Ludlle Wutem, who wu to open on Ibe 3d inat. In "But Lyme." Tbe Fcater Troupe concluded a two weeka engagement at tbe Norfolk pperanouae, on the 34lh nit, pnaenllogIbeapecUcular drama of ibe "Flying Dutchman," Ihe "Forty Tblovea.^' and lli« pantomlae ot tbe "Red Oncme and While Warrior," On tbe 37ib ult, a beneflt waa tendend to Ibe manager, S. W. ak>nn,by mUltary and clvtc offlclala anddtizene,on wUcb occuion Bvdyu Bvana and Jamu Oetea, together with the entire company, tuI- unleered tbelr aervlcea. The blU preeenled wu TOm Tulor'a comedy ot "Our American Oouain" and "Tbe Serloua FamilA" In tbe former, Ur. Uanlon appeared u Aea Trencbard, aoaain u Abd Uurcott, Evana u Danareary, and Ulu Uary E. BIB u Florence. While lacking thepungenoy wblch la a diallngnlahlng obaraclerletlo of Jefferaon'a Aaa, Uaralon made a favorable Im- fireuion. In "Tbe Serlcne Family," Olenn, aa Aminadab Sleek, utrodnoed acme Iced bile, with telling and approved effect Tbe crowded honae, whiob wu comnllmcniary to hie popnlailty, and to Iboae pieaeni for tbna iMtliylng Ibeir appieciailon ol bla labond efforta'tc p.'uent an entertdnmentwonbyof patronage, acemcd to exerdae a favorable atimulua to bla randlllon, which wu uneicectionably gtveiL In ruponae to the demanda of Ibe audience, Ur. Olenn npealadbia pnuled promlate to ptcaentan enlcrialnment'wblch cannot fall to pleue, and pledging that hia efforia ahculd conalantly tend to Ihe fullluneni ot Uiat kudable Inlenllon. The Webb Siaten were lo commence an engagement cntbe3dlnat We were agrwably aurprlaad on Ucoday nigbt, Oct M(b, wl(h tbe performancea at Ihe Brooklyn Academy of Uuaic, by Ur. J WUbee Booth u Bapbad, and Ura. Batrow aa Uarco, la Ibe grut French drama of Ihe "Uarble Heart" Boolb'i acting lo thla play waa truly excdient, capecliily in the totne In which he haa on ezplmatory luterTlew wilh Uarco. aud alao Ibo laat eceoe, ioblaowualoilio. niNhanJiome and nilelllgent couutenauce la Boeu tu groil advantage in giving play lo the varloua rxproiH ainna nt piaaion In Iboae accnea, aud hia rudliig waa nearly t.iulUcaa, He labored tinder the diiadvanlage of boaracnrar from a aivere cold, bui In olbf r rranecia lliere wu no oilier drawback lo the ancceu of bla effcrta In giving due elTectlolbe put bo bad lo perform. It la t« be teiratled Ibat hit ambltloa to excel ahonid lead bIm lo attempt higher llgtte than bla age aud experience. If not hia capacity, ahonid warnul bIm In at- tempting, and we think be dc« tbla when be alrtvu lo equd hia falber In hia nndltion ot Ibe leading obarulera of Bbakeapean. Tbe lut time we aaw lha "Uarble Eeart" performed, Qaorge Jordan anaoled tba part of Rapbaal, aad Laura Keena that ot Uarco, and of coune with tbe remembrance of tbelr flue utlng, we wen not pnpared to be canted away with aathualaam by that ot Ibe artlata In tbe aame cbiradan on Uondaynlgbt We wen, however, eapecldiy pleaaad wllb Ur. Booth'a Bapbad, and In mt. erd napecta wltb Ure. Damw, aepectally in Uu) loene wherein ehe axpWna her experience and dread of poverty, ber reading and acUng, which wu worthy of her well earned reputation. Of tbe othen, Ur, Kcrton'e Volaga wu the only one worthy otipe* oUl remark. The tocneiy and appolnlmenta wen fk ilty, and tbe attendance amalt, the houae not being more than balffalli yet we eee It atatod. In tha