New York Clipper (Apr 1864)

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THE NEW YORK OLreg^ MY CHILD'S ORIGIN. ,'. :BI'li«ID"BlBDB." Om nmatf, M Ou Uawd btui* M man ivvnaobel, mjUuhliig biU* AvUaM ftoB wnw plaulng lad louiid tint •afw bj bv lUa Odd aiiiA bat 0><*—I ••k no mm. Hut wb<D li« lata IhU woild of ilo, H«V wl<W bl* «1J 10 Uutbflfhltban Iho Um door otbWTm igtin. not nlliUiig Stild'a •Wtlot ifflitu,' iIlo«iiic>— BT. rSTKRB SBPLY. BT "A aSOWISB." VBDIMiMnamon y^)Vim «u no ■Wlla n«d" ^ivi, Kor CM bwn mlidag all tha whila. IdUooldMpMjonnipiiiiad. '. , Hot mi Uw door of hwoi «|w, Xcc bu * '4IIU0 ugd" Ml AadgoaidownwlUiaUUiigitm. 00 flut "bhublng hiMa," ud HO If ilta dant buUr em ind Bj, nut «ba> iko ftrand ttitt tnnl tattXL ~ - IltbTlba"goodddwiv/' -■But,"ial(l Bllaton, "tha nMiptdofUi* hoMf will b» nw to baoonildenWy more UuB TOO demand' How: ^ ftmUhli T aab WIT mm, Sfttk ihonld Tounninbar riill onlirBOf IMlo«wini)oiaoub««m - f AadnoolttoOUJ'du'actor^. HOW THE HOUSE WAS PACKED. VV:^ Ijn his oolobmtod prodoccBson In mnnngomont, tbe iVv9L' tood-oMartd Sir Richard Sloolo, aod the llluatrloiu tUoli- ■ i^" «nl'Brlii>IoyBh<rldui,ElllBU>n, from (honataml (teneros- ar or hia diapcaitlon, his love of onloymont and nis lofty sregard, If not absolnla oontempt, of those paltry oon- ildeimtlons,poanda,Bhlllliu|S.and ponof, vory often fbuid btanaair tn the situation or "agentleman In difloaltlos," OTM he motadelloatalyaiprossed It, beoamo anobloot of gieat Interest to many ponons, and was very often •anftally looked after. Uko air Blobard, and the renomied Blohard Brinsley, ■Uiton too was very often, from lack of more Batlsfoc- torj ftinds, constrained to piay hie oredltore In other coin than that lasaed ft'om the royal exobeqnei^to wit, prom' ' Ises—in abapo of notes of hand, bills of oiohonge, cog' BOTlla, warrants of attorneys, io., fto. Aa In the ease of Shr Blobard nod Blohard Brinsloy, the prlDOlpal orodlteia ofBobert William wore gonorally his Wlor and his wine morohant; for be liked to tako equal o&re of hIa Inward and hIa outward man. Of OUT hero's Ingenious expcdlenla at times to qulota dna, allenoe a oroaltor, end caenpo nrom a biUllff, many «iiiii«tng anecdotes an told, but acme llno^lnnod eensl- tlTeness having been manlfcBtcd on the eooro of Robert 'Wmiam's oeeaalenal pecuniary eoibarniesmonls, we are not disposed to pry too curiously Into suoh delloate mat- o-. tdnL 'One anecdote, however, shall bo rolutod, 'All Masses do not find their golden and rod-IoUor days 'Ikll it the samo ported In the almanao of life. Ttao land- Jord and counliy sonUemon have their rent-days to look to aa their poM (Finpuf; the fund-boldor and annullant -bavo their dIvldeDd'<lays at the bonk; tho plRoemanand -pensioner pay their regular visits to the Treasury and re- lain as regularly paid: the tradesman boa bIs.N'r'BlnuS' lillls and yearly accounts to look forward to—nokaulte so certain, however; but the " poor player" has no day but Ua Batardtfy—vr rather he has no day at all—for his Srasddsyls anigbt—bis BOtsrir hioetI— wblohls usunlly « aa Important tools numerous oredlters as to himself; all parties equally look forward to IL - l- ,9 It waa verging, one summer In the early part of tho ocnedlan'a oaroor, towarda tho close of (ho Uioatrlcal ' Mason of one of his many oountry thoatros, and tho re- puted bast night In tho whole year hod been apnroprlaUid lo t^ bonellt of our mana£or,'wbobad provided on oi- 10 the boi eaMBgly .BUsCon lly tempting bill of fare for the oooaslon. .uujionwaaa.nnlversal fiivorllo, and.bis beneOls in- 'THlably proved bumpers; wbleh Is not always thedaae "With'-popular ooton. Dowton, though quite as good an Mter m private oa Inpubllo llfo, and eicollont andnd- ■nlnd aa be ever was, never made a good bonollt; aod old Seiplnl, the most oomponlonublo of clowna, and In gon- •ral request from the prince to the anpronllce for his ■oolal and oomlo quallUes, was oquslly unfortunate In (hji respeot. It Is related of him that moeling a Mend .^0 day shortly after ho bad taken bis aooualomed " boo* eSf -atthe Italian Opora-h^MUa Mend, knowing the atoal UMuck that attendM^ln'bn suoh oooaslons, In- 'flttlred aomowhat anzlouslKjrhMhad been bis sueccss. . ."Whotsortof a bonor^- i»id he, "Oh, beger, grand btmflppi 4eed," relumed our " " Un die time." "Ah, Indeed I I congratulal manage to do that I" " Ah, bogar, oul, yes—but I' Too see, amioo mio, I lose a' ^^^oa this time, Dolplnlt" 4<: gpod bonoflco, lU' got sixty pound by but how did you ill you ell about lilm. H avu, wMiuw ujivi. lueo m jjuiiuivu pound do lost time I takeajbpnefloe, but dis time I'only lose fbrty pound; so dat I get do als^pound eulte.elear.f ; '•. .V'<' Butte return to BIIIs(diU4e''may bs-iuppdseid he was much Interested In the Baoooss of the niglit In question, hut there was another person quKo ns much Intorostoil, and this waa a cortaln wino-morahnnt and blll-dlscountor -of the town, whom wo shall take tlio liberty of oolllng filoelulce, though bis real namo Is wall known. This wenhy was In the habit of onsbing hopoful young gontlo- men'a po(tK)bIt bills, at tho modorato dlscounl or some fifty or slity pefconL: being content, on this " considera- tion," to wait till tho aoatb of their bonorod sires: a eon- .