New York Clipper (May 1864)

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■ wem. Aba Bek<ir wtanlog ia Prtaa o( Wil«.«M wllb- WwBbetoroUuitsrt ..„_;. ^' , .„ "L ^ SnoHS Bica.—BMmui dlTfadon pdat lUln,. Pono nd •tiko, liTM; ftnr milt Mia; nUraantiK*. Mr. HMnlli ntinad th, a, BlaotdliM, t jnn oU, bjr Wig- goner, dam Ann Watnn, br Imp. Olcnooe 1 1 'Hr, Aloiindor named b. n. Bayflowor, ( jeaii oM, iypm- ' Inglon, dam bj Bajlett 3 1 1ST. lloflU oamcil a. a. Tbniner, t ^oua old, \JJ IiOilBStai. dam Bluo Uonnoi 3 dla. mo. • mat. iMua, iuaa. maa.' Fliaihwt 9:03 9-M iil VM' Saoondbcal VMK i-M t-M. VMil . Bardower, who bail wnn ibo tonr tnllo noo laat lail, waa.lbo »>' nilto, Tboodernail, and lllnoidlnolaat; bntltnaaatUanithat' Thondar ma not In condition, and It «u u'mncbaaOUpaMck {tala joctor) could do to aaf a blm Itam botng dlatancod In Uio lint hcati aftor irbleh, bj unmlaloD of Uia Jodgta, ho ma vUhdnon,' tint //cat-UlnonUno, Thondar, and Budowor nn a« tbar an named, trllh but a Itnfth batweon Ihcm, tlU tho Hiat half of tba fourlta mllo ma paaaod, whan Thondar abowcd arlileuoo^ bilaaa. And notmihalandlni Uwwhlpma froa)y pllad, BajrfoWB took laocond place, IhuniorMlbig off to noatljr iho <lialanc« aland aa ...JUnordlno puaed Ibo jodfet' aland abont thiM longthaln tent of SaTUowar. ■' .. Semi tfxU.—Blootdtaie lud ter a hmgib bpm <hs ilait and kapt that poaUlon. to the baak aintch on lha roorth' toUt, vban Daj. . ,<|o<r«r ohallniioa fOr Iho load, but dllod In bar obltoli aa Blnop- , dlnowonlhoheatbracooploortanirttaa. r . :8s<x>iiuI>ii'a&u3a^Mii7lClh,—FlcetllACS—froDliuuortSM, . mile heala, IM« for all ana. .JahnUcOuvnameaaf6kodAddla;4)«ald,,: t 1 I J. B.Eellf naocabfUomoon,ijroold I'9 3 .B.F.HutchbiaonnauieabhLodcda,«)nold i..3 4 3 .Dr. WaJdounamoab oLoatbcrLunn„4ynold -,B 0 4 BaracatBanrnaneabmlUlnyMlghii jnold t t d. W, n. ItonlnnnaBaabm Whitens, 471*old'. 1 dla. J, T. JanoarjianuabotfoCbcataoTti mold.,. db, Tlmo-I:i8Kl IMHi.lMH'. The raoo waa wall ccotaatcd bjr Skodaddla and Uonaoon, who ' woro about equal In lha batting, FirU /Tcof.—\VblU> ^0 took np the nu)nln(, wllh Uonaoon well .up to her at the half mOo, and naalnfl her on the liat turn—Ibo two bebia well Iogolherou4he homo atrctcb, but Monaoonwhi- .nlng the neat bj a len^. Swad i/raL—Thla wai only contcalod botrreon Stodaddloand Uonaoon, Iho latter leading Inlothu lact Inm, wbon' abo ma poaaed by Bkcdaddle, and Monitaon ma pnDcd np to aaro her for the TMrd I/Va:—When a aharp atnjQilo took place for tho lead, which wia lahaa by Ollpatrlck on Skedaddle, from Uonioon atthe half mOo pole, bom which point a aharp race only ended In l^vor .of Skedaddle by a lensth, Secoho ItActi—Swecpabikea )18uO—mile boala, for 0 year dda, nineteen nomlDoUona. ■/ . • Only di enttliM cnme-fo Uie aland—Ur. Alaxander'a bay coll Norfolk, by Leilngton, dam Novice^ who won both haatai Mr. Void'a b. c. Tlppeniy, by Rfomiold. ad; and-Iioadaloso, Star D»- tis any BcoUanil and Kentralir dialanoed In Iho drat bent Tlma-J'.MM; ■ ; , Thdu) DAt'a RiaD, Hay 17th.—^jgir Bioc—Aasodallon Pro. mlun {MO—mile baala, free for all agaii, W. B. Bonfro named bfinUamona. oyoan.old 1 1 CoL McLaren named b m Vktnetto, 0 yoan ok] 3 9 'J>r. ^eldonnanudbh Uat fiarla, aged JOla. Ilme-IM; IMK. i Borne Idea wu promulgated that Uamona would not bo aBoired to win, which waa Indignantly ropudlatad by the Jndirea and own* -<nof Iho other hon«i; the rcault prorcd the maUolonaneaa of 111) Inaluuatlon, aa abo won Uie drat heat by Ihico longtha, and iheaecond heat by only half a length, after a ahaipatnggta. OU. patalck rode the winner. SaaoXD Bad, Fromlum $(00, two mllo hoala, tree fbraO agea. ■J, Eaipcr namea a h Bowen, fi yoan old, by Tandil dam, ' aUCT to Ventoro ;..,.l 1 ■ J. EellyJ namca b b Legnl Tender, 0 ycai* oM, by Boimlgn • dam, thodam of Idlowlld... d 3 Uortcn and filnuna named br b Copi ABen,OyoaraoU« by i ImI^ Soreralgn, 3 3 TDU. «>Fl JUit. Staaii ilUt. Tito UUa. Flt«hoat 1:M 1:09 3:49 .Sccoidhot 1^M l:.ig 3:^0 AriAal. ':iUa«aiapRtly conteat tho horaca tan well to- .gelhe\ and Bowen only poeaetlnnder the alrlog a lensth load* vance <( Lngal Tender. . . . SeaiABttiL tbetatqaariorpoloaa on the DM beat, vbatp paaed fey Bowen, vbo ootercd the .aocondmloihrealangthaabrend, Leialoloaodopallttlo of Ihla gap, but iinany.baalai Inr bait a doaan lengtha.' The ladlclpiemlqn) 6t:|W0i3«Uft beala for aU ageo waa mn . for on FMd»V andBlnnid|B«waa)wUib«ata. Time t:41K, SMij. Itwaaanppoaidthatoy^.smooaohangodbanda on hlavletory - '- BatuSv, KvAlh. In tbolbiir toiler 71- Tni Bimins CBHmnxamp of, Ahbuca.— Among all onr home aporllng cvcnia, parhapa none ellelta a muco geneml lotenat than a inalch for the *'««''~" BUUard ChamplonslUp, bceauao no game la more oxtcnalroly^UfOd, and beoauae wo oftTO more real dnt elaaa bllUaid pleyeia, and auch aa wUl compare tarocably wllh tho leodlou pbyeia of any other country, than tn nay other of our paatlrocs RqiiUiog aa much akll], atcidlncaa of norro, cool Judtpneut, and iitjnlTue combined. In fact, wo bSTO OTOty teaaon to bt Uen that onr beat bmiard ortlala aro moro npitrtttaan those of any other noUoo; for, notirilhalandlng the moat Ubctal olTen, the ladlUK puycn of Eugland and Fnnco bare dedtned to entcr IhollalawlUioarsIaycraln a match baaed on equitable termo. The forthcoming billiard loatch for the American cbamplonahlp now definitely Iliad to lake place on theOth of June at tbe Hlppo- Iheatnn, In thla dly, between Dudley Eannogb, tho ptneut Ctuuplon, and WiUlam Ooldlhwilto, tbe NowEompablroMelaor, will bo one of the moat Intorutlsg of tbe Icidlng aporUsc crenta of tbe aoaaon. Ihla will be the Italnl of the new aeiloa or Cham, pjcoabip matchea, SaTanach having already mot and nniulabed ' John Baeiclicr and f hlUp Tteman. Whether ho will boar off tho palm In Ula foithoomlng oucoontor rcmaloe to bo aeon. There la • largo minority who think ho will not; whUf,' ou the other hand, the nialorlty. Judging front hla woll-known KdH and ptevloua aoo- casioa, think ho will. That be hea an oiay biak before him, wo preoumenclUiorblniaelf, norMcndo, nor, Indeed, uy one who naa witoeaaed the dextoroua ii-^naiiHj 0/ iho <3oldlhwilto, wlD for a moment allow thomaelvea to bdlevo; loaat of all will Eat-anagh do ao, for ho bnom that to undonaU) an opponent la the flnt atop towaida defeat Wo aro oftbeSriii belief that It wiU be ono of Uu atooioat.conteela yet ae«n, barilDii any cou. , aldenMa run of 111 lack onoaa alda or |he other; far la no eomo la I'Uiat tilorloua ans^timnty,'^ oAan^nforrod to bi eonnocUeu with cricket, more IktqneaUy »»»<iriia«j than In the aane ofbtl. Uarda. InprooCwa^onyailnt to tbo ouMldad affair between Scerclter andRanni^ ald.tbe 0llotl^tlona in the bter match betwoen Tieman and Eatuagb. Eavanagh *nd OotdiiiinUa are boUi aid (0 bo nanguioe of anc- ceaa, and ooUi an alfMn^ thetratmoat to be In tho Ixat of trim ou tho nbnlfal amilng.. ,Wo ban notTeirroccnilynlbieaaed iholr mantonlattbDa null the ant, bat Utp tqpottreachcana that both aro .wdng.mna tatftHlablTW'y ^Iff rnfl emart things Ibcro* wllh., Batting, M.'yat; may hardly bo aalA to bare began, bat oa the day dnva near, kad on the nlgblof ^ match, wo ihall oi- peel tojeo and bear of a Ubenl doalUig out of nconbocha.' Aa aome OuFm radars 'may sot be: poated an-uo tcnnaot the malcbiw* hen. alaai 'tor tbatr.lafoniaUon,'that It la forlMO a Bide,' and tho gold mounttd ea^ IDta badys'or accntio o( tho Ameitoan Obami^onahlp), IIMO polnta vp, al the American camu mmo, 9K Inob balla, totepl^ed on bao of Pbolau & collcudcr'a four pociiot taUai, whioh af« by ftr the beat adaiilcd for Ibo Amecuangamftof anjrthat'sowara or orer bave been In n^t^. ThoHlppolhoabmnlaAiieitosalneaUleo and auperior to Irring Hall (or the pnipose, and wo ahall oipcct to aeo It well dUcd ou Thursday, Juno Oth. BiiLUBBB IS ExoLAHS.