Immaculate dallite, that the dramatic perfcrmancea at the Academy are dwaya greeted by crowded nooaea. Tbe fact ia, tbcto haa not bun a crowded houae at tbe Academy tbie aeuon. Ur. Joe. T. Fannin, now eogaged for a brief aeaaon at Fotd'a New Theatre, Wublnglon, lanavlng a new drema writtan for bim, wbloh vrlll aoon be given to tbe pnblic^ with an eminent oaat, and all neoeuary eoanio and olber adcnmenta. On Thoraday niaht UiraUek favored Ibe Brooklyoltea wllb Flotow'e "Uartha,'' the altendanoe being veirgood Indeed. Tbe arfcrmancea wen excdieni, hut not auoerlor to Ihoae of tba rmanlnupe under Anacbuiz lut aoaaoo. UlraEellogg, UOe. Snlzer, Berr LotU and Signer fiUcbi enacted the principal nta. On Saturday Ihe Academy wu llllod to overflowing with Ibe Brooklyn faahlonablee, on the ccculon of the flratgrand concert tbia aeaaon of the Pbllbatnonlc Sodety. Un. Abbott aang In place of Un. Ediogg, Un. Tan Zandt-mt Jenny Blilz, daugble? of SIg. Blitz, otlife- long memory—makea ber fliat appearance at the Brooklyn Aea. demy, on wedneeday. Not. 4th, It being btr itbit after three yean tuition under tbe beat maaten of tne art. She la to be u- elated by a boat of talent Uaggle UllohcU le Ibe alar tbla week at the HcUday, BdtUnore, opening on tbe 3d In "Fenohon." At Ihe Front Street Theatre, Bdtlmon, B. F.. J. MRmwu lo commeace an engagement on the 3d inat, making hia d<6iK In "Uezeppa." Edwin Bcetbwu at tha Boaton Theatre lulwxek. Hia Luclna JunlUi BrntuB la conaldered by tbe ciltlca of that city lo be bla muterplece. He remdna tbia week, produolag "Buy Blaa." Tbe allendanoe la noted down u being good tbrongbout the week. Tba much tilkedofplayof "Camilta'e Haaband" wu brought ont at Ihe Boaton Unaoum laat week and pr >Ted a euccwa. It la aald not lo poooeu that deep and auataiaed Inlereal of "The Dead Heart" by the ume anther, yet dtbongh ot incouatatent plot, la an (ffrctlTe play wblch affonle a good direnlty ot char- acter, and ia relieTca by the oomlc dement lo a mirked extent Tha piece will be oonlinned during tbe preaent week. AI the Howerd Athananm, Boelcn, Ura. D. P. Bowen* audl- encee. It la aald, hare not been what that lady deeetred, Dnrlog Ibe week "PeepO'Day" wu rcTiTod, to pnaent the lady In bar orlgind part of Eatbleen Rannagb, to wbleb abe Imparlod much nuIo-dramaHo effaot Ur, Hawk'e anumpHon of the dcTOted Irlabman la add be Ihe beet Iblng he hu done In Beaton. Ur, Owena la Ibe pmuni alar, opening on tbe 3d Inat in "Tbe Heir alLtw." Uarle Zoo, the BowTarrpopntar <|/iiunias and panromlmlat oommenou an engagement thla week at the Indlanepolla Thea- tre, when ahe will remain two wteka. She goea thenco to Ful- ler a Lonlaville Theatre, opening there on the I9tb Inat Tbe tbutre at AioxandrU, Va., auder tbe management of Ur. Joaeph Parker, did a fair hoaloeu lut week wllb the Webb Ble- lan u the Stan, aupported by Uoani. Stevane, Dnun, Bury flowland and Parker. •The Duke and hie MoUo" wu announced to be given on the 3d Inat at Wood'a Tbeltr^ daclnnall, wllb Joaeph Proctor In (be leading retr. Tbe RIcniDga Open Tnupe iren annonoced to open at Pike'e Open Ucuae, CIndnnatI, on Ibe 3d Inat, In "The Dangbter of tbe Begiment" Uary Provoat took a beneflt at Ihe Indlanapolia nieatra on tbe SOtb nit, and cloaed ber engagement on the Biat "Tbe Romuce of a Poor Toung klan" wu