New York Clipper (Apr 1864)

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THE ynSTW YOBK jOL^PPEB. THE RIVAL SINGERS; Who got OoMd? •uwaradTtry nv..... —- —r— « .1.1; ■adUiaaliigtDgborooB In molodnnus. Mr.uwu uu Muon anga<M alto, m a ilDger. Ha biul a tbundortng TOlMiUawliathoIaokqdlniiiniloaliklll bo moroUun Slide op In Inpudonoo and usannoo. Tba Mton.wilboneBOOord.dotonnlDad (o sot tboto tOMlista br tho oars. By roUllInK tn ooob Uio pretended WTlnxi of uo other, In a (bw woolia thoy began to treat ' aaob otbar ooldlr, and prosenlly tboy dropped all inter- eotine. From tbo time tboyeonsedlospoak to orroo- ln «aoh other, It took but a T017 ehort period to make Jt Headly foea, and many woio tho threata made on toth Hilea. Wbeo thoy hod sot their Joaleunr and bntrod «xottad to the proper pitob, It was ngrood that a roKular "blow np" between tho two aboald ond tho Joke. K had baan • partef thosysteni to mako tbom bellero that tbera Ini a great oxoltement fa Ou tmm about the tolonla of lhalworlvala. Ono night, havlmi loamod In the brnjoA floa that the Ikrco of Iho "Sprif 1 of laurel 1 or, tbo Bl»»l lloMIen"wa9 10 oonstlstuto a part of tho enlertalnmenl 'A>raboIldaynUbt,Iwcnt Into tbo peon-room, Where lha twoVnul boroos were allUog, and addreaaed one of lha principal performerB ibuB-protendlngnettOMO the two Oo^lntr la wo called tbom: "This ezeltement about tfia two aiogore baa grown to enob ao alarming 01- tant that the manager bnadetormlnod to have a trial of aUQ between them, and the one who loaca la to bo dls- •hargad." Thavooallataprlokod up their aara. Captain a was Ineradnlent at flrat, bat C. wai caoght at once. "Tall, I'm ready any time. / ain't aMd to meet tbo Mi/ffAian thntTay.oranyolAer/" Ha here oast a most illUng look St Ilia rival, who was Adonlslng before tho largo minor. "What' ploco la aoloetod for tha oooasloBi and when Is the trial to lake place t" asked old Bendaiaon, always In tbe front rank of Jokore. "Tbo •Uval Boldlsn,'! believe. Is the pleco.and the Sth of taiaaiT la ssleolad as tho moat aypropriatt dav for tho oontaat," answered I. Just at that moment, as If to con- Aim iny atoiT, tba oaU-boy ontorod, and wafared up a •lit oTUa my pUraa mokon of, with Ur. B. set down for thaohanotarorBlneIaIr,aiid Ur. 0. for that of Lennoi. '^Ua lattiad tbAmattcr in tholr minds-thera was no Joke la ll/fiir thaaanager never Joked. The songs were so- Twitwl mll»amilii gono through, and Iho glenous Sth ar- . jM> 'IVIf bouse was oniamod, as It always was on tbst -■ntvatMrt and tho bets ran high among the actors, as OtUntidtoftho trial ofaklll. , '^nrtha parpose of oloarlng their voices, 0. provided a laittoapge—and 6. had proourod acme mlituro In a Itar ooaa phial. The nlaoblovous actors contrived to 40 a% onage with fntif—and to aabitltnto pepper rfao- . gar, from an oyster aland, for B.'8 mlituio In ujo ptilal. 'na Bcmant arrived when their lala was to be decided ly lbs Inpatient pobllo. Ida Iwa alngeri were looking aakanoe at eacb other In IhauUiNnth no way Mendly eyes, when the oall-boy bawfad ont at the door,—"Slnolalr and Lennox—all the .Mtl"—Away went tho rival soldlore—but before mount- ing tba itepa which led to the stage, eaob hastened to bis rtiiMliiil iiiiiiii. Ill liiV II a last"cloarer"(ar his throat—0 ■ackoitheotangeandaporllonor the pepper vinegar. Ibay mat at the steps which led to tho siago. The vine- gar and the snulf began to bo tasted. "Vat the 'ell 'ave TM' been putting 'Into my 'orange t" bellowed out tbe dootor. "Whatd—d stuff have you put In my pblnlt ' I'm poisoned"—replied B. "By 0—d." oontlnued o., "I'll '"^^ yOQ ven I come oif 'cirthe slagel'' Kere the prompt- 'i^^tt's voice wte hoard eielalmlng, "Tho stago Is waiting .^wnr Lennox and Sinclair." Away thoy wont and mot on ■■ £f^tfif (tage taflienda, though tbeir sido gloneca were any- Iqg but emlooblo. Tho cue for a's song was given to jaiohestiai and, after clearing bis throat as well as teoold, he began. Interlining tho Uses of the poet with "'lexprssslenaorblaown—thus: < *^ my ton'la lOa tbe md, nd Kae^ Hilt nraedy apitosi la J<ui»— ^ Ion Uike the nuloily (TU (• d—d </i dm'i lay a COM 1901 y»r todr.] niltwmljpluiliitase; And I wni tore m; bomls Ian, IHfOmetaUrm.'l ■ ' Bodeepinloreiml; . lot, fmiM^«maaliwa<ii.] nai I will tors tbw iUl my dear, llem'tdatdiL] nwngh an tba leaa gang dqr. (fitoUcUir.] Ibesgh an the staa-^iic dry, my dear. Though an tho Mae ^Dg dry; lOn't anuMi fd a4 a glaa gaoler.] And X win kna tbeo stUL my dear, ' Ucm'tmgllitieaiidmm.] noaghaniboaeaaiug diy." 'TItai otme 0.'a tom—the snuff began to mako him dla- 'iQTomlL , -. MjiiuthtothelHtUellelA ira/turmtto-A) lbs Am Is now bate* oat lU/kl IvtU-raiti-ii/HafL] •' . XMhhaaiila" - -" ■* OUR DRAMATIC PORTRAIT OALLERV. mm msSLAniE nSHBlQTTZB. THlsathetof ouakHohte Iblawtokwu tanbiHswToA dtr la lALind U of Jenlah deaeent Her tattur, ICr.lloaM HaSnlaQa. w a van known nensbast In tUa dly about III ytan acok aal£rB»hlls Imported a lane auotl^ of dgan am Ha- rSt, Wm plioe of bi^eas wia b> William atrect aeai Wall UwM ttlhljnIodlhat ooi bonliu naohnd to adopt tha alaga ■aijDMealon,aodae<>Bdbi{dTmadobar OiHaDpeuwcaonany miwataio Decembar 3d,IM),atWinaik'aOld lbcaU«,aenur of Brooma and Bnadwar, dulag lbs lati aeaaoa of tbe vetena'a maaagameatofthattaUoUalinaiL via Dim cboaen bu herditiilins BUUed •TbeUodel nypo- oue," »(nnatatJai from lbs Fteiuh of "Udy Tariuih," and In Ua n«ncb Ibnn ma playod In the Aoulomj, In thla dt},by uadbd, bnt aa alio bad no gnat lUMytot tho nit, noTorccpoalediL Tb* pbr at 'Waladi'a bad a atasit Ufe and sot mtUnlailr a menraH. The &a about the maths WIS, that tho play wia not aaUoldUitr to the aelon or tbe aodlonoe. Be 11 west down b> ao mijmn, nnwept. onknown and onsODg. HlM Hcnziquca apMuoa la tmauMc.-' S)ia«unplanuil]rnoolnd,asdwoi«,uailiUiln<(, thebononof tbohouM. 