—Boberls, tho billiard champion nfEog. land, played two matches ei MottlnguAm on Uay Cth and Oth, wltii W. Dullon. On tho Cth, llobrrla garo Dufton 810 poliita la 1000 up, but tailed to roach bla opponent until Ibo game aloodOOS to 070, when the Champion pi^aod htm, and won tho match.. Dur< tag the match, which occupied over four bouro, Boboria saTO .aomo lino dlaploya In obtalnlug rod hazarda, tho most ho obtained In Bucceaalou beug 13, and hla blgbeat break 71. On tba Cth, a match, OOO'an, waa playod, Roberta glrlng 900 points, but no ox- traordlaaiy ureaka wan nude. The largoat break u] thla match wu 00, acorcd by Mr. Boberts, who nlttmatdy won by 91 pobita. AQ0aiiC8o<ALS.UfT—THE BiLven' Bklt— BAcn to OoubOjt, 4c.—Tho bMUng aoaaon baa at loat arrived, saya UiOAIbami Mem- inff Btpn I of Uay 90, and pro can aasan our readen tlut It will aumau aU former onoa. Tbo boya aoom bound totiyaod do their iKsL A dozen matches can now be made where oao In former aoaaona foUod. Boala and hooacaluTo been OTorhaUl(d,paIntod, ie., and eventblng la ready for tho drat nca It will tako plooo ^mUaygitb (neitWodac<day),at alx o'clock r, >i.,0Ter tbo new wuraa, sbuttaig irom tho drat new dock, north of Iho Beebm Ferry allp, on tho eaat aide of Iho river, rawloR ono and ono half mlle.i up and Totom, between the four oared abolla "Slnnger," and "Oorata Banker,-' for the cbamplonahlp or Iho olty. iHi wisb to aay to thoao who daaln to aoo the nooa thla aummor, that they ahould bo on band ai Ibo appobitod hour, aa Iho managoia an atwaia on time, Tho aooond race will take place on Jue lat, for tho (Jbamplon SUvor Soullora BelL lUa sploadld prbo, (tho gift of Ibo loven of aqoatlaa ta) tbla dty,) la now bi the handa of [he Jewalgt, Ur Jamca Mil, and wlU bo Inlahod about the Ulh of thla month. Tbla will bo tbe "bone of centantlon" with our soullan; and to thoao who doubt It, let them vlalt tbe boat boaaes and look for thomaelvea. Tbe belt wlU bo plaood In tbe bandi of Uoasn. Wm. IL llaakell, Jacob C. Cuylor and B, V, Do Wilt, it., who baio bc«a aoloclad to act aa Irustoca. Tho bolt, aa wo have stated beforo, la to bo a "obaUongo" belt, and \* opou to all raaldonla of 4hla olty who wlah to compote for IL All nocoesaiy taifOrmatfon «ubobadof tboTroataoa. ' FuoikKJiuAi.-Tbe teaaon for stream and trtab wabv dahbig ta with na, and many modern Waltonlana bavo already got oat tholr >odB and reela, and have betaken tbemaelvoa to tho leoal tlea where trontand other fbvorlto vailelloa of tho finny tribe moat do odd* snntCL Wo ban bad bnt few dara that btvoi)Ot boon •little loo cold and windy for auooeaiful booUng, but the woalher boa now tbo onpoaiaaco of boeomlng aotUed and warm, whoa wo nay look out that windy anglon do not get us on a string about tbolr big "'tanoroah. Theeo,baweTar,oblellybeloagtalhoaewbo swear, and iherafon oatoh no flab, Oa oroaabig Harlem Bridge Uio other day, wo acooatod a yonlh of about aoron aonuscra, who ma UumngaUaoof woralod with one of bla alalor'a balrplne •MaohadiT'WhaHaok,aoonyf"woo>»cd. Tbo youlhlU Iiaak, «IUiaoleniavt>a«e,bntwllbatwlnklelnhUioyo,repUod, "KoIMn' otabidlbat'' Wegueaahelldo. lf*™s OuiABA.-Oaoof o5 New Verb Wondf, *! 5"? aojoamtagla Oauada, aanda us tbo following luider date ot Fotorborougb,>Iay ItlhTlMM:-FsiMi Qoim.— ■lavbig a few Idsuro momenta, I theughl I woald drop you a few Unoi^aKriptlve of Mio of tbo gay eporuug lowna of Oanada Weat Then la a btU dub, orlckct dub, akatliig dab, and obcaa olub aen^ alao an amateur tboetrloal club. Tboy an aboal buUdlni a /•aco eouraa In thla pbioe; the location (a fine 000), baa boon selKt- j^iaadlaamoolboraolwlllboablota anak Author aboat It 'storboroogh la albiatod oa Ibe Otoaabeo river. In tho lownabln ot Boaaghonandllpnntjof Fotorborosgbi laaplacoofcomldonblo •■u and bnnorlbieei Its population has nownaclicd about 11,000, ■w la rapidly Inoroaabig. A nlliray ooimecla II with ooiors, ">rlHopoaniarasdTrSikII. It . . ^^°*° OompoDy," ogoala, 191 Hsmm ainol. INDIAK0LUB31 INDIAN 0LUB81 l-No better gymnaatk) aMlucea oilatfor abapbolty of naa, or taodlng men to t>'genaialiove)opinaat and atnaglbeulng of Ibophyalffllaya- lom, tbad ibo tadlao Clnb, and H la feat eomng Into pabUo fovor u a aeana of firotoe. Mr. B, D. KEHOE, tbe ^ndnl nanubo- tniarof Indlalciaba In tbla ooinlry, la now In ncetjit of otdon from aBaeeU(ia,andbelallllln||thom npaaiopldlyeapdwiblo. Ur.Eaboo naleiboClnba nsedbyJoniiaHsQfAiiaia JosCo- ann, the FugtlsUc Obanplona, tn tholr trtbilng. Alao for pun- ui EATiiuaiitbomBlud Champion, and JuBS HAiiiLi<tbo Aqaatle Ohamp^n. auba,4* SIba.,..' .,, ,. $4porFalr " S»M " .' a " " DumbBala,fim.I. (3to4 " " Orden addreabd to S. D. KEUOB, Cupnai OIBoe, New Jon, or Feat OlDoo, NewXork, wlllreoolvo Immediate atlenUen. V. SL- AB ordcra oulaldl ot Now York olty moat bo aooomt«nled tilth tbo money. ' ' ' 1-tf HARRV JENNINQS t baa made miny new IfflproTBmenla In his popular >"HODSE OF OALL," No. 31 POBTLAM) SffBEBT, BOSTON. . u_' and addadacompkilo and nnlque OALLEBT Of POBTHAITB, many of wbkb can b* aeon at so olhor aaloon' ta the conntn, SparUlnii VlandO, ptbne Bavanas, and the beat ot evaiTlblng fo bo hadait&lar. ■■ ■ ;■ - *-*t N. B.—Harry Jonnlnga, 39. Portland street' Boston, Man., oSan to tho pnbllo hU fiifolllblo ABSBNtOAL'SOAP, for tbe do- stnctfon of aeu. lice,-■ bags, ahomtJcka, and TOrmln ofjffl do- acrlpUonS' 90 and 00 ccnla a box. Wamntcd fo UB sB vormln In fivo mtaiates, (aadnotto litlan tho aabnal), asd ea^^appbod. H.J. hsaasanoan torMaBgo,Dlat«mBor,cmd allldndaot dl» eaaoa,and scat to anypartot the Dallod Stataa. Alao, aginta wanted. • . ..■ ' ALBANY SHADES, No. 3 Eaot Hjuiton •Iroet."- JOHN D\YYEB,Propi1et<*. Vr.Dwyorbcrobytofcrmoblsfrlouda and tbe sporting pobllolbalbohaatakoo posaesaloa of the above alegast 8aloon,'kinotfa for Its saperfor Wbics, tlqnon and Clgani and bopoabydvUltyandeobrloousneaa to meift the continued pktnnaro hitherto so lavlably bestowed upon him. Extba No- TIUE.