New York Clipper (Apr 1864)

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THE. MiiiW YORK CLIPPDE3R. ' -TbaJful** **«t RsguliUoni of the Qwne of But Bill. ^"V, A8 iUSMDED DEOEHBEB «Ui, 100. Ai U our otail mHoni vhm Iha nilM ol lUo guno m usmltd, va gtn MairfM nilia •■ tlin no* ntd. Bia.1. TlutentDut irelfBootlcuUianilTDtiidoiu-liilfDOr nun Uttn flm md Itarw-rouiUi omoa noMupolt. It mnit BMIQIO not leu Ulin Ain* awfl 0O0*bllf BOr nOrO .^ww ntnft uA ttino4biizth Ijwlua in alrobmitanaoe. It niut bo oompoiedor Indi* Babbor and nn, nd oonnd vlUi lalhor, and la all natota gaiDaa abill bo nrnluod by tho .***iiiirtTn^ w Q clol^ and bonmo Iha rtoinrtj of Uu itannlng dab, u a tnphj sf tIo- J. 3. Tba bal Daft bo TDaid.Wl mat nst ouood two aqd a lial/lnoboi la dlamelor In tbo thkkoat parL U muatboniadeof wood, aad but bo of anj leagth toanituio atrikor. Baa. 3. TliounainaatboroaTin nambor pluod atoqoaldla- (anoM from oach otbor. and aooanlf-£utoncd npon tno four sonata of a utaan, whoao aUsa an ranoUrdj thirty yarda. nay moat ba ao conatractod oa to b^dlMMKUy aooa by tl^ am* 1^ and muitooToraapaoo<qaAl (ooDoaqoaralbotor aarfKO. naflro^ aoooad and third tnaca alull bo oanfaaa bags, painted nbJk^ and flllad vfth atnd or dait; tbo homo buo and pttidiar'a point to bo oiab Borkod by a flat olMular Iroa platA, pdntadoreoanolodKlilla. i BklA. Tbobasofromwhlnbtlio ball la ftrookafaall bodoalg- naiad iba- Homa Baio, and moat ba dlnctly oppoalta to Uu aaooadbaao; thaflnrtbiM mut ahnja bo Ibal oponUiotlgbt baad, and tho third baat that upon Ihe loft hand idda of tho sizlte, wban oooupylng bla poiltlon at tha Boma Boao. And InaOniatoh g*nua.airDO ooanodlna tho homo and flrot buo aad lh« hooia and third boto, abill ba markod by tbo nao of ohalk, or othar mUabla m ^ t^r lBT, ao aa to bo dlitlndly'aeeB by 4lia aaplrOi (Uanyofoarolababaroanlraa aaolt forlliohoooba^tbatla Id dlnot violation of tha nlo^vUch atatos that tho homo buo naatbasurkodbyalktclrealulioapUto." Thoaom alluda torlaelothoooatni and tho conaaquenoo la. whoa a ball tobohos Iha baaa, ItflloaoSat a taojont, laalod of raboandln« oi If It hadtoo ohad tha gnond, u It mold da mn It lbt,aaths|ulea preaolbod*! Smb. I. Ino pitahs'a poaltlon ahiB bo doalgnatod by If Ilaa. fbor yoida In uaatfai dnwn at right anglea to a Una fronl homo to ■ooond ttto, baraw Ihdr aanlrca nnoo that lino at two Oiod Iron nlaM^pliaodatpolnlalUtaanandalxtoonyanladlatantflnm tho bcDahaao. n«p(MirBadilantic<lMnU«iiia,aodma>tdaUTor Iha ball u oaarly u poaalbia orer tho canbs of tho homa baio. ■adltarlhaatilkar. (Ihla Impoitaot ohango nanuda br Uw Con Tendon of \AB3, lliiiott|aotbalagtadaainy«iUitbaaiLUlratylaof pllehlng that waalnvogna diulnii ]8in,9,aad3, during whloh polod thoaa pltohonwboIkllodBi aohlarlng Iho aacctaa alulood bythkla- OMitad OmlgbtOD olM thdrnint of aun by trying to Inamldala Hia iKlngjnn^y piiohlng tha bill at thorn, Inatoad of fiirtliflii,aa ttanlaanqnlr«,1 i Bnd. AWd Ou vVatrt^tttUlyfrUUiiatvertoOittilkir/alr ltltt,flrlJuamtoipiTpmtifiila]fi»gOitgame,m-for amotlier agf, tttWKAi, ojttr mttlmt Mm. tlall all mt b<ia, iiiitO,i fU^vrenatbuuekactbiLtmaai Urat baUt: akm (Una Mb AaBtaai ten oalU,Ita Writer atoJi ba mlUbd la tie Jim tan: <iKiMMtJaiyta«taaaaw<al at Hot t<mt,M* flaxrmimiliitt Ihm *aUt$a)mUiloo»ttaeviantbtiiuptlnL PI wmba lean that Iba role iCfnlRS tha ban to bopltchcd aa Daaraaptaalblo orar tha homo baaa, and fbr thu atrikor; Uyi pliohar,Uuraron, has no ilgbt to pitoh tha ban to tho oalcher aapedalty. aa la oitan dODo VDOB a playar laonthallrat boao, and nmplma ahould aaa that tha rolo la ooforoed.1 aas. 7. Tba ball most bo pUchad, not jarked artbrewnlolha Mt: aadwhODorar tho pi tier drawa book bla haad.ormoTca w> tha apparvat porpow or pretonUonta dollTsr iho tail, ha ahaa ao dallTcr II, and nut Aok lUtUur fiU la admu of Me /ml UHortfUegrmiiiaalUctttutfidlitrliiaVktMl! andit heblla In allhar of theoa paittenlan tli^n It ihan be dadarad a baulk. ftBo. 8, mien a toolk la mado by the pUdiar, araty player run- alng tha baaea la anUtlod lo one boao wllhoat bdng put out JAocorJlag 10 Bootloa 7, tho pitcher mokoaabuSwhen ho either Jena a ball (o Iha bat, baa either fool In adianoo of tho Una of hia poalBo n. or off the gronnd at the tlmo of dcUraring the ball, or mors hla hand or arm vlth tho apparent puipooo of pltdilnjr, ivtihout dellTeilng the balLJ Bn. If Iha baU from a itnko of tbo bat flnt tooohcslho gfoand, tho penon of a playar, or any other object behind tho loogo at home and Iho lliat base, or home and ma third laao, it ahallbotonncdfou], and nnat boaodoelindbythiBamplio,nn- aaked. If tho ball first tonchca the aroand, dlher opon, or In front of the nage of Ihoao bases, It shall be conaldercd wr. ' [Nothing la menUoned In Section 0 la roftoenea to any ban that la ought, either on tho fly or flzst bound, aflor toochlng tho aide ofaboUdhu, afooco, or a tree. In such oaaea a spodal role Is WjttUslte bciimi beginning a malcb.l BnL 10, Aplayer »"*wnjy tho liomo baio^ ahaO bo cntlUrd to seoie one ran. Sic. U, irihnebilla am atrock at aad mlsa«d,and tho list one la not caa9ht,elUierfl}lng or upon tho first bound. It ahnll be oonaldercd fair, and Ihoablkermastaltomplto make hla run, BiO. 11 Iho attiksria outif a foul taaU la caught, cUhorboforo tonehlju Iha ground, or npon tho flnt boaad. Baa I& Or. If threo balli an> atrock at and olaaed, and tho last laeauffht,either baloro toochlng Iho ground, orupon tho flnt bouoai Sia 14. Or, if a flilr bdl Is (track, and tho baUla cangbtellhor without having touched tlio ground, or upon tho flnt bound; Bec. U. Or,UafilrbaIllsttinek,andUiobiilllahddbyanBd- Tsnaiy on flnt baae, befom the