In active pnpanUon at laataccounla. Ur. J. IL Trimble, Jr., pmpoaea opanmg a theatre In Albany. N. 7., atylad Ihe Academy ef Undo, to be opened aboni tbe 16th ot December. Severd nUto end femals attula an adrettiaed tor In tbia luoe, and any good perfoimer in want of a "dt" will ad- dreu u per alrertlMment We an In nodptof alotof newa from a cerTeapcndent in San Franclaco, CaL, under date of Sept Tib. He uya:—"Fanny Werabam, at Uaguin'a, made a uilun Obuley Thoree could not open tbe UelropeUlan, u be could not get a company. Un. Oeorga Jordan opena at Uaguin'a on tne 13tb of Sep- Iem1>er Un. Letghton nu become ono ot Uagnire'a atook company Ur Leigblon la at lha polnlotdeath Uin Btlrllug, the American glanten, la In a elole of dwUlutlon In thla city The Uoloo Thaatn opene next week under Ihe mau- asomentof BberryCorbyn; It la cdled Ibe Mew Idea, I think it will torn out a "bad Idea," u Ihe location la bad...-Qllbertbu add out Ibe Uelodeon to Little and Bradly; good bouau all Ihe Ume The Bella Onion la crowded every night Tlia compa- ny at tbla place la a whole tram. Ix>nnla Uari^ Uarlan Lee, and Blioaoolnotl«cannotbabeatbranyartfit<lnthdrliBe. Bam Setcoort, the proprietor,'hupotrnuad a bleak of bnlldinga on Stockton etrait for (7O,0O0cub; he la one ot Ibemanagan that we read about Tbe lueka Tboatn bu good houaea The tbeatn and malodeon at Wuhoo bare ranted up, and tbe company baTa returned to thla eUj Jack Wllecn'a Olnua bu ninrned from Dragon Zm'* Olrcna la eUll InTdlng In Ibia State The Uuih ObOdren win be hen about Ibe mid- dle of October Stan comlna ben tbla winter (If they will take year coneapondenl'a advice), can do better by coming hue Ont and make tbelr aRangamcnIa attar tbey get here, or tbey will aland a good cbanca of getting bit Jamu Btuk bu goneIniotheqnarizmillhnainenat Anron..Julia Dean Hayne, wllb waldron'a company, are at PorUaud, doing wdl, Uadame Acoeta, tbedanMar, bu got a Judgment againat Uagnire for 1600 for adary, bnt getting tbe money la another alUr. On the 30tb nit, Ibe Bkihlnga Open Troupe made their bow at tho Olereland Opera Houae. The high character of Ihe treupe u orlblo, coupled wllb tbe dIrMtlon ot the nnlrenally popular Ulu Caroline BIcbloga, could not fail lo Monn them good bouaea. During Ibe aiay ol Ihe troupe, Ur. BUder took bla oompany lo Columbua, Ohio. On tbe Slat ult, Ur. Alt Burnett, the humorlel, wu annonnctd tooccupy tbe Academy, at OlevdandI and on the 3d Inat, Ihe regular company wu to roapprar, wlUi UaryPnToat u Ihe elar. Her engagement la for ux nigbia, and will doao In a few weeka. Ur. £ going to Oolumbna with bla company for the winter. J. WUku Boolb, Un. Bemw, Ur. Snllon, end Uin Fanny Brown were announced lo appewln "BicbirdllL," Oct 31tb, but to (be diuppolntment of Ihe audience, gaTo "The hiarble Heart" Inatead, "Ricbard IIL," lha aeoond nigbt, and "Hamlet" tbe laat wltb ancceu, et New HareD, Ot Ur. Ohanftan bu been playing Ibe "American Oonalo" to crowded bonaea at UuVlokei'a Tbeatn, Chicago, The "Ohoet" wu on tbe boarda lut week. Jennie Hduhf appeand u tbe ghoet, In the draaa of the ■•Uldetoe Bough?' The new tbeatn at Nuhvllle bu been doing a Ten excellent bualuen wltb Ulaa LaureEeene aud ber ccmpnoy. Ber beneflt on tbe 33d nit, wu a pirtaot Jam. "Bwbd Ike Bwper" hu been tbe chief albacilon. Ura. Wdler, at