(giiuuatlon ho devoutly endeavored to hasten, wtacnovor he hod on opportunity, by fUmlsblng tbom with a llboral 4jaantlty of his Dno old port fresh Irom his own oollar, Deatssooneeoled, Its crust and bces'-wlng being manu- ItuittiTed'sseitndan orfcm. TUsUr. Sloejuloo, Intho teehnloal slang of bis oroft, llld imashod two or three blls of stiff for our friend EIIIb- itpl la other words ho had discounted two or three bills ".mr-Um, on the most moderate terns of oourss, besides inpplylng bimwitha few doiens of London portloillar Ii ludsrla—partleulor for nothing else than being really London Hadeire, oompoBod as It was In Ulnelng-hins.ef approved Oape. properly devilled with nioohol, Ao.,- Ad. ' 'The pnbUo not having accepted Ur. Elllaton's bills quKs so freely ss he hud aene those of Ur. Bloelulou, " No of* ftols," was tho natural oonsoquonoe, and Hr. Bloelulce's aeoonnt had amounted with Interest, Ao„ to about olgbty pounds. Tho blll-dlsoountor hod read EHIslon'a announoobeneSt bill with great InteresL though Instead of being headed for the bonellt of Ur. Elusion, he thought It ought to have been headed for the benetit of himself; ho having fUlly de- termined that tho whole of his demand should bo liqui- dated outof the night's reoelnts. Accordingly ho appued to a legal friend of his, who lived In tlie town, tbrouih whose Bgenoy a tlditer for tho comedian waa Immediately ptaeodln tho rospeelable bandaof Ur. Lumber, ono of the ~ rlnolpa) body-borrowers of tho plaee, who with hia Ihlth- ' follower, Mr. BUI BbaoUo, playAill/ eallod Nnbba by lAtmates, soon after donarted under the Immediate nrvaUIanoe of Ur. Sloejuloo blmself, and bis foreman, derk, and oeop«r,:Ur. Broadllst, to hunt after thoir man, whom they (fortonatolr as they thought) picked up as he was rotumlng from a Isto robearwil, and within an hour 4)f the uaual time of opening the doora. "Veil,I'm bloweil,''^ealdrur- Lumber, fhmlllorly lap- ping the ecmedlim on the sboulder," but thiB ere la apro- posst yea aro the wety Identical gent aq va vas a looking vter." "The Ikmlllar aoeundroll" muttered the dlsooncerlod Ator betwteh his teeth. "Plaguy nnlueky—tho doers Jnatonthaverypolntofopenlnitoo. Can'tthlabusiness be settlsdaoy now, my Drlcnd t" "To be sun It oan—nothing soouiy," rotaised liumbor) you have only cot to pay down theimU' oosto—sevenlor-elght pounds and no mistake,'vlfii anyl little oempUaont yon may like for my being ae werx' oIvUi and aa tho olflco Is already senrcUod, vby riitssten this ere-bit of parebmont In a JlOy, and then the lob's' done-I Ukea to make things agreeable," ' Hit mode of settlement, however, neither enltod Bls- ton'i pocket nor his Inclinations; he^tolked of tho nssri. ou Interest that had boon eiuetedCuie Infiunous qdsllty of the Uedelm that bad boon aunplted, Ae., and proposed to ilvs a cognovit at a month. Ui'. Bleqjulco on bis pari, ttiODgly objoelod to any mode of soltlemont but that or , money down; bo dwelt on Elllston's want of Ihllh, tho '.juunber of times tho bills had boon renowad,nnd declared vSalblr must now be dually brought to a dose. 'l Yoa will be sure to have money enough In the house to-diht," sold ho. " Ilbre. noro than enough," said Elllston;" It will hold Marly: ' ' will bo , . jta every flirthlng on the ooneluslon of the perfbrmanoc >re. noro than enough," said Elllston;" It will hold r ahundrod pounds, properly packed,and I know It 0 eranmod. Only let me aet to-night, and I will pay . rory flirthlng on the ooneluslon of the perfbrmanoc r more—give you a bonus Into tho bargain," .HP, nb>"erled Ilr.Blo4)uloe, "loaii'ttrust you, Ur. -^(^ :<ttIl4tBa| you Ibrget, sir, you're a fel09raplt-a<<or—in • "B^i, opo night, In London neiU If I was to let you play (1)'., 'yoa'a be up town to-morrow morning, aod then uM odwltiop with me and the reeelpls." ' wL" retoraed Ur, Lumbor," so you sea It's no £lllirtoiv-vers all en us dp to y6u, air," " bo.danst" oriod tho oomodlon, writhing „oai'". «■ - ,tak« (ho niopey In the flron of tho house to- irqedUr. Blpojoloe,^' .and yon may do what iiS, sinee It seems »ot.M wims. gl« •♦•"P"'?* note and a releaseof the prowntaotTon-wWoh ef ooun^ will be a settlement of your debt, and I oon"""; will have no ohJeeUen (o let me place my own cheek. "ffje'edjEullrtlll though." cried Ur.Bloelolee.know- gly: "Ho,no.Ur.EIIIaleo.TI ("V H"'""''•^.S.'SSnol JO Jront of the hcnse^to-nlghl, Uken, or It's no go-I dent mind giving tho t«fE< " Woll,well,"j»ld Elllston: ''neodsmosL mjP' vour own way rtoe—but as t's near tho time W*P«£'n; Ce doon, Sd I've get to give a dlM»>'»"« "J?? behind,If thethlnalstobodonelet t •'odenoatOTM. •■ Ay, ay," aald ifr. Lumber, " lhal's vet I ca"^i'''r„ 2 rightand oqnivooablo, Mr. Hellaon; ae ve'llJustaWP Into the Doliihin here, and over a boltle of your beatblack strap, Mr, Blocjulce, ve con prepare the deekoymenis, snd eonolude the buslnoBS all roglar." . , This wos sgreed to j tho belllo of black strap was duly broughl-whlch did not holy lis namo, bolng un Ingan'""? brewngo of vin ordinaire and logwood, doctored wltb a duo proportion of B.B^BrlUsh brandy, and almost UloK enough to be cut with a knife. Over U'lap™'''"'""'*???: tlon, tho deekoymenis, ns Ur. Lumber oMei then, wore regularly drawn up and signed, the bottle wea ompuoa, and ElllBton rocelvod hIa roloaso from Ur, BloeluIcc'B de- mand, together with ton pounds. Ho then proooodedjM- oordlng to hlsagroemont, to put the mon ofdrogs andois; oountTnto Ibll possession of tho front of tho house; wiip all tho omolumoniB and advantages tlierounio aoorslng, to bo received \>j him for hIa own use and bonellt,' lor ''uV?Sooju"co was forthwith fornally lnslallcd Alotie money-boi,andsupplIed wlthasafflolcntquanlltyof braaa checka, soon to bo oxohanged, — »~""" <>•»•""••■ gold and sliver- Hie fir There was but one which other entrances tho bouse—o common thing In provlnolal —_j. — , Ur, Lumbor wns placed aa check-taker atTho gwloty door, be being aupnosod to te more capable of tackling tho gods, should they prove at all uproarious, bo^[* a known good one with a rum ouslomer. Mr,Bronallsi,iDO ooopor, havlng,been used to oheek tho cellar, wns placed over the InterKts of the pit, while Ur, Nabbs bogged