New York Clipper (Nov 1863)

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TII NEW TOEK CLIPPER. AMERICAN SPORTING AND THEATRICAL JOURNAL. X Utsr BBd Praprltur. J NEW TOBK, BATUBDAT, NOVEMBER 28, 1868. {VOIk ZI^o. 33. paioa iix oaan. THE OHABUB OF THE FAIB; OB, uhvuaa WITH tbb oibi< wb IiOVB. i \nnTiN nnioLT TOB THi Rw TOOK ourro, Brilie Aathof ot "SUBIE KRiaHI." omMaieiict of the eitnoidlsur demuil for Ibli, ou ufflTnlobte boaodto ubton ■ popolultr «na tioaod- igndMooor, w« u* canptoulroaiot Iho namborooD- i^t oMilag XIX •Unsu; bat •» Hut til but bo fQinlili- 111'coDfUta flle," wo bomrith rapoit uld lUniu.] IIIIBOD0OnON. I. m JoUleot or«w von wo Uut orar met— ronr TOiy opon-boutod men, ud fno, Coopoudonrnoljj.UToIjllUuoot Itu }un ogo, wbon mtj OMh OQO now b* i Wall, Latin otyUk I'm Uriu wd in dobt; And ono, olu I wu lort fii ont ot iot; iBoUier thilTtth u • Mow York Dootor, ju foaitb bii f-"——li, tomod oontnotor. lb rot I 'tlojMndnMllntwoeoTDologolbor, kai woQ doot monorr plotan foilh tbo nigbti ■Twu Intbomidttofcbiur Wlnlar wotthor. Bit In OUT VTivii nem 'iwu wum ond bi^bt nioogb TImo'o oU-nirlng, ihllUnff obuuoo, wbolbor I Uta, or dMtb obill Hil Dj mortal otihl, nu nan, tbot dab, ud in tbo fbn wo bad, fill form a Ibemo to koep mr iplrit glad. m. Iboie boon art doad, and emtl Fata baa thrown noma In Ibo path wboio roooo bloomed, 111 Tot I oan't forget the rooekoj blown, ' lUbonb to tread on thomt bonooforth I'm doomed. Imklagbou* X draam, tomotlmoa alone, (K an&MO tbingf, and I'ta at lut prenmed To lot our wordi and daeda down on Ihia paper— jMli (null u Dlaeft lonla—worda light aa rapor. Iloll TOO we were foor; each bad a name, (Ve being Obrlatlaga In a obrlatian land) Bat not dtuilng to obtain the tame ittubed to baoimere—TOO will uidentand— Ve Iboagbt sa of oar booo, and need the atmo (Wblcb laamed nun can't do fall oR«b) and Va found that "Okib" In Oraek (what conbl ba naatoi t) Tu lappa. Lambda, Upallon and Beta. bwab adopted (or bla mm dcpliau Ona of the lotlen of the nuglo word, milch oinng to blm like a lobeooo tamo. Old Lambda waa a Uralr bird, Vho bonght oar ram and dtted np the room; To him onr qneattona often we raferred; Aod tlnaUon waa loond: bat tar more dapper Than dl ot thcie wu ho we cbrlatened Kappa. Tall, when tbe ttalnga wero Saed, we bad to meotj TodrtwourBj-lAwaapandOonitltntlon; , micb waa about aa brtet u It waa neat, Wa dropped all rhetorlo and aloontlon. Twu Itaua: Each man ataall tell a tale, or treat, Whane'er wo met; and that ona wboia eSatlon Wu daemad tbe worat, IT all aboald chance to wrlt^ Eboold bu)' olgtn and Uinor lor the night Bo maob for bitrodaoUoD. Mow eappoaa Tliat Tou ware loatod In tbe room, inag. lOTltlbleandgboat-llko. Nooneknowa How skob jou'd boar therein, yon laekr dog I Juit me TOorgboallT ean, yoor ipoctral noae Wodld be regaled witb wblikT-aUna and nog: Bat you'U pleato tuta not, tooob not, handle not, For faar jonr knowlodga will bo aoon forgot. THE mST EVEKIMa. Till. Umbda remarked 'twaa cold oalalde—yoa, Terr I And to we piled tbe coal a Ultle higher; Kappa came m and brought aomo Tom and Jerrx— HU entrance, be aaaared, routed not oar Ire. We took a drink and all felt aoDiawbat merry, Drink liquor hot and by a routbig fire Oo Winter nlgbla. If yon would know what Joy la gometlmea melod out wllkont alloy. VTa talked and laagbed, and when