New York Clipper (Nov 1863)

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OSTEW YORK CLIPPEB; 259 HEATRIOALi RECORD. rtiT*, mfVBffi Am ZHiiiDuni of m tbhahzoa^ aaon^ l!2< OUR IiBTTBR BOX. >ir«b>r«l«Uenf'riItduiaUMU<«; Un. FtDo; Ttomp- L H. n°e>t—Mowoombg'i HUutnll; Un. Emllj F. Str- i.n Sobwn—btnjo miler: V. L. Ltwit; f. BtynoMar 1 Ktimiry; Jobs Kelk; 0. HiUbtm—gliM blower; 0. B, ,1' Frtok P. Mortimer; John D. M«woomb«; Mr. BiUtj— SlUulicli; Fltdulck W. Foid; Frtnk Wejut— KiMU. - OITY BUUUBT. UoifDiT, KoT. 9S, ie«3, >lt CJmo to put iD Ibe iMj* of y* Jooolfir tnd bonMt old um, U»t lb* cll7 ol Ootbtm wu Oouod \illb ■ nmobnoM ■jsnj i^oDbBcti, ud 7« "IUch*bl!«t" wbo dwoU Uiartln uKb rrjolcod tbtrut: jw, (boy did wii tit, and indolge luiulllMaurlbcdIa tbo udentOiil tunlllMof Virgin- iittKrebTgiilscdsgr**tuae,«bloblt ls"8hodd7," r« ilMouniuclintolltd for fcuUiidatM to 7a pwploof I fbt, to iboir thoir plou tppitoltllon of the 111*07 UTor* nl.did tprnd tbtli tTtuoru wltb t looio bud tad in open t-lbetempleiio/ the dnniB tbe7dld mnob ireqnuit, ud I'nelitiw did th«7 beitoir npon ye nor pltyen who war< , i tmaie tbem; bnt 70 pUyen old not lock with ttTor inButiiblluandTa Shodultaa, knowing ibam to b« mare ^itd procoUi, and to pla7 bofor* whom ww Ilka Ibiowlgg Aible potrla bofore 7a well'led and dirty iwlna. Marer- m« i\a]fl and gonial muigara did fratemlia wllb 7a tioijt Ilocbabllr, for bad It not boao aild tbat Ibarawu nlia In Ibom > 80 7a muigaiB did kill 7a fallad aU, and pgt 111 re otbor fattad ulTaa to tbelr labemaclaa, and did ,Mtle Ibeo with pla7 aatlag of mnoh merit; and ya Bbod' I lad IlArbBbllca wera nnoh flittarad, and did ia7 all man< ^nod tblaRa abont 7a moril drama, and did ptirobaaaman7 f olxliBUal'in to tbe Ismplaa, that ihalr frlanda migbt na ftj pli7«ra wall beitowed, without mone7 and wtlbost (lad ibuB It la tbat 7a drama donrlihai and gnwa apaca In ^tra city of Qotbtm, 700 aran to 7a Tory gttaa of 7a pro- d tons data 7a foroe 01 Imitation cany glad tidlnga of Ijgf, mb)(iled with Ihonaanda of 70 Slmalaa, wUoh 7a rnl. Kprie call graanbicka. Ta lidafatlgable and fianllamanly aaif TV tUa calling with moch alaotlly, and hia otban- ^ukeiiito bim mnoh frlanda of ya tna llal, whlob ye £kadi do call ye dead head pamailon; toancnonnplai- ytdnotoomaatlut, tbat ye wily and long drawniont llua bu taken to U* boun diver* of jre poor pliyan, to tUl" el'*" command to play before nlm atWaablngton, III] sot at Ibalr peril, aa ja bue Jtidklal aunmona fgtyuil mtbfDll7 eiprataea It Tbnj eodeth 7a Irtt M» InaoD oC 70 day, which may aarre to point a moral lion • laic, If ye dlacrimlnallng reader can aae It In [iniloiu oplalle, caanal mention waa made of the "f^ f Mti Intiltntlon baa been mnoh abnaad of lata year*, to pnldelrlDont of anndry plana of pnbllo reaort. Placea \inwM 10 the celling," bat there waa no money In tbem, i|lollielr<allata>a being In the majority, and moat all of tnacttnllaadnallycaDlnBlbemaelTe* "memben of tbe t," la iheDinlfeat dlagnal of the leglUfflBte membara of the I pti, who generally pay Ihalr way, and aik no farora, igfUienuoasereareDOWboglnnlDg toaUttheobaiT from liul ud icaitar the former to the fonr wlnda, whalaTar liym^AD; toallofwhlchwoorr *amen," and "ameni" ^ntoiura vraa "hart" lutwaek, "owing to Ibe Indemanoy imlb(r,"and "the high price otproTUlona;" but tbe at- tceaaa not irry mcigra, aome of oar Bicbsblle fMand* m tut la roice, and turnbui In their reaerred aaato with ^trr furco. Amoog tbeae latter waa Jake Herbert, aa we bollblm. Jakelaarollradbutober, UTlngonhlamoney aut btef. Jako la no acholar, bat ha la the aDAredaet itraotTcr met with; and to Ihla, tali great/n<r, he la ticdcblod for the gooda and chattels he now noaaeaeea; be i>l)tbliilog calcolalor" of the Dnt order, and could "anff ttprico Ota piece of beef with furloua rapidity, and gener 111 Ike creditor aelllog cheap. Ve remember, "once upon %" ot being prcaent when a lady called at Jake'a ataud to luaiplcceof corned beef, M ahe hid promlaed her board- Rtd beer and cabbsge for tbclr Saaday dinner, nuiulDg nliger deep Into the roceaaee of ajalcy place, aald she: ft Uul a poond?" "Ten centr," quoth Jake, '^oo L* na Ibe lady'a rejoinder, "Well, I'll weigh IL and aee leu do for yoa." The corned beef wu weighed, and Imlug It Into the lady'e baaket, aald—"ton pounds; ten I hioOrcd and too, take It for a dollar;" and ahe did, kf, tccordloc 10 Jake'e mode of dolog "ligger work," that u ItlllDg a baigaln. Jake made a great deal of money El <*(cD teas a hundred and ten prluolple," and la now a V palion of the opera, and tbe Mew To» Cup- i;dffln Forrcat wound ap hla eogsgement at ),ooUio20tb. Watrlodtopnrchaae two "atalla" on'tba iM or thai day, but were Informed that all snoh aeato bad Kid It an early hoar on the prevlooa day;^ we, Inolodlng teder Dulclnca, had to "longh It" among yegodaof the I Tbo bouae via "Jsmmed with peo|de," and the play knO'li-nne. Yon'vo aUee4nlt,DOdoabt; If not, yoo'd la. Corlolanaa, yon will rameml>ar,liaa no Idea of knack- on to tbo [Monte, and can acarcely be Indacad to make lipeccb, aner he haa been choaen aa conauL Ha'a doim iptople, and treala the "roloea" of the people with eon 1 At the cloae of the play, the TOlcea ot the people In front lipoo Edwin for a apeeoh, bnt we really believe he still tieir 10 be