alilker touehes that baao. eta. Id Any player rannlng tho boaea Is out. If at any Hme be to Ihe ( nada hiiows idoreiy playar nd niripltw menoanaatof the gams. ' I'—. Bk. 6d, Mo penon ataaO ba tterniHtnl to i^^oidi or lo apoak viih Iho ampltOiaoeKia,arplayaia^orln aoymanaat la into. tnptotinUiiibtodailBflthapioi^caaof iha gtna, unkaa by apo- dal nQucat of Iha nmpiro. Bta M, Moperaon ahinbepoRalUedtoaotwampliaaraconr In any malob, unless be ahalf bo a mombar of a l£ua Ball UlQb goremed by tbcsa rules. Su, n. AVbmovci a maloh ahin hnra ban defanolaed njpoD bctwoon two dabs, play ahall bo oiled at Uia omct hottrsppoul- cdi and should ollhor patty flUl to ptodaeo their playcir-iUib fifteen mlnatcs thoroallar, uo patty ao frlUng afaaU admit adcCcaL BtaSS. Ko penon who ahaUbolnamnatoanrothcrdub^ wlioahall at any Umo rocdro coropwiaaUon (brula acrrloca playar, ahaU bo competent to pbr la any maleb. Bza St. Should a striker itasa at Iha bat iltbont alilkliig at good balla repeatedly pitched lo him, for tho apparent pnjpoao of delaying the game, or of glrlng adTaniage to a pujcr, Iho ampin, afta warning him, ihoU oaU ono alaike, and If be penlsia Is such action, two and three alrikca, IThon three sttUtea on cullod. bo ahaUbonbJocttothoaamoruIcaaalf hohidilradi at three Air baUa. BEadP. Eretymalch hereafter nadoahall bo dodand by a alB' glognmMuleasoUienriao mutually agt«>d upon by Iho contest- Ina clubs. Section S9 Is a rule that ahould basltlcUycnDRC0d,aa It raflits to a point of Iho game that la olUHmaa a Toytedlooa and annoy- ing feature, Uow often do wo ae« tho stiflicr, tho moment his predocoaaor baa mode hla flist baae, aland atUl at tho homo base, and await tho momont whoa the pkyer oa the lltst baio can atall hlmaclfofthoflntfhllareof thapltcheraBd catbberlo hold Iha baU while taaalag It backward and (Orwaid to each othor. Soma catchets—chiefly among twya, howover—aolually atand to tba tight of the home base purposely for Ihliatylo of game; anderes wfion tho pitcher and catcher ato Inetlnod to do their duty, the btlaman ia not, and the tetter la frcqucnily allowed lo atop Iho w o giea s ttud Interest of the garoo, bylilsrcnmltoatrlko at good Delia under tho plea that they do not aolt him, when It la appa> tent to in that ho simply wanta to allow tila partner to get to all accond boao. In OTeiy toapect It li prefcnUe lo play tho gune maafoUy and wllhoul reaoitlna lo auy euob tilckeiy—for li la iiulo Clio ai thla^ which not only tuca tho spoctator. but dctiacta ftom tho meiit of Iha gamo Itedr. Tne BtauLtikia or tbb OimoLois Hull Oiunnm—Hie tal- lowing ai« the rata and regulaUona adopted by Iha pioptleton of the CapttoUne Bait Gnmnda at Bedfbrd, L, L, and endoiaod by tho two duba^tho Atloatlo and Eotcnolso—which no to occupy uiem ihlaaeaaon. They ate. In tho main, aucbuihould be adopted by the oecapania of ereiT baU giound in iho BalaL TboDdmiadou feotoUioBalianaiduallboufoIlowi: Cor ■ tlDglo poreon Coo cents; tot ft carriage twcafey ooDt^ lU o> canals King of coono ohargol oddlUenil. 2, Then suU bo no tpliltaoiis Uqoon sold or diuk vllhln tba endosara 3. Mo Intoilcatod penon wtD bo sDoved infdo the mdomo, i. No penon vUl do allowed luld« tbe boundsiy line milked out for the pUyan, except tbo pleyon, the eoortn, nd Iho tunptie. 0. KopnueorlmnnperliJiBuueehJiUboniedontheim)^^ «. No Mttogwm be allowed. 7. Mo nmon will bo pcnnltted to coQTerw with Ihe plijcn, or ptas louu nourki opon the dedsloni of tbe umpire daring the progzcse of • guDC 6. Tbo nine plejen of each clab, end tbe eeorcn wlD be for- nlshoJ v-'ih ticfcete fine of charge. 9. AU ^reoDBTlolatlQgsnyortheebOTonike win be prompUy eipellctl from tho gronnd. SFORXS ABROAD. The Ring. A BbATB DATTU DKIIVULS P, Dastkaoium ahd J, Wabbdci,— These Olujow youths met on Uarcb 29lh, loflBht, atcatch widght, for £10 a aide. w«"»*cb«n elands filL 3iiiit., and weighed on tbo SroTlouaSttardaT, 8sl. Sib, Woraock la Eft. OKhi., and welgba It Dlb. Wo believe Ibat ncltbrr crct appeared m pnbllo beltn. Laloontheprevtooa eronlng, tho "olSco'^waagivon tobolnrcadl- neu at Ihiee o'dock noit momlogfora Jonraey llltean mllca north of the city, and that tho men would bo ui tha ring by half-paatflve o'clock. ButUtllabdUngoathoafralr, and all lercl. In a low- lylngfldd,nearaamaUitroam,thoatako8wonpltehed. Warnock wu the flnt lo outer tho ring, greeted with cheen; ^^""'g**"" ao(>nlo)loned,andmotadmnuwoteome. TI " " " latonohedby the ball while hi play la thehandaof anUTOiaaiT wlihout looapatt of hla penoabalden the baae. Ul^'o <" ^ be mado upon a foul ban; audi a banahanbeoooaldaMd dead,nd not ta play unta It ilunfliat iBTe been sfiUed In Iht bands ofihapUchS/la aueh caaesplar- annmahig bases shall retain to Ihem, and maybe put outlnaa MarnlngulaeaaaaDuiurwthosBtlicrwhca ruaalngto the flnt base, Sbo, le. Ho aco aor base ean be made whoa a lUr ban hu been aaegbtwUhoathaTleAtoQobedlhe ground; such a baU bo eouridored aUre and u pliy. In each caao plajen running ba«a ahau retnra to them, and may ho put out u so tetunilng. In Iho ■Domasnaru Iho atctterwhannmnlagtD flnt baae; but play- en^ whoa holla are ao ouight, may raauair basea Immodiatelr Mar tbe baU baa been Milled la Iho bandacf tho playar otohlag [II wfll be soaa by tho aboTo two Scetions that a player rnnnlog a baao on a foul ball muat relutn lo Iho baae ho luia lOT and remain onltnntll iho bdl has boea Iklrly settled In iho handaof Ihe Pltaber, Batlnomofflrcatohf&apIayerraaBlagabaaolsoidy reqolted toretnrn and touch tho uao,a3ler which nocan leiroTt atonceaadbyaadmakolheoeitbaao. Ho must, howoTcr, touch iho baae after tho baU baa boon oaughLI Sio. IP, Tho iMkcr most stand on a lino