New York Clipper (Apr 1864)

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THE ISTEW YORK CLIPPER. ^thin«iMa)(lr(ui Tii<iMliiiii1i iTin ilili of U« HiwTon lo mika known Oalr Into of nUm tetd- wp«^ttoa|ontflduioiirninuui7(9SeeDto t^HMi aiiMaiaadodw wtO^lMinTiff, b* nulalWiaTaVM- 'r^-J^ 'ItariliAxriUsoiilhitaiidniua. Di/ofpiib- (focbwuk.' " a ta luonittaiUoBlsUislumtorttuiKMk, TEANK QDIXn, . tonoB in PiomroB. Da 9) inn itrnt, M. T, i BRVANTS' OPERA HOUSE. • w^iAfc^w HiO, 413 BnndnT, tton flnad ttcMt BBTiKT BBOTEBSa Fnpitsliin. JOHN BUIF30H, Tta TOUJ W lad BOCHHUK. Uilwra. 7 *• WH*.JSS^— aiVlM ' i ' ll TUB OV TUB ORIOniAL WOBLD-BBNOmiZD BBriMTS' UNgranB, THE EKOXalOIl TBOOTB OV TUB TTOBU). IteOoniurta-oeopoMlaf Iba Itallsctng IklofjsdAilMi)— PAN B&YABT| j7b.i miL BBTAKti >>. T. onmas, '. JAKES aABAZlODA, ' «. L. EOBB& lODB, i. a. BIVOBI, ^ FBANS LESUS J, w. HmroN, JAMES HOBJUaOK, O. a OOMNOB DAMl >.;,i .. . urns uAa , i^iaitlca]»nsbaiiotUia4«. nsksliofAdnilntan SSoaitL HOOLEY'S OPEBA HOUSE, BROOKLYN, ■ .. ' . OCEH ETXHT NIOHT. ' ' ' Ite bMUnuttd Buiaiiiiiimtiit la ttu wmU, glraabj ttu ^gw«UtaoimArll»l>:- 7 OBSmX, A. HUaHEB, a B. IDBDT, blDVOBXB, - ^ B. KDIME, l.fStOST ■-.ftfiaiPflgii, (C a-pa: B.KASLAM, W, P. JOMIS, uid oUura. > of BUdoplai tUiwmiaj ItgltUnitd; fnrfoiped. > at T: to ogmmtBca it & TlcUWcmU HnlaBoiata. V MORRIS BROTHERS & CO'3 MINSTRELS. OPEHA HOD BB, BOaro S, MA88. ' oojoaaoD Timi uiuiu boovus iiimw; uoyoAY, Auacsr sd. HOBBD BBOTHEBS, PELL k TBOWBBIDOBV IIIHI7BEL8 • ^ Conalrt of tto foUofflug (hptfamen; UN KOBHIS, B UXT M 0UB18, J.aTB01?BBIIiaE: E,'W. puegorr, j.iaonaBBT. *. p. ENDSEa, Xai AUaOBT BOHNEIDEBr D,.W. BOABOUAN,~' Hia , S.-1I. CABSOI^i- ^ F. mtiABia, ILFBEDEBIOES, J. J , iiffr.T.TA«n , D, J. UAOUINMIS; L. A. ZWISSLEB, JAPANESE Toiorr. toUlputtcsIaiiioltoto UisibondWliigalib- Xlctota 9t amU: Saumd SotlrM c , (Mr 'v ' LOM,WB]l%. IffDKV. HUMSEV'S MINSTRELS, . STAB TBODPC Or THE TTOBU). s;' n' mi.Tim mnH, }Proptln>o wMidM mgq». . f ^ 0. C. FUTNAM, Tnwnitl, ' VAVMOfB DOUBLE TBODPE AMD IU1A83 BANS. • {irlliarolIoiriiifTraty lUontod Aidahuchowa — • -t;^. ' VOHNNXnEBOE; W. UADHEia, . LT, FIlEDaPRUNO, S. W. OOLI^ DOLSr, JOHN OOLBeV, ' J. K SIODT, ' IIAB£:tMUTEB& J. H. OUFfOUD, HABBY PSBONSl nBDSOHWoSa, DEDWEBI, aE.BD>I8ET, J, B. OABITON, , ft t.™atiip DANTOROK ^ILPABULEK ." ■ ASHniB KENNEDT,- AisDo^ea •RHMMftiltaarUinn^ th« Ouidw, tno: wUch I UuT Kill opto la Baailo,ttuiu««Mtinid. U-tf • W. BEAOUONT DDBnnra, Agmk 7:..J0WERS & PRENDERQAST'S ,Jui>iOTeCons<D7wmtrnelCara aluit iMiOD fnrloiu to ' OiivaitagotUidr . ■ MET? OPECA nODBE, laV.TOBE. A-MTTSEBTEIVTS. MU8 KATE FI9HER. CTE wOX ENO wn ■guBiBisnn tja ,,... PBOIBAH AOIBBBl To AaBmwUEOD Kinni or ns Woiuii BaaacacliidadthamortiatetHful Ba WEEKS' ENOAaniENT Ent knows IB dia Hew Bowo^lbatn Doiliig lUi BaiManioat a bmr nointu of pwpl* aan UMB- KUA Hi jR^iy tft wltiM— fi^f pttnnDUMa Uua orer wm known botetfcoallMtlnasTTtieunlaibaDnlMBUiei. ■ EorHuaaflmantUianlapnooaiiood loto niC OBEAT AOmeVEHENT OP THE AOE Dmlag Ilia aato I11B9 P18BEB mikoa lajiaa cnouir w thk wmim, ^. And Bioendf to tba Ten Top of the ThaafC BEB OBIOIKAL PEAT, V ^..