per- mission to "valt" on the gentry In Ibe boxes, es no op- served be " knewed most on 'cm, thoy being pretty nearly^ all old aoqualntunces of his'n." . . ,j. The manager having now seen thorn all Induotod mo their severslposls as stipulated,reUrod to give tbcdirec- tions he' had hinted W, obeorvlng that he would tond n man to open the doors the mcmentoverytblng waa ready. He wns as good aa his word. . Having gotthewlne-morebant, to use bis own worts, snugly bouled np, his first step when bo got beblnd tbe seenes was to eausa one of his largeat bill-boards to be fixed at Ifeo lop of a long polo, on this he put a written plueard which ran to the following oflooti TO THE PUBLIC, noun ASHRTID AT TBI PSOKT INTBIHOB OXLT, Pay round ttis Ooner, With this notloo he directed his stago^oer keeper to Earndebaekwards and forwards In a ocpsplouous manner, efore tho front of tbo theatre at the time of Iho doors opening, taking care, however, to keep out of tho sight of Ur. BIcQjulce and bis assistant oboek-takera; though .this was easy, as they woro safo at thoIr several poata. A great number of tlokels to the boxeS'Rnd pit were soon prosented and admitted, but no mosey appeared. "This Is very strange," said Ur. Sloe)ulce, who began to think that he'd got Into the tmww »oz. The fbetwas, the Intimation on tho placard attracting tho attention of each fresh oemor. It really, as had bcon anticipated, drew all tlie money round tho comer, where, when (he payors arrived, they saw another very IcKlble InUmatlon'conspicuously posted over tho onlrenoe or the Btoge^oi', " Pat Hebe," In onomoua oharaeters. Ae- oordlngly thither tboy all repaired, whero thoy found Qllaton nlmEolf In ntlondancc to take tho money. "Pay hero,nny hero," sold ho. Four to the pItt thank you, slrr-hiilf a guinea,-two and Bliponco," giving ebnnse, "Foes on, muster eanienler, take tbo party under the stage, through the oroncstra Into the pit. Six boiost thank you ma'am—obliged to ndmllyou tnis way. the orush Is so great In front. Open the elde-door promp- ter. Five galleryf—Wlngman, lelthoso lenllomen through the door In ttao flies Into tbe gallery, UInd how you go up the ladder gontlomen." As bad been expected, there wbb very soon a tremend- ous bouse, tho pit was In a short time literally choked,* In tbe meantime Ur, Bloejuloe and tho chcek-takore wore rouob astonished st tho apathy of tho public Presently, however, tho mystery of no money presenting llself seomcd to be explained by a ebrill volco outBldo, which was hoard oxelalmlnji, " Box Uoket Ibr half-a-orown, take two Into the plt.ond eave you olghleonponoe. Got any IJokets, I'll bny thorn of you, PItUokoi.fer olghleeoponoo, take two Into the gallor)', and suvo you alipeoeei" .■ " Ob hoi" thought Ur, BloeJuioe, "It's this that Is spoil- Initbemonoy, Isit," *Boro be most enerKoUeally oenslgnod all nenens who sold tickets at the doors to b plaoe much toqlo'w to bo mentioned to "eurapollto," conoludlng by loodtf Vailing to Ibo'womon to come In, and bring her tlekoUlfRth her, " How many Uekota have you got my good woman t" snid ho on her appearing, " Bight box and six pit, sir," said sho. " aivo them to mo, I'll toko tbom all, there's tho money for them: I'll not have tho cash spoiled anymore to-nlgbl If I can help It, so tako yourself off as ItisE as you con, or hang me If I don't give you In oborgo of tho oonslable." .3^0 poor, woman dld.not mot tlfue bidding, but gladly ahnfll»aaway» ^i-li,-". i7,ti'.';!*f**.' • • ■. -■ But not oven tho strong menaure of bnyfnz up the tlokelB Boomed to bring a farthing Into tho pny-piaco, and Ur. Bloejuloe began to (ear that botqo Intimation or tbe bnllllTB being the etacok-lnkore bad got wind,-and kept everybody out of the house. Tho performance had now commenced,and Ur, Lumber had enough to do to keep mutters at ull going; whiuhhe only acoompllsbed by biting bis name very often In a aunrt of brandy-and-water previously ordered. Towards le ecnclualon of the flrsC aol, however, a parly with tlokots who had Just been admlUod by Mr. Nabbs Into tho boxos, roturned, with the Intimation that there wns not even standing room. Ur, BIcqJuIco was cloclrlfied, and declared that tiiero must bo some mistake. " Not standing room I How con that bo 7 Why thoro enn bo scarcely twenty persons In (be house," said he; "the boxos must be nearly omply I" They nngrily reltorated their aisortlens, and while bo was diepuiing witli them tlie (list aol ended, and between two and throe hundred thirsty souls descended Drom tbe lofty regions of the cods, and demanded ebcoks from tbo astonished Mr, Lumoor, In order, ss they obeorvod, to proouro a little rofrosbmont. "Vby vhero the deuce do-you all come fremt" said that centlenmn, compleloly astounded. "why woro should wo ocmo from but from up elolra to be sure," said they, "thoro ain't room thoro to cough; It's quito ploking one's poeket to tako one's money; yeq. ought to bo aebamed of yourself," w "Veil, I'm blessed I" saliHfr, Lumbor, . \ A similar number at tbo snmo timo Issued for ogrosE from tho well eronunod pit, to tho equal omaiemontol' Ur, DrondllBt, the cooper, who began to doubt tho evt*' doneo of his senses, "Where did you ocmo fremt" tUi bo, "Why from tbo pit to bo sure," sold they. .. ^ "It must bo tho bottomless pit, then, lor I swear yoa nevor name In tills way I" roturned ho. , "Bceundrelsl" reohidthe enraged Ur. Bicqjulce, "yon have boon letting tV em In without paying. This It Is fiav' Ing people for cbool-.