New York Clipper (May 1864)

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THE JSTEW YORK CLIPPER. Mulo Halli. Knmi'a Tumii, Oohimbu, 0., U fUiaa aloiig In tta Udo M nooML 'Wklla oa Uiyojf U oceuUndlr ttem to "nd OkM on bwid * OMta cugo of uUfU; It thni ilMn smj vltli III UflnifrelalitoB • proqnmu onilM. Aehuigan* nuulolut week In tile iiiAlneaxfSA ddpoxtmoiit, Phil VUIenlMclii the •Iwo niinutir,luTlaiMttia Jomtd Uike'iCliaia.ud hla"bUIm" wuDllMbjJcoVond, (loodoonilc •Ingcri Hn. Loolu PaToo ni7, UjEdo Mmlul], ud L» BoUa Vimaf tre Uu itui il pnunL Fbou Duaia'a Tiwnm, BL Lonh, Ho,, wt in in ncdnt of glowlna wconnti of lU pfMiwdtr ind populirlty. On Iho erenlnff or Ibo 13Ui. UUa Kii« Penaojor, Iho slcoaing dnnsouo and acoeaa, ww Ibo ndplcntof i compUmcnary boncAt, wben Ibo houo, aya to axotungo, "waa cn*dal boa ■-j^net lo anl- aopauadaaj dorlnf the ploco dlapltjed liar Icipafclunin abUIUaa b7 u Anh dance and bar awoid HkiU by a comoat nltta Mr. Chapman, ddldii> IsgtbeaaacniblaAO borond meaanio. SilaaCdlalforloymadoher JlntappeaBumalnoebcrnlnniframEanpo oo tbo eanu ars- jiliigaa0l7nipliClenlanlla"TkeQua3iof the AbniBl." no7 baia a Ten full company it Uio VatloUaa, the prognmnua are taled, mil peifonncd, and the andlances u a general thing Ttry wen pleeanL .L.TniUBU'a Viumu nUabnrab, oontlnnea lo be wall nation' Ind. Tbo place la conducted vdl, and the pnbUe appmelila an InattUIUm of thia kind. Ben Wheolei'a beoedt came off on Iho 161b, and ana an oecnden that Mr. Wheeler nay well be proad of, thebonaebctawonwded. Ameoff the gentlemen who Tofnn leered wan Jobnnyllaekay, Johnny lAodon, aodi^ Hngbea, the "Canlooa Boy." Ben la a great Cavorltowith theboya, and at their haada Wbl ilwaya itcelve Iho approbation bo ao rUnlrmoiltii. Hng JFLU MoioiH iraa looked forin San- Frandaeo at Iiat id- Thaw, from Hew Tork. She li a clover Jig-dancer and Teraallle pofcirmar, Bert; of Ibe New Idea, bai engaged mr lo fill Ihe pbee made Tacant by Iho dtportuie of liOlla. Buiun'a Hcoo iLux la efaU open In Vli^la Olty, bat there li •ome talk of a managerial ehonge. SbeRyOMbyn'anamelamn promlneoUy mentioned la Ihla connection, but we hardly think ihitbe can be Induced to leayo Ban Rudico. Ho now taaa Iho management of Hayea' Park, where ho haa loan tery nocotafol for the peat three monUu. To OimT Moarc hUJ^ Albany, N. T., la, u lla nant indl. enloa^ one of the raTest placoa In tl»t town to Tlalt for an ofealng'a amnaement! and the oompony thora la of tbat gay Und of talent that will drlTO dnn cam avny ao br Uiat It will tuo weeka to come bockagtUu AawlllbeiecntTanadrortiacmentlnanothcrcolaniii, the pnqirlctor, Sam FlupatTlck, haa a nondier of tint daaa per. ffnrnna on hia paf .rcll, and la looUng around fbr more^lodnuing a good lady Tocallat, danacnae and Ug dancer. Lot ftlr, Omooa and faadnatlng fomalea of tho **prDrcah," aa wall aa thon of the mtle'gendor, make a nolo of the aafflc, OAinzsBcnT H.ux, Eaniaburg, under Iho managtmonl of J. B. ponnell, la doing • Ine bualneea with BUI; Poller, Joe MUlcr, Hugh ODonnell, Harry Uacon, Kale Archer and JnUa Manb, w, Bomvm, am Asnti BonnwTLL, with tbclr dog Dick, hare Jut doaed on cngaflemeDt with iitm. a Sinroid, In Banlabunr, and Ro lo Columbia and MaileltB, Pa,, prtorto opening cil^a'a UeMeon, ttUlmore, Hd. ^ Hmncon, who opened the yotlonal HiD, Ilarrlibnni: op the Hh, Onda the jnanagomout of O, L, KaU, baa been diawloig good kouaea aince Uio opening. Tin VAumBa, Coluinbue, 0„ la a popular ^ace of leaert Ibr the amueemcnt loving deolaeoa of that town, which maybeac. counted for chlody by thoCict that Manager Jotm M, Kinney contlouiUy keepe op a full and Inlcnied company, Aa at preecnt eonaltucled, It urlndee Mlu Louis Payne wiay. La BoIIe Tlolct, U Bella Oork, Ulaa Lonlm Blich, Uide UllcholC Alice ObrUUae, U2zlo Frooberlhyaer, Joe Wood*, Dkve Wllaon, J. A. Barney, Frank WUoon, Phil. Blcfenbach, Kick Emmet and Muter LSIy. The oonipADy baa parfOrmed ono hnndred and tblr^-flve nigbia at Columbna, which la aald to b« the lonpeit itctm orer known Ibece, and may be acoopled aa an evidence of the eatlmatlonla ahlcb the Voilttlea la bold by tbo Oolombnalana, Slu UuiEiTA lUvBL, the gnocfol and latrcpid danaeuao and tlgbt'iopo arilat, baa, we nsret to learn, been very alch, ao mnch ao, that the lady woa nnable to appear at Iho Canlcilniry, VioUnglon, D, O., aa annoonced laat week; but, we are Informed Ihenaliaiaof that eatabllahnMit will bavo on opportunity offbeat Ug tt^lr eyei oo her gneafiil movnncnto Ihla week, commendng en Monday evening, Klidloat. JudglngSnmUieinlacsbciUnrcd on her out Weal, we piodM a warm reception fur ner by tbo Waoh- tostonJana. aT tdb Ajuuftina Mono ^v**^ _ Cleveland, 0., aecording lo lha vTltl«a evldenee of two wlbiceace, a good builneaa la being done, ^aprogiamma before na, wo obacrvc tbotavailouaand ottrac. ^ peformonce la given nightly by a nnmerooa and well aalected '"'vany; among whom an the MInea Julia Dawnn, LoulaeBUoo, ™? Duval, Qlia Fieaberthyatr, Ulle Minnie, La BeUo Valaido, . i:.