8be bad made aonnl apptannce* In pilTata tbeabrfala, aoO her euo cn Ihla ooAaloo lodlowd that aochonstbarabeealbs case. 8b« phased bom tho ^.dnl, and manlteled mora eaae, aplomb, and •cquilnlueo viui the ■tMnqnliameDttbaDwelureoTerbdbreaoenlnaAnraatf. , Of an Qieyoang lidJeswbo luTO eoae oatlbr the naitten yeoia, Ibw, Tan <inr, of Ibem hara been aoDopted by tbo pstiUo ud mad* a popuur laroTlle. This woold acem to waniut tbe dletom at lhetbealn,<batacUn«laanartwblcb nnst bo itodltdttnusaj and ptwUied dUlgeotiy, and that tbo beginner eboold net altempt tbonlgbcst nnk by moidartng tba moat Important ebareflaia. AUof whleb lamoMitipodftdlj nbmlUcd. It U allogither bn. penonal—does not mean anybody tn the world. Inoorttmo wo nave aoon a great many of UutncadluclaaiOlxomuwnDoiwho ballOTelheyuToaalltagoabinwblloaalln or luot Dojun on Ihsabuo, We bar* been Uinragb It aD. Tbe ditmidc fererls ■aonldemloamongllio ftlr.and lis rotommarbecoualolnpon atloiaTBlaortworcaiiorlbanabanla. It diat appeal* la a mild form, that 01 unAtAitr Ibatrieala; U tbo peUant take tbea eaij, tbe olila may be conatdeicd aa ont. AUabo reoolR* la new milk, ploUo^ and a light doM of fllttattoD, when abo vUl moat prolably worry thnogbT Bat If Uu dlaouo aconalo bo de^ notedand all pa]UiaTc*taU,UlaaswoUlali7lb«actailcaaler7 and let bor'^oomo onL" Ulaa Benrlques baa oonttmiod a number of'Ur. Willick a com- pany ftom the night of bor dtwTopto the pKaeLt time, and baa noomoonoof the grtateat fkreiltMol Utoaompanj. Hbo la an •rtiitofaxbioidlnaiypovoia^and oxtfioidlnaiy promlac. Olrl- lata Ui appeaianoo, nedlom belghL aod alight hi dgnio, hair dark and fine, oompleilon pore and whiles featorea plcaalag, tboogh by BO meanaatienglj marked, and nooe with Inai the bioUst nupt don of tbo plqamt and aaucy. 6be la undeniably kindaome, and wbatlaoflkrmoiotmportanoe,{aeaayaDd graorfuL Betoe aba nUensdnglanol^abobaaadranetdbr Intolheiiood gnoeiof bcrentUorr. 80 Blr and ftigllo-oynaoft andfoitnoaaad a amllataiwhlohfoMBaneaa of heart and a tender metmeboly aeem merreliooalj mlnaliid and ■^WnHtij from the obaemtlon of the bonae^ with a^rilah and gnoejn] tliDldity, oar herobio exddaea a AHdnaUonwblchona tbo bardtot artUo cannot wUbatand. Eer Toloe lavery maileal and abUfOIly modolaled; ba oDandaUon dlattnctandaeconte. Hanrtqnea la a young artiat 6bo wanta ooonragemml—abe eetbdsly merlta IL TO melon her poweia aba la probably In lbs bat theafaii In lb* ooaobT. Bcrbenty— '■T*'"*— ) -*'mannnr and bflrrfP"****** 'i"*"t1f aa an aotea*. place her tar above many of our aetfaljledttai^wbo an now nintnlnallng ^>i*^> mi,W.i ^ rrntrwu^nt Tba Andhaanala'i [JCookealwaiv lAi fWM^, / Ifton Amo o'srn*. UBH Ks « fda (if Oe tdwc] "■iflif: rW/■yKoowA.J lao ( p"'"(i chain*— Itoa itpolMm gni taOmbeiit] [rMMaodir ntait, lou.] To bsoak oar bonda asnnder, ' ' ' jrubrattyoiir'fiifaiul'ead.) 7, ■; IfaRhtothobalt]oljdd,iilc" ' --Wlriicbipaecllas to eaob otbor.wbllo going on with • ,.1hrtri**ndto(«oto<ni«, wore oqiially DmualnK but the "-abOTelaamlrnieelmonorthovibolosocno. Whonthey eameoir the etago, wo all oxpeotod a regular set-to; but .';'r,i aoma bow or otbor their angor died away, ns tho offoet ' . .i«f the snoff and vinegar ceased to bo fOUr-cnd tbe noit morning thoy oxohongod mutual nlodKos of tboir Inne- «ancalnrogardtotbo"'oaA,"as the Doctor termed It, and beoamo oxcollont Mends for tbo rcmalndor of Ibo geaaon, and sung In oencerl evor nftor. THE BEAUTIFUL MAIDEN AND DEPRAVED WANTON. WBffxzii voa na saw Tonx cioted, STB.s. B. bA was A fond, trusting, Joyous And boautlltal maiden. . , Her sparkling eyos, rlpo lips, rosy oheoks and happy 11A •mlla, attracted all who came within tho InOuenco of her charms. Her swelling limbs, voluptuous bust and wblto '^'naok oaosod a strange, thrilling, unreoognlzed fooling of pleastusbla Intoxication among tho honosl lade of bor 00- >'.': .iqoalntaneei wbllo horlt'eebness, purity and lonocenoe ' ' -.'f'''twas the theme of every tongue. UOAwad by purity and boauly, a smooth-tongaod do- . alroyar came, and witb flond-llko oompoeuro of oolculat- ' Ing nlMhood Bttoeeeded la gaining her levo—a vague, ' dreamy,all-BbsorblogfeollDg. With ontlro oonOdonco,8ho •eon loelliad bim. QDdsr the Inlluenco of his power, tho ' onal| damnlngfororof bis will, Bbo did not rofUso him. ' na play was ended. Tho ovidoncos of bor posslcnnlo ' ' love beoame apparent, and aooloty dlaogrded nor. Now ,Bbewaaibannaa,seonodanddospIsa4tcforcod too soon to fbel her leet, foroTor damned eondlUen. In the appor Uer of one of oar theatres the scene was •tokening, randerod more so by oontroat with tho heauly, fkahlon, reapoctablUly and IntelUgenco of tho boxes, ofr- 0I0 and parquet bolonr. One of tbo most noisy, rockless and seemingly oxporlonoed was Ids. Tho palnlod, whls- key.pertUmcd wantons, with bare arms and disgustingly Iow4ieokcddroesoB,swoarlDK and fondling; tho ooaise, bollylng roughs; tho eurlous, half.frlgbtonpd oounlry- nent the apparently Tonneotable men, with, doubtless, So^a and loving wives and IntorostlpgOliIidreD nl homo, Idnlglng In lowd badlnngo wUh Uio mlseroblo, sborl-llvou WTStcbesi tbo anieon whoso bar and leanges'troro filled wltb balf-olad, shamoloss wonon, und vllo,dogradod men; rendered a porlbet poodomonlum of loatbsomo bestiality, deoolt and depravity. Mahiro Invariably sooner or later brings tbe tiaoagros- (orto onaoooant. Ida, once puroand ohaslo assaangol, then loving and trusting as only womnn oan bo, tbOD oast ont bocauM she truslea and was deceived, to booome tbo reoMogs slreet-walkor ond MondlCBa oourtouui, now IIos tpon the bod of doath, alono and neglocled. Allhougb eilll young, her brow wis wrinkled, her oheoks flosblosd' and sunken, her limbs thin nnd tvastod. BuITorlng, mental ud physloal, had ebnngod bor Into n more eliadow oruor fbimer self, A fhw short yoors ago she was pure and lupnyt how she is—dond. wltb mdo Jokes and tbouihtloss langhtor, the. black- 'gowned etudenlsproaooulodthoir studios In tbo dlssoot- ug room, Ida's emaolated corpse lay upon a tablo, nnd bar brother gained aomo of his Rnowledie of tho marvel- Qos maohanlim of the human form by dlssoeling bis own unreoognlzodaider, ^ If heaven were not moro kind and merciful thon mnn^ there would be but little bopo for the outoast, nogleoteu . Ida. THE LONE AUDIENCE; OB, How King Lear waa Played on a Cold Night. Tlie readers of the New Toai OurrzB oan probably appreciate a "rich thing" about as wellaa any other oinsa If people, whetbor It bo fliet or llollon. wo Iberefore present tbom with tho fbllowlng report of on oxlraordl- nary thoalrloal performance, and extraviigant ss It may appear. It Is tho ralntlcn of an'actual occurronco whiob tocl^lace In Uonlgomery, Alabama, hi tbo sovoro winter IlwaaaoQldFebraaiynigbti aDd thoowa* an aodkDceefoa/. The play wa* Ebia Lev, and Itaoe wa* no -bade our In tho maoagor. Tbo IndlTldoal who oompoacd tbo aadlmco bad ox- need nimaeU In tho plt,and ha waa aahamcdtotaoliout'too, bough it wi* ovldODt bo waa In an onoommon 'fix' and would gladly have boon any wboie clan thin wfin bo waa Cpdrowtbe onitaln, and on walkaA lha natnial eon and onnatoial brothar. '^on, Kalnrek irtmyaofldae*," Aa, oomoenoed Ibo adors ai ao prDooodad In bla Iwontj line aoIOc* qoy about half way, wlierflia taddesly al^iped, aid walklog ft>r. w*nl(o.