-takers that don't Icnaw their bust noes." \ "Vhy, blew my dloW, vet dovod mean bytbat{.,s< - ' iheok lllretorled Ibo In ■J .'it ..'Sony bedy4g blamo It'a-j'Lur' self. It's you ae don'ilyiow bow toVke tho fflonoy." Here seme very udpaWlameataryilingnogo pns^d on both sides, and mafCerB nfliht have beeome serious, bad nettle tnthMUhly flneud'-on thoborrlQed Ur.BIeo- iBIoly leavlnXtho money-box 10 toko care ihod M tho elngMpor,und oblalnlog ncoess I, eesl founinlho oemodlan, whowas ... (^' «o. U« at unco .ol'<ly Aoeused Elllston of , oneutlhg, tricking lilm;* o. ;t William heard fur/ with the most provoking oomppn. e. WSWha ^_ he coolly; "how have I r)>bb»^ .1 have kept my, to tho very letter. \ngreod to aivo up the A'ont or tae house to you, but I said 'nothing About tho b/ck. If you have net tamed the Itont to »ooeunt,U|at ia your, iktilt, net mlnei I have dene thb best I oouJU with my part of the bulldbig, and bien not bben so auoh behind as yon may Imagine, You eolilmlghtdowllat I llkodhoro. yoa know. You bad tho advantage erme at first, I own, but I think I have made it oqual/noir. Yes, friend Ble(tlulea, whilo you havo beonwflllng to tako tho money In front, I have been BMng ctumoe for it behind here; so now I think wo aro about oven, I wish you a very good nigbt—take oare of the traps I—oarpentera, show this genlleoian out" It la butlustlee to say, that Elllston afterwards (not, ft is true, till bis own porloel convenlenoe) repaid Ur. Bleo Juice every litrlhlag he was enUUod to. DON'T INFER TOO MUCH, lOB iwusw wax oiwoi sr *. B, nimis. Tbe Ciisoa.—Honb /* 111 »• "O VtJ!jlP''S tnpnatbliigiiewapapoaniiioM •£'S!*£?Lj^oni mdtor wartofaomalhlngbolfcainiTontbawtottaiwin^^ wnioonUniiatoSHitldxjtlon. Z*n^!SSu^S^m>^aS^ te»Uathe abueh otX' of the doll, ploddUig job" Tho above item In a newspaper attraelod my attention soon after arriving at a hotel "Aw»r down Eaat when ._. „ num of his siglitap Kben bla Dip is daw. 1 hnd bcon In tho Brltleh P'OTlneM,» ""'"JS?,!"!!!^' winding around mounlalns and tolling "vor bills, a iui, when I struck the Stales at Calais, I wos ae oonploW Jaded and worn oul that I dolormlnod "PO" »'>'> ^fX? "L^l atleast; and tho paragraph above QU't'J.P^'^Md S Uie means of enjoyment, Tho olrous waa (• J' ?'Q town the nextdiy,sal learned by the Immense colored pesters near the netel, , .Ji Afier tea I took tho newspaper again and rood the aru- do over. It waa a eonslble and pn;««nt P"5-¥;v'''„'3? of It It man oredllable to the head and boart of the odl- itatetloket They were oepper-oolorod, but there la no ttnuVwcerd J(i "Cepperhead" am«»J them. wh,^« ->>- laih^tiiabla race of meat Inatoad of malt- SVJA'""'''': f have you to onmnnln of my good fellowr' said • • Jt-!-' fiov nave I ohealod yout •IhetheaL tbeeoUlalM, ilrioi^^Biiof •.wblVutd of ibit TliM mn not lUa (he lUUe gin la " to ildt 1 ONfflaUo rapr eeenUBon wban oOlated to bo tnatad to Ibo pit, iU«(tiig that'ahawu anisaba tbonld narar be amuaad wllh aoTthlagtbit waa to beseen lb a f<(—that aba liid had qoila flnoegli of pHa la bar Uoml and no one ahould catob bar Id ono again If aba knew IL Bwim or UiTnmoin.—An Atkanau adllor sot BUiriod re- cauUy, and baa ainoe become Toiy anlhuilaatlo. Baaiblml Tbtn la not In Ibli nida world a bipjilorlUg, Than to alt by tbe atore pipe and tloldo jam wiAii IMo lb* amalB of bar Upa in a nununt of glaob And tiriat the cat's (all aa ibe JuDia on joar kBoai tor; andaltSgiglLIt doubtless grated harshlyevarthe fine and oxqunltelonslbllllles of those ■ "Nlt«,ltoliaUod»inaik *■ motr«,lllui lAdyBudalpb, sUll, among those who havo cares besides the feeding of a poodle, tlia dusting of sofa cbalrB.or lumlog the key en the Blivor wKro,tbe aummerolreus U a god-send to denltons In tho country, and tho ondonement given to it by the editor wos kind, eonsldomto, and trethful. "Hur- rah for tho circus I" said I, and the next morning tho hur- h of the editor wea responded to and eohood for twenty les around, as tho buggies, clgs, saddle-horses, lumber iwagons, and veblclqa of every kIou that came hurrying tnto town, and worrossomblod at tho bam and around the house fully oxempllHod. The wholo country seomod to havo poured out tbe peo- ple Into the Btrools. Old men and young women—young mon nnd old women—Indians, squaws, papoosos—nig- gers of nil sbadcs and hues—volilclcs of all Kinds except Blolghs, fastened to animals of all descriptions except cata—woro thoro, Pedlon of melons, aweel older, beads, pins, pictures, jewelry, Un pans, matebes, blaoking, Aa„ were there, Olrls of every hue snd (probably) of every ebaraeter, sloshed along through tho street displaving their gaudy colored dresses, and young men with long hair and bfemespuitflothos pushed their elalwart fomia along, against, anT by every Impediment, Tho cayost colors and the gayest secloty workout that day, and they all snld in their faces "Uunnh foi' the olrcns,'^ Relaxation from labor is absolulel/ necessary to the oitJoymont of this mundane life, and the greater tho ex- citement up to a given limit the more benetclal the ulti- mate result. Oar opportunlllei In thlsteoDtry for local enjoyments of an exbllBraUng and excltint oharaotor are BO few that a sameness pervades tbom all, and abbre-, vlates the eitloymoot of any of them. But when n circus comes, there is something to "talte tbe starch out" of this sameness of roereatlon, semetbing to allorlata tho drudgery ofllfOjSomotblng to arrest the mind from its boaten traek of statellnesa, sonetbing to oapUvnte for the time tbo toll of muaolo and sinow. This Is absolutely necoasary, nnd as there is nothing better than (there Is always something good In) a circus, why I say, ns the aforeaald editor did, "Uurruh for Ij^e olrousl"^ It is a glorious pastime for these of intolilgeneo In tho country who luive few onleyments, and few recreative pleasures, and as lltUo chance for rolaiatlen Crom labor as farmer's sons and other muselemon, lly business oalled mo down the river about ten miles, and to travel