onr ahlna wore touted And altar we hid lighted our olgara, Amd eaten quite a lotof cheetnnlj, roaetad, And drank eiob olher't health, and bleued onr tttn; W" turned to K., who frequently bad bout id Ot fooUog giria, and fllrthu with tbeli ma't, AudukedblmIt he wouldn't Ore away Aud tail ui the flrat atory of the day. I laid ha wu a dapp) r Uttle man, Oood looking, too. with bright and tparkllng eyw; Aid one of tboia kind natoret, wbloh we ean Kot often ace below the angel'a tUee; But fond of blowing when he once began, And any oila be greatly eoold aurpriao Ea alwaya garo himielf full ahare oi glory- But let that ptu and Utten to the atory. "Boya, whan I Ured In Torit I knew a lad/, A loraly, wllchlng, brown-eyed little olf " (Onr cloae attenHoo ba bad won alreadr) "She had » hnibind older than beneu B; fuU a ecore of yeare; but he kept abady, And gave bla time to gathering IQlby pelf; Aid eha, whote yean had acatmly numbered twenty, 111 Uko to llrt—the lorer being plenty. "I, at Ibtt Uma, wu rather abort of money, A ftlUng which I baren't quite got orer; Aid I dIaooTored only tboae who'd won a Bofflclenoy In York could live In dorer: Bo I concelred a nlan-yon'll think It funny— Of being a uUlCtarlan lOTor. lUtell you how It wu, I got my Bitnrea Anuged and tried my hand at palnUng plotnrai. "Ibit la, I boaght a ptlatta and tome thlnga. And knowing now to draw, toon learned their nia; Mj beard wu long, that la an artiet brln«« FtDo and dlitlnotlon like the Tory denco. I hummed poor tune*-an artltt alwaya ainga— And ibua prepared for tblt my little rniei Int an Introduction to ttia ladr, nnugh DIok, my oonitant friend, one pleuantHay day IIT. "IgaTe myeaU a good, hlgh^onndlng name, And Ulkad with our grace about fine arlai And made bar think tut I wu known to fabe— J mUed my lore and 'obeek' In equal parte, DaUl (u ikuruUy I uaed the aame) tba wu oonTlncad-thongb In bet bout of hearli 1 bisk the felt my thongbta did aomowbat border O* lore; but for aU th^l got an order XT, '^0 paint her portrait, and I toon begun Open the atrango but Terr pleating tuk, 'wtnotblundereditooni Ittmtd what (an ,.11 wu to know inoh ladlti, and to baak wiUUnthemublneot tbelramllM. Upon .Uy word, old boyi, I aouoelr had to uk <« tiToia; they, to me, wera naely giTen _ Aabribea (or Tolei, or dewt (tbat't oU) bom Hearoa, XTI. "lUA the pretty Urt. J. that the Vould \oSk the beet In aome light dreu, oat low— "ottulontl tbe italemant wu with me, And yet the look of mltcblef, and the glow BAKNET WILLIAU6. IBISB CoMIDIAK. For Biographical Sketch, see anothor uMmniL Which lit her (too I oooU not (all to tee. Ptomp, wlilt»4Unnad buatlai are not lolh to ahow Their thonldan, and In ttot, 'Iwen wona than (blly lo uh asoh women sot to drau iatlU, '•Bo, at bar tilting number one, I found' Eer dieaeed In very antl-qotkor atyle. I oan't deiorlba her hair, her eyat, her tonnd 'White umt, her tentnal Ilpa, bar ninny tmlle. Ear anowT breaat, which awalled u Ihoufh 'twere bound TO breex away nom thla It* doraaoa Tile: Bnt, O, ye godtl I uk what wonder is It That I anonld make an extra langlhy Tldt. •ITndoabtedly 'tit tne that women bold A higher moral place on earth than men; Tbei 're not ao pugUlttlo, nor to bold, Ata mora ■nnrlng,' u a nle; but tben Bometlmu we flnd their blood will flow lou ooU, And In that cate, partloalarly whan Ton chance