«:^l«T, Hank Ooodnun, Ona Fctcn, the BUaa Famllr.and "••"•■Mirard. r^l^f '^^""* eloaed her brilliant esgiircmcnt at Ihe Chkaiio UrieUoa okih, 18th Inot...kitas CUm BnUer la ono of Iho^^ ouuta eog^ It t|,g TaileHe*, end whllo ringing a national eeng JSf.2Si''"™'^>'='«»l'>«* **« namoof Ocn. HcClollau loa DTonble mayion. a taw blaiea were tho naull, which wi re uawtaaaodibnly drownedbyabnralofgtnnlnoapplauao. The ISrijfSi "J«marka, aald "ibe hlaaoa woto no doubt Inlondcil h7,i?!Siif^V^* aing hla pnlaea M long aa aha h>dadropofbleo<llnhoivelna."BiSlynirClain. A bET Coiao Bna eatlUed "Klaa In a llallroid 0«r," now being mna lu London wrj, great encceii. can be obtained from Mr. wl K. Horiuon, comie Nnger, aa per advertloemont eloewhcre. nkiT I ?i**.H'"' • "mpiny at hlaTarleUea. In Pbfladel- ISif-^ ??' ^'«« IJale EUaworlh, Mr, M, Dalton, Mile Annette njaiu,.jobu Foi*eB.iBd uld Tom Wllaon, who la pronounced fe£l5i. repreaenlaavca of darkey life la the pro- Tas, OoaiuiuiAi, Philadelphia, doaad on Uio aiat for a abort nojoojlboinaaamraannonnoe. Thedoalngofthla hosaoniakoa x>nopentlibigfbr theCaalno. UK Caalno, Philadelphia. TlmnajoapubUahcaa ard laoorad. • """"g* ft" Ibe above dancan. . Vf^ Phlladolpbia, opened on tho Mlb nnder Ihe man. ■cemoutof Jno. \7l^»Tl»^ ihn f^fln-^,,^ |, „ n^rtlil I'nt nf IVyniii? S«s ApSrowo, rfj|?9tiQeram, Qco, W. Hania and Jna Wtavar, At Tn GoicTsancaT, waabinglon. Manager Lea la attmctliig crowded houaca by tho excrBont manner In which be catan for Ike public Inate. lUa proaramme laat weak woa a capllal coo, i« tfolowltb a hoetofattrarUvo novoMea and perfomianffa FodQ'a aJaptaUjB of "CudJo*a Gave" was perfumod; wllh Do Foireat aa Pomp, HDy 7eat aa CudJo, Mulligan aa Toby, and Jenny Forreat aoTuglnlaTlUaia. lBaddiaontothodraffla,lliooanaloUiibual. ma wa.1 Riven by the company, among whom waa Don BonHago Oibbonnouo, COQ of Hiebeac oontoiUonlotaand trlck-eholr perform, ere In tho bodneaai daoBllIyWeataud Jotinklulllgan.uieoceen- tilc negro pcrmodon. Tblt WMk **Cu4|o'a Gave** will bo kept on the bllla,-andltanette Blrel, the ebanning iaiuttue and light rope performer puta In an appaoranoe* : ' J ClrouM*.' Db mru nam noa Biut, rfoe of tlie beat In Canada, died leotsUy In Toronto. Sa la- Mid to bave been a most excellent KTbtmer, aaoeasifiilljf aooooipUiddng all the inat dUllcult canine niaef Uieanu. ■■. '■- • . ^ , SPiXAPBL Pn™—* Oouji Onon wUl commonco Uio travel* Bunujva li Numov^^Boui UbUled'Ot New Haven, Conn., tfftheUlbandllOi, V. s ' .. (r~ k. Dwom* Oaooa ahowi at New uavan, Conn., on the Jom BoBnoon'a Cnora and mmana woa at Bncynu, Ohio, enlheaiaL \niUe at Weat Uber^, QhiiV'on the Mb Init, tbo loya had oulto an emlleoieat with John Lawla'Bldfrebow, Lowlo tea a oductlon.of birda, tlgaii^ looparda. monkeve, etc., and, vhUe oleanlng one of tho cagei^ eooiof the pet ugcte got out lad made fbr Ibo ciow^ and ooob n icampcruig, it la oud, waa wvcr before aeon.' -Tlfe tigs'* Ont act waa to aoizo a liorae, vhlch bo klQod ; than:ho nude - (or tho erowd, but Uofillch, tho ■eU'knewn anlmal>pcifbnner, happened to bo near, and, after (onalileiahle trouble and at tho riak of his own life, tho animal wi aofcly caged. Hoffllch waa aovcrdy, but not dangeronaly Id- laied. Tholublnaon Show boa had aoveial addlUonaof late, In- dullng Uona, kangaioon, ele. P. U. Beaman la prlndpal down, «Uh Qua Shaw aa aecond. Tho Bbow baa a mlmnnl band ataags Kadame Annette Beaman onlnm Iho den of peiformlngaalmala.- TntTiB oMn RoSB' Omcija akd MmonniE will eihlbU aa fel- Inra:—Bavenna, 0., 33d; Chagrin Fella, Uth; dovdand, aUh and Ittb; nudaon, lIUi; Akron, 98U1I and Vanlon, 30th, lu UsBoi Ofsu haa been doorlahlnk golly, tn CTnclnnaH. bnjoomptu iaya—"MdvUlo'a Auatrallan CInns came and par. brmed to big andlonoce ten daya'and nlghtc Immedialoly after, Uko and Morton arrived, andioolludanlmDonaobualiieaa during I week. They have an eicdlont company, and poaseoa an Im- Benae Awtnro In llUlo Alloo, who I look upon aa the moot graoo- M and dakUng cfiiafrir.M In Ibo oountiT, Lakohos an outalde ittiaetlon that ukoa the mtUtitude In Ihe ahape of an doboiaCely lOded and carved "Dolphin bandoharlot," drawn by forty honca, u la proving aniinmenao "dniring" team In Ihe rural dlatrlds Itnughont ue State, ItoUnson and Howoa' Ballroad Orcua tin be here within two weeka, and after thorn the "HlppeKZodogi. ■1" Inotltolo of Thayer and Neye*', Vu AumnoB t Oo'a Mzmioub oihlblta In Now Bedford the >9d,-Watoham Mlta, Plymouth aoih, BouUi Dridgownter lOlh, Beat kbintidon 91lh, and Foiboto SSIh inat At Provldonco Iho big dx feulnpole canvaa ironld not hold thopeopto, and whan tAol tent nilW)Sn,ltmBybeeouaidared that Ihenla a right amarigathor- ha ertoika abont' The giraffe and all Iho anlmala *ni doing ta^^^wllhatindlng Ibit'thon haa boon a good deal of bad WHkMin niTCB, HID HncBooci'a dreua'waa In Lowell, Uooa.. k the lAih, Naataua ]lal, and Minchealer iCd. TbeIr lonio ahead boa fOUoirB:-aoneord, N. U, aith, PiHaUdd IMh, Dover Itth, tartamonUi 97th, and Portland 3;thand8Mh, Acotteapoidantbt- brma ua that vrltb Iho ancpUon of the "downing" the itaow la a >ny good one, bntanolharwiaagood abowwllh a bad down, kllla ncT^^hing In a cinoa company, UiuauK Buna, aqnaaliUn, anived In New York on iho find, bemPortanPrlnoe, ... BaiiH AifD Sno plleked tent In PItlsbUrib on ihe lOlh, remain, ha Ihrouah tho week, Qardnor and Uommlnp' OltcuB Wtowa, thb week. « Mlioellineoui. Uo Minxms had a light bonao at bin opeiallo concert Id C> ibKhlan Hall, Rocbeeter, on Iho Itth mat Og, LotU, tenor, woa ■diapoaod, and madebolaringlo appeannce, MiaaLaunHar-. la Ihouabt to poaaeaa • voice oqnal to Madame Vailan, Mr. Uned B, Feaae, planlat, la apoken of highly by Ihe Bocbaaler ^ua, Ibe troupe woe at BDiblo on tho liat ' - .Tin OaidnuL H uimu i au w tuavw wen In ElminL N. 7., on tteWb. i tUn Dsur- Ihe Amy Prima Donna, who haa for aome time M aung In tho Army of Ihe Folomao, la