«h* «Ht Ugbla, iddmasod the ouilnvr, who, la irtD bo aoe&i wia an old man and ■A ^naii^ iai^f*, "Jao, I am aony lo aeo Iho houao oo very lueombirtably orowdod,andu It aoema ImpoaalbleCor yoaloobtaln a i«at,X hope yon win go home Inunedutely." "0 never ndnd,"' aaldthoaedvnor, "I am qnlla camlMahlo, andlbofljonwinnot pot jinraelfontan myaonoat TtD the ottitr ladle* and jonUemen. old Edng lt»i and tbo red, to come on,lbr I smallbetalandenlighlonedauUma I aaianyoa,ud have an ooedal dsrodon for Bbakispeac*." Bwlog wbldi, Iho wuiiam look bla aUofc and oaTo hiniself a aaanunoua itmnd of am^aoaa. Ike ador, tboogh a bold and booUou feBew, bad broken IbiDOgh Iho nlea of iho Ihcaln as <kr a* ho thought well or <0i Iho tlmo. and with a hoghandawtnkak hla MauLcAi wont on and oomploted bla aoUloouy, Tha play pngreaiod. Iho whob oompany wi* In rooelplorfan ■lariat end Iho managn bad beennUnrlngaaoTeninnot bud 8HAKE8PERIANA. v Itaiht of Inlorait Coneemliig iho flroat Pool. BiiiinruiB-s BmiBBiT—AJOiooghlhaadirf \SS!iS^^, It gtven aa the dar of Ibo potfa bWb, lo pj^d^ rtderojof Ihe JtCeiiil*.. ln*«*itlolJ1bM»«ill*ataUdtota«bOTlb«l^ Tb« pulah regMarof BtntlBid, bowerer, omlata* .the oaliy of hlabapttamli>I^,aatiillo**:— "itU. aoill JS. GoUcbno*, dbo* Jobiann maMijei *. By tbliu^SSd aweruttJammooly aoo<i>tad ^tabo crn^ IhitblabaoHamloakkaco Ibioo ilara alltr b» trtili. Boverai im, I)»Ttd Oainek, than whom Iho poet n««'JfJL; S?hS volsd admlrtr,*ri*Waodc»rrt»dout"aJnbn» feU%m Jgb ocoadon aproieaa^^adcdby tbo ador,paU • P^"iS?i'£,'# bouae. At thoBoyilghikeaBilan Fediml.wU^b'^R'*^ 1830,ainngcmaiilawm majoon a. moro eitca^" mod cclcbnlid acton of Ibe day formed a I»««a'<'"'i{S TSS In alatota Iho bouae,led bjTrisedr a«d Comedy,who plaota wttalhs of laurel on a boat crtclid ft>r lha porpeao. BuxBrauE'a Miu-Orthonaphy In Bbikniican'a Uoo was In lla lotaey, iod mt inoa mid ia(hUI« becd (0 tbflr qpelUsg. Tho ubllniTsjtlai of apeClog wia net ««ll«»<i*£Jf»5L'£ woida, for propJr sane* wbo aomcUmta aa mtou*5^ lapartlqilarbranartibki la the ea»« of "StateapaK. Inlbo BtatUOrd rejUer or hi* UpUam It I* willlen "S?? SJ tntiy of tbobapUam of hi* children, and of bia own boilu. tto auneorthogiaptylaprMorTCd. TbealgoatortatohliwlUuotoo ladlfdoctlo bo pot In uondencoofl&eatrlo adopl^aimoagh tho doubt R«tahttwoea£Mtq>« aod Shdimn. TboBilUah Mnioun poaacaaca a volamoeoolahilng an ootognphdlHUcUy written SKJapat, while In a moitgage d«d poicbaacdbftto Oor- potatlon of London lb* Inal < i» omIttod-SJatwr. On raunng b Ilia <at^ quarto edUIODa of hla pUy*,prlattd dorlng hi* Ufo- tUno/'Woaad tbenam* nuloaily apel^ u "tove'a labor I«st" (im)ll Ui»aiatait "Hack Ado Aoiit Rolbliig,"udeOTerd other* bonleg the aamo d*te(I(»0)S»atoieort; ••Ihe»Mtall HlBlorio of Hamlol" 11601) SmkMitcrt; and tn "Bhu Lear" INS] Skalc-tpart, In tbe "AoooanU of the Itorcla at Coaxt|" pabusbcd by lha Bhakespean Sedcty, an anbr la made reanUna that "On BLetouenaXMitlnUulIallAriayaSodUeaarfor Hcnr" wa* pciformcd, and Id tho maiglo, nndor Ihe beading "TbePoctwch ma^d ibo plaice" Iho aulbtf** oamo la qalt Skantri, BnixaaFUB^a Uoin&—Tbo bamble dwelling of Fn g l a nd *a gRatratpool laaltaittdln Benley atrtet, Btrttfoid-oo-ATon. It it, aa Waahlngtonlrrlsgbuly deambe* II. "a amilli mean-looklDg edltca of wood and pMer, a bne nnUUg place of gealaa, wUob aeem* to delight in bitching II* osapilng In by-comcr*. Tat wan* of lla aqnilld cbanbers aro corerod wuh names and Inaorlp- In mt, gin MO for thla and inothcr lack) icbla aodoring a aoTore ran of bard never to dlamlaa an audleooo of oven OK, ibe oonipai)y,'howDTer dlaigreoiblo tho duly lo actondor nob ditinmalanw, bad neilhor right or incllnaUon to Ihwiit hla wlahea Thla oonaidmllan, bowOTOr.oonld not keep down Iho noellooaaplrltof Iho comedlaniy and,a* aruhuol ooaaeqaoaoe, Uioaiqolalloliaged7«iatnni<brmedlato about tho iteheat bur- leaooo that WIS oTorooactad upon any abige. Ihiongh lha two nrat id* tho aolars kept wllbln tolenbto bonodi^ aoping tbo audimn would got olck and dlamlaa hlmaelf, bnlhewuteowldo awake fbr that: bo was onoUfkmOiai anumg Iho p1ayora,aad, aodnglbo fUn brewing, ho beiolealiy kept hla aeat hi lha middio of the pit Betwoon tho acta be .winlu^ himaolf ealUog out laliodnclng aiao Iho dogint vottaUon*otwhiat. cnmolilng peanulj^ ondlnulotlflgantluioaslosiajy twaanofpemrtodae Amanwuaeaa, UiamedHatlTa mood. Walk by a atroam that Dormar'd thnugb a woodi Bla fece wu pale, Ida onbrawa dark and low, . Bla bhiod4botoyefliod 01 Iho atnam below. BSwiIko^ thai rtoypel, aa If bo sought to find , ; Apiaoalaqiiaabhiabody, aon],andinlndl ■ aapondard long o'v lbs deep, nnwOlina Ude^ . ' nan alocplng,IaU bla raiment by hlialdo^ . . MfhsnfliwaoaawllhaovaolOTlllUngai '' (W want a boat a* It aa eaglo'a wingai Itr ont of Slgb^ bat ftat« BUn thoy run I Thar now ronm-thav with a wabihman com* I A tplaah waa aeea, wbiDli tore dlitntbod Ibo dooh ~ 3b^ esmaand Aond-ael Hi tod uoaAed Miyiull apo)mthatwaBno^avortoaaDastoftarBl£^SSna^astler'l5!