—FrlvatelastmelloolntboArtotBodnc. ' l-OI* but dealt oat and noiilnd welta snffldnit to make some fnlki alcki he «(«),T«T Uvely,'and boppod rtiout m, oi» logllkoa Bralrld cbiekJh vuh a desa of abot la lis laU, and as Ullage la oa 10 bop, too, tbsn waa a pair of'om. WbrfaTlacloBOlnalOoUngnp tho apanlna ftalenlbr, Prof. Bebafor, a ligantlunan ftoal Inland," bead ftddlor at WUlougbby 4: UlUor* Danolng Academy la Broomoalrcot, took a aeatontbo ataigoaadBtutsdnpar«elonhlacremona,and pnsently Moaaia. Collins and Ooodwln, two yomia men connoolad vritb U. O. Camp- bell'a MbiaMa, eano forO, led by Ton the Imigo Dnber, at. tired In pink kncobrcochca, rod cloga,wblto eblM, and neettca, and abirlodoS wltbmachbiO'llkopnelslon In aDonblo dog Boel, koeplaaaaooneotUmou Bperry'a ttmo-plocna, and rattling off alleraately aome Tory pleaalDg aod eomplloatcd slops. It was worth half Iho price of admiaalon to aon Ihla alone. Juo d/Dolo, who evidently had made ap bis mbul to like thoao clubs If be ncelTCd ioaUco, look up tho OS's sod after csaiclalna with them bellaf than snr man we bave yet aHji, toUowed with us gfa and 19's, all of which he handlod to pe^ fooUon. Joo TSiy lontlbly tbslalntd ttwa maUig any ranurin while paUlng 'am Ihnu^, which w« wen glad to aeoi At ilhe rcanost of Fathrr lay. • who sported bis buckle and Iwrse u largo aa Uto, Master John Wright aang, "Uolhor, Eba Mo hi T)i; Draama"tabeaullfblalylo, and bairing a allgbt dlacrepanoi Ui Ihaiime, sangltbellorihaiitbne^fonruiaof the nigger mlniind balladlata do« Jobnuy baa-• voir sweet vgleo, and we've often wondaredthat some of our oilnsnal ooaipanlas ban not soatchcd htfw np Icing aro thlfc Hike Cobum and Cbailey Walker took np Iho Use of battle alter tbo harmony, and a Uva^ thhig Ihey made of It Wo alw>;a Uke to aee Walker jmt on the glovoa beoauae be lets oat and don't an a—yoaknoir, Ihla Hme, theogb be bad a obap who likes milin aa weU as the Count Joannee llkea baab, and wbon Oboilea, loteot 00 slaaghbr, eamo altarHlckaalUkstheliboIoasBoll cf-Sadian, IboOhamploa'a biother had mnoh tbe best ot It by hla tbolocia In outflaaklng tho. oppcoent ot Harry Abtama, wbon slandhu off It WIS about an even thing, asd did pleaao TO speelaton nsehly. Hany HUL whom Tom tao Boabnan said waa "vorr poorly," cUnobed a pair oflSO lb. elnbs, aadvilth eyes npnbcd llkea Mstbodlat poison la^Dg graoe, twang than ronsd abont ud roaad about aeveral Umes, aflorwarda sabJecUnR the 9ll'a tea almUar bte> Uke (klborr like soa, tbe Junior bnnch of the fomlly. Little Dick, Instead of s smg or aanoe, changedoiranl oponledwltb»palrot41b. daba vary ounnbigly. Wbon Tbmmy Tbontpaon stepped out tor a Jig, hla partlatu raand Uke tbnadsr, becuse s sllvar goblst waa deiendent on 1!h laaua, and tbsytboagbt It woald look JnatasweB In tbo Thompson family aa any other. Howovsr, the twoT'a la oacdto tblaaorior thbig and got to vrork In hla osnal easv etyl^ going Ihronib a doicn durerest alalia or so, asd Ihos aiodaddllni. "Hero,ihat won't dol Come b«db 70a—sorropUUoQS nonontltyl" sbooicd Jem Colbeil, and bo bid to do ltdandog "aomo more," uh] receiving anottuir onlburtt from tbo oordnroya. Young Qoldeii foOowod Tommy, and "ahook blmaelt" kenlng an the worii Ui finoen or twenty mlnutea, and dacdng ilgbt welK Ihla Under made Tommy'a IHendB begin to think tnal bo ought to hire THE NAUTILUS BR ANCH.-THOMAS O. BURNS bu removed from the Obi Homeateod on Btatm laland to this City, and on benafler alwajs bo found at No, 1 BiBCUi anzxr, on the comer of Bnadwoy, whmhe baa bid In a elan of the Obolceet Wbios, Llquon, Ales, and Clgara, maUng hla bar onauiiiaascd In laUly. Ur. Bnma wlU always bo happy to aeo bla Menda and 10 pubUe al Iho Bnnch, when aB the ebon luxurlea can tie en- joyed In Oriantal atyle. 4*3m BOXINO GLOVES I BOXINQ GLOVES 11—OLD BILL TOTBB, Maafor ot Coramoolca of the King, will acnd porei- pnsa a suptoior 'aett of OLOVEB'S BOnNO GLOVES, b> any Slats now la the Unloo, nn receipt ot (0. OMVEB OLEANED al the sborleatsotlco. Addresa ' - WILUAU TOTEE, , I4t NanilBaooadav„comaofSNbst, N.T. Cllf. "ED WILSOHr," ■ • Hog fitted UP the clogint and extonairo premises at No. 10 LEBOY FLACE; Conor of Blecckor and Oneuo streets, as a flnt class Bar and Clob Boom, when tho worthy best is ready to bid a bouty welcome to all Hla Wbiea, Uauora, and CIgan anammrraaaciandevciythlnalaoflbobeatqaauty. Asplendid PORTRAIT QALLEHY on exblMUon. _ . ^ "ED'S" Country Bealdoncc, llflE BDEfRV Woebawkcn, la alao open for tho Biuamer Beaaon. 1-tf "CLIPPER SHADES," 09 UomnouEax snnn, jEsnn Cm. . _ ^ BcstAlcs,Wbics,Llauora,andClgenoonatantlyonband. Quba, Dnmb Bella, Boxing (Aoroa, l^'for tho uao of vultora. ■ T—o .. pETEB MAIlOY, Pnpriotor. Frlvato IhatrucHon hi the Art of ScU-DetCuca.; I-Ut* SPORTSMAN'S HALL, ■ Cob. TKinn Wood era., Fiusuinuiii, Pa. JOHNNY I,ODI>ON wlabea to Inform Ms Mends and lha pablle goncr^ Umt be la' now pronriefor of this sporting hostelry, and WlU do all la bla po%ver to mako bla vliltors' Calla agreeable. Pubbc Sparring evety Sehirday evening. PrlTBto Lessons glved In the Art of Boxing. ' 1-71* THE CHAMPION I THE CHAMPION I I-Greatest UaatoBaB and Concert Saloon hi iho Cltyl No. 004 Broidmy, between Bhwckor and Bond alnola. UiSS EATE STANTON, Proprietor. Tbe corgeoue decoratloaa, anbllectarel beauty, and npaelouanon of tbla mammoth Uualo Hall era ontatiaasod In the world. Tbe mostattracUveandbowttoblnBladywaUsnanlabo soon al Ibo Champton, Superb Vlanda, fit for an emperor; gnnd onbesttal mnalo; an insuipataed BhooUui oaUeiy,undu the aupartnteadanoooliPtotJulluaDorge. 0HABU8 OBOVBSIEEN, Manager and Dliecaor. A-^mi—imi ^eel I-3ffl^ THE "STAR OF THE WEST." . 901 OENTBB SIREBT. WINES, LlQDOnS, ALES, AND dOARS CANINE flPO&H*ETC57 ^NDAY EVENINO. Tbo UIO of tbo pit gntlj for Montlemon to try their doa,*. r • ItUJiy, 13-tf] BABNEY AABOti. THE LONDON TAVERN, No. 100 UEnnnucE snmr, Bonoy. JAOE TDBb'ER.,,;.' Pnpriotor. Tbo above etIabUabaiimt la now fitted np bi good atrle, and t)io Wlnct, Uqnon, Ales, and Clgara an ot a sopeiwr quality. ' ' The Alt of Bolf-Defenoe Taught by Jack Tumor. 4-4t* TO ALL WHOM THIS MAY CONCERN. BESIDES '"If. TIlAVELINa PUBUa BE IT KNOWN THAT HABBY EA8TUAN . HAS OPENED A HOITgE, « 49 OHERBY SntBBT, NEAR BROAD, MtabvlUo, Toon. When all good things can bo found la the my ot Wlaoa, Uquonand Bogon. fifaangonvlaltlnii thla port ot the eonntry coll and aee him, and Iw sun ot being treated welL 6-M* THE CHARLES H. MARSHALL HOUSE. MICHAEL HENBT Pnpriotor. No, CO POLTOM STREET, BBOOKLYN. TEE CHOICEST . ALES, WOES, Ltl}UOBS, AND SEOABS. MmC JOHN ASH, wishes to Intorm hit frienilt anil tho pnblle that bo baa sobl oat bla saloon on tho comer ot Pearl and Cbatham sirceta, snd may boroaller Im found at tho UNION HOUSE, 010 WEST 49d BTBlEET, When the beat Ales, Wbics, Llquon and Segtra an almyakopt on band. LODOKOa by thoDeyorWoek. T-ll* "THE PASTIME?' ' NO. 100 EAST HOUSTON STSEET, Eur 01 nu Bowxn. Boat Alee, Wines, Llquon snd Clnrs. constantly on band. BIOUABD HOLLYWOOD, Proprietor. N. B.-Prlvab> lessons given In BPARBINa. 