dnwo thnughihe eentro of tho homo tan not nmodlng lo length three feel from ellher ddo theroor, and parallol with tbo uae oemiidod by tiM pitcher, lie ahall be conaldercd Iho atrikor until bo Iwa mado the ' fliat boao. Flayon moat strike In tegular relation, and, after tbo flnt innliura la played, tho tata oommcncea with Iho player who tda oa ua list next to tha ono who hut tho third hand. mie lino telbttcd lo In tho aboro rule, la ono paralld to a lino enmiillng from tho flitt to tho third baae. Uu attlkcr ahould keep one foot on this lino; la. If ho atanda Inck-of Iho base, a baU sblklng tho ground porpondlcularlr Itom hla bat, wfll be consider- ed a fur bin—If the umpire etiletly onforcea Iho nlo—thoush it aotoally altlkea the gnultd behind tho homo baasLi'If thla tmo bo iiotelrlcll)renran!Od,maaya baU that oughtto Df aflUronewlU be deolitcd fouL) Bca 20. Rayon must nuke their basts in thooidarofeltlklng; and when a filr ban la atrucfc, aad aot caught flrlag (or on the flrst boaad), tho fltst base most be Tocatod, u aiao tho accond and Ihiid bases. If tho; ato oooopled at tho aamo time, Plijcn may bepatoutoaaBybaie,aadcr theao-drcumilnnnfa^ la tbo lamo aiBnn|rajfrihoahrikor whoa running to tho flnt baao. '-'^ Bn. iy Phyon running ba&a meat hiuh Uiomi aa fu aa possftio, loop upea Ihe dlnct Uno bctwoon thom; and muit loiic^ them In Iho fbOowlm order: flnt, accond, third, and homo; and If retaining, muatteraias Ihla otdei; and ahould any player run Ihraeflntoutof this line ibr the putpoee of aroldlag Iho baU In lhahandi ofaa adretsaiy, bo ahaU be declared oot : (Aoootdlng to iho aboTorulo eretyslayerfhUlag to touch bla bueaost be daelarodoutatonco^iho nmplnlf an appeal bo mado.) Baa 99. Any pkycrwho ahaU hitanUoaally prorent an advoteaiy from catching or toMliig tho balk ahaU bo dodaicd oat, Bsa U If Iho pluotia proroolcd from nuldog a base by Iho Intsatlonal obalructionof an adrsrsaty, ho ahaU be oatlUad lo that ballad aot be pot oub ^ riiuso two latter SecUoas are, of coatac, tnlaaded aoldy fl>r any MUul or nnnoceaaaiy obaltnctlon. It ti Impoaalblo that a planr while hi Iho Id of fielding a iwlflly-eoot ball can alwaya bo <n Iha look-outas to where hla adroniryla running: orthit a plarer nnnlng the baaea can always bo equally caieMl In regard w>iila preTcoug an adraniy^m getUng to hU i SeOi 31, If an idTetairy stops the ban with I rcaj^ or lakaallfrom thehiadaof aperfynot onaagod In tho ganuLno plarer om 1)0 pat oat unleaa the beU aboU Aral haro been aotued Intbe haada of the piidior. Thoy wen each waited on by a oouplo of fHoada. and tho duties of umpltea aad rolereo wenoflldanllydlachatgod, Tbeir toUela having been -Hnnj,^ to. the men ol twenly.flTOjmlnatca to olahto'dock oommeaeod tho fight ■' .Jr ^ Booad L' ^VhoB tho mea bced eaeb other, ereiT ono wis sar- pilaedatlhoglcatdUpatltyaf holglitbctwoontfacai. Ti«T.ii^. h.n looked IhevetT picture of good conlltloD, hla mnacloa alan'dlng out boldly, and a amllo lighted up bla lice. Wamoek apiwiteda UtUo too fieehy, but firm determination at on hla oountenanee Alter spanlng for some Utile time, TTaoKiek Cdnlcd, but tho llttio one apiang back, laughing. On gotUag together again, Jem plmt- od hla left on Bannighan'i month, imwUig Bjn blood, wlilch ataaeeted him, but soon stcodjlug himself, ho sent out bis tight sttugbt from tho ahooldcr, and floored Witnork. a. aood oichangta on both eldea, Wameck dealing boaiT body- blows. whUo n a nii ig h a n kept planting itnlgbt onQio fhee; thoy doeed, and both won down. a Ho aoonor had they freed each othor than Wonock daihed oot hla left, but waa pnlUly atippcd, gctthig aUditly on tho Ibco In ntum. Some hard flahUng, In whldiSinmghan teeelnd a aoren cut on iho lolt eye. Doth bleodlng ptoftaaely and down at tho topes. 4, On Ume being caUod, both got quIcUy fa> woA. ITanoek, nthor abort with both banda, foUowedBannagbanioundlhetlnii, iho UUlo ono hlUhig Wanook Ihteo tlmea onQio tight en, whlSi cauaed It to aweU conaldenbly; he afterwards tiraght "Jamie" down, 0 to 11, Theae won neorlr aU almllor lo oao aaoUior. Bmna- ghanatUlatthoflus^andWanockprlndpallyoa tha body, Jom gonctally ander. 19 to 21. aire and take was aun tho aider of tho d», but Wir- nock appeond to got weak, Bianaghan. la the last round, leaded his left on Watnock'a fue with aucniatilflo foRo that Uioblow isaoondod all orer tho ilflg; 93 to <3, and teat After flghUag a fow ronndii ITanock stow gieduiUy freah, and It waa thought would ultlmalcly pioTO ilcto. none, but hla ftlouds wore doomed to dlasppolntment, u towoida theflalah ho only itood up to teodvo punlahmont, and whoa fottr-threo rounda had been fought, tho apongo waa ttirown up by hla miner, after they had been flghting Srfflln. Both men ataowod greet dolormlnatlon, and. though Pititc^"^" won, Woraock la not disgraced, haling exhibited coutwo nod gamoncaa of an oxtroor. dloaty kind llannighin la a really dorcr Uttio fcUow, osd at somo futon day will bo again heard ot A OeoD ttOBT m Nonces.