Corlolanus, for It was some time before ha rfr Uto tho call, and than mored off wlthont aaying a word, wicea" again called upon bIm, and bo ahowea "Speeoh I M speech I" abouted the TOlcea In the olnlaa; "apeechi" nltd tbe gentleman up atalrs: "speeoh I" aofLly otlad the leis of tbe atalla. The nnlted "Toloei" fetahed him; he lordabutfow, and thoae in tonee anbdned; "loader I" tithe gdollemen op atalrs; and the tragedian ralaadlils He thanked tbe ladles and gentlemen for their patron- t, and aald tbat whenbeabould neit baie the pleaanre JBSrbjg before them, "Tlmon of Athena" woold be pr^ ,ln tho Bine aplendid etyla which had marked thapro- a or "Co-ri-o-lanua:" and then be wllhdrow, and tbe In front gave blm three oheers The pUo ot I dirt Is aim to be aeen In front ot the new dorman n now In conne of conjtraotlon In the Bowery, ye wtiaclor, wbo threw sand In the eyes of ye worthy a manager, "gelling out of the dirt," In some way. I a culo IrIck, and ahowa that they don't hare all the contraotora down In ^uhlngton We will now com- very totcitetbgandaffecting little poem, In Terse, about tiy bootblack. We wlD write It In that atyle whleh bu 0 popular since the day when Moih's ark oauie to anchor untAirant. AndthlaahBllbethe"burdeDotoursong:'' Come all my galUant pardeoers. Come Uaten to my aong— 'Ha of a Bowery boot blaok boy— We won't detain 70a long. Hla blaokenln' coat talm pennies four, Hla bmahea, ahllllnga two, A carpentler did make hla boi— He owes talm tor It, yet Be patronlaed the Bowery pit, . And eke the pea nnt aland. And splaah-ed mad on people'a aboea That he might gat to clean 'em; A brigadier was paialsg by, Hla boots with lustre ahone: Our boot black friend of footteen years. Did mark blm all for hls's. At Bayard street there chanced to dwell, A gutter filled with mud- And onward did Ibe soldier sbrldo, Without no fear nor favor. Tbe gDihlng bootblack Ihonght him bow To make ua aolller slip; A oringe peel did oatota bu eye; "Hoi ho I ha I ha I my hearty." Be placed the peel npon Ibe ground— lue warrior on II Irode, He fell, u many a soldier fell. And wallowed In the gutter. Be Toee, and aplad tbe TanemoDi boy, Aa yon may oil heard telli Tbe aoldler caoght talm by the neck, And vfpei] blm o'er the nose. Ha died—tbla fragile boot black boy— Upon the Held of strife; A vtcUm to tho brigadier. Be forfeited hla eilslance. HOBIL. Now an ye pardoners In dlatieas, Whatwanta to pity your praoka On brlgadlen and suon like folks. Be careful bow yon do It; For a aomething then la which ahapoi our ends. IIV can't teU what Ills- Dut take warning by Iho boot black's fate— Llkowlae the brigadier. 'do you think of this I Wood'a Mlastrela bring out a ■lae on "Oanilllo," tbla week, and If there won't be fun [vewlll give our lull consent to have oar ratlODa of baah f la sbu. Ksw aee bore—Frank Drawer, wbo Is fat t w in tUoimtn, la to do the conaumptlve Oemlllc, Willi BUalcb; whtlo ye wiry and altonualed Obarloy Fox la to w tbe healthy and nbust lover, Armand. Bee what a H roundiUon there la for fun? Wovarll7bc1levo, If 11 ''<r rear ot what bla Oablnat would say, tbat Abraham V vonlil command thoae two oomedlass toglvo a perrorm. ■t^ Capllol; and It would be proQUblo aUle to the Freal- *) the boys, for tho former might be Indaced to"ielale JMf'or two, whlob the latter oonld tun to good account, <■ Abe, give the OaUnct leave of abaence, for a few days, >«atot of tholr health, and call on Frank and Oharleyi yut niako yon abaka year bt aides (fat alias Is meant for q aUb peals of merry Uoghtor. Think It over, anon. In >uunie,all quiet families and pertena who do notvlilt or inuaemenl at night, are respeetfully notHed that ^lailrela will givo a suurne!, or day nartormaDOe, on •Wtlag, Ml], lut, and tiao on Batacday, 98th, l[r.Hari,wbo has bees traveling In Boath America with tbe Uanlona, la now In the olty. He loforma ni tbat the brothers are now In London, after a abort vlalt to Paris, and that he eipecta to aee them In new York by Obtistmas. Wallioh'a wasn't "crowded to the oelllng" so mioh last week 1 attributable. It la supposed, to bad weather and a too mactanaas of the ume fire. This Monday evening, Nov. 93d, Ur. and Mrs. Barney WU. llama wUI make their rouree-we Mleoe thaVa the word—berore a Mew York andlence. Ttaeyare popular, and always attract large aadlencea- Soring the engagement they ara now entering upon, they Intend to produce a number of novelties ot an attrao- tlve and enowy obataolar. Their opening bill comprises "Tbe Felly Olrdo," "Oustoms of the Country," and "Fat's Blunden." As It Is one of the ouetoma ot tbe country to set the WilUamtea Serform, there will be no blusdeis oommltted It our (riesds ran In at Mlblo's this week. Aoout tbe "biggoat ram In the pen" Jutt now, la Ueniy Ward Beecher. Ton are aware that Btory baa been to Iho Uon'a dan, which Is England. You know, alao, that be made apeeobea and a great fuaa there, and aaiaed tbe BrItlahera In hu own quiet end peeullar way. Well, he Is ell here now, "after hla return from Europe," and drawa bigger audloncae, and gets bettor price* thin any other actor on the stage. Liat weak, tae ap- peared at the Urooklyo Audemy, for one time only, and crowd- ed the houaa at two doUan a pop. This week, eo the Mlb, be shows at oiir Academy, the price of tickets being died at (Arte dolbri