7-Tt« SADDLE ROCK OYSTER and DINING SALOON, 100 OHATHAU BTREET. Ales, Whica, Uquon, aod Began ot anporior qaallly. B^rcahmonla at all hours. M. TRAINOB k U. STANTON, Fmprlotora. PniVATB LESSONS IN THE ABT OP BELV DEFENCE by UIOHAEL TRAINOB. THE X-IO-U-8, No. U Eui HoranM HAIUIY UzAnUS Priqiriolot Everything "fto Bono Pablloo." Edibica, BlbUdes, and Smok- ables, aU "non 00m pantoa oet" Then wolcome all, heartily wolcomo every one. Open Daya nd Ni ght PBtVATE LESONB OIVENra BPAIUlDia. tl-U THE WnX)W PPTT.v.rwi' BENEFIT. Tnx Pnizia to m BiiniD ton Mat SOm at Nid Wiuos'b. A very lal^ bouao, but not ao good aa we anUdpalod, aaaamblod at the Btoyveaant Inatlbito on uie 90tb Inst Ttm weather waa very cloao, and thla together with Olula'a benefit at the Now Bow- ery, wbon tho "Tom and Jerry" acene waa J^ayod, wllb the box- ing Ihiown In, and Charley Fox'a at tho Old Boweiy, with a now scnBaUanplaTbyUn.O,XFM, all on tbe asms night, bad eon- aldcrtblo to do wllh the place sot bebig aa toU uwe eipoolbd, andlflaverylnskyfOTlneorlglnatotaof the aOklr that tbe Oty Assembly Booms wu not hlreasslalendtd In lb* firttplsce. -Vo make Iho show alliaotlra. Meant. Mike BndJ snd BIBy Bont FrocarodaaUvcrgobletforlboMetllg dancer, a aott of boxing SlovcaYorthoboalBpaner, andsaelt ot Eeboe'sIndlao dnba fbr 10 beat dub awlnger, aU ot which wen dlaplayed on tbe atsgo to the admiring gau of tbe qieetaton. It waa found seoeeaary to do tblob or get up aomelblog new, to bisaie t good iltimdanm. u tho late Charley rhUUpa waa known to bntfovpeoidohi thla olty, oxeopt tho young fouom bnugbt up aronnd Albany, many of whom an anug In their boota, and aeUcan If eior attend oihl- blUoaa, Oar aaMalataaee with PhlUIpe doesn't extead turtbor badi than tbo Hlucrald and Ned Wllaon fight and although m never aaw him oali a doiea tlmea, bla natun waa ao genial and bis heart so open Uiat, after ondenbuidhia IhoBan'apeoallariUea^ It was Impooalblo not to bave a good opinion of . blm. If tbla waa Ibecaaoonallialtod knowledge, we ean readily eonodve how much bo muat have been attacned to thoaobnngbi ap'and narod wlUi him, and thenfoncanuct wonder that hla memory lacher- labod by ihnn, and that tor bla sake tbo Mdow and orpbans an net forgotten. In Albany, when PhlUlpa wis known ss weU w tho town dock, a very fine oihlblUon was gotten np fbr Iho samb laudable object aomo moniha ago, aud the two logMbeiwlU no doabtbetbomeaaa otooobUug the reapooted young vUov to abut hi some qtalet UtUo bushiees bi ber aaUvo dly, Saob Is nor hope and Iruti. Tom Iho Boatman alarlcU tho enlcihdnment wUh MIbueOo^ noil and Jack Whitney, who, allhough engaged tu spar at the New Bowery on the aame avcnlng, to keep thdr wordgoed and bi ad- mlnUoa of Ibo cauae, won uioio, dolermlned to spar If they bad to do It before amply boncnea, which abonld not be fiagottea whenlboPrafeasorblmsoU laupforpopakLrsoihaaa, - Pram the aaavllyol "Cracker Jock" It waa quite apparent that bo waa on hla pntu and had been training lor Iho Uowery aOUr, to biy and boslSeiunmage,soaslowin bouquetsaad admirationfiromtho tbeataebaalaa, banal girls, sad ftmalo aoxIUarieah (lbs naed. ncafaid eaU 'em I'tapea") In wboso eyas Milage la looksd apeo st a 'lioU-reenr," to nso tie words of ottJbn when be wants to Itallolae bU speech. This UmoJscli vaanotabaldot hla Iws, I .- '. . . I ^ ' •■ , DUEL Bimar billy moluoaitaiid'Tom ooixhan, pnu Wotma* n Uur, nn EsoAnS'Scor Iub. i EverslassVtchipBlolsd Billy MnlUgaa'a dspaitan flam tbla dly and bis sabsegnsntirrivilh OallfomU,«« bave ben bwk- Mm etgetly tat some tooomt of hla vu ma m l a, tsewlag keiy wclllbttbewaaldn'tbeoutlnthatooastiy toogbofoto hewHd makeblitself folt Tbo "warmbig"hehadreedTadattbebsnda of IbepfeasofSu F^adaooL Ihn wbjeh place BUI7 wu ei- peCrd by the 'VlgUaaoe Coaualtteo, didnt aull William, so tao look ap his qasrion Is Analtai, Nevada TmrllcsTitnd 'badatbeea then long tiefore be figured tn a abooUag matca, tbe pattlealait of which nan bcea forwarded to Oa bj a Mend bi OaUfoiala. They wUI be read with ooaalderable latemsl by bH who know the gallant Odonol, who blnlEod off tbo noCorlona ConatdoBevolo a Geror two ago, and fought so gallanlly on the plains of Meadco eomptny with the late Jbn naghoa. Bat to the doel. AdaelwulbagbtatOo'doAonthenonlagof the lOlh alt, atAastm, Bcosonivor,N,T., between Dflly MnUlgaa and Tom Cdcmaa. Ibe origin ot the qoaml la sot pabUdykaows, bat 11 lasnppoaedloboofaatrictljrpeiBonatiiatan, ihapmUiplaarlat won tU amnged about eloveo o'oloek the night pnvloua, aod boAna the appointed boar, Ibo prindpela and Ihetr aeooBdi^'aad some two hundred spectaton won on the gronnd^ - UaUlganwu tbo ebsBonglng party, asd Coleman having lbs ebolot ot weepons^ he eixao rordvera al ten paoot, adnadna after tbo first ti% St tbo ephon' of dtbor aeitj, (jnSdn J. Dnalcsn and Moso Raynoa aefod u Iho tritnda and Dr. N. a. Sarla u snrgoon for MuBlgw; B, t, Bmddiaw and a B. Pslehlo, wllb Dr. Uorlao, u tnrgNn. acted for Coleoan. PnoBlly at tho appohitid boor the men ircro placed on tbe gionnd. Oeloaianirontbeebob»orpMltfonandvniid,thasaee- '"^'i^'?^!'?!"''^'"!***'"*^''"'"!* reodvolbo vordlhu: "(fonUtmon, am yon ready t-;lrs/ after IheKord flre^bolhlolnladlaahnlnatoly." Both the prinolpala exhlbllod tbovtmortooolnceaand Uio meet nnai».i.i«g sernT thoagh It wu ev ideat that Mulligan bad aomewhat tho advantage, aahia saay movements ahowod evldosoct of bis belnji while poleaian appeared mewhst awkward uddanu^Aftn taking their poallloBa on Iho gnand, Barney Molllgan s&ok bands wlul bis brottaer, and nUmd. Mr. Bnddiaw gave tba word "Flnl" and both platola wen dlaehsrged afanort ahnaltaBeaaaly, It wsa • momoafof gnataaHetytolhe spedaton, aa, from the roputa- lonof bolh partlea betaigoipeit pMol ahal% It wu goatnUy tbought Uiat at Inat one, or norbapt both, ironid fldl aitho fint fin:howover, both shots foil abort " ' gan'a ahotfamko Ibo aocond flno THE asAND BuimiES FOB TBAixHErrr or the bahi- _ TABT OOMMISBION. Tba series of eonlesia lhataretolskepIsM Ihlllllaieteblatlilft e°>a^week for IhetbeDofit ol the BtsUujr Cbimnlasloiiream. meactag n Wednsedty, the aOlh last; and oontlntdnif fonr dayik !7wSf*'^^'*'8<>»uooarM0f speolstcr* tvwttnest • gams SlJS^'f ^^'■i>><^ The pngtifflBis arntutU ftvibe fiw iSU^^Sffplm-^nyttXSmtt}, snufoS Idns plseabs- n?^S"?!S*5'^'"na tbe piamlneat cbibsof PtmtylviBia fS iJf™?!'''.i!?'*"'«»<^ On Tbttnday. lhe'oontesttm JSLiSJr"^L*?~*?'*S' tblladdphU, asA Ob Kankaa^ of Nowart. On'IMday, thomsteb win toAtblslls v«.Nsasaii,of .^^iSiS," f'*"'«S,S? " ^?^T. tbo attrwiUon »in bodlbtr Ibo Olyraple vs. Rtaaiu or Eonka, or a aiatoh betWedi • selected alao of the PhBsddphU daba a ntn!^£alMuton«£ plann of tbo New Vork and DruoUyn daba who may be pnsest oolhoocctatox Admiaalon to tbognuada on aabbfday wfll bo twenty-fin oenta, and altho doeeof Ihsaaneactf atmastbOBO- ceoda vUl be banded ovcc to Urs. JohnW.Fimnrobalrmaof tho Pair CommlUoeon Amnsemi-ntL TbePbibddbblanseiseet anameralisdalenllonotballplayonfivim tbla stab; and Ibeaa inbiii from Ibis dty WlU lake lbs atcamboalFhOadaipbIa from Ibe fool of Barclay atooot dlher at 3 P. M. on Tuesday anernooB. oron Wednesdsymombi«atO ofotoek-lM, IXls;'; Tm UKtDH Pan Karon oir cn SyABO) meet Intematlag and well pteyed gsmes wo have aomo time peal, was that iHsyad " oltbe IJ-i»n»d for aomo tima pail, was that puyad on tbo Star gnondV oa Habir- davafternoon, tbenatlnsi,'!! Bdng tbe flnt of the aeries ot "Onion Pnetloe Oamea," w they aro called. In wblol) prlBte eiB oonlanded fbr. TbecontesUmtsontboooeMfonwere,'cnlbeoaa band, tan ot the beat playen of Iho Star dab, asd bA the other. • aldaof tencompoaodotlhneoribo fint nine of the AUaotle^ three ditto of tbe Beaotute, two ftom Ibe Eotford aU ess aaeh flamtbo£xaaialoraadStarduba,maklagiDaleam of as akB^ fal playaa u can bo seen la tbo beet asm at of the seMott. Indod- Ing, u It dU, anob phyon ta Crane, abtpmsn, Pratt, MaaoU