^ book of oomio UiuatraUone. Tho wag of aa aadience ihandonod klmaelf booit and eoollo Iho sprat, now Jolnlnalnawoidwltb Iho odoi*. and applauding wllh hla allok and d^tortUur himaolf io ocaladc* of laoabtor. "Unaooommodatod manle no moro tmt ooeb a poor, bare-footed thlog aa Ibon arti" aold toiusliig Lear, looUng at and polnlodlj addroalng Iho lolly isdlvulaal In Iho pllTncaciUr aflctiiud medKdnroxekdmod, "rhiiletbo foul Oend Fllbbertlglbbol: ho boglnau curfew and' woUia till tho accood oochl" &a, pointing dlnoUy at Ibo aomo good bnnwrtd woiablppor of tho dnmv "Slop, stop tho puy," aild tho andlonco. "ladica and gentlo- men, be kind enough [0 wait a fow momcnls till I go to uo bar and get a UUlo warm winter bevomgo." "fouB, Umolkln; pcaco, thou foul Oendl" norcd poor nid TOm, adding "I aay, Jack, let it bo for Iwo whilo nm'n about III" In Iho {Qurth act a bluk boj walked on lo tbo atigo with a nam- barofamoUnggluaaof hotdiink upon a waller, and oa ah Idea of aoUng tho play properly ma now onUioly abendoned, Iho plav. or* alopped at onoo,loo1i tbetomblora In Ihclr bandar and tlum wont OD apcaklug and drlnkloff, touching gbuaoa and laughjag be- yond an control or rcetnlnt at Ibo aupramcly oxtraordSuryand rldleolona acoao that wia gobg forward. Tbo audlonoohadoon- llnuodloaondthoboyroundlo Iho prints entrance, with ordora to march dlioctlj on to tho elago and auffor no ponon to atop him, which mmmlialnn tto UtUo nlggor CiilUifuny oxcoulod. no flflb act wont on, anduor oamo atagguljig on in the last aeono with dead Cordelia In bla arms, eielalmlng, "Bowl, howl, howl, bowlr* **lAl(a and gnUmeti. via yt/u dn nu lae /Anr to Amrir" mawonndnp lhepliy,lbrtho man InlhopitlnilanUr rooonp and oonunosccd howling like a dog, Iho aolor* iobacd In, andaaaddonandinoalsUblooUmax waa glTonlo Iho whole allUr by tbohooaodogaln tho nelghborbood aetttng ap a TOdforoua aorenodo aU oroand the Ihoatre, which wia continued In moMloua eohooabby "Uaotlfl; groy-bonni ' Bound, and apaalel, Bobtdl liko and bundle tall," and OTory "Tnj, Bkneb and Bweoltacart" ia Ibe lownl The manager nsg down Ibe oulam blmadC hoped tbo ladloa and gentlamen hod aufflotently thamaelTC% and thooght aOoraaoh a laugbatda tragedy tboio would bo no oocaalon lOc a Aro,u on peoplna through tho curtain he di a ooT oi od that Ue audMioe bod oon9hiaod lo go homo. A SPLEMDIQ STABLE FOR FAST HORSES. Some lover of bat horae* In Connecticut baa been pnltlag up a magninopnt" realdeneo " for bla alook, of whkh a HarUOrd papa giTca Iho following aoooont t "latbataohurohoraliamf'woold bo a'nabuallnqolrybya atrongor, drivlna out on tho Wcit Hartford road, and noticing the largo, now QoUuo bolidiog, with 0 tower, on tbo ridgo thla oKlo of VandorbUra place, about twoond-o-balf mllca weot of tho Btalo Houao. Ilia Dcnry 0.Declnlth'a now bun,bDl]t for him tho poet wlola by Wm. O. Allen, al a coat of ibeut tM,O0O. Tho bonding la of brick, with brown alono Irlmmlnn, alato roof, and omamonbd wlndowa, Tbo main bnUdlng la m Iho form of a Greek croBO. An open ahod oonnoda with tho lower, flvo storlo* hlsb, surmonntcdUTalbig-otalf. Iho Oral floor of Iho tower, with 11* irurblo mantel and handaomo flnlab. is dcatgood for tho oflloo—lo bo fitted up, In dogant atylo 1 aooTO aro two biillird noma, bcd-rooma for tho men, etc. A apfcntlid vlow of the aur- ronndlng oountiy moy be obtained from the lop. The bam la quite brge, and bcUor vonUliled than mert nubile buUiUnga,' TboitallBam&nlatacdlnaolldoekiPcllihcd andolied; IhoparU- Uono, oallloga, and other wood-work, aro of oUcd pine. Tbo Ato moat valuable liorae* havo ouh a box otaU, wtlb aboot aa nusy oanTenlonccaaaagcnUetnAn flnda in hla non. itagoodholel 1 alao, very lUUiful and attativo aorranla, Tho rides of each room or ilaU ore odled about alx fl:ct high, aboTO which la an oma- nmlal Inn net-work, giving a porfecUy free oliouUtlon of air. Btrvin "Frinoo," Ihonlry LUIobay that Iiia mode hla mllg In »V?i!S*boFaabIenCoano, and ibr which hi* owbsrhia relUaed 010,000; Iho beantlfnl "Bone of Ilartlbrd," aymmetrlol, and vo^aa tiu, tor which AmaaaSprague oirored to awip hla Uhr nenn,aodaDaUioradmlinroir(nd tt.OOOi "L^Il{chiloId,"a Dreoaniaro,or the beat atock, very Out, and valued at Ihouaanda —bar Ont pelt la the tnU(.'r"Blckciy/acki" next cornea "Qrlt" iSSfr^r^}^ " grttly " anlmaL aidd to bo a Out one, but uo- aM^'^^„*y^'':'I"'obi*«d ta BnffalolaitlkU,ataooatof JffiSiT.LlSr'^Sl','''<*'<«t.*noblo-looklngwhUoboiio,"tVhlle SJlr.i,7*iSi ''ISS^ awiieh uil, young and Iksl, and of high nloo, Uongntlrom OAliiQiiilartQenUf v-2!'.'i7.°LS?"f,J?''lS!.'» Mcoplod byhla taleaUe drirlag Sj?SSHnViS' Sfl^.JS'»». !*» Iho flr*t ttne, on tbo UaS • of *M, agilnat another Ihrej^aanold. Tharo aro Ihlilconhorie. In alfwotth, probably, liioa neharncaaroomaL gnhi-Mn*, tonka of hot and cold wuar, lenalUr hoy, comraedlona noma fbr alttoho. snlkle*L bos. EfS^SSSS.ISi,'!?^?.?^ flnmlng cBii5M,cto.,and abcda ^tSu5ifj5?tlif'uS?L'S5**'' 01 home, to bo tlooa In every liiunage. Bb^haehuo'a ntter, .v,., a"'.* —-- bonae. On hla dttth they bocoma the gropeitr of hla eldest aou, William, who beqaealbed them to hla aioter, Joan Bart, "fOr the tern of her nahid^lUO." Al her death. wUeh took placa la IMe, Iho lanementa came Into the pooaeaslon of lady Barnard, who Ian tben lo tho ooiu of Jean gbakeqpean But In ISOS the bouae* wen *oldfor.f3t0; *nd iub*eqoenllythat In which the poetwiobom wueihlbltedby one IiIityHomby,adeaoandanl of Iht ttmlly, wbo nnled It at drat tor £10. The proprietor, howonr,SndbigIbe vtallonnnmcronaLniaed tbo reotloXMba onmloohlghlbr IhaoUIidTlo pay, BbeUurenpon lalllt,and tookwlthnaraBlhoao rellcadeaerlMdbr Wiahlngton Irving In hla"gkateh Book" Ibo houao waa, howerer.kept open aaan oihibttleo tm lg4T, wbeu llwupntnplbradebylbe weU-known Oeorgo Bobtna, on the IMh of Boptember. Hr. reter Cunnbig- ham.onbehalf olaeonunlltee formed for Ihepnipeaoof aeeorlng Itapmgb aaet olfored i9.M0ftirll,andlbr Ihlsanmllbeeamalbo paopoty of the oountiy. aoaiioab-oii-Avoa^Thla lltUo market town ol^irwfcskablro, rmdered fiinona u the birthplace of Bbaleneue, dcrliea lU nafflobem lidiigalbrd on tbo BlTerATon. It waa a place of aomo Unportaiica belbn tbe Cooquest, and oootalned a monaatery, oaid to bare been foondcd li tbe icign of Elbdnd. Tbe onllro placo 1* aaaod to tbe poet'a memory, aod Ibo eamniidiag cona- fay hallowed gmmd for bla oake; for llwta ben lhal "be ee- qalredbialnllmita knowledge of raallo life and manner*, and Btardlhooa legendary lain and wild snpenUUona which ho bi* woven like wllobcnltlolo bla dramoa''* Then la a ocduoion and qnlalncaa aboot tha town llaelf that Kama lo dt II for a poet'a abode, whilo the beonty of Ibe adjacml ndgbborbood—tboloxn- Tlint vegetuion, the lealV aTenotOb the glilicrlog atream-olfotd amphi eeopo for thai poello bnaiery which adoma ao many of tho deoolptivo paaaoge* to bo fOnnd in Bhakcapcan'a poema and playo. Tbo weU-hnown mulbcny hoe, Ranted by Sbakeopcaiv, waa cat down by a clergyman of Iho nuno of OaaaoD—bccnuae. aocotdleg to Ualon^ It gave blm aomo Ironble hi ebowing IL Tbla genllo- man, wbo pottciacd tho trochoid of the booao in which tbo poet died, psnal U dowi ibont a centoiyago, "hi lerengo foran ao- BaaxBinaaB'a Bonoon.