iJcM which knookUne Italian open scale all to smllhe^ eens. Henry will tell us what he did la England, and whit he didn't; what tbey did to k(m, and what they wonld like to have did; taow the Thnaderergot mad, and thought to Isita the Brook- lyn man, whleh It didn't, though; of these things, "all of which he was, and pact of wtalidi tae aaw," he wUl dlaooune to 111* de- luded brethren at the Aeidemy. To the credit ot Mr. Beecher let It be recorded that the proceeda of his "lalts at the people" are devoted to thefnndsortheU. S. SanltaiyOemmliatoa. The Academy and the people wUl be wall atuffed on the Mth. HankMudgels another big card- Ban Bryant shows him up every night, at 471 Broadway, and such ahouto aa greet tbe re- fhlginl Hudge were never dreamed of In our phlloaopby. We don't hno* which has the beat attraction, the Academy vlih Henry Ward, or Mechanics Hall with Daniel S. Oo and see 'em both, "and thereby gain great fame," Take ncllce. All ye people who have cans and kim ftmlUa*, and Itaeretors subject to the blaes, take a little bit of our seem- ingly dlalntereated advice, and go see Mrs. John Wood ss Henri de Lagadaie, In "The Motto." 0nconlrDllable laugtalar It doth evoke, dlapals the blue*,and leavea the patient In ahappy frame ot mind, and 111 to lace a frowning boarding bouse keeper to whom you owe two weeks board. Joat you try It. IPe know what It la, and can aafaly recommend a dose ot Mr*. Wood to saf■ feting homanlty. Bbe's "all there" every night, at the Olympic. "Beata tbeie a heart on earth sincere ?" Inquires Ibe JUtod and IndaUUbla poet. We answer, "there beats." Dear fHends, ron might think wa meant to pblloaopbiae upon the Immntabll- .yofallthlngaben below, andalria In partlealar; Inicwebave no such Intention. We only wish to aa7Uiatlfyoa would spend an evening pleaeantl7 and prcaubl7, and at moderito cost, call at UiDiger Bntler'a American Theatre, tu Broadwi7, where the new prize drama ot the "Monutiln Outlaw" la being played, and where Obarloy White, Tony Faetor, Bob Hart, and other "liale fellow* well met" will meet you with amllee, and aong*, and ocolar Jokes. Then'* to be a oaHnee at the American on Thanksgiving day. We're not much of a hand at politics, but In regard to the ap- proaching election for Mayor, we ahould advise our friend* to caat Ihelr united votes for Blunt, Boole, Onnlher, end any other man who may be shoved forward during thecanvia. Vote the whole ticket, and thoa aecuro tho election of "good and taoneet men." Prevloua to theelecUon, however, vlalt the old Bowery Thoatre, and aee the dog alars Lalkyatto and Wonder, who put In an appoeranca thia week. In Ibe "Forest ot Bendy." Fannj Herring contlnaea bar taklog pertormsncee, and tbe manager, Mr. 0. L. Foi, alaocontrlbatea to the Intereat ot the entertain- mania. Look out tor Thankagtvlng—day and night They've sot doge at the New Bowery, too; ttaalr namn being Carlo and BrulD, and they appear thla evening, under the direc- tion of Mr. Edwin Blanchard, In the "Felon'a Deith." We were jojt thinking what a crowd could be dravm to both theatres to see a good dog dght, now tbat the managan have got the slock. A tetocloua canine centeat In the atreet alwaya attract* cnwd* of Intereeted men, women, etaUdren, and other dogs; therefore. In a loaapubllo place, anoh an enooiuter would fill the house "Aram pit to done." Lal'atrylt Uaretsek's operatives abdicate the Academy this week, and AnachQU and hla Oennun troupe take hold on the 3Dlta. "The MounUln Ontlaw, or the Wreck of a Lite," by Jotan F. Poole, haa made one ol the neateat tails of the sesson at "tU," where It has been well plsoed npon the stage by Mens. I« Thome. bob Hsrt the wall known negroperformer of "M," who waa taken'to Havana by the ateamer £agle on the 3d Inat, by acci- dent, arrived home by the same steamer on the 18th. Bob bad a very pleasant time of It oa tbe outward and homeward bonnd piuige, aa he bad his baejo along with hlaa, whlob aff'ordad much amuaembnt to all on board. Bob- kept op a eontluued round ol azoitement by letting off bis qualot aa^sgs, and pick- ing on the dlA ImoJo. Ur. Jamaa Madlgan aalled by lbs ateamer Columbia, on the ISltalnat, to Join Onlarlnl'aOlroua at Havana. Ur. Madlgan ap- peared on the opening nlgtat of Lent's Clrons, and turned his double sommersault The well kno«n Srm ot Van Amburgh & Co., hiving taken a lease of the old Chinese Buildings, snd after lalog It up In good etvle, opened It to the public on the IBth Inst, u one ot the In- slltntlonaof Ihla olty. The collection of animals Is the largeat sver brought together In this dly. Tbe entire three doors of this bnlldug are used by the mansigen, snd every available spot Utakenpoesesslonofbysomeklndof sn "sulnula." The lust floor, or ouement, has aiing, where the alsphante and mon. key* perform. Arm chair* are placed here for the audlton. The lecond floor haa cages ot snimsis placed around the rocm. Here may be seen a striped byesa, the dnt one eihlblted bare for twelve year*. The third floor alao baa quite a large nnmber ot cigea, flUed with every apeolea of the bruto ctasiUon. The place Is beautltully fitted up, and hia been very wall attended since the opening night The location Is one of the beat In tbe city, and there la no reason why the Menagerie should not floor- lab throughout the