tlialtho next morning, androaobBingorthe sooond day afterwards, was abiolutely nbcessary. By folngdewn thorlTorthatovonIng, by prlvaloconveyance, oould finish my buslncts there and lake the boat tho next mornlngXpr Bistpcrl; nnd there by stage, via Ells- worth, could Hob Dnnger In time to moot my appoint- ment thoro. BHK nflor dinner I spoke to tho landlord about a horso and buggy, but It was " elreus day," und all the horses and bugclcd for miles around wore oigagcd. He SAld, however, that he thought he could Introduce mo to a gentleman from tho town I wished to go to, who, ho thought, would not only not hesitate te taka mo down but would bo glad of my oompany. ' Just nfler the show was out (and It was a good one,) was standing In tbo eOlce of no hotel, (It hnd boon a room boforo NonI Dow got hIa political ropulatlon,) when the landlord Inlroducedmo to a soml-gcntcol looking Indi- vidual, and after tbo usual oustomnry salutation, and one or two remarks on tho oause of the erowd, the weather, Ac., I remarked:— " I understand that you reside some ten rollea down tbe river, nnd as henoa cannot be hod te-nlgtat, and my bual- noS8lsBomowhatlmponant,Iwouldllke to get the ohoneo to go down there with you, unless you have a load." ' " Certainly, sir; cerlnlnly. Yea eon go with pleasure' I've got'no load. I'm up alone, nnd would tmglad ofyour oompany. I ahall start about alx o'elook, and wilt meet yeu hero at that hour." " Thank you," aald I," I aball bo hero." I got my satebol reiidy, got my tea, and congratulated myself on my good luok. Tbo tImo for atarting arrived. Tho timo pnssod by. Uaif-an-hour more transpired, and I saw him wnlking lowurdsme. Bo bad boon driniiing, oven although Neal Dew's InOuonoe was then operating tlirougbout that Slate; but ho waa not roally drunk. Tho potsplrntlon wos ooilne from his face, and us be wiped It nrom his cheeks bo sale-" Ibe sun was too hot—wait till sundown, then 'twillbo bettertmvolllng. There's no ono wllh mOrHDd I've got no load." l uraed hlpi.teiiejhaivparbapsl urged him stronger thab good breeding would warronti but the countryman was unmoved nnd Immovoablo. No Impertonltles had tho loost Impression upon him, no prayers availed, Ho want- ed comniinydown, but ho should notco In tho hotsun. Ilo flnnlly agreed to oemc thoro ntolcnt o'elook, ready for a start, and tbon ho uouU go. And be went olf again townrds the slroel ho oame from. I becnroo decidedly nervous, not to say fidgety. The plonsurol hadexperionood at the Circus wns fustovapora- tlng, and Its pinoo was booomlng supplnntod by bitter dis- appointment. I wiilkod ever to tho Circus tent, nnd tried to listen to tho music. I looked nt the olnborato pletures and paintings updn tho wagons; I tried hard te kill tlino, and llqnily wont back to the hotel disoenselatu, dejecle'd nnd disnppolnlod. I had not to wall long, for soon he come reeling along, einging tbe counlry cnteh— " Como, Pblkndar, lol'a bo a maicblng." As ho apprcaehed mo, I askod him If It was net about time wo were going, ' " aelnc, yos, oourso It Is," " Shall 1 order up your horses?" " iforses / Aertes //conio up on (Ae boo/, and Pm eofn' <l/Svm<tfoot. I (tint got no lead. Comoon." Ijl wnff.tiqt BO muoh In n hurry then, for I tboughlho had a Rood Joad on. I throw my B,ilobol Into tho olDco nod went to the Olroos, wboro I forgot my peripatetic friend, and fully oitloy.ed the aports In tho arena, and the ground and lolly tumljling of tho acrobats, onu finally got into Bangor on llm o.'Y _ ^ A iyionhdy on the Raoes. . Tho races thnt exlBltri the world are almost oounlloss, Wo have tho race or,m.4di'wbIob'<s oalled-bumau, and the borso moe,' wbleh niduyijWBXe to be Inhuman, - Ulll raeee are not oonanH^id. In eocordanee with tho 'rules of the turf, Te'{kKDu'i^y mlsapprehoneloo in tbo minds of 'Ihose whd. mi^liF be fliniliar with mills nnd tholrnoea, we will statBthatamlllVace la a dyke for bonduotint water fretn a pond to a mill, What would <De more absurd than to seo a .oeaple of saw mills in a nconronnd a half mile trau;! Howovor oxolUng the aperl, mill ra(foa of that dosorlpUen would mlU-ltate very muoh against the ftitaro- usoAilnoss of tho mills, and re- sult in tbelr final demeralltatlon. Wo have explained what eenstltotes a race to arinllK Thoro Is anoVbor race to n "mill" when, a prito fight comes eir. Horse races btvo their uses. They serve to toaoh IltUo boya to ImlUito their "bcltera," Then' liorses, like men, Improve by "going around," It Is te the borse-raeo thai we aro Indoblod for that oharming little ballad, In whloh tho vooellst doolares that he has plaood hlmsolr under solemn obligations to "run all night," and to dontlnus that oihauBUng exerelso during Uio bolus Illuminated by the sun. While announcing bis dolerminallpn to-vedUire what availablo flindsiho may have upon UMaqulne qiTad- ruped with tho abbreviated narrative, hflPVa to know what eesflding gouUemnn will lake a sInflB' rttk "on tho bay," ■ • By the way, a i^ond wonts to know what "boy" won't do U> risk on, and when we give It up, as we mwnys do, be says tho "Day of/Blsony,'' (Oh I) In somb countries bo would expiate bla ofibnso by twenty-four hours undor water, or sixty lashes wllh r sloltbd oiab. The foot race Is not the loastlnterestiog of tho In this raoo ttao biggest footed man don't always a pllsh tho blggost/ea(. We onae witnessed a race between Indians, in whloh "FlooUbofjiieal "BIgfool" clean out of his beets, '3 '' This loads ua to speakof aobtuerraoe—the Indian race, II waa disoovered by Obrlslepher Celnmbus, a traveling showmsn, who.. In seeking nevelUea for the next season's bnslncas, visited thla oontlneDten board of a'govorament lighter. Tho F, F.'a of Virginia, • race that Is noarly "run out" (oftho