now oouomililng In Ihe >(alcin aocllon of tha atats, Bhe waa blBcd br Rocbeatar oo Ihe Mb, BnllUD 36th, Ihinkirk 37lh, Oto ISUi. doveland Wh, Ban< nfki tin , Tole do let Jnna Boeebrook la aetlog a* bar ogml,^ ABmnoFnooK, wllh onetaundted and thirty anpeclorviowa^ *0<lig, canvaa, and all the noceoaary Mpanfiia and accontr*, Benta for tnvelllng, la advcrllacd tar aafe In this loiue of lha l!umB for oonaldaably leoa than east Donoon' leoiam oo "Cheek" did net pleaaa the Boehcatet nblie on Ihe loih inaL They oeemed to think that ho mait have md a deal of "cheek" (o ohaig* 36 cents a head fbr a aseh a leetnn. Oontcaiu iHD Pun wore greeted irllh full hooae* bi BnflUo •MBoeheelcr. • , Tbb Oastd ZoniTi Tiatm waa tn Ihe ameU iowna of Ksw Uaipahirolaat vnak. OnthelllthUiejworeatKoeueb anddlda Joe bualnaaai tnm tbenoa Ihur went lo OnUleboro, \L, foroafc aiaht ' .» Ida ' "** ^ "'^ Tu Tioow TKim, from Uie OonllseDla), FbUaddphl^ and °^<>>lhapIMneaof Dacle JUnmglliD.ilei* at Ml* HilTmi, Conn,, on Iho leih, and want Uuaw to Woroeator, Maaa., Ibe balance of Ibo weok. A. P. Baix'a ooLonnv Saow, eomJalIng of gymnaaUe, aora- ballo and drsmallo' pcrfbrmera, Is ttarelUng Ihrougb this BtatOL giving performanoea under oanvis. nie abow la advertlaea ahead u follow*: LowrlliB Mtb, Culhaga,3Itb, and Woler- town iUlh. • ■ , Amateur. Xst Euoni tS. T.) Dniiuiia Aaaodiiioii wu id give in en. lertainment at lay UaBls tbatdty on the 3ithlnst, under tho management of Mr, Wm. a Foltw. "Bombeolca Varlcao" and "AFrettyPlecoof Buolneaa" ware Iho pleoeato bo poffbrmed. Ihe leading parte were asalgnod to Hcaan. W. C, Patter, 8. Conk- ey and B, H. Piatt, klr*. H, Howe (who gabled oo nach priiao during former entrrtalnmeola of the AsaodatlOD), Mr*. 8. Conkey, and a lady from Brooklyn. Tho ontcriUiuncnt u for the bcnodt of the Ladle* Hoepllal Aid Boolety. THE Bt. Lawuicc Diuuino CLOa, of Uontreal, C. R, gave on sntertaliunent at lha Tbeatro Doyal, Uonlital, on tho lOlhEial TnB Kirirjffoa DnAvana Cmn gave a dramatic and maelcal cnlcilalnmont at Ibe Aaanmbly Rooma, Now BilAblos, 8. L, on Ihe 16th Init, when "Faint bout sorer won fairudy" and "The Snlee CoUagfc or \niy don't ahe many," was performed, Mra. Hllner and Mr. Lamboit oang; Mr, Zlrtwiade puycd a ulanctorto oolo, and Mr. Webeler, a relerned loldlor, a concerllna sdo. Mr> (VBrlan and Mt, Webeler, "two genllamm of color," euaobid a comio aeone, entitled "Tbo Two Dionilo*,"' Mrs. Hlhier and Moaar a. Fulto n and Webster wDre (spodollypralaoworthy. Tmrom of a aerlaa of amateur dnmotlo performancco, lot the benefit of Uie U, B. eanltjoiy Oommladon, takes pbce at Ihe Opera Houie, BudUo, on tho Mtta Inst Tho ontortaluinenl will oonslat of tho comedy of "EveiTbody'a FMeod," Iho aleglng of tbo romance of tbo "BUotletoe Bough," and tho pantomlmQ of ■TheMleUctooBough." AllttaocbaroetarsarelobeniiTescnted by bidlee and gentlemen of that dly. . . Txie ovTicBna of tho Oorzioon at ilalifax gave an amaleiir per* romance at tho Ihoatn Boyal tai that dty on tho IMh but Foreign Dramatlo ind. Show Newt. ADzmx PiTD la aUn In Paris, *B<nelr defiant of all rivalry or compcUIloD. Bhe la now by general aaaant Ihe pHiu iaaia aao- tuJa of Europe. She bna lately aoUsved another trinmph at Pa* rio. In "FanA,"'abiglng andaeonglbspaitsuperior to ooyono olsa that has oiing or acted It In that dly, aecording to the Jadgmcnt of the best ciillea. It la olstod tai a Paria Journal that PnlU boa roconlly corns of age, and that her lint act waa to aoitle on annuity on her perenta. "LtrsnoBi Wnnn von WnessoB," by Hloolal, baa been pro- duced in an llallBDveraien, at-Her UaJeaty'S Tbealro. London, under tho name of "Falata£" MCna. Jnaca,' well known In thla dty, and tbo gnut fovotito here, Oaaaitr, won) In Iho caot fbr Olovannl and Mooter Pago. Dmi, AT QLAioow, on tho Mlh of Moicb, after a hmg lOncaa, Mr, Jamca Bodlcr Woodver, tbo weU.known property nustor for tho principal London and Provincial ihoatKO, at tbo ago of oixly* Ibur. llENOzxn's CxnQCE, which bod boon almost completed by Mr. Obarlea Haogler, in Victoria atrecl, Belfast, Irdond, waa toblly dettrorcd by fin May tOi. Bmoke wm Ont dlacovered laantog train the alablca on tbo lertelde of Ibo bnildiDg ataUtllo laat nine o'clock, and In a Cow minatca after, the cnllK etmcture waa en- veloped in one maai of flsna In abont lialf an hour tha aitiaUc workmauabipotmonthavns a bean of wortbltas ruin. Avery valuablo pony, ydopt Buckle was named to death. Other anl. mala had balrbKadtb oaopea Orom dealnctlon. Many V tho ar. liila atgtffi bed dicsacs and other properlln stared lu Hie Cl^ cus, moot of which wen dcotioyed- Nothing la otprcoont known of the origin of tho fire, thongh It la alleged Quit the accident hap. wnodwhUovvorlanenwereenngedlnnttlngnpgaa, Itlailsted bat Ibe coBtndor fbr tho bsUdinii bad given It overto Mr. Heng. ler for a cerioin time, and lhal In that caio the laltor gentleman will bo at eonalderable lose. The Clrooa waa to have been Inao. guretedip Batnrday, May 7th, OucoxoMnCKDiEiiitheainlnentcompoeer, la no more. He departed this life Xlay 2d, at Faiit. The iUusbioua matter aao- cumbcd to a malady of tho InlesUnn, Ihe Brat aimptooa of which did not give rloeto anlieiiatlona of a Iktalrcauit Onlyaweek 1 irevlouo, he waa la mOlclcnlly good heakh lo make amngsments I or o Journey which ho propond lo undeiiako. During nearly tho whole period of hIa JJlneoa he prvaerrcd coatdousness, biit to* i%vda too cad ho becamo very