ad. jfn- - IblsUndei . „ ghl lo hiTi anolhor chanco, and In aaawer to a vedfoniu appod. ha re. apnoared, Ihla dmo giving aFraaohpoi de tea/entitled "Uuom's BalL" It Is but due to Tbonpson tossy that bo never spmdi bimaelf when olhen wen np ftv a danoo, and bla Menda CrIIrn bimalmoetlnvlndble. Johnny Banywu too lU to appear, wbkb bo very much renels. Ed. Loway and Dwyer, Brooklyn yonUis, peppered each oUier u al'edlonately u two Tom Ctta, sparing not, nellbor showing mercy, but naablsg away Uts gold-beatan. Tbo Dwyer waa not BUly, bat bla brother. lanyibaarthT(MoUnoux|,andBniBen. nelt got In aomo tolanugunden, and exchanged a nnmbrr ot amaahes oa tbe bon, aad bnata In tbe snoot much to Ibo anoM. meat ot all bat themadvcs. UOIloeax basa't appnrcdin pubUe forsomcyeanandwaaoeiisM)UsallyaUtUooatotpractIee. Jim CObun and Ulke Brady enjoyed a sfejfo, an easy, aoelabis alTali- Jbuilldnt let out aa usual, aotwlablng to lake advantage of the gentle Mike, who doean't have Ibe glovee on once Is twdvo months, and cannot tbcrefne !» expected lo bo oqnal to Jem Mace; tlmo wu Ihengb, when vary fow of Brady'a hea or lacbta could lake any Ubertlee wllh him. BUly Bont asd Jim Eeirinn's eet-to wu very, fair, but BUly hlla cat wild when hi dose quanom Ukechoppbig meat laatesd of letUng It go bang fkom the shod, dcr: he naa the miaolo and the gilt and the apondulkai snd all that but mcnlydoeailhla for exerdao and pmmo-tbcnfoTe; although not np to the trieka Uke Jbn, he deaervm ronob credit fortpanlngataU: the aHalriru highly smaslng to John Borsi, than whom none can appnolata tun better. Two Mends whcee namca ire couldn't catch, owing to the Boatman spcakbig In ahort bond, had tho privllcae of pommeUlng anny et one another'a nob without 1st orhlnannoe, or ao much u yes vm. or Ptynay. Tbo wind up, which wu to have been botwoea Fat Jack Evaaa and laav Laitna, bat wats't owing to tlio naaUoo beat, wu be- tweoa,Youas Barney Anns asd Miko Tcalner, and termbiatod a very good night'a sport Ibe respective merits or Baney aait UlckeyansoweUknown that we cannot a>y men than that for science and uriUty they edlpeod aB baton Uiem. Jnat nnriou to the aet-to,Tom Bowen thanked tbe audience and thevolnntccie on behalf of Mike Biidy and BUly Bont tbe gotten up ot tbo testimonial for Ibe widow and oipaaa children of Charley PbU- Ups. Inrogordtolbo priica, fbr tbo distribution of wbkh Mowrt. Bams, Roome, lozarusL- Odbert snd Aaron wen atleetcd as a commlttepof Judges, It wu thongbtbeet to ad|oum In a aeigh borlag utooa to determfaio who should bnvo them, vhleb wu done by the onwd gobig to lIUI's, where, after a little dlaenaalon, wltbont a di aacn ting voloe an dalmonta-waived their claim, tbenby avoiding much hard fiullng and Jealousy, u It la a mat- ter ot hnpoadbultr to give enllra aallsfaotlon In Uicae matlcn, aad agreed to pat uemnpto lie railed feral'JScoataacbuco, the proeeodafromwhlehto)|o to thecaaao. Tbo raffle oomn off on Moaday evening, Uay SO, al Ned WUaon'a, corner ot DIccokor and Onose atreeta, tbo prfaea i-^ttttlnir of a sflver cup, a aott ot boxhig gloves, and a pair et Eahoe'sUlb. dabs. Huo'e s fine chance to ahow good fmUng, and u the tickela an only •quarter. It won't break anybody to bay one. Mm Ttofwa ins own Boa^—"The boy with Uu> aubuni hair," ta coajanetkm wlUi Hike Stanton, baa now toll rl«bt UUe and poaacaalon of tbo nremlsea on tbo corner of Poarl and Chat- ham atrrets, the "Saddle Beck Oyator and DIuhig Saloon," uhnta berafler tbe two MIko'n nUI be most happy to aco all tholr fdenda end tbo rest of maiikJod. The beat InctrueUon In tbo art of sdr- dofhnco may tio bed fh>m tbe skillful brother or Jommy Trainer, as woU as tbo gnalotl conrteay and olvlllly, for Ulke la a gcnUc- mau In every aense of the word. ItzT Lazabus OGit A KnooiT.-Tho ether evening we wen shown a masdvo aUver bnokle and boieo, attached to a fob, which Johnny Loians seat to bla lather through J. B. Booth tho actor. Tbe baekle la omamanted with teams an'd tosmaten and the bono, which Is of solid aUvor and (kulUut In exsouUon, Is four or fin ounces In vdght John also sect a beauUfnT diamond ring to Uia. L. He doosa't forgot tbe old folks at bomo^ you aoo. Oor ma old Fosan.—lha Ian aod staloly mko Smftb', UtUr nlumed from Port Boyal, bu boon mnsteted wllh all Ibo honon and emolumenta (eioapt back pay,| to hla old podUoo In tlio Bnokbn Navy Yard. Mlcbid Is oiiangh like Bam Hurst, the Stt- loybrblgolnfonl, tobeblatnolher, Tbo Army and Navy (Yard) fonverl * FBoiaoBAPB or Toh OouaiAa.—Harry laarna, of the S-10- U-8, huaaploiidldpbotO)rraphot tblagay and feaUvoOdlfomia horo, who laldy toighl a dsel with BUly UulUgan al Beese Blvor, Qoondsoolt' APioiDiiE lOB Lun.-Jlmmy EsmUl, tbe squsttoehsmplen, through Johnny Uukoy, sent on a aplon^ Uthognrhtoportrtll of himself to hla tdood, Deany Lean ot UEnglae. Tbepertralt Is gotlon up In the lame alyle u NewboU's ploturoa ot Bob Obam- ben In atmoat ovay rcspwit onu msku a very abowy phiton for a ba^nom. %Vbea Hamul snd Ward paU tbdr tbiril great mnlcb' for tbo Obamplonalilp of America In July, It wealds^ bo a bad Idea for aomo oateiialslng pbotographw to "take 'eia" on Uie River, together wltti the sunoondlng acoaea, Who'U try It t Joan ELUon Koi Our Yn,—NotwIUislandlnfl Iho abncet sa- pcrbumoB sffoils msdo lo sccare tbe rdoaee ot ElUoU, our meet lollluentlal ludnoa and poUtldana bave bean nnablo u yet to got him oat ofiho Jersey bulks, nisabad pbice tagetoaiiabtln,aad vra hope Ihoy wUt go no (Orlhsr than a fine^ [0 pay which we should like to aee aomo ateps taken towonls getting btm up a grand benefit Who'U atarlUioliaUbimotlonf EBlolt Is onutlod to an oxblblllon, men Ibnn threo-fouftba of thoao who do have them. A BuntiAimAi, Bbidit roB Joavn Aiioi It wU] be good nem to the malority of car aportloir nnden to loam Uial Bamey Aaron and aomo olhen an aegotlaana for oi\o of the &aMdo Iboatna, whenwlUi to got up a good big hoase to u to enable Iho ceeonlrio, butanfortuaato Johnny Aonntogeton blapbuagtln. Johnny hasn't aoenswdl day bribe bat two years, irthoaflklr la but managed right it mot bo a great tueeeaa IMhlifrlonda aoo to It Ibal tbo benefit cornea off aa soon u possible—tiro weeks at Ibo farthest and let the New York spoite give Johnny one good routing bessflt tor he'a never had one yet, u ire an ksoiv. By tho laying out of a lUtlo money, tbo aOalr can't help taming oat t hamper. * Ed Lowibt buromoToA from tbo "Camp Oryttal'MoaFalton atroot Brooklyn, Iho establishmenl being known u the Pulton AloVaulla.' In addition to blattockbitndMllbu Introduced a new featnm In tbe City of Obnrobes by filtbig It up u a concert adoon, andemplcTlng—well, you'd better go asd aoeforyonndf. Ol HIS Lirr Ixoa.—Boports from Wsihlngton bring tbo aad non that Ned Prico'a ooadlUon la wonw aad worse, aad hla 00a- sUtutlon la gone beyond redemption. Of oourao ho buevoiT lux- ury that money ean buy, but what Is the value ot money In com- parison to health r Illaunothing, Tn Owm Oaoomoiuit iXD DooKEi Baniu PAonoKs.