^ Thsn(MAman4UiaDn9iCt>rl« atrtjipad to tte.taaof ha ljlii(itaad, laproDOoncad to b* Tn Hoot Vaan tm Tbbzlumi Aor BnrpaifonnodlnNawYoik. iHlhalbitEinuatilaBandPtataao glaca ora <Orbar)tiTJobnF.Poola,En, otllM .BE VEkALE AMEBIOAN BPf I Or, Scm DC jm Obut Akwiimw Bbbuuow, ItewUotiihabiatwaottliabaattnlnadBamlB tba 1 WONSEB _ •ad BKAU, , And tba only Original Uannjolpt of TnItamPiirMiw, ^ , , tnmliiani lij Tinrfrmr tf- r-n"'*' r*" ** tba bandaf of tba » Mallosiinaatn, Boitoa . A lao, tba Oriflnil Onta of Iba lama. lOBB PIBHEB'B eilttiBtTe Uopaitoln onbnoaa Bookwood, pDtunL Ontovcbo^ OUadaDnTal, ^Oahno, Hma tba Hontor, .riJnBHjdtr, Famala Bona TblaC 'f^SSSnctoftboauuca, Bona of tba BeonI Hbia, ''hakSbapianl, juka Kntia, and OaorgaBtrnwelL JAa OOMIIEB b oa, BndaoaAnita, tut M Wart Hooatonitnat, Now Totk. AMERICAN THEATRE. S , - . m BBOABWAT, ' TBE OBADI) nSSORT pP THE HZTDOPOLU, A BooeoaaloB of ttowdad Bonna Onct ;< BUTLER'S , OBEAT OOUBINATION TBOUPK ■ BTtrrNigbt . TtaanwftoninlmoiiitOlunioraiipKml, 1 IboPiaaiisd PntJIc, - UnUa in dodazlnji it - THE OBEAT TABIErT THEATIULOP THE AOS. ^' The comi>aniK*r''*'^octlOD b> all lla dctauU. w TnEUAMUQI^- '.-niOniB TROOFE, > "Sc a.iEAiMNTOMano tdoifpe. rf' -.; i'w^ii' BPIENDID DALLET^BDDPE; IB ibori aft; W^Jii toniika np ____ ' Tint otdAii'iia aoHPANy of tiie ins cehtdbt. ^'y*^^*'''"*&°w*Bi?T '^ i'! y^^iS ^'*'*^ • ' ' MOHB. LA TIBOlK^lluia Uanager. J. AHMEBIUM, Itaaninr. PADL BRILLIANT, Ballot Uiator. * F. VAN OLEEB, MoiloU ^tnctOb . BMf jPif OonranT la conprlaol or ' )tBuwiBa * PWOBTB, Oonllameni T. B. PltENSEBOAar, 4 ..^J. BLAOKBUBN, B. THOIOfiOK, . E, BUBMETT, T. JA00fi&- t<| gyjo no cili»tmint"Piiia," no'■■annd OolaUa DI*'" JLW. VTALBU. Ba-WILIJAIW) . .rjlaj^fMNlalynponUia inarili or.enr ontaitalnffldita,'aad japnlnott or tba iboToQcoUiunQn.' . V.. A'-ttmncn Voou. Quiann^ J V. A Ooi n i B ilfla r—n i, ' . •. > o oumn ihat Oma ETHIOrtAN DBBIAnUfENT. . k ).,-..','. Matnta. E, BOi jIMf T. B. lEBOABI, , |uaugon. HOW retaining ftom Uiclr "'^^BENE E&T:RIDEBE. HIM flHAnPLETB HINBTBSLB, 'o'' aauaainh > ' AND BDBLESQna OPBBA TBOUFE. . to Twg Hanna ov & itwt«» wwh« .•• .•;'-.Ti,.Ii, - JWIbTnirlnUieS ' f 'Sobwoad witb tba Unrel Bailild''«uqalibM'..aU onmlUoii, . _ nadtiAailtod, a^&amlicd, and Xron<bddlOKlqr abaaad. Zinc. TranK Olginao PocWal, unil Pbotognpbiii Onmhlnntloa. wbo, te^ei^aWcken at the iprnBcb of the lKii><3adi,. tlSD IN DISMAY ; ^ -Iba oomtiT, and aouslit the pratoctlon of tbo DitUab . ". Flu, on tba Lo^Ubla ehona or Ouidi. EibaoiSuutj Suotoaa ot Ibcao ^, ' I II0K110I13 OF MtSBTRELST, la btlollj aummod Oftaa followi:— loaal aaaaon BTor mado In iba ^'-^T^V' T NowBiglia^Btalca, Hiring pland MUBE NIOBTB ttuui anr dbct TlareUng Tronpc; THE LASO^ BEOEIFIB; [ita, bet donund. iin 107 or onr , JfepalualvBly tiberapnUtlon of _ ;.,.-■-„, , ' ■ TUB AOTOOBATB.OF EIHIOVIA A' lafliedonafliinfbundiUoa in^tbo bpaitaof tba pooplo,*and n andonliis the nnpilotar irtUi Ibe piood Utie V ' ' , ■ , -. TCia Mbei BooaaaroL Suuobb Aoz. • " Tba«iVopawlUalftitlXapMfrtnNE\r V( ;, In tba moaallns tbo tovni bi tba riataOir mil ba riiltr ^ ■■•>•'•>•',. PniuerortboCrowdi .. iii.',iii Si I'- wboalwanmabto ; ,/r.