the old NuhTllle TbeUre, bu not had Ibat at- tention paid to her which ao derer an arllit deeerru. A ccr- reenondenl alal<a that Ihe atock company here la nol what It ougnt to l>o. Bniiio HALiia. A new Concert BeU will ahcrlly be opened to Buffdo nnder Ibe management ot Qcorge Winablp, tbe airong man, and to be oaUed Winabip'a Yarletlra. Pattiea wiahlng lo engage ahonid apidy at once to bla agenia, Ueaara. Conner & Co., cr by mall u per adTcrtlaemtnt Erer on tbe derl to engage talent of tbe blgbut order, Uana- gu Lea hu added anothw name to Ibo already brilliant cldoter of atan belonging lo hia Hammoth Oemblnailoo. Ha hu ae- cured Ibe eervicee of Ur. J. H. Cbllden, who te a wondaiful Srforaier wllb tbe muaket Ur. 0. hu never appeand In Ihe atem cIIIm, but hu been ccnflulng blmadf lo Cincinnati and many other of ibeWeetern dllu. AtPoikopoUa he played an engegeuent of one month at Dorvd'a National Ball, and at Smith ancluilaon'BBdl,crMlIngquiteaaenaatlon. Be la nowondor contnci lo Uanager Lea, and nanagenwiibiogtoatcura bla aervlcM can do ao by addreuing Uanager Lea. Don Santiago Olbbonnclae, tne honeteoa man, and one of the beat conlortlcnlata In the bueineu, bu been engaged tor the Bemandea oompiny In Ohicago. At Dorvd'a Unilo Hdl, Oinctnnall, Uuter Angalo, Ibe child wonder, le tbe princlpd ftalun at preeent Frank Vonddaon, Qua Shaw, Sophie Weltcn, and Llxzie Donddaon, wen alao re- engaged lut week- The Newark Theatre UuMc Hall la bow In full opuiUon under the management of Mr. UoUanua, with IhefoUcniDg company: —Bob Bullu, Bam AInewortb, J. B, Taylor, Frank Lum. Amelia Wdia, Ulu tit OlaIr, Jcaepblno Barnard, and Utzle Wdby. . At tho Oauterbuij, Wublnglon, quite a variety ot new acta were given lut week by Ihe company engaged. Jolia Uorllmor, Ulllle Fowler, end Bnnllne de Falber, are Ihe oaprcid favcrllee ot Ibo patroua of that eatabllihment Thla week, Eatbleen O'Nell commeneu an engagement On Ibe afternoon of the 8d Inat, a matinee beneflt wu annouDCed to be given to the Waak- IngtonPnlMlantOiiiban Aiylum, given nnder the auaplcu ot the Lady Uanagen ot tbe Aa)lum. Every member of tbe Oan- tarbury Company volunteered bla Mrvicea. At Hamblln'e Varlrllea, WaihlDgion, a moat excellent pro gramme wu offered by Ihe management lul verb. Meun. Wil- liam and Jauiea Uudwirlh continue two ot Ihe eapocid feTorltee of Ibo Inatitntlou. Meeaia Uafflt and llarlhulomew. In ranto- mime, are nigblly applaiidrd in Uielr aeTcral acle. Miaa Lizzie ()cbuitr.o haa appeared Ihroiigbont Ihe paat week In ber new In. venciiatloL of Jack ahen|>arii, a part In which aha la aald lo ti- crl, Lizzie mnhee a Tbla wrak there lean I'nilie chipgn In the proframme, inlrodnclcg Ibe ecTeral arliiiK In uiHi.y itcptilar acta. Tho III OlaIr Ball at Paducab, Ry., la now ready for oocnpiney for ilrel-cla»« traTellIng p>rlnruan(va of ail kinda. The al^o la a comniodloua one, and anilable lor ilramalle performance', a iin appropriate actuary. Tba audilcrlum la furriaUnl wilii irra- etialre, and diogethct la a Tciy flue buUdlng. ParUu mianJIng vUltlng Paducab—allrelytowB of lO.OOO people—wlB bear lb* St OlaIr In reind, Parker'a Uuaic Hall, corner of Elug and R'>ya1 alreeli, Alo(> andrta, Ta., la nightly flUed with loren ot mod einting, Willi* olame. negro exIraTaganiaa, dandng, ko. The idneird baud, with Dick