— qnito a hullabaloo occurred at tho lut oihlblUon at Iho Bbiyv^ aani, owing to a apUt In the camp of Ujoso wlio have hitherto bo- friended Dooney Hanla. > His dngulsr conduct towardt Uurby hu loat hhs a besii ot frlesda, and It Is now aOeged that dihouah hehuOOO"CBau"lnhla"ldck,"berefuautOMrtwlUi a ddu towards pfoonring Jimmy EBldt's rrlraso, lUa hu hot added fad to the Oam^ aad'at tho aforcsdd beaeflt tbo fbcUona wen rodhotfi)rmltohl«t,aod hish wonla noosed botwoea lbc«o who heretofon were considered tbo beat of trionds. It oU arose from achoBengo from Owney aeogbeaban through a friend, and tbo UoOleUan boy wu for baring It out thalTcrrsIgbt and In e room, which Ino Borough boxer wouldn't stand, and'for Uio pre- aoallhfaiga rcnulo - "u yon woia" On foavliig the GInjvounI, a Dooney man hauled off and let an Oimoy man bave aponeh Is tbe anool, wbhib aeot him spinning Into the anna ot a poUeeman, and butfbr that then mlghl have been a free figbt seep cool, boya, tbe dog-days an eombig. TOf DmcODI'An) JOBFOOn'sSoiaBBATIHI StVTBiJIT.-^t- nrday evening next, Uay 98th, oomca off tbe oihlblUon extraordln- aiy for tbo benefit of lbs well-known dob swingers. Urn Domo- dy and Joo Voots, for which, wo are Informed, tboIbUowIng pio- fosaloaala have vdunlocnid:-<looige 0. Dobaon, banjo touber; Johnny Barry,. Toiamy%ampaoa, aad Yenng <)oldoii. Jig dan<en. Bono lolo, bT Jus BmlUi. Eaaaiuoofold Virginia, by Obanca Stuigla. Tonang, by Mcaiis. Ildn asd FMdiloL Uluu •winging, bv BL BosacIL Btnr lUn, Tim Senaody, aad tho Aon ot Oiabs; Joe Fodo sod David Derion will put np • 900.pouod damb-beU wllh oao baad. Bparrla)wUlbenpree<intedl« James Hoonan, J, Cobura, Oon Flligerald, Mike Tnlnor, D. Aaron, D. HoUlwDod, U, Doiaey, U. Cobum, Ed. lenrry, O, Lynrli, D. Ker- rigan, JohnsT Cady aud Billy Hay, of YorkvlUo, and UUtgo Co^ nell and J, w. Whloaey, 'who wlU wbid op Iho ersnlag's sport - At the second fir^ MuUl- „ of Oobsaaa'silahthand, which oooHfonsd blm aome dlfflaUlyla eocUng hla pMuL thouab ho nislntalnnd hlapedlloawlUioal flinchhn, tadTcoatlaaedflrlnB, aU bla ahott, however, seemlag to IkB short, u Ualllgtndld not rocdvotaeiatctL It Is thought that Coleman's fint abot wsnl off prematordy, u tho beU atruek doae tiilhofeetotOaptabiI>asliBa,throwliutbo easd In bis foes. ■• MnlUsts's fifth shot look tffCd Ui Uie fleshy pert ot Ooloman'a Ihlnb, fiimning only a tUgbt floah woand. Bla laatibot waa madowlUiSBdi deUbanUon, that It aeemed almeat Impoulblo that he akoald fkn to kUl hla antagimlst, bat Uia baU rnntwUe ot Us msrk, MnlUgan cooked bla plstoli evidently tbT anoUier shot; balaoelng Cdonaa bodlate, or ktvuigu. about cocking tbo pistol, be uld—^'An rod etrtdrr — replied: "IbeUorelam," althougb be had fired bnt five didla. After the fint fir^ Bradabaw aabl lo Coleman, "Tom, nine your flra" Both parlies malnlalnedthete originalPMlUon, firing wMh- ont adnadna. AttbeoonfiRislon, HoBlgan desired tbe pistols leaded again but the sooonds very properly would not permit It Then wu no altonpt on tbo i«rt of tba alttUiorlltes to prevent Ibe figbl, aad no arxeala made. . Jon Harok TO JoxComnii.—By ihoteatatcsmorframBaroDe wo rocdved a latter bum Jesse Haltoa, host ot "Old EIngVi llnd," London, tendering Joe Cobum the bospltdlUu olUs boose on hla arrtvalfai London, ete. -Hattonbu nadoonaldaable otperionoe In tbe London Prlio Blng, and pnbebly mlgbl be ot aome aenlce to Joe; butu Uie Ulta bad takes his dmrtun bo- fen tho letter arrived, HsUoa'a kind offer oodU not bo made known to OobanL Iho lottor la an evldeaoelhat tho jj cnaUag msch talk la Londco. aad we benwilh let onr radtn aee what the Bristol Pog bu to aay npos Iho auUeol:— Tn Old Hum's Hbas, leleestsr Sqnare, Losdon. AnO 98th. IMt.—Elan <}omt.—Ar:-BeoIag'ttiat yoa an Intenslod In Joo Cobnm'sweUkn In his eombig figbt with Jem Usccl sad u bo Is now about to leave for Ibis eooniry, andpresnining that behse not made any amniemenla when he arrtns tas England, I vsnlon to make him tho following oOor, via., to meet him at Liverpool •ad bring blm to my caiabllabmeat la London, wbon he eaa stay uloogubeUku: and should ho boshoitofiMvXlOO. I will flndlt I wOl alao aee him right Uirough bla mttoh with Mace; and aboald he bo the man I Uke blm for, tbronghnadlniitbe ao- conntof btafigbtahivourpaper, t tUnkholinuoto win. Aa I bare fought soms ot tbo beat men InEagland.I flatter mvadt that aUlUe"e*'"'*'*'- ^-'"- ■ ' .^^^ Bum. ThogaraerTpenodTnetvorof Uieleblahi& wbot OB the fint Uiree lanlngt 7 tuia to Ibsltoppoaeala^ost; IbeSiBtu bowerdr. raBfod on tho 4lh Innlnga and added t rune to their toot* alter pntUng out tbolr opponenta fornothlns, and In the next foar Innings aeond a total of lolo tho Aeld'a S, the tolala of the gams at this period being 10 to Ubilhal^taioi, lathe lut'. budna^ howover, Uio fidd added 8 runs to their scero, and put ooluo at this period 1 however, tho fii . Bhui for a blank, thua wlnillaR by a scon of 91 to 10. Iho game wuplaytdaooartlng to tbe fly rule, and Ibo nlea of the gkno wen sbrlcUy adborod to tbronabout, the pttelH on keepbu liuth fool eUtlonar} oa Iho gronnd wliUe Is Ibe act ot pitching the baU, and both Obspnsa ol tbo nold dde. snd Eel^ of Uio stars, flUedlbdrnovolpoalUonslnttieBOSIaedllBblaiiii^ ner Ibnugboat Uie former bdng a troabtesoms eo^otaac, to bat - agahiat Iho fintflTotamlnatwere'lfUyejbi tbe-aapimdpiltd. Ume of 40 mlnntce, and the nil gamo bi a fo* nillimill'iMt Ihia * two boon, thtts pnvbig In this Oalancs tbe asscitlMi thst' tbb tr gamo eaa bo eland In less tlmo ibas that In wbldi lbs bdoaSk atoh la pormutca. . . ; .,1) A f oatun ot tho coalcst wu the tntlie abteaai of any ni^MIr or aorlnonloaa foeUng oa the pad,tir Jhe Mspecttre eealesteu bi IhoUr oondoet to <«eb other,'; u It too ^Isn' au.of,tka rosulls ot dub matches betweoa rival -iistnlittlaBarMII vers than noUihig else lo reoommcnd theee 'Dolon Pibdtfoe (Mmd tor general adoption, tbla ono fret would salbce to ndA'thm i^dft. dnbloolauof contteta, i.:> 1.... n Of Uiegaoeitl play en Uio Oeeadon wo h«n a onUuftrtof UiaBlarddo, Ihnailmlnyanl«Tl bau: tbe beauUAil atope and acwKaipfniP''' short Held; tbe oxcellest play ot naMca u-esul Norion fo the field—• beaonfol fly catdtmiUlw hi tiie right fleld-u Inslancee of aUIl woithybffaUitnUel^iM onlboPldd dde, the very eOteUro calcblag' bf flinVVt flaa flabllng aad fiy ealobbia of Maaolt tba goed'Aue lanef O, Bmllhal lat hue, and Bogiinat9d, asdglluMtoaadllaiaa hi their nneeUve poelUoaa, msrits speeld nddt,' Hd'htUiaA Norton ofthoBtar aide took the lead, nacUsg hla acae.'Mbs does home mn, the only one ot the malohi be wan clfastaltM* lowed by Bonn of tbo Retolale dnb, who,mods Uifwnhut aeon at tho bat, and Masoltot tho Bcklbrd, who tied nigaur— In the InalsBoea In which both won pat oblOI^Euers msklaghlslstbase each hUhemad^while Manbu.Mpuoat entbeflyonoo. y y-" '■■ Next to theee oaaio lAngloy ot tho Exeeldor and tttintf of 4lie Iteaolulo. But aU of tbo playen, with ono or two exetMlOBl, bat- led vreB, MoDlarmed and Morrlaon being the only playefa vbo foiled to aeonn the lat baao during Ihs otoM, and both of Ihass playen ordinarily rate u good hllun, lae former especially. .— 1, - — . . ... Dm Hou,nK)on'a Niw lUHcnB.