-Vjf*5;-.,THE aSEAI BAND OF UT— i/^' ♦SAM.BHABPLBr, -ai-ttiiii • Solar" />BUiluA8nXEV,4 AdTcrttilno A^t BALTIMORE MELOOEON^-Thla popular plsbe of annaoniant biasaon I b dw ii ybly GLARED, PAi-,'-ffl),aad . • bedBMbatkd, and la In tba fDl] tide of (ooraia. Ihapnaant oompanjcauMa of tba ZoUowIng wall known utlfli>— JUSBHABT, .JOBHHABT, 'JOBHBAKT, tha Qnlnteaabnoe of .eomloallUaa, and wUboat ouapUon tba beat DnunaBo Aotor In Ibe oonaart protealon., tTABBBN BOBOlfellt - iU- WABBBf OOBDWELL, Iha eelabnlad Iilah flmwli n and Tooallrt. PONETBIOTH, H . POilEIBHRB, tba beat Bona and Sinoo Kan In tba ooonlR. w gTT.T>**ni^ ■ Uia Obamnlan Ooa Sinoer. j: TriLUAM SALET, EtbloiAiivOoniittan. J. I. FOX. NED,TIIELlITLBIfONinm. ** inaS UUBA L&OLAIRE, fi una LAVBA. LBOLAHIE, UISS UCBA LE CLAIRE, Ibagnat Vemtila Actnaa^Tooallat and DaoMua, wtaoae meat ■aocaain tbo cbanctor," Fonnoato, In tbadianiaof'Iba "Srlg. and'a Oatb," baa bean pioioinicad bj pteaa and pnbUa lo ba Iba raoocai ottba aaaaon. MISS ANNA OOBDnSLL, USB ANNA DORDimjt Ibe boat ladT Vocallat on tba aUn. HlBSTItLTFOBBES, BIBS UAOOIE UOUNTJOr, . mSSJOLIABOBINSON, " ,> ' UISB FANNIE SETEBE, fe' V mSB JULIA BTEffAST, ' ^ : . ■ IIIBSJ03EraiinSDSLE7AN, BuwBRt, Ooobt (It Buon or JO Tqom Lisn ,—Feifonnan of aobaowli'dgM abOur—aiBMni'StD- oplan Paf fon ue i a, ajmnatia; Aa— rill find It to Ibeir r-. itiga to tigfijt* aborc. Nooa bnldnt oliaa aitWa need OOLBIMUiT'HEHft . , Pnipilelan, Xut Balttmoivalieat, »4t THE BLOOD-RED WRITING ON THE ARM. WAaaoiaTox amuoTiB, Tbo • ■ BAHnJOONTlIOinUTDIlODI Of tbo Nlneteontb Ceatuiy, AMD NESIOft OP TUE ART UAOIQUE, THE MUUOULOUB ILLUSIONIST, Jtut orzlrod ftom-tbo pTtndpel oooita ond clUca of Enrape, Cblna * and Japm. ' Bj tbo OTorUnd Honta ttom Callfoinla, Win conunancci Boilta of bla Famoaa SEAMOEa KAOIQDGB, AtOonooitUiII, nULASELPHIA. Oa'MONDAT, AFBIL Itb, for T\VO WEEIlB oolf ' At TKEMONT TEUFLE, BOSTON. ' .; BONOAY, APIUL U±, for ONE IVIEB. ' 1-31* SHOW BILLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. THEODORE DDITON; Ben to Inform bia old rilcnde, Uanagoia and taaPobllo grnor. aRj.Uiatbolinowlooilodatlbo '-:f^- EMPIRE BTEAU FBINTDia EarTABUBBUENT,-. 13 8PRDCE STREET, NEW TORS. . Wbambawin olTebla peiaonil atlanUon to tbe piodnctloaln any atrle, of all Ubda of . .PLAIN, COMBED, AND ILLUSTRATED SHOW BILI^ , Pirtlculirlj adiptod for TBAVEUNO EHHIB lTIONBf dBCCBEBl UENAOEIUBB, .ETHIOPIAM PERPpnUANCm .' ' omiNAStS, MAOICUDB, TBAOK CUTS OP ALL EINDfi^ M TBOTTINO TO UABNESS OR WAOON^ . D0DBLBTEAU80R BONNINOHOBBEB, POUIICAL CLUBS. CANTERBURY BUaiO HALL TUEATBI^ wi^BIRaiOH OITT, qEpBacuu..x.^ D. 0, I a • • iFiDprtotof*' T. C. IraalilbatblaniuTTimoxpalonco In Iba bnilnni, tbo -• i&al •• — aecuto put tanM and a trill b7 new latrana. Tojlttrge. laottmoDtof C^btoit bla comioand. tnr of whldi can be prlniod'ln onaor more colon, tbe lanlccaor tbe Deal Dcalgneia Ad EnaKTaia for now work, will aacuto to him aoonUnuanca of -■ ■ ELLINGER & FOOTE'S OBEAT MORAL EIBIBIT AnaionoBa'EmAOBDnvABi i Tba Xhcao BmalloBt Honun • jS* . COM. FOOTI^.. lha Bnialla#'<|tm In tbiP Wold, 33 Teiii Old, 3a Incboablgb, .\ • V, ^ andwetabasarfa. irelgba 33 Igi. Bla Blaterjiras ELIZA HEBTEU (Ibe HirQnaan,) 17 jam oQnf hiebea blgb. and waif ba liji BbL, and 'I ' OOC SMALL, IT Toaii dd, 80 Inoba talgta, and W)ilgbi 33 Bm. AaliUog ibeaa woaidccfal Utile Pooplo ore Iba old. Original, ODdanljr i '* " I . CONTINENTAL TOOAUSTS. . W.tD. PBANKBIN and J. W. SMITH, wif u, 0, ELLINOER, UftfoetobnUd Toojlat andPlanlit, end Prof. 0. B. BBOOKS, tbo eminent Etanltt andVoallaL , Tbe Company ire now an an atanilTa VeaUkn Tonr, prerioua tptbdtdepartnie forSatopa. - For foil paiUoolan, aae Programme of tbe dir. 4»Sm.