wc^, thoogb free from nain. HIa paaaage from liib to death waa an caoy transition. In pursoanoe of the dcbillod InatrucUons left by him oa to Iho amngements to bo mode for hia funeral, the body lemtlned cipoaed three days la Pario, and waa then convofed Ic Berlin, bis native dty, by • routo which he had preocttbed. Hia daucbters arrived tram Badon In lima to ncdvehla teal sMh. Olacomo MercrLlobman Beo^-to Sroblmhle correct appellaUona—waa of Uebraw deocoaL behw 0 aon of a woilthy banker of Berlin, in which dly the grsatmn- olaian now loot to u* waa bom on the tth of BepiemW, 17M. aiaoomo'a gifta wen pisoodoutly developed, bla masteryonrthe liaDoforlB at tho4ge of seven ycora beUiR meh as to qnalUV him or pitying at conceris. By Ibe time of hli rcacbhtg ihoue of ton yean, bo had bconn, though withont theoretical knowledge of engage In Iho labor of eompoalUon. Hiabiallncalad blm onward, perhapa too mpldly. In the pioductlon of numcroua ■on^ and planororto plccea, which aaloolshed his Mcnda by thdr cbaradertaUoorlginaUly. He waa placed nnder tbo guldanco of a maxlrr named Weber, who held soma repute Ibr bis powers oad method of Imparting inatmclion, and who waa hlmaclf a pupil of tho tuned Abbe Vogler, the great mualcil Inalmctor of hia day. But It wouU scorn that Wcbcr oi-!idaed but UtUo dmotkm In the leak committed to blm, and that bo needlessly aUmnhtid tbo ar- dent and aspiring geniue of .the young acbolar. Thuaaiaeomo waa led to produce, la rapid and abundant Bucoesdon, olaborato n ifrr la fa In the moatnbalraae braochea of oonnteipolnl, without bchig able to dlaoera and correot thdr faulta. Such ability doca not oven seem to have boca poaaesaed by bla maaier, who, vain of tho progrvaa mado by ao young n popll, ocut oae of Moyerboer'e attempa at Aieuo-writlng to the meat and leamol Vogler, aa a wonderfnlproofofattabuoenla. niooLlabbeicliinedTboklSS,, drily pointing ont that It waa a mere atrtag of eiTora, Tlilalnd- donldelermlncd Uio young BtudaitaD»athJnuMltundo£thA,iiMrt hiltkmof Volger; and irt*^-rryiSJ^^^t'Ha^^ |M9M«*aSb^^^^Dcimruonffnlm loanypromlalagaplrits. Meyer- beer wma then flflcen, and bo enconnlered among bla foUow-pupUa another Welier, Ihe dcetlned author of Ihe "Freiechuls," or "Eu* ryanthe," and of "Oberon." A warm' MendotJp oprang on bo* tweonthoyoutha.aadoalytarmliiatadwilhWebCT'a Ufa under the dlrccUoa of Iho Abbo Voglsr, tbo yo jibflil Meyerbeer pursued with confidoDoe the kaowlodge of bniinony and coonterrolnt, and In the eourao of hie etadloi be composed agraat quantity of learned anddaboiato nred mualo. In the aevcre-acholaslic stylo of his master. Asmighthavobccnexpected,IhoofforiaofH^orbecrwero ror oomo tlmo tinged with the achoiaatidBm of hia Mnlng, Bla first dramaUo plocc, perronncd at Munich, waa entitled "Jeplha'a Daughter;" and, though wrilton fbrlhoatagc. It was muoh mora of an omtorio than an open, not only fromlts sacred aubjeot, but from ib alyle, which, having been acnnlred under ao teamed a preceptor, waa full of oouliapnntal sldlL and showed bat small otionuon to the altractioDS or melody, Tlio Bavarian publio voiy naturally troatod It wllh Indlffcraooe. A lilUo ooo!cd in bla ardor by tbo Jadgnent of tho many, Meyortmr rcoofnmencod bis labo- rluua application to the piactico or ibo planoforto, tbat being tbo spedaliiianch orhla art In wbloh ho hod already won an eatnoat ofauoccaa, HBdhei>eneveced, 'thon la no doubt that bo would have borne ont the opinkm famed of hlni by Mos obelei, who vrasbimself attbattlmo arlalDgyoimg pbmlal,andwho prcdiet- cd that Moyerbeor might become the areateat perfOnmer of bla ago. But happily, tho iMBt of bla senlus drew nim bade to iho pilhofdramaluoompoalttaa—apsUiha haa sveralnco atoadUy lursoed. Ho was engaged to wrilo aabpeis-fbr tho Contt thea- ro, andheeompoeed "Aldmelok; or, tlioTwo Calipbe;" but tho tuition of tho Abbo Tolger etnck by blm vritta an lla podonilo atlff* ncaa, and the Austrian public, already fiiiniliar «ith tho music of tbo Italian aobool, did not relish the dry leaning of his manbte, Meyerbeer's next resolution was soon formed, on the eaoeUtnt basis ho iioil already laid by Ua rtudlca nnder the Alibe Volger, ho oougtat Inaplrallon of melody at lu fonnlaln bead, Itady, At Venice be beard Rosalnl'o first great opera, "Ihncndt with vhlcb aU Europe was then ringing. Ho waa charmed with the flowing grace pf Iho mualo, with Its tre<dom from - tbo oniobraua fotton or Ihe acboola; but ho wua too wioo to throw away, even bod that boon poeelblo, Ihe frulla of hia Tentonio studies. In abort, ha did what Mozart bad done balOre him—he icaolvcd to xoaiu Halloa melody the prominent featarea of bla mnsio, alxongth- coing and oolorlng the outline wllh all Iho farce of harmonlbna oomblnatlona. Cndorthia toaol^ hssioto his firatgnstopon, Oroolato In l^lto," wbkb esbibUshod hia tkmo. us, however, ninaliiedinacavo,araoemliigIyso, foraerera] yeai* alterwarda. Hia maniago la 1B37, and the atals of melaaobolylndaesdbvthe duiha of Ua two Intent ehlUres, suapendod Ua musical tacora. It waa not till Ihe year 1631 that hia noit gicatwork, "Bobort le DlablOk" made its appcanncc. \fllb H. Bcribo for a oollabora. tour, Uejerbeer, who had token up bla reddcuco la Perls, folkiw* odup Iho "Bobcrl" wllh that llluslroas otrlng of oiiaraa which compiiacd Iho "Hnguenola," Ihe I'Pfopbolo," Ihe "Etolle dn Nord," and "Dlnonb." In 1S63, the year of the Oroat Interna. Uanal EiUbmoo, Hsyertwcr vlallbd London to auperintond