to be a UTorlla, you'U dltcorar They oome balf.wAy to meet a bold'liced lorer. "At laait' twu to In my cate. I had bnnd Borne thlnga about tbli ladr—queer auggeitloni, At bu been Dialed—by whldi I infamd It would b« tafe to put eome loading queatlonti And aba wu tuoh a pretty little bird. Among the flneit-iooklsg. and the batt one I arar uw, which wu a dne iDcanllTe For making lore and being qolta attentlTO. "Bo I commenced my painting and lore making At the ume tlma, one plaaunt afternoon; ■Twu when the bnda ot Hay, ao long In waking. Bad bloomed hito the (tagraot flowan of June, That t wu paid (Or all my great palna taking. I'll tall you how It happened raiy aoon; But that my doalns may In grtndanr bunt, 111 make my moraiking atatamenu drat. XXI. •Uoet married women Ioto the Joya o( lore. And K tbelT apooiu ohanoa to be old mm, And they good looking, "Tlrlne'a Uka a gloTO" With them, drawn on and taken off again At chanoe may dlotata. Ah I the book abora. In wbloh onr aotlont an raoorded, when Vnfoldlng to onr wondering tplrlt gate. Win ahow queer dobga in thaae lanar dayi. XXII. tilmiglne, if yon pleate, a page or to- For Inttanca: 'fneeday, Urn. Slebbtnt (ell riomgrwiebTmeanlng Taal'tndtaying'nor On 'Wadneaday nliht young Lawranoe, (now In Hell) Who'd told bla wtfethat he muit do Borne work whloh wu o( gratt Importance, lUll Sonnd time to court a pntty widow, wji^ TO ararlatthigwoa It tentencad, tco.'im- xxm. Ben Beta Interpoaed:—"Now, look ben I I want my atotiu like my wblakey, plain; Ihera'e Xappa painting like a tool or laer Thejoyt ot beaTan, and hell'a outrtgeont pain. Ibtt mutt be atopped, or ha ahtll bny the beer. We want no BwedenborgUn, half iiune Productlona of that kind; ao fln awaj I" And Kappa took the hint and lald bit say. XDT. "Well, the had on a low-neoked dreu, her butt Wu half ooncealed, yet could I not butknow \7hat titong templatlona to man'a yltldlng duit Wan hidden In tbe deep receu below. I am a moral man—quite to, I Inut; But when a woman't breut la while u mow. And the bu too a cbannhia foot and leg, Morall^ knookt under, Juat a peg, XXT. "I know It'e all quite good, tblt moral teaching. For termont, eauyt and dldaotle xbyme: But piaotlalsg it harder mnoh than preaohlng, And man do (all (Km Tirtue oft to oilme, I caught a atinnch old morallat onca naohing Hla arm around slady'a waist: and time Hu tangbt me that trne moral men an ran Ai pure champagne, or real tea taipentt am. XXTI, "Dnt sometbisg else at that Uma bolharad m^ Would It accord with mr companions' tuta, Klihouldiall rightia—t>eTal7(ta^ And pat mr arms aronnd bar anpple walat t I thenght s moment, then raiolrad to aeai Ooooludad dinien qnlckett fled when deed. Bo on the apot I oluped that walat ao email, Bka blnahed, looked lorlng, amOad, and that wu all. xxTn. <nrat, till but 'twu aneagh. I (all Jut thin The full fruition of my hose wu aaar; And, aatwar ma, ye honett fellow men, ' WonldnmhaTafallidlowhltDerinherear Borne wordt o( men than Maadly lore t and whan . She dghed, would you're not hnned her wllhout fear, And praaud npon bar pretty moolh a Bu, And drawn tiom mby Upa long <rtD|hU of bllu I xinn. "1 did; and tben I fonal mon quick drawn tight Wen an the antwer that aba made. Her obums Arouted my paatlont; her rlob, languid ayu Looked aenauallrbrlghL fre acta some formi That did approtebpnftotion; bat