|i* a Ot BUBSELL, Bl BUBSELL, Bnalncaa AgooL MISS ADAH ISAAi TaaOom li plijlog bet gnat ead ( > uAamBE-BOPEBA bouse; a ' - • ■ gtn Fnnelaoo, OalUOmla. Hia edneated Hc oea, \ ■/ ■, • 'jeWBEFBTASBAMDElOn, ^re been iDtndaoed wlkb gnat AIMAB, . WILLIAMT..^ ,» fjEtoedrlan Dlrectaa <Dr Mlta Maakan. VARIETIES, ' COLUMBUa OHIO. JOHN M. KlM Ninf 60I0 Pnptletor and Hanigor. PB3L DIEFENBAOB Btlge Minigar. . W. O. WALLA OB LeadoT of Oichnbi. Tbo following well known and talonlad AitWea an at pnicnt ;>ll7lniiittbeVarlotloai I.' JOHN C LPBET , Iba grokt Jig Sanoori E.tM KolqnlFpkJIngtoanore'poopla Intboaggregitcbnt domai ?!n<!)ag aqd raoalTlng'a gro^prlooof adnuailou tbananyof c ■T, nadaeaaioii, riar M and 3t.oanta-Uiua prqving WDOlaalr " f,i&tlboropaUtlOBOf . "tA THE LE/VDINQ'MODEL TROUPE ■■ >';■;;>■ OF THE AOE . 1} tvp : .TWBMTy-FOUn •' .^QlUUANT ETHIOPIAN BTAnS, > ■ B'g and flff <6i0elllng all oompotlUon, ngt o^-ea>oxooptlog eon xaox CUD lOxnnBUT. ^ k •.WORLD OU.TDOlfE' tbaAmona andiver ponnlir * OEElHi.. MINBTBELB, ifTB mOJi TROUniLAND vBRABB BAMD. qfapjoto T^upo OTOr ornnlzod .pubUo, InlivBMOlng foor ua^aillouOomo. oUeatand mart cijfai t bateai>u.publlo, InlioBi taonii or Vbirlo^-Bajnol Bianwood? A UdJUlOIU 01 HniMan^, oacb ono ■ttunent ■ TIIE UpNiOIAHPION QUARTETTE ;.tha nlaflaoalh eouUuiSomtioaod of tUo itnownod Signer Ona-j ft lU'luli, J. I^ltncu^dirln Hobnoi, and OondlTo Dlabc~ - dand by all good Indioi and orlUca to bo tbo boat Quirlcl rbedidlntlieprolo^o. •• i-r- >,--j-i ••• A^llABS BAMD OP 'SBrtESK PIEOBB. flKj.ted byAlpboom Bo/gctos, the n^jiltCnnottlrtor ( '^^iMUOBoad to bo Iba nHat oilooiln ud Bn&raand tnrol DATElnaOT, the e UAMK OOODHAN; QUB BHAW. Iho Cotolo Blngor, Oomodlon, 'Ad,: FRANK WILSON, t1\o ortgCial Enenco; DIOK OUUnulI, Bolladlal and Bone PUjor: MLLE. AUOE OUIUSTINE, tbo beautiful Duaeuao FUEEBEUTIIYBEII BIEOElia,' wor; itlfull TB0MA8 UAQDIRE, Manigor. tbo acompllabod Vocollita aid Danaaoace, Tho TarloUca la now In tbo full tldo of auoocaa, and U la ono of tbo llxad Inalltutlona or Colurabna. •' Ladlea and (lonllemoa or theiaoroiton woold do well to ad- tbe proprietor, alaUng llno^br biiUncas, tonne, kc, with loai^lrtamponclaaod. 40-lf THE .LARGEST [Q EBTAOLIBUMENT IN TEE WORLD, OLAURI& REILLEY. .(BooceaiozatoJobnE DaooD,) JMTEBB AND ENOnA<i|BB,. 13 andll BnrB|B atreol, New York, lUanUon to Ttttlni up aU kbida tt K^OY. HttO^V BILLS i'^^j lofl) and bate on hand a4irga*:iind aiUendld jBont of kiio and amu^ " „ WOOfifOUTS ' Bulbblefor" " '-- naata, Uagl( , . _ . ooloia, to aoiicnNtomeia. 43* Adepoiltnohltadonollwork oiderod.' 4'' < ** - A9aidlinaddr<aied'U"0LABIlY & RElUfT," Btcon Print- ing and EogiaTlng aatabliabmoni, 13 and 14 Spruco atroel. New YmcwUlbaprompUjaUoadodla. . ,i , lo-IX ' rOtrcnaaa; .Mfflugorid, EUiloplis PeMiroaia, .'ajm' Idj^^Ac, &c., wnloh can bo in|4itad In ooff'-.fv mom CONTINENTAL-THEATRE. ' WUnnfAMct aboro Elgblb, Phlladolphla. ALLINBOM k HINOaBN: Bole Xeawu and Managora,- < ;, TBI Po'niun PiJfeit OF AinncMiitiiiiBECmi , Deroledto Iboptoductlepof / . Eqocalilanan&olbarBoDuUon Dnmia. -J!