Btu(e),date their descent from n female member of (be Indian race, wbese principal buslneta was golng'areund and saving the lives of such unfortunate members of tho Sthlth fiimlly as had beep exposed to the "wurolub," a aamplalet quite prevalent in the early days of Virginia, to which (ho whito man, enervated by ttao olvlllzaUon oftho feurleenlh aontury,ws8 prcns to suooufflb. _ Tho Indian moo waa eneo a aplondld race. They wore oalled "the noble rod men," although it Is a blstorioal fkot that thoro waa net a woll-na man omoni (hem. Tboy ohaiedUisdeorMrcBS tbo plains, and, ostll trim- being oSly oooaalonaily revived at » caujil^ S^'- JIVm? tte iSateS Indian wins a purse of a few doDare and gets drunk en Ihie whiskey. BROADWAY BELOW THE SIDEWALK. Prelty Walter Olrls snd Underground Conoert Silooni. a.t roa mx hkw took eupm. THE BOtJLEVABD. mm wo ware laat to Paris, It wa. onr wont, of • "JtuV nooDTio premoiada Ibo Hue d» BonlovaPdf. Joat for tho aako-of SmMlmwlSjirnioof (he pHoint and Uvdy UUIp fnm Ul- tioanoaaddown thla fadilonablaUMimighhit. ItU notalwura iiSam lo mdanland a (oRlgn lliim when loTO la 0^^ andbnabaa no Ida of aoUlog «Pj°°a'' *gtiSfc .*.';* ^ jSllS^S'affim SouSlddrtrl SSadhSSSS^altaf halt an boortatody, thrown away la dlagual, and, tn a toit abort ttoie we iMineJ enough of tho dlaScf to »ak fer gubo, ontaUL S^elambeimalda-lbRa of Um moit popilir aiUdea to tba land ofUuOaol. TboaawbohiTobeanthCfenwdnofoitlierwinttIa of onia to call back Ibdr advalmca wUb the pretty srwUea wbCM motto la "Lo motowa on U main notmleoittua l!*W| nle."b, U> miko It moto almplo lor "la paUl non*-" woiWdV.aai«rrowtolheban<fUb*otlh»na80oaaon wli>g,anda^waacinUiowto(labeUarlhaii betog bsolad up by °°Li'uSdon*tto*r?SSiBon have Ibolr cuUcolar looallly.lnfi Ibe aamo as Londooen have to Carta. Tbdr bod and Und- qnittcn an aionnd Lolctftcr Bonare, wbcie eTOTthug la em- ducl«d aa to Bella Fnaco; and yon can bear newiboya vfag tbaPaililanneoliigpasonon tha stroeta Juat tba aama aa ou newabonaTtba 'Sam and fni. ^As an toituoe^at thla, orm- bodTwUtaanaichsaiiieUBam to take. laolaid made all bla mooay around hon, right to Ibo haatt or the foidgn auction: sad niknia other peitnmeis btm,bm enriched by ada4ug aems tnlfv known that we have a Bonlenid right hen, to Oolbaia, •'bilweh»«Te,"aaEpbHoni would aa;, and It la on Uw load widch laida to the Dan»—UoOomb'a Dam, we nuas. tTnunealh Iho Ocddenlal Hotel la the Otpnpio Ttaoaiie, and under tho Olym- ptii,oraaitdoorloll,iath«r,laaooncortialooa Thenlaasold ptoTotb, "OBooaoandao,alw»naoandBO,"a9dweBappoaotliit nfanlolhla. Ourdratoicunian dowaUeatalnofCM wia the neolng of tIeOoole'a Blilhltlod at Uoait Hall, pnvlona la Ua ooDbat wiai.Uw Bomk^piaod gladiator. At that Umo It wis aOedlhaCtBsoneaordens ; hnt wo «u*a Crow didn't totad to eellpae BmllK of Pruy lAnvand the London Cnmorae when ha ctanataUed It—If ha dld,B0 mlaacd U, for It was no mon Uka tha QramcanD Oaidana than Yankoo BoUlvu wis like tho Qneen of Natam. TUne won en, and Iho Cnw changed Us baaa, nn fbr AUermaa, loat it by a flake, laid off for • apcU, then opened a baak,cIoaed II, and new tbo vallast l>iitchcr4>oy and "Joor" cooper la aa euj aa ragaida Uda wotld'a gooda u old Peter Coipet, with bla ona-boiee ahay. When bo quit tt^ moat of hIa .r.^ g^To op Iho ahlp Blao I foT ft popular man to thla la good dclogttlon. It amnice na to tiia pljoe for eale, add, "and Ibo good lOugh a peifoct ttnngir eonld laho right holdaoddoUiaboslaeaablapredeocaaordld. ITa all moonabliia, thla "goodwill" bnatocas-aak Hen Botis or HllliMnlrk. Bap- poatogyonwenJohnBeeaao.hadaplao»,wuledto aell II, aod ao on aa that; what'a to titodor yon nam atarting ncit door the vciy noxt dij 7 aad Ihon when woold Jokn Abcicxomblo Qmy bo allBummer? Echo anawcra when, alao. As wo had oocaalon bcfon to rcourk, we bad abook Iho Cii> mono atoco tho burly Korton had bla name on Ibo lompa—lost trick of It alUigclhor uatU, Iho other OTonlng, u we wen leaving tbo " Liagtdog Uyona " at Iho Olympic, tbe notion came tote oor bead to go down alAln. They muo each a fllaiing ahow ooUdo Uutmoat all Ibo single young fUlowa BO,(oo,]nsl la aeo what kind of a rcaort tho Uoulevatd la. A aaoil tlma ago ear re- porter about town atraggled toto Pnaalan boair, and, ollhougb nobody could lalk o^er tulf'O-dozea words to ftigllab, ho found out cnoagh to make as much a lion of Leydcrwlta aa Bpoycr'a Lion Loger Boer. Oa the aamo pilndpio the Bonlenid was ex- plored, FortlQlngooxaclTea with a doao of FtcacbtDmectlho oipccted lOQulromeala. with aomo nladance tho nndexwround n- Bort waa explored. PutttogonaPar[aiang«lt,Uw taai^underwaa eiluled wUh "Arcz voualo hot whlakeyl" and, aa ho itadUy compnhesdcd that, tHfon putting Ihu contcnta toto our atoa>- Jack, two or Ihroo gorgeous tcaulca aid Iboy'd havo " Avea voua iebotwhlikey,"U>o. Bo lir, ao good. OUcndoiira Uetbod had done ao much; and Iho "Fnmch ladlea, In Ibelr toaat, nqocalcd na to "CuikcflOeconmcJon," wbldi mlaot bavo moont, Id eettle or Aherwiao, WlahtogtokoeponUierigblildaotUioprcllleetglilto tho houae, aooindy, aubura-halrcd, quld-koking female drcaaed In a salt of bleo black, ahe wos requested to "aqaatterotia." Ben, for the lint time, Iho teacher or foitlirD languoaco, or bla popll, fen ah^ and a poal of laoghtcr horn the "protiv waiter" made aa be^ to aaaplrloa that it waa Kow York we wen to', oiter alL aqfl aot BoalogDO or Calaia. Ordering a napbeny To CoiTMpondanU. L Jia.aWinnFhI]adalphl^—WebaTaaddroasadjoa a Wto to *^Aa Preaa" offloe. 4'"* jiooB Euoii, Ksnmbla, XtiUL—ToorMttar, eonta(batton<Bd popoaltloiiaterlbaAiianamdlmoatwalooma. Tbeganuattk ' Leoiaid wm be beaannd todead. He wu eaptand at .BavwR' SWIon and exobaaaad after a abort tanprlaonmeni; batbadS oonilllallca to aadnn Um liardalilpa of a aoldlar'a Ub, and dM at Annapolis of (kvcr aad dybenlaiT. T. P. ButL, Bealtaith, (X W.