—Tbo toeompllabed 70iuig foatber weight, lUehord Hollymod, hu removed from No. U Eta Hoaalon (opened on the 91st Initbr Harry clllVm. u thoEngUib Sbadsa) toNclOOlathoaane alreel, when bo will tlnjt bo ready toKneuplboUqnldaor InlUato seallomim Into tbe myatorioa of Iho art ot boxing lathe qnlobeet and moat finbthodmannrrinatllllo. Uorebanb^ derkSb and otbera ol aedt-nlary habits, weald do wdl lo gireHoUywoodaesIL DATta iiiD VAiat Makbio AoAiir.—Althoagb Uio fonnor mab^ botwaon ttaeae Nevada Terrllory ebapa wenTtar default, BIB :Davls, wriUng'to us from TIrglola Cllyon Iho ITlh ult.siysi— "Aaloxnoded, Imtdelboneoosatryamngumenta lo flibtDtly on tho IHta o<Jane, bMt night" Davit wu to ban tiarud toon afttrwardt fir Ban Fnadsoo, when, aadtlsd byom Olirke aad popUi, ho moU give a spairiflg tthlblUon. I am a UlUe bit ot a Jadgo. Bhoaldjoe aooept ot my offer, nhiau to undarstsnd that my eatabUahment Is Ibe taraest sporthig bouM In London, obd ftoqaented by Amorisan and EngUah geallomni who bcartUr wish bin aococaa on this ddsof tho watcf. I bono you wlB oblige by forwarding Uio aocompaiiylnB leUer to Joo (So- bum u soon u vowlblo,as sn early answer ^dU oblige youn reqwcttully, Jrao UAnoii, Champion of Eont Tno. AuKT AajiisrxD roa Boumtt SwniDiJita,—QaUe an ox- dthig soene occnrrod In broad day Ught on Broadway on Uie af- ternoon of the IBtb taiat, br the amatand attempted rtscaeof Thea Allen, a great sporting cdabilty ot thla dly, (by order of Qenonl Dli.) egalnat whom many oompbUnIs hovo bcea made for aBeged booaty awlndlhig. Thee, wu dlaoovered In Horocr atreet and when olBcer Buma amstod hbn nad attempted to take blm tomrda Broadaw, It la aasorlcd that be drew a plutol andanapped It at tho oIBcer, bat fortnnalaly tho <apdlda^t ex- plode. OOoor ComU, of the 37Ui Prednotlhan aeuod Allcii'a pistol, and he wu taken to Dnadwa7, asd them a ronae wu at- tempted by certain of hla IHeada who an knowa to Ibe police u Broadmy stttooa; but datooUvoa Kdso and Bedford naoing the ■pot dnw Ibdy rerelren upon the 'gang and kept thorn at baywbBaAUaawubobighaadoaffedand pat Into a Broadway (Ugo which oflloer Bnma bad chartood for the occadoa. Had pMd firing become aecsteary, the rotult must bare boea fatal to more Uian one penoa, fertiefon tho amiat bad boea completed, Droadny from PHnoo to ^rlng street bodbooomoajam. Thco., It vriU bo remembered, wu unipln for Oou, Pltsgoiabl In bla fight with Ned t7Xlsoa at Port Ponii, Joe Oobnm oOldallng for Uio lat- ter. Allen Is a dhn bont batty lltUefcUow, dwan ditiaaod lo klU,butonoottbo aponUest men In tba countiyr He and Co- bum wen deadly opposed to cteboUicr, andlt'aagrottwonilor they soverhad as "encounter," A Vdx EnBiOBontABT Pxna Fmnr.—Iho bBowIng aooonnt of a figbt. aald to have actnally oocnrnd, bnt abont which m have very grave doobtab appeared In Ibo Delnit Fn J'nu ot Var lltb: "Our readen wUI nmember freak Teaaot who figured la a nrlso flgb tot Sondwldi a few jears ue, Wa annoimead not Jong ilaoo that s Onlil lisil liiinii aiiaiipiiiT fiii flllinriiiilBMii -fauiiaiiOil /o- •epb Oiolonj^ of Jlilladclpblia. Taaa^ la a Fronebmaa, and liu for some Ibno redded In tUv State. Hla weight la one hundred and fifly-fburpounda. Clblonl la an ItaUas-welght ono hundred asd alnoty-slno sounds. Ue bu figured In s'nmenaa flahta bavhiB left nine o|,hla aalageBlsts dead on' tba Odd, Tbesaht came off u amnged, «■ tho lat day ot May, ol Oporto, a UBIo tows soar Uie OtaadTmsk read, aboal five IinndndiaAu from Ihla dtr. .Tho day ms tnow7 snd onnltaasnt, bit a large aewd usemfiod lo «l^ ttie fight, whfoh SSit2lo«Mm^h^ Sfty-aU mniids bdng tonght Both mon woelSooked down, and blood dmwn on each oii the firat naiuL It was ftraabt wllh tbo greatui aplrll tad ddormlnaUoii thnuahQuI, ono or tao oUior bo- log knocked down on each round. On the hat nund, u Iho gnund wu slippery aad'snowy, leaaot'a foot SUppeO. and ho came dowa npoa hla knees. (Hblont Immediately oaiubt bbn anund tho sack asd choked bifii. Teaaut by i Hmnmlto eflbit ralaed blmnlf, asd bailed ClUonl upon hla baok, placed hla knoo upon CUilonl's breaat cruaklng II oompfotdy, and atmA httn five blom In Uio taoe, betterlni II to coo bleedlns, abapebias mam Olblosl expired wlUioutaa&nggle era groaa.^Yasolhittowlylaii lnahopolcaoondlUon,bBilag boea dven UP by bis BbitlolaiL Itwuaneofthoaiottdsapentofigbtionncwd.'' - "''"^ J'*^!FS!!i"S!LP^°"^*^''--'^ Wednesday-ovenhig. tfayl8,BlUyDonncUy wunocntadwlUi avenbudaomo man'atraDpot byhbiftlesdaandtbomemben ot No, 8 Ibiglno. of which "nuaheen" ear young friend Is IbeAuIatanlFonnian! TbopnsonlalleslookplaeoatlOt Avoaao B, and aflorwarda tbe boyihadaqeodllmeta the wayof Uouldaand a coBaUon. Wo regret ear laabUIlT to attead, but DUly bu cor beat wltbca fbr hla ptasperily at all Umea. Then an lew. If any, yoanger mem- ben of tho nn Department Uiaa SonneOyluuillIng ao hononble an olBeo. Bo wu ohoscn aaalalant about a monlh ago, but bu boenamomborotNa OtorsomoUma , JOHit Asn'a BsuovALerWe have ofton bad oeeaalon to mention Jobn'oaamelnrclatfonis sportUig events, pntUng np donalta. eto., but Ibis thne wo have to ceB yoor allentlon tobnaloeiM mat^ ton. Beltkaows, thore(bre,Uit{ JobnAah hu removed from tbe Conor of Pearl and Chatham atreoU (loavlag Ulke Trelnor hi I^f^'"?'' V*' - "cat Porty-aooond sirtet near the Weehtwkon mrf. John patrlotltaBy alia bla hotel tho Union Bou^ and Is preptted to aerve up dhmen for from ono to a bnndnd peopla, while hla abiopbia aad boaidug aceommo- dallons an not behind any In Iho ndgnboihood. TuiiMuiuAi, n Pbot, 'Wihtirn.—This eiptrt leadier of box- ing la shorUy to be londoed soompUmenlsry benefit st lbs Oily Asieoblyllooni by bis pnpUs and menda, "Oiickar Jack" do- aems It aad ooghl to be able to dnw a big boose. ■ Am AnDmon to m Foon PAtriLT.—On Ibonfomliia ot Ibo 3OU1 Istt, Joe Pooto, the fomons dubblsl, wu snrprised at bo- bddlsiaaotborUtUa dob awluger added to hla frailly, Tbe head otUieumleubapiiyusted asdprood'u a Ung vrlUiUa ohUdar, wblob ho deobrea la tbe awaoteat UtUs ohaiiiblo Anorice. andupreUyutpbitan, ATOoaia. JODOii Uaodi 10 Itouow Job Oonun.-Tbd boo ot PIUs- bnnb,wbo so lately aame near gelUng'<enakad,'' hu bid adieu to the Smoky CUy, luvlog Us bold with Jobnuy London, and la now hi this city Bwdtbig Ibo departan ot the aait atuinir bound for Liverpool, wblUiarboaocato aadat'Cudnk and Dans Is look- ing altar Joe Cobura. kuclioy's oxpoSlonoe and koowbidgo of the Old Conntn wU be nty valuable to Oobnm abould he Intond giving exblbltfona boron the fight, u tbofbur slarglodlalon would creato tbo biggeat kind of an exdtemoat aU ovor Qroat* Bribdn. Jehnby, excepts IllUemonfiatneu abont hla bugle, whfob struck first when he wueomlag down from bis llybig trip onboerdlbo "raging oanawl,"Iooka gay and la able to lake hu ntloaa wlUi Iho aame nsleelfo u la daya goae by, Ue oipecta to biavo thla oort on Babirday, Ibo 38th laat, whoa there wUl no doubt bo a large ddegallen to see blm oil Tiia OLOvn m Pimaraon.-At the iritb Comic Singer aad nemoilat Den Wbocler'a benefit oa the lOUi loat al Tnnble's VarieUtt, lltlabargb, Ps,, a sew foalun wu Introdueod br Ibe appeaitaooor the following flittelaM aparron.