** ^ MauabiBarlattaa, Paroea, EiliAaanzaat .. , Paqlbmlaa, Ballet, ""'TlH'" Btetobei, to., ic wllb^a Irline o^^g^Jatootad^irii^^anaa Aom amongat t^ J^aqToaSDonbiBnAi, 9w<i!lllt'i*i^'in.'a • • BiVMoa And oltaat Marl wlabuifnlgliHirlll addreffaa abore. 4»-trTf ' ■ JA^ plLHBIM, BlagaKUlS«b cAsiiWr^ii 43io whole' of Uio aboio oomUniUon' oT lalea|;aP , original andr UAiniOTH ENTEBTA , 4 K'^ aui»uui/it 'nlgbUj.bofore crowded liooica—la niauj ^lo era tnraod am ftom tlie doon. < ja Itrgeal UtUa in tbo DonhliTwni not.bold the tj^inKi*" Idloicaawho rutabtoaoeandboar. tlila una(ipn)doliablo organl- ^ IBE OIOANTIQ POSTER ' ' mod for idTcitlilna by tlda Company la Ibo moat migallkent bad gOrgoona place or design'and aruitlo work OTOr acou. Ilia four. • wen root nigh and tNrantj-llTO foot long, worked In Ono colon, Mng the moat eoWy (<ud nluelecn aUoola brgor tbin in;) bill «fu beforo-'prliitcd In tbo world, and wblob ooat*ncar1y two tbDoaaifA Bolflum. Tbo Dnl two or tlioao Poalera wore put up In ' B Ocntnl Park, for Uio pabUo tb gaco on ind raut lo tbdr hoari'a oonlont If obTbra'neirlj four raarfboo. large blamroothBoardi are endod ereiy dty to pat nn ibli-omimeiit. end onr/ a*'winaiod, aad look upon It wlUi^serM agtonlitiinonl y ' '—mona pnlorpilio. " J •• 0 ait Jgaln on an oitoailn lour tiRnmhoul tho Etal. ' tbofontholrdopallaieror tbo (]anadia,UM great lottbodajr. > Biaaa Rand win mirab Omn Ibo dUa B. DUPBEZ, MANAGERS.—A flrtt- "ini ilio, a OomotPlajer mentj^ ind who for aoma '1 be pleaaod In nago- L o. uca., I OfDoe, M, T, ' 'J^INOI 0AS|N6f\' ' bkCU. Mono E. f . .^/,v TO xnajpiFtoOM, .,• . liAniila In Ibenrloni deTarlmonW'eonhMddntjh Ibe'Hnilo bU buibioBi, can flad InonllTe ongigoman|i,Mr nslnng at tba |BMorcho«tant«l*l,PbmdolBblZ 'vP'T' -V'. . ^fMt , :'~ 0HIU8 MORIUB, ^tnibioS Uanigor..' . T lUrWBCrd THE FflONT STREET THEATRE, V . , . BALTmORE. Icblf well known (0 Ibepnfkialonaa oneor Ibo larMAad neat comdiodknu iheatrea In the Uullad Blaloe, la olund for BENT. jU. it adipldd for ollbor Tboatrlcil or E4ueatalan'ptI^0^ mkncca.-. Foaacaaton can bo olTenon tholatof Julf nan. An- pUaationa'wIll bo rocolvod nntu Ibo 301b d^ of ^Hl^xlfflo, 07' No, 11 Soulb Oaj atrobl, WM.MOIIFI1; MOMBaUlnoroaireall Balllmoie; Md. olUior Ot Ibb undonlgncd. UNION HALL, WILLUllBBUROB, LOMO ISLAND, wall known la tho lanraat, molt popnlar and anpaHor Ball, looalad bl Ibo deiliablo ponlon of Iho dij, complole]/ flimbibcd In elORont alTbi, anto nonu, ftue aeenon, roolligbli, Ac Oanadtj lor 1000 people aaaled. To do rontod for .eonoena, aiblbftloDah Ac >piil7 at tbe oflloo on the pnmlaoi; comar of Dlr'-' -' ATenuoandCI;marilroeLqf addrcaa 1-1)1 tO«loe. WABASH minstrels; "VvV . We are InlOimod tbit Uila highly aoooDBniltiod llid lalanled NAVAL THODpFoF UINSTREU : Mfcnukuig nraparillooa on a grand aoalo, for taking a loor tbOngh the unllod Blatea, glTini onlartalnmenla to aU the pilnol- paltownaandcUlcibilbe Unloa, The pnbllo aboald inU IbamKlTea an opportanilj of wlineadng the porformuooi ortUa oioelonl IWnpo) being compoaad~9 Aral oUn performui and Elhloplin daUneatnaTlbCT cannot nil to draw aowded bouaoe and gire onlln mHiboUoD to ill wbo mar witoeia tboir entailabifflenla. Thoj oomnunee on or tboni tbe Ulb ot Mar noit. We ahall beer mora abcnl them In doa time. Mt< LA RUE'S great WAR^ SHOW, IBB WONDEBFOL BTRATOPATEnOON, the moot thrilling of all modem wit.»