Ihe nbeaisala of Uio "Morab'' oompoaod by bhn opodally (or Uiat oo- caalon, Meyerbeer die* at Ihe ageofaeventy, and IbcrafDre net prematurely. But hi* death, at a thnewhon bla powen had abown no oymptom of decay, even thoogh Ua yean hod talfiUad their aDoUcd open, must bo lamented. He bad himself hoped to wltoesa the porftninanoeof Ua latest open, "L'AfrieabM," which baa been deroiTed, altar being again and again "underlljiod" for ropresoalatlon; Ihe cause of deoybeiiig Ihe want of a koproao who ohould bo oapoblo of reollahig Meyoiboer'e "Ides of aqeeond Cmvolll." Moyerbeor bad of lato voora'divided bla rcaideaco be. tweon Poila and BorUn. In the Ian-named dty be held the ajK polntmont of muNloal director to the Hiag of Pruoalo. OANTERflURY NEW BOWERY THEATRE. Solo Proprietor • MB. J. W. UKaABD, , MONDAY BVENmO, MAY 36,166«. Flist night In throe ^oMn^ lhegMdte^oary dnma of Now BcencryiMaoblnerysud AppolntD^enia, , . : iMtwaekof Ihooolobnledmtlo^ranMao team MIB8 KATE TANOE, who wHl wpoar for ibo firat Ume u BBBin, HIB HDNTEB, Tho tnhiedboiao Don Juan aa tha Demon Stood. The popular young actor, asthoBaUnrinUiodt»in»M^ ^ , JACK'S THE LAD. MBB. W. O. JONES, HiaS KATE NEWTON, „._„._ KIB8 UA^AWAY, Wt. UAXDEH, .''I'* , FBOUO OF THE FAJBIEa' Tneaday evening,' eompUmonlirr bonsdt of . Hit B, B. OLABKE. IWdD evanhig, Duewell bencfitof _ • MIBi KATE VABOK . , , - — - - ■ ^4.^^,^ OEO. DSOOKEB, •THE FEMALE JACK 8HEPPARD,"A New ind ThrilUng BenwUen Drama, by MSa &K. nVTUB AMBRIClMDftAVATIBT. snthonaa of "The lieket of Leave Woman," "Jaok Bhnmoid --^—""Bag Woman aadSo and HIa Dug," "Oboal «f Altenburg, . Dooa." al&, ato.- lluugsra wlaklng In ]ndoee the above win ad< dM* a K. tOX, Old Bowery Tbaabsb'. ;; .'Mt*,- THE CLIFTON SHADES. No. -J EAST HOUBTON DBTWKKN BBOADWAT ABD OBOTOY BTBnff, btbslnunadiatovicialtrotlhe nrindnd Uioalrea. Hot Jolal^< Choca,Btoika,0ddOai*,WdabllaiebPUs,alallbaiin. IrnpoM Wlnea and Bplrits of the finest and purest bfanda* i QombJEBWwed aadlmpcoiaaAlesor tbeoliokntquaUII«iL__„, 741 EAIIBY OUnONi PicpiMW. KDBIC ;£ALL' THEAIBl^ WABHIROTOK' CITY, D.' 0, lonlalana avinas, nsar cor. eib iilrHt, nar of NaUoaal ud Uo* . :i tropoUlanHolela. .' ooN or IBE oAiroinnf lioht. . OEOBGE I£A .'...^.HoprieloT, THE ASTOUNDINa BDCOiaS wUch haa marked lta« upward career of thla ' MODEL AMUaEMKNT TEMFLB; I' Dow'bi Ihe' FODBTH YEAR OF nS EUSTENCB, IB MOST INC0UPBEHEN3IBLE TO TDB BtlALLEIt FRY, who have attempted to rtnlna In eatablJablag placoa of amus^ mont In Uia menopolla, batUie ■ EROWna ONES do not wander ot.onr aacceaa,tor'lIi«yBeeat a glance that tbo proprietor of the Orcat Canlsrbnry la not guided by the OUTLAY, Dot oy a hcallby consideration of what will pleaao an IKTELLIOENT AND OENEBOUS PUBLIC BELECnON OF ATTBACnONB. The foUowlag flrat cLiaa ArUatoa ar« nader eagagomeatwith Geo. Los, to pmorm at tho numeroua eatabUabmonla with wUeb bo is oonnocied thnmghont the United Btatca. MISS JULU UOBTDIER, 3Q33 MnXJEandCLAHA FOWLEB - .1''i UIS3 JENNIE EKOEL, MISS DORA DAWBON, U'LLB gA THBTW A, M'LLE ANNEITA aALLEITI, MIS9 AinOE BOABOWELL, ^ ^ MIBB LAUILV L£ CLAIRE, MISS LUCY OLIFION, iiiHU w i' i^ F0BBE6T. MISB JENNIE FOBBESr, MISS KinY lee; MISS niN^ MAY, UIB3 NAOMI PORTED, «. ^lULapiwaraB . . In ,1,",°'^^ ^ VVZni BABBEll OP BLINOTON, u iboUugbableandamusbigfkrceenliUed ' EASY BlUVniO, ahlch proved ao anoceaanil on lis Orst reproscnIaUon at thla laeatro. Doon open at 1H, petfamanooe oonuneneo at 71^. Boata aocuied thno daya in advance. MIBS UAQOIE TVILaON, NELLY BAINFOBD, and loss NELLY BOWABD, JOSEPHINE PABEEB, LOUISA bolbtxe; IDA DE VEBE, FANNY DSVraEl ' TILL! rOBBEB, UEzr SCOTT, AMXrSEMENTS. FOX'S OLD BOWERY THEATRE. Lcaoec^ Dindcr and Uanagor ,., v., * i:ni|r CLABS PLAY, ,...a,L,fox 'i"=£.ia,Am PLAY, MHO L p<5['**°"'*'*™>''T VAUIB, WITH J, B. STUDLEY, , tuss FANNT nEimma, . ' MISS B. DENTIL ivn ETEBY MEMBER OP .TOE COMPANY, MONDiT AND TUESDAY. Mar 33d and Mtb. llepopi^^nM bjTDoWaktaliiimKd I'BE UPPER TEN AND MI LOWER TWmTII , Act^!!uDm5S'"'^*^ "•**^^^^»«- ■ Actl-INBAMTTY, Act3-*.REVENak, 0, L. Fort Ptatomlme of ^-WmuDUnON -idtbeDriniof THE DOITLE nm OLYMPIC, 622 and 624 Broadway. a£!II?«!S,.£i'°''*™' ^'Ba 'tHW wo<«>- iH i n igCT. , Ja B BELWTV ■iJ?^'.s'«^ILl,'-!i:fSv""L"*«''"' »»' PMng la Lon* b?w^ h PMtSS^jP",''!? »'i~«dlnary iuw£, wrilton ey Walts Phillips Esq., to 3 aols and ouUUcd which will be produced ON MONDAY SVENINO, HAY M ror Uio first Itaio to Ihla ronntrr, wiUi s powerful oaat, todudlng ISr OHARlfej BABftON, " woo wSl man 9IS flrat appouanooattLlslhoalnta **'UL *"*»•—*•*' — ---cr-™, "n't ■» turn iiiui PAUL OOISgWOBmY,, ' After whieli MllB, JO^N IVOOD aill amiearas If BABBEI NIBLO'S QARDEN. . Looaee and tlanagor WM. WHEATLEY TUB MONDAY EVEHIKO, kUy 36, lOM. SECOND WEEK udposlUve anooeaa of John Oraiighsm'a Orond Drama, In Five Iibleani, onUllod ■ . — , BEL DEHOKIO; A LOVE BTORY, la wUchlho cdobratod Lyrio Artfatot M'LLE. VESTVALI, hu achieved a doddcd triumph In her resiarbablo nononotlon of ANOELO, . , «IUi Iho oongs, 'Tou aro Uio Star" (words by S, B. Flaks- Baa,), and "Biavalutco," ibis magnificent Ilomantio Drtma, oftor many MONTHS OP PBEPABATIOK and an onUay of MAHY THODSANV DOLLARS; wHh cnUnly new eoenery sad orlgUialmualc,onda grand ballot of eiiteen corypbtes, in eddlHon 10 an<-ani<llarT aid numbering OVEB TWO UDNDRKD PCRSONa TIIE ILLUMINATED OAHDBK OPEN EVERY EVXRIKa. Seala sccnrcd sU days In sdvanco. 