—Tbo year In wUeh Bhakaipean wu born (KM) la noted u ono of deadly pcslllonc*, which proved fttaltoaboDl onfralith of tho population of Etratford-on-Avon. "Fortonalely for mankind," aaya lulen^'itdld not toooh tho hottaewharoBbakeepearo lay." WohaTonoautbantlo record to —Idttiaindetemiljuag under whooe lolUon tbo poet rccelTcd jdocatton, but Ibo* 000 bono doobt It meat ban tmn fully VMf nolBuperlar,tolhat nanallyKlTenlo yoaUialnblaoon- lapo fiifa In tho Charter gianuoi by Edward VL for tbo ln< oorpefotionof BtiatfOrd,referenoo la midolo a certain froognm< maraDhoolforlboedaatlonofbOTe. ThenoccaauyquaUacaUona AnlbaadnUaslonofboyalslalblaaobool wen thai they ahoold belongtoBtntAsrd, beaoTon ycanoId,and boableto lead. Aa Bhakeipean'a bthor wu an aidormon, ud would tbeiofor poaacaa eolBclait lafluonco lo gala hla aon'a tdmlaaloo, It la only roaaon- ablo to ■■10*0 that tho poet reoQlTod blacdociUon atuognm- mai-adn<ii,Kir allhougb fitcL It wia no doubt tho boot aoboIaiUo cobbllahment In the nolghborbood. The alory about Ebokea- nor^'a setting Intt troublo through eleallng the deer In Blr TbomaaLu^'a pul^alCharloolcIa nriouily loM by dilfarant Uognpbera. Bower* veialonalllrma that, by "a mlafortune com- mon enough to young feUowa, ho had aDcn into Ui oompany, and amongst tnem aomo that made a frcqnoot practico of deaf-olcaiing engaged him mon than onoo In robbugaperkof BlrThomoa Luoy." For thla hawio pniceoted. The poet modo a ballad upon hla ptoseoolor, which ao hicenaed Blr Tbotna*, that tboyoeth- ful rhymerwiaobllgedtoqultlOratlmotboaoaaeofhiaboybood. BBUzxvuaa'aUuauca.—Of tbo poet'a conrtohlp but UUlo la known—few fhol* haro ever been eUciUd that bear the Impreae of bulb, althoogh eevnol onthaabuUo aaUquarlons bavo apaied no' pains In inveatigaHng oreiy pnbable eouroo of Infonnaoon. Hla eaiUest biographer, Bowi, aay*:—"Dpon hla leaving achool bo aeema to have ciTaa cnlircly into that way of Urlng which bla ftlbarpnpoaedtobim; and In order to actUo In the woridaflor a ftmlly manner, bo thought 0t lo many whilo bo waa yet rery young, Hla wUb wia the danghlcr of ono Hathaway, aald lo hsvo been a ooIiilBnllalxwmaD In the neighborhood of sMtlbrd." It rlM tbateroa thla acanly isfdrmaUon 10- i. — 'acm.r-.ta thatyoarahakanian'a manlaao boiidwi* dlaoovered. Fnm thla II aro5SttffKt{?SdS nhietcen yean of ago when ho waa nurilad, whns hie liida waota her B«Tcn-and-tweoliclh year. Iho bood la dated Ibo 28tb dar of Norembcr, hi IhoSlUbyeaiof Uiervtgnof Blabcth-nimclrTltSX Ibo Uceoco la allacbcd to tho bond, and Ihemoatrtmukible porlion of Ihla document la that they were u> be manlod "wtlh oiiee aaldng of the banna," and that the maulaeo «aa not lo loko place wllhout Iho conaent of Axin'afrlcnda. There la no record or tbo place whcrotbonuuTlogo waa oolomniaed. Bomo nittcro haro vcnbucd to oaaert that Bhakcapearo'e eboko wi* nut a happy 000; but Ur, Dyco, wllh 'apparent reason, bcliove that Iho poet had no cauao lo coisplala oini* doncotlo happtneta: and wo bavo alrong prttumptlve oitdonco m the Ihct, thai tbo wtlb of hla youth waa Iho compaiilon of bla latcet years, when he had nlecd hunaclx to opulonoo and to Ibe poailion of a gcDtlcnan. Bhakeapeare'a wlfo died on the Olh of Anguot, leaa. BHuaarEua'a 'Wm.-The "laotwni and Icatamenl" of Bhako*- Bora I* dated hi Boicb, 1616, about a month prior lo hla dcilb. Iho chief portion of hla properly in bouaca and linda ho left to bla oldeat dangbler, Boaannah; fSU) to bla youngest daughter, under oorlaln conditlona; a bequest of money and wearing apnaicl waa left lo bla oialar, together wllh tho tm otoopaUen or Ibo houao In which aheUTOd; hla nephews recdred JC6 each; blegtonddaugb- Icrblaplatai thopoorflO; and aeroral Monda amaU lokeoa of rcmombranet. Ihorcaldaoof hlig«ds andchsttcla ho kit to bla dauAbtcr, BaaoDnab, and her hoabond—excoptlng hla "second bed bed, wllh the tundlnro," which he beqoealhed to hla wife, This onliy In Bhokeopean'a wlU hia produced eonddoiable con. troreioy, tat. coupled with Iho fiid of Iho poet'a aeporoUon from Ma wUo doling Iila proliadodnildcBce in London, It boa been vlowedaa throwing a dnng doubt upon hla domciUo bapplncaa On tho other bind It la eonlended that BIra. Bhakeopcare requbcd no special provlaton In bor huabind'a will, as aho wia cnUUcd lo dower—that lay tbe Ufo biloreat of 1 third part of aU Iho property which Shaktapeani had aeqnlrcd, wllh tho oicopUon of one copy- hold lenrment—and aho would also have tho oonie biteieat In the bonaea which herbuaband Inhorlltd trom hla dlbcr-tho ordlnaiy operation of tho law rolaUng lo ttoehold property Ihus plodog ha In comfortable drcomstancca. nowever Hue may bo, wo cannot aupross„«IUi Ualone, that ahooet tho last ad of Bhakespean wu an Inanlt to hia wUg, *'oultlng her off, not Indeed wllh a shnUsir (01 It la Tulg ariy exprtased). but with an old bed." BBinraaa'a MramzHT.—Ibo but ol Bhakeapcan b Strat- ford Church la conaldeted sa probably the bcaldeUncaUon of the poet'a featirea In oxlalenee. Itwaalhoworkof ono Gerard John, oen, and vraa executed wUhm a few year* of hla dcalh-certalnlr provtopatoins. Mt.BiIIIod, la hla "nemaik* on bla Mran- pmlolAnd/' DDbllabcdlnIbo rear 1816,glveeIhofoUowIng to- tarcaUngnar«cnUn!-''Tbo bust la the dxo of Ufo;,lt 1* fonned pntot a^Uockof oolt alono, and nu erlghially painted ImllaUon of nalun. Tho handa aod bee were oldeah odor, the eyes of a Ugbl bazd, and the hair and beard aubumi tbo donbhit S.?**."!* "lib 0 loeoo blackgown or lebud. wilhoal aloornii the upper parlor Ibo cuihion wu gieon. Iho undcr^half aimoon, indlho toiicta elll- Bueb appear lo hwo been the orlglnil foahirc* of Ihla ImporlanI, but n»ltcltd orln- oulledlmat Alter renuJnlng In thla alalo above onehniited ami •*"]^oar^ It wu -repaired,' and Ibo original colora prcaemd. In 11031 Iho budwu covered over with while polnl, which de- dnyed 111 original character, and greatly Injuied tbo oipictakm of tho bee." The foUowhig 1* tholnaalptlon bonoelh the buat:— ■fedido ftiKem, oaiie, .lomlnt, arte iforoium 3Vmi Irp0, papdn naiel Olymjin haUL Slay, pauonger, why ROtd Ihor ao bat? .