- tbo tour John- slos-llackoy, Loadoo, HamUl and Nowdl-logelhcr wllb' .WU- Uaaia, Uugboe, asd Tbticy aad NnweU-dl of whom aet-lo, oeipt Johany Newell, who wU oa hand, baucould'l get oa yfQi ere wen two beta and two baUa put up u prlacf, Kcrton tad Bogon taking the two roomer, and luaolt and Ilwhnt-tlis two latter. Bad then been more prliea, Wadddl Hould cartahilT bave bean enUUedfo one for fine fldding In hla pcdUoik . " ' " Tbo Umplm gave bis dsdsloas fldr&u regards Info) but be ecred In one reapect. aad that was Is aaUag Iho pta touched or tried lo braeh his advtnary wbBo thottlier m to make bla baao, whether bo touobod blmornot IhlatiolJin^ nln ahould do, u his duly Isonly to Jadnot aplayaeoordlnglo bla own opinion of It ""'^dit-l or bluoduy that ot amr oaa elaa. Tbo Umpire aboald In aB cases decide the qaeetlon pnmntty-tDd eoeordbig to Uie fint Iniprhalon tbe play makes on blAoOB- wlaebola very Ukdy todeddeparilally; but be Should oapecbDy avdd any upeala to lbs opUilonof othenonanymalteuailng on the dodnon he makea, ThosucoeuaUendaatapoBlhlaifittelt 'lirUl ot oourso lead to Ibe ptaylng of oUiera, ai HobokeS' H well u at Brooklyn, and waleetn that Ibo second of the aetiss Is aeon to take ptacn on Uio Capltolino Crounds, at Bedfbad, on the pnotlcedsyof IbeAUanUo (Bub. Wo append tho aeon o( iho gomo:— ■ - . •, BATTtNO, ...' jriEi^, ■' •. 0, Vpatg.o,, ..I ..9 ..0 ..0 UandLlf.. Langloy, 8dh,.,. Bogera, 9d b Chapman, p aSmlUi, Istb.. MonlMn, of,,,. WUson, aa T.anilUi,rf..... PnU, ra..,..,.. Tola]., 1 i 8 .4^1 3 I 0 a 1 a .91 MIIohdI,>db,.. WaddeB, Isl bl', Xenson, 1 1.,.',,- Flandni^ts,.., Ncston, 0 UcDtanBod, r t. Worth, 3d b.,... Xelly.p,......,. Tbcmpeon, of,,; Manly, r a ,': ' o. ..,';;.• ..:,.»■ 9' ■•' a v.- 9 :'.~i 0 r, 9 body, allbbagb'right willlog. Tbo wbid-up wu betwi Madto/ (hla last appcanooe pierimis to foari^n^ ohnnlr ihiroillyolldndOT,'froirH^ of Oharlfba'toeeC 3ra Ihb 38Ui Inst) and bU pnpU and auoeosor In boshistL fobnOy Lon- don 1 slUioaghMackcy had not enUrelv nco f rdd'ftom bla lato ISjurleiV the master ud piipll made a owToc aod •ww<"fl tot-to, asdcauaedmuehlaugbto^aad applaaas,i > - ; < - Ona An FunvAL akd Pio-Nio ai Hamanga.-;-On Tnos- dsy, tbe aiatlnat, tho ankUon hi tad anond Hairiabanr, Pa., on to give a grand oicnnloo, wbon pisos will be given for spa^ ring and Jig iltn'dnit, a diver card bane t and sett ofboilng ilovos, for tho fonnor, and a diver gobhit for the laUor, Throe Judges an to bo ecleetcil, ono from. Mew York, tnolher fhim Dduniore, and tbo third IWm Plllaburgh.' Otpt Ztck Orem and Bcclty of Breoklyn will take a band bi Ibd tpening, Viid ■ goaoal "Invito" U eileoded lo dl tto spoRcn In 'Uie oonolry, 'Tbe proceeda of UilaaffUrwUlbeUldoutlnthepumhaao of a my fine aword to bopieagnted to Od, Jordan,, of lbs Mb Ponu. Cavalry, who bu juatnUunedftom'XemitttMtnjrlwo yasn and a bairaoami palgaing, WebepeUiepla'aloiriUbeasiUMca, . Jonw MoBsnar, Tool <}regBa, Jobaay Earlo. aad ssveial Ug lurlbien, wen nry Ubenl In doatribatfiio lomida the Widow rbUllpa'teallmoBlal, tad that, too, voluatully. Total,;!,,;,.'.; .l» BUMS MADE IN EACH OrniNOa. .- 1st 9d 8d 4lh out .«Ui: Tlh 8lh, Mb Field 4 1 .3 .0 1 ,, I ..'4. .4 ,8-at Star 1 ' 0 0 0 0 9 '4' ;:7,„;,arl» - Unrln -M. M. Ohlofasalo'.aftbo.ltagleqhibi. . '„ . jT flwiiiil' Wi'.'Ooopflf. - " ' • .' , " , ' nusod IIaU»~Oran« 71 Tbonpsos, T; Norton, 'x " IfomoDuns—Notion, 1, 1 1 ' i. ' .. ' II Fly Oatohes Made^Morton. 3i Tbomneen. 3i tyotU,.-1 .. wiaidijt "^".ai Bogon, iltaSSnJifSSS^ 1—total, 10. ,,"'i-,.i u'^i\r- ' mSSft" >*'««>«-?»* »1 ncga* 1| Kdly, It ditiw, i| liODtaw Pat Oat eai Pg^l BaBs-Star side, b Umesi I Pal Oat en Sasaa-Slar side, 0 Umes; FIsU sIdCL IS t Time ol aame—One hoar aad fifty-serm iiilaatfir/'; UaiiiUtia> va.RiLiA]iox.—TbefoOawlaglBW'sm oifiths ime played by Uieso elnbs at Hsilem oa the lothbist 1'°' '^''^ • BAITIHO. '.vT''.'';'.!' game BBLLUIOE, OF NEir YOBK,' 0. Block, rf. AUa, s Bsdcsu , U Brown, 0,,,,., 1 Norion; 0 f,;,, • arlflUbs, n Baker, lafb.,,, BUUinan,9db,. Werner, Sdb,,, 8 9 .....1 •..-...1 ,.,'.,.B ,...,.9 .....3 0 1 4 Total,, nuNy uasb'in UAMHATTiH; OF A. Ingnbtn, Ittbl Xstcbum,p, q.Ingrabam,ailb.,, f.Loekwood,«d,b;,. Bnwn, p. ,1, Orooker;of,, ..t:l 1 :>, 1, 0 Ibtal,,. ••■•r:wir.:]i BeUanee,, ZAOBINHINas.j '-' ,; „' lat Sd td;,ili^,.tih,,m .'!> 7., 4 3 '.la;, 3 _ < ( 0 1 ■ 0 Ply Oatahee—Uosan, Baker sod BUtbnaa, of ihS Bdiai Meaara. Bnwn and O, B, P. Ingiabsm, of tiie aC;(l«M— Umpire—Mr, a F. Bdika, oflbeWaablagtonl >' >" 6conr—Mr,Dunning, 1 - . ..:*"!. iii<i. mi'iI Tn Baibiuis Ouib.— The SateUlUa biland btvtn. mlia ■ good ou time otltontbdr now gnunda on IhandayTllay aoih. on wUth occasion Uicy play Uidr firat game <os tbe valoa BBO asd Cricket Onusda, BiooUyn, E D>, the club bavliw removed to the aame from their old locally at oreen Pohit PrepanUoaa 'have been made to make the day an evosi In the annala of Ibalr -elnb. nun hare taivlted crioheten and bafl playen wbo slay erloksl^tajolnUiemla UleIrgam^aad expect lo bansfgaUt toidanee^ aoloalydf criiAolenh butotladyspootatatv,<'lanaM. the SatellUsa wUl sot let Uidr frfosda dotari wlUuul gltlva^ a tulsottbelrboaiiltall^. They "Jl '^^^jf^ ^^^ HiStmot of the mombon tbo New York and Tn New Yobx OLOD.-Mondar, tbe Utb, ifaa.tta 4iy agad^ od for Ibo opoalog play vf tide cluV but ewliu to If" —-^^^-^ - - atatootlhnr " * '^ '^ Tho Now Y phis (Bub, I WlUproooedfouDiy. lao juuaaycraoa'auomiena'btvlils'aabw al Uisre. Their fint game iHU be the retora mabA wlChlbe AL laiiUe Baas BaU Club, Uie oontetl thla Ume bdng at cricket, dMen ot New York is. Iirenty'lwo ottho AUtoUo. Tblabidafoirlebaa vcirlntainUng gaaM,;, UtaunoBd bu lolned Uio AllanttOL-BL wulteacbIbem bc%i(\ v>n«lekol matoboe, widtSSiHiS" iS^«^ ' Sumtier, Ud WOliur, nSSh k wara r<tpeoilve», Ptom tbo reccBtraUia Iho ground waa hat In ^SSr^ althmigb Ikon wu some eood pUy Ihown oa tnSi Bwea.'ihe mat nameddovon won tba malobbybaU a di^n 'jASnou Wioxn Oaum Matob wu ptarodalBrldasnat. .«,. etriy m tho preaent moatb botweos a (Kbar aidTS» rill m oneddp, and a aad ». WUUnaoa oa Uw eUior. The WU. kintbnstccced 31, and the oniodUon 30, and two wlokela to ML Upplrca,MesanDfciodaad(}oddaif]. . - Don piaron i«'Ot»v«uiiD.-.Onr corruMDdent •OWIs.- laoder ' senda na Uio foUowIng account of a nwoat nor tiMH ta that dtyi The oaslse oonlaat betweoa Jim Brown's'Col 18 Iba., aad John Vgreuaoa'a dut IS Iba, look Flade.H'E nounood, via., on Uie ItUi losL, In tlio vicinity,c} Olsvdnd. lloUi ••aidmllu" won hi Up-top condlUoo, Vargnaon'a, U<any. thing, bad IbooaB In betting, and moro money tluuued bandaial Uils ^' d<m " flgbl Uan any tlut boa taken pItebJalllt' dly tofl nhmbercal years, The dogs wore bandied br.lhsir r4ws5 l v» ownsn—Biirwn sad Poignaon. Ibo fOUoiring'la Ihe lesalti— First turn, 0 minutes. Brown's ainl lo aoddi or go iH, vhleb' do didgamdy; •eeondlum.timlautccftaliuan'atoasratcb.wblok uie dbl gamely enough, but.quite woh'i lUrd tenTs mlantss. Bnwn'a—sho went In aitpanoUy u ttiong u ever, sad, U Ibe eijdnUon of 19 mlnulas anoihec tilm wu had, when. It. beloit nmton'e "anbnilo'f" tum to loilcta, aba oeold act See Ub moao, Bnwn'a winoing In Jnat 43 ttunalu^ aad Pintuon't tin dying la the pit lo a reiT fow tnloalca after, - Oolh dop AMiu mU. aad wen gams, bnaBtoire's was ovldenOy the better-MaM . aad Ihoalroagor of tbo two, Tbero wen soiae long Oioei sAtF' theoonlott