1 MAOOIE MOUKTJOT, AKNiaLETEBINa, WITH A F ULL COB P^ Jff[ g^ — The hesntlfol Spanish Danaenao and Tight Bopo Peribmar. MONK BAPTIBTIN, ' The cdebrateimench Doneer and BaDat Master. JOHN UULLIOAN, ANDBEW I£AVITr, DENNY QAXLAQBER, Tho best and moot OOMtO ETHIOPIAN TBIO in Ihe Pnfbaalon, JOSH BART and BOB HABT, THfe-,T WO. OOMIO DBOMipa. | DELBEANTY and WABD, THE CHAMPION CLOO DANOI^ OF AMEBIOA. The Ckig Danolng of thea* two perlbnnen en entirely dllEsraDt to other would be champions. They an now daadag at FOX'S CASINO, PHILADELPHIA. , DnXY WEST, W. H. WILUAMB, . ' ■ J. J. DOUOnSBTY, ' : ,< ■ '. W. B, OATENAOH, MABTIHI CHIBISEI, . MIL J. DE F0BRE8T, M9NS VEBRIOSZ, . . .DON.BANTUOOalBII01IHOIBB, MONS T0PH6 jP, ' " • CBABLBB d OOU1IH8, TUB ZANFBBtIA FAMILY, CoaalstlDg of alx poraonaj mdartho direction of ALBXAMDEIl ZAUFBEITA. BILLY QIEBSON, WILLIS ADMBtBONO, SNOW BBOCTZBS. Tbo entire company nmployod by OEO, LEA niunbora over THBEB HUNDHED PBBrOBHEBS, Iho aroatost Comblaaltan of lUent Ever Engaged by one Single Maaagsr. Aillslaofvrell known MUlywIDoonsaU thdr own In l a i a els ty first appljbig for osgagamania to ' OEOBOE m, as he bM fkaOlUes for employing ihem In BS DDISBBNT CITIES, . aUof wbkhoi* ' * FIB8I CLASS IsrABLISBMSNTS, MoaoaanwIahlDg to engage any Of Uio ibon AlWtil'aui lesni full parbculaiBbyaddraaatog . ..,1 ' ' OEOBOEIEA, ; -7 ■ OanisrimiY, .'WluUi«tdo,'D,0, k, B.—FIBBT GLASS TAIfNT ALWAYS WiKIS), PABTin lEUABAPHDftf to no wU pte*** ftf uielrlblo* rnrna, ud not "dead head" IhtIr messagao, as I bare eome to Ihe voiy.wlio oonalnaion that "dead beading'' don't p«. Edf thsUffl* Uwynerarnsdi thdir desHnaUon. I inlaad always to pky alnai and hop* olbar paiUcs when UlegnpUi(«i>la» will Sotbsnnft.^ 7*lt HELLER'S I HELLER'S I HELLER'S 1 BALLE DIABOUQDE, Na tSS Broadwsy, oppcalto Nlblo'a, The ReaDy Ooauiue, Uaoaulrom aad Qponly Dcmonaliatable BUCOESS . 01 I ROBERT HELLER, u- BEYOND THAT ACIimVED BY ANY ILLU8I0NIBT IN NEW YORE. THE BALLE SIAOOUQUE ■ n ' NIOnTLY 'THRONOED WITH THE ELITE OP THE OTTY. In dofference to tho oiprcsscd wlahca of tho public, PBOftBAUMB NO. 1 win bo rucated ONE WEBS MORS, Retabiing aU Ihe apodal Csals which hats made IhocutcrUlnmeat at this bIJou tbeatro the moat altiadlva of their Und; ooiibtailBg aethoydo. •■■ • * HAOICS MOST ILLUSORY DEEDS, 1' > MUSIC'S MUST ENIBlMCINa CUARVS, MntTH'B MOSTmLARlOUS SEABONINO. AS UOUDIN IS IN PARIS .,' BO IS HELLER IN NEW YORE. RODEIIT UQ/LER ; IS THE SIBANQE MAN ON BROADWAY. Door* open svorrovoUng at 7J{; Commences at 6. Box olBco men dally troiu 10 till t. . Oithcstra Chain ahould bo reserved befinehaud. MATINEE EVERY BATUBDAY, AT 3 F, M, 7 A CARD TO THE PUBLIC—In taet week'e CUFPZB there eppoarod an abualvo cord algnod 1^ Oco. Lea la anawor to a chaUengo from mo in bohslf of DIok Ijanda oud my. adf, In which I offered to donco agtlnalony man 1-^ " * ^? ttinunand dnilsrs Mifc^jiiia'^aiiii Tflycom pouy ia tho Inte- 'Hor of Indiana, and was unable u> obtain a Ourm untS I ar- rive In La FOyotto, totliA inu >■ Oe IDA ^ ifav-lbo day on nhloh Mr. Lea'a tenaa expired. I could not of eonroe, bo ex- pected to bo on hand with so ohoil noUoo. Mr. Lea prapoao4l in a pnivloaa cbolleogo to extend the ttmo thrco niootho, and wben. In a iiplTit of oosofflandable brmvery, bo resolved to socciit my obaltonflo, he narrowed tho timo down so that bo must baVo kao)ni I oonld not poatUily comply, ■ - I tblnk it waa vcrj' unlklr in Uo, not to ay nnsenUcmanly, to lake advantage of me to Ihe publlo manner la wUch bo did, whoa I waa oo altualed that Icoidd not defend nijielt Halndulgcs piofusoly in the nao of losolUng tema In regard to my naUon- allt), and apeak* of "Yorksblro Irish," "Donu'a Aaaca,"oto, In rogiurd to my being an agont for Nr. Sands, I uover propoaed to ace III that oanodty. Ibi]OwhlmtotMagniitleroanaiiUauawri<& WH.l f tmn nt ll,.. h» Iim,^ wifiM yti.lm OO tbo CUlO'Of ' ."ObalOpJOO' then snyiTTTirpiiniMlj IffW salirfftii floraaalved. warbloa Ihsl Ur. Loa has, or can doalgtiato within his ooDtrot Tho greet Qoo, Loo, Iho stupondoas and msgulfloent Coo. Lea, le a man who (If I am rlghUy InlCmod) baa been wtU known for the laat fiflccnor twenty yean aa an eaUbltor of peculiar onxl- oalttcain.varlonaplaoea. ' ■ 1 - 'i:- Mr, Lea Is ao fttuated (thanks to tls aaeoosa In hia peculiar 01. hIblUoaa) that ha feole ai llUciiy to tboao any perfbmer who dsn asaort Ua rights as a moritorlona ar^lla, I hope if Ibe gnat I AH,'tho giant and Hercnlea of ceruhi peffotmaaces,'meaaa budnoea, ho will anawor my elullaage in * respocUid manner. If bolscnpsbloof doingoo, lwlahtoaT(rid.aaijiraalGan,oaiiiliig in contact wllh anv pcrfoii who la incapable of sstog ihe language ofagcuUomaa, Aa for Iho twoiacipiont''"{hit^emoatha'*ncr- farmors, whom bo cbooaoa to dealgaato "(bo Champion Clog Danccn ofiAmorici,"' I will «y that ndlhor myaeir nor Mr, Bonds will recognize any light weight ecrenadera that wen never board of outside of Loa's sdvuiilaouient I bopo that my pro* fcaoloool acoualutaacea will poruso tbo cards from Lea and my- aeir. patiloulsrly tbat pari or Ua which la pmonal and abualvo, and I hope that ho will rocolvo aD tho credit to which he la en- tlUed. AU fubiro corda from Oea Lea appctisinlng to mo win bo treated with magnoUmoua oonlempt by the publlo'a iiioit ob^ dlont eorvant 7,lt* Tw Hatis. . OBiltXias, lOOK AT CUB FBIOm.—For II, 36,66; [orooceiila^yon cob boy oso of, the** osenlficant "LIFB \PlI0IudnAPlI8.". We.wlUtotontb*moasrIf notaalla- ''nctory, Smd'ataaipfbronrklaifiinathOatllogiistoP!0, Box Wl, Hartford, Oona.' ■ '.Ml* EiSJu'JJdS'wJ^r**^""^ ftffl 'and ftoU^i 0, im^.