winter, WsllaeVa Old Theatre waa opened to the jmbllo on the leth Inst by L. B. Lent aa a flnt claaa Amphllheatce. The pilvato boxea have been removed, which givca room lOr a forty feet ring, which Is built on the stage. On tbe openUig night the attend' anoe was so great that hundreda wore unable to gain admltianoe, and Itae Ireaauror atopped selling ticket* Iwtore Itaa perfoTMance oomfflenced. A flnt class oompanv in overr respect naa been en- gaged, among whom ere the Melville Fsmlly, B. BUoknoy and hla eon Bobect, Joe Pentland, Jimmy Beynolds, snd Tom King. Tbe perfonnanoes on the opening night wont off in oapltal style, and the attendance throughout the week haa been very good. . DiL&M&Tll/. On Monday, Nov. 10th, Bherldan Knowlea' capital play of "The Wife, a Tale of Mantaa,''waa produced for the int time at the Park Theatr^ Brooklyn, when Mr. Qabrtal Hirrlaon made his flnt appearance on the atige of hla theatre. In the character of JuUin St Plem, Hlaa Irving enacting the part of Mtrlanne. The bUl of the evening proved to be very attractive, the altond- anoe It Induced being of a obaneter highly complimentary to the reputation of the worthy manager, for a more appieolatlve, and at the aame Ume indolgent, atialence never patronized the drama In Brooklyn, than the one that flUed the Park on this 00- oislon. Hundreds were turned sway, nnable to proeure a eight ot tbe stage, every aeat In the houee having bees engaged the week prevloua, alanding room even being at a premium. In view of the great demand tor Beats, we were pleteed to aee thst the manager refused to permit that dangerous unlasnce of pla- cing eilia seata In the alalea and passageway*, whereby all eafe egreaa from the building In ease of fln Is so completely ont off. On the appaaranee of Mr, Harrison on the stage he was received with round sfter round ot applante, and at the cloae ol nearly eioh scene in whlota he appeared Ibe audience testUled Ihelr to- .probation of bla flne acttog, and when the curtain fell in the last laal he waa enttaualastlcally called out Indeed we do not re- member aeelng an actcr more warmly greeted than he was on this occasion, ^he best of It was, his truly sdmlrable renlltton Total t8,M7 SB This manlflcent product of the genius of Mlaa Oushman, de- voted to Itae relief of our snfferlng soldier*. I* only the most striking exempUflealloB yet rnsde of woman's power and will to do her full part In the naUonsl straggle. Inspired with love and pity, American woman have been byihelr labon and aympithlae a real part of the army, and Ihelr ranks, nnderleaderalueMlss Onshmsn,wlll not bresk, while thali sons, bnthen, snd hns- bsnds an flrm and fallhfnl In the field. It Is due to Hiss Ohar- lotto Oushman to say that this eztraordlnsry gift of money, ao maglcaBy evoked by her apell, la but the leaat put of the service which, ever since our vrar began, ahe taaa beien rendering our — —, - .—. eauae in Europe. Her eameat faith In the darkeat hotus, her | plaaaanlly, and all wen gntlfied propheUe confidence In our anccesa, ta«r eloquent patriotism U J v ("d tbs Beul,' a musical and tetpslcboresn oUo, and <Na^ - •- • .—VheOoodfor Nolhlng,'to an Immense coooanrse of ladle*and fecUve reading, and her Judicious sppnoliUon of the telling poInU In the cnarscler, together with her taattfoldreaalng an! Eace ol movement, wen such aa to favorably coatraat her act. g In the drama with that of the popular Un, Hoey, whom, br-the-way, ahe anally naemblea Id atyle and manner. Of the oihera, Meaan. Whiting and Melklff an the only one* that merit pralae, the former'* penonatlon of Qoazago being very crodlt- abletobtahlalrlonloabUltr, and Mr. MetkUTa Loresto waa de- cidedly the most pralsworUiypiece ot acting we taave seen Item him. Ur. Andnw* greatly dliappolnled us, espeolilly In his makenp, which waa unworthy in actor of U* eiperlence and reputation. Had ha been called upon to eot the part at a few mmutea' noUce, ho could not have been laaa erectlTO. At for tbo Individual who oasayed ttae part of the Duke, all we have to say la that be haa ovldoully mlltaken his vocation. A leas Indulgent andlence would have hissed blm off the stage. Count Horlo, too, lacks the jiermiiul nqalslte for the oharactcr be uaumad, bnt we ehould Judge he could play ttae Apotbecai7,ln namlet,>lo perfection. The aoenory waa admirable, and the stage appoint- mento pnlaawocthy. The orobeatral dopattment, a* yet, shows no algnaoflmpnvomonl; Indeed, Itanylhlng, Ilia worse. Ueliii ratborlato In atlendince en tbo evening In quoelloo, wo couli only procure alanding room near Itae door, lud In eooKnuenco we, wllb all those In the vlolnlly, wera prevented from hearing half of tbo convonatlon on tbe ataio through tho oiooUng at Ibe door, which was on ttae slide all lhe|evcnlng. This annoyance ebould bo prevented In fiilun. The producuou ot this drama Is bnt Ibe Inauguiallon ot a series ot slmUar ttandard playa at Ihla eaUbUsbmont atlnr which ttae old Olympic pngremmo I* to be reproduced On Wednoaday "The Lady of Lyoni" waa pro- duced, tho cast Including Ur. Harrlaon and Ulsa Irving, aa Claude and Pauline. From Iho compantlvely quiet acting of Harrieon In the "Wife," and tala truly creditable. UDBenonailon of SU Plem, we fully expected to aee a different rendition of tbe haokncyad part of Olaudo to tbat