—IbogaoeonlboBartofEggMBd. vflle WM an tbe eireiiniataniwa reqnlied, bat Bt CaUurtoe'a pin at aevoil potota spolla tbo gamo for pnbUcatlen I WD an oonllQt ttiof can and ahaald do betier. Enigma No. 424. FrmBtirtLifeiaLoi^ V or DB. BEfai. atQBS, EBaqJuKBI, KX QKt^ KBS, XBtd. i i i i i atbtot, QBSb QSIl, QBD, Mill, KBtUk . \nUa te p]ait.and glvD mate In fin B Wc b&To olbm pnmlaed omaelvoa to repradaco the (bllowtag very lino atntagcm, but ban nenraoeoMd to brtogUaboaL Wa tried to havo It aa Na 113, bat tha dlasram got amaahod to prinUu, udwathlakltwUlbofndieiyDewlaonrreadon. Problem No. 424. nr mo. il bbowb. / BUGS. aplcoe, toe gBaaes coatalidng which added two mon rtoga lo Uio nmad tableau and thai anolhor, this '<*.*'i"fl young fonuuo, whom peoplo callod Knina, "recoUodcd oar Ao&'' bod oecn It t>cioi«, aomo pbue; caolda't tell where, praliably to Limerick, Cmq lalond, or Bergen JaU; 'twaa ImmaoBrlal; wu moat happy to aco ai; wouldn't mtod taUsg a drink, and all that aort of thing; wroto the rcaldonco of bor gnndmothez on a oud; stock It, iho card, to Ibo anbadlbcr's pocket In caao too Bt Nicholas ahould be ckisod, and olherwlae took great tolonat to our wolkie. Emma stoma a very nlcn girl lo gotaoqaatotcd wlUi—Uut ia, a ftoo com- panleo, ladr-Uke, and all t^t Bar oonvenalloawiaelogantand refined, and her demeanor Ot ter Uio White Hoaao (not Oobam'a) diawtog-nom. Iteamotopoaathataomobodyolaemoro comely lo look apon camo along, and our "aifooUonato" bicod fonook us and lied. Unlike aome people, wo nollhor Ion our hair, ouned, mod, or didanythtoglooffimd the moatiaalldlouai tookltUkoapbikiao- pber; noard aomebody call the name of Lisle Boao: made boUere wafcnewhor, too; ahe know aalikowlae] gave LImo tbo oiden; got atrack wllh Lliela; IbrgotlhsothariiutLwe arer knew her, snd Ihoughl atlaaat to bare Ihia ona siaj l^aw bat alas fbr all oaitUy hopes, mon better dtcasod folka saperaedod tho Ulomry dualmMn, Oul of tho dovon prcaent, named mspcoUvoly LolUo, ttnmi, Koto, MoCoolo, hltoiuo, Isarm, Abale, Aadorson, Fanny, Mary, Frank and "Johuny Uocbo," wo dtdnt hear a atoglo offenaln remark; aoUiiag bat oonvcraaUon whloh would dli^aoo no marbit raaldence on FliUi Atouuo. Tbo gcnUcmcD, too, wan of a dldor- ont olsaa from thoao acco after mlaalgbt el aome othflr betels—no enppod hoada or rod abiita, or til^blirimaed bats, or light oo^ dunja; but woll-dmaod, respodablo boalDoee men m^logeUior for aoolal and nlloaal onjonaoaL \ Oy roqucat, a oooplo of the "tprlto," aa Ilka aa two peas, „ vojawootdaetloijother, aooompanled by Waller Bmltti oa , aod Plane Obm on Ibo pluo. TburnamcswocannotoslL but many who an eneked up as Iriah Migbtlngaica, English Tliruahos, Blank Bwana, ota, an not a msjtor to thoao aameladr amoteun. Afl£r the dnot, ono of thorn eang that prnUr-bdad wrillenbyObailoaUaokoyandaottomuslcbyB. Oj^^ell, entitled "Sunahtoo Allor Boto," uio aontljuento of wnSdh on oxooodlnaly beauUlUl: ' ^ p I left my love to England, In poverty andjato; Tbo loan hang heavy to my eyes, but bin puu down like nin. I gave her hale of all I tiad, ropranod the ristogslgh i For thinking of Ihodara to oome, 1 konmy'epaiigo nlgtL Ob, (ueweul I aald, If aoaaoaa paaa Md sudmina fofiowa rain, And monUog dawaa on daikoat nigbt, jonll.aoe mc back again. I loft my love to England, and aalbd toe atomy aea; TO earn my broad by dally toll, kn boacat man and naa I wnugbt and above ftom aon to nlgbl, and aaved ny UWs aton; And every rammer gavoMle wtaUh; and made tho bitia mem. Oh I at unglb I bought the field I pleugbod, tho aonablne followed rato; Iho morntog dawned on that dark nlgbt, and I went back again,' I aooght my love to England, aod brought her o'or tbe soa; A happy maa, a happy wlto, to bksa hit borne end me^ Uy farm la largo, my waataonamall, I bldmy eondonrt; Aad alt tjoacoth my own oak Ine, with pnoi], yet mCaful heart; OhI tho ohildren aralltog muad tbe boud,aevatt for bread to vato, Ibo daf has dawned upon (ho nlgbl, the Bin hu foDowbd rain, A aeng like thla often lonohcs Iho kaideat b)a|iit anil toaa down oar rougher aalana. Tbe Boulenrd Is a verynoal andeapadaaa aalooD,tUtodnn,wlUi aboottoggoUerfcaandaU toopaiaphonallaef allntolaaac&i^ faaU, The bar boea the onlianoo door, and the"maalclanera''hatiB' toeir poriUon on the right, and Its ganeni appeaianeo la liketiiH of EauSteilon'B Champion, The walli an nandaomalypalnled aodfreaooeAbutUie gulaan rosy enough wtthout duerpatnt orfreseo, Belon now wo bare aeon pretty lively sorlmmagcs to similar eatabllahmanla, bat In Ibo Souuvira Uiey "notor havo net noliooblsiiotlfflo,"bocauaotoeB«9awoii1alnndlL Bnrymaa sola treated u a gtoUemaa, and toe aaaie'ia.eipoclcd to lelun, and by this means everyililng la eoodectSd on Iho aqowe an lOonA ItamanlaaedlaposoC It'ajualaaoaay to keep anonao nioe andaulataatobavo II a regaltr lorapptog-kea, andto thla ijualaeaa to paitioolu It ahoald db too atady px all sunagen, to the bee of uro oppoaillon they have to ooaiend against fiun Iho lawmakenandettyaalhorlUesLtooendactUielraalaonia ' asalhaalor. Al Howard—a gay and (Osuro young iport, a nan •uMusmuiau, a JoUy good foUow, and » good American, la tho propiiotor of Uio Doulerard, Ho formerly leaded barfbrCbarloyaroToateen, but hM^ow boon three months on his ovnhoox, andtf thoume elaaa emnatomers go overr nlgbt u tho once toon when wo loAed to, Al ought to be laUng la Iota of grooo-baoked nlotana of Ltooohi kOo, 'BInnge to aay, nobody roally andonlanda B^eta ftentUieoaiaMlabment, andlliefunnltetpartof It wu Uut tho flnttwomoaaad boywaitcia womotweroaaUveeoltbolandof Ibe O'Doonolls and Oo1mnu,aothat tho name to a good oarieatare, OtSouneltattracto Ihoaaandsof our Amerioo-Rrenoh rtaldcnis, and other Gaiila passing through tho d^ibat ear oily and ooun- try Mends needn't have thO'eame opinion aboat bariug to talk Fieaebuwohad prevlow to going toere^ VlTolaDouevirdal and bully Ibr Oonnt Joannea I Baa'sAixBiaBT.