^|*yj embradng a oomblna* lion ot Ntoaljr Iboosuul Monng ud Acttaig FlgOHl, nprtacnitog the prindpel ennia or tho prtaent war, and J.^lRyWUlBTDN, tbo flieatoat of llTiag Bamorlala, are now porfornlng to crowded houaca In tbo pmdpal dtlea of New Kglind. '^ 'D. a LABD&AgenL . •b''. "^^.. .^lii'^: ■ ..OBiaaUBlST q^Adterl litajg|gm L •t^ANm brotSiers; - -.^—'ir^m- V Throo In immbor, • V*^'*^"'*-' - AOROBATB, OtrMMASIB AND PANTOMDOSn, ' now IraroUog wlUi tho Euacne Raiol 'Itoupo, wlU b« atUbcriT to oooept enguomenta vriui rcUiblo tnanagen ui or'«llar tbo 3aih of April, l30L Among tbdr nunuMba. adj nm bo found tbe roUowlngi-UorlunUl Bar, Bnaulab Isoca. Dontllo Itipozo, Dandng Oubeai Indian Olab and Vljtog Btbga EIcrcla^ JoggUiia and tbo Tbno Roman Oladlolora, to which tuey stand unrivaJlod. Fortotma,&c/pleiioiddrcia <'i|S D.B.LB7AMTIN,0Waabtogtonatncl, t3-<l 1 Boston, Ml EiSi!r ' Ml ATHENEL UUaiO BALL AMD TBEATBE, CLEVELAND, OIUO. A. UONTPELSU l^pilctorand Klanagrr ^ D.T.OUPRIE Stago Manager Ladloi agb > Bneat place of amnioment to America, lowud enUemon or nputatlon and abuilx alwaja wantod Addrv^alab rc * f Dl-3m Proprietor i i tiANTER lURY HALL, * I ' ANNAPOLIS, MD. V U. J. UMNAM I , "Tho ^boTo eatibllahment will open Tucadar ovoLlngj 30tb.*FarormQnot acknowlodgod abllltr wlanlng — wUl addreaa U J. LAMNAM oa obore, or ; JAMES CONNER ft CO., °l-llt* ' .. 90WoatHouatoa^ot,NowY( 4bd ibon liTodla place o( amnaametit BUD cqntinnea Ita nnln- tarwplod eontaa of piu a pal l j . It daSaAwOouart Doom Wold to aqoal 4to ' ' THE EXCSUiBMOE OF ITS BKTBBiABniEIlT, a ABIUTT OF nS ABTISTES, TBB BBnOIABBJIT 07 ITB j^Au'WuIi^i aadlactdar^to m^lba aaoomhmiadiUj bestowed n||ilnUb.'a d la nrfalfi a Hng pnbllo; ibapioprlalorhu d«t<imlni|d|!'f>|.taiia« aH farmer aSoila toiti^ndng > . ' )^ ' •HOTELTr, .., TALKHT, , ^ AITBAOnON, The Aillovlng ArUdes an now pertaining at the Cbatorbniy Waablnglon;— JOBlf MULLIOAK, . BOB BABT. '■'.'(^W. n. CATENAUOn, SKISBANTY.and WARD, ' J. B. BAINOB, y BIUTWESr, ' j. B. DOUGBBBTT, . 'OILLY TBOUAS,'^ ; ■ LEW DONNELLY A BALLET TBODPB of , ' BITEEEN Y0DM9 LADtBS, MISS JENNIE ENQEU NAOMI POniBB, ' . £9TI;LLE and JENNIE POBBEST, luobiE wnsoN, NELLY BAINFODD, EMMATB0UA8, ^ EHUA SCHEIX, ^ '' LOUISA EOLETTE, ' . ^. LEOMUBA CREEP. The mtln Company nonbeia nearly ^ ONE HUNDRED PERFORMEB& Popnlainnilly Mallnae * ■• ^XraBY SATURDAY, For ladlea and Chlldrm. ACADBM^ OF UUmo, NEW OBLEANB, LA- OBOBOE LEA.. .Managv. oayety; MUSIC hall, ■ ALBANY, N, Y. Wanted, an EmoBX New QpHPAMT for tbe aboTopbuo. Addrtaa to S&lUELElTZPATRla£ l-0t« • '.Box »M, Albany, N.Y. th£ w(bb sisters, . ,« toaSES EMMA AND ADA. Uinigenwlablng to engage the iarrloaaof tbteo T017tilantod Artlata, tor RAR mgagomvili, will addnia them can ot 43-3m ' ffi ^^i^OwiiCM, at 39 Henry atmot, Brooklyn. A rXRC CHAYiCE to MAKE' MONEY.—FOR BALE,-^IB.aEO. E, GOODWIN, belns dioni to retire from the ahow bmlneaa, olTen for ado tba eihlUllBi known u Qoodwto h WILDBB'B POLYOBAMA OF TUE WA^balng an onol dopUoato ot the one- known u Ooo. E. Qoodwto k Co;* Po|yenniL- Any good builnodi nun eon rollxo from time to five hmidnd dollaii weekly by lla oiblblUon. Alao for aalo, k PANORAMA OF AUflli'' TRALIA and a Panoiamaof tbe WhaUng Voyage Mono bat cofl ouilomera nocd apply, Aldnaa ' 7< } „ • OEQ. E. QOODWIN, .Y! ra-lf ' <t - Mo. 10 mtfla Bquare, Boston.