presented. We bed hoped to •e», at tbe hands ot Ur. Harrison, a toning down ot Ihs malo- dramaUe aoUons that ordinarily charactoriss the lotlng ot eve* leading artists la Ihls inal»dtamatlo pliy; but nil as h* per- sonated the ohander. In many ceepeots, and finely aa ha read the part, the usual alage mannerlama pnvalled to a greater ei. tent than hla pnvlotu efforta had lad ua to aspect Take It allo- 8ether. In comparison with other rspresenUtloas we have sasn leputtweseaaons, Ur. Harrison's Olsude compares favorably with Ihe beat that has been presented. Mis* Irring wu not a* much at home In ttae chaneur of Pauline aa taer ablUly led na to eipecli bntdoubtleu with different BurrooBdlnga ehe would ap- pear to greator advantage. By-ttae-wey, a "leading old lady" would be an edvanlageous scqnIslUon to Ihls eompanr, and more can In nhearalng theae ttandard pUys wonld not detract from Itaa merit of their parfonnanoea, Ot the othen. It I* acarcely neeeasary to spesk beyond slating that as a general thing they did well—Andnwa eepedally Tbe attondanca ttaionghout tho week wu eicelleni, both In etaaraotor and num. bar*. We noUeed that ttae "heads," that have been snoh llbetsl patrons ot Ihe theatre, have had Ihelr privUegea out off. II le about time, we think, that Ihe manager wu remunerated by these people tor Ills liberality to them 10 long. On Thunday night leih InsL, at tbe Aeidemy ot Unalo, Brook- lyn, Ibeie was one of Itae flnest aadlencea In ttae building that we ever eaw oollected together befon, the tme respectability of Brooklyn being for once faithfully npreeenled; for the majority ot those present were of the claaa repxesentlng tbe refinement. Intelligence, and gentility ot Brooklyn'* beat oltlzans, and not thoae whoee Inflnsnce and poilUon Is darivM flom wealth alone. The occaalon—oalenalbly for Ibe benefit ol tbe Sanitary Commit alon, tbe whole fanda received being ippioprlated IhenIo—wu aa ovation to Itae Dev. Henry Ward Beeeaar, on his arrival home tram Europe, and truly should that able and eloquent and we may truly aay patriotic citizen of Brooklyn feel highly compli- mented at the eameet and enthuslastlo gieeUog he ncelved tram such a aplendid audience. Uls address on the ocoulon will be read by millions on both sides of ttae Atlaotio, as well u on Ihe ahores of the Paelfio, and then la little doubt his words will ezert an Immense Influence for good In the cause of "peace and good will to all men." Ticket* wan two doUan, and Ihe receipts produced nesrly tlOOO to tbe Sanitary Oommlsslon. The following card Is firom the President ot Ibe United Btataa Sanitary Commission, In relation to the benefits given to thst society by Miss Charlotto Oushman :— The Preeldent of the United State* Sanitary Oommlaalon feela It to be a great pleaaun to call unlvenal attention to Ihe patriot- ic minlfioeaoe of our distinguished cconlrywoman, Htu Char- lotto Oushman, who, from Ins vesael In whleh she leaves our shores, modestly sends him the ton sooount ot taer splendid doaatlcns to ttae slok and wounded Ihrougta ttae United Btatee Sanitary Oommlssloa. They are u follow*:— Benefit at Academy ot Unsle, Ptalladelptals, September IMh ( tl.8H 3T Benefit at Academy of Music, Boaton, September WIta. 9,0M It Benefit at Qtover'a Ttaeatn, Waahlngton, October 17lh. 1,800 00 Baneflt at Ford's Theatn, Baltlmon, October lOtb.... 360 00 (This small result attributable to the negligence and aanlaeanaaa of the manager.—C 0.) Benefit at Academy of Unslo, New York, October 93d. 9,773 97 munlcatlon wu again resumsd, Tlia Uceuae was allU in eilst- eaee.and alllhatwu wanted wu a fair atari TUawMmas- aied on Souday evening, the llth Inst, Ihe ladyallpping oat ol taer falher'a honse sDonI balf.pist eight sad meeting bee lever, who bed made the needtol preparatlona for a speedy flight. Off they alarled to Sonde*, when Ihe two were made on^ and uen they went on to West Flamboio, lo apend Ihe night. Whether ihay Intondad lo nlum to Hamilton, and In Ih* moat approved and ortlmloi style kneel down befon Ike •■stera pnent" we know not; sl any nto, the oppcrtunllr wu not aC forded them. The lady wu soon mlased, and a nasty seank made. The falhor got on ttae right trtok, and traoed them la their raating place. Tbe meeting wu a atormy one, and If w« ue not misinformed, the stick of the father and the header the lover came In eoutiet mon than once, to ttae great detriment of the laller. But Ihe knot had been Ued, asd lb* danghler had now become a wife, 10 Itaal nothing nmalosd tat tbeiktliarbut lo ntttmtohia home eorrowlng, leaving th* fatualed pair to tbe esjormenl of their mutnallillas. f*!,t*'?""^t.'?'