—On Saturday, UoKb Id, tbo kiTcn of tho^irotlDg In Uanchailcr_wcntnab:d to agaodflB^t t» [It wouldboaaweU for tbo ampin to warn the ipedatonpio vloBaiothe eommonoement of tho gamo of the net that any ■tnppige of tha ball, such as telbirsd u> In the aboro rule, wlB laot Ofaallyigilnat both parties and tequcatthom tolctthobaUpoaa iaennoaae,] Bki.39. If abanfromtheainke of a bat la-bdd andsr aay olhai dtoamataaoea than aa enumctolod In Seetloa II, and with* out bavlag lonehod Iho gtound more than onoo, the ainkcr Is out Biol 20. If two banda are already out, ao playorninaln^ home •tihaUffloabaUlaatiaek can make an ace If thssttUui Is pat out —y ' Seo. 97, Aa ioDlngi aniat be ooadadod at iho tiaM.Uio Ihltd Daadlspatout ) Bsa aa, Tbo gome shall coodat of nine Innings tq each alde^ whoa, ahould Iho nunlMT of runa be equal, tho play ahaU bo ooa* tinuod until a majoillyof tuna upoa aa equal nuinbatof Inalliga aliaUlwdedarod,wlilOhlbinooncladolhogama ■' Baa, 99. la playing all malehci, nine playonfrom each dub ahaU eonalitailo a full add, and Iboy must ban besB regular mem- bore of tho dub which thoy roprcient, and of no othor dub, for Ihfrty daya prior to tho nuuch. No change oe aubatHuUon ahaU ' be nude after Iho gano baa bean oommencod, anleaa for rcaaon of inaess or Injury. Fedtlon of playen and oholco of lunlnga ahall bedetennlnod Dyoaptahiapnrlonalyappolaiodfbrthat ptitpoao by tho teapocUn duba, Bn, 90, Tho umpln ahaU take can that Iho rcgulallons tospect- ug bolls, beta, baau, and tho plloher'a and alilkei'a poalllona, an aMelly obaonrcd. Be ahall keep a taoAd of Uio game In a book PiepaitdfbrIhepnrpoae: hoahaUbalho Judgeofmlrand unlkir play, and ahaUdoterailno alldlsputtsanodlA'erenccawhJobmay oeoir during tho gamei bo ahalT^o especial can lo dedaisiU tan] balls and baOa upoa tbolt oocumnee, unaakad, and In a dla- 'uiUblo maimct. Bp ahall. In ereiy Inalanco, beftora ■earing the nonnd, dodaro the whudng dub, and ahaU lecotd bla dedston In Uu loere booki oOho two duba, iJJiMhii!?5?**?.*l"*"l"«>«'>*H •» adectedbylhecap. *i™,'2.V'''2a?*2 ■»* .petform aU ihe duttea oaii- meniea ia Becttoago,.viceiittecatdhigtha game, whloh ahaU be ttJatti^d^"'' -Eai bo appo^lod by eadi of Clurley Finch (a/fa: Jack of Cluoa), tncnlyono jrcan of uto, who only danda 4ft lOUi. lu bdgbt, and wdgha 6st 91b, igatnatOhixley DoTT, of Balford (affoi Young Tip), olchteen yean of igc, who etanOB Ut lln., and wdahed m Ulb. uoUi wen waU nooodsd by prevlndal talent, and the betting waa btlak at loTol money. A TetT good fight enauod. In which Bmy flmircd lo sueb odvantago, .plnldng hla man, and getting bade, as well aa ahowlng auch actlvl. 9, that 8 to 1 was otfotod on the &lfoiillto; but Finch hul boon admlnlatctlng acme body blows, vliidi commenced to toll tbolt tale In tho twenty-flrst toond. for Dony ihowcd dsna of woalsoss, which Flueb pendvliig, ho forced Iho flghttng. lloth wore muoh gunlshod. ond la tho twontr-aoTcnlb round Flnoh wu nearly Undcd, his loft eye being quite dosed, and tho right fist foUowlng anlt while Betty waa flgbtlng agilast miture In consequence of Ills luctcaacd weakness. No ohonffo occutrcd up to tbo thlr^- flnt reund, when Bcttr knocked Finch off hla lege by a rlobt- hauder on iho Jaw, and old ho not tiean thoreugtJy game tho bot- tlo would havo been decided then and then; but tuTlng talllod, tho next threo nnnda won fought very orouly, until In Iho tlilrty- flnb and Uat Finch found on opening, and plontod lo thick a rlght- luadotoa tho tompb thai Bcr^^ fdl oa If ahot oomplddy out of time, ood it wu not autU tho wlnnor wu dtoiaod [hot the loaor tetuncd to consciousness. Time, Ihr. and SOmin, A Ueoiii Mill nn a "Ten Ptnt Ken,"—On tbo nonlng of Uatch 98lh, Boa Bowon, of Dlimlngham, and TOm fionia, of Co- Tontty, mot near WtUUoy Commoo, eomo two miles from Corcn- tiy, to tost their fistio tdont at oalcb weight for f 10. Doth on compiiatlTO novices, but despite tho anptopitlous slate of iho weather, lomo five hundred pctsone aaaomblcd to wllncu tho fun. Bowes hid fothli aecooda Palsy U'Kow and Toner Bobby, two frionda doing tho needful for the OorcnliT youth. Dydxcrdook Ihoy got lo work, Bowon, who was decidedly tho doToror ltd, took Ihe load, end got on the mark repeotedhr, An equal match wu oontcalod to tbo end of tho aerontfi round. In tho olghth round, Bowen, who wu Toiy alreng, by Iho adrioo of Ills sceonds, sllgbtly changed hla taetlea, and in tho ninth round aent out bla left dlrcot oo the Jaw, ond floored hla man. Ftom this point Dowen had it pioHywcU hla own way, and iftor Ihe twelfth nand Dona' aeeoada acdni ho had ao ehoaee^ threw up iho apoago, and Bow- en wu btflod uo winner, after flgbHag 9{mln. In alL A BaRLOio Orr-HuiD Uiu.—A jnltactcd and toit eroaly contested flght iookplieo ou lhomotn|ngof Uaieb Igui, In Ihe oonntrof Butny|Oaa^twhonlndaysgonobybali]wbadbceo faughlweekly. Thomoaorfonghttorwubataitlfle—J.WlUlama itulag'« lo a Walklna'fi. Iboy wen about equal welghia and, u iboy were both aawyon In tegular worti, their con- ADVERXISEIMSNXS. To SntMorlbors. nefoQowtaiganihsprMSDtntsi of BubAtpllon lo Iho Nair YoazOurFD: Bhigleoopy of Ihacnippsr.fleht I N TtWIideaala Deahn dctiLlSabactlpUonftiiimeolha..l 00 To ItalaU Agsala 4K ota. I Unb ol Four 10 M Bubacdptlos, per aanam.fS 00iQlabof Ught M OO Bubainbsn In Canada and the BitUab Pnrlnoos, One Dollar per wntinm Qxtra, to coTSr postage. In sU eaau In adnncc FBAMK qUBBN, Ediltff and Ptopiletor, 90 Ann alROl, Now Yeik. BOOEBt ' BOOKSII BOOESItl DOOKSIIII OeanUfOl and Origind OABTES DB VIBITE. ptmnny, Phicdlcsome, PhaoeUoiia, Phaney, PhotecnphJ^ Tankoa NoUona, London Abaardltlca, and Volt BimBD^mcATioMa , Bend for ODBBELEOrfOlROULAR. Ills AM ETB OPENED. Xt6 Inrllo conpatlaOB; c bdlen ge oompctitloB, and DBFS OPPOSITION. TBE OLD EETABUBIIED AND ONLY BELIADLE PUDCIUniNa AOENOy, WBSSB OBPOB FOB. , BOOSS, MtltB^ BOOEB, piNBk XMMUIV OnABMB, ', An lUthttally oioeuted. ATold eeinliy mnditoom eoncona and ono boiw dtyniibllab- manla. Send tons only, and uveyooiadf from being Btmumlad. AU Books and FSacy Ooods you see adTOHacd wo will tanlsh to Beware of HOOOES eopylog ihla adTaUHmcal for fludakol puipooes. 1^ tof ta-a-m- tbb paott btoobp; «, fii* zm/* Baas Up CompaBloa.