than llu Within that woman's botom, neck and armt, Hon of the Ideal grace and wondioni bwuty Zhtn are befon toned erring man tiem inij. "1 thoulu a tnoBsnt what her hutbandft In WoulfM it ba tboald obanoe to catoh no then: How JealMly.dolh nua a amonldertng fire. Bat playing with the long brtlda of bar hair, I (elt mr half mlda "laws o( right" axpln; And ao I Uaaad again the wliUag U\r, And praubU'to nr haait bar bUTlng bnut I—boyt, p f iue plotan to yoorulTW the rut" Han Lambda started ont to get tome therry. For Ktppa teamed to hare a lengthy tale In tton for as—we'd dnift the lom and ^erry, Bealdu Imbibing tndy ot old ale. Wa Jnat began ta (Ml a UUe marry- In (aoty goad drinks is oopbmt draugbta ne'er (all To ronaathaloUyqlrltlnona'a bean, And richer lua to erery loene Impart Wa bund tlu aheiry tolerable etaff, AinoulKkAldttt hare that mallaw imt Of opoloar bnndt. Wa alvayt ptld enough To get Uia bettMiot wlnat too often UTor Of dy»atalb. OnaalgottemOnok ADua An artlola (I nl tt, traa, by (nor) Which had the flneat nwirii fraarer aeea. And I In drinking wtaia am no ways green. But u U wtk^^adk a bgfflBO-ai><L-fr7-a~ OoDflti^*' a I mit^'tia waai^JRwrbilefl TO wuta among the Piirllanlo band. Perbapi 'Iwu wrong, and we may come lo grief For pumeg at oar "Oonohu"—Ant nta brand— And drinking ellnga, Oan't help Itl I'd u lief Bo to, u lire a hypocrite exlttence. Though la tbe end my tool gou down tome dltlanee. ixxm. The (nltmjnum being orer, we Drew op In order, glring dne attention To hear what Kappa'a other loiapat mliht be. With that fine luy whom we'd heard him maiUon. But Lambda, alwaya thnwd, inquired if he Woold not cut tboit tht rat; a great txtanilon Ot time we oonld not giro; for etoh dMired To tell hit tale befon the Club ntlrad. XXXIV. "0, bolhenHonl" Kappa oled, "don't blowl I gnau I know how euch thlnga thotUd be done; Thia Uqnor glru my wordt an exm flow. In (act, I gneu It deu to erery one: But I'U be brM u pcatlble, although For mau daya I did anl^ tbe fun Of whlofi I tpetk;" and Lambda lald no mon. But grumbled to UmaeU "OhI whataiore.'" "Iha plotan got on tlowly. Whan I next Otlled on my pntty aabjeot, bar I found EnStgad hi nadlng Byron'a amonoa lait; Bhe tried to hide tbe rolume tt the lounl Of coning footttepi, and aeamed aomewhal rosed: But when the uw tbe artlat wu aronnd, Bhe amlled a waloom% offarad me a aeat. And aald the had oijoyed a bookltb treal, "Upon a «la a (<l< abe balf.ncllned, In that rolnptnoua atutude of eau Whloh ladiM, If they'n young and prelty, flnd It by all oddt the luratt one to puue, It't wholly In aocoidaaea wiHi my mind; But than the UlUa wltobM like lo teaaa A (eUow, too. They ehow a prottr ankle. And hide the leg—one'a eplrit II dou rankla. 10 BI COHTIHUXO, utahj, to be diTlded equally imongtt thtm ithlsdaalh; bat It contained a apeolal dinnrihat my o( lham learbu him baton Ust Umt, under any oInnmtUacM whatarar, akonld be eat off bom Ibe beaedta of Iha biqueat, and her ahan dWttbalad ISfMJS,*??*^!'."