■ Bead, If thov canal, whom euTlov* death bath plad tf. Wllbln Ihi* Uontment, Bbokapeire, with wbome : Qvlcknainu dido; whoeonanwdoUi deck TO Icnbo Far more than coati olth aU yt he bath writt Loarca llTlng art brt page lo lein bla wlL OMnaao.dol. leiO. ^(a((t 03, die 93 ,lp, BBAXfaFxuix'i TViT.—It la wen known that Queen Elliabetb waaagroatidmlnrof Bhaheapooro, and need Aoquontlr, aa waa Iboeudomof pononageaof lilgh lankat tho period,to appeu upoD Iho dago bofon tbo audience, or to alt at the back of ^tae amge when Iho drimuol our bazd wcnperformed, OnooTonlng, whan Shakeepcan hbnaelf wco poraooallng tbo part of a kliw, iho .nai«itbcoamo aware of borUaJoaty being In the thealr£ and their appreciation of thopmcnooofnyallylntheuaual Iho oneon tberonpon creased the •b^e' while be wu g, and on rtoolvbig tbe aocudomed greeting from the . moved pollloly toward tbo poet, who, howsrer, appeaitd ao engrcoKd bi tho rendering of hla part u not lo heed the honor paldhlmbyhlamyalmlaferasOL Piceontly Ibe Quocn caunbl hla eyey and moved ogabi, hot stlU tbe actor would not Ihravoff hla aasumodohanctar; this, II sppoan, made bcrtfajcalypeidstbi andeavorlng lo Koun a publlo aeknewlodgmeni of hv eondcocen- don. Aocordlnly, u ho wu aboul lo moke hia eill, aho atepped bofon bim, dropped her aloio, and n-oossed the dsge,. This wu loo dnng an loUmatlon of Iho Quoon'a dedre to^ loft nn- BoUcedL 80, upon Onlahing hla opcoeb, ho picked up tho glove, and ao aptli dellrond tbe foUowlng bnpnmplu Unea, IboTltaCT a eomon to oolong to hia part; "And Ihough now bent on thla high embaaar. _ , Vet doop wo lo late np car oooam's glove." Ht walked off Ibe alagcLood preaontod the glove to Iho Qoeea. whowu groally pleaacd with hia wlL and oomrlhntnltd hhn ^POT^J ua ai^roprlala behaviour under such nylog olieoni- * \7uhlngtnilrring. BROADWAY BELOW THE SIDEWALK. ProHy Wilier fliria and Underground Conoart ^ Saloon*, l au ' ias BTiBBEs xoam nv losa o>irn& IBB NEW OmEmAIk Uixi j«an agowahidagrtal IncUnillen la go to OonotnU. nopio toaae bowihe hanoiaweneondod<dthcr«,aad to take Into eonaldaatlon the propriety of darting a grand eaala divan m Ihlapartof lhawetldsliDUirlachaiaoter lo Ihoae of IUjkay,m plaoo of tba barerrHcircm lagcrbbT gaidoay when thana mode, (or nolo* wonU bo mon amopc*,) enough to lead in any Into basis, but tbat'a about ah. Everybody bu read of old Biofr board wUh hlaptanUtyof wlvc>,andmodpeopleinoppo*odlo hi* miDmaiy matbod of doing Iblnga. Sluebeird wu in Irlah Turk; aihl not a TnrUab ^irk, which may account for hla not over eleemoiyiiaiy pnpoulllc*. But Bluebeard'* dyk wouldn't ndt Ootham,becauae our fiilfc* an pnmblal for Ibo kindly manner wllh which they treat tho gentler aex on an occadona, and woman, bealo* havo no man abow than the older Lav bad when boron forlrealdont A goodmanyftD^baTomnchof the wotld to aee ytl, bntm could roMr thorn lo laoloon right ban In Ibo motropoUo, when thcn'a a bavy of beaudi* bom atanod every naUos, euept Uborla, whoso sctlonay otyloy dreoo^ manning gdt, and language an on a par wllb Ihclr country-women abroad. i Tho Mow OrletDtaL «n Broadwry, wu formally oiened lolho EQbllD on tbe deTonlh day of tho ftnirth month. Anno DomlnL'64/ iowwocamo togolbcnwia Inlblawlao: having Jutpauonr dueato Iho IMhcrUaltbawTempoineoSodcty, m tailed bilo HanyBborp'a for "a lllllomen Bourbon," «a certain plgea» abcooBroncoupcnallnioobeemd,and bamencdtomeci accle. bralod dog lander knovn u "Cricktt," with a couple of fMenda. Aher puiuablng a quantity of mal^ the trio wanted togoandoae aomo concert aakwn—placca Ibeyhad not yet explored. BarUa wu willing, "mien ahaU wo go, BUnkl" "Blamed If Icaie." "Il'a Bobeon'a ebdoeh then, la Itl" "Hobaon'a choice It la." Ferhap* yon nover hoard Iho origin of "Hobaon'* cheice." We'B have to poet you once. Ihcnwaaamanwhollved InCamtaridgeL andhia name wu Baboon, TImoUvAobaoni and that mankmi altvoiyatablcand la that Uvcryatable wen boneaand people uaedtobin'offltogoontridingon Sundayi; and Irtbey didn't ot the bed atile In Iho market, they growled, and Hoboen didn't Jko lo see'em get mad about It, ao bo aaya to himaolf, aay* he, I'n fix It—I'n moke *em take tho drd bme to the door, and than Iheyu be aU arrved alike. They bad nocbolce nomocand trom that day to Ihlai when folka take a alico ot wblchovn mod cornea Bid, whether II be mutton plea or Icooeam, II I* caned "Hobaen'* choice." Well u our Mend* were not per"— which one to go lo. It waa dedded to vldt Iho Bid ono that up, and that one happened to be the Kew OitealiL »om tbo "opleiialfeioua" pictuna ontald^ rmna mttng an arched Olumtaulodeaana about ten fM oquare act back ever the entraneoand evenvrilh Ibe bonocua eapllaUyaiocnIed palnlUK donelnoi],ef aTuikiahlady, oeHCMil^ utho Bculevaidjn* doiri aay, with her aeivintlioldlng over her dabaaler neck a aun-ebade^' and at the toot of tho ilaln another Turkeaai It la Impoadbls to laao by iritbootdepplng; *nd. If yon-n notahild of opendlog a IcQar, going dovm to aeo tbe abow, Tbeoe tianapaiciiele* ore no " inrbiead af&ln, bat gema of the bannerpalnlor't art, Iho anl>- ..being mchaaaeooold^ead hlmadf on. Bealdca Ihoout- ddo picnin gallery, then an aeveral ftootod gu globea, tbo atalrwty la brood and roomy, and the dep* an lined *o** to pro- vent teelotalen ft«m talpplna up or ellppug down. Baling gone both eyea on tho oulddo, It wu agreed to go one eye on the Indde, ao dovm went wo, and up como abo—mat li^ one of the mald-tena came to answer the np at tho door. "Crick*, etf'thought peoplo wa*n't aBoirod lo unle** IheyaAed Ibror knawaamcboayiiialdc,andthat'awhybenpi)ed. If Iho exterior " "*■ .. ^jjiy iv...iin[| the — ana. and down In Ibdifnjcjr^ nrlcgolcd codomca, ma£' na thlnS wo had been tra na p nr t f d (not by gorommenl^ bnt at our own Individ. nil eiponao) Into Hdiy-Iaiid, like Aladdin aid bla vrondeifUl lamp. To uao a Cndcooylflm, <«Uwu ainnnln'i" Ibe entln ooncorn eeemcd all