Parker and Larry Tooley for end-men, aud Ur. Harrr J. Riynor u middle man, hu piorel a onccwi. Tbe eompiov conaUU ot Ulu Fanny Forreat, UdUe. Uaion Avaeldl. UIh Frank U Fdl^Ulaa Bain^kBlrah,Utile Ella,Dlc« Parker. Barry Riynor, R. Fraier, tarry Today, J. Walaen, H. Banker, and the pnformlag dog Lilly Dde. Ur. Jamu Flake, oomadla^ "d Ulaa Miggte Bowen, are anderllimd to appew thla week. At Foi'e Ouino, Pbllidelphia, U'Ue OalleUl and Uona. T0» boff made their <f<eii< on the 3d Inet Ur. Oolllna, Ibo "Perfacg I'dao one of tho principal foitnna of thia eaUhllahBent. AI Lea a Uelodeon, Dairolt, there were no new facM lutireeb The companv remdaed "u they were." Jennie Bngl^ Ada Teaman, Fred Sbaw. Fanny Oavere, and the Romtn and andan auiuary of M'lle De Ucntagii% conUnun to attract exodteul 55.1.'^.. ^* Pentomime of "The Ooopon" wu glren lul waok, wilh BUly Oavuagh aa Zollakle, and Emma Bon u LlaattaL. Ur. Oeorge Daoeh inUnda owntug a mualc bdl at Tork, Pa., abortly, lo bo atyled "Drech'a Oontinen(al." Ned BerTy la to b* atage manager, A lady vccdial and two rtwxuMi an wialed. Bae ad vettlument from Heaan. Conner fc Co. in another odamn. The HumonU Haa Cain. 111., la In Ihe fun tide of aw Ihr . "'!''•• Theodora, the Clinetop BMeia, and' and E. a Qoodwln lately cloud an engagement tben, and Ibas leflfcr Uamiibla. The company al preaent playing tber* mm- • dala of Ihe rollowiug:—Obrla. Banaom. Dick AoOowan, Tttm Al> - un, Obuley WlllUma, Ohu. Hele, D. W. Orilfllb, Prof. BoUflrao^ Prot Ploaaker, and Uin Uyera. Ohulu Uehnu le pmprletor. At Toronto, a W„ Uanager Bayleae, lalo of Ibe DetrolWarlfr Ilea, buinauooeululoperalloo a flretclauUnaio BaUoaBar etreel nur Eing, called the Albenaum. At lut advtoea tba eoB> Siyconalalad ot U'lle Ltaetta, dan Day, Charlie Oardnar, uny Clark^ J. Leon, Harry Butler, and Uaotw Lewta,bak jisaBO ■iiiaTiuii.sY. Hodey'a Uinotrela on Broadway, under the Banigeaeal ot Ooo; Obrlaly, attraoted vary good honan lait wuk. Ur, Jaok- eon Balnw, Ibe Champion Skater, wu one of the oltracttona bar* lut week, and be oerUlnly daurrw to be biUed u a alar, for • mon talented one In bla line It arould be a diaoull matter la tud. Be la u active and u amart upon ekatea u any man oonU be without Ibem. He pironetlu betutltully, and movu apoa the "ateela" with graoafnlnen and preoUion. 8.8, Putdy con. Ilnuu to be a great twtun of tbia organUtUoa-lie If a Ont clan perfcrmor. Boolay'e Uloairda over In Brooklyn ocntlnue lo dnwlarg* andlencu, and apread ovw tbelr Immenu caavu the meat cbewlnl and pleuing cJiore, that produce a gdeiy of taoUog io>> ponlMe to auppnaawhliedrinking In tbe mirlhfutacenu npr» nntad. Orer the whole float the wllcheriu of muilo end abado v land, forming a pinorima that le not often nnnlled lo Ihe pub- lic Drop la and au than aable pbUoaopbcn, andobwrve tben uidnlge in thdr pleaaant profenlon, wblch givu everybody andt entire ullafieUon, Dupiei and Oicen'e Ulnatrete are Jogging along tbnngh Dm country movt barmenioudy. Their nule ahead la u fcUowai Ueriden, Oonn,, 3d inet, Danhury 3d and 4lh, Ncrwalk tlb. Poughknpaie Olh, Hudnn 7tb, Troy Dtb and lOth. Bobeaaotadr Utb, and Albany lllb. lltb and Mtb. Thar expact to apread tbdr tblrtv-flve eheet (Yorii alto] poatar, Ibe brgeot aver ptlnlat in Ihe world, at AlbaDy, for tbe flnt Ume. Liberty