* »<"''•' ctautafotther illpaltted that tayaddlUontothelraumbaraboold be Inoladed laths daed. :f JfSSi'*^'' f"* •» ""J "»«^litd raaohsd that ha^irald not to long u Itwu In their power lo piaraat II. Ining uy tddlUonal memban Inlo bit aeiagUo; bntlhtaeoon. eldenUoBi weta ot tbemtelrtt tnOoltnt for UBlan't salMy. Bhe bntd Iiard, howarei, by ptamlau ol oacraoy. lo Indnca Ibam toattlttharlo Moape,bnt faar of the oouequeoou dataaed thtm, u Ihey won at Ihj metoyol Ibe Colonel, who mlgblat aw dme turn Ibam adrlfti but they (tit tusra to long uUlu Earbart wu baalde them, u he know the pcatlble danger ba bi- oonad of dltoorary thould he by banh ooadnet prarna Ihea to relillallon. Bad LDlIan retlgned bartalf TOtnntirlly lo the Cdonal'e anna, thatparttolpatloD wu what they eoold not hare prertnltd; hot had Ihey aOowad him to perpetrate the oilme be meditated, and LUIUa'a (riendt bad appalled to IbeUw.IniTlUliledettrncllon lo tbilr protpads wcoidbaTa ansned. Kanutawu the (inrlla of the OolontI, and aha, with her Spanish blood, ruled blm wltU Jealoos tyranny. The mldnlahl Intsrrltw between him end the barglanopiaadiiBtobBruw anawpbualn hla oharaoter, and aba wu not Ibeooelohabl' euoh an adranttga wllhont making nu af It Fnn what had than taken plaoe, abe laaned that Ihey had some mntbitous hold upon hun which rendered blm powerlau lopotanhlBSiU agilut them; and bom expnttlont which had tulan tna thdr llpt, the gueieed that be wu Implicated in a way which mida tt daogeroos for blm to retltl their dcmanda Bat tbe Oolonel bad not forgoden nor forglraa her inlaiteaaoa whan, by bar timely aid, tbe r«icuid LDllaa ftom bit aatanlt; and pitnlanlly woold npbrald bar wllb hariog. It bar oondnot, deprlndhlmof apleatnrebebadwroagbthaidtooblala. Kow, howerer, ehe ntorlad npon blm. In turn, and made him awara how much he wu In ber power. Be wu lying one day, hla bead reclining In her lap, and hla flnien playing wUh thaiOBg black treUM wbloh bung In beautaooi pionalon orar btt tubu- lar ntck and bceom, when eoddenlyitateicltUnid,lnatoB»ot rolto e Indicating a flrmaeu ol pnrpoaa which could not eaoapa "Ton muat get rid of LiUlm Herbert." "Varzetttl'^he cried, ttirtlng to his (eat, "wbit maaa four wkatdoycouyl" "Ton moat gat rid of LiOlaa," the npealed, In a calm and an- ImpualoDed manner. "Huutts, yon uk too much." "Iuk too llltli," abe npUrd, "loooannotbaaarloaa. Why tike roo such an Iniaiaitbi this girl? whatmattanit to yon whither abe remains hsM or not?^ "Sid you not make bar an offer of manligat" "Tul wbattbent" "If erer yon do marry, I muat ba thi bride." "Tool Uanetta." "Ibaretaldlt" " M i n e t la. what madneai hu taken potaettlan of yonf what amy dream It this that bu tntertd lonr bialnt Haniyymit Ba1 bal And what would Babeecs,>atili, Kaiy, indAoastls uy to auob a proceeding T" "Tbeynead nerar know." "How could that ba piarenttd I" "By onr aeont nuptfali and they mnit ttke place, toonar or lalar; and no one needsTerbelhewlter, nnleuyonchoowlo THE LIBERTIBE AHS EIB VIOIIM; OB, THE BOOB OF THE noniGiTBi A TALE OF tHI IIOBIS AHO IHADOWa 07 IZW TOBK LIR LUVB, AND OflUUli The Theatre, Tuif, Blog, and Bagnio. waimK ixniaitx roa thi mxw tobi ourrxa. OHAPTKB XVI. i,P,t.nw ExanxBT't raoraoiOBS—TBS wiu,—uinzarTA and tux coLoinL—AH orrxa or luaaiAox—no coktuuioh, omlt too HDtr-A BOLD tlBOXa—BIU TEX TlOXn OETIA OOOD (00—US. BIOaABntOR a a no* OOMTOBTASLX FLAOX— TBI Btin OKR- naxAX nt a near DwoouonASLa artOATioM— loiis bu WATOB ADD HOIfZT, ARD OAIXe A BAD 001,11—WAnAMT BOUBI TAnamoAOBU lawaaot bxb dooh— raoH a bid or down 10 A BXD or aooi—UAOTi BU n> ux WITB Toa saur— BIU, HALI, sriLL OB TBB TBAOX. Bntox the altampt by Oolonel French to commit aa outrage on LUllsn Herbert the