agog with oxdtcmont and menlmont—ovorybody wu happy; tho bra** band and tho piano wu going It on a livetrldah Jig, and Iboso Irlih llgaanlheverTdaucofliradlhig a follow In |ood humor ond maxing tbo blood droolale, u every Flunchman DOWl. WutlngiUttletlisologQt over the muddle our bnin hid got Into, w* miicbod lo Iho other end to look at Iho apoit going on In ibeahoollng gaUcry department, and by Ibo voriloblo too-naU of UetbuoOlab, u there wunt two of our moat bmoua dty Jndgea ahootingamatch.wehopotodlo. Itwuiro-nnlonoriiwrorind dienl, Judge ud prisoner. They very soon flnif bed their dilng, ud aerved on ua a writ of Kid Frina, leading the way lo a olao table, wboo Ibe porty allogclber made about a doicn. CalUng Iho girl dreovdu a hlgblinder, who happened lo bo Iilab, Ibe ordowia glvt&.'liora boaket of Hockimore, "Bun andvbal'a thotl" aay* tba Irlah-Scotcb gal, grinning good-ndniedly an over her bee. "Thata mon than 1 know myaeli;" replied tbo "cove wotbordend," adding, "I guca8Wo*n have a good old-babloncd American ditah; IH ttko a gin cocktail—wbal'll yon aU bavo, ^nta I" This tune Ulu O'SbiuneBy know right wen It na Jok- ng we were, and led no time la gdncg tho tbugi ordered, which woreplaoed on tho table*, and for tho lud time we bad a cbmoe to look around a Uttle. Two orlhrco of tbephomale'a pbaeci^ pbonns and phlgurca seemed fluniliir, ond while taylng lo place them In our inind'a wu abom^tlie ioterlorwu -'goigeouaL" airly .v..*ti"g to I eyea, the uhunlmbod walls, partl-coiarcd cut-peper celling or mont^ fariniant gas-hghls, and Iho pretty wallcT«lrla gJOIng I trrliig lo nlicotbemin our SilldoftboBeglment, wllhahoitcrtm- eye, Gcorgey—atHicd a la CbUi eon aklri, black vdrot Jlppo, brildtd acrooa bor heaving booom wtlh gold loco banda, after Ibo mod approrod mUllaiy lublon, a rod latigue cap, walking with a bouncing, aptlngy atop, indicalln of a Uvely tempetamonl—came lowuds ua, demanded Iho aaluhi due lo a anpulxw olDoor,sot It, Inquired about "mattora and Iblnga la geneial," and wu off like a conatyblid. Ooorgeyla a ■pan bulll, Ihln-featnnd, UghUbaired young lady, of an animated dJopoddon, and very popular wllh thovL-ttonlo concert rooma^ wbo havo cbildaiud her Brig. Qon. LoiaUna. Jod then a party of Dnion offleen, coo wllb on esglo on bla aboulder ainp, enme li^ and tho irey champagne oerlnnflwtbraliltlowhllowu dfroMti lUdu, or wonderftil to relate. Eoailng that the IkadnaHng lltUo lady wtlh ouily hair, died aBa thoHenken atyla, known u "Ultlo Carrie," (00 nlaUon lo Big OarrlCL lbs Jig dancer,) vru aomo on poetry, abo iru called over to our table and roqnedcd lo make an unpnmplu porno on Gcnonl Beauregard, and ben'a a apedmen veroo of it: Who comee hoof ABrlgadbv. trbatdoyouwootf A pel of beer, Wi cn'ey onr moneyf \ I forgot. tSotyou gone, yon drunken act ' aledoaebaiycobUaa,l*ltt It lo oiderabctlioon. For To Oorroipondent*. T. P. Bdu, Bealtetb, 0. V.—We abaU be voy tepov fa im. 1 thepmbIana}oainallaB;UiaelicamslaaCa«miu(X|jMS!* > their value or mteitst to us. Iioedano, Boaloa.—Tha prmM pa» cenpldcsthaM... ' yenfCrwaidedna aomo mentbadacei maywe^nHBoZS! renewal of lha ftvorf ,^ fwa^ F. w , n. R. eBfljeiw.—Tint nawnium nl ——..^ onr^aui^^ yenr'IntBesllng qncilsa piepecly heniwlS^JJ PaoaLXiiNo.41ljC.^llac^l..PtoEtT,9..l)neoaa6.11... 4..Q loQEt>,erKEt8l«..0mat(a: «llhnnmcnea;m£i andsahv*r.,ioaoriingtDBlail'amoita. 'waai I Enlgmi No. 428. nom^e boOk ot "the Islef Wnld'e Chem Oagnm /. "Jra favOa Mbm." I as w. a ravm xsq, athl*B9bKB7,47, KBaq., X<1 QB^ Q^xn^ i. i i 4 i Uqi, EXtd, QSt% Q»7, qt, KB,. IRiUe lo play and gin mats m Aur moitft Problem No, 42B. Bi yen oiauaaiL BLACK. WHUK VTblle to'play and give mate In Ihiee nOTS4 Game No, i^OnBtastedladycarln Boston Ijdl^aadMr. fl l 42B. our eosbdbote ■qite|. Ineognlto. I..PtoBd 9..KKt-B9 <..KKtvP »..KI-gEt0 «..QB-Bd 7;,qB-K 8 e..KKt-BS B..KB-4S ICOaatlts ll..KKt-Bd Il..QB4ta i9..qB-x« 1«..P-KB« Befence. Ur. B. PtaQBd SKuns PXP P-KS p-as v-it F-QBS KXt-BS P-RBO KB-xa QB-KS Q-herl KB-gaq KP> P Attack wtaia Attack. IWOfllllfcX ,4B > P ■ :kki-B3 K-UaBot .P-KP •KPyP P-KB8 B k XBP KB^ U Q-EBt .KEt-4S .EB>B .gB-Atadla pOflC That alot bad for a female educal wu good aough for ono of Iho ^^jssssu^^s^ ■ and aho'a Juat as fuB of jai d^aprlt and Am u a voung lambkin; aho haan't got a long Joremlad of sorrow to tell, or dthcr a pocket foU of check*, good for allk dieaac^ ete., Uke *omo of 'cm,%tls Just u croc, uicy, and Independent u the Qnocn of Bavaria, and moro too. Wo coofese a liking to Carrie. —.m. One of Ibo gWa Imdon tho Polysealon eodume, a accond tho Japonlean, anolbcr the Bdavonbin, and out ol iho thirty rcim> m terooUng, and many of them dtiemcly banOaono, glrla In aucnd. anc«, no tn on ilggod aUko, aU beloa dmaed la the national and Plctnroaoue cealumca of Eunpe. What ta more, they can "par. leirooaPnncalac," "opioglo Dletch," and bdkaUfamniagea, like Oimpson'a Bllxiiilan bar-lendor, Johnny. NowonderUrirap- pearance la pronounced"mlrlllccnt"—Main'tnothhi'abailer, to J.uole from tho language of Iho boya wbo UU for our bed acdetv. lie noitlohnpoadblo to describe Ibdi looka and appoaranco— wo ain't no man milliner, and know oo mora about female banc** thu Fal*y tlyon did about pUylng Iho guitar; but If yon vnnt to nol good, be enlerlahied or amuaed, yon wUl can UtUo or noUdna whether tboy aio affliclcd wllh Ibo "noUdng, to woir" manioToi come out hi gorgeoua amy. Wo beUavo tbo pnprlctor funlalua'' tho cottumca bee. Tho odrolerm given the girta on Ihncy drink*, beddc* tholr leffDlar wage*, I* uld lo bo more than any other pbun In town, and for every Initio of wlno aold tho acUer thereof gcta filly ceola which la coiuldereblo oncoungemcnL Don't you know that la usdon, wilten In concert hiua pay for tbo privilege of wdttoa on tables, (buttheyannot female*,) and cabmlalo lo gd llrom fow to dx conli on evoiy ihllUw'i worth lold, which makea them fly around pretty Uvoly, and keep alagbig, "Bany berdcn gentar' ■■ Tbe panonma accnea,—of which thero aro twenty-five In oIL executed by four ItaUanaitlals,—are lU painted on Iho aUewdlaL and extend from floor to cdUng. Ibey are fine apeclmena ot tho pdnter'a genlns, rcpnaentlng on the right Iho acenoiy ot the Old WoiU, and on the loit Ibdot tho New, whereon wUl bo racogtfaod many old CamUlu apota on tho Budoon Blvcr. At Iho end Of Iho haUUamonatcr ahooUog gallery. Tho bar fOoea the entrance, and tbo apectal poUctmon and bartender* an pretty modi the aane u Ihoeo ftnmeily omph>ytd at the ohl Oriental, Taken altogether, tho Bcw Oriental te Iho (ended and mod at. IracUn lolooii wo have como acna ao Ihr. a few day* ago,^ a Mend, when I aawIviu'sOU'bya Ino- giaphlc>lblundero(lhaA.D.P. Black wlna Iho girnr, bnt setis ^obodybult mhta endgamepodtkm. AapnbliahcdbyUa, WUIewtna mateidof BlaeS,lnlhIs dybi:-9b 14,26loll,tto 10; U to «, and While wlna," F.T.,Itoy,ll.T.