—Don I eonfound this with our old "BUoaPseEue." It's aewsnd"8aiatter," with Songa, Jokes and OViesls. An^<easypict<r" In each package. Our mamnelholton. latSigntla. Bend 30 oeola aad two rod damps, gar THE LOVB ALBOU i % THE OASKEI OP LOTE. Oonlalnlag UBlebFroBohRiolognpha. Euhaubjectanonkey Dorle." BeiDlUally bound for Uie pocket 4V Moo only fLta-^ UaUed post free. CAunoMiHa Asvio^ ob how to a void b eing swin- dled,—tbb HDNQBT BOTOiERS AND BIBIEUATIO gniN- DLEnS on tba tampags. Don't ba trapped by Ihdr FVnQiy, BOdUS FSOMIBBB, and LYIXa AEBBftTIONS, They m PBO- FES8I0NAL PEIEB FDMEB. SOLDKBB and ethers, to anid ihe BASCAIS, should deal only with tha bouas of HOBPHY Ic 00., so long aad frronbly imm 01 Pnrohasliiji Ageata and DootPabllahen. THE OIDEBTand ONLY BELIABLB PDBCHASIMa HODBB In the B, a la MO BPHY > CO. WestuidBpoaourmetlhLaad require ao PUFFING, To areld the numerooa BOODES and BEAVT BWIKSLEItS send fotoor ORIGINAL tIAUHOTH omoDLAIt. enummiias erayattlds ttuHsOBNOINBandWOnTlI HAVINO. Beidm money to pariln fi>r atHdcs not meatloncd In our Circular, or na win iM BEAT. Any hind of moRhandlu you want trim New Yark,BOppUedatadvcttlaedntos. Our artangemenia with muu- frctoren and impoiion give . oagte etftdUucs la that lomt. OuritsadAstoppodtloatothoBVVINDLINa BOOK AND FANOV JOB niNO croshod lis monopoly, whloh aieated a oombbauon agilnat us, bat wsVVstiU Uto" to soad Ihem to despentlon, ud lo coodact oar boslaeda on frlr and nononblo pvlndples, anfeuonlft- lad to t heir eo trup Uon, fraad, and dccdt SPOT TBB ENAVEa—A certain untenable pat^, adratklng la thia paper onderMTetal dillennt names and addmaSeopy our Clitulin for the pnrpoae of ddbaudlng tho unwary; ilao tfUH our advoitlacnvmta. IVs oration Iho pubUo to bowan of Its an- aoapalouaxoguuwboaceklo tobuaofourjuallyoanitdnpafaa. tlon. Bead loua only, and ect'onrgioitaalilogues. Addin UOBPHY * 0O„ Pabllahen and Porebiabig Agcnlii tl-tf Bl Niaaau alnet. New Ifotk. !13 AI>VX:BXISEAnB3NXS. BOOESI BOOKSII DOOKSIII OABOa PIUMTB, 8TEQEOS00PIO TlEm OAItTES DP, VIBITE, WATon chabms, fooket knives, and soabf pso cos- TAwmo moEoacOTio views. aOOD BEASONS GOOD BEA80NS why an ahould dial dlttct with »»«-»".tii J. U. FABnELI, BoomiLn axn PDnusnn, HlslsthaUtgut.01deat,ltoat Fta^riihttS^^^ EstabUahment In tbo ■ ■- Uin>PLVINa AND PimoiUBINa BDBINESa. He Is on EiloBalTa PabUahor, aad sola out all Iho Best aad Host Silaablo Booka that you aee adTorilaed n aitandTidyaU Uuough the Valon, ' no uabloioroftir Iho world lo bla whole put bnalaonaarearu awaU kBownfltstclaaa,nspoBdb1oBookMerchut,Bhadlog ou aa equal t'ootlig, In eroiy loapod^ with oar largest publiahhia as- ^nSLAM'S IKPBOTBD BILLIABD TABMf AND OOHBINATION ODsmoNa Thm uniaid TaUoa bars neolTed Iho anqidlflad mnn s( tho bot playera and moat competeat Judge*, who ban aolfu. ullr fitoaoonced Uieni uaoqnallsd Ibr ganenl mf^ti.^^ ^q. Boron dlaUnct patanU bt ImptoTomsnb In BUUnd lUita ban boon gnnted by the United Butaa Pileat Ofllcs^ and wehar* lately obbUned a palont Item Uu Vnaobaovemmsattami lm> pnvenwuls In biniard coihloaa. ,«■..»• Wo employ, la tho constmcUoB ot our laUesi t ntwjiil chinesspedaUymadefbtthepuipoae,bywhlS ia«BH«*'8ll» ablodtohiannaadoaliaeaaaaiachaalcal Kouiur ''"'■-■^ im. known In biniatd mantitKtate, ; '. Uarlag a loag expetlonco and Ihonagh knowlalgsoraOiM a» Bllaneu of bUllardB, and conitaatlr OB hand a tog* nod beat and meet thotDnghlyaoasoaeamaiailala, we anptsmsd to' farnlah etoryihhigieqttlted la thobnuatd llaawUhnajaosdantsd dlraatefa. nuamlaoatneachblUlaidpIayor, U, Bargetl has piMshd tbsibUowli«opialOB: a-«™» •Niw ToBi, 9d Angna^ IM, . . „ dSbtea, lambappylodtclaia loallanatean of blUlards that, alls a lour ot elma i BAT DOOR 811 VEV BOOEBI NEW BOOKSII SONT FAIL 10 BEND FOB A OATALOQDB ODB NEW CATALOaOE NOW BEAST, ^ BENT FBEE-IOR'AaE PAHV-ON AIFLIOATIOK. THE OLD ESTABUBIIED AND ONLY wgr.Tawr.T! BOOK, AND BFOBTINa OOODS AOraOS When orden an piompUy nd fUihfUQy oieoated. Address THOUAS OBMBBY, UatbloBuUdbigi, 4D-tf nNsssaaatnotNewToik, fUgf, LOOE HF,«P< B'HOYS AND QUALS, WtO Bead flir Life end Death of Old John Blown, FrlcaSSda. AU tho Pailaian OutM da VUllo, 90 ceota, or O fdr |L Bead fin any Book Tou OTor heard of or aaw. Bead for our I^ca Tranaperont Playing Oaida, Yea muatnotlUllo aend for our Uammoth Clrcahr. n owanyou, AdveriiaementCapyen7-6A * * L ook twloo, and than aond for a Bully Book. B ny of ua, u wo deal fdc and abotoMard, Beodthia. We hare the last Flro Now Books. O urOlnalar wo aend free on application. W ilto your Addrcn Torjdaln. "Domino." N owaddteuH. LBBOWN&CO., BoiSaoiPliIlad. F, 0. AND you win recdn in Immodlato anawcr. 0 aah muat in aU oaea be sent in the leltar. .•O nlcn" yoa only want a dnular. 40- It L. BBOWN U CO., Box330L afbUuO. P. Q., : _-f--mm Uobu aUiML nqwctditobaahioss, ooadooted omLY, on frlr basl|unialnapuia,lnapubUoatai»-notlnanobsounigsiTet or panips only loaaiui, pUce of business, u Is ths uu with tho poor asKixBi who dlagnco Ihomoolni and dafriud Ihdr eaatom- He can lefbr 10 oar moat renedahla bnalncM nm, and to many of ourufbst banking iBsUiuBcgis, uto hispotltact tosponstblUly and oomplota ablUljiDftiUUanhla aagagomento of eroivklad aad chatiKlar. Ibiuvn^penoB who wUies to order 'fl OABB^ BTAHONEBT, OABTEB DB VIBTr^ Ao., tb, win at onoo see iha Imporlaaos of dtaUagdliseUy wllhhim, la- ■teodot with Iho onfrhono^ ridnttyconeenisthatspttawnpliko mttduoooa oa)y to delnda ind dseare thsir imwuy aran nespoadanta. He alsaiiBporisdlnelfromFtaaeosIlUiosaCnlqaa,ExqolsU4 TMafal.'BaoliarehoAflUn,sacb uBeauCkoes,Outesdavldle, ka., lad of oouru I* oaaluod to foralah hla eoitomen with iho aasL thing*, iBsfaad of theae wtolchod oo uulart Ml abotUoas^ Ihal leasmMa adlhor ait nor Bohira Ha baa also oausnaltLdlldM'flirobtalnlagUioiuwtatitikaot