Hdl, Alexandria, Ta., lately occupied by Sam Lalhrap with a dramatic company, wu r»«pened on the 30lh nit by K, T, Skiff, with a Uinatrd llompany of fonrioen performara. The Blppozoonomadon UlnaMo, a new orgaaluUoa, with Opcataro, are wandering through tbe SIsIa of BUaola, evl / intent on collecting onmnoy. Arlington, Leon and Donnlker'e Uinetnla are huvllr bHUd la dl Ibe Interior tcwna of nilnola. Tbey made tbelr Oral aland, after luvlng Chicago, al JoUet on tbe 34lta ult, making lha dfw cull of Dloomlnglon, Sprlagfldd, JackoonvlU*, Qnlncr, Oala*- bura, Peoria, Aa Ulnatnlay bu recdvedlta fluiableg loneb by the orgaBbaUoa of a baud of rad African brolben, who dlapenee eaflrdywllh burnt cork, hot have Ihe gennlne anvunlabed eeble bldoTheM gentlemaa elarala tbelr vdcu at Wyman'a Hall, 81 Loulo, aad attraot the cnrlona mrala lo bebdd tnem. - Newcomb'a Uleatrda coolinaa to bddpcaaenlonofSmilbk Dltaou'a Ball, OlaclonalL Tbelr prolonged aUy la eTldenea thai they an tally appreciated, and aettlu Uia quuUon of permit aency. They can now be condderad a fixture at thla haU. Buainan with Duprez.% Orean'a kUnatrda continuw ota vur livdrcharMter. On tha SOtb alt they were alWeatfleU, Ueoo- and bad a large aUendanoe. On tba 81at tbey wen bUlad ai Ulddletown, Oonn. U. a CanpbdI'a minetrd parly, irltb Jobaey Booker, Nad Davia, Oonld, Waddee, and Eddy, bu made a annnanfiil hrip wedtward. Aflor leaving Detroit, Ihe party elopped one nigbt In each of tbe ICUowlog towna:—Ann Arbor. Jackaoa, ar'^-K'tj Kelamaaoo, Chicago (lbrMnlgbU),Itadno,UUwaukaaL aad WIS at Madiion, Wlo., on Uia 371b ult The Buckley*, at tbelr newUlnatnl Hall aadAqoarld Oai» dene, Boaloo, an in the blgbeet Ude of ancoiea, and an dnwinc crowded houannlghUy. ThebrbaUlaabuutUutona,andbdda fCnrlMn hundred peoplei bnt notwittaalanding tlila,bnndi*da are frequently turned away, unable to gain umlllaaca. Tha troupe U preaent oonalata of B. Blabop Buckley, a Sinla* Buckley, Fred. Buokley, Jamu Bncklay, Ulu tulla Ooold, Bolla Dan I, J. r. BuniTon, J, K. OamnbeU, Obulle PMUngoL J. A. Pdmer, J. 0, Lonadala, 0. Pntt, Brutna Jackaoa, Flaiiiraawla, Rennedy,'et«el«,aadkIaatarH<waid. Ueaan. Tcnag,Jokaaoa. Duffy, aad Wlaahd bare charge ot the aqnaild depailiMBl. Oooig* A. Buaam la Irunrer, aad D. O. Watdroa (toraierlTlka opanl couri? tor Ihe Alteghaalana) la bnalnen iaaaag4r,maAlna' aTeiyatnngtaam. Uorrla Bralbete, Pdl k Ttowbrldge'a Uinetnla bad a varr at- IracHre programuM on band, laat week, at thdr popular ball 1b Boaloa. Bpta Bom la on tbe "end." and wu "dowa" for acoa* lo ditty. Bpb Bom appeared u "Oeorge'e Con," and Lon UMk rtegaTe"BlgbTlmulnVaMa'aEllcheiL" Thetbroewuedled. "Sdpio, or the IntelUgenI Uonkey," with Japaneu Tmamj oa the "Uonk." Daring tbe piece Ibe cbarulerltlle "Oocea Oo^ga' Dance"wulatrcdneed. BoalnanbubeenTerygoodwUhlbaat popnlu dladplu ot burnt-corkdom. . TankuBoblnaea'a "Triad" doaed the aeaooa at PeoilLlV ' onlhe33dult . ■ 1 r- Balley'B Olrcna aad Uenagerlawu blockaded UWlacheolar,';- BL, bythenddeatalllaibelempemtunand a alx-laabbU «I ' aaow. . Aa Yea Ambugb'a Heaagerie fu iurtag NUu, Ulcblgaa, a.. tew momlag* alnce, a tbnadu alorm cgme up, aad a kwvy balk' of Ugblalag otnuk a tree in tbe aoutb but of Ihe city Jtut aa tt* depnant wu paaalng, wblcb knocked down Ihe kupor aad laad* old Baanlbd whirl aronnd wverd Umu