—Tbe game ta loo on»«Ided. Tiyagibi. F.^D-BioeUyn.—Wobava one mom of yoirpodlleni Idl j An you aaU In tho army? Enaxei; now Terk.—Wo bare rcedvM a acta ftem aa aeqiilBl. anc»*tallagthatllr,a. W. Fcderta ndaaHafied with you *!ta. Hon of thepodUonin contreTe»yb(t«c<nyoDi*eIf aid"S.I>* ' Eo.'lawiUlnglo atake ten delian that In can lake the Had or ond win the podtlon by force. Whataatyonforacbaacalal '0,W.Ibcixa^,Waiiea,n.--8eerai^to«Eipi<at'' .llK<lfininiujf, Jebnaon'a lalond, Obh—Ban lent yon teoff ofAndenon by United BtalcaEipreu Co Qama No. 2--Vo|'Xtr. BHii>ai>aiWTln lltiimaln>iffCT l>iwr! h.i^<m,.til pnf r^wlWillila: naxouuB. [ ' HaxtinaL Stack. i..iaiaie l.-.U IS a.. 7 le .t..u aa vs.. a It <:e,.io u '7.. 4 e 8..ia 90 0., 8 u 10..16 94 U.. 6 10 la.. 3 10 ia,.ii (0) 16 Id., a 7 „ , : 10) The move that led lbs \aj Bonnd to go through, ^(e) No luo—mud glvo up the ghotl. . Nobody'a Analyeli. ' 80i>onoN or end oaue op oaue wu, toi» & Bxoivnnv Ovnoita.—Ono,andparbap*notthe least niprialng of the feat* performed by theTuA* *eenbyEvebn,lnI6I7(qnerv; at Bartholomew Fairt) waa, even at that two, not nnprecodantod. When Edward VI, paaacd through London, tho day bSton bit oof- onatlon, aiUi February, lt<6-7), a Bpantaid deacendod on a npe olRtched ikom Iho balUementa ot Bt Fanl'* tteepio and ftdaoed to an anchor near tho gale of the Seanoiyi "lyug on Iho lOpe^ vdth bla head forward, cesUng hla arma and k)g8 aoroad, runduur on hla bread on Iho rope from Ihebatlleinenta lo Iho gnund, aolf It bad been an arrow out of a bow." Iho ouno eiuolt wu re. pealed on Ibe enbanco of FhUlp and Vary Into London, oRoi tholr nantaie (18th Auguat, ItM), at the aune plica, or, occorllng onoaulberity, "ftomthecbaiplcrbowie." Iho pcrlOrmor on iho lad eoculon eoon aficiwirda mot vrilh Iho loo common (kto ot inch pcison*, and paid with hta llfo for hta fooliah toraorily. The Turk had a eucccuor u weU aa Ihcao hlapredecceaor*, a man hav- Ing, about 1710, peilOrmod a dmllor feat In dUrcront plioca bi Iho ooun tiy, araoncat ihcm Bortlord, when bl* "rope «ot drotehcd atom the ton ef.the lonor of All Bdola' Church, and breught 'ott- llquoly toUiogioundaboutfoaraconjarda from tbo bottom of Iho lower." J Bmjn or i Oiuxl n IlAacnmaa.—On 'Wcdneaday, Uaioh M, a doublo-hunipcd, Baclilan eamol, la Iho ooUedion of Ueatr*. aanger, at the Clnna. la FoiUana atioet, gave birth to a'flno mabi call Ibis ta brlloved to bo only Iho aoeond Inatancn of tho blrih !? *.'*.'"^! °.' apede* la England. Ibo first ooouirod d tbeZoologlcsl Gaidenai Degont's Park, London) but tho dim did not tsko Bndly to hn offapilng, which conM not bo roared la con- acquencc, In Iho prcaontcaae, Uio parent alfiid took UtUo or no notice of the calL except to make an attempt to bllo III but thta amao, probably, from her own hidlspoaillon. A lllllo Undncoa and attenllon,liovrev«r, altered her tamper, and then aho took Undly lo the yonag animal and auoklcd II, bivtogan ibnndint rappl/of ralllL Up to Ihnridiy night both were oobig qolleweU. Soon alter Ita IMh the eallviu moaauted andwolgbed. Itwu Ihno feet eta inchea In bdgbl, and Ita weight fiity-elght ponndi. Uke the molhft. it ta bmvm tn odor, except the numpa wUoh an buck, la the alt bowover, tho bumpe are unfomicd; the paila when thqr win grow an only ladioatcd by amaU polcbea of thin, loeeo aUn. reaembling oltaUn, and to die bearing no propottlcn to the bnlk aUdned by Iho bump* m Ihe taU-gnvm eainel, 0 ' -I Hli IT BxToaMxaa-Bomcbody not In tavnr of loo many ImprovsmeataLnUsve* bla overburdened mbid la thta wltei We'n tbonkfol Uiat Iho ann and moon t An both hung npeehlgiL V Shitnoprenmptuniebandeanitntob V And pin tbam tma the aky. It they vrere nol, we have no doubt /! Bnt aeme refonstag a*s L'. \fould reoommond to take Ihem da«B 'It. - And light the wetld with SB, ' . °< Tol Cors^ipondintt. B. B. Jioqnaa Halvna, 0, W.lTbe time* itcdTtd. Vrm ei., amine and snbaahu soon uwb an fed aia<& WouUbeiMl larcedntaagam<aetnar"DHngbtTouraiDeaL" OnddyeeJ not lomrdIfiem,togethervrtUkUis omia of thopbyml Sal dcraon'a.worklstjtarthabcst J , t -^ ._ / "^f I HoiosT, FhSoddphla, tt.-"Bfi^'mn:-^ wa* phrfag opgamel(o.44,Tol.Xl,ubithoA.D.F.,lolhe(lhmonh«hae I ltaayatOloaedn«s,and eotoMWhllovrina IpUyrdupltat nr. to IhqSMhmovek anddtacovcRd that IBtoSafenedadns for Block, nd ployed It no taither. Kyaltmtlonwudiavntolt qSMhmovek anddtacovcRd that IBIoSafenedadns Stack. I. . 610 9 »..1S 1* 8..18 aa 4..73 te 90 as a> S..10 •..93 10;.«7 n II. .81 97 la..97 34 18.,t4 U u Whlfal.. 34I0M 90 .16 aa aa 16 la 71 9S aa u . a 4 8 11 IS IS u 11 16 Stack, t WhIta, is..3aio9ai 9610 11 16. .ao 98 . 94 S u 7 10 IS 17..IS 18.. 8 10.. 7 ai..i6 u 91..U 94 33. .93 34..IS 2S..11 i6..16 93 at.. 7 9a..a7 91 94 It V 98 it 94 ■ 98 a - . a » M . 98 a 16 ^, at S 7 I as tf u IP,Wba. SoluUon of Poaltlon No. I, V0I.U. ^ .'in. n a *iu>. Whit*. Block. l..a0to9S 37 10 10 3.,18 14 0 18 8., S 1 3 a 6..U 10 30 U White. •.It— B,.3Bto» *8lo* e.. 1 B 1 IS 7.. S 14, andV' Solution of Critloal PotltlOBi SI J, Damvom). niaok. I While. fat, 31 to 20 3.,I0 lo 1 u T 90 11 4.. 1 Oiandwl:' V While. i.nt to 10 a..u 10 I Poaltll)TiNo.2.--Vol.XII. ax ''BOSODT," BIiAOE. Critloal-Poall, BI J. BnniDio WniTB. mack lo play and wlo. " I..,' WUITB. ^ Block temoVaqaWhUs fa KovxL WAOxa,—A ~ be eouldn'i go around wlUiabo*l,aadaaUwiUioalaBan.niddor,orBnylhlngd^^ ■ lookup thebetandhiedIt.on,Vntlhoven ™iSSi dtS I MAtS htm bump up agdnst a ablp, and Iho feeosd aua a '—■ '--ail iminllaroek, whan Ibo boat^mj •» 1 £SSr thotpm Paddy waa >«aooi«'S!l thoevenhuihepeidUiaingat atttaBaa hadagoodnmeoTsrlt I l^ho^bdagoedi