°"°""* • "c*!" CBgsgement it UoVlok- er'a Theatn, Ctalcago, on ttae VIb Inst, opening to a crowdeA taoase- Bhenmatoad lut week, and wu aanoonced to btisc bfr engagement to a cloae on Ihe llet Inst.' Tbe pettormancee at the Defiance Theatn, Cairo, lU. war* bnnght lo a oloaefor the preaent on the I«lh luat Alter a short latormltdon, It Is said, the honse wlU be re-opened under Ite management of Uln HoWlUlams. Mrs. Oeorge Jordan made her detui In Ban Fiandaco Odobst 19lh, sl Maguln's Open Honse, u Oertmde, In "Tho UtU* Tteuore." She appeared for four nlgbta only, "owing to a Bi*. vlouely made engagement with the Minh Troupe." About seven o'olook Monday evening, letta Inst, as the stag* st ttae Boston Museum wu being llghi*,prap*tatory to tk« performance, aome of ttae sceseir caught flre. 3i« r apread quiokly, but wen put ont without caualag a avnaial alam, a ton* pnmp taitondedforanok ezlgendea bemg «8*ettv^ ly uaed. Tbe atage wu already set for the opening scans 4r UMs "Jaalons Wife," and this, logslher with much oiuer soanscj, wu badly Injured. The lea* wu sbont 19,000. Boms llva tan- dred persons wen In Ihe front pert ot the koose, bnt no paala occurred, u the curtain prerantsd Itat fln from being seen. At Lsagvlshe Sougharty'a Theatre, Denver Ol^Ti OeU nr.. the spectacle of "The Boa of Ice" wu pcvdnotd 00 ttae dih last, and wu repeated oa several oocaslena. His eUsf eban> tan wen sustained by Mn. Laagrlahe, Meesn. Blahmoad adi Dougherty, Mr. John SUlon, one of tne oompiny, ba* Mrasd the feUowtag oard:—"A mlanadentaadlag having trlssn b^ Iweea myself sad Messrs. lugrlstae k Deagher^rby wUota mr engagemeat with them wu forfeited, and I oeased playing for ttae tlm*, I deem It due to them and Ike public that I aeknowl- edge that I wu In fault and the canaa of the whole dUBoaUr, aad Messn. L. & D. having again kindly conaentad to leotvt DT aervloea, Ibegthelndnlgenoeot the pnbllo, while I aKSrM* fore them and uae my beat abUldea to entertain aat'faleMI, Your ob'l aervant Jobb Dnxoic," " Hlaa Alice Pladde Mann made taer Una at the Tfceeilia BhriL Hamilton, 0. W., on Ihe itlh Inst, In "Madtlalne," and naaS ed during the week. Ttae Uuata Clilldren, aRer an abaeac* of five yean In Anatn- Ua and New Zealand, made ttaeir appearance at Uagulr*** Optat House, Ban Frandsco, CaL, Ootobsr Mita. Bpaildng ot ItaSB, Ihe &a,ofttaatolty, says:—"The ttaeatn wu flllad to ovantow- lag. Several of ttae yoaag girls taave grown up to womanhood, Imprcvtog all the while. Other Juvenile member* ate added !• the tnnpe. But Ihe priadpal artlsto nlaln Ihelr relaUra pod- Uona occupied when flnt visiting Oallfomla. 'The LadluBst* Ue,'an Interlude otalnglng and dandng, and ■Toodles,'oon*d< taled Ihe opeulng programme. Tbe crowd wu *o gieal, then wu only a gUmpae for late comer*. Xveryttaing peaasd off 1 r-- . Oa the 17lh, tbey gava T anprsMncas, havebeea potent Influences sbroad, and deserve, nod command the gratitude ot the whole naUoa. In compliment to the noble woman whoee genenua butowment of t8,907 30 I henby publicly acknoeledge, the Commission tau ordered ttae whole amount to be expended ttanogh our borne braachu la thOM olUes where Ihe Several Bums wen oontribnted, that this money may contlBue u long u possible to besanotlfled kyttae touch only of woman's banda. It .will thus reach our soldlen on battle-flelds snd in hospitals, charged with tbs bleealngs, pny- en, and lean of American wcmanhood. HodT W. Bellows, President U. B. Banllary Commission. At ttae Bt Lonis Tbsatre, Emma Waller dcaed taer engagement on the Uth Inat On ttae lOth, Emily Thome commenced, opea- tog In "Fccaliontu," and "Nothing Slope Ue-" Sua* Mary McWllllams look a beneflt on the Htta last at ttae Defiance Ttaeatn, Cairo, III,, the occasion alao being the lut night ot Ihe Beuon. The comedy of the "Honey Moon," and the drama of Ihe "Fnncb Spy," wen the pieces peifotcned. A Bister of the Icn^lalre arrived in the dty Just In time to uffer her services. Mus UoWlUlams being a favorite la Cairo, had a good house. 9umorjttIS.P>at J;.WIIkn I)<)olh will shortly lead to tho byma. nial attar tho biuollful aud [uccluitlog Faaoy Brown. Wboro'a nc)i7r» ■. ' Ai Fuller's Loulsvlllo Thoitn, Laura Kcone and her company re- mained a second week, producing "Rachel the Reaper" on the ifiib loat Tbo epcclacle ot '-Ihe FOetcr Brother" wu at lut accouota bi active reneanal. Edward Adams closed a two weeks engagement at the DuO^lo Theatre on the 21st Inst The drama of tho "Dead Heart" wu re- vived and mot witb groat favor. At Ford's new Tbeauo, Alrisndria, To., the atlractloo laat week cooaMed of Messrs. Charles Wbcatloigh, Ur. aad Un. C. B. Blabop. and Alice Orey, In coujuncllon with the regular "Block'' of the theatn. "Love Chaso" wu produced on the IBth, and "Still Wo- ten Ron Deep" on Iho lOih. Mlaa Alice Ony'a benefit wu an- noonced for the 30ih. Ur. Jiooi E. Uurdocb, tbe well known actor, hu ntnraed to hla tamlly lo CInclnnall, Ohio. It will be remembered that Hr. Uur- docb went to (AUtinooga to try to recover the body of bis son. Fslllogln this, snd aver ready to render aid to tbocaoseof the Union, he accepted the eppolatmentof rolunteer Aid on tho Staff of General Rousseau, and, on that gentleman's asaumUig a new de partmeut.Ur. Murdoch hu uken tbe opportunity to revlalt bis fsm- 1/, Intending to return and readme his pIsco on the Qenersl's staff, rblle wllb tbo army, Ur. Uuidoch put ols great clocottoairy talent j> admirable uto. Be read, on Sondav, the Uoly Ecrlplucoi to tbo men, and accompanied hiB raadlcg wlln leasooa of advice, while on other days bo recited petrlotle odea and scoga to Immense crowda ol aoldlers. and. Ilka tbe birds ot elder daya, Inspired bis boarcra with tUo ardor ol battle, and oorved them 10 deeds oT noble daring. This novi'l experiment was emlnenlly succeasrul, and both oIDcers and men wore csgor lor oonstaul npotltlons of those admirable ex- ercises. Tbe Webb Sister* commenced on engagement at Ford's Tbeatro, WaBbbigtoniOn Ihe lOlhhiat., In