^llHiM'^^'"^* afoS»,eoka«d pS£ri,^8)qi FMinr Mmer, and eoc. Ibr Uio LooUnaOlaaaLUd If ton' dA't IbihkUiat that la oboap Umb i^S^VM^nSnol)' ,,,»: Jrai; NcSBlvlBiitonSL,', • nearUieDoweJTrSairYotI:.. ' T.ll* Aldnu BENT FOR ONE DOUAIt 439 SonUi 4Ui atree.l, p*.' STAND BAOKI—The peooliar OOLOBED PBOTOORAPB o* TUB HANDBOmST LADY IN TBB WOBLDT^ ' Pricosaconla, Addiea* . H, H„i ' T-K* . . 426 Sooth lib afreet, PhUaddphla,P«:^. ■ TABS NOTICE cd AdvarUaemaat irllh DAKCIRO CUT, I A TTENTIONI THE WHOLE WORLD ^ ORANT-B Clt^gfe"""° «ainBtoiffifta, of FOB CURLINa ItAnt ' WamnlsdtoonrltheHairbeaabfDlly, ''''":'.,'iA '. Btfoe^'MnHsd- ' ' Priced pea bolUe. Address 0, D, OluSrr^lbiniy'p.'b,, . '■■Alb«iSiW.T. CAJID PHOTOOBAPllS,—Ibo Cbaala, Hlaamtsd. iKafSailn of 10DcauUfulPlotaresi AnnabiiTad uSlTlnaHialSnS toHOW THEY DID ni McanbuSb. tLStforlhoTaMrUN onl tomu to dealoca.. Addtaai C. S, BAUB, boa 614 PbUa.«Oi SENDlOB FllESOHr , THE LAST FIVE FAliOY D(30E(I OUTVaflfa OAY AND LUSCIOUS PUOTOORAPHS, aU for <l,i7r ' I'AHCY BOOKS, alt colored plateai 60 MATRIMONY HADH EASY; or, Tua IScaiBor] VBALtn. tUx Colored PlalAo, 60 Cm , BeadformyMAaiC LOOKINa OLASB; alicolondnlatas.jaa:' . BE.ND FOR THE GAYEST OATALOOUB OBtTT-V^ ■11* ' FREDE. LUIBiaiT, Ddl 1666, PkUod.' P: 0.;VK RABS AND FANCY BOOKS, CABDB, SNOBAVlNtlS, Stai» osccpio VIoira, Card Fhotognpha Intn.Uh .BMSaB.OOM oonlabiing 19 Colored EugravinaB,lEnlves, WdUQMirBibgfih! Otipcrecntcbcaperlhantnywhcro, Send for aSbamaTlHUao RUOUB. SXt, it. t.V.O. ■ . • ^ ^j'jy'' MAOIO CARDS I PRBSTO I CBANOBI •Qt, - W6 hav* • euro niothod of winning at carda with our »«*Tr«gi« Cbangeahlo CardL Uiot you cau change the M Of Wmfrrai lower lo lilgber, while In your hand, wilhoul detcetlaBiTrasr ar» iiBW, anA odd only by w. Tbooo advcrtlaad haretoflmr2» not gouuliio,. Price 60 eta, per pack, Addrraa F^li 00,.. 1«! ] . IcckpdrtT?. r. lUN.-Bcad Stamp to P. O. Dnwsr UM. OUcago, DL, ad r« ' ct'lvo by return mall somelUng that wUl please yon. \ ■tnr PedsatrlanUm. Foot IIacs,— A malohto run 100 yards, fbt KiOO• ddok'dtino off over Uio Suffolk track, PUladclphIa, on Thnnday, IMh Inst. UiO coiilealtiito being John Ihomaa, of Nowark, N, J„ and lbs "MlUltoy,"ofFalorsan. Thoniuproved tbo wlaiier,beallna his oppoueni able foot The track waa heavy on tsanpilt^lbntaw ralna, aad Ihorowas mudia abundnnce, bat Ibeluasu otld to' have run the ^'flJince In 11 owfww^ if, j, CBAUXKOK—I will nialoh John Thimisa ib nn lOOyudi with any man In Uilaeonairyi-fbrflOOOa dde, flilngetart Any penou dUposed to accept, must amly luldo of a monUi to ' ' WE.Fa«r,LaAycltoHottae, Trfn|aa,N^ Tmat Vat FOor Base ok nu TAm—Joe UntdL df iHu and Tom Smith, of Looda, Bu^nd, mode a match and ^ -~ a ddu on the laUi biat,, at Much'e Hotel, Oroaa atrwlif r^i'^."!?'*'™*'« «»ibe 17Ui of Juna,>v to afriet tnhihig, and a good raco la anUdp^ad,-te^i BoccBsnn, nsroiotAxca —'->*' Lambert cue' PHOTOGRAPHS of Luollla and Helen Woetorn, Kato Bateman, dtlxena' droas and character, Lann Keeuc, Aonoa Hobcrtaon, Mra, John Wood, dllseoa' dree* and ohsractor, Veat. vali, looo Burke, Modolino lioariqaca, Mn. Uooj^ Kolaaaid Biuna Dcabi, Carollno nichtoga, Kato Flahv. Lao, Uudoon, idab Men, ken, Ada and Emma Webb, Via. P. P. Bowen, MaiUda Hsron, Forrest Bfoih, J. W. Booth, Nell and Dan Bryant Oeo. Obtisty, Epb Horn, Ftank Browor, Cbatloy While, Tuny Paalor, and bna drcda of othora, . Price 30 ccnia each, alx br $1, (LTI per doton. Oatolognis sent on rocdpl of red alamp by BIOHAIID PABHEB k CO,, 7*lt* oor, Ann and Raooau atresia. New York. M'LLE MARIETTA RAVEL, ' LA BELLA ESPAaNOU. THIS OQiEDlUTED SPANIBH DANBEUBB AND TTOBT HOPE AUTIBTB; having condudcd a moat bcUUsat eagagonuuit la Iho Wcat opena at Cantorbuiy lloU, Waabtogtoo. DTOTUay 33d. CommuaioUlona obouid bo addroosod to 7-ll» U, W, HANLEYiAgont Post OlScc, Waablngton, D, 0, MANAQERS of Mlnilrele, Panoramae, or any Ex- hlblUon In want of a UiorougUy coopotent man to act as ADVBIt. TIBINQ AOBNT, can onnge the Advcttlaer at modorato rate*, by addressing JOHN DIOmmSOH, Slatton D, N, V. Olty. " :T.It« THE BARNEY WILLIAMS Oramallo Aeeoolatlon wlU give an Entertalnmmt at WASmNOION HALL, Brooklyn, E D,, on Moaday Evenlnfi Ma^^U, 1664, The Irikb Bmlgndt, and Jeany Foalar, tha SaUor's C . Admlsoion 38 ds, TO LADY V00ALIST8.~A New Seneatlon Comic ifltti'Mndo, enUUed "KISS INJL BAILBOAD OAB,"naw „ j^wllh great anplaiiso In Endand, can be had by forwarding One Dollar to W. D. H., Ollppir oBce, Hew York, 7*11' WANTED—For a Flrat :Olaia Mln6lrel Band— Three good Stogsis—Tenor, Alio ind Baritone, PemauenI allii- lions and good aakirloa. And; tkia morning, between Iho boon of It and 13 o'doofc, at tho Waltoalaa, 36a Broome atreet B'Mjl* Oandng Academy. *•'" _ Aolort nenerally; vjil^^^^^ amino FADE DE BFOTIE'S PRIZE MED- MANAQERS and Tork,aboa]dnotlUltoeianlnoPAl._ ,^ , . ALTUEATDIOALWIOa Assorimentonbandandftraatoohaap, I' ■ • PAUL DE BPOTTB, Theatrical Wig Mak«i_^ 74l» - ■ UWoatUonatouat, Novlljk,,:^ GBBAT, FANO& AND BUlfOIIOCB BOOl ' ADTAMTAOB OABDB AND Sl'URTIHi NEW BOOKSI NEW DOOSSII _ FAHOY BOOKS or ALL xntua FANCY FH0I0aiUPB6 OF AU, EDrDS: FAMOY Fiuwaa-FUYiNa oabdb liiou cartes SB VISITp. f«S ' - Plctnru of an Uio ilandoomc BtUaa alths day. ax SaS ONE OOLLAB. BEND FOR A snCEIi^ALOOOE. Tbo etaeapoatplaooldlhewt^' ' Books, CUM, etc. FRANK HOO: ..Li , a to bend fbr a atook of aOBARhatPhUad'aP*. )- :;(:.'