had alwaya found in Hanetta, tbe Spanlab (liL a true friend sad pnleolori aad, taideed, the tut of the (Irlthtd ttunretnchaUBd^apMI towardt bar, th^ the felt eompiraUnly aeaon from any further Tlolenoe on hit part They nerar permlttad herlobaalone,andeTen firing the night one of them alwaya ahared her couch. Ihey uelgned u a rea- ton for Ihlt, that they bad learned ber bliloir and had delar- mined to tare her, to long u It wu In their power, but Ihil they dan not openly attempt to laleaM her, u II would coopnmlte them, Depeolett tntlnly upon tbe Oolonel for topport, he had tome UBOIiirinmidetwlltlnwblob he bad left Ibom his ent'xe "Ah I wbattbent you calculata npon that already I" "ARar yonr dutta,It I anrrlra yon. It nost be mada pobUo." "Why tot" ' "Bacaute I thill then ba the Inheritor ot your estate." "Kerarl by hearenl" .'-Xt "Be not rath In yoor attardons. I thalll" and Miiiilli. drawingberialf uptoherfnll htlsbt,gland upon IhaOoltDai with a amlle. In which trlnmph and hate wen oomblntd. "Harutta, you an notroiuatlf, l<May." "I ban not been mytelf for a lonR, long Ihnt—nerac dnoe the time when, an Innocaat and belpleta m, yea ton me bom my ptiaola' home; and on my niom to lue found mynlf a polluted thing—a rlctlm to yonr unbild led lutt. Long ban I walled tat my nreoge; long hm L diy after day, watched tot the bnr ot nulbstloD, and nowllli appioichlng. Too ban tptataHte. Uma la the Indulgence of your bnilal pualoiu—pauuns which donotseemtobluntbul oidy become the mon airoe and lotlb. toma u tge ntent npon yon; but the time Is now tt hand, and yon ainnot aroldronr doom." "And who thall compel me tolakeaparthtthlslnttiatllag plot?" lilttaal X r J < »«mxnc'niiTtTt tmitn. Whattwo<lda^ , ^aaautto-Ttwonld enttaijwa H trumpeted forth thttOriOBtl jtyiirnle long tried frianf of n-^.—«. CJ—ij-ff fal ~i , _ r— • bit ahlld for the pnipws of proifllnllag her to hit Heai. tlontdulrtal How would the Oolonel than appear bete* ut Babllc,or how woold he esjur Ihelaxnryot apttaonl Than, lereare roar IntrlgneewlthilidameBiourl; and laat though not lout, then an certalo taorett between you and Iha iiurgltn who pild yoo a rltlt a few nlghta elnce, and which In yonr alaap Ku cannot keep lo youiulf, Ibat might be rtiy unplaaitnt lo ra nToaled." "Ha I what know yon of then t" , "Enonib lo oiute you lo tiamblr, at yon now do," Hanelia bad tnccaedad well In bar plan, (or by otostaig the Colonel to bellen he bad betrayed blmielf, ind the knew he oonld notgneu how much, the bid bin the mon (uDy In bar Kwar, Aa Colonel, u the proceeded In ber obargea agtUut m, (elt that the had Indiad tnand him in a net, Iha msaha o( Thloh he could not nndi bit tua grew aaby In Ila baa. aad M ■ha, with oonnlng mlnntaaMi, detailed ber knowltdga ot hit dlfflcoltlu, laina dropa o( peraplntion ttood anon bit biow, aad u the oondnled ha tank inlo a chair, uniblt lo oonfaol.hli emotlena. UaruUa at a glansa eomprehended thenlac of ttiatilninitt ■hs hid aohlaTca, aad aatlafled that the bad giTen him aafidaat foe ooattmplaUaB to antwer hit pnrpcaat tor tha piaaaai ak- ropUy qulUed bit pratence. The Oobmel wu moeh affeoitd by Ihapeiili of bit poalUsa. and could not tbnl bit ayu lo Ibe (tot tbit be wu no longer hit owa muter. Surrounded on all sUca by danger, aad dictated to on ireiT hand br thoaa be bad been aeonttomed to look npon u hit tools, bo