the plays entitled, respectively, "The Noblemaa'a Diuabter," and "la and Out of Place." Tbe dancing or Ulsa Ada la highly spoken of, and her appearance In five cbaractars In Ihe aame piece bu made lor her a beat of admlren. Loclllo Weateru made herappcaruaco on the Ifitb Iset. at Onvar's Theatre. Wuhlnilon, la a new charactor—Itaat of Uary Tudor, In Victor Hugo's piayeir that uimo ; and notwIUwlaiullog tho nio, tbera wu a large audience present She Is aald to have sueceedea very well In tbe part Un Uyron Is well spoken of In tbo cbarac- Ur ot Janet 0^ the 10th bist, UIss Western appeared In "VIcto' rhie: or, I'll Sleep On II." On Ihla occukw, a new candldau Ibr public favor made hor debut The lady Is UIss Annie Wdrd, and ehe Is aald to have made a decided hit Bho appeared on the fol- lowing night u Colin lu "Nature and Phlloaopby." "Leah, the Forsaken," Is In sdlve preporallon st Onvar's Ihca* Ire, WBsnlDgtoo. UUs Lucille Wcstera will enact tha obaneter of Leah. It will probibly bo produced tbe preaent week. EmllyThorne hu appeared with much eucceu at IheGt Louis Theatre, u Heater Onzebrook, In " Unequal Hatch." Her Blngleg la mu^ liked by the trequooton of tho "Bt Louis." Laun Eceno and taer oomblnaUcn compiny will ancceed Emily Tboroe at the Bt Louis Theatre. HernHapgood,lata sdverUslna agent fcrRumsey's Minstrels, Is no longer conneolod with that compiny, but Is now with Lsnergsn's party, atMllwankee,Wls. lAnergsn s dnimallo company opened at Itae Academy otUoale, Milwaukee, oa Ihe Itib, and business wu good sll Itae wesk. Ttae company stay than tear weeks. Business la Louisville, la ttae dnmatlo worid, hu been very good ot late. Fnm our correepondent " 0. B. B.," we have Ihe following Items ot news:—" Laun Xeeae's combination (mlnna Mr. and Mra. 0. Walcot Jr., who acceded at Nuhvllle) wen engaged by U. Baaer, Trcuuter ot Wood'a, Jo play for hla bene- flt on the Tth Inat, 'Our AmeiioanOoualn.' On the Olh, they opened at'Fuller's,'and dnrlag the past week, they gave aome of the good dd atandard oomadlu; ■The School for Scandal' wu admlnbly pnaented. Mr. MackayuBlr Peter Teazle, gave evidence ol ability that Is addom found on the Weatetn alage: It wu a most muterly delineation. The L. Eeene combination will romaln until Itae 93d, whan we may expect aomething In the apeclade line. Bam Oullok and aaalalanto taave for aome weeka been engaged In painting now aceneiy. A oorpa ol elBolenl ooa- tumors, tsllon, milliners snd diess-maken, to say nothing of sewing machines, U hard at work on the iracdrobo. At Wood'a Theatre, Ur. J. Proctor commenced hla two week'e engagement with 'Nick of the Wcoda,' which ptondaufllclentlv attractive to run Hues nlgbta, Bualneu baa been very good during Ur. Proctor'a engagement IiUt nlgtat (ITIh) ■ llenofll ot tho Poor,' tho bill wu ■Tlrolnlua' and the 'Eton Boy 1' tho bouaowufulL I ngnt that Ur.Albauah attempted the part ol • icUlua.' without more caretul atudr, lie la galthig very care- Iwa of late." At Wood'a Tlieain, Clnoloaall, Oubaa appeared on the lOUi Inat, In "Lavangn," the apeaklng part II wu played but once. On Itae following nlgtat ehe eppcarcd In "The Wizard BUff." Onu'a Italian Open Tnnpe geve three performances st Iho old Waahlngton Thutn, commencing on Ihe 93d Inal. An elopement csh In tbe theatrical world look place on tbe Itlh Inet, In Hamilton, 0. W. Tbe hen wu Ur, Edwin F. 'Marble, formerly of Auguito, Oeorgli, but now a member or Iho Theatn Royal, Hamilton; aad the partner of hla flight wu Buiaa T. Cahlll, daughler of a well-known citizen of Hamilton, no- mantle In charuler, ahe fell In love with Itae actor, and taer at- lactament wu nlnmed. Some time ago, tae obtained a Ucenu of marriage, but the lather, bearing of the affair, refused tals consent to an alllaaoe wllta a alraager whom no one knew much abont and oompelled tals daughter to ninn sll lelten and love tokens that had pausd ketwsaa Itaem. Bat our ThaapUa was not thus to be baffled, and Mded hla Ume. She wu care- tolly wttslwd, bat lov* langbs It looksmllU, aad soon after oem- ceu may ezoeed. If poealble, that which she achieved dnrtag lito engigement at tbe Walaut. Philadelphia, when laka oblldnn at Itae afternoon pertormanoe, aad In the •vanlagth* •Uanlao Lover,' and •Toodlu,' fllled the blO. Tbe leadingdgbtB of the tnnpe an OeorgsW.Uanh, Mm Battle aad Jannto Ar- not Jodglng from Indlcallous st preseat they will biv* a le^ and ssocesafal engagement" At ttae eondnsIoB of Ibis engsg^ Bsat Itae 'iCtalldnn" wlU set sail tor this dty, bom whloh plaea Itaey have beea abaent a long Ume. A letter recently received tram Bait Lake, aiatea that Joha ^eldllnger, for a number of yean leader of Ihe Bacrameato (OaL) Udon Hiau Band, and flve other mnsldaas ooaaeotad wllb tka SecoadOalUOrBlaOavalrv, had Just flolahed a theatn BObyii feel la size, at a coal ot (1,800. Tbe letter written oa ttae dib ult, aay* that the new theatn had beea opened, and had- nsB with greitaocceaa. Hlis Mary Pravoit la Ibe ■ 'alar ol the evening" at the Metro* EoUtan Ttaeatn, Buflklo, N. Y., thla week, Itae ladr taavlas m ' er appearance tben on Itae 93d Inst. II Is to be hoped taat suoceu I nuule many Krlands, who will badallglited to wllnsss hCT ps^ formancu at some future *iulnot dlaUaiday. At PIke'e Open EouM, Ciooiimatl, Ihe Blchlngs Opera TroDM prodnced "Bstanella" on thelieih, and II held Itaeboaid* aHIM week. Mlu Blobtoga took hb baneflt oa the lOlh. OnthtP^ - the "Enohantteu" wu announoed to be produced. The Slab* Ings are stopping than a conpto ot weeka too long. Oubu took taer tuewell beneflt at Wood'a Tkeatra, Otaialiaatl, oa the 90th tost, appealing for the lut Uiae la "InanBO" tad the "Preach Spy," On ttae aiat, atae took bar leava of uat city, appeariag In Itae "Flylag Sniehman." Ttala week, Oubas li a Allaa'B MutavUle Ttaeitie. Mr*. Qladslsae Is Itae star, Ihla week, st FaBar's LonlsvOa Itaestn. t Edwin Adams was to commenoe a bila^gagemeat on tba Bd, at Wood's Thutre, QinclnaatL Jane Ooomb* wu at McTloker's Theatre, Ohloago, last week. The Eolman Opare Troupe have foB possession ofltasMnaeiiB Hall. Ctalcago. At Uie Front Street Ttaeatn, Baltloiore, Mr. B. X. J. UIlM, tta* eqouMaa dnmaUo actor, liu been re-eagaged, aad appoin this week la "Mazeppa." At Fotd'a neatre, BslUmon. Usggis Kllchall hubaaalto bright etar Itae past week, aad will conUnne ao ltd* waek, brtaf- lug out on Itae 33d "Fanohon." On Itainkaglvliig day, she ic» dace* "Utile Barefoot" Hden Western commenou la eagegemeat sl Ford's Theatre^ BalUmore, oa Ihe 30th Inst The Now Tnmont Theatre, Beaton, (lately known u Ura. Jaaa English's) will be re.cpened on the SOlta Inat, by Ur. Jioob Ba^ raw. His company will embrace Ml*. Barrow, Hark BmllhaVOB Pladde, Mr. Wakot and wife, Ur. Nolin, and other*. Maggto Mitchell wlU commenoe an engagement at the BeatMi Theato* on Ihe 30lta last At Ihe BoetoaTheiln, Zdwln Boolta remain* anolharwaak. "Bay Blu" wu produced lut week, and mat wilta mneta favoc. . At ttae Norfolk Open Honse, Mr. E. Eddy oommeaeed an «■• gsgemeat on the loth Inst, opealag In "Bmtus." Eato Ushsr Is la the third wsek of ao already brilllaat aagagv meat at the NaatavUleTtaulre. Oa the ITth, ahe appeared In la* "Three Fut Men" and "Olande Snval." Ur. J. H. Bnwno, formerly connected wllta; Ihe Boetoa th*i> tree. Is sl present with Lanocgan's company, at MUwaakee. Mr. Oeo. Byer hu been engaged to lapport Mary Pzovoit Iblf wsek, at Ihe BaaUo Theatre. AmuaemenI* In Pnlladdphla have ezserienced a aUgbt taOtac off, ttae attendance atthettaealrw not being ao large uktnta- fore. AvonlaJonudoaedabadengagemenialtheOhestaatea. Iheatst Ur. Forreet who sucoeede her, opens In Blohalleu oa Ihe 93d Urs. Bowen remains at Ihs Arch. She appealed In "Lady Aodtey'a Secret" laat week, to Calrbulneu; ue plar wu produced In excellent etyle, and Un. B.'* perfonniaoe aled a very favorable hnpreadon Ult* Mary Pmvnst olo**& at tliaWamat en tha Jlat aad J. 8. Olarke aucoecds bsr ttala wefk Qlve Stuart Bobsoa a good chance at tba Arch, aad he will prave a prafilsble oard lo the msasgemeat Ladlu aad gsnUemen of kaowa standing la ihs dnoaUo pro- reialoa can Bccnn engagamento with Ueaai*. UoDonald k nafi fleld, ot Uemphla, Tun. Bee Ihelr advartlssment Mrs. Bamw and Uark Bmllh pUy In Portland thla wuk, prior to their teloia to the New Iremoni In Boston. EanrLangdon and wife, wllta J. B. Button and AndeBaeor, give a Thankaglviag eatertalnment In UUford, Uaaa. Jotan E. Owona' engagement at Ihe Howard, Boetoa, wu vair sncceastal, ladeed. „ . X. L. Davenport wu too lU to sppear on Monday, wHk Ik* "great alliance" at Itaa Howard AUieoainm, Boaton. Buaio uAU,s. The old Qreen Btreet Thwtn, Albany, N. Y., wu cpeatd on ttae 91at Inat. by Ueaan. Avery k West as Ibe "Oreen EUnet Varletlu." The thutn has beea thonughly npalred tad re- fnnilahei The company engaged la ae fouows:—wsmn Botd. well. Bob BoUer, Barry Bteto, Bam. Brimmer, NeUleHomid, Annie HoU, Amelia Wella, Fanny Thompson, BUlrTbonpeoa, Ihe Polish Dralhen sad the Leoal Tnape t Paatoinhnlstt. Waireo BocdweH la alage manager. Lao Undion, Oio "Uaieppa" of the dey. Is uaderllned lor an early appcaranoo. AlHarmonla Hall, Oalra, IIL, Ihe tneruaed attraoUoa* ooa- stoutly offered by the masagen, very aatnrally draw a auc- oemlon of large audiences. Dlok UcQowan aad Emma Wlathrop an Uio two priadpal attraoUona at preaent Ur. Luke Illvcra wu up for a beneflt at Itae Nttlontl, Oiaoln- natl, on tho 30th Inst At the NaUonal, Cincinnati, the masagei praduccd lut week, a varietyoteotorlalumeBtewtalebmotwIihremuuenllTe honaaa. Uuter Angdo, Frank Donaldaon, LIule Donaldson and S. T. Oanla, won re-engaged lul week. The York Pa. Udodeon wID be opened to ttae publlo oa the 30Ui Inat, under the prapriatonhlp of Uuara. Belack k Deach, wllh J. L. Berry for alage manager. It la a new hall, aeally and conveniently fitted up. Ttaey want two famda vocdiala ud Bv* daiucunr and negra parformanr Talent ot thla deasrlpUon wUl do well toaddreuat onoe u Instructed In en advorllsement elsewhere. The "ataost" wu produced at the Bt Louis Varletlu oa the IGth Inat, Uciar*. J, 0. Campbell, Wm. U. Uaeva, T. Jeffeno*, aud Baymond, conllnuo memben ol Ihe Variettu compaoy. The Hernandez party hu been doing a fine two weeka bli, at Ihe New Uuwum. Chicago, and atarted for Peoria, IIL, on tba lOUi Inst, nndsr Itae direction of maaager UeUen, of the UuieuaL At tbe Bowery, Bt Lonia, bualneu is nporled sa being not very good. Itae "Bevea Bona" wu Ihe lul etlracUoa. A eorrupoadeat Inlocma us that LIuie Wdby la lyui mj tick at 8t Lonls, and lean an enleriilaed as to her recovery. f« ooaUaaattn of Ttastliiotl Beeortt is* I*<* 9t><