^ AMERICAN THEATRE, 444 Broadway, Wanted two good Ethiopian- nprfonnara capable ot aad Danoca and Negro barinaaann goaaiiL Araly : oraddKoa-i • 'UONS.XATHORNE,' 'v Ol-tf Btlge Manager, MRS. HAlff IE ASHMER la a{ Draotnt disengaged,. and would:bo ylaased to najiollalo wlta''ifi«bMarB for Ohamber. maids, Boy* te. Addieaa can UolropoUtM Tbaabce, Ifiilltnapiv li>Indlui^ '1 • • ■ 1.31* MARIETTA R/VVEL, ^ . . ' Nuda-of ma RnowimBBATU' ThIibeanUfo), jronngindlilanlod ^ . .TtOBT-BOPElmiBr, and«PAH]8n danbeuse; ' rformlnga moat aaoccoitol angigomoiit at SInn'a Natlomd beahe, Otodnnatl, Ohio. ffffniin^inlnHnii addrtaaod to ' * , ■y U. W, BANIET, Agent, • , i ' , I' Post Ofloe Box IHO. kf.UH^) ' dnolnnsH, OUc . , Tbo following Artlatfla an now playing a mo^lnlQlantesgagi^ MISS JULU UORITMER,' HI8S AONES SOTHEBLAND, . U1B9 T*TT.T.Tg. jpwLEB MXLE EAIERINA, iMbaoawbon. ' / two oband ballet tboupes, . Tbo French Banctynmipo oadcr tbadlncUonof Ubna. Top- hot » ,J|.. If: The Spinlah Ballot Tianpe under Iho anporrialon of Wlki Jtalo- ^oa. UONB. TERUEC8E. MAItTOn CSfBISEI, TBB ZAMFRETTA FAUILT, UOK& oibbomnaise; CHABLEB 0. OOLLINB, ^ ' ANDREW LEATirr.if! BILLY EMEBBON, MISBMaipBniA.' -wilLis ABMSTBONO, And tbe onUro Tronp*, *i*Twi« | y TBE OBEATBBr O0MBINA:A9k OF TALENT . Brer wltaeand In any eaWillthment to tbe workL ArtlalaotwoD known abOttywUlconsnltlbelr own tokrtala by drat applyhig Cor engigemenis to OEOBOE LEA,' aa be hfta *"^1*1ft for employing than to ' BIX DIFPZBENT CITIES, allot which an '( i|. FIQ8|iOLABS E9IADLIBHMENT8, fnltahleforoBUnilnfenlorlalnmanla IbBowlng perdnunannownbdoij^lllb oonlnct'wllh OEOBOE LEA to pcitorm to any dlj to tbo Unllod Btefaa. > Uin- ogen wlibtog to nogoUale can do ao by addnastogas abovo: H1J£ AN|IeTTA OAUCTn, Tho premier Ptcncf Danieiuo, and greatest Dancer to tbo world. . M0N8. TOPUOFP, PBntj|jjjmlal,'Danoarand BalkLMaitfr. THE SNOW BBOTBERS, with IbeIr trvupo ot DOGS AND UONSEYS. • DELEHANTY ^ . ^'*'»■■ , and ' -.sfc,-*'- WAfiD."' "Vtr" "^"i - Tbo greatest aiogDancento^oilca." ' , Icier challongca any tVo danbita to Amerloa for 4 ONE-THODBAND DOLLARS -f, ipdo wlUi tboao two now uUala. li,a olunco lor somo of Ibo "GREAT OHALLEKOE OLOG'SANOEDS." Money olwaya ready, by eddmealng ' « ' GEORGE LEA. Tba i^bOTO Obanenga wlU remato open to all candldaica for tbrco ilhafhimdato. I MISS JENNIE XNOZIt '■ SwcoWVpcallat and Ibo Uaadaomest Woman to tho Jtaltt. ^^►JOBN UULUOAN, '■^ wL- ANDREW lEAvrrr, IbaarcatolnUiloplan Oomadlanaof thoAga. ■ ' .' MONa VEBBB(n% . ^ Ibo Wonderful Oyronast and Tnpaaa Potaner, dooUrcd by ill wbo;iMannblatobolh*wondarotlhf'l(MhoentiirT. j •'^ ^ MABTnn oamiBEL . ; . UieOnitoal win walkoi to Iho World. ^ y >, ^' , MISS NAOMI ^)BIEB, TocallrtandDioaeaae. . iht nf ttin ibnin Hillilijfeii 1 juu m tyVdieastog to OEOBGE LEA, Cantorbmy, ' Waahtogton, D, d - Ml E-nBST CLASS TALENT ALWAYS WAM/EDi Ddlgt OirU Alwaya Wantod. ' Salary |U to 135 a week. • VjHLtlXM .J, MoALUSTER, tha younger, the great "Wf^, Presbdlgltaionr, Tbnlalit, Arab- niualonlit ud Bnmoilit (oenbow of ll9Slo ProtfMoAMeii to now on a Ugblj snccad^frweitern toimmeoltog ot^wSj, £P* 'if'^nr' "tooeaa, hnndreda betoa boinanlly tamed away SS?.!S?,™9 Bnablo to gato idmlatioplo aae bla wondortol and ahnlHale eniorUbimanla. He wUIWortly 1I1II Iho Eaatam atteriLook ont tor hla mammoth bllla. l)> B.