Caia, plain and markod, which ho eaa fatnlah on better tonna boita waolaado and retail, thaa aay hooM la ths inde. He bu sTOTklBa of , nOTOB^ ' HOOK, SIEBECBCO^ OABTES DE VmTB, PHOTOOIlAPnS, SNUFFBOXES, BAFBB, ko., to,, that can be fOralahsd byBayparaoa.lnNowYotk,iod a gteoi many other hlnda TUT so on lux out Bomx our Bi]iin.r, Wo appoad a alight aeloetlon from oar OBEAT OATALOODE OP FANCY AND HDUOBOCB BOOKS: Tbeao BotAs an got ap dUroteat from oaythlag of Ihe kind OTor oOgred to tho pubUa, TBEt IBX IUI9aOIIB.T ILLIISIBITXO Wtm PLITB, Tboycanbo Mutbymipteaormail. loisons ordorlng may teat uiuie^ Hut they win rocain their Hooka with the utmoat ~naiima, nn rin>, Nqw-ieady and to lole by J. H. FABRELL. Na U Aim sttoet Now York, -la a sanploof ihonloahla andaatoadnaokcUoi ot Books Bold and paulahid by J. H. w twnwiT. Iho fenowiogire aaumetatedi Ftany, M eeaia; AilstoUo'a worka, oompldo, II; Buiy Obadon, Si cental Bhatps and Daiib 31 csnta; Flon Honl«omaiT, St cmta; Zldn*,UcanB; Fanny Otvoly,81 ceata;SalsCaatlolon, Ogcenla; Tom Btown'a Jest Book. 30 contai Fomalo PoUct Cotected, 98 cents; Tkb* ot Twffighi as oenia; sad Ilia Book ot Fooala Beao^, ■Oosnls. . • i PBOUFTNEBS IS UY HOITO, aMww J, H. FAQBELL, No. U Ann dreet. Now York, Near Iho American Uoasad. A' OAT AND HAPPY " VONTHLY PAPEB, Edited by Oaia. Hmi Dat. ♦ fiend la yonr sabsalptloas Immodlalely. FIFTY CENTS Only Or up Tona Ctono—For|9 80wewlU aond ox ooplea.oio roar; for $0 we win load Twn.n copies onoyeari on toodptof jlOws wUlaoad TwasTT-mim ooploaonsyoar, and aaaitn copy to ths goHor on ot tho dab. Aodrtu JAUES DAY k SON, PubUaboet fil-On TO Ohanh alreo^ New BaTon, Ooaa. SLSSShJSlm^? 'i'5S*^r"'°**i<*l»'°'««*3'nany MtupoBtha game. Ndlherumpln^ aooror, nor plarst ibaU bi chaagsd'daring a autdi, aalea wllh the ooaaen^bolh ikiilu t«uapl Ibr a Ttdatloa of thia bw), eieept u ptolrfdM IbSm^ aad uon Iho umpire may dlamiss aay ttanunuma. ' Sia B3, Ihetimpire Inanymalch ahaU detetSlae when dIit ■duU bo aunoadod! and if tho game eaanol be coadaded. It £aU bododdodbyUioladerea innEiga, pnnlded flra InaSn hai« Sffi ffgfelSfJgSi,'"'^ ™» < Eag gA, Oaba maTidoptsaobmlM rsseocttna taSs knoiAtd bsyoador outaldaof Ihobmdsof ItaedddsslhsdiaBnistUMs at tto gnnnd may danundi aad Ihead cnlw tiiaU goranuiS •MUM playtd apm Us gionD4, pmUod tttt lhar M duffit^ _ Uon alao wu about the aama \nm thor stripped for idion, a TCI7 weU ooolesttd flght ensued, which tancd 9 hotin 4 mln., doting which alxir-ftiur reunda were fought Williami niacd fint blood la tba ihltiecnth round, and WalUn* Ihe flnt knock down by a right-hander on the check In tbo dghleoith. After Ihla, tha bitUo wu a IotsI ono untu tho condudoii, when WalUus fdl weak, and hla priadpal aeoood, finding lio bad no chance, garo In for him, modi againu tho guso tdlow'a wlU. Doth showed aboat equal algaa of punlahmant —* r»- OnuxaiiaB toe WoBUL—Charln Hughes, an BigUahbDlliid player ot note, afta the ooodualon of tbo liandlesp matcbca lor hla boooflt chaUengod anr bilUaid plaror In Iho world oucpl Bowl«aiiltoberla,1000polalanp,(arflWI, on a Toman k Cox a table. Iledon'taayaiwliatgaas^Mitwoptcaurao homeanalho thieobaUBogliihgame, If ao,wa1i»knponihoohalloiigetotho world u men buncombe, TO ohalleago all the wotld, end Uion rule out tho two best playen In his own countiy, and name no sum aafildoat to Indneo any one from any othor connttr to take itnpi bcddcachooaing hla own table to nlayonjla decidedly rich. Wo giicu Hugheaoy had better (aks It beck. Wliat do you By, Hogiicaeyl A BouiBD TovniiAMBiTi orbaadlcap, fbr tho boiMllI of Cbaa, Bnghoa, a aoled Engllah pluor, wueoncmded in London, aflor aoTonl ntgbti' icaeloiii. on Hatch 96Ul The last fbur loft In wore BdUOb Enna, Itobats, tba Champkn, and Preston. OaUlo boot Boberia, and Pralon beat ETaaa,ia that Dallle and Prcalon wora the two lo atrin fiv Ihe pntntetshlp and, tho sUtct cup. BaUla wud«ddedlyihefrTarilaat8i0 9aad9HI In tho belUng; but Ptestonmored thaconqaenr by acoilag900 flnt lo hla oppo- nant'alflT. IbehandlapappearelohSTSbeenan eqallahla and suoecsafnl affldr, and a benefit Indeed to Bttghos. Owm Dnrun yoa Next TunDiT,—WUlsseTcial gay qioiis ware tmpnrUig thdr Idsure Iioun by lahliig la a supply of Hold* sleek at TeauDT.O'Ndl's, tbo tMpscllTe metlls of Iho doge "Stoney" and "Bwectnesa" sot to be the thame -of conroasaUon, and u money la tho beat taller, Haeh BUey Bide a match oo be- half of "Stonay" wllh Ihe owner of Ihe othar te, to fight at caleh weight lor MO, on Iho ISih of AptU. "Bweetoua" la oat of Jake BoDioe'a "Bmy," aad tho btarlor dog by some pouads, but "Sloeoy" tau a Us name, aad lila Itlenda htm "snot aipecla. tloaa" regarding him, Iho nalcb Is to ' • - ■ Aaron's spotting dran. ^ Roioa KiLuia 11 Lwoisin.—Jacob shot a matob at plgeoBa Ito tSOO a dda^ B< tefla, SB Ih* Tlta iBit, Svlor ulaalnf ills BEAOTIFCL FALSE UODSTACIIES.