—At tho Blipenny Barings Bank,-allltle news- boy, wltoout a Jacket aad only ono napondtt (and that a string), oonneoled the taUor on Honday, aad demanded to knew whetov "5A<*ai dllrtgM"—meantogthotoadlutlon—bocBoseif abei— he didn't mean to be seared, If everybody elae waa He'd /oitlMw onto Bailed down there, and all IuwBaledwuhla(l lellar'a) word of honerthat U«eti]dn'lspU& Ibo tells euored blffl that bla money wu nadyfOrhin ataoymomant ■'Nnff •aid, Hwosn 8tn'l'niea,butl don't want ll,"rT||elnad (heyonlb, aadwlUi a aalf-eoinplaoent, well aatfaSed air, wilksdsvt of tha oaind a oompanloa. "Uan'BabonaefDUl"-. "An'yooadonlketdidla'enohUsaaiaUa'to aeir, and dnwta'oat bla money 11 ato't so gi«M^ IVbUa to pUy and glnmato to fbnr move*. Qame No. 424 Flayed at the Brooklyn Ouaa Olnb botwoon oar coni H. Elder, of Deliait, and Ur. Uancho. " mniopxzn'aaAia. AUnek. Mr. EMor. l..PtoK4 l..KKt-0 3 3..EB-Ktg S..KB-B4 7..KtXKP Defcnoo. Hr. Uancho. PtoE4 QEt-BS f El-JI3(0) XtxXP . MB 3 * r-Qtm QB-01 S.,Ety KBP KxKEt e..Q-EBI-4- F-EKt3(c) io..(3xQP+ ll..OVKEt ll.,P-QE3 I3..Q-K3(d) U..Q-KRS-I- lI..gB-EtS E-hisEt'J Q-KB3 EB-Q8 ' ER-Kaq E-blaUeq Q-KB4 AlUck. Ur. Elder. Mr.l ig.,KBtoDa(<)QtoEBl lT..qEt-Ql QB-D4 ie..KB-Kt3 1II..Q-KB« 90..i(-KB3 ll..gElxB aa..BB-KHi a.,E B-K 9(0) M.,gB-Eaq 9d..KBxlt QKtXB 30..Ht-EBT -I- K-blsEtl . 9T..Et-KEI8 QB-Ql . a..QBy Kt-I- qxQBy 9B.:ilt-Ee4,aBd1ho ^ Defence naigac/ (a) A Scienoe that hu beta meet eitcnslvely anolyzod/fafl lUu. tnled. See tho foDowtngnrlaltoa wbleh wo tnaalatodiiocttaa the "Uandbuch ' Attack. l..PtoK4 9..KEt-B3 3..ED-Htt 4..P-QS a..P-UB3 «. .CaaUca 7..P-JJ4 S..qB-Et9 Dcfcnoc. PloEt QKt-BS KEt-BS KB-D4 »-E 3 (6aq Castles KB-Kt3 (n Too early opening bla ford too Attack aa oppoitun of msktog a aparhUag oponhig. " irbopluP.KtobiaM, U.».»-_ Very qultl, but omphallcally goOd. Doftaea.?^ EtPxB ■■ apxp ,'P-EB3 QB-EtS ,', P-EEtt V KSUqi 1, F-E D 3, and too game la enn. .^den. Thla and hIa noit DOToaf- 9, which bodoonot&lltotoiprovv. too Attaek eqnally takoa Q P. Aa totcnaUng poslfioa ocean hen; let the atadontponder Qnil pnflt tf) Wo maoh doobt too poUcy of thla Bx^bange^ shonld hare prafoncd to laake an cfTect at gotttog out Iho () li. (p) Victory la now aasurcd, and Ibo laurel II neoUy plnais. All Aboard for the Twelfth Voyage I Once mom too gallant Currca dopaito for Iho "open aca." with a full crow, and cveaylhliig "shipshape end Drittot faftloa Oar CouMonoaa "cipocts every man to do his duly," and wito ereiT- Uitog sA Uiat wlU disw, and aU hands ((nm tho Caplatolo too Derlll an determtoed to put to their bltotd Kilo, It becomes a Snd Ikct duit tola ToyBgewlU pa). Onngbt playcn toroogboaltot world an olrcady convereant wllh our pojl oouree; our fuaintandi to Uio tame diitcUen. Almhm to toatiMct aiid aniuae, wo ihall oooUnuo to iiay particular regard to "yoimg plnycrs." u wcD aa to "old etagcn;'' aod u In peat Umc, we ahall atoadlly apply ou- aelvea to tbo true totoreala of too namo of Dnugbts. All norma at homo and abroad will bo aot bcion our readore, uwellaelha rcaults of aU Important malcbee; to abort wo ahall oxcrt oo nclrea to too utmoat to render too Dsaoout SDAnrmix or ma Currn worthy ot toe aUnnUoa of all voterics of this beauUJul game "Nobody" Can't See the Drawl Ed. Cumi-Bto—I eend a flutbor anayltto of Bpaylh's ondbg of gams U Vol. ZI (by Eiproaa.) Tbo poalUon oftooplooaaboba Black men op. 3,3,0, IS and 18. Whlto mon on 11,13, M, U Jo jhy, -Bima" an "Bnaylb olaina a wto ni Whlla. "Ebacar' abbna and ahowa a dreu ftir Slack, wbileiko pcslUon ifuf/'oihlblla a uKi> tai BIcek. Would It not be well to publish It on disgnm wlUi my auiysiaf Buch oipoalUeni am calonlAlcd to Impnvo If oonducled to a^aepcr aplriL Yourthnly, MoBonr," To Corretpondenti. a Aixm, Boibury, Haaa.—Weloomo agalp onboard the Uunn, "NOBoni," Philadelphia.—0. E., aa youj^gu pcroolTt. * A. Eann, Esq., BooUand.—tVo an deopty indebted to yon fbr Ua samos yea hoTo ao kindly forwarded to us, Wylle wu the 3lTC^ ito to Ibis oouatiy, iKtting being 4 to 9l ' S9- In fatan, corxespondsnto wlH aieaao oddniaaO eonunnnl- to toe Editor of (hoc Position No, l.-Vol, XII. EUtl Game, Being tbo tcrmintUoo of Game 44. Yolunu XL wr "sononr." BLACE. WUH, Wblto to move and win. Blact to move and wto. Solution of Poiltlon No. 47, Vol. XI. Wblla. L.lOto e 9.,IS U 8,.3». ja. ■ BlaA Iterate 10 8 . 10 Wbll& Blaok,' 4..Mtol0 • »to9« 8., 9 0 ^ 11 18 8.. 0 39, and%lna. . g^ In Dnnuiand'B PodUon of last week, thO'Wblts la playhig down the board. BdaUon not week, « ' . Ohsmplonshlp of Qroat Britain, t6 Duoobt Puma—We bavoneelve^ through the ktodneaa otaMend, toecameaplayedtolhslaetgnat maldibotwosaWy- Uo and tf art Ins for tho Ohsmploaahip of Qrmt Drilato, aadoom- monoe to give them to oar readon to this, the first namtMT of Iho 13Ui voL In the Aral fenrteeirgiines played to thla mateb, eadi playtf had, of coane, toe blaok nea In aeren gamea, and woe bound, u regards toe Snt aovea wito lluae men, to make eniy snllable epmlag to toe asvea gamea Id pone of toeae gaiaoa won then any roatricUoa whatevec u to bow Uis wblto nea ihenldbenoviid. Qtm* No. l~Vol. XII. WhUa, Black, WiBo.^ l.,Uto Id 9., B U 8„ 8 8 4.,U Is 6, .IS M ?::J -S. U,.l$ri'-''U~'' as n tn 90 10 » 98 U at 88 Black, v., * U..10 II., J 18.. ! 90.,ta 31..i« 39..U 14.. 1 18..U to 10 B is u a M IS 10 M 18 • mtkn tiBals ef this opulas, Dziwn, While, Marltoa. IT to 13 11 0 98 19 21 11 11 10 89 n 81 M M S s • U IT S3(a) 8