-N0 oonnacllon wiua^f aaanl hnpoalorwbo itylca hbnaelf PnL J. M. MtcalUa- ^i^- B-F-uitMAN, Agent .1'^ W. B. HABRia T^uurer, aa to oonaemieDoe of tho aiiauguut^ta wbtoh bare been nada the appioaoUng briTeltog acaaoB, Ita aUj cannot bo pnlongid ^yond tbo aborMnentionod dale, nndar anyolraniiistBncoaw' ' toiei'. ESTING TO MANAGERS and Agenta^of '^''^BHO'WS, KtUlUITIONB, MIN8IBEU, Mt, t4t IN THE lU&ESIEB DAILY EVENINO EXPRESS AilBO ftwalto jonmal amOBg tha amnaMnant loring pnbllo of Doebcatorand'rk otally. 7^^- ■ - , • f Oonneclad with Iba paper la an extonatre JOB-PRINTING oatabllahniant, and Showmen an fomlahod wito Poaleia,'Pro- gitmmca. Show Cirdll Itokobb Jtc, at naaonable niaa. ihowmon patnalatog Iho bpicas wfll Bad that ample ottonUon wlU be glren their eutarlalnmoaU In Iba local aolmnna, the bnt mtdlamofadTcrllalag, , , 1-K 'jMVTH'S HALL, City of Manchettor, New Hamp- pnaa*, wen known ai tho lineat, most popular, and boslpnbuo baUto IbeBUIa.' Inlocalh>n, caaa ot ,— < .. acoeaa, alio, Ugh^ aoooiUo auilUos, dnwtog noma, and dl olbor dcilnbia appolnlmonU, It to anpcrtor. Largo sUm •liable tv any parforaianoa, with acanoiy and fool-l^la Mre plaoea ot egreni Wide peaugo waya around It Only ono doorkoepar repaired. Boated tor any napeolabia pnipo^qn lenna porAolly aaUtfutory. Ordcn jnomptly ijiairowdriyh Hl_-^ ^ • ,v. ^mfaEESnioE Burnt, 141* Oathlis Merrlmaok Hirer Bank. CORINTHIAN HALL, . . ' BIOBANOE PLA GE, ■• ' t ' BOOHIVl'KIL M, T„ , Wiabenontedft«OoMat«,Ltctil»ta,'EiblMBona.toi ' ; Aldrcaa ' W. A. BETKOLM^ ' »Annd«>,Boohc»(«f,H,I, A3irrss:BiE::NXfii. VmN AMflliROU * 00.'8 MENAQEme, BBBAI\ HOBAL BXHIBITION ;illD»iniIAB OABATAN. EZAmndoT. I1o[^ W an) aU Bauomi .iMaagat FiriUnlar abantcr%i«liOcttlitIy dhwiod to«s ftct that Ihli GioAMTia corixoj'ios'aK^ „ BABii AND WOMDSBFUL unNG }-r ■ ' i.-SEABTB AND BIRDS, a iM|A.%Bibndng in onpnoedea from OTorTQaixlar '1.U10 BlOI|,HlBinbi nnmbor ofbltberlp^u^Mj^U^^ WILL MOST iMSmVELY CLOSE • /' WILL MOST POSITIVELY CLOSE OK TBUBSDAT EVENINO. APIUL M, ON IBUBBDAY EVENINO, APBO, NT7MEB0UB RECEmytDDmONB' render the display ot Animated Nttol* itlhoptasentllnu Bin Intoeat ng than at any pioTlons porlod, and .m. • •. YGAlia MAY ELAPSE bofoia another oonoctlon at oqtul extent and noTOlly will be f» eonlod to Ibe Now Ycvk pabllc. • TBBEB PraFORMANOBa DAILY,. at lOK, A. U., 3 and Slit P. M.I totndndng AU, THE nuiNED ANIMALS. , ..ftlBLES THEATRE,' i/_ NEW ORLEAMS. tel DB BAH 1 W. DAVJSY Tbe iboi^ QilibllBhment la now open. ..Uanagar. FM clua Stan or Troupca deslitogengagemaito oan ' TTOTDAySY, Itpw 14te BUCKLEY'S SERENADERS, y.. ';■■'»• ■ Cor. Snnuner and Obaboay atreels, BOSTON. BaleHatofflcnlsJiTeiy Erenlngrind 4B4m Balaiday Adanoon. ELLSLER'S ATHENjEUM,~ . .^^ OOlUMBUS, OHIO. ^ ■ AFDnOomptnTwtnladftatdaBpitagandfliiinawiBeascB. '' . ftv -1 b<* :. V .'"" JOHN EUiBLEB,! AOADEMV or Mi lAdlet Oestleman andWlnlat isaaon of U mul wfllj^ouo Bfidy at ODOc, iND, OHIO. cngagemanla ftir Ibe n JOBH BliLSLES,