—Tho bolt In market CO cta.and$loich. Bout tree by mall. Agonta wanted In erety ngtmeatandtowntoieUthoaboToMouaiaeaoa. foadaymnbo mado;twodozeaoantwaoldinoTetyiegimont Soodfdrsdozon ontrlal. Wo maU thom poet pdd to agonta. packed ill neat boioa ot ono dozen oadi, at the lioUowlng iitcs:—lot quoUly, fl id, H dozen. Send stoini) for droulan. Addrou 9-It* a W. PHILO, nnoklys, N. y. T TBE BEST. OABD PBOTOOBAPnS, (1000 SUtaent Bubjods,) "Oa tbo OTo of leariag Uu TTalled • aUanatean of bUlards that, all tbtoogb Iho priadpal dUea, I ban besa eaablod to Jodgs is a a ''—' manner of tho saperiotUy of iha BUllaid ikhMs aiaaa. by Phdaa k Colhiadar, The ajilom of mannfrdan la •aaomlor,ihatlanbappyto Introdoco Ibdr style ofooshlcn IniD Ftaaoe. They hare uniled to Ihdr minafrdure of AzHrlcan BOUaidTiblu that ot iho FnachlWiIea, otiomarkable endlmaa aadbeaulr. Forth oao reaaonalam happy to make thia d^la^llon, ■«EROEB,aLAUDIDS,Pn£*orof Dmiaids,IMa." Plttlu ordarlag from as win And our pricee u low u good WDifc canpossIhlTboraidoIbr. WoseUfinldauitildualaUiptlML and wO no* make an Inferior aitlde at any price. OtdombY maU catofully and ptomnUy executed. Quifaalad OdalogttU and Ptice Llda aeat tr lailL "laa BiLiutDCsiL' ■ Joans] pubUahad In Iho ialonoi of billiards, aadoaatalnlBgda* tula of all novdtlu, a ooploua teooid of blUlud nowi, indKnyw Uilng Inteicatlng to amaloun of bOllatda, sent firse on appUatloa* PHELAN k OOLLENDSK - . a,6^ntad00Oioabyatieet,N7XV . Aad TM aad 196 Hoatgoaiaty afreet. Baa Ptaada^ (U, POBOHAaiNa AOENOY, THE LABOnt n TBB WOBU). ESTABLISHED , IStt now n TBB SIM , VBk ov rsiwr islr fc , lUMENBB NDUBBS OF BPOB la aUpaito ot tha Union frraiUa BiHibl* B Ihel f^^attoMg ^ eigraariag orsry maalfrrtMon of d ^ LUsSonS AMD OL BOOEik)t an V, SFOBTINQ ABTI.OLBS : ■ Of E7SBY DSBOBIPnOIl ithlehtt^ycoatlBualoreodTeflromu t NEW OABTSa DB TBOB nedred direot fima Paila by saeb slaaaiar. 4^ Iba gayest thlag oat ret MosUaalssaeli, at ihnaitrIL THE BOOK OF NATOBB-Coatalaiag JV NIb* fB 1*1 T-Ntaio-^hlgUyooloted ItaoobBiiaaTlBii. IbsiassliD- itnottre and ■"■"■'■'g BOOK, afar pnbUahsd. .K^^Ied ftss ta B D B Bow to Wla at Ciida, DIaat fo •Ct 49-Uow to Wla at Oaids, Dloe, ta ^ AIBO, OUB NEW UAHUOTB OATAIOQin^ Addteu I-9l» Beat post paid to lay addteaa, W. uTlINDSAY ft CO., No. U Ni KSBK BOUETHINa NEWI . V 1^*.. "Hold the minor op to aatnn.'^ 'V- dV- THE MAOIO LOOKQla OLABBI Ittaedaadaellaabaadaom* caaa,aadlaao Nawl&d>r. Mb lefleetaBoadlHsnamborof oiaaliltodnwings aadstsslaagiaT- lags, by a Floach Artist BWsd aad aoatu a latter, posi psid, fori! ar ga> the lovb albcil ■ gg- centdning -a. tor U *Qt *^ SplcvO ~ gi^>blaTlewa,'«»4arUmflramlUe.-Ci g9-Va. dVaadbeaamalaathenialagSaBl-ei WSnttfoAi 17 for 19. •« I I I I I M I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 49- FBENOH HAGIO BBOAB CASXa •» ■ Oonlaltdag twdve Bkb, Fue? Hstares^ 47Xsw BtylPb^ PlIooIX^ ^ gCT-,WTWrtjL]pp ^ABTPPPP uiMi'ila ^( , ^ ^y/, Thss*Pl35«aambHc»tlCMnSwTdlBBi|Betatwdlg* A nl£o PoQkol Albnnii oonlidnlnff -—-ta OalylL Addnul a B, lOBD k ao„ Box«9M)P.O., l-9i* MnrTott^. HERB WB abb AOAIHt—YOB HAY TALE ABOBI1009 Big Things^ bat I bare tbe Uggtat thing than Is oot- I bare Iho laat BOW fire books, - '■ Koiupateat Playing Oatdl. Old John Brown la aU hi* sIsiT, Ssad Ibr It- It wlU laake yoa ahat yonr eyes, Aad year hair ataad co cad. I haveaUlhoartcsdeVUto. IP VOD WANT r ?^Shixailant t ^Thlakoitior Uooataches, uio LE _ DUIIN'S CORIOLA. Th|a cdobmted )1«neh lUmulont wUl fotcoahoavy growthof Wbisken on iho amoothcat Biooinfrom all to oldil wocka, and laaccilaln remedy for Uio wototcsacs ot Dddnees. THOUSANDS CAN TESTIFY 'iX> ITS IIEIUTS. The orlglaal fotmuta of IhlaTiluabkiPtepentlon maUcd to uyad. dnea oa zocdpt of llfly eonla and return poalagc 3-ll> B. A. POPE, Box 170, P. oiTiroiceder, Uasa. TBE CHEAPEST STEQ, ENORATINGB EVEB PUBLISHED, —Fine porttolta of liout Ooa. Otoat, Gens. Ueedo, Btaka, andUeokor. Itlco$l per eell(iPMures),mai]od free. J. W. WU/rON, 9-Ua Box flOI, Lowcn, Haas, AOENTLEUAN CURED OF NERVODSNESS, DECAY, oto, actaafod byadeaintobonoOt oUiois,wlU tiohappy tofur- nlabtoaUwho need It (itoo of charge) tho todpo and aliecUoaa for making Iho almplo Ucaiedy uaedlo hla oaaa Tbcao wlablng to bonoflt by hla oiporiea co and Boaacu a.Tiloabto Bomedy— win racelTo the samo by return mail, by addrusiog . JOllN B. OODEN, tMm No. 00 Naauu itocot, Mew Yotk. NEW BOOES OF ALL BlNDa-Don't "fdl" to load tor a pe- culiar Catalogua Addreu JOEN TBENWTTD, 34f 107 Boulh Tblnl afreel, PUladdphlk BOOES, OABDB, fta—Sond for my Ctnular, nnfloalng stamp. Addius C, D, UAUBISON, . Boi 9111, P.O., 1.3m* Bostoa, Uiaa. BOOBS, PRINTS, CABDa to.-8md for my dreular. frig, no fraud ptacttaxt Mil* Nopo^ JOHN ATlMlBOK, . tSDaanealreet, ^ ^ewYotk, at BUoyft APOGEET ALBUV, oonlolning la PARIS OABTES DBViairE; FBOH UFE, MnttoaayaddnuoareeelptotpricOtlL BocloaendalampCoi Clioular. B. BBOWN, 1-ut* * Box snai N, y. P. 0. PABIB OABTSa DE VIBITE 1000 dUTonnt atylee, at SO da. eadi. (Now St^lee received by evoty alcamor.) Steteoeoopio VIona, plain, TO ds.; eoloiod, |1 to SX Ulcraieoplo Bauf ms, Peckot Unlns, Watch vbanns, da ItanapateutCaida, Dieo, Advantage Cards, tc. ' Fonoy Boots of eveiy dcseripUon ooaslaatly on hand. Vonua LIbiatT, 0 Ida., tl 00 eaoh. l^oiotedaUmpfoiClicular. H. BBOWN, I-IU* BoaSmH. Y. P, 0. AYOUNO NAVAL OPFICEB, of good edooodon and staadlag In aodoty, ladcdraua of cotTespoadiagwith ayoong lady poaacaslog beauty and toflaaauat, with a new to miltlmooy, T,. .... ^,1, jjn^ BEfNOLDBl U, a Ship Supply, oftobarkaton, a a Ml* EW BOOSSI NEW BOOKSII NEVraPAPEBS OF AU, EBISa Don't fUl to aead lilt a Now OaUogne. Sol free of poaiaga Addrau JOHN IBENWITB, 9-lf No. una Third itnst, Philadelphia, PnoTOOUAPH OABDB FOB OENILZHBN.—Baiflplu and Ortalognea sent fMU coats, Eaeloae snarajma wllh yonr own and addreu. D. wpataau i'rig MKLUiaiiritaasI, Row V( 1-Ot* Volt. L0VE-A-LA.1IODE.. plloaUon. 43 -(Maloguea ot Dooka^ gg Onaae strest, Ns* York. THOBB PEOULIAB BOOEB WITH EXQUIBITB ER- OBAVOiaB, pabUahad at No. 30 Aan atmct N. Y by OALVIX ~~ iNOHABD. Send addnu oa a shuapsdeavalepqlia alraalar. BLANOHABD. Tea caa get Uis books by nail. (Ml* ttflOBBr THDia our.