. ^ ■ T.lie > XASS XOTfOB of Umtidatfti wllh DiKOIKa.OUT. pi* tlmoSAlLorabcrtOratmoimlcdlbeplaidi,bott jji. uS bSfUaSowdod. The oiUbtttondMed wlft^g^ ptoya by all iho ptofeaala nal apanenotUio smo kjcuT' olh?oSu."ai5?rtof Uielr •"P-'Sn'JSJdfto'sSS nl»..ouo doyloatwcjk. .Tbo amvuMUo^ w«d »^ that one olRnd to ptick mpted. Ihe eontoataoto ton It op to the proper "pltob," I wlU poet you, Btrotjn put cot,: mpoadent "Item lllacr." OaAiLzKOEToBnooTFioton,—Mr,»t*d 7::bi'af'I« Fpaliaf:. Ind., nUI slioot wlUi Ur, Kino, of New Yak, ii>>ijdlnl dolian, (tUOl, (30J twenty double . blrds^ (il) Iweiilyions y*rda< rise, (M) ono.half an ounce of vbot (100) hundrwl aul lllty; yirda boundary. Ihocxponooacif Mr. Hui.iwlilrbo tald,u;ha wUl come to La Fayetto, or Mr, Erl> will go to Sew. Yvn nvoa lb* wme condlUouB, IFbr Ihla chaUonae, our ooireapandsoi "QtlU- quo" InlOrffia uo, M. P. Dvplcaivi, of La Fkyetic;*pocalUci*- Ed, Cup, ' • ■>'.'■.; i>iW Maa. CiiAUO PmLur* ho* opened a oaloon ud rcataunnt at No. 83 irnshlngton Avenue, Albany, It la called the Benatf. bdue the nam* of tho hold ftannorly kept by hi-r late n^and. FOREION ITEMS.. • 'j^, v'.':;- ,,. Toe Two TtfoosAiio (jnnnEAs Btai.-^Jn iho M Newqiatli't Spring meeting, Ibe above raco la coBOldood one of lbs mon Im- nortaut and In It u we niated to a rtceat'laauo of 'the Oumta Mr, TW Brocck, the American Ton icprcaeaUlivoub*d,anlaitd bla fimons bono Paris, which, by many, wu tot down ,toHe lbs winnor. It appean, however, that .bo was not Lord Oltsgow'a Ooncral Peel being Iho lucky dhlnud; Paris, liddan by FaiwiaB» aooondi aad W, Diq^a Hlstoriau ihlrd, a nock only Inl&vbilna bfr tweon Uio thrco atlhetnidi.- TaaOsxInovatanainBU AsiL nn at ihe aamo mcotlag, waawot^byBaion B«ll)aol^'^TfMulo. Tm Cucim Bzitow ni Bsaiiifb bad fklrly coiinmenacd at last *1 vices, and some good matchea wen antldpatsd. The new all' EogUnd elovcn alarlod the ball ia Doblln, - - 1.'. # . •'■IIIX THEY ALL WILL DO SO. A young man, tlio son or.awoll-to*ds Dmmer, lind tko mlaluiluao lo bocoDO doopljr.onumorod or a young lady, and afler a brlofooorliiblp, proposed and vaa 4ooepto(li but wlint \7iiB Ills ournrlso ono evonlni, wben Biout on- torlng tbo jmrlor wlln tho unooromonlotia f^ooSmoria voung lovor, ut dlsoovorlDR his InomurutA upon tlie aofik, liornnns nround tiio nook of a nolghborlng ybuthiber lips In Buoh lillaarul pmxlmlly to Jile, as to' convlnoa oor horo that mattors woro ToAVAilly In onmoel. In rogo'dhd' murtinoatlun ho ruglicd bomowiird, arriving Juatin tlmo t<i 6urprl(f0 bla only alitor, tho pipua wife of tji« vlliagM iDllilalor, "squoozlnjt to kill" d yOiihg Oleelplo of BuSfci* einno. Nonrly flttnllo at such unlookod (or dleoloaures umong iiooplo Lo Ual bollovoa but llttlo lower than 'tha angola, bq mnde n bold daali for tho burn, running dlr'e'Ot-' ly upon Ills moUior kiaaloK Ibo old rnmlly pbyalbran wbd''' hiid "stolon .1 mnroli" upon hor ns sho woa looklog ailor tho poultry, Thla Ivosloo muob, iind with- a groan, the., vnuni Tiinn tumod avray, (indlicovorod, roaolyod to para.! Iho niKhl with hia grlof lionoiitli tlio aUirs, foarAil of ftai-. thor roTolntlAna sliould ho vonluro bonoaUi tbo abollor of luiollior roof, Tho light of morning anoottragoil hfm, howovor, ntid dew*dronchod ond aorrowful Iio sought hia homo, prbon 111) niolbor, wllli (ruo putomal aolloltudo, qtiOBliuncit lilm na to Iho o;iut>o of bla .aadi looksrwhoro* upon ho rolatod brloOy Dki InoonaUnoy of hit fair bq- trolliod, rodblvlng in rop'" —— thiit 6ho wiiB 11 Koud.Ijr-iiol .,. , must iiovor sjioak. Ivor nutloo ngnin, one. BO WDdln worUiy. . > . , i "Uut, mo(bor,"'ho oonUDiiod, ftillorlngly, "tbat"l6 not "Ndtiillt Wbut oan thoro bo .inp)rot"jii3s.-tbo noxt '''••Wl'iyl'whonl hnslonod bqmo, whiii jib1i)i|[i(^nd^^ elBtor, my gudly slelcr, MVitHipa/ii^iil. t. raeoajly young' "i'ouV elB't child I Tlio u . bftvoclvoiiliorii . olilldniur I iv'ill.|to,.llA^..lanAen auoh onaducc la tniii mou»-nnd to be ao:.dlagreo«d^l Hho ahall leave! toniM- oiidnovoronlormypreiodo*again,"' ' ' . •■■■■'it "Hut Uiia la hot tho leoraf, rn^or." "' * "'T'lHi?"""" miogbio uotblngwoi-eo: what cnii it D^.j'' . . V* "1 ' ii™?te5S^iJ!l".S?fe'''''K»'¥*v''yS''''5 r«iMat»d.eihlbi-, r'!? ^ilE> y,,tho bouSO, ilolormlnod to puaa tho nlabt.1 ?'s!!l,r*'""''> mother kiaalag old Dr.'P." • FM*' ■ ■ • •*■ —•• ' "Idld," ''(ll 1 Oiir'i i' r.( If"-'? \ " Woll, novor mind, my aoDi'.ibeyi all Will do ao." ' ."-.,■-♦.._.„;...;;— A 8oirieR;i Kit«.-Tho aoldlor tlirow hie 'arms'nround tbo lody and gHVit bor n aolUlor'a k|8*. . I llatonod Kir the - reRortt but no, tho lips roAlmiil .la .-. Ran. Boconda appoarod ,hbora. Tbo ofo wOuId-TuNu . 'om tnp aooqo and then, book aaalo expooUog to Ihditharit ■■ Inokid for. floalo.". Mo, bo t Thoro tbey .stood oUagUUin liko dronolhg onea,mUtuallydrlnUDglbolroup:«f gueuoi'' Id blUomeaa. r- . . u.,..-.,-^-, Tboirorma relaiad;their lips aoparalod, bat'MUtili^ir atoud; abo looking into hla large brown. oy4i|'«od he la turu would I'atbom hoc oooi through Ita tearful windows. Thoy hoodod not tbo crowd oronnd tbe|Di< Tboy woro omphaUoiUly. alone. 'Again tho elroiu'ttt^'pniasiid bar to ilia awonlnK honrt, and tbon-anouior'of tbi^ lobgt V long/seldlor kuaM wblob aU))i only to gotli/doeikirliwiir ablri^Oil,, il'ir'i"'.■»'*^'>r/7^ Tbo darbollsumoionod blm'(a;Ol«,'iraln andtbe'baima.'i .' Held, Abd bor to a widow'a honei i-ubA .■*/• i"v,i ;. I r .i - .' h;rHt\'ji ,'..-U v i' II AI.):... -' M v^y; .... ■ ., j> ilh-'t