feu lie wu detoended to Ibe degrading podHon of a •lira; butha wu netaman tonmaln long louon, aad, Uka a lion at bay, nnderad fUrloui br Iha attackt of hit. tonuntora, ha mida np hit mind fCr s bold stroke to rid blmialt of hit enemlet, Tne ttffls erenlng found tkeOolcnel cloielad In aprlnta room of the Emerald Honta wllb its pioprletor, tbe raialt ot whloh wu that a meiaanger wu dltpatobad to WlUlamabuigh. On the night following, be appealed atUieumeplace and (bond a gnldt In wtlUng, who led him orer to Brooklyn, wbaia. In the bouae In AUantlo atraat In which Barney bad found refuge whan hata- uped (tom the Bnman, tbe Oolonel (ound BUI Jaokaon la axpo> UUonothUTliIt "Yell, Kemtl,'ow It ytr? lookln' Up top-glad to SMrerI 'Opu u 'ow yer / :i't bear any 111 wUl tot our little wlalt t'other night; but blaneu, Eenal—buaeu mutt be did." "Meinr mind, BUI, we wont aay any mon about that allbougb I think yon came down rather bard uponafrKnd; bat^bathal u It may, I bare got aomelbing (or you nor that will pay yoo such beliai—praridad yoo do the righl thing—do you undti- ttandV "I ralher tblnki I doet, to ftr—tat out wiUi It" "loo know Eadtme Bourl-ehe mutt be got out of tht way." "Anythin'to oblige yer;" and wllb a wlok he made a tInUl. canlalgiiuU onltGig hit throat IheOolonelabnddarad and axolalmod:.. "Ho, Bol—no bloodi then bu been enongh ot that; bat Set potiettlon ot bar, and do wlUi bar u yon plaaitt but kill er not—neither let ber Ironble me mora." nit tint reiy dlfflonlt lo do. Bhe la a nice Und of a' and I gueu I oonld make her oomfcrtabte In mylltUa al^tol t thlnia u 'ow ehe'd bo wery glad to kefti qnlat there, taelB^ai sharcoldn't like to titk her asckby blabbUi'ont—MitMl» Tud Till yer offer (or Ihltt' "Of Ibat I win tpetk tfltrwarda. Than la uokhir Job, aat s mon diflloult oaa, In whloh I deain yoor atsltlanoa. Toa ira twan of certain peanllarlUu la aty attabUthmnt tad thai Itet an buuUu then which, (ot my I k«p trooad <}ne ot thue, a Spaaltb gill, hu, I belltTe, lost her I IwantloBndaqnIelplue whin aba can ba kept acuta pia^ rent her taijurlng beraelt or othirt." •Ty, ny oioMffAmnl alnl got wiry mnch aooonmodaUcn for ladlu;bntpeni1dedItwoiinadaralhmytnnbIe. I aiUblbe aUetomaragalt" —. "Iwillpayyoa Bra bandRd doDara, on ynu aecorlu Kld> ame Boor), and fln hondrel mon on roar dlipoalsg oCKinet- ta, tha Bpinlih glit: tod anoUieT thonaand, on your bladlaa youaalf la tha mott tolaminttaiiar that nillbtr they aor ma akallaTtr,bywoidor dHd,KooBpr«mlaa me In the lUghfast ounatr,or In aay way tiODble me again; while, on my pirt I ghaUgoaraatae that tmder ao otioamitancM ahan anyaotof mine tend to your laJnry, or tha hart of iny of yoor oompea. Ions. "Veil, that's fair aad aqoin, and re'U oaU It a bargaU," uld BIU, who wu well asoagh awan thai hi, by ooDsaaUag u nob an arraotimint got tha Oolonel aUUfBilbarbito hit powtr. As. tot wbatlhe Ooload might do to him be wu not mnoa afraid oi; baring too mooh at atska himaelf. "But" conUnned BO." 'ow anwatogaltheglrlonlofronrhovial" .^.^ "That will ba a matlar for altir thought Ten mail dnt tt< taadtoUaduna Bonrt; when yon-ban managed wllb her, lot meknow,andlahaUlMpnpartdforlbeieit" . .„„ "That'a Milled, then; Upneyer daddle oo the held of 111" and BUI btld out hla hand for tbe Oolcnil lo like hold of, nu wu rather too mooh tor hit tqaanUBlly and be ihnak Bom tb*