—Fonglagt ar.IteFeailauAdTSahiiu 1 ofDinpavflDwMW.aaicnglheNagtBeagtoaBo^^Ww m*. Jj o(DinD*vflD*ndW,aBMoalBsNagiDu<*ih*Bi We ^ lj^Mdtwpitditopa, iddnasMoiUWiyal PBOUINraT AND NOTB) nOISONB, LlTlag aad Dead. an the Uajot^oaotsls, Uio pbebisekt and cabinet, aad aU iho PiDmlaoat OOcan of iho Atmy and Nny. AOTOBS, AOTBESBES, Fucy aad HlsosUaaeoasPlcturssb da, kc 4710 Sir One Dollar, or U oeati Bhiglo Pldaroa.'O Beat fine to aay addicsk vntiinmt Btsmp, sond for Ustof Albnnis aad Card Photopaphs, 47 To iBsnra prompt and bononblo deaUog, BEMB YOUB OBSEBS TO 0. 0. ETAUB, PnbUiher, 030 Oheatout attest, PhUaddphla, Fa. K, B, A Classlfled Oslalogne of orer 10,000 duroieal booksln araiy denartmaat of Utatalan, aent to any addtoM on teedpt of ' oenta. Premium Corillloilc* of bow Watch lad Jewdiy Balei ptiae, aoBtoncecolptor lOeeata. iter- l-St* aanetena poopls: aad I aak If ai guent to frll to doug ill I claimed oompd tho Boaid or ■oniiarlie to grow apeo the' Bmoothul free wilUn six weeks IteiB Ito flist appUcaUon. Like dl snccessfal In- Timton^ Ihnrobsdtbooateod with a host of loiltaton, aomoof whom aron go ao bt u to copy m) adrettiaemonto. BowoTor, traUi la mighty, and win prevail; Slid you, bit beaidlcu frionda, WlU find that 11901130081 la tho only thing thai wlU tadlyfbioe Uie Beard to grow, and wfll adlhcratalnnoriaJnretheaila. ~ ^ -t YOn WANT WmSKERS OB UODSrAOBBBr'— In US9 I fliat aaked ihla qacatlon. It wu answered by aad I aak If aar of'thom oror knowmy On- ' ' ' ndlhr It; namely: that I would Itto any pattofjh a^Mnjitt^ fl»s ot^oatigo br II. n. G. , No. IW Naaaiu itnet, N. Y. LA YINQ OABDB, And aU atilolesnsedln AHES OF AMDSBHENT AND OHABOB Klaaufrotured and Sold by U. NELSON. O-il 411 BioomodtMt, New York, milB OLD ESTABUSDED BOOK AOENOY. J. Citcniar. UBNBV Sl-EFllEHa BSNiauuit tor 1^M• WOBDBM HOOBE, : OOBNEB or BOWBUY AND BAYARD BTBEEm H, T, OmtacaniwaeoonunedaledwlttiBooma byltao day or week, wlUi or wUhonl beaid. GEO. P. WOBDKN, Proptletor, 4MO JAMBS OOODWIH, Oomailadoo Pqier Dealer, Na lift, JOHN STREET, near OUB', N.w York, _, . Ken aad Pllntind paper maaafreiared to mdO^B'BS iliorlestnolioe, ^.Utt CC3" FAHOt FBCTOGBAim-SB Taken from lifa ud maoESi 1-31* 39 oeaU each, flre Sir |L XldngaoaL BoKftWiiMagtOT, P.g [MPOBITtON MAT BDI OBfO^ rStjir OobBI^ ConFianow zmnriD, in OuHMiiim 'Itttwtt " Hlooaoopto Photographs est in Bate and Ftacj Seaif flaa. yttiei eharan opon gl iisu, kay^ flngst ilnin poekat kalTcaL frtt, da, Aa, 00 haad and aiada to <adar. A aBaeW of aaeh aent bymalltorfL Atwbnluls sad Belaa 47DliKoaat lo Oa --nda. Addna HABTIIAN k CO., Box B333, Haw Yotk atyP,0.. N. a—WalUai aaai, flas pldatca, Itom |1 to tlO, HaiTiik |1, |i tbaadia. BKlaaaUoanlaposlagooBkBlvea, T.lknnessea skeanom laiUda Mdls^ from tlW hilroiT a gold, M tU ap tofU, Mto* plilafl nliitma aad pictures^ >3. l-19t* HuoaoHlai ULDT m amkbioai BB AUTIPUIi OH, B HOTOOBAPH. , aHBW A BBWITO niHO BHAOTII Min^D poft fWBR-viva (TiwiWi • Mb*. IUSlMfrOO„IlaNX«rtl«bA,IUIia., Lovo4la-mode- Veqr JUib and Vmj Oaj, V^lthlngyouaeoadvetilsodlnaayisps, "Ititra,' Eadoso a a ami slanijp, and aoad flv^^gut Ua alegns tot 1304, with taUi a BUNIBB, Box UU, PUladslDhla PdoI oiin. (P.a-AUgoedaacatfreoof podJ^ok '"<'""f:^,^jgj 8000 SOLD Highly FInUbad Flaadi) Knltea^JUnga, WatehOhama,, ta, da maUed freo tor 47 |l, -et Plctaies laado to order. Sot la II II A7Plctl] Addreu a HALOout'k oa, Postoaee, NswYoikij^, BIO THINa ON THZ FANOYI ' ' " Bead 30 ceals to . . Box U93, Waahlagloa, B. A.- And got tho biggest thing oat BEND FOB mil 9 • ■ ■ ■ ,x 47 BHNDFOBITIM Ha THE oATEsr jot!?i'*'* 93 ooato each, or 0 for tL Addrou l-Jl* BAUJ3, , ., W«Ua|iiB, TAKEN FBOH UFB-BtaaUfbl cure oao of these "Ibanej" E- tooBowook. Price00oaatoeach. 1-91* uai to iSitilM. -VJuf. iJU~^ Einbsl||ahmsato,^M8BaoM L , . _I<,B,meoN,Atflai BoiIOTiLackpat^lTT. 1 A A DEADTIFDL LIFB PHOTPOHAIHS OF AOIBBBBI lUU 100 BEAUTIFUL LIPB KfnOOR 100 BEAUTIFUL UFB FBOIOaBAPHa OFl tUBfo ronaoa ma na |li eoioniiL 11 UABON * OO,Re.08NorthMist,IUlad. HI* rrra.'bBEAPEBT BOOK AOBltOT IB NEW TORE.-j)ooklL 1 flliHPtlalikOJtiud*TWtaklllci<ao<mtoSeaifPlaiiKBlT>% Watch Obatms, aa,, at half ptieei Bend or ear OInuatL eu oompan ihem wiUi iboas of othat deslei*. Dnooh IkwCattoi doVldto,|100sdotaL Band stamp for Clreulai*. Ad£^ 1-91* , D.aSPABBOW.PoatOflloekBsir.tafc PEB80NAL.-Na udriboold frU to aend two red stamps ta LIEDT. rnANE OREENWOOD, Ulb B. /. VoU, Wuttigiea. D,|],,feraplatocopyof lho"AiiaODiatna,'f No niaatod'kdr ahoald be wlUioii t ll-ao dnila lady can do wlUiwt it, tjs* YB 00031 WHAT PUABDBB HAT DB HIFEBIZRaED BX udnif Uiel lUilo otltato knowa u the SPOBIEB'S "wir. Boys send for It only 30 eoBls, Addreu 1-Ot* OEOBSB a. WHJJAHa D« 1470, UtiM, rjVIB FAXOY BBDOEr-Oonli „ 1 .sadMTaialeUierBkoiohui aIao,I niddlaa te., doable tha amouatof an Pitoolleanla. AddteuBox83,Xoilht "Qosko's Boiaoa,'' I, Jokaih Ooqandiamc -^-JilM^ BBUiT BONOS I—' Faaaya lament" JWr Jaany," mdM ' Obis," "Int Lore," and da olh9 naw songa Bx annlaa gentloraoceata Addreu Box S3, Noith BMbi^rH. H, > M* boVPitoe 13 cents) iha ihrMbr 3S eaatk iddna BoxsL North tti*lbTd,H.U. Mt^ -noOKSt BOOKS!I-Tboulnwial of OiyBooks I jn to send fbr a catalogoa, ths mosl eemplstoef.i vaton. In book fbin, ot 3 Meik paper eorsnv ' nteieaoa SotfreototByadanaa Sondfrtoi ■Books, Bkstehcs, JokearSongib Vlctma, aad an elha# Ooo da, b eflm pnrchadng daswhoa Addreu Boi 33^ Ba Btzofflnd, N. U, . . ' ] BUWOA IDDREI—TBB BBPTAHBBOH.—By VatinUQaia at m. FaUytasaalatedaomagaaataiaceprcr iMorigli TUa Iraia itohari Matin Itaicli lAgntapa' JBst o»ea,|»HwtoM pgbUihed to a resT aest Ttfaau of 340 iyUlasltBltoai,Jbrtl ]Si'— — nsBloiirlodlT, ft IL 0, atoeei^ How York. aealsd otm fraps^ iUlah<r,Ha3ala« Ml* lie»>HOW TO WIN AT aABD&BIOB tft-Bud WW a2dnutoflOWABD ILmtm, lOIuaAUtr-.nw iaaor,aBUBBBi*Mttvl» YOBB CITY, aad ha wlU tafrm Rioa BAB« AND Bicr.-<na ^. WUtUdsrot ihaWhltoBMii: If*. AddraaHaUWttM33t,'