very npldly, bat ba Anally atralghlanid np dl rigkl, much lo Ike aallatuUoa of tka ahowmen. Tan Ambnrgh'a Uanagerle abowed at Albany en Ibe Vlb aad 30lh nit L. B. Lent'a Bqaeoauniculum ahowain Brooklyn aU Ibia weeky wbloh dty will, in all prebabUliy, be Ibeir lul aland Iblsx Uadame LonUe TOuralaIra, Ibe well known equwtrleia^ arrived In Ihe city on tbe 3glh nit, after a rery auoccMfd auiB> mer'a tour with S. 0. Wbcder'e Olroua, Uadame hu diapoaad of ber fbrm In New Jaiaty and bu moved lo Newlowa, Leaf laland, where abe bu taken up ber winter querlara. ' Brlan'a NaUoiul Clnna opena In Pbiladdpbla on tba Mtb laoi. In NaUond Ball, Uukel etreel, aad tbe proliablllty.lalbeahov will nmdn tben all winter, Uiaetn. Gardiner i: Beminlnga, wlio bare Joat dcoed a •mf ouccentul aummer'a campaign urougb tbe country, adTerUu la ano'birdeparlmentoftbiapaptf Iheu entire ring atook to b* hired out to any parties during the coming irlnler, by tba week. Tbdr I'alock," la an excdient one, aad parUn nqnlrlng tap- thing of tbe kind, ellhw tor tb^ arena or tor diamatloapc^ taclea, cannot de netler than by applying al once ta Ueaan, O. k fl. tbt Irapplnga aad monntlnga an all complata bn akow plecu. Thayer h Koyee' Olrene remained at Oticago all tut week: b» log the aecond week of their atay there. Bualacu wu axceUaak wlUi tbe company. Ur. Jamea Bobinaoa, lha Champloa Bldor of tbe world, wai the gnat future. The management angaied Ihe aervlaea ef John u. Davenport, Ihe Amencaa dowa, wha made a veiy faTorable European imptMeloo net 10041 aUea. SaTwd otber tdentod arllau wore added lo Ihe coaoera. It ia admitted oa all ddu to be one ot tbe "beat dnnau"*Tar ntaa - ju that dty. aiaOBLLAJIBOUB. Elllnger and Nevoomb'e Uord BxblblUca commaaeel lha put week al Slomtord, Conn., ibenoe lo Banbury aad Ronralk. Thla WMk tbey appwr at Bridgeport 3d| BIrmlagbam, U; Wderbury, tlb and iih; New Haven, Otb end llht Raw Loadoo, Olb and lOib: and thenco to Norwich, WlUlmanlle. Hartford, ko. Tbe Oerter Zooave Troupe opened at Beeheeter on Ibe tlak ult for two nigbu only. klr. L U. W. Htun bu gone bank to blafltatlove, andia agent tor the company once again.' Fdbcr Kenp'a Old FdU had vwy good bonau ai Library Bdl, Newark, N. J., lul wuk, and have oondnded to nmala three nighta tbla wtek. On lbs Olh they xppeacat Newbnrgb. 7tb Pougbkeepale, SIh Budaon, ttb Trey, Uunoa to Bantoga, kok On lha 3«ib, al Spencer Hall, Rom*. Dick Bandi' patly wu adverUaed lo b* at Dlica on the 3d and 3d Inat The fliereoptlcoa exhibited tor Ibebenifltof IhaNawBavea (Conn.) Toung Uen'a IneU'ule, October 30tb, bu kaan r»aB> gaged furelx exblbltlenaln Undo BalL Mcea Ohirlakl.lhewlje performer and excdient venlriloqnielb bavliig Juat clotod a abort engigeueul at "444," la ready (0 na- gcilile wllb "anyoibrr man,'' Parilci nqiilVlug the aorvlrca of Eva Brent Ihe alwaya popo* lar TOi^allat, wiD find hor addieu Iu another cclumu. Sbx ia ola- ei'gajiM aft^r tho Sth Inat I'rof Karl Kahr'n Drawing Room Novelty Troupe and Vagi* Bolrre waa al 0"lumbua on tlio .8tb ult 1 bn coiupany cenolaM of T. W. Nicbola, bnaiiiraa nianaurr; Kerry LratiK. alaae 1— " ' ibu femaleTioK , and Prank JeeelTB, ager; Prof Kahr, mfgicim: ll'tle Uriguull, ibo female Tiollnlali hrank WblUey—nee mchola-J.S«catand,ani agent r«r eoBllaiatiaa «( Tbntritai Btaarl^ M* |a<* lil,